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KSR vir die termyn 2019/2020 finaal verkies Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Na ’n tydperk van ongeveer twee maande is die verkiesing van die nuwe Kampusstudenteraad (KSR) vir die termyn 2019/2020, finaal afgehandel. Op 22 Augustus is die vyftien nuwe KSR-lede in die Amfiteater aangekondig. Die KSR-verkiessingsproses het begin met nominasies vir nuwe KSR-lede. Die aansoekvorm wat elektronies beskikbaar was, moes deur die kandidate self ingevul word en saam met ’n CV en ’n dokument wat verklaar dat die kandidaat nie ’n kriminele rekord het nie, ingehandig word. Die vorms is deur die Campus Electoral Coordinating Team (CECT) na gegaan om te verseker dat die voorlopige kandidate wel op geldige gronde deel van die proses kon wees. Daarna was die kandidate aan die publiek bekendgemaak en die stemproses kon begin. Aan die einde van die stemtydperk, was ’n totaal van 6 427 stemme aangebring. Die hoeveelheid stemme oortref ook die 5 665 stemme wat in 2018
V.l.n.r: Francis Berg, Pieter Hattingh, Heinz Schoeman- Struwig, Cheney Acker en Bianca Visagie. A.l.n.r: Johan Nel, Zane Botha, Mathew van Wyk, Zakumi Mtsweni, Benjamin Truter, Ruandro Minnaar, Theunis van Wyk, Danielle Giorgi, Adrienne Bartlett en Tristan Bourne.
aangebring is. Die voorlopige KSR is op 16 August aangekondig en die publiek het die geleentheid gehad om na die Independent Electoral Commision (ISEC) te appelleer. Na die appèltydperk is die finale KSR aangekondig. Die KSR speel ’n belangrike rol op kampus en het ook ’n direkte verhouding met kampusbestuur. “My kantoor het ’n baie goeie en oop verhouding met die KSR wat geskoei is op ondersteuning
Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n e-pos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za
en effektiewe kommunikasie. Ek beleef die KSR as ’n dinamiese span met net die beste voorneme om studentiteit te bevorder. Ek sien uit om as deel van hierdie
Ek beleef die KSR as ’n dinamiese span met net die beste voorneme om studentiteit te bevorder.
span saam te werk aan ons ongelooflike studente ervaring wat ons grootste bate is,” het Dr. Corrie Rheeder, Direkteur: Studentelewe Potchefstroomkampus, gesê. Verder het Heinz Schoeman-Struwig, nuutverkose KSR: Voorsitter 2019/2020, in ’n onderhoud met Wapad (sien bl.5) duidelik gemaak dat studente se stemme gehoor sal word in sy termyn. “Daar
moet géén besluit gemaak word wat studente raak, waarby ons nie betrek word nie. Ek sal seker maak ons word betrek,” het Schoeman-Struwig gesê. Om deursigtigheid te verseker word die persentasies van stemme en uitslae gepubliseer, volgens die Independent Electoral Commision (ISEC) se mandaat uit Skedule 2 van die SRC Constitution wat op die NWU webwerf gevind kan word.
5 September 2019
Lying on CV earns you jail time
Pain-free bone marrow testing
Johan Rousseau
Anmané Eckard @spontane blond
A recent Bill passed by the National Council of Provinces, has stated that if an individual is caught lying on their CV, they can face up to five years in prison. Act 12 of the National Qualifications Framework Amendments of 2019, focuses on different amendments, including the amendment to provide for offences and penalties which have a bearing on fraudulent qualifications. The foundation of the amendment focusses on the fact that lying on your CV about a degree you did not obtain or misrepresenting yourself in a job application or on social media, has serious consequences, namely, five years of jail time. According to the South African Qualifications Authority’s CEO, Joe Samuels, people must represent authentic qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Samuels added that serious action will be taken against institutions if it is found that they have issued unregistered qualifications. In a recent statement made by Qaqamba Moeletsi, legal consultant for Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr’s employment practice, lying on your CV will hold consequences since it is an offence under the NQF Amendment Act for any person to falsely or fraudulently claim that
they hold a qualification that is registered on the NQF or awarded by a recognised and accredited institution. This means that even if you are posting it on your social media account, it is still considered an offence. Moeletsi also stated that there is a clear distinction between emphasising your positive attributes and inventing them. There were previous legal cases where public shaming was implemented and high-profile individuals was outed for lying about their qualifications. These included SABC Chief Operating Officer, Hlaudi Motsoeneng, who lied about having a matric qualification and Daniel Mtimkulu who acts as Chief Engineer at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa who stated to have a BTech in Engineering, a Master’s and a
Doctorate. Dr Peet Roos, career consultant at the North-West University Potchefstroom campus Career Centre, advised us on what can and can’t be done when compiling a CV. Dr Roos stated that not everything can be proved. Applicants need to keep this principle in mind and be careful of what they say in their CV – you have no right to stretch the facts. Roos continued to say that the truth will eventually come out in some form, because companies have the resources to do background checks on a person and when that person lies, they will eventually be caught. Dr Roos warned that this sets you up for destroying a potential successful relationship between employer and employee.
Zoep zoep, sleep soek Chélaine de Wet @chelainedewet
Op Vrydag 30 Augustus het die nuutgestigde kampusstudenteraad (KSR) se portefeulje Sekretaris Generaal, hul eerste amptelike plig uitgevoer, naamlik, die sleepaankondiging by die Potchefstroom dam. Vanjaar het Zoepweek gestrek vanaf 26 tot 29 Augustus en dit het vereis dat die mans- en vrouekoshuise mekaar leer ken tydens aksies om ’n voorsmakie te kry van hoe die termyn met die betrokke koshuis kan wees. Na die aankondiging was daar wel onbevestigde gerugte dat verskeie koshuise ongelukkig is met hoe die keuses uitgewerk het. Op Maandag 2 September het Zané Botha, KSR: JOOLVoorsitter, wat daarvoor verantwoordelik is om die slepe uit te werk, ’n boodskap aan die koshuise uitgestuur wat verduidelik het hoe die proses werk. In haar boodskap het Botha duidelik gemaak dat die slepe op ’n regverdige wyse geskied het en dat die reglement wat die slepe reguleer soos elke jaar van tevore gevolg is. Sy het verder verduidelik dat die sewe koshuise met die hoogste skietpunte gewoonlik hul eerste of tweede sleepopsie kry. “Indien koshuise wat hoër op die skietlys lê ’n koshuis kies wat
’n onverwagse opsie was, kan dit ’n domino- effek hê op die res van die slepe,” het die boodskap gelui. Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat indien twee koshuise mekaar as eerste opsie opskryf, dit nie outomaties beteken dat hulle met mekaar sal sleep nie. Ongeag Botha se waarskuwing in die boodskap dat geen petisie, klagte in die Klagte- en Gedagtelyn, of enige ander prosedure vanjaar se slepe sal verander nie, het daar wel ‘n petisie op die dag van hierdie einste boodskap sy rondte begin maak. Die petisie is begin deur iemand onder die skuilnaam Ontevrede Pukstudent, maar dit is onduidelik wie hierdie persoon is. Uit ’n steekproef van nege koshuise se Primarii, het Wapad vasgestel dat die koshuise na die verduideliking van die proses oor die algemeen nou gelukkig is met hul sleep vir die termyn. Die nuutverkose KSR: Voorsitter, Heinz Schoeman-Struwig, het ook op die situasie gereageer deur te sê, “Ons wil wel sê dat daar elke jaar ongelukkighede ontstaan en dat dit onmoontlik sal wees om almal gelukkig te hou. Baie van die ongeluk se oorsprong lê in onkunde van die stelsel sowel as mense wat inkoop by ’n sekere sleep en dan nie daardie sleep kry nie.” SchoemanStruwig het dit ook duidelik gemaak dat hulle (die KSR) in die toekoms voor Zoepweek deeglike kommunikasie sal deurgee aan al die Primarii om onkunde uit te skakel en meer deursigtig te wees. Om die situasie wat tans bestaan aan te
spreek, sal daar ’n e-pos vanaf die KSR gestuur word aan elk van die primarii om hulle die geleentheid te gee om voorstelle te gee in die toekoms. “Ons wil graag samehorigheid hê onder studente. ’n Mens se sleep bepaal nie die hele jaar se prestasies nie. Ons moet almal kan saamstaan as Pukke om mekaar op te bou en in mekaar te investeer,” het Schoeman-Struwig afgesluit. Die nuwe slepe is as volg: - Wag-’n-Bietjie-vrouekoshuis en Ratau Lebone-manskoshuis - Heide-vrouekoshuis en Over-de-Voor-manskoshuis Kasteel-vrouekoshuis en Patriamanskoshuis - Vergeet-My-Nie-vrouekoshuis en Heimat-manskoshuis Minjonet-vrouekoshuis en Veritas manskoshuis - Karlienvrouekoshuis en Caputmanskoshuis - Klawerhof-vrouekoshuis en Excelsior-manskoshuis - LaVaria-vrouekoshuis en Laureus-manskoshuis Eikenhofvrouekoshuis en PukDorp manskoshuis - Oosterhof-vrouekoshuis en Hombré-manskoshuis - Bellatrix-vrouekoshuis en Villagers-manskoshuis - Huis Republiek-vrouekoshuis en Soetdorings-manskoshuis - Dinki-vrouekoshuis en De Wilgers-manskoshuis - Wanda-vrouekoshuis en ThabaJäh-maskoshuis
The North-West University (NWU) hosted the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR) on 20 August, who held a donor information and recruitment drive, in order to broaden the South African registry. With the assistance of the nursing faculty, the SABMR was ready to receive 180 students to do the test. Dr Tinda Rabie, a senior lecturer at the nursing faculty said that the willingness of the students exceeded their expectations and more testing kits had to be sent later that week. “We want the SABMR to come back every year from now on,” says Dr Rabie. This initiative came after they successfully helped a NWU student Pieter Goosen in his final year of studies. Nadia Chalkley, a donor recruiter of SABMR, said that the campaign was very successful and that they received a lot of support. “We are very happy with the campaign,” said Chalkley. Due to the success of this campaign, the CANSA Relay team of the Vaal Triangle Campus contacted them to do a possible campaign at that campus near the end of September. “It is another target group because the participants are cancer survivors and it falls under our exclusion criteria. We want long-term participants that can and want to donate five years later,” said Chalkley. People can also make financial donations if they can’t donate bone marrow because of health problems. “You can create an opportunity for someone to donate through your small contribution,” said Chalkley. Chalkley said that they need at least 100 000 in every demography but they only have 47 000 people
on the database. According to SABMR bone marrow can treat or cure up to 50 different types of illnesses. The South African registry consists of 73 000 local donors and the likelihood of finding a matching donor is 1 in 100 000. An international match will cost someone with Leukaemia up to R500 000 to get the bone marrow. “We need 100 000 people in every demography,” said Chalkley. Chalkley said that the matched donor will undergo a full medical examination to determine their health status and assess whether they are at any risk during the donation process. “The transplant is not a surgical procedure but rather like receiving a blood transfusion,” said Chalkley. The cells are given to the patient through an intravenous (IV) catheter or tube. From there, the cells find their way to the patient’s marrow where they grow and start making healthy red and white blood cells and platelets. Karla Malan a second-year industrial phycology student said that she is happy that the testing and harvesting process has changed. Due to when her brother had cancer it was expensive to do the bone marrow testing. She said the harvesting was also a painful process. “The cool thing about giving someone your bone marrow, is that the patient’s blood type changes to your blood type,” said Malan. It is important for the SABMR that a person makes an informed decision by talking to their loved ones about the decision. Exclusion criteria will also rule out whether someone can donate or not. Age, previous illnesses, weight, medication, HIV status and various other criteria can exclude someone from being a donor.
