20 22 Niles
TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter From The Mayor 2 Board of Trustees 3 Core Values 4 Fiscal Strength 6 Awards 8 Grants 10 Strategic Planning 11 Business Development............................ 14 Bike & Pedestrian Experience 16 Arts and Culture 18 Infrastructure 19 Police 22 Fire 23 Golf Mill 24 Human Services 26 Marketing Initiatives 28 2022 Events Calendar 29 By the Numbers 30 Village Finances 34 Communicate with Us 44 Village of Niles 2022 ReportAnnual
A near northwest Chicago suburb of over 30,000, Niles is a family-friendly community that nurtures arts, culture and outdoor recreational experiences. We offer a fitness center, senior center, teen center and comprehensive counseling services for all Niles residents — plus a free bus thanks to our partnership with Pace. And we have that one magnificent photo op — the Leaning Tower. VILLAGE OF NILES 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 1
Even as our world is experiencing challenging times, the Niles community is as strong as ever, and we are poised to grow on a scale not seen in fifty years. A redevelopment of Golf Mill is here, which will restore it to be the crown jewel of Niles. This renaissance extends to the rest of Niles as well, as the Village of Niles is aggressively pursuing improvements across all parts of the Niles experience. From marketing family life, to installing beautiful new street lights along our major corridors, to an economic development staff eagerly drawing in new shops and eateries, everything is evolving and working together to create a successful town and to draw in the next generation of Niles. Regardless of what infrastructure and business expansion we see, nothing is more important than the fabric of our neighborhoods and the connections we are continuing to develop with our neighbors. I ran my campaign for Mayor on a platform based upon building bridges, not walls, and it seems this philosophy is even more relevant than it was a year ago when I took office. We must continue together as a community, first and foremost, for all of the other great work and initiatives to matter. Take the time to read through all of the wonderful highlights from the past year here in Niles. Know that I your Mayor, your Trustees, and your staff of the Village of Niles take great pride in providing a quality of life here in Niles that is second-to-none. I thank each and every one of you for being a part of this special place.
MayorSincerely,George D. Alpogianis and the Board of Trustees Village of mayor@vniles.comNiles
Year in ReviewFriends, neighbors and family: It is my pleasure to present to you the Village of Niles Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022.
This publication is a “year in review,” highlighting some of the biggest accomplishments of your Village government from the past fiscal year (May 1, 2021-April 30, 2022). We are sharing this publication in place of the traditional summer “Focus On Niles” newsletter, with the hopes that exploring all of the work we’ve done on behalf of you, the residents and businesses of Niles, will bring you even greater pride and satisfaction in the Village you love. This publication also represents our persistent strides towards increased transparency, making sure members of the public have the information needed to be informed and engaged. While this document is a look back at the previous year, rest assured that your government is still moving full speed ahead, so be sure that you are watching our social media platforms, website, e-newsletter and more to make sure you don’t miss a beat.
The Village is a “home-rule” municipality, as defined by the 1970 Illinois State Constitution. Home-rule municipalities have significantly broader authority and latitude to manage the financial issues of government, most significantly in the ability to issue debt and increase taxes.
The Village has operated under the administrative form of government since 1961. Policy making and legislative authority are vested in a governing Village Board of Trustees (“Village Board” or “Board”) consisting of the Village President, often referred to as the Mayor, and six Trustees. The governing Board sets the policies for short-term and long-term Village initiatives. In support of the policy goals, the Board will adopt all necessary ordinances and resolutions, will approve an annual budget and appropriation, and will approve all construction contracts that exceed an expected cost of $25,000. All Board members are elected at large, on a non-partisan basis. Village Board members serve four-year staggered terms, with the Village President and three Trustees usually elected on the first Tuesday in April following U.S. Presidential years (years divided by four), while the other three Trustees are usually elected on the first Tuesday in April two years later. The Village Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the governing council and for managing day-to-day Village operations.
Danette O’Donovan Matyas Trustee 2017-2021,(2013-2017,2021-2025) Chair, Public Works Committee of Trustees
Joe LoVerde Trustee 2021-2025)2011-2015,(2007-2011,2015-2019, Chair, Finance Committee
Niles Form of Government
John C. Jekot Trustee 2017-2021,(2013-2017,2021-2025) Chair, Human Services Committee
Craig Niedermaier Trustee (2019-2023) Chair, Building and Zoning Committee Chair, General Government & Information Technology Committee
Dean Strzelecki Trustee 2019-2023)(2015-2019, Chair, Public Safety Committee
Foster Community Identity
Marketing Communicationand It is important that the Village of Niles markets communicatesandits unique character, variety of service offerings, and community assets to attract and retain residents, businesses, and visitors. Through marketing and high-level engagement efforts, Niles demonstrates what makes it stand apart from the rest.
The Village of Niles prides itself on being a place where a diverse population of residents and businesses call home. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential elements in creating a community where everyone feels welcomed. Adding to the quality of life, the Village strives towards promoting and supporting arts and culture as well as creating personal and digital gathering spaces to break down barriers and develop a sense of a connected and engaged community.
DevelopmentEconomicDiversified inisdevelopmentEconomicavitaltoolcreatinga thriving community and enhancing revenue streams. This is especially important for the Village of Niles which depends heavily on a diverse sales tax base and much less on property taxes as compared to surrounding municipalities. It is important for the Village to identify diversified development and projectsthroughofvisitors.communitythestabilitytheopportunitiesredevelopmenttosupportVillage’sfinancialandaddtoqualityoflifeforallmembersandNomatterthesizethedevelopment,follow-andcompletionofwillbecritical.
As part of the Village leadership’s strategic planning process in 2020, five key strategic priority areas were
year-round.affseethethesedescribedplanningasprioritylong-term.inVillageandhighlightingidentified,activitiesinitiativesthattheshouldfocusonboththeshort-andThestrategicareasidentifiedaresultofthestrategicprocessarehere.LookforiconsthroughoutAnnualReporttohowthesevaluesectVillageoperations 4 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
Infrastructure Planning and Funding
Physical infrastructure are the building blocks of any community. It is critical to plan for, and adequately fund, infrastructure improvement projects to ensure sustainability, high-quality delivery of core services, and improved quality of life. In an ever-changing world where technology allows people more options for where they work and live, meeting the needs and expectations of potential and current residents and businesses is even more important.
Maintaining fiscal strength and stability is key for any organization, public or private. Routinely undertaking financial assessments to understand the Village’s current financial profile, recognize changing trends, and identify opportunities for revenue enhancements and/or cost-cutting measures is vital to give elected officials a high level of confidence to make tough decisions. This type of financial stewardship will allow the high level of service that Niles is known for to continue.
Financial Stability and Transparency
Fiscal Strength
The program has an impartial panel review the Village’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) against the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive spirit of full disclosure to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. Municipal Sales Niles’ Home Rule
One of the Village’s most important responsibilities is being fiscally responsible and accountable to residents. This means spending wisely and doing more with less.
Village of Niles, Illinois Sales Tax Collected by Category Calendar Year 2021 Above figures include the State’s
Tax (1.0%) and
As an example, in January 2021 the Village Board approved an update to the Village’s Purchasing Policy. The purchasing policy assists the Village Board and Village staff with guidelines and directions for the acquisition of goods and services of sufficient quality at the most economical price available; in an open, forthright, and ethical manner; in a manner which will comply with all local, state, and federal laws; and in a timely manner so that they will be available when needed. The policy is a manual that lays out a purchasing code of ethics and then goes through all steps of acquisition of goods and services, such as detailing conditions for competitive bidding and quotations, creating purchase orders, and detailing all relevant approval processes.
Municipal Sales Tax (1.25%). Source: Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) General Merchandise DrinkingFood and Eating Places Furniture,Apparel Households and Radio Lumber, Building and Hardware Automotive Filling Stations Drugs and Other Retail Agriculture and Extractive Manufacturers Total Amount $6,459,946$2,802,086$4,679,396$2,593,230$660,048$544,795$2,957,173$6,191,907$3,528,804$278,401 $30,695,784 % Change From Previous Year 56.0%-0.9%3.5%27.8%57.3%11.6%21.9%28.2%3.9%161.2% 16.1% RELATED CORE VALUES Diversifi ed Economic Development Infrastructure Planning and Funding Financial Stability and Transparency 6 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
The Village is an annual recipient of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (COA) award.
The Village of Niles maintains an AA bond rating from Standard and Poor’s, which is in the High Quality range and demonstrates very strong creditworthiness relative to other U.S. municipal or tax-exempt issuers or issues.
The Village is a $1.7 billion retail market with two Walmart stores, two Target stores, two Home Depot stores, two Fresh Farms stores, three Jewel stores, four car dealerships (Ford, Chevrolet, Infinity, and Nissan), and a Costco, among others. Excluding Chicago, Niles ranks in the top fifteen among all Illinois communities in retail sales tax volume. Learn more about sales taxes in the Village Finances section on page 35 and page 37.
Local Economy
There are a number of factors that influence the economy of a community. Three of the more common and objective measures are the level of retail sales, the employment level and the measure of building activity.
The Village of Niles Administration Building, located at 1000 Civic Center Drive.
The Village’s past and current TIF redevelopment districts serve as catalysts for retail growth. The major shopping centers in the Village offer an attractive mix of goods and services. There is a vibrant local business community supported by residents who are aware of the impact of keeping commerce local. In order to continue offering shopping and employment opportunities, as well as diversifying the tax revenue mix, the Village dedicates extensive resources to further economic development. Learn more about recent economic development activity on pages 14-15, and turn to page 24 for a look at the reimagined Golf Mill Town Center.
The Niles unemployment rate as of April 30, 2021, is estimated by the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) to have been 6.8%, compared to 7.1% statewide. Those figures are down from the previous year’s end of 19.8% (16.8% statewide), which reflected the severe impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus and the policies put in place to reduce its spread through the population. The most recent IDES data has a preliminary April 2022 Village of Niles unemployment rate of 3.1%, compared to 4.4% statewide.
The Niles Police Department achieved full accreditation at the Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ILEAP) Tier II level by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police. The Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ILEAP) is the ongoing process in which law enforcement agencies throughout the State of Illinois evaluate policies and procedures against the 180 established standards of ILEAP Tier II accreditation. The Niles Police Department’s assessment included days of file review, department tours, vehicle inspections, multiple interviews, ride-alongs, and an exit interview over the course of two days. The Niles Police Department was in compliance with all 180 standards and the accreditation is valid for four years.
