Wicklow Voice 16 02 2018

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wicklowvoice.ie February 16, 2018

news in brief

Hiding Private Ryan: security very tight on Spielberg film

Love Your Pet Day MAXI ZOO in Bray introduces the Love Your Pet Day events. The celebrations will be held between February 16- 20 and aims at highlighting the importance of our furry family members. A series of free events will be held in stores and can be enjoyed both by the pet parents and their pet. Pet owners are invited to make a pet cookie and experts will be on site to answer any questions and discuss the positive aspects RI KRZ SOD\ WLPH FDQ D൵HFW \RXU relationship with your pet and its health. On February 18 and February 24 additional Real Nature Demo Days are taking place, focusing on pets nutrition.

My Funny Valentine On February 23 you can enjoy My Funny Valentine with Niall O’Sullivan which celebrates some of the world’s best loved songs and melodies at the Mermaid Arts Centre in Bray. Unforgettable numbers from stage & screen performed by Ireland’s trumpet player Niall O’Sullivan.For bookings, call 01 272 4030 or book online at mermaidartscentre.ie

Director Spielberg has been in Wicklow before: he met with Daniel Day-Lewis here in 2011 before the pair filmed Lincoln in America. Below, Mackenzie Davis in Bladerunner 2049 and Finn Wolfhard from Stranger Things Continued from front page It tells the story of a young woman hired as the nanny to two orphans who is convinced that the country mansion they live in is haunted. According to previous reports in the US, the ¿OP LV EHLQJ GLUHFWHG E\ Floria Sigismondi who made her name making music videos for The White Stripes and David Bowie, while also directing episodes of last

year’s smash TV show, The Handmaid’s Tale. However, according to sources close to the set, 6SLHOEHUJ KDV EHHQ KHOPLQJ WKH project. 7KLV LV QRW 6SLHOEHUJ¶V ¿UVW IRUD\ LQWR WKH DUHD KH SUHYLRXVO\ YLVLWHG 'DQLHO 'D\ /HZLV LQ :LFNORZ EHIRUH WKH pair shot Lincoln together in $PHULFD ZKLOH KH DOVR ¿OPHG parts of Saving Private Ryan in County Wexford. The Turning will come as a YHU\ ZHOFRPH ERRVW WR WKH ¿OP industry in Wicklow as there KDV EHHQ FRQFHUQ WKDW PRUH and more productions would go to Troy Studios in Limerick. There are currently six

workshops in use at Troy in a 350,000sq ft facility with three massive soundstages, one running to 30,800 sq ft and two at 18,000 sq ft. This time last year there ZHUH FRQFHUQV IRU MREV at Ardmore Studios in Bray after it was put up for sale and WKDW WKH VLWH ZRXOG EH XVHG for housing. Ashford Studios have lodged an Environmental Impact Statement to Wicklow &RXQW\ &RXQFLO LQ DQ H൵RUW to address concerns over a proposed €90m expansion. .LOOUXGGHU\ KDV EHHQ KRPH WR WKH %UDED]RQ )DPLO\ WKH Earls of Meath) since 1618 and LV FXUUHQWO\ UXQ E\ $QWKRQ\ and Fionnuala Ardee.

Confusion over La Touche as builders move in By Charisma Trant CONFUSION surrounds the IXWXUH RI WKH ¿YH QHZ WHUUDFHG houses and 22 modern houses on the grounds of the La Touche Hotel. On Wednesday morning, building supplies and a cherry picker arrived at the site and it was claimed that Wicklow &RXQW\ &RXQFLO KDG FRQ¿UPHG that work had begun on the site. Previous to this it was claimed by Cllr Derek Mitchell that the planning application for the La Touche Hotel itself had been withdrawn and plans to demolish and replicate the hotel had been put on ice. This, therefore, meant that building on the houses could not proceed until a conservation plan was submitted. According to correspondence from Wicklow County Council seen by the Wicklow Voice, the work has not begun.

Some of the planks and cherry picker outside the La Touche. Pic: Courtesy of Greystones Guide

“To my knowledge no Commencement Notice has been submitted yet and therefore the developer has not indicated his intention to commence the development. “What might be causing confusion is that the developer has agreed a phasing programme with the Planning Authority, which sets out what parts of the development he can commence works on. This might have been interpreted incorrectly as the

“the Council said that work can proceed”. The bringing onto site of scaffolding does not require the submission of a Commencement Notice nor would it be considered to have required the “prior to commencement of development” conditions to be complied with.” &OOU 0LWFKHOO DOVR FRQ¿UPHG WR the Wicklow Voice that in recent weeks a number of young people have accessed the building.

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