The Telemark Catalogue 2019

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Real Adventure Echte Abenteuer

The successful author’s summer favourites Page 18 Hiking in total tranquility Page 46 Gausta aims high Page 49

PUBLISHER Visit Telemark og Folkebadet. Utgave 2019 DESIGN Snøhetta Design PHOTO Avia, Gaustatoppen Booking, Trond Stegarud, Marcus Nyberg, Mats Grimseth, Jørgen Kasin, Bjørn Harry Schønhaug, Per-Åge Eriksen, Gunnar Berven, Luke Tennant, Visit Rauland, Håkon Nordby, Sigurd Svela, Vegard Giskehaug, Håkon Sundbø, Kåre S. Pedersen, Dalen Hotel, Iver Anton Kronstad, Bø Sommarland, Høyt & Lavt, Terje Rakke, Dag Jenssen, Norsjø Ferieland, Hamish Moore, Mikkel Helweg, Kai Evensen, Vest-Telmark Museum, Skåtøy Kafe, Janne Lindgren, Ian Brodie, Åmdals Verk Gruver, Telemark Museum og Norsk Bergverksmuseum. INSTAGRAM PHOTO LAST PAGE sigurdsvela, gaustatoppen, hamemoore, majaep82, tur_ella, hjertero, haakonnordby, trine.svendsen, marenemilieg og ernststenberg. We are not liable for any potential changes or errors.

Visit Telemark Uniongata 18, 3732 Skien Tel. +47 35 90 00 20


Telemark has something for everyone Experience Telemark’s coast on a visit to the beautiful island of Jomfruland in the Kragerø archipelago, and test yourself in the Escape Room at the Henrik Ibsen Museum in sophisticated Skien. Try the new water slide at Bø Sommarland water park, and journey through large swathes of the county on the Telemark Canal to Dalen, where you can climb high on the Lårdalsstigen trail to enjoy panoramic views of Bandak, a beautiful inland fjord. Winter is stunning in Telemark, the birthplace of modern skiing. You’ll find plenty of downhill facilities to choose from and excellent long cross-country trails. The summer months have much to offer – this brochure will give you lots of ideas. Choose between experiences big on speed, noise and atmosphere! Take part in a range of events from concerts at Wrightegaarden in Langesund to the TelemarkHelten run race in Rauland. Feel the deafening silence of nature on the coast, in the forest or in the mountains. Autumn brings beautiful colours, adding an extra dimension to hikes and bike trips. You’ll find lots of good ideas for routes covering the whole county on our website. Telemark fuses past and present. The region is steeped in history, from its art and culture to stories of war and peace. Not least, we’re very proud that our industrial heritage, embracing large parts of Telemark, has put us on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. And there is no shortage of creativity and innovation in Telemark’s tourism industry. Lots of new things are on the way, including development of the Gausta area around Gaustatoppen for year-round use, new hotels in Porsgrunn and Kragerø, Hamaren Activity Park in Fyresdal, new climbing parks, a new museum building in Skien and county-wide investments in hiking and biking. One of Telemark’s benefits is that you can enjoy many exciting and varied experiences in just a few days. You can relax and recharge body and soul, as well as take part in all kinds of activities. Telemark is real adventure. Come and see for yourself what’s on offer – you’ll be very welcome!

Content Activities in the great outdoor Page 8 Culture & Tradition Page 22 World-class history Page 30 Family fun Page 38 Gausta aims high Page 49 Ski holidays and winter activities Page 50 The boy who shaped world literature Page 58 Places to stay Page 60

Jørn Lier Horst´s summer favourites Page 18 3

Hiking in total tranquility Page 32

A cultural historic journey At the mythical Dalen Hotel, settled by the end of the Telemark canal, have prominent guests from many European royal houses enjoyed themselves for over 120 years.

Dalen Hotel har sesong fra 20. april til 28. oktober. (+47) 35 07 90 00 I


Design: Reklamehuset Wera AS

The hotel which was built in 1894, surrounded by dragons and spiers, of mystery and grandeur. The architecture is inspired by the Norwegian stave churches and Viking ornaments. A unique experience where historic wing beats meets with contemporary facilities and amenities.

Photo: Ida KåreKvisgaard S. Pedersen Photo:

Photo: Vegard Vegard Giskehaug Giskehaug Photo:

Photo: Kåre Kåre Pedersen Pedersen Photo:

THE TELEMARK CANAL – the wonderful waterway

EXPERIENCE Historical boat trips Impressive lock constructions Travel with your own boat Varied scenery Varied scenery Cycling, paddling and hiking Pirate cruise every dayhiking from 6th to 28th July Cycling, paddling and Dine on the canal boats or in historical buildings along the canal Great events: concerts, festivals, exhibitions, kayak race, rollerski race and bike race

BUY BOOK • • • •

Tickets for the canal ships Daytrips with boat and bus Boat trips with accommodation Bike trips with accommodation

Buy here:

Contact us: / tel. +47 409 20 000



12 sights you should not miss 1

Mount Gausta


Dalen Hotel


Bø Sommarland


Porsgrund Porcelain Factory



UNESCO - World Heritage


Eidsborg Stave Church


Heddal Stave Church


Norwegian Skiing Museum


The Telemark Canal


Henrik Ibsen Museum


Edvard Munch in Kragerø 6

Jomfruland National Park

Bergen Oslo

Sandefjord Skien Larvik Langesund



The Telemark Route The Telemark Canal World herritage site: Rjukan Notodden Industrial Herritage on UNESCO´s list


Distances: The fjords in west - Telemark 100 km Kristiansand - Skien 186 km Larvik - Skien 38 km Sandefjord Torp - Skien 54 km Oslo - Skien 134 km


5 3 4


6 7








Top 5 activities 3




1. Hiking to Gaustatoppen 2. Cycling along the Telemark Canal 3. Playing golf in Kragerø or Vrådal 4. Kayaking between islands in Portør 5. Swimming in the sea or in lakes such as Lake Nisser 8

Active in the great outdoors Take the railway to the summit of Gaustoppen. Bring your bike on a canal boat and enjoy a tranquil journey through nature. Telemark is the ideal place for combining nature with fun activities, whether you put on hiking boots or get on a bicycle or into a kayak for excursions on the coast, along the Telemark Canal or on the mountain lakes. 9

Discover the forest! During late summer/autumn there is an abundance of mushrooms and cloudberries, while blueberries and cranberries can be found as early as midsummer in the south. Begib dich auf Entdeckungstour im Wald. Hier gibt es zahlreiche Pilze und Beeren.

How about a kayak or fishing trip along the coast! Langesund is recommended for deep-sea fishing, while several mountain lakes are rich in trout. Wie wäre es mit einer Kajak - oder Angeltour entlang der Küste. Für Hochseefischen empfehlen wir Langesund. Die besten Forellen fängt man in einem der vielen Gebirgsflüssen.

At the end of Lake Bandak in Dalen, you’ll find an amazing sauna with great views of steep-sided valleys. The sauna is named Soria Moria, and is a great place to rest after a hike or bike trip. Am Seeende des Bandak in Dalen liegt die atemberaubende Sauna-Anlage mit großartiger Aussicht in die umliegenden tiefen Täler. Ihr Name: Soria Moria. Ein herrliche Erholung nach einer Wanderung oder Radtour.

Activities in Telemark The past few years hiking offers in Telemark have been greatly developed. Telemark also offers one of the best bicycling areas in Norway. Try biking by the coast, along the Telemark Canal, on forests paths especially designed for bicycling, or downhill cycling in Vrådal. Ferries take you out to the islands outside Brevik and Kragerø. The island; «Jomfruland», is especially fascinating with its boulder stone beach on one side, and sandy beaches on the other side. Telemark also offers excellent fishing opportunities; wether it is from deep sea fishing, in the lakes or in the mountains. Aktivitäten in Telemark In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Wanderangebot in Telemark weiterhin deutlich verbessert. Zusätzlich ist Telemark eines der besten Radwandergebiete Norwegens. Telemark ist ideal für Radtouren ob entlang der Küste, dem Telemarkkanal oder speziell angelegten Mountain bike Trecks. Nehmen Sie Ihr Rad mit auf eine der Fähren und hinaus auf eine der vielen Inseln vor der Küste. Telemark bietet auch ausgezeichnete Angelmöglichkeiten, ob Hochseefischen vor der Küste Langesunds oder angeln in einem der vielen Seen oder Gebirgsbächen. 10

There are excellent Golf opportunities in Telemark. Two recommendations are Kragerø Resort and in Vrådal. Enjoy golf in beautiful surroundings. Auch Golffreunde kommen in Telemark auf Ihre Kosten. Der Golfplatz im Kragerø Resort und in Vrådal sind besonders empfehlenswert.

Erkunde die Hardanger Hochebene mit dem Rad. Die Seilbahn „Krossobahnen“ bringt dich von Rjukan direkt auf die Hochebene. Wir empfehlen Zelt und Angelrute mit zu nehmen.


Enjoy an invigorating nature adventure by bike on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. Take the Krossobanen cable car up, and you’re all set to follow the gravel road across the plateau to Kalhovd. Don’t forget your fishing rod and tent!

5 popular hikes Fünf beliebte Wanderziele 1. Gaustatoppen, Rjukan 2. Lårdalsstigen, Dalen 3. Falkeriset, Rauland 4. Venelifjell, Vrådal 5. Ruiplassen, Dalen 12

Dalen offers many great walks. Admire the view from Rui on the hike from Dalen to Eidsborg. And don’t miss Telemark’s coolest hike – Lårdalsstigen – from Dalen to Lårdal, boasting fantastic views of the fjord landscape. Travel back by canal boat. In Dalen kannst du einen von Telemarks schönsten und anspruchsvollsten Wanderpfaden begehen den „Lårdalstigen“ welcher von Dalen nach Lårdal führt.

Telemarks Küste bietet viele Möglichkeiten von flachen Stränden bis hin zu tiefen Fjorden. Auch im Landesinneren gibt es fantastische Strände beispielsweise entlang des Telemarkkanals, oder Seen wie der Nisser, Fyresvatn oder Seljordvatn.