The achievement of Tier II accreditation reinforces the Niles Police Department’s commitment to serve the community, commitment to transparency and accountability, and is a testament to the professionalism and integrity of the men and women of the NPD.
In 2021, Niles TV received an “Award of Honor” (pictured below) in the 36th annual NATOA Government Programming Awards. The Village’s video about sister city Pisa, Italy earned the honor in the “Community Awareness” category in its class, which includes organizations with an operating budget up to $200,000. NATOA is a national organization focused on supporting the communications interests and needs of local governments.
Niles Senior Center - Center of Concern Partner of the Year Award
Police Department ILEAP Tier II Accreditation
Over the past year, the Niles Senior Center has partnered with the Center of Concern through a variety of programs and services including Memory Café, Lunch With Us, and the distribution of COVID-19 Care Packages to those in need. Niles Senior Center staff have continuously collaborated with the Center of Concern to enhance available programs. As a result, the Niles Senior Center was honored as “Partner of the Year” by the Center of Concern.
American Public Works Association Suburban Branch Public Works Project of the Year for Structures
From left: Vice President Lou Jogmen and Executive Director Ed Wojcicki of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police present Mayor George D. Alpogianis, Police Chief Luis C. Tigera, and Public Safety Committee Chair Trustee Dean Strzelecki with a plaque recognizing the Niles Police Department’s ILEAP Tier II Accreditation at the March 22, 2022 Village Board Meeting.
In 2021, the American Public Works Association Suburban Branch recognized Niles Public Works with the “Public Works Project of the Year for Structures” award for the Village’s Water System Master Planning and Reservoir Rehabilitation project. In 2014, the Village of Niles Public Works staff determined that they had an aging water plant that
Tree City USA Recipient Niles Public Works was recognized as Tree City USA for the 8th consecutive year in 2021! Additionally, this marked Niles’ 5th year receiving the “Growth Award,” which is an additional higher tier of recognition in the Tree City USA program. Thanks to the hard work of Public Works staff and the commitment to green policies by Village leadership, Niles continues to create a healthier environment for current and future generations. For the reservoir 4 contract, the Village hired Bulley and Andrews to scan the reservoir and create a 3D model so that the crack quantities could be measured in situ prior to bidding and the quantities fine-tuned to reduce risk. While building 3D models are often used in the world of architecture, engineering, and construction, the Village believes this application was quite unique.
Left: The Niles Senior Center was named “Partner of the Year” by the Center of Concern.
suffered greatly from deferred maintenance. A master plan was substantially complete by December 2015 and recommended numerous water plant repairs.
In 2019, the Village of Niles substantially completed the rehabilitation of Reservoir 4 at its Main Station water works facility. This marked the culmination of five years of planning, design, project coordination, and construction, which renewed the Village’s most important potable water delivery facility. The Reservoir 4 project included 10 engineering and construction contracts totaling $5.6 million.
The repairs involved with this project ensure the four reservoirs, totaling 10.2 million gallons, will continue their life well into the future. Fred Braun, the Director of Public Works for the Village of Niles said, “This multi-phased project is a prime example of multiple agencies working in unison with consultants, contractors, inter-department staff, government agencies, and elected officials to complete a project protecting one of, if not the most, critical assets of a municipality. This project helps ensure safe drinking water for the residents and businesses of the Village of Niles by increasing the resilience of the water facility infrastructure.”
Right: The Village of Niles, under the leadership of the Public Works Department, was again named a Tree City USA in 2021, and also received the additional “Growth Award” designation for the 5th consecutive year.
Executive Strategic planning decisions issue by Studies (CGS) at Northern with Board and senior two online surveys front-line staff focus It is important to community input community engagement the current development With surveys and focus provided a positive and develop a vision goals focusing on term. As discussed are a staple of good to be done every other Strategic Priorities Ultimately, five key highlighting activities long-term. The strategic are illustrated below included.
Golf Road Pedestrian/Street Lighting and Sidewalk Infill
Milwaukee Avenue Streetscape In October 2016, the Village was awarded an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant award from the Illinois Department of Transportation in the amount of $698,620 for costs associated with a streetscape improvement project along the east side of Milwaukee Avenue between Howard Street and Jonquil Terrace. The streetscape component of the project was completed in FY22. Learn more about this project in the Infrastructure section on page 19 of this publication.
Niles Senior Center Age Options Grants
ComEd Energy Efficiency Program
In order to reduce reliance on property taxes and to make the best use of available revenue, the Village of Niles is persistent in its pursuit of operational efficiencies, grants from local and national agencies, and other outside funding sources. The impacts of these efforts are significant, as they can lead to providing services at a lower cost to residents, or in some cases allow the Village to complete a project or provide a service that might not have been possible otherwise. Applying for grants and identifying efficiencies require a great deal of time and effort, but yield enormous benefits to the Village of Niles. In Fiscal Year 2022 alone, $2,874,867.50 in new grant funding was announced for the Village of Niles. Below are a few marquee examples of grant funding in action in Niles, including grants that were awarded in previous fiscal years.
The Niles Senior Center was awarded AgeOptions grants in the amount of $7,404 to provide accurate, objective and comprehensive counseling and application/enrollment assistance on the following topics: Medicare coverage options including Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, MMAI and Medigap plans as well as Part D plans; retiree insurance benefits of Medicare supplement insurance policies; Extra Help; Medicare Savings Programs; and Medicaid Spenddown. COVID-19
Greenwood Stormwater Basin Construction of the Greenwood Stormwater Basin project in Niles was financed by a $2 million grant from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC), the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF), and local funds. The SRF program is administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and receives a portion of its money to fund these types of projects from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. SRF programs operate in each state to provide communities the resources necessary to build, maintain, and improve the infrastructure that protects one of our most valuable resources: water. Read more about this project in the Infrastructure section on page 19 of this publication.
The Village of Niles was awarded a grant for $23,543.10 under the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program for the installation of LED streetlights on Milwaukee Avenue and Waukegan Road. Learn more about this project in the Infrastructure section on page 20 of this publication.
The Village of Niles, under the leadership of the Niles Fire Department, has meticulously tracked and submitted COVIDrelated expenses for reimbursement through government agencies. As of June 2022, the Village has received $96,068.57 in reimbursements from FEMA for pandemic-related expenses, with an additional $53,476.01 currently pending approval. NIU Center for Governmental Studies
On June 9, 2021, the Illinois Department of Transportation announced Niles received an award of $2 million for engineering and construction of an improvement project on Golf Road from Dee Road to Washington Street. The primary project components are combination pedestrian and street lighting poles on Golf Road from Dee Road to Washington Street, and new sidewalks to be constructed along the same area. The award is a combination of Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) funding at $1.6 million, and State funding assistance of $400,000 for the local match, for a total award of $2 million. As part of the application the Village agreed to provide $496,000 in matching funds for this project. The Village was previously awarded CMAQ and HSIP funds for sidewalk infill in this area, but this new funding further closes the gap on the cost of sidewalk infill and makes the lighting component of the project possible. The new lighting and sidewalk in this area will greatly improve pedestrian safety in this area, especially at night. Engineering for the project is ongoing, and construction is expected to begin in the next few years.
Village Strategic Plan A Strategic Plan is a high-level planning document aimed at providing guidance and operational direction for an organization. During 2020, the Village of Niles undertook strategic planning for the first time. Through the strategic planning process, Niles has been able to:
• Develop action steps to meet mandates and achieve the organizational vision.
The Village Board formally adopted the Strategic Plan on January 26, 2021 at a regular Board Meeting. Village leadership will continue to revisit the plan annually to refresh its goals and objectives as needed.
Read on for some of the most prominent plans that impact everyday decision-making and long-term strategizing. 1
Niles Comprehensive Plan (2030/2040 Plans) The Comprehensive Plan is the Village’s official policy guide for decision-making related to land use and development, physical improvement, and growth in Niles. The Plan is comprehensive in every sense of the word. By its nature, it provides a high level of guidance for the future of the Village in areas such as land use, transportation and circulation, community facilities, community character, open space and environmental features, and sustainability. This policy framework provides the foundation upon which Village regulations, programs, actions, and decisions should be based. In short, the Niles 2030 Comprehensive Plan exists to preserve and protect important features, guide growth and change, manage development and redevelopment efforts, and improve the community's overall appearance and image.
Village of Niles — Strategic Planning and Goal Development 2020
Executive Summary planning is a preferred approach to guiding an organization’s future rather than making issue. The Village of Niles (“the Village”) engaged the Center for Governmental Northern Illinois University (NIU) to facilitate a strategic planning workshop senior staff members in September of 2020. Prior to the two half-day workshops, surveys were sent to the Finance and Planning and Zoning committees and a Village focus group was conducted to gather input on the Village’s future vision and goals. to note that the Village refrained from undertaking a more extensive/broader effort as part of this strategic planning process because of recent and on-going engagement efforts underway. These include a Citizen’s Survey conducted in 2019 and development of the Comprehensive Plan which will seek community input. focus groups as a starting point for discussions, the strategic planning workshops positive atmosphere for the Board and senior staff members to collaboratively review vision for the Village’s future. Ultimately, workshop participants created strategic where the Village wants to go as an organization in both the short- and longdiscussed and reviewed during the workshops, executive-level strategic planning sessions good governance and leadership for progressive organizations and is recommended other year. Priorities key strategic priority areas were identified as an outcome of the process activities and initiatives that the Village should focus on in both the short- and strategic priority areas identified as a result of the strategic planning process below [in no particular order] and a brief explanation of each priority area is also
• Identify the challenges facing the organization.
TrStabilityFinancial&ansparencyFosterCommunityIdentity Marketing Communication&InfrastructurePlanning&Funding DeDiversifiedEconomicvelopment Strategic Priorities (continued on page 12) VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 11
A Village with a Plan
• Clarify the organizational values.
(Or Several)
The Village of Niles government prides itself in having structured plans to guide its efforts to make this Village the ideal place to live and work.
• Articulate a vision for where the organization wants to be.
• Implement strategies to adapt to environmental change. Strategic planning is a preferred approach to guiding an organization’s future rather than making decisions issue by issue. The Village of Niles engaged the Center for Governmental Studies (CGS) at Northern Illinois University (NIU) to facilitate a strategic planning workshop with Board and senior staff members in September of 2020. Prior to the two half-day workshops, two online surveys were sent to the Finance and Planning and Zoning committees and a Village front-line staff focus group was conducted to gather input on the Village’s future vision and goals.
