UA Today Winter Vol 2

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The quarterly from The Undergraduate Awards

See Inside The UA Global Summit 2017, Campus Ambassadors, & much more! Alumni in Focus KAU graduate and UA Regional Winner 2016, Shahad Hamed Al-Juhani Partner University Success

King Abdulaziz University joins top 28% of universities in the QS rankings


Welcome Welcome to the final issue of 2017, and what a year it has been for The Undergraduate Awards! The year started off with the first spin-off event of the Global Summit: UPresent:

Island of Ireland. Next up was the submissions deadline in June where we received the highest number of submissions to date, 6,432 in total. Judging Panels of 340+ academics from around the world were assembled to assess the work and select the winning Papers. Finally, we gathered 130 of these top students in Dublin at the UA Global Summit 2017. Attendees were of 27 different nationalities, from 51 universities and flew from as far away as Sydney, Singapore, Vancouver, and South Africa to get to Dublin! Over 80 attendees presented their work in the Light House Cinema on topics ranging across economics, science, medical, philosophy and art. In Partner News, we feature King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, to celebrate their rise on the QS rankings list. We hear from Shahad Hamed AlJuhani who completed her undergraduate degree in KAU and looks back on her time at the UA Global Summit 2016.

We hope you enjoy!

Team UA


In 2017 UA received 6,432 submissions from 299 institutions in 47 different countries across 7 regions. That’s more submissions than ever before!


Zerbanoo Gifford, human rights campaigner and founder of the Asha Foundation, delivered a keynote address at the UA Global Summit concerning the life and work of antislavery campaigner Thomas Clarkson.


This year 90 students took part in UPresent, speaking on topics including the preservation of UNESCO world heritage sites, addiction and development, mystical tourism in Peru, building a happier hospital, and even on Tinder! We were also joined by speakers from DIT, TCD, and DCU.




The Judging Panel Dr. Cynthia Mannion (University of Calgary) Prof. Owen Priest (Northwestern University), Barry Sheehan (Dublin Institute of Technology) and Gerardine Doyle (University College Dublin) spoke to students at the opening dinner in Smock Alley about the judging process and high quality of their papers.

2017 is the first year that students from University of Science, VNU-HCM in Vietnam and The Open University in Europe were in attendance to celebrate their success at the UA Global Summit.

We were delighted to have a number of our partners represented at the Summit, with academics and students from Western University, UT Knoxville, DIT, and DCU in attendance. We would also like to thank our Summit partner Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.




We’re currently recruiting campus ambassadors for our 2018 programme. The Campus Ambassador of the Year will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Ireland for the UA Global Summit! Email to apply.

All Highly Commended Entrants, Regional Winners, and Global Winners will soon be receiving their certificates by mail. Make sure you’ve sent us your correct address!

The 2018 Programme in now open for submissions. The deadline is 12th June 2018. Go to to submit.


KAU CLIMBS QS WORLD RANKINGS The Undergraduate Awards are delighted

their men’s campus on their postgraduate

to highlight our Partner Institution King

scholarship programme. Places available

Abdulaziz University and celebrate their

are in disciplines that range from Marine

remarkable performance in the QS World


University rankings.





Environment &


Computer & Information Technology and Since 2014, King Abdulaziz University (KAU)


has moved up 93 places in the QS rankings. Over the 5 considered years, the institution

KAU has been a Partner Institution of

moved up 4 times and did not present

The Undergraduate Awards since 2014.

negative performances. In the 2017/2018


edition, the institution performed among the

submissions this year and on average 110

top 28% in the QS World University Rankings.

submissions from each Partner institution.






Representatives from KAU have attended KAU, located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is made up of two campuses. Earlier this year KAU announced that they were opening more places for international students


the UA Global Summit. In 2016 Dr. Hani Choudhry, from the faculty of sciences attended the Global Summit with two of his students and met with the Lord Mayor of Dublin City. Dr. Choudry presented the


ALUMNI IN FOCUS We caught up with KAU’s very own Shahad Hamed Al-Juhani, 2016 Regional Winner for Africa & the Middle East!

My name is Shahad Hamed Al-Juhani. I am from a beautiful city in Saudi Arabia called Jeddah. My first paper was highly commended in 2015 and the second one was the regional winner for the Middle East and Africa of the Medical category for the UA in 2016. I really appreciate the time I had spent at The Undergraduate Awards Global Summit in Dublin last year and the people I met. It was great to explore different parts of Dublin, I really recommend anybody to come and

Lord Mayor with a token

visit, you will not regret it.

statue of the Jeddah Tower,

Since November 2016, I’ve started my first job as Lab




renowned building in Saudi Arabia.

Specialist in the Pharmacy College in Batterjee Medical College for Science and Technology. My achievements in the Undergraduate Awards were one of the main reasons why I was offered this job. Currently I am doing my masters course

Keep reading for an update

in Applied Medical Sciences at King Abdulaziz University;

on 2016 Regional Winner

I have also just started my new job as a lab specialist in

for Africa & the Middle

the blood bank at King Abdulaziz University Hospital. The

East, and KAU Alumnus,

experience I gained from attending the Summit cannot be

Shahad Hamed Al-Juhani!

compared to anything. It gave me the courage and the

commitment to start my mastera degree and also gave me

the love for science. Let me say curing cancer is now my main goal in life, I know that I will do whatever possible to help

as much as I can in finding the treatment for it, regardless of how tough and hard it will be.

Every Wednesday we catch up with our UA Alumni and share their updates on our social media channels and the UA Blog. Follow us for more #WATNW! If you would like to be featured, contact Ed at

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