Libro Investigación U. Andrés Bello

Page 78

Facial pains, migraines, subcranial tension, and intracapsular pressure on the temporomandibular joints are just some of the clinical manifestations that could disappear with medical intervention in the muscular anatomy.

Investigación: Observación anatómica de un tendón originado entre la sínfisis mentoniana y el Haz incisivo accesorio del músculo semi orbicular inferior: Tendón mandibulolabial. Nombre investigadores: Dr. Mariano Rocabado, Dr. Rodolfo Quirós, Dr. Joaquín Jaramillo, Klgo. Dipl. MG. Norman Marfull, Flga. Maud. Daphne Marfull y Dr. Juan Vergara Fondos asociados: UNAB

Project Name: Anatomical observation of the tendon originating between the mental symphysis and the inferior semi-orbicular muscle: the labial mandibular tendon Investigators: Dr. Mariano Rocabado, Dr. Rodolfo Quirós, Dr. Joaquín Jaramillo, Klgo. Dipl. MG. Norman Marfull, Flga. Maud. Daphne Marfull, and Dr. Juan Vergara Funding: UNAB

The team of investigators led by Dr. Mariano Rocabado, Dean of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Universidad Andrés Bello, carried out an investigation on the anatomy of the mandibular labial tendon, originating between the mental symphysis and the inferior semi-orbicular muscle, and its possible removal. In twenty six clinical cases the tendon was chemically removed, and the results were analyzed. The study revealed that the removal of this anatomical element could break the muscular chain composed of the orbicularis oris-buccinator and the pharyngeal constrictor, diminishing the load suffered by the inferior incisors, as well as some of the clinical symptoms derived from this, such as migraines, subcraneal tension, and the intracapsular pressure on the temporomandibular joints, among others. The second stage of this work included measuring pain threshold with a pressure algometer (DINATOR ALG -1-08) in patients pre- and post-removal of the mandibular labial tendon. This included the miofacial points of the pterygomandibular raphe, the posterior inferiors and superiors synovial joints of the temporomandibular joints, the superior trapezius muscle, and the external occipital protuberance. Painful points were recorded in 26 patients of both sexes that met inclusion criteria.


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