Up Suping #44 English Version

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#44 Stand Up Paddle INÉS BLIN
NSP newest Released in

newest high octane Sprint Technical board has arrived!

14’ with 2 high speeds widths at 21’’ and 22.5’’ in our ultra-light Pro Carbon construction



Nico Arnedo info@upsuping.com


Nico Arnedo.


Pablo Codesido, Santiago Mencías Calderón, Jose ¨Salitre¨, Ensis, Starboard, Spain Wingfoil League, Bruce Kirkby, Roberto Canedo ¨Barbu¨, SIC, Nico Arnedo, Up Suping.


Chris Staddler, Sean Evans, Sacramento, Pablo Franco, ISA, Jersson Barboza, KDF Fotografía, Sundown Entertainment, Jose ¨Salitre¨, Ensis, Ben Reed, Desde el Mar, @georgiasphoto, Bruce Kirkby, Spain Wingfoil League, Nico Arnedo.



Rider: James Casey BACK COVER


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Stand Up Paddle
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UP SUPING Stand Up Paddle DIGITAL MAGAZINE AND WEBSITE A decade reporting the national and international Stand Up Paddle. Traveling, sharing great moments that we transfer to our digital platforms and watching this sport grow very closely... Go to www.upsuping.com and enjoy the SUP! Don’t miss our free digital magazine! You have more than 41 magazines to enjoy the best reading.

UP#44 edito

We must start 2024 with a lot of energy! Possibly, every year, at this time, I always say the same thing...but I am sure that more than one person will agree with me. Because depending on the pace of life we lead, habits or customs, we usually seasonalize times for better organization. I think the same thing happens to our sport, since its evolution has also been linked to a marked seasonalization as we all know. Of course, and every year I say the same thing, we already see more Stand Up Paddle fans practicing it at any time of the year.

On the other hand, I would like this energy to be used to correct and improve various aspects that our sport needs, and in all parts of the world. Let’s be honest, they always say “it’s a new sport.” Yes, of course, comparing it with others. But we have already been well positioned as a sport for a good number of years...right? Well, I think it’s time to perhaps get a little more serious and give another quality boost to SUP and its modalities.


Brands, media, federations, clubs, coaches, schools... everyone! It would be good to stop for a moment, and reflect deeply on some shortcomings and improvements that we must make, and as soon as possible. I don’t want to set off alarms, since Stand Up Paddle is still on the rise, but it is important to analyze the process in which you are doing it. And also, taking into account the global upheaval in which we are immersed (wars, economy, climate change)... Why not take advantage of this moment to refine and work on a path of growth with great improvements?

Almost all of us who have worked on this new issue of Up Suping like the idea of stopping, breathing, analyzing the process and starting again. SUP is a great complement to our lives, but to give it love and enjoyment, we must have the rest of the things much clearer. Perhaps Up#44 is a good reflection of that, because it seems to us that it has a fluid read and the ideal content for the moment. Our magazine also deserves a break…and starting again with more energy. Ladies and gentlemen…Welcome to Up#44!

12 Inés Blin 18 Sancti Petri 24 SUPeros Astures 34 Gran Carrera 38 Santino Basaldella 46 Material 52 SUP Tips 56 The Doctor´s Spot 60 My Beginnings 64 ICF World SUP 70 A winter date 74 Spain Wingfoil UP#44 summary

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C. Staddler

Your results and performance during the past year have been wonderful. How would you summarize your great 2023?

Thank you Nico, for me it has been a year full of challenges and new experiences. All this has given me a great learning, both mentally and physically, in all modalities. So it has been a very complete year and with results with which I am very happy, which has been motivating me from competition to competition.

You are already one of the great promises of the SUP Race. And we would like to know how have been for you these years of evolution and personal growth in this sport.

I started SUP 4 years ago because of some friends who encouraged me to try it. I have to admit that, although it took some convincing, I liked it from the first day. I didn’t think of it as a competition at all, but with the good atmosphere of friends in the club, I was encouraged to participate in one, and since then the competitions are what motivate me the most because I enjoy them a lot. Although I can only go to train on weekends, and sometimes on weekdays, seeing my evolution and personal progress in the sport encourages me to continue striving to improve and meet my goals.

Tell us about living with your team Parres Watersports and with your coach Dani.

In the club I have found more than friends, it’s like a second family. We are always supporting each other, helping each other to improve and looking out for each other, both in and out of the water. Dani, from his experience, has taught us to be good riders. We have learned to look at our strengths and weaknesses, to polish them and to know ourselves mentally and physically in different situations, both in training and during races.

App World Tour. Christian Staddler. KDF Fotografía. Up Suping Up Suping

5º. We have seen you giving your all in major international competitions. Which has been your favorite so far?

I wouldn’t know how to choose one competition as my favorite, but I could tell you about three that have marked me a lot.

Starting with Lacanau, in France. It was a Beach Race competition, and for me, who was usually overwhelmed by the waves, the size of the waves there didn’t help to cheer me up. At first I was scared and after a while of thinking, I decided not to enter. It was at the last minute before they gave the start that the relatives of some colleagues gave me the boost I needed to decide to enter. Although it was not one of my best races in terms of results, it was a tremendous learning experience in terms of overcoming. Because, although at first I did not see myself capable, I finally realized that if I had not faced that situation, I would have regretted it and I would have missed a great opportunity to prove to myself that I could do it.

This experience helped me to face the wave entry of the Viana Long Distance in Portugal and to keep going with the side wind in the entrance to the ria which was also very hard.

Finally, Thailand was a great experience, with everything that comes with a world cup. Special moments in terms of competition, but also personal, meeting people from all over the world and making new friends. I enjoyed and learned a lot, especially in the technical race, which is my favorite modality along with the sprints with a land start.

Is it difficult to combine studies, training and long trips to events outside Alicante?

The truth is that it is not always easy to combine studies, training and other extracurricular activities, but with organization it is always possible in one way or another. At school they don’t give me problems when I have to be absent for a competition and, for example, they can move the date of an exam or work. On the other hand, having so many activities and having this rhythm has helped me to know how to distribute my time and manage to do everything at the same time. In addition, I think that sport is something that helps me feel better and have more energy to study and carry out other activities.

And of course, you have grown up with the competitions of the Mediterranean SUP Race Circuit...and also sharing it with your brother Tomás. What do you feel when you go paddling with your battle buddies from different clubs of the Med?

It is always a great joy to see those who began as battle buddies, as you say, and have ended up becoming friends with whom I share great moments in and out of the water and with whom, being from other parts of Spain, I can only coincide in these events. Tomas is like our mascot, always laughing and making friends. I enjoy cheering him on and receiving his hugs before the start and when I get to the finish line.


We really like how you paddle long distances...What do you think about during those long minutes on the board? How do you manage the races mentally and emotionally?

You make me happy because it’s not my favorite modality, I’m not going to lie to you. But little by little we become friends, as my mother says. The truth is that, in a long distance, many things come to my mind. The first thing is to try to get into drafting so I don’t start off flat, since the long distance is not my strongest suit. During the rest of the race I think about how to manage each part of the race. If there is more wind or less, if there are waves that can be used or not and other factors. But the most important thing in a long distance I think is in the head and not only in the external conditions. If you are not right there, which is what drives everything, nothing is going to go well. So I’m always trying to organize my race in parts, but I also focus on encouraging myself all the time, especially in the sections that I’m struggling or have a hard time with for different reasons.

What does Stand Up Paddle give you as opposed to other sports?

