THE latest Residential Property Price Barometer from IPAV, the Institute of Professional Auctioneers & Valuers, covering the first half of 2022, shows an overall property price increase of 6.36% on the previous six months, roughly the same level of increase recorded in the first half of 2021.
And in what might come as no surprise to Carlow residents, some of the highest increases were recorded in our county for the staple three-bedroom home.
IPAV’s Barometer records, not asking prices, but the prices actually achieved by auctioneers for three-bedroom and fourbedroom semi-detached homes and two-bedroom apartments.
In the three-bedroom category the highest increases were in Galway City (12.9%), Clare (11.52%) Carlow (10.98%) and Waterford (10.77%).
However, there is some good news for prospective homebuyers, as Pat Davitt, IPAV Chief Executive, said
there was a noticeable change in the level of increases in the latter two months.
“In the first four months the overall increase would have been of the order of 10% but changes during May and June brought the six months figure to 6.36%.
“In the latter two months the practice of increasing reserves — where the price expectations of neighbourhood sellers tend to escalate when a property achieves a particular level —
had almost disappeared.” He said in the period ahead the level of price increases is likely to slow further.
“In the next six months we would expect prices to taper to about the 2% mark with some of the more expensive areas experiencing no increases at all.”
Mr Davitt said increasing interest rates “are bound to dampen sentiment especially
Continued on next page
ALL roads lead to Carlow for the Autumn Walking Festival 2022, which takes place from Friday, 30 September to Sunday, 2 October 2022.
The walks are graded and timed to suit the capabilities of walkers in each category. All walks end with light refresh ments giving participants the opportunity to recap on their experiences. All walks are led by knowledgeable local guides from Tullow Mountaineering Club, Blackstairs Ramblers and local walking enthusiasts and are of varying duration from 1.5hrs to 7 hrs. For fur ther information please go to: www.carlowtourism.com/ walkingfestival or phone 059-9130411.
MSD Ireland, the Irish arm of NYSE-listed pharma giant Merck & Co, has announced plans to add 100 jobs in Carlow to strengthen its manufacturing capabilities.
Construction of a new facility at its existing site that will be geared towards production of next generation oncology biologics has commenced after Carlow County Council granted planning permissions.
CARLOW women’s belief in their ability to run a successful business is continuing to grow, this year’s National Women’s Enterprise Day (NWED), which was launched in the county, was told.
The initiative of the Local Enterprise Offices, now in its 16th year, will take place on the 13th October to encourage female entrepreneurship.
The research, part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for 2021, showed that 49% of women surveyed believed they had the necessary skills and knowledge to start a business.
This was up from 39% in 2018. The report also highlighted that Ireland has the third highest rate for early-stage women entrepreneurs across European countries, with over 1,400 women starting a new business every month.
Early-stage women entrepreneurs in Ireland are mainly focused on the customer services sector with 64% of those surveyed
working in that area. The report showed a significant growth in export customers for these businesses, with 26% of customers of these early-stage startups based abroad, up from 15% in 2019 highlighting how they have
diversified their markets during Covid.
The theme of this year’s National Women’s Enterprise Day is “Our Future, Our Way” which will be reflected in the 16 events taking place across the country.
Continued from previous page
with the hike of 1.25% already and further to come.”
Meanwhile, Carlow’s Fairgreen Shopping Centre is back on the market at a muchreduced price of €22.85m — down from €36m in 2016, when it last went on the market.
Located in the heart of Carlow town, Fairgreen Shopping Centre comprises 50 retail units including kiosks providing a mix of grocery, fashion and service-led retailers such as New Look, Costa, Eurogiant, Carraig Donn, Elverys, River Island and JD Sports.
The combination of these tenants and the centre’s three owner-occupier anchors –Tesco, Heatons and an IMC cinema – help to attract a footfall of some three million visitors per annum.
Carlow has seen strong population growth over the past 10 years — with a reported 8.8% increase reported in the recent 2022 census.