A bike ride along the Telemark canal offers fine experiences. Bring your own bike or hire one. The canal boats transport bicycles and canoes/kayaks on reservation. Eine Radtour entlang des Telemarkkanals bietet einmalige Naturerlebnisse. Verbinde diese gerne mit einer Fahrt auf einem der historischen Kanalschiffe.


You have shallow beaches for toddlers and you have deep water where you can dive. Also inland and in the hillsides you have natural sources and fresh water beaches like on the Telemark Canal, Nisser, Fyresvatn and Seljordsvatnet (photo).

Top 5 Cycle Routes 1. Cycling along the Telemark Canal 2. Cycling along the Telemark coast, from Langesund to Kragerø 3. Cycling on Jomfruland National Park 4. Cycling on Hardangervidda National Park 5. Mountain biking in Drangedal and Treungen 14

Gaustabanen – the railway inside the mountain – enables everyone to reach the summit of Gaustatoppen all year round. From the top, you can see one-sixth of Norway. Mit der Gaustabahn, welche im Inneren des Berges Gaustatoppen fährt, ist der Gipfel für jederman erreichbar. Von hier aus kannst du bei klarer Sicht 1/6 von Norwegen überblicken.

Telemark’s archipelago is particularly stunning in summer, and Kragerø is perhaps Norway’s most popular summer destination. Enjoy some island hopping by ferry, either on foot or on a bike. Die Küste Telemarks ist im Sommer besonders schön und Kragerø vielleicht eine von Norwegens beliebtesten Sommerstädtchen. Die vielen kleineren und größeren Inseln können zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad erlebt werden. Die für ihre Kieselstrände berühmte Inseln Jomfruland ist im letzten Jahr zum Nationalpark erklärt wurden.

The “sleeping box” in Bandaksli is for people traveling on and along the Telemark Canal, for cyclists and canoeists. The box sleeps 4 people. Die Schlafbox in Bandaksli ist für Aktivurlauber auf und am Telemarkkanal gedacht, für Radfahrer und Paddler. Sie bietet Schlafplätze für 4 Personen.


Active summer holiday Swimming and splashing in Bø Sommarland waterpark, and cycling or paddling by the Telemark Canal. Climbing and zip-lining in Høyt & Lavt activity park, and water-skiing or wakeboarding in Norsjø Cable park. Short distance from one activity to the next, easy to choose something new and exciting every day.

Scandinavia’s largest waterpark

Climbing- and activity park

Cable park for waterskiing and wakeboarding

Bike and canoe/ kayak rental +47 35 06 16 00 +47 91 82 41 70 +47 35 95 84 30 +47 91 57 54 21


We wish you welcome to a pleasent stay in the town centre of Porsgrunn. Several unique shops as well as nice restaurants are located just metres away from our door step. We are also merely a short drive/bus trip away from a fantastic coast line, and various activities all over the Grenland area. If you want to spend some time at our hotel, you will find a gym, lobby-bar, and a lounge area with shuffleboards and a big-screen TV. Breakfast and afternoon snack are always included in the stay. Evening meal is included 6 days a week.

Skolegt. 1, 3916 Porsgrunn Phone: +47 35 56 98 00 E-mail:

Open from 10 am -18 pm 22nd of June - 18th of August and weekends in Mai, June and August, (check website)

Theater 22nd of Juni - 4th Aug. Included in daypass Foldvikveien 53, 3294 Stavern 17

phone: 413 84 000,

By Bjørn Harry Schønhaug

For “king of crime” Jørn, Telemark means soft ice cream and coastal idyll Telemark has produced many gifted writers whom Jørn holds in high regard. One of his favourites is Vidar Sundstøl from Bø in Drangedal, whose use of language he admires. ‘His books go beyond pure crime.’

Successful author Jørn Lier Horst from Bamble tries to include a hint about Telemark in all his books. Here he shares his memories of childhood summers at Rognstranda. Rognstranda, out at the mouth of the fjord along the Telemark coast, is where Lier Horst learnt to swim. ‘I remember evening swimming trips to Rognstranda in the summer,’ he says. The family would take white bread and bananas with them as a snack, and buy a punnet of fresh, juicy strawberries on the way.

One of the very first people Jørn encountered when he was born was Porsgrunn author Bjørg Vik: ‘I was born the same night as her son!’ Jørn’s mother and Vik were in the same maternity ward at Porsgrunn hospital. Soft ice cream and concerts Although Jørn has never returned to live in Telemark after leaving to join the army, he still has a soft spot for his native county. ‘I’ve spent half my life on the other side of the fjord now, but the Telemark coast is definitely superior to Vestfold’s,’ he says. ‘The Vestfold coast runs parallel to the horizon, while the Telemark coast is an idyll of islets, bays, islands and skerries,’ Jørn states.

50 books In Norway alone, the 49-year-old author has sold more than three million books. The stories about William Wisting, together with his books about the Detective Agency No. 2 for children aged 6-9 and the CLUE series for slightly older children (9-12), are a big hit. ‘I’ve published 50 books now,’ he says proudly. Winter 2019 saw the publication of the 13th book in the CLUE series, bringing his tally to 50. He made his debut as an author in 2004 and, in 2018, published six books for adults and children. ‘If I’m going to do something, I like to do it to the max – I really throw myself into it.’

Every summer, he tries to take in at least one concert at Wrightegaarden in Langesund. ‘Langesund, soft ice cream and Postgirobygget go together,’ he says, referring to the Norwegian rock band. After all, Postgirobygget’s best-known song is “Idyll” – maybe Jørn knows the words and sings along?

Ibsen the crime writer Someone who never did things by halves was Telemark’s very own Henrik Ibsen. His play Brand contains the famous quote: ‘What you are, be fully, not in parts and pieces.’

As a child, Jørn occasionally came to “town”. For those who grew up at Rugtvedt in Bamble, Brevik was “town”, and where Jørn got everything he needed. ‘Brevik is still a small, charming coastal town, whether you come by boat or car. A little undiscovered gem,’ he says.

Jørn Lier Horst’s books have been translated into 33 languages. When he is abroad, he often talks about Henrik Ibsen as a crime writer. ‘His plays are mysteries from the past that play out through several acts,’ Jørn explains. 18


Suspect from Telemark As a former Scout, Jan Lier Horst has fond memories of Scout hikes with campfires, knives and knots in the depths of Bamble’s forests. In the William Wisting story The Katharina Code, much of the action plays out in Telemark, some of it from a cabin in the dark forest around Bamble. In The Only One, there is a forest fire on the boundary between Siljan in Telemark and Larvik. ‘I often have a suspect from Telemark – usually someone who has moved away from Bamble,’ he explains. In the CLUE series, he writes about the Pearl Guest House, which is modelled on the real-life Langesund Bad hotel. Jørn has won many prizes for his books. His commercial breakthrough came in 2011 with the publication of Closed for Winter. This was awarded the Norwegian Booksellers’ Prize and was the first of his books to sell over 10,000 copies. Today, it has sold more than 150,000. The Hunting Dogs was awarded both the Riverton Prize for the best Norwegian crime story and the Glass Key Award for the best crime novel by an author from a Nordic country. Jørn has been a guest speaker several times at the “Døden på Høyers” crime-writing festival, held at Høyers hotell in Skien. Everyone gets a reply Whenever Jørn Lier Horst has new thoughts and ideas for his books, he writes them down. He has always enjoyed writing and, when he was young, had a little book in which he collected words that he liked or found exciting. ‘A teacher of mine saw this and encouraged me to write more.’ 20

He often sits in his writing den in a yellow-painted building at Fredriksvern in Stavern reading messages from his readers. ‘Children tell me that they’ve started they own detective agency, and parents write about kids who’ve overcome difficulties with reading,’ he says. It warms the writer’s heart of this former policeman, and everyone who sends Jørn a letter, email or message via social media gets a reply. Trip on the Telemark Canal When Jørn was a child, a group of family and friends travelled to Gautefallheia to ski. If he wanted to show guests something unique in Telemark, he would perhaps choose a trip on its famous canal. ‘Taking guests on the Telemark Canal, on a journey from coast to mountains, would be great,’ says Jørn. But his heart belongs to the Telemark coast, and he loves lazy days in Langesund and on the island of Langøya.


Culture & tradition Sample sweet apples, goat’s cheese and prize-winning local beer. Enjoy concerts at Wrightegaarden and the famous Notodden Blues Festival. Find your way out of the new Escape Room at Ibsen´s childhood home. Check out traditional handcrafts and art exhibitions. Telemark offers a rich cultural life.

Top 5 cultural experiences 5

4 3 2


1. Walk the trails of Munch in Kragerø 2. Learn about the history of Ibsen in Skien 3. Sample local products at Dyrskun in Seljord 4. Visit Notodden Blues Festival 5. Check out beautiful handcrafts at West Telemark Museum 22 23

About 90 000 people visit Dyrsku’n each year, making it Norway’s largest tradeand agricultural fair. There are also activities, tivoli and local food. Dyrsku’n ist mit ca. 90 000 Besuchern Norwegens grösste Handels und Landwirtschaftsmesse. Auf dem Dyrsku-Platz in Seljord finden viele Arrangements statt.

The museums in Telemark show fine examples of the strong rose painting tradition. In Heddal Bygdetun and Telemark Museum you can see entire rooms decorated with rose painting. In vielen Dorfmuseen kann man schöne Beispiele der berütmten Rosenmalerei bewundern. Im Heddal Freilichtmuseum und Telemark Museum gibt es Gebäude mit Rosenmalerei an Decke und Wänden.

Strong culture The famous playwright Henrik Ibsen was born in Skien, and his childhood home has become a nice museum, showing the early life of the writer. Morgedal is called «The cradle of skiing» because the famous skier Sondre Norheim was born and lived here, until he emigrated to USA. Sondre was the inventor of modern skiing; the heel binding and the shape of the skies were his inventions. The world famous painter Edvard Much lived in Kragerø for several years, and he found inspiration to some of his famous works here. You can join a Munch walk in Kragerø in the summer season. 24

In summer there are many concerts in Telemark, both at Wrightegaarden in Langesund, Skåtøy in Kragerø and other parts of Telemark. Well-known events are the Treungen Festival, ”Viser ved Kanal” and the Rjukan Rock Festival.