5 September 2019
Pride wall painted on campus
Thuso1777 kan steeds Ingryp Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde
Umamah Bakharia & Alet Janse van Rensburg @official_umamah & @ aletterkunde
On 28 August the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus was painted with some colour from the Pride community outside the PUKfm office. Though the painting of the mural was scheduled on the NWU website as part of Gender Awareness week, it was an initiative of Diandrio Danster, Campus Pride spokesperson, who planned the project that has now been completed after nearly one year and eight months. Danster said that he took his request to Daniel Botlhale Selamolela, Student Campus Council (SCC) Council of Societies member for the term 2017/2018. After the term ended, the matter was taken up by Vanessa Mokhethi, who was Selamolela’s successor, and Dalena d’Assonville, Chairperson
for the term 2018/2019. The request was discussed at an SCC and Campus Management Committee meeting and referred to the director of Facilities Space and Utilities Management. D’Assonville added that during this process many people were contacted. “For some time there was uncertainty about who was supposed to handle the matter but we were referred to the right department and all the right channels were followed,” said D’Assonville. Danster said that the mural was approved as a type of canvas, similar to the murals painted by residences as part of their arts activities. “It symbolizes a community, a sense of belonging between my people and amongst different people. The flag painted is an invitation to everybody to be part of us and to start a conversation about it,” Danster said. Taking part in this conversation is Nicolene Joubert, a member of the pride community, who said, “Most institutions in South Africa are based on Christian values. This topic is open for discussion, but when you enrol as a student you have the choice of choosing a religion but
why would Christian values degrade the community?” A person that preferred to stay anonymous provided his opinion about the pride flag and said “I am Christian, it goes against my religion and in my opinion the rainbow means the promise that God sent after the rainstorm that it will not happen again.” “We need to be informed and know the meaning of it before we judge the flag or the community, we need to start a discussion about it because we all are human,” said Danster. He also mentioned that by 3 September the Campus Pride society has received no official complaints. Murals were also planned for the Mahikeng and Vanderbijlpark campuses, but Danster could not confirm if the projects on the respective campuses have been completed. The Pride movement is associated with the LGBTQ+ community. This is a community for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer, as used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Die Studentevoorligting en -ontwikkelingsdiens (SVO) se emosionele en psigologiese ondersteuningsdienste wat altyd bekend was as Ingryp, het ’n naamverandering ondergaan en sal voortaan bekendstaan as Thuso1777. Die naamverandering is deel van die belyningsproses van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se drie kampusse en is ontleen aan die Vaaldriehoekkampus waar soortgelyke dienste al reeds onder die naam Thuso aangebied word. Daar is ’n versoek ingedien by die universiteit se bestuurskomitee (UMC) om die naam aan te neem by die Potchefstroomkampus en die Mafikengkampus is ook tans in die proses. Juan-Ri Potgieter, ’n bedryfsielkundige verbonde aan die Potchefstroomkampus se SVO, het die fynere aspekte verduidelik. “Thuso beteken hulp, ondersteuning of bystand. Ek dink dis ’n baie mooi naam wat die dienste wat ons lewer saamvat en inpas by die belyning. Ons het nog steeds ons eie dienste op die verskeie kampusse, maar Thuso1777 is die ondersteuningsdienste vir die Potchefstroomkampus. Ons dienste bly egter presies dieselfde.” Die 24/7 emosionele krisislyn is beskikbaar waar studente met ernstige krisisse kan inbel. “Studente kan ook die krisislyn bel en bystand vra as ’n vriend of vriendin byvoorbeeld teenoor hulle erken dat hulle tans in ’n ernstige emosionele krisis verkeer,” het Potgieter bygevoeg. Thuso1777 het ook ’n instapdiens Maandag tot Donderdag tussen 8:00 en 12:00. “Hoe dit werk is ’n student kom na ons kantore
toe en sê hulle wil graag ’n afspraak maak. Dan voltooi ’n student ’n aanmeldingsvorm en kan na ’n wagtyd iemand spreek. Afhangende van die situasie kan daar opvolgafsprake gemaak word of die student sal na ’n goedgekeurde buite-sielkundige verwys word, veral in die geval van langtermynbehandeling,” het Potgieter verduidelik. Wanneer ’n student terapie wil ontvang kan hulle by Thuso1777 ontvangs aanmeld, waarvandaan hulle die ingeligte toestemmingsdokument voltooi, en dan ’n kort siftings-inname sessie met ’n sielkundige deurbring, waarvandaan, afhangend van die behoefte, hulle besonderhede op ’n klientelys geplaas word sodat die eerste beskikbare sielkundige hulle kan kontak vir ’n sessie. Die dienste sluit in MIV-toetsing en berading, maatskaplike dienste, lewensvaardigheidsafrigting, leierskapontwikkeling, berading en terapie. Potgieter het ook genoem dat een van die belangrikste vrae tydens ’n sessie is waarmee die student hulp nodig het. “Dit sorg ook dat die student net praat waaroor hulle gemaklik is en tot die mate waartoe hulle gemaklik is. Hierdie is ’n plek waar jy ondersteuning kan kry en waar ons studente bemagtig om persoonlik te groei,” het Potgieter verduidelik. Thuso1777 werk streng konfidensieel volgens die Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Daar is dus streng etiese reëls waaraan sielkundiges moet voldoen wat verhoed dat vertroulikheid nie gebreek word sonder die ingeligte toestemming van die student nie.
