24 Oktober 2019
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Dosent dood na fratsongeluk Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde
’n Wiskundedosent aan die Fakulteit van Opvoedkunde, Rudi van de Venter (48), is in die vroeë oggendure Saterdag 19 Oktober dood. Hy was glo om en by 01:30 te voet op kampus en sy liggaam is kort na 6:00 deur ’n lid van kampussekuriteit aangetref in ’n sloot langs gebou B10 van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Potchefstroomkampus. Die sloot was gegrawe as deel van opknapping- en herstelwerk, maar volgens Louis Jacobs, NWU Korporatiewe Kommunikasie, was die area afgebaken met veiligheidsnette. Volgens Kaptein Aafje Botma, polisiewoordvoerder in die Noordwes, is ’n geregtelike doodsondersoek onderweg. Kapt. Botma het ook gesê daar word vermoed Van de Venter het sy nek gebreek. Teen druktyd was daar volgens Botma nog geen verdere verwikkeling in die saak nie. Jacobs kon geen verdere inligting verskaf oor die insident
Rudi van de Venter is in die omtrek van gebou B10 in ’n sloot gevind
nie, maar het gesê: “Dit is vir die universiteit baie sleg en ons betreur die afsterwe van ’n kollega. Daar is ook reeds reëlings getref sodat berading beskikbaar is vir studente en familie,” het Jacobs gesê. Prof. Josef de Beer, ’n kollega
Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n e-pos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za
van Van de Venter, het aan Beeld genoem dat dit nie heeltemal buitengewoon is om vroegoggend op kantoor te wees as die werkslading druk nie. Dit word beaam deur Leoné Ungerer, ’n tweedejaar in BE.d Snr en VOO, wat vir ongeveer
drie weke by Van de Venter klas gehad het: “Hy het soms vir ons vieruur of vyfuur emails gestuur voor die agtuur klas en soms klasse gekanselleer. Hy was tot die punt af gewees en het ’n droë sin vir humor gehad. Dit was baie interessante klasse
gewees. Later het ons ’n meestersstudent gekry wat vir ons klas gegee het,” het Ungerer gesê. Van de Venter was verbonde aan die Fakulteit van Opvoedkunde se Skool vir Wiskunde, Wetenskap en Tegnologie sedert April 2004. Volgens ’n betroubare bron het Van de Venter destyds tydens sy studies in Veritas-manskoshuis tuisgegaan en hy word deur kollegas beskryf as toegewyd, passievol en hy het besonder noukeurig te werk gegaan om die beste werk te lewer in alles wat hy aangepak het. Ellé Axsel, ook ’n onderwysstudent, het vir ’n kort wyle MATH 221 by Van de Venter gehad en hom as ’n baie dinamiese dosent beskryf: “Ons het vir die eerste paar weke van die semester by hom klas gehad, maar omdat hy te veel op sy bord gehad het, het ons ’n ander dosent gekry. Hy was ’n baie passievolle mens – baie van ons, dink ek, het hom misverstaan. Hy het altyd probeer om interessante toepassings van abstrakte wiskunde vir ons te wys en was werklik lief vir sy vak. Ek onthou hom as altyd aan die gang; ’n regte busy body.” Lees ’n huldeblyk aan Van de Venter op bladsy tien.
Dinosaurs are making a coinback Ciska de Waal @ciska_de Waal
n August last year the South African Mint unveiled a five-coin Palaeontology Collection made from 24 carat gold. The collection brings to life the Archosauria or the crocodiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and birds that roamed and soared freely in Southern Africa about 200 million years ago. The fossil records confirm the theory that the South African portion of what was the prehistoric supercontinent, Gondwana, was an evolutionary hotspot 260 million years ago. This implies that the distant ancestors of mammals came from South Africa. Tumi Tsehlo, Managing Director of South African (SA) Mint, says in an article on the Mint’s website,
Silver coins in Natura series
“South Africa’s rich fossil heritage has been pivotal to unravelling the history of life on the planet. The fossil finds have turned out to hold a treasure trove of information on life some 200 million years ago. It is a privilege to bring this information to ardent fans of palaeontology on coins that will outlast life on earth.”
The five coins were made available last year. They form part of the Natura Series and are called the Rise of the Dinosaurs with each representing a different archosaur. All of the coins in the series will be limited mintages. Palaeontologist and zoologist Dr Francois Durand from the University of
Johannesburg contributed to the design of the coins. Recently, SA Mint has proudly introduced the 2020 silver Natura coin, the second- ever silver coin to join this Natura Series. This coin will represent R25 and features the Coelophysidae which were highly successful primitive theropod dinosaurs (dinosaurs characterized by hollow bones and three-toed limbs, such as the T-rex) that lived worldwide from the late Triassic to early Jurassic periods. Coelophysis rhodesiensis, a small, agile dinosaur which preyed on small animals, inhabited South Africa and Zimbabwe during the early part of the Jurassic period. This slenderly-built, bipedal dinosaur grew up to three meters long and weighed about 32 kg and will feature on the coin. The coin will be limited edition with only 50 000 coins being made.
SABC bailed out but indebted Johan Rousseau one_tasty_johansalad
On 7 October the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) received a 2,1 billion rand bailout from the treasury. According to the minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Stella Ndabeni Abrahams, the SABC sought 3,2 billion rand from the treasury but had to meet eight preconditions before any approval could be granted, in which they only met five. The other 1,1 billion will be approved when the other preconditions are met. One of those preconditions is that the SABC is yet to identify noncore assets for disposal to help reduce recapitalization requirements and to produce a separate financial report for public and commercial broadcasting services. According to the SABC, they would have made a profit of around 1,5 billion rand in the 2018/19 financial year if South Africans paid their TV license fees at the same rate as the BBC viewers.
SABC Headquarters in Auckland Park, Johannesburg
In an annual report presented to parliament, they showed a loss of 482 million rand. Chief Financial Officer of the company, Yolandi van Biljon, stated that the broadcaster has a billion rand debt due to creditors. This includes paying staff salaries and their debt to SuperSport. Furthermore, the SABC owes
money to many South African musicians who did not receive royalties from their music being played on stations owned by the SABC. In an open letter written to the SABC by South African musician David Scott (also known as The Kiffnes) it was stated that the broadcasting company owned
money to royalty collection agencies which amounted up to 250 million rand. These companies include SAMRO, SAMPRA, RiSA and CAPASSO. It was also revealed on 17 October that the SABC will cancel long-running show Top Billing after 23 years which sparked outrage from fans.
24 Oktober 2019
Trending News Le-Lanie Ludick Le-Lanie Ludick
JHB mayor resigns Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba has resigned from both the Democratic Alliance (DA) and as mayor of Johannesburg. One of the various reasons Mashaba chose to resign is as a result of the appointment of Helen Zille as Federal Council Chairperson of the DA. According to Mashaba, Zille’s appointment destroys the vision he had for the DA. Mashaba’s resignation will be effective from 27 November. Bishops sex scandal A teacher at Bishops Diocesan College, Fiona Viotti, has been accused of spreading illicit videos and having relationships with several young students at the school. Viotti was a waterpolo coach and history teacher at this prestigious high school and has resigned since the allegations have been raised. No criminal charges have been laid against Viotti, but an investigation has been launched. Mara Phone – proudly South African The first smartphone manufacturing facility has opened in South Africa. Mara Phone is a smartphone company aimed at providing South Africans with high-quality smartphones at an affordable price. The devices will be powered by Android and will be priced between R2999 and R3999. The manufacturing facility will initially employ 313 workers of which 200 are formerly unemployed engineers which will actively combat the unemployment in SA. Dros rapist sentenced to life in prison Nicholas Ninow, the convicted rapist, has been sentenced to life in jail after raping a sevenyear-old girl at a Dros restaurant in September last year. Ninow was under the influence of drugs and alcohol when the rape occurred. Judge Papi Mosopa did not acknowledge his behavior during the trial as remorseful and sentenced Ninow with two jail sentences – life sentence for the rape of the victim and a five-year sentence for defeating the ends of justice and drug possession.
Language change at SU confirmed Langa Cele @nativecele_
Stellenbosch University has won their three-year battle against Afrikaans lobby group Gelyke Kanse when the Constitutional Court handed down a judgement on 10 October this year. This is in favor of their 2016 language policy which saw English being elevated above Afrikaans as a medium of instruction, stating that the move by the historically predominantly Afrikaans university was “constitutionally justified”. The ConCourt judgement stated
that the 2016 language policy which adopts a preference for English in certain circumstances was to advance the university’s goals for equal access, multilingualism and integration while also maintaining and preserving Afrikaans, subject to demand and within the university’s available resources. However, Gelyke Kanse had the belief that the policy infringed on the rights of Afrikaans-speaking students. More so, they believed it abandoned Afrikaans as a primary language of instruction. Froneman indicated further that the university’s process of adopting the 2016 policy had been thorough,
exhaustive and inclusive. This ruling mirrors the ConCourt’s judgement of 29 December 2017 where it upheld the decision of the University of the Free State to change its language policy from a dual medium institution (Afrikaans and English) to English as the primary medium of instruction. The apex court stressed that it must be “reasonably practicable” to provide learning in “one specific language”. Last year’s judgement echoes that of 2017 in which the right to learn in a language of one’s choice should not be protected at the cost of other students on university campuses.
