Mademoiselle Gymnast - January/February 1970

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VOL. 4NO. 3


FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK .. ................. .. . MLLE. G NAMES 'N ' NEWS .......... .. ............. A GYMNASTIC ODYSSEY .... .. .......... .... ....... CATHY RIGBY ................................ .. .... SCATS 6th ANNUAL GYMNASTIC CAROUSEL .. .. SCAT TOUR SCENES AND COMMENTS ..... ......... IT'S A SMALL WORLD .. .. .. .......... .... ........... HELEN 'S CORNER .. .. ............ .. ................. PUBLICATION NEWS .... .. .... ........ .. .. .. .... .. .... MLLE. G CALENDAR .......... ...... .... .... ...... ....

4 7 8 16 18 20 22 24 26 30

COVER . Special Mlle. G color photo of the Scots di splaying the many different outfits used for their tour. (Photo by Sue Levine)

GLENN M. SUNDBY - Publisher DENNIES BARBER - Editor A. B. FREDERICK - Assoc. Editor BARBARA B. SUNDBY - Managing Editor

Man uscripts, photog ra phs, and news items are invited, but we can assume no responsibility fo r retu rn or compensation. The views and opinions of write rs and contri butors do not necessa rily reflect the views of Sund by Publications or the Edito r.

MADEMOISElLE GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publication s, 41 0 Broadway, Santo Monico, California. Second Clos s Postage paid at Santo Monico, Colif... Published bi-monthly, Sept.-Oct .. Nov.-Dec .• Jan.- Feb .. March-April and May-Ju ne. Price. $3.00 per yea r. 7Sc single copy_ Subscription correspondence Box 777. Santa Monico. Californ ia 90406. Copyright 1970. All rights reserved by Sundby Publications. 410 Broadway. San to Monico, California 90401 .

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: This special Scat edition is in recognition of their tremendously successful Gymnaestrada and European tour. As representatives of the U.S.A. they made friends allover the world fo r American gymnastics. The wo rk and organization of Bud Marquette cannot go unmentioned . . . his motivation and perseverance are a measure of the Scats' great success and any tribute to the Scats is a tribute to Bud. The extra expense of making this color edition was underwritten by parents and friends of the Scats in order for them to share with you their wonderfu l tour in color. The cover photo shows the Scats displaying the many different outfits worn by the group during their tour. Special than ks goes to Bruce Frederick for present ing t he Scat odyssey in writing. His efforts with the Scats and their tou r placed him in the position of being a second manager. For all the efforts of these people and those connected with the Scats we express appreciation for this un ique " Salute to the Scats" edition of Mademoiselle Gymnast.

The pleasure of life is according to the man that lives it, and not according to the work or place ... Emerson

"SCAT" Kerry Barlett, photo by Li nda Brundige


Bulgarian Team Visit 7,400 spectators witnessed the exhibition by the world champion Bulgarian Gymnastic Modern women 's team at Penn State Jan. 24. Early press release photos seen here show Marie Gigova, Bulgarian and world champion in Gymnastic Modern, and the synchronized team drill with hoops. The lower photo shows the capacity crowd.




U·WBI0 scoOP NECK STEP·IN LEOTARD. 100 % stretch nylon. long sleeve. Standard athletic colors. Small (8·10 dress) , Medium ( 12·14 dress). Large (16·18 dress). 9. 10

U·S50 GYMDAl. This new soft light weight and supple suede sandal with elastic instep is like wearing your own skin . Perfectly designee with the woman gymnast in mind . Natural color. No half sizes. 2 .95

U·WTI2 NYlON STRETCH TIGHTS. Standard athletic colors. Sizes: Small, Medi· um, Large . . 3.40

U·WV8 V·NECK STEp·IN LEOTARD. 100 % stretch nylon , with contrast· ing trim, long sleeve. Standard ath · letic colors . Sizes Small (8· 10 dress) , Medium (12 · 14 dress). Large (16·18 dress) . 9 .10


U·WT6 TURTLE NECK LEOTARD. 100% stretch nylon , zipper back, long sleeves. Standard athletic colors . Small (8·10 dress) , Medi · um (12· 14 dress), Large (16· 18 dress) . 9.10

U·WCW WOMEN'S COMPETI· TION WARM·UP SUIT. Jacket has pocket at waist. Zipper front. Nylon . Pants tapered with zipper legs, foot stirrups, permanent crease and hip pocket. Standard ath · letic colors with contrasting trim OQ jacket. Sizes: Small (5· 7 dress), Medium (9·11 dress) , Large (13· 15 dress). X·Large (17 ·19 dress) .



The teenage cammunity has its own way of inventing appropriate exclamations_ The favorite of the SCATS of Lang Beach, Califarnia is " Outasight!" This past summer while a trio of American Astronauts prepared for their literal " out of sight" performance, the SCATS, fully charged from their performances at the Gymnaestrada in Basel, Switzerland, embarked on a gymnastic odyssey through Northwestern Eurape_ A newspaper in Bern provided a memorable front page for the girls the first day out of Basel when world famous SCAT, Kathy Rigby, appeared prominantly above Moonvoyagers Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin_ It take s organ ization and a bit of daring to plan a tour for a group of li ve ly, American girls aged 12 to 22_ Their story is valuable because it serves as an example of what might be done by any pri vate club that organize s around the goals of desire and drive_ They paid their own way much as many foreign clubs have done in the past. They made mistakes, were frustrated at times, learned many va luable lessons but ___ they did it_ They would tell you today that they are going to the Gymnaestrada in 1973 and you can be sure that they are planning and saving for that trip at thi s ve ry moment_ A European tour is an expensive propos ition for continental Americans because of air tra vel. Once in Europe, however, there are a host of individuals and organizations who are willing to cooperate in a number of ways with visiting gymnastic groups_ Any club cantemp lating a tour should plan well in advance to make arrangements with __ _ 1 _Key Federation personnel in the coun trie s on the tour_ 2_ Foreign based military personnel. 3_ American civ ilian personnel on foreign assignments_ 4_ Directors of Foreign Festivals (These will ordinarily be listed in publications of the host country _ A club would profit from subsc ription s to such publications _) 5_Foreign manufacturers of gymnastic equipmen t _ 6 _Personnel of foreign clubs_ The cost of a tour can range from $ 1000 to $1 500 per month per person for all expenses including ai r fare_ Advance contact with key people will often result in ha ving expenses lowered somewhat since these people are very willing to supply meals, housing and tran sportation, on a limited basis of course, for visi ting gymnasts _ We would certainly welcome foreign friend s in much the same way_ The first few days following the uplifting experiences of the Gymnaestrada were dull by compari son _ It rained_ The Alps were obscured_ What do twenty-eight girl s do in such circumstances? Same are sad and let down_ Others make the best of the situation and sing, pa int psychedelic designs on their faces while others experiment with hair cutting _ Coach Marquette was overheard commenting on the you ng barbars, " It's their hair! " By the time we were ready for the flight home most of the long locks had disappeared and were to be found scatte red about Europe as the "Scatcut" became the thing to do_

above : A B_ Frederick, Voice of the Scot s, Summer 1969_ below: Pointed faces : Claudio Bodner, Jean Tiessere and Lori Fleischman_


