Digital Pathway Initiative

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• • • • 1. Harkinson, Josh, The Combined Black Workforces of Google, Facebook, and Twitter Could Fit on a Single Jumbo Jet, Mother Jones (online) July 2, 2015 2. Diallo, Amadou, Silicon Valley’s diversity problem goes beyond hiring practices, Al Jazeera (online) - March 16, 2015 3. Kokalitcheva, Kia, Google's workplace diversity still has a long way to go, Fortune (online) - June 1, 2015

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Source: “How Facebook Is Trying To Fix Its Diversity Problem (And The Whole Tech Industry's)”, Forbes (online):, July, 2014 Lev-Ram, Michal, “Apple commits more than $50 million to diversity efforts”, Fortune (online):, March 10, 2015

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