Loveland Visitors Guide

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Welcome to loveland Table of Contents

“Welcome to Loveland, Colorado –America’s ‘Sweetheart City’.

I invite you to discover the many wonders of our area!

Whether you’re into shopping,art, cowboy culture,great restaurants, craft beer and spirits,or outdoor adventures,Loveland has something special for everyone.One of the world's top-ranked Embassy Suites, the largest Love Lock Sculpture in the nation,the largest outdoor juried sculpture show,and a year-round outdoor sculpture park are all here. I take immense pride in Loveland's achievements and the wide array of amenities we offer to our residents and visitors.From our charming historic downtown to our impressive collection of free public art found throughout the city,there truly is something for everyone here!

What truly distinguishes us is the perfect blend of urban conveniences with small-town charm, warmth, and inclusive ambiance.When you visit Loveland,expect a warm welcome from our community.As you plan your trip,we encourage you to explore all the wonderful experiences Loveland has to offer.

Enjoy your time here and return as often as your heart desires!”

Mayor Jackie Marsh

WIde oPen SPaCeS

Find the explorer within you without feeling crowded.

vISITorS CenTer

It's much more than an info center.

Fun photo ops, official love locks, and local gifts await.

love loCKS

What they are, where to find them, and where to leave them.

THe ToP 10

The locals love these, and so will you – here's the inside scoop on what not to miss here. 8-9 10-11 arTS

Loveland’s one-of-a-kind, uninhibited creative side. 12-13 evenTS

Fun festivities for every season.


HIKInG, bIKInG & WaTer

From trails to sails, these are the outdoor rec hot-spots.

How to get around our "Sweetheart" of a town.

20-21 loveland maP
loveland visitors center
benson sculpture garden
Numbers loveland by the more To love 14-15 evenT venUeS 18 CamPInG 19 Gear renTalS 22 Golf 30-31 SHoPPInG 34-35 lodGInG 36-37 meeTInGS & evenTS 38-39 love WHere yoU WorK 26-27 WHere love lIveS Why we truly are the land of Love. 24-25 exPlore noCo Stay in Loveland, but explore northern Colorado and beyond. 23 WeSTern CUlTU re Grab the cowboy hat and boots. It's Dude Ranch time! 28-29 doWnToWn Experience the heart of the city. 32-33 food & drInK Savor every bite, toast every sip, culinary delights and refreshing libations. fInd loCal TIPS THroUGHoUT THe GUIde for a memorable and UnIqUe exPerIenCe WHen yoU vISIT loveland!
loveland visitors center 3
sylvan dale guest ranch

here, We are Free

Roam with us on your neXt vacation

Welcome to Loveland, a community nestled in Colorado’s foothills and the gateway to gorgeous wide-open natural spaces, such as Rocky Mountain National Park (about 45 minutes west of town) and Devil’s Backbone Open Space, just to name a couple.

Our vibrant community thrives with art and culture inspired by friendly locals, an abundance of natural features, and an average of over 300 days of sunshine each year. As a hidden gem of northern Colorado (or “NoCo” as locals call it), visitors can enjoy vast outdoor areas rich with wildlife, miles of trails for hiking and biking, and an abundance of water – from the Big Thompson River to our many lakes – all before browsing free public art installations and sculptures across the city.

If you are seeking creative arts, authentic western culture, award-winning breweries, an outdoor recreational paradise, and the perfect places to shop, we have it all. Again, welcome to Loveland, the perfect basecamp for all of your Colorado adventures.


to Roam & born to Create 5

SToP, SHoP & Discover loveland vISITorS CenTer

the loveland visitors center is not only the ideal place to stop in For area maps and inFormation, but also unique photo-ops and giFts, as Well.

Merchandise from many Loveland artisans (and even more from other parts of the state) can be found throughout the center. Exceptional artwork such as hand-blown glass hearts and hand-crafted pottery adorn the Visitors Center shelves along with locallymade clothing, jewelry, gifts, toys, books and an assortment of local food items.

The Loveland Visitors Center is conveniently located just west of Interstate 25 on the north side of US Highway 34 and, YES, buses and RV’s are welcome!

80538 970.667.3882 | 800.258.1278 | lovelandvISITorSCenTer.Com
5400 STone CreeK CIrCle, loveland, Co SeT on THe PICTU reSqUe GroUndS of THe mCWHInney-HaHn SCUlPTU re ParK, THe loveland vISITorS CenTer IS TrUly a mUST-See exPerIenCe. bronze SCUlPTU reS PoSITIoned aroUnd THe Pond, InClUdInG Herb mIGnery'S famoUS WaTer CarrIer SCUlPTU re and foUnTaIn, WelCome yoU aT THe CITy’S eaSTern GaTeWay.

love loCKS

WHaT exaCTly IS a love loCK?

Love locks are a symbol of love and commitment where lovers lock a padlock on a chain, gate or sculpture and then throw away the key, symbolically locking their love forever.

Love locks have gained notoriety around the world after being placed on bridges and public places in Paris, on New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, Cologne’s Hohenzollern Bridge and more.

Loveland launched it's very own LOVE lock sculpture in 2019 as a part of it's annual Sweetheart Festival, a joint project between Visit Loveland and the Chamber of Commerce.

Loveland’s love lock sculptures are a chance to give the love lock tradition new life through art and sculpture.

TWo of THe larGeST love loCK SCUlPTU reS In THe U.S. are rIGHT Here In loveland.

Head to the Visitors Center to view our original sculpture, a 24,000 pound, 10-foot-tall, 30-foot-wide steel sculpture made up of four letters L, O, V, E that includes heart cutouts and places for love locks on the back.

A 12-foot-3-inch-tall, 14-foot-3-inch-wide steel heart-shaped sculpture sits in the southeast corner of Lake Loveland with amazing views of the Rocky Mountains.


#lovelandlove loCKS

step 1

GeT a loCK step 2 CUSTomIze IT step 3 loCK IT step 4 SHare IT

Love locks are available for purchase at the Loveland Visitors Center, or you may bring your own metal lock smaller than 4”x4”x3” may be used.