Fairgreen Shopping Centre, therefore, has an immediate catchment of nearly 33,000 people located within a 10-minute drive.
AN investigation by Carlow County Council following com plaints from residents found that a manufacturing plant was above the local authority’s threshold for solvent use.
Springhill Kitchens, which manufactures kitchen units at its factory in Kernanstown Industrial Estate, was told it will need to engage with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a licence.
The council’s investigation follows complaints from local residents and politicians about a strong odour near the manufac turing facility.
There are regulations govern ing solvent emissions from 20 specified activities. The activi ties of small businesses are un der the control of the local au thorities while larger businesses require EPA licensing.
Activities using more than 10 tonnes per annum of solvents require an Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control (IPPC) licence from the EPA.
Following complaints from residents Carlow County Council conducted surveys on noise levels, burning of mate rials and the use of solvents at Springhill Kitchens.
The council was satisfied that the company was compli ant on regulations governing
noise and the burning of mate rials. However, it determined that Springhill Kitchens was above the solvents threshold for local authority certification.
The council has advised the company to engage with the EPA for licensing and has re ferred its file to the agency for further assessment.
Independent councillor John Cassin has made a number of representations to the council about the odour on behalf of lo cal residents.
“A good few neighbours have complained about it, it’s a fair ly strong odour,” he told The Journal recently.
Mr Cassin said the company had responded to complaints about noise in the past and had worked to reduce noise levels.
“So I’m hoping the EPA will come in now and they can work together to get a successful out come,” he said.
“They’re a good employer, they employ a lot of people in the area, but at the same time they obviously have to address this.”
The EPA told The Journal it has not received an application or other communications from the company in relation to this matter. Springhill Kitchens did not respond to several requests for comment, it was reported.
THE deadline for female entrepreneurs in rural areas to apply for the latest cycle of the ACORNS business development initiative is this Friday (September 23), so budding businesswomen need to get their skates on.
This is the 8th year of the Government-backed ACORNS programme, which is supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, under its Rural Innovation and
Development Fund. A total of 50 new entrepreneurs will be selected from those who apply.
The ACORNS 8 programme is completely free to those selected to participate and will run over six months from October 2022 to April 2023.
More than 350 female entrepreneurs have taken part in ACORNS to date and a significant portion are still actively involved. For more information: www.acorns.ie.
A l EA d I n G pharmacist is warning people “really need to worry” about getting their flu vaccines as soon as possible, over fears the health service will buckle under what is being branded a ‘Twindemic’
It comes as the 2022 Winter Health Index from lloyds Pharmacy shows the Twindemic — a combination of Covid-19 and the Winter flu — is not being taken seriously by the Irish public.
Three in five Irish adults claim they are not concerned about winter flu season but the HSE’s draft winter plan reveals plans are being made for as many as 17,000 hospitalisations, with 700 possibly in ICU, according to the Sunday Independent.
The concerns follow the latest trends seen in Australia, where the winter flu, combined with Covid-19, led to a difficult winter for the health service.
And this year, Australia saw the flu virus affecting all age groups, and not just the elderly.
Research commissioned by Lloyds Pharmacy shows 71% of Irish adults aged 35 to 44
intend to either not get the flu vaccination or are still unsure.
Rebecca Barry, Supervising Pharmacist with llyods Pharmacy said: “It is often observed that winter flu difficulties experienced in Australia are replicated across
Europe in the months that follow.
“People really need to worry about getting their flu vaccines due to the noteworthy stress the health system in Australia has been under due to the Twindemic. They shouldn’t be
complacent. “It is so important that members of the public get vaccinated as the health service here will be swamped otherwise.”
Ms Barry added flu season normally “raises its head” here in november and december.
Consumers are now saving less and spending more due to the cost of living crisis, it has emerged.
The stark news is revealed in the latest Bank of Ireland savings and Investment index, which tracks household attitudes towards savings and investment.
The findings reflect the impact of rising prices, and the back to school costs faced by many households.