It was still raining when we gat to Munich but in between the drops an accasianal sun permitted us to see the determined wark of the pea pie who are planning the 1972 Olympic site.' We walked through the rain with the girls and finally, with the help af a kind ly truck driver, arrived at the Manner Turnverein where the girls had a gaod workaut and impressed a class of older men who were practicing gymnastics at their weekly session at the club. It was here that we encountered for the second time a young German boy who had taken lunch with us just a week before at the huge dining hall at the Mustermesse in Basel. We will nat soon forget his attempt to shield us from the rain as we left. He trailed us with his umbrella crying, "It's me! It's me!" Salzbu rg, Austria was a welcome relief from our hectic, ra iny stay in Munich. In Munich we had been housed just a few blocks from the central railroad station but in Sa lzburg we stayed in a rural guesthouse which was nestled in the hills reminiscent of those we had remembered from the movie "Sound of Mu sic." (The movie was actually filmed in Salzburg and we saw some of the actual locations of scenes as we walked through the center of the town.) The SCATS became part of an audience attending a performance of the Circus Rebern igg. The clowns were very funny though confusing at times while they spoke in German but their words acknowledging the "Beautiful blondes from Long Beach" brought cheers from the circus fans and the SCATS. Leaving Salzburg to return to the Munich airport was a sad experience because we were going to say goodbye to a special friend named "Charlie," der besten Wagonfuhrer in Germany. Besides being an expert bus driver he added a creative touch to his work by amusing us in countless ways during the dismal days of rain we had experienced. To find "Charlie" you simply laok for a guy who can back a huge Mercedes bus into a space reserved for a Volkswagen. He'll have a twinkle in his eye, will love to dance, will speak no English and will whistle magically with no whistle. The SCATS wanted to adopt him as their mascot. A gymnastic tour is much more successful during the nontouri st season, It is difficult to locate people and find clubs which are open during the month of July since native Europeans are enjoying vacations at that time. Schools are generally closed and only an occasional administratar will be found. For th is reason , much advanced preplanning for special visitations must take place before embarking on a tour which will take you to countries during their vacation season. In Denmark we had almost given up in our search for a place to work out when we lucki ly found an old friend to help us. Eric Flensted-Jensen has brought his team of Dan ish gymnasts to the United States severa l times. Eric was in Copenhagen and suggested that we go to Ridovre, a suburb, and arronged for us to meet with gymnasts at the loca l sport club. He arranged for a bus to pick us up and return us ta our hotel. The SCATS had a nice visit with the Danish gymnasts and performed a diminutive version of their Gymnaestrada drill on the grass outside of the club. They met the local champion, Elsa Trangbaek and her husband Kurt and thoro ughly enjoyed themselves. The pace of the tour quickened in Sweden. Due to the thoughtfulness of Karl-Axel Rydell, Secretary of the Swedish Gymnastic Federation, the Stockholm visit was filled with things to do. There was a special performance in a downtown park and a boat trip to Lilsved where the Rector af the Folk Highschool, Erik Westergren, welcomed the SCATS and invited them to take part in a special clinic for gymnastic leaders who had come to Lilsved to improve their teaching skills. The weather was beautiful at last and our Swedish host Karl-Axel did everything imaginable to help us find suitable places to eat. At times he even helped to serve the SCATS their food . The Swedish Federation was also kind enough to provide some funds for transporting the SCATS. A special magazine SPORT 69 (probably SPORT 70 next year) is being published as port of the Pre Olympic program of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is published in English. Anyone cpntemplating a trip to the Olympics will find this a valuable source of material. Write, "Sueddeutscher Verlag GmbH, Munich B, Mathunistr. 13. Price DM 15 (Apprax. $4.00 for 6 issues.)

-1 0路

above, Austrian circus performers. right , "C harlie." below, Karl-Alex Rydell mimics Bud's finger pose. bottom , Erick Flensted路Jensen with young hopeful Anna Chri stensen and Dani sh champion Elsa Trongback.

above: Three Scats perform for newspoper photogropher in Edinburgh, Scotlond. right: Cathy in outdoor stoge in Stockholm. below: Goye Willioms in a garden in Stockholm.


While in Stockholm, some of us watched the Moonwalkers until the wee hours of July 20. It wos quite a thrill to watch them. We heard the words of our Astronauts baffled by the translations of Swedish commentators. Another kind of thrilling experience awaited the SCATS, however. As if by magic, an old friend, Mrs. Alenu Tenterova, appeared in the lobby of the Hotel Triangeln (a YMCA hotel). She was taking a short vacation with her family but willingly interrupted her plans for a training session with the girls in a basement gymnasium of the hotel. Particular attention was given to the sty le and flow of compulsory exercises designed for the Jugoslavian World Championships to be held later this year. It was a wonderful reunion for the SCATS. They had hosted Mrs. Tenterova in Long Beach in 1 967. One could perceive a fundamental quality of the SCATS as they were interviewed by a Swedish radio reporter. It is in a phrase, "positive thinking." The reporter, Miss Christine Hagman, asked, "Are you one of the best gymnastic groups in America?" The immediate answer from the SCATS was: "The best!" The spantaneous ring of the girls' answer was interpreted in terms of their complete devotion to their organization; a kind of Marine Corps spirit tempered for a troup of female gymnasts. Thi s spirit flowed as well from the novice SCATS who never seemed to be any less a part of their team. Naturally, they overdid it at times but the distinct impression that the girls loved gymnastics, their team and their coach was never dimmed by the individual accomplishments of the few, more praminent girls who had ta sted international glory and had somehow survived, not as prima donna s, but as SCATS. Another important aspect of the SCAT program, and not limited to them alone, is the realization that many of our more successful girls' groups are emphasizing all-around work. In this respect they are well ahead of the U.S. program for boys and men which all too often caters to the specialist. As one SCAT put it ... "We all do everything!" The SCATS flew to Oslo refreshed by their activity in Sweden and perhaps a bit tired. The vacation period in Norway made it all but impossible to schedule official performances but we found the personnel af the Norwegian Gymnastic Federation and in particular Mrs. Margit Kirkeeide (Secretary) very helpful. She suggested that we attempt to schedule some workouts at the recently completed National Sport School. One of the instructors, Olaf Steinsland , made us welcome at the school and catered to every need of the SCATS. Equipment was completely up to date and for the first time since Basel the girls were able to perform on Reuther unevens. (There were two sets at the school). Mrs. Randi Norman of the University of Oslo had a group of American Summer School students at the Sport School and the SCATS performed for them. Naturally, both groups were quite surprised. Coach Marquette conducted a particularly useful session on a progression for learning a full twisting back somersa ult. On our final day in Oslo, the Norwegian Gymnastic Federation treated us to a wonderful meal in a restaurant within the superstructure of the Olympic Ski Jumping site. The girls met Mrs. Steinsland, the former national gymnastic champion as well as other members of the Federation's Executive Committee. Then we embarked by jet for Scotland. A comedy of errors awaited us in the land of the bagpipe. At least one car and a bus suffe red breakdowns and a confused, British tour service compounded our problems by scheduling most things incorrectly All was set right by our grocious hosts in Scotland, Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron. Contact with the Scots was just as pleasant as it had been in Basel and we were able to renew friendships with the Scottish gymnasts. The SCATS combined their talents with the Scotch in a memorable setting at an outdoor theatre beneath the famed Edinboro castle. The castle appears on the British ten pound note. The weather held out for the performance although it rained before and afterward. Dreary weather was with us once again as we travelled south towards London by bus. A thirty-mile traffic jam on the main artery caused much uneasiness. The SCATS were busy singing once again and those who had been shorn previously spoke in glowing terms about their "Scatcuts" in hopes of enticing their long-ha ired sisters to give in. Some did. The front steps of the bus provided a primitive barber chair for Scat barber Sue Singrin who performed her task undaunted by the bumps and turns of the bus. 路12路