The main building at Stellenbosch University
24 Oktober 2019
Liike: make accounting students like learning Helaine Duvehage @helaineduvenhage
esearchers at the NorthWest University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus have developed an innovative method for assisting accounting students and helping them to bridge the gap between their studies and their eventual careers in the innovative form of a board game designed specifically for accounting students. This project is the brainchild of Veruschka Pelser-Carstens and Lance Bunt at the Technology Enhanced Learning and Innovative Education and Training in South Africa (TELIT-SA), located at the NWU. The game, Liike, is the answer to a long-standing question
of how to prepare recent graduates for the professional world and enable them to apply theoretical knowledge into practice. The board game simulates a real-life business environment. The players can choose from six characters with which they then build their own career by making career choices and applying theoretical choices. The game encourages players to make ethical choices and to practice acting in a professional manner to further prepare them for a professional environment. The creators also mention that creativity stimulates learning and, therefore, the game will help students to memorise and understand the concepts that they learn through active problemsolving and answer-seeking.
Deurnag fietstrap vir FinJOOL Anneke Langer & Chélaine de Wet @annekelanger & @chelainedewet
Cycle Challenge is elke jaar ’n groot hoogtepunt op Jou Onbaatsugtige Opoffering vir Liefdadigheid (JOOL) se kalender en vanjaar was geen uitsondering nie. Cycle Challenge word jaarliks aangebied deur die Kampusstudenteraad (KSR) as ’n geleentheid vir die onderskeie JOOL Huiskomitee(HK)-lede om geld in te samel vir FinJOOL. Zané Botha, KSR-lid en JOOLvoorsitter, het verduidelik: “HK-lede is verantwoordelik om borge te kry vir die koshuis wat gewoonlik op ’n per kilometer basis werk. Van die JOOL Uitvoerende Komitee (UK) se kant af, kry hulle ook ’n borg wat dan fondse insamel vir hul eie FinJOOL.” JOOL HK-lede is oor die algemeen van die opinie dat Cycle Challenge ’n goeie fondsinsamelingsgeleentheid is. Eugene Roets, JOOL HK-lid van Over-de-Voor- manskoshuis het gesê: “Ek dink Cycle Challenge is ’n goeie manier om geld in te samel vir FinJOOL, maar net as jy ’n borg het, alhoewel dit
somtyds bietjie moeilik is om borge te kry in Potch.” Natasha Swanepoel, JOOL HK-lid van Heide vrouekoshuis, stem saam met Roets en voeg by dat “fondsinsamelings moeilik is sonder ’n borg”. Verder, beskryf Botha die Cycle Challenge as ’n “lekker aksie om mense bietjie opgewonde te kry vir JOOL volgende jaar en so bietjie bemarking daarvan”. Die aksie het bestaan uit 29 trapfietse waar elke koshuis ’n fiets gehad het en vir 24-uur aaneenlopend moes fietstrap vanaf 11 tot 12 Oktober. Daar was ook ’n trapfiets beskikbaar vir gewillige privaatstudente. In totaal is daar ongeveer 29 450 kilometer getrap waarvan die grootste bydrae deur Excelsior-manskoshuis gelewer is met ’n totale afstand van 1 330 kilometer. Die karaokeelement wat weer geïnkorporeer is, dien ook as deel van die bemarkingsveldtog en ook vir Rock Hart. “In terme van ondersteuning en klein logistiek het dit baie beter as laasjaar gegaan. Daar was die heeltyd mense en dit het dit vir ons verskriklik lekker gemaak om te sien dat mense die aksie kom ondersteun, want daarsonder sou dit nie so suksesvol kon wees nie,” het Botha gesê.
The game is enhanced by electrical aids that players can use during their experience with the game, for example, the Blipparapp which gives backstories to the characters and the Quick Response Codes (QRCs) that allows one to access metadata on external domains such as the NWU’s eFundi. In addition to the educational promise the game offers, it also carries research value as it is the first “physical, multiplayer board game created for interdisciplinary outcomes in South Africa”. Currently, the game is available for play-testing, after which the graphics of the game will be redesigned for 3D-printing. Eventually the game will be distributed to classroom environments to be used during and to aid the process of lecturing.
Lance Bunt demonstrating Liike.
Veruschka Pelser-Carstens
SASCO marches for breast cancer awareness Radikeleko Tladi @nwuwapad
On 18 October the Executive Mayor, Kgotso Khumalo, members of the Mayoral Committee and the SASCO North-West University (NWU) Branch student members took to the streets to raise awareness for breast cancer. The event began at the NWU Potchefstroom main gate, through Cachet Park and continued in surrounding areas with participants wrapped in pink clothing and tutus as they marched. “The municipality felt it necessary to jointly raise awareness of breast cancer between ourselves with SASCO,” said the leader of the JB Marks Local Municipality, Kgotso Khumalo. He further stated, “Our main objective with this campaign is to accumulate funds to donate to research institutions or households which have been affected by cancer.” The mayor added that this initiative would continue for the next two years, educating people about the condition and building relationships with stakeholders. The crusade was expected to draw attention to the worrying statistics surrounding the illness. According
to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 38,4% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their life. The Treasurer General of SASCO NWU, Ntombikhona Veli, expressed outrage and said, “These are the misconceptions that we are trying to address with these marches. We believe that many lives would be saved if people had the right information.” The student leader further encouraged
people to inform their associates to empower themselves and not fall victim to the disease. The spokesperson for the Executive Mayor concluded by saying, “The cooperation with these students is an indication that we are determined to collaborate with anyone who’s willing to improve the lives of our citizens. The President was not joking when he said ‘Kauleza’. We are also not playing when we say ‘Restoring Excellence’.”
A group marching in pink to raise awareness of breast cancer during the SASCO march.
A case of meningitis confirmed on campus Anneke Langer & Chélaine de Wet @annekelanger & @chelainedewet
A media release by the North-West University (NWU) has reported that a case of bacterial meningitis was confirmed on Tuesday morning 22 October after a fourth-year student of the Potchefstroom campus was admitted to a local hospital on 21 October. The hospital and the university are busy following up with all close contacts of the student and the
media release encouraged all to stay calm as this is most likely an isolated case.
This is most likely an isolated case. According to the South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases, meningococcal disease is endemic to South Africa and occurs all year round, peaking during June to October.
Infants are the most susceptible followed by people in the fifteen to 24 age category. Bacterial meningitis can spread through saliva that is passed on from an infected person. According to Sanofi Pasteur, a pharmaceutical company in South Africa, symptoms of meningitis may appear as a sudden onset of fever, headache and a stiff neck. Other symptoms may include nausea, rash, altered mental state, vomiting or increased sensitivity to light. To better understand this epidemic and the precautionary measures, Wapad took to the NWU Health Care Centre on the Potchefstroom
campus, who reiterated that it is easy to mistake meningitis for something else as early symptoms can mimic other illnesses such as the flu, or a hangover. According to the centre it is imperative to note that there is a difference between taking precaution with a tablet and the vaccine. The former is only effective when administered immediately after direct contact, while the latter is preventative and is valid for five years. The injection comes at a cost of R650 and is available on campus and major pharmacies such as Dis-Chem, Clicks and Kampus Apteek.
A vaccine is a prevention method.
24 Oktober 2019
MINA menstrual cup helps girls stay in school Anmané Eckard @spontane_blond
ver the years, many girls have missed out on school because of their periods. Moreover, it takes up to 500 to 800 years for a sanitary towel to decompose and a tampon applicator takes 25 years to break down in the ocean and sometimes gets ingested by marine life which we later eat. This problem was solved in 1937. The MINA Foundation distributes and teaches girls and boys about the menstrual cup, MINA. This nonprofit organisation visited the first year communication students on campus to show them how a company and a product can contribute to sustainable
developmental goals. The MINA menstrual cup is made from 100% medical grade silicone. It lasts up to five years, is odourless, non-toxic and pain free. Zaakira Mahomed, founder of the MINA Foundation said, “MINA means ‘me’ in Zulu, ‘love’ in German and ‘protector’ in Dutch.” Mahomed said that they did not want to launch a product but rather 10 000 stories to show people what the project does, the benefit of the product and how it has changed lives. MINA cups solve the unhygienic struggles girls go through to manage their period. Girls on their period usually make use of newspapers, socks, cut-up clothes, toilet paper or just simply miss out on school. Mahomed said, “Girls miss out on school because they can’t afford sanitary protection, as well as the taboos attached to periods. You can’t be seen, can’t be touched, can’t milk a cow or if you use something to manage
A group of learners having a discussion about the mina menstrual cup.
your period, it is seen that you lose your virginity because you inserted something.” Marisca Victor and Mieke Ferreira, two first year communication
students, shared that is was shocking to realise that some girls must choose between a packet of tampons or a loaf of bread. “In most hostels they have sanitary movements to
help the girls and we thought of implementing MINA cups instead of sanitary pads and creating a platform for the MINA Foundation to educate girls,” said Ferreira.