The latest figures show that the savings and Investment index has dropped to its lowest level since the survey began, with a significant drop in the number of consumers who feel that they are saving enough. While more people are saving, the data reveals they are savings less.
The index for “do you save” rose six points to 96 but the index for “savings amount” dropped 12 points to 78, its lowest ever level.
When asked whether it will be a good time to save in six months, that score dropped to 85, the second lowest level since 2019. The
ClEAn Coasts received a huge boost of support from volunteers and communities across Ireland for the Big Beach Clean weekend, which took place between September 16 and 18.
This year, a record number of over 500 clean-ups were organised by volunteers who removed over 63 tonnes of litter nationwide.
The Big Beach Clean is an annual call to action that runs as part of the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC), operated internationally by Ocean Conservancy and invites communities and volunteers
around the country to remove litter from around the coast after the bathing season ends.
So far, data collected from the International Coastal Cleanup have informed policy in a number of areas, leading to laws banning the use of plastic grocery bags; prohibiting smoking-related litter; encouraging the use of reusable bags; prohibiting mass balloon releases; and prohibiting foam food and beverage takeaway containers.
For more information on Clean Coasts in Ireland, visit: www.cleancoasts.org
ADITYA Kumar and Aditya Joshi scooped first prize for Ireland at this year’s european union Contest for Young scientists (euCYs), which took place in Leiden, netherlands, from 13-18 september, with their project entitled: ‘A new method of solving the Bernoulli Quadrisection Problem’.
To celebrate their brilliant achievement, BT Ireland have extended the entry submission deadline for this year’s BT Young scientist & Technology exhibition 2023.
The new deadline for completed submissions is monday 3rd, october, at 5pm.
This new deadline will allow many young people to showcase their sTem skills at the most prestigious exhibition in europe.
Participating students will be in the running to win over 200 prizes across all four categories and age groups.
The overall winners will take away the top prize of €7,500 and represent Ireland at euCYs in Brussels 2023.
figures contrast sharply with consumer attitudes during the pandemic, when the savings Index reached a peak.
The survey results continue to suggest consumers may be trying to save in the face of uncertainty but they are struggling to do so, given the rising cost of living.
“Rising inflation is having a significant impact on how people view their finances,” said Kevin Quinn, Chief Investment strategist at Bank of Ireland.
“so much so that despite the challenges presented by Covid and the russia-ukraine war, the impact of rising prices is possibly the most significant in the past three years in terms of how people view saving and investing.
“For some the environment is proving challenging enough that they have scaled back on their savings,” he added.
Irish people are also far less confident about retirement, with this part of the index dropping from 125 in november 2021 to 107 in August 2022.
THE Government has approved a new pay agreement for early learning and childcare workers, which will see wages rise for an estimated 73% of those working in the sector.
The new pay deal came into effect on September 15th.
The deal will provide new minimum hourly rates of pay for various roles in the early years services sector, ranging from €13-an-hour for early years educators and schoolage childcare practitioners, to €17.25-an-hour for graduate managers.
Karen Clince, founder and CEO of Tigers Childcare, called it a well-deserved turning point and watershed moment for her and her staff.
“I am elated and somewhat emotional for my colleagues – the vast majority of whom will see their wages rise,” she said. “It is a well-deserved turning point and recognition of the vital role they play caring for and educating the most important and vulnerable in our community — our children.”
Participants of the women’s race in the 102nd Jones Engineering Dublin City Liffey Swim. Pic: Jason ClarkeN ATIONAL housing charity Threshold has called on the Government to introduce a tax relief on rents paid by private tenants in Budget 2023, to help alleviate cost-of-living pressures and soaring rents.
This is one of several measures the charity wants to see in Budget 2023 to improve the private rental sector, to alleviate the financial burden experienced by renters and to ensure they can access a home where they can live with dignity.
Threshold has previously welcomed increases in the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) and the extension of notice periods for tenancy terminations.