A copy of Niles’ Strategic Plan can be found on the Village website at vniles.com/strategicplan.
The Farm on Franks Community Garden provides opportunities for residents to grow together. “Sharrow” markings designate shared lanes for vehicular and bicycle traffic. Niles Police Department operations include bicycle patrols, providing an increased presence in the community.
The Niles Police Department (NPD) Strategic Plan for 2021-2022 is a road map to the future. This plan embodies NPD’s Five Elements of Policing — servedandPartnershipsCommunication,Transparency,Accountability,TechnologyandCommunityandEngagement,CrimePrevention—whichasaguidingdocument in setting the Department’s strategic framework for NPD’s focus on performance and exemplary service to the Niles community. As an agency, NPD continues to enhance its foundational strength to successfully achieve its critical mission. Planning is a multi-year process, in which the strategic plan provided foundational milestones and overall direction.
The Plan contains organizational, administrative, and operational priorities over the next year, which guides the successes of the Department’s work force and community partnerships.
The Village of Niles Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was adopted in 2014. Building off recommendations from the Village’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan and the Environmental Action Plan, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan developed an implementable strategy for creating a more walkable and bikeable community. In June 2022, the Village Board approved a revamped edition of the plan! The updated 2022 Plan provides a guide for the implementation of an array of infrastructure improvements, including sidewalks, on-street bike lanes, shared-use paths, and intersection upgrades for improved walking and bicycling in the Village. Some key objectives in the plan include the elimination of all fatal crashes involving people walking or bicycling, closing all remaining gaps in the Village’s sidewalk network, and increasing the share of Niles residents who can walk or bike to work. Visit www.vniles.com/ bikeandped for more information.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
(continued from page 11) 12 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
Adopted in 2011, the Niles 2030 Comprehensive Plan set forth a policy framework for guiding growth and change in the Village over the ensuing 10 to 15 years. Now, the Village is completing the exciting process to update its Comprehensive Plan for the next generation! “Niles 2040” will further guide the future development, improvement and preservation of the community. The present time has shown us that the way we live, work, shop, connect, and recreate is constantly evolving. People have new expectations and aspirations for the places they call home. The Niles 2040 Comprehensive Plan will explore how the Village can better understand and address these changing times, such as a radically changed retail environment; transportation mobility innovations; an aging population; evolving housing preferences; changing work and commuting habits; and an increased focus on environmental issues and sustainability. The Village has undertaken a planning process to anticipate these changes and harness opportunity to create a resilient, well-designed, livable community that represents the aspirations and values of its Lookresidents.formore updates about the 2040 Plan soon.
Police Department Strategic Plan
As an agency, NPD continues its culture of respect and fairness, as well as embracing the Department’s commitment to professional service, diversity, and inclusion.
To help fulfill the recommendations of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the Niles Public Arts & Culture Advisory Council was created to advance and promote existing arts and culture in Niles and to provide direction for future events and projects. In August of 2015, the Council met for the first time and determined that the best way to accomplish these goals is through an Arts & Culture Master Plan.
Village of Niles and East Maine School District 63 officials plant the Arbor Day tree on April 29, 2022.
Presented with this information, Village leadership made a decision to increase funding for roads over the next three years to achieve a more acceptable overall PCI. After the three-year spending increase, an updated analysis will be performed and spending will be adjusted to maintain the new improved overall rating of the roads. Committing to this long-term plan of responsible road maintenance will prevent roads from falling into unacceptable condition and will save taxpayer dollars in the long run. Stormwater Management Plan Since its inception in 2008, the Stormwater Commission has worked diligently to improve the management of stormwater in the Village and reduce flood risk. The 2009 Report identified prioritized initiatives that were implemented in 2009 and 2010. In 2012, the Village of Niles adopted the Stormwater Relief Program to address stormwater issues in the Village.
Above all, this plan focuses on doing the right things for the right reasons. The Niles Police Department provides selfless service to each citizen they encounter and treats each person fairly and with integrity, earning the trust and support of citizens they are sworn to protect. CIP/5-year budgeting
An analysis of the roads in Niles revealed that the Village was spending far too little on road rehabilitation. The condition of roads is measured by the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), and the PCI of roads in Niles was rapidly decreasing to a rating below satisfactory. While deferring road maintenance to save money might seem fiscally responsible, roads with a lower PCI score cost more to rehabilitate, as a simpler resurfacing project can turn into a major reconstruction project, which can cost millions of dollars more.
The latest update of the Village’s Stormwater Master Plan was published in 2018. Over the past decade, the Village has embarked on massive stormwater relief projects, most recently including the Cleveland Corridor Sewer Improvement Project, and the inprogress Greenwood Stormwater Basin project near Golf Mill. Arts and Culture Master Plan
The Lakota Group and Jon Pounds, along with the Council and the community, have developed and completed the Niles Arts & Culture Master Plan, which was approved by the Village Board of Trustees on September 12, 2017. The full plan is available for viewing on the Village website at www.vniles.com/artsplan.
As a component of the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) budget process, Village staff separated the capital and operating components of the budget, creating a new 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Developing the budget in this manner allows stakeholders and elected officials a more transparent and better understanding of the capital items in the budget, which are often the largest in terms of dollars and impact on the lives of citizens. This is the first time Village staff has presented a five-year comprehensive capital plan, which allows the community to see how the Village plans for the future. Road Pavement Management Plan
A cyclist crosses the Oakton and Caldwell intersection via the North Branch Trail pedestrian bridge, slated for renovations this year.
A mural on the side of Fire Station #2 brings a splash of arts and culture to the Ballard Terrace neighborhood.
Before: Formerly Best Buy After: Value24,036RemodeledsquarefeetofConstruction: $2,000,000 Poke Bros 5720 W. Touhy Avenue
The new Burlington store opened on October 27 at Golf Mill Shopping Center in the former Kohl’s space at the north end of the mall. Burlington held grand opening promotional sales and the consumer response has been strong. The new Burlington and Chick-fil-A operations have reinvigorated the north end of the mall property.
Before: Formerly Starbucks After: Tenant Buildout 1,875 square feet Value of construction: $18,000
The new Poke Bros. Restaurant (pictured here) opened at Pointe Plaza in the former Starbucks location late in 2021. Poke Bros. brings Hawaiian sushi in a bowl to the Midwest. The restaurant is located across from Chick-fil-A.
Investing in Our Community:
After: Remodeled 1st floor 43,358 square feet Value of Construction: $2,340,000
Business Development Projects
Before: Formerly Kohl’s
Chick-fil-A 8575 W. Golf Road Niles’ second Chick-fil-A opened on October 13 at the southeast corner of Golf Road and Greenwood Avenue. A ribbon cutting was held on October 12 with Mayor Alpogianis and the Chamber of Commerce prior to the official opening the next day.
After: New construction 4,978 square feet Value of construction: $850,000 Golf Mill Chevrolet 9530 N. Greenwood Avenue Golf Mill Chevrolet operated out of sales trailers for much of 2021 until their showroom and service facility were completed late in 2021. Golf Mill Chevrolet is now fully operational at 9530 N. Greenwood across from Golf Mill Shopping Center. This was an excellent adaptive re-use of the former Best Buy location that was vacant for more than six years.
RELATED CORE VALUES Diversifi ed Economic Development Financial Stability and
Before: Golf Mill parking lot
Burlington 590 Golf Mill Circle
Before: Formerly Babies“R”Us After: Space subdivided 21,698 square feet Value of construction: $900,000
dd’s DISCOUNTS 5660 W. Touhy Avenue
Take 5 Oil Change 9600 N. Milwaukee Avenue
The YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago property was listed for sale by CBRE in July 2021. As part of the closure, the YMCA worked to relocate residents from the facility to comparable alternative housing. The Village is working with the YMCA to redevelop the property. The YMCA has accepted a letter of intent from a developer and they are working on a purchase contract. The Village’s Economic Development Director met with the developer and learned they are interested in redeveloping the property. The Village is working with the developer and will examine any redevelopment plans when they are submitted.
The Take 5 Oil Change facility (pictured here) opened in late December 2021 on the northwest corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Golf Road across from Golf Mill Shopping Center. The site was formerly occupied by Firehouse Subs and Nicky’s Bar.
The new dd’s DISCOUNTS store opened at Pointe Plaza on February 5 in the former Babies“R”Us space, located between Walmart and Fresh Farms. dd’s DISCOUNTS has a wide merchandise mix including apparel, bed and bath, kitchen and dining, and home improvement.
The new owners of the former Kiddie Kingdom building spent significant funds in redeveloping the property for an optometry facility, refreshing this important stretch of Milwaukee Avenue.
Upcoming: More new developments and business openings are expected in the months ahead, including Crumbl Cookies planning a new location at Pointe Plaza, Starbucks planning to anchor a proposed 5,100-squarefoot multi-tenant building in front of Jewel at Milwaukee and Oakton, and Dunkin’ Donuts planning a new facility with a drive-thru at 8584 W. Dempster in the former Baker’s Square restaurant that was recently demolished. The Dog House dog grooming and dog boarding facility is setting up shop in the vacant former Skokie Automotive site at 7254 N. Milwaukee. Imbibe — specialists in creating beverages, flavors, and ingredients — plans to undertake a $4 million expansion of its campus at 7350 Croname and increase employment if they receive a Cook County Class 6b property tax classification.
Before: Formerly Kiddie Kingdom and Salon M After: Value20,257Remodeledsquarefeetofconstruction: $1,000,000 Former YMCA
Medical Facility at Former Kiddie Kingdom Site 7403-7421 N. Milwaukee Avenue
Before: Formerly Firehouse Subs After: Redeveloped building with enhanced facade 1,940 square feet Value of construction: $552,786
The Village of Niles prioritizes the bike and pedestrian experience. Through a combination of initiativeseducationaland strategic infrastructure projects, Niles is making a better environment for residents and visitors to get around without a car — whether on bike or on foot. Bike ExperiencePedestrian&RELATEDCOREVALUESFosterCommunityIdentityDiversifiedEconomicDevelopmentInfrastructurePlanningandFunding Photo: Cycling along the North Branch Trail near Howard Street in Niles. 16 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
Sidewalk Infill
Police Department Initiatives
The intersections of Cleveland and Waukegan, and Cleveland and Caldwell have been identified as high-priority locations for bicycle and pedestrian safety enhancements. Plans for improvements at these intersections go back to 2010. The Village obtained IDOT design approval and was awarded federal funding for a project in 2015, and the improvement was slated for construction at the end of the Cleveland sewer job in 2017, but IDOT rescinded the design approval in 2016 due to changes in their
The Niles Police Department (NPD) takes an active role in supporting the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians. In 2021, the NPD tied for 1st place in the Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge (ITSC) for Municipal 51-65 sworn.