Faculty of Engineering delivers promising Green Coal project Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde
The Faculty of Engineering at the North-West University’s (NWU) Potchefstroom campus, through the Centre of Excellence in carbon based fuels, is developing a product known as “green coal” that holds advantages for all major coalproducing countries. The Green Coal project has the potential to utilise an estimated billion ton of fine discard coal in South Africa, combined with a bio-char, while creating job opportunities and decreasing particulate matter, CO2 and sulphur emissions. The idea started during a workshop where the different
research groups within the faculty were encouraged to consider how they could collaborate. The research chairs include the SARChI Chair in Coal Research led by Professor John Bunt and the DST/NRF Research Chair in Biofuels led by Professor Sanette Marx. “There is still useable energy in the fine discard coal produced. However, handling this fine coal is difficult and we have identified a business opportunity to make use of the discard coal,” said Prof Bunt. Another benefit of using discard coal includes extending the longevity of the existing coal mines. Prof Marx’s group researches alternative energy. They developed a hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) process
and have the largest pilot-scale reactor in the world. This process produces green energy, i.e. biogas, bio-oil and bio-char. The latter is a coal-like substance which is CO2 neutral, and can be used to lower greenhouse gas emissions from coal when utilised in co-production application. The process used to create this greener, environmentally friendly coal in essence involves the blending of bio-char together with fine coal and a catalyst. The green coal is then produced in a briquetting machine to produce coal briquettes with a particular size, with specific physical characteristics suited for use in industry. The catalyst that can be added, can retain about 50% of the sulphur in the ash assemblage, effectively reducing sulphur
emission. The reaction takes place faster because the bio-char is similar to a “young” coal and highly reactive and ultimately produces greener coal in a size used by major companies in South Africa, such as Sasol. “Sasol SA has a coal-to-liquid operation that gasifies 30 million tons of coal a year to produce almost half of South Africa’s fuel. Any coal smaller than 6 mm is not usable in the gasification process,” Prof Bunt explained on the impact briquetting green coal can have. “This technology has been patented locally and internationally, but the plan is to patent it in all the major coal-producing countries. We are in communication with the patent offices in the USA, Russia, Australia, India and China, to
name a few countries,” said Prof Bunt. The green coal project was the runner-up in a competition hosted by the Innovation Hub and Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) last year and the cash prize it won is being used to develop a business case of the project. A hundred kilograms of green coal has been produced at the NWU and its combustion performance successfully evaluated at John Thompson, a boiler specialist company in South Africa. Further tests on a larger scale now have to be conducted, but if that hurdle is passed, plans for a full-scale plant trial in the chain grate stoker fired boiler sector can be begin. .
5 Septembet 2019
Eskom restructures to curb debt Langa Cele @nativecele_
In a leaked Eskom vision and strategy document the power utility plans on disposing some of its coal-fired power plants and allow households to sell electricity back into the national grid as part of the restructuring of the state-owned power utility. Ratings agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s have warned that the embattled power utility poses a great risk to South Africa fiscal budget. Moody’s had stated earlier in July that “the additional support to ease the company financially would be credit negative for South Africa, because it would be an additional drain on fiscal resources”. With this, Treasury has stated through an economic policy paper
released on Tuesday 20 August that the sale of stations through a series of auctions, would form part of the proposed unbundling of the power utility. The disposal of coal plants
would be tied to a power-purchase agreement, but also include related stall contracts, coal supply contracts and environmental obligations. The document presented on 22 August to the Eskom Executive
Form, Eskom acting CEO Jabu Mabuza, stated that “the company ran out of cash and came close to complete collapse on multiple occasions in 2019”. Mabuza revealed that the next
Amazon rainforest fires: Natural or not? Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
The recent increase in fires blazing in Brazil, set off an international outrage with celebrities, environmentalists and political leaders taking to social media to showcase the destruction of the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon rainforest, that contributes to about 20% of the world’s breathable oxygen.
Since the start of 2019, more than 80 000 fires have damaged the South American rainforest. In August alone, European Space Agency (ESA) satellites have detected 4 000 new fires in the Amazon, which means an 84% increase in comparison with the same period in 2018, making it the highest number since record numbers began between 2010 and 2013. The unusual increased rates were first reported by Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in June and July through satellite monitoring systems, but international attention was drawn to the situation in August when NASA confirmed the INPE’s findings by releasing imagery
that shows smoke from the fires seen from the satellites. While wildfires in the Amazon are not entirely uncommon, the way they are spreading is a concern for scientists. INPE researchers have reason to believe that this crisis was started by the work of deforestation attempts. “The dry season creates the favourable conditions for the spread of fire, but starting a fire is the work of humans, either deliberately or by accident,” INPE researcher, Alberto Setzer, told Reuters. Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, has vowed to develop the region for farming and mining since coming into office, ignoring international
concern over deforestation and climate change. Data from INPE suggests that, since he took power in January, deforestation numbers have increased. The most recent intervention taken by Brazil was placing a ban on burning but fires are still being reported. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that more than a quarter of the Amazon will be without trees by 2030 if the current rate of deforestation continues. With #PrayforAmazonas trending worldwide on Twitter, many are urging people to donate to charities such as Rainforest Concern and WWF.
step in restructuring the company would be to “carve the transmission company out of Eskom Holdings into a separate, independent state-owned company under the Department of Public Enterprises to form an independent transmission system and market operator. Treasury has indicated to renew new commitment for investment in the sector non-state entities should be allowed to become power producers, which was undermined by Eskom’s “unwillingness to sign independent power purchase agreements with bidders in the past”. Enabling the independence of the single buyer’s office “will ensure the sustainability of independent power producers,” said the Treasury. The government is giving Eskom a 128 billion-rand over the next three years to keep it afloat and has appointed a chief restructuring officer to oversee the unbundling of the company, which doesn’t have a permanent chief executive yet.
Watson-ongeluk Melissa Nel @melissa.nel99
Maandagoggend 26 Augustus het Gavin Watson, HoofUitvoerende Beampte van Bosasa, in ’n motorongeluk gesterf. Watson het na bewering beheer oor sy besigheidsvoertuig, ’n Toyota Corolla, verloor en ’n pilaar op die R21 op pad na die O.R. Tambo Internasionale Lughawe getref. Bosasa wat intussen na die African Global Groep verander het, was vir die afgelope tyd in die nuus weens die groep se betrokkenheid in die staatskapingskandaal. Verskeie persone verbonde aan die maatskappy het reeds getuienis gelewer oor die Zondo-kommisie in verband met beweerde bedrog en omkopery wat deur beamptes van die maatskappy gepleeg is. Watson sou Dinsdag 27 Augustus oor die maatskappy se belasting getuig het na ’n ondersoek deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID). Twee ooggetuies wat anoniem wil bly, het aan die media genoem dat dit glad nie voorgekom het asof die voertuig stadiger gery het nie. Brigadier Vish Naidoo het in ’n persverklaring ’n beroep gedoen op moontlike getuies om na vore te kom. Daar is ook onduidelikheid rondom die hantering van die ongelukstoneel en Watson se selfoon was nie daar te vinde nie. Die Watsonfamilie het intussen vir Konrad Lotter, ’n forensiese ingenieur en ongelukstoneelondersoeker, aangestel om die ongeluk te rekonstrueer. Lotter het Maandag aan die media genoem dat Watson se ongeluk nie lyk soos ’n normale een nie. Volgens Lotter, lyk dit asof Watson nie spoed verminder het nie wat moontlik ooreenstem met die getuienis wat gelewer is. Die polisie se ondersoek is egter nie afgehandel nie en sal later moontlik meer duidelikheid rondom die omstandighede van die ongeluk kan verskaf.
5 September 2019
Ontmoet jou nuwe KSR Voorsitter /Meet your new SCC Chairperson Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Afrikaans: KSR: Voorsitter Heinz Schoeman-Struwig, die nuwe Kampus Studenteraad (KSR): Voorsitter vir 2019/20 is ’n dinamiese 22-jarige meestersstudent in Omgewingswetenskappe en Ramprisikowetenskappe en kom van Parys in die Vrystaat. Schoeman-Struwig het ’n lanklewende verhouding met die Studentesentrum (SS) se koek, maar geniet ook Die Mystic Boer se nachos pizza. Sy gunsteling boek asook film is The Perks of being a Wallflower en hy troetel meer as 100 plante in sy woonstel. Hy het die tyd geneem om ’n paar van ons vrae te beantwoord. Wat wil jy graag in jou termyn bereik? Ek sien uit om ’n termyn van groei te bewerkstellig. Ons raak so besig met ons dag-tot-dag aktiwiteite dat ons reaktief moet optree in plaas van proaktief anders kom ons nie by groei uit nie. Ek sien ook uit om te verseker dat studente se stemme gehoor word. As ons as leiers kan verseker dat ons die rol vervul van ’n deelnemende koppelvlak wat responsief is teenoor studente, kan die stemme van studente gehoor word. Daar moet géén besluit gemaak word wat studente raak waarby ons (die KSR) hulle nie betrek nie. Is daar iets spesifiek wat jou opgewonde maak vir die termyn? Elke termyn kom met sy eie uitdagings en geleenthede. Een van daardie geleenthede is dat, as gevolg van die driejaarreël – kan ek dien nie net as KSR: Voorsitter nie, maar ook as VSR: Voorsitter op al drie die kampusse. Nog iets waaroor ek opgewonde is, is om die nuwe generasie van studente te verwelkom by die NWU-Puk. Dit beteken ons moet kyk na hoe ons studentelewe aanbied om te verseker dat mense daarmee kan identifiseer en by aanklank vind, maar ook dat dit inklusief is. Hoe kan studente meer betrokke raak by KSRaktiwiteite? Gaan like ons op Facebook: NWU-Pukke KSR/SCC en volg ons op Instagram/Twitter: @ KSRNWUPuk. Ons gebruik sosiale media as ’n spreekbuis om samekomste, aansoeke, ensovoorts te kommunikeer. As jy drie van jou beste eienskappe moet identifiseer wat jy in jou termyn sal gebruik, wat sal dit wees? Ek streef daarna om verstandhoudinge te kweek deur om mense te verstaan. As jy iemand verstaan, kan ’n mens nie net empaties optree nie, maar dan weet ’n mens ook waarvandaan iemand kom, hoekom hulle doen wat hulle doen, sê wat hulle sê en dink wat hulle dink. Vir my om diverse sieninge te verteenwoordig, sal ek studentelewe benader
Campus opinions Does the SS provide the necessary food? Thato Mokhomong @___t.hato
Students’ well-being is important to perform at their best ability. The Klipoog Cafeteria (SS) is responsible for helping students maintain a healthy and nutritious diet while on campus, but how do students feel about the SS and the food available? We asked a few students to share their feelings about the food sold at the SS with us.
