Up Suping #45 English Version

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Stand Up Paddle



Nico Arnedo info@upsuping.com


Nico Arnedo.


Pablo Codesido, Santiago Mencías Calderón, Albert Asenjo, Ensis, Sara Thornely Spain Wingfoil League, Brian Johncey, Roberto Canedo ¨Barbu¨, SIC, Blue Chip, SUP Junkie, @surfingvic.com, Nico Arnedo, Up Suping.


Chris Staddler, Sean Evans, Job Vermulen, Pablo Franco, ISA, Jersson Barboza, Javi López, A. Asenjo, Ensis, Albert Laborda, Asian Surf Company, Giner, José Vicente, Sarah Thornely, Brian Johncey, SIC, EuroTour, EuroSUP, Samuel Cárdenas, Julieta Rodríguez, @moshxmedia, @georgiasphoto, Nico Arnedo.

COVER SIC Rider: Seychelle

BACK COVER Albert Laborda

Reproduction in whole and in part of the texts, photographs and drawings published in this issue is strictly prohibited unless expressly agreed with the publishers. Supp Suping is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the collaborators or texts or photographs that reach our hands without being sued. www.upsuping.com
Stand Up Paddle
UP#45 JUNE 2024 www.upsuping.com Follow us
UP SUPING Stand Up Paddle DIGITAL MAGAZINE AND WEBSITE A decade reporting the national and international Stand Up Paddle. Traveling, sharing great moments that we transfer to our digital platforms and watching this sport grow very closely... ¡Go to www.upsuping.com! Don’t miss our free digital magazine! You have more than 45 magazines to enjoy the best reading.


When I sit to write the ¨Edito¨ of each magazine, I try to go over the previous issue, since somehow I like to link one with the other (maybe this way of doing it is not appreciated, but it is already a habit). And to my surprise, I felt like copying the texts of the issue of Up#44 and pasting them in Up#45. Strange...isn’t it? As a result of this thought, I tried to think why this came to my mind...and I quickly found the answer.

In Up#44 exist a call for attention, a call to the Stand Up Paddle world in general, a kind of need to keep pushing this great sport on the right path. A push of quality, as I said in the previous Edit, or a moment of reflection to analyze many things. I don’t think any of this has come up. Is it because I’m in a hurry? Is there laziness? Here I still can’t find the answer. And what is starting to worry me, is the situation that part of the Stand Up Paddle sector is going through. To be honest, until today we have always had to tighten the screws and wish that our dreams for this sport would come true, making the best of our smiles in the face of all kinds of adversity...but right now, in some moments, it is hard to find great joys.


I don’t want to be melodramatic or anything like that. The truth is that, in my case, Up Suping is an inexhaustible source of joy and satisfaction in the face of the many struggles I have to keep this project alive. And I could not be prouder of what has been generated since 2012. But there is a concern, many things need to be changed for the benefit of all of us who are here. I have been working and planning the present and future of this project for months, and without a doubt I will have to make changes in order not to lose our essence. Adaptation to the moment in which we live, no more.

Perhaps with the arrival of summer for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, these concerns will calm down, but they will never go away. They will always be there to be addressed and analyzed. Perhaps I personally should take an even more professional step and also help the SUP in another way. I am in search of that point. What is certain is that we now have a new magazine, our showcase par excellence, with the intention of filling you with emotion on every page you read. Ladies and gentlemen...Welcome to Up#45!

10 Max Torres 18 Battle For Hércules 24 DW Foil 30 Tarryn King 36 BCN SUP Fest 42 The Doctor´s Spot 46 LongboardSUP 54 Triple ESE 2024 60 Barle river 76 Mera SUP Festival 82 Nicolò Ricco 94 Julieta Rodríguez UP#45 summary
Do you want to participate in a competition? In our calendar you will find events in Spain and rest of the world. ¡Go to www.upsuping.com! 2024 CALENDAR



ISA. Max Torres Up Suping
I am Boricua, so that you know it!

Hi Max, have you started 2024 with good surfing sessions?

Greetings Up Suping family! I have started 2024 with a lot of enthusiasm for the sport and motivation to defend my title as world champion. The waves in Puerto Rico have been incredible: awesome barrels and long rides. The season is coming to an end here in Puerto Rico, so we will travel in search of more waves!

We’ve been watching you enjoy riding the waves with your SUP Surfing equipment for a few years. What is it about Stand Up Paddle that excites you as opposed to other sports?

I am passionate about sports. Since I was young I have played basketball, baseball, golf... among others. Surfing has always been part of the family tradition. However, when I started paddle boarding, I discovered a new passion by experiencing a unique adrenaline rush. Paddling in giant waves or challenging the breakers when they say you can’t, that’s what I’m really passionate about!


What are the things that most motivate you to compete in national and international events? Without a doubt, competitions are a great showcase to show your skills.

For me, the biggest motivation is to raise the “island of enchantment” to the top. Representing the ¨boricuas¨ is a unique experience, because despite being an extremely small island, we sound loud thanks to us, the athletes, artists and other talents that make us stand out.

Your participation in the ISA World Championship in your country was magical, and your surfing and results in France last year were incredible. How would you describe those days in Les Sables d’Olonne?

What an incredible time in Les Sables! Even today, when I look back, those moments are simply inexplicable. The connection I experienced from day one and the peace of mind I found are indescribable. The hospitality of the people there was exceptional. I arrived a week early, alone, and walked two miles to the boardwalk; during that walk, I felt completely connected. Definitely a big part of the triumph was the peace of mind that Les Sables gave me.

Did your performance in that spectacular final in France show us everything Max was looking for and his best level on the waves?

What an exhausting final! To go from the repechage straight to the final without a break was quite a challenge. But at that moment, I could see everything I had been strategically looking for, so everything went according to plan. Even though my surfing wasn’t 100%, you still haven’t seen my maximum level in this sport.


Tell us about the SUP Surf boards you use and how was your evolution with them until you found the right ones. By the way, with few liters...right?

For the last two years, I have been collaborating with Jeff Cuming’s Seek Surf Boards in the design of a specific model for small waves, with an excellent double concavo V. Currently, my board for surfing small waves, like those in France, is a 6’9” x 23” x 65L round tail for good release and hold. Considering my current weight of 180 pounds and a height of 6 feet (84 kilos and 1.83).

Please tell us how you would describe your style and your favourite manoeuvres. Do you think there is something you still have to polish your surfing?

My surfing style definitely leans towards power surfing. For years, I’ve been watching competitions and looking to stand out by being different. A lot of surfers tend to avoid power sections, but I make the most of those opportunities. My favorite maneuver is the blow tail in critical sections. Although there is always room for improvement in each of my maneuvers, I would especially like to perfect the aerials.


Have you done many SUP trips throughout Latin America and the rest of the world? What waves and places have surprised you?

Without a doubt, nothing compares to being at home, with its perfect weather and waves. But if I had to choose another place, it would be Mexico. It’s like an accessible and affordable Indonesia, with a great variety of waves, excellent weather, delicious food and friendly people, all in one!

How do you see the SUP Surfing scene in Puerto Rico and the rest of the world? Do you have a wish list for this sport to keep growing?

The paddle scene in Puerto Rico is evolving. It is much more accepted than before, as long as you respect and know what you are doing. There are a lot of people in their 40s and 60s SUP surfing, and a new generation is starting in SUP racing and SUP surfing. It’s amazing how in the last two years the SUP scene has changed in Puerto Rico. My wish for this sport is that there would be a well-structured professional tour, with significant prizes. This would raise the level of SUP surfing to another level compared to the present.


Thanks to…

Definitely, a simple thank you is not enough for my family, especially my mom and dad. They have been by my side since day one, supporting me and believing in me. I also want to thank the people of Puerto Rico, because without their support, there would be no reason to represent my island of enchantment. I thank my nutritionist, Carolyn Landrau, and my sports psychologist, Hector Rafael Melendez, for their constant support. Finally, thanks to the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee for believing in me. And to all those people I did not mention, but you know who you are, I am also grateful.

This great Hawaiian brand has something very special. When you hear or read the word SIC, a wide range of sensations come to your mind. Whether it’s enjoying the tranquility of a wonderful sunrise with glassy water, or feeling the adrenaline rush of venturing out to paddle in the vastness of the ocean, this brand simply seeks unique and individual experiences. As SIC says, we are all #BOUNDBYWATER.

To get to know SIC and its origins in depth, we certainly have to talk about the great Mark Raaphors. A windsurfing enthusiast from the Netherlands, who, trying to fulfill one of his greatest dreams, traveled to the north coast of Maui when he was only 16 years old. Ali became a great shaper, making a living repairing boards and learning from great masters.

Before long, Raaphorst had the Ding King Fiberglass Works repair shop. And it didn’t take him long to start shaping boards and building outrigger canoes. It is also worth remembering that during the early days when SUP began to grow, many legendary sea lovers came to Mark and asked him to shape a board for stand-up paddling on the waves and cruising the coast. He then began shaping some of the first SUP boards, which would help the sport take off and begin to grow like never before.

In 2006, Mark created his brand, “Sandwich Islands Composites”. The Sandwich Islands being the name given to the Hawaiian Islands by Captain James Cook, British explorer, navigator and cartographer, in honor of Lord Sandwich who had sponsored the voyages. In 2011, the acronym and logo “SIC” was created, as the brand is known today.

Over the years, SIC has evolved, defining and dominating part of the global open ocean SUP scene, even being the overwhelmingly winning brand in most of the prestigious channel crossing events worldwide. This is how the legend was born.

Their quality craftsmanship and attention to every detail of their design and construction, have made SIC Maui recognized as one of the best brands in the market, both in and out of the water. When we talk about ¨downwinds¨, the word SIC always comes to mind…they are the kings of this modality! We repeat: a SIC board in the open sea opens your mind to understand and comprehend how waves work, winds, etc. No doubt this great brand has taught us a lot, very focused on the world of watermen & waterwoman!

Today, this brand works body and soul in the SUP, specifically in the modalities of Race, Downwind and Touring. They are also very focused on Wing Foil and of course, always present in the world of Surfing. And whether you are in search of a great podium in a competition or just want to go for a ride, they always have the same idea: to have a great day on the water, whatever your level is.

And if you are up to date with our publications, you will know that SIC is launching some spectacular SUP boards, which are already leaving incredible sensations to many riders. And there are still many more news to come! Don’t miss the next issue of our online magazine Up#45 and our posts to find out about the great news that SIC is offering to the SUP world.

