Amo la Libertad Nº 32 Inglés

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Índice Editorial Why ? By Miguel A. Morra stories Luminous Footprints . By Constanza Toni Morrison Concepts What 'Imagine' hides By @ElentirVigoJue Lennon's praise for Mao, the greatest genocide in history What is consciousness? By Oscar Nail Kröyer Senses "consciousness"




Consciousness and mind Psychological consciousness 2

Distinction between the contents of consciousness and psychic functions Recapitulation on concepts of consciousness



Characteristics of consciousness Moral conscience Moods I. States of mind that open up Possibilities II. Moods that close Possibilities What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence: Areas and main components Bibliography Reflections Hope is liberalism By Elena Valero Narváez Education and Military High Schools By Gustavo Rinaldi Being a Licentiate:

Humor Riddles Republicans United El Partido The match What differentiates Republicans United from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Republicans United Santa Fe Archive I love freedom Puzzle solution


Editorial Why ? By Miguel A. Morra Why? Why do some hate the United States of North America (USA)? . * They won the war against the Nazis and "did not stay" in (with) any European country. How is Europe today? . * They won the war against the Japanese and "did not stay" in (with) Japan. How is Japan today? . * They recovered part of Korea up to the 38th parallel and "did not stay" with Korea. (It is enough to compare the development, economy, sources of employment and social welfare of South Korea today with that of North Korea to evaluate who fared better). And then what ? Sometimes it becomes annoying that the hobby of all mankind is to speak ill of the United States. Not

only the communist Chavistas of Latin America , but in general the whole world. In recent years in Venezuela it is considered socially negative to say something good about the United States. Here are three examples of typical responses to those comments . 1) When in England, during a great conference, the Archbishop of Canterbury asked Colin Powell if the US plans towards Iraq were nothing more than more "empire" building by George Bush, he replied the following :. “Over the years, America has sent many of its best young men and women into danger to fight for the cause of freedom beyond our borders. The only lands that we have asked in return have been just enough to bury those who did not return ”. There was a great silence in the room ... . 2) During a conference in France, in which a large number of engineers of various nationalities, including French and Americans, 6

participated in the break, one of the French engineers said calmly: "Have you heard the latest George Bush stupidity? .. He sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What is he trying to do, bomb them? " . A Boeing engineer stood up and answered calmly: - “Our aircraft carriers have three hospitals on board, which can treat several hundred people. They are nuclear, so they can supply emergency electricity to land, they have three canteens with the capacity to prepare meals for 3,000 people three times a day, they can produce several thousand gallons of drinking water from sea water daily, and they have average dozen helicopters to transport victims to and from the ship. . We have eleven identical boats. How many ships like this has France commanded? " Again, deathly silence. . 3) An admiral from the United States Navy was at a naval conference that included admirals from the American, Canadian, English, Australian, and French Navy. . During a cocktail party he met a group of officers that

included representatives from all those countries. Everyone was chatting in English as they drank their drinks, but suddenly, a French admiral commented that, while Europeans learn many languages, Americans are enough only in English. . He then asked, “Why do we have to speak English at these conferences? Why isn't French spoken? " . The American admiral, without hesitation, replied : "Maybe it's because the British, the Canadians, the Australians and the Americans managed so that you didn't have to speak German, for the rest of your lives. " do the drop of a pin ...! Do you know where the American secret is ? Very simple, more than 15 0 years ago they learned something that in Latin America it seems that we neither have nor want to learn. There are only ten very simple premises: ABRAHAM LINCOLN DECALOGUE . 1.-You cannot create prosperity by discouraging Self-Initiative. .


2.- You cannot strengthen the weak, weakening the strong. . 3.- You cannot help the little ones by crushing the big ones. . 4. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. . 5.- You cannot raise the employee, putting pressure on whoever pays the salary. . 6.- You cannot solve your problems as long as you spend more than you earn. . 7.- You cannot promote the brotherhood of humanity, admitting and inciting class hatred. .. 8.- You cannot guarantee adequate security with borrowed money. . 9.- You cannot form the character and value of man by taking away his independence (freedom) and initiative. . 10. You cannot help men by permanently doing for them what they can and should do for themselves. . To this could be added another lesson from Abraham Lincoln:

“A politician can fool some all the time, and he can fool everyone for some time. But what he will not be able to achieve is to fool everyone all the time ”. "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery .." Translation: - Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equitable distribution of misery. - Winston Churchill. A hug, and good reading. The author is CPN Independent, Liberal and Editor


stories Luminous Footprints . By Constanza Toni Morrison Did you know that Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States, considered Morrison "a national treasure"? This African-American writer died in 2019, at the age of 88, in New York. Her full name was Chloe Anthony Wofford. He was born in Lorain, Ohio, in 1931, into a humble family. She was the second of four children. His father was a steel worker and his mother a housewife. Toni was married to the architect Harold Morrison, with whom she had two children and from whom she divorced in 1964. She created her pseudonym by combining her nickname as a girl and her married name, thus Toni Morrison was born

His work is based on stories about the fight for freedom and against racial discrimination. In 1970 he published his first novel: "Blue Eyes", the story of a young black woman who dreamed and asked God to have blue eyes. Meanwhile, Morrison was serving as an editor at Random House. For his following works he received awards: "The Song of Solomon" received the National Critics Award and "Beloved", won the Pulitzer Prize, and was made into a film in 1998 thanks to Oprah Winfrey, a friend and admirer of Morrison. It was starred in and co-produced by Winfrey herself, who said during a 2018 gala that "it is impossible to imagine today's American literary landscape without a Toni Morrison." Morrison became the first black woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1993. The Academy praised her "visionary strength" and how through language she managed to free her characters. Sonny Metha, director of his publishing house, said this August 6 after his death was 12

known, that "his narratives and hypnotic prose have left an indelible mark on our culture. His novels dominate and demand our attention. They are canonical works and, more importantly, , , books that readers still love ". Constanza is a teacher.

