ODK - The Leader - Fall 2009

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LEADER The Omicron Delta Kappa

Fall 2009

“To Recognize Leaders Among Leaders”




he fall semester has just begun and the members of ODK are already immersed in various activities, both on- and off-campus. ODK members have long been recognized for their extensive involvement in community service and campus organizations. Many ODK members serve as Resident Assistants in the residence halls, are active members of intramural and club sports teams and are active volunteers in the community. This fall, ODK members will once again take the field and participate in interesting and engaging activities. As we all know, fall is the season for football – GO TERPS! ODK president Nadine Simpson is a proud member of the Mighty Sound of Maryland and is heavily involved in her National Honorary Band Sorority, Tau Beta Sigma. From now through December, Nadine and her sorority are volunteering to collect any instruments, instrumental accessories or monetary donations in conjunction with Hungry for Music in hopes of bringing music to underprivileged children in schools with limited music programs. In addition, for the past few years, the University of Maryland has been “Going for the Green.” This fall, as the Director of Environmental Affairs for the Student Government Association, ODK historian and senior Joanna Calabrese is passionately helping the University of Maryland win the title of “America’s Greenest Campus.” This competition is a nationwide contest among colleges and universities to improve sustainability on campuses. She continued on page 2

By Mardy Shualy


he University of Maryland was happy to see President Barack Obama return to the campus. “I love you!” shouted a student, giving voice to the crowd’s excitement and adulation. “And I love you back,” replied the president. Despite damp weather, students began lining up for the rally on healthcare around three AM, eight hours before the president was scheduled to begin speaking.15,000 people filled the Comcast Center; members of the crowd danced to the music provided by the university’s marching band and did the wave as they waited for the rally to begin. The president seemed invigorated by the crowd’s excitement as he launched into a campaign-style address on the urgent need for healthcare reform. Obama emphasized how directly healthcare issues affect the lives of students and young Americans more generally. “Nearly half of these young people have trouble paying their medical bills,” he said. “Nearly forty percent are in debt because of it. I mean, think about adding the debt you already have for college; on top of that — another $10,000 or $20,000 or $30,000, or $50,000 worth of debt because you get sick.” Not everyone at the rally agreed with the White House’s vision for healthcare reform. A small number of protesters gathered outside of the event. “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peocontinued on page 3










The Omicron Delta Kappa


Message from the President By Sigma Circle President, Nadine Simpson Greetings ODK Alumni! ummer may be over, but we’re back on campus for the start of an exciting, new fall semester. We may not have been back here for very long, but already, members of the Sigma Circle are gearing up for a fantastic semester! We began the semester tabling at the annual First Look Fair, looking for future ODK initiates. The deadline for fall 2009 applications has passed and in a few weeks, we will be tapping the


The Omicron Delta Kappa






Newsletter Editor



Vice President




Corresponding Secretary




Scholarship Chair

Faculty Secretary-Treasurer



Calvert Cotillion Chair

Faculty Advisor

newest members for their initiation on December 6. I’m sure we can anticipate a very strong pool of applicants whose initiation will inspire more involvement from both current members and alumni. ODK is very proud of not only the students, but of our amazing faculty secretary Dr. Jim Osteen. National ODK honored him with the Eldridge W. Roark, Jr. Meritorious Service Award. He was also recognized by the University of Maryland as an Outstanding Student Organization Advisor at the annual University Awards Banquet this past May. Both current ODK members and alumni know how lucky we are to have Dr. Osteen leading us, and it’s wonderful to see others recognizing him. Also last spring, I am proud to announce that Joanna Calabrese, our historian, was named a 2009 Udall Scholar for her dedication to environmental leadership. We’ve planned a lot of great lectures for the semester. We co-sponsored Maya Angelou with SEE in September. In November, we are helping First Year Book bring Dave Eggers, author of What is the What, to campus. I thank you all for your continued interest and involvement in ODK. I’m so glad that you keep us updated on

your lives and I encourage you to keep us informed of your achievements. A great way to do that is to come to the ODK reception at this year’s homecoming game on October 17 against Virginia. While you’re here, you can look for your name on the newlyrenovated ODK fountain on the mall. You’ll also be able to see the leaders of the Sigma Circle in action through the many service events that will be taking place this semester, such as a massive instrument drive in conjunction with Hungry for Music that will be taking donations at all of our home football games. I hope you all come back to see us and when you do, why not bring an old instrument or music book you haven’t touched since middle or high school? You never know – what’s sitting and collecting dust in your house now could end up in the hands of a future ODKer who excels in creative and performing arts because someone enabled him or her to have an instrument. I wish you all the best wherever you are this semester, but I hope that on October 17, you’ll be back here visiting. Until then, GO TERPS! Nadine Simpson Sigma Circle President


ODK Members Involved continued from page 1)

SIGMA CIRCLE OF OMICRON DELTA KAPPA University of Maryland 2108 Mitchell Building College Park, MD 20742 www.odk.umd.edu Printed on recycled paper with soy ink.

hopes her efforts and the support of all University of Maryland students will help create a greener environment for the University. ODK members are also involved in various internships off campus. Senior Christine Kenny is an intern for Wider Circle, an organization that works to eliminate poverty. She hopes that by promoting educational programming and serving one family at a time,


Christine and her organization will be able to help the community as a whole. Of course, these few examples of on- and off-campus initiatives are just a small sampling of what ODK members are up to this semester. ODK members are constantly working towards improving the University of Maryland and making a difference in our community.

