Physical Culture Crew

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Michelle Yee MS Strategic Design & Management Spring 2015




















How Active is the American Population?


Only 1 in 3 adults participate in the recommended amount of physical activity each week

Adults Meeting the Muscle and Strength PA Guidelines, 2012

80% do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities. The Healthy Places, Healthy People Initiative ’s goal is to reach 20% across demographics by the year 2020.

Source: Healthy Places, Health People 2020, May 2014;, 2015


Rise In Health Concerns Related to Physical Activity



By the year 2030, the percentage of overweight or obese adults is projected to reach 86%, a projected 12% increase over 23 years vs a 13% increase over 32 years from 1962 to 1994. Obesity rates are expected to rise faster than ever over the next decade.

Source: Healthy Places, Health People 2020, May 2014


We see the increasing trend of obesity, here more prominently amongst women than men.

Obese Adults, 2012

WIth females, race, cultures, or community may play a key role in weight management.

Source: Healthy Places, Health People 2020, May 2014



Southern states have a higher rate of adult obesity possibly related to culture and food sources.

Overall, each state has experienced an increase in Adult Obesity rates from 1990 to 2013.

Source: BBC HEALTH - Inactivity 'kills more than obesity’ Jan 2015,, 2015


Health Clubs are amongst the fastest growing industries in the world and exist primarily to facilitate physical activity. But are they really effective if obesity rates continue to increase?



67% of individuals have a health club membership but don’t use it

50% of all new health club members quit within the first 6 months of signing up

Source: Health & Fitness Clubs - Statista Dossier, 2014



Health club memberships have steadily increased over the past decade, however actual attendance has remained the same. Health Clubs may have the appeal to users desires and needs but does not actually fulfill them. Individuals understand the value which health clubs present but the actual experience does not increase their attendance.

Source: Health & Fitness Clubs - Statista Dossier, 2014


HEALTH CLUBS: Attendance



















Out of the individuals who do actually attend over 75% do not frequent the health club to meet the recommended physical activity. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity 5 days a week and muscle strengthening activity at least 2 days per week.

Source: 2013 Participation Topline Report, SFIA








About 75% of the individuals who attend a Health Club believe their health condition is Normal or Healthy.


Quantitative Review: Majority of the American population does not meet the recommended amount of physical activity, possibly leading to a rise in overweight and obese adults, along with a list of other related health issues. Although health clubs are the most prominent of institutions to encourage physical activity, many individuals do not find the experience engaging resulting in low attendance.




These observations were made exploring individual’s personal experiences and motivations with health club environments and fitness.


“I’ve still not yet found a place that’s very peaceful. Gyms have so much going on inside. People are talking a lot, there’s loud music, machines running and running. Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes so many people bother me. When I need peace, I need peace.

“I joined a gym close to my apartment and had to do a fitness evaluation. They had me do a bunch of exercises and at the end I was weighed. I didn’t have any specific weight loss goals, I was just there to workout… Once the trainer saw my weight his attitude became very negative. He wanted me to admit that I was fat and needed to lose weight and deep down that was my only reason for being there. The next day I cancelled my membership.”

The health club environment is not very welcoming in itself. They are often overcrowded with individuals submerged in their own routines, loud from the blasting music and machines runnings, chaotic, and overrun with heavy machines and technology. It is not a space where individuals can feel relaxed, but instead stressed.

Fitness trainers often meet new clients pushing their own goals and expectations on them. They do not always understand the true motivations behind wanting to exercise and make clients feel uncomfortable. This type of environment discourages participants from participating in physical activity in the future.

They are looking for a holistic experience. They want the experience which satisfies physical needs as well as mental needs.


In some fitness communities, all the elements are present to make members feel comfortable in their routine and fulfill their fitness goals.

“What inspired me is my friends and the people I've met along the way. Overall I didn’t feel good about myself. I had a hard time sleeping, felt like shit getting up in the morning. I found out the hard way through many injuries its not all about the aesthetic appeal, but its the healthier lifestyle that you want to bring into your life. To feel good about your life. I started seeing small changes and others told me how I inspired them to make changes in their lives too.”

“Crossfit gave me a sense a belonging. At the heart of it is community. When you have 14 other people who yo do that with 4 times a week, with parties, potlucks, it creates a glue. And suddenly you have a safe container for growth… Its one of the only sports where if you come in last, you're cheered on more. The person who comes in first goes back and supports the people coming in after them. It gives you a cape, and that is very empowering… Before fitness was fitness we were very active with our tribe. When you have social events, community, your tribe all in a safe container, its the perfect recipe to feel human again.”

