3rd Quarter 2022 VanGuard

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Heavy/highway and bridge construction, drainage and site development throughout the mid-Atlantic states and beyond in the eastern U.S.

Newsmagazine of the

A Top 400 Contractor

Also In This Issue:

With Adversity Comes Progress & Success (A Word From Leo A. Vecellio, Jr.) .... 2

Completing Box Culverts in N.C. 3

There’s Light at the End of the Tunnel for Pedestrian Underpass 3

Good Progress Being Made at Avenir Pump Station 3

“X” Marks One Spot Where Sharpe Bros. Brought Quality Workmanship to Customers in the 3rd Quarter 4

Ranger Pays It Forward to FDOT 5

White Rock Ready for Fourth Qtr. 5

Wetlands Restoration Continues in South Florida 5

Progress Proceeds at Portofino 5

Through The Lens - Ranger . 6-7

2022 Vecellio Family Foundation Scholarships Awarded 8-9

Ranger Construction & Vecellio Mgmt. Services Move to New Office 10

Michael Vecellio Presents Nell Teer Award at ARTBA Conference 10

Retirements, In Memoriam 10

New Employees, Promotions, ENR’s Top 400 and Road Construction Humor 11

Naval Chief Engineer Speaks at 2022 Vecellio Lecture Series 12

Heavy industrial bridge and marine construction services in the southeastern United States. A division of Vecellio & Grogan.

Heavy/highway contracting, site development, and asphalt paving/resurfacing across central and southeastern Florida.

Heavy industrial and marine construction services, based in West Palm Beach, Florida.

DOT-certified limerock aggregates and screenings. Located in Miami, Florida, White Rock is one of the top producers in the U.S.

Petroleum products terminals and related services in multiple U.S. locations. Total capacity exceeds two million barrels.

1532212 3rd Quarter 2022
Grading, utilities and asphalt paving/resurfacing in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina. A division of Vecellio & Grogan. The Vecellio Group “A Tradition Of Excellence Since 1938” VecellioGroup.com
Energy Services & Products
& Materials
Photo by Jeff Romaine
Bridge in Florida’s Panhandle
(Page 2)

Vecellio & Grogan Rebuilding Bridge Over Simpson River in Pensacola, FL

Vecellio & Grogan recently began rebuilding the U.S. 90 bridge over the Simpson River (also known as the Es cambia River) in Pensacola, Florida.

The project includes the complete reconstruction of the eastbound por tion of the bridge as well as widen ing the westbound structure over the Simpson River.

One of the challenges on this project is the maintenance of traf fic (MOT) during construction. East bound traffic was temporarily diverted to one of three lanes on the westbound structure. Two cranes will operate from spud barges to complete the wid ening effort. A temporary fourth lane will then be available on that span, providing two lanes of access for each direction.

Next, crews will use the spud barg es to begin the demolition and rebuild ing of the eastbound bridge.

Upon completion of the $21.8 mil lion project, both the eastbound and westbound structures will consist of

two, 12-foot travel lanes and 10-foot out side shoulders that include bike lanes. Additional improvements will include milling and resurfacing the roadways leading onto the bridge, improving drain age, installing new signage, reconstructing curb and gutter, and installing guardrails.

On the Cover

V&G Crews set concrete girders on a portion of the westbound deck of the U.S. 90 bridge in Pensacola, FL. The widening of the westbound structure is the first phase of the long-term project.

With Adversity Comes Progress & Success

The construction industry has seen many adversities this year, from the lack of new applicants, supply of materials delays, to the trucking shortage. Hopefully, some of these challenges will ease over time. As we have in the past, we will meet each challenge and continue to move ahead. Every business must manage outside influences and factors beyond their control. How we react to those challenges is what will keep us successful. If we stay focused, think outside the box, and do the right thing for our customers and team members, we will overcome these challenges.

A Word From Leo A. Vecellio, Jr. Vecellio Group, Inc. Chairman, CEO

The Vecellio Family Foundation is continuing to help students, including dependents of employees, offset some of the high cost of continuing education. This year we awarded scholarships to a number of high school students in West Virginia, as well as to dependents of company employees. We are proud to be able to continue this program, and this year’s recipients are identified later in the issue.