Telemark boasts many art exhibitions and galleries. These paintings are from Telemarksgalleriet på Notodden, where you’ll find an exhibition of the golden age of industrial history, including works by the famous painter Theodor Kittelsen.

Im Sommer gibt es viele Konzerte in Telemark, sowohl im Wrightegaarden in Langesund, der Insel Skåtøy in Kragerø als auch in anderen Teilen Telemarks. Bekannte Veranstaltungen sind das Treungen Festival, „Viser ved Kanalen“ und das Rjukan Rock Festival.

In Telemark gibt es zahlreiche Kunstausstellungen und Galerien, wie hier die Telemarksgalerie in Notodden. Sie zeigt Werke aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der Industriegeschichte sowie die Bilder des bekannten Malers Theodor Kittelsen.

Vest-Telemark Museum (VTM) is a grouping of 12 museums. The photo shows Eidsborg with Norway’s oldest building and the new museum building. Experience everything from old craft traditions and copper mines to a collection of sculptures and the history of skiing. Das West Telemark Museum ist eine Sammlung von 12 Museen. Hier von Eidsborg mit Norwegens ältestem Gebäude und neuem Museumsgebäude. Erlebe alte Handwerkstradition, Kupfergräber, Skulpturensammlung und Skigeschichte.


Experience the history of Ibsen’s family close up. Travel to Venstøp and learn about Ibsen’s upbringing in his childhood home. See the dark attic where Ibsen got inspired to write “The Wild Duck”. This year you can also participate in Escape Room events at the venue. Erfahre mehr über den berühmten Dramatiker in seinem Elternhaus in Venstøp. Hier kannst du das Dachgeschoss besuchen, in dem Ibsen seine Inspiration zu den „Wildenten“ fand.

Telemark is a food county with many local producers; from cured meat and flat bread to goat cheese, beer and apple juice. The county’s big interest in food has resulted in “Mersmak”, an annual food festival in Skien. Here you can taste and buy locally produced as well as international food. Telemark ist eine Region mit vielen lokalen Lebensmittelproduzenten, ob Schinken, Flatbrød oder Ziegenkäse, Bier oder Apfelmost. Das große Interesse an lokalen Gerichten wird in einem großen Festival rund ums Essen lebendig, dem „Mersmak“, welches jedes Jahr in Skien veranstaltet wird. Hier können lokale Speisen probiert und erworben werden.

Edvard Munch fell in love with the charming coastal town of Kragerø and decide to settle there in 1909. Today you can follow Munch’s footsteps in Kragerø. Besides Munch sculpture it is currently set up panels with text and image in the places where Munch used to paint. Also recommended Is to have lunch at Tollboden Restaurant. Als Edvard Munch 1909 in Kragerø ankam verliebte er sich in das idyllische Küstenstädtchen. Während seines Aufenthalts in Kragerø malte er weltbekannte Werke wie „Die Sonne“ und „Geschichte“. Heute kannst du in den Spuren Munchs durch Kragerø wandeln. Neben einer Statue sind verschiedene Tafeln mit Texten und Bildern des Malers aufgestellt.


At the Fruit Village in the heart of Telemark, you can visit open farms, farm shops, art exhibitions, cafés, festivals, a brewery and a vineyard. Im Apfeldorf in Midt-Telemark kann man Bauernhöfe und ihre Läden, Kunstausstellungen, Cafés, Festivals, eine Brauerei und ein Weingut besuchen.

“Peer På Pub” – Peer at the pub – provides the ultimate theatrical experience. Enjoy Peer Gynt’s madness, humour and talent in a relaxed atmosphere. Lerkefugl offers customised productions at various locations in Skien plus a few “standard” productions.

Ausgeprägte Kultur Der berühmte Dramatiker Henrik Ibsen wurde in Skien geboren. Das frühere Elternhaus Henrik Ibsens ist heute ein hübsches Museum welches die Kindheit des Dramatikers zeigt. Das kleine Städtchen Morgedal ist als die Wiege des modernen Skisports bekannt. Da hier der berühmte Sondre Norheim geboren wurde und lebte. Er ist der Erfinder des modernen Skisports, der Bindung als auch der Form des Skis. In Kragerø lebte und arbeitete der berühmte Maler Edvard Munch. Hier fand er Inspiration zu einigen seiner größten Meisterwerke.

Das ultimative Theatererlebnis mit «Peer På Pub». Genieße Peer Gynts Verrücktheiten, sein Humor und Talent in entspannter Atmosphäre. Das Ensemble Lerkefugl bietet maßgeschneiderte Vorstellungen an verschiedenen Stellen in Skien sowie einige feste Vorstellungen.


Ten adventures to look for in urban Telemark 1





Badeparken in Langesund (2)

Coastal trail (10)

From island to island (5)

DuVerden Maritime Museum+Science Centre (1)

SkjĂŚrgĂĽrden hotel in Langesund invites you to swim outdoors as well as inside in the large water park. You can also jump into the ocean from the new bathing pier or relax in one of the saunas or Jacuzzis. Reopening of the waterpark will be in march 2019, new wellness area. Join the ferries from Brevik, Stathelle, Langesund or Helgeroa out to the nine islands in the Langesund fjord. Great beaches, rocks and hiking trails are now free for all. You can stay on the campsite, in the lighthouse residence or camp in the open grounds.

Walk along the Telemark coast on more than 60 km prepared path. Bridges, stairs, and ropes lead you along the coast with rocks, beaches, crags, viewpoints and two coastal forts from the Second World War. The trail is well marked. Weather board, ship simulator, canopy of stars and many other exiting things encourage play and learning. / / 28

Porsgrunds Porcelain Factory (7) Coastal towns (6)

Skien fritidspark (4)

Norway’s most complete sports Unique industrial history where arena is located in Skien, with a beautiful china objects are still created, wealth of experiences, such as the both articles for use and art objects. climbing park, the bath, curling, Visit the Porcelain Museum see the production. make a scoop in the factory ice rink, frisbee golf, spa outlet or visit Auksjonshallen. and wellness.

3 10

Visit the coast gems Brevik and Langesund. A walk among the wooden buildings is a great experience through narrow alleys and streets with historic character. Tip! Step into one of the local shops or icecream bars along the way.




Henrik Ibsen Museum



Go 200 years back in time to Henrik’s childhood and experience how the family lived. Dress up in period clothing or have a game of ninepins in the garden. NEW in 2019 will be Escape Room: Peer Gynt Escape Room.

Telemark Canal ( 8 )

Two ofthe first locks are located in Skien. Join the canal boats M/S Henrik Ibsen or M/S Victoria and experiencethe locks as they were over 150 years ago. Mini cruises for families with children from Løveid locks to Hjellebrygga in Skien. More info: + 47 35 90 55 20 Mail: 29

Gea Norvegica Unesco Geopark (3)

Grenland is a part of Gea Norvegica UNESCO Global Geopark. Here you can find rocks from different eras in the Geological history of Norway, where the oldest rocks are approximately 1.5 billion years old. The area have several localities where each one tells a fascinating story. Examples of such localities are Steinvika in Langesund and Kapitelberget in Skien, both showing traces from a time when Norway was covered by a shallow tropical sea, south of the equator. See the website for guidede tours.

World-class history Slip into the basement where the bomb exploded in 2nd world war. Check out the history of elegant porcelain. Not to mention spectacular lock systems on the Telemark Canal. Find out about the evolution of modern skiing. Or the history of artificial fertiliser, which saved the world. You’ll find a wealth of fantastic history in Telemark.

Top 5 historical experiences


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2 3

1. Visit the UNESCO World Heritage sites Notodden and Rjukan 2. Enjoy a historical boat cruise on the Telemark Canal 3. Visit the Porcelain museum in Porsgrunn 4. Explore the silver mines at Norsk Bergverksmuseum 5. Visit the stave churches in Heddal and Eidsborg 30 31

Åmdals Verk Mines have been upgraded with life-size figures, audio and lighting. You can walk in the mines, watch the new film and follow the riverside walk (due for completion in 2019). Das Bergwerksmuseum Åmdal Verk wurde umfangreich mit Figuren, Licht und Ton erweitert. Hier kann man in die Gruben hineingehen, neue Filme sehen und draußen eine 2019 neu angelegte Route am Fluss entlang wandern.

At the Norwegian Ski Museum in Morgedal you can learn about how Sondre Norheim revolutionized skiing. You can also visit the hut of Sondre Norheim, where the Olympic flame has been lit twice already. Im Norwegischen Skimuseum in Morgedal erlebst du, wie Sondre Norheim das Skifahren revolutionierte. Du kannst auch die Hütte Sondre Norheims besuchen, wo bereits zweimal das Olympische Feuer angezündet wurde.

The industrial history of Notodden and Rjukan is now listed on the UNESCO´s World Heritage List. At the old Tinfos Power Station you will find The Telemark Gallery and Lysbuen Museum. Learn how the founder of Norsk Hydro, Sam Eide, improved the world´s food production. An der alten Tinfos Kraftstation befindet sich die Telemark Galerie und das Lysbuen Museum. Hier erfährst du mehr über das Leben und die Arbeit des Norsk Hydro Gründers Sam Eide und wie er dazu beitrug die Lebensmittelproduktion zu steigern.


The Telemark Canal still fascinates tourists from all over the world. This historic waterway was completed in 1892 and called ”the eighth wonder of the world” The canal connects the coast of Telemark with the mountains in the north by 8 locks and 18 lock chambers. Der Telemarkkanal ist ein lebendes Kulturdenkmal der Touristen aus dem In- und Ausland fasziniert. Nach seiner Fertigstellung im Jahre 1892 wurde er in Europa als das „8. Weltwunder“ bezeichnet. Er verbindet auf einer Länge von 105 km und mit Hilfe von 8 Schleusenanlagen die Küste mit dem Inland.

In Porsgrund Porcelain Factory you find an interactive porcelain museum and a production room where you can see how the famous straw pattern is painted on the porcelain. The factory also has an exhibition and factory outlet. In der Porzellanmanufaktur von Porsgrund gibt es ein interaktives Porzellanmuseum sowie einen Produktionsraum, wo du sehen kannst, wie das berühmte Strohmuster auf das Porzellan gemalt wird. Die Fabrik hat zudem eine Ausstellung und Fabrikverkauf.