What keeps you motivated? “One big thing is my family.. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, all that runs in my family and I know I’m prone to that. Making a healthier life choice will at lease increase my chances of living longer more quality life.”


“I decided that I only have one life and one body. The more you take care of your body the more likely you’re going to enjoy your life and that will trickle in every other facet of your life and others around you.“ You should always strive to be better than where you were before. i realized that exercise doesn't just affect your brain chemically, you're also extending your life and your quality of life. Like keeping up with your children, friends in their social activities, and just meshes well with the other activities both physically and mentally. Its going to affect you in a positive way.” After talking with many individuals, a common thread appeared which was that their physical activity routines were not based on a specific goal which could be measured. Many of their goals were just to feel better and perform at their best physically and mentally to enjoy their lives.

“Whatever it is that you do for fitness, if it makes you feel good then do it. Wether its yoga, dancing, kickboxing… It doens’t matter what it is as long as it makes you feel good. Why push yourself in something that you hate doing? Theres so many different activities you can do instead of going to a gym and following a routine someone tells you to do. Everyone has their own reasons to exercise.”


Main Motivation to Exercise

In a poll I conducted, 40% of individuals indicated that their main motivation for exercising was merely to get or stay healthy. It was not a specific goal to lose weight or build muscle mass which is often the main conception when exercising.


Ideal Exercise Experience

31% of individuals also indicated that their exercise experience should be fun more than anything. Convenience and a calm, relaxing environment is necessary as well.











Weight Loss


In a poll I conducted specifically targeted to health club attendees, I asked why they were there. In a health club, the main reason individuals attend is bodybuilding. However, from the live observations individuals indicated that was not the main reason for their fitness routine. The health club model is optimally designed for the bodybuilder, not the average user.


Observation Review: Currently, members are dissatisfied with health clubs and don’t find that it meets their needs beyond the physical. The social aspects of community and identity are left out which ignores a large population. Majority of individual’s goals don’t match with the design of a health club. Individuals want to feel welcomed and not further stressed. Health clubs aren’t accessible for individual’s other needs.




Group Sessions: Two group brainstorming sessions were held to engage experts in the fitness industry as well as potential users.



Topics were discussed primarily focused on what it means to be human. What are the ways to spark a “human� feeling? Interaction with others, understanding of backgrounds and life experiences, calm welcoming environments. What ways can this be done and what ways can this be achieved in a fitness environment. 27

The following business ideas developed around these areas.


MEMBERSHP MODELS Subsidized memberships gym scholarships for individuals who want to increase fitness Cafe located next to the health club - associated with the facility and high discount for members memberships for different times of day: morning/day/evening; peak hrs/off-peak Winter months membership (November-March) Tiered membership package for different services- “personal training package” Nutrition packaage, spa package, mind-body package

EDUCATION learning about physical health and benefits beyond the physical - integrated into a routine prevenative care classes Certificate courses (6 mos) Nutrition Specialization, anatomy, physical therapy 8 week school/class for goals - beginner weight lifting class, weight loss. nutrition Health information library (web or class)

PERSONALIZED SUPPORT pre-evaluation and checkups in requested by the member health consultations to be better overall Staff “cheerleaders” to encourage and motivate without sales pressure Screen on the machines with instructions - personalized digital trainer Health club hyperconnected with personal statistics. Machines greet you by name; each exercise is automatically recorded, makes suggestions for what to do and how to progress Journey maps on the floor to follow for different routines (30 min routine, upper body/lower body routine) Routine suggestions for different moods


COMMUNITY BUILDING Social platform to show who is planning to go on what day and what they will be doing - open forum to ask questions and find other people to go with Join a “team” at the health club and hold challenges between teams - track miles run, weight lifted, Organized trips - camping, hiking

INDVIDUAL SPACE ATMOSPHERE Small scale facilities MachinesNatural can belighting reserved and partitioned off Scents and aromas Quiet exercise areas Colored walls More space; not overcrowdEnforced dress code ed with machines ; “breathing room between you and the next person”

Family workout classes or programs weekly themed nights music and lighting coordinates; encouraged to dress in costumes Groups of machines facing each other in a semi-circle to encourage social interactions Outdoor classes and groups Live music in cardio machine area track activity and raise money for donation Change the layout weekly


“GREEN HEALTH CLUB” Rooftop facility - track and pool plants and some trees covering for winter sense of outdoors and fresh air exercise in evening while feeling safe solar powered machines Machines generate energy to sobsidize your membership costs



