ODK - The Leader - Spring 2022

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Lessons in


ODK Welcomes Provost


ODK Alums Leave a Legacy of



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It is very bittersweet that this is the last message I will be writing as the Circle Coordinator for the Sigma Circle of ODK. After serving the Division of Student Affairs at the University of Maryland for twenty-six years as Assistant Vice President and Chief of Staff, I will be retiring from the university on May 6, 2022 and transitioning into a new chapter. The global pandemic has put many things in perspective and has encouraged me to focus on family and life outside of work for now. I am not sure what the next adventure will hold, but I look forward to spending more time with my family and figuring out what’s next. For the past eleven years, I have served as the Circle Coordinator for the Sigma Circle - my favorite part of my job and undeniably the best circle in the country! I have loved every minute of serving as an advisor to so many of you and celebrating your dedication and campus leadership. I have had the great privilege of leading celebrations for the 85th and 90th anniversaries of the Sigma Circle and honoring Dru Bagwell, Bud Thomas, and Col. J. Logan Schutz with lectures, programs, and awards. We have launched (and collected) tens of thousands of turtles in the ODK Fountain on Maryland Day thanks to Susan and Bob Goldberg’s generosity. We have tapped and inducted notable alumni and friends including Scott Van Pelt, Jeff Kinney, Ali Von Paris, Gary Williams, Brenda Frese, Eun Yang, Wallace Loh, and Congressman Anthony Brown, among others. We have welcomed dozens of new Stewards of the Fountain, engraved thousands of new names on the Fountain, and raised tens of thousands of dollars in support of ODK programming, lectures, and leadership opportunities. I followed in the very prestigious footsteps of former Faculty Secretaries Drury Bagwell and Jim Osteen, who remain mentors and advisors to this day. I have worked with amazing Faculty Advisors Bill Fourney, Sue Briggs, and Dean Chang, and exceptional staff member Circle Assistants Jillian Martin, Zimri Diaz, Carolina Ethridge, and Sarah Williamson, and too many phenomenal Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Exec Boards to name them all - but you know who you are and how special you each are to me. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our members and alumni, the Sigma Circle is continually honored and recognized at the national level. We almost always receive the Presidential Award of Excellence and our members are often honored as National Leaders of the Year and scholarship recipients. I am so grateful to have earned the 2017-2018 Omicron Delta Kappa National Robert L. Morlan and Robert Bishop Outstanding Faculty Officer of the Year and the 2016 Omicron Delta Kappa National Eldridge W. Roark, Jr. Meritorious Service Award. These national recognitions are further testament to the amazing commitment of members of the Sigma Circle. I will be at the ODK Fountain with the turtles on Maryland Day on April 30, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. I hope you can stop by to say hello! Thanks for an incredible journey, my friends! I will see you again soon! Brooke L. Supple ODK Circle Coordinator

Emily Berry President Nabila Prasetiawan Vice President Ally Merwitz Philanthropy & Community Service Chair Alec McCarren Events & Lectures Chair

Kyle Dineen Alumni & Member Engagement Chair Anjali Dhamsania Public Relations Chair Brie Nabet Membership & Induction Chair Alythia Vo Recruitment & Community Outreach Chair

Daisy Yu Digital Communications Chair Sarah Shapiro Historian Dr. Brooke Supple Circle Coordinator Dr. Dean Chang Faculty Advisor

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In my final semester of serving on the executive board of ODK Sigma Circle, it is an honor to welcome you to our Spring 2022 edition of The Leader. Over the course of my time in ODK, I have seen our members dedicate their time to advocacy efforts, service opportunities, recruiting and selecting new ODKers, bringing in incredible and motivating speakers, planning workshops, and connecting with one another to help each other grow. And, I have seen our alumni dedicate their time to helping provide wisdom to our selections conversations and alumni panels (and look forward to seeing Jeff Kinney serve as UMD’s 2022 Spring Commencement Speaker!). This semester, I am immensely excited to welcome 42 undergraduate, 2 graduate, and 8 honorary inductees to the Sigma Circle. Our new members have served as leaders across our five pillars, from teaching assistants to student athletes to founders of new organizations, and have helped pave the way for leaders to follow. We carried on the ODK tapping tradition in classes, meetings, and organizations and were thrilled to officially induct them on Sunday, April 3! Our executive board has been busy this year, creating opportunities to connect with one another, share the mission of ODK, and learn together. We have hosted an ODK Paint Night to help members destress, held “Get to Know You” general body meetings, created a “What ODK Means to Me” video for First Look Fair, designed interactive social media posts, hosted an event at the Stamp All-Niter, spoke about ODK at various student organizations, sponsored Maryland Hillel’s “Spin Love, Not Hate Event,” and supported the Department of Resident Life’s Toys for Tots donation drive through donations and volunteering. In February, we hosted Tiffany Jones from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation for a Service and Philanthropy Workshop to help those interested in the non-profit sector or who are leading a service-based organization on campus. One of the exciting aspects of ODK’s mission is bringing in leaders from various industries to speak on leadership and lessons learned, which is something we have been focused on this spring! In March, we served as a co-host of SEE’s Spring Lecture, featuring Stephanie Beatriz, an inspiring actress and activist. Her lecture provided valuable insights for not only the ODK community, but the broader UMD community as well, as expanded upon in this issue. As we reach two years since students first experienced vast changes to their collegiate life due to the global pandemic, I am reflecting on how proud I have been to see the ODK community provide leadership and opportunities to connect with each other on both a professional and personal level. Our members have shown immense resilience, dedication, and character in the face of difficult decisions and personal hardships, and it has been the greatest honor to serve as President of this incredible organization. Spending time with such hardworking and creative individuals has inspired me daily, and will continue to do so after graduation – as it has done for so many before me. Thank you for allowing me this experience, and as sad as I am to say goodbye, I am excited to transition to the next executive board. Most importantly, thank you to our community for the time you have dedicated to serving as leaders among leaders – you have made an impact that will be felt for generations to come. Emily Berry ODK Sigma Circle President


A Look into the Vice President for Student Affairs’ Student Advisory Council By Alythia Vo ‘22 When Dr. Patty Perillo joined the University of Maryland as the Vice President for Student Affairs in January 2020, she knew that she wanted to gather diverse student leader perspectives across campus to advise on various issues related to student affairs. In her original email to student leaders during the spring 2020 semester, Dr. Perillo expressed a desire to meet with students regularly to discuss campus life issues, student concerns, and other societal issues in order to learn about their experiences and use them to advise her on university matters. Thus began the Vice President for Student Affairs Student Advisory Council. Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to serve as a student leader on Dr. Perillo’s Student Advisory Council where we have discussed issues ranging from mental health services on campus to career advising services, as well as most recently, mask mandates on campus and support for students during the ongoing Russian-Ukraine crisis. At each meeting, Dr. Perillo asks the group of student leaders for their opinions on various matters. With leaders from the Student Government Association, ODK, Interfraternity Council, Graduate Student Government, PLUMAS, International Student Union, Pride Alliance, Residence Hall Association, and more, the perspectives can often differ, but nonetheless provide valuable insight into our diverse campus. I have personally found my time on the Student Advisory Council to be a learning experience as I have learned about the concerns and initiatives of other student leaders and taken some of their input and wisdom back to my own organization. Emily Berry, the President of ODK and member of Dr. Perillo’s Student Advisory Council since its creation highlights how Dr. Perillo has used the Student Advisory Council to support students in their endeavors as well: “[Dr. Perillo] made it a priority to find ways to connect students to administrators who were making decisions that directly affected them, and I honestly believe that she has built a bridge of trust that didn’t exist prior to the Student Advisory Council or that required students to rely on their own personal relationships in order to get in touch with a decision-maker during a time of student crisis. Now, if a student on the Student Advisory Council mentions that they need to get in contact with someone, Dr. Perillo makes it happen immediately.” The Student Advisory Council has also gone beyond just serving as an advisory group for Dr. Perillo — it has also formed a sense of community among student leaders,

