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April 5 1978 To all Board Members ~ Cape orlando Communi ty Assoc;atton Attached minutes of the January 27, 1978 meet1ng of the Board, which are self ex~atory. 4

On March 29 1978 Ray Rivera, Bud Campbell, Bill Edwards and myself met with J. Charles GraY, Orange County Attorney, as a result of this eeting please find attached Mr. Gray's etter of Apri14 1978, in answer to questions that were rat sed at this meeting. Also attached letter dated March 2 1978 fysm T.D.Williamson, Vice President of Magna PrPert1es, Inc. regarding a future meeting with Cape Orlando Community Association. Also attached a COpy of my letter of res1gnation as Pres1dent of the Cape orlando Community Assocatlon.

T. W. 0' elll

PROPERTIES, INC. A Bankers Life & Casualty Company

June 26, 1978


Mr. Thomas N. Barger Box 259 Route 4 Orlando, Florida 32807 Dear Mr. Barger:

A subject of interest to both of us is the enhancement and future of Cape Orlando ..... Magna Properties, within the last few days, has assumed the active management and operation of Cape Orlando. Our parent is Bankers Life and Casualty Company. Undoubtedly, as residents, officials, and other interested parties, you would have an interest in meeting with us to present your thoughts. I would like to extend to you, a cordial invitation to join us in the country club at Cape Orlando at 7:00 p.m., on Friday evening, July 7, 1978. 1agna's participation at this time will be limited mainly to listening. From this will come a better understanding of the needs of the community. The meeting will be adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served between 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Mr. Carl Bertoch. our counsel, Mr. Thomas D. Williamson, our Vice President of Operations, Mr. Donald W. McIntosh, Sr .. our consulting engineer, Mr. C. N. Smith, our Vice President of Finance, and myself look forward to the pleasure of being with you.

cZL Boyd T. Prior President BTP:ba

P.O. Box 2449¡ l301 West Copan Road. Pompano Buach. FL 33061 • 'D I phone (305) 971.9100



Dent" Property Owne I <liB ·pJ..e-a.se.d- 0 announce-tha. el.cada-Corp. , ompanD Be.acn, Florida. has purchased Magna Properties. Inc •• from Bankers Life and Cas~~lty Company. The pur~hase eluded the sub8ivlsIons known as-Avon- ParR Estates. Cape rlan"do E-stat-e-s. Compass Lake In The Hills. Holley By The Sea, Rolling .Hills and Rolling Ranch E~tates, ·all In Fl~~~dat and Ch~Tokee Hills in North Carolina. A~

you may knCN. the Juhn O. nnd C.1tllcrinc T. M.:JcArl:huf FOllndntion hAS owned R.1nk('rF: ti :tnd C., SlI:l 1 ty sincr' Mr. ~~cArthur's death in [978. Federal laws. uo not rili t active trades :lOd

fC'. tax exempt foundati,('lns to own


f-at' -nlorc than five y~:lT~.~htH>=neeess:H:lting

compnnics. Th~_new_~eL ~~~&n~_r~o~~~ties have

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asked me to assure



way. The experienced Magnn employees, all of whom remain wit.h the company; w I'-c(jflt-in~Qe=- tean-Ci -~-t=-- op.e:r: ~-.- -yc)\lr-r'ights as a purchaser are -fully p'rofected uncrer the terms of the sale. -:~y

Very truly


~~'---..-.. . . nes ~=.:::---Director


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P.O. Bolt 2449 • \301 WlIst CoPAn. Ro.d. PflUlp&DO Dell.Ch. P'L 3308\ • Tellllpbonlll (30$) ln1·SIOO Toll P'ree: In fl'lortda '-aofJ---432· 04R91 • Oul or P10rida 1 ~OO~'2'7·9100 •






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Subject: UNITED C.O. LAND OWNERS ORGANIZATION LETTER OF Nov 18 1977 to Land Owners in Cape orlando, SIGNED BY RHONDA JACZKO SECY*TREAS. Attached you will ftnd 1 etter whl ch I recet ved thl s morning from Fern Duquette, the letter is self explanatory. Fern asked me if we had author1zed such a letter, .1 advised him that our association had nothing

to do with this letter, I personally did not know anything abo~t the letter nor was it ever brought up at any of our meetings. The purpose of giving each of you a copy is to keep you informed and secondl,y to ask adv16e of -the ooard as to what actl.on, if any, should be taken. In my memo of Dec2 1977 to Boa.rd Members, I mentioned that we would not have Board meeting until the end of-Jan 1978, I st1l1 feel that way unless I hear to the contrary from the members of our board.