Goals are goal is a fe

classes no fitness bu

Pet friend

Wekly puz course

music/so moveme

different moods

track activity and raise money for donation Change the layout weekly



functional sculptures Goals are not numbers. The goal is a feeling

Creative design theme: typograph, interior design, architecture, scupltures

resh air e feeling safe s

classes not focused on fitness but playing

No machines; sculptires with functional design

Pet friendly

ergy ber-

Wekly puzzle/obstacle course

colorful machines with patterns and names

nd pool

music/sounds generated from movement


ATMOSPHERE Natural lighting Scents and aromas Colored walls Enforced dress code


Roofto plants coverin sense exercis solar p

Machi to sob ship c

From these business ideas, emerged four key areas of focus. The most prominent discussions gravitated towards community, identity, and support. It didn’t matter what the exact activity was, but the feeling of having the external motivation of someone who truly understood was integral.



This left us with the question of how to create comfortable and safe environments for fitness where trust existed.





The first prototype developed with the idea of creating small groups with individual having similar interests. These small groups will be assigned to a trainer who developed training event and will tailor movements to specific needs of the individual, hopefully giving the attention and creating a safe environment.

TRAIN WITH A COACH. TRAIN WITH A CREW. You don't need to be an athlete to join the Physical Culture Crew, just be human. Our certified trainers understand each individual's needs and customize each event to help you tackle your everyday tasks, feel physically energized, and mentally psyched. We bring small groups outdoors or anywhere you may be. Join a open crew for a session or bring your own and we'll tailor a private session just for you. Count on having your crew to cheer you on every step of the way.



OUR EVENTS fitness games

Tell us about yourself. Fitness level? Interests? Lifestyle? We’ll match you up with suitable events & crews.

Tell us about your crew. Team retreat? Birthday? Reunion? Our trainers will customize an event for you.

Choose your event.

team building

busy parents

office exercise

pet owners

family fitness

day events

senior fitness

+ much more

OUR TRAINERS Your signed waiver & physical assessment is sent to the trainer so we can tailor each activity to you.

Accredited Certifications Experienced & Knowledgeable CPR Certified

Meet up with your trainer & crew.

Meet up with your trainer. Bring your crew.

Passionate about Fitness & Life


We also wanted the service to cater to groups. Individuals are already part of groups where they are comfortable engaging in other activities, may that be with their co-workers or other social circles. We would be able to leverage these spaces where trust already exists to encourage physical activity.

This first prototype of the service was tested with small companies in New York. The objective was to determine if this service could possibly appeal and be of value to these groups and identify possible strength and weak areas of the service. In the following six correspondence, a person from the Human Resources department was contacted via email. The service was positioned as a possible addition to their corporate wellness program to benefit the employee physically and mentally and result in overall increased productivity. The biggest discovery was that directly contacting via HR may not be the strategy. Individuals expressed they are more likely to use a wellness service if recommended by a friend or coworker instead of the HR Department. They felt participation would be more obligatory rather than fun.



The following prototype experimented with the individual’s response to the service offerings with a website.



Events were designed to be accessible for everyone. Small groups would enable more individual attention and further encouragement, motivation, and support.


A facebook page was developed to test the reception of the service on social networks. The page was liked and shared amongst fitness trainers and others indicating an interest and need for the service.




Further adjustments were made to the service to specifically target users. Scenarios were developed to illustrate how users will be able to connect with trainers, other participants, and build safe containers where all would feel comfortable.


LOOKING FOR A CREW? At John’s most recent annual physical, his test results determined he is pre-diabetic. His physican recommended regular exercise and where he could find support and resources, one being Physical Culture Crew.

He fills out a brief questionaire indicating his fitness goals, lifestyle, and interests

John visits the Physical Culture Crew Website.

Through the online platform, the coach introduces himself to the members attending. He engages by sharing his personal background and motivation for being a coach for these individuals


He signs up for the next event the coach is hosting. Other individuals with the same purpose are attending.

Dreamers // Doers exists as a networking and skill sharing femal-focused incubator, aimed to increase the amount of successful ventures launched by women and to nurture the next generation of female thought leaders. They wish not only to empower one another in business ventures but also through physical activity.

Tell us about yourself. Fitness level? Interests? Lifestyle? We’ll match you up with suitable events & crews.

John is matched to a coach and other individuals in his neighborhood who are also pre-diabetic or diabetic looking to participate in fitness activities. In developing a regular fitness routine, having a comfortable community built upon individuals with relatable backgrounds and goals is key.

The positive support John felt through the event served as a catalyst to continue with a regular fitness routine. He could relate with the group of like minded and like bodied individuals. He continues to talk to them after and they decide to do another fitness activity together. He now has a supportive network of individuals sharing in the same lifestyle.

