13 Februarie 2020 Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n e-pos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za Wapad WAPAD ® IS DIE STUDENTEKOERANT VAN DIE NWU-POTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUS
TEL: (018) 299 2875
SJGD gee terug aan gemeenskap JOOL 2018/19 bied nodige befondsing vir SJGD Melissa Nel @melissa_nel99
ie NoordwesUniversiteit (NWU) se Potchefstroomkampus het op Saterdag 21 Februarie vanjaar die jaarlikse SJGD liefdadigheidsfunksie gehou. Pieter Hattingh, Ondervoorsitter van die KSR, was die seremoniemeester en Dr. Corrie Rheeder, Direkteur van Studentelewe op die NWU Potchefstroomkampus, het die geleentheid geopen. Heinz Schoeman-Struwig, Voorsitter van die KSR, het in sy toespraak genoem dat die NWU tans R9 miljoen op al drie kampusse se JOOL-plase bestee. Hy het genoem dat dit dien as bewys van hoe die NWU daadwerklik daarop fokus om studentelewe te verbeter. Zané Botha, JOOL KSR-lid, het genoem dat vanjaar se JOOLorganiseerders aan die nodige uithouvermoë beskik het, ondanks talle uitdagings wat plaasgevind het. “Ons het die Vrydagaand
R 1,1 miljoen is bemaak aan studentebeurse tydens die SJGD-liefdadigheidsfunksie
weer die hekke van die JOOLplaas oopgemaak en ons het ’n vlotuitstalling twee weke later gehou. Dit alles was moontlik te danke aan mense wat bereid was om hul tyd af te staan om te help met verdere reëlings,” het Botha genoem. Die bedrag wat JOOL 2018/19 ingesamel het, was deur Drikus Grobbelaar, JOOL KSR-lid vir die termyn 2018/19, bekendgemaak. Die volle bedrag kon egter nie bekendgemaak word nie omdat die ouditmetodes verander het. “Die eksterne oudit is tans besig, so die volle bedrag wat ingesamel
is tydens JOOL 2018/19 kan nog nie bekendgemaak word nie, maar wel ’n gedeelte daarvan,” het Grobbelaar verduidelik. Die bedrag wat wel beskikbaar is, is R2,1 miljoen. 70% word verdeel aan projekte verbonde aan die universiteit en 30% aan eksterne organisasies. SJGD KSR-lid Ruandro Minnaar het verder uitgebrei oor die daadwerlike verskil wat SJGD in gemeenskappe maak met verskeie projekte in Potchefstroom en Ikageng. Pieter Hattingh, wat ’n SJGD KSR-lid vir 2018/19 was, het verder uitgebrei oor die talle
doelwitte wat verlede jaar bereik was. Ses kleuterskole was oorgebou, tien skole het badkamergeriewe ontvang, drie skole se kombuise was verbeter, 55 SJGD-aksies het op Mandeladag plaasgevind en ’n betaling was uitgemaak aan The Smile Foundation. Tydens Kaalvoetdag was 15,7 ton klere ingesamel, wat ’n nuwe rekord is. Die Pukki Foundation het R 925 776,17 verlede jaar aan behoeftige studente uitbetaal. “In 2019 was daar ook twintig nuwe projekte vir 2020 geïdentifiseer,” het Hattingh bygevoeg. Prof. Alida Herbst, Direkteur van die Skool vir Psigososiale en
Gedragswetenskappe, het die uitbetalings aan die verskeie projekte bemaak. Sewentien koshuise het befondsing vir hul SJGD-projekte ontvang. Nog projekte wat befondsing ontvang het sluit in die Pick a Leader Fund (R30 000), Sportontwikkeling en Bemagtiging (R25 000) evangelisasie (R10 000), Little Angels (R5 000) en Promosa 3 (R5 000). Spesiale uitbetalings was gemaak aan onder andere die Guide Dog Association (R3 000), FAMSA, Child Welfare Potchefstroom en Childline (elk R10 000). R40 000 was uitbetaal aan Thuso en ’n verdere R30 000 was aan Vessels of Mercy Potchefstroom. NG Welsyn het R3 000 ontvang en Potchefstroom Dienssentrum R10 000. R10 000 was ook uitbetaal aan die PAWS Potchefstroom, Dignity Dreams en die YellowBird Foundation. Die Droogtehulpfonds het R30 000 ontvang en R1,1 miljoen was bemaak aan studentebeurse. Pukki Uitbetalings was bemaak aan die Drug & Alcohol Project (R28 000), Studente Verblyf (R84 935), Behoeftige studente (R11 729), CANSA Relay for Life (R30 000) en die Katprojek (R85 411.60).(R85 411.60).
Bladsy 2
27 Februarie 2020
Moedertaaldag vier talle tonge Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde
p Internasionale Moedertaaldag het die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus die kans benut om taaldiversiteit te vier deur studente die geleentheid te bied om na te dink oor wat hulle moedertaal vir hulle beteken. Studente kon op 21 Februarie by stalletjies ’n draai maak waar verskeie rolspelers van die Fakulteit van Geesteswetenskappe se Skool vir Tale beskikbaar was. Studente het aan aktiwiteite deelgeneem soos om hulle gunstelingwoord op ’n banier aan te bring, ’n vraelys oor moedertaal en meertaligheid te beantwoord en om woorde en sinne in ander tale te leer. DJ Cloete, ’n tydelike dosent en projekbestuurder vir die Skooldirekteur van die Skool vir Tale, het ook ’n stalletjie beman en besoekendes lag-lag laat saampraat. “Ons skep bewusmaking deur studente te begelei daarin om te reflekteer oor die belangrikheid van tale en al die geleenthede wat die Skool vir Tale bied,” het Cloete gesê. Nthabiseng Kwena, ’n eerstejaar in BEd Intermediêre fase, was een so student wat die aktiwiteite geniet het. “My moedertaal is Setswana en dit is my identiteit. Dis hoe ek myself uitdruk en dis ’n groot deel van my lewe,” het Kwena gesê. Eerstejaarstudente was reeds
Studente is besig om woorde en frases in ander tale te leer op Internasionale Moedertaaldag
tydens die Registrasie- en Oriëntasieprogram gevra om deel te neem aan ’n kompetisie waartydens hulle moes skryf oor “die taal van jou hart”. Wenners vir elke taalkategorie is op Internasionale Moedertaaldag aangewys. Beoordelaars vir elke taal het die wenners se inskrywings
geprys vir die feit dat hulle oor die taal van hulle hart geskryf het in die einste taal. Skryfstukke was ook gekomplementeer wanneer dit die verbintenis tussen taal en kultuur uitgewys het. Felicity Selahle, die wenner in die Afrikaansafdeling, het opgemerk dat “Afrikaans die Frans
In a ‘ditch’ in Pochefstroom
van Suid-Afrika is”. Juniata Rupan, wenner in die Engelsafdeling, het dié taal geprys vir sy vermoë om mense van verskillende tale saam te snoer in gesprekke. Nog ’n interessante inskrywing was dié deur Erin Eadie wat oor SuidAfrikaanse Gebaretaal geskryf het.
Mooirivier: Wat is nuut? Charma du Plessis @charmaduplessis
Helaine Duvenhage @helaineduvenhage
Potchefstroom’s disappointing infrastructure is not a result of lack of funding, but of lack of maintenance and poor, if any, planning according to Democratic Alliance (DA) Councillor and JB Marks constituency head, Chris Hattingh. In an exclusive interview, he said that if the roads in and around Potchefstroom had been properly maintained, the now severely damaged roads could have been in perfect condition for less than a fraction of the cost. Contrary to popular belief, the emergency fund to save the roads was not a relief fund donated by an external source. Hattingh said that the municipality has never been held back by financial constraints, but that there has been a lack of utilising available funds, “The problem is that there has been poor planning and maintenance.” He says that the municipality failed to do the minimal upkeep that would have prevented the
Patched tar roads at a four-way stop in town
current dilemma. “All they needed to do was patch up the ends of the roads and put a thin layer of tar over it to protect it from rain. Now, after a storm comes, it destroys the road and it has to be redone completely.” Hattingh mentioned that the roads that were newly constructed a few years ago like the road between Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom, now needs intensive repair because they had not been maintained. The North-West’s Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport stated that the number of potholes in the North-West Province is estimated at 5648, according to a 2010 survey. Several NWU students expressed their anger over this,
calling the state of the roads “a disgrace”, “a big problem” and even “shameful”. Students feel disappointed that the municipality is not prioritising residents’ safety and feels endangered. Hattingh says that the problem is far bigger, “It’s not only the roads that are being neglected. Many streetlights are out of order and the general maintenance of the Potchefstroom and surrounding areas has been neglected for a very long time.” The JB Marks municipality was contacted with regards to this matter, but did not comment as they needed approval to provide a statement.