Ramaphosa to shed light on Eskom debt Helaine Duvehage @helaineduvenhage
President Cyril Ramaphosa promised a future announcement on the government’s solution to dealing with debt at Eskom at the Financial Times Africa
Summit in London earlier this year. The president acknowledged Eskom’s enormous amounts of debt which amounts to over 450 billion rand by saying that the power utility is “dogged” by “huge debt”. According to statements by Ramaphosa, the announcement will elaborate on the statement that the government is working on “innovative ideas” on how to deal with the debt crisis. This will include elaborations on “executive
appointments, chief executive officer, and the board will be strengthened”. Ramaphosa said that they are developing new strategies and programmes to deal with tariff collections, noting that attempts to do so successfully proved less than in the past. Moreover, announcements on the energy strategy were mentioned and how the government plans to move
Moontlike resessie bedreig wêreldekonomie
Verbruikers moet dalk hul spaarvarkies oopbreek vir die komende resessie
Op 22 Augustus vanjaar het die Wêreld Ekonomiese Forum reeds die moontlikheid van ’n resessie voorspel. “Daar moet nog baie dinge reg verloop voordat die resessie vermy kan word,” het Tom Orlik, hoofekonoom by Bloomberg Economics, in ’n nuusverklaring genoem. Daar is verskeie bydraers tot die resessie. Een van die grootste sondebokke is die handelsoorlog wat tans tussen Sjina en Amerika plaasvind. Beide lande is die twee grootste bydraers tot die wêreldekonomie. Luidens berigte was daar Vrydag 12 Oktober ’n deurbraak gemaak toe Sjina instem om meer Amerikaanse boerderyprodukte te koop, maar die VSA het egter nie belastingkoerse
op uitvoere verlaag nie. Vervaardigers word egter die ergste benadeel deur die handelsoorlog wat veral die motorvervaardigingsektor in Duitsland en Japan beïnvloed het. Onsekerheid rondom Brexit en hoe dit geïmplementeer gaan word, het ook ’n groot invloed op die ekonomie vanjaar gehad. Die IMF meen beleggings in die Verenigde Koningkryk (VK) het van 1,4% in verlede jaar na 1,2% vanjaar gedaal. Mark Zandi, hoofekonoom by Moody’s Analytics, het in ’n nuusverklaring genoem dat ten spyte van die feit dat daar dalk nie ’n resessie oor twaalf of agtien maande gaan plaasvind nie, blyk dit duidelik dat die wêreld in ’n baie swakker ekonomiese toestand gaan wees.
our country as well. President Ramaphosa seemed hopeful about the announcements and their expected results. He expressed his hope and expectation for Moody’s and other grading companies to take note of these plans and react positively to them. No official date was given as to when the official announcement can be expected.
Give us a future, we give you children Marizyl Marais
Melissa Nel
Tydens Oktober vanjaar het die wêreldekonomie gesorg vir groot kommer weens ’n naderende resessie wat vir die eerste keer sedert 2009 moontlik is. Die Internasionale Monutêre Fonds (IMF) het vanaf 14 tot 20 Oktober ’n algemene jaarvergadering gehad waartydens die toestand van die wêreldekonomie ’n gesprekspunt was. Kristalina Georgieva, hoof van IMF, het in ’n onlangse nuusverklaring uitgebrei oor die wêreldekonomie. “Daar is ’n groot moontlikheid dat die afname in groei verder kan versprei wat sal veroorsaak dat die ekonomiese groeivoorspelling van 2019 geaffekteer word,” het Georgieva verder genoem. Volgens Georgieva is 2019 se huidige groeivoorspelling 3,2% wat reeds laer is as in 2009. Die IMF meen ’n wêreldwye resessie sal lei tot ’n drastiese afname in ekonomiese uitsette wat veral ’n beduidende effek op ontwikkelende lande sal hê.
forward in promoting and establishing the use of renewable energy. The president emphasised the government’s commitment to promoting sustainable energy. He also mentioned an elaboration on the government’s plan to unbundling Eskom into three entities: generation, transmission and distribution. This is a method that many countries execute successfully and Ramaphosa seems hopeful that this could be true for
One of the latest attempts to get government officials to actively start fighting against climate change is a movement called #nofuturenochildren established by Emma Lim (18) from Montreal, Canada. The movement is exactly as the name implies – teens are pledging not to have children until government officials start making changes to save the planet. As of 17 October this year, 5 206 teenagers from all over the world have taken the pledge not to have children before they can see that their governments have started to fight an
impending climate disaster. Lim was inspired to begin the movement after she took notice of the 2030 deadline that was issued last year by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, saying that if we do not drastically start reducing carbon emissions, we will be facing disastrous long term consequences. According to data released by NASA supporting the 2030 deadline, the effects include temperatures rising to unliveable highs in some parts of the world, more droughts and heat waves, the rise of sea levels and an ice-free arctic. Lim said in an interview with Bustle that she would rather give up her lifelong dream of becoming a mother than to have her child suffer the predicted economic instability, food scarcity and extreme weather.
Emma Lim leader of the #nofuturenochildren movement
24 Oktober 2019
Nigerian negotiations complicated Helaine Duvehage
Campus opinions
n 4 October the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari, visited South Africa to discuss and alleviate tensions following xenophobic attacks earlier this year. Early in September, trade hotspots such as Pretoria and Johannesburg saw attacks on Nigerian immigrants, specifically those in ownership of their own enterprises. Buildings were torched, shops were looted and over a dozen people died in these violent outbursts. Spurred on by these unfortunate events, approximately 600 Nigerians returned to their home country, but were met with more violence, where citizens expressed their unhappiness and retaliated by looting and destroying South African-owned shops, such as MTN-stores in Lagos. To soothe the resulting tensions, President Buhari embarked on a
Final years’ experiences on the NWU Potchefstroom campus PHOTO: SOURCED
Anneke Langner @anneke_langner
Nigerian president Buhari visiting president Ramaphosa
three-day trip to South Africa to meet with president Ramaphosa to discuss international relations, trade deals, and how to deal with these acts of violence and hate by strengthening and repairing of bonds. During a press conference, Ramaphosa expressed wishes to “encourage people-to-people contacts that are of a positive nature”. Throughout the three days,
unexpected complications arrived in the form of protests by Nigerian immigrants claiming that president Buhari was an imposter and claiming that the real Buhari died in 2017. After some time, the government was forced to call for police intervention in dealing with said protestors. Neither presidents provided an official statement regarding solutions to these issues at the end of the three days.
It is that time of the year again: Most of the year-end functions took place and for many of us it is goodbye for now. For the final years, this is their last goodbyes towards their university life. Wapad asked a few of them about their experiences:
“Dit was baie lekker; ek het niks sleg ervaar nie. Ek is beïndruk met die dosente wat altyd hul werk gedoen het. Elke keer wanneer ons by die hospitale moes gaan werk, was die organisasie daarvan net spot on. Ek het ook as mens gegroei.”
NWU PhD student helps health of Tswana goats Helaine Duvehage @helaineduvenhage
The Tswana goat is facing reproductive and survival threats in the North-West Province where it frequents in large numbers, although it is known for its capability to adapt to tough circumstances. PhD graduate Mpho Tsheole from the North-West University (NWU) aimed to find a solution for this. Tsheole is a PhD graduate from the Department of Animal Health at the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology at the NWU’s Mafikeng Campus. During her studies, she realised that the Tswana goats, mostly owned by emerging informal farmers, were suffering due to a lack of
resources their economically challenged owners were unable to provide. The often dry and barren environment worsened these conditions. Tsheole theorised that through the supplementation of dietary protein, both the reproductive health and growth of the Tswana goat could be improved. In her study, she tested the effects of different amounts of dietary protein on several goats to test their reproductive performance and health using blood and hormonal parameters. The study also included pregnant goats to discover the effects of increased protein intake on both the pregnant goat and the unborn offspring. “The body weight reported in the study (in all three treatment groups) increased with advancement in pregnancy until birth, ranging from 1,40 kg to 9,46 kg,”she says.
“The high levels of dietary protein influenced the levels of blood progesterone, body weight and other blood metabolite parameters.” Mpho mentions that although the cost of the additional protein supplements cannot be ignored, the results of this practise is worth it. “With minimum energy and protein supplementation, the Tswana goat could be bred more productively and enhance the lives of emerging farmers.” Doing this would also have a chain reaction on the lives of the emerging farmers that makes a living from these goats. The Tswana goat is used mostly for its meat and sold for ritualistic purposes. By implementing the methods used in this study, the farmers would be able to receive greater compensation through sales, which would in turn improve their quality of life.
Ludwig Louw, vierdejaar in BSc Farmasie.
“My experience on the NWU-PUK shaped my perspective about the world and how people function as a group and as individuals in their separate races and cultures and religions. I guess it was just a thing of getting more knowledge about our people and how they function and their comfort zones.”
Chepape Amogelang, third year student in BA Psychology and Labour Relations.
