University of Lethbridge Viewbook 2018/19

Page 1 Campuses in Lethbridge and Calgary



It’s your time to shiNE

8,628 students (September 2016) 150+ program options 79% entering average for new high school students 71% students come from outside Lethbridge 34 students: average lecture class size 15:1 student-faculty ratio Ranked #1 in Student Services, Maclean’s University Rankings, 2017 Top 3: Undergraduate Universities, Maclean’s University Rankings, 2017 Top 3: Canada’s research universities (undergraduate category), RE$EARCH Infosource Inc., 2016 2 campuses: Lethbridge and Calgary 1 common purpose: YOU

What are we building? Find out more about the exciting Destination Project on page 45.

At the University of Lethbridge, everyone has the ability to shine, and we believe it’s our job to help make that happen. We are consistently one of Canada’s top-ranked universities and research institutions. But more than that, we are a community of inspiring lights united by one common purpose — you. Your education. Your future. And your limitless ability to make an important difference in the world. The first time you step foot onto campus, you’ll see that amid the rolling coulees of southern Alberta we offer something unique. Our motto is Fiat Lux, which means let there be light. While Lethbridge is one of Canada’s sunniest cities, the phrase actually refers to the illumination that comes from research and learning. We create, inquire and discover, and we inspire our students to do the same. At uLethbridge, you will learn to think about issues from all angles. You’ll work alongside the world’s brightest minds and most accomplished researchers to bring new light to society’s most perplexing questions. You’ll have extraordinary opportunities to take your learning beyond the classroom and discover the world. Your classes will be small, your professors will know your name and you’ll receive the support you need to succeed. It’s an incredibly exciting time to be at uLethbridge and in southern Alberta. Campus is buzzing with excitement as we prepare for our future and most importantly, yours. Construction of the Destination Project, a new science and academic building, is underway. This will be one of the most advanced facilities in which to study science in Canada and it will open in 2019. As the building takes shape, it’s transforming our campus and the city’s skyline. At nearly 100,000 residents, Lethbridge is one of Canada’s fastest growing and youngest cities. Truly a campus community, Lethbridge is an eclectic urban centre surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. It truly is a time for everyone at uLethbridge to shine, especially you. We can’t wait for you to join us! 1

learn to think

Liberal education. It’s a philosophy that began in ancient Greece with Socrates, who believed individuals should base their opinions on reason, and it’s been the foundation at uLethbridge since our inception in 1967. Yet, it’s anything but old school. Liberal education fuels the imagination. It drives innovation. It’s vital to Canada’s future — and yours. Here’s the thing: the career you will have in 20 years very likely doesn’t exist today. So, how are you going to prepare for it? Liberal education teaches you HOW to think, not WHAT to think. You gain skills such as big-picture thinking, adaptability, problem-solving, effective communication and information literacy, so you will be able to navigate a rapidly changing labour market. It also encourages you to be an active citizen in your community and sets you on the path to be a lifelong learner. At uLethbridge, our unique four-pillar approach to liberal education enables you to explore a variety of subjects, connect and integrate knowledge across disciplines and discover what you’re passionate about. You’ll also develop the skills you’ll need to make a difference in the world in the years ahead. Turn to page 20 to learn more about where a liberal education can take you!


“University has helped me to learn so much about myself and others. It has helped me to become more empathetic, curious and confident. I also feel comfortable asking questions and standing up for what I believe in.� Jamie Lewis | BA student Majors: Anthropology and Religious Studies


“To play a role in the investigative process and help create new knowledge as an undergraduate was an amazing experience, something that likely would not have been available to me at a larger institution.” Jyote Boora | BSc ‘16