“Ek dink mense wat deur gebaretaal kommunikeer voel seker asof hulle in ’n vreemde land is en nie deur die taal daar kan kommunikeer nie. Dit moet baie moeilik wees en dis baie onregverdig dat dowe mense daagliks moet sukkel om te kommunikeer, soos byvoorbeeld om kos in ’n restaurant te bestel. Ek voel ons behoort almal bietjie gebaretaal te leer,” het Eadie gesê. Die Sentrum vir Tekstegnologie (CTexT) en die SuidAfrikaanse Sentrum vir Digitale Taalhulpbronne (SADiLaR) was ook teenwoordig. Sunny Gent, verbonde aan CTexT, het hulle betrokkenheid by Internasional Moedertaaldag verduidelik: “Ons het vir mense die ses Masjienvertalingsisteme wat ons ontwerp het gewys en hulle gehelp om dit af te laai. Ons vertaal tans vanuit Engels na Afrikaans, isiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana en Xitsonga.” Volgens Suné Paeschel, ’n meestersstudent wat ook as ’n assistent by SADiLaR betrokke is, is SADiLaR doenig met die ontwikkeling van tale as navorsingstale. “Ons probeer dit moontlik maak om in al elf amptelike tale navorsing te bekom,” het Paeschel gesê. Babalwa Manyungwana, ’n lid van die Akademiese Studentevereniging Cuvinte, het ook deelgeneem deur die selfie-kompetisie. “Ons het woorde in verskillende tale dwarsoor kampus weggesteek en studente gevra om ’n selfie met die woorde te neem en op ons sosiale media te plaas,” het Manyungwana verduidelik.
Daar het onlangs veranderinge by die Mooirivier winkelsentrum plaasgevind: Maxis het toegemaak, die nuwe Bargain Books en Sorbet winkel is van laat November 2019 af oop en Ster-Kinekor het opgraderings ondergaan. Bargain Books het 29 November hulle deure oopgemaak en 1 Desember hul bekendstelling gehad. Die winkelbestuurder noem dat hulle al vir tien jaar lank ’n tak wou oopmaak. Hulle weet ook studente is arm en probeer dus om die pryse so laag as moontlik te hou. Een student, Victor Helberg, sê: “Hulle het baie goeie diens, ek het ’n boek bestel en binne vyf dae gekry. Die mense is baie vriendelik.”
Sorbet het 27 November geopen nadat hulle agtergekom het dat baie Potchefstromers na Johannesburg gaan om hul produkte te koop. Volgens die winkelassistent gaan verkope sover goed. Ster-Kinekor het nou ’n funksie waar jy jou kos met jou kaartjies aanlyn kan bestel en betaal. Daarna vat jy net jou strokie na die toonbank toe en tel jou kos op. Dis baie vinniger en help om lang rye te verhoed. ’n Student sê: “Dis baie gerieflik. Ek is baie opgewonde om net daar te kom en te kan fliek kyk.” Mooirivier hou ook gereeld kompetisies en geleenthede wat op hulle Facebook-blad aangekondig word. Die volgende groot geleentheid is die bekendstelling van Danie du Toit se eerste digbundel op 2 April om 19:00 langs SterKinekor.
Bargain Books is een van die nuwe toevoegings
27 Februarie 2020
Bladsy 3
Hoe groen is jou omgewingsvoetspoor? Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
ie studente van die NoordwesUniversiteit (NWU) Potchefstroomkampus gebruik verskillende inisiatiewe om studente bewus te maak van hulle rol op kampus, in die samelewing en teenoor die omgewing, en hoe hulle ’n bydrae kan lewer. Value Your Environment-week is een van hierdie inisiatiewe. In die week van 17 tot 20 Februarie vanjaar het die Kampusstudenteraad (KSR): Aktuele sake (AKSA), hulle jaarlikse Value Your Environmentweek gehou en dit het aktiwiteite en sessies soos Mnr. en Mej. Omgewing, “a showcase of ideas” in Loverslane, ’n “Green Walk” en inligtingspraatjie asook ’n Bultskoonmaakoggend saam met Prof. Fika van die Cachet Park CID NPC, ingesluit. Die uitstalling in Loverslane was een van die grootste aksies gewees en verskillende koshuise en komitees het die studente gelok met hulle stalletjies en hulle aangemoedig om deel te neem aan verskillende aktiwiteite en om ingelig te word oor kwessies wat daagliks plaasvind. Die verskillende stasies het gevarieer van inligtingsessies tot illustrasies van praktiese oplossings. Die impak van plastiek op die ekosisteem is nie iets wat eers onlangs kop uitgesteek het nie. Dit is ook een van die probleme wat uitgebeeld is en wat vir die opeenvolgende jare baie omgewingsliefhebbers se kele laat toe trek. In samewerking met die KSR het die NWU se Green Team ook
Inwoners van Minjonet na ’n opruimaksie
’n Student luister aandagtig tydens ’n omgewingspraatjie
’n eko-baksteen-sessie aangebied. Hierdie boustene word bestempel as die boumateriaal van die toekoms. Global Ecobrick Alliance (ecobricks.org) is ’n eko-baksteen gemeenskapswerkswinkel wat beweer dat eko-bakstene ’n maklike tog kragtige oplossing is vir al ons plastiek. Dit is eenvoudig ’n bottel gevul met gebruikte plastiek om digtheid te verseker en as ’n herbruikbare boublok te dien. Die eko-bakstene help gemeenskappe en organisasies om beheer oor hul plastiekafval te neem en nuwe strukture uit die plastiekboustene te bou. Vanaf plastiekverpakking, strooitjies, nie-skadelike materiale
en buigbare plastiek kan in hierdie boublok gestop word. Jy benodig ’n twee liter plastiekbottel, met die materiale wat jy nie kan herwin nie. Prop die materiale in die bottel tot ’n kompakte struktuur van min of meer vyf honderd gram gevorm is. Staan op die bottel om te verseker dat dit geskik is vir strukturele gebruik. Vat jou bottels na Deswalner se herwinningspunte (31 Ross street, Industrial, Potchefstroom) of gooi dit in een van die Deswalner herwinningstasies wat regoor Potchefstroom gevind kan word. “Eco bricks alleen is nie genoeg
om die plastiekkrisis op te los nie. Die eerste en belangrikste stap bly steeds om sover moontlik eenmalige gebruik-plastiek te vermy en verder te soek na meer volhoubare verpakking om plastiek te vervang. Eco bricks is wel ’n goeie manier om nie-herwinbare plastiek vas te vang,” het Leandri Wessels Vorster van die NWU Green Team gesê. Om ’n herbruikbare waterbottel en eetgery te gebruik eerder as om gebottelde water te koop of plastiek eetgery te vat, is maar net een manier waarop ’n mens maklik hulle plastiekgebruik kan verminder. Ekobakstene is ’n baie praktiese manier waarop studente kan deel raak van
die oplossing. Tydens die groen praatjie was die lokaal in E8-G40 propvol studente, en sommiges moes selfs op die trappe sit om die sessie by te woon. Hierdie entoesiasme was opmerkbaar in die interaksie van studente met die bespreking van klimaatverwante kwessies. Dr. Roelof Burger van die NWU se Fakulteit van Natuurlike en Landbouwetenskappe was die eerste spreker van die aand en het bewusmaking gekweek van die probleme wat ons tans in die gesig staar. Die grootstes sluit armoede en waterskaarste in. “Ons regering word gedruk om dienste te lewer teen ’n koers wat heeltemal onbereikbaar is,” sê hy. Hy definieer die huidige generasie as mense wat die aspirasie het om ’n verandering in die wêreld te maak. Omgewingswetenskaplike Anneke Lincoln Schoeman het Burger opgevolg en sy inligting ondersteun deur oplossings te bied vir hoe elke individu sy of haar bydrae kan lewer om klimaatsverandering te verminder. “134 miljoen mense sal geforseer word om hul huise te verlaat as gevolg van klimaatsverandering,” sê Schoeman. Sy verduidelik dat oplossings insluit om byvoorbeeld een uit sewe keer ’n week eerder omgewingsvriendelike vervoermiddels te gebruik soos om te stap of fiets te ry. Sy het ook genoem dat plantryke diëte die vermorsing van voedsel drasties sal verminder en etes moet eerder beplan word om vleisinname te beperk tot elke derde maaltyd. “Die sleutel tot die kwessies wat die omgewing in die gesig staar, begin by opvoeding,” het Schoeman afgesluit. Die KSR en die NWU Green Team poog om hierdie nie net ’n week van groen-wees te maak nie, maar eerder om die omgewingsdoelwitte deurlopend na te streef.