Tell us about your crew. Team retreat? Birthday? Reunion? Our trainers will customize an event for you.

Gesche Haas is the founder and maintains a very physically active routine. She recognizes that fitness can be beneficial physically, mentally, and socially. She wishes to futher empower her employees in these aspects to develop a stronger community and connection within her company.

The coach and participants meet up on the day of the event. The first 10 minutes are dedicated to meeting and getting to know everyone. Then the coach leads the group in fitness exercises. The coach is aware of everyone’s needs and fitness levels and checks-in regularly. Participants encourage and motivate one another throughout the event.




A checklist of terms and agreements, along with liability waivers are sent and confimed.

Choose your event.

Gesche signs up on the Physical Culture Crew website and fills out a questionaire. She describes the mission and core values, as well as some broad physical capabilities of her employees.

Your signed waiver & physical assessment is sent to the trainer so we can tailor each activity to you.

Meet up with your trainer & crew.

Your Coach

Liz develops a few event ideas and contacts Gesche for further information and build a deeper understanding of the results Gesche desires. They also discuss the dynamic of the group of participants, time, location, and fitness levels. They collaborate and finilaze an event aligned with the goals and purpose of Dreamers // Doers.

Meet up with your trainer. Bring your crew.

Based on the given information, Dreamers // Doers is matched with a coach who truely understands and relates to their mission. Coach Liz Arch uses fitness to explore the body’s full range of motion while cultivating precision, balance, flexibility, and strength. She is a firm believer in the capacity of fitness to heal, transform, and empower on both physical and mental levels of individuals and communities.

Liz delivers a fitness event for Dreamers // Doers leaving the employees physically and mentally energized to continue supporting women in their business ventures.



Your Coach

Goal Heart Disease Groups

Broadway Williams

Manage Diabetes


The Plan

Liz Arch Start-up Business Owner Groups

Domestic Violence Survivor

The Plan




Arthritis Groups

Interval Training

May 22 7:00 PM

Central Park

Lower Glucose Levels

Power Flow Yoga

Build Support Network New Parent Groups


May 27 6:00 PM

Your Office

Increase Mental & Physical Strength

At John’s most recent annual physical, his test results determined he is pre-diabetic. His physican recommended regular exercise and where he could find support and resources, one being Physical Culture Crew.

John visits the Physical Culture Crew Website.

He fills out a brief questionaire indicating his fitness goals, lifestyle, and interests

Through the online platform, the coach introduces himself to the members attending. He engages by sharing his personal background and motivation for being a coach for these individuals


He signs up for the next event the coach is hosting. Other individuals with the same purpose are attending.


John is matched to a coach and other individuals in his neighborhood who are also pre-diabetic or diabetic looking to participate in fitness activities. In developing a regular fitness routine, having a comfortable community built upon individuals with relatable backgrounds and goals is key.

The coach and participants meet up on the day of the event. The first 10 minutes are dedicated to meeting and getting to know everyone. Then the coach leads the group in fitness exercises. The coach is aware of everyone’s needs and fitness levels and checks-in regularly. Participants encourage and motivate one another throughout the event.

The positive support John felt through the event served as a catalyst to continue with a regular fitness routine. He could relate with the group of like minded and like bodied individuals. He continues to talk to them after and they decide to do another fitness activity together. He now has a supportive network of individuals sharing in the same lifestyle.

In this situation the individual learns he has a health condition and needs a physical activity routine to better manage his health. He finds a coach and other individuals in his area who can relate to his same health condition. This newly formed group share the common goal for exercising. The coach is able to enable the community and environment needed for individuals to feel motivated and supported along their fitness journey. 46

About the Coach: The coaches need not only to possess fitness training knowledge, but also relatable life experiences. This is what makes each coach unique. Coaches who are positive, open and willing to share their experiences will make others feel comfortable and safe. The individual will know that the coach understands their reason for a fitness routine.

Atibia "Broadway" Williams

My love for fitness stems from the introduction of playing sports starting at age 6, I played organized soccer, football and basketball through my high school years. The training process to prepare for the season was difficult but something I enjoyed. Those early influences were an essential foundation to my active lifestyle in this present day. I recently found out I was pre-diabetic and in order to prevent developing diabetes an active fitnessand healthy eating lifestyle is vital in order to remain free from diabetes. That's why I joined the team. Combining my passion for fitness with my personal experiences I will enable and motivate individuals to prusue their goals for a healthier lifestyle. THE PLAN: Interval Training (45 min) DATE & TIME: Sunday April 26, 11am LOCATION: Central Park BENEFIT: Any type of aerobic activity helps cells sop up sugar, but intervals (alternating high-intensity bursts with low/moderate-intensity recovery) may net the biggest payoff in the least time. As few as 10 minutes of intense interval training per workout is enough to lower glucose levels by 13% for up to 24 hours in people with type 2 diabetes. You’ll face this challenge with individuals just like you and do not need to worry about physical conditions. Broadway will help ease you into new activities and be there to modify activities based on your blood sugar level or just how you’re feeling that day.