The Omicron Delta Kappa


Message from the Faculty Secretary By Sigma Circle Faculty Secretary, Jim Osteen Greetings from College Park! his has certainly been an interesting fall at the University of Maryland. There are two things happening this fall that make it a unique time for us. First, we have had several hundred students who have had the H1N1 virus (also called swine flu). There was a spike in the cases the second week of school. The number of cases seems to be dropping, but we don't know what the rest of the semester will bring. At first, students (and their parents) were quite concerned because no one knew how serious the cases would be. But over time, students are taking the flu in stride and do not seem to be letting it get in


the way of their schoolwork and other activities, aside from taking a few days of rest and drinking plenty of fluids. The other challenge this fall is the impact of the economy on the university's budget. We have had numerous cuts this past year and more have just been announced by the governor. To deal with the cuts, faculty and staff are taking up to ten furlough days, depending upon salary levels, over the next eight months. We will surely be facing some program and service cuts in the future to accommodate any additional budget shortfalls. I have been struck, however, by the resilience of students, faculty and staff in the face of these challenges. There is a Terp spirit that seems to provide folks with extra energy or greater commitment or, perhaps, just the solid perseverance needed to weather the storm. It is just another reason that I love my job and working with such great people at Maryland. On another matter, you will see

elsewhere in this issue of the newsletter that I was honored to receive a couple of awards this past spring, one on campus and one from the National ODK Board. I want to thank those individuals who nominated me and to express my appreciation for the recognition. I believe, however, any award that has come to me has also come to the wonderful student leaders and committed alumni of the Sigma Circle with whom I work. There are some terrific individuals who make this organization as great as it is, and that only happens as a team effort. Thanks for all of your continued support. I look forward to seeing many of you at the Homecoming reception on October 17th. Jim Osteen Sigma Circle Faculty Secretary

(President Obama continued from page 1) ple’s money to spend,” read one protester’s picket sign. Another protestor handed out flyers, standing beside a large picture of Obama’s face made to resemble Hitler. Inside, a man shouted “baby killer!” during the president’s speech; he was booed by the crowd and quickly escorted outside by security guards. The protestors were clearly in the minority, though. The speech “really demonstrated that he values us,” said senior environmental science and policy major and ODK member Joanna Calabrese. “It wasn’t detail-oriented, he was trying to rally support,” she

continued. “It was thrilling and empowering.” As Obama noted, the rally was not the first public healthcare debate held on the campus: In March, 2008, after nearly two years of discussions, the University Senate voted in favor of requiring every undergraduate student to have health insurance, either through a private plan or in the form of a university-run policy. And as Obama thundered through the end of his speech, as the crowd roared along, the president placed the fate of healthcare reform, and of the nation’s future, squarely on


the shoulders of the students in attendance: “A lot of you here today, and a lot of young people across the country gave your time, and your effort to this campaign, because you believed that America can still do great things…we need the voices of young people to transform this nation, to meet up to the meaning of its creed! I need your voice! So I want to know, are you fired up?” “Ready to go!” the crowd responded. And as he stepped down from the podium, the president had just a few final words. “Let’s go change the world.”

The Omicron Delta Kappa


Message from the ODK Campaign Chair By Sigma Circle Campaign Chair Dru Bagwell Greetings Sigma Circle! e have been writing for quite some time about your generous support that makes the programs, lectures, awards and scholarships possible. Now more than ever, we need your continued commitment to ensure ODK is able to continue the tradition of excellence synonymous with the Sigma Circle. Gifts at the Steward of the Fountain level ($5000 or more which can be paid over five years) have the unique benefit of “naming” a bench encircling the ODK Fountain on the Mall.


Over the summer we started our outreach efforts working with the Student Affairs Development team, Jim Rychner and Remy Shaffer Gomes, both proud Sigma Circle members, and this fall plan to reach out to more of our membership to share news about the Steward of the Fountain initiative. As you will note in this newsletter, several members have already committed to become Stewards of the Fountain for which I am forever grateful. We are very fortunate to have such loyal alumni leaders! Please know that every gift matters, especially when coupled with the generosity of others. I hope we can count on your continued support! If you are interested in helping us with our on-going Sigma Circle Campaign

or want more information, please contact me, Jim, or Remy using the contact information listed below. With deep appreciation, Dru Bagwell

ODK Sigma Circle Campaign Contacts Dru Bagwell, Chair DBagwell@umd.edu Jim Rychner JJR@umd.edu 301.314.7918 Remy Shaffer Gomes rsgomes@umd.edu 301.314.0246



his semester, as part of its ongoing lecture series, ODK is co-sponsoring a pair of lectures, bringing two critically acclaimed authors to the campus, both of whom have had significant impact on American culture. On September 29, Maya Angelou gave a lecture, co-sponsored by the Student Entertainment Events. Angelou, who refers to herself as the “people’s poet,” is a best-selling author, performer, professor and activist. Angelou’s life was not an easy one. At the age of eight, she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. In response, several of her uncles beat the man to death. Feeling responsible, Angelou did not speak for the next five years. At the age of sixteen she gave birth to her first son. Her career began with theater engagements, including roles in Porgy and Bess and Cabaret for Freedom, which she co-wrote with