“I don’t have a problem with food sold at the SS. I do believe that they provide for all people of different religious and cultures groups, promoting inclusivity as the NWU protocol suggest it should, for instance Halaal and Sushi, catering for all kinds of dietaries.”
Zoe Rose Van Zeeburg, second-year student in BEd Senior Phase PHOTO: SOURCED
op ’n inklusiewe wyse, met verstandhouding, ’n oopkop, sowel as bereid om progressief te wees. English: SCC: Chairperson Heinz Schoeman-Struwig, the new Student Campus Council (SCC): Chairperson for 2019/20 is a dynamic 22 year old masters student in Environmental Sciences and Disaster Risk Science and comes from Parys in the Free State. Schoeman-Struwig has a longterm relationship with the Student Centrum’s (SS) cake but also enjoys The Mystic Boer’s nachos pizza. His favourite book and film is The Perks of Being a Wallflower and he also keeps more than 100 plants in his flat. He took the time to answer some of our questions. What do you hope to achieve in your term? I’m looking forward to bringing about a term of growth. We often get caught up in the day-to-day mode of what we do, that we don’t get to grow. I am also looking forward to ensuring that students’ voices get heard. If we as leaders can ensure that we function as a participative interface for students that is responsive, then we can use our leadership to ensure that our voices are heard. There should be no decision made that affects the students without the students’ input. Is there something in particular that makes you excited about the term? Every term comes with its challenges and opportunities. One of those opportunities is that according to the three year rotation, I get to serve not only
as the SCC: Chairperson, but also the SRC: Chairperson on all three campuses. Another thing that I’m excited about is welcoming the new generation of students as they enter the NWU-Puk. This means we need to look at the way in which we offer student life to ensure people can identify with what we do and to ensure that we offer it in an inclusive manner that is also relatable. How can students become more involved with SCC activities? Like us on Facebook: NWUPukke KSR/SCC and follow us on Instagram/Twitter: @ KSRNWUPuk. We use social media as an interface to communicate events, applications, etcetera. If you have to identify your best skills that you are going to use in your term, what will it be? If you commit to understanding someone, you have the ability to not only empathise with them – but to know where they come from and why the do what they do, say what they say, and think what they think. In order to represent diverse views and approach student life inclusively, I commit to being understanding, open-minded and willing to progress. This can also be achieved through being diplomatic to ensure that as leaders we can serve as a buffer and communication point between students and management. This means we also need to be communicative and transparent with what we do and turn our problems into challenges, and challenges into opportunities.
“If the food is unhealthy, it does not taste good enough. The cooked food is better, but it’s expensive and not all students can afford to eat cooked food. Also, they should improve on the quality of their foods, it will help us maintain a healthy life.”
Vuyo Phiri, first-year student in BSc. Information Technology
“The necessary food that students need is either unavailable, not healthy enough or too expensive. Most of the foods I prefer are usually not available, so I prefer buying off campus, and sales on the foods remain constant or reduce, sometimes leaving the shelves packet with expired food.”
Daneillia Koen, first-year student in Psychology and Tourism Management
“They do not sell food at a reasonable price, yes they have a variety but its not fresh, and makes a lot of us sick. So, I don’t feel like the SS neither meets our health needs nor provide us with necessary food.”
Constance Agyemfra, second year student in BA Humanities with Geography
Koekblik Kaberet met ekstra konfyt Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Die Koekblik Kaberet, aangebied deur die Thalia toneelvereniging op 2 September by die Cachetparkteater, het nie teleurgestel in hul beloftes van ’n aand van vermaak nie. Die aand in sy geheel, asook die toneelstuk wat opgevoer was, het oor die algemeen aan die vereistes van ’n klassieke kaberet voldoen. ’n Kaberet is ’n spesifieke styl wat in Frankryk in die 19de eeu ontstaan het. Hierdie styl van vermaak sluit ’n versameling van kort musiekopvoerings, teateren dansitems in wat saamgesit word deur die loop van een opvoering. Kaberetopvoerings word gewoontlik opgevoer deur ‘n groep mense en vind meestal plaas in klein informele omgewings. Een van die klassieke eienskappe van hierdie styl is om ’n ligte ete
Kuns en Vermaak
te geniet gedurende die opvoering. Hier het Thalia hulself oortref deur ’n kaas-en-wyn onthaal voor die aanvang van die toneel te hê en gaste kon hul wyn saam met hulle in die teater inneem. Die inspirasie vir Koekblik
Kabernet het begin by die idee van ’n kaberet het Zaskia Pain, Voorsitter en mede-produksielid van Thalia vir 2018/19, verduidelik. Die Koekblik se gevoel was baie naby aan dié van die klassieke Golden Girls
televisiereeks. Drie vriendinne het na die dood van hul vierde vriendin probeer om haar tuisnywerheid se deure oop te hou. Hulle ontdek dan die oorlede vriendin se besigheidsplan om “addisionele dienste” vir ekstra
5 September 2019
inkomste deur Die Koekblikwinkel te bied. Op die ou end het die drie ietwat koekerige vriendinne ingegee en die dienste begin aanbied om die deure oop te hou en hul vriendin se plan deur te sien. Hierdie toneel was vir die eerste keer in 2018 opgevoer, maar het ’n teleurstellende oplewering gehad. Met die tweede optrede vanjaar, was die teater uitverkoop aan mense van ‘n wye verskeidenheid ouderdomme. “Thalia is besig om te groei en gaan aanhou groei. Die aand was net ’n aand om te geniet; ons wou net ’n bietjie iets anders doen as wat Thalia gewoontlik doen,” het Pain afgesluit. Die Koekblik: Teks: Zaskia Pain en Franco van der Berg Regie: Thalia Musiek: Marlize Nel en CindiMari Buitendagh Tegnies: Jack Coetzer Komposisies en verwerkings: Arno Janse van Rensburg en Marlize Nel
Kuier met Die Student en Spoegwolf Lisa van Rooyen @lisavanrooyen16
Die gewilde Spoegwolf het Vrydag 30 Augustus weer ’n optrede vir die boeke gehad in samewerking met Netwerk24 se bekende platform, Die Student. Alhoewel die groep al ’n paar optredes in die dorp gehad het oor die afgelope paar maande, was aanhangers steeds na Impala gelok vir ’n aand van vermaak. Die groep is sedert 2012 in die
Afrikaanse musiekbedryf en hulle beskryf nog steeds hul beste gevoel as die energie wat hulle vanaf die skare kry. Albert van der Merwe (baskitaar en sang) het bygevoeg: “Partykeer gebeur dit dat ons ’n song min speel en dan die een keer wat ons dit wel speel, gaan die crowd mal.” Chris von Wielligh (kitaar en klavier) het bygelas dat hulle juis só ’n energieke vertoning beleef het by vanjaar se Liefde By Die Dam. Op die onderwerp van die skare, het hulle uitgebrei oor die vreemdste dinge wat hulle al by optredes gesien het. Von Wielligh het genoem dat
daar al van hul goed gesteel is. Almal het ook genoem dat oorfone en selfs hul belde al gesteel was. Spoegwolf hou daarvan om voor elke optrede hul ritueel uit te oefen, naamlik, om die folkliedjie, Man of Constant Sorrow, te sing. Volgens hulle, was die lekkerste albums om op te neem Swaartekrag en Koma. Die groep se keuse van hul gunsteling tipe musiek om te speel by ’n vertoning, verskil en strek van “Somersetwes”, “Die Rivier” en die nuwe album, Koma, se liedjies. Hierdie optrede het nie teleurgestel nie.
Rocking Potch vermaak teen sakpas prys
Debatteer vir R10 000 Le-Lanie Ludick
Lisa van Rooyen
Rocking Potch het gesorg dat die JOOL-plaas die naweek van 23 Augustus propvol studente in ’n partytjiebui was. Die fees, wat vanjaar maar vir die tweede keer plaasvind, het talle studente gelok en boonop was dit een van die goedkoopste naweke van vermaak aangesien ’n naweekkaartjie slegs R99 gekos het en kaartjies teen 15 Augustus al 74% uitverkoop was. Die line-up het bestaan uit ’n hele paar groot name met onder andere Bok van Blerk, Straatligkinders, Jack Parrow, Fokofpolisiekar, Die Heuwels Fantasties en nog vele meer. Die kunstenaars het die studente amper die heeltyd aan die sing gehad. ’n Mens kon byna die energie tussen die skare sien soos wat hulle gesing, gespring en dit geniet het. Met Bok van Blerk se treffer, “De La Rey”, het menigte studente mekaar
om die lyf gevat en uit volle bors saamgesing. Rocking Potch het omtrent die hele dorp laat wemel met Potchefstroomse studente, maar ook studente van Pretoria en Bloemfontein het kom gesig wys. Die mense het nie net tou gestaan buite die hekke nie; die rye voor die kosstalletjies was beslis nie ’n grap nie. Daar is net een ander naweek in die jaar wat die JOOL-plaas lewe asof dit nooit gaan end kry nie en dit is met JOOL self.