Resounding success of a new edition of the Battle For Hercules, being Aarón Sánchez and Alba Frey winners of the Elite category in Benalmádena.

Up Suping

Last Saturday April 12 was held on the beach of Malapesquera, Benalmádena, a new edition of the Battle For Hercules. It is a national and international SUP Race competition that brought together more than 220 riders, having been a highly anticipated event for all lovers of this sport, under the sponsorship of the Provincial Council of Malaga, Senda Azul and the Club Nautico Maritimo de Benalmadena, among others.

The day had fantastic conditions, ideal for this model of competitions and that encouraged a lot of people to come to the beach of Malapesquera to enjoy a great sporting event, since most of the different categories would perform their competition in a technical circuit very visible to all the people.

The SUB8, SUB10 and SUB12 categories were the first to go to the water, with a wonderful participation and showing the young promises of this sport with athletes from all over Spain, and always supported by their coaches and families.

The SUB14 and SUB 16 categories were the next to compete, under this technical course that demanded the best of each competitor throughout the course. The buoy turns and portages generated a lot of action and excitement in the waters of Benalmádena, with a great level shown by competitors from Alicante, Galicia and Anda-lusia.


We highlight the great organization by the Beach Club of the Club Nautico Maritimo de Benalmadena and its volunteers, who took care of all the participants from the first moment they arrived at the beach. The balconies of the Club Nautico Maritimo de Benalmadena were a great stage to see the development of the event, which were also used by family members, friends of athletes and the general public. Without a doubt this place is a great showcase for the sport!

Around noon the Elite and SUB18 categories made one of the most exciting starts of the event, with an important participation of riders from South Africa, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and other european countries. In addition, we enjoyed the participation of practically the best of this discipline in our country, with a large number of athletes belonging to the National SUP Race Team.

This category not only had to do a technical lap, which was very exciting, but also had to do a long distance with another 10 km and then return to the event area. When these competitors left the Malapesquera beach, it was the ideal moment for the Amateur and Popular categories to jump into the water.

These two categories had a massive participation, where we could see boards of different constructions and competitors of all levels, with the sole purpose of enjoying and paddling with other fans of this sport.


The last kilometers of the Elite and SUB18 categories had excellent sea conditions with some gentle cross waves, which benefited many athletes who have a great performance in this conditions. After an exciting finish of the first group in the men’s category, Aaron Sanches took first place in this category ahead of Donato Freens followed by the anda-lusian rider Antonio Morillo. In the SUB18 male category, it was Iván Puente who crossed the finish line first, followed by Marc Simoncelli and local rider Jorge Valenzuela

As for the women’s category, the canary rider Alba Frey showed a great performance throughout the course as well as the current world runnerup Duna Gordillo from Mallorca. But finally Alba Frey was the one who took the first place ahead of the Majorcan girl, getting the third place her teammate Sonia Caimari from Port Adriano. In the SUB18 female category, Laura Paricio was crowned champion in this category ahead of Amelia Moral.

After the culmination of the different competitions, the awards ceremony was held with the assistance of various local entities in the facilities of the Club Nautico Maritimo de Benalmadena, all enlivened with a magnificent paella and concert for athletes and the public who attended this great sporting event.

Thanks to Diputación Provincial de Málaga, Club Náutico Marítimo de Benalmádena, Ayuntamiento de Benalmádena, Puerto de Benalmádena, Senda Azul, Wailele, Paddle Surf Benalmádena, Muller Property and other sponsors and collaborators who have made possible the realization of this great sporting event.

This edition of the Battle For Hercules has come to Benalmadena to stay, with an eye on the 2025 edition and with the main objective of continuing to promote the growth of Stand Up Paddle in our region.



We are in a period where SUP Foil downwind is already establishing itself as one of the most addictive disciplines. The material has already evolved a lot thanks to the brands and very passionate people. It can be practiced many days, in an infinite number of places and there are no problems with crowds.

Job Vermulen. Javi López. Up Suping. A.Asenjo Albert Asenjo J.Vermulen


I think the first to do downwind in Spain would be Xavi Masdevall, Fred Bonef and Ruben ¨El Niño¨ after competing internationally in SUP Race, as in other countries like France there was already a small community of people who did downwinds with the foil.

As I come from surfing and living in Catalonia there are not many days of good conditions, I saw the famous video with which Kai Lenny broke the internet, where he was surfing foil and connecting 6 consecutive waves. I automatically bought a foil. A friend made me a 4 foot board based on photos we saw on Instagram and I started practicing alone. The beginning was difficult, but after a few days I was surfing with the foil every day that I broke a wave, no matter how small it was. After a few months I changed foil and in the first session I used it, I was already connecting waves.

I was shocked how the design of the foil could facilitate and change the sensation so much.

Then came wingfoiling. I had never done any wind sport, but after understanding it and knowing how to foil, in very few sessions I was already flying, surfing the undulations of the sea and chasing the waves of the swallows of Barcelona under the gaze of tourists.

Such was my obsession that I decided to buy a semi-rigid boat and start giving lessons, since not only was there almost no one to teach in Barcelona, but there was no one to practice with.


The school is called The Foilers Club and nowadays we teach wakefoil behind the boat, surf foil (also known as prone) on days when there are waves, wingfoil and also sup foil (with waves and downwind).

At that time there were already some videos circulating on the net of people surfing the waves offshore with a paddle in their hand and without a sail. The closest thing to surfing and with endless waves! I already knew Xavi from Windparadise and I knew that he had done some downwind in the Maresme. I bought material and started to go with him to do runs in what is our most common route, from Barcelona to Mataró 25-30km.

In a few months I had it under control and since then I’ve been going down in foil size, which increases the difficulty to take off but allows me to fly at much higher speeds (easily peaks over 40km/h), to go out in more powerful conditions and also what I was looking for: to make turns similar to surfing but in open sea.

If learning to fly with the foil catching waves was difficult, surfing the waves in the open sea was 10 times more difficult. A lot of frustration every session, but with little flashes of glory that kept the motivation extremely high. And each time there was less frustration and more fun.

First you have to learn how to take off with the paddle, and secondly you have to learn how to read the wind sea and the energy in the open sea, which has nothing to do with reading surf waves, in order to fly as efficiently as possible. Not taking off means drifting for hours, as we do the logistics with several cars in order to fly from A to B, and without waves it takes much longer.


In the Barcelona area we have different courses depending on conditions, although we usually go out when the thermal (SW) comes in. The route to start is from Premia to Cabrera (3km). If you go fast, you do it in less than 8 minutes, but if you don’t it, takes an hour or less.

With the same conditions we do from Premia to Arenys, Barcelona-Mataró, which are around 30km, or depending on the desire even longer stretches. Like one day I did 60km in just over 2 hours and a half from Barcelona to Malgrat de Mar.

If the wind is more from the west, then the area south of Barcelona gets good and you can do from Port Ginesta to Prat. Or even leaving from Vilanova and do the whole coast of Garraf, although there are contrails near the coast and you have to pass quite far away.

If it comes in from the east we usually do these runs backwards (discarding the Barcelona area for its orientation), although it is usually accompanied by swell. Which makes it worse for some, as it is more difficult, or more entertaining for others because there is swell and wind, which means more energy and more speed.

Although the best part of the Catalan coast is the northern part when the Tramuntana (north wind) comes in. We usually do short courses from Portbou to Port de la Selva, as they are stronger conditions, although I have also done from Cadaqués to Begur, which is 40km passing 15km offshore in the bay of Roses, or from Canet et Rousillon to Port de la Selva which is 50km.

As you can see, there are many possibilities and everything is to be done. It can be done from Canet to Begur, which is 100km, or even from Begur to Menorca, which is 200km. At an average of 25km/h going normal, you just need to do the numbers...



As for the material, which has evolved a lot in recent years and even months, is helping to make learning faster and easier. And also to be able to downwind in very light or very strong conditions.

As a board I use a Sunova Aviator Downwind 7’2 x 18” x 7” of 103 liters and as a foil I change between the different Code Foils, although I usually go with the 770R and stab 120R. I also really like the 850 S series or 720S, which are not as efficient, but still very fast and have more turn. Thanks to Windparadise for providing me with the material!

One of the things I like most about this discipline is that it is the beginning and everything is still to be done. There are more and more competitions (M2O, M2M, The Gorge Challenge, Open de France, BCN WORLD SUP FEST...) and the community is growing a lot.

This year in the famous Molokai to Oahu there has been sold out in the first hour that the registrations have been opened and there are already many people breaking the limits with runs of more than 100km and even 200. I think there is going to continue to be a strong boom despite the strong economic barrier and the difficulty of learning and we are going to break the limits of what we think we are capable of doing in foiling more than once.

Even though it gives you one of the best feelings of gliding and freedom, the best thing about the foiling community and especially downwind. There are a lot of enthusiastic people and wherever you go there are no crowd problems. Everything is smiles and friendly people willing to share, something difficult in this time of overcrowding around the world.


In short, it is a sport that is exploding and that is easy to have good conditions at any time of the year and in countless places. Lots of adventure, freedom, speed and exercise. And best of all...you spend many hours at sea!



Tarryn, it’s a great pleasure to see you in our mag! Tell us how and when did that spark that ignited your passion for the sea and the waves begin?

Hey Guy’s, thanks for having me. My grandfather and my uncle both surf so the love of the ocean definitely runs through my veins. I only started surfing when I was 14. The bug bit hard! My best friend and I went down to the beach almost every afternoon after school no matter how good or bad the waves were, we just couldn’t get enough! I started Stand Up paddleboarding 10 years ago.

G. Schofield
Pablo Franco. Saan Evans. Jiménez. Schofield
Up Suping

We perfectly remember your great performances in the ISA World Championships in Mexico, Fiji or China, the PPG and other big events. What did you like the most of those years and what did Stand Up Paddle bring to you at an international level?

Thank you! Aaaaah, the good old days haha. These years were some of the best years of my life. Meeting new people and making friends for life. Surfing and paddling all over the world with my husband. Stand Up Paddleboaridng has opened up so many doors for me that I am so grateful for. I would never have been able to travel where I have and experience this way of life if it wasn’t for Stand Up paddle boarding.

Wife and mother¨, and as you know, that takes time and responsibilities. And yet, you continue at full capacity participating in SUP world championships. How have you prepared yourself to face the new generations? Is it true that we are the only ones who set the limit?

