Violet Summer Zine Issue 5

Page 12

Pool or at a bar. According to the people in LA I may have some Gemini tendencies? While this obviously sounds like a hilarious cliche come to fruition, I honestly prefer it to east coast guys’ refusal to even entertain the idea of the zodiac because it “can’t be real” (or more realistically, because it’s perceived as a “girl thing”). Even if you don’t believe in it, you can discover a lot about a person by discussing their sign. When a guy asks for my sign, I usually describe that, true to my sign, I’m very sexual, a total control freak in most aspects of my life, and emotional deep down but behind a hardened facade. I mean, I think those are good things to know about someone before you continue going out with them, don’t you? Of course, there are places where these cliches err on the bad side (or hilarious side, depending how you look at it). My favorite anecdote thus far is when an actor who legit played an ape in Planet of The Apes told me we should cancel our date because the energy was off. We had been messaging on Raya — an invite-only dating app known for its celeb members — for a few days. When he admitted he was an actor, I made a sassy comment about feeling I had been “bait and switched” because he didn’t disclose list it on his profile. He was not happy about this comment. After his defensive statements, he sent me a YouTube link to some of his acting. I initially thought he sent it as a joke, because it was a clip of a bunch of monkeys. Had I not watched it for one more second, I would have messaged him saying, “good thing I love hairy guys.” But, I eventually saw him


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