Dr. Patty Perillo and Sarah Williamson celebrate with graduating members of the 2021 VPSA Student Advisory Council: David Rekhtman, Brenee Butler, Dan Alpert, Emily Berry, and Dan Laffin

especially during the difficult times we have experienced over the past two years. Jackie Liu, a former member of the Student Advisory Council states that one of the most beneficial parts of being on the Student Advisory Council “was being able to connect with other student leaders and make meaningful connections, especially after [the 2021 Atlanta spa shootings], the outpouring of support from the student leaders in that group was really touching”. Dahye Kang, another former Student Advisory Council member adds “it was really great to hear leaders of non-cultural, ethnic, and racial organizations also voicing support”. Dr. Perillo shared, “While I formed the Student Advisory Council as a means to connect with students around their perspectives, concerns, and experiences, the Council has turned into a community of peers supporting one another through challenging experiences, lending a hand to promote and participate in each other’s events, and a sounding board for initiatives that spark curiosity and engagement amongst fellow students. As much as I rely on the Student Advisory Council to provide feedback to me in my work, this Council has relied on each other during the most difficult times and they have responded admirably to one another. The community we create in these interactions continues to transpire into facilitating the sense of belonging and community we hope to strengthen at UMD for all students.” The solidarity seen reveals another purpose of the Student Advisory Council: to promote a sense of support and community on our campus.

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Ally Merwitz: “It’s so important to prioritize time for yourself and time to have fun and step away from school. It’s great to be involved but even greater to take care of yourself first.“

Miranda Custer: “You can’t run yourself tired because you have a breaking point, and you will hit it if you don’t make time for yourself.”

By Brie Nabet ‘22

Leaders among Leaders. This is a phrase that many of us have not only heard but also embodied within our communities to be recognized as members of Omicron Delta Kappa. This mantra is highlighted by the countless leaders in our Sigma Circle who have dedicated time and energy to serving the campus community. Each member in ODK has served a wide variety of organizations on our campus and have unique experiences and lessons that they have learned through their roles. In a time of great uncertainty with the pandemic, our leaders, like many, have had to learn how to adapt. When asked what advice our members could give to other student leaders, we were overwhelmed by the response. Our leaders had a lot of advice and reflection to share with others. We compiled a list of the main points that our Sigma Circle members continuously touched on. Here is a list of the top 5 lessons and suggestions on how to manage being leaders among leaders…during a pandemic. 1. SELF-CARE ISN’T SELFISH: How can you pour from an empty cup? You can’t! It is important to prioritize yourself just as you prioritize school, work, clubs, and social activities. Schedule at least one time in your day where you can walk, cook, write, dance, exercise, take a nap, or find a little bit of time for yourself. It might seem like there is no time, but all it takes is a short 10 minute break to reinvest in yourself.

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2. PASSIONS > POSITIONS HELD: Focus on what you are passionate about rather than what boosts up your resume. If you aren’t invested in it, it will give you more pain than gain. As a leader, we can feel the pressure to always be doing the most. Depth in an organization is equally important to the breadth of activities we are a part of. Find your passion, focus in on it, and cut out what doesn’t serve you and your highest good. •

Aimee Dastin: “I would suggest only volunteering for leadership positions that you are truly passionate about. It is much easier to successfully lead if you believe in what you are doing.”

Madelyn Harris: “Devote time to the things that excite you. Academic and career development are important, and try to focus on the opportunities that will help you grow as a person or that lean into your aspirations, interests, etc. Try to stop yourself from going for every opportunity simply because it is there or to put it on your resume.”

3. PRIORITIZE PERSONAL GROWTH: College is a time where we learn and grow as individuals.

When we are so invested in our campus life it can be hard to focus on ourselves. Outside of our leadership titles, club positions, and academic standing – we are ALL people. We each have our own backgrounds and individual struggles and sometimes we need to step back from roles, take a minute away from our work or helping others, and focus on OURSELVES. •

Deborah Brown: “It is okay to say no! Nobody expects you to do everything, and especially during the pandemic people have become more flexible and understanding. And blocking time in your schedule for taking breaks can help when you’ve been feeling overwhelmed.”

4. CREATE COMMUNITY & CALENDARS: Building a circle of support is highly important and so is building a schedule to stay on top of things. Using an app like Google Calendar can be useful to keep track of meetings, classes, and assignments. This is also a great way to put in time to be with others. Add some “me” time on the calendar as well as time to connect with friends. That social time can be really important! •

Anjali Dhamansia: “An essential part of leadership (especially during the pandemic) is about fostering a sense of community. All leaders should strive to improve communication across teams and individuals to develop an environment where people are comfortable enough to share ideas, concerns, and thoughts. This is key to promoting diversity and inclusion.” Emily Leo: “My advice would be to get organized and set goals and timelines for yourself; then stick to them! This will prevent you from additional stress and give you time to assess your performance and avoid tunnel vision. This will also help you to keep others on track and support those who you work with. Giving yourself and others grace when things don’t go as planned is so important. The lessons you learn are far more important than an event running perfectly.”

overwhelmed with all of the shifts and getting used to this “new reality”. Embracing change can allow us to embrace new opportunities. Sometimes things that we never thought or imagined for ourselves can become an incredibly special opportunity. When you keep your mind open, you allow yourself to have room for change and growth, the opportunities are limitless. •

Riya Chaudry: “The advice I’d give to other student leaders is to embrace change, even when circumstances are especially challenging. Keeping an open-mind and remaining flexible allows even the most difficult obstacles to transform into amazing opportunities.”

These five lessons learned are something we can carry forward as leaders with the pandemic continuing. There is one more that I would like to add: Be kind to yourself and to others. We have no idea what others are going through. The same kindness and love that we give to others, we should also give to ourselves and vice versa. This pandemic has been filled with loss, joy, grief, sadness, and so much change. We have been pushed to adapt, and through that, have also seen great resiliency within ourselves and our community. While we couldn’t share all of the fantastic lessons from our leaders, we can definitely see the growth and path of change that each of us in ODK are on. So, ODK’ers, the next time you are feeling overwhelmed with all the change, know that you have a community within ODK that is here to support you. We are all adapting to these unprecedented times and willing to share and learn from one another. These lessons we learned to help ourselves in the pandemic are lessons that will carry with us through our lives as leaders among leaders.