If you have a dependent who would want to apply for a scholarship in Spring of 2023, please contact your local HR representative to get the necessary paperwork.

VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022 Workerspourconcreteforacapon thewestboundbridgewidening(left), whileapiledrivingcrew(above)rigsa 24-inchconcretepileforlifting. Photos by Bob Gunter

Completing Box Culverts in N.C.

In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, V&G is a sub-contractor on the Forsyth County phase of the future I-74 project where four of their eight concrete box culverts have been completed. Culvert #4, shown below, is over 330 feet long.

There’s Light at the End of the Tunnel for Pedestrian Underpass

V&G is building a prototype, and much needed, pedestrian underpass in Rosemary Beach near Panama City on Florida’s panhandle. The structure will provide a large number of pedestrians quick and safe passage to beaches without having to cross a major four lane highway. Wheelchair accessibility is a key compo nent of the project which is moving forward at a reasonable pace.

Aworkcrewmeasuresbeforeframingout thefinalsectionsoftheaccessibilityramp (below)thatleadsintoonehundredfeet ofcompletedtunnel(left),morethanhalf thedistanceofthetotallength.

Good Progress Being Made at Avenir Pump Station

Murray Logan has made significant progress on the Avenir Pump Station in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida over the past few months. All pump cans have been installed along with the lower trash rack grating. All concrete work is complete and drainage pipes are in place (right).

Final touches are also being made to the electrical building (below) which includes the fuel tank that is already installed.

Photos by Jeff Romaine Photo by Phil Bracewell Photos by Jeff Romaine
3rd Quarter 2022 3
VanGuard •
of the Vecellio Group

“X” Marks One Spot Where Sharpe Bros. Brought Quality Workmanship to Customers in 3rd Quarter

A lighted “X” marked the runway closure (top) at Smith Reynolds Air port in Winston-Salem, NC where Sharpe Bros. made major repairs to the runway. Machines cut horizontal grooves (above) to reduce standing water that can impact aircraft during taking-offs and landings.

One night-crew and two day-crews worked around the clock to complete the main section of the runway over a three-week period. Four inches of asphalt was milled off and replaced with P-401, an FAA-approved asphalt with increased quality and improved tack coat. When finished, nearly twenty nine thousand tons of the unique asphalt was used to repair the runway.

Work also continues at Alamance Church in Winston-Salem, and mul tiple resurfacing projects including US-158 in Guilford, and Randolph County.

4 VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022
Photos by Paul Gilliam Photos by Paul Gilliam

Ranger Pays It Forward To FDOT Broward Operations

Ranger Construction presented the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) with an award Ranger received from the Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida (ACAF). The Award, “Excellence In Pavement,” was part of ACAF’s Urban Road Builder of the Year program.

The project, US-1 (State Road 5), included 3.5 miles of milling and resurfacing, drainage improvements, signalization, signing and lighting. It also consisted of concrete improvements - curb and gutter, bus shelters, driveways, and sidewalks.

Presenting the award to FDOT Broward Operations were Ranger employees (from L to R) Robert Ueltschi, Jamie Timming, Matthew McCallum, and Andrew Maniotis (third from right).

White Rock Ready for Fourth Quarter

Florida consumes more than 150 million tons of commercialgrade aggregate per year. As a high-volume producer of limerock, and one of the major providers of high-quality aggregates throughout Florida, White Rock Quarries is ready to continue delivering for its customers as we move into the end of 2022. Whether shipping by rail, or loading customer vehicles at their processing plant, White Rock is meeting the continually growing demand for their products every day.

Progress Proceeds at Portofino

Vecenergy, Ranger, and the companies’ subcontractors are all working tirelessly toward the completion of the Portofino terminal at Port Everglades near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Recently painted pipes lead to the terminals (above) and the rear ramp entrance(right)getsready for traffic.

Wetlands Restoration Continues in South Florida

In Hendry County, Florida, Ranger continues work for the South Florida Water Management District where they are restor ing over five thousand acres of wetlands.

One of the largest and most involved structures on the project is a new pump station (right). Vecellio and Grogan, a subcontrac tor on the project, will be pouring the bottom slab of the structure and then begin to tie rebar for the pump bay walls.