Concepts What 'Imagine' hides By @ElentirVigoJue Marxist and millionaire, proposed to share the world but not his fortune What 'Imagine' hides: according to John Lennon it was 'virtually the Communist Manifesto' The day after the Paris attacks, a pianist performed the song "Imagine" by John Lennon in front of the Bataclan room, where the terrorists murdered 80 people. A communist song presented as a pacifist ballad With these attacks, ISIS wanted to attack what the West represents. Paradoxically, and under an apparent pacifism, "Imagine" proposes a totalitarian utopia that is quite identified with communist approaches, an ideology that also opposes - albeit in another sense - the pillars of Western culture and liberal democracy, The ones that Islamic fundamentalists hate. In his 14

song John Lennon left no doubt what he considered an ideal world. This says the first stanza: "Imagine that there are no countries, it is not difficult to do, nothing to kill or die for, nor religions either, imagine all the people living life in peace. " This message connects directly with Marxist internationalism and materialism. Lennon attributes the absence of peace to the existence of nations and religions. Curiously, and significantly, he does not imagine a world without ideologies, and that immersed as he was in a century in which two totalitarian ideologies, Nazism and Communism, ended the lives of many millions of people. We will see why Lennon forgives ideologies of all blame below. Let's continue with the song for the moment. This says the third stanza:

"Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man, imagine all the people sharing everyone ... " In this stanza another pillar of Marxism is identified: the rejection of one of the most basic human rights, which is private property. It is striking that some people identify as an expression of pacifism a song that seeks to solve the problems of the world by suppressing religious beliefs, possessions and ties of identity among those born in the same nation. But were there any hidden intentions in that song? Or maybe Lennon wrote what we just read simply because those ideas just crossed his mind? Lennon bragged that 'Imagine' was 'anti-religious' and 'anti-capitalist' In the book "Lennon in America" by Geoffrey Giuliano, statements by Lennon himself are collected recognizing that 16

"Imagine" is "an anti-religious, anti-nationalist, anti-conventional, anti-capitalist song, but as it is covered in sugar, it is accepted." This shows that the musician had a clear ideological intention when writing it. But in case there was any doubt, the same work notes that Lennon described the song as "virtually the Communist Manifesto." Lennon's praise for Mao, the greatest genocide in history The most revealing document on Lennon's ideological militancy is an interview with the British Trotskyist magazine "The Red Mole" in 1971, the year "Imagine" was published. In the interview he refers to one of the themes -religion- that appear in the song: "At one time I was so into religious shit that I walked around calling myself a Christian communist, but as Janov says, religion is legalized insanity." Considering that the vast majority of humanity professes a religion, it can be deduced that Lennon considered most human beings crazy for not sharing his

atheism. However, the singer did not make any analysis about the folly of defending a totalitarian ideology, communism, which has killed so many millions of people. About one of the worst communist genociders, Mao TseTung, this is what Lennon had to say: “After the revolution, you have the problem of keeping things going, of putting together all the different points of view. It is very natural that revolutionaries have different solutions, that they divide into different groups and then reform, that is the dialectic, isn't it? but at the same time they have to unite against the enemy, solidify a new order. I don't know what the answer is; obviously Mao is aware of the problem and keeps things going. " Faced with the interviewer's criticism of the existence of a "repressive bureaucracy" in that communist dictatorship, Lennon came out in defense of Mao: “Yes, but we all have bourgeois instincts within us, we all get tired and feel the need to rest a bit. How do you keep everything running and revolutionary fervor after 18

achieving what you set out to do? Of course, Mao has kept them in China, but what will happen when Mao dies? He also uses a cult of personality. Maybe it is necessary; Like I said, everyone seems to need a father figure. " According to "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror and Repression" (1997), the largest study to date on crimes committed by different dictatorships and communist movements, the Maoist dictatorship killed 65 million people. Most of these deaths were committed during the socalled “Cultural Revolution”, which was underway at the time that interview was granted and which, in addition to being the greatest genocide in history, was also an ecological catastrophe whose consequences still persist. Lennon, supporter of a violent and repressive seizure of power Continuing with the interview published by "The Red Mole", Lennon is also in favor of a seizure of power followed by a repressive wave:

"If we took power in Britain, we would have the task of cleansing it of bourgeoisie and keeping the people in a revolutionary state of mind." What Lennon proposed was already being done in various communist dictatorships, plunging entire populations under a slab of brutal oppression and misery. On how to seize power, Lennon also follows the violent roadmap of communism to the letter: “I think it would not be so difficult for the youth to really get moving. You would have to give it free rein to attack city councils or to destroy school authorities, like the students who break the repression in the universities. It is already happening, although people have to come together more. " Towards the end of the interview, he also points out another step to follow to prevent democracy from defending itself against a violent insurrection such as the one he proposes: "we would have to infiltrate the army, because they are well trained to kill us all." 20

In the interview he even disagrees with Yoko Ono when she affirms that "maybe we can make a revolution without violence." Lennon contrasts him: "you can't take power without a fight." Running for election and convincing people to vote for him, apparently, was not in their schemes. In fact, at another point in the interview he lists his totalitarian referents: “All revolutions have occurred when a Fidel or Marx or Lenin or whoever, who were intellectuals, were able to communicate with the workers. They gathered a good group of people and the workers seemed to understand that they were living in a repressed state. " In other words, this man thought that people in communist dictatorships lived less repressed than in Western democracies. The peel. When it came to sharing his fortune, Lennon slipped the buck It is a bit shocking to read those things about a character who became a millionaire at a very young age in a capitalist environment. His ideas in favor of sharing everyone did not include, yes, his hefty fortune. Proof of

this is the answer that John Lennon gave in an interview with Playboy magazine in September 1980: Playboy: "John, do you really need that many houses across the country?" Lennon: “They are good business. " Playboy: “Why would anyone need 150 million? Wouldn't you be perfectly happy with 100 million? Or a million? " Lennon: “What do you suggest I do? Give your all and walk the streets? Buddhists say: "Get rid of the possessions of the mind." Getting rid of all the money wouldn't do that. It's like The Beatles. I couldn't get out of The Beatles. It is a possession that is still in me, right? I can leave a house or 400 houses but I will not be able to escape. " Excuses that seem very strange for someone who nine years before proposed a world without possessions and sharing everything. Article taken from 22 11/19/lo-que-oculta-imagine-segun-johnlennon-era-virtually-el-manifiesto-comunista/

What is consciousness? By Oscar Nail Kröyer The word (from the Latin: with knowledge) was first used by Francis Bacon in the 17th century. Later, in the same century, John Locke defined it as "the perception of what happens in our mind" (1960, p. 138). At the beginning of the 19th century it was common to refer to the new science of Psychology as "the science of consciousness." The study of consciousness suffered a major setback in psychological circles when behaviorists exerted their influence. In 1913, a year before he was elected president of the American Psychological Association, John B. Watson published his behaviorist manifesto, in which he proclaimed: "The time has come for psychology to abandon all reference to consciousness." Since most psychologists

agreed with Watson's proposition that psychology can be scientific, if it studies behaviors that can be observed and measured, they stopped investigating what was going on inside the human brain. What they persisted in wanting to penetrate into thoughts and feelings, they did so more and more within a neurological and physiological framework and not in a psychological one. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that the study of consciousness was once again respected in psychological fields. Nowadays the emphasis in the study of this topic, although nevertheless an elusive phenomenon, focuses on the possibility of defining and describing its various levels called "alternative states" or "alternate states". As long as there is no universally accepted definition of consciousness, we can adopt, as a working definition, the following: "become aware of ourselves and the world around us"


Senses of the term "consciousness" The term "conscience" is used to designate a concept loaded with a great philosophical tradition. We can understand it from three different perspectives: • Psychological perspective. From this position, consciousness is interpreted as behavior , whose first motor is the brain and the nervous system. Consciousness is that intermediate subject (or) between the stimulus and the response, according to the EOR scheme, a subject that is expressed in a "being aware of ..." or in a "being aware of". • Moral perspective. From the moral point of view, conscience is interpreted as will or practical reason. The analysis of moral conscience shows us that all human beings participate in some necessary universal

principles, thanks to what we can distinguish between good and evil. These principles or laws govern human conduct.