At left, "Barber" Sue Singrin poses in liederhosen for her dod (notice "Scot cut") above r, Christine Hagman with Scots Wendy Cluff and Kerry Bartlett during Swedis h radio interview. rig ht , "Bud," Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Steinsland, Morgit Kirkeeide, Miss Clausen and Reidor Nenjar of the Norwegian Gymnastic Federation. below, Scot pyramid, Aylesbury, England.

above, Scenes from Scot exhibition at the Princess Go rden below the famous Edin路 burgh Castle. below, Cathy being interviewed at TV studio in Glasgow watches moon路 voyagers land at sea.

A relatively quiet evening in Stratfard-on-Avon was followed the next day by 0 special oppearance of the SCATS in Aylesbury. This littl e town wa s particularly proud of its gymnastic club but had been in the unfortunate position of being bypassed by internatianal teams ma ki ng their way to London. The SCATS thus became the first international group tp visit Aylesbury officially and they were made most welcome and were treated to a wonderful meal. In London arrangements were somewhat confusing but we mu st quickly note here that the British Amateur Gymnastic Association would have provided sleeping rooms in private homes for the visiting group which would have resulted in some wonderful, international person-to-person relation ships. Prearrangements were such that it became too late to follow through. Once again it became apparent that arrangements of this type should be made well in advance. As it turned out, the SCATS were housed in a very poor London Hotel where one could be amused counting the number of "thing s" in the coffee. BAGA would certa inly be the group to contact for any visitation to England and particularly London where it is apt to be crowded anyway. BAGA Secretary, Ray Taylor and others such as Jim and Pauline Prestidge, Allan Burrows, John and Barbara Atkinson and others combined their talents to make rainy London a pleasant memory. It was. The SCATS performed at the Crystle Palace Sports Complex on the edge of London. John Atkin son and Ian Parry directed stream tumbling by groups of boys from the Ullathorne and Feltham Gymnastic Clubs. Mary Prestidge, a top British gymnast, wa s also on hand to demonstrate her combined skill in gymnastics and dance. A reception followed the performance and Secretary Taylor presented afficial mementos from BAGA to each of the girls. A special banner was presented to Mr. Jahn Cress, a member of the SCAT tour, who is a high school coach in the greater Chicago area and a veritable encyclopede of American gymnastics.


A Lufthansa flight from London to Cologna (Koln) marked the beginning of the end of the tour. It was a time for writing cards, shopping and general sightseeing. Our former bus driver, Charlie, was replaced by Werner, an affable, red-faced , gentle man who in his own way was just as charming as Charlie but more on the quiet side. After a day in Cologne and having witnessed part of the excitement of the excavations in front of the famed cathedral there where workers were daily uncovering relics, we journied to Koblenz where the Rhine and the Main rivers meet. We boarded a tourist boat for a trip down the Rhine. Castles and vineyards were the order of, the day. The SCATS relaxed in the dining halls of the boat and everyone enjoyed sharing memories of the trip. Finally we landed at Ruedesheim and we boarded our bus for Frankfurt. We had met Col. Don Frew in Basel. He had promised to arrange for a special exhibition at the Ramstein Air Base. The Air Force provided transportation to and from Ramstein and the SCATS performed for the last time in Europe at the base gymnasium for a combined group of airmen, pilots, local people from the Turnverein and the Base Commander, Major General R.N . Baker. He later wrote to coach Marquette ... "It is not often that U.S. Air Force personnel, particularly those overseas, have the opportunity to see Olympic quality athletes perform. The exhibition as provided by the SCATS at Ramstein Air Base the evening of 1 August 1969 stands out as one of the highlights of our sports year." "I hope our spectactors' excited and enthusiastic applause was 路 reward enough for an absolutely superior gymnastic demonstration. " The girls were then treated to a wonderful meal at the Officers' Club and a special dance was arranged in their honor. It was late when we got back to Frankfurt but the Ramstein trip had provided a welcome change of pace and an opportunity to serve, even in a small way, a group of fellow Americans. We travelled south once again through the famed Schwarzwald region (Black Forest) and stopped in Schaffhausen to see the Rheinfall, a thunderous pair of waterfalls spreading out to a lakelike deviation in the river. We departed for the U.S. by plane flying Swissair from Zurich. In Zurich the girls posed for their last photograph in Europe wearing "lederhosen." These leather shorts are commonly worn by boys and men in Germany so it was not unusual to see the confused looks of passersby who observed twenty-two young girls, some with make-up who decided that lederhosen was to be the uniform of the day for the flight back to New York. And so the Odyssey ended. I'm sure there were those who could not believe it really happened ... and they were there! We must acknowledge once again the gracious help of those who made the .tour move along with a minimum of trouble. We hope it will not be long before we have a chance to reciprocate and welcome a fore ig n group as we were welcomed last summer.

right , Bruce, Bud and Werner in Zurich. below, Scats at Ramstein Air Far ce Base.

The following li st of names identify people who may be very helpful to those who are planning a gymnastic trip to Europe. James Cameron (Scottish Gymnastic Assoc.) 19 Woodlea - Kincardine on Forth, Scotland Adalbert Dickhut, Director Deutsche Turn schule Deutschen Turner-Bund E. V., Otto-Fleck Schneise 6 Frankfurt/ Niederrad, Germany Erik Flensted-Jensen (Director Danish Gymnastic Troup) Kongeves 1478, 2830 Virum, Copenhagen, Denmark Margit Kirkeeide (Generalsekretaer) Norges Gymnastikk og Turnforbund Kirkegt. 8, Oslo 1 , Norway Elna Kopponen Santavuorentie 1 2 Al 2, Helsinki 40, Finland Paul Leenheer (Inspector P.T.) . Burgemeesterloan 26, Driebergen, Holland Rondi Norman, Universi ty of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Karl-Axel Rydell (Secretary) Sevenska Gymnastikforbundet Kungsholmstorg 6, Box 220 76, Sto ckholm 22, Sweden Raymond G. Taylor (General Secretary BAGA) 1 5 Audley Dr., Maidenhead, Berkshire, Great Britain Jack Gunthard (Nationaltrainer) ETS, 2532 Magglingen, Switzerland

The odyssey ends as Scats pose in leiderhosen prior to takeoff for New York: U.S. A.


SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACRO TEAM 6th Annual GYMNASTIC CAROUSEL 1970 IT'S ASMAll WORLD The most successful gymnastic caro usel ever wa s presented recently at Los Alamitas High Schaol (California) before a capacity matinee and evening crowd riumberingover 4000 spectators. Master of ceremonies, Mr. George Hery of Nissen Corporation, excited the crowd with his explanation of show gymnastics. Guest performances of the University of Nevada Team from Reno, under the direction of U.S.A. National Coach Dale Flansaas, were excellent as were the antics of the well-known father and son duo, the Wal-Tims. However, strange as it seems, the faster child of gymnastics, the balance beam number and her step sister, side horse vaulting , were the highlights of the show. Concluding the production, was the presentation of the colors with the stars and stripes flying and precision marching by all the SCATS to the tune of Th is Is My Country, ending a most glorious gymnastic presentation. NOTE: The SCATS have had untold requests to present their Gymnastic Carousel throughout the U.S.A. and now under the direction of the United States Gymnastic Federation, they are presently preparing an itinerary for a U.S.A. Tour in 1971 . Clubs, Schools, Colleges, or Universities interested in having "Gymnastics ' of the World 's Best -It's A Small World" presented, please mail your inquiries to: Director/ Coach Bud Marquette 262 Coronado Ave. Long Beach, California 90803

"Although there was a language barrier" we all hod a common interest, gymnastics, which brought us closer together" __ _Denise Brown

"It was great to see peopl e from all over the world come together as Sue competitors and friend s" Sin grin

"Of all the beautiful castles, cathedrals, churches, museums, wonderfu l shops and magnificent countries we observed I liked the people the best" ___Mitc h Ri g by

"It was a great honor to be invited to represent the United States in the "Night of the World's Best" at the Gymnoestrado" ___ Cathy Rigby

"The most enjoyable experience to me was being able to participate in the Gymnaestrada knowing I was representing the United States" _ Co ri a A bby

"Europe ___ at first a dream, then on unforgettable actuality" We ndy Cluff

"to be port of the team of 28 girls marching under the American flog on

"While looking down from the mountain above the little town of Lucerne, I mode one wi sh, that the rest of the world would always be as peaceful and calm as it was in the Alps" _

opening night" .. .Do g mar Hintno us

Co nnie Kindt




a sked

"It wa s turly on OUT-A-SIGHT TRIP!!" Ko rey Audley Bud

Marquette to have so me of th e UScats " make a bri ef comment on their tour to Europe and the G ym noestrodo. Th e ir notes we re all bubbling over with the thrill of toking port and watching the Gymnoestroda

"Even though I couldn't speak therr languages I found that smile and a giggle went a long way making friends_" ___ Claudio Bodnar

"My favorite port of our tri p to Europe was the week in Basel, Switzerland and the Gymnoestrada" _

"The whole tour was out of sig ht l "

"Everything about it brought me chil ls of excitement" ___ Stephanie Stomer

... Shirley Pietrok

"the best port of the trip was watching and participating in the Gymnaestrada_ It was for sure the best vocation I have ever token" Sandi Gross

and th eir w onder coac h (Bud) who mode th e whole e xci ting trip possible. Since s pace d oes not permit their total e ssa ys on all th e w onderful places they went and people they met, w e have extracted a sentence or so of e ac h for your e n;o yment."

"I especia lly -liked the way the Czechoslovakian team worked at the Gymnaestrada" Lisa Nelson

Ga il Harris

"Representing the greatest country at the post Gymnaestrada is on experience that I sholl never forget __ _ the whole tour was absolutely fantastic and it was always fun!" _ Bev Marquette

"I wont to go bock" _ Denice Wells

"I sow many people from many countries perform and they were all .good" ... Je anne Teissere

"For me, it was a dream come true" ... Lisa Speir

"greatest thrill of my life was to corry the American Flag and march into the stadium crowded with over 20,000 cheering people from all over the world" . __Kerry Bartlett


greeted by the Camp Director and his personnel. Thi s particular two week sess ion was being conducted for co-ed elementary level school teachers from Stockholm. 90 per cent of whom were NOT P.E. majors. Classes are conducted similar to our camp program, however, with two distinct variances. 1. The men 's floor exercise classes were led by one of Stockholm 's leading ballerinas and a great deal of emphasis is put on closs drill work. 2. The camp as with most others in Sweden, is in operation practically the year around. Every two to four weeks, groups of all ages and physical ability move in and out. Gymnastic coaches and teachers are assigned by the Federation for certain period s of time at the various camps. The programs consist of classes for tiny tots, mom & dod, school personnel, factory workers, etc. , truly all doing their own thing. The top flight gymnasts travel every weekend to a pre-designated camp or training site路 and work under the notional coaches for that period of time. The gymnasts' way to and fro is paid for by their respective local Associations, while the Swedish Notional Federation is responsible for the coaching stoff finances. Summarizing Swedish gymnastics, one can only soy that the feeling of physical well being by the man of the street thru gymnastics, is their way of life. Hard work, group ploy, sauna bath s, and friendliness will always be remembered as tributes of Sweden. .

Since the lost is sue of th e "Mile G" and our first article, letters reque sting information regards all aspects of world gymnastics has been as our friend Bruce Fredericks would soy, "OUT ASITE." We sholl sincerely attempt to personally answer all correspondence as quickly os po ssible. Please have patience. One of our most enjoyable visitations following the Gymnaestrada was our journey to Stockholm, Sweden and the privilege and honor of meeting with Mr. Karl Axel Rydel, Sec. of the Swedish Gymnastic Federation and members of his stoff. In talking with Karl, we quickly noticed his si ncere and absolute dedication to the sport, not so much as pride in individuals accomplishments, but his deep concern for the well being and physical fitness of all people in his notion. Under the expert guidance of this man, the Swedish Gymnastic Federation has established one of the world's outstanding student and teacher gymnastic camp programs. We were ve ry fortunate in being able to visit one of their many summer camp schools. After a beautiful two hour boot ride, we arrived at Lills ved. Actually on island off the coast of Stockholm where we were

(Next is sue - Oslo, Norway, and their university structure .)

TRAINING HINTS : It was noticed while on tour and most recently in Japan that many of the notions' top flight gymnasts, including Russia and Japan, the women gymnasts use a roll on type, quick drying analgesic balm prior to their competitive performances, especially used in floor exercise and vaulting. Immediately after applying heavy wool long socks are worn over which the sweat pants are then pulled. It really works, try it!!


(Photo, Aerial Front Walkover. Floor Exercise "(" Move.




Eight years in the making and now soo n to be relea sed by thi s writer, a complete sequence photo book titled, " THE ABC OF WOMEN GYMNASTICS," will include all four Olympic events plu s updated data, rules changes, future world trend s and competitive ABC Routine Structure.

More than 500 Universities ha ve been surveyed! The Directory li st s over 250 schools featurin g their gymnastics curriculum and competitive pragram in detail. This exquisite guidance is available now to answer many questions for many people, suc h as for the ,

HIGH SCHOOL GYMNAST: Which University to choose for further studies. Where to f ind a good coaching and competitive program. Which sc hool s give sc holarships for women gymnasts.