I think we are privileged to do sports outdoors and to be able to enjoy the sea all year round. For me it is like a ‘beatus ille’, as it helps me to get away from stress and worries. Unlike contemporary dance, which I also practice, and helps me to let off steam, SUP clears my mind and activates me. On the other hand, the people who accompany me and surround me in this sport I think are a gift. They create a healthy and family atmosphere, within the club and with the rest of the clubs and that’s hard to find.

Who are your favorite national and international riders?

I can’t talk about favorites Nico, but there are people I admire a lot, at a sporting level and also personally, in some cases. Having been lucky enough to train, and even compete with some of them, has helped me to learn and have their support in times of doubt. I feel a great admiration for my people at the club and my teammates in the Spanish national team, each and every one of them serve as an example to me. Also, having been able to live with riders of the French national team has helped me to learn other ways to develop myself in the sport.

Family support is very important to be present in the SUP world... right?

Yes, it is. After all, the role of parents is fundamental. My parents, besides being the ones who take me from one place to another, to trainings, to competitions, they take care of all the costs in transportation, equipment, etc., they are also a great support point for me. Knowing me, they know perfectly well when something happens to me and how to act to encourage me, comfort me, look for the necessary support and congratulate me. They are for me an essential pillar in all areas, both in and out of sport, and of course, an example to follow.


Thanks to...

I want to thank my family for always accompanying me. To everyone in the club for teaching me and for being able to get where I am, for supporting me and taking care of me; my girls in the club, big and small, for always being by my side, for whatever. To my coaches, Dani for always pushing us a little bit more, because he knows we can and for teaching us with his experience; and Vincent for not only working on technique, but also helping me to deal with the mental part of the sport. Also to those who have taken care of me outside the club, in terms of physio and nutrition. To the special friendships the sport has given me and their families for giving me the boost and confidence I sometimes lack. To my friends outside the sport, for encouraging me and rejoicing with my achievements. And to you Nico, for your reports, for giving visibility to this sport and for counting on me for this edition.

A hundred athletes enjoyed a spectacular day of competition in a new edition of the Sancti Petri SUP Race with great performances by Ainhoa Rivas and Jorge Valenzuela in the waters of Chiclana.


Last Saturday 18th of November was held in Chiclana the 3rd edition of the Sancti Petri SUP Race, organized by Novojet.

It was a scoring competition for the Spanish Fesurfing Cup, Costa del SUP Circuit and the last race of the Wind & Waves circuit in Chiclana.

A great day that will be remembered for the great atmosphere on the beach, its excellent organization and the great effort made by all competitors against the intense Levante wind.

From early in the morning, athletes and family members from all over Andalusia and even from other places of Spain gathered to enjoy another day of Stand Up Paddle competition, under a radiant sun and good temperature in this amazing enclave in the province of Cadiz.

The race course was set up in front of the beach so that it would be visible to everyone. Once again, the youngest riders of the Costa del SUP Circuit offered a great show in each of their races. The future of this sport is assured in Andalusia thanks to the great work of the clubs of this region, parents and family members.

As the morning progressed, the Levante wind gained prominence and the organisers modified some of the courses for the safety of the competitors due to the wind and tide forecasts. This only generated a lot of excitement for the categories that still had to row.

We must highlight the excellent performance of the Popular category with a large number of participants. Some of them made their debut here in Sancti Petri in a SUP Race competition and for sure we will see them again in the next editions.

Entertainment Up Suping

The Amateur category was also one of the main protagonists of the day with Rubén Díaz Ponce and Aranzazu Sánchez Barriuso as winners paddling on inflatable boards; and Francisco López España and Ana Estable Díaz on rigid boards.

In the U14 category, the competitors Álvaro del Pino and Laura Ailing continue to achieve excellent results in this Andalusian Stand Up Paddle circuit. They were accompanied by Ziro Mollá from Alicante and Katrina Hansen Shcherbinina at the top of the podium in the U16 category.

The intense day of competition ended with the Elite and U18 categories running a technical 6 km circuit, where it was decisive to have a lot of technique, physique and great rowing skills in the intense wind. However, the pace of the race was very high, crowning in style the young athletes Jorge Valenzuela and Ainhoa Rivas, being the fastest overall. Jaime Morales and Michelle Esteban obtained the same results in the Senior Elite.

Competitors Antonio Sudón and Victoria Sanches were unbeatable in the Master category, as well as Jose Luis Chiclana in the Kahuna category; without forgetting their teammates Moisés López and Juan Carlos Muñoz who did not make it easy for them.

After the spectacle lived in and out of the water with the great performances of these categories, the awards ceremony was held in front of the Chiringuito Bongo and with the presence of local entities. There were also exciting raffles thanks to the products donated by each and every one of the collaborators of the Sancti Petri SUP Race. Such as Fanatic, O’neill, Tiza suncream, Tricktionary by Fred Bonef, Rato surf shop, Vitamin Well, Redbull and Kuxxo sunglasses.

We would like to thank the great work done by Lucía, Marta and all the team of Sancti Petri SUP Race; as well as the volunteers and the boats of the company Novojet and the Club Nautico de Sancti Petri who have worked in the event. And of course, to the AETC, the Diputación de Cádiz, through its Patronato Provincial de Turismo and the Ayuntamiento de Chiclana for their fundamental collaboration for the success of this event.

3D Keeler was born from the idea of creating the most revolutionary fin on the market. We decided to work on a new concept and studied all the fluid theorems to be able to achieve a stable keel that would also give us natural speed.


3D Keeler is a technological revolution within3D printing, it is a set of technologies that allows you to create objects without the need for molds, based on digital files. The 3D printers used are the most modern of the market, they are intelligent machines because they are capable of printing prototypes quickly and accurately.


The design, engineering development and manufacturing process make the 3D Keeler the fastest fin in the world. It offers a versatile and balanced fin in terms of sensations, maneuverability and stability.

Their versatile movements in the water are superior to any fin on the market, since they provide a plus of speed and unprecedented control.




Possibly, in Gijón, the first person who started practising SUP on a regular basis was Corripio, back in 2006 or 2007. Local legends say that Esteban Anta, in 2008, gave a SUP course with the school of the Tablas Surf Shop. They had only one board and it is said that Tato was his instructor. Jimi, Pablo Vega-Arango and Diego Anta were the next to give SUP a couple of years later.

Zona bohemios


The areas where SUP is most popular in Asturias is Gijón. Other areas with less affluence are Candás and Luanco, and finally Salinas.

Gijón is the place where most people practice our sport, being able to see, on good days, 15-20 SUP waves on weekends. Having several peaks, and areas for all levels, and being the largest city in Asturias, with a very surfing atmosphere, contribute to this.

The area around the church of San Pedro is usually the quietest area and where most SUPs are seen. The surroundings of the church, the regatta club (where many keep their boards and go out to sea from the club itself) and the music that can be heard from the water, coming from the strolling musicians that are placed on the promenade, made it start to be called the bohemian area of SUP and those who surf there, the “bohemians”.

J. Salitre. J. Puente y grandes del SUP Asturiano Jose ¨Salitre¨

The centre of the beach also tends to have people with SUP, but the large number of schools that there are do not make it a favourable place, apart from the fact that the waves tend to be more closed. One step up in wave quality is the one that breaks at stairway 18. Called “The Rock”, this is a spot where you have to have a little more level. A regular on this wave is Alex, with his Gong that doesn’t fail every time this wave goes out.

Stairway 21, formerly called “El Mongol” and renamed 21 or La Jabonera, after an old soap factory in the area, has been the star wave of Gijón for many years. This is where Jimi was a regular, because of the size it can be on good days. This wave reaches 3-4 metres. Tato also drops in from time to time. Posada and J. De los Reyes tried it once in a while too. The wave at the campsite and Peñarrubia also tends to have SUP boards on good days.