“One of the experiences I learned is definitely to work with different people and to understand how they work. I also learned how to manage my time properly. It is a very fine balance I have learned here.”
Etzebeth debacle continues Helaine Duvehage @helaineduvenhage
Springbok rugby player Eben Etzebeth has reportedly started firing back at the Human Rights Commission following allegations of a racist attack during August in Langebaan. According to an article published on Independent Online (IOL) on 16 October, Etzebeth is accusing the Human Rights Commission of being “biased and irrational, and of having a hidden agenda”. Etzebeth has denied all allegations of racism after the incident in Langebaan on 29 August this year where he allegedly assaulted four men and called them by derogatory terms.
According to an article published on IOL 3 October, Etzebeth could be facing World Cup- recall if the allegations deemed true. News24 reported on 15t October that the four men are demanding a million rand incompensation. They are also demanding that the Springbok undergoes anger management and racial sensitivity training. Enver Wilsnach, one of the men Etzebeth allegedly assaulted, recently did an interview with a Mail & Guardian journalist, Lester Kiewit. According to this interview, Wilsnach is struggling to enjoy rugby as he used to since he “can’t watch the Springboks when he’s playing”. Etzebeth’s prolonged silence was broken after he spoke his mind in his court papers, News24 reported.
Along with accusing the SAHRC of having a hidden agenda, he also felt that the Commission is acting under “political pressure”. Etzebeth pledged full cooperation in the matter according to SAHRC chairperson, Bongani Majola. According to Etzebeth, this was before the SAHRC launched an “aggressive social media campaign” against him.
Danelle van der Walt, honours student in BSC Aquatic Ecosystem health.
“At university I learned how to handle depression and to survive financially on my own. Academics were hard, but I learned to survive within and out.”
Tumi Marishane, third year student in BA Politics. PHOTO: SOURCED
Springbok rugby player Eben Etzebeth
Kuns en Vermaak
Chicago (on) Fire dominates Partyfest 2019
Chicago Fire from Kasteel women’s hostel defended their national title at Partyfest’s national competition on Saturday 19 October at Impala. They won both the division for women as well as the overall best performing group for this year which meant a R10 000 cash prize for the hostel. They also made history as the first all-women’s team to win the overall title which has always gone to a mixed/male team. They competed against The Grinch, from Bellatrix women’s hostel, who placed second in the division for women’s teams and Baywatch from the University of Pretoria’s women’s hostel, Madelief, who placed third as well as That 70’s
Kasteel tamed the flame at Partyfest 2019
show from Sonnedou women’s hostel at the University of the Free State who came fourth. Hitman, which consisted out students from Wag-’n-Bietjie women’s hostel and Heimat men’s hostel in the men and mixed division, impressed the crowd and the judges alike with their risky moves and well-executed routine to win themselves the first place in their division. Although this team
gave an outstanding performance, so did 300, the team from Ratau men’s hostel and Huis Republiek women’s hostel who gave them a run for their money and placed second in the division. Out of the seven teams competing in the national competition, four was from the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus and al four teams impressed.
Bands wys hul staal by Rock Hart Henrique Lubbe @henriquelubbe
MVG het Vrydag 11 Oktober behoorlik ge-rock tydens vanjaar se Rock Hart. Die Rock Hart Battle of the Bands was terug en mense was gretig om te ondersteun. Aangebied deur JOOL tesame met Red Square South Africa, Club MVG en PUKfm 93.6, het vyf opkomende, plaaslike bands ge-rock en ge-roll om die prys, wat ’n optrede by JOOL 2020 insluit,
Ontmoet jou nuwe PukFM bestuur Chélaine de Wet
Marizyl Marais
te wen. Wees maar solank gereed om volgende jaar die wenners, Memphis Panic, by JOOL 2020 te sien. Die toeskouers en die groep wat tweede geëindig het, is egter nie met leë hande gelos nie. Daar was regdeur die aand drankpryse van Red Square uitgedeel en die tweedeplek, sowel as die eersteplek groepe het albei die prys gewen om ’n musiekvideo te maak. Die kompetisie se hoofdoel is om ’n platform te skep vir opkomende, plaaslike musiekgroepe aangesien hulle soms sukkel om geleenthede
te kry om op te tree. Hierdie jaar se Rock Hart het goeie aandag gekry aangesien 13 musiekgroepe ingeskryf het. Wapad het met Anneke Engelbrecht, KSR: JOOL-skakeling, gepraat wat die geleentheid georganiseer het. “Rock Hart was vir seker die moeite werd en was een van die grootste rockkompetisies wat in Suid-Afrika gehou is in ’n lang ruk. Die kompetisie groei en maak mens opgewonde vir die volgende jare se Rock Hart wat nog kom. Dit was vir seker ’n belewenis.”
24 OKtober 2019
1. Wat is jou naam, van, studierigting en portefeulje op die bestuur? Joey: Joey Labuschagne, tweedejaarstudent in BPharm Farmasie met die portefeulje Skakeling Anchen: Anchen Bisschoff, eerstejaarstudent in BA Kommunikasie met die portefeulje Bemarking Khanyisile: Khanyisile Mahlangu, eerstejaarstudent in BA Kommunikasie met die portefeulje Programbestuur Sharné: Sharné van Wyk, derdejaarstudent in BEd Grondslagfase met die portefeulje Musiek 2. Wat beteken PukFM 93.6 vir jou? Joey: Shelter in the storm; dit is altyd vir my ongelooflik lekker
om by PukFM aan te kom – daar is net altyd ’n lieflike energie by die stasie. As die studies te veel raak, dan is dit altyd vir my lekker om by die stasie aan te kom en net uitkoms te kry. Anchen: So baie; ek het nog altyd gesukkel met selfvertroue en toe loop ek net in hierdie plek in en daar is net hierdie mense wat my absoluut aanvaar vir wie ek is. Dis regtig ’n safe space vir my en soveel ander mense. Khanyisile: PukFM is ’n plek wat ek huis kan noem, ’n plek waarby ek net kan opdaag en kalmeer. Sharné: PukFM het in die twee jaar wat ek daar werk ’n hawe geword, my huis en ook my familie. Dit beteken die wêreld vir my en ek het so baie van myself geleer, wie ek is en ook wie ek wil wees by PukFM. 3. Hoe sal jy jouself in een woord opsom? Joey: Energetic Anchen: Sonskyn Khanyisile: Extra Sharné: Energiek
Die nuwe PUKfm bestuur v.l.n.r: Joey Labuschagne, Sharnè van Wyk, Francois van Zyl, Megan St Clair Whicker, Charonike Nel, Khanyisile Mahlangu, Sulè Steenkamp, Anchen Bisschoff.
Geen melofobie by Bingle Sêr ’19 nie! Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Almal het ’n vrees: groot of klein, rasioneel of irrasioneel. Die nuutste veertien sleepkoshuise wat saam die nuwe jaar aanpak, het op 9 Oktober hul vrees, melofobie (die vrees vir musiek), oorkom en hul harte uitgesing tydens Bingle Sêr 2019. Die tema van vanjaar se Bingle Sêr was fobies en elke sleep het ’n spesifieke vrees uitgebeeld. Daar was ’n verskeidenheid van fobies:
kieme, die vrees vir verandering, vir kommin wees en vir vlieg, onder meer. Hierdie jaarlikste instelling wat as een van die amptelike ses kunsteaksies vir koshuise tel, is uit oudergewoonte weer in die Totiussaal asook die Ouditorium aangebied en het vir vele vermaak gesorg. Die gekose beoordelaars het vir kwaliteit evaluasie gesorg en het ingesluit: Steffie Le Roux, Jennifer Jones, Roux Cloete, Sidumo Jacobs, Hugo Ludik, Johan Vorster en Jako
Meyer. Die aand het ’n paar komiese oomblikke gebied met onder meer die gespot van die vrees vir skoonma’s en interessante dekor op die verhoog sowel as ’n verskeidenheid eiekomposisies verwerk deur Tanya van Aard. Dit was ook die eerste kunsteaksie onder leiding van die nuwe KSR:Kunstevoorsitter, Theunis van Wyk. Daar is vyf kategorieë waarin die sleepkoshuise kan presteer en die
uitslae is soos volg: Eie komposisie 3de: Wanda-vroukoshuis en Thaba-Jäh-manskoshuis 2de: LaVaria-vrouekoshuis en Laureus-manskoshuis 1ste: Heide-vrouekoshuis en Overde-Voor-manskoshuis Temauitbeelding: 3de: Wanda-vroukoshuis en Thaba-Jäh-manskoshuis 2de: Minjonet-vrouekoshuis en Veritas-manskoshuis 1ste: LaVaria-vrouekoshuis en
Laureus-manskoshuis Multikulturele Medley: 3de: Bellatrix-vrouekoshuis en Villagers-manskoshuis 2de: Klawerhof-vrouekoshuis en Excelsior-manskoshuis 1ste: Minjonet-vrouekoshuis en Veritas-manskoshuis Algehele wenners: 3de: Bellatrix-vrouekoshuis en Villagers-manskoshuis 2de: Minjonet-vrouekoshuis en Veritas-manskoshuis 1ste: LaVaria-vrouekoshuis en Laureus-manskoshuis
Meraki 24 Oktober 2019
Kuns en Vermaak
Umamah Bakharia
Meraki (v). To do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. As you can see from the above definition, Meraki is all about soulful creativity and love. In this creative corner Wapad wants to celebrate students’ art in all kinds of formats, as students don’t receive enough credit for their hard work and talent.