Cleveland Corridor Crossings
The Façade and Streetscape Improvement Grant Program provides financial assistance for the design and construction of façade improvements in the Village’s five TIF Districts that are consistent with the Village Comprehensive Plan. This program is a public/ private partnership designed to provide incentives and assistance to encourage building improvements that preserve the character of the Village and that help create a human scale and pedestrian-friendly atmosphere within the Village.
The Village of Niles maintains a proactive sidewalk infill program, continuously looking for opportunities to add or improve sidewalks throughout the Village. In FY2022, the Village constructed infill along the south side of Golf Mill Shopping Center (along Church Street). Also, in conjunction with a natural gas pipeline project, People’s Gas installed new sidewalk along the east side of Caldwell Avenue in 2020. A number of sidewalk infill projects are on the horizon. Thanks to a number of grant opportunities, the Village and its partners will be improving pedestrian access along Golf Road and Milwaukee Avenue near Golf Mill, improvements along Oakton Street towards Niles West High School are approaching construction, and a trail extension from Bunker Hill to the North Branch Trail will break ground in 2023. These projects demonstrate the Village of Niles’ prioritization on the pedestrian and bicyclist experience in Niles.
Nordica Avenue
A major pedestrian improvement project was completed last year at the mid-block crossing of Nordica Avenue behind Culver School, Home Depot, and the Nordica Apartments. The project extended sidewalk areas and created clearer crossings to help children cross safely heading to and from school. The project took place during summer 2021, completed in time for the fall 2021 school year.
Overstandards.thepast two years, residents filed a petition for a traffic signal, the Village prepared a traffic signal warrant study, and IDOT reviewed the study and determined a traffic signal was not warranted at either location. Subsequently, the Village explored other options to optimize these crossings, including a refuge island and flashing beacons being added to the existing roadway layout. IDOT then required left turn lanes be added to this proposed solution. The design with left turn lanes was reviewed by the Village’s Bike and Pedestrian Plan Advisory Group (BPAG), which supported the widening at Caldwell, but felt the impacts were too high at Waukegan and defeated the purpose of the pedestrian improvement.
The Caldwell and Cleveland design went through three successive design revisions with IDOT and is close enough to a final concept that it is ready for final design. Waukegan and Cleveland is now being studied for a road diet (reconfiguration of the road, which would involve reduction in lanes and is also subject to IDOT approval), and has been separated from the Caldwell crossing in an effort to not delay both improvements.
Eligibility requirements can be found on the Village website under the Business & Development section.
The Niles sworn Bicycle Unit went from 11 members in 2019 to 20 members in 2020 and the CSO Bicycle Unit was comprised of 8 members. These units were deployed from June to October of 2021, being deployed at least 40 times solely on bicycle patrol.
The Cyclist Safety Action Plan was conducted by the Niles Police Department to reduce cyclist versus vehicle accidents within the Village of Niles. In 2020, there were 1,434 motor vehicle accidents, of those 9 were involving bicyclists. That puts the Village of Niles at 0.627% which is below the 1% state average (IDOT Crash Review Facts and Statistics) for 2020. The NPD continues to focus its efforts on educating and also identified additional signage to recommend to the Village.
The NPD also won the first place Bike/Pedestrian safety specialty award. NPD also hosted the inaugural “Walk and Roll Niles” event.
Façade & ProgramImprovement/BeautificationStreetscape
The Niles Police Department completed the yearlong grant for pedestrian and bike safety, showing significant crash reduction in the process. There were eight bicycle/ pedestrian crashes from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021, while the annual average for the past five years has been 27.6 crashes per year. There were only five injury crashes when the five-year average was 25.1 annually. There were no fatalities when the five-year average showed 1.6 annually. Proactive efforts of the Department are making a difference in the community.
In 2021, in partnership with the Niles Chamber of Commerce, 19 artists designed mini replicas of the Leaning Tower of Niles, each with a unique design and located at businesses throughout the Village. Guided by the Village’s Arts & Culture Master Plan, Niles is a growing hub for muralists, painters, sculptors and musicians to express themselves and make their mark. The 20 mini Leaning Towers are symbols of Niles’ pride, creativity and culture. Economic Impact Arts and culture contribute to local and regional economies, generating jobs and spending, attracting tourists, and making places attractive to businesses and their employees.
2021 St. Haralambos Big Greek Food Fest Maria(July) SS. Lauretana Italian Festival (Labor ChicagoDay)Korean Hansik Food Festival (August) St. John Brebeuf Oktoberfest (September) Niles Events and Experiences
Annual Contests Halloween Home-Decorating TwinkleContest and Lights Holiday Decorating Contest
People Together
Leaning Tower Replicas
Public Arts and Culture Council Local Grants
The Village of Niles Arts & Culture Advisory Council assists the Village in fostering arts and culture in the community by supporting the people and organizations that create artistic and cultural experiences that are open to all residents and visitors and benefit the Niles community. Annually, The Council awards up to $5,000 for project grants. Individuals or groups are invited to participate and take advantage of this opportunity.
Art, Music & Culinary Experiences Bring
At Our Table - Celebrating Our Diversity Through Food and Family
2021 Arbor Day Ceremony (virtual event in Memorial2021) Day Ceremony (175 Concertsguests) in the Park (250 guests average per evening) 4th of July Parade (10,000 spectators/64 parade units) Walk & Roll Niles (500 guests) Fire Department Open House and Pancake Breakfast (600 guests/967 pancakes flipped) Public Works Open House (700 Guests/600 hot dogs served) Veterans Day Ceremony (150 Hollyguests)Jolly Fest (3,000 guests)
Niles At Our Table photo project (above) celebrates the heritage and culinary art of local residents through photography and is shared throughout the community. This photo exhibit explores different cultures through home-cooked dishes that bring families together and carry on ethnic traditions. Photos highlight stories of all different people, cooking and baking all different foods.
Cultural Events
Events and Celebrations
Celebrating our community with events, holiday traditions and cultural experiences brings people together, fosters community pride and builds positive relations between neighbors and neighborhoods. Cultural events give opportunities to share ideas, embrace different heritages, learn new customs and embrace our diversity for a safer, welcoming and more viable Village.
Annual events show the importance of traditions and build Niles’ identity and brand as a community that values art, music, food, family and neighbors.
Painted recplicas of the Leaning Tower of Niles can be found throughout town as part of the latest Arts & Culture initiative.
RELATED CORE VALUES Foster Community Identity Marketing and Communication
IDOT reconstructed the culvert at Ballard Road located between 8950 and 9000 N. Greenwood Avenue. IDOT performed staged construction of the culvert. Staggered construction began in May 2021, and extended into the 2022 construction season. IDOT will now resurface Ballard Road from Lee Street to Greenwood Avenue in the summer of 2022. Milwaukee Streetscape Phase VII of the Streetscape project was for work from Howard Street to Jonquil Terrace. Work took place throughout 2021. Work included planter boxes, pavement improvements and more, and concluded in fall 2021. The replacement of the east and north crosswalk legs at Howard Street and Milwaukee Avenue with new decorative crosswalks will take place this summer.
The Greenwood Stormwater Basin Project as it appeared in December 2021. To the left is the newly constructed stormwater basin. To the right, underground stormwater storage is being installed.
Greenwood Stormwater Basin Project
This multi-year project combined important utility improvements with a roadway diet to deter heavy industrial traffic, added new bike lanes, and created an enhanced North Branch Trail crossing with flashing beacons. The improvements made this a more bike and pedestrian friendly corridor. The project included street light installation, traffic signal replacement, landscaping work, and more. Work was substantially completed in July 2021, with a ribbon cutting held on November 1, 2021.
A new parking structure (pictured below) for Niles Police Department squad vehicles was completed in FY2022. The garage features ample space for the Department’s fleet, along with modern security for access, a dedicated space for animal control, and a car wash. A ribbon cutting was held on September 27, 2021.
This stormwater control project, located at the site of the former bank building at 9101 Greenwood, broke ground in October 2021. The project consists of a stormwater basin near Greenwood Avenue, underground stormwater storage, open space for events, the reconstruction of Church Street from Greenwood to Cumberland, and storm sewer improvements serving the Courtland Park neighborhood. The mainline storm sewer is complete and the basin and underground storage were constructed near the end of 2021. The stormwater storage is 100% online providing flood reduction benefits to Courtland Park and Ballard Terrace. Early reports after a wet spring are that the stormwater improvements are working! The project is scheduled for substantial completion in September 2022, with final restoration carrying over into spring 2023.
A ribbon cutting was held for the Howard Street Improvement Project on November 1, 2021 (pictured above). In addition to reconfiguring the roadway, the project included the addition of an enhanced crossing for bicyclists and pedestrians using the North Branch Trail (pictured at left).
Howard Street
Ballard Culvert
Four Flaggs Standpipe In FY2022 and FY2023, work was planned to upgrade the standpipe (water tower) behind the Four Flaggs shopping center. This standpipe is a critical feature of the Niles water system. In FY22 an altitude valve building was added to remove the need for confined space entry to service the valve. In addition, critical water system controls are now better protected from the elements. Further work has continued into FY2023, including painting, cathodic protection, fencing and site work. As part of the refurbishment, a new paint job recently made its debut featuring the popular “Love Niles” logo. Look for this bold, cheerful icon the next time you drive down Golf Road or Milwaukee Avenue. Milwaukee Avenue and Waukegan Road Street Lighting Replacement and Fiber Optic installation As part of this project, new street lights are being installed along Milwaukee Avenue and Waukegan Road in Niles. These fixtures offer aesthetic improvements over the old aging equipment in need of replacement. The majority of new fixtures along Milwaukee Avenue were installed in 2021. A few areas of the project remain to be installed, along with final testing and inspection throughout the project area. As part of the street lighting project, the Village has also been installing a fiber optic network through the heart of the Village. Upgrading to this new network will save on operating costs for the Village government, make the Village future-ready, and open the door to smart city operations. Work is taking place at locations throughout the Village. Fiber installation in the neighborhoods was completed in 2021, and fiber installation along State routes (primarily Milwaukee Avenue) is continuing in 2022. Final connections and testing of the system will soon take place.
