UWC Atlantic Student Handbook

Page 14



Curfew and Check in

Outside of school hours there are a number of activities on and off campus. There are many clubs to join and sports to do. There is also a student shop where you can buy second hand clothes, stationary and snacks. We live near a small town which has a small supermarket, cafes and some independent shops. Further afield is Cardiff, a much larger city that you can visit on a Saturday by train.

Campus curfew is at 7.30pm Sunday - Thursday and 8.30pm on Friday and Saturday. You will be expected to have returned to campus and signed in with the Welcome Team at reception.

During the weekends the activity programme continues, examples are Outdoor activities organised by our AX department through to ‘Hot to go’ which is a student run restaurant. We also have movie nights, Friday night lecture, and other events planned by SLAAC which is our Student life at Atlantic College council.

Receiving mail All mail should be clearly addressed with your name and house, followed by the college address: St Donat's Castle, St Donats, Llantwit Major, Wales, United Kingdom CF61 1WF Every week day mail is delivered to student houses and kept in a secure area until the House mentor distributes it at check in time. As mentioned in the section on pocket money we encourage students to all live on the same amount of pocket money during the year and the spirit of living equally also extends to our parcel expectations. We are a globally, socially and economically diverse community who have come together for a peaceable, sustainable and equitable education, we therefore ask that you consider your purchases carefully.

The final part of the day is ‘check in’ which is the time that all students need to return to their boarding houses. This takes place at 9:30-10:00pm Monday to Thursday and 10:30-11:00pm Friday and Saturdays. The exception to this is on Sunday when everyone gathers for a House Meeting at 9:00pm. This is an opportunity to catch up with your House Mentor at the end of the day and is a time for discussing any issues as a house. House Mentors are available to offer pastoral support and guidance.

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