The "Women's Gymnastic Judges Correspondence Course", based on the 1968 official FIG Women 's Code of Points, has been issued to help ease your way to learning the art of judging. The descriptions and deductions for errors, coming out of the FIG courses m Rome, . Canada and USA are all included in this course, along with those listed m the Code of Pomts. There are 60 deductions listed under the uneven bars event, 50 under the floor exercise event, 57 under the balance beam event and 46 under the vaulting event. Learn the FIG system of evaluating on exercise. Use this course for on advance preparation for on official examination m your area, or use to troin judges in your area. Coaches may refer to this course to learn what errors will draw a heavier penalty, which m turn will improve her coaching. New coaches can use this course as a mea~s to educate themselves on the requirements of all events and can also improve her coaching by knowing what errors the judges will be looking for, since the description of the errors are all listed. Gymnasts, who have no coaches, can also use the course to learn the vanous errors and attempt to correct those she is in the habit of doing. I ncluded with the course is a test for self examination, on the honor system. Answers are also included for self grading. This course is on excellent reference for judges, prospective judges, coaches and gymnasts. Cost $3.18 (includes postage) - mimeographed.

Which Universities offer graduate studies in Women 's Gymnastics, and when. How Uni ver sity gymnastics programs compa re across the coun try. Where coaching personnel are needed.

CHAIRMAN OF WOMEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS : What are the Notional educational and competitive trend s in thi s spo rt ? . What type of cou r ses are offe red in the best curricu la ? The Directory is scheduled to be published at two year mterva ls in order to keep the information updated, therefore, a limited number will be available at each printing.

U.S.G.F. College Directory - Women 'sGymnastics Price , $2.00 plus 25 cents for postage and handling. Order from, Mrs. M. Treiber Indiana State University Women's Physical Education Departmen t Terre Haute, Indiana 47809 (Payment must be included with order - checks payable to , U.S.G. F.Treiber.) NAME _______________________________________

ORDER FROM, HELEN SJURSEN 46 Popla r Place Fanwood, N.J. 07023

ADDRESSi______-::-----,.____--:-~------~~~-____;= (Street) (c ity) (State) (Zip) No. of Copies,, ________________ Checks included , $. ________


'-'fe/en ~ Corner By Helen Sjursen

If you are having a problem adding two superior moves to your uneven bars routine, try some of the following (superior moves) and stick to the ones you feel you can master. As your ability level improves, then perhaps you can conquer the more difficult of the superior moves.

From a support on th e HB facing out (or in), kip from the neck to dismount with Y2 or full turn. For a preparation, practice swinging to a high free support on the LB. The legs should swing high enough in the rear to touch the under side of HB, shoulders MUST be "well forward." Once this is mastered then execute a high free support (without legs touching HB) and practice piking and tucking the head between the arms to rest the bock of the neck on the LB. When piking, be sure hips travel to the outside of the LB to facilitate completing the rest of the move. When you have mastered this dismount on the LB, then transfer to the HB. The use of an overhead spotting rig is ideal until the gymnast has complete control.


o From a fron.t support on the HB facing in, cast legs under HB and over LB, Y2' turn and drop grip to LB. When you reach the suspension on the LB you can continue by executing a kip to support or pass one leg between the arms, hook knee on LB and execute a knee rise, or any other movement within your ability.

.1 ~rom a handstand on the HB, arch over to dismount. The handstand may be arri ved at by: 1. from stand on LB, jump to handstand 2. from stand on LB, squat onto HB, straighten legs and continue raising them (straddled or together) to handstand 3. From stand on LB, jump to straddle sta nd on HB, raise legs to handstand. As a preparation, practice on the "instant low level." Place a porallette in front of the Unevens Low Bar and adjust if necessary. Stand an the roil of the parallette and jump to the handstand. Overbalance the handstand to let legs contact the unevens high bar. Bend the knees, transfer grip to HB and get down and try it again. Also practice straight arm straight leg straddle press handstands on the floor as a preparation. DID YOU KNOW: 1. That when a gymnast does her dismount off the uneven bars or balance beam and is touched by her spotter AFTER her feet contact the floor, the penalty is only .5 pt. BUT if she is touched BEFORE her feet contact the floor, the penalty is 1.5 pts?

From a front support on HB facing in, fall rearward passing legs under HB and over LB, Y2 turn to dismount.

2. That if the floor exercise or balance beam routine is too long, the penalty is a flat .3 pt. even though at the moment time was called the rautine, up to that point, did not end with an element of difficulty? (The balance of the routine, after time was called, is not evaluated) 3. That if a floor exercise or balance beam routine is completed within the time limit but did not end with on element of difficulty, there will be a penalty? Front seat circle on HB, straddle cut, catch HB. Do not just lean into the forward seat circle as this will cut down the momentum and lessen the rise of the body just before the straddle cut. At the start of the seat circle, lift off the bar and reach out (away from the bar) with the head as you drop forward. Do not let the legs touch the bar. The higher the body rises just before straddling, the more time you will have to cut and catch.






CORRECTION UNDER "D ID YOU KNOW THAT" Nov.-Dec. 1969 issue: If you refer to the Nov-Dec 1969 issue of Mme G. Under "Did You Know That", #3 contained a typographical error showing a penalty of 1.5 for a fall off the apparatus untouched by the spotter. I was glad to see some people were quite alert and questioned thi s penalty. However, since thi s typographical error, other FIG changes were mode and the following now applies for fal ls from the unevens and beam: Fall off, or on bars, untouched by spotter ......................... 1.0 point Falloff, or on bars, with tou ch by spotter ................. .. ..... 1.5 point Falloff beam untouched by spotter. .5 point The question has been raised "What if a girl falls off the beam and is touched by the spotter?" Following the pattern of a fall off the bars adding .5 pt. to the fall penalty when touched by the coach, I would assume that a fall from the beam touched by the coach (spotter) would be penalized by a total of 1.0 point. The above penalties should not be confused with a touch by the spotter on a dismount. On a dismount, if the girl is touched BEFORE her feet touch the floor.. . ...... 1.5 pt. On a di smount, if the girl is touched AFTER her feet touch the floor.... . .......... ,.... .5 pt.


Front seat circle, pass rear over HB, Y2 turn to long hang. Do not let the legs touch the bar at any time. When you reach the rear support position (#3) pass right through it by pulling arms back which will shift the body a little ahead of the bar. Then start the Y2 turn to long hang. -24-

GYMNASTIC FLASHBACKS Ten Minutes - 16mm B&W andCalar Sound Produced by David Adams of Pyrmid Films Price: $1 20. Rental: $1 0 GYMNASTIC FLASHBACKS. A New Educational Gymnastic Film with a BEAT .. . Do you know what gymnastics looked like 50 yeors ago? Do you remember Even Parallels for women? Do you want to see it os it was? .. and see it as it is today? .. then! THIS IS THE FILM FOR YOU .. . A time capsu le of World and Olympic Champions in action over the past half century set t o a musical score that will make you jump. GREAT for any clas s, anytime, anyplace, rain or shine. They will really get TURNED ON for GYMNASTICS when you 'show them thi s one. Put your order in Now! for this norroted 16mm sound action film of the Super-Stars in the Gym na stic World past and present ... Purchase $ 120. Rental - $1 O.