Epistemological perspective. Consciousness, from this vision, is interpreted as reason, possessing some necessary universal principles common to all humanity, thanks to which the human being can have an absolutely certain, safe and communicable knowledge about reality. Hence, the central nucleus of this type of research is aimed at the analysis of those principles or categories of consciousness that make the communicability of our knowledge possible.

Thus, the questions to be answered by the epistemological analysis of consciousness can be summarized in these two: 26

1.- What are the conditions of possibility of a certain and safe knowledge or, what is the same, of a true knowledge? 2.- Why is knowledge communicable? How is the communicability of human knowledge possible? From the epistemological point of view, truth and communicability of knowledge coincide. A knowledge is not true if it only works for an individual; in that case, it is an opinion that has no intersubjective validity. Individual and subjective knowledge, opinions, are necessary for everyday life, but they are not useful for conscience. This is built from universal and necessary knowledge, intersubjective and communicable knowledge. The common thread that we will follow will be the following: There is certain and safe knowledge, universal and necessary, intersubjective and communicable, because all humanity participates in the same rational principles that act in every act of human

knowledge. In the same way that there are common psychological principles (thanks to the brain and nervous system) and common moral principles (thanks to the will), there are also rational principles common to all mankind. To carry out this epistemological analysis of consciousness and knowledge, we are going to take into account two fundamental moments in the history of philosophy: Kant's transcendental idealism and Edmund Husserl's phenomenological approach . Scheme: Consciousness






Consciousness and mind Members of all divisions have a shared interest in the subject of the mind; just as there is no Division of consciousness, there is also no Division of Mind. The closely related concepts of mind and consciousness come together when Psychology is designated as the study of mind and / or consciousness. It is redundant to speak of the Psychology of the mind or of the Psychology of consciousness, as it would be to refer to the chemistry of chemical substances or the economics of the economy. This is why I have been writing about the concept, not the Psychology of consciousness. Although consciousness and mind are closely related, their connotations are different. For example, losing consciousness is not the same as losing our mind. We all lose consciousness when we fall deeply asleep; this is normal. But it is clear that losing our mind is abnormal. Since psychology studies both the mind and consciousness, we might expect the psychologist to explain the

difference between them. Many educated people think of psychology as the science of the mind or consciousness, and they are not entirely wrong, although modern psychology textbooks are not content with the general definition. Both terms seem to cause problems for psychologists. Many of their definitions of psychology make no mention of either the mind or consciousness. Instead, some define psychology as the study of experience, while others regard it as the study of behavior. This dates back to the initial efforts of psychology to gain recognition as an experimental science. As the founder of this "new" experimental psychology, Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) was one of the first to define psychology in terms of the concept of experience rather than based on the concepts of consciousness or mind. Psychological consciousness K. Jaspers describes what he considers to characterize consciousness 30

and says: "By consciousness we understand, firstly, the real interiority of the experience (as opposed to the exteriority of the explorable biological process). Secondly, the subject-object split ( a subject who gives his opinion is directed towards objects that he perceives, represents and thinks.) Thirdly, the knowledge of consciousness around itself (self-consciousness). This makes the description of consciousness defined from its functions. " The real interiority of the experience, as opposed to the exteriority. It refers to being familiar with and close to that world of our psychic events, and therefore, to have very naturally a sure clarity of the border between our internal world and the external world, between our consciousness and other consciousnesses, as well as the individuality and inviolability of our conscience. This interior function is what allows a subject to realize that a fantasy is an internal experience and therefore does not correspond to an

external objective reality, but comes from his imagination. Thus he also realizes that the external world that he perceives is not a dream, but an absolute reality. When this function is lost, imaginations, feelings, real and imaginary perceptions are mixed, all in a confused and unintelligible disorder, which gives rise to experiential dislocation. In the second characteristic of consciousness given by Jaspers, the subject-object split implies that a subject directs his experience towards objects, towards an external world that he perceives and with which he interacts. It points to the ability of consciousness to relate to things, to its internal and external world; register them, perceive them, feel them and include them, through sensations, perceptions, representations and thoughts. This ability of consciousness to turn to the inner or outer world has been called the alert function. The third characteristic, the knowledge of the conscience around itself, that is, the conscience of oneself, is carried 32

out through the capacity for reflexivity of the conscience. You can stop in time and become aware of yourself, that is, take " Consciousness ", of its processes and experiences. This is the function by which consciousness is usually defined in texts, and which is related to the etymological origin of the word," Cumscientia ", to realize and know about oneself. By defining consciousness made by Jaspers you can understand the three main functions of consciousness: alert function , the function of interiority , and the role of reflexivity . It can be said, then, that

consciousness is defined from these three functions Distinction between the contents of consciousness and psychic functions Accustomed to explaining psychic events by means of images from the outside world, consciousness is often conceived as a space or container and conscious phenomena as contents of that container. It is - you know metaphors. Which are, as such, useful, but

dangerous, since something spatial.




It is therefore necessary to distinguish between: a) Contents of conscience. They are the objects as long as they have been apprehended

by conscience. Thus the table, a shade of color, a noise, the triangle, the beauty of a statue, a comparison, a reasoning, a hope etc. The object itself is almost always outside of consciousness, but in it we find the reference to the object. What can it be - according to the nature of that reference, a sensation, an image, a judgment, a desire, etc. b)