However, the charity has warned immediate actions must be taken by the Government to protect against rising rent costs, exorbitant energy bills and the cost-of-living crisis.
Threshold’s CEO, John-Mark McCafferty said: “Private renters must be a priority in this year’s Budget. Renters are one of the groups hit hardest by rising inflation and are at greater risk of poverty in comparison to owner occupiers having sustained unrelenting rent increases since 2014.”
CARLOW pubs require urgent and substantive energy supports in the light of new research which shows more than four in 10 adults plan fewer visits to pubs for the remainder of 2022, due to cost of living pressures.
The data has prompted Vintners’ Federation of Ireland CEO, Paul Clancy, to call for urgent supports for the pub trade in Budget 2023.
He says pubs cannot pass on increases to customers already under financial strain.
The CGA (Curren Goodden Associates) Cost of Living Consumer Pulse Survey, carried out across Ireland and the UK last month, found that 42% of Irish adults plan to visit pubs far less often between now and New Year’s Eve.
The survey comes on the back of sky-rocketing fuel bills for Ireland’s 7,000 heavily energyreliant pubs and a pandemic which saw the permanent closure of many pubs nationwide.
“The survey findings paint a bleak future for the pubs of Ireland, their staff and the communities where they often
provide a vital social hub,” said Mr Clancy, whose organisation represents 4,000 publicans.
“Pubs cannot pass on increases to customers already under financial strain and colossal energy costs are going to force
pubs to close, or reduce their winter opening times.
“Reduced footfall, coupled with an unprecedented rise in energy costs after 22 months of Covid lockdown closures and restrictions, means we are
almost certainly looking at the permanent closure of many more pubs.”
There has been a 21% decline in the number of pubs in Ireland since 2005, according to the Drinks Industry Group.
PEOPLE outside Dublin are less likely to have a pension, according to a new survey commissioned by Pensions Awareness Week .
The national survey showed a regional disparity between pension savers, with 63% of people in Dublin holding some form of pension product, a figure that drops to 54% for those living outside the capital.
The research surveyed more than 1,000 people nationally in late August and early September 2022. It was conducted by Behaviour & Attitudes (B&A) on behalf of Pensions Awareness Week 2022 (PAW22) ahead of the event which runs all this week.
The survey also found that more than two in five people in Ireland without a pension have either delayed starting one or delayed their planned retirement date due to the cost-of-living crisis.
And another 4% have actually cashed in their pensions to deal with soaring energy and other costs. See: www. pensionsawarenessweek.ie
Ellen Farrell at the launch of the Young Environmentalist Awards (YEAs) recognises and rewards young people aged 10 to 18 for their efforts to tackle environmental issues both locally and globally. Pic: Julien BehalKilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the above position based in the Further Education and Training Service.
Further details and application forms available from: www.kcetb.ie
Closing Date: Thursday, 29 September 2022 (12 noon).
Adult Literacy Kilkenny and Carlow is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2021-2027.
Kilkenny and Carlow ETB is an equal opportunities employer.
Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of REALT CO-ORDINATOR (Full-Time – 35 hours per week) (Ref No: 2022SEP143)
Working as part of the Regional Education and Language Support Team (REALT) the primary role of the REALT Co-Ordinator is to build on existing regional education support structures and will initially focus on assisting Ukrainian refugee families in securing school places.
As part of the Support Team the REALT Co-Ordinator will also support schools in the area to meet the needs of these children as they emerge, to advise and support the Department of Education in developing new capacity where required, and to co-ordinate the provision of education services to schools and families. In addition, the REALT Co-Ordinator will ensure that clear, accessible information flows are in place between schools, local education support services and national support structures in relation to people arriving from Ukraine.
Knowledge of the Irish education system and a full clean drivers licence essential.
Closing Date: Friday, 30 September 2022 at 12 noon.
Further details and application forms are available from www.kcetb.ie
Late applications will not be accepted.
Shortlisting will apply.
Kilkenny and Carlow ETB is an equal opportunities employer.