Exiting history Rjukan and Notodden gave birth to Norsk Hydro, one of the cornerstones of Norwegian industry. The two city’s industrial history is now included on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. Follow the dramatic heavy water sabotage actions at Norsk Industriarbeidermuseum at Vemork in Rjukan. We also recommend a visit to the impressive silver mines in Kongsberg. In Eidsborg and Heddal you have the opportunity to visit two of the remaining stave churches. Dalen Hotel is one of the largest wooden buildings in Scandinavia, built in Romantic style, with dragon heads and spires. Ulefos Manor at Ulefoss, shows the life of the rich landowners. Telemark Museum in Skien shows farm buildings from all over Telemark, as well as the mansion Søndre Brekke and the surrounding bar park with thousands of flowers. 33

At the end of the Telemark Canal, you’ll find Dalen Hotel – the “fairy-tale hotel” – built in 1894 in extravagant Romantic style, with gargoyles, towers and spires, balconies, and ornate projections and cornices.

There is a lot to do at The Norwegian Mining Museum in Kongsberg. Jump on the train that takes you on an exciting safari, or let the children go treasure hunting by rinsing for silver.

Das Dalen Hotel von 1894 , bekannt als «Mächenhotel», thront mit seinen Drachenköpfen, Türmchen, Söllern, Erkern und Gesimsen im typisch üppigen Romantikstil am Ende des Telemarkkanals.

Es gibt viel zu entdecken im Bergwerksmuseum in Kongsberg. Der Zug nimmt dich mit auf eine spannende Grubensafari. Im Anschluss kannst du dein

Spannende Geschichte Rjukan und Notodden sind die Geburtsstätten von Norsk Hydro, einem der Eckpfeiler der Norwegischen Industrie. Die Industriegeschichte beider Städte wird nun in der Liste des UNESCO Kulturerbe geführt. Erfahre mehr über die dramatische «Schwere Wasser Sabotage» im Norwegischen Industriearbeiter Museum Vemork in Rjukan. Wir empfehlen auch einen Besuch der Silberminen in Kongsberg. In Eidsborg und Heddal kannst du die beiden noch vorhandenen Stabkirchen besichtigen. Das Dalen Hotel ist eines der größten Holzgebäude Skandinaviens. Ulefos Hovedgaard zeigt das Leben der wohlhabenden Grundbesitzer des 19. Jahrhunderts. Und das Telemark Museum in Skien umfasst neben dem Herrenhaus Søndre Brekke, ein Freilichtmuseum und einen Park mit einer Vielzahl verschiedener Blumen. 34

The Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum tells the exciting story of revolutionising industry and wartime campaigns. Walk in the footsteps of the World War 2 heavy-water saboteurs, join a guided tour of the heavy water basement at Vemork, and take a trip on M/F Storegut on Lake Tinnsjøen. Das Norwegische Industriearbeitermuseum zeigt die spannende Geschichte der revolutionären Industrie- und Kriegsaktionen. Folge den Spuren der Widerstandskämpfer aus dem 2. Weltkrieg bei den Führungen im Schwerwasserkeller in Vemork und fahre mit dem M/F Storegut über den Tinnsjø.

Worth a visit. Ulefos Hovedgård is an important imperial building. It was the summer residence of Niels Aall, minister of trade. It is open for visitors and has guided tours every hour from June and until end of August. Walking distance to the locks at Ulefoss. Das Anwesen “Ulefos Hovedgaard“ ist einen Besuch wert. Es war der Sommersitz des Ministers Niels Aall. Führungen gibt es stündlich während der Öffnungszeiten von Juni bis Ende August. Das Anwesen liegt oberhalb der Schleusen in Ulefoss und ist von dort aus zu Fuß zu erreichen.

Heddal Stave church was built in the 12th century, and is an excellent example of medieval architecture. This is the largest and one of the most beautiful of the 28 stave churches in Norway today. Die Heddal Stabkirche wurde im 12. Jahrhundert erbaut, und ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel mittelalterlicher Baukunst.


Eat out, feel at home e ria with larg te fe a c e re Th menu varied kids patio area, free food. og allergy

Enjoy traditional homemade Norwegian food


The Silver mines and the Norwegian Mining Museum

Welcome to Kongsberg! Join us 2,3 km into the mountain, 342 meters below the surface on an exciting roundtrip in the King’s mine. See our website for more information and tickets.

We provide buses for all purposes From 16 seat minibus to great coaches with up to 57 seats! Enjoy your trip and let us take care of accommodation, food and aktivities. We know Telemark!

At the museum in Kongsberg city center you can see the largest collection of native silver in the world. Kåsmyra 3750 Drangedal phone:+47 35 99 81 25


Let us introduce you to our rich

Telemark culture Wonderful Museums Medieval Churches Open Air Museums Art Galleries Mine Museum Activity Park Ski Museum Traditional Food

Rich Holiday Memories for All - Try our App Vest-Telemark Museum VTM 37

Top 5 activities for kids 4


3 4 5 2

1. Scandinavias biggest waterpark 2. Swimming at the coast of Telemark 3. Wakeboarding at Norsjø Ferieland 4. Climbing parks at Skien and Bø 5. Farm with kids’ activities at Foldevik Family Park 38

Family fun Hear the little ones shriek as they come down the water slide! Feel the trout bite in tranquil lakes. Hear your youngest one shout with enthusiasm at the farm. Let the oldest one balance high up in the climbing park. Feel the pride as your child takes their first strokes in the water, after conquering the highest mountain. Telemark is truly an adventure park! 39

Telemark is great for climbing. There are two climbing parks, one at the Skien Fritidspark leisure complex and one in Bø. Both offer several routes for different skills levels, as well as camper van parking, apartments/cabins and a swimming pool. In Telemark gibt es zwei Kletterparks, einen im Freizeitpark in Skien und einen in Bø. Beide bieten verschiedene Trails mit unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden.

Why children love Telemark Bø Sommarland in Bø offers Scandinavia’s largest waterpark. Norsjø Ferieland at Akkerhaugen has one of the best wakeboard cable parks in the world and in Rauland you will find the only skateboard hotel in the world. Along the coast there are plenty of idyllic beaches. Skien Fritidspark offers, frisbee golf, tennis, swimming, and a climbing park. Straand Sommerland in Vrådal offers cruises with veteran tug boat «MS Fram» on lake Nisser, and the Nissedal Jettegrytene (potholes) offers swimming in fascinating slides and pools carved out by the water. Many farms offer farm house holidays and day visits.

Darum lieben Kinder Telemark Das Bø Sommarland in Bø ist einer der größten Wasserspassparks in Skandinavien. Entlang der Küste befinden sich viele schöne Badestrände. Der Freizeitpark in Skien dagegen bietet Frisbeegolf, Tennis, eine Schwimmhalle, und einen Kletterpark. Ein weiterer Kletterpark befindet sich in Bø. Das Straand Sommerland in Vrådal bietet Fahrten auf dem Nisser- See mit dem alten Veteranenboot «Fram» . Während die Jettgrytene in Nissedal, eine Art natürlicher Wasserbecken, zum Baden einladen.


Visit Bø Sommarland. Scandinavias largest waterpark with swimmingpools and waterslides which guarantee fun and entertainment for all members of the family. Besuche Bø Sommarland Skandinaviens größten Wasser-Spaß Park mitSchwimmbecken und einer Vielzahl an Wasserrutschen. Garantierter Spaß für Groß und Klein.

Just a stone’s throw from Telemark is Foldvik Family Park at Stavern, where you can meet the animals, jump in the hay, and drive a tractor and x-cross cars. Nur einen Katzensprung von Stavern in Telemark entfernt, liegt der Foldvik Familienpark. Dort erwarten dich ein Streichelzoo, Hüpfburgen, Traktorfahrten und X-Cross-Fahrzeuge.

At Porsgrunn’s DuVerden Science Centre, both you and your children can experience technology, the natural sciences and navigation in a whole new way: test your reactions, steer a ship, try out the weather station and see 3D films from space, the seabed and more. Im Museum „DuVerden“ in Porsgrunn können du und deine Kinder Technologie, Wissenschaft und Schifffahrt auf ganz neue Art erleben: Teste deine Reaktionsfähigkeit, steuere ein Schiff, probiere die Wetterstation und besuche das 3D-Kino.

Visit the Nissedal potholes to see nature’s own water slides. Die Wasserrutschbahn von Mutter Natur liegt in den Gletschertöpfen in Nissedal.


Give Norsjø Cable Park a try – one of the world’s best cableways for wakeboarding, wakeskating and waterskiing! Up to 6 people can be pulled around the course at a time, with the option to include rails and jumps. If you fall off, simply swim to shore and try again! Probier Wakeboarden im Norsjø Ferieland. Die Anlage wurde zur 3. besten Wakeboardanlage der Welt gekürt.

Family-friendly Vrådal offers a range of activities from hiking to swimming. You can hire paddleboards, canoes, pedalos and bikes. Round off your visit with an afternoon cruise on MS Fram. Das familienfreundliche Vrådal bietet von Baden bis Wandern viele Aktivitäten. Hier kannst du Bretter zum Stand-up-Paddeln, Kanus, Tretboote und Fahrräder mieten. Am Nachmittag kannst du mit der MS Fram noch eine Minikreuzfahrt unternehmen.

If the skies open, you can always head to the water parks in Langesund, Skien and Rjukan. The photo shows Skien Fritidspark. Die Badeparks in Langesund, Skien und Rjukan sind ideal für Regentage. Hier der Freizeitpark Skien.


Kinder lieben es im Strand zu spielen, Krabben zu fangen, durchs seichte Wasser zu waten oder von Stegen ins Wasser zu springen. Brevik, Langesund und Kragerø bieten hierfür die besten Voraussetzungen.

The children love to play in the shore; fish crabs on a string, wade along the beach or jump from the quayside. Brevik, Langesund and Kragerø offer captivating summer experiences.

MS Telemarken operates pirate cruises with an hour’s treasure hunt between the Eidsfoss and Vrangfoss lock systems. Einen «Piraten-Cruise» mit einstündiger Schatzjagd zwischen den Schleusenanlagen Eidsfoss und Vrangfoss bietet MS Telemarken.