Create Inquire DISCOVER 4

At uLethbridge, students play a key role in the discoveries you learn about in the classroom. By participating in the investigative journey, your learning goes beyond the theoretical to the practical. Your curiosity piques, your creativity grows and your confidence to handle future academic challenges skyrockets. You gain critical-thinking and communication skills that will help you in advanced studies or in the workplace. You’ll also have the opportunity to work with some of the world’s most accomplished researchers. As an undergraduate student, Jyote Boora (BSc ’16) got his first taste of the thrill of discovery. “I became fascinated with neuroscience in my first year and decided to major in it,” he says. “That’s also when I realized the knowledge I was learning about in the classroom came from research, and the way we gain that knowledge is incredibly exciting.” With that, a passion for research sparked in Jyote. He went on to complete an honours thesis with professor Dr. Gerlinde Metz and nuclear magnetic resonance facility manager and instructor Tony Montina (BSc ’08, MSc ’10) in a world-renowned, high-tech lab studying the effects of prenatal maternal stress. He was also able to explore his own research interests. “I have been able to form a research collaboration with researchers at NASA in the United States and Roscosmos in Russia to study the effects of stress and radiation on astronauts launched into outer space.” Looking to the future, Jyote is pursuing a Doctor of Medicine to become a physician and plans to stay involved with medical research. “My time at uLethbridge has shown me that everything is connected, and my professors have taught me about science, the world and careers,” he says. “I’m prepared and excited to become a physician-scientist and ultimately give back my knowledge to the community to promote health, wellness and humanitarianism.”


“At uLethbridge, I feel supported and connected. I’ve found my niche; I am where I belong.” Michaela Demers | BSc/BEd student Majors: Math/Math Education


Clear YOUR HEAD, FILL YOUR MIND When Michaela Demers was wrapping up her Grade 12 year in Calgary, she attended a uLethbridge information evening. “A current uLethbridge student was there and he told us hilarious tales of unforgivable winds and strange landforms called coulees,” Michaela recalls. “He was so inviting and positive that I decided right then and there I wanted to be a student with passion and pride for my university like him. I applied to uLethbridge that day!” Fast-forward a few years — Michaela is now that student. Part of the Education Undergraduate Society, Michaela represents uLethbridge in communities throughout Alberta.

From our extraordinary campus and facilities, to student services, academic programs, small class sizes and beyond, students are central to all we do at uLethbridge. We will help you transition to university life through important events like Ahead of the Herd and New Student Orientation. When you begin your first year, you’ll be officially welcomed to the uLethbridge family of scholars at Commencement. You’ll continue to receive the support you need to succeed throughout your time at uLethbridge. Life is complicated enough. Your education shouldn’t be.

“I describe uLethbridge in a single word: welcoming,” she says.


If there was one piece of advice Christian Blott would offer to new uLethbridge students, it would be: “If an opportunity seems nerve-racking and scary, you should probably do it!” A management student majoring in international business and minoring in agribusiness, Christian says it’s in those times of discomfort when he has experienced the most personal growth. “When I started my co-op program, my boss said to me, ‘This experience will be what you make it,’ ” Christian recalls. “I worked hard to make sure I got the most out of those eight months as I could.” Christian’s efforts paid off. As part of his co-op, he travelled to China to present to a board of directors of a massive international manufacturer. Back on campus, Christian is the president of the Management Students’ Society where he is developing his teamwork, communication and project-management skills while being part of a


dynamic team. He has taken part in a number of case competitions, including JDC West, the largest business case competition in Western Canada, twice. “Being with 50 other students who all had the same goal in mind as we represented our university at the competition was a powerful feeling,” he says. “You realize you’re part of something bigger. You build lifelong friends and learn so much about yourself.” Looking back at his time so far at uLethbridge, Christian describes university as a platform for potential. “It can be intimidating to put yourself out there and try something new. Once you get past that initial step, you start to build confidence and your confidence grows exponentially.”

“I am shining when I am taking chances and seeing how far I can go.� Christian Blott | BMgt student Major: International Business Minor: Agribusiness

Where will your learning take you?