Godfrey Cambridge. Angelou is perhaps best-known for her six autobiographies, most notably I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which details the first sixteen years of her life. The book was received not only as an important literary work, but also as a landmark exploration of race and an important reading of the political situation at the time. Despite the somber issues that are often the subject of her work, Angelou also often offers a hopeful note. As she said in her 1993 poem, performed at Bill Clinton’s inauguration “History, despite its wrenching pain/Cannot be unlived, and if faced/With courage, need not be lived again.” As you might expect, Maya Angelou was very well received when she spoke on campus. On November 5, Dave Eggers will be giving a lecture on his most recent book, What is the What. Eggers garnered critical acclaim with his first


book, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, an autobiographical account of Eggers’ experience raising his much younger brother following the sudden death of their parents. The book was a Pulitzer Prize finalist, named one of the “best books of the year” by both the New York Times and Time Magazine. His most recent book is written as an autobiography of a refugee from the Sudanese civil war, one of the “Lost Boys” who traveled thousands of miles to find safety in Ethiopia. The New York Magazine Book Review describes the books as “wrenching and remarkable…a portrait of a character that forces us to examine our world and ourselves, and how our struggle for identity is more of a collective battle than we’re often willing to admit.” What is the What is the 2009 First Year Book selection for the University of Maryland.

The Omicron Delta Kappa


JIM OSTEEN RECEIVES TWO AWARDS By Rudi Sarna “The Sigma Circle is one of the best in the country.The awards are a tribute to the good work of the current and former students, faculty and staff involved with ODK at Maryland.” – Dr. Jim Osteen, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and ODK Faculty Secretary. testament to the success of the Sigma Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa at the University of Maryland, College Park, we are pleased to announce that our very own Dr. Jim Osteen, Sigma Circle Faculty Secretary, has been recognized for his years of exemplary service as faculty secretary to the Sigma Circle. Osteen was presented with the prestigious Eldridge W. Roark award by the National Omicron Jim Osteen and Shawna Delta Kappa Murray '09 at University Board of Awards Banquet Directors. In addition to this award, Osteen was honored locally at the university’s annual leadership banquet with the Outstanding Student Organization Adviser Award in May 2009. Humbly, Osteen attributes the awards to the members of ODK. Dr. Osteen mentions, “I was both totally surprised and very appreciative of winning both awards. Working with the superior students involved with ODK is reward enough for me, so any honor such as these is just icing on the cake.” The Sigma Circle could not have achieved such prominence on campus without the help of Osteen. The Eldridge W. Roark award is presented nationally to outstanding ODK members who have contributed


substantially to the interests of Omicron Delta Kappa through meritorious service and dedication to the society’s values and merits. The award requires a rigorous nomination and review process, with the final vote and determination of the award decided by the national board of directors. Dr. Osteen previously received the ODK Robert L. Morlan Faculty Secretary Award Faculty Secretary Jim Osteen (center) being presented with the Roark Meritorious Service award in 2007. by (l to r) Megan Harvey, Raakhee Sharma, The Outstanding Student Connie Iloh, Joel Liebman, Bill Fourney and Organization Adviser award is Ken Taylor of National ODK presented annually at the leaderstrong ODK community that includes ship banquet in May. Dr. Marsha alumni as well as current students. Guenzler-Stevens, director of camOsteen also oversees the lecture pus activities and chair of the series and award presentations of University Award Banquet said, “Each ODK. In recent years, under Osteen’s year, we honor an outstanding memguidance, ODK has helped to sponsor ber of faculty or staff who, outside of and host notable individuals including day-to-day work life, advises a student William R. Johnston, a former presiorganization. In honoring Jim Osteen, dent of the New York Stock Exchange, he is a shining example of what we and Tim Gunn, an acclaimed fashion wish for faculty and/or staff advisors, designer. This year, ODK is helping for each of our almost 600 student sponsor speakers including seminal groups.” This award serves to recogauto-biographer Dr. Maya Angelou nize an adviser that has noticeably and Dave Eggers, author of the first helped student organizations excel, year book What is the What. given each organization’s goals. Aside from ODK, Osteen has esFurther, the award goes to an adviser tablished an excellent reputation and that has had a solid impact on the inhas created a lasting impression on his dividual members in their group, drivcolleagues. As Linda Clement, Vice ing them to achieve and demonstrate President for Student Affairs, states, the ideals of the organization. Dr. “Dr. Osteen has always been an inspiGuenzler-Stevens adds, “ODK is ration to me and other colleagues. He blessed to have Jim as their advisor, has strong values, high ideals, and the and the university is honored to have welfare of students is front and center him as our most outstanding advisor in everything he does.” Further, Dr. in 2009.” Osteen serves as a superb mentor to Dr. Osteen, having served as the all members of ODK, as well as stuSigma Circle’s faculty secretary for 8 dents across the campus. years, has played a major role in Superior dedication, extraordiODK’s growth. Under Osteen’s leadnary commitment and exceptional inership and guidance, twelve ODK volvement are just a few of the members were selected to be a part of attributes that more than qualify Dr. the Maryland Medallion Society this Osteen for both of these awards. The past year – the top ten men and Sigma Circle offers our sincerest conwomen of each graduating class. gratulations to Dr. Osteen! Osteen has also helped to build a