Psychic functions. They constitute the activity of consciousness. They are therefore the different modes of reference to objects, the different possibilities of functioning of consciousness. You can examine an example; I have the sensation of the yellow color of a 34

book cover. The sensation of yellow constitutes the content of my consciousness, while the mental activity that leads me to discriminate a particular aspect of the cover of the book constitutes a peculiar mode of functioning of consciousness. It is easy to understand that it is not confused with the perceived color in each particular experience, since it is the activity that makes all perception of color possible. In general terms : It is the activity that makes it possible to acquire consciousness content. Recapitulation on the three concepts of consciousness It results from all this that three notions of consciousness are distinguished: 1.- As content . As long as we refer mentally to something, we say that this mention of the thing is in the consciousness, the color, the house, the triangle or the beauty become conscious. 2.- As an activity . As we distinguish the psychic function that allows

us to refer, in one way or another, to one thing, we say that consciousness is a center of multiple dynamisms. we conceive it as the unification of all the activities of the ego in a single synthetic organic activity. 3.- How to know . As we do not refer to the thing itself, but to the fact of becoming aware of it, we say that consciousness is - in a secondary or later sense - knowledge about the previous thing lived or apprehended. Characteristics of consciousness First enumeration of the fundamental characteristics of conscious activity. In any psychological study and even in the most elementary analysis of conscious activity, it is represented as endowed with two fundamental properties: 1.- Dynamism . By making the simplest psychic experience, the incessant modifications of our states of consciousness are observed. A) Yes. Even when the continuous march of 36

consciousness towards our contents. But through its modifications, consciousness follows a line of development that is not interrupted or cut, even if it adapts to the most variable circumstances. 2.- Totality . In each psychic moment that is lived, no matter how elemental, consciousness always behaves as a unitary and coherent whole. Thus, even when faced with cases of mental disorder, it is found that the apparently most divergent factors are intimately interlocked and that there is an invisible bond that unifies the most diverse states of consciousness. But in consciousness there is not a simple unification, but various planes or levels of unification that show us a complex structure, comparable to a superposition of layers. In this way a maximum mental concentration gives rise to a maximum conscious unity, while the states of less tension and greater dispersion occur at a lower level or stratum of consciousness.

But if we renew the analysis of conscious activity we will extract two other characteristics: 3.- Subjectivity . If it is appealed again, to the simplest experience it is found that it regards consciousness as the private property of a self or subject. All perception, all feeling, all desire always belongs to someone. 4.- Intentionality . The subjective reference of consciousness involves, however, an apparently contrary note: The reference to objects, that is to say to the world in general. This "tendency towards something", characteristics of consciousness, is called intentionality. Finally, the analysis now takes us to the bottom of psychic life, allowing us to discover the ultimate and deepest character of consciousness: 5.- Prospecting . When it occurs in consciousness it arises from multiple struggles, often among the most found tendencies, but which all come from individual 38

initiative and all tend towards the full realization of the individual's life. Moral conscience The meaning of the expression Moral Consciousness in the last hundred years has followed the general lines of the corresponding ethical doctrines: for example, for the Neo-Kantians, moral conscience is related to the idea of duty; for materialists, moral conscience is the product of the demands made by them; Ethical intuitionists have based it on the so-called intuition; utilitarians have defined it in terms of the welfare of the greatest number, etc. some have also emphasized the strictly social character of moral conscience, or its strictly social character of moral conscience, or its strictly natural character (Marxism, ethical Darwinism), or who have tried to "unmask" moral conscience as a betrayal of "life "(Nietzsche) Max Scheler has considered that the philosophical notion of moral conscience is an echo left by religious belief and as such is something of a 'twilight' nature and that it cannot

acquire life again without immersing itself again in said belief. Other dictionaries of philosophy suggest that consciousness characterizes the so-called reflective philosophies: either morally or psychologically, here the notion of consciousness implies the possibility of "transparency" (Sartrean notion) of maintaining itself as a unitary subject clearly present to itself. throughout the reflection process. Modern dictionaries, unlike those of the last century, mention the psychoanalytic opposition between the conscious and the unconscious. They also confirm the close relationship between mind and consciousness. However, among other definitions, it is said that the word unconscious has to do with those of our mental processes that we cannot bring to consciousness. "This suggests that mental processes take place independently of consciousness. From a certain point of view "unconsciousness" presupposes a prior 40

understanding of consciousness, just as impartial requires a prior definition of partial. Therefore one might expect a full definition of consciousness from the dictionary to lay the groundwork for the antithetical notion of unconsciousness. Unfortunately, out of about six definitions of consciousness, none is antithetical to the meaning of the unconscious. For example, being awake is often given as a meaning of consciousness. Does this mean that being asleep is the same as being unconscious? . After all, a sleeping person is conscious to the point of realizing the content of dreams. Also, the victim of a nightmare is intensely aware of terror. The passage from nightmare to wakefulness is not a change from unconsciousness to consciousness, but from one state of consciousness to another. Therefore, it is wrong to regard sleep as antithetical to consciousness unless we consider only dreamless sleep. Even so, dreamless sleep in a healthy person is different from the unconsciousness of a sick person in a

coma; there is a difference between normal and abnormal unconsciousness. There is also a difference between being in like and being dead. To be in what it is to be unconscious, but to be dead is to be a-conscious. Another important element to define is the relationship between consciousness and mind, although this relationship is strong, however its connotations are different. For example, losing consciousness is not the same as losing our mind. We all lose consciousness when we fall deeply asleep, this is normal. But it is clear that losing our mind is abnormal, both terms seem to cause problems for psychologists. Many of his definitions of psychology make no mention of either the mind or consciousness. Instead some define psychology as the study of experience, while others regard it as the study of behavior. Consciousness orders, without resorting to selfishness, without involving 42

any calculation or feeling, it only says without condition "you owe yourself", it is then a categorical imperative. Kant called consciousness a categorical imperative because any order dictated to the will is called "imperative." These impulses to do good and reject evil are born in the first place of a judgment that he formulates in understanding and by which he judges that such an act is good and such an actor is bad, man gives himself a reason to do that and avoid the other. But they are also born, natural tendencies (that exist in us) towards the Good, justice, virtue, sacrifice, goodness, etc. These tendencies are permanent in us and come into action in the face of the circumstances of life that cause them in the face of human and other people's actions that put it to the test. After the action, we also experience the voice of conscience. In the first place, he approves of us, he pronounces a value judgment accompanied by an inner joy, known as

"satisfaction of duty accomplished." This joy does not come from the knowledge of personal advantage, on the contrary it is never greater when it is it has sacrificed a passionately desired pleasure or an important interpersonal to a great duty. Nor does it come from the approval of others or the rewards of society. It is felt in the secret of the heart, without anyone knowing it. Second, it adds an impression of freedom and elevation. One feels free or liberated from the tyranny of selfishness and is elevated above conformist mediocrity around those men who admire and respect each other. The moral conscience not only acts to judge us and direct ourselves, but we also judge the actions of others, according to the moral law, giving this judgment a much greater importance than the judgment that talent, science, power or power deserve. the wealth of those people.