Once that is complete, permanent sheet pile will be added, a control building will be constructed, and the new pumps will be installed by Ranger Mechanical Services.

5 VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022
Photo by Jeff Romaine Photo taken by FDOT staff Drone Photo by Terrence Faulkner Photos by Luis Bomback

Through The Lens

Milling and paving continues on approximately four miles of Ellison Wilson Road in Florida’s Palm Beach Gardens. Challenged by required school access and the needs of local businesses, teams must ensure worker safety while managing traffic throughout the work area.

• Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022
In Palm Bay, Florida, crews worked through the night to repave nearly 23 miles of multiple downtown roadways (above and right). This was done to minimize the impact to local residents, as well as the many private and municipal businesses in the immediate area. Photos by Jeff Romaine Photos by Jeff Romaine

In Port St. Lucie, Florida, a new eastbound roadway and bridge will be constructed on St. Lucie West Blvd. and the I-95 interchange. On and off-ramps are being reconstructed (above) and paved (right) to increase capacity and reduce traffic congestion.

Ranger Construction

On Polk Parkway near Lakeland, Florida, work continues with milling and paving, drainage, bridge construction, and toll plaza demolition/relocation. Traffic will switch to the new lanes (inset) while on and off-ramps are constructed (below).

• Newsmagazine
• 3rd
of the Vecellio Group
Quarter 2022
Photos by Jeff Romaine Photos by Jeff Romaine

2022 Vecellio Family Foundation Scholarships Awarded

The Vecellio Family Foundation has been providing scholarship aid to select ed graduating high school seniors across multiple schools in West Virginia, as well as eligible dependents of Vecellio Group employees. Since the program began in 1973, and including 2022, more than $3.8 million has been granted to 445 individual students.

This year, nine West Virginia high school students were granted $10,000 each, while another is receiving $4,000 through the generosity of a former schol arship recipient. The funds are disbursed over four years directly to the schools be ing attended.

The scholarships are made available to graduating seniors at specific West Vir ginia high schools. All recipients are se lected by independent review boards - not by the Foundation or the Vecellio Groupand are based on SAT/ACT scores, school transcripts and additional factors that help indicate a likelihood of success.

Selected West Virginia Scholarships

Scholarships awarded through the Foundation’s West Virginia programs were established to give back to the com munities where Vecellio & Grogan began building its business so many decades ago.

Abbie Culicerto, representing Shady Spring High School, received a Leo A. Vecellio, Sr. Memorial Scholarship. She has chosen to attend Marshall University.

Matthew Williams, representing Lib erty High School, also received a Leo A. Vecellio, Sr. Memorial Scholarship and will attend West Virginia University Insti tute of Technology.

Four students were selected from Woodrow Wilson High School to receive scholarship assistance. Baylee Dawn Mann is attending New River Commu nity & Technical College on a scholarship in memory of Rick Vecellio, late brother of Leo Vecellio, Jr.; Ashton Evans is at tending Washington & Lee University on the Leo A. Vecellio, Sr. Memorial Schol arship; Connor Cormack, recipient of a scholarship honoring Al Janutolo, an early and important employee of V&G, is at tending Concord University; and Daegan Miller Frost attends West Virginia Univer

sity Institute of Technology on a Wilburn & Helena Whitten Memorial Scholarship, established by Tim Whitten, recipient of a VFF scholarship in 1975.

Others receiving assistance include Chloe Dudgeon, from McDowell County High School, who is attending Liberty University on the Dr. Dante Castrodale Memorial Scholarship, named in honor of Leo A. Vecellio, Sr.’s brother-in-law, a well-know physician in the area.

Brooke Austin is from Independence High School and will attend Concord Uni versity on a Leo A. Vecellio, Sr. Memorial Scholarship.

And this year’s recipient of the Rick Vecellio Memorial Conservation Schol arship/Youth Conservation Award is An drew Francis from West Virginia Univer sity.

The Vecellio Family Foundation also supports numerous other educational, civic and charitable organizations. At Vir ginia Tech, for example, an endowment supports not only scholarships and fellow ships, but a full professorship.

Employee Dependent Scholarships

Scholarships that are granted to dependents of current employees of Vecellio Group are given in memory of Leo A. Vecellio, Sr., one of the cofounders of Vecellio & Grogan.