People from the Candas and Luanco area (Posada, Jorge Moro, Javi, Mario) usually surf in Xivares and its area, when there are swells and the waves reach their beaches. They also tend to surf in San Juan, Xago and Salinas.

In Salinas, in some areas, especially in “El Balneario”, we are beginning to see some SUP. Salinas is a centre with quite local areas, especially the area of “La Luna”, and for the moment SUPs are scarce there. Near Cudillero, on a beach called San Pedro de la Ribera, there are a couple of SUPs that come in, “Los Juanes”.

Javi Campa Diego Trauma

SUPrs who still continue to know whenever tehy can


Tebi, Corripio, Nacho Sevillano, Claudio (en long sup) Jandro, Alex, Tato, Diego el trauma, Mariano, Carlinos, Pitu, Javi Campa, Edu and I.


Jorge Moro, Posada, Mario, Javi.


Jimi, Agus, Ana, Diego Anta, Mirian, Víctor…


Ana used to compete in the girls’ category, but now she has given it up and only rides a longboard. There was also Maru, who until recently ran a paddle school in Unquera, one of those excursion schools called Ocle. Miriam also switched to longboarding.

Jaime Álvarez Jonna Karlsoon Jorge Morro

Nowadays, in wave SUP, they can be seen in the water from time to time and there are two in Gijón who practice it assiduously. Diana Llamazares, who usually comes in every weekend, and a girl (my girl hehe) called Jonna Karlsson. She is from Salinas and has been surfing all her life. One day, almost three years ago, I left her a SUP in Rodiles because she said she was tired of seeing the SUP surfers turning purple and wanted to try it. From that moment on she gave up surfing completely and she comes in every week. She is possibly the girl who comes in to catch the most waves on SUP right now in Asturias, and her progression is very good.

Most of the people who started SUP, if not all of them, were people who already came from surfing. As I said, Corripio and Tebi are the ones who started seriously and then came Jimi, Pablo... The best time, for me, was between 2014-2018 when the board sizes, litres, paddle sizes... At that time people used to take 30-40 litres more than now and in my opinion that is one of the reasons why people from that time ended up leaving or going much less.


When the number of litres went down, many people who were looking for the sensations more similar to surfing with a board, as they had practiced in the past, meant that they had to be closer to the people surfing, as the number of litres went down so much and they couldn’t get to the waves where they could before. This, together with the overcrowding and some altercations, meant that nowadays they only paddle a few times, and some of them have switched to longboarding again.

Jimi... what can we say about him? Giant waves in Isla Pancha, where they had to take him out, SUP in La Verdad de Lastres, with a board of 11-12 feet (I think I rem ember), the excursions to the train of the witch... Now he hasn’t been SUPing for 3 years.


Now, there is a new boom that scares me a bit. The new generation did not live the rules, preferences, manners that people who had started years ago knew, because they had been practicing longboard, shortboard, cork... all their lives and there is more danger for not knowing how to behave in the water and for entering in places where you have to share waves with surfers, without having the level to surf in those places, which leads to some conflict.

Let’s say that now there are more people surfing, but less super surfers coming from those who have been in the sea all their lives around here. The large number of secondhand boards for surfing, with prices starting at 100 euros, the high cost of SUP equipment, the space you need to store it, the need for a car... I think this is another reason why the kids here don’t start when they are children, but rather it is a sport for people with other economic capacities.

It is possibly the area with the best atmosphere in the water, and with the most SUP waves, in Spain. It is not usually conflictive, except if you enter 3 or 4 places (the 21, the moon, the bar), in the rest there are usually no problems if you know how to behave. It is striking that, being like this, the schools don’t pay any attention to SUP, as well as the passivity when it comes to going to championships. Here people, frankly, like to surf with friends, where there are not many people, and then go and eat a cachopo and drink a few bottles of cider. Part of the blame also lies with a federation that until now completely ignored SUP, and that thanks to Astursup and its championships is being taken into account.


About 6 years ago I organised a meeting on the beach of Cueva, near Luarca, where we got together 40 wave SUP and we raffled clothes, backpacks and an SPS paddle, it coincided with that time I was telling you about, when our sport was lived in a different way.

Concentración SUP Olas 2018

I started 10 years ago, after having been out of contact with the sea for a few years due to a back operation, and I started paddling with a Bic that my son asked me for if I passed all of them in June. One day I paddled out to Peñata and there were waves. I paddled one and I was amazed. The Bic was a month old and the next day I put it up for sale and bought a Naish Mana 10 feet and 190 litres. I didn’t want to listen to the people at Hoenalu, when they told me it was too many litres, and I spent a year or two with it, until I realised they were right, there were too many to spare.

When did you start wingfoiling?

Before wingfoiling, I used to kitefoil. I watched the wingfoilers and saw the sport growing. As the sport became more popular and prevalent, my father pushed me to try it. I fell in love with wing foiling immediately and later had the opportunity to try a GWA event in Brazil, where I fell in love with the competitive aspect of the sport. Since then, I have been training and pushing myself in wingfoiling. I have been riding for about a year and a half now.

Where is your homespot and what are the conditions like?

My homespot, Rambla, Maccarese is not easy; there is a lot of current and shallow water to navigate through the waves. I particularly enjoy it when the wind is coming from the west as it creates beautiful waves and a perfect rampfor jumping. When there is a westerly wind, it usually reaches around 20/22 knots, which, in my opinion, is the ideal wind condition.

Sofía Marchetti

What are your wingfoiling goals for next year?

Next year’s goal is to participate in as many stops of the GWA tour as possible. I want to train hard, taking advantage of all the possibilities I have, and above all, listen to advice from those who are more experienced than me. I will give 101% in every training session and obviously during my races too. I will approach this next year with maximum effort and be ready to achieve my competitive goals. I will also aim to learn new manoeuvres, including the backflip, and I am confident that with the ENSIS team I will achieve my goals.

What ENSIS gear are you currently using and what do you love about it?

For now, I’m using the ENSIS TOP SPIN for freestyle! I love this wing. It feels balanced and powerful, and it’s incredible how it follows all my movements and is super fast and quick when I’m in the air during rotations. I also really love the ROCK’N’ROLL PRO board. I find it very light in the air and easy to manoeuvre. I use the ENSIS SCORE for racing, and it is an excellent wing. I really like it for racing because it has a lot of power, and during the turns it seems to cut through the wind… It’s also easy to manoeuvre to change direction!

Sergio Cantoral and Inés Blin winners of the 5th Gran Carrera del Mediterráneo SUP Race. Great performance from all the competitors who did their best in the strong gusts of wind.



Up Suping KDF Fotografía

Some 140 participants were present in a new edition of the Gran Carrera del Mediterráneo SUP Race that will be remembered, without a doubt, for the strong gusts of wind that hit the coast of Alicante.

From early in the morning, Varadero Beach was the epicentre of this great Stand Up Paddle event that brings together athletes from the Mediterranean and from different parts of the Spanish geography, scoring for the Mediterranean SUP Race 2023 Circuit and the Spanish Cup of the Spanish Surfing Federation.

The Elite and U18 categories were the first to take to the water, starting from the Carabassí beach with the finish line at Varadero, where the rest of the categories started. As the first minutes of competition went by, the wind was gaining prominence, surpassing the forecasts.

Sergio Cantoral and Inés Blin were the fastest in the general classification, showing once again the great level they have and adapting perfectly to the different conditions they had in the course of their races. These same competitors repeated on the podium in the SUB 18 category and obtained the flying finish line prize sponsored by the Gran Bahía Restaurant.