T. \11.0 'NEILL



- -



November 18, 1977

Dear L2.:ld Owner in Cape Orlando:


Please =ead the enclosed artical from the Orlando Sentinal. The narees unC2rl~ed are also the owners and operators ·of Cape Orlando Develop~ent Corp~=~~on. In fact the records of Cape Orlando have been subpoena by tb2 ~~ited States govcrment. 10 o~~;- to protect your and our interest in ~he property in which we all ~,~sted, we are forming this organization. The purpose is to k=c; a12 of the property ovners info~d and by having a block of strength ~e ~ ~~~e sure by legal methods that the' convenents as set forth in the pl2:= viII be fC?llowed. .


Tp-,: :'~c...."'-2r

of Cc:le Orlando is John D. HcArt"nur \olho is ,one of .the richest the ~crld. If ",'e do not 5 tick together his organization will ave::d meeting their obligations. We also need to have a block of lando~~ers votes to protect the zoning and keep them from reducjng the value 'of your property by building undesirab Ie buildin gs • lLP-o:. b.

. In order to do this we need your help. We need two things from you. One is your authority to represent you as a 1a."'1dOlmer in any activities intended to change the overall nature of the area unless it is for the better. We will use,-the --services -of - an-At.tomey "When reG,uircd. You are lw--elcome to take this to an Attorney.and find that this is no more than a proxy.

The other is ttolenty five dollars annually to help 'defray the cos t of the services we "lill be performing._ We will not: only' represent you. we will . keep you- completely informed as to \o;hat is happening---i..n. the arca that 1n3).... affect -the value of your ·nvest03nt. There will be 'a mailing to y~u at least every three t:lonths. If you have any ques tions ple2.Se de not hesitate to can tact me .at the following address: Nrs. Rhonda Jaczko. 'Rt., 4 Boy. 207. Orlando. Fla. 32807 or telephone numbe~ area code 305-568-5851. Yours Truly. UNITED C.O. LAND Ot-.TNERS

- Rhonda Jaczko, . Secretary - Treasurer



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AMONG THOSE ,? . ~ LQt prices ,wol!ld soon rise above $5.9aO each.. e A guaranteed repurchase plafl'-odt a profit was available. to all. buyers·,.· -:.,. .., .

