Voice of Choices Magazine

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We have free choice. I always believe astrology is the doors opening, the bells ringing, whistles blowing and 99.9 percent of life is free will. Others will for sure be exercising their free will this month and I know you also will make the correct choices for you personally.

Its summertime and we are reminded by nature that we need to be living in a way that is vital, alive and connected to our joy. July is the seventh month of a number 1 year, making this a very special month. Add 7 + 1 and we get 8. Many of us decide during 8 years or months to get out of situations where we are not getting the respect or rewards we know are due us. I always think of the number 8 as reward, respect and recognition time. This month, personally for all of us, is asking, no, demanding that we open to all that energy of seeing ourselves as worthy and to recognize that if we are not receiving this then maybe it is time move on. Water (feelings) and air (ideas) are the early month themes as we have planets in the signs of Cancer and Uranus. Uranus in Pisces is moving backwards and getting a great deal of attention. Planets in air are still giving us more ideas and options than perhaps we can process. Use the 10th, 11th and 12th as the moon entering Scorpio brings us a grand trine of water energy and further increases the dreams and visions and upgrades the intuition we are all being gifted with during these three very powerful days. From June 20 until Sept. 20 we are in the time of the south, the time of summer and abundance in all things. This time in American Indian traditions is sacred to the summer signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Coyote the trickster is here for us all now to use to make life more joyful. The powers of this time for us all are about growth and trust. For the first part of July use soft colors of silvers and blues, and keep in mind that others will be feeling more sensitive than normal. Saturn is moving direct in the sign of Virgo and details and the knowledge of what we need to do will be arriving after the 12th. Expect to get some information that may surprise you as Mars, the planet of action, enters Virgo, the sign of facts and details July 1. On July 12 Venus, the planet of what we want, enters fiery Leo and we are gifted with a huge shift of passion and action. On the 22nd the sun enters Leo. On the 26th Mercury (ideas and communication) enters Leo and heart-centered energy and passion rule supreme. We also have Pluto moving backward. It entered (actually, re-entered) the fire sign of Sagittarius on June 13 so many of the questions that plagued us in May and June will be answered by the end of July and we will be feeling the push to do something.




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Fire is creation and magic. So, magic time for us all, in all forms of nature, is here: Use potted plants, live flowers, morning glories and any green foliage to soothe and calm us as we move more and more into the time of fire and we are finally ready to make some huge shifts. Celestial tension release time is here so make sure when you use this fire energy to make love with life and others, not war. Passion needs to be directed and we are going to have a very passionate July 2008. Fire colors are orange, red, yellow, gold and brilliant tones. Fire is the element of magic and using scents such as clove, frankincense, peppermint and rosemary will bring us closer to our own personal Earth magic. New Age stones are Kyanite to raise consciousness, Peridot, which allows an easier flow of information from higher self, and Iolite, which clears negativity. From July 22 to Aug. 22 we are in the American Indian time of the Ripe Berries Moon and the elemental energy of this time (Leo) is the Thunderbird. This is the time to garner the inner strength and to have the ability to see through things. This time gives us the ability to know what is true for ourselves by our heart energy. Use this time wisely and get ready to make that shift you have known for so long is coming in your life. July 2 brings us a new moon with the sun and moon joining at 12 degrees of Cancer at 7:19 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. These next two weeks will connect us more strongly to feelings and intuition, and come at a time when connections to those we love feel mandatory. Take time for family or friends, and fun things that help you feel secure and happy this month. Nature is a huge part of this time, so make sure to get outside and reconnect to the earth and perhaps in doing this simple thing you also will reconnect to your own sense of self. On the 18th the full moon with the sun at 26 degrees of Cancer and the moon at 26 Capricorn brings us to the knowledge that the old ways will be changing of doing what we were told was right for many of us. What ideas or things in your life do you need to allow to gently and easily flow away from you over this next two weeks, as the sky allows a gentle releasing energy for us all? On Sunday, the 20th, as the moon touches Neptune, we are reminded that four planets will be retrograde: Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, as will two asteroids, Chiron and Juno, all helping us reconnect to Source and reenvision our futures. Strong inner spiritual connection is here for us all and now we have the fire and the passion to finally begin the changes within self. Use the balsamic moon (dark-of-the-moon wish time) on the 29, 30th and 31st to set intentions by instinct and feelings. Aug. 1 delivers us a new moon solar eclipse and we shall be feeling this by the middle of July, if not now. (Please see eclipse articles on my Web site, www.carolbarbeau.com, for more information.) Remember, you deserve more than you think you do. This is the month to begin to recognize our own strengths and abilities and have the courage to use them for the betterment of ourselves and the world. We have the answers and all we need within us. This month is trying to help us understand this basic truth: I shall give you one of my favorite quotes, from John O’Donohue: “The blessings for which we hunger are not to be found in other places or people. These gifts can only be given to you by yourself. They are at home in the hearth of your soul.” Visit Carol Barbeau’s Web site at www.carolbarbeau.com to learn more about astrological influences. E-mail her at carolastro@carolabarbeau.com.

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