Each year, the Village performs street resurfacing for areas of Niles, based on carefully monitored pavement conditions over time. The condition of the roads are carefully cross-referenced with any upcoming underground utility projects, so as not to resurface a road only to excavate after completing the work. The scope of work for 2021 included Lexington and Concord Lanes in the Bunker Hill Estates neighborhood, Kirk Drive from Oriole Avenue to Mulford Street, the alley west of Oketo Avenue and north of Monroe Street, the alley north of Oakton Street and west of Milwaukee, and the alley south of Chase and west of Neva Avenue. Available funding also allowed a few additional areas to be resurfaced which were not part of the base scope of work, including the alley to the west of the 8100 block of Milwaukee Avenue.
Street Resurfacing and Alley Improvements
Right: Road resurfacing takes place on Howard Avenue.
Left: Hanging baskets with live flowers have been installed on the new streetlights on Milwaukee Avenue.
Oleander Avenue from Kedzie Street to Greenleaf Street Main Street from Oleander Avenue to Oketo Avenue
Lyons Street from Callero Drive to Washington Street Maryland Street from Loras Lane to Lyons Street Drive from Lyons Street to north terminus Crain Street from Milwaukee Avenue to Merrill Street
• Oriole
Looking Ahead The following projects are planned for the upcoming fiscal year: • Entrance and roadway signage projects • Brick crosswalks at Milwaukee and
• Courtland
• Kedzie
• Niles Senior Center parking lot • Exterior work at
• Gross intersectionPoint/Touhyproject • Sewer lining • Greenleaf sewer repair project • Oakton Multi-Modal Path • North Branch Trail connection by Bunker Hill • Refurbishment of the Oakton/ Caldwell overpass • thepedestrianGolf/Milwaukee/Greenwoodimprovementsonhorizon • Touhy Avenue bridge RELATED CORE VALUES Foster Community Identity Marketing and Communication Infrastructure Planning and Funding A summer 2022 quarry workers strike affected construction throughout the northern Illinois region. Fiscal Year 2022 construction projects are subject to change or delay as a result. Artist’s rendering of a decorative pillar, part of the Touhy Avenue bridge renovations. Rendering of a renovated Touhy Avenue bridge, planned for construction this year. VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 21
Nottingham Avenue from south terminus to north terminus Fargo Avenue from Waukegan Road to Nordica Avenue Jarvis Avenue from Waukegan Road to east terminus Neva Avenue from Birchwood Avenue to Oakton Street Seward Street from Harlem Avenue to Nora Avenue Nora Avenue from Seward Street to Oakton Court Oakton Court from Nora Avenue to Harlem Avenue Alley south of Dempster Street from Harlem Avenue to Shermer Road Alley north of Oakton Street from Merrill Street to Ozanam Avenue Alley east of Merrill Street from Oakton Street to Keeney Street Alley east of Milwaukee Avenue from Grennan Place to north terminus Alley north of Albion Avenue from Newcastle Avenue to Normandy Avenue. Touhy the Center
Merrill Street from Greenleaf Street to Crain Street Avenue from Greenleaf Street to Dempster Street Street from Ottawa Avenue to Oriole Avenue Ottawa Avenue from Kedzie Street to Lee Street
The following streets are planned to be rehabilitated in 2022: •
The Niles Police Department benefits from a number of grant programs.
The NPD and NFD participated in the Special Olympics Illinois Plane Pull Event at O’Hare Airport and won 1st place in the Public Safety Division and overall division. There was $2,000 that was raised in this event and $11,643 total for Special Olympics Illinois athletes.
The Niles Police Department (NPD) hired a full-time in-house Police Social Worker. The NPD Social Worker is certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and certified to instruct State-mandated Mental Health Awareness and Officer Wellness NPDtraining.hired a full-time
The NPD raised $1,703 for Advocate Lutheran General Caldwell Breast Center by selling pink NPD patches.
2021 in Review
The Niles Police Department created the “Choose your ride, don’t drink and drive” campaign, with both an education component and an enforcement component.
As part of the education portion, NPD “wrapped” unique graphics onto a Crown Victoria: half as a police car, and half as a taxi cab. This vehicle conveys the message that those who have been drinking should call a taxi to get home — instead of risking arrest or danger to themselves or others. The vehicle is displayed in front of the Police Department in addition to being present at certain events. In addition, the NPD is partnering with the Niles Chamber, Village Liquor Commissioner, and local liquor establishments to promote this campaign (pictured below).
NPD hosted numerous events such as Coffee for Champions, Walk like MADD, Walk and Roll Niles, Shop with a Cop, and Operation Santa and attended numerous events such as the 4th of July parade, Italian Fest, Halloween Parade, Harvest Hustle 5K, and Holly Jolly. The NPD School Resource Officer completed 114 presentations.
Police Niles team members competed at the Special Olympics Illinois Plane Pull Event at O’Hare Airport. This year, the Village celebrated the addition of K-9 Deuce to the NPD family. The 2021 Walk and Roll Niles event included a bicycle safety town experience.
Approximately $5,427.50 was issued to NPD in 2021 for 50% of ballistic vest purchases, with the remaining funds carrying over to following years. NPD also received a $3,300 grant to conduct compliance checks on tobacco sales, $3,000 from Wal-Mart’s Local Community Grant for Shop with a Cop and Operation Santa, and an IDOT STEP Grant in the amount of $58,140 so officers could conduct traffic enforcement during holiday campaigns.
The Fire Department received reimbursement revenue of $1,205,877 from Illinois as part of the Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) Program. This revenue was split with the State, for an overall revenue to Niles of
Residents can put relevant medical information, emergency contacts, medications and/or allergies, utility shutoff locations, etc. which is then linked to their phone number(s). This important information will then be relayed to the Fire Department in real-time so that they can provide the best possible care and follow your wishes and directives in the event of an emergency.
The Niles Fire Department supports the annual Toys for Tots initiative.
Niles firefighters at the site of a structure fire, exiting the building after completing carefully orchestrated procedures to ensure the fire has not spread to other parts of the
The Niles Fire Department continues to work with its dispatch center (RED Center) to improve how the Fire Department responds to emergency incidents. Both the dispatch center and Fire Department are upgrading their radios to digital technology, which will improve communications while working at emergency incidents.
Smart 911 The NFD, in conjunction with the Regional Emergency Dispatch Center, has recently implemented a Smart911 System that allows residents to create a safety profile which will be visible to the 9-1-1 Alarm Operator when calling 9-1-1.
Smart911 is a national program which means that your information travels with you and is visible to any participating dispatch agency nation-wide. Creating a Smart911 Safety Profile is quick, easy, and free and can be completed through their website, www.smart911.com, or via their mobile app. Please feel free to contact District Chief Guerino or Lieutenant Schachtel at (847) 5886800 with any questions regarding the Thisprogram.systemis also connected with Rave Alert, the provider for the Village’s emergency alerts and automated phone calls, so you may already have a Smart911 profile from signing up for Village alerts! If you are new to the Smart911 system, be sure to look for the option to add Village of Niles alerts when registering to ensure you continue to receive important notifications from the Village. An aspiring Niles firefighter gets an upclose look at NFD equipment while visiting Fire Station #2.
Niles paramedics provided COVID vaccines to thousands of local residents, as well as supported COVID clinics in Niles held by TheJewel-Osco.NilesFire Department (NFD) submitted multiple FEMA, State and local grants. This included several grants for COVID-related reimbursements. The COVID grants and reimbursements are ongoing. Niles was awarded over $200,000 towards the purchase of firefighter breathing apparatus. The NFD continued its Community Risk Reduction (public education and fire prevention) efforts, even though COVID made it difficult to conduct public education events. CPR and Fire Extinguisher training were conducted, with safety measures in place. The Fire Department utilized social media as a means to share public service announcements, like fire safety tips, fire prevention week with the schools, and ‘virtual’ fire station tours. As the pandemic conditions improved, the Fire Department safely implemented in-person programs, including an in-person open house.
The$602,938.68.Department acquired a new cardiac monitor and defibrillator for EMS incidents.
The Fire Department acquired, trained and is utilizing new e-hydraulic extrication equipment on vehicle extrications and entrapment incidents. This new equipment allows for very quick deployment at emergencies.
RELATED CORE VALUES Foster Community Identity Diversified Economic Development Marketing and Communication Infrastructure Planning and Funding Financial Stability and Transparency Conceptual rendering of the new Golf Mill Town Center, including retail, dining and a water feature, along with new apartments in the background.
Mayor Alpogianis unveiled the concept site plans for the Golf Mill Town Center redevelopment at the Niles Chamber of Commerce and Industry State of the Village Luncheon on January 27, 2022 at Lone Tree Manor. The Sterling Organization (owners of Golf Mill Town Center) and Village staff have collaborated over the past year to finalize the concept site plan for the property. The concept site plans and renderings represent the culmination of regular meetings with the developer and their architects.
The master-planned, mixed-use development will feature new retail and restaurant facilities, public gathering spaces, water features, attractive landscaping, a pedestrian promenade, Golf Mill Park, a new water mill, approximately 300 luxury apartments, and a total mixed-use environment. The Golf Mill Town Center redevelopment as currently proposed is an over $400 million phased redevelopment that will create nearly 500 permanent jobs and over 950 construction jobs.
Family Services saw many individuals, local organizations, and businesses rise to the challenge of helping each other out, with food donations, clothing and coat donations, and financial contributions supporting the ongoing efforts of the Department to assist the community where it is most needed. NFS received $37,666 in financial donations during FY22, along with $105,114 worth of in-kind donations. The Department was overwhelmed and overjoyed by the support that was Otherreceived.highlights of the year for Niles Family Services included the implementation of marijuana education Initiatives for middle school students in District 63 and District 71 through the Engage Program, and the distribution of Christmas gifts to over 200 kids and over 25 adopted families for the holidays, along with over 100 ham dinners and 100 turkey dinners distributed at Thanksgiving.