The juggle is real, haha! Being a mom to two young kids makes life extremely busy as it is. When they say ‘it takes a village’ they’re not joking! I am extremely lucky to have a very supportive family unit back home. An extremely hands on husband and lots of grandparents to share the load. I don’t think youre ever fully prepared but if you set your mind to giving it your all, nothing is impossible. With a determined mindset and the drive and passion for something there are no limits. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!


You have won great titles in Sprints. What is the secret to have that great explosiveness and concentration?

I get asked this quite often. I have changed my training quite a lot now that I am doing some distance races. When I was training for sprints I would do a lot of intervals through the surf, paddling in and out through the waves and downwinding. With this being said I am very disciplined when it comes to good, clean eating, ( besides my weakness for gelato and dark chocolate ) ,sticking to my training program and staying focused on the end goal! GOLD!

S.Evans 32

Please tell us about JBay, its magnificent waves and some anecdotes you have surfing with Longboard and SUP Surf.....

Jbay is my favorite wave in the world. Long rights that you feel like you’re surfing for km’s. I love going there on family holidays and spending the day on the beach and in the water. We have our South African Longboard championships there every year. The best heat I have surfed there was sharing perfect 4-6ft Jbay with 3 other girls in the water! I have won a couple of South African titles there over the years which makes it extra special

Without going any further, we would like you to tell us about South Africa and its current situation. Do you have facilities to travel and compete at world level? Do you think there is support for the growth of SUP and the sport in general?

It is really difficult for South African’s to get to international events. The expenses are exorbitant and to get equipment at events has always been a struggle for us (until now Thank you Sunova) Unfortunately the growth of SUP in South Africa is very slow. We are continuously trying to encourage the younger generation to get involved and have a great SUP governing body which is constantly trying to grow the sport.

As you have seen in France, the young promises of SUP are very strong! What is your opinion about the current level of Stand Up Paddle athletes worldwide?

It’s HIGH! It is so awesome to see how the younger generation are dominating SUP races and even SUP Surfing. Competing in international events makes you very aware of this. A large group of the strong competitors are still in their teens. It’s a good sign as it shows that the sport is growing! BUT, it makes the more ‘mature’ contestants (like me) work that extra bit harder! haha

What are your favorite conditions for SUP Race and SUP Surf? Size of waves, winds, etc....

Waves or downwinding for races. I love beach races through the surf (like PPG) and for surfing Ideal size would be 4-6ft waves and no wind! OR 35-45knots of wind. For downwinding.

P. Franco

And for this 2024... Do you already have some SUP events and surf trips planned around the world?

Yes, I have just come back from Malaga ( Battle for Hercules) and I will be at Lake Rocks festival in Austria and Barcelona for BCN. A couple of longboard events at home and hopefully internationally as well as ISA and ICF later in the year too.

Thanks to…

Surf Emporium, South Africa’s leading Surf & Sup school and surf store! Thank you for making this year possible! RYD, surf and SUP accessories. ION wetsuits, warm toasty wetsuits. Racefood, energizing me before training sessions and races. Revive, keeping me hydrated with electrolytes. Ocean Freedom, Protecting my family and I from the sun. Mocke Paddling, Paddling gear and lifejackets

The BCN SUP World Fest places Barcelona in the epicenter of the Stand Up Paddle worldwide

Albert Laborda BCN SUP Fest

Esperanza Barreras, champion of Spain 2024 and four times World Champion, in the Elite Women’s category, and Shuri Araki, from Japan, in the Elite Men’s category, were the big winners of the weekend, with the highest price money of the circuit. In addition, the Japanese athlete, who is only 17 years old and has four world titles, is crowned as the best of the circuit after four consecutive victories and with a solid victory over his pursuers.

Despite the unstable weather and intermittent rainy stretches, hundreds of people came to Somorrostro beach to cheer on the athletes and witness what turned out to be a real international SUP party. Thousands of people from all over the world followed the competition live on the official channels. For their part, the athletes demonstrated an exemplary level in the three modalities: long distance, sprints and SUP foil. “It was the most important race this year and I don’t think we’ll see another one like it until the World Championship,” said seven-time Australian World Champion Michael Booth.

The BCN SUP World Fest, organized by the Catalan Surfing Federation with the support of the Catalan Government and the UFEC, was the first major international Stand Up Paddle event to be held on Catalan soil, but after the support and success of the first edition, the federation is already working to repeat a new edition in 2025. “We are very proud of the work we have done during these last months and the response of the athletes in this first edition. Stand Up Paddle is a sport that arouses passions and Barcelona offers all the characteristics to practice it, so we are committed to continue fighting for this sport,” said Carlos Lopez, president of the Catalan Surfing Federation.



We’ve all had it. There are days when everything connects in the water and a series of events happen that end up leaving you extremely happy and wanting to repeat the session. This time it was a Thursday afternoon. The situation did not seem the most propitious. The weather forecast for the coming week was not the most desirable for a ¨SUPer¨ and its race board. In addition, the weekend was that of the recently held Championship of Spain Beach Race and Sprints in Galicia within the V SUPMera Festival. A series of successive squalls hit the Galician coast with high winds.

Pablo Codesido Chris Staddler

Strange for the time of year, although on the Galician coast even storms have charm. After another hard day of surgical work at the hospital, it turned out that I had that afternoon free, and of course it seemed like a great time to try to practice something, since as usual, I was going to participate in the race. I am one of those who always try to participate even though the years go by, the time available is little and the speed is not the same. But the illusion never ends, I always tell you that it is a privilege to enjoy the sea and there is no worse day than the one you do not get into the water.

Given the weather situation we had to choose the beach of Santa Cristina and Bastiagueiro in the heart of A Coruña, protected from the south wind to get some oil on such an unpleasant day. There we went with myself and two of my fellow members, Borja and Eusebio, great companions of adventure and club. The beach of Bastiagueiro offered us a series of waves quite decimated by the wind, which at that time loqued between north and south and made the choppy dominate the situation. Tough conditions, but there we were, the three warriors, and neither wind, rain and rough seas stopped us from making some destructive rides and foams. We had been going for an hour, and fatigue was beginning to take its toll. But the weather in this corner of the world is the way it is and the magic never stops. The wind suddenly regularized and the tide began to stabilize. The waves began to take a slightly glassier turn, maintaining a considerable size. It was still not the ideal situation, but the truth is that it was very appetizing for the beach we were enjoying. We began to catch waves with our race boards, which already allowed us to make some flourishes. A certain flow began to reign in the atmosphere.


And it happened. Suddenly I looked at the horizon, towards the beach of Santa Cristina, when an army of ¨SUPers¨ led by a blond guy was approaching us. This rider stood out from the rest and my instinct made me get closer when I saw how from far away he started to ride the waves that ended up becoming a wall wave. That guy was Connor Baxter! and behind him all the guys from the SUPMera club who were joined by the guys from the Parres Watersports from Santa Pola who were coming to compete that weekend. As soon as Connor jumped on the first wave, I went with him to share the situation. It’s not every day you are lucky enough to catch waves with a legend of the sport. In my mind and in the minds of my old friends, the scene gave us a special satisfaction. Dozens of kids from two of the most important clubs in the world, spontaneously enjoying the sport together, training, riding waves together and feeling the power of nature. Undoubtedly the essence of the sport. The planets had aligned.


Connor’s presence during the championship weekend was a gift for everyone. The organization was right to bring him along. His professionalism in the clinics and in competition far exceeded expectations. And an example of attitude for all our kids. Photos, conversations and availability without distinction. The weekend did not have the best weather conditions. And we had to adapt to the situation. But the important thing is that the union and communion between members of the great SUP family took place again in the heart of an increasingly consolidated competition.

In my memory I will never forget that legendary Thursday for me. It wasn’t the best waves, nor the most radiant sun, but the spirit of SUP reminded me again why we love this sport so much.

On the 2nd of April in Sanur, Bali, the Longboard SUP Experience concluded its five-day competition in stellar wave conditions at Oka’s Point for finals day, then everyone celebrated together back on Sanur Beach. The event brought together 77 SUP surfers from various countries, including France, America, New Zealand, Germany, Hawaii, Thailand, Australia, Japan, and Indonesia for an exhilarating contest and a vibrant celebration of the SUP Longboard community.



Over the five days of the Longboard SUP Experience, the event encountered a mixed bag of wave and weather conditions. Day 1 commenced with all contestants gathering in front of Rip Curl School of Surf for an event briefing and to review the judging criteria. However, due to small wave conditions officials were forced to postpone the competition for the day. The waves picked up slightly on Day 2, allowing officials to call the competition on at Serangan Point, starting with the Over 60’s Division, followed by the Weekend Warriors and Elite Men’s Divisions. Days 3 to 5 saw significantly improved conditions, with double overhead waves and consistent sets rolling in to Oka’s Point. These conditions provided the SUP athletes with ample opportunity to showcase their skills to the fullest.

The highlight of the day had to be the Men’s Elite Division Final, which saw Benoit Carpentier wowing the spectators and impressing the judging panel with his dynamic and powerful surfing, besting several of the world’s top SUP surfers namely Zane Kekoa, Beau Nixon, Kai Bates, Riko Horikoshi, and Trevor Tunnington. Hailing from France, Carpentier was over the moon with his win, saying, “It’s amazing to finally win this event. I’ve been giving so much energy and putting in a lot of training, and finally, it’s paid off. Thanks to Starboard and all my sponsors for making this happen.” Following in his footsteps, his brother Mathieu Carpentier also made his mark by securing a win in the Weekend Warrior Men’s Division.

In the Over 60’s Division, Richard Wains emerged as the champion, marking his second consecutive victory in this competition, having won last year as well. Despite his age Richard showed no fear as he charged the double to triple overhead sets while executing critical turns within the lip of the waves, scoring an excellent 8.17 points (out of a possible 10) during the Semifinals, and going on to win the final. ” This event is so awesome, and winning back-to-back amazing. Thanks to Johnny, Michael, and everyone who made this happen,” said Richard.

The women’s divisions also featured very impressive surfing, with both the Weekend Warriors and Elite divisions competing fiercely. Dimity Faulkner and Camille Dubrana were the standout performers in their divisions, showing consistently high skills throughout. Dimity did exceptionally well in her final heat, besting Storm Wheatley who had been on a tear in the runup to the finals.