If the judgment is favorable, we feel esteem for the one who has done his duty, and great respect for men of superior virtue. These feelings are so disinterested that the person convicted by a judge can feel esteem and respect for the judge who has acted in justice. On the contrary, we condemn with our judgment the wrongdoer and feel contempt for him, even if he has worked in our favor. In the moral conscience two phenomena appear that are clearly identified, on the one hand the intellectual (judgments) and the affective ones, which being of different character, both are intimately linked so that they form a single unit when issuing a judgment loaded with affectivity. The judgment forms the essential element, it appears very clear before the action and also after the action. Before the act, reason judges whether it is good or bad, and from there springs the order and the impulse to execute or reject it. This

judgment implies prior notions of the good itself, with which the act is compared; duty, which is the need to obey a law, and right, that is, the moral power to be respected in the performance of duty. After the action, the moral judgment judges whether it was good or bad, compliant or non-compliant with the law, and therefore worthy of merit or demerit. The moral judgment is therefore, the logical conclusion of a syllogism, whose major proposition is a universal truth, this is a precept of the moral law. For example "you should not lie", in this way the act is a lie, then it should not be done or rather I should not do it. The knowledge of that universal truth is based on evidence, or on a law that we know. It is very difficult to establish a single characteristic or a single criterion of consciousness. Therefore, it would rather make sense to speak of the phenomena of 46

consciousness than of the phenomenon of consciousness. The multiple nature of the concept I was evident centuries ago. Locke's "essay on human understanding" listed "perception, thought, doubt, belief, reasoning, knowledge, will" as "activities of our minds" of which we are aware. John Dewey (1886) spoke about the facts of psyche cos phenomena and of “Forms of consciousness.” The absence of a single criterion for the differentiation of consciousness. Different psychologists' definitions of the nature of mind or consciousness have also varied according to the aspect or criterion of mental life selected as the dominant one and it has constituted the distinctive mark of a particular psychological school or system. Thus these systems have been based on the importance attributed, either to sensations, or to reflexes, desires, perceptual manners, to the self, to the inferiority complex, instincts, mental acts, associations, etc.

It is evident the impossibility to formulate all these different psychological systems within a global system, or to incorporate all their ideas from one definition of psychology. The concept of consciousness is an abstraction, it is a subject with such general implications that it is necessary to at least try to explain some of these implications. Some of these are reviewed below: • Consciousness and

intentionalism : Brentano's system is known as act psychology because of the importance it attributes to acts such as: thinking, judging, or loving. Such acts, from Brentano's point of view, reflect an essential characteristic of consciousness: the objective reference inherent in every conscious act. One is never conscious without being aware of something. In thinking, something is being considered; When judging, a transitive 48

relationship is evaluated, that is, there are intentions to be achieved or goals to be achieved. • conscientiously is not an entity : It is necessary to draw attention to this point, which apparently seems obvious. Therefore, consciousness is not "divided into parts": It is not something articulated; it flows; it is a process, not as a thing or an entity. It is quite common in psychology that whenever abstractions such as intelligence, imagination or volition appear they are treated as independent, circumscribed and autonomous actions or faculties. Treating abstractions as concrete entities, as AN Whitehead pointed out, is propitiating a source of "great confusion" he calls this the "fallacy of improperly attributed concretion." It is a mistake to confuse the abstract with the concrete

Next we will focus on trying to explain the affective part of the human being, what is related to their moods and what today is called the emotional intelligence of people, will undoubtedly help us to be more aware of a fundamental aspect of our personal development, our sense of humor, and feelings of satisfaction and happiness. Moods In our interpretation, states of mind are simultaneously linguistic, historical and biological phenomena. We can observe them as automatic judgments about our possibilities in the future and also as bodily sensations and postures. We can observe its historicity: the fact that we speak of “our” states of mind reminds us of the existence of a community or society that compares interpretations, standard practices and evaluations; community in which our membership has been established as a historical drift. We can interpret and observe moods as narratives in which 50

general judgments or evaluations are made about the past, the present, and the future. These narratives happen to us automatically, without us being able to point out what triggered them. We fall into these general evaluation narratives, without really knowing why; they are narratives that "have us" to generate the "tonality" with which the world appears to us. Here are typical canonical narratives of familiar states of mind . We do this for the purpose of generating distinctions to become observers of these states of mind . We will divide them into two groups: some that in our opinion are conducive to producing effective actions in the domain of management and teamwork. Others, which in our opinion make management and teamwork difficult. We will call the first positive moods and the second negative moods.

I. States of mind that open up Possibilities Ambition : "I assess that there are future possibilities for me in this and I am committed to taking action to make these possibilities happen." Serenity: "I evaluate that possibilities will be permanently opening as well as closing possibilities for me, I accept this, and I am grateful for life that it is so." Confidence: "I assess that you are being sincere when you make me this promise." Acceptance: "I evaluate that there are possibilities that are not open here for me, and I accept it." Astonishment: “I don't know what is happening here, but I like it. I suspect it opens up new possibilities for me. " 52

Resolution: "I am taking actions to specify these possibilities that I evaluate open to me." Confidence in myself: "I have a well-founded judgment that I am competent to act in this domain."

II. Moods that close Possibilities Resignation: "I evaluate that nothing is going to improve this, it has always been like that, it will always be like that and there is nothing to do for me to change it." Hopelessness: “I only perceive negative possibilities for myself in this; nothing can be done to improve it ”. Resentment: “I evaluate that you have closed possibilities for me in this; I

hold you responsible and I am committed not to have conversations with you about this in the future ”. Confusion: “I don't know what's going on here and I don't like it. I don't see any possibilities for me and, besides, I don't know what to do ”. Overwhelmed : "I evaluate that I must work faster and faster to fulfill my commitments and avoid that possibilities are closed to me in the future." Arrogance: "I evaluate that I am the most competent person here, although I cannot substantiate it." From the point of view of human moods, a new scenario has been opened in the study of intelligence, not only considering cognitive aspects, but also incorporating affective development (feelings and emotions). This is how today we talk about multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence. It is extremely important that we have an approach to 54

these concepts, especially any organization that brings together different people in their personality and environment. So let's see what we mean by IE. ¿ What is emotional intelligence? Studies have shown that emotionally savvy people - those who know and handle their own feelings well and effectively interpret and cope with the feelings of others - have advantages in all aspects of life, from affective relationships to drinking. decision-making in the business or political world. The less a person understands his or her own feelings, the more they are preyed upon. The less a person understands the feelings, responses, and behavior of others, the more likely they are to interact inappropriately with others and thus fail to secure an appropriate place within the community. The skills leaders will need in the near future will differ radically from those

valued today. Until a decade ago, skills such as self-confidence, credibility and integrity, comfort in ambiguity, openness to change, high achievement motivation, optimism even in the face of failure, commitment to the organization, ability to stimulate and retain success, were not priorities. talent, sensitivity to other cultures and ability to lead groups, now instead, these skills are increasingly interested in demanding work environments. Given the permanent need to serve work environments well and to work with stable creativity with more diverse groups of people, skills related to emotional intelligence are all the more essential. As businesses or organizations change, so do the traits that people need to merely survive, not to mention standing out. The increase in competitive pressures gives new value to people with internal motivation, initiative and desire to do their best , as well as optimism, all of which are necessary to take in stride the ever-present setbacks and obstacles. 56