Paint, engrave, or draw on your lock to memorialize your love forever. Free engraving tools are available in the Visitors Center during business hours.

Attach your customized lock on the metal grid on the back of either one of the sculptures. Throw away the key so your love is permanently locked.

Take photos as you lock your love on the love lock sculptures, then tag us when you post them to your social channels.

oFFicial love locks can be purchased inside the loveland visitors center during normal business hours, or you can bring your oWn small lock to hang up.

can’t make it to loveland? b uy a love lock remotely and We Will even engrave and place it on one oF the sculptures For you!

yoU loCK yoU r love? folloW THeSe eaSy STePS! 7
HoW do

a loCal'S Top 10

WanT To exPlore loveland lIKe a loCal and See WHaT maKeS IT SUCH a SPeCIal PlaCe? Here’S yoU r ToP 10 bUCKeT lIST To loveland.


With four free sculpture gardens and working bronze foundries, no one embraces and showcases sculpture art like Loveland. Don’t miss the world’s largest outdoor juried sculpture show, Sculpture in the Park, each August in Benson Sculpture Garden.

loCK yoU r love

With a name like LOVEland, a visit would be incomplete without locking your love on one of the two love lock sculptures. Buy an official lock at the Visitors Center or bring your own and be sure to tag your posts with #Visitloveland and #lovelandlovelocks!


Galore Loveland loves events! Catch Winter Wonderlights for the holiday season or the Loveland Corn Roast in summer. From the Rialto Theater downtown to Blue FCU Arena to the east, our venues have hosted some pretty awesome acts from comedians to pop stars to monster trucks.


Swim, splash and sunbathe the day away on a sandy beach, or get your heart pumping while stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), boating, jet skiing or fishing on our pristine lakes. With Loveland’s abundance of water, the only challenge is staying dry!

rIde THe TraIn aT norTH laKe ParK laSer TaG aT loveland laSer TaG arCade GameS aT THe flIPSIde KIdS’ SHoWS aT blUe arena Play aT a ParK eSCaPe an eSCaPe room Go fISHInG exPlore CHaPUnGU SCUlPTU re ParK HorSebaCK rIdInG aT Sylvan dale SWIm aT THe CHIlSon CenTer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. KIdS top 10 @kidsontheslopes chapungu sculpture park
benson sculpture garden

fInd THe KeyHole

Enjoy a hike adjacent to the two-mile strip of Dakota sandstone known as the Devil’s Backbone Open Space. Find the keyhole formation for amazing views (and photo-ops) of the Rocky Mountains.

love lIve mUSIC

Take in a casual concert on the Foundry Plaza downtown during the summer, enjoy an intimate guitar set at Black and Blues Music and Brews, or a bigname act at Blue Arena! Some of the acts that have played in Loveland include Weezer, David Bowie, and Toby Keith.

GeT WeSTern

Don your boots and saddle up for a horseback ride at Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch, and spend the night in one of their cozy cabins. Enjoy an evening line dancing at Loveland’s honkytonk, the Tom Davis Saloon. (Ride the mechanical bull, too, if you dare!)

Game on Experience family fun at the Flipside, Loveland Laser tag, and Sweetheart Lanes Bowling, while grownups can try their hands at axe throwing at two different places: Axe to Grind and #1 Axehole.

CHoW doWn

Steak? The Black Steer and Loveland Chophouse have you covered. Brunch? Taste Local. Italian? Sì, certo, è Biaggi's! Mexican? Si! Ruben’s Grill and Cantina. You get the idea. From classic cuisine to exotic Nepalese, you’ll find the fix for what you crave here.

SHoP aroUnd

Visitors from near and afar enjoy the many shopping opportunities in Loveland. Stroll boutique shops that line the streets downtown or indulge in some of the state's best retail at Centerra. You never know what treasures you’ll find in Loveland!

#v doGS top 10 STay In a HoTel WITH yoU r HUman rUn aT a doG ParK WITH yoU r HUman SHoP WITH yoU r HUman SWIm In a laKe WITH yoU r HUman WalK yoU r HUman In a SCUlPTU re ParK HIKe yoU r HUman alonG devIl’S baCKbone aTTend a feSTIval WITH yoU r HUman TaKe yoU r HUman for a beer aT a breWery GeT Groomed aT a doG SPa TreaTS from THe bISCUIT barKery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. @theFlipside140 @mr-delan @kiko-corescuedog
vintage WilloWs boutique sylvan dale guest ranch
door 222
chapungu sculpture park 9
the keyhole at devil's backbone open space

one-of-a KInd deSTInaTIon Arts

a Colorado CreaTIve dISTrICT, loveland IS KnoWn aS one of THe beST arT ToWnS In amerICa. from SCUlPTU re To oU r aCCredITed loveland mUSe Um WHICH feaTU reS World-ClaSS arT exHIbITIonS, oU r GallerIeS and arT SPaCeS are an InTeGral ParT of loveland’S UnIqUe CUlTU re.

Art is easy to spot across Loveland. From small works like painted electrical transformer boxes to full-scale exhibitions, it’s clear that art is a part of Loveland’s DNA. Buildings along 4th and 5th Streets from Jefferson to Railroad Avenues in downtown Loveland are massive canvases for uniquely artistic and creative street murals. There are more than 20 - can you find them all?

Take a self-guided scavenger hunt journey to find the individually painted hearts as part of the City with HeART Program. These are scattered throughout the city and one of the most fun ways to explore Loveland. Maps are available at the Visitors Center.

Visiting an art town provides the opportunity to meet and interact with local artists at one of many local galleries and studios. Don’t miss the annual Governor’s Art Show & Sale to see works from Colorado’s top artists each May through June. For a full listing of galleries, visit our website.

Loveland… ”Home is where the Heart is”

Fifty years ago I found my artistic home in Loveland, Colorado. What I found was a town which would come to boast a huge number of sculptors and artists. Another part,was a community thirsty for the culture of creativity and just plain hard work that goes into making artwork on a scale,not found in any other town in America.