In the Elite Women’s Division, there were just four surfers competing, so the winner was decided based on consistency from Round 1. In the end, it was Camille Dubrana wing the title in her first Bali competition. Reflected on her experience, she said, “It’s my first time in Bali, and the experience has been really positive. Coming from France with my boyfriend Michael, it’s been a dream come true to come here and have the chance to compete with all the amazing SUP athletes, and then to win the event. Huge thanks to Starboard for making this happen.”

A special mention and thanks goes out to Rip Curl School of Surf’s Jonni Morrison Deaker, who ensured the safety of the athletes both in and out of the water, fearlessly darting around on his Jetski, ensuring everyone’s safety during the big swell hitting Oka’s Point on Days 3 and 4. His quick actions saved contestants who were washed away by strong rips and he helped recover those whose leg ropes or SUPs broke during their heats.

Michael Jenkins, the pioneer of the Longboard SUP Revolution was all smiles, saying, “I am thrilled to see these elite international-level SUP surfers from all corners of the globe participating in the event. Since the inception of this movement, I’ve dreamed of this moment. This event has always been about inclusiveness within our community, and I am pleasantly surprised to see everyone embracing my vision and mission.”

The Longboard SUP Revolution 2024 is a pivotal event that facilitates the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and best practices across countries, enriching participants with fresh ideas and perspectives.

Running the technical side of the event were judges and scoring crew from the Asian Surf Cooperative (ASC), who has been organizing and assisting in surfing events in Bali and all around Asia for almost two decades now. “The ASC is delighted to extend its expertise to the SUP community,” says Technical Manager Alex Hontoria. “We first ran this event last year, and now in the second year we can already see an amazing increase in interest and participation. You really have to see these competitors in action out here on big waves to really appreciate their amazing skill level.

It was super impressive! As many are aware, the Asian Surf Co has been a steadfast supporter of water sports since 2004, and this is a great opportunity to help nurture Stand Up Paddle talent and foster the growth of the community.”

The Longboard SUP Experience extends a warm thank you to its sponsors for their generous support, which has been vital in making the event a success. Major sponsors including Longboard SUP Revolution, Smik, Starboard, and Rip Curl School of Surfing have been instrumental in bringing the event to life, reflecting their commitment to the sport and community. Additionally, raffle sponsors Wavechaser, Priority, Travel with a Paddle, Sunova, NSP, Bladeclothing, Rip Curl, Drift Hideaway Resort Lombok, and Blue Water Orchid Resort Lombok have enhanced the event experience for all.

Over 60’s: (18 participants)

1º Richard Wain

2º Jamie Ralston

3º Michael Jenkins

4º Jason McManus

Weekend Warrior’s Men (38 participants)

1º Mathieu Carpentier

2º Trafford Harris

3º Richard Feeney

4º Andrew Cassidy

Elite Women’s (4 participants)

1º Camille Dubrana

2º Skyla Rayner

3º Ke’ale Dorries

4º Nancy Salter

Weekend Warrior’s Women (7 participants)

1º Dimity Faulkner

2º Storm Wheatley

3º Madeline Rayner

4º Jayne Ryeland

Elite Men’s (12 participants)

1º Benoit Carpentier

2º Zane Kekoa Schweitzer

3º Beau Nixon

4º Kai Bates

Up Suping Giner. José Vicente

The Triple ESE Festival event in the city of Melilla had its 3rd edition at the Hípica beach from April 25th to 28th, hosting and crowning the new SUP Race Spanish Champions at the Hípica beach.

The first day began with the races of the young promises of the national Stand Up Paddle, enjoying the great effort made by the SUB8 and SUB10 categories, being cheered by the all people. Nor did it lack excitement in the SUB12 category, generating a lot of action until the last moment.

As the morning went on, people walking along the promenade of the city of Melilla approached the event area to learn more about this sport and its competition. It was the second time that the Triple ESE Festival hosted the Spanish Championship of the Spanish Surfing Federation, being the focus of all lovers of this sport nationally and internationally.

The U14 category has also been very competitive, with a circuit within the bay of Melilla that demanded the best of each of them, highlighting the great results of Indira Saavedra Suarez in the female category and Rodrigo Garcia Perez in the male category.

The U16 demonstrated the high level of this category, being more competitive and exciting every year. The competitor Berta Ferré and the competitor Rubén Cantoral climbed to the top of the podium.

The queen categories, U18 and Elite, showed a great performance in the waters of the Alboran Sea as last year, being fully visible from different areas of the city of Melilla. After a demanding long distance competition, the competitor Esperanza Barreras was crowned Champion of Spain ahead of Duna Gordillo and Alba Frey. It is spectacular the level of all the girls, being the strongest in the world. On the other hand, the young rider Alexia Soto climbed to the top of the podium in U18 female category.

As for the boys, everything was practically defined in the last 200 meters, where the andalusian competitor Antonio Morillo was consecrated Champion of Spain, ahead of his colleague Fernando Perez and Aaron Sanchez. The joys continued from Mallorca with the podium of Lluc Perotti in the U18 male category.

This first magnificent day of the Triple ESE Festival culminated with the awards ceremony of the SUP Race Spanish Championship 2024 accompanied by local authorities, organization, athletes and family members.

The second day began under a mild rainy day, but that did not dampen the mood of the competitors and the general public to celebrate another day of Stand Up Paddle competitions. On this occasion and seeing into account the sea conditions, very attractive technical races were disputed with different buoy turns, overtaking and sprints at different points of the route.

The junior categories were the first to start rowing in the bay of the city of Melilla, enlivening the first hours of competition to all the public present, as this model of competition is visually attractive.

The Senior categories were the ones that generated more attention and even when the rain made much more of an appearance. But these riders are already used to all kinds of inclement weather and have shown their best level in this new edition of the Triple ESE Festival.


As for the results, in the female category, the competitor Alba Frey from Fuerteventura was the winner of this competition, ahead of Duna Gordillo, Sonia Caimari, Esperanza Barreras and Alexia Soto. In the men’s category, Aaron Sanchez won the first position ahead of Antonio Morillo, Fernando Perez, Manuel Hoyuela and Sergio Cantoral.

In the afternoon, when the rain did not make an appearance, the third edition of the Triple ESE Festival ended with the awards ceremony of the International Beach Race Championship accompanied by local authorities, organization, athletes and families.

This competition is endorsed by the Spanish Surfing Federation and with the great support of the Autonomous City of Melilla, Melilla Ciudad Del Deporte, Grupo Armas Trasmediterránea, SIC, A Mar Surf Club, Surfing. es and the Real Club Marítimo de Melilla.




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Twice a year, our landlocked Club, which is based in Surbiton near London, travel to find some whitewater in the beautiful Exmoor National Park near Dulverton.

Since 2016 a merry band of brothers (and sister!) “The Rapid Response Squad” head off for a few days to mess about on what must be one of the prettiest rivers in the UK, the river Barle. We are certainly no whitewater experts, but this is a low-grade river, and we have enough expertise for it to be great fun. We usually have a river guide with us in a canoe who scopes the run in sections whilst we follow behind. Any points of danger or interested are pointed out to make the run as fun and safe as possible.

Our last trip in November had to be cancelled whilst we were on site due to the depth and flow of the river – we were all in the car park and boards were being pumped up, but the water was rising every minute and knowing the river as we do, there are not many exit points and certainly not for 13 of us coming down the river at speed. It was an easy decision and was officially cancelled that day. We had all travelled down the night before, so as disappointing as it was for us not to be going on the water, safety won out.

So, with the water levels near perfect for our March trip, the excitement levels were high.

I am usually the only “sister” on the trip which I have no worries with, the guys are a great bunch and I have known some of them for 12 years now – we are a tight-knit club who look out for each other on and off the water. There were only 4 of us on the water this year, Brian, James, Tomas and me with Antony and Terry being our land support crew. Maybe some of the crew had been scared off from last year! The weather and water have their own minds and you can never count on them to play ball.

We had an early meet in the car park to pump up boards, get ready and organise the vans for the run up to our start point Tarr Steps. Possibly dating from 1000 BC, Tarr Steps is a prehistoric “clapper bridge”, with stone slabs that weigh up to 5 tons apiece. It’s a beautiful start point full of history.


The conditions were great with good water levels but there was an issue we could not have foreseen. Next to the launch point at Tarr Steps we spotted a sign placed by the EA that warned of substantial trees blocking the channels at the ”Three Waters” (about a mile downstream) and warning paddlers not to proceed. After some deliberation and considering the depth and flow of the river, we decided to continue but with extreme caution. We launched directly from Tarr Steps, something we had never done before, but great fun and a challenge to start us off.

Apart from Tomas, none of us get much practice on whitewater so it takes a little while to find our feet –conditions were great though and we set off on our river trip, which was going to be just over 15 kms to the end point car park, and more importantly the pub!

Teamwork is vitally important on a trip like this, and we were all aware of our surroundings and the other paddlers and kept a keen eye on each other

We stopping at various points along the way to catch our breath and make sure everyone was okay and happy. There are a couple of areas along the river where it is inaccessible, so once you’ve hit the river, you have no escape until the next out!

We cautiously approached the “Three Waters” and could plainly see the left and right channels had very substantial trees completely blocking our way. As luck would have it, a guardian angel had taken a chain saw to the tree across the centre channel and we cautiously worked our way through it as a team and had our route through to “Mash Bridge“, where we took a much-needed rest.

Further on down there was a weir which is at an angle across the river. Again, because of the slower flow of the water, it was safe to paddle to the middle of the weir, get out onto the stone slabs, climb over and carefully enter the faster flowing water in the shallows below. Again, more teamwork came into play to make sure we were safe – having a small team of four really made a difference to the quality and safety of the paddle.


We cautiously approached the “Three Waters” and could plainly see the left and right channels had very substantial trees completely blocking our way. As luck would have it, a guardian angel had taken a chain saw to the tree across the centre channel and we cautiously worked our way through it as a team and had our route through to “Mash Bridge“, where we took a much-needed rest.

Further on down there was a weir which is at an angle across the river. Again, because of the slower flow of the water, it was safe to paddle to the middle of the weir, get out onto the stone slabs, climb over and carefully enter the faster flowing water in the shallows below. Again, more teamwork came into play to make sure we were safe – having a small team of four really made a difference to the quality and safety of the paddle.

Another interesting obstacle further downsteam is the Beasley Weir Hydro, completed in November 2015. It was built to generate pollution free electricity from the energy in the moving water. With the addition of the improved weir and fish pass at the same site, the passage of local trout and salmon is much improved at this stage of the river. The main weir consists of eight drops AKA the “Salmon Steps” and Tomas successfully negotiated them on his board. There is an exit point just above the weir Hydro and a short portage through a cow field leads you to a steep drop in just below and it’s a great viewpoint to see the weir in action!