Alhoewel ’n mens nooit iets met die legendariese JOOL kan vergelyk nie, was Rocking Potch vanjaar byna soos ’n mini-JOOL; die hoeveelheid mense, die ongelooflike vertonings en die atmosfeer was maar al te bekend. Die hele naweek het in ’n mate ’n JOOL-atmosfeer gehad. Vanjaar se Rocking Potch was so fantasties en as jy nie daar was om dit te beleef nie, moet jy seker maak dat jy volgende jaar vroegtydig kaartjies koop om in die opwinding te deel.
Die Student, Netwerk24 se studenteplatfrom, het begin diversifiseer sodat studente in persoon hul menings kan lig deur die debatkompetisie wat aangebied is in Potchefstroom, Stellenbosch en Pretoria. Potchefstroom se debatkompetisie het 30 Augustus plaasgevind. “Die kompetisie was van hoogstaande gehalte,” sê Linda van der Walt wat saam met haar spanmaat, Mieke Hofmeyr, eerste geëindig het. As ’n span het hulle R10 000 gewen terwyl Hofmeyr ’n addisionele R5 000 gewen het vir beste spreker van die kompetisie. Van der Walt sê sy is beïndruk deur die professionaliteit waarmee die kompetisie gereël is. Die beoordelaars het bestaan uit studente wat self kampusdebat beoordeel en die hoofbeoordelaar, Gielie Hoffmann. Hoffmann
is ’n skrywer en ambassadeur vir Afrikaans. Hy het die debatkompetisie as “’n veilige plek vir gevaarlike idees” beskryf. Die debatte se mosies was veral gerig op aktuele kwessies soos die regmatige plek van geloofspraktyke in koshuise en die stigting van ’n nuwe Waarheid- en Versoeningskommissie. Hein Venter en Douard D’Assonville het tweede geëindig en het as ’n span R5 000 ontvang. Volgens Venter is hierdie ’n wonderlike platform vir Afrikaanse diskoers. “Die onderwerpe is aktueel en veral gerig op die probleme wat SuidAfrikaners ervaar.” Die mosie vir die halfeindrondte waarin D’Assonville en Venter deelgeneem het, was: Universiteite berei studente ten volle voor vir die vierde Industriële Revolusie. Die finaal se mosie was: vryheid van spraak polariseer ons demokrasie verder. Divan van Wyk en Dalena D’Assonville het derde geëindig in hierdie debat. Die vierde span wat deelgeneem het aan die finaal, was Annie de Kok en Karla Cloete.
5 September 2019
Kuns en Vermaak
Meraki Le-Lanie Ludick @lelanie_ludick
Meraki (v). To do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. As you can see in the above definition, Meraki is all about soulful creativity and love. In this creative corner, Wapad wants to celebrate students’ art in all kinds of formats, as students don’t receive enough credit for their hard work and talent. Whether you are an art student, or you just enjoy art in your free time, this corner is a creative space for students to express their love for their own kind of art. We want to encourage amateur artists to keep on persevering to become professionals one day, or
just to make another soul smile because of their art. Therefore, students can feel free to send in their diverse artworks to us at wapad@nwu.ac.za, where it will be shared either via our Facebook page or in a printed edition of the newspaper. Hierdie uitgawe se Merakikunstenaar is Mignonne Mienie, ’n derdejaarstudent in LLB. Sy vertel meer oor haar gedig: “Hierdie gedig gaan oor my skoolliefde wat op universiteit weer oor my pad gekom het. Ek het baie vinnig weer besef dat hy altyd n plek in my hart sal hê en dat ek hom nooit sal vergeet nie. Ek skryf want ek kan op die bladsy totaal en al eerlik wees en ek kan doodkrap as iets nie reg klink nie (wat ek nie in regte lewe kan doen nie). Nadat ek geskryf het, voel ek altyd ligter en dat ek met al my emosies gedeal het.”
Standard Bank Young Artist showcased at NWU Thato Mokhomong @___t.hato
During the month of August Standard Bank Young Artist showcased an exhibition at the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom Gallery and in the NWU Botanical Garden Gallery. The art exhibition kicked off at the Botanical Gardens, presenting the theme: Do you know these #5womenartists? This was a way of giving recognition and publicity to a few of the talented women in the art industry. The importance of this exhibition was to introduce the art of the five women: Asemahle Ntlonti, Bulumko Mbete, Lebapalo Tsiki, Lebohang Motaung and Tebogo Maise, with the intention of empowering these South African
female artists. The Young Artist Awards, sponsored by Standard Bank, are presented by the National Arts Festival Committee to emerging, relatively young South African artists who have demonstrated exceptional ability in their chosen fields but who have not yet achieved national exposure and acclaim. Igshaan Adams won this award in 2018 and had the opportunity to showcase his art, namely When Dust Settles, in the NWU Main Gallery. The opening was done by Prof Robert Balfour who shared the conventional ideologies and messages behind the competition. Adams’ exhibition is a multifaceted view of South African aspects like race, religion and sexuality and Adams’ use of old furniture, textile, sculptures and old objects is a schematic representation of identity, culture, religion and political affiliations. Amohelang Mohajane, NWU
Choral Celebration showcased diverse community Langa Cele @nativecele_
Fluister vir my, manlief, asof ek jou beminde is Raak aan my soos Shakespeare se Romeo &a Juliet Sing vir my asof ek ‘n enkele gehoorslid is Luister na my met jou omgee hart gee raad asof jy dit self sal gebruik Staar in my siel asof ek die enigste siel is wat bestaan Streel jou lippe teen myne asof myne die uitsondering is Wees myne asof ek joune is
Art Gallery Curator, said, “The project is based on acknowledging contemporary South African black female artists in a post-Apartheid South Africa.” The exhibition played a major role in addressing the ideologies that art plays in a democratic society. Thamsanqa Mashimbye, a second-year in BA Graphic Design with Communication, shared his thoughts on the event and the exhibition, “I think it was very cool, it was great to see an expression from young artists, especially because they don’t get to showcase their talents and works on such platforms. The theme and the way the exhibition was decorated reminded me of home, it was relatable, almost as genuine as being proudly South African.” The intention of the exhibition was to encourage upcoming talents to firmly stand up for their beliefs, help eradicate patriarchal dominance and to understand art more intelligibly.
It was truly a night with the stars when the twelfth annual Choral Celebration Festival was held on 24 August at the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus’ Sanlam Auditorium. The event formed part of a series of fifteen national events with the sole purpose of celebrating choral music, embracing diversity within choral music and creating new choral music networks. The event featured choral music groups from the North-West and Northern Cape. The aim of the festival is to highlight South Africa’s rich and diverse choral landscape that many people are unaware of and to bring attention to the fact that South Africa has one of the most active youth engagements in choral music and that they actively engage in the choir music culture, gender and age spectrum, including all music genres. The founder and director of the Choral Celebration Network Foundation, Alta Maré, stated that the core identity of the festival is “celebrating, networking and having fun with all singers and conductors”. She also stated that in 2020 Potchefstroom will host a threeday festival which will “engage
more choirs in terms of variety, age groups and genres”. The opening performance by the North-West children’s choir who sang “Hallelujah Amen”, blew the crowd away with their amazing rendition of the classical hymn. Their performance helped settle the nerves of other performers such as Molen Kórus who took to the stage and sang a variety of European inspired compositions, which highlighted the ability to piece together a story using music. Next to the stage was again the children's choir who performed “We are not alone, God is with us”. What was striking about this performance, was how engaged the crowd was with the young performers hitting the notes perfectly. After a brief intermission, the show continued as the Kimberley children’s choir stunned the crowd with their rendition of the classical African hymn, “The Zulu Worship”. They were the youngest choral performers of the night. The NWU’s choir was the last to perform but they picked up from where the previous performers left off, blowing the crowd away with a Haitian-composed song. To end the show, the choirs came together to give one last performance as a group to truly show how diverse and multicultural our nation is. As Michael Griffin once stated, “The most important aspect of choral singing is how people, children, youths or adults, become a community.”
A French Affair nie so volksvreemd vir Potch Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Op 30 Augustus het die Alliance Française in Potchefstroom en die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) Potchefstroomkampus se Franse subjekgroep, die dorp gekultiveer met ’n nuwe soort funksie. Die A French Affairgeleentheid is gehou by The Lemon Tree in Potchefstroom
en het die regte hoeveelheid Franse flair gehad met die verskeidenheid vorme van vermaak wat ten toon gestel is. Die Alliance Française is ’n nie-winsgewende wêreldwye organisasie wat fokus op Franse taalonderrig en funksies wat die kulture van ander Franssprekende lande bevorder genaamd Frankofoon kultuurfunksies. Daar is ongeveer 832 Alliance Françaises in 131 lande en die hoofkantoor, La Fondation Alliance Française, is in Parys, Frankryk. “A French Affair was ons eerste groot funksie. Hierdie funksie
het ’n bietjie meer gefokus op net die Franse kultuur, maar ons beplan om meer diverse
funksies in die toekoms te hê,” het Riandi van Rensburg, direkteur van die Alliance Française in
Potchefstroom, gesê. Die mikpunt vir die aand was om die Alliance meer prominent te maak in Potchefstroom. Die Franse musiek van Philomène & kon gedurende die aand geniet word terwyl gaste na ’n kunsuitstalling deur Art Young kon kyk en Franse wyne deur Creation Wines, Craft Gin en Rum deur Incendo Distillery, of selfs koffie deur FaithBrew Coffee, kon geniet. Daar was ook Frankryk-geïnspireerde kos deur Purple Carrot sowel as koeke en macarons deur Rikaluz Bakery om aan te smul.