- alwa

Foto: Foto: NIA NIA

Foto: Hans-Dieter Fleger / NIA

A world heritage journey

Foto: Gray Payton / NIA

Foto: Bjørn-Owe Holmber / NIA


Foto: NIA

ways worth a visit

MORE MOUNTAIN Wilder and more beautiful. The wide open plains with Gaustatoppen rising above. 50 years after opening, Gaustablikk Skisenter and Gaustatoppen Skisenter join forces to become Gausta Skisenter. This means increased snow production, more ski-lifts and more slopes. In our vision for the future Gausta Skisenter connects with Gaustabanen and Gaustatoppen allowing for slopes to take you all the way down to Rjukan. An enormous potential. The natural talent of Telemark. We call it more mountain.


Hiking in total tranquillity ‒ Summer like winter


Text and photo: Bjørn Harry Schønhaug, Mikel Gonsholt and DNT Telemark

First, you glimpse it on the horizon. Then, as you leave the gravel road behind and start to stride out across the mountain plateau, you hear it: the sound of total tranquillity. But before any of that, start with lunch at the Norwegian Trekking Association’s (DNT) cabin at Kalhovd, in the company of other shiny, expectant faces from Norway and abroad. Through the window, you’ll see a brisk wind blowing across the water of Lake Kalhovd, and then two cyclists come trundling down the final kilometres of the 30 km cycle track from the upper station of the Krossobanen cable car at Rjukan. You hoist your rucksack onto your back, adjust the straps and set out with a few friendly words of advice from the cabin staff. Birdsong When you get to Stegaros, you leave the gravel road behind. Ahead of you are good paths and fresh water in the streams. Perhaps your rucksack is already feeling on the heavy side, but you soon forget that as you follow the red Ts across the terrain. It isn’t long before you hear it. The silence. The sound of silence is the running stream, the blowing wind and the birds singing in the heather. As soon as you reach the Butjønnåi river, you pull off your rucksack and lie down in the heather with a cup of cold, refreshing mountain water. Before continuing, you fill your water bottle and check your route on the map. After a few hours of walking in total tranquillity with unforgettable views, you pitch your tent. The mighty Kvenna You wake in the middle of the night and stick your head out of the tent. The moon is reflected in Vråsjåen lake, and the water looks like sheet metal. Contentedly, you close the tent again and go back to sleep. After breakfast, you cross the 47

bridge over the Sletteåi river and continue past an old stone shelter – used among others by Norway’s famous World War Two heavywater saboteurs in the phase before the Vemork operation – and upwards into the scrub heading for new adventures. Your next destination is Mogen tourist cabin at the head of Møsvatn lake. As you approach the descent to the lake, you’ll be aware of the weight of your rucksack cutting into your shoulders. But then you get nearer and find new reserves of strength, particularly when you come upon the fabulous view towards Møsvatn, Mogen, Argehovd farm – where it’s hard to believe anyone could live – and the mighty Kvenna river rushing down from the plateau towards the lake. You simply have to sit down and take in the view before starting to make your way downhill through the forest to the red-painted cabin.

what’s for dinner, except that it will be three courses based around locally sourced ingredients. Once you’ve enjoyed your fish soup, leg of lamb and apple dessert – yes, you heard correctly! – you’ll be ready to sink into one of the fireside chairs in the lounge. And when you snuggle down under the duvet in room 212, you’ll be asleep almost before your head hits the pillow. After the world’s best breakfast, board M/B “Fjellvåken II” to Skinnarbu for a boat trip through a unique and beautiful cultural landscape. You’ve already started planning your next trip!

The joys of an open fire Walking into one of DNT’s cabins is a real joy, perhaps particularly so at Mogen. A few seasons ago, Mogen was voted Norway’s best cabin for food. The host is reluctant to reveal

How Dag Otto taught his children to master Hardangervidda Dag Otto Lauritzen relates with enthusiasm the story of the first time he took his daughter, Line, skiing on the Hardangervidda mountain plateau, before Easter one year. His children Stian and Line have been skiing with Dad since they were 12-13 years old. A love for the great outdoors Dag Otto Lauritzen is famous for his achievements as a world-class cyclist, topped off by becoming Norway’s first stage winner at the Tour de France in 1987 and winning a bronze medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. What is perhaps less well known is that he also has a love for the great outdoors. “Looking back, I was immersed in nature from a young age, and I’m grateful to my parents for sharing that passion with us. It’s something I’ve tried to pass on to my children. Not just the experience of being in the open air but learning to push yourself a little. It’s important for children to learn what it’s like to be a little out of their comfort zone. And to realise that they can master it. This is exactly what my talks are about too – the sense of mastery,” Dag Otto Lauritzen explains. The children had the chance to sample this sense of mastery time and again while out on the Hardangervidda. Dag Otto assures us there were long days of skiing, when children and adults alike dragged themselves into the tourist cabins on tired legs at the end of the day. There was some complaining, admittedly, but, after a good dinner, the children were usually in good spirits once more.

And the result? “They’ve come to love nature. I hope they’ll pass that on to their own kids. Even though they’re around the 30-mark now, they still say, ‘Can’t we go skiing again soon – it’s been years since we went!’. In other words, they still want to join in, so I’d say the trips have been priceless,” Dag Otto emphasises. 48

Gausta aims high investments include a new children’s area, a new lounge, expansion of the snow system, a new convenience store and an upgrade of the restaurant offering. ‘As early as next year, the network of alpine runs will be extended with a new lift in the west of the area towards Gaustatoppen. The idea is to link Gausta Ski Centre with the Gaustabanen railway, which transports people inside the mountain to the summit in 15 minutes,’ Ane continues. Enormous all-year potential Gaustatoppen and the Rjukan UNESCO World Heritage Site are the cornerstones of tourism in the area. However, the potential for further development is immense. As well as the new hotel wing, apartments and a top station with a restaurant, further plans include a new chair lift, a larger spa facility and a floating sauna in Kvitåvatn lake. The sauna, boasting panoramic views of Gaustatoppen, is already a reality. ‘We envisage a vibrant square with a restaurant, bakery and skating rink. We’re now working to develop a new cycling product for Gausta, both in open terrain and pump tracks in the eastern part of the central area,’ says Ane Johnsen.

After almost 50 years as a destination, Gausta is gearing up for large-scale investments over the next few years. The new brand: Gausta – Telemark – Norway is already in place. The aim now is to establish Gausta as one of Norway’s foremost year-round mountain destinations. At the threshold to the Hardangervidda mountain plateau is Gaustatoppen, perhaps Norway’s most iconic mountain. You couldn’t wish for a better starting point for building a strong destination. Gaustatoppen makes such a powerful impression that the people who live here, and visitors, feel a real connection to it. ‘The destination has that distinctive character needed to stand out, and the owner has ideas and the will to realise them,’ says Ane Johnson, General Manager of Gaustablikk. Upgrades for the winter season During the summer and autumn of 2018, NOK 40 million was invested in upgrading the hotel, apartments, places to eat and ski centres. The various ski centres have now come together under a new name: Gausta Ski Centre. The 49

Ski holidays and winter activities Enjoy the peace of snow-covered mountain plateaus and whizz down alpine slopes and freeriding areas. Experience cross-country skiing on well-prepared tracks or strike out on your own in forests and across open expanses.

2 3

Top 5 winter activities




1. Alpine skiing on a variety of slopes, VrĂĽdal 2. Park skiing on rails and jumps, Haukelifjell 3. Cross-country skiing in forests and high-mountain areas, Rauland 4. Sledging and snow scooter rides, Vierli in Rauland 5. Freeriding 1883 metres down Gaustatoppen 50 51

Experience Telemark’s ski centres: from Vrådal to Lifjell, Haukelifjell, Rauland, Gaustatoppen and – here – Gausta ski centre, you’ll find fun challenges to suit everyone. Erlebe die Skigebiete in Telemark; Von Lifjell bis Vrådal, Haukelifjell, Rauland, Gaustatoppen und hier Gausta.

If you want to try your hand at a new winter activity, there’s plenty to choose from, such as kiting, summit hikes and snowscooter driving. This photo is from Rauland. Neugierig auf neue Winteraktivitäten? Wie hier in Rauland gibt es viele Möglichkeiten wie Kiting, Gipfeltouren und Ausflüge mit dem Schneescooter.

Skating is a popular winter activity, and Telemark offers a number of lakes to choose from in early winter. And don’t miss a trip to the ice stadium at the popular Skien Fritidspark leisure complex with its 12,000 m2 ice rink. You can hire skates here, and there are two lavvos – Sami tents – and a café. Schlittschuhlaufen ist eine beliebte Winteraktivität. Im Freizeitpark in Skien befindet sich ein Eisstadion von über 12.000 m2 welches in den Wintermonaten geöffnet hat.

The home of skiing Telemark is Norway’s largest skiing region and offers everything from child-friendly adventure terrain and slalom slopes to p recipitous mountainsides with one challenge after another. There are numerous well-prepared cross-country routes, picturepostcard scenery, snowboarding facilities, world-class off-piste skiing and state-of-the art alpine skiing facilities for the most discerning downhill skier. As well as skiing, Telemark offers other exciting winter activities including ice climbing, skating, kiting, ice fishing, snow scooter driving and luge. The ski season starts in November and finishes in April. And of course, there is a wide range of cabins, apartments and hotels to suit all wishes, requirements and budgets. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of life – and enjoy an authentic winter adventure in Telemark, where ski sport began! 52

For all you snowboarders and jibbers, Telemark has several popular parks with rails and jumps. Vierli terrain park in Rauland is the best known but Haukelifjell ski centre also has a well-regarded park. Für alle Snowboarder und Jibber gibt es in Telemark mehrere beliebte Parks mit Rails und Jumps. Der Vierli Terrengpark i Rauland ist der bekannteste, aber auch das Haukelifjell Ski Center hat einen anerkannten Park.