The Amateurs and U16 were the most affected by these weather conditions. The organisation had to suspend these races for the safety of the competitors, attending to all of them so that they reached land in complete safety. It is worth highlighting the great skills of all the athletes to paddle in such conditions, and the excellent conduct in such a complex situation.

The courses of the following categories were modified so that they competed very close to the coast and next to the different boats that worked in the event, increasing the safety of the races. The spectators enjoyed the great performances by the youngest sailors, who delighted the audience, friends and family who were present on the Varadero beach.

The SUB 14 and Rookie categories closed the day’s competition, where the latter had a large group of participants making their debut in a Stand Up Paddle competition. This intense edition culminated with a wonderful prize-giving ceremony and raffles of material provided by all the collaborating brands.

We must highlight and thank the performance of the Red Cross, the support boats, judges, volunteers and event staff who performed excellently before the adversities caused by the weather.

As well as the Club Deportivo Parres Watersports, the Diputación de Alicante, Ayuntamiento de Alicante, Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola and Ayuntamiento de Elche for supporting Stand Up Paddle and sport in general.

san tino


P. Franco

We can’t start this interview without first asking you to describe your year 2023. We have really enjoyed watching you compete!

Hi Nico and all the people at Up Suping, first of all I want to thank you for the interest and the invitation to be part of this great magazine. My 2023 was a super busy year, with all the goals set from start to finish. I was able to be part of the international SUP scene in several important events, such as the South American Beach Games in Colombia, PASA Games in Panama, ISA World Cup in France, and the highlight of the year Pan American Games Chile 2023. It has been a year of great experience and I am very happy with what I have achieved and learned in these competitions. In addition, at the end of the year I was able to finish as Argentinean champion in SUP Race Marathon, Sprint and Technical. It was a very busy year and motivated to continue with more, to see how beautiful our sport is, the good people in the environment and to be able to enjoy it that way, is something priceless.

The city of Rosario and its passion for sports... How did you get started with SUP in the waters of the Paraná?

My beginnings in SUP were thanks to my uncle “Guivi” who is now my coach, he was always a fan of water sports and when SUP came to Argentina he passed it on to me. He started competing and I went with him to a school called SUP Paraná, where Juliette is from, 3 hours away from Rosario, where I signed up that day and I raced with a borrowed board. I was fascinated with that experience and after that I got my first board as a birthday present for my 14th birthday. Thanks to the support of my family, who bought me my first all round board, I was able to go deeper into the Parana River in my city. Every day I liked it more and more. The beautiful days, the windy days I had fun downwind and I still didn’t know the whole world of competitions that existed.

Your participation in competitions all over Argentina has also been a great learning point... right?

Being part of the sup Argentina community was the basis for my formation as a racer. Thanks to the level and the great people who share their passion and knowledge, I was always in good hands. I remember I didn’t have anyone in my city who competed and travelled to races. Then I started to travel with Francisco Giusti, 6 times Argentinean champion, a referent and a great friend founder of SUP Paraná (where my first race was). He and his team took me to several races in the sea. Living that experience helped me to want to have my school in my city and share this sport. So, when I was 15 years old, I started SUP Nativo. My school that today we are a great team to race the Argentinean Circuit, Regional Cups and everything that has a start and a finish.

Up Suping 39
Franco. Ben Reed. Jersson Barboza

The ISA World Championships, Panamerican Surf Games, South American and Panamerican Surf Games in Chile, among other events. Which one left you with the best memories on a sporting and personal level?

It’s very difficult to choose one of these great experiences, I think each one has its own moments and different learning experiences. Personally, the Pan American was a competition that I waited and worked for all year. When I was living it, it seemed like time was flying. I think I had all the pressures, but I always kept my focus, I met athletes from other disciplines like surfing and longboarding, I learned a lot from them. It was also a mental preparation. I was going to a place with freezing water and huge waves, I was going towards that and I come from the river. I had many times the doubt if it was possible or if it was crazy, but it was always trying to ignore it and keep working. On the sporting side, I was very happy with the coach at the ISA. I think I got a very intimate connection with what I was doing and it was a feeling that stayed with me and I would like to live forever.

How does it feel to represent your country and to play alongside that great Argentina team?

I think if there is one thing I can say about the Argentinian team, it is that with very little, they achieve a lot. It’s a team with a lot of passion, more and more united and stronger and stronger. It’s addictive to wear the colours, you want to wear the shirt all the time, to have those moments of team spirit and camaraderie all the time. And, even if it’s hard, you know that someone from the team will always be there. There are also differences, as in all teams, due to economic issues. Some can not be, but always those who were part of the team left everything aside to be in a World Cup or competition that the team is cited.

J. Barboza

What SUP Race qualities have you been improving and perfecting over the years?

I always work on my paddling technique, turns, etc. But whenever I can I travel to the sea to improve in the waves. Having the sea 7 hours away from home has always been like leaving my habitat, but I try to practice as much as possible until I feel like I’m from there.

P. Franco P. Franco B. Reed

What kind of conditions do you like the most and why? Flat water, beach race, dowwinds, etc....

I’m a fan of training downwind, in Rosario it doesn’t blow very often, but when the wind blows, the Paraná River transforms and becomes an amusement park.

When we see you paddling, we find a strong Santino, with character and very focused. Has this sport taught you great emotional and physical values?

This sport has taught me a lot. It teaches you to be connected with each paddle, to do the same thing over and over again in a simple way, but looking to improve. It’s a great exercise for the body, but also for the mind.

What are the areas of Rosario where you usually train? Is there a route along the waters of the Paraná where you get to disconnect in the middle of nature?

In Rosario, I leave from the Barlovento nursery, where my school is, then I put the board down and I have my feet in the river. Normally, I cross the river and go along the lakes and streams in the wetlands in front of the city, it’s a beautiful coastal landscape with lots of water, fauna and flora!

42 P. Franco

We think we will see you very soon in big European SUP Race events, but... What is your plan for 2024?

If everything goes well, I will travel to do this first stage of the Eurotour in April and May. If everything goes wrong, I’ll be there anyway. I’m really looking forward to going to test myself in the big competitions they have there, I’ll soon be there with my mates.

Thanks to...

I want to thank Nico again for the coverage of spreading the word, I know that this is something that goes through the super communities of the world and I hope to reach everyone with a good message and motivation to paddle. I also want to thank my sponsors Fiume, Swellboard, Local Rider, Sancor Seguros and Dawer Brokers for their support, also thanks to ENARD and the Argentinean Olympic Committee for everything! Greetings from Argentina!

Nico Arnedo . Óscar Ruiz




The construction has been approved after testing in Portugal, Israel and Thailand, combining a wide range of conditions in wave types and climate differences. This model sets the benchmark for the entire range, as this was the size that was used to sign off the shape. A favorite for riders up to 85kg, the size gives you the longboard style or riding yet unlocks shortboard performance from the tail. A must try!



NSP’s new Carbon Speedster 76 racing blade 76, with a 29mm shaft integrates a parallel edge outline that gives racers a quick and precise catch. Its edge outline also helps release, allowing for a faster motion through the water. The outline of the Speedster blade is perfect for sprint racing, downwind runs, and long-distance paddling.