5. OPEN MIND -> OPPORTUNITIES: The pandemic has brought about a lot of change. It is easy to get

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M Pease (They/Them) is a senior psychology major minoring in Asian American studies and public leadership. Throughout their time as an undergrad, they participated in efforts to pursue social justice on campus, served on the University Senate, was the Administrative Director and President of the Help Center, worked as a Resident Assistant and a Teaching Assistant in various Psychology and Asian American Studies courses, interned at the Maryland General Assembly, participated in a diversity committee with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and conducted research in the Department of Psychology and School of Public Health focused on LBGTQ+ and Asian American communities. Their efforts were all intended to elucidate the experiences of UMD students and, in turn, advocate on their behalf to the administration to create a more equitable campus. Q: What has being a member of ODK meant to you? A: ODK has been a meaningful way to connect with other people who have similar values to myself. It is so rewarding to be surrounded by a group of driven people who are all devoted to creating a better university environment and world. Q: How have your leadership experiences contributed to who you are today? A: Each one of my experiences has been central to who I am today. Throughout the course of my involvement on campus, I spent a great deal of time engaging and empathizing with my communities and naturally my world view expanded. I learned about the different environments people exist in and experiences that formulate who people are. I also learned about power dynamics and how you can use your positionality in meaningful and constructive ways. These experiences have been instrumental in learning how when leading, care and compassion have to come first. Q: What has been your proudest moment throughout your college experience? A: There is not a single experience I can pinpoint that I was the proudest of. There have been several moments, however, where I felt my work was meaningful. These moments occurred when I really helped someone and saw them grow and reach a greater potential. I watched junior researchers gain self-efficacy. I ran into an old resident last Friday and learned they had engaged on campus in meaningful ways. I proposed a senate bill on mental health days and absence excuses that will hopefully create a long-lasting policy and cultural shift in mental health and wellness. In each of these moments I made a tangible impact on people that I care about.

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Q: How did you have to adapt as a leader emerging from the pandemic and transitioning back to in person? A: With the switch over to the pandemic, as a student leader your focus turns to the communities you care about. Specifically in marginalized communities, there are unique traumas and distressing experiences and I wanted to ameliorate those in any way possible. This drew me into a lot of meaningful work, but it also led to burnout, draining my own mental health and wellness. I still existed in the pandemic and did a lot of reflecting on my own values and what it means to extend care and compassion in a world that often denies it. Being heavily involved to a harmful extent wasn’t necessarily living out those values. In a sense I felt like I was being a hypocrite and was denying care and compassion for myself when I prioritized that for others. Systems reward us for hyperproductivity and overinvolvement. In order to deserve any rest and joy, many people think that they have to be overinvolved, but that is not the case; we deserve rest and joy simply by virtue of our intrinsic value as human beings. Q: What is one thing you hope to pass on to the next generation of UMD leaders as you move on to the next chapter in your life? A: Wow, there are so many things. I guess the key thing I learned is that students have a lot more power than they realize. The system is designed in a way to encourage students to just get through coursework and stay afloat in extracurriculars. Sometimes we then shy away from speaking to power because we are just staying afloat. And yes, it’s important to work through courses and extracurriculars, but as students, sometimes we don’t always see the impact, yet there is so much power in voicing your opinion and speaking truth to power. As long as it does not damage your mental health, it is crucial to advocate for the university we deserve. We all shape what this campus is and should work to align it with equity and compassion and truly support one another. Your perspective has value and deserves to be heard. Next Steps: Upon graduation M is hoping to continue their education and get a PhD in counseling and psychology. Regardless of what their career path looks like, their main goal is to support others and work towards a world that not only superficially accepts people but cherishes them for their identities and experiences. In a society that often denies rest, joy, and compassion, they hope to help others find it.


Great leaders lead themselves, lead other people, and lead organizations. We in ODK pride ourselves on fostering a collaborative community of leaders among leaders, where ODKers can share their insights and knowledge with each other. And reading is an essential skill. It’s how we as a society have scribed our personal experiences, our struggles, and our history. But most of all, it is how we learn. While many leadership skills come naturally to some, what makes for a great leader is setting aside time to educate oneself. As difficult as it may be to step away from the office, from running a student organization, or from the jampacked schedules of all ODKers, it’s time to grab a book or two and learn a few tips and tricks on refocusing yourself as a leader. Like all of these authors, we’ve put pen to paper and compiled a list of four essential books every leader must read, as well as four novels about strong protagonists cultivating prominent leadership skills during their own fictional journeys. #1: THE BRAIN’S CHOICE Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People Mahzarin R. Banaji’s Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People delves into the hidden biases that all people have, and how they are impacted by age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, cultural differences, and more. With the included Implicit Association Test, you can understand your own hidden biases, and use this knowledge to strengthen your own interpersonal relationships. #2: THE ALL-AROUND ALL-STAR The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a classic, covering seven key habits that successful leaders in a variety of industries have embraced. With thought-provoking insights and evocative anecdotes, Covey highlights a step-by-step pathway for living with principles that give leaders the ability to adapt to change, and the power to take advantage of the opportunities these changes bring.

#3: THE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT Navigating Chaos Drawing on his experience as a Navy SEAL, Jeff Boss’s Navigating Chaos will guide aspiring leaders on a journey to understand how perseverance, humility, and a team-first attitude leads to success. This anecdotal approach illustrates how individual mindsets, team practices, and organizational considerations are essential for developing long-term leadership practices, especially in a world of chaos and unpredictability. #4: TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK Team of Rivals Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Team of Rivals recounts the story of how Abraham Lincoln surrounded himself with an extraordinary array of individuals of differing ideologies, and built a leadership team that helped him overcome an abundance of obstacles during the Civil War. This brilliant biography is a lesson on challenging yourself as a leader and how it is a marathon best done with others. #5: THE JOURNEY OF LIFE The Alchemist Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is a mythical tale about Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy, and his journey to find the greatest treasure in the world. Through his great travels and memorable encounters, he gains valuable knowledge important for growing as both a leader and an individual: the wisdom of listening to your heart, learning to follow your dreams, and the courage to pursue your own lofty goals once believed to be legend. #6: REDEFINING FANTASY The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time Book 1) Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series is one of the most popular and influential fantasy epics ever written. While it puts the ‘epic’ in epic fantasy, this ambitious undertaking redefined a genre with its fleshed out, character-driven storylines, chock-full of protagonists breaking stereotypes and proving to the world that there is no “leader” archetype. What it does best is show that leaders come in all shapes and sizes – literally – and come from a vast array of backgrounds.

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#7: AD(VENTURING) OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas’s Count of Monte Cristo portrays the tale of a man who seeks revenge after his escape from prison. While this doesn’t immediately scream the qualities of a great leader, the protagonist’s perseverance, planning, and dogged determination required to achieve his goals despite hardships are inspirational. It is also a study in what it means to have character, exploring the challenges of taking personal responsibility.