Cross-country trails can be found throughout Telemark, from Svanstul in Skien and Siljan to Lifjell, Halbjønnsekken near Dalen, Kjyrebygdheia in Nissedal and up to the areas by the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. You’ll find many cleared trails close to the major ski centres (see next page). Langlaufloipen gibt es in ganz Telemark von Svanstul in Skien und Siljan bis Lifjell, Halbjønnsekken bei Dalen, Kjyrebygdheia in Nissedal und auf de Hardanger Hochebene. Zudem haben alle großen Skizentren präparierte Loipen.

Telemark – wo alles begann Telemark ist Norwegens größte Skiregion und bietet alles, vom Kinderskipark über Slalomabfahrten bis zu steilen Tiefschneepisten. Hier findet man endlose und gut präparierte Loipen die sich durch eine wunderschöne Winterlandschaft schlängeln, Snowboardanlagen, Tiefschneepisten und hochmoderne Skiresorts für anspruchsvolle Alpinisten. Telemark bietet auch andere Winteraktivitäten wie Eisklettern, Eislaufen, Kiten, Eisangeln, Schneemobilfahren und Rodeln. Die Skisaison beginnt im November und endet im April. Und natürlich kanst du aus einer großen Anzahl von Ferienhäusern, Apartments und Hotels wählen, die deinen Wünschen, Träumen und Brieftasche entsprechen. Gönn dir eine Auszeit vom Alltagsstress – entdecke Telemark, Heimat von Sondre Norheim dem Vater des modernen Skisports. 53

6 popular ski resorts in Telemark Mount Gausta/the Gaustabanen The Gaustatoppen area is well known to snowboarders and freeskiers. The alpine facility has undergone major development, and the railway to the summit makes southern Norway’s most unique freeriding accessible to all. Number of slopes

Large freeriding area at 1.883 meters



Number of lifts

The cable car within the mountain takes you up to

Places to eat

DNT-cabin that serves food

Lifjell Ski Centre Lifjell in Bø in Telemark is the nearest high-mountain area for the entire central part of eastern Norway. Here you will find fantastic alpine and cross-country opportunities for all the family, including Telemark’s largest floodlit facility. 5 Number of slopes 1200 m Longest slope 2 Number of lifts Number of km of slopes 4 km 80 km Cross-country No Off-piste

Children’s areas Terrain parks Ski school Ski rental Places to eat

1 1 Yes Yes 2

Haukelifjell Ski Centre Haukelifjell ski centre is one of the most snowsure ski resorts in Norway – a family-friendly destination easily accessible from both sides of the country. Unbelievable freeriding opportunities in Number of slopes 13 Longest slope 3000 m 6 Number of lifts Number of km of slopes 14 km 70 m Cross-country Yes Off-piste

Children’s areas Terrain parks Ski school Ski rental Places to eat

1 1 No Yes 1


Gaustablikk Ski Centre Gaustablikk ski centre is Norway’s sixth-largest ski centre and offers a great number of lifts and slopes. Skiing here offers Telemark’s closest approximation to an alpine landscape. Suitable for all Number of slopes 35 Longest slope 3200 m 13 Number of lifts Number of km of slopes 35 km 85 km Cross-country No Off-piste

Children’s areas Terrain parks Ski school Ski rental Places to eat

3 2 Yes Yes 4

Vrådal Panorama Vrådal Panorama is a ski centre for all the family with slopes offering various levels of difficulty. There is an eight-seat chairlift that opened in 1998. Dedicated children’s area for luge and fun on skis! 18 Number of slopes 3600 m Longest slope 8 Number of lifts Number of km of slopes 15 km Yes Cross-country Yes Off-piste

Children’s areas Terrain parks Ski school Ski rental Places to eat

1 No Yes Yes 2

Rauland Ski Centre Rauland ski centre comprises three locations: Vierli, Tiur and Holtardalen, and has ski slopes, lifts and activities for all the family. Vierli terrain park is one of the best in Norway for twin tipping and snowboarding. 41 Number of slopes 3000 m Longest slope 17 Number of lifts Number of km of slopes 20 km 150 km Cross-country No Off-piste

Children’s areas Terrain parks Ski school Ski rental Places to eat

1 2 Yes Yes 4


Welcome to Heddal Stave Church & Cafe Olea

Get an unforgettable taste experience in station! Delicious homemade food and pastries with ingredients from local suppliers. Welcome! Hydroparken, bygg 52 Heddalsveien 11 3674 Notodden

email: Opening hours: Mon - Fri 10am-5pm phone: +47 48 17 98 05 Saturday 10am-4pm


Experience Haukelifjell – the best in downhill and cross-country skiing in winter, and the famous Hardangervidda mountain plateau in summer. High in the historical and cultural municipality of Vinje, this is an excellent starting point for many destinations between eastern and western Norway, such as Trolltunga and Gaustatoppen. Haukelifjell booking offers modern apartments and cabins for 2-22 persons. Book your mountain adventure now! 56

Follow us!

Opening hours 10:00-17:00 o'clock Closed: 12th/ 17th/19th of mai

Sandviken Camping Accommodation in Rauland We offer both accommodation in cabin, apartment or room in Camp Vieri Hotell. We have cabins on 6 different locations, and with our wide selection of accommodation, we are certain we will find something that suits exactly.

-take a breake from the daily routine

All guests at Rauland Feriesenter gets a free pass to boat/ canoe-rental, and also free pass to go fishing in our 2 mountain lakes.

Open year-round • Child-friendly Hiking trails • Playground Boat rental • Perfect base for Mount Gausta

Come visit the Norwegian animal hut on Vierli, experience beautiful trips, a bikeride on mountain plateau or try out our family trip orientation on Vierli.

& UNESCO-town Rjukan Austbygdevegen 111 N-3650 Tinn Austbygd

Welcome to Rauland and welcome to Rauland Feriesenter.

Tel: +47 95 23 88 17 email:

-intimate hotel in the heart of Telemark Brattrein Hotell has been Norsk Hydro’s meeting- and conference-center from 1957 until today. This places us in the middle of the industrial storytelling that put Notodden on the UNESCO World Heritage List by 2015. Brattrein Hotell has a beautiful view of the mountains, the lake Norsjø and the world heritage. The hotel is surrounded by its own park that provides for activities of different kinds. The kitchen is famous for its good homemade food, with emphasis on high quality ingredients. Here you can enjoy life in the restaurant, garden lounge or the bar that has Notodden’s finest outdoor terrace. Follow us!


Brattreinsgate 9 Tel: +47 35 01 23 00 3683 Notodden

The boy who shaped world literature lived here. Nevertheless, he is remembered in many ways in the town. You can join an Ibsen walk, see a play, enjoy delicious cakes that would have been familiar to the Ibsens, or visit Skien library’s dedicated Ibsen collection. And don’t forget to download the Henrik Ibsen app. Follow the guided walks to explore Ibsen’s childhood and the memories of him that are all around us.

The questions and myths are endless. A visit to Skien – the town of the playwright’s childhood – may not provide all the answers but perhaps a few of the pieces that make up the puzzle of Henrik Ibsen. How could a boy from Skien become one of the world’s greatest playwrights? Was it his Skien childhood that inspired him? Was it the song of the town’s sawmills and waterfalls, or the sound of hammer blows from the ironworks? Was it his time as an apprentice in Grimstad, or Rome’s magnificent Pantheon?

A week of celebrations Henrik was born on 20 March, and the week around his birthday is marked with special events all over Skien. The Henrik Ibsen Museum opens for the season a month later. The museum is at Venstøp farm, where little Henrik moved with his family when he was seven years old. The journey to Venstøp from Skien is just 5 kilometres, but that was probably a long journey in 1835.

Born into prosperity While exotic spices, beautiful fabrics and spirits were being sold in his father’s lucrative business on the ground floor of Stockmannsgården, a boy was born in the apartment above. It was 1828, and the boy was christened at home and given the names Henrik Johan Ibsen. It was early spring, 20 March, and from the windows of the apartment the family could see straight across to the church that stood at the heart of the bustling town square. When he was two years old, the family moved up the street to the elegant Altenburggården, the childhood home of Henrik’s mother Marichen. Although the journey was not a long one, it was the very first of many in Ibsen’s life.

Ibsen’s journeys “I feel the uneasiness of travel in my blood,” Ibsen once wrote. This summer’s exhibition at the Henrik Ibsen Museum explores the theme “Henrik Ibsen’s journeys”, using artefacts and stories of the playwright’s life. You can also get to know a selection of his best-known plays, and you are of course welcome to visit his childhood home itself. This season opens a new escape room called Per Gynt Escape Game. The Henrik Ibsen Museum has something for visitors of all ages. As well as the museum’s exhibitions, there is a bowling alley, dressing-up room, café and museum shop.

Experience Ibsen Skien burnt to the ground in 1886, and the buildings and streets we see today are not as they were when Henrik Ibsen 58

Tourist information Distances/km Larvik - Skien Sandefjord Lufthavn Torp - Skien Langesund - Skien Oslo - Skien Kristiansand - Skien Telemark - The fjords in west Skien - Bø Bø - Rauland Rauland - Rjukan Rjukan - Skien

38 km 54 km 28 km 134 km 186 km 100 km 53 km 90 km 47 km 133 km

For more information about how to get to Telemark and around have a look at

Grenland and the Telemark coast Skien Tourist Information Skien Servicesenter, Henrik Ibsensgt. 2 Tel +47 35 90 55 20 Langesund Turistservice Kongshavn , 3970 Langesund Tel +47 35 90 55 20

Møtestad Seljord Tourist Information at Seljord Hotel and Vest-Telemark Libris, Telesenteret. Brøløsvegen 57, 3840 Seljord Tel +47 35 05 04 00

Lunde Tourist Office v/Telemark Kanalcamping Slusevegen 21, 3825 Lunde Tel +47 915 75 421 Bø Tourist Office v/Akademika Bokhandel Bøgata 52, 3800 Bø Tel +47 414 52 229 www.visitbø.no

Rauland Tourist Office 3864 Rauland Tel +47 35 06 26 30 Vrådal Tourist Information Vråliosvegen 62, 3853 Vrådal Tel +47 481 59 137