We sculptors and artists tend to credit ourselves with the making of this wonderful community,but we all know, it's our friends, neighbors and many others who have held the keys to the door opened to us,here in the “heart” of Colorado!

So, “Home IS where the Heart is! From this kid who wandered into town to be a welder, to Loveland, Colorado, I say thank you!

Photo credit: Christina Gressianu
lake loveland

for 40 yearS, benSon SCUlPTU re Garden

HaS been Home To ‘SCUlPTU re In THe ParK’, THe larGeST oUTdoor jU rIed SCUlPTU re SHoW In THe CoUnTry. THe evenT TaKeS PlaCe, annUally, eaCH aUGUST.

Public art is everywhere in Loveland. The city is home to four free outdoor sculpture parks: Benson Sculpture Garden, Chapungu Sculpture Park, Foote Lagoon, and McWhinney-Hahn Sculpture Park. Benson Sculpture Garden is a 10-acre outdoor park featuring primarily bronze sculpture, but you can also discover works created in a variety of stone, wood and other media. The park has nearly 180 pieces of art on permanent display, allowing guests to interact with the pieces. Each year, during the second weekend of August, the park hosts Sculpture in the Park, the largest outdoor juried sculpture show and sale in the United States.

Nearby, North Lake Park is home to Art in the Park, Loveland’s longest-running free art festival and sale with 250 vendors, which runs concurrently with Sculpture in the Park.

Chapungu Sculpture Park features 82 Zimbabwean stone sculptures telling stories of family, children, elders and village life. Chapungu is the only permanent exhibit of its kind in the country. The park comes to life for the annual free Winter Wonderlights event each winter holiday season.

McWhinney-Hahn Sculpture Park features bronze sculptures along the grounds near the Loveland Visitors Center while Foote Lagoon is located just steps away from the downtown city center in Civic Center Park.

Another “must-do” is a visit to the Loveland Museum, home to seasonal world-class exhibits that have featured artists including Dali, Goya and O'Keeffe. Travel back in time to learn about Loveland’s rich history in the free history museum. The museum has received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums. Less than 5% of the museums in the United States are accredited, with the Loveland Museum being one of only three accredited institutions in Northern Colorado.

doWntoWn loveland
pastels on 5th 11
benson sculpture garden

events& Festivals

loveland IS Home To many UnIqUe, free, and famIly-frIendly evenTS CelebraTInG everyTHInG from THe HolIdayS To love and ClaSSIC CarS To even Corn (yeS, an enTIre feSTIval revolvInG aroUnd Corn)!

CHeCK oUT vISITloveland.Com, for a fUll lISTInG of evenTS, bUT Here are Some of THe Can’T mISS oneS To PUT on yoU r lIST!

Colorado Governor's Art Show & Sale

Blues & Cruise Car Show

Colorado Spartans Arena Football

Colorado Spartans Arena Football SPrInG


One Sweet Summer Concerts

5th Street Block Party

4th of July Fireworks

Cherry Celebration

Sounds of Centerra Concerts

Wild Wonderful Weekend

Ice Cream Festival

Foote Lagoon Concert Series

Larimer County Fair & Rodeo

Sculpture in the Park

Art in the Park

Loveland Corn Roast Festival

Laugh Out Loud Loveland Comedy Festival

Scan QR code for a full calendar of events.
corn roast Festival sculpture in the park

Good Guys Car Show

Loveland Oktoberfest

Barbarian Feast

Pastels on 5th Street

Honey Festival

Aspire 3D Kite Festival

Creepy Walk in the Woods

Loveland Zombie Crawl

Pumpkin Festival

Colorado Eagles Hockey

WInTer WonderlIGHTS IS a free mUSICal lIGHT SHoW THaT rUnS mId-november To janUary 1 eaCH year.

don’T mISS SeleCT WeeKendS for SPeCIal evenT ProGrammInG InClUdInG vISITS from SanTa, lIve reIndeer, and more.

Downtown Festival of Lights

Winter Wonderlights

Christmas Walk in the Woods

Loveland Sweetheart Festival

Loveland Lights at Chapungu

Sweetheart Classic 4-miler Race

all evenTS are SUbjeCT To CHanGe WITHoUT noTICe.
colorado eagles pastels on 5th 13
loveland sWeetheart Festival


loveland HaS been an enTerTaInmenT HUb for GeneraTIonS and ConTInUeS To HoST World-ClaSS aCTS aT everyTHInG from HISTorIC THeaTerS To fUll SCale arenaS

rIalTo THeaTer CenTer

The historic Rialto Theater features 478 seats with state-of-the-art sound and lighting equipment. It opened as a silent movie theater in 1920 and is currently Loveland’s premier performing arts venue, welcoming nationally touring musicians, comedians, and performers as well as local performing arts groups.

THe rIalTo THeaTer WaS THe PremIer venUe for SIlenT fIlmS dU rInG THe early 1920'S

CHaPUnGU SCUlPTU re ParK Chapungu Sculpture Park’s amphitheater is an intimate music venue located in the heart of the sculpture park and is home to Sounds of Centerra, Friday nights in the summer, and Winter Wonderlights during the holiday season.

UnIqUe mUSIC venUeS

Loveland is a hub for live music, performing arts, and more in northern Colorado. Fun venues like the Rooftop at desk chair, Black & Blues Music & Brews, and many others regularly host acts including local up-and-coming musicians as well as worldrenowned performers.

rialto theater center chapungu sculpture park
tom davis saloon

Home of eaGleS and SParTanS

the colorado eagles hockey and colorado spartans arena Football teams both call blue Fcu arena their home. the colorado eagles are a part oF the ahl and the aFFiliate to the colorado avalanche nhl team While the colorado spartans are a part oF the nal come cheer them on!

blUe fCU arena

Less than an hour’s drive from Denver and Cheyenne, Wyoming, Blue FCU Arena has become the focal point for sports and entertainment in northern Colorado. Nationally touring entertainment acts including Disney on Ice, the Harlem Globetrotters, Toughest Monster Truck Tour, the Strongest Man on Earth competition, concerts and more have rocked these walls in the past.