• Blade Area: 76 sqm or 490cm²

• Length: 220 cm

• Shaft/blade angle 10°

• UD Carbon stringer

• HDC CNC cut PVC Core, lightweight with minimal resin

• Pre-molded carbon next for maximum strength

• Full ABS rail around the blade edge for durability

• Laminated with eco-friendly bio-resin

Model Volume Thickness Width Weight
28” 9
L 3.9”



Do you need an inflatable Paddle Surf board that will serve you in all conditions? The Ride 10’6” from Red Paddle Co is our most popular board and is available in a selection of colours...in special edition purple or classic blue. No matter what type of rider you are, you will have a great time on this versatile board as it is 120 mm thick, which provides extraordinary stiffness and uncompromising performance. The ergonomic tubular handles give you a cushioned and comfortable grip when carrying your board.


Do you want to lose measurements without losing comfort? With its shape, our Coracle model will allow you to have a balance between the manoeuvrability of a shortboard and the stability of a larger board. It will give you great stability thanks to its rounded Nose and Thumb Tail, with a small Swallow for greater grip and control when executing manoeuvres. Bottom with single to double concave outlet. A medium rocker and small Kick Tail for greater response in turns.

Model Volume Weight Width Thickness 10’6” 245 L 11.1 Kg 32” 4.7”
Model Volume Thickness Width 7’7” 100.25 L 4” 28 1/2” 7’3” 90.20 L 3 7/8” 27 1/2” 7’11” 115.22 L 4 1/4” 29 1/2”




Within the possibility of manufacturing a completely custom SUP, we have the WILKES model, it´s a 100% pure surfboard, and its design with reduced edges (step rails) means that most of the volume is located in the center of the board and has shortboard-style edges for better grip and sensitivity. The bottom starts with a slight V concave from the nose, continuing to simple and ending in a double concave at the tail to have greater control over the board and gain speed. A board that cannot be missing from your quiver!



Waterproof waterproof bag with IPX8 protection level designed for water sports (Surfing, Windsurfing, Kitesurfing, Paddle Surfing, Kayaking...) KGUARD XL protects your device, is soft and skin-friendly, takes care of your wetsuit and gives you peace of mind and freedom of movement.

• Ideal for saline environments.

• Resistant to extreme temperatures.

• Long service life.

• High resistance to deformation.

• 100% soft and elastic.

• Height 23 cm.

• Width: 11cm.

• Depth: 0,8cm.

Model Volume Thickness Width 8’0” 103 L 4 1/16” 27” 7’8” 94 L 3” 26” 8’5” 115 L 4 3/16” 28”




The Leash Paddle Surf Radz Hawaii Coil 10 black is an invention for coil (or phone) type SUP, ideal for when you go paddling on the road, for a walk or in a race. Being a telephone type, it stays rolled up and short while paddling, and when necessary it stretches up to 10’ to avoid losing the board. The leash or invention is an essential accessory for safety while surfing or paddle surfing. It connects the practitioner’s back foot with the surfboard or Stand Up Paddle, preventing the board from being lost in falls and hitting other practitioners.



• Raglan sleeve

• Hood lined in main fabric

• Round cord in the same tone finished with metallic finish tips

• Sewn hood eyelets

• Inside herringbone bias binding at neck

• Interior half moon in main fabric

• Simple stitch on the neck

• 1x1 rib on cuffs and hem, double stitch

• Kangaroo pocket with wide double stitch

Main fabric: Unbrushed plush, 85% combed ringspun organic cotton, 15% recycled polyester, Washed fabric, Soft touch, 350 GSM

Length Thickness Color 10´ 7 mm Black



The Spitfire 1180 is the result of extensive development to bring a bigger Spitfire to market for the big guys and those riders whose local spots offer more marginal conditions. Spitfire 1180 diverges from the rest of the Spitfire family with an increased camber of 2.75%. The Spitfire 1180 is a great wing for those getting into down-winding. It doesn’t need to run as fast as the ART PRO 1201 or 1401 making it easy to stay on the bump. Turning and control are amazing for such a large wing, making downwind riding achievable for almost everyone. We feel it’s exactly the right time for this foil, offering a less torturous in-road on the downwind journey.



World class foils demand world class masts. Code Foils pulled out all the stops here.

• All our Masts are constructed with high modulus car-bon resulting in a stiff strong mast with no compro-mise.

• Extended blend to base plate designed to give extra stiffness and a rock solid feeling under your feet giv-ing maximum feedback to each pump and turn.

• Tapered towards the bottom of the mast to increase glide and efficiency

Available in 75cm y 85cm.

Model Aspect ratio Volume 1180 mm 9.13 1637 cm3



The ENSIS WALTZ is ideal for ambitious discoverers to experts looking to do downwinders, be in the surf while SUP (standup paddling), and is a great solution for lightwind wingfoiling that will have you on the foil in a breeze. Meticulously designed, with an optimum waterline length that is balanced and stable to ride, the pintail makes it easy to pump and generate speed. The board is fitted with extra-long foil tracks that allow you to find your ideal foil placement.



The immediate responsiveness makes the N-TEAM feel like it has half a square meter more power. Starting at well under 1.5 kg, the ultra-lightweight is something you feel instantly. The extra stiff struts create control and a wider wind range, so you can enjoy the wing in more wind conditions. The key to the N-TEAM is the new Ho’okipa Ultra PE high-pressure leading edge and strut, with our proven Ultra PE load frame. Airush and Starboard have a combined 50 years of chasing responsiveness, lightweight and durability. Today, the FreeWing N-TEAM is the best example of this yet.

Model Volume Weight Width 7’0” 115 L 6.9 Kg 20” 6’3” 95 L 6.2 Kg 19” 7’6” 135 L 7.4 Kg 22” 6’0” 85 L 5.9 Kg 18” Model Size 3m2 258 cm 4m2 285 cm 5m2 316 cm 6m2 328 cm

From Up Suping we insist on publishing content suitable for all levels. We like to communicate information that can help all lovers of this sport and, somehow, motivate each of you to continue growing in the world of SUP.

When it comes to Stand Up Paddle, the paddle is as important as the board itself. A good paddle can make the difference in your performance in the water and get a better paddling experience.

How to Choose the Best SUP Paddle for You?

Blade Shape & Size

One of the first things to consider when selecting a paddle is the blade size and sahpe. The blade is the part of the paddle that goes into the water, and its size determines how much surface area is available for propelling you forward. A larger blade will provide more power and efficiency, but it will also require more strength to use and will be more tiring over a long session. On the other hand, a smaller blade will be easier and more comfortable on the body to use, but will not provide as much power.


The blade shape can also affect your performance on the water, with some paddles featuring a more contoured or angled blade for better power, stability and efficiency.

The best blade size and shape for you will depend on your strength and paddling style. Starboard offer two blade styles in various sizes, the Lima paddle and Enduro paddle

Shaft Length (and Adjustable Shafts):

Another important factor to consider is the shaft length. Paddle length is important because it determines how much leverage you have when paddling. If the paddle is too short, you will have to bend over to reach the water, which can be tiring and uncomfortable. On the other hand, if the paddle is too long, it will be difficult to control and may cause you to lose power and efficiency. To determine the ideal paddle length, stand with your hand in the shaka position on your head. A shaka’s width over your head should be where the paddle handle comes to. This is a good place to start before getting on the water and fine-tuning for the style, conditions and comfort. Adjustable shaft paddles are the best way to find your most comfortable position and allow you to have one paddle for many boards and conditions. Read more in our Definitive Guide to SUP Paddles on setting up your paddle.

Shaft Flex & Materials

Shaft flex should be taken into account when choosing a paddle. A stiff shaft is great for high performance in racing or more power to catch waves, however, a stiffer shaft also has more impact on the riders body. Paddlers just getting into SUP should opt for a shaft that has some flex and more gentle on the shoulders.