#8: CHECKMATE The Queen’s Gambit You many have seen the show, but Walter Tevis’s The Queen’s Gambit is a dazzling novel about competition, obsession, prejudice, hardship, and the trials of growing up. This heartwarming story details the life of a young chess prodigy who grows into an independent leader in the chess world, and will empower you to re-examine the relationships in your life. This novel-turned-televisionshow will show you that there are no small actions – every decision can and will have an immense impact on the individuals around you.


The Sigma Circle at the University of Maryland is a launchpad for incredibly talented student leaders. Our alumni go on to have amazing careers in their respective fields and leave an impact through their leadership legacies. We caught up with two ODK alums that have experienced thrilling careers and left their own unique leadership legacies at UMD.

Dr. Rocky Lopes fondly remembers his time at the University of Maryland after over forty years since leaving College Park flagship campus. This Omicron Delta Kappa and Phi Beta Kappa alumnus was inducted into the Sigma Circle as an upperclassmen after thriving as a student leader and contributing to several key campus advancements. As an undergraduate, he was a founding member of the Alpha-Alpha Chapter of the UMD Kappa Sigma Fraternity and served as the Founder and President of the Student Alumni Board, in addition to being a Commuter Legislator in the Student Government Association. Of all of his UMD experiences, Lopes cites his time as the Chair of the UMD Homecoming Committee as his favorite Terp memory. He emphatically states that his on-campus involvement gave him the opportunity to take a hands-on approach to being a leader. “I learned leadership through the actual practice of being a student leader,” Lopes says. He also credits his university experience with helping him learn how to manage the responsibilities of life, work, student involvement, and social relationships. “[You] have to schedule time for personal well-being and to simply

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breathe” in order to succeed and find balance, he remarks, and that “clearly communicating with your spouse [and loved ones]” prevents overcommitment and makes you more effective. In 1980, Lopes graduated UMD with degrees in microbiology and elementary education and began working in a local Montgomery County elementary school. He would return to University of Maryland, receiving a masters degree in general administration, and became the training manager for the Department of Physical Plant where he developed award winning programs to provide trades and skills to students in apprenticeships. Over the next forty years, “[I enjoyed] an award winning national career” in emergency management and disaster preparedness, says Lopes. As a leader in his field, he held positions within the National Weather Service, where he specialized in the emergency management of tsunamis, the American Red Cross’ Disaster Service Department, the Home Safety Council in Washington D.C., and the National Disaster

Education Coalition. Earning his PhD in sociology from the University of Southern California, Lopes has spoken around the world at hundreds of risk and disaster preparedness conferences and has won numerous awards for his work. As a lifelong resident of Montgomery County, Maryland, Lopes’ impact can still be felt in the lives of many UMD students. When the Student Alumni Leadership Council was founded in 2017, as the student arm of the Alumni Association, it was a leadership concept that Lopes had pioneered and led on campus four decades prior. However, his most significant act of service to UMD came in the Fall of 2021 when the Dr. Rocky Lopes ‘80 Endowed Scholarship for Leadership was created to provide merit based scholarship aid to Maryland students. Lopes hopes that the support provided by the award offered in his name creates the opportunity for the next generation of students to acquire the skills and experiences that helped him transition from a student leader to an industry leader.

Yvonne (Atterberry) Brooks is another product of the Sigma Circle that has gone on to enjoy a dazzling career following her time as a student. During her undergraduate years at UMD, Brooks was heavily involved in on-campus student life and had a heart for service leadership from the beginning. “I loved the service to the campus and the community events [offered at UMD],” she says. “I learned so much about our various campus groups and from our newly formed efforts to serve.” Brooks specifically highlights her time in Alpha Delta Kappa and her role as a teaching assistant as key experiences in her journey and notes that her favorite UMD memory “was hosting field trips for elementary school-aged students from underserved communities [as] we showcased Terp Nation in weekend campus life.” Her time as an undergraduate also taught her the importance of finding self-care and balance in her endeavors. “I learned early on that you must stay strong on the premise [of] to thine own self be true,” and that “I can’t do it all, so I prioritize every aspect of my time available to devote to my physical and mental health, work, family, friends, etc.”

much is given, much is required,” remarks Brooks. “I am blessed to have fulfilled my life goals, purpose, and dreams to [this] date and I want to extend my resources to enable others to do the same.” Brooks also relies on her past leadership experiences to approach the challenges of being an innovator in a highly evolving technical field. “Working on multigenerational teams with varied perspectives and visions of success poses the greatest challenges to me and demands that I stay on top of emerging technologies, social media platforms, and build stronger visions of empathy for successful outcomes.” Forty-five years after graduating from UMD, Brooks still remembers and applies her favorite piece of advice she received as a student: “never stop listening to new ideas!” For anyone interested in this ODK alumna, you can see the leadership legacy of the Brooks family at the start of the upcoming college football season! Yvonne’s son, Elijah Brooks, is the current running back coach for the Maryland Terrapins football team and has been with the team for the past three seasons.

An alumna of 1977, Brooks graduated with her degree in sociology, education, and counseling services before embarking on a highly successful career with the National Institutes of Health, having served in senior GS15 leadership positions for the organization. She currently works as a senior consultant to the technical talent pipeline company Mastermind.io in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, and is a community service volunteer in the Prince George’s County area. Through her volunteer work, she leads the UM Prince George’s Alumni Network, the PG Zonta Club Area Club & Foundation, the LACES Education Program, the Upward Bound Community Partners Recruitment Team and Zion S.A.L.T Ministry. “I am passionate about my work on initiatives to help the underserved in my communities because I believe to whom

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LIVE YOUR LIFE LIKE A TUBE OF TOOTHPASTE: Margaret Moose Swallow Speaks on Leadership and Model Citizenry By Daisy Yu ‘22

On May 7, 1975, at exactly 2:15 p.m., Margaret Moose Swallow walked into the office of then Acting Chancellor John Dorsey to receive the Model Citizenship Prize for Women. A complete surprise to Swallow, she recalls that she felt just one word: thrilled! The award honored the female member of the Senior class who “best exemplifi[ed] the enduring qualities of the model woman, [including] selfdependence, courtesy, aggressiveness, modesty, capacity to achieve objectives, willingness to sacrifice for others, and strength of character”. When Swallow looks back on the gendered adjectives that outlined many of the desired characteristics in women of the 1970’s, she acknowledges that, while they would not likely be used today, she’s not bothered by them. “The thing I love about these qualities,” Swallow says with a laugh. “Am I a ‘courteous, aggressive’ person or an ‘aggressively courteous’ person? Depends on the day!” Although the award and its male counterpart have now been changed to two gender non-specific awards named the Model Citizenship Award, the idea of being a “model” person at UMD still remains 100 years since the award’s inception. “It is the willingness to sacrifice for others,” Swallow says when asked what being a ‘model citizen’ entails. “If the goal is what you achieve, I may not succeed in my personal objectives, but I may succeed in the greater goals…It’s about taking a stand on issues that are important and caring about the people on your team.” Being a leader of a team is something that Swallow had to learn from a young age. The second oldest of nine children in the Moose family, she spent a lot of her time managing her younger siblings. “Forget all of my other life experiences, having eight brothers and sisters was the best. I was just used to getting large groups of people who wanted to cry, to stop crying. I just naturally saw groups of people seeking a common objective and just saying, ‘We can do this. We can figure out a way to get this done’.” Attending college on a scholarship, Swallow was determined to take advantage of all the opportunities that were available to her at the University of Maryland. A reporter and copy editor with The Diamondback, a leader within the Residence Hall Association, President of the UMD Mortar Board chapter and more, while consistently