The Foundry Plaza is an epicenter of entertainment that pays homage to Loveland's thriving arts scene. An integral part of the Loveland Sweetheart Festival in the winter and One Sweet Summer events each summer, every season is fun at the Foundry. Bring the kids to play in the water features in the summer while you relax on the plaza lawn.

fooTe laGoon amPHITHeaTer

With a floating stage, tiered seating and an atmosphere of nature and art, the Foote Lagoon Amphitheater in downtown Loveland is a great place for free Thursday night summer concerts under the stars in July. Food trucks and the City’s Mobile Recreation Trailer with activities for the kids make this the perfect way to spend summer evenings.

THe foUndry Plaza Foote lagoon amphitheater the Foundry plaZa 15
blue Fcu arena

Outdoor Activities

HIKInG, bIKInG & WaTer

oPT oUTdoorS year-roUnd for more THan 46 mIleS of boTH Paved and SofT-SU rfaCe TraIlS In and aroUnd loveland or In THe WaTer aT a laKe.

Cool off during the summer at the beach at North Lake Park, or relax while fly-fishing in the gorgeous Big Thompson Canyon. There’s no shortage of outdoor recreation in Loveland. Scan the QR code for a list of outdoor activities. devil's backbone open space 16

ToP oUTdoor reCreaTIon SPoTS

roUnd moUnTaIn

Trails range from 1 to 8.5 miles

Round Mountain Trail in Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park is a year-round trail that features beautiful wild flowers and a number of activity options. Approximately 1/4 mile up the trail, hikers can opt to take the 4.7 mile Summit Adventure Trail to the top of the mountain. Well-behaved, leashed dogs are welcome on these trails.

CarTer laKe

Sundance Trail - 5.9 miles

Carter Lake Loop - 25.15 miles

Fishing,sailing,water skiing,scuba diving

This beautiful 1,100-acre reservoir is surrounded by 1,000 acres of public lands. It’s a great place for fishing, sailing, water skiing, camping, picnicking, swimming, scuba diving, cycling, hiking, and rock climbing. Rentals available at the marina. 970.667.1062

devIl’S baCKbone oPen SPaCe

Trails ranging from 1 to 8+ miles

Devil’s Backbone Loop - 13.1 miles

This year-round, moderate trail features beautiful wildflowers and offers hiking, mountain biking, trail running, horseback riding and more. Bring the pups, but keep them on a leash. Don’t forget to stop and take in the views from the keyhole.

rIver’S edGe naTU ral area

3.8 miles

3.8 miles


The 163-acre natural area near downtown includes 3.8 miles of natural-surface trails for pedestrian use and bicycling, as well as five ponds and numerous fishing access points. Enjoy a slice of nature with beautiful Rocky Mountain views.

boyd laKe STaTe ParK

7 miles

7 miles

Fishing,boating,jet skiing,swim beach,kayaking

A water sports haven for northern Colorado, the familyoriented 1,700-acre lake and park has fishing, boating, jet skiing, kayaking, a swim beach and paddleboarding with 148 campsites. Rentals available at the marina. 970.663.2662

loveland reCreaTIon TraIl

22 miles

This 22-mile paved loop trail runs through beautiful areas on the west side of town, along the Big Thompson River, over and under city streets, along the west shore of Boyd Lake State Park and throughout the city.

@ricanintherockies 17
carter lake

a HaPPyCamper

If yoU Prefer SleePInG In oPen-naTU re or In THe ComforT of yoU r oWn rv, loveland HaS PlenTy of oPTIonS be SU re To booK yoU r reServaTIonS far In advanCe, aS moST CamPSITeS and rv ParKS fIll UP qUICKly dU rInG THe SUmmer!
SHore rv ParK 3505 S. County Rd. 31
fUll HooKUPS TenTS WelCome CabInS reSTroomS & SHoWerS WIfI PeT-frIendly SWImmInG loveland rv reSorT 4421 E. U.S. Highway 34 970.667.1204
181 Sites fIreSIde CabInS & rv ParK 6850 W. U.S. Highway 34 970.667.2903 35 Sites
laKe STaTe ParK
CarTer laKe CoUnTy ParK 1800
rIvervIeW rv ParK & CamPGroUnd 2444 River Rim Road 970.667.9910
170 Sites PleaSe HelP US KeeP fIreS Under ConTrol and maKe SUre yoU are aWare of CUrrenT fIre reSTrICTIonS WHen CamPInG In Colorado. 18
970.663.6200 15 Sites
3720 N. County Rd. 11C 970.669.1739 148 Sites
S. County Rd. 31 970.679.4570 117 Sites
carter lake Gear
for a renTal?
yourself time and money by renting your mountain adventure gear in Loveland. Rent your skis and snowboards at Mountain Rentals and skip the long lines at the resorts, or grab those snowshoes from JAX before heading to Rocky Mountain National Park. You don’t have to haul all of your gear (or even own any gear) to have a blast while in Colorado. Local rental shops make it easy to rent gear for a day or a week to make your stay convenient. boyd laKe marIna 4430 N County Rd. 11C | 970.663.2662 Rent: Canoes, Kayaks, Paddle Boats, Wave Runners, Power Boats CarTer laKe marIna 4011 S County Road 31 | 970.667.1062 Rent: Power Boats jax oUTdoor Gear 950 E Eisenhower Blvd. | 970.776.4540 2665 W Eisenhower Blvd. | 970.667.7375 Rent: Skis, Snowshoes, Sleds, Tents, Sleeping Bags, Stoves, Backpacks, Stand Up Paddleboards, Canoes, Kayaks jT’S offroad renTalS 139 SW 12th Street | 970.292.8528 Rent: ATVs and Dirt Bikes moUnTaIn renTalS 401 E Eisenhower Blvd. | 970.667.2922 Rent: Skis, Snowboards, Water Skis, Snowshoes, Wakeboards, Stand Up Paddleboards, Tubes THe exTra mIle oUTdoor Gear & bIKe 126 W 4th Street | 970.800-3660 Rent: Stand Up Paddleboards, Bikes, Snowshoes, Outlander Ski Shoes WHaT’S SUP Located at Carter Lake South Shore 970.797.4996 Rent: Paddleboards Wave renTalS 3512 Chestnut Ave | 970.302.1305 Rent: Paddleboards, Kayaks GoInG InTo THe moUnTaInS? be SU re To brInG THeSe 10 moUnTaIneerInG eSSenTIalS navIGaTIon HeadlamP fIrST aId KnIfe fIre SHelTer exTra food exTra WaTer exTra CloTHeS SUn ProTeCTIon 19
Rentals looKInG