Kuns en Vermaak
Mr & Ms Campus 2019/2020
Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
On 28 August, the annual crowning of the new Mr and
Ms Campus of the North-West University Potchefstroom campus took place. The competition organized by the SCC’s Liaison committee, consisted of a few of South Africa’s top names on the judging panel: Pinky Mokoena, Schane Venter, DJ
Retief, Anchane Pretorius, Heinrich Smit, Anel Botha and Miss South Africa’s pageant coach, Werner Wessels. This year’s theme was: Let’s hit the Streets. The competition consisted of four ramp walks. The first walk featured
InHeinzSight-clothing founded by SCC Chairperson Heinz Schoeman. The second walk had the contestants modelling in the clothing they wore for the competition’s photoshoot and the third walk was titled Proudly South African, where contestants wore a small accessory
Silwerskermfees van krag tot krag Anmané Eckard @spontane_blond
Die negende KykNET Silwerskermfees wat in Kampsbaai, Kaapstad, vanaf 21 tot 24 Augustus plaasgevind het, was deur Karen Meiring, hoof van KykNET, as suksesvol beskryf. Meer as 160 kort- en speelfilms is die afgelope nege jaar deur dié fees opgelewer waarvan verskeie internasionale erkenning gekry het. Karen Meiring het oor ’n telefoniese onderhoud aan Wapad vertel dat die Silwerskermfees baie beteken vir die
vermaaklikheidsbedryf omdat dit jong filmmakers ontwikkel en hulle die geleentheid gee om vollengte films vir teaters te skep. “Ons fokus is op die plaaslike filmbedryf waar ons internasionale gaste en verspreiders kry om na ons vervaardigers se films te kom kyk,” sê Meiring. Vanjaar het verskeie films uitgestaan en met verskillende toekennings weggestap. Die beste kortfilm was Die Begrafnis en in die vollengte afdeling was Poppie Nongena as die beste speelfilm aangekondig. Fiela se Kind is as die beste oorspronklike klankbaan bekroon en Die verhaal van Racheltjie de
Beer met die beste produksie-ontwerp. Meiring sê dat daar ongelooflik baie talent uitgestaan het en vier ekstra pryse is uitgedeel. Volgens Meiring was die reaksie baie goed en het die fees baie mense se aandag getrek omdat hul fokus spesifiek op die Afrikaanse filmbedryf was. “Hierdie jaar het ons meer publiek gegaan en dit gaan dalk in die toekoms meer gebeur,” sê Meiring. Waarheen mik die Silwerskermfees? “Seker na die tiende een toe,” sê Meiring laggend. Vogens haar gaan volgende jaar nog groter wees as dié jaar al was
vanjaar reeds groter as die vorige jare. “Ons gaan definitief ’n dekade vier en ons werk nou al aan die films vorentoe,” sê Meiring. Hierdie jaar het hulle begin met ’n kompetisie vir ’n draaiboek soektog en ‘n digitale gedeelte in die filmfees. Meiring sê dat hulle waarskynlik die kortfilms gaan blootstel vir groter deelname aangesien hulle ’n behoefte daarvoor ervaar het. “Ek dink die fees groei en ons gaan meer en meer plekke beskikbaar stel in die Kaap,” sê Meiring.
Dis heerlike lente, winter is verby!
Mishcá van Niekerk
Kai Keusgen
Boitumelo Makubelan
Leah Chalwe
Cherecé Appelcryn
vervang. Wapad het op die Potchefstroomkampus gaan inloer om by studente te hoor hoe hulle voel oor die einde van die winterseisoen en die begin van lente, sowel as waarna hulle die meeste uitsien om in die lente te doen. Mishcá van Niekerk, BSc Mikrobiologie en Fisiologie, sien baie uit om nie koud te kry in die lente nie en
om in die son te kan bak. Sy kan nie wag vir die seisoen wat voorlê nie. Kai Keusgen, BA Menslike Wetenskap en Sielkunde, sien uit om sy kortbroeke en visplakkies uit te pak; hy is net so opgewonde oor die lente. Boitumelo Makubelan, BPharm, is opgewonde om mooi aan te trek en oor die feit dat die lente minder wasgoed beteken. Sy is tog ook
ongelukkig die winter is verby, want sy hou niks van die winter nie. Leah Chalwe, Bcom Bestuurswetenskap, sien uit vir die nuwe kleure van lente en die warm sonnetjie. Sy is baie opgewonde dat die koue verby is, want die koue hou ’n mens terug om jou styl ten volle uit te beeld.
Dit is weer daardie tyd van die jaar waar alles begin lewe kry. Studente aan die Noordwes- Universiteit (NWU) is gereed om hul somersklere uit te pak en die warmsjokolade met iets kouer te
5 September 2019
that represented South Africa’s heritage. Before the break, the audience was entertained by Sunset Sweatshop, which got them hyped up for the second half of the show. The last ramp walk was the formal walk and had the Ms Campus finalists draped in the beautiful creations of Anel Botha who was also on the judging panel. The Mr Campus finalists were suited up by one of the sponsors, Smart Guy. These were the results for the external categories: Photogenic: Martin Grove and Khanyisile Mahlangu Personality: Tjasse Biewenga and Khanyisile Mahlangu People’s choice: AbooBakr Omar and Veronique Rossouw Nico Prinsloo and Kgothaso Sefike were crowned as the new Mr and Ms Campus for 2019/20. The first prince is Henk de Leeuw and the second prince, Matthew Roos, while the first princess is Veronique Rossouw and the second princess, Jessica Bergh.
PUKfm empowering women Chélaine de Wet @chelainedewet
During August, PUKfm 93.6 decided to embrace and celebrate women with their own women empowerment month. “Can You Woman?” was originally the annual National Women’s Day campaign, presented mostly on social media platforms. This year the campaign transformed into a month-long woman empowerment movement. Charonike Nel, station manager of PUKfm, was the front-runner of the campaign. Nel said, “It is important to me and the station to empower women, especially those working at PUKfm as the majority of students working at the station are women.” Nel described the campaign as an “opportunity for all the women working at the station to interview their heroes and women who inspire them”. The project entailed interviewing 31 influential women over the course of 31 days. “We interviewed inspirational women from all walks of life, from each industry possible with the goal to really get to know the woman behind the name and what she does,” Nel explained. The women interviewed included Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Claire Johnston and Moonchild Sanelly. Local NWU women included Elsunet du Plessis, former Protea star now coaching the NWU netball team and recently appointed the Director of Student Life, Dr Corrie Rheeder. In August, PUKfm asked, “Can you woman?” and all these influential women across South Africa and campus answered with a decisive, “Yes we can”. All the interviews are available as podcasts on all streaming platforms.
Kuns en Vermaak
5 September 2019
Chart-topping Taylor releases Lover
Chélaine de Wet @chelainedewet
On Friday 23 August, 29-year-old Taylor Swift released her seventh full-length studio album, Lover,
with Republic Records. It’s hard to imagine that the humble-beginning, country-loving Swift could now, thirteen years after the success of her debut album, deliver eighteen songs
packed with powerful, meaningful pop. The album has a grown-up sound to it and it is clear that Swift has now entered a new phase in her life; she is now politically fired-up, blissfully living out of the public
eye by steering clear of celebrity feuds or indulging in one of her infamous, very public romances. Lover is the total opposite of 2017’s vengeful Reputation. Swift describes the album
as a “celebration of love in all of its complexity, cosiness and chaos”. According to the Billboard Charts, Lover claimed the largest week for any album in the United States of America in terms of total units earned, defeating her own Reputation from 2017. Swift addresses key issues in this album including sexism that she and all women must endure in “The Man”. She also advocates queer rights with the energetic Pride anthem “You Need to Calm Down” and comments on political instability under USpresident, Donald Trump’s reign with the alleged allegory that is “Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince”. The album also includes star-studded collaborations like the radio hit “ME!”, a catchy duet with Panic at the Disco’s Brendon Urie. Billboard expects Lover to claim the number one slot of their 200 chart announced on 7 September. It will be Swift’s sixth number one album.
Sumblime with Lime se soetpatats Cherece Appelcryn @ries_93
Tussendeur die studies, take en toetse, kry studente min tyd om behoorlike en gesonde kos te maak. Dit vat gewoonlik te veel tyd so dan kies hulle die maklike uitweg wat gewoonlik lei tot KFC se drive thru. Te danke aan Denise Robertson, die vorige Kuns- en Vermaakredaktrise van Wapad, se Sublime with Lime-kosblog, kan studente kos voorberei wat gesond en vinnig is. Denise was in hierdie wintervakansie vir drie weke in Bali en was so geïnspireer deur die kultuur en vars en organiese voedselprodukte dat sy na haar terugkeer na Potchefstroom, voortgegaan het om so te eet omdat dit haar gesond en goed laat voel het.