Britain’s royal family are unusual celebrities in that they do nothing. They don’t sing or dance, play football, run a restaurant or host a cookery programme.
If I had been writing this thir ty years ago, I might have said they were unique, but nowa days it is not so very uncommon for people to become famous on the strength of no actual achievement - by appearing on a dating show, for instance, or spending the summer in a house along with a group of young men and women as vacuous as themselves.
But the fame that comes from Love Island, and the like, is limited and short-lived. The ‘celebrities’ go from guest spots on talk shows to walk-on roles at nightclubs and end up turning
on the Christmas lights in small English towns. Even that taw dry glamour soon fades .
For Britain’s royal family it is very different. If there was such a thing as a fameometer it would show them at the top. Their celebrity status has en dured for more than a century.
Britain (specifically England) has had monarchs for much longer than that, of course, but the kings and queens who ruled before Victoria had some hand in the running of the country. Their status depended on how well they did the job. Not so, the modern monarchs.
They are, to be sure. actors in the greatest soap opera of our time. The Windsors: Shocking Saga of a Dysfunctional Family, is more entertaining than The Crown, the fictionalised ver sion of their story. But that is an accidental achievement. They were born tinto their roles and have little choice but to play along.
In any case, it wasn’t the soap opera stuff that brought thousands of Britons to central London where they queued for hours to file past Queen Eliza beth’s coffin. And it wasn’t the soap opera that had millions glued to their television sets to
watch her funeral.
I found the whole thing baf fling. The long. long farewell; the ceremonies, the silences, the reverential mourners in wellmannered queues. Strange, but also touching. The people really did pay their respects.
Some of those who queued all day to view the coffin seemed to regard the wait as a penance, ‘offering it up’ for their late queen. “It was the least I could do after all she did for us,” said one woman, who undoubtedly spoke for many.
That’s a sentiment that might have been applied to Elizabeth I, who thwarted the Spanish Armada and brought stability to the country after the reck lessness of her father, Henry, and the fanaticism of her sister, Mary.
But Elizabeth II? She lived a long time and caused no harm, but what did she actually do for her people? Their adulation
seems to have been generated not by what she did but by who she was - by a belief, incredible in the twenty-first century, that members of the royal family are somehow superior to ordinary mortals whom they honour by their presence.
For her loyal subjects - and isn’t that, itself, an incred ible term to be using in 2022?
- what mattered was not the queen’s actions but that she could trace her ancestry back to George I, Duke of BrunswickLüneburg and, at a stretch. Wil liam I, Duke of Normandy.
The same goes for the many royal devotees in Ireland. What else would bring them onto the streets to cheer these royal personages ? And what else explains the belief that these titled beings, who have no ac tual power and tend to organise their own lives rather badly, can somehow be of benefit to our country as well as their own.
Former Taoiseach John Bru ton believes they can. He con cedes that the new King Charles “is a human being”. He told the Irish Independent: “His visiting Ireland as a human being, pay ing tribute to other human be ings in this country is personal ... and the personal trumps the political a lot of the time.”
Thousands of people visit Ire land every year “as human be ings’ ‘. Nobody believes they are paying us a tribute. Charles has been here many times as a prince and I have no doubt he will come again, as a king. Crowds will turn out to greet him; they will cheer and wave flags. But he won’t sort out the problems caused by Brexit and the Northern Ireland protocol. He won’t give us more houses or cheaper gas.
Because in the real world the personal does not trump the political - even if the person in question is called King Charles.
Michael WolseyNestled deep in the southwest corner of Wicklow on the border with Wexford there is a field. Nothing unusual there, this is farming country after all. Ah yes but this field is a bit different. It is full of sunflowers. A field full of magnificent 8ft tall sunflowers in Ireland in september!
Are you mad? A field full of sunflowers! Is this for the cutflower industry? Nope. these flowers will not be cut and sold. they are being grown for food. Food? Are sunflowers edible? No… well not by humans anyway. they are being grown to provide food for bees and other pollinators.