HIT THe Greens

This 18-hole course offers a golf challenge with elevated tees along with spectacular views of the Big Thompson River and Rocky Mountains. Facilities include a pro shop, driving range and full service restaurant, Birdies, Burgers, and Brews.

THe olde CoU rSe aT loveland

This beautiful 18-hole golf course offers a challenge for all levels of golfers. Work your way around six ponds, and conquer an island green on #14. Facilities include a pro shop, driving range, clubhouse, and a restaurant featuring a spectacular patio, perfect for post-game social time.

This 9-hole, par 3 course offers a unique challenge to beginner and experienced golfers. Water comes into play on five of the nine holes. Facilities include a pro shop, snack area and driving range. Check out the Mini-Course for “Starting New at Golf” (SNAG) – fun for all ages.

GolferS aT all levelS feel aT Home aS THey Tee off on any of loveland’S THree dIverSe and PICTU reSqUe CoU rSeS. marIana bUTTe Golf CoU rSe mariana butte golF course CaTTaIl CreeK Golf CoU rSe
IT ' S eaSy To booK yoU r Tee TIme onlIne for all 3 CoU rSeS aT Golfloveland.Com 22

Trails, fishing, horseback riding, hayrides, and an authentic cattle drive can be found at Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch, just 10 minutes west of downtown Loveland. As the closest working dude guest ranch to Denver International Airport and the lowest elevation guest ranch in Colorado, the ranch is an easily accessible and adaptable environment to create your Western adventure. Book a week-long dude ranch experience in the summer, Bunk and Breakfast weekend package in the fall or winter, and enjoy horseback riding year-round.

In the late 1800’s the railroads finally made it possible for people from the East to travel West.They were fascinated by the Western lifestyle and began staying at ranches in exchange for work. Ranchers started building cabins to accommodate these new visitors whose clothes (“duds”) were different from their ranch hosts. Ranchers coined the term “dudes” and thus began the history of Dude Ranching.

Loveland cattle rancher,Frend Neville,was a product of the times.In the early 1900’s,he built a lodge and cabins to welcome friends from the East.The Jessup Family purchased Sylvan Dale in 1946 and continues the tradition of western hospitality to this day,connecting good folks to nature,the western lifestyle,and old fashion fun.

Sylvan Dale is a magical place—a welcoming respite from today’s world. 23


At the heart of northern Colorado (or “NoCo” as the locals say), Loveland is conveniently located only 45 minutes north of Denver, 45 minutes south of Cheyenne, WY and only 45 minutes east of Rocky Mountain National Park.

The country’s 4th most visited national park is located just a little over half an hour from Loveland in Estes Park. Loveland has the closest Marriott and Hilton hotels to Rocky Mountain National Park. Trustworthy lodging brands without minimum stay durations make Loveland the perfect overnight destination. (Fun fact: Estes Park is also home to the world famous Stanley Hotel, where author, Steven King, once stayed and was inspired to write his top-selling novel, The Shining.)

White water rafting in Fort Collins is only a 15 minute drive away. Named one of the top beer destinations in the U.S., Fort Collins is home to 20+ breweries. Hiking enthusiasts can journey south to Boulder to explore the Flatirons rock formations. A tour of Celestial Seasonings is a “must-do” for tea lovers while there!

Only five minutes south of Loveland is the TPC Colorado Golf Course in Berthoud. This pristine course has numerous features such as its two restaurants, virtual golf, the longest par 5 in the U.S. (773 yards), and is the only TPC course in the state. Known for the annual Greeley Stampede each June, Greeley is 15 minutes east of Loveland. While you are there, take the kids to the Colorado Model Railroad Museum or see how real western hats are made at the Greeley Hat Works!

Longmont is a short 15-minute drive from Loveland. Cheese lovers can experience a cheese-making class, or explore the charming downtown. 45 minutes north, you’ll arrive in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where a rich western history will make you feel like you’ve escaped into the wild west. Loveland is the perfect basecamp for all of your northern Colorado adventures!

old toWn Fort collins
big thompson canyon
tpc colorado cheyenne Frontier days
denver 25
Fort collins

fUn faCT: All marriage licenses issued from Loveland have a special “Sweetheart City” designation on them.

In 1962, Miss Loveland Valentine was first crowned as the city’s spokesperson for the season. The program still exists to this day, with a new Miss Loveland Valentine being crowned each year. Check out to find out more about the Miss Loveland Valentine program. Sending love around the world is sweet; visiting the Sweetheart City during Valentine’s season is even sweeter! Join our heart mascot, Valentina, and celebrate love year-round with us!


love feSTIvalS

Join us in downtown Loveland for Valentine’s Day weekend during the Loveland Sweetheart Festival to celebrate love and art with a little Miss Valentine and Mr. Cupid contest, tunnel of love, live music, a race, and more. During the first two weeks of February, Chapungu Sculpture Park comes to life with Valentine lights and décor. Both events are free and open to the public.

love PoTIonS

Love potions are a real thing in Loveland. Each Valentine’s Season, find the official Valentine: - Beer by Grimm Brothers Brewhouse - Wine by Sweet Heart Winery - Coffee by Top of the Lake Coffee - Candy by Colorado Candy Company

And many other signature sweetheart products offered by artisans across town, but only during Valentine’s Season at the beginning of each year.