The material of the paddle is also important, as it will affect the weight, strength, and durability of the paddle. Paddles can be made of a variety of materials, including aluminum, fiberglass, and carbon fiber. Aluminum paddles are generally the least expensive and are suitable for beginner paddlers. Fiberglass paddles are a bit more expensive and offer a good balance of strength and weight. Carbon fiber paddles are the most expensive option, but they are also the best performing, lightest and strongest.



In addition to these basic considerations, there are also other factors to consider when selecting a paddle, such as the handle and grip. The handle should be comfortable to hold and should not cause hand fatigue, even after extended use. The grip should provide a secure hold, even when your hands are wet.

When it comes to finding the best SUP paddle for you, it’s important to do your research and try out a few different options. A high-quality paddle can make a big difference in your performance and enjoyment on the water. Starboard offers a range of paddles in different lengths, blade sizes, and materials to suit a variety of paddling styles and needs. With a bit of research and some trial and error, you can find the perfect paddle to help you make the most of your stand-up paddleboarding adventures.




It’s my turn to sweep the house clean. And of course, to extol the idea that we have always transmitted through these pages. From the depths of the origin of SUP, the Race board was a challenge, something different in the conception of surfing itself. A large paddle board, capable of surfing waves on the high seas and on the coast, and of providing those of us who love the sport with both aerobic endurance and explosive anaerobic exercise. And to cross seas and round islands to the sound of the waves of the sea.

Pablo Codesido Sean Evans. Jersson barboza. Desde el mar. Up Suping

The different paths that the SUP Race has been taking in its flat versions in lakes, marshes, estuaries and rivers; it seemed that we had almost forgotten the fundamental element of the matter: the wave. This is by no means the first time we have talked about this, but all of you who follow us know in advance our devotion to ocean races, whether long distance or Beach Race. That feeling that you move forward not only by the power of your paddling, but by the immensity of the wave. Controlling it is an art.

One of the reasons why flat races have been predominant in recent years is because of the ease of access to all audiences, and the ease for the organisation to maintain basic safety measures. Blessed flat. But in our internal and competitive heart, we all know that the national and international championships of long distance open water and Beach Race are the great protagonists of this sport in its competitive version. And don’t get me wrong, sprints, reservoirs and lakes deserve the same recognition, but I insist, in my opinion, when the technical difficulty is provided by the ocean, the sensations are different. And so is the spectacle, why not say it. And that is where the great champions appear, capable of mastering the wildest of nature.

In past years we have had many difficulties in this country to hold the Spanish Beach Race Championship. For different reasons. But perhaps the security and adequate conditions is the strongest of all for what it entails. Then there is the federative, institutional and private support. It is clear that the sea conditions determine the different categories, and that the elite of this speciality need a different playing field to the amateurs. Not everyone is sufficiently prepared to face large masses of breaking water. But the beach is always the same for everyone, it is unforgiving. And that is a difficulty when it comes to organising championships on a single day and in a single location.


In spite of everything and after a long time without events, last year the Spanish Beach Race Championship was held on the beach of Sabón in the province of A Coruña in Galicia, by the SUP Mera club. Newcomers in this type of championships and with many difficulties, but with a brutal advantage over other locations: the environment. In Galicia it is rare that there are no waves. And best of all, there are several locations with different orientations, so that if the sea or the wind play a dirty trick on us, there are almost always alternatives to choose from. And that was the case last year. The images and videos we have of this event were sublime and spectacular, and there were waves for everyone. Once again there were sensations like those of yesteryear in the mythical Maturrango de Suances, when the whole community came without thinking about it to the great appointment with the sea.

The good news is that this May, on the 4th and 5th, we will have a new edition of the Spanish Beach Race Championship, and again by the hand of the Club SUP Mera within the V Mera SUP Festival, so there will also be a long distance race. I am sure that there will be waves again and that we will try to be moderate with the different categories. Hopefully the conditions will be the best. But once again, my vindictive side asks for support for this kind of events in which so much is at stake for the athletes: scholarships, sponsors and... glory. Firstly, from federations and public institutions, which will rarely find a better opportunity to promote this sport; and secondly, from private entities, especially those related to SUP and sport in general, given the repercussion that this spectacle generates. But I also appeal to those SUPers who have been so critical in the past of the lack of waves. This is the moment, and the satisfaction of finishing such a demanding event is sometimes as comforting as coming first, I can assure you. The event has been decided to be held in May so that the national teams can prepare for the different international competitions and facilitate the calendars of our athletes. A good decision.

Sean Evans Desde el Mar

If everything goes according to plan, we will once again have top level championships and champions, real wave riders, who will once again be able to represent us in the different international competitions that are being held after the summer period, and after a level test to determine the best in the speciality. Who knows if one of these international competitions will one day be held on these shores. What I am sure of is that Galicia never disappoints. Many people take advantage of their visit to stay a few days in the surrounding area and enjoy the wonderful beaches and waves, or to take a route along one of the most impressive cliffs in Europe. Don’t miss it, because even when the crowds come, the spectacle, as in this past edition, does not disappoint. Oh, and don’t forget: bring your wetsuit.

TRAINING PLANS CLINICS SUP RACE, SUP WAVES & BEACH RACE TRAINING CAMPS ¨We help athletes to get their goals¨ @or_training 34 626 643 721 ortraining.es Planning objectives | We develop sessions We analyze your evolution | We evaluate the results

My beginnings


This section offers the opportunity for our readers and followers to tell us about their first steps in the aquatic world; since a part of the current ¨SUPer@s¨ had never paddled on a river before, or simply enjoyed the sensation of surfing a wave.


I’m from Algeciras and I got to know SUP by watching Laird Hamilton’s videos. My first contact with this sport was in the sea in Ceuta,...it was amazing, I fell about 20 times! Stand Up Paddle gives me the feeling of controlling more the horizon, and the atmosphere of the ¨SUPeros¨ attracts my attention. And I practice it almost every day, when the weather allows it: SUP Race, waves and crossings.


I’m from Salerno, Italy, and I got to know SUP ten years ago in Barcelona thanks to my friend Carlos Locatelli. It was one morning at dawn on the beach of Barceloneta and what I like most about SUP is the feeling of freedom it gives you after the physical activity. I do it every day: touring/ race. And if there are waves, whatever happens, I’m the first and the last to get out of the water. >

> 61


From Barcelona. I remember seeing people SUPing along the coastline and Barceloneta and I found it fascinating. It was like watching people running over the sea. The first time I got on a board was in 2014 approx. I did a class in the Costa Brava area and I’ll just explain that... I spent more time in the water than on the board! I fell about 1000 times in the water! Or maybe it was 50 but it seemed like an eternity... but I had a great time! Due to a rare neuromuscular disease they started to operate on my feet when I was 3 years old. As an adult, when I reached 30 surgeries I stopped counting. I am on the waiting list for another operation on my right foot and a knee replacement.

Nowadays, with more experience I would add that it allows you to disconnect from the outside world, at the same time it helps you to connect with yourself, your body and your emotions in the marine environment. And I practice it almost every day, when the weather permits: Race, waves, crossings.


Pantanero de Gasteiz. One summer, 10 or 11 years ago, I tried it in Cambrils and I liked the feeling of going over the water seeing the whole bottom and the sea. I learnt with the typical 11foot rigid boards, although I fell quite a lot. It’s a sport that invites you to get into the sea and gets you hooked, as you decide how to move with the paddle, without depending on the waves or the wind and it’s more comfortable to handle than a kayak or a surfboard. I liked the post-race atmosphere, meeting familiar faces from different competitions and places. It seemed to me an ideal sport for the beginner, for those who have been doing it for a long time, for those who are itching, for those who want to go easy... I used to race, but not anymore. I have the board gathering dust and I’m sad I can’t go out as much as I’d like to, but c’est la vie.