Whether you are an art student, or you just enjoy art in your free time, this corner is a creative space for students to express their love for their own kind of art. We want to encourage amateur artists to keep on persevering to become professionals one day, or just to make another soul smile because of their art. Therefore, students can feel free to send in their diverse artworks to us at wapad@nwu.ac.za, where it be shared either via our Facebook page or in a printed edition of the newspaper. I am Elijah Motsosi and I am a creative writer. I believe that being
born with artistic and spiritual gifts, I allow myself to transfer my message through literary arts as I believe that time is elusive and the effect of immeasurable influence and growth begins now. I enjoy listening to music, scripting stories, conversing with nature, scrapes through intrapersonal conversations, and being a healer. This poem displays a part of me that I have vaguely shared with the public, about a technical romance I experienced with a conditional lover. In the last lines I express how I decide to take my power back and invest it in creating a home within myself:
my voice has grown hoarse from the impediment of our times it’s sickening how I have let my mind grow blind to the soulless person you are and how my foolishness let my heart chase you in heartfelt spaces at the borderline. maybe I was too hopeful the first time for you were sweet like elementary school and I was thoughtless of being hurt but I enjoyed it as any other child would be
excited to visit a candy store. maybe I was too gullible the second time for you sounded like a rainy day ready to take me to a new chapter where we both can write a story of attended celebrations and present moments but when you confessed your lack thereof I prayed for sunny days so you can be scorched off my head and I can find my way to a sunflower field where I can grow love from within myself for myself, by myself.
Die NWU se spoggerigste dinee-paartjies
Heide Henriëtte Venter & Henrique Lubbe @hen3hetventer & @henriquelubbe
“People will stare. Make it worth their while.” – Harry Winston. Dis die hoogtepunt
van die jaar en vir sommiges beslis die belangrikste. Dis ’n seisoen van rokke koop/leen/maak, sonbedsessies en foto’s neem. Wapad het ’n bietjie gaan ondersoek instel oor wat die belangrikste moets en moenies is om die beste foto’s te verseker.
Dis baie belangrik om seker te maak dat jy ’n rok of’n pak kies wat jou persoonlikheid komplimenteer. Jy moet gedurende die fotosessie gemaklik wees, so maak seker dat jou uitrusting bydra tot dit. Wees versigtig om botsende en kontrasterende kleure saam
Kaaps op kampus met DIVACO Natalie Thysse
te dra, probeer om sover as moontlik effe en neutrale kleure te dra. Let op na die bykomstighede wat jy vir die foto’s wil dra of gebruik. Maak seker dat dit die uitrusting komplimenteer en nie die effek van die foto wegneem nie. Moenie bang
wees om verskillende hoeke of posisies te gebruik nie – eksperimenteer genoeg om die perfekte foto’s te verseker. Laastens, geniet die fotosessie. Jy is die model en vir’n uur lank die belangrikste onderwerp. Gaan groot!
Jou kampus in ’n skets “As dit maar net so maklik was” - Slepe
Te min studente weet oor die bestaan van die Diverse Acts and Cultural Organisation (DIVACO). Hierdie organisasie is gestig in Augustus 2004 nadat daar ’n behoefte onder die studente ontstaan het om die Kaapse kultuur kreatief op kampus uit te beeld. Dus, is DIVACO se missie om ’n kultuur eie aan die Kaap kreatief uit te beeld deur middel van sang, dans, digkuns en drama. Volgens DIVACO se voorsitter, Denzil Jonas, is die doel van hierdie kunsteorganisasie om studente se talente te ontwikkel deur respek, samewerking en liefde te betoon. DIVACO bied ook die geleentheid vir die groter kampus aan om deel te neem aan hul jaarlikse Mnr. en Mej. DIVACO. Hierdie instelling –
Die prag en praal van links na regs: Mnr. DIVACO 2019, Dillon Snyman, Mej. Kampus 2019, Kgothatso Sefike en Mej. DIVACO 2019, Cheslea Jackson.
wat Donderdag 10 Oktober vanjaar in die POK-saal plaasgevind het – was ’n geleentheid vir nuwe lede om aan te sluit en deel te neem. Die wenners het daarna in samewerking met DIVACO se SJGD-bestuurslid, Leverne Strauss, gekom. “Ek is dankbaar vir die geleentheid wat DIVACO vir my bied om uit te reik na die minderbevoorregtes,” sê Mej. DIVACO 2019, Chelsea Jackson. Die studente was DIVACO se
grootste ondersteuners, maar so-ook DIVACO- gewildes onder die bruin kultuur. Sommige deelnemers se ouers het ook kom ondersteun en natuurlik DIVACO se voogde, mnr. en mev. Foutie. “Jy voel tuis en sal ook baie vinnig kan aanpas. Hulle strewe altyd daarna om transformasie te bring en om hulleself te toets, bereik hulle hoë hoogtes,” is die woorde van mnr. DIVACO 2019, Dillon Snyman.
Chris Venter, Layout Editor Koshuise was vanjaar ontevrede oor sleepopsies
Kuns en Vermaak
T.T. Cloete-gedenklesing
Trending now Mizanne Hattingh @mizanne_h_98
Organiseerders by die T.T Cloete-herdenking Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
ud-dosent aan die vakgroep Afrikaans en Nederlands, T.T. Cloete, se poёsie is onder die onderwerp “’n oop oor vir T.T. Cloete se geluidende mimikrie” bespreek. Die onderwerp waaronder dit
bespreek is, het sterk gefokus op die musiek wat Cloete se werk beїnvloed het. Die lesing is voorafgegaan met ’n eg Nederlandse borreltjietradisie waar daar tradisionele Belgiese wyn en vingerhappies bedien is om die Nederlandse kultuur wat deel vorm van die vakgroep te herdenk. Die gasspreker was Dr. Johan Myburg, een van Cloete se oudleerders aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) en nou self ’n bekende. Myburg het baie van Cloete se
NaNoWriMo: are all writers ready? Anneke Langner @anneke_langner
National novel writing month, better known as NaNoWriMo, is a writing challenge that takes place every year during November. All aspiring writers pick up their pens to write no less than 50 000 words from the first of November to the 30th. The aim is to write approximately 1666 words per day to reach the 50 000 word goal and to complete a novel in a month. Individuals can register at nanowrimo.org for free as a way to find an international support system and to track their progress throughout the month. “NaNoWriMo is a non-profit organization that provides tools, structure, community, and encouragement to help people
find their voices, achieve creative goals and build new worlds — on and off the page.” According to this organisation, 367 913 novels are completed by NaNoWriMo writers. The organisation has a youth section where individuals under the age of 18 can also participate under less stringent guidelines. “Each year over 100 000 young writers under 18 enjoy our youth-friendly writing space, progress tracing tools, and Young Novelist Workbooks. Educators can support student skill development with our free Common Core-aligned curricula, online classroom management tools and motivational classroom materials.” NaNoWriMo is a great way for you to finish that novel you’ve always dreamed of. With November around the comer, it is time to lose yourself amongst the pages.
gedigte uitgelig en deurentyd van die klassieke werke gespeel waarvan daar in Cloete se gedigte melding gemaak word. Die musiek word deurgaans in sy werke met sterk emosies verbind en wanneer die musiek speel om hierdie emosies uit te beeld, kry die gedigte ’n nuwe en sterker betekenis. Myburg noem die geleentheid ’n “wonderlike manier om Cloete en sy werk te onthou” en sê dat dit ’n voorreg was om sy werk aan te bied met die musiek wat die boodskap soveel meer versterk het.
Visit nanowrimo.org to become part of the writers community
Disney-ster Miley Cyrus geniet haar nuutgevonde vryheid na haar onlangse egskeiding van Liam Hemsworth. Miley het aanbeweeg na ’n warrelwind van romanse met Kaitlynn Carter, die eks van Brody Jenner. Na hierdie twee se paaie geskei het, het Miley vertroosting in die arms van Cody Simpson gaan soek en sy is nie skaam om dit op sosiale media te wys nie. Sy het ook teruggekap op Twitter nadat mense hul monde uitgespoel het oor haar romantiese gewoontes met die woorde: “I am just trying to thrive, survive in a man’s world.”
Hemsworth het ook begin voelers uitsteek na nuwe liefde en is saam met die Australiaanse aktrise Maddison Brown op ’n afspraak gekiek. Jennifer Aniston van die Friends-familie het uiteindelik haar Instagram-debuut gemaak deur ’n foto te plaas van haar en die res van Friends se akteurs. Blake Lively en haar man, Ryan Reynolds, het hul nuweling en die vyfde lid van hul gesin onlangs verwelkom. Zoë Kravitz het ook die rol van Catwoman losgeslaan in The Batman, langs die Twilight-ster, Robert Pattinson. Laastens is veteraan en aktrise Jane Fonda (81) onlangs gearresteer by ’n klimaatsveranderingoptog en sy meen dat dit nie die eerste of laaste keer sal wees nie.