Isabella Chma ra, the daughter of Michael Chmara, Marine Operations Manager for Vecellio & Grogan, balanced her high school studies with being a Varsity swimmer, as well as a high level club swimmer.

Isabella has never been afraid of a chal lenge. As someone who is hearing im paired, she is accustomed to defying the odds and overcoming any challenge that is put in front of her.

Isabella is attending St. Petersburg College where her studies focus on Busi ness Administration. Isabella hopes to eventually be president of a company in the future.

Amalia Garcia is a highly creative individual. She won several awards for writing and scholas tic arts throughout high school.

She was ac cepted into nine of the top art schools in the U.S., ultimately selecting to attend Parsons School of Design where she is studying Fine Arts. Her goal is to be successful in a career that allows her to combine creativity and leadership.

Amalia is the daughter of Diosdado Garcia, Assistant Property Manager for Vecellio Management Services.

Abigail Jenkins was part of the dance team in high school, and on the National Honor Society. She is attending West Virginia University studying nursing.

Abigail is the daughter of Arlion (AJ) Jenkins, Director of Operations at Vecel lio & Grogan.

Holden Kapsos is the son of Kurt Kapsos, Sr. Project Manager at Murray Logan Construction.

Coming out of Suncoast Commu nity High School as one of the top 10 wrestlers in Florida’s Division 2A, he de finately has his head in the clouds. But not for that reason. Holden plans to use his scholarship to become an aerospace engineer and work on rockets when he graduates from the University of Florida.

Trevor Ligon is a highly motivated and competitive in dividual. In high school, he was active in multiple sports in cluding soccer, cross country, and football as well as other extracurricular activities.

VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022 8
Photo not available at time of printing

Trevor is attending the University of Central Florida with a goal of earning a degree in Business. With a strong desire to help others, he plans to become a firefight er/paramedic upon completing college.

One day, he plans to follow in his fa ther’s footsteps and start his own safety consulting business.

Trevor is the son of Mark Ligon, Vice President of Safety and Risk Management for Vecellio Management Services.

Justin Payne built his first com puter when he was eleven years old. It is no wonder he is planning a profes sion in Computer Engineering.

With more than 300 volunteer service hours in his com munity, and part of the National Hon ors Society in high school, Justin is no stranger to hard work and plans to make the most of his scholarship.

The son of J.R. Payne, Equipment Manager at White Rock Quarries, Justin is attending the Univ. of Central FL.

Sanjana Ramjattansingh is at tending the Univer sity of Miami and working toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Study PreMed. After earning her Bachelors, she plans to attend medical school to become an OBGYN which has been a goal of hers since she was very young.

Also an animal lover, Sanjana worked as a technician at an animal hospital while in high school where she was able to com bine her passion for medicine and love for animals. She is the daughter of Billy Ram jattansingh, IT Technical Support Manag er at Vecellio Management Services.

Nathaly Taylor is the daughter of Raul Taylor, Dock man Class II at South Florida Petroleum Services. She played

varsity volleyball for four years in high school, and plans to study nursing while attending Morton College.

Michelle Bedolla Villalobos was a community volun teer on many fundraising events sup porting causes like Angel Tree and other programs for needy children and adults.

She was also Student Council Vice President, a member of the Sports Club, and played on the ladies soccer team which won the Indoor Championship.

Michelle is attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she is studying to get her Bachelor’s De gree in Nursing.

She is the daughter of Juan Bedolla, Pipe Lead for Sharpe Bros.

Tyler Watson had many accom plishments in high school, but his ac tivity in Future Farmers of America (FFA) helped make him stand out from his peers.

He was president of the organization during his senior year, supervised many agricultural events, and even exhibited livestock.

The son of Andrew McMurray, Proj ect Manager at Ranger Construction, Tyler plans to be a veterinarian, but for small animals, not the livestock he exhibited. His life goals led him to Daytona State College where he will focus on veterinary medicine.


The Vecellio Family Foundation, at its discretion, funds scholarships each year to dependents of employees of Vecellio Group, Inc., and its subsid iaries and divisions.

To be eligible, a student must be a graduating senior and be a dependent child (natural or adopted) of a Vecel lio Group employee (any company or division) who has at least one year of continuous active employment prior to January 1st of the student’s gradua tion year (scholarship year).