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balancing at least one job per semester, Swallow loved being involved on campus. These involvements, she believes, ultimately led to her becoming the recipient of the award. But Swallow’s leadership and exemplification of what it means to be a model citizen did not end with her time at UMD. After attending Harvard Business School, she worked for Procter and Gamble (P&G), a multinational consumer goods corporation, until she retired 23 years later. She then became Executive Director of the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI), a nonprofit organization that works to “improve the quality of coffee and the lives of people who produce it”. In this role, Swallow quickly realized how many women in the coffee industry worked in the fields, but not in leadership. This inspired her, and five other women working in the U.S. coffee industry, to create the International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA), which aims to “empower women in the international coffee community to achieve meaningful and sustainable lives; and to encourage and recognize the participation of women in all aspects of the coffee industry.” In these roles, Swallow has learned a lot about what it means to be a leader. Setting priorities, communicating effectively, and being fearless (she claims to have come up with this before UMD adopted it) are just a few of her secrets to being a successful leader. Swallow is also a big believer in the “ripple effect” that actions and people can have that will create positive changes in the world. Not only has Swallow caused “ripple effects” on others, but others have on her as well. Peg Wyant, the first female brand manager at P&G, taught Swallow that if you can see it, you can be it. Wyant, who went to interview for P&G in the mid-1960s, earned a managerial job despite the company originally considering her for a secretarial position. When Swallow moved on to work in the coffee industry, she met Phyllis Johnson, the founder of the Coffee Coalition for Racial Equity. Johnson taught Swallow to recognize existing filters that she may have to overcome. Finally, Swallow names Tomoko Nagase, the founder of the Japan Chapter of IWCA, as the one who taught her that being a ‘quiet leader’ can be powerful. These three inspirational women are all examples of what the “ripple effect” can do. No matter where Swallow is, no matter what she is doing, you can be sure that she is putting 110% of her effort into it. She recalls that, during one of her trips for a coffee project, her roommate noticed that she had squeezed every last bit of toothpaste from her tube. This observation gave her an analogy that she followed during her time at UMD, throughout her career, and continues to follow today: live your life like a tube of toothpaste. “That’s what life is about, squeezing everything you can out of every day,” Swallow says. “Tomorrow is not guaranteed.”


2 1) UCC Women from the U.S., Canada, and Central America that visited Japan as a commercial delegation led by Margaret Swallow and funded by USAID. Swallow is in the back right wearing tan. 2) Kenya The women representing 12 African countries that participated in the IWCA “Leadership Training for Women in Coffee” program that was funded by the UN International Trade Centre. Pictured are Margaret Swallow, Phyllis Johnson, Tomoko Nagase, Leonor Gavina, and Rehmah Kasule (the training leaders) and representatives from the UN ITC and AFCA. Swallow is fourth from the left wearing black/white. 3) Peg Wyant (left) and Margaret Swallow (right) at a P&G Alumni Network Cincinnati Chapter event in September 2021.

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Stephanie Beatriz Visits UMD By Alec McCarren BS ‘21, MS ‘23

An important part of ODK’s yearly calendar is the continuation of the ODK Lecture Series, which aims to bring leaders from a variety of fields to speak to students through the support of the Drury G. Bagwell ODK Leadership Lecture Fund. On March 10, 2022, ODK partnered with Student Entertainment Events (SEE) to host a lecture with actress, producer, and activist Stephanie Beatriz. As an organization that celebrates leaders among leaders, we are honored to play a role in bringing Beatriz to campus to share her story. Beatriz is most known for her roles as Rosa Diaz in the Fox/NBC comedy series Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Carla in the musical film adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In The Heights, and Jessica in the independent film Short Term 12. She is also an extremely accomplished voice actress, most recently starring as the voice of Mirabel Madrigal in Disney’s Encanto. Throughout her career, Beatriz has acted in over 40 productions across film, television, and theatre, many of which have won or been nominated for awards across ceremonies like the Golden Globes, People’s Choice Awards, and various film festivals across the country. Adding to her list of achievements, she has served as executive producer of the film The Light of the Moon, directed episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and is the

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lead singer in numerous charted songs from Encanto, such as “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” which held the #1 position on the top of the charts within the United States and three other countries. Born in Neuquén, Argentina and moving to the United States when she was two years old, she was inspired by her family’s history to advocate for and support organizations that help immigrant families, such as The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights and Families Together. Beatriz is also an LGBTQ+ activist, advocating for increased representation and the normalization of LGBTQ+ characters in television and film. Coming out as bisexual in 2016, Beatriz has used her voice and personal experiences to uplift others. She has participated in notable events like ClexaCon, a convention that celebrates LGBTQ+ women in media, where she participated in multiple panels. Beatriz is a remarkable leader both within her career and daily life, and it was an amazing experience to hear her speak to UMD students. During the event, Beatriz captivated the hundreds of students in the crowd with her hilarious stories, thoughtful insights, and down-to-earth presence. In response to questions about Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Beatriz described how working with a star-studded cast allowed her to step out of her comfort zone, embrace her creativity, and ascend to new heights as an actress and contributor on set. Beatriz reflected on her experiences as a bisexual woman of color by discussing Rosa Diaz’s character development mirroring her own experiences, offering advice to students on communicating with those that question non-heterosexual

identities, and giving examples of how she’s seen LGBTQ+ and Latinx representation in the media improve the lives of countless people. The actress told the crowd that “any time [she] see[s] anyone from a marginalized group succeeding, it’s really thrilling,” because it feels like those successes are shared with her and other members of marginalized groups. At different times during the event, Beatriz dove into some of the 6+ years of work that went into Encanto, and how in awe she is that the movie has brought so many people together. In a particularly inspiring statement, she remarked that because “the world is changing and we’re seeing more and more stories told by lots of different people,” a movement that unites humans across the world is blossoming. During the audience Q&A portion of the event, Beatriz was willing to stay over 20 minutes late in order to address everyone’s questions. When asked by a student what they can do to stop comparing themselves to others, Beatriz reminded everyone that “your experience on earth is like a thumbprint,” as “no one is exactly like you.” In a moment of strength, she told the crowd not to idolize her, as everyone is here to make their own mark in this world. The combination of wisdom, empathy, and courage Beatriz shared during the lecture is the embodiment of what it means to be a leader, and the crowd of students left the Grand Ballroom feeling refreshed, introspective, and hopeful.