The influence of mental health on academic performance Compiled by the news team @nwuwapad
With the academic year in full swing, students are becoming overwhelmed with the pressure to perform, resulting in mental health setbacks. In recent surveys, one in three first year students are diagnosed with mental illnesses. The most common types of mental health illnesses are anxiety and depression which affects students’ concentration in class. Research has shown that most universities are ill-equipped with the resources to assist students in their mental health needs. However, in recent years there has been an increase in facilities to cater for students experiencing these symptoms. “Mental health is essential for academic performance and could be described as the ability to function optimally as a holistic human being,” said Monique de Klerk, a counselling psychologist
An illustration of the effects of mental health issues
at the Institute of Psychology and Wellbeing (IPW) at the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus. She further said, “When we have meaning in our lives, neurologically, we feel more optimistic and motivated to perform in all areas of our lives and the same
goes for when we feel the opposite. Mental disorders influence how we think, feel and act.” According to De Klerk, several studies have shown that due to various reasons there are a lot of students continuing everyday life undiagnosed. Two common reasons
being that they are unaware that they have symptoms of a mental disorder or that they foster a negative view on psychology and psychological diagnoses. The IPW offers a variety of services including: individual-, couples-, family-, and group psychotherapy, performance and wellness services, and psychometric assessments which includes occupational assessments. Thuso, a psychological service centre at the NWU Potchefstroom campus, offers individual- and group psychotherapy and counselling and is known for its popular walk-in services. De Klerk said, “Effective treatment with an experienced psychologist empowers an individual who struggles with a mental disorder.” She is hopeful that students will utilise the services provided by the university to improve their state of mind.
Bladsy 4
27 Februarie 2020
Future uncertain for students’ debt Helaine Duvenhage @helaineduvenhage
Students with historical debt not registered with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) will not be allowed to register for the 2020 academic year. This was stated by Higher Education, Science and Technology Minister, Blade Nzimande, in a response to a memorandum of demands from the South African Union of Students (SAUS) on behalf of all 26 universities. The amount of historical debt owed to universities is estimated to be around nine billion rand, with roughly 5 000 NSFAS students owing money to tertiary education institutions. NSFAS and the students registered with them have already experienced
A scene from Wits where students are effected by NSFAS historical debt
multiple issues leading up to the start of the year. NSFAS reportedly submitted documents for a meeting with the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), effectively delaying discussions on bursary
funding. To make matters worse, at the beginning of this year many NSFAS students reported that they were not receiving their funding on time, while some rumours stated that an alarming number of
Eskom to lose its monopoly
bursaries would not be paying out at all. Unlike the NSFAS students, students who are not registered with the financial aid scheme will receive no extension period for paying their
Entrepreneurs can win big
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that independent power will be able to supply electricity to the grid in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Thursday 13 February. Eskom currently has the monopoly in South Africa when it comes to supplying electricity and due to its debt of over R4 billion, they have been unable to service their plants and load shedding has resulted from this. Ramaphosa said, “It has severely set back our efforts to rebuild the economy and create jobs.” Ramaphosa went on to say that the hope is that these independent power producers (IPP) will help to take pressure off the grid and help to supply power to municipalities. Professor Danie Meyer, Associate Professor of Economics and Management at the North-West University (NWU), says that this is one of the few of his plans that
The second annual national Entrepreneurship Intervarsity is open for students to enter for a chance to win R100 000 and the prestigious national Studentpreneur of the year 2020 title. This programme is hosted by the Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) and all registered undergraduate and postgraduate students are welcome to enter. There are four main categories for the competition: Business ideas, Existing business: Tech, Existing business: Social impact, and Existing business: General. The competition aims to identify the top brains for student business in all 26 public universities in South Africa in order to showcase their businesses and attract investors. According to a media release sent out by Universities South Africa (USAf) the programme wants to
President Cyril Ramaphosa at SONA
can be implemented. “This doesn’t necessarily mean that Eskom’s monopoly is over, but that it will hopefully change in the medium run which will mean more competitive prices as well as to avoid further power supply crises,” said Meyer. This announcement has been welcomed by opposition parties and the Democratic Alliance (DA). Ghaleb Cachalia, the DA’s Shadow Minister of Public Enterprises, welcomed the statement by the president but called on the government and the president to put clear timelines in place. The City of Cape Town’s Executive
Director for Energy, Kadri Nassiep, says the city has been talking to the national treasury in order to set up its own independent power producer. However, this is not a new proposal as the City of Cape Town have been trying to get permission to implement their own IPP since 2015. Even though this new plan was set out by Ramaphosa, he also said that load shedding in the near future is unavoidable but said that it has to be done in a manner which least disrupts the citizens of South Africa.
debt and will thus not be allowed to register for the 2020 academic year. With the combination of late NSFAS bursaries, and the failure of government to make provisions for the historical debt of students not registered with NSFAS, things are looking bleak for many South African university students. In the 2020 State of Nation Address (SONA) President Ramaphosa said that the country’s national debt is nearing unmanageable amounts. This included the student debt of nine billion rand, of which the government pledged to pay one billion to pay off NSFAS debt. He again emphasised the importance of education in South Africa, stating that it is “the only way to create a nation that is moving forward and ensuring employment”. He assured citizens that the government intends to continue prioritising aiding students in their studies. The upcoming National Budget Speech is said to shed more light on this situation.
cultivate new business owners out of enterprising students so that they graduate into a job and contribute to the economic growth if the country. Even though the prize money is a pretty impressive reward, students will also be exposed to new business networks and be able to improve the business skills that they already have. Students have the chance to enter their business or business idea until Monday 2 March at www. edhe.co.za and read through the Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2020 guidelines. The four winners of the 2019 competition, Musa Maluleka (University of the Witwatersrand), Penang Shirindza (Rhodes University), Mvelo Hlophe (University of Cape Town), and Denislav Marinov (University of Cape Town) urge fellow university students to take part in this competition which they all agreed was “a life-changing experience”. The competition is made possible through funds that are being made available by the University Capacity Development Programme of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and also receives support from USAf and its partners.
Finance minister wants public debate ahead of Budget Speech
Helaine Duvenhage @helaineduvenhage
The Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, recently tweeted that the National Budget Speech should only happen after a debate has been held to hear the public’s input. This is just days before he is set to reveal the government’s financial plans for the country at the National
Budget speech. He also made passionate tweets expressing his intention towards tax churches. Following these controversial statements, the Minister took to Twitter to express his frustration. “It boggles the mind that there are people who think that a minister should not have an independent mind! You need diversity of ideas and thoughts to arrive at good conclusions. You can’t cattle herd all of us to the dipping tank! Debate!!” Through Twitter, Mboweni has made it abundantly clear that the views of the public regarding
national matters are of great concern to him, doubling down on his idea of a public debate four times, and asking followers to comment suggestions on what should be mentioned in his speech. Mboweni is popular for his tweets. In January he caught the public’s interest when he condemned the ANC’s plans to nationalise the Reserve Bank. This was met with controversy, and awarded him very strong public statements from the ANC. The National Budget Speech is set for late February.
One of Mboweni’s tweets about the Budget Speech
27 Februarie 2020
Bladsy 5
Pride support group Campus opinions: How do you measure success?
News and Video team @nwuwapad
Does success have a measuring staff? What does success mean to you and how do we know that we have reached it? We asked this question to a few students on campus and this is what they had to say:
The Campus Pride stall exhibiting at this year’s Campus Societies week
Charma du Plessis @charmaduplessis
he North-West University (NWU) LGBT+ society is kicking off the year with a support group on 27 February, which they plan to host every second week with hope to create a supportive community. Jesse Thorpe, Head of Humanities of Potch Campus Pride, explained that they’ve been trying to create the support group since last year. “We have only been
able to create it this year, though, because we didn’t have all the necessary manpower last year,” she said. Thorpe said that they wanted to start a bi-weekly, informal event where LGBT+ students cansocialise, share experiences, ask questions, learn, be a part of a community, and get support. Straight allies are also welcome if they want to learn more about the community and their experiences. Even those who aren’t allies, but want to learn or are questioning their gender identity or sexuality, can join. The idea for this group was pitched last year by the Communication Officer, Brad Kruger.
Thorpe added, “The area [where the group meets] is a space of trust, and what happens during support group stays in support group.” They aspire to let it become an accepting community for LGBT+ students. The LGBT+ community does not want to create an impression that these support group meetings are a therapy group or a meeting, because it means a lot to many students. “It’s not therapy,” she says. LGBT+ students are very excited about this support group. One student said, “I’m excited to have a space where I can ask questions and get support. Being LGBT+ can be very difficult, and it’s amazing to have a community that can support you.”