At the individual level, it is possible to identify, evaluate and develop the elements of this type of intelligence. However, personal attributes are not enough to explain this growth. It is necessary, together with the training of people, to address the issue of the development of social relationships . The latter constitute a true social capital , since they represent a set of values that allow the creation of networks of links between people. These links will allow people to develop as original individuals and, at the same time, successfully relate to others, both in the family, school and company, as well as in all those organizations to which they belong in life. Among the social skills that should be promoted are solidarity, the ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes, to lead, as well as to achieve goals in teamwork and to resolve conflicts . It is known that where these social behaviors are practiced, organizations are

more efficient and people's quality of life increases. Apparently, emotional intelligence is the main ingredient in this new recipe. At the group level, people's emotional intelligence means fine-tuning the interpersonal dynamics that make groups smarter. Emotional intelligence: Areas and main components Emotional Intelligence develops in two well-defined areas: the personal sphere and the social sphere. Self awareness: Observe and acknowledge your own feelings; create a vocabulary for feelings; know the relationship between thoughts, feelings and reactions. Personal decision making: Examine our actions and know their consequences; to know if it is the thought or the feeling that is governing a decision; apply 58

these understandings to topics of interest in the daily life of each one. Managing feelings: Become aware of the “conversation with oneself”, to capture negative messages such as internal rejections; understand what's behind a feeling (such as the pain behind anger); find ways to cope with fears, anxiety, and other emotions that come over us at some point. Acceptance and self-confidence : See yourself in a positive light; recognize your own strengths and weaknesses ; look at us with benevolence and value ourselves, taking into account that we are unique and there is no other person equal to us, that already defines us and gives us an authentic value. Stress management: Learn the value of physical exercise (sports activity), guided imagery, relaxation exercises. Empathy:

Understand the feelings and concerns of others and their perspectives; appreciate how people may feel differently about the same things. Communication: Speak effectively about feelings; become someone who knows how to listen (both verbal and non-verbal language), and ask questions; distinguish between what someone does or says and their own reactions or judgments about it. Revelation of the own person: Value openness and build trust in a relationship, but at the same time, know when it is possible to risk talking about personal feelings. ID: Recognize patterns and reactions in one's own emotional life and recognize similar patterns in others. Personal responsibility: Assume responsibilities; recognize the consequences of their own decisions and 60

actions, recognizing and accepting feelings and moods when fulfilling commitments (for example: work meetings, new projects, changes, etc.). Self-confidence: Express concerns and feelings assertively, without anger or passivity. Giving yourself time to reflect and make balanced decisions that benefit the objectives and / or goals that we set for ourselves. Group dynamic: Cooperate with others in the achievement of family, friendship or organizational goals. Know when and how to guide. Conflict resolution: Design tactics to negotiate, see our points, and be transparent when making them known and, at the same time, listen and take into account those of others. Benefit from diversity instead of building barriers. Let us then remember the importance of optimism, that is, trying to look at life and

the things that happen to us and what we do, in a positive way. Everything has its positive side and our "internal environment" benefits and is nourished when we learn to visualize what happens to us and the environment that surrounds us with more humor. In addition, it helps us to be more willing to adapt to the different situations that we have to live. I hope that this walk through the concepts of conscience, psychological conscience, moral conscience, states of mind, emotional intelligence will provoke us an invitation to our exploratory spirit in the essential aspects of the human being, to seek the true meaning of our lives and reaffirm our vision. positive of the human being that must not only be perfected intellectually and morally but also

"Be a happy man"


Bibliography Cejudo Còdoba, R. & Dìaz Godoy, J, 1998. Philosophy . High school. Editorial EDEBE, Barcelona, Spain. Abad 1995. Philosophy. Madrid, Spain.

Pascual, JJ, Editorial McGraw-Hill,

Ballin Klein, D., 1984. The Concept of Consciousness . Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico. Seligman, Martin EP, 2003. Authentic Happiness. Editorial Vergara, Barcelona. Spain. Papalia, Diane E. & Wendkos Olds, S., 1995. PSYCHOLOGY . Editorial MacGrawHill, Mexico.

Reflections Hope is liberalism By Elena Valero Narváez "To live is to walk towards a goal" Ortega y Gasset Liberalism is a doctrine that is based on faith in freedom. It defends the freedom of the individual and a minimal intervention of the State in the social and economic life of society. It is the culmination of the entire Western political tradition. The State is considered a necessary evil that must comply only with its functions of implementing laws, providing justice and public order, but, potentially, it is recognized as an enemy of freedom, therefore, it intends to limit it. It takes into account the sociological principle: "All power tends to spread if there are no other powers that contain it." Thus, liberal governments are characterized by strengthening civil society, where there are powers not linked to the State, which monitor and control it. Marxism, National Socialism, 64

Fascism and national-popular regimes are enemies of liberalism, they appear with new philosophical principles, after abandoning the practices of liberal politics. They all bypassed civil liberties and destroyed, in practice, the political liberties that had laid the foundations of democratic institutions. The current panorama of Argentina is one of an accelerated decline, without control, especially from the economic point of view and with the possibility of crashing before a social reality that will surely worsen day by day. This situation has become clear in part of society that had stayed away from any political action and today has seen the need to participate before it is too late. The government's socio-economic policy has collapsed. If he continues to regiment the economy, he will be obliged to increase taxes even more until an economic dictatorship is established, which as we know is a precursor to the political dictatorship. The future depends on its being willing to change course, to lay down the arrogance with which it has proceeded, leading the country to international discredit, a shortage of foreign

exchange, a rise in prices, as a result of interventionist, statist and dirigiste practices. The capitalist system becomes depressed or ceases to exist, where the State controls prices, sets productive options based on a plan, directs the amount and nature of investments, and the spontaneity of the markets disappears. The hope is liberalism. How will your role be in our country, in the 2020s, according to the current situation? NEED FOR UNION There is an advance of the liberals and their ideas, still, not represented by a party that attracts everyone. It is due, in part, to misunderstanding, selfishness, and internal struggles, but, it is possible, that the need for union prevails when the potatoes burn. They will have to end the error that constitutes the proliferation of liberal parties, due to ideological purism or particular interests, uniting opinions, ideas, effort and wills, in a single party. The supreme goal of a party is to achieve power, to occupy the Government, that is to say, the leadership of the State. That 66

is why efforts should be focused on one, who accepts the party system, is committed to democratic customs and customs and, from there, shows an architectural vision of the problems, as well as their probable solutions. In this way they will be able to differentiate themselves from corporations or interest groups, ceasing to be unstable factions, whose members are united, in general, temporarily, in pursuit of a particular political interest. For a long time, misunderstanding, internal struggles, and selfishness, along with the application of failed economic systems, have nullified the brilliant possibilities of a rich and privileged country like ours. Legislative initiatives, which in good times were transformed into laws, prior discussions, which prioritized the function, have been disappearing. Voices are needed to promote liberal reform ideas and projects in all areas, but especially where the country's politics are oriented and directed. Today the Parliament is