Ah ok… so it’s somebody with an apiary and trying to produce loads of honey. No… there are no artificial beehives or honey production here. so, what is going on?
this is the Bee sanctuary of Ireland. this is 55 acres of the Wicklow countryside being planted with field after field of wildflowers to feed all our wonderful wild pollinators – bumblebees, solitary bees, wasps, hoverflies, and butterflies. It is ponds and wetlands, unkempt and uncut hedgerows, copses, brambles, nettles, thistles – a wild and re-wilded haven for all our biodiversity. A refuge not just for bees but all manner of biodiversity – birds of prey hunt overhead, squadrons of dragonflies and damselflies patrol their territories, hedgehogs, stoats, squirrels, deer and all manner of birds and invertebrates.
A story of family, grief, and the ways we come together when all seems lost. Molly Black has disappeared. she’s been flighty since her parents died, but this time - or so says her hastily written note - she’s gone for good. that’s why the whole Black clan - from Granny perched on the printer to Killian on Zoom from sydney — is huddled together in the dublin suburbs, arguing over what to do. Former model lady V presumes Molly’s just off taking drugs and sleeping with strangers - which is fine by her. Cousin Anne, tired of living in Molly’s shadow, is keeping quiet, and cousin Bobby is distracted by his own issues.
am i B eing unrea S ona B le? Fridays, BBC One, 9.30pm
A newHIs new comedy thriller, with daisy May Cooper and selin Hizli, revolved around a budding friendship. Nic is grieving a loss that she can’t share with anyone whilst stuck in a depressing marriage. Only her son, Ollie who she adores, keeps her going. But when Jen arrives in town her life is lit up with laughter and through this kindred soul her dark secret starts to bubble up. “Female friendship at its naughtiest and most intoxicating. that is until everything unravels. A twisted comedy thriller about two mums, marital angst, maternal paranoia and a dead cat.” sounds fun.
WHeN hospital psychiatrist dr. suzanne Mathis (emily deschanel) shelters a mysterious cult escapee (Madeleine Arthur), her world is turned upside down as the strange girl’s arrival threatens to tear her own family apart. this creepy new series has already had people googling, ‘Is it true?; all over the place. the answer is yes and no. It was based on a book, by daria Polatin, which claimed to be based on a true story. But the cult portrayed was all made up. either way, it will likely still scare the pants off of you and have you running to the safety of the nearest Catholic church.
NOW the planet needs to be saved and the nice old bit of mince is soon to be a thing of the past, you can always knock this together and do your bit. A really rich vegetarian slow cooker Bolognese that’s perfect for serving with spaghetti or made into a veggie lasagne, pasta bake or cottage pie. It makes six generous servings, keeps well in the fridge for a couple of days and can be frozen for 4 months. the ingredients listed are all suggestions, but feel free to lob in some of your own favourites.
the brainchild of Paul Handrick and Clare-louise donelan, this not-for profit venture is their brave response to the Biodiversity Crisis and the Climate emergency. this is leading the way. Imagine a network of sanctuaries like this across the county and across the country. Imagine if these sanctuaries were interconnected by wildlife corridors. there is hope and a beacon has just been lit deep in the heart of Wicklow.
Re NOWN ed Irish songwriter, John spillane, has released the second single from his upcoming album, In Another light, recorded live with Cork Opera House Concert Orchestra.
‘Princes street’ was recorded live at the Right Here Right Now Festival at Cork Opera House in 2021. It was performed live by John spillane and Pauline scanlon with the Cork Opera House Concert Orchestra, conducted by John O’Brien and orchestrated by Kevin Codd. two-time Meteor award winner John spillane is a musician, songwriter, performer, recording artist, storyteller, poet . . . and dreamer.