Housing delays after storms
“Ek voel omdat almal hulle eie persepsie het, sien ons almal sukses in ons eie manier. Ek sou sukses meet deur die doelwitte wat jy vir jouself stel te behaal. Ek het geen spesifieke definisie nie, maar dit is hoe ek dit sou meet.” Marco Coetsee, derdejaar BCom Bedryf- en Organisasiesielkunde met Arbeidsverhouding
“Hoe jy oor jouself voel en oor die dinge wat jy doen. Jy bepaal self wat vir jou suksesvol is of nie, want net jy weet wat vir jou werk en nie werk nie. Wat vir jou sukses is, is vir iemand anders moontlik ’n mors van tyd.”
Morgan Mostert, derdejaar BCom Aktuariële Wetenskap
“I believe success is making sure that you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself according to your expectations. In order for me to reach success I have to keep a clean record and have good academic marks. Success is knowing what you want and workingtowards achieving it.”
Dione Struckel @Cercandolaverita
Due to the recent weather conditions, student housing development plans have been disrupted causing some students to resort to guest houses as a form of shelter. The development of a complex at Goud street 16 was supposed to be ready for students to move in early January. The students have been living in multiple guest houses, paid and organized by the developers until they can move into their new apartments. According to one of the individuals involved with the development, the setback was caused by heavy rains that delayed the construction process. Load shedding also played a role as it resulted in manufacturing factories taking longer than expected to produce the needed materials. “Because of a lot of rain and delays from contractors involved with the project, the due date was extended, and everyone was happy and placed in guest houses until the place is
Khunjuiwa Dika, first year BA in Psychology
Construction at 16 Goud Street has been delayed
ready,” said a lawyer from Van Staden; Booysen Attorneys, the legal overseer of the project and its beneficiaries. He also said that they expected the development to be completed by the end of February or early March. One of the students, Xandri Lubbe, who hired an apartment, had to move to a different guest house three times due to complications. She went to the complex to find that the sanitation facilities and kitchens was yet to be installed. Another student, Jordan Swemmer,
currently lives in Annelie Guest House that was also organized and paid for by the developers. He was told that he could expect to move into his apartment within a week and a half. One of the stakeholders and partners who preferred to stay anonymous, said that the complex at Goud street 16 is not the only development in Potchefstroom that suffered a setback because of the heavy rainfall. “It is not such a major abnormality, there is barely any delay,” he said.
“I measure success by the amount of growth you have. So within a certain amount of time you measure the amount of growth in what you’ve achieved.” Dimitri Kieth Mogolotzane, BSc in Biochemistry and Microbiology PHOTOS: FRANCÉ ROUX & LISA VAN ROOYEN
Bladsy 6
Kuns en Vermaak
27 Februarie 2020
Things to do in Potchefstroom Do you find yourself bored, with nothing to do in the evening or over weekends? We have some suggestions for you.
Taco and Tequila Tuesday La Mexicana x2 Taco’s and x1 Tequila shooter Every Tuesday R65
Henriëtte Venter & Ciska de Waal @hen3hetventer; @ciska_dewaal
Hartspad’s Fun Run Hartspad Adventure Trials 7 March 07:00 - 13:00 Tickets: R80 www.hartspad.co.za
Jan Blohm Mystic Boer Potchefstroom 6 March 20:00 Info: Mystic Boer
Snowflake Market Snowflake Potchefstroom 6 March 17:00 - 7 March 13:30 Expect food and craft stalls as well as live music.
Lekwena Full Moon Charity Walk Lekwena Wildlife Estate 6 March 17:00 - 21:00 R120 www.tixsa.co.za
Kandelaar Acoustics Road Race and Fun Run 4 April 08:00-10:00 NG Gemeente Potchefstroom R30-R70
Harteliefies Oggendtee Biekierus (Across Roots) Guest speaker: Vicki Fourie, former Miss Deaf South Africa 7 March 10:00
Crochet Workshop Waffle & Co Potchefstroom 14 March 10:00 - 12:00 R250
Dot Art Workshop Habitat Arts, Crafts and Gifts 29 February 08:30 - 12:00 R260
27 Februarie 2020
Kuns en Vermaak
Bladsy 7
’n Opdrag omskep in ’n radiodrama Natalie Thysse @natalie_thysse
it was maar ’n klasopdrag vir haar Skryfkunsmodule en allesbehalwe ’n maklike een. Deur al haar frustrasie het die eindproduk ’n inskrywing vir die RSG Sanlam radiodramakompetisie verdien. Drie maande na haar inskrywing het Karla Kloete, vierdejaar honneursstudent in Sielkunde, ’n e-pos ontvang om te sê dat sy een van die 18 finaliste (uit 122 inskrywings) is. Daar is egter meer tot hierdie storie:
“Ek het hierdie een spesifieke week verskriklik baie oproepe ontvang en elke keer as ek antwoord, dan is dit ’n politiese party wat donasies soek. So mettertyd het ek net glad nie meer my selfoon geantwoord nie,” vertel sy laggend. “Ek het uiteindelik ’n e-pos ontvang van Kobus Burger, die hoof van die RSG radiodramakompetisie, wat sê dat hulle my al die hele week probeer kontak, maar dat hulle pogings onsuksesvol was.” Die 18 finaliste se radiodramas was van só gehalte dat daar besluit is dat al 18 radiodramas uitgesaai gaan word. Volgens Karla het haar Skryfkunsdosent, Professor Franci Greyling, die derdejaar Skryfkunsstudente van 2019 aangeraai om te skryf oor die onderwerpe wat hulle kwaad maak of iets waaroor hulle passievol is.
Dus speel Karla se radiodrama in die jaar 2060 af. Hoekom? Dit frustreer Karla geweldig wanneer sy sien of lees oor aardverwarming en daar so min gedoen word omtrent die probleem. Die hoofkarakter, Mika, bly in hierdie amper distopiese wêreld, maar daar is bewyse oor hoe die groter klimaat verander en dit die lewens van individue affekteer. Die gebeure in Karla se radiodrama is gebaseer op ’n tegniek wat ’n baie bekende distopiese skrywer, Margaret Atwood, gebruik. Karla laat beslis nie gras onder haar voete groei nie. Sy het onlangs haar kinderboek vir Lapa-uitgewers gestuur en is tans besig om dit so ’n bietjie te skaaf en te skuur. Verder kan haar skryfwerk ook gesien word op die bekende platform Die Student waar sy rubrieke skryf.
Karla Cloete se radiodrama gaan eersdaags op RSG wees
Fiëstas vereer puik produksies
Queenie-hulle het vanjaar met talle pryse weggestap
Corine Raath @corineraath
The artwork titled ANGRY FEMINIST by Merak artist Marlize Hoepfner
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
The Meraki artist for this week is Marlize Hoepfner, a second year BCom Economics and Risk Management student. This extremely talented and creative individual is a very passionate artist who works with a multitude of mediums such as ink, acrylic paint, pencil, watercolours
and also plays around with photography. The piece is called ANGRY FEMINIST which Hoepfner says will be the first of a series of drawings called Mysterious Creatures that will focus on people in society who put their whole lives into a certain identity to such an extent that it influences them and their lives negatively. She explains that people change all the time and that ANGRY FEMINIST is a portrayal of what it looks like when a person’s whole life only revolves around one issue, such as feminism. We are complex creatures that evolve as we age and experience new things,
and attaching yourself to only one movement, notion, hobby or idea has a negative impact on yourself as a complex, evolving creature. This does not mean that she is against feminism, in fact, she calls it a good thing. It is definitely not a rant against feminism or a movement of any kind, it is simply a series that portrays the dangers of building one’s life on just one notion. Hoepfner describes her art and art in general as a safe space when she start to feel lost in our world and the series should be seen as such. She draws to find herself, and her art, in every form, is a means to a very powerful end.
Die Fiëstas het vanjaar op Sondag 9 Februarie by die Kunstekaapteater in Kaapstad plaasgevind. Dit was die tiende jaar wat hulle ere bring aan die skep van kreatiewe en vars kunswerke in die Afrikaanse feesbedryf. Casper de Vries het vanjaar die aand se verrigtinge as seremoniemeester gelei en is deur Dean John Smith, June van Merch sowel as Success Lekaba bygestaan in sy taak. Daar was verskeie gaskunstenaars om die gehoor te vermaak, waaronder die bekende Nataniël wat byna sinoniem met sulke geleenthede is. Twee stukke wat sterk kompetisie gebied het, was Koningin Lear waarvoor Antoinette Kellerman die titel Beste Aktrise verwerf het asook Queenie-hulle waar Brendon Daniels met Beste Akteur weggestap het. Queenie-hulle het egter ook Beste Aanbieding weggeraap sowel as Beste Nuutgeskepte Afrikaanse Teks wat aan Christo Davids vir die stuk toegeken is.