Here’s what you can expect (but activities will always be tailored to your ability): Warm-Up: 10 min INTENSITY: Low Intervals x 5: 10 min INTENSITY: 60 sec High, 60 sec Medium/Low Steady Pace: 10 min INTENSITY: Medium Cool-Down: 10 min INTENSTIY: Low

Dreamers // Doers exists as a networking and skill sharing femal-focused incubator, aimed to increase the amount of successful ventures launched by women and to nurture the next generation of female thought leaders. They wish not only to empower one another in business ventures but also through physical activity.

Gesche Haas is the founder and maintains a very physically active routine. She recognizes that fitness can be beneficial physically, mentally, and socially. She wishes to futher empower her employees in these aspects to develop a stronger community and connection within her company.


Liz develops a few event ideas and contacts Gesche for further information and build a deeper understanding of the results Gesche desires. They also discuss the dynamic of the group of participants, time, location, and fitness levels. They collaborate and finilaze an event aligned with the goals and purpose of Dreamers // Doers.

A checklist of terms and agreements, along with liability waivers are sent and confimed.

Gesche signs up on the Physical Culture Crew website and fills out a questionaire. She describes the mission and core values, as well as some broad physical capabilities of her employees.

Based on the given information, Dreamers // Doers is matched with a coach who truely understands and relates to their mission. Coach Liz Arch uses fitness to explore the body’s full range of motion while cultivating precision, balance, flexibility, and strength. She is a firm believer in the capacity of fitness to heal, transform, and empower on both physical and mental levels of individuals and communities.


Liz delivers a fitness event for Dreamers // Doers leaving the employees physically and mentally energized to continue supporting women in their business ventures.

Group events are highly tailored to the clients needs. An assessment and consulting process will be implemented to ensure their needs are met. The coach is also chosen specifically to design a fitness event that matches the group’s personality as a whole. 48

Liz Arch

My fitness journey began at 5 years old when my parent enrolled me in Akidio which ignited a spark that has since grown into a full blown love affair with martial arts including traditional Kung Fu and Tai-Chi, spanning to many yoga styles, and attaining many certifications to advance my knowledge and passion in these areas. After leaving an abusive relationship, I set out on a path to heal myself from the inside out. I re-connected with my martial arts training, not as a way to prove myself or hurt others, but as a way to create harmony and self-empowerment. Im my classes I combine elements from the various yoga and martial arts styles into one fluid expression of movement that connects body, mind and spirit. I make my sessions creative, athletic and challenging while remaining accessible for individuals of all levels. I am a firm believer in the capacity of physical movment to heal and strengthen on both a physical and emotional level. THE PLAN: Power Yoga Flow (75 min) DATE & TIME: Friday April 24, 7pm LOCATION: Laughing Lotus Studio My session is a harmony of yin and yang energies – it is a graceful dance between strength and suppleness, control and surrender. It challenges people to get out of their comfort zone by being less static with their bodies and more creative, dynamic and fluid with their movement and breath. It not only increases flexibility, balance and strength, it also improves coordination, builds stamina and improves reaction time and reflexes. The vibe is always lighthearted and playful and allows room for people to work at their own level and become masters of their own bodies. BENEFIT: The sessions will physically made your body and mind the strongest it has ever been. I used to put limitations on what I thought I was capable of, but have learned that anything is possible and the only thing truly limiting me is my own thought patterns. I want to help people see and embrace how beautiful and powerful they are and to know that we are all so much stronger and more capable than what we give ourselves credit for.


Mom’s Hula Hoop Fun

Parents & Stoller Fitness Stroller Strides is a total fitness program that parents can do with their babies. It includes power walking and intervals of strength and body toning exercises using the stroller and the environment. Taught by certified and specially trained fitness instructors, it is a great workout for any level of exerciser. Stroller Strides instructors weave songs and activities into the routine designed to entertain and engage baby, while parents are led through a series of exercises specific to the role as a parent. This session is a wonderful orrortunity to connect with other parents in the neighborhood.

