LA VOZ editorial book

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la voz


necesitamos ayuda para salir de una situacion que es peor de lo que muestran los medios. somos capacesde mucho. tenemos m u c h s i m o talento aqui no

I hereby acknowledge the following people and organizations for their contributions and support: My professors Andrew Fionda and Mitchell Vassie, my university SCAD, my parents Alirio Galipoli and Daize Gomez, all the people that fought and keep fighting for the future of my country, all the people that spoke up and participated in my questionnaires, and last but not least my country, Venezuela, for always being my inspiration and shaping me to be who I am today.

We were not silent, you couldn’t hear us. We were not still, you couldn’t see us. We are slaves of the fight for our future. I wish for my son to find opportunities of success, I wish I could feed my kids two meals a day, I wish for the protection of the military, not their bullets. Specially not in my kid’s heart. Specially not when he’s protesting for his future, while offering you a flower. Do not gift him a bullet. It is time for you to see, hear, and stand by us. It is time. Time for our silence to break. Time for our future to bloom.

l o s d e r e c h o s humanos detodos los venezolanosestan siendoviolados. necesitamos ayuda internacional. mas alla de expresar es mostrar la calidad de vida que se tiene aca. es mucho peor a lo que se muestra en las redes sociales. es una mierda pero los unicos que podemos “Necesitamos ayuda para salir de una situación que es peor que lo que muestran los medios” “We need help to get out of this situation that is worse than what is shown in the media”

Arianna Arnal

“En esta tierra hay muchas cosas que el mundo no conoce, gente bella y trabajadora, grandes escenarios en mar y tierra perfectos para el turismo, riquezas naturales con gran potencial para el desarrollo del país en los cuatro puntos cardinales y tierras que aseguran la producción agrícola”

“In Venezuela there are many things unknown to the world: beautiful and hard working people, marvelous landscapes of oceans and lands perfect for tourism, natural resources with huge potential for the prosperous development of the country, and territories made up for agricultural production” Alvaro Gómez

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justic ibert cambio

poder caminar en la calle con mis amigos sin sentir miedo “Being able to walk in the streets with my friends without fearing for our lives“ Diego De Gregorio

infraestructu ahi. poder lleva a los enchufad los anos de d el gobierno c logremos mejora en un pais con mi propia marc tener miedo a l

ura. caminar por ar a la justicia dos. a pesar de dano que hizo como sociedad ar. ser abogada n leyes. crear ca. viajar sin la inseguridad. La Voz es tu voz.

La Voz is your voice.

How to help

Alimenta la Solidaridad focuses on hunger issues and violence prevention.

Alimenta la Solidaridad GoFund Me

Cuatro Por Venezuela provides aid to Caracas hospitals.

Fundana focuses on issues related to children.

Hogar Bambi cares for children who have been separated from their families.

Doctors without Borders provides aid to Venezuela’s medical sector to increase care and mental health support.

International Rescue Committee provides protection for Venezuelan women and children, access to health care, cash assistance and other critical aid.

Credits Designer: Valeria Galipoli Director: Valeria Galipoli Art Direction: Valeria Galipoli Photographer: Yaniurka Pedroza & Karan Pimpale Models: Kamila Agramonte, Alessia Giha & Gabrielle Romanach

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