Koningin Lear was egter nie agtergeblewe nie en het ook Beste Manlike Byspeler gekry vir Edwin van der Walt se toneelspel sowel as Beste Vertaling of Verwerking van ’n Bestaande Werk. Daar was egter ook ander produksies wat hulle staal gewys het met Samson wat Beste Musiekgedrewe Produksie – Teater ontvang het en waarvan die regisseur, Brett Bailey, die groot eer van Beste Regie nou agter sy naam het. Natuurlik is dit ook belangrik om ’n ogie op die toekoms te hou en daarom is Cantona James wat Beste Opkomende Kunstenaar vir beide In Slawenhuis en Jakkels & Wolf Onbeperk verwerf het, beslis iemand om dop te hou. Dis egter nie net in hul stukke wat hierdie sterre skitter nie. Die rooi tapyt het omtrent geblink met al hulle wonderlike uitrustings met geel wat ’n prominente kleur die aand was, heel gepas vir die opgewekte geleentheid. Baie van die bekendes wat die aand bygewoon het, het hulself ook so opgetof waarvan onder andere 2019 Boer soek ’n Vrou-aanbieder, Leah. Vanjaar se Fiëstas het beslis hulle eerste dekade met ’n hoogtepunt afgesluit. Vir ’n volledige lys van al die toekennings kan kykNET se webwerf besoek word.
Bladsy 8
Kuns en Vermaak
13 Februarie 2020
Nie alles soos dit lyk: CANVAS 2020
Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer
dgar Degas het gesê dat kuns nie noodwendig lê in wat jy sien nie, maar eerder in wat jy ander laat sien. Hierdie jaar se CANVAS 2020 tema lê beslis verborge in hierdie stelling. Dit het nie net hierdie jaar gegaan oor wat jy ander ooglopend laat sien nie, maar eerder oor die onsigbare wat duidelik gemaak word, selfs vir diegene wat nie kunstig van aard is nie. Op 13 Februarie 2020 het koshuise in sleepverband die amfiteater behoorlik oorgeneem. CANVAS dien as ’n twaalf uur lange aksie en koshuise het van 18:00 die Donderdagaand tot 6:00 Vrydagoggend aan hulle prente geverf. Hierdie jaar is CANVAS baie anders aangepak om die
Kunstenaars by CANVAS 2020 was nie bang om hul hande vuil te maak vir hul koshuise nie
ondersteuning te verhoog. Gedurende die aand het Glimpse opgetree asook van die Disfunctional Beat en Gospella. KSR: Sekretares Generaal het vir die eerste keer Puk soek ‘n stuk in die amfiteater aangebied.
VMN-film sal jou hartsnare roer
Ondersteuners kon ook uitsien na “Guess the Artist” sowel as “Speed Sketch”, waar Kunste Huiskomiteelede (HK) die geleentheid gekry het om een Primarii van ’n sleep te “skets”. Die eindprodukte is die volgende
oggend deur eksterne beoordelaars beoordeel en daar is veral na benutting van area, uitbeelding van tema, oorspronklikheid en kleurgebruik gekyk. Marmarie Schreuder, een van die CANVAS kunstenaars meen dat
CANVAS die perfekte geleentheid is vir kunstenaars om hulle sê te sê. Dit skep ‘n verhouding tussen die kyker sonder dat die twee mekaar ken. “Jy verf jou hart vir twaalf ure sodat mense vir ‘n jaar lank die geleentheid kan kry om met hulle eie perspektief iets in jou kunswerk te kan deel. Dis werklik ‘n voorreg om deel te wees van iets groters.” Michelle van Staden, ondervoorsitter van KSR: Kunsteraad se Uitvoerende Komitee (UK), verduidelik dat die tema van CANVAS “Not all is as it seems”, wat die koshuise uitgedaag het om buite die boks te dink met hul kunswerke. Sy voeg by dat die resultate die Kunsteraad beïndruk het. Dis regtig baie lekker (en dit maak haar trots) om na die Amfiteater te kyk en te weet dat daar soveel harde werk in die kunswerke ingesit is daarbo. “Dis ’n absolute eer om deel te wees van studentelewe en om te weet dat visuele kunstenaars die kans gegun word om hul talente te wys.” *Marmarie Schreuder - Tweedejaar, B.Ed Senior en VOO, Eikenhof dameskoshuis
Nachos minus die skottelgoed
Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer
Die hoofkarakters van die film Vergeet My Nie
Corine Raath @corineraath
Die nuwe film Vergeet My Nie het, heel gepas, op Valentynsdag vanjaar sy eerste verskyning op die filmdoek gemaak. Meer as R1.2 miljoen se kaartjieverkope later, en hierdie film met die perfekte balans tussen hartseer en lagtrane laat steeds SuidAfrikaners gons. Noordwes-Universiteitstudente sal dadelik die bekende tonele van kampus herken, met tradisies soos koshuispette steel en die daaglikse sagas van gebroke harte, koshuiskletssessies en natuurlik, wasgoed was. Die verhaal sentreer rondom Mardaleen vertolk deur Marguerite van Eeden wat moes kies tussen haar hart vir stories en haar hart vir Hugo, wat deur Sean-Marco Vorster gespeel word. Mardaleen en Hugo beland toevallig in dieselfde kommune in Londen. Dalk is Londen die nuwe stad van liefde? Dis in elk geval hoe dit vir Mardaleen en
Hugo begin lyk. Maar kilometers ver van Suid-Afrika begin ʼn mens al jou probleme vergeet, so wat gaan gebeur wanneer Mardaleen in Kaapstad moet begin werk? Die videografie beeld die Londentonele perfek uit en laat elke student daarna smag om hul studies te staak en op die eerste vliegtuig na Engeland te spring. In hierdie film gaan jy ’n stukkie van jouself in die karakters vind. Vergeet My Nie sal jou laat lag, laat huil en laat dink. Soms gaan dit dalk bietjie te na aan die been sny veral vir die vrouestudente daarbuite wat soos Mardaleen voel dat die samelewing iets van hulle verwag wat hulle nie is nie. Die fliek vra ook vrae waarmee die meeste studente worstel soos of hulle hulle droom moet nastreef, of hulle dieselfde foute as hulle ouers gaan maak en dit handel selfs oor die onvermydelike dood. Mardaleen is slim, maar gaan sy slim genoeg wees om die regte besluit te neem? Sal sy die liggies van die stad vir die ekstreme van Namibië saam met Hugo kan verruil in die naam van liefde? Gaan bespreek nou jou kaartjie in teaters sodat jy nie dié onvergeetlike film misloop nie. Ons telling:
Nachos (n.) – A small crisp piece of a tortilla, typically topped with melted cheese and spices. So word hierdie heerlike eethappie beskryf. Gelukkig kan dit ook self gemaak word en boonop sonder om die kombuis propvol skottelgoed te los! Bestanddele: - 500g maalvleis - 1 gesnyde tamatie - 1 gekapte ui - 1 pakkie Knorr Chilli Con Carne - 125 ml water - 1 pakkie Doritos - 15 ml olie - Sout en peper na smaak LET WEL:
Nachos kan bedien word met verskillende toppings
Wapad weet dat jy van die volgende bestanddele net nooit genoeg kan kry nie, so vir dit is daar geen beperkings nie. Quacamole Suurroom Kaas Metode: Braai die uie en olie tot goudbruin. Voeg die maalvleis by die uie en braai tot gaar. Voeg die tamaties,
Chilli Con Carne en die water by. Verminder die hitte en laat dit prut vir 20 minute. Voeg sout en peper na smaak by. Krummel die Doritos-skyfies in die pakkie. Sny die Doritospakkie horisontaal oop. Skep ’n porsie maalvleis in die pakkie en voeg genoeg kaas, quacamole en suurroom by. Smaaklike ete!