Sy het van die foto’s op sosiale media gedeel en mense het belangstelling getoon. Dís hoe sy besluit om haar blog te begin. Vir haar is dit belangrik dat studente gebalanseerde eetgewoontes moet hê en meer gebruik moet maak van
die vars vrugte en groente wat tot hul beskikking is. Denise deel haar resepte presies hoe sy dit maak en na mate sy eksperimenteer met verskillende plante, groente en vrugte en alles wat sy deel met haar lesers is haar eie idees.
Hier is een van die heerlike resepte: Geroosterde soetpatats Bestanddele: - een patat - avocado- of klapperolie - sout en peper
- gedroogde chilliflokkies - sampioene - klappermelk - knoffel - komyn en borrie - suurlemoensap - babaspinasieblare - pampoen- en sonneblomsaad Metode: Was en sny die patat. Geur dit met die olie, sout, peper en chiliflokkies. Plaas dit in ’n oondbak vir 45 tot 60 minute teen 180 °C. Vir die sous braai jy die knoffel, komyn en sampioene in ’n pan. Voeg die klappermelk en suurlemoensap by en laat dit vir ongeveer 10 minute kook. Vir garnering braai jy die sade, gegeur met borrie, vir 10 tot 15 minute in die oond. Die babaspinasieblare bly rou en word eerste in die bord gevoeg. Jy kan op enige manier jou bord garneer met die patat en sous en dit dan aan die einde met sout en peper geur. Vir meer gesonde en voedsame resepte, volg Sublime with Lime op Instagram en Facebook.
Trending now Mizanne Hattingh @mizanne_h_98
Boer Rèan en sy Rox-zee, wat ’n ruk gelede hul verlowing verbreek het as gevolg van familieredes, het albei nuwe liefde gevind – en hulle flankeer behoorlik daarmee op sosiale media. Aan die ander kant van die wêreld, is Meghan Markle op pad na die Skotse koninklike woning, Balmoralkasteel, met baba Archie aan haar sy. In Amerika, laat die sangeres en aktrise, Miley Cyrus, en haar vervreemde man, akteur Liam Hemsworth, nie op hulle wag om hul egskeiding te begin en af te handel nie. Verder, is Isabele Toledo, ontwerper van Michelle Obama se 2009
inhuldigingsuitrusting, oorlede na ’n stryd teen borskanker. In nog nuus, is daar aangekondig dat Viola Davis die rol van Michelle Obama gaan vertolk in die nuwe reeks First Ladies en Angelina Jolie en Brad Pitt se eersteling, Maddox, het ook pas met sy loopbaan as student begin en sy ouers, veral Angelina, het met ’n traan of twee hierdie verandering saam aangepak. Die eerste lokprent van Disney se Lady and the Tramp is ook onlangs vrygestel en het die rondtes op Facebook gedoen. Terug in Suid-Afrika het Alette Winckler gegons oor die nuuste byvoeging tot hul gesin en laastens, tesame met die nuus op die Suid-Afrikaanse rakke, het die musiekgroep Adam aangekondig dat hul paaie gaan skei.
5 September 2019
ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 072 511 8289 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn 10 Oktober. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste nuus en lekker leesgoed.
Lisa van Rooyen
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Die intrige van ’n introvert Corine Raath @corineraath
Het jy al ooit in ’n vertrek ingestap en gevoel niemand sien jou raak nie? Of weer uitgestap en dis asof niemand besef jy was daar nie? As jy ’n introvert is, ken jy waarskynlik dié gevoel. Mense is geneig om aannames oor ander te maak (meestal ongevraagd en ongegrond) en introverte loop gereeld deur. Op die ouderdom van 20, het ek gelukkig al aangepas by die feit dat mense my in ’n boksie plaas voordat hulle my ken, maar ek voel dit is my plig om van hierdie aannames uit te wys. Baie mense het die idee introverte is vervelig. En as dit nie die geval is nie, is ons óf te ernstig óf ons het eenvoudig nie ’n lewe nie (jammer dat ek dit nie geniet om deur alkohol, sweetdampe en te veel jagsheid in ’n kuierplek te swem nie). Ek stry
nie; sommige introverte mag in een van hierdie kategorieë val, maar dis beslis nie tot hulle beperk nie. Op die glyskaal van introverte is ek beslis nie aan die verste end nie. Dis ook maar net omdat ek oor die jare tegnieke aangeleer het soos hoe
om small talk te maak (ek kan steeds net só lank oor die weer praat), vreemdelinge om hulp te vra en om in groepe te sosialiseer (om met die troeteldier in die hoek te speel, is egter steeds meer aanloklik). As ’n introvert begin grappies
maak, lyk dit kompleet asof mense ’n hartaanval gaan kry. Glo dit of nie, maar ons kan ’n sin vir humor hê. Ek dink nogal ek’s snaaks (maar dalk lag ek net vir my eie grappies). My een vriendin sê ek begin nou eers ontdooi, so asof ek ’n stuk vleis
is, maar as ’n mens ’n lekker steak wil hê, jaag jy hom nie aan nie. En soos iemand by ’n bladuitlegaand vir Wapad opgemerk het (dankie, Chris): “Ek het nooit eers geweet Corine kan praat nie!” ’n Ruk terug het iemand het vir my gesê introverte is soos pêrels: Dis baie moeite om deur hul dop te breek, maar as jy eers daardeur is, ontdek jy ’n skat. Ek sê nie dat ek ’n skat is nie, kom ons wees eerlik, ek is (grappie!), maar ek dink wel dis die moeite werd dat jy die tyd neem om daardie teruggetrokke student beter te leer ken. Ek kan lank hieroor aanhou (ja, glo dit of nie, hierdie introvert het baie om te sê as sy eers op dreef is), maar kom ek sluit eerder af: As jy ’n introvert as vriend het, waardeer hulle. Dit maak nie saak wat jy dink nie, hulle het jou gekies, nie andersom nie, so wees bly as hulle bereid is om energie op jou te spandeer, want selfs goeie vriende maak introverte moeg.
5 September 2019
Spring brings Varsity Cricket Tournament Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Spring is in the air as the 2019 Varsity Cricket Tournament started in Potchefstroom. The tournament will see eight of the top university cricket teams battle it out in this jam-packed tournament stretching from 2 to 7 September at various cricket fields. The defending champions, University of Johannesburg (UJ), sent out a clear warning to their competitors as they brushed aside the NWU in their first game on 2 September at the Ibbies Oval to claim a victory by 33 runs. UJ were unrelenting in their game strategy, claiming their first victory of the tournament in a quick jog. Chad Claasen (2 – 12) impressed with his pace while the diminutive Tumelo Thlokwe (2 – 13 in 4 overs) had the NWU in a spin. UJ started with Delano Potgieter (29 of 13) and Joshua Richards (57 of 39) battering NWU pacers AJ Jacobs and Nico Loubser into the ground. When Ruan Haasbroek forced
Potgieter to sky a ball to captain Lesego Senokwane, who took a fine catch under pressure, Richards continued to fire on all cylinders, hitting the first 50 of the tournament, ending on a wellcompiled 57 (39) before Haasbroek bowled him out in the power play with the score on 98. NWU further applied their pressure and restricted UJ to a score of 157 for seven in their assigned 20
overs. NWU began their innings in the worst way possible when opener Lourén Steenkamp lost his middle stump for just five with Chad Classen doing the damage. It was soon 32 for three when Eben Botha was fooled by Tumelo Thlokwe’s off-spin. Things went from bad to worse when Ruan Haasbroek was needlessly run out to leave NWU at 60 for five at the 10-over strategybreak.
NWU Netball win UWC in 2nd round
UJ kept their foot on the pedal as they consistently took wickets to claim victory. MTN Player of The Match: Joshua Richards (UJ), Steers Best Batsman: Joshua Richards (UJ), FNB Best Bowler: Chad Claasen (UJ) In their second match on 3 September, the NWU secured their first win of the competition when they beat the Madibaz by seven wickets at the Ibbies Oval.
Madibaz won the toss and elected to bat first and once again it was Tristan Stubbs who impressed the most, scoring an unbeaten 81 of 59 balls. Michael Hansel helped carry his team over the 100-run mark before he was sent back to the locker room with Madibaz on 113/4. Bantu Dandala took two wickets for NWU, with the visitors ending their innings at a respectable total of 159/5. Louren Steenkamp kept his composure and scored his 100th run by smashing his third six of the match, also handing NWU a sevenwicket victory. FNB Player of the Match: Tristan Stubbs (Madibaz) and MTN Pulse Bowler of the Match: Bantu Dandala (NWU) Wihan Lubbe will once again captain NWUPukke for this tournament and the team is confident and ready to bring the Varsity Cricket trophy to Potchefstroom. The NWU team under supervision of coach Conrad de Swardt, are currently fifth on rank with four points while UJ is first on rank with ten points. Round 4: 5 September NWU vs UCT Ikeys @ NWU Oval Round 5: 6 September NWU vs UP Tuks @ Senwes Park Round 6 and 7: 7 September @ Senwes, teams to be announced.