Niles Senior Center
The Niles Senior Center provides active and engaging programs for seniors living in and near the Niles area. From day trips and delicious dinners, to concerts and comradery, the Niles Senior Center is a beloved organization offering exceptional service to the community. Throughout Fiscal Year 2022, the Senior Center developed COVID policies to safely return to in-person programming.
Niles Family Services coordinates an annual coat drive to give back to those in need in the community.
Niles Family Services
The Niles Spring Clean Up event is an intergenerational event that brings the community together to make a positive impact.
During FY22, the Family Services department continued to provide essential services to the community through the challenges of the pandemic. Demand for services continued and the Department continued to meet the challenge. It was another year of unprecedented support and collaboration with the community.
A Community that Cares Niles is a community that cares about all of its residents. The Village government invests in above-and-beyond human services divisions— services that set Niles apart from surrounding communities. Niles Family Services, the Niles Senior Center, Niles Teen Center, and Niles Family Fitness Center enhance the lives of Niles neighbors. Community Identity Marketing and Communication
• Painting/improvements to benches, garbage cans and curb appeal at Fitness Center
The Niles Teen Center provides a wide range of programs and activities to support local teens assistance craft/cooking projects table game or video game tournaments check-in sessions with social workers movie nights recreational trips Biannual dances for middle school students Cooperative events with Golf Mill Shopping Center, Maine East High School, and Niles-Maine District Library Participation in Village-wide events like the 4th of July Parade
• Monthly
Revamping the aquatics schedule at the Niles Family Fitness Center led to increased times and revenues in FY22.
• Fitness Center remodeled kitchen
• Monthly
Recently, the Niles Senior Center began a new partnership with Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois. This allows the Senior Center to continue the Meals on Wheels service, but in a more efficient manner with lower cost to tax payers and less strain on personnel resources. Meals are prepared Monday through Saturday (including holidays) in the Evanston kitchen and delivered with the help of volunteer meal delivery drivers. Niles Senior Center became a pick-up spot for Niles volunteers in February. The program provides meal support for seniors on fixed incomes who are struggling to pay for housing, medicine, and food. Meal fees are based on a sliding scale based on monthly income. To register for meals, or to volunteer, please call (847) 332-2678 or visit www.mealsonwheelsnei.org.
In FY22, the Niles Family Fitness Center worked hard to manage ever-changing COVID mitigations, keeping members healthy, fit and safe. Village and Fitness Center leadership also worked to update the Fitness Center’s rates and fees, ensuring continued fiscal stability while remaining competitive with other fitness centers in the area.
Other highlights from FY22 for the Niles Family Fitness Center include:
• Weekly
• Fitness Center enhanced their virtual exercise studios (technology)
• Revamped aquatics schedule to increase times and revenues
• Made repairs/replacements to HVAC system
In FY22, the Teen Center worked with the Village’s marketing firm, a5, to develop new branding for the Teen Center. The Teen Center also created the Teen Sports Brigade program at the Niles Park District. The Teen Center had a presence at Niles parks for barbecue, games, the chance to meet public safety personnel and more.
The Niles Teen Center provides a space for local students to gather with peers, in addition to a wide array of programs and activities.
• Weekly
Niles Family Fitness Center
• Weekly
Niles Teen Center
The Love Niles campaign appears on billboards throughout Chicago as well as in the Village on car magnets, vehicle stickers, bus benches, gateway signage, social media, email, newsletters and more.
Marketing Initiatives
The Village of Niles has continued the Love Niles campaign to market moving to Niles and build community. Named a Top Town by Chicago Parent magazine in September 2021, Niles promotes its first-rate schools, welcoming community, access to the city and outdoors and quality Village services.
People who live here, love it. Won’t you join us? Right outside the city, find lots to love. Discover first-rate schools where every child has the opportunity to succeed. Experience parks, bike trails and plenty of green space right out your front door. Take advantage of the Village’s incentive program that saves you money when you expand your home. And then there are your neighbors. In the Village of Niles, you’ll love meeting your neighbors who care about the community — and you. LoveNiles.com
Saturday, October 15 Park District Harvest Hustle 6:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Notre Dame Parking Lot Saturday, October 22 Park District Trunk or Treat 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Oasis Pool Parking Lot Saturday, October 29 Park District Halloween Parade 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Grennan Heights Friday, November 11 Veterans Day Ceremony 11:00 a.m. Niles Veterans Memorial Waterfall Saturday, November 26 Holly Jolly Fest 3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Civic Center Plaza
2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Civic Center Plaza Saturday, September 17 Public Works Department Open House 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Niles Public Works 6849 W. Touhy Avenue Saturday, September 24 Fire Department Pancake Breakfast 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Fire House 2 8360 W. Dempster Street
Every Friday June 17 - August 12 Concerts in the Park 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Oak Park at Lee and Ottawa Monday, July 4 Independence Day Parade 8:45 a.m. Step Off at Notre Dame Parking Lot Monday, July 4 Park District Post-Parade Family Fest
2022 Upcoming Calendar
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Grennan Heights Park Friday, July 15 – Sunday, July 17 Big Greek Food Fest St. Haralambos Orthodox Church Thursday, August 4 Walk and Roll Safety Event 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Notre Dame Parking Lot Friday, Sept 2 – Monday Sept 5 Maria SS Lauretana Italian Festival Golf Mill Town Center/ Golf Mill Park Saturday, September 10 Last Call Art and Music Fest
By the 30,912NumbersTheresultsofthe2020DecennialCensuswerecertified by Secretary of State Jesse White in October 2021. The Village of Niles dieselGallons78,051gasolineGallons66,306Populationofoffuel5,416Totalstreetsweeping miles Trees476trimmed by staff Trees1,924trimmed by contractor 182 Newly planted trees 2,100 Cubic yards of leaves hauled Village Fleet used: Tires240 ofGallons1,065oil installedLight370Pounds123,966ofcracksealantusedpoles PUBLIC WORKS detentionGallons4,700,000ofstormwaterstoragebuilt sewersFeet3,905Basins540installedstormLinear5,300feetofsewercleanedoflinedinstalledconduitfiberLinear76,000feetofoptic Read on for statistics from each Village department, showing how your tax dollars are being put to work. Except where noted otherwise, these statistics are for the period from May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022 (Fiscal Year 2022). 30 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
Water Quality Report Please go to www.vniles.com/CCR2022 to view your 2022 Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report). This report contains important information about the source and quality of your drinking water during 2021. To obtain a paper copy of the report, please call (847) 588-7900. 3,382Tonsofsaltused liquid11,505Gallonsofanti-icingused Gallons31,807ofsalt prewetting liquid used Miles25,435ofsnowplowed COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATIONDEVELOPMENT2,930PublicWorksservicerequestslogged Permits1,540registrationsbusinessTotal1,459Total$73,426,525valueofconstruction747numberoflicense/issued45ZoningapplicationsissuedNumberofcontractorslicenses784Rentallicenses755Codecases6782,5038,665FreedomofInformationAct(FOIA)requestsTonsofrecyclingmaterialscollectedinNilesTonsofrefusecollectedinNiles VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 31
By the 48,330INFORMATIONNumbersTECHNOLOGY(I.T.)Callsforservice $1,738,182,4538,211CallsrespondedtoECONOMICDEVELOPMENTTotalretailsalesinNiles(calendaryear2021)4,000NumberofinternalI.T. support tickets from Village 6,000staffAveragenumber of email inprocessedmessagesperdayFY22 NILES POLICE DEPARTMENT NILES FIRE DEPARTMENT 793CallsforAnimalControlServices 676ArrestsNumber134DUIarrestsoftraffic collisions reported and 9,328investigatedTrafficCitations/TicketsNumber of computing devices in operation daily 450 24Structurefires 1,923Warnings Number of Rescue & EMS 5,285calls74Numberofotherfires
NILES FAMILY FITNESS CENTER NILES SENIOR CENTER NILES TEEN CENTERNILES FAMILY SERVICES 1,194TotalGroup Swim Lesson Participants 47%MembershipincreaseduringFY22 Center of Concern Lunch With Us Program 1,909Lunchboxes 553StudentregistrationsforTeenCentereventsinthecommunity Individuals Teen Center programming presented to: 6,50097TeenCenterfirst-timeguests 2,111Check-instotheTeenCenter 3,499Totalrequests for services from the 569departmentTotalvisitstofoodpantry 243 Contactsforcrisisassistance 76 Contacts for assist homelessnesswith 2,902Counselingsessions25%ofcounselingclientsareseniors1,606 Total Memberships appointmentsMedicare165 Frozen9,545Meal123recipientsmeals sinceNew98Members965membersJan1,2022 685 Residents 921 participantsfitnessTotal7,453Non-Residentsnumberofclass ParticipantsPrivateTotal1,055Private/SemiSwimLesson Exercise338classes VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 33
The Village of Niles provides businesses of Niles. daily following pages include important financial details about the Village’s operations and how they are funded. It all adds up to high quality of life for residents and a commercial experience that is second to none. Here is just the beginning of what the Village provides throughout the year: a resident’s property tax bill goes to the Village of Niles. Much of the Village’s portion is used to make State-mandated payments towards Police and Fire pension funds. Niles proportion contributes total amount Niles,
basis. The
that each
Village Finances
10%TY20PropertyTaxLevy Distribution (TY21 Rates for Village of Niles) The Village of
many outstanding services to the residents and
Funding these services responsibly takes diligent work on a
is only one component of your property tax bill. The illustration here shows the other taxing bodies and the
to the
while TY20 rates with abatement are shown for other taxing bodies, since those are the most recent figures available). Schools72% Source: Cook County Clerk Village10%Other18% Sidewalk Improvements CleanInfrastructureRoadsWaterSewersTree MaintenanceStreetscape Improvements Fire Department Police Department PublicWelcomingSafetyNeighborhoods Stormwater Management Public Works Free Bus Senior CenterFamilyFitness Center Teen Center Family Services Administration Community Events New Businesses Code Inspection Government Access TV UtilityResourcesBilling for Veterans 34 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
you pay. (Note: TY21 rates with abatement are shown for the Village of
Source: Village of Niles property tax levy
Debt/GO Bonds General Obligation (G.O.) bonds and installment contracts are debt instruments issued by local governments to raise funds for a variety of purposes. This G.O. debt is backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing municipality. Village practice is to issue G.O. debt to fund specific, one-time capital projects when current operating revenues and/or available fund balances are not sufficient to cover the cost of the project.