‘Janu-worry’ en ‘verder-worry’
Lezahne Nel @lezahne_nel
Sukkel jy met te veel maand aan die einde van jou geld? Danksy Memphis Panic hoef jy nie meer te panic nie. Dié talentvolle Rock Hart 2019 wenners, Memphis Panic, is ’n rock-groep met hul oorsprong in Potchefstroom. Met drie van hul vier lede wat oud-NWU-studente is, het hulle goeie raad en hul persoonlike ervarings gedeel oor
hoe om ’n vinnige geldjie in die sak te kry wanneer jy platsak is. Die dromspeler, Vickus Kuhn, het vertel dat hy tydens sy studentedae sy ou klere wat hy nie langer gebruik het nie, verkoop het by ’n taxi-staanplek. Vickus het die klere uit sy kattebak verkoop wat hy later sy “boot-tique” genoem het. Eugene Le Roux, die bas-speler, het hoofsaaklik foto’s geneem vir ’n ekstra inkomste. Hy het later sy eie fotografiebesigheid gestig, naamlik August photography. Die kitaarspeler, Stefan Mynhardt, het meestal geld gemaak deur videospeletjies te koop en te verkoop nadat hy reeds vermaak daaruit geput het. Die groep het gesamentlik wenke gedeel, sodat jy nie meer
slegs Tassenberg en Potch-water aan die einde van die maand hoef te drink nie. Rudi Strydom, die hoofsanger van die groep, het klem daarop gelê dat ’n mens voortdurend op die uitkyk moet wees vir spesiale aanbiedinge vir studente. Insluitend, om te weet wanneer dit twee drankies vir die prys van een is, watter kuierplekke gratis toegang het en watter eetplekke werklik ’n student se eetgewoontes en begroting verstaan. Volgens die groep is dit ook natuurlik belangrik om sake van die hart in te sluit by jou begroting deur optredes van rock-groepe noukeurig dop te hou. Wees veral op die uitkyk vir hul optrede 6 Maart by Dia Babedo’s om ook armoede van die hart te vermy.
27 Februarie 2020
Kuns en Vermaak
She is ‘Die Uwe Ek’
Bladsy 9
New era of podcasting
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
reative. Innovative. Different. These three words describe both Uvonique van der Walt and her business, Die Uwe Ek. Uvonique is a third-year BA Communication student who is, in her words, “crazy about fashion, interior design and making things beautiful”. Her love for the aesthetic has finally led to the creation of Die Uwe Ek, her clothing business. The trip to becoming a successful businesswoman started when she decided to embroider her unique designs onto t-shirts to sell them. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, her embroidery machine couldn’t keep up with her and broke down, so she had to think of another way to live out her creativity. That is in short how Die Uwe Ek originated as a business that sells unique, hand-crafted clothing for women. Uvonique says the brand name is linked to exclusivity as there are only a few items of each design made to ensure that the pieces remain unique and do not become an everyday item that
Henriëtte Venter & Ciska de Waal @hen3hetventer; @ciska_dewaal
Uvonique van der Walt – owner of Die Uwe Ek
everyone has. At the moment, the business functions only on social media and Uvonique says that she can’t wait for her business to expand but knows that it will take a lot of time and hard work. Her winter collection is due to come out in June of this year, so get ahead of the rest and buy her unique pieces by
following Die Uwe Ek @dieuweek on Instagram. Her advice to anyone who wants to start a business is to just go for it and figure it out as you go. She says that it is very important to listen to people when they talk about your business and to not hold yourself back because you think you don’t know enough.
Skrywers deel wenke by Skrywersdag
Forget binge-watching and start binge-listening. Podcasting, once a rare method of spreading audio information, has become a well-recognized medium for distributing audio content, whether for corporate or personal use. Podcasts are similar to radio programs in form, but they exist as audio files that can be played at a listener’s convenience, anytime or anywhere. The word podcast is a combination of the words iPod and broadcastings, which evidently explains exactly what the term entails. Podcasts can explore any area of interest in great depth, even the most obscure topics that would have never have made it onto the conventional or commercial airwaves can command a rapt international audience The top ten podcasts by iTunes rankings: 1. Serial A show that re-investigates the murder of a high-school girl in Baltimore in 1999 and the conviction of her ex-boyfriend for the crime. The weekly podcast already has five million downloads on iTunes. 2. This American Life A public radio show hosted by Ira Glass. It looks at the various aspects of American life with a theme to every episode, like Niagara Falls, classifieds and the Ten Commandments. 3. Radiolab Calling itself “a show about curiosity”, Radiolab, produced by a public radio station in New York, explores complex issues in philosophy and science with a unique sound. 4. Hardcore History Dan Carlin’s show has attracted a lot of praise for presenting history the way it has not been on radio, putting touchy topics under the spotlight like few people do.
’n Boekuitstalling deur NB-uitgewers tydens die Skrywersdag aangebied te NWU Potchefstroom
Corine Raath @corineraath
Op Vrydag 21 Februarie het ’n aantal skrywers en ander taalkundiges in samewerking met NB Uitgewers praatjies by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) aangebied. Hierdie geleentheid was die perfekte komplement vir Nasionale Moedertaaldag wat ook op die 21ste gevier is. Professor Gerhard van Huyssteen het die NWU verteenwoordig met ’n insiggewende praatjie oor vloekwoorde getiteld Wat de
Vloekwoord? Daar was nie net besin oor die ontstaan, verskillende kategorieë en intensies agter vloekwoorde nie, maar ook oor sekere kondisies soos demensie of Tourette-sindroom wat tot die oormatige en ook onbeheerde gebruik van vloekwoorde kan lei. In terme van skrywers was daar onder meer Cecilia Steyn. Sy is die suster van bekende skrywer Fanie Viljoen, maar het haar eie skryfvoete eers onlangs gevind. In die afgelope paar jaar was sy intussen besig om haarself stewig in die Afrikaanse jeugliteratuur te vestig veral aangesien sy altyd probeer om aan elke karakter wat sy skep ’n interessante eienskap te gee. Sy meen dat die toekoms vir jeugboeke blink is, juis as gevolg van Gen Z se nuuskierigheid. Sy het ook allerhande wenke gedeel oor
hoe om stories te skryf wat spesifiek op tieners gemik is, onder andere oor die gebruik van slang in stories. Annerle Barnard, skrywer van Sweepslag (2019) en Sindikaat (2019), het op haar beurt die gehoor meegedeel hoe om met die media as navorsingsbron te werk te gaan om sodoende geloofwaardige, dog interessante, stories op te lewer. Later het Sidney Gilroy kom gesels oor die spanningsroman as genre terwyl Nelia Engelbrecht, uit wie se pen stories soos Pandora se boks (2009) kom, vertel het van die area van wetenskapfiksie wat ’n kuns op sy eie is. Daar was tydens die verrigtinge ook ’n paar pryse op die spel gewees soos ’n AWS wat enige skrywer se regterhand vir taalversorging behoort te wees, sowel as boeke deur van die bogenoemde skrywers.
5. Stuff You Should Know For those who swear by knowing things only a few do, some of this podcast’s topics include What is Collective Hysteria? and How Pinball Works. 6. Ted Radio Hour Based on the famous TED Talks, this one-hour podcast picks a new theme for every episode. 7. The Adventure Zone A comedy podcast featuring three brothers who play Dungeons & Dragons with their father. Our personal favourites include: 1. The Fat Wallet Show The Fat Wallet Show is a show about financial questions. It discusses topics that helps us understand as much as we can about finance to make us better investors. 2. Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries and health and wellness experts. 3. The Daily Show with Trevor Noah The Ears Edition of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah which includes highlights and extended interviews from the comedy show.
REDAKSIONEEL Lenings en gegewens Ons is almal hier op geleende tyd (en geleende geld). Die begrip “om iets te leen” is vir my fassinerend omdat dit ’n tydelike reëling impliseer. En as iets weggegee word met die verwagting dat dit teruggegee gaan word, is vertroue ook ’n bepalende faktor. Dié uitgawe is vol voorbeelde van kosbare dinge wat aan ons toevertrou word. Die gesegde lui dat ons die aarde nie by ons oumas en oupas erf nie, maar dit leen by ons kleinkinders. Klimaatsverandering is nou ’n hot topic en na my mening verdien dit al die aandag wat daarop gevestig word. Lees op bladsy drie oor die omgewingsweek waartydens maniere om meer omgewingsvriendelik te leef, ondersoek is. As ons die aarde by ons kleinkinders leen, geld dieselfde beginsel dan vir ons onderskeie
moedertale. Maak nie saak waar jy grootgeword het nie, om jou taal te praat tussen mense wat jou verwysingsraamwerk deel, is darem die lekkerste gevoel onder die son. Moet nie vergeet om jou taal en jou storie ook aan ander te leen sodat hulle daarin kan deel nie. Ek kan jou amper waarborg dat hulle ook hulle storie en taal aan jou sal leen en dit is ’n ruiltransaksie waarvan die rente aan die ontvanger uitbetaal. Vind op bladsy nege ’n verslag van skrywers wat met soveel oorgawe hulle taal (met vloekwoorde en al!) aan ons leen. Die Kampusstudenteraad se bydra tot die gemeenskap is die kersie op die koek en nie ’n lening nie. Daar word geen geld terug verwag nie, omdat ’n mens nie ’n prys aan die waarde wat dit toevoeg, kan koppel nie. Groete Alet Janse van Rensburg
Regstelling: Die artikel “Groot dors in Matieland” wat in die uitgawe van 13 Februarie verskyn het, het ongelukkig die verkeerde foto daarby. Die foto van studente wat byeenkom, is nie verbandhoudend met die nuwe alkoholbeleid nie. Daarbenewens, kon ‘n insident van geslagsgebaseerde geweld nie bevestig word nie.
