University Girl - Spring 2021

Page 38

Unfamiliar to Comfortable Transferring during an unprecedented pandemic.



irst came the persistent feelings of out-of-placeness in my supposed “home away from home” that never went away despite many academic and social successes. Next was the excessive nudging from my mom to “just fill out applications” while reminding me that she regrets not growing the balls to transfer when she was in college to justify her constant bombardment (thank god she did, though). Then it was “Congratulations! You have been admitted to Syracuse University!” And now, here I am, during my sophomore Spring semester, starting all over again. Well, a lot happened in between those events, obviously. There was doubt about leaving my friends and sorority behind, procon lists comparing two schools that are polar opposites of each other, and too many “what-if’’ hypothetical scenarios keeping me from pulling the trigger. The first step was just filling out applications. Once I hit the submit button, I temporarily put them out of my mind and tried to give my school one 38 UGirl

graphics by DANNY KAHN

final shot. But when I got my letter of acceptance telling me I had the option of bettering my college experience, I knew deep down what the right decision was. Nonetheless, those thoughts, doubts, and worries persisted when I arrived at SU. When people say transferring won’t be easy, they aren’t kidding. In my first week here, I probably cried 20 times - and trust me, I’m not exaggerating. As college students, we all know how it feels to be a lonely newbie in a foreign setting figuring yourself out. Now imagine doing that all over again, except take away the vibrant energy exuded by most of your fellow freshmen, and pile on a year-long’s worth of memories and friendships that you carry from your old school. Meanwhile, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic so let’s add that to the mountain of reasons as to why transferring is one of the hardest things a college kid can go through. Although, even as a transfer only two months

into her new year at her new school during COVID, I can genuinely say it does get better. I remember my first night here on campus vividly. The dorm was quiet - no doors were open, no one in and out of rooms. It felt incredibly barren. While I understood the reason (global pandemic and all), I quickly became anxious that this may have been the wrong time to transfer to another school. I can speak for most transfers when I say the first few days you are secondguessing yourself which is entirely normal. You were once so comfortable and knowledgeable of one campus. You had connections, schedules, go-to restaurants - and now that is all gone, and you are once again facing a sea of unknowns. It’s terrifying, to say the least. I was constantly wondering if the happiness was worth giving up the comfort and familiarity. Well, I suppressed that feeling quickly along with my tears that left my eyes red and splotchy as a result

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