Niles Sales Tax
Source: Illinois Department of Revenue and Melaniphy & Associates, Inc.
In Illinois, non-internet-based Sales Taxes are allocated back to the community where the sale occurred. A good indicator of local economic health is the trend in these retail sales and the Sales Taxes that are generated. Net total Sales Tax receipts (all funds) on food and general merchandise collected by the State of Illinois in the fiscal year ended April 30, 2021 was $27,600,645, 3.97% higher than in the prior year. This increase started in March 2021 due to an increase in inflation and the return of customers to in-person shopping and continues to be reflected in FY22. Excluding Chicago, Niles ranks in the top fifteen among all Illinois communities in retail sales tax volume Fees collected through utility billing fund most of the operations of the water, sewer, and storm water utilities. In FY21, the Village received $9,771,393 from these utility billing fees.
In Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) the Village and the public safety pension plans received $14,287,853. In order to ensure funding of State-mandated pensions and ensure intergenerational equity, the Village Board decided to increase the public safety pension levies in Tax Year 2021 (TY21) to fully fund the actuarially recommended contribution to the pensions on an annual basis. Eighty percent (80%) of the resulting TY21 Village total extended property tax levy of $13,944,447 goes to fund those Village police and fire pension contributions. Subsequently, due to the difficult economic conditions for businesses and residents, the Village Board in 2022 used fund balance to abate $1.8 million dollars for Tax Year 2021 (TY21), thus reducing for one year the property taxes levied on Niles property owners.
Source: Village of Niles FY21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
The Village also takes out low-interest Illinois EPA (IEPA) revolving loans, which are based upon revenue receipts and are not G.O. backed, to fund water, sanitary sewer, or stormwater projects.
The Village’s public safety pension contributions are required by the State of Illinois. The State requires that all pension systems be fully funded by 2040.
Property Tax Property tax is a tax assessed on real estate. The tax is based on the value of the property (including the land) you own and is assessed by the County. A municipal tax levy is the total tax collected from all property owners in order to fund Village services and amenities. As a home rule community, the Village does not have a tax rate limit. Accordingly, the actual tax rate is dependent upon the dollar amount of taxes levied and the equalized assessed valuation (“EAV”) of property within the Village. Ten percent (10%) of a resident’s annual property tax bill goes to the Village, taking into consideration the Tax Year 2021 (TY21) abatement detailed later on this page. The Village uses this amount to partially fund debt service payments, the Village’s required employee public safety pension fund contributions, roads, and garbage collection. No other Village services, expenses, or salaries are funded using property tax dollars.
RELATED CORE VALUES Diversifi ed Economic Development Infrastructure Planning and Funding Financial Stability and Transparency
The Village collects a one percent (1.00%) sales tax on most retail sales, as well as a one and a quarter percent (1.25%) home rule sales tax on most non-titled retail sales.
illustrates debt for Niles and some nearby communities. The orange portion of the bar includes the municipality’s direct debt, like general obligation bonds, and the blue portion of the bar includes retiree benefit debt, specifically pension debt. The horizontal gray bar is the average level of combined debt among all these communities. Numbers shown are per capita, taking into account the population of each municipality.
Direct Debt Per Capita Retiree Benefit Debt Per Capita Average Retiree Plus Direct Debt PlainesDes GroveMorton ProspectMount Niles RidgePark Skokie Wheeling Direct Debt and Net Retiree Benefit Debt Per Capita from Nearby Municipalities (Niles data is FY21. Other municipalites reflect FY20 data, the most recent data available).
As you can see, Niles has relatively little direct debt, but its overall debt level is higher due to the size of the Village’s pension liability — the funding of which is mandated by the State of Illinois.
Sources: City of Des Plaines Audit; Village of Morton Grove Audit; Village of Mount Prospect Audit; Village of Niles Audit; City of Park Ridge Audit; Village of Skokie Audit; Village of Wheeling Audit
Debt Comparison
“Retiree Benefit Debt” means obligations to Police and Fire pensions, as mandated by the State of Illinois.
FY21 Annual Comprehensive
For comparison’s sake, that’s sort of like having a $3,255 mortgage on a $350,000 home. Most of the Village’s debt, however, lies in retiree benefit debt. Net Pension Liability is $106,503,204, and OPEB liability (Other Post Employment Benefits) is $5,004,240. Together that totals $124,979,444. By adding that number to the Village’s Gross General Obligation Bond debt from earlier, the debt to EAV ratio increases to 8.6%. The Village is taking proactive steps — even difficult ones — to ensure we responsibly address pension obligations. Sources: Village of Niles Debt Schedules; Village of Niles Financial $29,000,000$31,000,000$27,000,000$25,000,000$23,000,000$21,000,000$19,000,000$17,000,000$15,000,000 Niles
This line graph shows the Village’s General Obligation Bond debt as a percentage of its total Assessed Value Village-wide. The Village of Niles’ Net General Obligation Bond debt at the close of fiscal year 2021 was $13,472,000. That debt amount compared to the Assessed Value of $1,446,575,000 creates a ratio of 0.93%. The Village’s net GO debt, in other words, is equal to about 0.93% of its assessed value.
Ratio of Bonded Debt
The graph above depicts fiscal year distributions of Retailer’s Occupation Tax, Service Occupation Tax, and Use Tax for the Village of Niles. Occupation tax is the formal name for Sales Tax, while Use Tax is mostly a form of sales tax that applies to online and out-of-state sales. Therefore, this graph is a combination of the Village’s State and local sales tax components. You can see, for instance, when the Village enacted a 1.25% home rule sales tax in July of 2012. It shows up as the jump from 2012 to 2013. The other notable increase here is the most recent year change of 2020 to 2021. That reflects the generally strong retail sales environment nationwide throughout FY21. As Niles has a strong sales tax profile that includes a variety of large retailers, it is no surprise that our sales tax activity improved in that time frame. Village staff expect similarly strong performance through FY22.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 State Sales Tax Distribution for Village of
(By Fiscal Year) 0.00%0.50%2.00%1.50%1.00% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Ratio of Net General Obligation Bonded Debt to Assessed Value 0.51% 0.46% 0.43% 0.30% 0.21% 0.11% 0.01% 1.18% 1.00% 0.93% Fiscal Year Sales Tax VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 37
Sources: Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) and Village of Niles FY21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Fiscal Year 2023 Budget
The Fiscal Year 2023 budget goals are to maintain a high quality level of services, minimize the financial burden on Niles taxpayers, identify cost efficiencies and opportunities, fund fully all actuarially determined pension contributions, continue implementation of the Niles 2030 Comprehensive Plan, develop a formal Capital Improvement Plan, strengthen economic vitality and enhance community character and identity, and maintain, rebuild, and enhance the Village’s infrastructure.
There are several important highlights for the budget this year. The FY23 Operating budget represents an estimated $1.5 million reduction compared to FY22, without reduction in core services. Many of the individual budget adjustments were achieved through an updated budget review process. For FY23, the Village implemented a much more robust Capital Improvement Plan, separated from the budget to a more substantial degree. In prior years, capital costs were mixed into the budget under a series of different object codes. That made capital spending comparison across years challenging. The budgeting and annual comparison of those amounts will improve in future years as the Village continues to utilize the new CIP format. The CIP identifies just over $19 million in projects budgeted for FY23, which are present across a variety of funds, including the Capital Projects Fund, Water Fund, and even Fitness Fund. That also means the money funding each project is varied. General Fund money is used on many of the projects, but grants like the American Rescue Plan Act will also provide significant funding this Additionally,year. changes to the public safety pension funding structure, in correspondence with changes to Village’s Property Tax levy structure, mean that there were significant decreases to interfund transfers from the General Fund to the Public Safety Pension funds. Revenue 0n the revenue side of things, some highlights in the FY23 budget are sales tax, property tax, and ambulance fees. Property Tax revenues within the General Fund have decreased to $0 because almost all of the property tax levy now directly flows to the police and fire pension funds. The State and local sales tax components are budgeted to see increases of $1.14 million and $2.06 million, respectively. The large increases are due primarily to a strong economy among the Village’s sales tax profile, but also in part to inflation. Ambulance billing fees are budgeted to increase by $925,000 due to both increased utilization and the Village’s participation in a statewide cost-sharing agreement to increase Medicaid reimbursements when patients utilize ambulance services, which is a boon for Niles residents and to payers.
Source: Village of Niles FY23 Budget
The Fiscal Year 2023 budget includes approximately $95,036,565 million in expenditures and $99,351,026 million in revenues. With internal transfers included, the amounts are $116.6 million for expenditures and $121.4 million for revenues.