THE ODK SPOTIFY PLAYLIST This year, ODKers shared their energizing songs. Listen to this playlist and add your own using the QR code above!

ODK leaders in the front row for Stephanie Beatriz lecture.

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Dr. Jennifer King Rice has been a distinguished leader and has served the University of Maryland for over 25 years as a faculty member, Dean of the College of Education, and professor of education policy. Since stepping into her role as Senior Vice President and Provost in July 2021, Dr. Rice has led with inclusivity, vision, access, and guided the university community through its strategic planning process. On April 3, 2022, Dr. Rice joined the Omicron Delta Kappa Sigma Circle as one of its newly inducted members. A member of the ODK Executive Board had the opportunity to sit down with Provost Rice to ask about her thoughts on leadership, the campus, equity, and her vision. In this interview, she shares her thoughts on leadership, her vision for this campus, and re-evaluating the new normal. Q: You’ve been a distinguished campus leader at UMD for over 25 years, and you’ve been in your current role for the last six months. Since stepping into the Provost role, what has been your greatest challenge and what has been your highlight? A: It’s interesting. Sometimes the greatest challenges are the greatest highlights as well. If we can convert challenges to opportunities, they really tend to go hand in glove. There are two things that I’ve been working really hard on. One is bringing our campus community back together and really using the pandemic as an opportunity to think differently about how we operate. Health and safety have been first and foremost, in bringing people back and helping them feel safe and actually be safe. And fortunately, we have an amazing community that has really complied in ways that I don’t know we’ve seen on other campuses across the country. The measures that we’ve put in place have worked. And once we get past that safety, there’s this opportunity to think about how we engage together. And I think that’s where the second challenge opportunity has come in, the strategic planning for our campus. That process had just started when I stepped in as Provost and so I really took that on. A major focus of my efforts over the past semester is how to bring this campus community together, to think about what our University could be under this new administration, and as we move forward with all the lessons learned throughout the pandemic. This remains challenging because I think there’s the cloud of the pandemic hanging over us, and it’s hard to bring people together, but also because I think people

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are stressed and worried. I feel like it’s been a wonderful opportunity to think differently and not just focus on the here and now and all the challenges that presents, but to really look forward and say, what do we want to be when we get past this pandemic? How can we be a better community? How can we be a stronger community? And how can our campus really have an impact on our broader state, nation, and world? The notion of the impact of our work that’s I think is so exciting. I really do think that those challenges and opportunities are so tightly tethered to each other and hopefully point us in the direction of renewal. Q: In many ways, we are in a very critical time in our history and are tasked with re-evaluating our new normal. How are you navigating that? And what does reimagining a campus under new norms look like to you? A: I think there’s a lot of potential for creativity there. And while it’s important to have a vision from the top, the President and myself, I think that in an academic arena, a large public university like ours, we really need to have a shared vision. My role has very much been trying to bring people together, hear their voices, hear their vision, and think about how we can leverage what we’ve learned to create better learning environments, better learning experiences for our students by using technology, and other ways of connecting.We can expand access to our programs to populations that we might not have been serving as well as we could. We have new tools for doing that. I think there’s so much potential, but it means bringing the community together and identifying opportunities. We’ve developed a strategic plan that’s designed just for that. It’s what I call a living document that will evolve and grow as we change so that we can see new opportunities as we evolve as a campus. Everything is not set in stone, such as by year two, we will have increased outcome X by Y percent. It’s really a much more

flexible plan that allows us to breathe and think and grow and develop initiatives that are responsive to where we are at those moments in time. Q: In past interviews, you’ve discussed your vision of “inclusive excellence” and prior to your role as Provost, you’ve specialized in promoting inclusive and equitable learning environments. Can you tell me more about that and where you think the most changes are needed at UMD to achieve that? A: We’re fortunate to have a diverse campus. For the first time this fall, we were majority-minority in our student population. We’re far more diverse than many of our peers, and I’m incredibly proud of that diversity. But, I think that we need to recognize that’s not enough. By the numbers, it’s the difference between equality and equity. We can measure this one thing, and we can say we’re doing really well there. The other piece is about realizing the potential of that diversity and finding space for everyone to fully participate and for everyone to voice their perspectives and help shape who we are as an institution. And that’s what leads to excellence. We can’t be excellent if every member of our campus community, no matter who they are, students, staff, and faculty, doesn’t have an opportunity to succeed and to fully participate. That’s the environment that we really need to cultivate here. We’ve made some progress and a big step in the right direction. As people enter our campus community, they get some history, they get a deeper understanding of where we’ve been and what some of the obstacles and structural inequities have been for some of our populations. But, we also need to do the work inside the campus to identify how we can change policies to create a more equitable, fair, and just environment, whether it’s a learning environment, teaching environment, working environment, or living environment, that takes work, it doesn’t just happen. In order to get to that point of inclusive excellence, which really is excellence at its best, it means everyone has the opportunity to realize success. Until we get there, we just need to keep moving toward that goal in all that we do. Q: Because Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes leaders among leaders. I have to ask, what does being a leader mean to you? What advice would you give to the community on leadership, equity, justice, and access? A: The whole notion of leadership, there are books about this, right? When I think about my leadership roles on this campus, it is leading with people. We, as a community, determine where we’re headed. On a university campus, it’s different from being a CFO or a CEO of a large corporation where that person at the top has a vision, calls the shots, and everybody just falls into place. Universities are different entities where leadership is helping the

community rally around a vision of who we want to be and then helping to harness the most creative, bold ideas the community has and leading them toward implementing those ideas. There’s a real inclusive nature to leadership on a university campus. Creating the structures in the environment where people feel like they have voice, where people can express where they want to go, where we create an environment where everyone can pursue their interests, and in ways that don’t infringe on the rights of others. I think leadership at a university is a tricky business because people don’t have to follow. When I think about faculty, they’re tenured, they can do what they want to do. You need to lead in a way where we all own the direction that we’re going in. That was the difficulty of the strategic plan. In many ways, it just takes a lot of time to engage people and to get shared ownership of that direction. But as I think about some of the principles that anchor my leadership style, I talked about those when I interviewed for this job and when I became Dean. You have to be really reflective and understand who you are and be comfortable with how you lead. Things like transparency, I think that being open to the community and allowing them to understand the decision making, but also to be part of the decision making when that’s possible. And that gets to shared governance, that we are a campus community, and shared governance is really at our core. Working with the community to make good decisions, good policies, that support excellence in all that we do. And I like to say inclusive excellence because we can’t be excellent without everybody rising up in collaboration and partnerships and working together. We really are better when we work together. With our partners on campus, but also with partners off-campus. I believe strongly that our work on this campus needs to be impactful. There’s a major role among leaders so that we have excellent work happening across campus. Leaders have a unique sort of positionality where they can help bring that work out to the public in ways that individuals might not be able to do. Our university has been having a real world impact, not just on our scholarly communities, but on our real world communities. I think those are all important dimensions of leadership. Maybe at the top of that whole list should be diversity, equity, inclusion, and making sure that the diversity of ideas, thoughts, perspectives, and backgrounds are appreciated and recognized as strengths of who we are, not something that needs to be managed, but something that needs to be celebrated, elevated, and amplified because it really is part of that notion of inclusive excellence. Q: Any final thoughts or parting messages to students or readers? A: When I talk to student groups, particularly groups like yours, I know that leadership isn’t about the person. It’s about how the leader connects with the community

