UWC Atlantic Student Handbook

Page 6


Finding the right pathway The IB Diploma Programme and the Systems Transformation Pathway

Step 1

Step 2 Subject choice form completed

Townhall and subject information

24 May and 7 June

Step 3

Step 4

Adaptive and diagnostic testing

Applications and first stage of selections for the Systems Transformation Pathway

Final stage of selections for the Systems Transformation Pathway

16 July

During Orientation

Timetable finalised with tutor

During Orientation

To support you with choosing the right pathway and set of subjects in the IBDP: Step 1: We offer a series of townhall meetings for students and families in the incoming class, including one on the academic programme, and one specifically on the new Systems Transformation Pathway. Step 2: Along with various enrolment forms, you will receive one especially to make your preliminary subject choices. To help you complete this form you can refer to the information in this booklet and review the video recordings of the townhall meetings. The application process and form for the pioneer cohort of the Systems Transformation Pathway will open at the same time. Students applying to the Pathway will be asked to submit two sets of subject choices: a set of 4 subjects they would take alongside the Pathway, and in case they are not selected, a set 6 subjects in the current IB Diploma. Step 3: In the orientation process all first year students will take an adaptive cognitive assessment, a diagnostic test in Maths and complete an English writing exercise. This is to give us an indication of your advised level in your subject selections. Students shortlisted for the final stage of the selection process for the Systems Transformation Pathway will participate in a collaborative selection task during the orientation process. Step 4: Your timetable will be finalised with your tutor after the diagnostic results have been completed. Enrolment in the pioneer cohort of the Systems Transformation Pathway is subject to a selection process and the cohort will be finalised prior to the first day of classes. All other IB subjects are offered subject to availability, timetabling constraints and student numbers. In case a subject is oversubscribed, random selection might be applied to decide who can take the subject. The students will be notified in advance if this is likely to happen allowing them to have an alternative plan. Please note that we require a minimum uptake of 6 students to offer any of the subjects. We reserve the right to make the decision not to offer a subject at short notice at the beginning of term.

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