president 'of\he two tlrms; Nadrial" FlOrida Land Investmenl Company and Santa Rc County Estates. Inc., MacArlhur !>ubsldlarles•.. D Ted H. Climer, ,MacA~thur spokesman and preside b : : ,.'.. " ... of the three firms; . . . ' '. , brought b~ the federal governme~~.. ~~ an.~l1eged .. L~RGE COMPANIES, ,5uc.h as ~onsl\nto"Rnd And Collier Land Corp: imd Edward J. Skelly ~ fraudulent land deal.. St. RegIS Paper Co., were: bUying adjacent lands.. Miami; Holsea ANoclates. Inc,; Terra lnves(mer '. Patricia Harris. U.S. sec:e ary of HOUSIng and . th~s making the pr~e~t more.. valu,ahle{··.·.; ~':".' .~: Corporation' ~nd\ Irvin!! E. MiIlCe.- Millon pe;lp '. Urban Development. <J:!UD). Fought the suit, Wed • Army engineers would soon dr.edge a channel and Wlnard ,NaitovE'.. 8S officers or Terra: Stc he.re Thursday. claiming tha~ the defendants had from the Gulf or M.exico to ,the project. _ " .'. 'Realty Curp.) al\d fiohert PenQ!'t. D.Qnnlc1 Mor misrepresented ~ p~nsa~oJ,a, fin., development to: . ~ CI The' property" had been rezoned, to allow and Robert S';1~cl, as olliciuls 01 Store, Arthur Le land buyers. :., ." ..... ulti.family dwellings. " ' . ' . : i' ...... ' and I~ocnhla$ Camp~clJ as Store salesmen; DK HARRIS ASKED U.S. Dlstrict'Judge William M..: I" . . '" :;~ I 'J' r.. .,' Inc .. and No~an WeIssman and Rohert J. L~ugh .' lo," HARJUS HAS also asked the courts to prevent the • as DKW offlclals or representatives' .. : ,.. . .. " Also, Urban Development and S~les, Inc:•• Hoeveler to order MaCArthuf•.. and ·the others to developers from disposing ot any assets or property place .all monle.s gained !ro~ the project since cO,nnected with the .~rojec~ until a }rl~1 fe~olves t~~ Melvin Si,lvers and Frederlck J. Glnsler as otrlci December. 1975. In a trust Jund~whIch she estimated . matter. . "."l.1 . ~, '.' . . .,'.... . or sales persons of Urban: Landmastcrs Corp. 8' would 'txceed $13 million. y,:':'.. . . . ._ . ,,::, ~acArthur was upavallabl.e to comment on the Irwin. ~ane and Harry Reynolds as repr~sen~at~ And HUD asked the cpurt to stop the continued use SUIt and efforts to r~ach ~n aide and codefendant o.r.~ffl~lals, of Landma~ters.\·: .. , .:~ . ~ : , . of the malls in making ~and sales In the" the suit, .Ted.: ~'I CIIJ~e~, ~elre uns~ccess ul ;. EACH. O. F THE .IS officials. including MacArth Holle ·b -the-Sea development ..,. Thursday night, ' t . : . ,', '. ,.' d . d I' " , y y .. ;.'" . . - . ' -. Named as defendants In the Civil suit wer~:· '" was also sue, as an Indlvl ua . l"he SUit n.oles t ,,.: The suit claims the defenda s failed to show the" " .' '.: • " . _ Holsea ~ssoclates Is I'!0w known as Collier L :. Interest of MacArthur's B~nkers Life and Casualty' . JOHN D. MacARTHJl.R· and hjsBanlsep: pr~ ~nd _ Corp.·~ ",;\",~ ' . ' . .,'.. " ,; Company In the profect and mnde raIse statements Ca!;IIClllv W2... and a wholly-owned Subsidiary, Most sales, the suit contends, were han ~ .' \ ~s A~ induce.ment for p.urchas1~.;t.o.... buy. ..' '.: •. Natlonal Drilling,. Co,; ,l,nc., and L~uis ~el!, vice ~~gh the,. mail,s.·,.. '" ~ _ : ' :,.~, ·_t~_ Ul.I';{XI,,.JfJ 11411eJ A ltp Cf4?,,- ."~"',4 t:Jt"/~ 'j:., ~. ,. _k~ _~ • -' , • I P~'1T 1· ...I ~Ji'>I 'I' ~I -~ I . I ' . ,...---:-.r-' • , .•••.,. . • . \. . "~i. .... : ,' •. J I • .... \ . ll; \! , ~j~,. );. :)~ r ;\;.1:" ~ ..• t· t: , ." .; .~ " . ~/;' . :.. ' . .. :\ .. - . i :I~I! "~ ~) ;?{"fl i;' I' ,:. ";" .. :1 I ' .:.J "", '.,'1' " 1 :~ . c '~~.'(Y:' I' ~~., .1,. I".l.. H.'(!; i;.. . ,'.:" , lJ.. .~, "j MIAMI _ Multi-millionaIre b~l.Iiker and, develop'.' 'John D MaCArthur ~nd orncials of '12 ~ ~~rporations 'are' tarr>ets of a $13·mil1·ion lawsuIt'

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owner(s) .

I(we) of lot or parcel numbers


in the Cape Orlando subdivision in Orlando, Florida

authorize the "United C.



to represent me and

Lapd Owners Organization ll my interest in my property.

My seal on this document states that.I want the covenents prom-sed to me when' I bought this property to be upheld • .. ' I



. Signed :







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