Get to know NWU Cyclist Kristen Louw
Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
After losing to the University of Stellenbosch (Maties), 54 – 38 in the first round of Varsity Netball on 26 August, the young and unexperienced North-West University (NWU) came back to defeat the University of Western Province (UWC), 60 - 38 at the Coetzenburg Indoor Centre on Monday, 2 September. Monique Reyneke, NWU captain said, “Our goal as young side is to grow, show what we are made of by playing our best and to play for each other. While as underdogs in this competition, we would like to show the other teams that they should not underestimate us.” The NWU side had a lead of 12-7 before UWC fought back to close the gap, with NWU having a mere six-point advantage at the end of the first quarter. In the second quarter UWC scored first and narrowed the gap to 19-15 as a powerplay was called. During this powerplay the ladies from managed to score 5 goals and kept the scoreboard ticking to lead 34 – 16 at halftime. The second powerplay were taken shortly after the third quarter started, and although UWC scored three goals to NWU’s two, the UWC team could not close the gap enough with the score at the end of the third quarter reading, 50 – 28. In the fourth quarter the NWU team slowed down and lacked the intensity they showed in the other
Lizaan Snyman
quaters as they essentially already secured the win and bonus-point for scoring 50 points already in the third quarter. “In the game against UWC we went out to redeem ourselves for last week’s lost and it feels wonderful to have a win with a
Our goal as young side is to grow... bonus point in the bag. The game also showed that even though we did not play our best, we are capable of more and better.”, said Reyneke. In her first season and first game starting, NWU’s Londeka Buthelezi won the FNB Player of the Match award. While, UWC’s Jami Vermeulen and Wilmedine Boer respectively won the Wimpy Moment Maker and MTN Interceptor of the Match award.
Reyneke added, “Next week is going to be challenging with games against UJ and Kovsies a day apart. We need to have a fast and strong start to the games and carry the intensity throughout the games until the end.” The upcoming games for the NWU team look as follow: 8 September: NWU vs UJ (16:00) - Callie Human Hall, UFS Netball 9 September: UFS Kovsies vs NWU (19:00) Callie Human Hall, UFS Netball (Broadcasted on 210) 15 September: NWU vs TUT (12:00) Rembrand Hall, Tuks Netball 16 September: UP Tuks vs NWU (19:00) Rembrand Hall, Tuks Netball (Broadcasted 210) 23 September: Madibaz vs NWU (17:30) Madibaz Indoor Sport Centre (Broadcasted 210)
For the past three years, Kristen Louw, orginally from Barkly-Oos, a small town in the Eastern Cape, has been competing for the NorthWest University (NWU) Cycling while studying BEd Foundation phase at the Potchefstroom campus. Besides competing for the NWU in University Sports South Africa (USSA’s), Louw makes a point of it to compete in the following competitions: The South Africa Mountain Bike National Championships, South African Road National Championships, Sani2c, Cycle4Cansa, Tshwane Classic and the Satellite Classic 94.7 Cycle Challenge. So far, Louw’s best and proudest moment in her short career was when she won the National Championship for Mountain Bike Cross-country (XCO) in 2016. Another proud moment for Louw
was in 2017 when she won three stages in her first year competing for the NWU in her first ever road race at the USSA’s. Although Louw competes in other events, she enjoys competing in mountain biking the most since “one is surrounded by the beauty of nature while cycling”. Kate Courtney, Jolanda Neff and Emily Batty are three women who motivate Louw through their discipline, their love for the sport and their positivity to dream bigger and work harder. “In the future I would like to compete in the Cape Epic and the big dream is to be the South African National Road Race Champion,” said Louw. Louw has the following tips for aspiring riders, “Start off with equipment you can afford and don’t be too hard on yourself, set realistic goals, work hard and stay positive and the results will come from self.” “Cycling is different from other sports. One can do it for the rest of your life, and it is not limited to a sport field or stadium,” added Louw.
Sport 5 September 2019
SA Hockey’s participation in Olympics uncertain Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
The South African men’s and women’s hockey teams were both crowned as continent champions qualifying for the 2020 Toky Olympics. This was after the men won 3 - 2 against Egypt and the women 6 - 0 against Ghana in the finals of the African Hockey Road to Tokyo event that was held at the University of Stellenbosch from 12 to 18 August. Although both national teams qualified for the Olympics, the South African Sports Confederation and Olympics Committee (SASCOC) will have the final say on whether either team will be able to compete.
It seems as though history is repeating itself, as both teams qualified for the 2016 Rio Olympics, after being crowned African Champions through the Greenfields African Hockey Championships which took place at Randburg in 2015, but the SASCOC omitted them from competing. This was due to the fact that although both sides reached the Olympic and International Hockey Federation (FIH) criteria, they did not meet SASCOC’s criteria of qualifying through the Hockey World League Round 3 event, as SASCOC did not take in consideration the additional option available to the team of qualifying through the continental competition. Sheldon Rostron, former SA hockey coach said, “Not competing in the 2016 Rio Olympics has led the SA women’s team to digress
from 12th in the world to 16th and sliding.” Rostron added that some of the following things will likely happen if SA hockey is once again denied from competing in the Olympics, “There will certainly be retirements, players and staff will go to other countries to find better opportunities to further their sport, whilst others might just stop. We will also definitely loose our relevance as an important Hockey nation and continent to compete at world events. The slippery path of digressing in world ranking may lead to us not being able to qualify for the 2022 Commonwealth Games. As well as, funding and corporate support will shift from a trickle to a devastating drought.” Besides SASCOC using their general eligibility and selection criteria for multi-coded games to determine if teams can go to the Olympics, both the SA hockey sides
will also have to adhere to separate criteria to be considered to go to the 2020 Olympics that looks as follows: SASCOC will consider selection of the team if qualification is: Continental qualification will only be considered if the team wins the continental qualification event and has attained a top two finish at the Hockey Series Final OR Attained directly through the FIH Olympic Qualification Event; Deadline for qualification is 4 November 2019. Following the abovementioned criteria, the SA men’s side, ranked 14th in the world, stands a better chance of going to the 2020 Olympics than the women’s side. This is because the men’s side also qualified to go the Olympics after coming second, losing 5 – 1 to India in the FIH Series finals that was held in Bhubaneswar, India, from 6 to 15 June, while the women
ranked 16th in the world and ended fourth out of the eight teams competing at their tournament that was held in Valencia, Spain, from 19 to 27 June this year. SASCOC’s High Performance Commission Chairperson, Debbie Alexander, told Sport24, “We are not going to take athletes who cannot hold their own on the international stage. We want to take the best of the best to the Olympics.” In response to Alexander, Rostron said, “We have the players and the ability to compete and other countries want us there. We are hard to play against, we are competitive, and we own a brand of hockey that may not always get results but challenges them. But we will fail, not because of our ability but for the lack of support, resources, planning, vision, strategy and motivation to aid our teams and back them to succeed.”
Caput en Hombré wen koshuisrugby MC Engelbrecht
Die jaarlikse koshuisrugbyliga het Vrydag 30 Augustus ’n swanesang gehad, met die kleinste manskoshuise wat weggestap het met die louere. Caput-manskoshuis het vanjaar beter gevaar deur hul A-liga finaal teen Heimat in te palm met ’n telling van 19 – 16. Heimat-manskoshuis wat gesorg het dat die Patria Blues ’n
bloutjie loop vroeg in die seisoen, het vir Caput omtrent opdraande gegee tydens die wedstryd. Verlede jaar se A-liga wenners, Patria, het hierdie jaar nie die eindrondte gehaal nie alhoewel hulle vroeër in die seisoen gekroon is as algehele ligawenners van die Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite. Die wedstryd was in die weegskaal en Caput kon eers met die laaste beweging hul kans om as kampioene van die veld af te stap, verseker. Hierdie oorwinning is nog soeter vir Caput, siende dat hulle ook aan die begin van die jaar die eerstejaarsrugbytrofee huis toe gevat het. Die B-liga finaal was ’n geveg
tussen twee vyande wat mekaar goed ken. Hombré en Excelsior het hierdie jaar, nes laasjaar, weer in die B-liga finaal teen mekaar te staan gekom.
Alhoewel die wedstryd tussen die twee spanne in die vorige week deur Excelsior gewen is, het Hombré hierdie keer seker gemaak van hul spel.
Die telling van 22 – 3 in die guns van Hombré, vertel nie naastenby die hele storie nie, juis omdat dit met tye gelyk het asof beide spanne maar sukkel. Toe die spanne uiteindelik hul voete vind, was Excelsior heeltyd op die agtervoet. Hombré se fiksheid was die deurslaggewende faktor omdat vinnige besluite gemaak was. Toe die eindfluitjie blaas, het dit herinner aan laasjaar se feesvieringe waar Hombré ook die sege gehad het oor Excelsior. Siende dat die prys van moontlike promosie voor albei spanne se neuse gehang het, was dit uiteraard ’n stryd wat selde gesien was, met puik rugby deur beide spanne.