The Omicron Delta Kappa


Passing the Torch of Leadership to the Next Generation In 2008-2009 alumni and friends of the Sigma Circle donated significantly to support the lecture program, scholarships, and other activities of Omicron Delta Kappa. For information on making a contribution, see the enclosed envelope. Stewards Of The Fountain

Drury G. Bagwell

Paul and Lisa Mandell

Robert A. and Mary Yellowlees

Marsha Guenzler-Stevens Richard T. Koffenberger Joan Meixner Nicholas C. Nicholas James M. Osteen Philip R. Rever

Dennis and Diane Roberts James J. Rychner Richard and Lyn Stimpson Fred B. Wachter Rebecca Weir

John I. Heise, Jr. Tanya A. Jones

Stephen R. Kallmyer Timmy F. Ruppersberger

Wayne V. McIntosh John E. Prevar

C. Rennie Smith Lois T. Vietri

Founders Circle

R. Russ O'Haver Leaders Circle

Barry P. Gossett Supporters Circle

Brian and Susan Bayly Robert and Katherine Beardsley Robert A. Bishton David K. Carlson Linda Clement Member Circle

Hotsy and Miriam Alperstein Karen De Matteo Other Contributors To Sigma Circle:

Jeffrey K. Grim Ronald F. Mace

ODK Founders Society (committed planned gifts):

Drury G. Bagwell

Bruce and Donna Berlage


The Omicron Delta Kappa



The Omicron Delta Kappa


ODK Alumni Updates Thanks to all of you who keep us informed of your activities. If we haven't heard from you recently, drop us a note. As always, we particularly want to hear from those of you who graduated between 1927 and 1976. You may use the form on the back of the newsletter or send your updates on the web at WWW.ODK.UMD.EDU Please forgive us if the information below is a little dated. It is very difficult to have up-to-date news when we only publish our newsletter twice a year. But here is what we have and we hope you enjoy reading about your friends. Herb Brubaker ’56, is founder and president of Television News Center (www.televisionnewscenter.org) a nonprofit that trains television reporters, anchors, writers, and producers. He spent 21 years at NBC News as a producer and writer at NBC News in Washington. Before that he was a reporter for United Press International Audio, Metromedia Television, and Radio Press International. Among other things, he's covered the White House, Congress, presidential conventions and campaigns, and the war in Vietnam. He retired from the Navy Reserve as a Commander, has four children and 14 grandchildren. George Thomas Tait ’59, is into his second retirement (professor/coach at Penn State for 27 years & at Brevard College for 10 years). He and his wife, Ann, moved back to PA from NC to be closer to their youngest grandson, 5-1/2 year old Jenson. He is still teaching volleyball coaches courses around the country for USA Volleyball and working as a volunteer assistant coach for the Juniata College men's & women's teams. In 2007, USA Volleyball named him as an AllTime Great Volleyball Coach in the Pioneer Division. Stuart Robinson ’71, and his wife, Michelle, upon her retirement from the army after two decades of service in the army, have settled on a farm in Vermont. Their two sons, Thomas and Jonathan are great guys and are attending Johnson State College in Vermont and RPI in New York re-

spectively. Mr. Robinson is currently practicing law in Vermont, Maryland and DC. Luis Luna ’78, has retired after 30 years in federal service, including Assistant Administrator of the EPA, and he has moved home to Salisbury (and his wife, Bonnie) to be the Vice President of Corporate Communications for Perdue, Inc. [Welcome back to the “real world” Luis!] Jill Sheinberg Josephson ‘79, has moved back to the DC area where she is currently working as Vice President of Law for YellowBricks in Alexandria and living in North Bethesda. [Welcome “home” Jill!!] Rick Jaklitsch ’80, President of the Terrapin Club, is enjoying supporting the Terps with some of his closest friends from the new Terrapin Suites in the recently renovated Tyser Tower at Capital One Field at Byrd Stadium. [Rick has also become one of our Founding Members of the “Steward of the Fountain”. THANKS RICK!!]

Rick Jaklitsch '80 assumes Presidency of Terrapin Club


Russ O'Haver '80, was awarded the "Distinguished Alumnus" award from his fraternity, Phi Sigma Kappa, at the annual summer convention in Boston. Russ' wife, Laura, joined him in the celebration.

