Palmdale energy action plan 08 03 11

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development of the Transit Village will inform and guide subsequent highdensity strategies throughout the city. The implementation of this measure will position the City for

City of Palmdale

implementation of SB 375 through the alignment of housing and transportation options that reduce the need to drive, and in turn, reduce emissions from the transportation sector. The City will be acting as an early leader and position itself to serve as a regional example of the types of strategies that will be feasible and effective to implement through SB 375. Full implementation of this measure is dependent upon implementation of the General Plan with the full range of high-density housing options. The City will also undertake a review of existing development standards to allow for mixed uses by right. Currently, mixed uses are only available through application for an overlay zone. The City will identify appropriate strategies to address concerns with mixed use while also removing obstacles to achieving the mixed uses that are envisioned by this measure.

The City adopted the Transit Village Specific Plan to create a mixed-use, transitoriented community around the Transit Center.



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