Róise & Frank has been a hit on the festival circuit screening at the Galway Film Fleadh and winning numerous awards including Best ensemble at dublin International Film Festival. shot in Ring, Waterford, during the summer of 2019, Róise & Frank tells the story of the recently widowed Róise (Bríd Ní Neachtain) who is struggling in the aftermath of her husband Frank’s passing. Róise has distanced herself from the world and those dearest to her. But when a stray dog appears out of nowhere a rejuvenated Róise comes to believe in the reincarnation of her husband.
tHe alternative social media app BeReal provides the opportunity to connect with friends in a realistic and authentic way. Young people can use their daily BeReal moment to be honest with their friends about how they’re feeling, creating deeper connections amongst friends without the filters, glitz and glam of typical social media. Once a day, BeReal notifies all users that it’s time to post on the app, with a 2 minute timer on the clock. BeReal is an alternative to the hyper-curated social media we’re used to. No getting the perfect shot, these photos are rough and ready and the real you. (Pictured: Caoimhe Byrne @therealcraic)
sHeIlA Hayes (pictured), Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation liaison nurse manager for Waterford, is urging people ‘to go Up the Hill for Jack and Jill’ during the month of October to highlight how every day can be a challenge for Jack and Jill families. the foundation, which this year celebrates 25 years providing specialist in-home nursing care and respite support for children with life-limiting conditions, supports a total of six families in County Waterford. taking part in Up the Hill is simple – pick a hill, make a date, grab some friends, and go. B e real app www.bere.al/en
AriesMake a bargain, or promise. Push for a long-term dream and vision. Use your charm and creativity. Make a move leading to lasting benefit.
TAurusReplenish your reserves. Compute expenses to find painless twigs to prune. Align on solutions for longterm growth.
GeminiFocus energy for a personal project for long-lasting gain. Research and consider expert financial opinions. Explore and innovate.
C A n C erReview options for the way of least friction. Gentle, steady pressure works better than force. Determine the best direction.
LeoA community effort gains momentum. Long-term goals seem within reach. Work together to exceed expectations. Recruit friends to help.
Vir G oPlay the game you’ve been practicing to win. Forge ahead, and anticipate changes. Stay light on your feet, and have fun..
Libr ASet into place structures to support your next adventure. Balance and weigh your options. Make long-term decisions and preparations.
sCorpioGo for big financial goals with a partner’s support. Teamwork goes the distance. Clarify your vision to inspire greater gain.
sAG i TTA riusCollaborate to determine next steps with your partner. Discuss possibilities, and align upon which to greenlight. Compromise and negotiate terms.
C A pri CornPick up the pace as demand for your work rises. The moves you make now can have lasting personal benefits. You have an extra advantage.
CHARlIe McGettigan is best known for securing a eurovision hat trick for Ireland when he and Paul Harrington performed Brendan Graham’s song Rock ‘N’ Roll Kids in 1994. His wonderful new memoir, Forever a Rock ‘N’ Roll Kid: A Journey through Music, song and stories, takes the reader back to Ireland in the 1950s, avoiding the cliched golden oneliners where sweetness and light prevailed. Instead, Charlie has opted to tell a ‘warts and all’ story of Irish life in what in his opinion are laughingly called ‘the good old days.’
AquA riusCollaboration flowers. Pull together for common gain. Have fun with family, friends and someone you love. Share your heart.
p is C esWork together for home and family. Work out who will do what, and get going. Handle household routines, and make a long-desired improvement.
A sea of sunflowers at The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland (Photo Justin Ivory) Paul Handrick of the Bee Sanctuary of Ireland (Photo Justin Ivory) book of the week TV of the week App of the week sTreAm of the week reCIpe of the week eVenT of the week Slow cooker veggie Bologne S e www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/slow_cooker_ veggie_48578s order l devil in ohio Netflix jack and jill hill challenge www.jackandjill.ie e T here’S B een a li TT le inciden T Alice Ryan Forever a rock ‘n’ roll k id Charlie McGettigan john S pillane Princes Street from the album In Another Light. HorosCopes WILDLIFe with Justin IvoryWe take a look back at extracts from old newspapers to see what was in the news this month in years gone by