This hula hoop session is a total body workout that will keep you smiling while you tone your muscles, strengthen your core, and obtain a fabulous cardio workout. The hour-long class will provide a nice change of pace for those pregnant women who are bored and unmotivated by the typical prenatal workouts. This group is here to provide moms with a support system where they can feel comfortable, make new friends, bond with their baby, and simultaneously have fun getting fit.

Jogging with Small Business Owners


Adult Events

Bring kids (aged 5 to 10) for friendly sports games. Spend time with your child and meet other families in your neighbothood. Parents and kids will play a mixed game, together or against each other, in a short fun games. Athletic skills are not necessary to play but enthusiasm, fun loving attitudes, and sportsmanship are required. We provide the space and any equipment needed as well as coaches leading exercises and drills to sharpen your skills and build strong bonds.


Family & Parents Events


Family Sports Games

Break up the day and take the time to keep your body and mind in-check while running your business. Join other small business owners in your neighborhood for a jog around through the park. Follow your trainer in short exercises to imorove your jogginf technique while clearing your mind. Network with others and get some fresh air and perspectives on your business adventures. Adventure Hikes Meet new friends on the best wilderness adventures hike to the most scenic destinations less than 3 hours from NYC. You'll be lead by enthusiastic guides that share their extensive knowledge of the wilderness and history of our destinations to enrich your experience and help you relocate your place in the natural order of things. Let us handle comfortable transportation, route planning, and gourmet meals included. No need to feel intimidated by the sound of a wilderness hike. You will feel comfortable hiking with other beginners on this trip. Womens Tennis Games Come out and join other women who enjoy tennis or just want to try it out. Make new friends and support one another wether you’re just looking to stay in shape or become a better tennis player. Our trainers will coordinate drills and exercises individually or in pairs or small teams to challenge one another and build closer bonds.

Sitting at a desk all day is unnatural. It’s simply not what we’re designed for, and it gets uncomfortable very quickly. In your office fitness training session, your trainer will work with small groups to help individuals feel physically energized and mentally prepared to tackle their work. Instruction will be provided on the following: • exercises specifically tailored to counteract painful desk work patterns • postural awareness visualizations and activities to improve your body awareness exercises • self myofascial release and other self-massage techniques • strategies to get you moving routinely at work The specifically tailored office fitness exercises routines that you’ll learn can help you keep you comfortable and fit at work. The routines you’ll learn are designed to be done right at your desk or in a break room and shouldn’t keep you from getting right back to work. We’ll provide games and guidelines to continue to challenges one another throughout the week.


Corporate Programs

Team Building Activities: Adventure Course


Corporate Programs


Exercises for Office Workers

The Adventure Course is a challenge featuring low to high activity levels which promote team building and problem–solving skills. The Adventure Course provides challenges and excitement for groups and individuals as they work through physically and intellectually demanding situations. The course is fully accessible with activities for all ages and all physical abilities.

A series of elements, or obstacles, challenge participants to come together and work as a team to develop and implement solutions. Each element emphasizes different group characteristics such as self–confidence, communication, cooperation, trust, and leadership. Although each element has its own perceived physical and mental challenge, anyone willing to participate can do so through the cooperative efforts of the group. As teams work through the elements of the Adventure Course, they learn about themselves and their relationships to others, and develop leadership and problem solving skills. A highly trained and certified course facilitator guides each group through the course, providing opportunities for participants to discuss and reflect on their experi-

Develop & design functional platform to meet business goals and client needs

Hire & train coaches to effectively manage and train participants

Develop & execute strategy to acquire participants & partners

Operations Business Development Partnerships

Coaching & Training Development

Coaches are at the core of the service. They are the ones who curate and execute an engaging experience for the individual. Other parties are involved to further develop, grow, and facilitate all operations of the service.

Web Platform Design & Development

COACHES Each coach has unique life experiences relatable to each participant. The coach combines their knowledge of fitness training and motivational coaching with their personal backgrounds to deliver engaging training sessions tailored to the needs of each individual and encourage support within each group.


Captains promote events within their social circles and gather individuals to develop groups to participate in events.



Participants partake in events with their existing groups.

Participants sign up for events as individuals and meet others at the event with similar backgrounds and fitness goals.


Operations & Business Development

Develop partnerships, marketing strategy, and customer relations

Employee and participant engagement & experience

Develop & Grow

Monitor & Improve

Coaching & Training Development

Hire quality team of coaches and captains with relatable backgrounds and life experiences.

Provide fitness coaching guidelines and first aid training during onboarding process and continually to improve event experience


UX Designer & Tech Development

Streamline and continually improve digital product. Develop smooth and engaging user experience.

Digital Interaction

Develop and facilitate platform which enables coaches & individuals to communicate and provide support for one another.


