Hiplus BP Van der Ende 15 jaar veilig

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HIPLUS Announcement Inputs Contributing To Specific Positive Outcome BPRR • • • • •

Control & Audit system Rigorous Safety meeting structure; Monthly safety scorecard system; High emphasis on incident investigation follow-up; Safety & Reward system for contractor workforce; Safety Penalty clause for Contractor Company.

Good • • • •

contractor employment practices Setting clear objectives aligned with BPRR policies; Strict acceptance policy; Investing in the quality and competency of contractor resources; Good payment structure including sanctioning. Performance is directly linked to contractor payment structure; Discipline: High discipline enforced by clear defined rewarding & sanction policy Attention to day to day individual weak signals such as personnel turnover or absenteeism; Equal treatment of all employees, in line with BPRR common practice; Giving people proper and safe tools with high emphasis on equipment innovation to improve working conditions, environmental care and increase efficiency.

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Electrical dust free grit blasting of tank bottom

Painters applying the first coat directly after surface Preparation with an electrical dust free blasting machine

Safety management (alignment with BPRR) • Open culture, willing to learn from others and share experiences; • High emphasis on field supervision of own contractor crew; • Continuous focus on safety awareness & behavior. Specific attention for people without or with low site experience (close monitoring during induction period); Front end loading (especially work execution preparation by contractor) • Working systematically; • Aligning and coordinating expectations with other colleague contractor companies and BPRR; • Deploying the correct people and resources; • Being prepared for the unexpected. Key Messages • Strong BP and Contractor leadership in demonstrating HSSE commitment is the foundation to building a strong incident and injury free culture. • BP and Contractors must form a (long-term) partnership at all levels to work together to achieve an incident and injury free workplace. • Recognized the importance by both BPRR and contractor of good employment practices, safety management and front end loading. For additional information please contact: P.A.M. Dijkgraaf per e-mail: Peter.Dijkgraaf@bp.com

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