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Here are two very important records for schools throughout the country that are involved in gymnastics. COMPOSITIONS FOR FLOOR EXERCISE - HLP 4090 Dale Flansaas, Coordinator - Pat Henderson, Pianist This album contains music to please all levels, beginners to advanced, Bands 1 to 3 are the compulsary pieces required for the three compulsory floor exercises in the D.G.w,S. Girls' Gymnastic Guide. Bands 1 to 3 are also the required music for the compulsory floor exercises under the girls' AAU Junior Olympic Program. Bands 4 to 6 are geared for the beginner's and intermediate's optional exercise . Bands 7 to 12 are geared for the low and high intermediate and advanced optional exercises. Included are: Gravy Waltz, Charade, Exercise Au Sol, Penny Whistle, Spoonful of Sugar, Midsommarvaka Rosenkavalier, Aragonnaise, Those Were The Days, Love Is Blue, Polish Dance, Two Guitars & Czardas, Waltz from Comedians and German Dances No.4. Also included are suggested movements to use for bands 4 to 12 , ALL SELECTIONS TIMED TO WITHIN COMPETITIVE REQUIREMENTS


ALL TIME FAVORITE TUNES FOR FLOOR EXERCISE - HLp·4093 Helen Sjursen, Coordinator - Paul Kueter, Pianist Here is the record educators have been waiting for ... different . . . exciting changes of rhythm and brilliantly played. Suitable for beginners to advanced. It also includes the Waltz from Eugene Onegin which is the compulsory music for the current "Junior National Compulsory Floor Exercise" routine (1969)EXCLUSIVE with this record, at no extra cost . .. 5 different skills, illustrated, described in detail with spotting instructions to help increase the difficulty rating of the exercise . These skills can be learned rather quickly even by a beginner. Also included is a beginner's routine with a worksheet. ALL SELECTIONS TIMED TO WITHIN COMPETITIVE REQUIREMENTS


The Impossible Dream -1:22; Tonight -1:29; More / Somewhere My Love -1:25; Give My Regards To Broadway/ Moon River/Glow Worm -1:08; La Napolitan/Mexican Hat Dance -1 :11 ; I'll See You Again1:17; Waltz From Eugene Onegin - :58 (This is the Junior National Exercise Compulsory); Tico·Tico/ Fascination/H i-Ho The Merrio/My Buddy -1 :13; Artist's Life -1 :22; It's A Big Wide Wonderful World1:06; By The Light Of The Silvery Moon -1:05; Gina -1:10.


THE MAGIC OF GYMNASTICS is the first contemporary readings text on the gymnastic market! It consists of a compilation of articles submitted by some sixty-five nationally and internationally known teachers, coaches, and physical educators. This classroom text deals with the broad spectrum of the total gymnastic curricula for both boys and girls of all levels.

• • • • •

Designed for Teacher, Coach, and Professional Student! Includes Teaching Methodology for all levels! Kinesiology, Physiology, and Psychology of Gymnastics! Covers the Current Available Literature in the Field! Elementary, Secondary and College Level Physical Education Gymnastics! • Competitive Gymnastics at all levels! • Exhibition Gymnastics! • Lists Current Equipment and Supply Companies!



TABLE OF CON TENTS Part I Hi storical Overview A Hi s to rica l Revie w of th e D eve lop men t of the G ymnaslic Appa ratus bv 81'1111 0 A. J ohnke . A Br;ef Hi slO r y of Tra mpolin e Co mpeti ti o n. by Clelill Wilson .

Pa rt I I G ymnastic s in Foreign Lan ds Gymnasti cs in the Japanese School Sys tem. by Tsuyo,\"hi Shimizu .. ....... Thought s on G ymnastics in (he Au stJ'ian School System. br Cum erA. l bne,., Ph.D. . ......... ....... Gy mnastic Tra ining in the Eas t Germa n Sc hoo l S ys te m . by Bruno Klaus ... G ymna s ti cs in the Hungarian Sc hool Sys te m. by J a mes A. Fa rka s .......... A n Int e rn a ti o nal Gy mnas ti c Sy mpos ium for iVlal e Coac hes. by Ric hard M . Aronson . . ..

14 17 19 21 23

Part I I I Psychological Int erpretat ion s Psychol ogy and th e Gy mn as l. by Dr. J oseph L. J\tfassim o ...... .............. 32 Moti va ti o na l Factors in Teachin g a nd Coac hin g, b\' Dr. Richard J . Smith .... 35 Psyc ho logic al Basis o fTeac hing-M e th odo l ogy~ h,; Dr. / r";n E. Faria ....... 37

Part IV Me n's Gy mn astics F loor Ex e rc ise for th e Beg inn e r. by J amile A shmore ......................... 4 3 T.he Pommeled H orse Eve nt. by R obert M1lI1fIin~ .... 45 Th e Still. Rings Eve nt. hy Fred Or/oj:"kv . ..48 The Paralle l Bars Eve nt. hI' K enn elh T . Bartlell .. ............................ 50 Long H o rse V aultin g. by Armondo Vega.. ...52 A n Intro du c ti o n to the Ho ri zo nt a l Ba r Eve nt. by R OK er H . Cn/lley ......... 54 The A ll-A ro und Eve nt. b\' Artlwl' Slwrlod.. .................................... 56 The Trampo lin e Even t. b:\' Fred B . Sa nders. . ........... 58 Tumbling - T he Foundation o f Gy mn as ti c r" fovemenl. by F rall k 1. Fortier III .. .......... 60

Part V Wom e n' s Gymnastic s Th e Use of Dance in Women 's Gy mn a s ti cs. by Gail SontXl'tm h ... .. ... ..... 65 Express io n in \\-' ome n's G ymn a stics. hy A1imi Murray . .67 Women's G ymn a s ti cs at the Co ll ege Leve l. by Edl\'ard P. Fran z . ..69 Tre nd s a nd Inn ova ti o ns in Wo me n' s Int e rnationa l G y mnas tics. by Vannie Edwards. . ... ...... . 7 1

Pa rt VI Judging Co mpetiti ve Gy mnastic s Tre nd s in JUd gin g Me n's G y mn as ti cs in the U nit ed States . by Dr. J on C ulhl'rt.HJ11. Ph.D . .......... ........ ................................. 76 G ymnas tic Jud gin g o n th e Int e rnati o nal Scene. hy Dr. Gelle WeffsfOlI {, ..... 80

Part V I I The A rt and Science of Gym nastics The Art o f Gy mna sti cs. by D all J . A1illmall 85 Mechanica l Ana lys is of Gy mn a stic Movement. by J oseph A. Dorsey. Jr . .. . . 88 The T w is ting Ill usio n in G ymna s ti c s. by Don T O III'.\' . .. 91 No mencl atu re of Gy mnas tic s . by William J. ViJ/C(' JlI. Ph.D . . ..93

Part V I I I Ph ys ica l Basis of Gymnastic Training Fo r Ph ys ical Skill o r Fitness. Yo u Ca n' t Bea t G ymn a s ti cs. by A hie G rus~fi'ld . .. 98 Tec hniqu e s for Enhancing Gymnas ti cs Stre ngth , by R oga L. Cau l/ sit ..... 100 Ca rdi o- Resp irator y Co nditi on ing fo r Gy mna sti cs, bv PalrickJ . Bird. PhD. . ....... ...... 103 Conditionin g fo r Gy mn asti cs. by J oseph NI . Fodera. . .. .. 108 Techniques o f Ha nd Ca re for th e G ymn as t. b." Edward J . Scrobe. . ... I 14 Spotting as a Sa fe ty F acto r in G y mn astics. by Ja ck B ellson ........ ......... 11 6 Predic ting Po te ntial G y mnas ti c Ab ilit y. b.,· J oseph L R e):Ila ........... ..... I 18

