Meet UPrep - 2020-2021

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The heart of University Prep is inclusion, the value our visionary Founders affirmed when they built a community where every student can bring their full self to school and be embraced for who they are. The spirit of UPrep is invention, where students drive their own academic inquiry according to their own passions within next-generation learning programs. The soul of UPrep is inspiration, sparked by the deep relationships between students and the teachers who challenge and support them, producing intellectual courage.

MISSION University Prep is committed to developing each student’s potential to become an intellectually courageous, socially responsible citizen of the world.

VISION UPrep shall be an inclusive community of learners that provides an outstanding education for each individual in a diverse student population.

VALU ES UPrep believes that integrity, respect, and responsibility are essential to accomplish its mission and sustain its vision.

DIVERSITY MISSION STATE M E NT University Prep’s mission compels us to train and educate the next generation of leaders who will create impact and change in an interdependent, complex, and global community. Our students need to see, hear, and understand the diversity of people, perspectives, and points of view around them and the world they will lead in the years ahead. Essential to this proposition is the ability of our students to identify, analyze, and act on issues of equity, justice, and inclusion. Our world demands it.

INCLUDE I have three fairly different children. And yet coming to this school they all found their place very quickly. UPrep is a place for everyone. This is a school that brings you right in and makes you feel comfortable … then helps you grow from there.” – UPrep parent

INVENT UPrep has always taken risks to be at the forefront of education. We’ve also encouraged our students to be risk-takers and given them a safe place to do so. To try the class they might think was too hard, to stretch themselves in some way. And to test their potentials and limits, just as we continually do as educators here.” – UPrep Founder

INSPIRE What I see at UPrep is space to dream, collaborate, and invent. What I see is a safe place that’s inclusive, where [kids] feel like they can stretch themselves and discover what they want to be and what they want to do. It goes beyond these walls. It’s not about school, it’s about life.” – UPrep parent

ACADEMICS Deep inquiry and critical thinking are at the heart of a UPrep education. Students learn in classes where teachers produce new curricula each year, and administrators support innovative practices, from interdisciplinary courses to Social Emotional Learning. As they progress into Upper School, students drive much of their own academic inquiry in response to the questions that fascinate them, through intensives and senior LaunchPad. Within a culture of individual nurturing, UPrep students are held to high standards, exercise their own voice, and leave UPrep prepared not just for college—but for life.

OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM UPrep’s campus is situated in a quiet residential neighborhood, yet the world is the UPrep students’ classroom. Athletics, community service, student clubs, entrepreneurial projects, and leadership opportunities take students across the Seattle area, while Global Link and Global Online Academy classes open up the world to our students.


87% 76 97 26+ 305 70+

of students participated in sports

clubs founded and led by students (22 Middle School; 54 Upper School)

students performed and competed in music festivals in and out of state

service organizations to which students contributed time and talent on Service Days

works of art created during the intensives program

students participated in Global Link, visiting Atlanta/Montgomery, Botswana, Colombia, Japan, Lithuania, Nepal, and Samoa

650+ 135

people engaged in UPrep’s annual Social Justice Day, the largest of its kind in the region

class trips as part of the intensives program


187 58% 13%

college representatives visited in the fall from across the nation and around the globe

of seniors received Washington State Honors awards

of seniors were National Merit Finalists, Commended Scholars, or National Hispanic Scholars

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