HELLO ZINESTERS, READERS, AND ENTHUSIASTS, 2023 was a foundation-building year for Wasted Ink Zine Distro, Paper Jam + Print, and the Phx Zine Fest! With the help of your generous support and involvement, we distributed over 3,200 zines, provided 263 hours of zine and art events, workshops and programs for over 2,530 youth and adults, and hosted a 2-day in-person Phx Zine Fest. We printed 36 zine projects for community members totaling 2,715 zines, not counting hundreds of our own zines for internal projects. We bought a new printer and launched a mini zine vending machine called the MiniZineRama. We hosted art shows by seven local artists in Raíz Gallery, and distributed zines at the Tucson Zine Fest and Zygote Press’s Queer Print & Zine Fair, Bay Area Queer Zine Fest, and the Albuquerque Zine Fest. We enjoyed reading zines like “What’s the Meaning of Life?,” by Aim Ren Beland, “Crip’s First Mobility Aid” by October Stoner, and “Bear Woman” by Jamie John. We have big goals for 2024, including increasing printing for communities and groups, and enhancing the Wasted Ink volunteer program. None of this would have been possible without your participation in our programming and events and for supporting our national and international distribution efforts. Thank you! With Gratitude & Solidarity, Charissa & the WIZD Team
ABOUT WASTED INK Originally founded in 2015, Wasted Ink is a community-based distribution center in Phoenix, AZ that distributes zines, resources, and funds, and provides printing services, the annual PHX Zine Fest, and an extensive zine library. These volunteer efforts are all dedicated to uplifting voices of historically marginalized creators who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQIA+, disabled, chronically ill, or neurodivergent. Self-publishing has always been a form of resistance and subversion, allowing writers and artists to speak directly to their lived experiences while shaping their culture. Wasted Ink aims to honor this tradition and support as many zinesters as possible in utilizing the freedom of the press. Wasted Ink collaborates in community with Palabras Bookstore and Andria's Tienda, and La Lobita at Nurture House; and SATURNHEX and Shut Eye Press at Paper Jam + Print.
www.wizd-az.com IG: @wastedinkzinedistro
TikTok: @wastedinkzinedistro
Facebook: wastedinkzinedistro
zines printed
zine print
GRANTS AWARDED IN 2023 General Support
Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture
Kellenberger Philanthropy Grant Arizona Community Foundation
Activist Collaboration and Care Grant Ms. Foundation
Creative Capacity Grant Arizona Commission on the Arts
PAPER JAM + PRINT Angie of Shut Eye Press, Vic & Julian with SATURNHEX, and Charissa with Wasted Ink Publishing had a great 2023 at Paper Jam + Print assisting folks with making thousands of Riso, letterpress, and laser-printed zines and books! We hosted workshops and open studio hours, helped PHX Zine Fest vendors prep their zines for the fest, and met many new creators in the community! Follow along for even more interactive printing and small press activities in 2024!
NEW MINIZINERAMA AT WASTED INK! Wasted Ink launched a new MiniZineRama machine that dispenses mini zines for the grand total of 5 quarters! The mini zine slots rotate every other month to highlight different zine makers. It's a ton of fun to buy a mini zine in this nostalgic way! Come check it out at Wasted Ink!
hours of zine and art events
Bad Art Club Zine Publishing Workshops Tea & Typing Nights Paper Jam + Print Open Studio Nurture House Art Markets
Albuquerque Zine Fest
Free Arts for Abused Children
Northern Arizona Book Festival
ASU Doctoral Group studying Radical Worldmaking
Grand Ave Festival
Estrella Community College Class Valley Leadership one·n·ten
Tillman Middle School Arizona Youth Librarian Conference Girls Rock Phoenix Phoenix Magazine’s “Best Fest”
workshop participants
RAIZ GALLERY producing original exhibitions from up-and-coming Arizona artists who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color and/or LGBTQIA+.
Se'mana Thompson
Liv Barney
“Collective Works”
“Painting & Drawing Are My Poetry”
Jackie Imig, Jennifer Marcial Kissi, and Dempsey Keenan “Tiny Vices”
Constance Jackson
Kayla Shaggy
“Hózhó Technicolor”
TABLED AT Bay Area Queer Zine Fest Tucson Zine Fest Albuquerque Zine Fest Co-organized Zygote Press’s Queer Print & Zine Fair
62 AZ Local 18 Out of State
2-day Zine Fest @ The Nile Theater
Taylor Hammett
Moon Strangeweather
Theo Quest
ZuZu Cartoons
Shelby Rinke
Charissa Lucille
GOALS FOR 2024 • Launch the Wasted Ink Zine Library catalog • • Increase zine printing for community members and groups • • Provide four skill-based zine and art workshops • • Host an in-person Phx Zine Fest (if safely allows) • • Enhance the Wasted Ink volunteer program • • Distribute as many zines as possible! •
KEEP IN TOUCH www.wizd-az.com paperjamnprint.carrd.co IG: @wastedinkzinedistro
TikTok: @wastedinkzinedistro
Facebook: wastedinkzinedistro
2023 updates: Dempsey Keenan IG: @serpentine.hearts Original Design: Shelby Rinke shelbyrinke.com IG: @shelbyrinke