GroUP WeddInG

Say “I Do” in the land of love at Loveland’s Valentine’s Day Group Wedding. The wedding features a romantic, candlelit ceremony with music and readings voted on by wedding couples, a customized ceremony, and more. You may even see Valentina make an appearance.

HearTS ProGram

The Chamber’s, City with HeART program encourages visitors to explore Loveland year-round. 40 artistic hearts (with more coming soon) can be found across the city - and you can earn a souvenir for seeing them all. Get the map, locate each heart, snap a photo and come to the Visitors Center for your souvenir.

love noTeS

Express your love with a special note shouted from the streetlights. Every February, the Thompson Valley Rotary creates more than 300 wooden hearts that are hung on streetlights across the city, each with a special message from sweethearts and families, including humorous messages such as “I love you more than bacon.”

What started as a novelty stamping event nearly 80 years ago has evolved into the largest valentine re-mailing program in the country. Each year thousands of valentines are sent to Loveland to be lovingly custom hand-stamped for Valentine’s Day. The Loveland Chamber of Commerce still facilitates the program to this day!

THe naTIon’S SWeeTHearT CITy.
more THan 75 yearS loveland HaS been
Here’S WHy:
re-maIlInG ProGram 27

heart oF loveland the Downtown:

THe foUndry Plaza oPened In 2019 and WaS THe CaTalyST for mUCH of THe GroWTH and exCITemenT THaT IS TaKInG PlaCe In HISTorIC doWnToWn loveland Today, from neW HonKyTonKS and lIve mUSIC venUeS To a bloSSomInG foodIe and breWery SCene. doWnToWn loveland IS a mUST-See on yoU r nexT TrIP To loveland.

@iamallisonkay loveland aleWorks
the Foundry plaZa

DOWNTOWN LOVELAND is truly the heart of the city. In recent years, downtown has transformed into a hub for year-round arts, events and entertainment. The One Sweet Summer series features live concerts, a Bluegrass Festival, a Blues Festival and Classic Car show, fitness classes, kids days on the plaza on select days from May to August. All events are FREE and open to the public.

Loveland’s Night on the Town offers dining and drink specials as well as art openings and special events on the second Friday of each month. During the months of May through September,

you’ll find live arts and entertainment on street corners and in front of businesses. For Night on the Town in the months of May through September, you’ll find live arts and entertainment on street corners and in front of businesses, bringing an exciting energy to every corner of downtown.

Eclectic shops, art galleries, and boutiques line the streets of downtown. Many shops are locally-owned! Foodies will not be disappointed either! Sit on the patio at Vatos Tacos & Tequila or Door 222 on a hot summer evening, or warm up with a cup of French onion soup at Henry’s Pub on a chilly day. Six

of Loveland’s craft breweries reside downtown. No matter what you crave, downtown offers many food, coffee, beer and dessert options.

A variety of entertainment options including live music at restaurants and bars, pinball and arcade games at The Flipside, axe throwing at Axe to Grind and #1 Axe Hole, a movie at the MetroLux Dine-In Theatres, or cornhole at Backyard Tap will keep you entertained. With a TownePlace Suites by Marriott in the heart of downtown, you can truly eat, shop, stay and play without ever getting into a car.

all ParKInG In doWnToWn loveland IS free, InClUdInG THe ParKInG GaraGe. @simpson.colleendeborah 29
moST SToreS and GallerIeS In doWnToWn loveland are loCally oWned and oPeraTed. be SU re To SToP In and CHaT WITH Some of THe loCalS for a TrUe loveland exPerIenCe!


SToCK UP on WaTer and oTHer eSSenTIalS before HeadInG To roCKy moUnTaIn naTIonal ParK. THere are PlenTy of SToreS To GeT yoU r SnaCKS and Gear In loveland.

loveland IS a fanTaSTIC deSTInaTIon for GreaT SHoPPInG In norTHern Colorado. WHeTHer yoU’re a SeaSoned SHoPaHolIC or a CaSUal WIndoW SHoPPer, yoU’ll love exPlorInG THe UnIqUe “SHoPPorTUnITIeS”

If you’re shopping for it, it’s likely that Loveland has it. Do you seek unique artisan goods from local businesses? Got ‘em! Want an unparalleled retail experience? Of course! Are you into items that lean quirky and fun? Yep. You’ll find it ALL in Loveland.

At the western side of Loveland, find some of the best pies and juices at the Colorado Cherry Company, just a short drive up the Big Thompson Canyon. Oddities and antiquities lovers will find fun flea markets and antique shops that line US 34 on the way to Estes Park. The Dam Store at the mouth of the Big Thompson Canyon is a fun pit-stop with picnic tables and a tower with a free view of the falls! Don’t miss the Elkhorn Flyshop and JAX Outdoor Gear, where you will find just about everything an outdoor and sportsman could need, including gear for rent for your excursion to Rocky Mountain National Park.

As mentioned previously, downtown Loveland is filled with local artisans carrying some of the most unique finds you’ll see in Colorado with everything ranging from sculptures to clothing to

cupcakes to gifts and more! For our four-legged visitors, head north from downtown to the Orchards Shopping Center for a stop into Doggie Dips and Chips for their great selection of grooming supplies and treats.

The Promenade Shops at Centerra is home to one of the largest outdoor shopping centers in Northern Colorado with over 70 stores. Here you will find your favorite retailers like Sephora, Barnes & Noble, Macy’s, American Eagle, Build-A-Bear Workshop, boutiques like the Olive & Herb artisan spice shop, a movie theater, restaurants such as P.F. Chang’s and Rock Bottom Brewery, an ice skating rink in the winter, and much more. While at the Promenade Shops, be sure to take in Chapungu Sculpture Park located adjacent to the shopping center.

Don’t forget! You can find more locallymade items, glass hearts, jewelry, apparel and official Loveland love locks, and much more at the Loveland Visitors Center. There’s so much here. It’s no wonder why Loveland is the destination for great shopping in northern Colorado!

olive & herb 30
colorado cherry company

On the west side of town, Colorado Cherry Company, Bear’s Den, The Dam Store, Sweet Heart Winery, Elkhorn Flyshop and several antique stores offer unique shopping experiences where you can stock up on some fun gifts and tasty treats.