Laura and Russ O'Haver '80

Stuart Bowers ‘81, left Legg Mason Global Assest Management in July and has joined with three other former Legg Mason colleagues, one of whom is ODKer Mike VanderVat ‘92, to form a consulting practice. Finix Business Strategies works with asset management firms and brokerage firms with their operation and technology matters. He also is serving on the Board of the Zeta Psi

Erik Young '89 and Terry Zacker

The Omicron Delta Kappa


International Educational Foundation and spends most of his weekends at the beach in Fenwick Island, where he is the President of the Condominium Association. Dave Mandelblatt ‘82, is living in Pittsburgh with his wife Jill, and two daughters, where he works in sales for GlaxoSmithKline. He reports that life is busy/good and that his oldest daughter collects turtle figurines. [Sounds to us like a UM Terrapin in the making!]

Dana Neilsen '90 and Dan Rice '91 with family

parents of two [absolutely adorable] children, Daniel and Savanna. Martin Goldberg '84, is still practicing law in South Florida, and living in Weston, Florida with his wife, Evelyn, and his sons Jonathan (11) and Brian (7). He is an avid runner and his latest exploit was running in the Hood to Coast Race – 197 mile relay race from Mt. Hood Oregon to Seaside Oregon. [Great job Marty!!]

Dave Mandelblatt '82 Family

Steve Carlson ‘82, is the CEO of the Provident Group Asset Management, LLC in New York City. Linda Spenst-Blade ‘83, is a physical anthropologist and a sport performance coach, living in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Over the past year, she has assisted over 94 athletes in 11 different sports in achieving their goals in developmentally appropriate ways. Linda and husband, Stan, are

Linda Spenst-Blade '83

Marty Goldberg '84 at Mt. Hood

Sheryl Silverstein Wengel ‘84, is a Senior Partner at Satterfield & Associates, a retained executive search firm with emphasis on senior sales and marketing assignments. She still lives in Connecticut with her 2 beautiful daughters. John Tegen ‘86, is enjoying life with his wife, Shelly, daughter Madison (13), and son Carter (7) in San Diego, California. John earned his MBA after leaving Maryland and a few years ago started his own company, O2 Interactive, developing CFM/SFA applications. He also coaches Carter’s


Linda Clement, Erik Young '89, Ryan Spiegel '00, Steve Harris '97

soccer and baseball teams, as well as coaching Madison’s Science Olympiad. The Tegen’s are committed to the environment by placing solar panels on their home and driving a Prius. They also have a dog named Quincy [Seems to us like there’s pattern there including the children!] Mark Williams ‘86, living in the Philadelphia area, is Vice President of Global Outsourcing Service at Computer Sciences Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, where he is responsible for IT applications and infrastructure delivery. Charlie Gonzalez ‘86, is currently living in Avon, Connecticut with his wife Karen and three children, Alicia (11), Charles, Jr. (2), and Alexis (1). He is the Global Business Unit Vice President and General Manager of Valassis, one of the nation’s leading media and marketing services companies, and formerly worked for both Xerox and SmithKline Beecham.

Super Terp Ann Tatsios Mowrey '86

The Omicron Delta Kappa

Laurie Head Atkinson '90 (center) and Jim Head '92 (r), with their parents and families David Stollman '93 throws the bull

David Horwitz ‘89, is Director of Marketing at The Sleeter Group in San Francisco, California. Stuart Ritter ’89, is still working at T. Rowe Price - and greatly enjoying it. He and his wife bought a new house in Ellicott City, MD last year, just in time for baby #3, a little girl, due the first week in November. Samantha, age 5, and Nathaniel, age 3 1/2, already know to cheer for the Terps and can recognize Testudo on site. [We look forward to seeing all of these Terrapins on campus soon!] Amy Aballo Casey ’90, has lived in Manhattan since 1990. She is a performing artist and real estate salesperson. She lives in a penthouse in

midtown with her red mini poodle, Helmut. Brad Federman ’90, is living in Memphis, TN with his wife and two children where he’s continuing to grow Performancepoint, LLC, the consulting firm that he founded, and enjoying working Brad Federman '90 with clients from a variety of industries all over the globe. His first book, titled Employee Engagement: A Roadmap for Creating Profits, Optimizing Performance and Increasing Loyalty, was published in July by Jossey-Bass and has received great reviews on Amazon.com. [Congratulations Brad!!!!] Kevin Wilson ’90, is happily married to Ann-Marie with whom he has six year-old twin sons, Noah and Liam. They live in Westwood, Massachusetts (just outside of Boston). He has a clinical practice in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Boston University and is the senior editor of “UpToDate,” a popular online clinical reference for physicians.

Laurie Peck Berwald '87 & family

Ann Kirwan Horton ’91, started her own consulting company in 2007, called Collaboration Communication.



Karen Postelle Bowman '86 with Steve and Breanne

Ann provides health communication services to government and non-profit clients. Working at home gives her the chance to spend more time with her 2 daughters Daly (7) and Julia (3) who both keep her very busy. Ann and her husband Brendan just celebrated their 10th anniversary with a trip to Bermuda!