Visit Drangedal Kåsmyra, 3750 Drangedal Tel +47 35 99 81 25

Dalen Tourist Office Hotellvegen 16, 3880 Dalen Tel +47 35 07 56 56

Kragerø Tourist Office Rådhusgata 5, 3770 Kragerø Tel +47 35 98 62 00

Fyresdal Tourist Information Sporten Fyresdal, 3870 Fyresdal Tel +47 35 04 14 55


Grenland Tourist Office Uniongata 18, 3732 Skien Tel +47 35 90 55 20

Kviteseid Tourist Information Kviteseidbyen, 3850 Kviteseid Tel +47 954 51 546

Rjukan Tourist Office Torget 2, 3660 Rjukan Tel +47 35 08 05 50

Nissedal Tourist Information Treungvegen 391, 3855 Treungen Tel +47 35 04 51 11 / +47 970 71 141 facebook/Treungen Sport & Fritid

Hjartdal Kommune Servicekontoret Tel +47 35 02 80 00

Morgedal/Norsk Skieventyr 3848 Morgedal Tel +47 35 06 90 80

Notodden Tourist Information Servicetorget, Teatergt. 3 and Bok & Blueshuset, Storgt. 1 3674 Notodden Tel +47 35 01 50 00 / +47 35 01 56 00

Bø and Midt-Telemark Ulefoss Tourist Office v/Øvre Verket and v/ Lannavegen 5 3830 Ulefoss Tel +47 907 09 442

Åmot Tourist Information Tenestetorget, Vinje kommune, 3890 Vinje Tel +47 35 06 23 00


Visit Telemark Kunnskapsverkstedet Uniongata 18 3732 Skien Tel +47 35 90 00 20

Grenland and the Telemark coast / Grenland und Küste Skien, Porsgrunn, Siljan, Bamble, Kragerø og Drangedal

Accommodation – Übernachtung

Comfort Hotel Porsgrunn From March 1, 2019 you are welcome to stay in one of our 134 new, urban guest rooms right in the heart of Porsgrunn, 50 meters from taxi, train and bus! 8 floors with stunning city views. We offer Barception, breakfast and lunch, gym, cafe and restaurant in the street and parking in the basement. Meeting and conference capacity for a total of 200 persons. Welcome to Porsgrunn´s new meeting place! Kammerherreløkka 3, 3915 Porsgrunn Tel: +47 90 08 23 93 Email:

Hotell Vic

Tollboden Hotell og Restaurant Enjoy a unique stay in historical surroundings. Original walls and floors dating from 1783 blend with exclusive, contemporary design to create a unique atmosphere in the hotel’s 13 double rooms and suites. Newly opened in March 2018 and situated right on the water in the heart of Kragerø. The entire hotel is available for private hire on request. Amenities: two restaurants, “Bakhagen” backyard area, wine cellar, lounge with open fire, meeting room. Welcome to the “pearl of the coastal towns”! P.A. Heuchs gate 4, 3770 Kragerø Tel: +47 35 98 90 90 Email:

Kragerø Resort

Quality Hotel Skjærgården Welcome to Childrens’ Paradise. The hotel lies at the edge of the sea, within walking distance of the centre of Langesund. 161 modern rooms, 4000m2 tropical leisure centre with 81 m watershutes and 31°C in the water all year round! Playroom for children. Restaurants.

Stathelleveien 35, 3970 Langesund Tel: +47 35 97 81 00 Email:

Thon Hotel Høyers

Hotell Vic is situated in the centre of Porsgrunn, within walking distance to shops and shopping centre, cultural house and cinema. Close to some of the biggest attractions and activities such as Bø Sommerland (60 km) or trips to the fjords and mountains of Telemark.

Welcome to Kragerø Resort. With it`s golf courts and Kragerø`s beautiful fiord right on the hotel`s doorstep. Set aside some time for yourself in our spa. Savour a delightful meal from our exciting menus. Stay in vacation apartments with room for all the family, or treat yourself to the extra luxury of our ocean-view suites.

An inviting, friendly hotel in a building dating back to 1896. 100 rooms. Roof terrace. Excellent food in the hotel’s restaurant. Centrally located near cultural attractions, shopping and activities, The Telemark Canal as well as galleries and museums. Free parking and internet.

Skolegt. 1, 3916 Porsgrunn Tel: +47 35 56 98 00 Email:

Stabbestadveien 1, 3788 Stabbestad Tel: +47 35 97 11 00 Email:

Kongensgt. 6, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 35 90 58 00 Email:

Kragerø Sportell og Appartments Lovisenbergveien 20, 3770 Kragerø Tel: +47 35 98 57 00 Email: Clarion Collection Hotel Bryggeparken


Hotell fritidsparken

The hotel is idyllically situated at the waterfront, with short walking distance to the Canal boats and Skien town centre. 146 lovely rooms, own club room, breakfast and evening buffet, plus a complete restaurant complex next door. Short drive to 18 hole golf course.

Situated in beautiful surroundings outside the town centre with a large variety of in- and outdoor activities. 62 rooms for 1-6 persons including 10 apartments. Shower/WC and TV in every room. Conference facilities for 100 persons. RV parking including all facilities. Waterpark, spa & wellness.

Langbryggen 7, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 35 91 21 00 Email:

Moflatveien 59, 3733 Skien Tel: +47 35 54 10 40 Email:


Hvalenvegen 32, 3943 Porsgrunn Tel: +47 97 51 48 19 Email: Rognstranda Camping Rognsvn. 146, 3960 Stathelle Tel: +47 35 97 39 11/ +47 920 45 661 Email:

Olavsberget Camping Nystrandvn. 64, 3944 Porsgrunn Tel: +47 35 51 12 05/ +47 913 77 470 Email:

Brunnvall Gård

Microhyttene Fredheimsveien 13, 3766, Sannidal Tel: +47 479 99 666 Email:

Brunvallveien 16, 3294 Stavern Tel: +47 33 19 55 35/ +47 997 21 735 Email:

Featured restaurants / Beliebte Restaurants Tollboden Restaurant P.A. Heuchs gate 4a, 3770 Kragerø Tel: +47 35 98 90 90 Email: Skåtøy Kafe Stoppedalveien 2, 3780 Skåtøy Email:

Heimat Lasses Europavei 139, Stathelle Tel: +47 35 96 80 60 Email: Strøm Mat & Bar Nedre Hjellegate 11, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 35 49 90 94 Email: Henrik & Kompani Lundegate 6, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 924 31 176

Restaurant Stråholmen

Tollboden Bakhagen P.A. Heuchs gate 4c, 3770 Kragerø Tel: +47 35 98 90 90 Email:

Stabbestadvn.1, 3788 Stabbestad Tel: +47 35 97 11 00 Email: Restaurant Quality Hotel Skjærgården

Barekoza P.A. Heuchs gate 23, 3770 Kragerø Tel: +47 941 79 797 Email: Jacob & Gabriel, Arkaden Bruene 1, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 35 70 72 91 Email: Brasseriet Madame Blom Kongensgt.6-8, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 35 90 58 00 Email:

Victoria Gjestgiveri Tordenskjoldsgate 1, 3970 Langesund ​Tel: +47 35 97 32 54 Email:


Stathelleveien 35, Langesund Tel: +47 35 97 81 00

Burglar,Arkaden Bruene 1, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 908 03 605 Email: Folque Cafe Henrik Ibsens Gate 10, 3724 Skien Tel: +47 970 66 213

Eastern-Telemark and Mid-Telemark / Ost und Zentral Telemark Bø, Nome og Sauherad / Rjukan, Hjartdal og Notodden

Accommodation – Übernachtung

Bø Hotell

Norsjø Hotell

Gaustablikk Høyfjellshotell

Family hotel in the centre of Bø! Situated 5 mins from Bø Sommarland and the climbing park ”Høyt & Lavt” ca. 20 minutes from the Telemark Canal. Outdoor aquatic centre with a separate children’s pool, trampoline, playroom, saunas, exercise room, restaurant and bar.

Nice family hotel with good local food.Beautiful view and large garden. Cruises on the Telemark Canal 5 mins. from the hotel. Wakeboard/waterski and beach, 5 mins.Golf course and Bø Sommarland, 15 mins. Some appartements.

Comfortable hotel at the foot of Mount Gausta, in beautiful high mountain terrain. Pleasant lounges, swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room, solarium. Fishing lake and boat hire. All 91 rooms have shower/WC, TV and telephone. First class apartments and cabins also available. Also 4 chalets with 5 bedrooms in each. Minigolf.

Gullbringvegen 32, 3800 Bø Tel: +47 35 06 08 00 Email:

Nordagutuvegen 81, 3812 Akkerhaugen Tel: +47 35 95 50 00 Email:

Kvitåvatnvegen 372, 3660 Rjukan Tel: +47 35 09 14 22 Email:

Brattrein Hotell

Rjukan Admini Hotel

Lunde Vandrerhjem

Brattrein Hotel was Norsk Hydro’s training and conference centre from 1957 until quite recently. The hotel, which has 25 double and single rooms, boasts a beautiful setting just outside Notodden. Just 5 minutes from Telemarksgalleriet and 10 minutes from Heddal stave church.

Rjukan Admini was built in 1908 by Sam Eyde, the founder of Norsk Hydro. Rjukan Admini Hotel is centrally located in Rjukan and has a total of 15 guest rooms, both double and single. In the past, only specially selected people were allowed to enter the Admini building in Rjukan, but now you too can live like royalty while experiencing the Rjukan UNESCO World Heritage site.

Familyrooms with private bathroom at reasonable prices. Perfect starting-point for experiencing the Telemark Canal. 600 mtrs. to Lunde center and 1500 mtrs. to Lunde lock.