I’m from Algete (Madrid) and I got to know SUP when the first Paddle Surf Fuengirola stand opened. I started more seriously when I saw an inflatable Paddle Surf board and decided to try it, I loved it and since then I keep paddling. My first paddling experience was in Fuengirola, then every weekend I went up to a lake in the mountains of Madrid. I was very struck by the peace I felt when paddling, I felt at ease and free to be able to go to the other shore calmly without getting wet. For me it is a sport that helps me a lot with my studies, it helps me to disconnect from a hard week at school full of exams. I usually train in the water twice a week in Aranjuez, and it’s difficult to get down during the week, so I compensate with a lot of gym. Now little by little I will try to go sometime during the week. I compete in RACE mode with ECO SUP (Asturias), because in Madrid we don’t have any federated club.

We would love to know what the process was like for you! We have prepared this questionnaire for you to fill in so that you can be present in our next issues.

IMPORTANT! After completing it, send us 2 quality photos to info@upsuping. com with your name and surname in the “subject” of the email, so we can publish your answers with excellent images.


World Championships 2023ICF Stand Up Paddling



The ICF (International Canoe Federation) World Championships were held in mid-November 2023 in Pattaya, Thailand. It gathered more than 1000 athletes divided into age and gender categories. It differs from the World Championship organised by the ISA (International Surf Association) because it is individual and the registration is open to everyone. Here, if you allow me, I would like to make a small reflection: How long will it be possible to sustain a world championship of this magnitude with open inscriptions with the growth of this sport?

¨Barbucias¨ 64

I would like to start by saying that the biggest World Cup to date was in a wonderful place in amazing Thailand, but I don’t need to make myself look good to anyone and I prefer to tell it like I saw it, so I will tell you that perhaps Pattaya was the ugliest place in Thailand that I could see. To put you in perspective: a long, narrow beach with no charm, dirty water and constant hustle and bustle. But, paradoxically, in the videos it looked really beautiful. Thailand stuff, I guess...

Another thing was the organisation, despite the difficulty of handling so many people, the gears worked perfectly and there was not a single minute of delay in any of the competitions. There was a designated area on the beach to leave the boards (which flooded when the tide came in), shaded areas for the athletes and their companions, giant screens to watch the races, curious buses which were portable toilets... Not to mention the opening and closing galas, with fireworks and, mind you, one of the most impressive free buffets I’ve ever seen: grilled fish and meat, fruit, ice cream and barley juice, all accompanied by a DJ! These Thais really know how to throw a party! A curious thing about this closing gala was to humanize all those pros that we are used to see in videos and magazines, to see that they have fun like everyone else, that they do the shrimp... Many times we think they are machines created with AI only for the purpose of rowing, but after seeing them do the conga, you see that they are like you and me, only they also have that extra magic with the paddle.

The programme was distributed to do the Sprints the first 2 days on an inland lake 30 minutes drive from the coast, then the long distance and the last 2 days were reserved for the technical races.



The ICF format consists of doing 200m in a straight line starting from the water standing up and the finish line is also in the water. Despite the speed of the races, around a minute, it is one of the most tiring disciplines because it requires being under tension all day if you are passing heats.

On the first day the heats were disputed, to give way on the second day to the most interesting heats in which the slightest mistake meant being left out.

On the day of the final there was a light, warm breeze, and the sun and humidity were very strong. I won’t give too many details of the winners as you can watch the finals on YouTube, but in some heart-stopping finals, especially the open men’s final comes to mind, everything was open and the 50” long heat gave you time to get hoarse from everything that happened.



On this occasion, the start was from the sand near the water and the finish line was also on the sand with a small uphill. The course was the same for all categories, a kind of triangle parallel to the coast for the most part, although the number of laps could vary. The starts were grouped in a somewhat strange way a priori, but it made a lot of sense. The elite men’s category started and had to do 3 laps of the circuit and 15km. After 2 minutes the women’s master category started with the same course and then the women’s +50 category which had 2 laps (10km). When the bulk of these people finished it was the turn of the women’s elite (3 laps) and after them the men’s master and men’s +50. In the afternoon it was the turn of the Juniors.

Without a doubt, in the first round of competitions the protagonist was the offshore wind, that is, from land to sea, which meant that after the first turn of the buoy to face the large triangle, the majority of the competitors decided to do a little further. to protect yourself a little from the strong wind by getting close to the coast. I could feel in my flesh the power of that wind that meant that, perhaps, in 2 km I could not do more than a few strokes on my right side. Once you reached the buoy and turned around, you looked for the coast again and this section became more bearable. While the leading group was gouging their eyes out, I had my own battle in a group of about 5/6 competitors that meant I couldn’t let up at any time.

In the second section of competitions the protagonist changed, and the wind progressively eased to give way to an uncomfortable heat. It was a determining factor, as it put the competitors in serious trouble, as well as the Juniors in the afternoon.

I continue to be surprised by long-distance races and how after an hour and a half everything is often decided in the final sprint, which for the spectator is an incentive to stay alert.



After the intense day of the long distance, the main course of the World Cup was still missing. And perhaps I am somewhat impartial in this sense due to my weakness for this test, but I think it is the one that generates the most expectation.

You had to start from the sand and also reach the goal arch that was in the sand about 20m from the shore. The 500m and 4-turn circuit could be said to draw a kind of “boomerang”, beginning to turn left. In the qualifying heats there was only one lap and in the finals there were 2, with a small portage in between.

For my part, I went into the semi-final knowing that, to have any chance, one would have to break a paddle, another a board, one not show up and another get injured... hahahaha. The good thing about that is that the nerves were behind me and I took it as a gift to be able to be there. Even so, I had my own knife fight with another colleague, because neither of us wanted to give up a single position.

In the finals it was impressive how after so much shouting and revelry from everyone cheering, the beach would remain silent for a few seconds at the start, only to return to the roar tenths after the initial whistle. If I have to briefly describe those moments on the shore, watching the world title being played, I would choose the words “tension and emotion.” I recommend that you go watch at least the finals on YouTube, to understand my words a little better, I think I’m going to do the same as soon as I finish writing this article.


I feel truly lucky to have been able to experience a World Cup as an athlete, but also as a spectator in those finals. The beach atmosphere was intoxicating and being able to meet people with the same passion as you from all corners of the world is a super enriching experience. I would recommend to every human person who loves this sport to go to a competition that is close to them, both to be able to try in a category appropriate to their level and to see the atmosphere I am talking about.

Well, here I stay, remembering those intense days with a smile, waiting for this season to begin and for it to be full of such exciting moments surrounded by great people united by SUP!

A Winter Date on Chilly Waters

In the days before his home waters in the Canadian Rockies froze over for winter, Dream Team member Bruce Kirkby took his wife on an unusual date–paddling amidst ice and snow. Below he shares what it takes to paddle safely in such chilly conditions…

Christine and I have enjoyed paddling together since we met 20 years ago. Long before SUPs became popular, we kayaked and canoed around the planet, from the East Coast of Greenland to Borneo and Burma. Our kids have joined us on expeditions along the outer coast of Vancouver Island and down the wild Churchill River. Today, everyone in the family loves paddleboarding, and we spend much of our summer together in swimsuits and board shorts, paddling sunny, warm waters.

But last week, as fingers of ice began to stretch across the dark waters behind our home in the Canadian Rockies, I asked my wife if she wanted to join me for one last paddle before the lake froze. Without hesitation, she said yes–in large part, I suspect, because she now has a wonderfully warm drysuit, which makes winter paddling much more enjoyable!