HOOFREDAKTRISE: Alet Janse van Rensburg NUUSREDAKTRISE: Umamah Bakharia KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTRISE: Ciska de Waal FOTOREDAKTRISE: Lisa van Rooyen TEKSREDAKTRISE: Corine Raath SPORTREDAKTRISE: Lizaan Snyman UITLEGREDAKTEUR: Christiaan Venter SOSIALE MEDIA: Andrea Botes INTERNE KOÖRDINEERDER: Chelaine de Wet ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 0833033292 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad
Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu. ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn 12 Maart. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste
Mense maak foute Lisa van Rooyen @lisavanrooyen16
Dag in en dag uit maak mense foute. Groot foute, klein foute en baie keer onvoorkombare foute. Ek wil net gou vir ’n oomblik baie reguit en eerlik wees. Jy maak ook foute. Ja jy, wat nou die koerant vashou. Of jy dit nou wil hoor, of nie jy het geen rede om ander mense se foute en keuses te oordeel nie, want jy is nie perfek nie. Ons almal maak foute en dan het ons die vermetelheid om ander mense wat soortgelyke foute maak, te oordeel. Hierdie neus-in-die-lug houding moet end kry. ’n Mens se foute bepaal nie wie jy is nie. Ja, dit plaas jou in ’n slegte lig, maar die onus rus op jou oor hoe jy die situasie gaan hanteer en hoe jy dit gaan regstel. Jou fout gaan nooit net verdwyn nie, maar dit kan in die verlede bly as jy die regte keuses maak. Die punt waarby ek wil uitkom is: jy mag dalk nou in die middel van die grootste fout van jou lewe wees. Dalk verneuk jy op jou geliefde, dalk jok jy vir jou familie en vriende of jy is net besig om iemand baie seer te maak, hetsy dit nou ’n vriendin, vriend, vreemdeling of familielid is. As jy weet jy is verkeerd en jy erken dit, maak die fout wat jy maak of gemaak het nie meer saak nie. Dan hang dit alles af van hoe jy dit regstel. Met ander woorde, dis nie jou fout wat bepaal watter mens jy is nie, maar wel jou comeback. Die belangrikste is dat jy nooit iemand mag oordeel as jy nog nooit in sy of haar posisie was nie, want die kans is baie groot dat jy in die toekoms dieselfde fout gaan maak en die skade wat jy doen gaan baie groter wees as die van die ander mens.
Een ding wat ’n mens moet onthou, ek praat hier met myself ook, is dat mense nie omgee oor die feit dat jy die foute wat jy al gemaak het probeer regmaak nie. Mense gee ook nie om oor die feit dat jy nagte wakker lê, omdat jy aan maniere probeer dink hoe jy kan opmaak vir die mens wat jy was nie. Die realiteit wat die seerste maak is, as mense kan sien dat jy met jou hele hart probeer om beter te wees en hard werk om op te maak vir dit wat jy gedoen het en hulle moedig jou aan en ondersteun jou, maar dan maak
jy weer ʼn fout na al jou harde werk en ewe skielik is jy weer die slegste mens onder die son. Mense moet aanvaar dat ander mense ook net mense is en dat dit nie saak maak hoe hard hulle probeer om perfek te wees nie. Hulle gaan dit nie reg kry nie. Perfekte mense bestaan nie en almal maak foute. ELKE mens maak foute in hul eie lewe, so jy het nie ander se judgement en wanpersepsies van jou foute nodig nie. Glo my jy maak genoeg foute van jou eie. Dis die lewe, leef daarmee saam.
Mental health: the health that is NB
Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
The media talks about mental health as if it’s a trend. And because of that, it’s suddenly exciting to talk about it just so that we can have that attachment to celebrities that experience such. This type of illness is not a joke as a student, it really does affect your academic performance. It’s sad that those experiencing mental health issues, are afraid to talk about it and it reaches a point where you find it necessary to shut yourself off from the world.
This feeling consumes you in a very dark way and I know, as I speak from experience. I was 13 years old when I started experiencing symptoms of mental illnesses but coming from a very conservative family, I was taught to hide emotions that could point me out as weak. When I came to university, I faced some challenges and for the first time I reached out for professional psychological help. All my symptoms then got a name ‘anxiety and depression’ and this shocked me. Coming back to the point where mental illnesses are regarded as “weaknesses”. Why are we told to hide it? I’m not saying we should parade it as if we are seeking attention but rather we should use it as a tool to create awareness and allow others who experience it to feel safer as well.
Something that interests me about mental illnesses is the people around you and their reactions towards it. Almost everyone says it’s not as important as physical health (and that could be debated for hours) but for my mental health is an ongoing process of healing the mind. The mind, a place so sacred and dark at the same time, that can influence our physical being to perform acts. I argue that mental health is just as important as physical health. I think as individuals, we just need to become cautious of our surroundings and loving towards others because we honestly don’t know what everyone is going through. A smile can turn a sad person’s day around. And please get this, there is nothing wrong with you!
27 Februarie 2020
Bladsy 11
Get to know Neo Brian Moganetsi
Natalie Thysse @natalie_thysse
his fourth and final year BEd student originally from Carletonville in the NorthWest province, wants to take chess to school. Neo Brian Moganetsi’s most recent chess match took place in the Eastern-Cape where the North-West University’s (NWU) Chess Club participated in the University Sports South African competition (USSA), which did not go as planned for the team. However, this aspiring Geography teacher, managed to win his very first chess match during the competition last year. “You can only take positives from
Neo Brian Moganetsi is proud to be part of the NWU Chess Club
it since it was my first competition. It was a great experience and I was
very much delighted. I even called my mom,” he said. He also considers
Weer gooi koshuiskrieket omver
Patria-kolwer in aksie tydens senior koshuiskrieket
Natalie Thysse @natalie_thysse
Heimat-, Patria-, Ratau- en Villagers-manskoshuis dring deur na die semi-finale van die senior koshuiskrieket nadat bepalings gemaak moes word weens poelwedstryde wat op Saterdag, 22 Februarie uitgereën het op die Puk Oval. Weens die reën kon die eindstryde ook nie plaasvind op die Saterdag nie. Heimat ontmoet wel vir Patria in die semi-finaal terwyl Ratau en Villagers mekaar ook later in die week pak in die ander semifinaal. Daar word nog besluit of die semi-finaal Donderdag 27 Februarie en die finaal Vrydag 28 Februarie sal plaasvind en of al die wedstryde Saterdag 29 Februarie sal geskied. Die wedstryde op Saterdag 22 Februarie was, het in rondtes geskied. Die eerste rondte het 08:00
afgeskop, gevolg deur die tweede rondte wat om 11:30 afgeskop het. Die wedstryd wat 14:50 moes plaasvind het wel nie gebeur het nie, Volgens Gerhard du Preez moes Patria in poel B vir De Wilgers met ’n bonuspunt wen om hul plek saam met Heimat in die halfeindstryd te verseker. In poel A moes Ratau egter vir Excelsior klop om hulle plek in die halfeindstryd te verseker teen Villagers. “Op hierdie stadium is dit nie van koshuise wat bo die ander uitstyg en gemaklik deurdring nie. Ek is baie dankbaar dat dit ’n liga is waar kompetisie nog steeds goed is en waar die ouens mekaar kan druk tot op die laaste,” sê du Preez. Saterdag 8 Februarie was ook ’n onaangename dag gewees weens die hewige reën wat die wedstryde vertraag het. Du Preez sê hulle het hul bes probeer om te verseker dat die negende se wedstryde plaasvind omdat hulle geweet het tyd is beperk, sowel as hoe belangrik koshuisligas en daardie poelwedstryde sou wees vir die koshuise.
this achievement as the highlight of his chess career. Neo believes that
it’s not only about playing chess but also about the people you meet. From what it appears, he had a great experience and did a lot of networking with fellow tertiary students as well as with the chess coaches from other universities. His love for the game began back in high school when his friends played casually between classes. Neo is also part of the team’s committee in which he represents Social and Media. After the completion of his studies, Neo wants to obtain a chess certificate from chess avatar in order to facilitate chess at the school where he’s going to teach. He advises students to play chess since it will allow you to think strategically. “You also become more calculated upon your approach and in terms of your life. You realise that some things in life are bad moves and some are good,” said Neo.