made up, except for honorable exceptions, by men fingered by the superior authorities of the party organization, but without the conditions. or antecedents, that should constitute the patrimony of the chosen ones, to carry out that function. POSSIBLE CANDIDATES Several possible liberal candidates for the legislative elections of 2021 have been presented to the public opinion. Some, with political experience, and others without, but with technical and professional backgrounds. Aware of their civic responsibility, they feel the desire to participate and commit themselves in Congress as the first step to change the traditional political party structure. It is intended to act with systems, procedures and, above all, principles, that ensure compliance with the Alberdi Constitution. The arrival of liberals to the political arena aims to renew the system, ideas and characteristics of the men who make up key positions of political and economic decision. Their future will be promising if, in addition, they take advantage of men with knowledge and experience, by 68

virtue of their public or private performance, who have left the public function but can participate again by advising those who assume the positions. Liberals who are out of politics will continue to occupy the task of convincing about the benefits of open society, in different areas. The future, at least, of the first half of the decade, I believe will be in the Congress and in the Legislature of the City and Province of Buenos Aires. From there will emerge the takeoff to higher positions. The legislative elections will be of great importance because it will be seen at the polls if liberalism is emerging as a political force, even if it is in embryo. It is hopeful that there is a slow but persistent advance of professional politicians. They must displace the union leaders who are trying to take their place. Freedom protects diversity. It is not right for everyone to leave, but for ideas to be changed and improved, the true center of historical causality.

Public policies must tend to strengthen civil society, the free market, private property, and the rule of law. It is the path that liberals will promote as a means to mitigate corruption and also as a source of material and spiritual progress. The democratic system that allows the peaceful struggle for power represents a more equitable distribution of power, it will have to be improved. The future will depend on not concentrating power in a few people. It is a liberal task, in the future, to make people aware that the current system must be changed for a market economy that gives strength to individual initiative, dignity and responsibility, broken by different governments, with various nuances. The liberal institutions have prepared a global plan, to come to the fore, in case the circumstances worsen: a program linked to political and economic freedom , Change, for a system based on the free choice of the people is the right one because gives impetus to evolve. It is necessary to inspire enough confidence so that investors and people know how they will handle themselves in the next 70

decade without living with the uncertainty that each new government will change the rules of the game. Whether in office, or as part of the opposition, the role of the liberals will be important. The group of people who know how the capitalist system works, based on the market and respect for property and private initiative, will continue to fight for ideas, I hope that from a party, and working, to make its merits known to all Argentines. From Congress - it is to be hoped that capable people will arrive - they will have to control those who govern by giving the voice of alert when politics is far from reality. OLD IDEAS Foreign relations will be of the utmost importance. The internationalism that originally characterized socialists and communists - they no longer sing The International was displaced by nationalism. They share anti-imperialism and the expansion of the State. Its advance over civil society is always a punishment for the capitalist system as shown in so many

historical experiences. In a planetary society characterized by a policy with internationalist concerns, these old ideas still have roots in our country. There is already a world market that countries will not be able to do without. After the pandemic, interdependence between nations will continue despite differences and conflicts. This world market can only be sustained by capitalism, a system capable of reproducing wealth. It is not the governments that generate it, it is the product of voluntary, spontaneous decisions, made with the information that only the market can offer. The capitalism that sustains the developed economies of the world needs an institutional framework in which prices, investments, companies, the management of private property, in addition to civil and individual liberties, are not blocked by the arbitrary actions of the governments. Hence, the attitude of society that demands independent justice, essential for social and economic progress, is welcome. Without having the crystal ball to predict what will happen in the future, I believe 72

that Argentines, when they see their quality of life endangered, will choose to enjoy the goods and services that capitalist production allows, although sometimes without noticing it, they continue to fight globalization and the highly complex society in which, fortunately, we live. It will then be the turn of governments to defend the Lockean principles: life, liberty and property.

The author is the one who wrote El Crepúsculo Argentino (Ed. Lumière, 2006). Full Member of the National Academy of History of the Argentine Republic .

Member of the Institute of Economic Policy of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences . Article published in; b eralismo.note.aspx

Education and Military High Schools By Gustavo Rinaldi Being a Licentiate: What is being a Liceísta, Will I be able to clarify it? Who never lived it ... Will I give you a clue? There will be an explanation that exists ... For something that is so vast? Maybe my time is wasting Because who was not there, Among other things, it did not have 74

The experience of smelling grass. All at once point blank You are no longer a civilian. The atmosphere is feverish You have another wardrobe You are part of a troop With your bed, wardrobe and chair. You polish the buckle, Footwear and shoes. There is a magazine at all times And zafás if everything shines. Combat uniform, The classroom, the exit ... With well-sewn bars. That the Lieutenant does not verify That your cap flattens And it looks like it

Jacket unbuttoned? Or missing a button? Or stained the pants? Your exit? It is private !!! Get up at dawn Line to sanitize You have to wash, comb your hair Leave the bed stretched out No wrinkles the blankets Get out fast to train The Flag salute With the song of Aurora Freezing at that hour Before breakfast You no longer keep your name You are the turnip and the tagarna That nickname embodies you 76

And you are becoming a man. You are likely to be amazed If the fifth grader gets excited And a "ghost squad" Orders you, very haughty, With a thousand "living movements" (Hopefully you don't suffer from asthma) Sure ... it is hard to train In a military barracks You don't get to rest Cold water to bathe You learn to temper yourself ... Your parents are not there Others mark your mistakes There no one supports you They vaccinate you in the back And endure the pains

It was to be a child and an adult It was growing fast Meet so many people Mix in the tumult. Sometimes ... build a bundle Tucking in a blanket Very heavy belongings And carry it on your shoulder Load what, why do I name it, His back was bent. Discover so many friends That made it more bearable That arduous course And, even, the lack of shelter It was to incorporate with it The value of simple things A tasty meal 78

Having the towel dry The franc, the vacation, Firewood burning crackly ... There were difficult days ... Those in which there was Instruction ... Reach exhaustion And it was even more tangled If you did the heavy. If there was something that comforted It was sports time Releasing daily Energy ... and, rarely, See someone who doesn't care Study all the sciences So that the teacher approves and praises What if you commit a fraud

You bank the consequences That challenge your conscience To your youthful mind Distinguish the foolish and the vile Of the good and the best And that you clean your interior How do you clean the rifle Much more than named It is, for me, to be a Liceísta Incomplete is this list Of built-in habits Mixture of boy and soldier It was me at that time And from that experiment In cap, saber and mortarboard This former cadet emerged And the great pride that I feel!