Tomas is great to follow down the river as he has some good white-water experience, reads the river well and knows the lines to take – he did stop a couple of times though to immerse himself in some more challenging areas of water and fully take advantage of the great conditions. We bobbed on down and waited for him to catch up.

There are a few pretty brick and stone bridges to go under, one of them being Barle Bridge at Dulverton. What a lovely village this is – so quintessentially English with tea rooms and pubs aplenty and a beautiful Church at its centre.

The third and final 4 km section downstream from the Beasley Hydro Weir passes under the “Perry Bridge” (circa 1896) then over the “Perry Weir” below Brushford then onto the confluence with the river Exe and a sharp right-hand bend which progressed into the final heavy rough water drop before exiting at Barle Bridge in Exebridge. So before we knew it, we were back on dry land, full of mini tales to tell of our own experiences on the water and ready for a beer.

The legs definitely felt it on this run, having to balance with bent knees for long periods of time when not used to it. We all took a few swims but remounted quickly with no injuries. It’s not only tiring on the body but also the brain, as you must be so acutely aware of what’s coming up ahead and you cannot switch off for a moment. You definitely have to “live in the moment” when you are on a whitewater run!

So, another successful Rapid Response Squad run on the Barle – whitewater is not something you should take lightly and it’s always worth getting some tuition from an expert – it makes it much more enjoyable to have a few skills under your belt. We cannot wait to visit the Barle again in the Autumn!


Stany Bruylandt @stan_from_the_sea



The NEW RST all-water race and touring board has a dugout cockpit and provides exceptional rough water agility in chop and heavy swell, but does not compromise its excellent glide in the flats. It’s your oneboard quiver for all your racing and touring needs. Whether diving into competitive racing or embarking on an epic touring journey, this board provides unrivaled glide and speed



Within the possibility of making a completely custom SUP board, we have the NOOSA PRO model, it is a 100% pure surf board, it has a fairly pronounced rocker for those waves of greater power and hollow. The bottom starts with a slight V-shaped concave from the nose continuing with a single concave and ending with a double concave at the tail to have more control over the board and gain speed.

A board you can not miss in your quiver!

Model Volume Thickness Width 7’6” 83 L 4 1/4” 25 1/2” 7’1” 70 L 3 15/16” 24 1/2” 8’0” 94 L 4 3/16” 27 1/2” Model Volume Weight Width Thickness 14’0” 320 L 13 Kg 26’’ 10.7’’ 14’0” 305 L 12.5 Kg 24’5” 10.7’’ 14’0” 290 L 11.9 Kg 23” 10.8’’ 14’0” 260 L 10.8 Kg 21” 10.8’’ 14’0” 240 L 10.6 Kg 21” 10”


The TAO Surf series is inspired by traditional surf design. The full nose and rounded pintail help you drop into waves and then carve down the line with ease. The generous widths make the board stable, which comes in handy when punching through the shore break or standing out in the lineup. SIC Ace-Tec product is manufactured in France, which helps us maintain our constant drive for innovation and control the material we use. Recreational touring: Beginner, Intermediate and advanced surfers that want a durable paddleboard




Oihan Aizpuru SUP Surf board. The skiff model is designed to get the most out of each wave. Fast, reactive and with luxury finishes.

• Model: SKIF. Measurements: 7.3 x 24 x 3 7/8 74 liters. Round square tail. Five FCS 2 plugs for the fin combination.

Volume Weight Width Thickness 11’6” 215 L 13.6 Kg 11’6” 5” 10’6” 185 L 11.8 Kg 10’6” 4’7”



• Manga pegada.

• Cuello de canalé 1x1.

• Bies interior de tejido principal en el cuello

• Puntada doble ancha en puños y bajo.

• Punto de jersey sencillo.

• 100% algodón orgánico hilado y peinado

• Glued sleeve

• 1x1 rib collar

• Main fabric interior bias on collar

• Wide double stitch on cuffs and hem

• Single jersey knit

• 100% organic spun and combed cotton



Silicone box that will allow you to carry the wax cleanly and recycle the wax easily. Designed for water sports (Surfing, Windsurfing, Kitesurfing,...) Optimize the use of wax with the KGUARD WaxBox.

• Ideal for saline environments.

• Long service life.

• High resistance to deformation.

• Flexible and adaptable.

• Resistant to extreme temperatures and sudden temperature changes.

• Dimensions: 8cm - 3.5in diameter.

• Height: 2,5cm 3,00cm – 1.5 height.

• Weight: 56 grams.




Red Paddle dry bags are roll-up dry bags, a great solution for keeping an entire set of gear dry no matter where your adventure takes you. For day outings on the beach, on a boat/kayak/paddle board or SUP or on a hike in the woods, the Red Paddle Co dry bag will keep all its contents dry, regardless of the conditions.

Sizes available:

• 10 ltr.: Ideal for smaller items if you are going on a day trip or if you are transporting your wetsuit or jacket.

• 30 ltr.: To transport everything you need, wetsuit, poncho, spare clothes, food, etc... All in one bag.



The Radz Hawaii AR83 Carbon Fiber SUP paddle has a construction that combines a carbon fiber shaft with a fiber blade. It has a water dropshaped blade design that makes it a very versatile paddle. The AR83 paddle surf paddle is an excellent option to have a light, quality paddle with good features at a more reasonable price.

Weight Pole Paddle Shovel 525 gr. Carbono Fibra 41cm x 18,5 cm



SPITFIRE 670 & 620

In addition to the new small ART PROs we’ve extended the SPITFIRE range with 2 new smaller sizes. Our small SPITFIREs are the answer to powered-up winging conditions with good-size waves. Lighter riders now have more options on the SPITFIRE range for higher wind conditions. Many dedicated tow surf foilers will look for the explosive turning performance and control while pushing the limits in big waves and heavy water.



The new 166AR is a tail wing that offers a perfect balance of performance and versatility. It fills the gap between the 158AR and the 175AR. With a 400mm span, this wing is an excellent choice for intermediate foilers stepping down in tail size or advanced foilers seeking more hold in lighter conditions when pumping back out or through turns while winging. It’s also a great starting point for light beginner riders. The 166AR pairs well with any of Code’s front wings.

Model Aspect ratio Volume 670 mm 6.34 589 cm3 620 mm 6.12 484 cm3 Model Aspect ratio Wingspan 166 mm 9.5 400 mm



The 2024 Raptor Pro 5’4” has the same performance and shape as last year with NEW racecar-inspired graphics. The Raptor Pro shape is the ultimate board for high-performance wing foiling within our revolutionary Raptor Pro series. Designed to maximize efficiency while minimizing board size, this board is tailored to elevate the freestyle, surf foiling and speed-riding experience.



The Molokai is our new downwind SUP model and is an excellent board also for both wing and prone use. The paddling speed is fast, which helps to make foil take off earlier and easier. Once launched, the board is designed to be stable and the length of the board helps you carry the speed to the next bump, this allows for greater efficiency when connecting swells. This board is easy to use and the most complete on the market as it encompasses several modalities in one board.

Like all the boards we manufacture, it can be customized in any size and design.

Model Volume Width 7’4” 131 L 22” 7’2” 111 L 21” 7’8” 131 L 22”
Model Volume Weight Width Thickness 5’4” 95 L 6 Kg 26” 4’8” 5’0” 80 L 5.6 Kg 25” 4’6” 4’11” 60 L 4.7 Kg 22” 4’4”



We are going to analyze a board that seems to have caused a furor with its entry into the market as no other board has done for a long time.

And is that the SIC brand has managed to merge two of its best boards (the RS and Atlantis) to get a very versatile model that delights everyone who tries it.

The SIC RST is a model of SUP race for open water but also works great in flat water. It stands out at first glance its red and white matte color along with its angular graphics that allow to show the shapes of the board. As we go into detail, we see above how it has some volume at the front of the board.

A not excessively large tub and several positions for the handles, plus the typical central handle of SIC in which the drain hole is integrated, and as we get to the end is the tail with its diamond shape. At the time of looking at the board from below, we see that the front has a convex that gives way to a completely flat board the back 3/4 of the board. It also highlights its venturi type drain hole in carbon.

Once we have seen the board dry, it’s time to take it to the water and see how it feels. I not hide that the transition to this board has cost me several sessions, but every time I came out of the water I felt more comfortable with it. It feels fast, agile in the bumps and I feel very confident on it.

I think shaper Mark Raaphorst has found the key with that volume in the front part of the board plus the generous rocker that together with that convex in the first 1/4 of the board makes that in upwind it goes over the bumps without problem, but in DW it hooks them with great ease.

The RST is a board that must be stepped on a little in front of the handle to go as it should, but if you go through a bumpy area and you are short of balance allows you to step a few cm behind the handle and gives you extra stability to go more supported on the flat part of the board and less on the convex.

When it comes to pivoting you will have to reach the pad for the board to turn well, if you are one of those who are insecure about stepping so far back, this board will make you lose that fear, because that diamond-shaped tail is very stable and will forgive you many falls.

The edges of the board go from soft and rounded in the front to sharp edges in the back, with that they have achieved that when stepping on the board we can direct it where we want but when surfing you go along the wall comfortably, which also helps the original keel of SIC, 8’3” located at the right point so that the board does not get to skid if it goes too far in front or if it goes too far back.

So far my feelings with the RST, a board that has conquered me from start to finish, even the characteristic central handle of SIC has convinced me by the security that gives grab the board around the windy days or long walks to the shore.


Galicia has once again hosted a new edition of the Spanish Beach Race Championship, one of the most popular modalities of Stand Up Paddle where you must complete several laps in a circuit between waves that tests the technique, skill and endurance of the Riders. This competition kicked off a new edition of the Mera SUP Festival, which will also host this Sunday, May 5, the Spanish Sprint Championship and many other activities.


The intention of the organization was to develop the Beach Race competition on the beach of Sabón, but the intense wind and rain conditions that prevailed throughout the coast of A Coruña, made finally change the place of the event to Bastiagueir beach.

And although the rain and wind made an appearance, the competition could be held under a great atmosphere; thanks to the competitors, family and friends from different parts of our country who constantly encouraged all athletes. And although the lack of adequate swell for this type of competition, there was no lack of excitement in any of the races.