Reën stuit pretdagnetbal in spore
“Ek moet krediet gee aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se terreinwerkers wat regtig uit hulle pad uitgegaan het om die veld speelbaar, gemaklik en so veilig as moontlik te maak om wedstryde in te kry,” sê Du Preez. Daar was wedstryde wat puntestandbepalings kon beïnvloed en wat op die ou einde het, dus is Du Preez tevrede met die resultate en goeie kompetisie wat getoon is. ’n Internasionale sportreël is gebruik om die poele op te stel. Die wenner van die vorige jaar word in poel A geplaas en die naaswenner in poel B. Die naaswenner word saam met nommer drie geplaas en die wenner word saam met nommer vier geplaas. So word dit dan opgedeel met vyf in poel A en ses in poel B. Die wedstryde word ingelees op ’n fixture creator wat dan bepaal watter en wanneer koshuise teen mekaar te staan sal kom. Aanvanklik word koshuise nie net teen mekaar geplaas per capita nie. Die vorige jaar se kwaliteit van spel, speel ook ’n rol.
Heide inwoners tydens pretliganetbal
Henrique Lubbe @henriquelubbe
Vanjaar is die pretliganetbal vervang met net ’n enkele netbalpretdag. Die pretdag het op die Hoërskool Potchefstroom Gimnasium se netbalbane plaasgevind op Saterdag 22 Februarie. Die pretdag is ingestel nadat die jaarlikse netbalpretliga uit die jaarprogram geneem is en die NWU netbal gesê het dat daar dan ’n dag uitgesit moet word vir koshuise om steeds teen mekaar te speel om op te maak vir die verwydering van ’n hele weeklange netballiga. Dié pretdag was ’n perfekte geleentheid om twee vlieë met een klap af te handel deurdat
die dag ook gebruik is om die skeidsregters se gradering te doen. Enige iemand wat hulle skeidsregterstoets deurgekom het en gegradeer is vir vlak een, twee of op, kon die dag gradeer word terwyl die koshuise teen mekaar uitspeel. Die koshuise is in vier groepe verdeel en het elk drie uitspeelwedstryde in hulle poel gespeel. Daarna sou kwarteinden semi-finaalrondtes gespeel word wat tot die finaal sou lei. Ongelukkig het dit begin reën en kon die verrigtinge nie voltooi word tot en met die kwarteindrondte nie en die netbal was vervolgens afgestel. Leandri Burger van Sport en Rekreasie met die portefeulje netbal, sê sy wag nog vir terugvoer vanaf die PUK om te besluit of hulle nog ’n dag sal gebruik om die uitspeelwedstryde tot by die finaal te speel en of dit onvoltooid sal bly.
Sport 27 Februarie 2020
Bin Kapepula Kasende of Wits during the FNB Varsity Cup Rugby match between NWU team and Wits on the 24th of February 2020 at Wits Stadium
NWU falls short of Wits charge Lilitha Bodlani @lilithakbodlani92
n the dying moments of the game, it took a last-gasp penalty kick from FNB Witwatersrand (Wits) to clinch the win against the FNB North-West University (NWU). A game which had a lot of riding for both teams, started like a house on fire for the home side. Wits were the first to break the deadlock as they ran in two quick tries by their winger, Matt McDonald, and flanker, Philip Krause. From there on, as much as the FNB
NWU tried to muster any form of attack, the Witsies would find a way to counter that and turn things around with their own attack, thus applying pressure onto the men from Potchefstroom. Basic errors of tackling and kicking away the ball proved to be costly as the home side ran in another try thanks to their fullback, Daniel Kasende. With the score being at 17 – 0, nobody expected this onslaught by the home side. However, the visitors did manage to claw their way back just before half-time with a try courtesy of captain, Edmund Rheeder. At break time the score was 17 – 5. The second half proved to be the turning point for the NWU to produce a fight-back as they got their groove in the game with a try in the first five minutes thanks to fullback, Chuiner Van Rooyen, with winger, Lungelo Gosa, taking
over the kicking duties, slotting over the extra points. With the score now being 17 – 12, it meant the NWU could have a comeback but Wits replied with a try of their own thanks to number eight, Travis Gordon, who’s powerful run down the touch-line made for some sensational scenes on the home stands. NWU once again had to claw their way back into the game with superb work by captain, Edmund Rheeder, and Lincoln Daniels both being on the score sheets making the game 24 – 24 all. The game was end to end throughout, but an error at the breakdown by NWU proved to be costly as reserve fly-half, Chris Humphries, kicked a 40m penalty in the last five minutes to clinch the game at the death. NWU were left disappointed with the result and mulling what could’ve been a memorable comeback but were on
the floor as Wits came out as the winners with 27 – 24. The result leaves NWU’s hopes of a semi-final slim but not impossible, depending on other results as they still sit in fifth spot with nine points. Wits however, still remain unbeaten and sit fourth with fourteen points as they still have a game in hand. NWU were left rueing what could have been. NWU flanker, Wandile Mazibuko, said, “We have a very strong group of young players with loads of talent, the game against Wits was a great test, but we let ourselves down in the first 20 minutes of the game by letting in those early tries. But the boys showed character in making such a remarkable comeback. We will be back, better and smarter.” NWU winger, Eugene Hare, as disappointed as he was with the outcome of the game, says that
there’s still hope that the NWU can bounce back with the remaining games left, starting with the home fixture next week against FNB University of Johannesburg (UJ). “We started off slow and Wits took advantage of our errors in the match but full credit to the team for showing some mental steel out there in the fight back. We may be down but not out as this competition begins to reach the half-way mark, the goal to make semis is still in our hands but needs other results to get us through the finishing line.” The next fixture for the NWU is at the Fanie du Toit Stadium against FNB UJ in which Hare sees it as an opportunity to collect full points. “With UJ coming up, we need to fix our mistakes and dust off our shoulders to beat UJ with a bonus point to have any shot at reaching semis.”
NWU set to host the 2021 Junior Women Hockey World Cup
Lizaan Snyman @lizaan9779
The 2021 Women’s FIH Hockey Junior World Cup is set to be held on the African continent for the first time as the International Hockey Federation (FIH) announced on Monday 18 February. The tournament will be held in Potchefstroom, South Africa. The dates of the ninth staging of the tournament will be
determined later, however, the FIH confirmed that the tournament will be played towards the end of next year. This tournament is unique as it gives the best u/21 players from across the world the chance the showcase their raw skill while making a name for themselves for the future senior team and/or higher honours. Christa Ramasimong, a second year BEd student and captain of the u/21 South African side that played in the Summer Series said, “I am very excited, especially as it is in my current home, Potchefstroom. I also believe with the people in South Africa, home ground advantage counts a lot and it can lead to a very good tournament for the South African ladies.”
The 2021 FIH Hockey Junior World Cup will consist of 16 nations categorised in five confederations as follows. Africa will get two spots, including the hosts, South Africa, Asia will have three spots, Oceania two spots, Pan America three spots and Europe six spots. Since the European Continental Championships was already completed last year, six nations qualified already for the Europe six spots, and those nations are Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Russia and England. The rest of the continental qualifiers are scheduled throughout this year, such as the Asia tournament in April, the Africa tournament in June and the Pan America tournament in December,
while the Oceania tournament is yet to be announced. In the history of the women’s tournament, Netherlands is the most successful team having won three tournaments, while the current defending champions, Argentina, won it twice and South Korea also managed to win it twice. In the inaugural edition, Germany (as West Germany) won. As hosts, the South African side will want to impress, as they did in the past, making six previous appearances finishing 6th in 1997 and 2001. Having already qualified for the 2021 tournament due to being the hosts, the current u/21 coach, Lenise Marais, will be raring to go in preparing her squad for the first-ever u/21 Hockey World Cup on African soil.
Anzel van Rensburg, a History of Arts honours student, said, “I will definitely go watch the hockey, since world cups in general are not often played in South Africa, nevermind in Potchefstroom.” Ramasimong added, “For the NWU hockey it will out of this world as people from across the world will be in our city, and people from all over South Africa will come to watch the hockey so I am really happy that we can showcase our facilities to the rest of the world.” Van Rensburg agrees with Ramasimong, “This will just help to improve the NWU’s image even more as internationals get to see what facilities the NWU has.”