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A meet i ng of tl)e Off i cers .& Directors a f Cape Or lando Comrnun i ty Assoc i at ion was held on Friday, ~1dY 6th, 1977 elt 7:30 P.M. at Cape Orlando Estates Golf Course Club House. Those present to wit:

Bob Smith, Tim \'1estennan, Ray Rivera, Tom O'loJei II, Dan ~atson, Mary Rivera, Helen Unrger and Ina Watson representing a quorum of the Officers and Directors of the Association. The meet J r:~: was eel I )ed to order by the Pres i dent, Bob $ru i tl1 and Whereas; In order to expedite the meeting the President stated that since the Secretary had furnished the members with copies of the minutes from the meet i n9 of Ap r i I 29, 1977 and a copy of the f1By Laws ", i·r \~oU Id not be necessa ry to read the mi nlJ1"(,s. Mr. Rivera ask to be recognized and st ted that the meeting had been cal (ed so that the President could review the "By Laws" and ~~inute5 and clarify any questions. Discussions were heard and motion carried that Number I of Article I \ I of the "By Laws" be amended to read as " and/or properry O'.·mers o-t Cape Or lando t1. Art i c I e V I I I sha I I read "There sha I! be no in it i t I on fees or dues as such. Operating expenses of the Association sll I I be financed by special assessmen s levied upon the me bership by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a embership meeting, provided that al I members are notified of such a ",0ssment two weeks prior <1"0 the meeting ll • Mot i on was made and carr ied that the "By Laws" and "Ivl i nutes II of the 1977 meet I ng be adopted.

Apr i I 29,

Next order of business to come before the committee was the SecretaryTreasurer to take possession of al I documents that had been held by the Protem Secretary and also an additional $2.00 that had been collected from Joe & Maria Deveault, and Whereas; The President then stated that the Membership committee had been invited to the Boa rd Heet In9 for the purpose a f a Il ra I Iy" to s i 9[1 new members. Discussions were heard from the floor as to the appl icatlons, etc. After discuss ions, a mot ion V.'as made and ea rr i ed that a copy 0 f the "By Laws" and a copy of the names of the Offlcers, Directors and Committee men and women be attached ~hereto.

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The President 1hen stated that the next order of business to come be10re the Be rd was r"~quest of Mr. Westerman about recreation taci I ities. Mr. Westerman was recognized and discussions were heard. AI I greed that noth i n9 cou I d be reso I ved <)t th is time but the comrl i t tee \'IOU I d look into it and report on he pro ress at other meetin s. The next order of business was the request of Mr. i I I Edwards made at the meeting of Apri I 29, 1977, to have a representative of the Cape Orlando Community Association present a the next meeting of The Ranger Drainage District. DiscussIons were heard and since ~r. Edwards was not present, It was agreed that this matter be taken up at another meeting when Mr. Edwards was present. The President t' en stated if there was no further old business to be discussed, new busine~s ~as now in order. Discussions were heard as to the dues of the Associ tion, when the membership appl ications were presented. It was agreed that there would be no discussion of f eS or dues as stated in Article VI I I ~~ The ByLaws and nothing a1tached. A motion was made by Mr. Rivera that the Secretary-Treasurer have author i ty to purchase sU['lP lies as needed for the Assoc i ton f rom the Petty Cash Fund at her discretion provided the As ociarion is furnished with an accurate accounting of the expenditures at each meeting_ The President stated that he thought Mr. Fern Duquette, a representative of Cape Orlando Est es be invited to oar next meeting and Iso representatives from Bankers life and Casualty and also from the County Commissloners office and various other spee ers at our meetings throughout the year. The motion \'Ias carried. A motion was made from the -floor and carried that the next meeting be held in thirty (30) days. A time and date to be appointed by the President.

There being no further busIneSS to come before the Board, the meeting was then adjourne .



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