Cris Staddler Up Suping

Between periods of rain, wind and sun, the Spanish Beach Race Championship continued with the U14 female category. The galician rider Sofia Puñal won the first position, making it very difficult for the Canary Islands riders Daniela Cazorla and Indara Saavedra. The rider Enzo Ponzó climbed to the top of the podium once again, confirming his great performance at national level. He was followed by Alvaro Diaz and Rodrigo Garcia respectively.

The U16 category continues to grow in this modality at national level. Bianca Toncelli won with superiority on the part of the girls, with Nuria Chiquero getting the second position and Francisca Costa the third place. The boys also showed a great level, with an unbeatable Ruben Cantoral winning in this category ahead of Alvaro Coscollano and Aaron Ramos.

This sport has a wide range of ages, and the Master and Kahuna categories always have a great presence at national level. We highlight the great performances of Rui Ramos, Gadea Ibarloza, Marc Foraster and Paula Rodriguez, who got the first positions in these categories. Without forgetting the Amateur category, with the competitor Laura Recio getting the first position.


The Juniors with the highest level of national Stand Up Paddle, and who are already competing in international events, have demonstrated their high level in the waters of Bastiagueiro. The U18 category dazzled, with a great Alexia Soto winning in the female category ahead of Amelia Moral and Inés Blin. The boys offered us a real spectacle that was not decided until a few centimeters before the finish line, with the Majorcan Lluís Perotti managing to win the Galician Iván Puente. Competitor Iván Esteve accompanied these two phenoms on the podium in this category.

The weather did not accompany much in the last races of the day, and perhaps the most exciting of the competition. But the Elite category never disappoints and always adapts to inclement weather. The girls have offered us reras returning to get her title as Champion of Spain in this modality once again, after climbing several positions and competing hand in hand with the great Duna Gordillo from Port Adriano.

Alba Frey continues with her great strength at national level, completing this great national podium.

The men were no less, with an intense and exciting race from the first minute. Aaron Sanchez and Manuel Hoyuela had an intense fight for the first position, making an impeccable performance by both. Finally, the mallorcan rider was consecrated as Champion of Spain Beach Race ahead of the cantabrian rider Hoyuela. The rider Sergio Cantoral took home the third position and showing once again his great performance in his first year in this category.

After the end of the day’s competition, the corresponding awards ceremony was held in Mera, epicenter of this great festival celebrating its fifth edition, and with local entities and sponsors who have collaborated with the realization of the same.


On the second day of the fifth edition of the Mera SUP Festival, the Spanish Sprint Championship was held on the beach of Mera. The day began rainy and cool, but as the hours passed the weather improved and the competition day ended under a wonderful sunny afternoon.

From early in the morning, the competitors offered us a lot of excitement in this form of Stand Up Paddle, which is to perform a line at full speed of 100 meters to make a turn buoy and return to the starting point. A total of 200 meters where any circumstance can happen. But the fastest and most skillful is the one who has the best chance of crossing the finish line first.

The Juniors categories have offered a great show to the audience, demonstrating once again the high level of this sport in Galicia and the rest of Spain, reminding once again why the Spanish SUP Team is the current European Champion.

The youngest competitor of the competition was Pablo Garcia in the U8 category, without forgetting Laura Recio, Anitz Ibarloza and Daniela Guerrero who climbed to the podium in the SUB10 category.

The U12 male category repeated the podium of the previous day, with the canary rider Noah Diaz continues to be unbeatable at national level in the male category, getting a great first position ahead of Gael Alvarez and Marcos Arias. This time Daira García was the fastest of the girls, followed by Nerea Bransby and Sara Marí.


In the U14 female category, Daniela Cazorla and Indara Savedra were the fastest against the local rider Olivia Malingre. The boys had a fantastic race, with Rodrigo Garcia crossing the finish line first ahead of Alvaro Diaz and Enzo Ponzó.

In the Master and Kahuna categories we must highlight the great performances of Salva Mora, Gadea Ibarloza, Marc Foraster and Paula Rodriguez, who got the first positions in those categories. The rider Rocío Fernández got again the first position in Amateur category.

The U16 category flew over the waters of Mera. Bianca Toncelli repeated again podium ahead of Nuria Chiquero getting the second position and Elisa Lopez the third place. Ruben Cantoral lives a great moment, winning again in this category ahead of Alvaro Coscollano and Daniel Folgar.

We must highlight the magnificent results of the local rider Iván Puente in the U18 category, climbing to the top of the podium ahead of Lluis Perotti and Unax Etxeberría. On the women’s side, the rider Alexia Soto got again a first place this weekend in Galician lands, ahead of her teammate Inés Blin and Amelia Moral.

The Elite category closed the competition day with the first places of Aaron Sanchez in the men’s category, followed by Sergio Cantoral, Manuel Hoyuela and Fernando Perez. Alba Frey from Fuerteventura was the fastest in her grand final, ahead of Duna Gordillo, Elene Etxeberría and Sonia Caimari.

The V Mera SUP Festival ended with the awards ceremony of the Spanish Sprint Championship, after a weekend full of competitions, concerts, food and endless activities. Wishing that in 2025 we will enjoy again this great sport festival, once again we congratulate all the athletes and companions for their attendance to this great event in Galicia.

Thanks to Universidad Internacional de Empresas, Proquicel, Estrella Galicia, El Pulpo, Plan Reduce, La Santa, Xunta de Galicia, Karoni, Plaam, Lo Limpio, Galibrand, Vegalsa, NSP, Quickblade, Federación Española de Surf, Federación Galega de Surf and other collaborators.



¨ It is always nice to participate in national competitions and see many young talents grow, but above all it is great to see how the Italian SUP¨ movement is improving and growing.

EuroTour. Albert Laborda. Sean Evans Up Suping

Hi Nico! At last years you have entered the SUP Race scene worldwide at a high level...How are you experiencing it? What feelings is this magnificent sport giving you?

Hi guys, Yes, I can say that in recent years I have entered the world scene of the sup race. This is what I have always dreamed since I started this sport. I love to train every day to reach new goals and always push myself to overcome the limit. This sport is capable of conveying many emotions, from anxiety before an important race to strong adrenaline when you win it. What I love about SUP is definitely that feeling of freedom and lightheartedness that transmits to me when I train far from the beach and the city and I’m alone with the table and the sea.

I live the competitive career with extreme tranquility and happiness. Doing what I like fills me with joy. Racing and testing is the best time to show myself what I can do.

And how were your beginnings in SUP? Where did it all start and what are your favorite places to paddle?

I started this sport four years ago very casually. It was July 2020 and in Bari it was really hot so I decided to enroll in a SUP course. I had a lot of fun and spent a lot of time on inflatable boards between a thousand falls and bathrooms. Day after day all this became indispensable for me so I started to practice it in 2021 in a more serious way alternating it with my football training.

My favorite place to paddle is definitely the open sea because the deep blue water enchants me and I love facing them the waves when there is a lot of wind

The young promises of Italian Stand Up Paddle keep growing!. Do you receive advice and encouragement from more experienced riders? Is there a good base of coaches to give you the best training?

I am lucky to be able to train every day with a great champion : Davide Alpino. Davide is my coach and every day we compare ourselves to give advice and learn new things. Of course, having started before me he is much more experienced, so very often he teaches me new techniques and skills to improve. By training together we have the opportunity to understand the mistakes we make, and talking about them we can solve immediately, improving our technique on the board. I think that without Davide I would not be what I am now, I am very grateful to him for being my coach.

However, very often in Italy we hold national meetings that I think are very important because they allow a wider comparison and a great exchange of views.

You have already participated in different international competitions, in addition to representing Italy in the EuroSUP. What things have you learned from these important events and what moments do you remember with great affection?

Attending international events representing my country is a very important and prestigious thing. The races that have left me an indelible memory are two: the technical race at the World Isa in France. It was my first race on the waves and I was very lost, I almost felt like I was doing another sport. That competition taught me a lot, I came home consenting to have to improve in the management of races on the waves and I did not give up.

The second race was certainly the Europeans in Portugal, aware of my mistakes made in France I went there loaded and with a lot of desire to win. In fact I graduated sprint European champion, vice champion in the long and third in technical race.

Do you practice other sports besides SUP?

Currently no but before practicing sup, for 8 years I practiced football

What type of conditions are the most favorable to show your best performance? Do you also usually surf waves with the race board?

I think that the condition in which I would express myself better is a long distance downwind in the open sea and a sprint with waves like the ISA Model. I love to surf waves with racing boards especially while I coach the technical race. Lately I have been a week in portugal to surf big waves with the sup race and the SUP wave.

What are your workouts like? Do you practice other sports as a complement to SUP?

I train every day for 3/4 hours, in summer when there is no school and I have the whole day off I always train at least twice a day. My training starts after school, I take the board and together with Davide and the rest of the team we go out into the water. My training plan also includes a part on the ground where I work out with weights and sometimes even on the floor. Another important part is the running I practice to increase endurance

Tell us about the SUP Race competitions in Italy… Are there many? Do you have to make long trips? What is the environment like?

The Italian championship includes about 8/9 stages with which the Italian champion is decreed. Last year most of the races were in northern Italy so for me that I live in the south I had to make enough way.It’s always nice to participate in national competitions and see many young talents growing, but above all it’s great to see how the Italian SUP movement is improving and growing. The races start almost always during the summer so the climate is very hot and the sea conditions are not too difficult.

What plans do you have for 2024? What are your goals on a sporting and personal level?

My goals for 2024 are certainly to achieve good results at the next European and world. Also, although still i’m junior, I want to try to win the Italian open championship. I will participate in many stages of eurotour where I hope to achieve good results. As for my school life my goal is to finish my penultimate year of high school with a good average.

Thanks to...

Thanks Up Suping for the interview. I also want to thank my coach, the Italian federation (FISSW) and my team CIRCOLO BARION.

2024 Victorian SUP Titles

Determine State Team In Epic Conditions At Point Impossible

The 2024 Victorian SUP Titles was all action from start to finish as every division went straight into finals. Point Impossible served as the perfect stage for the event that decided the state team heading to the Australian SUP titles in Phillip Island later this year.

@surfingvic.com @moshxmedia

In the 10ft Open Women’s SUP it was Emma Web (Jan Juc) who put on a thrilling display and emerged victorious. Web got the best out of the first set, as she carved a big wrapping turn into the pocket and rode all the way to the shore for a 7.00 point score. Her dominance continued as she executed a series of versatile maneuvers on another wave, including an extended nose ride and subsequent turns, earning her an additional 6.17 points and solidifying her lead.