Greg Lyons '86, Sanam Toosii, and Dawn Perlas

George Stathis ‘92, is an Account Executive with Johnson Controls’ Federal Solutions team, where he is selling energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions that will allow federal buildings to work more efficiently from

Doug '95 and Hillary '97 Mintz with their 4 children

The Omicron Delta Kappa


an energy and water use perspective, which allows him to combine his mechanical engineering, institutional finance and commercial real estate background. George and his family (wife Jacqie, daughters Abigail, 5, and Lucy, 2) live in Savannah, Georgia. Monica Boner ‘92, has just completed a very, very successful year as President of the Rotary Club of Washington, DC. [Congratulations Monica, on your great work!] Marc Greenberg ‘93, has become one of our Founding Members of the “Stewards of the Fountain.” [THANK YOU MARC]. Marc, his wife Wendy and and boys Brendan (8) and Nate (3), live in Walnut Creek, California, where he is Director of Production Finance at Pixar Animation Studios, a Disney Company, for the last 7 years. He is responsible for overseeing the teams that budget and schedule the films and their related ancillary projects. He is also the incoming Chairman of the Board of a non profit called “We Care Services for Children” (wecarebmcc.org). The family enjoys the beautiful California sunshine, where Marc is an avid cyclist, as well as trips to places like Tahoe and Yosemite. But, he says that he misses Maryland and went to the Maryland-California football game with lots of the folks from the University. [Weren’t you in charge of winning, Marc? What happened?] Andrea Dvoredsky Belz ’93, of Belz Consulting, LLC, in Altadena, California, was recently quoted in the “eCommerce Times” on the prospects of a recovering technology sector. She has thankfully returned from voluntarily evacuating her home “after it began raining ashes at our house in a biblical fashion."

Kirsten Litkowski Coombs '97 and her family

Jeff Thomas ’93, lives in Indiana with his wife Connie and three children aged 6, 8 and 10. Last summer and fall, he was an Obama Organizing Fellow for the Obama for President Campaign and is now the co-chair for Volunteers for Change, a local group that focuses on community service Joshua Elvander ’94, has been at Bluefin Robotics Corporation since 2007, managing a variety of development efforts in the autonomous underwater vehicle field. Last year, he and his wife, Jen, welcomed a daughter, Catalina, into the world. Marc Solomon ‘94, and his family have moved back to Maryland where he is the Senior Director of Product Management at Marc Solomon '94 Fiberlink, a computer software company. David Marks ’95, and his wife, Stephanie, welcomed a daughter, Madeline Elise Mae, on March 7, 2009. She joins big brother Nicholas, who is now five years old. Paul Mandell ’95, is another of our Founding Members of the “Stewards of the Founding”. [WE’RE VERY, VERY APPRECIATIVE PAUL!!]


Paul Mandell ’95 with wife Lisa and children Jack & Allison

Jairo Fuertes ’96, has been promoted to Professor and is now Director of Training of the Doctoral Program in Counseling Psychology at Fordham University.

Jairo Fuertes '96 and family in the Amalfi Coast of Italy

Mark Shaner ‘96, is now living in Brooklyn, working as a management consultant. He is the proud father of a daughter, born almost a year ago. Steve Harris ‘97, has a new job as Director of the Web analytics/data efforts worldwide for the Hilton Corporation. He is living in DC, working in McLean and travels often to his offices in London. Brooke Lea Foster ‘98, is a winner of the Robert D.G. Lewis Award for Investigative Reporting from the Society of Professional Journalists. Her story, “Look What They’re Doing to Our Mountains,” was in the September 2008 issue of The Washingtonian. Debra Salob BenAvram ‘98, is CEO at American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, a not for profit in Washington, DC.

The Omicron Delta Kappa Lauren Mallon ‘98, is Global Marketing Manager at the sporting goods company, FILA, in Washington, DC. Faiz Ahmad ’98, has been a Lauren Mallon '98 mergers and acquisitions attorney at the law firm of Skadden, Arps for the past seven years. In June, he moved to New York to serve as legal counsel to the Acumen Fund and will be working in Kenya soon. Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that combats poverty by making investments in developing countries. The goal is to provide capital and business expertise to local entrepreneurs that can build and sustain businesses that serve the poor. The fund is doing amazing work. Dana Schaefer (formerly Sears) ’98, was married last September and is currently teaching ancient history to High School freshmen, as well as English to freshmen and sophomores, all at a private school called Worcester Preparatory School in Berlin, MD. She also started a small company selling photo prints and postcards (online at www.danaschaefer.com) specific to the Bethany BeachFenwick Island, DE area.

Lance Governale ’99, started his last year of neurosurgery residency at Harvard in July. After that he will be a one year fellowship in pediatric neurosurgery and then will be done with training!

Although he stumbled at the $25,000 question, James walked away with a cool $1000. [We understand that he may be using the money to visit the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame!!!]

Cory Baker ‘99, is Vice President of Business Affairs and Corporate Counsel at Iconix Brand Group, Inc., a marketing and advertising firm, in New York City.

Sammy Popat ‘01, is Assistant Development Officer at the University of Maryland and continues to be active in Sigma Circle as a Voting Alum and on the ODK Lecture Committee.

Jonathan Busch ‘99, is an Associate at the Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer law firm in New York City.

Dr. Jonathan Neumann ’02, has been named one of the “Top Navy Scientists and Engineers of the Year.” Theresa Brown Shute ’02, has moved back to College Park from Gastonia, NC. Adam Chepenik ’03, is a dual Masters Degree candidate at the Harvard Business School and the Harvard Kennedy School. Class of 2010! He recently completed an internship at the White House in Washington.