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of people that they’re leading. I think that’s a really important point because some people think of building themselves as a leader or identifying a particular leader, but it really is all about context and community. Developing leadership skills in the absence of the community or the context is short sighted. I know you will recognize the community that you’re serving because leadership really is a service, but also to recognize the importance of partnering with the people, with the communities that you’re leading, because leadership doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It’s very contextually grounded. That’s one piece of leadership - understanding the context of the people. This is one point that I make frequently to young people who are sort of charting their course. There’s a lot of pressure on young people to find their way. What are you going to do? What are you going to be? It’s important to remind people that life is a long journey, careers are a long journey, and there will be lots of stops and turns and twists along the road. The most successful students often have a clear target or end goal in mind. I was talking with a mentor of mine, some years ago, and I was asking him how he had just spoken to a group of students. And I asked, how did you end up where you are? And his response to me was “it was kind of a series of accidents”. I started here, and then I met this person, and he gave this meandering response to my question about these accidental meetings and experiences that he had along the way that gave him a rich set of professional experiences and landed him where he finally ended up at the Carnegie Foundation. It made me reflect on my own experience. While I’ve been at the University of Maryland for 27 years, and it sounds very linear, there were lots of people who impacted the course of my own career. And I think that we just need to be open to those sorts of accidents, those experiences that pop up, and provide opportunities, even if they’re not on the direct line, that people might see themselves going in. Be open, welcome it, and follow it if it feels right, and just allow the richness of people and opportunities to shape where it is that you go. I think that’s important for our future leaders, because meeting all of those people along the way and those experiences that shape us make us better leaders in the end.

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CONGRATULATIONS FALL 2021 INDUCTEES! This past fall, the Sigma Circle inducted 64 new members into its ranks. The Fall 2021 class was a talented group with outstanding achievements in all five areas of campus. Congratulations are in order for these new accomplished Omicron Delta Kappa members: Sepehr Akhtarkhavari Alexia Ayuk Elizabeth Blake Jasmine Boykin Jason Bryer Erika Capinguian Katherine Clugg Alyssa Cobb Jenna Cohen Miranda Custer Aimee Dastin-van Rijn Alisha Desai Laura Dineen Susan Dwyer Nicolas Egan Lei Hugh Dominic Escobal Umailla Fatima Noa Ferziger Ethan Foley Daniel Fong Emily Frocke Kayleigh Gallagher Luke Guonjian-Pettit Madelyn Harris Darryl Hill Griffin Holt Elmore Hunter Andrea Johnson Christine Johnson Billy Jones Amir Kalantary Thilinie Kuruppu Emily Liu Jacob Maggid William Mah Yusuf Mastoor

Sagar Matharu Hannah Merrifield Sophie Minsk Mira Morgan Anindita Mullick Lauren Murphy Daniel Niezelski Grace Powers Caroline Pugh Leanna Rathbun Kathleen Rees Amy Rivera Thomas Ruggieri Madison Schattenfield Allison Schimmel Colin Scott Megha Sevalia Tesia Shi Racheal Ssentongo Nyah Stewart Abhirami Thaivalappil Anya Trudeau Kevin Tu Shreya Vuttaluru Amber Wang Abigail Warns Callie Wen Clarissa Xia

Fall 2021 Inductees Get a closer look at the Fall 2021 inductees. This class features students achieving in all five pillars. Here is a quick look at some impressive statistics:

254 Applicants 56 Selected AVERAGE GPA

3.878 Intramurals or Club 26 Sports

Greek Life


31 Service Volunteers

Research Assistants


30 Teaching Assistants

Alternative Break Participants





Founders/Co-Founders of New Organizations


Vice Presidents

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INTRODUCING THE SPRING 2022 ODK CLASS On February 20th, the current members of the Sigma Circle met to select the Spring 2022 induction class. From among the many highly qualified applicants, 52 new members were selected. Congratulations, Sigma Circle Spring 2022 Inductees!

Thank you to all the Terps who supported the University of Maryland’s Giving Day! On March 9th, 2022, ODK alumni, students, parents, friends, faculty, and staff came together to raise $4,144 for our scholarships, awards, lectures, and programs.

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Nathan Boyle Minahil Cheema Michelle D’Costa Mary DePascale Rachel DiDonna Erica Estrada-Liou Eric Fields Eleanor Grosvenor Matthew Herskovitz Natalie Hirsch Morgan Hoffman Lauren Hoorens van Heyningen Madeleine Hutchins Steven Ioannidis Nina Jeffries Ethan Jenkins Anish Kakarla Supraja Kanipakam Ishaan Kapur Kristen Kelly Katherine Kemp Samuel Kessel Sahana Kundu Kyle Lao Christopher Lester Wendy Loughlin

Reines Maliksi Kayla Malone Sarah Martin Shauneen Miranda Selia Myers Jessica Nguyen Matthew Nikzad Leah Packer Natasha Panduwawala Renee Paulraj Shane Querubin Jennifer King Rice Katherine Robinson Lauren Rosh Raheem Seaforth Brooke Smith Alexandra Strouse Angela Sun Samantha Tang Stephanie Treat Kerry Weil Tripp Raja Ukondwa Samuel Varga George Wilt Bennett Yang Emily Zhou

Spring 2022 Inductees Get a closer look at the Spring 2022 inductees. This class features students achieving in all five pillars. Here is a quick look at some impressive statistics:

240 Applicants 42 Selected AVERAGE GPA

3.890 Intramurals or Club 20 Sports

Greek Life


17 Service Volunteers

Research Assistants


22 Teaching Assistants

Alternative Break Participants





Founders/Co-Founders of New Organizations


Vice Presidents

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ODK 2021 DONOR HONOR ROLL We are so grateful for all of our alumni and friends who support the Sigma Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa. Thank you for all of your continued involvement and support.

PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A GIFT TO ODK Your support of Omicron Delta Kappa will not only help offset the cost of honoring the university’s best and brightest students, but will support the educational and leadership development programs that ODK sponsors, including the ODK Lecture Series, ODK Scholarships, and awards, like the annual Col. J. Logan Schutz Leader of the Year award. Click here to give to the ODK Discretionary Fund or send a check, made payable to the University of Maryland, College Park Foundation, to: Omicron Delta Kappa Sigma Circle 7999 Regents Drive 2108 Clarence Mitchell Building College Park, MD 20742

CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE ODK SIGMA CIRCLE WITH A CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP! Sponsorship benefits include the opportunity to network with ODK members and alumni, speaking opportunities, recognition at ceremonies and receptions, tabling at signature UMD events, brand awareness in our online media, and invitations to our programs. Please contact us for more information: Lydia Nicholson, Associate Director for Development & External Relations 301-314-1336 | lydian@umd.edu

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STEWARD OF THE FOUNTAIN SOCIETY ODK established the Steward of the Fountain program so that ODK members and alumni can contribute to the organization and the University with a gift to support the educational and leadership programs of ODK. The generosity of the Stewards of the Fountain ensure that ODK can continue to recognize achievements of student leaders and provide them with the framework to leave a lasting legacy at the University of Maryland, and their communities. 2012-2013 ODK Executive Officers 2014-2015 ODK Executive Officers 2016-2017 ODK Executive Officers 2018-2019 ODK Executive Officers Adam Chepenik Alden Gross Ann Tatsios Mowrey Barry Gossett Bob Stumpff Brian Bayly and Susan Bayly Brooke Supple and Matt Supple Bruce J. Winter Carl Tretter Caroline Carrick Pisano D. Stuart Bowers Dawn Nichols Deven McGraw Devin Ellis Dru Bagwell

Eric S. Francis Eric Young and Julia Young Hillary Cherry Mintz and Doug Mintz James E. Bond James Osteen James Rychner Jason Ward and Joana Ward Jeff Hathaway Joan Meixner Joel Willcher Joseph Tydings Kelly Kish Kenneth Brown Kevin Kruger and Lisa Hanson Khalil Pettus Kyle Beardsley Lance Governale Lee Thornton Marc Greenberg Marc Solomon Mark Sobel

Michael Freiman Nick Kovalakides Norman M. Wereley Paul Mandell and Lisa Mandell Phil Aronson Phil Livingston Phil Schneider and Joyce Schneider Philip Rever Rick Jaklitsch Sara Brooks Sue Briggs Susan Wachs Goldberg and Bob Goldberg Terry Flannery Terry Zacker and John Zacker The Honorable Gordon England The Kenny Family Wayne Willoughby and Gail Smelkinson Willoughby William Fourney Zimri Diaz

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Founder’s Circle (Gifts of $1,000 or more)

Dr. Davinder K. Anand Mr. David H. Boutin Mr. Ralph W. Crosby Mr. Barry P. Gossett Mr. Jeffrey A. Hathaway and Mrs. Paula C. Hathaway Dr. Kelly A. Kish Dr. Matthew L. Supple and Dr. Brooke L. Supple Dr. Norman M. Wereley Mr. Jason H. Williams Mr. Bruce J. Winter and Mrs. Sarita Winter

Mr. John E. Prevar Mr. Praneet S. Puppala The Honorable Adrian “Mac” Remsberg and Mrs. Peggy H. Remsberg Mr. Pranav Saha Mr. Robert B. Schaftel Mr. Doron J. Tadmor Ms. Tessa M. Trach Mr. Carl E. Tretter and Mrs. Beryl S. Tretter Ms. Maria C. Viera Cuellar Mr. Fred B. Wachter Mr. Dale E. Watson Ms. Colleen Wright-Riva

Leaders Circle (Gifts of $500 or more)

Members Circle (Gifts of $50 or more)

Mr. Philip S. Aronson David S. Klein, M.D. Mrs. Linda A. Koffenberger Mr. Adrian M. Remsberg, Jr. and Mrs. Lisa N. Remsberg Mr. David M. Rosen and Mrs. Denise M. Leonard-Rosen Supporters Circle (Gifts of $100 or more)

Ms. Elizabeth A. Arentz Mr. James L. Beard Mrs. Debra S. Ben Avram Ms. Samantha E. Bingaman Mr. Jeffrey M. Bonner Mrs. R. Deanne Brand Mrs. Jo Ann D. Chin Mrs. Renee Edelen Cruciani Mr. Zimri A. Diaz Mr. Myron A. Dutterer and Mrs. Barbara A. Dutterer Mr. Michael D. Fontz Michele B. Golkow, Esq. Mr. Rodney A. Harrill Richard H. Hunn, M.D. and Mrs. Michele Barone Hunn Dr. Derek K. Johnson Mr. Stephen R. Kallmyer Mr. Edmund J. Kenny and Mrs. Brooke S. Kenny Dr. Sharon E. Kirkland-Gordon Ms. Kelly Lincoln-Falcone Mr. Ronald F. Mace and Mrs. Sally A. Mace Mrs. Alexandra K. Martinson Dr. Don C. Piper 22 | ODK Sigma Circle THE LEADER

Mr. Phillip P. Barnes Paul T. Barrett, Ph.D. and Barrett and Company, LLC Mr. John A. Drager Dr. Roy L. Eskow, D.D.S. COL Bruce J. Gold and Ms. Wilhelmina S. Gold Jared B. Goldberg, M.D. and Ms. Justine Young Ms. Elizabeth L. Havlik Ms. Mary L. Hummel Ms. Amy E. Iandiorio Mr. William J. Scott Mrs. Sarah C. Williamson Sigma Circle Contributors

Mr. Henri D. Bartholomot Mr. James E. Bond Dr. Elliot C. Chabot Mrs. Charlotte Evasick Dr. Edward L. Fink and Dr. Deborah Cai The Honorable Robert F. Fischer Mr. Jeffrey K. Grim Ms. Rebecca M. Haas Mr. James S. Hebb, IV Mrs. Laura C. Hood Mr. Lawrence G. Kirsch Miss Raakhee Sharma Ms. Lauren K. Shaw

MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS Thanks to all of you who keep us informed of your activities! If we haven’t heard from you recently, drop us a note and we’d love to feature your recent accomplishments! Email us at odk@umd.edu.
















1: Terry Flannery 83, ‘87, ‘95 & Brian Blair 2: Bill Meury ‘90 & Family 3: Mary & Stuart Bowers ‘81 4: Cathy Barham Campbell ‘84, ‘91, Dan & Danny 5: Ryan Spiegel ‘00 & Family 6: George Stathis ‘92 & Family 7: Ken Hall ‘87, ‘94 & Family 8: Randy & Marsha Guenzler-Stevens ‘93 9: Sabina Mazzanti Baker ‘78 & Family 10: Ron ‘85 and Caryn ‘85, ‘89 Williams & Family 11: John Fraser ‘79 & Family 12: Jason ‘01 & Joana ‘01 Ward & Family 13: Mike ‘91, ‘96 & Rhonda ‘92 & ‘96 Smith & Family 14: Doug ‘95 & Hillary ‘97 Mintz & Family 15: Sherita Hill Golden ‘90 & Family

Joe Yost ‘78, ‘81 recently retired after 26 years with the Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA). The HCPA member companies presented Joe with their highest award for his contributions to the consumer products industry. Family Science Senior Lecturer Kerry Weil Tripp was recognized with the Cognella Innovation in Teaching Award for Family Science. Department of Aerospace Engineering Minta Martin Professor Norman Wereley was named a Royal Aeronautical Society fellow.

23 | ODK Sigma Circle THE LEADER

2108 Clarence Mitchell Building 7999 Regents Drive University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742

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