Lucy Bell (Sandringham), another top contender, found herself on one of the biggest waves of the day, flying down the line with remarkable speed. However, she couldn’t fit in a turn, resulting in a minor score. Xanthe Rivett (Rosebud) also made a notable impact, swiveling her way down the line, briefly pushing her into second place but not scoring enough to challenge Web’s commanding lead. As the final hooter blew, Web had firmly established herself at the top, leaving the rest of the field in a combination situation.

Placing in second was Lucy Bell with Xanthe Rivett coming in third.

“It’s good seeing all the girls, we only get to see each other when we get together for competitions so it’s really fun surfing with them,” said Web. “It feels great to take out the final, I love surfing any sort of board so I think it’s just good to get out there in the waves and get people involved in the ocean,” she continued. “I like to mix it up so I was just trying to get a nose ride off the take off and then put in some big turns as well.”


The 2024 Victorian SUP Titles concluded with a spectacular display in the Open Men’s division, where the final heat of the day delivered huge excitement and high drama. The competitors hit the water with increasing anticipation, and as they paddled out, a rogue bomb set came marching through the lineup, further amping up the energy and excitement.

All surfers quickly seized the early waves to get their heat underway. Rick Pettifer (Jan Juc) capitalized on a set wave out the back, skillfully belting multiple sections to secure an impressive 8.00 point ride and establish an early lead. Not to be outdone, Koyu Matsunaga (Ventnor) showcased his smooth style with a ride that earned him a solid 6.00 points. Matsunaga maintained his momentum, swiftly catching another quality wave and scoring a 6.37, propelling him into the lead.

As the heat progressed, the competition intensified. Matt Takle, searching for a standout wave, found a bomb and unleashed a powerful backhand attack. His performance on this wave was nothing short of spectacular, hitting every critical section to achieve the highest score of the event, a remarkable 9.17 points. Following this stellar ride, Takle still needed a 3.20 to overtake Matsunaga due to his opponent’s consistent scores.

The final five minutes were a whirlwind of action, with all surfers needing mid-range scores or below to make a significant impact


The pressure could be seen on the surfers faces as they vied for top spot. Troy Ashton (Mount Duneed) made a valiant late run, finding a left-hand bank off to the side and scoring in the 6s, putting him in contention. However, with only 30 seconds remaining, Takle seized the moment once more. He took off on another set wave, executing a series of precise backhand snaps that earned him an 8.33, securing his victory in the final moments.

Matt Takle’s exceptional performance in the closing seconds crowned him the champion of the 2024 Victorian SUP Titles Open Men’s division.

“I saw a set coming but I didn’t know if I was going to get there in time so I just waited and had a go, luckily for me it came in time,” said Takle. “It feels amazing to take it out and I’m super stoked. I haven’t been surfing that much lately so it’s nice to get the double win in the 10ft as well,” he added. “The competition has improved so much this year which made it a hard fought final.”

With the recent announcement of the Australian SUP titles being run at Phillip Island later this year both Takle and Web will be amongst the favourites representing


10ft SUP Open Women

1º Emma Webb (Jan Juc), 13.17

2ºLucy Bell (Sandringham), 5.37

3º Xanthe Rivett (Rosebud), 5.00

10ft SUP Over 60 Men

1º Damien Quinlan (Highett), 10.70

2º Warwick Lee (Cheltenham), 8.76

3º Michael Jenkins (Black Rock), 7.17

4º Steve Dwyer (Birregurra), 6.30

5º Brian Thompson (Safety Beach), 5.73

Over 40 Men

1º Rick Pettifer (Jan Juc), 13.16

2º Steve Toy (Kingsville), 11.43

3º Troy Ashton (Mount Duneed), 9.67

4º Sam Hodder (Dromana), 9.10

10ft SUP Open Men

1º Matt Takle (Torquay), 13.77

2º Sam Hodder (Dromana), 9.94

3º Troy Ashton (Mount Duneed), 9.33

4º Steve Toy (Kingsville), 6.90

Mixed Women SUP

1º Jann Dunton (Safety Beach, Over 60), 13.50

2º Lucy Bell (Sandringham, Over 40), 9.26

3º Xanthe Rivett (Rosebud, Over 40), 6.10

Over 50 Men

1º Brendan Ryan (Port Campbell), 15.50

2º Sam Hodder (Dromana), 11.60

3º Michael Jenkins (Black Rock), 9.73

4º John Takle (Torquay), 5.50

10ft Over 50 Men

1º Sam Hodder (Dromana), 14.50

2º Damien Quinlan (Highett), 10.14

3º Peter Jackson (Rosebud), 6.06

4º Allan McKellar (Camberwell), 4.77

Open Men

1º Matt Takle (Torquay), 17.50

2º Troy Ashton (Mount Duneed), 12.67

3º Koyu Matsunaga (Ventnor), 12.37

4º Rick Pettifer (Jan Juc), 12.00

5º Steve Toy (Kingsville), 10.70

Over 60 Men

1º Michael Jenkins (Black Rock), 11.66

2º John Takle (Torquay), 11.33

3º Damien Quinlan (Highett), 9.43

4º Warwick Lee (Cheltenham), 6.94

The first stop of the Spain WingFoil League of the season has left us epic days of sun, wind and competition. The west of Chiclana gave us incredible conditions for the riders to display their full potential on the beach of La Barrosa.

From Athens Beach to the rest of the world, an incredible cast of riders have shown that the national WingFoil has risen a lot of level. The different disciplines have been full of competitiveness and motivated athletes offering a show worth seeing in first person.

The first day was dedicated one hundred percent to the Freestyle discipline. A quality wind allowed us to see a display of spectacular tricks. The three categories held their finals to culminate with those who will be the best of this discipline in junior, senior and women.

The second day served to squeeze the westerly wind to the maximum with the slalom and race events. All sails in the water and all riders offering their maximum potential. We have seen competitors literally flying over the sea, with some very tight finishes that have made the large audience that continues to accompany us enjoy the most.

Spaing Wingfoil League Samuel Cárdenas

The third day we continued with the slalom races. The fleet was divided into two groups; on the one hand senior men, and on the other hand women and juniors. Slalom downwing type, and with the increase of wind power ended with a very competitive upwind type sections. Competition super evenly matched at the top and with great technical level of the participants.

International athletes such as Nathan Berguer or River Moore, as well as national athletes such as Ancor Sosa, or the world champion Nia Suardíaz, have competed in each category displaying a talent difficult to see live nowadays.

The debut of the Downwind discipline in a national championship has been a huge success. A premiere that has offered us two tests, on a course of about four kilometers across the sea with the only help of a paddle, and a board with a foil adapted for long distance.

Riders like Xavi Madevall, Yann Quilfen or Fred Bonnef have shown an incredible physical potential, and have made everyone enjoy with exciting race finishes. It seems clear that Downwind is here to stay, and we will see this discipline in new national and international events.

WingFoil Race


1º Ancor Sosa

2º Martín Tieles

3 ºJeremy Rodriguez

4º Ángel Candel

WingFoil Freestyle Junior

1º Benjamin Castenskiold

2º Nathan Berger

3º River Moore

WingFoil Race


1º Nía Suardíaz

2º Regaliz Sollom

3º Isabel Triviño

4º Lucía Triviño

WingFoil Race


1º Nathan Berger

2º River Moore

3º Manuel Morillo

WingFoil Freestyle Women

1º Nía Suardíaz

2º Regaliz Sollom

3º Isabel Triviño

4º Lucía Triviño


1º Yann Quilfen

2º Xavi Masdevall

3º Fred Bonnef

WingFoil Freestyle


1º Jeremy Cloetens

2º Nathan Berger

3º Ancor Yone Sosa

4º River Moore

Andalucían Championship

WingFoil Freestyle Surf Men- Jerome Cloetens

WingFoil Freestyle Surf Women - Nía Suardíaz

WingFoil Slalom Surf Men - Manuel Sánchez

WingFoil Slalom Surf Women - Nía Suardíaz

WingFoil Slalom Surf Junior - Nathan Berger


Suping Julieta.

To start, we have to say that we love your passion for waves, sports and skateboarding, as young as you are. But... how and when did it all start?

Thanks Nico. I started in the sport, I guess, by imitation. When I was little I spent many hours at the beach, watching my father surfing, and every time he came out of the water we would play at being surfers. The same happened with skateboarding, rock climbing, martial arts or any other sport I saw him practice. As he showed a special interest in a particular sport, we would dedicate more time to it and so, little by little, I began to opt for surfing. But it wasn’t until I was 10 years old when I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to it and I had my first fiber board.

Veníamos disfrutando de tus grandes actuaciones en el mundo del Longboard y del Surf…y de repente comienzas con el SUP Surf, y también con un gran estilo. Háblanos de cómo fueron esas primeras olas de pie con un remo….

The first time I tried a SUP Surf board was thanks to Antonio Morillo. He had already seen me riding short and long boards, and one day he told me that in a few months there was going to be a concentration of the Spanish SUP waves team and he would like them to see me. I thought it was crazy, I had never tried a SUP board before, but he was very clear about it, so that same day he took me to his house and left me a board and a paddle of his son so I could train during the following months. I remember that it was missing a side keel, but even so my curiosity was so great that as soon as I left his house I went into the water to try it out. And what was my surprise...I was unable to stand up! It was crazy, I could not even get a paddle when I was back in the water, so after half an hour of failed attempts I went to the peak lying with the paddle on my chest and took my first wave paddling as if it were a surfboard. I know it’s cheating, but I couldn’t see any other way. Once on the wave, as soon as I started surfing using the paddle on every turn, I felt happy. It was as if I had been doing it all my life, it was a wonderful feeling. But of course, as soon as the wave ended, I had to go back to paddling standing up and I remembered then that I had a serious problem. It seemed like an impossible mission to stand up for more than a second without falling on a board with so few liters.

In a social network post you wrote the next phrase: “the difficult is done, the impossible is attempted”. Your gold medal in Peniche had a lot to do with that phrase...What things happened in Portugal with the national team? How was the management of competing with a group of excellent athletes?

Well, imagine, from not being able to stand on my feet to winning a European Championship a few months later. It is a clear example that we don’t have to think that nothing is impossible before we have tried it. That phrase has been repeated to me countless

times since I was little, “the difficult is done, the impossible is tried”. If you haven’t tried something more than 1000 times you can’t know if it is impossible. The “I can’t” is something that my family has been very careful to remove from my vocabulary. And perhaps that philosophy was one of the reasons that made possible the dream of being part of the national SUP team in such a short time.