A fully independent scholar ship review and selection committee awards the employee dependent schol arships, choosing from among all eli gible applicants. No one from the Ve cellio Family Foundation, the Vecellio Group or any of its subsidiaries is in volved in the decision.

Employee Dependent Scholarship applications are available to all eli gible employees of all Vecellio Group companies. Contact your local Human Resources department for an applica tion, which must be completed and turned in by March 1, 2023.


In Florida, employee dependents may also be eligible for scholarships from several trade associations, with eligibility requirements listed within their respective websites:

• Florida Transportation Builders Association (www.FTBA.com)

• Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida (www.FloridaRidesOnUs.org)

• Engineering Contractors Association of South Florida (www.ecasf.org)

• National Utility Contractors of South Florida (www.nuca.com)

VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022
Congratulations to all scholarship recipients!
Photo not available at time of printing NT

In September, local West Palm Beach, Florida employees for Ranger Construction and Vecel lio Management Services (VMS) moved from their long-time facility on Sansbury’s Way to a new location a few miles east. The new facility is an open-office, collaborative space with exposed ceil ings, openly visable offices, and very close to Palm Beach International Airport.

All future mail and correspondence to Ranger and VMS employees in West Palm Beach should be sent to 1645 N. Congress Ave., West Palm Beach, Florida 33409.

Mike Clowser, long-time Executive Director of the Contractors Association of West Virginia (right) was recently presented the Nello Teer Award. This is the highest honor given by the Contractors Division of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA). Michael Vecellio, Southern Region Vice Chair, and Vice PresidentVecellio Group Inc., presented the award to Mr. Clowser at ARTBA’s national convention on September 26th.


The Vecellio Group extends best wishes to those who retired in the third quarter of 2022. Their years of valued service are greatly appre ciated by their fellow employees and customers through the years.

Roger S. Bolling

Roger Bolling started with Ranger Con struction in September of 2013. He provided nearly 10 years of quality work as a Dump Truck Driver in Ranger’s South Division. His talents and personality will be missed by all who had the pleasure to work with him.

Jorge L. Delgado

Jorge Delgado retired in July as a Loader Operator at White Rock Quarries in south Florida. His attention to detail and quality workmanship was recognized since arriv ing at WRQ in July of 2015. His skills and dedication to the job will be remembered by coworkers and customers alike.

Jeffery F. Johnson

Jeffery Johnson is retiring after 17 years of valued service, most recently as Plant Foreman with Sharpe Bros. As a leader and friend, he will be missed greatly by all who worked with him.

Rebecca W. Peeples

When you think about people who keep the company running smoothly, and always with a smile, you think about Rebecca Peeples. A Clerk in Administration, she is retiring after more than ten years with Sharpe Bros. and will be missed by everyone.

Larry Verk

Larry Verk, Grade Foreman with Ranger Construction, is retiring after 40 years of ser vice. There is no replacing the expertise that comes with that length of time at one com pany. Larry will be missed by everyone he worked with. His work ethic and skills have left a positive influence on all at Ranger.

Arlindo Vieira

dAfter 13 years with Ranger Construction, Arlindo Vieira, Trucking Lead, is retiring from the business. Safety and quality were what drove his success, and inspired those around him.


The Vecellio Group extends deepest sympathies to the family, friends, and coworkers of those we lost during the third quarter of this year. They will be remembered always.

Ihosvany Cruz, Dump Truck Driver for Ranger Construction, passed away in September.

Gary D. Moorer, Pit Crusher Operator, passed in August after 17 years with White Rock Quarries.

10 VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022
Photo courtesy of ARTBA Photo by Jeff Romaine


Congratulations to those receiving promotions through September 30, 2022!

(management team in italics)

Hal Jones Contractor

Wachter, Gabriel - Project Manager

Carroll, Gabriel S. Hayes Jr., Marvin L. McKinney Jr., Terry L. Watkins, Jacob A.