It was snowing hard as we pulled up to the lake with two Zen Touring boards strapped to the roof of our truck. Ice covered the shoreline, and we had to carefully wade through waist-deep water before launching our boards. But out on those silent waters, we found magic.


Alone, bodies warm from exertion, we revelled in the majesty of snow-capped peaks. A pair of eagles perched on a lonely snag, and a family of river otters swam nearby. A gentle river drains the lake, and we follow it deeper and deeper into the mountains, past pine forests draped with early-season snow.

When we returned home, most people seemed to think we were nuts. And I get it! Winter paddling can seem uncomfortable, and downright dangerous. But with the proper precautions, for those who love paddling, the season never stops.

Here are a few tips on staying safe and comfortable during winter paddle boarding: Wetsuits are generally limited to temperatures above freezing (their warmth based on thickness), so when snow is on the ground, a drysuit becomes essential. Additional layers of insulation should be worn beneath any drysuit, and the cooler the day, the more layers you should wear. It is important to always wear synthetic or wool layers, and never cotton. Synthetic and wool both provide warmth when wet, while cotton cools–and can ultimately kill.

Hypothermia–a potentially fatal cooling of body core temperatures–is a serious danger. Many factors affect how quickly a body will lose heat including water temperature, air temperature, wind speed, time of day, strength of sun, along with activity and energy levels of the paddler. A good question to ask yourself before setting out for any paddle: “If I fell from my board at the very furthest point of this route, could I return to the start and still remain warm?” If unsure, change plans, take more clothing, or don’t go.


Hands, feet and head require special attention. Gloves are essential. I like to use rubber-coated work gloves (cheap and available at most hardware stores) and I always bring a spare pair along, in a drybag, as gloves usually get damp with time from handling the paddle.

A warm wool or synthetic hat is crucial, for a significant amount of heat is lost from the head. I suggest always keeping a spare hat handy, so if you do fall in the water, you can quickly pull a dry hat on afterwards.

Keeping feet warm can pose a challenge. Drysuits that include integrated socks offer the best protection, allowing a paddler to wade into water up to their neck without a drop getting inside their suit. I wear thick, warm socks inside my drysuit, and protective, insulating booties over top.

Always carry extra warm clothes in a dry bag—like a puffy jacket and fleece pants. You can change into these after paddling, or in case of an emergency. A warm drink and high-energy snacks are also a good idea, as both can rewarm a cool paddler.

Finally, always paddle with a partner in cold weather. If either of you fall in, it is essential to act as quickly as possible, helping the wet paddler get out of any damp clothing and into dry gear. Jumping around or swinging arms vigorously can help rewarm a chilled body. There is only a limited window before you begin to lose dexterity and mental acuity—and hypothermia sets in.

If you are new to winter paddling, please begin slowly and cautiously. Make conservative plans–no speed or distance records! Prepare meticulously. Paddle with more experienced mentors. And always place safety first.

But despite these warnings, cold weather paddling offers profound rewards to the prepared paddler, for nature serves up a special beauty during the depths of winter.


The new National Circuit will have three tests, two national tests in Chiclana and Oliva, closing the year in La Palma with the organization of the G.W.A Junior World Cup

Spain Wingfoil League is consolidated with the organization of the IV National Wingfoil Circuit, being the event with the highest number of athletes registered in this new modality with the support of the National Industry.

The S.W.L Circuit. 2024 will premiere in Chiclana de la Frontera from April 27 to 30, opening the National Circuit with the Spanish Cup in the Surf Freestyle and Surf Slalom modalities, with the novelty of introducing a Downwind Wing SUP modality that begins to grow within of sliding sports.

The final of the Circuit will take place in Oliva-Valencia for the second consecutive year, consolidating the nautical events in this destination since 2017. This second stop will take place at Oliva Beach from June 14 to 16, where the best national athletes will compete. the title of this National Circuit.

The circuit will conclude in La Palma – Canary Islands from June 27 to June 30, where the only Junior World Cup will be held to be held in 2024, from which the Junior World Champions will emerge in the modalities of Freestyle Surfing and Surfing. Slalom, awarded by the G.W.A.

Spaing Wingfoil League

The Spain Wingfoil League consolidates the organization of international events with this third Junior World Cup in National territory, pushing and training the youngest athletes, where Nía Suardíaz from Tarifa, absolute World Champion in the modalities of Freestyle Surfing and Surfing, shines strongly. Freefly Slalom. It is worth highlighting names such as Nathan Berguer (Junior World Champion 2022),

The Circuit is endorsed by the Valencia and Andalusia Sailing Federations, as well as by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, in addition to the support of the G.W.A, which has granted Spain the only Junior Wingfoil World Cup to be held in 2024, which Others will be the third consecutive for the Spain Kiteboarding Association.

The support of local companies such as Atenas Beach Club in Chiclana, Oliva Nova Resort in Oliva or the technical organization of Sodepal and the Canarian Sailing Federation in La Palma make these events possible.

The Circuit has the support of the entire National Industry, the City Councils of Chiclana and Oliva, and the Cabildo of Palma, in addition to the tourist institutions Oliva Turismo and Sodepal that manage the tourism actions of their City Councils. In all destinations, the different stops are supported by local companies such as Atenas Beach Club in Chiclana, Oliva Nova Resort and Palau Alameda in Oliva that make the Circuit grow year after year, providing them with greater services and quality for athletes, staff and attendees.



Ludovic Teulade first competed in the Gla Gla race in 2015. In 2019, he secured the win at the classic flat water race in Talloires, a commune in Eastern France. In 2022, he brought home the win once again, proving that he was the name to beat at the coveted race.

As the 2024 race season kicked off with the Gla Gla Race once again, all eyes were on Teulade in the distance race. When the race started, it was glassy yet cloudy and cold. Approximately four kilometers into the race, the wind kicked up and the sun came out, presenting the athletes with a chilly upwind section. When the athletes hit the downwind section, the air was starting to warm up and the wind was around four knots, with a 40-centimeter chop. After that, conditions became picturesque for the remainder of the race, with the snow-covered mountains serving as a stunning backdrop.

Alpine Lakes Tour SIC

Teulade commenced the race with a strong start, paddling in front of the pack for the first kilometer. After settling into the race, he slowed his pace a bit and the second place paddler joined him before the first turn. They then paddled together for a while in a tight pack of ten. At kilometer seven, Donato (who ultimately finished second) put in a big surge–Teulade followed and they shook off the rest of the pack. Teulade matched his pace, ultimately pulling ahead as he surfed bumps on the sidewind section. After crossing the lake, he had a 10 second lead and he kicked it into high gear to secure his lead.

“I felt amazing and my board was gliding well,” says Teulade. “I did an even bigger gap and then I could control and enjoy!”

Teulade widened the gap before settling into a comfortable pace to the finish line. Teulade secured yet another win at the Gla Gla Race, marking his third victory at the race.

“Winning always feels good,” says Teulade. “This race is one of the most prestigious in the world: I live super close, I started on the Alpine Lakes Tour super early in my career, so it feels like home and motivates me a lot. There is a crazy atmosphere and I want to do really well each time.”

The Gla Gla Race kicks off the 2024 race season and Tuelade is thrilled to start things off on a high note. Looking forward, he hopes to be on the podium for all the big races. His goals for the year are to focus on his coaching and continue to improve while simultaneously focusing on other disciplines such as surfing and wing foiling. He also hopes to welcome more people to the nautic center he manages in the summertime with his brother.


Stand Up Paddle


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