Competing in Portugal, being part of a team where there are some of the best SUP athletes in the world, was an experience that marked me. Especially for the love I received from a whole team of excellent athletes, which has helped me to know that this is a sport to which I want to remain linked all my life.

We know that the support of Antonio Morillo, Ibarra Ruano and Oscar Ruiz, among others, has been very important to see you enjoy on the waves with your SUP Surf board. But we also want to know how has been the support of your family at the time of entering this new sport.

Of course, without these people you mentioned, none of this would have been possible. They not only put all the material means so that I could train, but they motivated me to try from the first minute seeing in me a potential that I myself did not know existed.

The support of my family, not only in this sport but in all of them, is the most important thing. We are a team. I have never worked with anyone other than them, we have always been in this together. My mother records on the beach and my father shares with me training sessions in the water and then, all together, we analyze the videos looking for ways to improve the technique. Sport brings us together, it’s a wonderful thing.

I remember that when I was given the challenge of participating in the European Championship my parents told me: “don’t worry, if you commit to train we guarantee that you will be prepared to do well in the event”. And that’s when we all got to work, putting in the hours, analyzing mistakes and looking for solutions together while we combined it with the preparation of the surf and longboard championships of the season, but with the peace of mind that we were a team with a clear and common goal.

Tell us where you live and what are your favorite spots to enjoy the waves.

I live in Cádiz and I spend most of my time between the two urban beaches of La Cortadura, where I live, and Santa Maria del Mar. On weekends I usually go out to look for some rocky waves in the vicinity, for a change. Cádiz is a paradise for surfing with high quality peaks, but the season is very short. From mid-spring until well into autumn the waves practically disappear, so when summer arrives I try to travel north to keep in shape.

Imagine you have a whole day to do what you like the most...How would you organize yourself? What things would you have time to do?

Well, I think I would go to an amusement park hahahahaha I know it’s not the answer you were expecting, but I love them and I haven’t been there for a long time.

You have already known the SUP environment in all its forms, what do you think? How does it differ from other water sports?

The SUP environment is amazing, most of its members are multidisciplinary athletes with a very open mind towards other water sports. I feel very comfortable among them. In SUP I’ve met people who enjoy SUPSurfing, surfing or longboarding or combine it with wind sports and always with a very good vibe. I feel very identified with them.

Tell us the sporting goals you have for this year and any trip to make?

At this stage of the season, I’m still not sure which of the three circuits I’m going to do. This year the Spanish Surfing Championship, the Longboard Championship and the SUPSurf Championship coincide on the same date, and some of them have different locations. As it is not possible to be in the three championships at the same time, the objectives for this season will depend on which of them I decide.

Thanks to....

First of all, thanks to you Nico for this nice interview and thanks to each and every one of those who made it possible that, today, SUP is part of my life and I practice it with the same passion as surfing and longboarding. Thanks to friends, coaches, teammates, family and all those who dedicate me a smile in the water or a few words of encouragement through a social network without barely knowing me. The list of thanks behind each achievement is endless and even the smallest gesture of support motivates me to keep giving it all.

Of course to all the Sponsors that make my way easier: Oneill Europe, Pepper Line Style, Smik, Sanchesky Sistribución, Slide Surfskate, Creature of Leisure, Sex Wax and Olatu for their help.

Once again, the waters of Iznájar welcomed the lovers of this sport in a day to remember.

The rain, so expected in these lands, was the main protagonist of this Saturday, March 9 and that brought out the best of our andalusian athletes, adapting at all times to these demanding conditions.


The forecasts were fulfilled and from early in the morning the rain rained in this wonderful natural environment. In this situation the Alúa team, organizers of the Iznájar SUP Race, took the decision to modify the itinerary of the competition in order to reduce the presence of athletes and families outdoors. And this has been key.

A first start was made with the youngest participants, from SUB8 to SUB14 categories and performing their corresponding routes, but reduced due to bad weather. Always controlled by adults, both in and out of the water, and with the colleagues of Civil Protection and boats of the organization. It was incredible to see them endure the rain, wind and cold that hit during the course of their competition, paddling like true warriors of this sport. As they arrived on land, they were received with honors, surrounded by their parents, coaches and the organization of the event.

Up Suping

And so that the little ones could change clothes, be with their parents and warm up as soon as possible, the competition made a short break...but that did not stop the energy of the event. The competitors of the SUB16, SUB18 and Elite categories, the next to start paddling, made a fun warmup on the beach, motivated by the music and ignoring the heavy rain.

Perhaps, this was one of the most intense moments of the day, marked by the passion that all these athletes have for Stand Up Paddle and the good atmosphere that generates the competitions of the Costa del SUP circuit, regardless of the weather.

After a great start, with rain and wind whipping with more intensity, the rest of the participants took to the waters of the reservoir. We highlight the large number of participants in the Popular and Amateur categories, giving everything and always arriving at the finish line with a smile from ear to ear. As well as the magnificent performances of Augusto Garcia and Marta Fernandez who climbed to the top of the podium in the Elite category, as well as Laura Ailing and Alvaro Coscollano in the SUB16 category and Rodrigo Lopez Santos in SUB18.

After the competition, the corresponding awards ceremony was held at the facilities of the Alúa hostel, in addition to the corresponding trophies of the SUP Coast 2023. It was a very exciting few minutes, as all participants and the general public, continued with the motivation of having overcome a morning that no one will forget.

We insist on thanking the support of competitors, parents, coaches and all the people who came to Iznájar, who throughout the day have shown the good atmosphere that generates this sport. We would also like to thank J.C. and all the Alúa team, who have made an impressive effort to carry out the event taking into account the weather difficulties. And of course, to the Estación Náutica Lago de Andalucía and all the collaborators for having again a SUP Race competition in this wonderful place


Hi, I am Flora Artzner, an engineer and project manager specialising in environment and marine protection, as well as a professional wingfoiler. I hold the titles of World Champion in GWA racing for 2022 and European Champion for 2023, with 21 international medals in wingfoil. I also serve as the organiser for the Roca Cup wingfoil event and director of the Ecowave NGO.

Where is your home spot, tell us what the conditions are like?

L’Almanarre, located in Hyères in the south-east of France. I love this spot. Hyères is where I was born and raised. It is windy almost every day here. When the Mistral wind is strong, we can experience winds of more than 40 knots. I enjoy these conditions because the waves are often large when the wind is strong.


What are your ideal wingfoiling conditions and what is your favourite wingfoiling discipline?

In competitions, I excel in wingfoil racing and slalom. I thoroughly enjoy the speed, tactics, and technical aspects, all skills I acquired from my windsurfing background. However, what I love most is riding waves. I also enjoy sharing sessions with friends and family, providing tips, and coaching others in the art of wingfoiling.

What ENSIS gear are you currently using and what can you tell us about it?

Currently I am using the ROCK’N’ROLL 37 and both the ENSIS TOP SPIN and SCORE, the ROCK’N’ROLL is really light. I love the boom of the TOP SPIN for freestyle and the hard handles of the SCORE are great for controlling the wing.

Blue Soler leads the first international project to demonstrate the therapeutic benefits of Stand Up Paddle (SUP).

SUP is one of the most complete sports in existence, as it works without impact on muscle building, endurance, balance and posture. In addition, the practice takes place in a natural environment, with the emotional well-being provided by the sea. Taking into account these factors, in addition to team sport that generates the surfing community, Blue Soler starts the first pilot test in collaboration with the Unidad Medicina de l Cl Sant Joan de D, to demonstrate the physical benefits that SUP provides as an alternative therapy to treat various disabling pathologies, starting in this first phase of the study with musculoskeletal diseases Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arthrogryposis MSsjogren, among others.

The objective of the project, led by Carolina Navalon-Martinez, the first woman with a disability in EspaSup Race 3 Km, together with the surf and paddle surf school Blue Salt School Barcelona and the Foundation, is, once the study is concluded with the conclusions derived from it, to scale the results so that they can be applied as an alternative therapy to the conventional ones for adults with disabling pathologies in different contexts and geographical areas.

The Blue Soler project is supported by the International Surf Therapy Organization. Collaborating associations: AsociaciLliga Reumatol Catalana; AsociaciCeade-Espondilitis Anquilisante and Associaci AsGlutdiece

The pilot test is structured in two phases, the first one, already started, will conclude in June of this year and will end in November 2024. In both phases, a group of “ eager to demonstrate that lack of movement is the worst possible prescription for musculoskeletal diseases has been selected. With the advice and monitoring of INEF professionals, a physiotherapist and the Blue Salt school teachers, the patients will be able to practice the exercises.

The study, with three phases of measurement of patients, one at the beginning, one at the middle of the test and one at the end with results on their trajectory and evolution.


The main idea is to bring the sea, the sport, the community and the environment of surfing in an inclusive way to adults with pathology that demotivates them and leads to the absence of movement. Carolina, patient advocate, has experienced firsthand the benefits it meant for her to approach this environment to improve their way of life, and does not cease in its efforts to help others in the same situation.

Blue Soler is the first project of AsociaciBlue Health Sup Terap, formed by the Blue Salt School team and the Fundacidesemana, May 17-19, on the occasion of the BCN SUP WORLD FEST, organized by the Federation, with the support of l of Barcelona, the Blue Soler team will be presenting the project to the international community of Euro Tour riders and the entire world SUP environment.

La asociación Blue Health Sup Terapéutico nace para fomentar la inclusión y la práctica de deportes adaptados, y actividades relacionadas con el mar, con un enfoque en el Stand Up Paddle (SUP).

El programa piloto de la asociación es Blue Soler, pionero en Europa, siendo el 1er estudio médico que pretende demostrar los beneficios del SUP para mejorar la condición física, mental y emocional de personas con diferentes condiciones físicas, incluyendo patologías discapacitantes.

El aprendizaje que se adquiera en el estudio médico se pretende compartir entre entidades terapéuticas, académicas y escuelas de SUP & Surf, para beneficiar al mayor número de personas y para que la práctica del SUP terapéutico pueda practicarse y constituirse en una terapia complementaria a otros tratamientos convencionales.

Blue soler is an initiative of:

Club Deportivo Blue Salt is a surf and paddle surf school located in the Forum with 7 years in the marine environment. The Foundation promotes solidarity and innovative projects in health and sport.




• Internacional Surf Theraphy




• REU+

• Donations through MI GRANO DE ARENA.

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