Murray Logan Construction

Baptiste, Suppler

Grady, Bruce A. Rodriguez, Stanley

Ranger Construction

Bahamondes, Pedro P.Project Manager

Elam, Christopher - Traffic Control Supervisor

Golden, Brandon M.Project Engineer

Martinelli, George M.Quality Control Manager

Stubbs, Ronald V. - Area Manager, Grade Wallace, Chadd M. - Traffic Control Supervisor

Willix, Rodney P. - Area Manager, Grade Woodward, Kevin L.Asphalt Foreman

Bishop, Leslie R. Blair, Joshua K. Bledsoe, Abby R. Butler, Lavoski X. Carboni, Dominick J. Cardenas, Pedro Carlson, Brynn R. Daniels, Jeffery Early, Robert L. Erisca, Jean R. Foxworth, Remington A.

Francis, Kamara G. Gentry, Amanda B. Gordon, Elisha E. Greene, Jermaine A. Harris, Mark D. Hogan Jr., Anthony L. Hylton, Gregory L. Jones, Robert C. Jones, Tiisha S. Jones, Tyrell Q. Liptrot Jr., Calvin V. Litz, Matthew R. Luna, James B. Mora, Santos Patton, Johnathon Ramirez, Bobby Dean Roberts, Tommy R. Rodriguez, Virginia V. Shutt, Brett E. Thicklin, Walter J. Vil, Redgie

Sharpe Bros.

Gerner, Jake A. Harding, David M. Reid, Randi Rodriguez, Abraham V. Shelton, Jonathan B. Wester, Aimee

Vecellio & Grogan

Gomez II, Jose OmarBridge Foreman Rowe, Joseph D.Grade Foreman

Spencer, Micah S.Grade Superintendent Zrioka, Donald P.Bridge Superintendent Adams, James A. Ball II, Ronnie G. Cain, Antowan J. Cisneros, Julio Folgar Corado, Ruben Galvez Bonilla, Francisco

Gomez, Derek Graham, Xzavier D. Green, Eric A. Guerrero Martinez, Emmanuel Hamilton, Terry L. Hemphill, Anthony L. Hough, Robert J. Kent, Louis D. Lunsford, Erin C. Marcum, Laef J. Mullins, Tristan M. Perritt, Matthew R. Perron, Dale A. Schoonover, Jarrod R. Smith, Derek E. Soto Ruiz, Marvin Sprague, Shane Torres Rodriguez, Franciso Torres, Javier Villatoro Reyes, Jose Walden, Joseph A. Zackowski, Anthony S.

Hal Jones Contractor

Wilkerson, Marcus - Bridge Foreman

Williams, Frederick A. - Shop Manager Lee, Melissa D. - HR Generalist

Murray Logan Construction

Dupuy, Brandon - Working Foreman, Pipe

Ranger Construction

Barnes, Kakio K. - Traffic Control Foreman

Chavez, Ofelio - Asphalt Foreman

Diaz, Manuel - Quality Control Manager

Goll, Curtis W. - Grade Foreman

Harrylal, William M. - Field Engineer

Hayman, Rocky R. - Traffic Control Supervisor

Hunter, Terry D. - Grade Superintendent

Mack, Nacarrio M. - Traffic Control Supervisor

Morrison, Megan L. - Mgr., Accounts Payable Porter, Christopher K. - Grade Foreman

Reis, Renato F. - Director, Asphalt Plant Operations

Roe, Nichole S. - Traffic Control Supervisor

Covarrubias Santoyo, RicardoAsphalt Screed Operator

Harris, Lance C. - Pipelayer

LaFortune, Frantz - Plant Loader Operator

Mieras, Ernest G. - Asphalt Service Truck Driver

Myhand, Joseph H. - Quality Control Tech. Rivera Lopez, Edgardo - Pipelayer

Rivera Jr., Antonio - Asphalt Lead Smith, Leonard V. - Asphalt Roller Operator

Sharpe Bros.

Bedolla-Aguilera, Juan L. - Pipe Foreman

Vecellio & Grogan

Romero, Francisco R. - Bridge Foreman

Hodges, Kelly - Excavator Operator

Livesay, Dakota - Off Road Truck Driver

White Rock Quarries

Ayala Vargas, Yosbany - Plant Mechanic


Mgmt. Svcs. Mendoza, Brenda L.


