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Minutes of the meett~g of the ofn.cers end Directors of Cape Orla.."1do Community Assn. held October 28,1977, at 7:)0 PM at 1804 Archer Blvd., Orlando, Flo rtda A meeting of t~e officers and directors of Cape orlando Co~muntty Assn. was held october 28,1977 at 7:30 PM at 18J4 Archer Blvd., orlando, Fla. Those present, to wt t: representing a ~jortty Community Association.

ToIJ:l. 0 'Neill, Btll Ltpford, Ina watson, Ray Rivera, Joe O'Kelley ~~d Bob Franklin of the officers and directors of Capt orlando

The pres1dent called the meettng to order and stated that Mr. Westerman would be late, and that the members of the Committees would be Joining the meeting later. Since the members had a Copy of the minutes of the September 14 meettng, tt was ~ot necessary for the minutes to be read. A motion was made and carried that the minutes be accepted as written. The president then called for a report from the treasurer, Mrs. watson,

who stated that there had been a donation by Mr. & Mrs. Rouse and Mr. & Mrs. Levitt of $20.00 tn September, and expendttures of $4.71 for copies of minutes, etc., With no transacti~ns in October. Amount in the treasury at present ts $157.80. The next order of business to come before the ~eeting was a discusston of the letter drafted by the membership conmittee to obtain new members. Our present bylaws, Article III Sectton 1, state that home owners and/or property owners are voti~g members. our present byla\-;s provide a method of voting on two items: dues and spectal assessments; and changes in the bylaws. The question was rat sed as to whether non-resident property owners should be allowed to vote by matl, by proxy, or be required to be present at a membership meeting to cast their votes. Question was rat sed concern1ng the number of votes to be allowed to owners of more than one lot, or households wt th =0 re than two adul ts. A matton was made by Bl11 Lipford, seconded and carried, that the letter and me~bershtp applicatton be accepted as presented, and that the matter of the new me~ber3 voting by proxy, or changing the bYlaws, be carrted forward to the next general meeting. A motton was made and carried that the membershlp committee have a budget of $25.00 for the expense of mal1ing 100 letters- and application forms. This amount would be taken from the treasury. The president then reported on the letter to ~r. Irvtng Miller. After several phone calls he finally recetved an answer to the letter, and asked the secretary to read same. Mr. Mtller stated in the letter tllat he would meet with the Assoctatton somettme tn the future to explain the transacttons at Cape orlando and the future plans. Dtscusston was heard from the floor as to the possibility of haVing a committee go to Mtaml to see Mr. Miller. It was agreed that this matter be taken up at another meeting, alloWing Mr. Miller tt~e to meet With the Board.

Page 2 - Minutes of 10/28/77 meeting The next 0rder of business on the agenda was the letter to the orange County Bui ldtng Department. Since there had been no correspondence from the Bu1lding Dept. this matter would also be carrted forward t assumtng that there had been no permits apnlted for. The nrestdent then stated that various contes of Court Orders had been obtained fo r the flles re: (l) 0 rder of Approved Add endum to Compromise which was ftled October 18, 1968; (2) a copy of the Addendum to Stipulate between Trustee and Bankers Life a~d Casualty pursuant to order of Sept. 4, 1968, which was filed october 2, 1969. VarIous paragraphs were read and discussed. It was agreed that these matters be carried forward to other meetings. Next order of bustness on the agenda was the obtaining of t~e Speed Limits Signs for Archer Blvd., obtained by the president. An appreciation was shown by all. Next order of busIness waS a report of Bob Franklin in reference to the Little League. After discussIon it was agreed that this matter be taken up at a general meeting for discussion stnce time was not of the essence. Next order of business was the method of handling member complaints on disagreements between neighbors. It was po1nted out that Cape orlando Corp. in its restrictive covenants has the right to correot any vlolations and therefore these complaints should be handled by them through their represe~tBtlve, Fern Duquette. Further, these covenants are binding on all parties until January 1, 2000, after which time the same shall be extended for successive periods of 10 years each. After Jan. 1, 2000, the declaration may be amended by aff! nn.9 tl ve va te of 2/) of the then owners of lots in the Cape entitled to vote and thereafter by a majority of sald owners. After discusslon a motton was m~de and seconded and carried that the association would not act upon any major co~plalnt of the residents until it was brought before the Board for consideration. Next order of business was the brochure on "Sunshine House" which was vlewed and woUlc be cerrled forward for discussion at another meeting. The preSident then gave a report on various other assoclations and recommended that a conrnittee from our association meet With committees of the other associations to discuss mutual problems, at some future time. Next order of business was a motion from the floor that the Social Committee plan e party to be held on December 17. Details to be worked out by the Committee and presented to the president for assistance and anproval. Next order of business to Come before the Board wac: various co~路:ies of Court orders and Restrictive Covenants 1n reference to All State Develop~ent Corp. and Bankers Life & Casualty COrp. Disoussions were he8rd and since nothtng could be resolved, it was agreed th0t these matters be taken up at other meetings.

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of 10/28/77 meeting.

Next on the agenda was tte status of the letter to Mr. Jack ~artln. ':'r:e nTesident stated that Mr. Martin 1"as out of t~e country, e.nd after ttscDsston, a motion Was ~ade, seconded and ca~rted that a co~mtttee ~eet with Lee Chlra, Orenge County Co~~lsst~ner, and dtscuss some of our concerns about the corr:.mun1 ty to see what co:JJ.d be resolved. Next on the agenda was tr.e discussion of newspaper article in reference to a proposed new airport, Ranger DrainRge District, end Brevard County phone btll arttcle. At this time the Soclal and Membership Committees joined the meeting and the president asked ror a report from Margaret Shaleesh, Chairlady of the Soclal Comml ttee. After her report, a !rotlon was made, seconded ~~d cerrled that the treasurer refund $2.56 to tbe Co~mlttee for thetr expenses 1ncurred fro~ the party for Mr. Norman Bullock. Tnere being no further bus1ness to come before the meet1ng, it was adjourned.

w. O'Nelll, President ~ LLJf1.-f:~


Ina Watson, Secretary

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