Online Community


Accessible and Sustaibable model to promote fitness


Provide motivational coaching tools to enable individuals to build social support through their fitness journey.


Develop effective matching algorithm to group similar individuals and coaches.

Information Mapping

Hiring Coaches Fitness Instructors Referred Coaches Current Participants

Apply Online


Evaluate Qualifications



Qualities we are look for:

Unique Life Experiences - Health & Fitness Minded - Self-Confident Responsible - Innovative - Committed - Optimistic Effective Communicator - Organnized - Understanding Encouraging - Collaborative - Motivational

Its very important to have these great coaches who can enable great service. Ultimately they’re the ones who facilitate building the strong connections and network and create the environment where individuals feel comfortable. The coaches can come from all walks of life with different backgrounds and life experiences. When applying for the position they don’t need to possess fitness training certification. We’re looking for certain qualities and traits of being health and fitness minded, confident, optimistic, understanding, and motivational leaders. They understand the importance of having a supportive community in a fitness journey and how that connects to other aspects of their lives. We provide through fitness training and first aid certification to ensure safety for our participants as well and effective motivational coaching techniques. Then each coach will be able to combine their knowledge of fitness training and motivational coaching with their personal backgrounds to deliver engaging training sessions and encourage support within each group. 54


Current Participants Apply Online

Informal Conversaion


Spread the Word!

The Captains are ambassadors of the company who believe in the same values. They promote events and the service along with the community and human connections which will be made within these events. They share with others the communities and positive experiences individuals had. They share the support that emerge within each community, and the benefits beyond the physical that the participants receive. 55

Breif blog posts and videos with relatable health and fitness content

Share and promote content and events.

Content Marketing Share content, events, and coach stories relevant to their social circles


Contact health support organizations (Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, etc.) and propose events tailored to needs of these groups with coaches who have Health similar experiences. Organizations

Direct Contact

Contact active employees of companies who understand and enjoy fitness activities. Leverage benefits of custom programs aligning with the company’s mission.



Social Media

Highlight mission and core competencies of product. Advertise


Health Care Providers

Physicians, nurses, health coaches recommend fitness services for inviduals needing physical activity for preventative health care

Corporate Wellness Programs

Captains Captains assemble individuals within their circles to participate in fitness activities as a group.

Customers and potential participants highly rely on the reviews of a great service. We expect to further grow the business by providing content which satisfied customers can share through various social networks. We also expect that the personal experience each participant has will be passed along through recommendations and stories. These reviews through participants, coaches, and captains are more trustworthy and authentic which others can relate. 56

Through some research, corporations are willing to spend top dollar in their wellness programs to ensure employees health. Better physical and mental health directly translates to higher productivity. Events for corporations may be held more regularly and with larger groups, requiring additional coaches to be on-site.

Revenue Sources

Corporate Group Events

Private Group Events

Private group events require a personalized consultation session. The coach will spend more time developing sessions specific for the needs and desired outcome for your group.

Individual Participants

Training & Coaching Developent

Individuals will pay a $10 fee for each fitness session. The fee will be minimal to keep the service accessible.

Operations Team

Coaches are paid a flat rate of $50 for each event hosted. A minimum of 5 participants are required for each event. For every additional participant up to 15, the coach will receive $8.

Tech Team Captains


Captains are rewarded for their efforts in recruiting participants. For every 2 participants the captain brings, they will receive free attendance to an event.

Cash Outflow


Operations & Business Development

Develop partnerships, marketing strategy, and customer relations

Employee and participant engagement & experience

Coaching & Training Development

Hire quality team of coaches and captains with relatable backgrounds and life experiences.

Develop & Grow

Provide fitness coaching guidelines and first aid training during onboarding process and continually to improve event experience

Monitor & Improve

UX Designer & Tech Development

Streamline and continually improve digital product. Develop smooth and engaging user experience.


Digital Interaction

Develop and facilitate platform which enables coaches & individuals to communicate and provide support for one another.


Online Community


Fitness Instructors

Information Mapping

Develop & design functional platform to meet business goals and client needs

Hiring Coaches

Develop effective matching algorithm to group similar individuals and coaches.

Hire & train coaches to effectively manage and train participants


Develop & execute strategy to acquire participants & partners

Accessible and Sustaibable model to promote fitness

Provide motivational coaching tools to enable individuals to build social support through their fitness journey.