Zoë Kravitz het die rol van Catwoman losgeslaan in die nuwe Batman film
Reuse avokado skok die wêreld
Die werklike grootte van die wêreld se grootste avo Henrique Lubbe @henriquelubbe_
24 Oktober 2019
Die Pokini-familie van Hawaii het vir hulle ’n plek losgeslaan in die Guinness Book of World Records in Oktober vanjaar nadat hulle ’n avokado van 2,5 kg gegroei het. Die avokado is die grootste en swaarste avokado nog ooit ter wêreld en was groot genoeg om vir 20 mense guacamole te maak. Tipies, vat dit 10 avokados om soveel guacamole te maak.
Die gesin het aan Cable News Network (CNN) gesê dat die avokado byna so groot soos hul twaalfjarige seun se kop was. Alhoewel Suid-Afrika se avokadoprodusent, Westfalia in Limpopo, spog met ’n variëteit van avokados vyf keer groter as die standaard wat heel gepas die Avozilla genoem is, uiters skaars is en van net vier bome ekweek word, kan ons nog nie kers vashou met hierdie reus van ’n avokado nie. ’n Mens sal verbaas wees, maar groot groente en vrugte is eintlik ’n ding. Daar is ’n jaarlikse reusepampoenfees, Die Groot Pampoen, in Heidelberg in die
Wes-Kaap, waar meer as 85 ervare pampoenkwekers kop aan kop kompeteer met hul reuse pampoene om die kontantprys van R35 000 te wen. Die pampoene is nie ’n grap nie. Die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse rekord vir die pampoene is 556kg. Hierdie groot kos stop nie net by avokado’s en pampoene nie. Regoor die wêreld is daar groot vrugte- en groentekompetisies wat reuse voedsel lewer. Vanaf die grootste patat van 11.2 kg en die wêreld se swaarste wortel van 8.5 kg tot die langste komkommer van 91.69 cm en broccoli wat 15.8 kilogram weeg.
Kuns en Vermaak
Lumineers’ III Sparks attention
How to stay productive all day
Chelaine de Wet
Ciska de Waal
n the 13th of September Lumineers released their third full-length studio album, III. III not only represents the band’s third record but sneakily references that it is presented in three chapters of three or four songs, each focusing on a different member of the fictional Sparks family. Apple Music describes the album as a “multigenerational tale of mental illness and addiction, told in three acts”. Frontman, Wesley Schultz, thought about the idea to put an album out in three chapters ten years ago and today he and bandmate Jeremiah Fraites tells the full story of Gloria, Junior and Jimmy Sparks and their destructive addictions through intricate lyrical storytelling and cinematic music videos. All the songs are heavy with emotion and story and it feels different than the folky sound usually delivered by The
24 Oktober 2019
Exams are around the corner and procrastination creeps up on all of us every now and then. We put together some great productivity tips to keep you motivated all day long!
Go back to the basics PHOTO: SOURCED
8 hours of sleep, a healthy breakfast and exercise will keep your mind sharp.
New Lumineers album cover
Lumineers. “Gloria”, the third track on the album, deals with the alcoholic matriarch Gloria Sparks and how her devout alcoholism affects her relationship with her children. The second chapter concerns Junior Sparks and how he comes to the realisation that his alcoholic family members should not be idolised. In the third chapter, the cyclical nature of alcoholism and addiction is evident when Junior abandons
his father, Jimmy, in the emotional “Salt and the Sea”. Listeners can truly get caught up in the Sparks’ acoustic-filled story through the accompanying short films which, according to Schultz, “let’s listeners confront what we’re singing about”. Overall, the album evokes raw emotion and challenges the music industry’s rules in many ways which makes it memorable. Our rating: 9.5/10
Me-time in the morning Go and check your social media, news sites and e-mails and then close all the tabs to go on with other work.
Clearly-defined tasks Ask yourself, “What needs to be done next to finish the work/project?”
Have an hourly schedule
Golden gluten free flapjacks
Set your goals by the hour. Avoid multi-tasking before you’re finished with one task.
Corine Raath @corineraath
15-minute walks Serves: 1-2 Ingredients: - 1 egg - ½ cup of gluten free flour - 5 ml baking powder - ½ cup of water or milk - 1 tbsp sugar - a pinch of salt - butter for frying Method: Simply combine all the ingredients except the butter until a uniform mixture has formed. Heat the butter in a pan over medium heat. Once the butter has melted, per flapjack, add two tablespoons of the mixture to the pan. Wait for bubbles to form on the surface of the flapjack before
Get outside a few times per day to catch some fresh air and to avoid fixating on one thing.
Have a calendar
Be accountable
Home-made gluten free flapjacks
flipping it over and cooking it on the other side until both sides are golden and crispy. You can add some more butter when you see the
pan becoming too dry. Serve warm with some fresh fruit, honey, maple syrup or even a dollop of cream.
Boer soek ’n ou? Corine Raath @corineraath
Die twaalfde seisoen van die geliefde of gehaatte, maar beslis beroemde Boer soek ’n Vrou is terug op die kassie. Op 17 Oktober het vanjaar se aanbieder, Leah, weer ’n draai by die toptien gaan maak. Die boere: - Albert (29): Merinoskaap en wild; Noupoort, Noord-Kaap - Brandon (31): Skaap en bees; Stutterheim, Oos-Kaap - Damian (37): Bees en skaap; Bapfonteinsdistrik, Gauteng - Franco (30): Gemeng; Moorreesburg, Wes-Kaap - Gerrit (31): Sitrus; Citrusdal,
Wes-Kaap - Hentie (51): Rooibostee; Clanwilliam, Wes-Kaap - Rohan (31): Tafeldruiwe; Augrabies, Noord-Kaap - Willem (29): Rooibostee; Clanwilliam, Wes-Kaap - Theunis (36): Tafeldruiwe; De Doorns-kontrei, Wes-Kaap - Graham (26): Melk en bees; Cradock, Oos-Kaap Die groot vraag op almal se lippe is natuurlik of Damian, die eerste deelnemer wat vir die ander span speel, ook sy ware liefde sal vind. Nie net is Damian saggeaard nie, maar hy het ook kykers se ore gestreel met sy trekklavier. Vanjaar is daar ook weer ’n Engelse boer. Plat-op-die-aarde Brandon hoop om iemandte kry
Set pop-up alarms to alert you when a task needs to be done.
Don’t stop with a task until it is finished. Set some realistic goals for yourself.
Switch up your scenery met wie hy sy lewe kan deel. Ons het natuurlik ook iemand in sy latere jare. Hentie is miskien oud, maar nog nie koud en soek juis na ’n avontuurlustige vrou. Verlede seisoen het boer Rèan en geliefde Rox-Zee se mislukte verhouding opslaegemaak. RoxZee het egter vinnig herstel en is intussen weer aan ’n boer verloof. Rèan het ook nie op hom laat wag nie en is tans in ’n verhouding met ’n vrou genaamdWaltela. ’n Mens kan net spekuleer wat die nuwe seisoen alles gaan inhou. Miskien gaan ons saam huil, saam liefraak, maar waarskynlik saam lag. Moenie Boer soek ’n Vrou elke Donderdagaand om 20:00 op KykNet misloop nie!
Move to different parts of you study space to avoid a creative block.
Be self-aware Recognize what keeps you going and what gets you off track and keep that in mind.
Stay in sync with your “why” Remember why you chose this career and why you are passionate about it. Productivity Infographic
Chris Venter, Layout Editor
Redaksioneel Totsiens en tot wederom Die kwartaal het uiteindelik tot ’n einde gekom met amper net die eksamen oor. En was dit nou ’n tyd volgepak met die verwagse en die onverwagse. Soos Helen Zille wat ’n u-draai gemaak het om net mooi terug in die DA te beland (bl. 2) – ek sou sê dis nie so onverwags nie. Haar potsending, Tea with Helen, het dit verklap: Sy is nog baie lus vir die politiek. Niemand het egter die enkele geval van meningitis (bl. 3) of die tragiese dood van Rudi van de Venter verwag nie, maar dit skok ’n mens uit die roetine van alledaagse bestaan en laat jou besef dat die dae wat ons het (vol beproewing of dan net lui-lekker dae) genommer is en dat elkeen
’n voorreg is. Hierdie uitgawe word opgedra aan Van de Venter en die Fakulteit van Opvoedkunde wat hulle wy aan die taak om studente voor te berei vir hul beroep as onderwysers wat om die beurt die land se kinders voorberei vir die uitdagings wat ongetwyfeld vir hulle wag. Die “grootmenswêreld” wink vir die lot Puk-verlaters en die wilde droomberoep wat jy vir jouself uitgekies het toe jy nog ’n hormonale tiener was, is nou ’n werklikheid. My wens vir elkeen is bloot die volgende: mag jou beroep ’n verskil én genoeg geld maak. ’n Mens mag maar wens! Wapad-groete Alet
Wapader van die uitgawe: Wapader van die uitgawe is Helaine Duvenhage, ’n nuwe toevoeging tot die Wapad-familie, wat sommer vinnig ingeduik het. En wees gewaarsku: Die Wapad-swembad het slegs ’n diepkant waar sy baie vinnig leer swem het.
