1979 Feb - The Magnifier

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ptenty of action 81 AVON PARK ESTATES Two model homes will be under construction in the Estates shortly New permanent sign now marks the entrance to Avon Park Estates Look lor it at 51 Road 64 and Avon Park Blvd

CFA appointed to direct sales and marketing at ROLLING HILLS路ROLLING RANCH ESTATES The Ilrm (CFA) which handled the Economic Study and Business Plan tor re-actlvaling RoUm9 Hills and Rollmg Ranches has been selected to implement the recommendations therein. Callahan. Fischer and Associates. a Palm Beach Real Estate ECOllOmlC ConsuUant firm. will direct Sales and Marketing the properties west of Ocala, Dick Callahan and Hank Fischer. pnnclpllls in CFA- together have over28 years in real estate land acqulSihon and marketing strategies lor such companies as Levitt & Sons. Ruttenberg Homes, InY'llStment Corp of Fla IAlcoa (Wellmgton). F,rst Naho~l Bank 01 ChICagO, Yusem PropertJ8$and Gu+! & Weslern Property owners in 1I'01ling Hills and Roiling Ranch Estates Will be adVIsed 01 excltmg plans shortly.


Paving 01 Avon Blvd under _y and gomg strong

Also. new Model HomeiCustomer Service Center currently under construclJon new Customer SeMCe Representatiwe Mrs JoAnne Elliott IIOW on Site maintenance personnel and eqUipment on prermses and busy

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Happy ~7;;9""-' We are pleased to MII8 th' oppor~ tunlty. In the "rst publicatIon of the new year. to Wish you an Health, Happiness and Prospefl\y In '79 We hope you enjoy our new fomt of communication, and Will partiCIpate by pllsslng on news Items to your Customer ServICe Representative. The purpose 0' uTt18 Magnafier"" Is to bring mto locus and Clearly state the future OOteetlY'llS progress. and news of Increasmg actlv,tles In properties managed by the Mag~ team.

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Cyr::=Z:th Vice president & Treasurer ... PWllC:lltl. . 01 M_Q,N""


DOUGLAS MACARTHUR returns to Cape Orlando

Members 01 the Cape Orlando Country Club and Gol! COurse welcome Dou!iI's relum as Gol! Pro, and he's wasting no limB getting baCk Into the

"SWing" As chairman ofthe PGA Junior Gall Academy 01 Florida and Instructor for the NatiOnal PGA Junior Golf Academy. Ooog slililinds time to promote business tournaments and the East Central Chapter Juniors Championship to be held at cape Orlando in July Doug i l pleased With the Improvements on the CO~Jrse_ There lUI now 1 \'> miles 01 can PlI1hs. and a reV'Ston 01 the drainage system IS

CAPE ORLANDO Clubhouse takes on new look Remodeling and rede<:orating of the clUbhouse, restaurant and lounge, including beautiful new fumishll"lgs, carpet and addilonal lighting, is now complele, Tile club isopen forbreaklasl and lunch. and for dll"lner on Fnday mghts and special occaSIons

homes have been completed and five customer homes are scheduled to be started in the near future,

new year¡ new residents a/ COMPASS LAKE HILLS We have new residents lrom the land of Lincon (illinois) We welcome these mid-westerners 'rom the frozen North 10 our beautiful. recreation-oriented. Florida panhandte development at Compass Lake Hills GOOD NEWS' Contracts are being negotiated for the long-awaited Model Homes 10 be bUIlt by tile Company

complete New bndges have been constructed. sancttraps rehabilitated. and rain shelters and samtary facilities

proVIded throughout the course Doug e)[tends • personalll"lVllat,on to everyone 10 come on out t

The parking lot around the clubhouse has been doubled II"lslzeand all roads'n the Estale area are lQO'11i, complete Contracts amounting 10 l8 mIllion dolla"" have been let lor water an<l sewer lines. In the City area, an<l conslructlon IS un<lerway. Eng.neenng IS m progress for the waler and se_r treatment plant. Also. three model

To _


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