Brattreins gate 9, 3683 Notodden Tel: +47 35 01 23 00 Email:

Sølvvoldveien 3, 3660, Rjukan Tel: +47 908 94 909 Email:

Tyrivegen 51c, 3825 Lunde Tel: +47 35 94 90 68 Email:

Sandviken Camping-glamping Austbygdevegen 111, 3650 Tinn Austbygd Tel: +47 35 09 81 73/ +47 95 23 88 17 Email:

Norsjø Ferieland/ Kabelpark Liagrendvegen 71, 3812 Akkerhaugen Tel: +47 35 95 84 30 Email:

Telemark Kanalcamping Slusevegen 21, 3825 Lunde Tel: +47 91 57 54 21 Email:

Beverøya Hytteutleie og Camping Gvarvvegen 80, 3800 Bø Tel: +47 35 06 18 81 Email:


Lystang Camping Sauheradvegen 1344, Holtsås, 3683 Notodden Tel: +47 90 56 32 61 Email:

Bø Camping Lifjellvegen 51, 3804 Bø Tel: +47 35 95 20 12 Email:

Gaustatoppen Booking Utleie av hytter og leiligheter Tel: +47 45 48 51 51 Email:

Sanda Camping og hytteleie Seljordveien 915, 3803 Bø Tel: +47 35 95 47 10 Email:

Å Camp Tessungdalen 169, Tinn Austbygd Tel. 4+47 52 61 757

Featured restaurants / Beliebte Restaurants Årnes Kafeteria Strannavegen 302, 3810 Gvarv Tel: +47 35 95 57 33 Email: Lunde slusekro Slusevegen, 3825 Lunde Tel: +47 476 31 231 Email: Kafe Olea Heddalsvegen 412, 3674 Notodden Tel: +47 922 04 435 Email:


Restaurant Hagestua, Bø Hotell

Bø senteret, 3800 Bø i Telemark Tel: +47 35 95 43 48 Email: Restaurant Norsjø Hotell Nordagutuvegen 81,3812 Akkerhaugen Tel: +47 35 95 50 00 Email: Restaurant, Gaustablikk Høyfjellshotell Kvitåvatnvegen 372 / N-3660 Rjukan Tel: +47 35 09 14 22 Email:

Gullbringvegen 32, 3800, Bø i Telemark Tel: +47 35 06 08 00 Email: Stasjonen Kafe Heddalsvegen 11, bygg 52 Hydroparken 3674 Notodden Tel: +47 48 17 98 05 Email:é Restaurant, Rjukan Admini Sølvvoldveien 3, 3660, Rjukan Tel: +47 908 94 909 Email:

Western Telemark / West Telemark Nissedal, Morgedal, Vrådal, Fyresdal, Tokke, Seljord og Rauland

Accommodation – Übernachtung

Dalen Hotell

Straand Hotel

Rauland Feriesenter

Built in1894 as a luxury hotel for the rich and famous, and is today maybe the best preserved of the old dragon style hotels. Here reins a luxurious atmosphere to enhance the enjoyment of good food and drink. 42 rooms/ 90 beds. 400 m from the Telemark Canal.

Hotel with 125 rooms and chalets (4-12 pax) close to the Nisser lake with veteran boat M/S Fram. Beach with summer cafe. Playroom, and rental of rowing boats / canoes. The hotel offers restaurant, bar and swimming pool. Excursion program.

Cabins and apartments for hire in 5 areas: Panorama, Tiurtunet, Holtardalen, Rugdetunet and Vierli Hyttegrend. All the cabins are very well equipped for self-catering, and all have a lounge with TV and open fire or wood burner. Many of our accommodation units offer ski-in/ski-out, Wi-Fi, sauna and washing machine. Rauland is a year-round destination.

3880 Dalen Tel: +47 35 07 90 00 Email:

Kviteseidvegen 1698, 3853 Vrådal Tel: +47 35 06 90 00 Email:

3864 Rauland Tel: +47 35 07 23 00 Email:

Telnessanden Camping og Friluftsenter Garvikvegen 920, 3840 Seljord Tel: +47 35 05 29 90 Email:

Haukelifjell Booking

Camp Vierli Hotell

Utleie av leiligheter Tel: +47 35 07 05 55 Email:


Rjukanvegen 195, 3864 Rauland Tel: +47 35 07 23 00 Email:

Vatnelian Vatnelianvegen 201, 3850 Kviteseid Tel: +47 91 59 11 63 Email:

Raulandsakademiet og vandrerhjem Akademiet 2, 3864 Rauland Tel. +47 35 07 32 92

Groven Camping og Hyttegrend Raulandsvegen 41,N-3890 Vinje Tel. +47 909 56 484 Email:

Featured restaurants / Beliebte Restaurants Sjøormen Kro Ingrid Slettens veg 20, 3840 Seljord Tel: +47 35 05 05 02 Email: Heimat Vinje Vinjevegen 159, 3890 Vinje Tel: +47 35 06 21 00 Email: Kafe Panorama Skinnarbu Tel: +47 97 07 43 00 Email:

Lastein Bryggjekafe

Restaurant Bandak Hotellvegen 33, 3880 Dalen Tel: +47 35 07 90 00

Rauland Feriesenter

Storvegen 42 3880 Dalen Tel: +47 35 07 90 00

Raulandsakademiet og vandrerhjem

Vierli Kafeteria, 3864 Rauland Tel: +47 35 07 23 00 Email:

Akademiet 2, 3864 Rauland Tel. +47 35 07 32 92

Café Eidsborg

Café Norsk Skieventyr Vårstaulvegen 2, Morgedal Tel: +47 35 06 90 80 Email

Museumsvegen 9, 3891 Høydalsmo Tel: +47 35 06 90 90

Attractions and Activities

– see/siehe for more attractions/Attraktionen

Bø Sommarland

Vest Telemark Museum

Telemark Museum

Enjoy one of Scandinavias biggest water theme park with some of Europe’s most spectacular water activities. In Bø Sommarland the whole family can enjoy more than 30 different attractions. Book online tickets from 249,-. Open 3.6-13.8.

A treasure trove of history, art and heritage conveyed by 12 museum. The Norwegian Ski Museum in Morgedal and West Telemark Museum in Eidsborg serves good home-made food. Lett the children play in the outdoors activitypark where we have a miniature of Telemarkskanalen , experience the history of skiing or go on an exciting outdoor mining hiking. Follow us on facebook.

Steintjønnvegen 2, 3804 Bø Tel: +47 35 06 16 00

Tel: +47 35 06 90 90 Email:

Norsk Bergverksmuseum – Sølvgruvene på Kngsberg Hyttegate 3, 3616 Kongsberg Tel: +47 91 91 32 00 Email:

DuVerden Sjøfartsmuseum + vitensenter Tollbugata 23, 3933 Porsgrunn Tel: +47 954 28 959 Email:


Welcome to the Porselains Museum, Henrik Ibsen Museum, Kittelsenshuset, Brekkeparken and Ulefoss Hovedgaard!

Tel: +47 35 54 45 00 Email:

Hardangervidda nasjonalparksenter Skinnarbu, 3660 Rjukan Tel: +47 970 74 300 Email:

The Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum Vemork, 3660 Rjukan Tel: +47 35 09 90 00 Email: Gaustabanen Langefonn, 3660 Rjukan Tel: +47 45 50 22 22

M/S Telemarken Tel: +47 35 95 50 00 Email:

Skien fritidspark Aktiviteter: badeland, klatring,curlig mm Moflatveien 38, 3733 Skien Tel: +47 35 54 10 00 Email: Vrådal Panorama Skisenter 3853 Vrådal Tel: +47 35 06 83 50 Email: Ælvespeilet Storgata 164 3915 Porsgrunn

Rjukan Railway

Tinn Museum, Rjukan Sam Eydes gate 299, 3660 Rjukan Tel: +47 35 09 90 00 Email:

Såheimsvegen 30, 3660 Rjukan Tel: +47 35 09 90 00 Email: Telemarkskanalen Skipselskap

Skien Dalen Skipselskap M/S Victoria email: Tel: +47 99 74 31 81

M/S Henrik Ibsen Tel: +47 35 07 90 00 Email: post@dalen

M/S Fram

Høyt & Lavt Climbing park Lifjellvegen 51, 3804 Bø i Telemark Tel: +47 918 24 170 Email:

Kviteseidvegen 1698, Vrådal Tel: +47 35 06 90 00 Epost:

Telemark Kanalcamping

Foldvik Familiepark Foldvikveien 53, 3294 Stavern Tel: +47 413 84 000 Email:

Canoe, kayak and bike rentals Slusevegen 21, 3825 Lunde Tel: +47 915 75 421

Heddal Stave Church

Telemarksgalleriet og Lysbuen

Heddalsveien 412, 3678 Notodden Tel: +47 92 20 44 35 Email:

O. H. Holtasgate 27, 3678 Notodden Tel: +47 35 01 00 80 Email:



Tordenskjoldsgate 2, 3970 Langesund Email:

Lundegate 6 3724 Skien

Lifjell Skisenter 3883 Bø i Telemark Tel: +47 35 95 34 50 Email: Gausta Skisenter Tel: +47 35 09 14 22/ +47 45 48 51 51

Rauland Skisenter Tel: +47 35 07 23 00 Email:

Haukelifjell skisenter Vågslid, 3895 Edland, Norway Tel: +47 350 70 555 Email:

Heddal Bygdetun Notodden Heddalsveien, 3678 Notodden Tel: +47 90 96 46 01

Wakeboard Arena at Norsjø Liagrendvegen 71, 3812 Akkerhaugen Tel: +47 35 95 84 30 Email:

Gea Norvegica Global UNESCO Geopark Porselensveien 6A ,3920 Porsgrunn Email:

Tour operators and guiding services Telemark Travel AS

Tele-Tur AS Tour operator - tailor-made offers for groups Kåsmyra, Drangedal Tel: +47 35 99 81 25 Email:

TelemarksGuide Guiding services in Telemark by foot, in bus or at canal boat. Norwegian, english, german and dutch. Tel: +47 404 81 434 Email:

Bus trips to Rjukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site (Unesco) Heddalsveien 11, 3674 Notodden Tel: +47 920 35 163 Email:

Lerkefugl Produksjoner

Til Telemark Rjukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site with guide Tel: +47 97 02 02 54 Email:

Tailor-made Ibsen-performances for groups Tel: +47 922 91 478 Email:


Turpadlerne Paddling courses and guiding Tel: +47 975 32 715 Email:

KRAGERØ! We give you 5 reasons to visit us: 1. A historic city center with unique shopping opportunities 2. Our beautiful archipelago- enjoy it by foot or bike 3. The islands – the ferry will bring you to new adventures on every island 4. Jomfruland National park – explore unique marine nature 5. Edvard Munch – One of Norway’s most famous artists lived here and painted our beautiful city.

Welcome to our idyllic coastal town. Every season has its charm, experience them all!


Foto: Haakon Sundbø O










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