Redaksie HOOFREDAKTRISE: Alet Janse van Rensburg NUUSREDAKTEUR: Umamah Bakharia KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTRISE: Ciska de Waal FOTOREDAKTRISE: Lisa van Rooyen TEKSREDAKTRISE: Corine Raath SPORTREDAKTRISE: Lizaan Snyman UITLEGREDAKTEUR: Christiaan Venter, Cheree Meyer (uitlegkunstenaar) INTERNE KOÖRDINEERDER: Chané Jonker ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 0833033292 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn vroeg in 2020. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varsste nuus en lekker leesgoed.
24 OKtober 2019
Tribute to Rudi van de Venter Rudi van de Venter was a passionate Mathematics lecturer since April 2004. He served his students and colleagues with pride. This is evident from the tributes made by colleagues. Below is an eclectic tribute to Rudi, compiled from inputs from various people: - When we think of Rudi, we always recall the fascinating discussions we had on diverse science topics. The Friday, before Rudi’s passing, was no exception and Rudi shared with me a map of the universe on his tablet, following a discussion we had on the SKA radio telescopes in the Northern Cape. We spoke about the speed of light, other galaxies, time travel and relativity. Like in most of our discussions, Rudi lost me somewhere in the discussion as I could simply not keep up with the sheer brilliance of our colleague. Rudi was very upbeat, and shared his plans on registering for a new masters degree topic next year. He wanted to focus on the NWU Mathematics curriculum, and how we could better serve our students in facilitating their learning to excel in a complex 21st Century. - Rudi was verder ‘n perfeksionis. Ons sal Rudi onder andere ook onthou vir sy absolute noukeurige werk. Tweede beste was nie goed genoeg vir hom nie. As hy ’n vraestel sou modereer, kon jy seker wees die taal en tegniese versorging is absoluut foutloos. Ons eer hom vir sy toewyding en lojaliteit, ten spyte van moeilke omstandighede. As tolk, was Rudi se kennis van wiskunde eenvoudig net asemrowend, maar dit was sy passie vir sy studente wat die grootste indruk op my gemaak het. Niks was vir hom meer belangrik as om seker te maak sy studente verstaan die wiskunde wat hy vir hulle aangebied het nie. As ’n student na hom toe gekom het met ’n vraag, het hy als een kant gesit en daai student gehelp
The deceased Rudi van de Venter
totdat die student die werk verstaan het. Die punte, toetse en eksamens was nooit die belangrikste doel vir Rudi nie. Solank die studente die wiskunde verstaan het en dit kon toepas, was hy gelukkig. - Rudi, you will be missed. Thornton Wilder once said: “The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude.” We are all grieving our big loss and will miss you dearly. But thank you for everything you offered the Faculty your students and colleagues alike. You served your students with contagious passion and dedication and we have no doubt that your students will excel in their careers. Thank you for teaching us “Don’t waste a moment of your life
making mistakes.” This statement made us realise that we need to grasp life and take it on with all we’ve got, because we do not know when our lines are drawn... - We are grateful that we could all know you and thank you for everything that we personally could learn from you. - Ter afsluiting, ’n kort gedig van een van sy kollegas: Ek onthou jou met jou rooi hemp en donker hare jou vinnige gepraat en opgewonde beduie jy het ons aangeraak maar ons was te laat... nou rus jy in ons harte Rudi ons liefste maat. - Rest in peace, Rudi van de Venter.
Sosiale media steel my tyd Corine Raath @corineraath
Hallo, almal. My naam is Corine Raath. En ek, ek is ’n Instagramverslaafde. Oukei, dis darem nie só erg. Nog nie. Daar is vir my iets baie gerusstellend daaraan wanneer ek my profiel oopmaak en sien hoe al my foto’s soos ’n baie estetiese legkaart inmekaar pas. Al is daar dan net een ding waaroor ek met my feed kan spog, is dit dat dit darem nie net ’n spul selfies is nie (wie sal nou in elk geval heeltyd in my bakkies wil vaskyk?). Kyk, ek oordeel jou nie as jy jouself soos ’n winkelpop in ’n venster wil vertoon nie
(miskien so ’n bietjie...grappie!), maar my eintlike probleem met die einste Insta, is hoe ek soms vir ure nutteloos daardeur kan scroll. En moenie dat ek eers begin met Youtube nie. Is ek die enigste persoon wat begin om ’n video te kyk vir een van my klasse en dan bevind ek myself twaalfuur die aand besig om te leer oor hoe om ’n rok uit ’n t-hemp te maak – so asof ek dit eendag gaan doen (ek gaan nie) – of hoe ’n meisie haar bolip vasplak om dit groter te laat lyk (dit lyk vir my maar nes ’n eend). Ek gaan nie vir jou jok nie. Youtube is wonderlik. Ek het selfs die vreemde gewoonte ontwikkel om vine-samestellings te kyk as ek wil beter voel (universiteit is moeilik, oukei!) en jy kan met Youtube verniet oefen as jy kanale soos Popsugar gebruik. Die enigste problematiek is dat ek beslis nie wil weet hoeveel tyd ek
daaraan spandeer nie. Dis net soos dryfsand (quicksand vir die leser wat nou met ’n groot frons na die koerant sit en staar): Hoe meer jy spartel om uit te kom, hoe dieper trek dit jou in totdat dit jou uiteindelik heel insluk. Ek kry genadiglik nie ’n ineenstorting wanneer ek op vakansie is by ’n plek sonder sein nie en dis vir my glad nie erg om my foon te ignoreer as ek saam met vriende kuier nie. Ek dink wel ’n mens moet versigtig wees. Ja, dis cool om vir jou vriende lekker memes aan te stuur, maar as julle nooit in die regte lewe saam kan lag nie, sou ek effens bekommerd raak. Ek sê nie jy moet ook op ’n sosiale media-detoks gaan nie – dis mos deesdae die in-ding – dis dalk net ’n goeie idee om seker te maak jou foon het nog nie aan jou begin vasgroei nie.
24 Oktober 2019
Eerste Touchies: Karlien wen naelbyt eindstryd 10/22/2019
Touchies- Melissa Nel.jpg
Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
ie Sewes- en Touchieskoshuisrugbytoernooi het by die Fanie du Toit vanaf 11 tot 12 Oktober vanjaar plaasgevind. Die vroue Touchiesrugbytoernooi het vir die eerste keer plaasgevind as ’n nuwe inisiatief deur die Sport en Rekreasie Uitvoerende Komitee (UK) om vrouekoshuise te betrek by rekreasieaktiwiteite. Die Sewesrugbytoernooi het vir groot opwinding gesorg en die rugbykoshuise, soos Pukdorp- en Soetdoring-manskoshuis, kon aan die toernooi deelneem. “Dit is ’n rekreasietoernooi, dus, word dié koshuise toegelaat om daaraan deel te neem,” het Yikumba Andreas, lid van Sport en Rekreasie UK met die portefeulje Rugby gesê. Patriamanskoshuis het die Sewestoernooi gewen. Die meeste vrouekoshuise het ingeskryf vir die Touchiesrugbytoernooi met
altesaam twintig spanne wat deelgeneem het. Vrouekoshuise kon meer as een span inskryf met Kasteel- en Dinki-vrouekoshuis wat beide drie spanne ingeskryf het. Die spanne was in vyf poele verdeel met poelwedstryde wat op Vrydag 11 Oktober en op Saterdag 12 Oktober plaasgevind het met die finale rondtes wat ook Saterdag plaasgevind het. Bellatrix-, Klawerhof-, Wanda-, Oosterhof-, Karlien-, Wag-’nBietjie- en Minjonetvrouekoshuis se eerste- en tweedespan het deurgedring na die kwarteindstryd. In die semi-finaal het Minjonetvrouekoshuis se eerstespan en Klawerhof-vrouekoshuis teen mekaar gespeel om deur te dring na die finaal. In die ander semifinale se wedstryde het Karlien- en Oosterhof-vrouekoshuis teen mekaar meegeding. Na twee naelbyt wedstryde het Karlien- en Klawerhof-vrouekoshuis hul plek in die finaal verseker. Die eindstryd was egter taaier en moeiliker en beide spanne kon teen die einde van die laaste helfte geen
Karlien wen eerste Touchiesrugbytoernooi
drie aanteken nie. Die swartbalreël was toe geïmplementeer wat bepaal dat die eerste span wat ’n drie aanteken die toernooi sal wen. Karlien-vrouekoshuis het uiteindelik dit reggekry om ’n drie aan te teken en het só as kampioene uit die stryd getree. “Ek is baie trots op my koshuis en ek weet dat Karlien baie hard sal werk om die beker te behou,” het Karlize
Bokke wen Japan in Wêreldbeker kwarteindstryd
van Wyk, Sport Huiskomiteelid van Karlien-vrouekoshuis gesê. Van Wyk het bygevoeg: “Ek dink dit is ’n baie goeie geesbou- en kompetisiegeleentheid vir beide mans- en vrouekoshuise. Die dames was regtig opgewonde oor die touchies gewees en almal wou deelneem.” Volgens Andreas is die Touchiestoernooi ’n goeie manier
om vrouekoshuise te betrek en sal dit definitief oor die volgende paar jaar weer plaasvind. “Die touchies het vir die eerste keer hierdie jaar plaasgevind en dit was ’n reuse sukses. Al die spanne het dit geniet en die toernooi het goed verloop. Dit was my eerste projek as lid van die UK en ek het dit geniet om dit te organiseer,” het Andreas gesê.