Revenue Sources

Corporate Group Events

Referred Coaches Current Participants

Operations Business Development Partnerships

Coaching & Training Development

Web Platform Design & Development

Individual Participants

COACHES Apply Online

Private Group Events

Each coach has unique life experiences relatable to each participant. The coach combines their knowledge of fitness training and motivational coaching with their personal backgrounds to deliver engaging training sessions tailored to the needs of each individual and encourage support within each group.


Evaluate Qualifications



Qualities we are look for:

Unique Life Experiences - Health & Fitness Minded - Self-Confident

Training & Coaching Developent

Responsible - Innovative - Committed - Optimistic


Effective Communicator - Organnized - Understanding


Captains promote events within their social circles and gather individuals to develop groups to participate in events.

Encouraging - Collaborative - Motivational


Current Participants Apply Online

Informal Conversaion


Tech Team





Cash Outflow

Spread the Word! Participants sign up for events as individuals and meet others at the event with similar backgrounds and fitness goals.

Participants partake in events with their existing groups.

Breif blog posts and videos with relatable health and fitness content

Share and promote content and events.

Content Marketing Share content, events, and coach stories relevant to their social circles


Contact health support organizations (Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, etc.) and propose events tailored to needs of these groups with coaches who have Health similar experiences. Organizations

Direct Contact

Contact active employees of companies who understand and enjoy fitness activities. Leverage benefits of custom programs aligning with the company’s mission.

Operations Team


Social Media


Highlight mission and core competencies of product. Advertise


Corporate Wellness Programs

Captains Captains assemble individuals within their circles to participate in fitness activities as a group.


Health Care Providers

Physicians, nurses, health coaches recommend fitness services for inviduals needing physical activity for preventative health care

Scenario: Theere are more individuals who sign up to use the service than expected, creating a need for more coaches. These indivuduals may or may not find an event with a coach who shares a similar background.

Agile Scrum Strategy

Project Backlog: Hire and train more prospective coaches with varying backgrounds and life experiences who meed the growing needs of members

Scrum Master

Task Breakout Development Team: Obtain data from tech team and identify emerging groups of individuals with unique backgrounds for which we do not have coaches who are qualified.

1 Day

Sprint Planning Meeting: Development team identifys the emerging groups of individuals looking for training groups. Training team will identify, hire, and train prospective coaches

Dev & Training Team: Identfy candidates to become coaches to serve the members. Potential coaches may be previous participants or solicit existing coaches with relatable life experiences

2 Days

Training Team: Contact & hire prospective coaches

5 Days

Training Team: Train new coaches. Develop coaching and motivational skills for the job.

10 Days

Training Team: Develop events and test with new coaches

2 Day

Tech Team: Enter new coaches into system and match with individuals

24 Hr Scrum

4 Weeks Sprint Review: New coaches are available for members who previously could not identify with the existing coaches or events.

1 Day


Elements for Success:

Similar Goals within groups

Exercises tailored to your needs

Small Groups you can relate with

Trainers with shared life experiences.

create healthier communities and help individuals develop fitness habits to improve overall wellbeing

reduce heart realted diseases and complications

Outcomes create meaningful jobs and effective coaching teams

build local commuity and support networks


Making it Easy to Reach Your Fitness Goals








You’re matched with other individuals with similar goals and a trainer who shares similar life experiences. Together, they will help you achieve your goals.

Through small group sessions tailored to you, your trainer and crew helps you get healthy and stay motivated.

We make it easy for you to access the fitness resources your need and fun ways to stay on track and accomplish your goal.

Your trainer and crew will provide all the ongoing support you need to stay on track. They understand your challenges and encourage you when you need it.



REFERENCES Flegal, K.M., Carroll, M.D., Kuczmarski, R.J., and Johnson, C.L. Overweight and Obesity in the United States: Prevalence and Trends, 1960-1994. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders; 1998. Hedley, A.A., Ogden, C.L., Johnson, C.L., Carroll, M.D., Curtin, L.R., and Flegal, K.M. Overweight and Obesity Among US Children, Adolescents, and Adults, 1999-2002. Journal of the American Medical Association; 2004.

Ogden, C.L., Carroll, M.D., Kit, B.K., Flegal, K.M. Prevalence of Obesity in the United States, 2009-2010. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics Data Brief, January 2012; Available at: databriefs/db82.pdf. National Association for Sport and Physical Education. 2010 Shape of the Nation Report. Available at: naspe/publications/upload/Shape-of-the-Nation-2010-Final.pdf Exit Disclaimer. National Association for Sport and Physical Education/American Heart Association. 2012 Shape of the Nation Report: Status of Physical Education in the USA. Available at: Physical Activity Council. 2014 Participation Report. Available at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010. Available at: hp2010.htm. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2020. Available at: default.aspx.


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