Madsen, Kurt B.Engineering Manager Barnes, Christian P. Benitez, Roman A. Liranza, Luis Murray, Denorris J. Stoakley, Aaron

White Rock Quarries

Baloy, Jose

Dorkins, Damien S. Gutierrez, Francisco J. Marquez Rodriguez, Yosvanki Rubio Morales, Johander Snyder, Augusto R.

Smith, Michael E. - Grade Foreman

Thomas, Aaron J. - Traffic Control Supervisor

Turnbaugh, Adam R. - Grade Foreman

Wilson, Malcolm J. - Traffic Control Foreman

Wilson Jr., Gene F. - Traffic Control Foreman Brown, Robert A. - Asphalt Paver Operator

Carrion, Paladino, Javier R. - Equipment Lubeman

Ramirez Pino, Keilyn A. - Plant Electrician

Franklin, Jeffrey A. - Plant Operator

Wiggins, Shenroy - Off Hwy. Rear Dump Truck Driver

The Vecellio Group ranked 225th in The Top 400 Contractors for 2022 by Engineering News-Record. This ranking is based on 2021 revenue from Vecellio & Grogan, Ranger Construction, Hal Jones Contractor, and Sharpe Bros. that operate exclusively in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States. The Vecellio Group has additional businesses in the mining and energy industries that are not included in this ranking.

The Vecellio Group proudly provides Equal Em ployment Opportunity (EEO) for all persons, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, disability, or status as a qualified Viet nam-era, special-disabled or other protected veteran. We maintain workplaces that are drug-free and do not tolerate discrimination, harassment or racial bias.

11 VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022
The Vecellio Group welcomes new members of the management team (in italics), along with new and returning employees who have completed their introductory periods through September 30, 2022!
Road Construction What do construction workers use to manage traffic at the North Pole? Humor! Snow Cones! d

l Office s Asphalt Plant n Materials

HAL JONES CONTRACTOR www.HalJonesContractor.com

l 720 Talleyrand Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32202

P.O. Box 3257, Jacksonville, FL 32206

Phone: (904) 355-5885 • Fax: (904) 355-7648

MURRAY LOGAN MurrayLogan.com

l 313 65th Trail North, West Palm Beach, FL 33413

Phone: 561-686-3948 • Fax: 561-686-7465

RANGER CONSTRUCTION www.RangerConstruction.com

South Division Office (and Ranger HQ)

l 1645 N. Congress Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33409

P.O. Box 15065, West Palm Beach, FL 33416

Ofc: (561) 793-9400, (800) 969-9402 • Fax: (561) 790-4332

s West Palm Plant: (561) 784-3485 • Fax: (561) 784-4033

Central Division Office

l 1200 Elboc Way, Winter Garden, FL 34787 Office: (407) 656-9255 • Toll-free: (800) 769-8383

s Plant: (407) 749-6262 • Fax: (407) 656-3188

Additional Ranger Locations

s 320 Benson Junction Road, DeBary, FL 32713

Phone: (386) 515-8620 • Fax: (386) 753-1760

s 4510 Glades Cutoff Road, Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Phone: (772) 252-5990 • Fax: (772) 466-9559

s 17800 NW 122nd Ave, Hialeah (Miami), FL 33018 Phone: (305) 828-9464 • Fax: (305) 818-7172

s 9765 SW Highway 200, Ocala, FL 34481 Phone: (321) 395-5256

s 2503 NW 48th St, Pompano, FL 33073 Phone: (954) 428-8712 • Fax: (954) 422-1878

SHARPE BROS. www.SharpeBrosVG.com

l 204 Base Leg Road, Greensboro, NC 27409

P.O. Box 35387, Greensboro, NC 27425

Phone: (336) 235-2756 • Fax: (336) 235-2743

n 6311 Burnt Poplar Rd., Greensboro, NC 27409 (Shingle Recycling Center) Phone: (336) 708-7662

s 7809 Lebanon Rd., Greensboro, NC 27409 Phone: (336) 605-3775 • Fax: (336) 605-7065

s 3970 Liberty Rd., Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone: (336) 674-0138 • Fax: (336) 674-6997

s 4572 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284 Phone: (336) 355-1818 • Fax: (336) 346-8160