Part I X Gymnastic Foundations


Gy mn a s ti c s - T he Basis of Mo ve me nt Ed ucation. b\' Th omas C. DUllkfe\' 12 1 The Role o f Gy mna s ti cs in th e Intra mura l Sport s Progra ms. . by J ohll C. Gilmore. Ed.D . .. .......... . ..... ......... ........................ 124 G ymn as ti c s - The Foundation of A ll P hys ical Education Ac ti vit y C urri c ul a. by AmhollY J . Ca llino .... .. .... ................. ............. ........... ........ 127 The Unique Co ntri buti o ns o f Gym nas tics to Ph ys ical Ed uc atio n a nd Athlet ic s . bv H arlley Price. Ph .D . . ........................... . ............ ... 130

rhe Ro le o f(J ymnCl s tics in th e Seco ndar y Schoo l C urri c ulum . b v W . P. W ortman . .. C ompet iti ve Gy mn a stic s at lh e Seco nda ry Level. hy Bill R oetzheim .. ...... Gy mn a s ti c Abilit y Leve ls of Co ll ege S tud e nt s . by J ohn R ammac her . Teaching M e tho do logy fo r A d va nced Leve l Ski lls . by Onl'YJl Sampso n. Ph .D . · A Bac kward Approac h to T eac hing Gy mn as tics. by Erik Kjelds en . · Effic iency in Teac hin g Co mpetiti ve G ymn as tics. by Larry Banner. ·

145 14 7 149 15 1 154 156

Part X I Gymnastic Programmin g Sokol a nd Turne r Initia te G y mn as ti cs Prog ra m, by Ed. Gom bos. .. S uppli es and Eq uipm e nt Needed to Initiate a Gy mna s tic s Prog ram . In Bob R ecIOI' . ........ .. A C heck Lis t to A id in Pla nnin g Gym na sti c Mee ts . by E rie Hu g hes. Ph .D . A C urre nt Lis t o f Gy mn as ti c Eq ui pme nt a nd S uppl y Co m pa ni es. ....... ... b y Wall er ZlI'ickel .

162 16 5 168 t T}

Part X II E xhibitio n Gymnastics ... 17 8 Ex hibiti on Gy mn as ti cs. by George F . Kramer. Ph.D .. The Use ofa Li vin g S tat ua ry of Y o uth Tablea ux as Originated b y Pro fesso r Les li e J. Judd . bv Frall k A. W olcoll. .. ............ . ... 180

Pa rt XI I I Curren t Issue s in Gym nastics Is G y mn as tics D ange rous? A Statis ti cal Ju s tifi ca ti o n Correcting C urre nt M yth s. by R alph A. Piper. Ph .D . .. ..................... .. . · Is Tra mpo line Safe ? by Bill Sorellson. Is G ymn as tic s Ga ining Pop ul arit y? by J ames A1. Sweeney. Ph .D .. .... ... G ymn a s ti c s - A T ea m Sport ? by Richard J . Smith. Tumbling and Tram po lin e Re mo ved from C ompetition : Its I mpac t on .. . Gy mnast ics C urri c ul a. by J e// Austill .. .. The A ll -Around vs. th e Specialis ts . bv OlIO R vser. Ph .D .

185 189

192 195 198 200

Pa rt XIV Co nt e mpl ative Readings G ymn as ti cs a s I See It. by Russell D. Mitc hell. . .. 206 The U nit ed States Ca n Win in Ol ymp ic Gy mna s tic s. by T om A11110ll ey ... 209 Tra mpo lining - Nowa Worldwid e Spon. by George P . N isse n . .......... 2 13

Pa rt XV O ve rview of Avai lable G ymn astic Litera ture G ymn a s ti c Maga zines - U.S. a nd Fore ign . by Richard C riley. Ph .D .. .... 2 18 A C urre nt Bibliograph y of A va il a ble Gy mn a s tic M a te ri a l. .. 22.1 b)' C lair W . J e nnell . Ph .D . The A nal ys is o f Gy mn a sti cs - A S urvey o f th e Lite rature. by A. Bruce Frederick . .. ............ ....... . .. . . . 227


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS Box 777

Santa Monica, California 90406 Please send me THE MAGIC OF GYMNASTICS. Enclosed you will find a check or money order of


NAME _________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________ Street

Part X Gymnastics in the Schools Tumbling Abi lit y Leve ls of E le me ntary School C hildre n. by R ex Da";s .... 136 Co mpetiti ve Gy mn asti cs at the E le me ntary School Leve l. by Gudfrey S lyeh . . .. ................... ...... . 140 Teaching Metho dology for Bas ic Leve l Ski ll s. by M(lrSh,,1/ R . Cia us . ..... 142




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NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME: Professionally Custom Made Floor Exercise Tapes Personally stylized to suit specifi c age, body type, and degree of advancement. Music played by: DOROTHY FUCH S, pianist, accompanist, com poser, arranger. Miss Fuchs, who holds a Master of Music Degree from Jullia rd School of Music, is the pianist who played the selections on the popular free ex reco rd, "Gymnasts, Music For Yo u." These custom tapes will be personally supervised by LOUI SE ENGSTROM, coordinator of the above mentioned reco rd and nationally known as a coach of women's gy mnastics, a iudge and a free ex specialist. Selections include all types of music by such composers as Gershwin, Richard Rogers and Burt Baca rach and will be selected and arranged in accordance with the F. I. G. specifications. Topes will be selected and arranged at the di sc retion of the coordinators or by individual request.

To order, send special requirements along with check for $50_00 payable

to, ~

LOUISE ENGSTROM 543 S. Scoville Ave. Oak Park, III. 60304



Dr. Gohler, editor of the Olympic Turnkunst gymnastic magazine, keeps a score index from all of the statistics he receives and co mpiles ' throughout the year. Listed below are Dr. Gohler's tabulations and placements for 1969: Individua I High Score 1. Janz - D.D.R. .... . ............... 76.75 2. Zuchold - D.D.R. .76.70 3. Rimnacova - C.S.S.R. . . ..76.60 . ... 76.55 4.0da - Japan . 5. Burda - U.S.S.R. ............ .. .. . ........ 76. 15 6. liskova - C.S.S. R. ..... 76.05 7. Vachovo - C.S.S.R. . . ..... 76.00 B. Petrik - U.S.S.R. . . .. .... ..... ........ 75.90 9. Hoshiguchi - Japan ....... 75.70 10. Krippendorf - D.D.R. ....... 75.55 11 . Matshuhiso - Japan . . .. 75.35 . ..... .75.30 12. Schegalkowo - U.S.S.R.. . .75.025 13. Turi schtschewo - U.S.S. R. . .. .. . .74.90 14. Krejcirovo - C.S.S.R. . ...... 74.B5 15. Korbut - U.S.S.R.. 16. Jeschowa - U.S.S.R. . ...... 74.65 17. losakowitsch - U. S.S.R. . ..... .74.65 lB. Karassewa - U.S.S.R. .... ... . .. 74.625 ...... 74.55 19. Kern - De'utschland (DTB) 20. Horva th - Ungarn . .... ...... ..... . .. .74.55

