Become an Affiliate of UA

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become an Affiliate of UA international recognition for your students






Join the world’s largest academic awards programme.

ABOUT UA WHAT IS UA? Cited as the ultimate champion of high-potential undergraduates, The Undergraduate Awards (UA) is the world’s largest academic awards programme. The Undergraduate Awards provides top performing students with the support, network and opportunities they require to raise their profiles and further their career paths. UA is uniquely pan-discipline, with 25 different categories. Entrants are chosen for their innovative approach to

their subject area – creating world-class research to tackle some of the world’s toughest challenges. Each Global Winner is published in The Undergraduate Journal, which is circulated internationally. Winners and Highly Commended Entrants are also invited to the four-day UA Global Summit in Dublin, Ireland where they will have the opportunity to mix with a truly international group of similarly minded, high-potential scholars.


Our primary aim is a social and academic one. We endeavour to identify the best and brightest students in the world, to celebrate their creativity and innovation and, crucially, to connect them with one another at the annual UA Global Summit. In doing so, we bring together outstanding young minds from a variety of topics, regions, and backgrounds. As the world faces increasingly tough problems, the need for inter-discipline cooperation is growing. The Undergraduate Awards aims to meet this need in a meaningful and effective way.

How we are funded UA is a non-profit organisation, funded by institution, corporate and State agencies. We also receive admin fees from Affiliate Institutions, which facilitates promotion of the programme internationally. Tickets to the UA Global Summit are sold to cover costs. We also receive philanthropic donations and grants from individuals and organisations.

BECOME AN AFFILIATE Affiliation is a mutually beneficial relationship between The Undergraduate Awards and our Affiliate Institutions. Services provided to Affiliate Institutions focus on ensuring we receive high numbers of submissions from an institution. This provides an institution with a much higher rate of success within the awards programme, and is the main benefit of Affiliation with UA.

PROMOTION IN AFFILIATES PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL UA strives to make promotion of the programme as easy as possible for our Affiliate Institutions. Our team provides logos, email templates to students and academics, posters, digital adverts, print adverts and more. All material is centrally stored in a communications package online and is easily accessed by our Affiliate Institutions around the world. UA liaise with designated central contacts within our Affiliate Institutions to support them in promoting UA on campus.

SOCIAL MEDIA UA commits to promoting and sharing news, events and opportunities from its Affiliate Institutions around the world across all social media platforms.

DIRECT COMMUNICATION During the academic year, the UA Team contacts all Heads of Departments in our Affiliate Institutions. We also regularly circulate emails to the faculty in each department, so that they can easily forward this information to students. This trickledown strategy ensures that the top students are identified in each department and are encouraged to submit their top coursework. UA also calls students who have registered an intention to submit in order to support them in the submission process.

CAMPUS AMBASSADORS Campus Ambassadors play a key role in the promotion of The Undergraduate Awards in our Affiliate Institutions all over the globe. They act as our eyes and ears on campus, helping us to get the word out to their peers, and advising the UA Team on how best we can promote the programme to their fellow students. The Campus Ambassador who shows the most initiative and innovation in promoting UA will win a ticket to the UA Global Summit.

JUDGING UA invites reputable academics and industry leaders from a diverse range of academic and cultural backgrounds to judge our awards. Each of the 25 categories is assigned an expert panel who are tasked with choosing Highly Commended Entrants and one Global Winner. UA judges connect on a centralised online platform to assess the papers and discuss feedback. Taking part in the judging process is a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the state of top undergraduate research around the world.

Prof Batoul Kalifa and Prof Joel Faflak as part of the UA Global Summit 2016 Judging Chair Panel discussion


Last year’s figures show that our promotion efforts in affilitate Institutions lead to increased submissions. No. of Submissions No. of Submissions

How entrants heard of UA



Affiliate Universities

Non-Affiliate Universities

Affiliate Institutions (92%)

Affiliate Promotion

Non-Affiliate Institutions (8%)


UA Website

Social Media

Students’ Union



just one of 50 winners in UA 2015 came from a non-Affiliate Institution!

Australian National University – Affiliated since 2014 UA received 56 submissions from students of ANU in its first year as an Affiliate, having received no submissions in 2013. This figure grew to 145 submissions in 2015, representing a 177% increase. After only two years ANU has the fourth highest number of submissions from Affiliate Institutions. The successful submissions campaign in 2015 was rewarded with 16 Highly Commended students across 9 categories, and two overall winners.

COST The Affiliate fee covers the cost of promoting this opportunity to students yearround and encouraging a high level of submissions. UA offers a tiered price-plan for affiliation. Please email our International Engagement Executive for more information on the price-plan. See reverse for contact details.

SUBMISSION For your students – the UA submission process Submission is straightforward and free of charge. Students simply fill out the submission form available on our website, attach their paper and submit. Each entrant can submit up to three papers in up to three of the 25 categories (or all papers into one category).

UA is open to undergraduate students in their penultimate and final year in a degree course, as well as 2016 graduates, from all disciplines.


Any graded undergraduate coursework – written assignment, project, paper, thesis, etc Individual work – no group submissions Original of thought, clear focus, well referenced Received a II.1 or higher (A-grade equivalent) Entirely anonymous and within the specified word count


Recognition on an international level Gold Medal or Certificate on their CV Catalyst for their career Join the online Alumni Network Connect with Partner Institutions

(right) Jacqueline Williams receiving her Gold Medal at the UA Global Summit 2016 from Dr. Mae Jemison


It is free to submit It is entirely anonymous – the work is awarded on merit The work has already been written, why not enter it for an award?

“UA has given me confidence in my abilities and has inspired me to strive for greatness in all areas of my life. I have returned from the UA Global Summit a changed student with renewed excitement and commitment to positively affecting change in my discipline” – Katie Duggan, Regional Winner 2016 “Being a part of this process is one of most rewarding and valuable ways in which we can contribute to academic life and to the lives of these amazing young scholars.” – Prof Joel Faflak, Western University Literature category Panel Chair 2016

CONTACT David Brandon International Engagement (01) 441 5882 @UndergradAward UndergradAwards


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