The author is from the XXVII LMGB Promotion 1974-1978


Excellent video that reads a statement from multiple high schools =733736983946823 ………………………………. Defend high schools as institutes of excellence Editorial Newspaper La Nación October 10, 2020 It is time to end the distortion of history to give these training centers the recognition and support they deserve. The same Minister of Defense who recently annulled the Army's tribute to soldiers who were victims of subversive terrorism in the 70s seems to react: from his portfolio they let it be known that they are studying compensating the families of soldiers who fell 40 years ago due to the terrorism of the gangs they raised. the sinister banner of Che Guevara.

The time of flagrant distortion of history and of denying recognition to those who lost even their lives during constitutional governments of Peronism itself as a result of the actions of quasi-state terrorist organizations is ending with exhaustion. Wellplaced name for crimes that were committed thanks to the preparation, training and complicity of foreign governments such as Cuba, without going any further. With the antecedents of Kirchnerism in the treatment of military issues, the open apprehension is explained when the Ministry of Defense reported that it is working on new guidelines for institutes of its dependency. This is the case now of military high schools. There are a total of nine: six, under the jurisdiction of the Army; two, in the Navy, and one, in the Air Force. The first of all was the General San Martín Military High School, founded in 1938. The second was created by President Perón. It was the Almirante Guillermo Brown Naval Military School, to whose first class the doors of what had been the old Military Naval School were opened in Río Santiago. 84

Between 2007 and 2010, years of humiliation of the Armed Forces by the then Minister Nilda Garré, the hypothesis of closing high schools was examined. It was natural that this happened with leaders committed to leftist policies, exacerbated and anachronistic, who distrusted the military to the point of neglecting the sense of national defense in countries with a democratic tradition. The case of General César Milani and those of some others were part of the incomprehensible pathologies that emerge at all times. One of the steps had to be the destruction of the houses of study that prepare adolescents, as in Argentina, for entry into civil life after having been trained in demanding disciplines invested with the military spirit. It is surprising that, after almost a year in office, Minister Agustín Rossi is still amazed that no more than 1% of high school graduates follow a military career. They have not been created for that, but to insert their graduates into civil society. The minister should be better informed.

Strictly speaking, the high schools have been in the pillory since the very serious shortage of resources for Defense introduced into the national budgets since the presidency of Raúl Alfonsín, who was a high school student. In the 1990s, one of the heads of state of the Navy, Admiral Carlos Marrón, became a determined supporter of the closure of such institutes. It wasn't for ideological reasons; It was due to lack of resources and because in the educational training of boys from 12 or 13 years old to 17 or 18 years old, it is appropriate to assign the best officers that a force has. Officers of this category, it is true, are not in excess when politics persists in the systematic punishment and isolation of the Armed Forces in society. A few days ago the physicist Juan Martín Maldacena –a graduate of the Liceo General San Martín and a candidate for the Nobel Prize for years– told the nation that there must be a diverse educational offer. The cadets graduate as reserve officers and receive educational, physical, and moral instruction that has nothing to envy of the highest-ranking institutes in secondary education. Of course, 86

learning is more rigorous in them than in ordinary establishments. They are instructed for a life of studies, work efforts and moral responsibility, whose criticism in these times of contempt for the merits legitimately acquired has gone so far as to say enough, whoever it is who dares such unhappy demonstrations. At the beginning of the 1960s, the Almirante Brown Naval Military School had a reputation that earned it, in international evaluations, a vanguard position among secondary schools in Latin America. When in the 1940s and 1950s the obsequiousness in public schools towards the figures of the Peronist regime bordered on surrealism, the officialdom that led the Naval Lyceum, for example, saved its students from such reprehensible political propaganda. The alumni movement, that is, those who provide personal testimonies in support of high schools, has expressed fears, precisely, for what may underlie the purpose of establishing a subject called Citizen Problems in Contemporary Argentina . Is there so much shamelessness as to pretend to catechize the cadets as it did not happen in an 80-year

history? Are they going to be taught how to loot the country and seek immunity at the cost of scandalous leadership in Congress and the silencing of righteous judges? Everything is possible in this type of raving. It would not be necessary more than to imitate the way in which contemporary history is taught in secondary schools of the public orbit. One of the points of concern in the reorganization under study is that the cadets have no other training for combat than by simulators. However, there are no such simulators; if purchased for this purpose, each would cost about $ 150,000. What sense or ulterior purposes does that have amid so much widespread misery in the country? Meanwhile, the gratitude of alumni for their old schools is moving. Hopefully it will serve as an emulation in other spheres in order to rescue what still exists in the desire for moral and cultural progress, with encouragement for the quality of what has been done and should continue to be done. THE NATION 88

This is the link to the editorial that was transcribed in this publication . es/defender-liceos-como-institutos-excelencianid2475049/

Humor Saint Peter was at heaven's door and he has to go to the bathroom ... so he asks Jesus to replace him for a few minutes. Poor wins Jesus sits on the desk to receive those who tried to enter. At that an old man appears and Jesus asks him: - And grandfather, what did you do on earth? -Ah ... - says the grandfather - I was a carpenter, I had a long beard, many gray hair, I was poor and I knew how to have a son who was the fruit of a miracle and who was very, very famous and very loved by all men, especially the children ... ' Excited Jesus looks at him sobbing and says: DAD !!! And the grandfather looks at him surprised and excited and answers : ... PINOCHO !!! ----------------------------------


An honest seven-year-old girl calmly admitted to her parents that a boy in her class had kissed her. - How did that happen? her mother asked in amazement. It was not easy, three girls helped me to catch it ----------------------------------My son tell me a lie The son: -Father. ----------------------------------


Riddles When God had finished creating Adam and Eve he said: -I only have two gifts left ... One is the art of peeing standing up ... -I i i I!!! I want it, please Lord, porfiiii, porfiii !!!!!!!!!! Yes ??? Adam interrupted, it would make my life substantially easier ... Eva nodded and said that those things were of no importance to her. God gave Adam the gift. Adam screamed with joy, he ran through the Garden of Eden and peed in all the trees, he ran along the beach making drawings with his pee in the sand. God and Eve contemplated the man mad with happiness and Eve asked God: - What is the other gift? "Solution in the end


Republicans United El Partido

The match Republicanos Unidos is a political party that aims to recover the ideas that made our country a power and position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private

initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness. What differentiates Republicans United from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, starting from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “hand-picking” candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. The party will thus consolidate itself as a lasting 94

institution, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness. Antipersonalism: the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas promoted by the party in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are simply ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment , thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society.

We want for Argentina a change from the roots, and we decided to bring the ideas of freedom to the political field, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom an unprecedented visibility and impact in recent years. We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. Something new is needed.


A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; -------------------------------------------------

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