VECELLIO & GROGAN www.VecellioGrogan.com

l 2251 Robert C. Byrd Drive, Beckley, WV 25801 P.O. Box 2438, Beckley, WV 25802-2438 Phone: (304) 252-6575 • Fax: (304) 252-4131 l 9250 Bay Plaza Blvd, Suite 315, Tampa FL 33619 Phone: (813) 393-8191 • Fax: (813) 792-6370


ln 18300 NW 122nd Avenue, Hialeah (Miami), FL 33018 P.O. Box 15065, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Phone: (305) 822-5322 • Fax: (305) 824-1433

David Curfman, Naval Facilities En gineering Systems Command’s Chief Engineer and Assis tant Commander for Design and Construc tion will deliver the 2022 Vecellio Dis tinguished Lecture held on October 21. The lecture, titled “Building Your Future, Values-Built Leadership,” draws from the Asst. Commander’s years of Naval experi ence leading more than 4000 engineering professionals and delivering over $7B per year in design and construction services for the Navy, Marine Corps and other Fed eral agencies around the world.

Previously inducted into the National Academy of Construction, Mr. Curfman exemplifies the highest level of industry accomplishment for owners, designers, contractors, academics and consultants. Leo Vecellio, Jr. was inducted in 2017.

The Vecellio Lecture Series is held each fall at Virginia Tech and is sponsored by the Vecellio Family Foundation and individual family members through an endowment to the school’s Vecellio Con struction Engineering and Management Program. The endowment also supports scholarships, fellowships and a full profes sorship at the school.

Virginia Tech alumni include the late Leo Vecellio, Sr. (class of 1938); Leo Vecellio, Jr. (1968); and Michael Vecellio (2001).

Past Presenters

2021 – DJ Gribbin Founder, Madrus

2020 – Lecture Not Held Due To COVID Restrictions

2019 – Ross Myers CEO, Allen Myers, Inc.

2018 – Wayne A. Crew, P.E. General Secretary of the Nat’l Academy of Construction

2017 – Kristina Swallow Incoming 2018 ASCE President

2016 – Honorable Thomas Rust Vice Chairman, Pennoni

2015 – Darrell Waters Project Executive & President, Tappan Zee Constructors

2014 – Hon. Stephen T. Ayers Architect of the Capitol, US Government

2013 – Bob Prieto Senior V.P., Fluor Corporation

2012 – Jan Tuchman Editor-in-Chief, ENR

2011 – John R. Hillman President, HC Bridge Company

2010 – Michael C. Vorster Emeritus Professor, Virginia Tech

2009 – Paul E. Torgersen Professor (Dean, President), Virginia Tech

2008 – Henry Petroski Professor, Duke University

2007 – Linda Figg President/CEO, Figg Engineering

2006 – Maj. Gen. Ronald Johnson Deputy Chief, Army Corps of Engineers

2005 – Hans Van Winkle Director, Construction Industry Institute

2004 – Patricia D. Galloway National President, ASCE

2003 – Philip A. Shucet Commissioner, Virginia DOT

2002 – Ted C. Kennedy Chairman, BE&K, Inc.

2001 – G. Wayne Clough President, Georgia Tech



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AMCP Hermes Awards American Business Awards APEX Awards ARTBA Photo Showcases Communicator Awards CWA Mktg Comms Award LACPAwardsInspire ENR Photo Contest LACPAwardsMagellan MagnumAwardsOpus NAPAAwardsMktg ENR Engineering News-Record Magazine Issue: 3rd Quarter 2022 • Circulation: 4,500 Editor-in-Chief: Leo A. Vecellio, Jr., President, Chairman and CEO Editor: Jeff Romaine, Director, Corporate Communications (Email: Jeff.Romaine@VecellioGroup.com) Copyright © 2022 by Vecellio Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Vecellio Group, Inc., one of the nation’s top 400 contractors. Scan QR code to see www.VecellioGroup.com and our online VanGuard publication. The Vecellio Group’s print and online communications are the recipients of numerous awards and recognitions. High-Quality Construction & Materials Advanced Energy Services & Products 12 VanGuard • Newsmagazine of the Vecellio Group • 3rd Quarter 2022 P.O. Box 15065 West Palm Beach, FL 33416
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SE 17th St., Suite 200-C, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Fax: (954) 463-0546
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