Placement Rating ' 1 Jan z - D.D.R. ...• ......• ..... .• .. ..... .92 2. Korassewa - U.S.S.R. . .. ....... ..... .91 . .91 Petrik - U.S.S.R. Zuchold - D.D.R. . ...... 91 'Burda - U.S.S. R. ..... . ...... 91 6. Rimnacovo - C.S.S.R. . ...... 90 Krejcirova - C.S.S.R. ........ ..•. ... . ...... 90 8. Rigby - U.S.A.. . ............... ......... ... ..... B9 Oda - Japan .. . ....... . ......... . ...... . ... . ..... ..B9 Turi schtschewa - U.S.S.R. ...... .B9 Kostalovo - C.S.S.R. . ................ ..... .. . ....... B9 1 2. li skovo - C.S.S. R. . ...... B8 Vachovo - C.S.S.R. . . .. 88 Noack - D.D.R. . ...... 88 Korbut - U.S.S.R. ............... . . ...... 88 Schabalina - U.S.S.R. . .88 Sicharulid se - U.S.S.R. . ...... 88 . .88 Krippendorf - D.D.R. Tanac - U.S.A. .................................88 Ha shig uchi - Japan . . ...................... 88 Tea-m Placement: 1. Ru ssia; 2. East Ge rmany; 3. Czechoslova kia ; 4. Japan; 5.' U.S.A.; 6. Hunga ry; 7. Rumania; 8. Bulgaria; 9. W. German Turner Bund, France and Poland; 1 2. Sweden, Norway and Netherlands.


MLLE G Calendar


March 25-28. 1970 National Intercollegiate Gymnastics Championships for Women sponsored by the Division for Gi rl s and Women 's Sports of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, at Brigham Young Unive rsity, Provo, Utah. lune 2f-fuly i, 1970. Gymnastic Workshop, Stonford Unive rsity. Faculty, Heidi Kla us and George Hery. For information and application write to Mrs. Ruth Kaiser, Administrati ve Coordinator, Gymnastics Work shop, Women's Gymnasium, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305. April 4="5. -C~lifornia State U.S.G.F. Championships, los Alamitos High School, l os Alamitos, Colifornlq. April 11, 1910. Central Atlantic Area YMCA Championships, Glassboro State College, Glassboro; New Jersey. April 17·18, 1910. National YMCA Gymnastic Championship, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. April 23, 24, 25, 1970 USGF Notional Championships for Men and Women. Convention Center -los Vegas, Nevada (World Gomes Compulsories will be used) .. . Frontier Hotel will be the Headquarters. May 2. National North /South Invi tational, los Alamitos High School, los Alamitos, California. June 20-21. Senior U.S.G. F. National s, Class 1,15 yea rs and above, los Alamitos High School, los Alamitos, California. Octlber 22·21, 1910. WORLD'S GAMES ... ljubjlana, Yugoslavia. Mid-Atlantic Gymnastic Camp Fairleigh-Dickinson University Florham Park - Madi son, New Jersey . August 16 to 30, 1970. For odditional information write to camp directors: Carl A Deck, 501 long Springs Road, South hampton, N.Y. 11 968 or George Kline, R.D. # 4, West Chester, Po. 19380. HELP WANTED Universi ty of California at Santa Barbora is looking for a women's Gymnastic teacher/coach for a 3-5 year position. Facilities as well as opportunity for competition are more than ample. UCSB has a separate work-out gym with double sets. of each apparatus with a permanently set up matted Free Ex area. Training conditioning aids are also available. The prospective teacher must also be competent in some other aspects of women's activities at the P.A. class level. For further information contact Arthur J. Aldritt, Gymnastic Cooch, Universit y of California at Santa Barbara.




FOURTH ANNUAL SUMMER GYMNASTICS INSTITUTE - July 6 thru 17, 1970. For men and women teachers and cooc hes with (or without) three hours graduate credit earned toward the Master's Degree. Daily from 10:00 a.m. to 6,00 p.m. lecture demonstrations are conducted by a fo culty of outstanding USA coaches with the ossistant of Olympicon gymnasts. The women's program includes all four Olympic events (taught in skill progres sion from beginning to elite level) with special emphasis placed on dance and composition of routines. Added lecture to the curric ulummodern gymnastics instruction (rhythmical gymnastics with the use of balls, ropes, hoops, etc.) for classroom teaching as well as for competition purposes. GRADUATE COURSE IN JUDGING WOMEN 'S GYMNASTICS) 3 hrs. graduate credit. June 15-July 17, daily from 7:30 to 9,30 a.m. As the conclusion of th is course - National Women's Gymnastics Certification Exo mination administered. (local, Regional, National ratin gs may be achieved.) SECOND MIDWEST WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS INSTITUTE - November 6 and 7, 1970. Conducted for teachers, coaches, and gymnasts. Workshop includes in struction on all levels of the four Olympic events, classroom teaching, coaching and performing. Special emphosis placed on donee, composition of routines, and on modern gymnastics. Women Judge's Training session and Roting Examination included in the schedule. ISU Summer Tuition for 3 hrs. graduate credit course: $90.00 for non-resident graduates. $51.00 for re sident graduates. Write for informotion to, Mrs. Margit Treiber, Women's Physical Education Dept .. Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana 47809.

USGF OLYMPIC TOUR USGF 1972 Olympic Tour to Munich, Germany

Zwickel Gymnastic Tailors P.O. Box 309 Jenkintown, Pa. 19046

Opening August 26-C los ing September 10. Gymnastics events (Men & Women), August 28 to Sept. 2. Reservati ons are accepted with accompanying deposit. Tota l cost is approximately $600:00 per person (including air transportation. hotel. and tickets to opening ceremonies). For further information, write to Fran k l. Bore, Olympic Tour, P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 85717, Telephone (602) 622-3865.

Better Not Take Safety Standards For Granted When You Buy Gymnastic Apparatus Nissen doesn't. In fact, most new safety and convenience features for gymnasium apparatus in the last decade have been developed by Nissen.

Who else would think of putting a Floating Counterbalance device in each apparatus upright to make height adjustments almost effortless? More importantly, the counterbalance prevents the parallel bar, for example, from suddenly dropping, possibly causing pinched fingers or bruised foreheads. Who else but Nissen would develop an almost unbreakable Perma-Wood top bar for parallel bars, fusing hardwood laminations together under extreme heat and pressure? Noone insisted these changes ... except Nissen. Heavier gauge materials, interchangeable parts so improvements or innovations will fit equipment in the field, streamlined, protrusion-free design - Nissen has engineered new safety into gymnastic equipment, on its own, without an outside organization requiring it. Some equipment buyers take safety standards for granted. If you're

that way, your best bet buy equipment from a company that doesn't. Like Nissen, for instance. Nissen Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 A floating counterbalance is installed inside each upright of Nissen parallel bars to keep the pistons at static tension. Only a slight hand pressure is required to raise or lower the bar.

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