Category Capital &EmployeeOtherDebtContractualCommoditiesOutlaysServiceSalaryBenefits Amount $45,853,947$3,459,845$2,234,881$9,944,409$11,173,297$22,370,185 Category Sales LoanMiscellaneousInterestReimbursementsGrants&Licenses,ServicesChargesPropertyOtherTaxTaxesTaxforFeesFines&Proceeds Amount $10,600,000$759,000$723,740$5,927,363$8,558,546$11,703,285$16,631,262$14,751,019$29,696,811 FY23 Budget Expenditures by BudgetCategoryFY23RevenuebyCategory Source: Village of Niles FY23 Budget VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 39
Net Position Table The financial information on pages 40-43 includes data from the Village’s FY21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). This first table on pages 40 and 41 summarizes the Village of Niles’ assets and liabilities. You can view the full ACFR document on the Village’s website, www.vniles.com. Assets Cash and depreciationaccumulatednetdepreciated,assetsCapitaldepreciatednotCapitalassetNetOthergovernmentsDueInventoryReceivablesInvestmentsequivalentscashfromotherassetspensionassets,beingbeingof Total ResourcesOutflDeferredassetsowsof OPEB-relatedrelatedPensionTotal deferred resourcesoutflandTotaloutflowsassetsdeferredowsof ActivitiesGovernmental2020 $41,625,832$62,883,810$538,238$(4,272,738)$7,100,485$4,216,121$2,822,100$47,422,328 $162,336,176 $691,085$16,276,362 $179,303,623$16,967,447 ActivitiesGovernmental2021 $39,874,410$72,032,718$2,006,592$60,494$9,984,228$7,500,937$283,885$41,462,486 $173,205,750 $611,153$19,382,296 $193,199,199$19,993,449 ActivitiesBusiness-type2020 $33,629,246$19,142,943$405,515$4,272,738—$23,618$4,716,674$1,835,324$7,118,561 $71,144,619 $19,721$239,277 $71,403,617$258,998 ActivitiesBusiness-type2021 $44,484,853$7,986,872$277,519$688,770$24,098$3,900,718—$10,743,658 $68,106,488 $17,440$199,711 $68,323,639$217,151 $250,707,240$17,226,445$710,806$16,515,639$233,480,795$75,255,078$82,026,753$943,753—$7,100,485$23,618$8,932,795$4,657,424$54,540,889Total2020 $261,522,838$20,210,600$628,593$19,582,007$241,312,238$84,359,263$80,019,590$2,284,111$749,264$9,984,228$24,098$11,401,655$283,885$52,206,144Total2021 “Business-Type Activities” includes Enterprise Funds, which in our case includes only the Water Fund. Governmental Activities includes the following funds: General, Municipal Waste, Milwaukee Touhy, Capital Projects, Street and Bridge, Foreign Fire Insurance, Fitness Center, Motor Fuel Tax, DUI, Drug Asset Forfeiture, Article 36 Asset Forfeiture, Federal Equity Share, Gross Point Touhy TIF, Oakton Waukegan TIF, Milwaukee Harlem TIF, Milwaukee Oakton TIF, Milwaukee Dempster TIF, Debt Service. Source: Village of Niles FY21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 40 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
Liabilities Accounts payable $1,643,932 $472,765 $952,247 $97,659 $2,596,179 $570,424 Accrued liabilities $1,038,098 $1,223,246 $66,538 $69,180 $1,104,636 $1,292,426 Claims payable $1,109,337 $916,329 $1,109,337 $916,329 Other liabilities $202,063 $1,479,809 $202,063 $1,479,809 Customer deposits $370,012 $382,716 $370,012 $382,716 Accrued interest payable $243,573 $229,011 $46,615 $45,198 $290,188 $274,209 Unearned revenue $336,916 $512,243 $3,167 $340,083 $512,243 Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year bonds, compensatedlease/purchase,installmentabsences $2,915,668 $3,039,018 $598,363 $610,941 $3,514,031 $3,649,959 Net pension liability $114,637,780 $106,503,204 $485,962 $115,123,742 $106,503,204 Net OPEB liability $5,731,714 $4,865,399 $163,563 $138,841 $5,895,277 $5,004,240 Bonds, lease/purchaseinstallment $14,921,372 $13,754,398 $9,280,742 $8,779,324 $24,202,114 $22,533,722 Total liabilities $142,780,453 $132,995,422 $11,967,209 $10,123,859 $154,747,662 $143,119,281 Deferred Inflows of Resources Property taxes $3,708,372 $5,506,716 $3,708,372 $5,506,716 Pension-related $5,455,783 $18,401,489 $480,823 $871,273 $5,936,606 $19,272,762 OPEB-related $639,290 $18,243 $657,533 Total deferred inflows of resources $9,164,155 $24,547,495 $480,823 $889,516 $9,644,978 $25,437,011 Total liabilities and deferred inflows of resources $151,944,608 $157,542,917 $12,448,032 $11,013,375 $164,392,640 $168,556,292 Net Position Net investment in capital assets $102,457,654 $97,359,477 $43,001,078 $43,190,983 $145,458,732 $140,550,460 Restricted for: Debt service $31,711 $31,711 $31,711 $31,711 Tax increment financing allocation for project areas $2,413,122 $4,393,089 $2,413,122 $4,393,089 Public safety $261,431 $288,371 $261,431 $288,371 Highways and streets $610,534 $697,704 $610,534 $697,704 Unrestricted $(78,415,437) $(67,114,070) $15,954,507 $14,119,281 $(62,460,930) $(52,994,789) Total net position $27,359,015 $35,656,282 $58,955,585 $57,310,264 $86,314,600 $92,966,546 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 41
Statement of Activities Table The Statement of Activities Table provides a summary of the Village’s finances, but in a more intuititve sense. The tables on these pages show more clearly the data of “the money coming in and the money going out.” Revenues LicensesTaxes and OtherInvestmentFinesChargesIntergovernmentalpermitsforservicesincomerevenues Total ExpendituresRevenues CurrentGeneral government Public health and safety Highways and streets Economic development Culture and recreation Capital outlay DebtPrincipalservice: retirement Interest and fees Total Revenuesexpendituresover(under) expenditures before other financing sources (uses) Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Proceeds from sale of capital assets Total other financing sources (uses) Net changes in fund balances (deficit) Fund balances (deficit), beginning of the year Fund balances (deficit), end of the year 2020 $996,057$852,121$759,492$4,334,247$1,633,927$1,101,541$46,613,308 $56,290,693 $632,925$545,250$1,492,696$1,668,890$3,768,260$9,618,273$32,145,568$10,697,618 $(4,278,787)$60,569,480 $1,388$(494,292)$494,292 $48,447,637$52,725,036$(4,277,399)$1,388 2021 $948,421$65,539$438,723$4,470,011$3,633,240$801,514$54,035,656 $64,393,104 $541,381$480,000$9,122,694$1,345,325$212,681$9,452,392$32,671,339$10,679,743 $(112,451)$64,505,555 $(3,739,397)$3,739,397 $48,335,186$48,447,637$(112,451) Total Government Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) - Governmental Funds For the Year Ended April 30, 2021 (with Comparative totals for 2020) Source: Village of Niles FY21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 42 VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Position - Proprietary Funds For the Year Ended April 30, 2021 (With Comparative Totals for Business-type Activities) Operating Revenues Water sales Water penalties Other charges for services Other services Total Operatingrevenuesoperatingexpenses Administration division Supply DepreciationInternalStormwaterSewerTransmissiondivisiondivisiondivisionreliefdivisionservicedivision Total operating expenses Operating revenuesNon-operatingIncome/(loss)(expenses): Sales tax Gain on sale of fiInterestInvestmentgrantIntergovernmentalassetincomeexpenseandscalcharges Total theNetasbeginningNetpositionChangesrevenues/(expenses)Non-Operatinginnetposition,oftheyear,adjustedposition,endofyear Water Fund 2020 $321,805$811,810$179,557$15,577,766 $16,890,938 $969,970$136,471$558,694$397,027$7,108,976$2,843,914 $4,875,886$12,015,052 $(231,626)$227,481$2,630$902,146 $58,955,585$53,179,068$5,776,517$900,631 Water Fund 2021 $289,746$698,488$190,245$8,592,914 $9,771,393 $2,953$399,675$395,269$5,371,283$2,581,270 $176,379$9,595,014$844,564 $(222,884)$7,164$15,945 $57,310,264$57,333,660$(23,396)$(199,775) Internal Service Funds 2020 $4,411,675 $4,411,675 $4,656,220 $(1,246,656)$5,658,331$1,002,111 $(75,536)$13,230$967,390$38,721 $2,983,577$3,286,428$(302,851)$943,805 Internal Service Funds 2021 $4,193,651 $4,193,651 $4,451,892 $(1,372,988)$5,566,639$1,114,747 $(58,396)$65$876,704$3,450 $2,432,412$2,983,577$(551,165)$821,823 Business-type Activities Governmental Activities VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 43
All official Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public and public attendance is encouraged. Board of Trustees regular meetings typically take place on the fourth Tuesday of the month (November and December dates differ). The Village government also makes extensive use of committees to accomplish official business, and these meetings are also open to the public. Visit the “Government” section of www.vniles.com for more information and to explore participating in a committee. Always Look for Official Information
Remember: Always go to official Village information sources to obtain accurate information about current events and emergencies.
The Village website is currently undergoing a redesign process, debuting a new look and even more user-friendly features.
The Village’s biweekly e-newsletter contains more service updates and stories about your community. Subscribe today at www.vniles.com/ enews for the latest scoop! Niles TV Niles TV can be found in town on Comcast Xfinity channel 6, U-Verse TV channel 99, and streaming at www.vniles.com/NTV. Niles TV originates from Village Hall, and includes live coverage of Board of Trustees meetings, public informational programming, and post-event replays of key speeches and events throughout the year. Public Meetings and Committees
The Village posts a variety of content to YouTube, including features on special topics from Niles TV, Public
Connect With Us Stay informed with the Village of Niles! Social Media The Village of Niles uses social media as an additional way to deliver timely information to the public. Follow these pages to stay in the know: • Village of Niles on Facebook • Village of Niles on Twitter @vnilesIL • Village of Niles on Instagram • Niles Police Department (IL) on Facebook, and @nilespdIL on Twitter • Niles Fire Department on Facebook • Niles Teen Center on Facebook and Instagram • Niles Senior Center on Facebook • Niles Family Fitness Center on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram NEW: “See Click Fix” Customer Service Requests This summer, the Village will unveil a new tool to help residents get the most out of government services! See Click Fix is an online tool that lets you submit requests to the Village of Niles and easily track progress. There’s even a mobile app that will let you submit concerns about issues like potholes and code violations from anywhere in town. Rave Alert Rave Alert is the Village’s “Reverse 9-1-1” automated phone call system. During emergencies, the Village can call all subscribers in a matter of minutes to deliver important, timely information. Today, when more and more people rely on cell phones instead of publicly listed landline phones, it’s more important than ever that you opt-in to alerts to receive these emergency calls.
There are also options for text messages and emails. Subscribe at www.vniles.com/alert. Website: www.vniles.com
The Village’s website houses agendas and minutes for Village meetings, along with forms for numerous permit processes. Pay your utility bill online or by direct debit from your bank account.
Village of Niles Annual Report: Village Manager: Joseph S. La Margo Public Information Officer/ Communications and Multimedia Coordinator: Mitch Design:Johnsona5Branding & Digital VILLAGE OF NILES 2022 ANNUAL REPORT 45
1000 Civic Center Drive Niles, IL 847-588-800060714 vniles.com instagram.com/villageofnilesfacebook.com/villageofnilestwitter.com/VNilesIL Presorted Standard U.S. MortonPermitPAIDPostageNo.111Grove,IL VILLAGE OF NILES ANNUAL REPORT Niles makes it possible. An education system that cares about every child. Neighbors that love their community, businesses that deliver every day. A design district focused on home improvement. A government that cares about all its residents. And one magnificent photo op: the Leaning Tower of Niles. Postal Customer