Jonathan Busch '99 and family

Jeff Wang ‘99, is still in the Washington, DC area, working as a Senior Manager at Accenture and Wireless Consultant. Susan Woda ‘99, is now living in Dallas where she is Senior Director of Operations at the non-profit Center for Living, Learning & Leading. Larry Long, Jr. ‘00, is Marketing Director at Sageworks, Inc. an information technology and services firm in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Adam Lilling ‘00, is a Patent Attorney in Washington, DC.

Mike Kerr '97 and Vice President Linda Clement


James Bond ‘00, was a recent contestant on the Who Wants to be a Millionaire “Famous Names Week”.


Josh Romirowsky ‘03, is an Associate Attorney at Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin in Philadelphia. Josh previously served as a Law Clerk to the Honorable Jan R. Jurden at Superior Court of Delaware. Daniel Friedman ‘03, lives in the Phoenix, Arizona area with his wife of almost two years, Adena. He is the Founder of Fazoula, Management, LLC (an investing/consulting firm) and Chief Organizer at DTF Enterprises, Inc. (a bank research firm.) Previously, he ran four Smoothie King franchises in California and New York City. Daniel also sits on the Boards of the Jewish Learning Exchange and the University of Maryland Hillel.

The Omicron Delta Kappa into the New York bar in June. She will return to the DC area for a few months before moving to New York City in January to embark on her career as a litigator at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton.

Marguerite Weese ’04, graduated from Villanova University School of Law with her JD in May 2008. She is currently living in Philadelphia, working at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP and is a part-time student at Villanova working on her LLM in taxation.

Kathleen D’Ovidio ’85, ’98, Ph.D. ’05, has made the move back to Maryland to work for the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition in College Park. She is looking forward to attending Maryland events after 4 years away from the area. Stacey R. Moore ’05, is now officially an ATTORNEY!!! She was sworn

years. He has returned to campus recently to guest lecture Dr. Howard Smead's terrorism course. Devin Ellis ’07, has volunteered to be yet another of the Founding Members of “Steward of the Fountain.” [THANKS DEVIN! IT MEANS A LOT TO HAVE OUR YOUNGER GRADUATES JOIN THIS WORTHY EFFORT!!] Danielle Hayner ’07, spent June backpacking through Greece and Turkey, August in Japan and South Korea with the NBC Olympic features unit interviewing figure skaters, including Michele Kwan - one of her all-time favorites! She wrapped up her second US Open, reporting for USOpen.org (under the name Danielle Elliot) and in the middle of it all moved to Manhattan!

Adam Chepenik '03 and Drury Bagwell at the White House

Katherine Belendiuk ’05, survived Antarctica and a marathon! In Antarctica she saw multiple types of penguins, seals, and whales. The icebergs were incredible and she was even able to enjoy a scotch with 20,000 year old ice. She ran with an Olympian in Buenos Aires and discovered during the marathon that she was able to outrun a penguin. Her run raised $3,700 for the Injured Marine Semper Fi fund, surpassing her goal of $2,500. Up next might be a trip to Kenya where the marathon would take her through an African game park amidst wild animals.


Stacey Moore at swearing-in ceremony

Emily Guskin ’06, is now a Research Analyst at Pew Research Center. Alpana Mittal ’06, has been working at PricewaterhouseCoopers since graduating from Maryland. She started working as an Information Systems Auditor for Federal Government clients where she learned a tremendous amount about developing and managing effective and secure financial systems. She realized her interest in the field of health care, so for almost a year, has been providing consulting services to the Military Heath System and absolutely loving the work! She is in the process of studying for the GRE and will be applying to graduate school programs to pursue a Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) degree. Ben Green ’07, is a Research Analyst at a small counterterrorism think tank in SC where he's worked for nearly 2


Kristin Hollister (formerly Freese) ’07, worked as a consulting analyst at Accenture in Reston, Virginia after graduation. She was married on May 23, 2009 to her high school sweetheart and boyfriend of eight years, Billye Hollister. They moved to Charlottesville, Virginia in August, where she began a joint JD/MBA program at the University of Virginia. Avi Mayer ’07, worked for a year after graduation at Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life in Washington, D.C., and is now living in Jerusalem. He entered the Israel Defense Forces in May where he serves in the IDF Spokesperson's Unit as a liaison to the foreign press. Diana Newsom ’07, is enjoying UVA medical school rotations in her third year and looking forward to deciding on a career path soon! The pull of Maryland is strong, though. She stopped by the ODK Fountain during Maryland Day this year.

The Omicron Delta Kappa Alana Williams ’07, is currently working for the Department of Defense as a Contract Specialist, and attending law school in the evening at the University of Baltimore. She is in her second year of the program and finds time to remain involved with various organizations on campus. Jennifer Bandzwolek ’08, will be completing a Master's in Higher Education Administration from North Carolina State University in May when she will also receive her Certificate in Nonprofit Management. She is currently interning in the Student Affairs Assessment Office, and has an assistantship with a great Living and Learning Community- Students Advocating for Youth (SAY) Village.