In need of gear for your Rocky Mountain National Park adventures? Stop at JAX Outdoor Gear to buy or rent your essentials.

the promenade shops at centerra
vintage WilloWs boutique 31
build-a-bear Workshop

eaT, drInK & Be Merry

loveland CU rrenTly HaS 10 GreaT breWery oPTIonS In addITIon To a WInery and meadery. eaCH SPeCIalIzeS In THeIr oWn UnIqUe STyle To brInG yoU flavorS yoU Won’T fInd anyWHere elSe.

Loveland’s first brewery, Grimm Brothers Brewhouse, started in 2010. Since then 9 additional breweries have opened, calling Loveland their home.

Whether it’s a tequila bar, boozy milkshakes at Scripted Bar & Kitchen, or a nightcap at a casual tavern, there are plenty of fun options ready to serve you.

If sipping a glass of wine and watching the wildlife is more your style, Sweet Heart Winery’s expansive patio will

not disappoint. Set along the Big Thompson River, it is not uncommon to see a herd of elk roaming the property. Enjoy a wine flight and charcuterie on their outdoor patio.

For something different, stop by MeadKrieger, on the eastern edge of downtown. Their mead combines only the best honey with a meticulous fermentation process to become the beautiful, gold honey wine we know you’ll love!

Several barS and reSTaU ranTS In loveland Have been reCoGnIzed for THeIr exCePTIonal flavorS. door 222, KnoWn for ITS TaPaS In a lIvely doWnToWn aTmoSPHere, HaS been feaTU red In SUnSeT maGazIne.

@brookietheory loveland aleWorks
hub caFe by Fresh plate door 222 32
Wicked tequila room

loveland IS a food lover’S ParadISe! WITH nearly 200 reSTaU ranTS ServInG UP everyTHInG from adobo CHICKen To zUCCHInI bread, yoU’ll fInd WHaT yoU’re CravInG.

Put the diet aside-Loveland’s cuisine scene is quite the culinary ride! Here, you’ll not only find a wide-selection of nationally recognizable favorites like In-N-Out Burger and Comet Chicken, but also unique, locallyowned culinary gems you won’t find anywhere else.

City slickers can become western cowboys at Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch, where you can enjoy a steak from cattle that are locally-grown on the ranch and cooked atop a mountain ridge over an open flame (reservations must be made in advance). “Java junkies,” will rejoice in the Sweetheart City, as Loveland is home to a plethora of coffee

joints like Feel Love Coffee, Dark Heart Coffee and Colorado Coffee Company, just to name a few. On the east side of town you can sip, savor, and socialize at the Hub Cafe by Fresh Plate and enjoy hearty portions of grub at Nordy’s Barbecue.

Visiting long-time Loveland staples such as Dairy Delite, B Sweet Cupcakes, or the top Dairy Queen in the country is a sure way to satisfy that sweet tooth.

Whatever you crave, day or night, the flavors of Loveland are sure to please. Be sure to check out our website for a full list of dining and libation options. Bon appétit!

WITH nearly 200 reSTaU ranTS To CHooSe from, THere’S SomeTHInG for everyone!

door 222
@dougsinloveland 33
@biaggis embassy suites

Stay WHere To

aS THe baSe CamP of norTHern Colorado, STay In loveland and Play everyWHere In THe reGIon.

No matter your budget or lodging preference, Loveland has options to suit everyone’s needs – from one of the top Embassy Suites in the world, to romantic ranch getaways and everything in between.

In addition to a wide selection of hotels, you can also find short-term rentals on Urbanize, Airbnb and VRBO. Visit our website for more information and for links to book any of these properties.

"Loveland has long been a haven for artists, dreamers and creative thinkers, making it a perfect destination for many. Loveland's wide-variety of lodging options reflect this! Being a part of this community has allowed our own ambitious artistic journey, creating a half-acre immersive art/lodging experience, The Oasis on Eisenhower, to become a reality. Here, guests are welcomed into our home as family to enjoy a few nights with like-minded travelers inside our living work of art. We hope you enjoy your stay in Loveland!"

Jason and Lindsay Owners, 'Oasis on Eisenhower'

CandleWood SUITeS 6046 E Crossroads Blvd. 970.667.5444 63 Guest Rooms baymonT by WyndHam 1639 E Eisenhower Blvd. 970.541-0208 48 Guest Rooms faIrfIeld Inn & SUITeS by marrIoTT 1710 Foxtail Dr 970.461.1000 82 Guest Rooms CoU rTyard by marrIoTT 6106 Sky Pond Dr 970.599.7171 101 Guest Rooms exTended STay amerICa SeleCT SUITeS 3915 Peralta Dr. 970.461-0011 121 Guest Rooms embaSSy SUITeS by HIlTon loveland ConferenCe CenTer 4705 Clydesdale Pkwy. 970.593.6200 263 Guest Rooms residence inn by marriott 34
HolIday Inn exPreSS 6092 E Crossroads Blvd. 970.663.0057 82 Guest Rooms ToWnePlaCe SUITeS by marrIoTT 256 E 2nd St. 970.203.1166 towneplacesuitesloveland. com 102 Guest Rooms my PlaCe 3975 Peralta Dr. 970.685.4357 64 Guest Rooms Sylvan dale GUeST ranCH 2329 N Co Rd 31D 970.667.3915 13 Guest Cabins mICroTel Inn & SUITeS 3996 Peralta Dr. 970.663.6004 62 Guest Rooms roSebUd moTel 660 E Eisenhower Blvd. 970.669.9430 KInGS CoU rT moTel 928 N Lincoln Ave. 970.667.4035 26 Guest Rooms HamPTon Inn & SUITeS by HIlTon 5500 Stone Creek Circle 970.593.1400 80 Guest Rooms TravelodGe 1639 E Eisenhower Blvd. 970.663.7000 49 Guest Rooms qUalITy Inn & SUITeS 1500 N Cheyenne Ave. 970.593.0100 62 Guest Rooms SUnrISe ranCH 100 Sunrise Ranch Rd. 970.679.4200 125 Guest Rooms la qUInTa Inn & SUITeS 6106 1450 Cascade Ave. 970.622.8600 69 Guest Rooms HIWay moTel 1027 E Eisenhower Blvd. 970.667.5224 18 Guest Rooms reSIdenCe Inn by marrIoTT 5450 McWhinney Blvd. 970.622.7000 103 Guest Rooms 35