Get to know NWU-canoer Dawid Jordaan
S’bu Nkosi, Springbok-vleuel in aksie tydens Rugby Wêreldbeker Megan Gittins en Lizaan Snyman @megan_gittins & @lizaansnyman15
Die Rugby Wêreldbeker wat op 20 September afgeskop het, het vir vuurwarm wedstryde gesorg met twee van die vier kwarteindstryde wat op Saterdag 19 Oktober plaasgevind het. In die eerste kwarteindstryd het Engeland vir Australië maklik met 40 – 16 kafgedraf en Nieu-Seeland het hul dominansie in die Wêreldrugby beklemtoon nadat hulle Ierland in die tweede kwarteindstryd met 46 – 14 pakgegee het. Die laaste twee kwarteindstryde was op Sondag 20 Oktober. Hierdie was twee naelbyt wedstryde met Wallis wat met veertien onbeantwoorde punte teruggekom het om die
veertienman Frankryk-span met 20 – 19 te klop. In die vierde en laaste kwarteindstryd het Suid-Afrika teen die onoorwonne gasheerland, Japan, te staan gekom wat ook die eerste Asiatiese span is wat deurgedring het na die eindstryd van die Rugby Wêreldbeker. Die eerste helfte van die wedstryd was gevul met foute, onder meer onnodige hanteringsfoute wat die Springbokke twee tot drie drieë gekos het. Japan het balbesit begin domineer nadat Tendai Mtawarira, “The Beast”, in die negentiende minuut van die wedstryd weens ’n gevaarlik duikslag van die veld gewys is met ’n geel kaart. Die Bokke het net-net genoeg gehad om halftyd met 5 – 3 voor te loop. In die tweede helfte nadat die Springboklosskakel, Handré Pollard, drie strafskoppe oorgeskop het om die telling na 14 – 3 te vergroot, was hul pad oop. In die 66ste minuut het
Faf de Klerk oorgegaan vir die bokke se tweede drie nadat die Springbok Japan op die agtervoet geplaas het. Die wedstryd was in die Springbokke se sak nadat Makazole Mapimpi ingegaan het vir sy tweede drie van die wedstryd in die 70ste minuut met die telling daarna as 26 – 3 in die Bokke se guns. Michael Leitch, kaptein van Japan, het na die wedstryd gesê: “Ek is ongelooflik trots op die span en wat ons bereik het.” “Die eindtelling is nie ’n ware refleksie van die wedstryd nie. Ons het twee ‘runaway’ drieë gekry, ons moes dalk met vyf of ses punte gewen het,” het Rassie Erasmus, Springbokafrigter, gesê. Die eerste semi-finaal vind eerskomende Saterdag om 10:00 plaas tussen Nieu-Seeland en Engeland terwyl die Springbokke en Wallis Sondag 27 Oktober om 11:00 vir ’n plek in die finaal veg.
Dawid Jordaan in action Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
Johannes Dawid Jordaan, known as Dawid by most, is a final year BSc IT and Geography student at the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus and he likes the quote “Why not?” Originally from Windhoek in Namibia, Jordaan made the NWU canoe-polo first team for a third time consecutively this year. Besides having the honour to compete for Namibia at the Canoe-polo World cup, Jordaan is also proud of finishing the Hansa Fish River Canoe Marathon in Cradock with Lindy Odendaal this year and finishing first in his class
at the Theatre Time Trial. Jordaan said, “I try to compete in every canoe or canoe-polo event that I can get to, especially if I can get a t-shirt.” Some of the teams Jordaan has represented are as follows: NWU canoe-polo first team, Namibia Men Canoe-polo team and Namibia u/21 Canoe-polo team and a private team for the Arnold Classics called Itchy and Scratchy. Jordaan’s goal for the future in canoeing is that he “would like to go canoeing in the White Nile”. Besides having hobbies such as white-water canoeing, cooking, reading and collecting pens, Jordaan also likes helping people and is a member of the Rotary Club in Potchefstroom.
Sport 24 Oktober 2019
VUT women celebrating their Varsity Basketball Championship
VUT conquers Varsity Basketball Natalie Thysse @natalie_thysse
his year’s Varsity Basketball was a thrilling encounter with both the men and women teams travelling to the Wits Multi-Purpose Hall at the University of the Witwatersrand. With only four teams in the women’s section, their tournament started on 10 October with the final on Sunday 13 October between the Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
and the North-West University (NWU). The NWU won all three matches before the final with: 56 – 42 against Wits, 75 – 50 against UCT and 65 – 55 against VUT, while VUT only lost their group stage match against NWU, winning 67 – 36 against UCT and 71 – 49 against Wits. However, all was not lost for VUT in the final against NWU as VUT’s head coach, Zanele Ngwenya, changed some of the tactics especially in defence, preferring “zonal defensive play rather than the ‘man to man’ type of defending” which they used in the stage match they lost. This
tactic was constructed by the VUT coach since the NWU scored most of their points from the inner part of the court throughout the tournament. Although the NWU’s shooters were great, it did not stop VUT from dominating the match VUT took an early 30 – 26 lead, but lost control in the fourth and final quarter after NWU made a comeback. With NWU in the lead, VUT upped their game and scored in the final moments to level the score to 58 – 58. This led to an intense shootout to determine the winner in which both teams could not hold their nerves and each side missed their first six efforts, however VUT’s
Tsiamo Maswabi showed she had the big match temperament as she scored the only free throws, helping VUT win the game. Not only is this the first time ever that the VUT Women are crowned Varsity Basketball champions, but Stabile Ngandini of VUT was also announced as the MVP of the tournament. Coach Ngwnya said, “The friendly against NWU earlier this year in Vaal, got us as a team match-fit and ready for the busy schedule and last year’s exhibition match during the men’s tournament gave us a taste of Varsity Basketball, so the girls came in prepared.”
The Men’s Varsity Basketball started earlier on 4 October with eight teams competing for the trophy and with the final taking place on Sunday 13 October. The final was contested by the University of Johannesburg and the University of Pretoria, however, UJ showed their skill and determination, walking away as winners with the score 64 – 57. The NWU men’s side ended sixth with: 82 – 29 loss against UJ, 85 – 80 win against UKZN, 82 – 45 loss against Wits, 78 – 48 loss against Tuks, 73 – 57 loss against VUT, 77 – 76 win against UCT and 72 – 54 loss against UWC.
SPAR Proteas unbeaten in Africa Netball Cup Lizaan Snyman @ lizaansnyman15
Three months after placing fourth at the Netball World Cup in England, the Spar Proteas took part in the Afica Netball Cup that was held at Bellville Velodrome in Cape Town from 18 to 22 October. This Africa Netball Cup was the newly appointed coach, Dorette Badenhorst, and assistant coach, Dumisani Chauke’s, first tournament while North-West University (NWU) Netball captain, Monique Reyeneke, as well as Lefébre Rademan, goal attack of the Free State, also made their debut.
Dorette Badenhorst, Proteas Coach, said in an interview before the tournament, “The goal is to win this tournament and remain the best-ranked team on the continent.” On Tuesday 22 October in the final match of the tournament, the unbeaten Proteas took on the uncharacteristic play of Zambia. As expected, the Proteas took the early lead ending the first quarter 17 – 12 in front, however, the spirited Zambia side came back in the first part of the second quarter with the Proteas only scoring one more goal in the quarter to lead at halftime with 31 – 25. Zamibia could, however, not keep up the pressure in the third quarter as the Proteas fired back dominating the score 53 – 37. The trend of the third quarter continued into the fourth with the Proteas keeping their unbeaten record in the tournament by winning 72 – 53.
The Proteas also broke a record in the opening match on Friday 18 October as they thrashed Lesotho by an enthathic 116 – 10, overtaking their two previous high scores which was a 110 – 22 win over the Cayman Islands in Birmingham in 1995 and in 1996 when they demolished Lesotho with 110 – 3 in Pretoria. The results of the other matches for the Proteas looked as follows: 56 – 51 win against Malawi, 69 – 39 win against Zimbabwe, 50 – 47 win against Uganda and 71 – 36 win against Kenya. Badenhorst said in the post-match preceedings, “The tournament was good preparation for the upcoming series against England. For the series we, however, need to work on our combinations, taking into consideration against certain teams and players we are playing.”
SA captain, Bongiwe Msomi, in action during the Africa Netball Cup