Baltimore Symphony Hall. Maggy Baccinelli ’09, got a job at the Association of Corporate Counsel as a Chapter Coordinator responsible for managing the blog, contributing to the newsletter, planning some events, and training chapter presidents with new technology. Gabriel Band ’09, is working for the Department of Defense. Martin Bock ’09, is out in Indianapolis working for AEPi International for the year. He planned AEPi's big convention in August and then hit the road as a field consultant. Anthony Costanzo ’09, moved down to Texas and started his new job with ExxonMobil as a machinery engineer. Pratik Dave ’09, moved up to the Boston area to start a new job with MIT Lincoln Laboratory, a job that has him very excited!

Raakhee Sharma ’09, Logan Schutz '38 ODK Leader of the Year

Teddy Tien ’08, accepted a new position within his firm to become a recruiter for a special program called the China Sourcing Initiative, specifically to recruit experienced and campus hires to go directly back to work for PwC China, as opposed to PwC US. He’s very excited for this new opportunity and to see where it will take him! Jenna Aidikoff ’09, was honored with the Circle of Excellence Award at The Daily Record's Maryland Top 100 Women Ceremony in May at the


Connie Iloh ’09, began her studies as a graduate candidate for Master of Arts in Business Management at Wake Forest University in the Fall. Melissa Licata ’09, is getting her MS in Speech-Language Pathology at Boston University and living with fellow ODK-ers Morgan Goodspeed ’09 (Harvard Law) and Cory Perlowitz ’09 (Harvard Graduate School of Education) and fellow Terp, Elizabeth Dotter.

Maryland Day 2009

Masters degree in Social Work. She has been guaranteed a job as a Baltimore City Social Worker upon graduation and plans on pursuing a Social Justice oriented law degree. In the meantime, she is working part time on her own business, Aya Nsaa Originals, a natural hair care and hand crafted jewelry. Talia Sacks ’09, is now the Executive Assistant to the Sr. VP of Marketing for the TLC network on the Discovery Channel. Charlotte Sanford-Crane ’09, just started at the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine. She'll be in cold Ithaca for the next four years. Neha Singhal ’09, is teaching high school math in Texas for Teach for America. Meridith Smith '09, is now Logistics/Program Assistant at Albright Institute for Global Affairs, Wellesley College

JaMar Mancano ’09, is starting law school at University of Maryland, Baltimore in the fall. Shawna Murray ’09, is attending graduate school on a full tuition scholarship at the University of Maryland at Baltimore to obtain a


Missy Licata, Megan Harvey, Jennifer Wright, Elliott Morris, and Michael Holzheimer at Maryland Day 2009

The Omicron Delta Kappa Candace Tomkiel ’09, moved to an apartment in Manhattan and is working in New York as a Business Development Associate at an interactive marketing firm called Brightline iTV. Robert Wojcicki ’09, is attending George Mason Law School this fall. Michael Zakin’09, is beginning his career at Ernst & Young in Boston,

Massachusetts. Kimberly Ziegler ’09, took on a position as a Senior Scientist/Engineer in the Impact Physics Branch of the Army Research Lab (ARL) at Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG), a military base in Aberdeen, working as a full time government contractor looking to improve equipment, gear, and other aspects of soldiers' lives.

LEADER She is really enjoy her job and is hoping to seek further education (Masters and possibly PhD) at Johns Hopkins University soon. Lida Zlatic ’09, is currently working at the Council of the Great City Schools as a project specialist on the federal economic stimulus.

FACULTY/STAFF/HONORARY UPDATES Jay Gilchrist was honored at the 26th Annual Faculty and Staff Convocation on Tuesday October 6, 2009 with the President's Distinguished Service Award. Marsha Guenzler-Stevens was the recipient of last year’s “Woman of the Year” award at the University of Maryland, presented by the President’s Commission on Women’s Issues. President Dan Mote made the presentation with a packed house at the Student Union Colony Ballroom in March, 2009. Mike Hayes left the University of Maryland to take a position as the Executive Director of Student Life at Washington University in St. Louis. Charles Heller is running a management consulting firm, Annapolis Capital Group, and completing a book, "Out of Prague: A Memoir of

Survival, Denial, and Triumph."

September. Dale VanderWall and his family welcomed son Seth Edward on June 6, 2009.

Charles Heller and his wife Sue at the border of the Czech Republic

Greig Stewart was honored at the 26th Annual Faculty and Staff Convocation on Tuesday October 6, 2009 with the President's Distinguished Service Award. Matt Supple was named the new Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Maryland in

Dale Vanderwall with new son Seth Edward born June15 2009

IN MEMORIAM Carroll Matthews ’61 passed away on May 12, 2008. He was on dialysis but succumbed to colon, lung and liver cancer after his original diagnosis in 2006. He taught at Montgomery College in the math department for 36 years. He is survived by his wife Judy, C.L. Matthews, Jr. and Jon Matthews of Virginia. His only daughter, Amy, died suddenly January 5, 2008. Charles Smelser ’42, former State Senator, passed away on January 29, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Betty Smelser.




2108 Mitchell Building University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742


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