In loveland Gather

verSaTIlITy and UnmaTCHed ServICe GreeT yoU In norTHern Colorado’S meeTInG and evenT HUb. WITH more THan 400,000 SqUare feeT of meeTInG, ConferenCe and TradeSHoW SPaCe, PlannerS Can ProdUCe SUCCeSSfUl evenTS of all SIzeS.

Anchored by one of the top Embassy Suites in the world and the sprawling Ranch Events Complex, Loveland has plenty of room to spread out and has everything you need to plan the perfect event. If you’re looking for a venue closer to the mountains, Ellis Ranch, Sweet Heart Winery, and Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch all offer rustic charm and breathtaking views in the foothills of west Loveland.

To get started, visit to download a meetings planner’s guide with detailed listings of all Loveland venues and services. Visit Loveland staff can help you through all stages of planning, including finding venues, lodging and unique experiences, on-site registration assistance and much more.

sWeet heart Winery sWeet heart Winery
ellis ranch
looKInG for a meeTInG or evenT venUe Under an HoU r from one of THe naTIon’S larGeST and moST ConneCTed aIrPorTS, yeT oUTSIde of THe bIG CITy? dISCover WHy loveland IS THe Ideal PlaCe for yoU r evenT, WeddInG or ConferenCe! embaSSy SUITeS by HIlTon loveland ConferenCe CenTer 4705 Clydesdale Pkwy Loveland, CO 80538 970.962.2385 Meeting Rooms: 19 Maximum Capacity: 2,000 Total Square Footage: 57,000+ THe ranCH evenTS ComPlex & larImer CoUnTy faIrGroUndS 5280 Arena Circle Loveland, CO 80538 970.619.4006 Meeting Rooms: 18 Maximum Capacity: 100,000 Total Square Footage: 375,000+ embassy suites by hilton embassy suites by
the ranch events compleX the ranch events compleX 37

loveland ’S HIGH qUalITy of lIfe IS aPParenT THroUGHoUT THe CITy. WITH a vIbranT arTS and enTerTaInmenT SCene, exCellenT CommUnITy ServICeS, and an averaGe of 300 dayS of SUnSHIne Per year, IT ’ S eaSy To fall In love WITH THe SWeeTHearT CITy.

love WHere yoU Work

loveland IS a CITy WHere arT and SCIenCe meeT and WHere InnovaTIon manIfeSTS ITSelf In boTH THe TeCHnoloGy and THe CreaTIve SeCTorS. SITUaTed In THe CenTer of norTHern Colorado, THe HearT of Colorado’S GroWInG InnovaTIon ClUSTer and one of THe ToP reGIonS for HIGH-TeCH STarTUP denSITy, loveland IS ProUd of ITS enTrePrene U rIal SPIrIT and IS CommITTed To THe SUCCeSS of exISTInG and neW bUSIneSSeS

As the second most populous city in Larimer County and the 14th most populous in Colorado, Loveland offers the convenience of a small town with all the amenities of a larger city. Conveniently located just off the crossroads of I-25 and U.S. Highway 34, only 45 minutes north of Denver, Loveland is the heart of northern Colorado. The city is anchored by the region’s largest retail shopping center, numerous natural spaces, nationally-recognized art and sculpture parks, a growing craft beer and distillery market and much more.

Loveland occupies 35.47 square miles at the center of the emerging and dynamic Northern Colorado Region and is industrially accessible via highway, railway and airport transportation.

Northern Colorado drives innovation with nine federal research labs. Two major public research universities –

Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado – are idea incubators and produce a robust, highly-educated workforce. Local colleges are actively engaged with the region’s primary employers and entrepreneurs, driving a robust workforce.

With the quality resources and services the city provides to existing and new businesses, there’s no question why so many choose to live, work, and do business in Loveland.

For more information, contact the Loveland Economic Development office at 970.962.2888 or visit

united airlines landline caitlin 38


We hope this guide to Loveland has left you inspired and that you will have the opportunity to experience the threads of the vibrant tapestry of our city firsthand.

Here, culture is not just something you observe; it's something you experience with all your senses. From the charming bustle of downtown to the serene beauty of Benson Sculpture Garden, this city embraces accessibility, culture, and diversity with open arms.

Everywhere you turn, you'll find evidence of Loveland's spirit, whether it's in the form of a colorful mural adorning a downtown wall, exploring our history through the Loveland Museum, or simply enjoying the melody of live music drifting through the air on a summer evening.

What truly sets our town’s spirit apart is the folks you'll meet in this area. Warm, welcoming, and everready with a smile, the majority of our residents embody a true spirit of hospitality. Whether you're striking up a conversation with a local artist in one of the city's many galleries or enjoying a drink and a meal alongside newfound friends at Henry’s Pub, you'll quickly discover that the true beauty of Loveland lies in its people.

Loveland is made up of a wide variety of folks from varying backgrounds and cultures. Here, our diversity is celebrated, and our differences are embraced. From vibrant festivals to an eclectic culinary scene, Loveland offers a taste of the world without setting foot outside of town. With a commitment to equity and inclusivity, we strive to ensure that everyone who visits our city or calls it home feels valued, respected, and free to come as they are, regardless of background or identity.

Our hope is that you are inspired to experience Loveland, and if you already have, we hope you carry with you the memories of our Sweetheart City. No matter where your journey may take you next, @jessivakabua 39
v ISIT loveland .C om

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