Your university experience will be what you make it. So make it amazing! At uLethbridge you can customize your degree through: Applied studies

Independent studies

Receive credit for learning gained through a

If you have a passion to study a particular theme or

volunteer or employment experience of your choice.

topic but don’t find a course offered in that area, you can develop your own research project with

Co-operative education

the professor of your choice. Independent studies

Find out what career path is right for you, gain relevant

are self-directed and your grade will be based on a

experience and earn a competitive wage — all

major research paper or project.

before you graduate. Students in all majors within the Faculties of Arts & Science, Fine Arts, Management


and the public health major in Health Sciences can

Education students receive 27 weeks of off-campus

participate in co-operative education.

practicum experience, teaching in multiple settings,

Local, regional, national or international internships and work experiences are available in areas directly related to your degree. uLethbridge students have completed internships at Alberta Health Services, the Canadian Space Agency, Environment Canada, Imperial Oil, the Smithsonian Museum in Washington and more!

Preceptorships Nursing students are assigned to a clinical experience for a 13-week period and immersed in the clinical environment in a specific community context.


such as elementary and secondary schools. That’s more than twice the amount of time required for teacher certification in Alberta! You will leave your practicum confident and prepared for almost any classroom situation.

Study abroad and exchanges Does heading to Australia, Germany, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the United Kingdom or the United States interest you? uLethbridge has exchange programs, summer study tours and international internships.


Set the stage! Students enrolled in a bachelor of fine arts - drama majoring in technical/design have access to our world-class scene shop where they learn how to bring their imaginations to life.


More ways to enhance your university experience: AGILITY AGILITY is a campus-wide opportunity open to all students. You are encouraged to explore new ideas through hands-on experiences. Put your learning into action through AGILITY-sponsored courses, workshops and events. Collaborative spaces are available whether you’re working on a class assignment or your own project. You’ll have access to resources like wall-to-wall whiteboards, a 3D printer, reference books and other prototyping tools. AGILITY collaborates with uLethbridge faculty to bring far-out projects to life, like sending a balloon to the edge of space. Participate in unique learning experiences, from robotics to the future of food, inside and outside the classroom, that allow you to transform your imagination into reality.

Discover Be part of uLethbridge’s International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) team. iGEM is the premier undergraduate synthetic biology competition in the world. Each year, uLethbridge students put their learning into action, competing against teams from around the globe, and regularly rank among the top iGEM teams.

Get involved The uLethbridge Students’ Union (ULSU) has a seat at the decision-making table on campus as well as with the provincial government to advocate for current and future students. Also check out the many other student clubs and co-curricular activities to join.

Think globally We live in a global society with complex problems and the world needs people who think critically and responsibly. Our Global Citizenship student cohort offers a unique opportunity for students in the Faculty of Arts & Science to connect some first-year courses around a common theme while interacting with a group of like-minded students. If working with others to improve the world as global citizens appeals to you, join this small group of curious and motivated students and enjoy an enhanced first-year university experience.

Work with diverse populations Students in health sciences have a number of opportunities to engage with communities locally and around the world.

This year, nursing students went to Uganda; addictions counselling students completed internships in Europe, Africa, Australia and the United States (at wellknown clinics like the Betty Ford Center); and public health students worked with major organizations like Alberta Health Services and Diabetes Canada. Our Global Health & Arts for Change Field Study in Malawi, Africa, is offered through the Faculties of Fine Arts and Health Sciences. Students conduct culturally relevant health-promotion activities that help fight malaria, tuberculosis and, HIV and AIDS.

Share your talents Whether you’re performing on stage, showing your work at a gallery or producing a new album, students are part of the cultural fabric of southern Alberta and beyond.

Starring you Any student can audition for a theatre production, sing in our choir or play with the University Wind Orchestra, Global Drums/ Percussion Ensemble, Opera Workshop, Jazz Ensemble and more. 13

Spotlight on Management Having savvy business skills is key to finding success within many organizations. In the Faculty of Management, you’ll learn from industry leaders, put theory into practice, and take your learning into businesses, the community and around the world. Here’s how: Case Competitions Case competitions are an excellent way for you to develop the analytical, negotiation, decision making and presentation skills necessary in the professional world. You will analyze actual business cases and make recommendations to faculty and industry professionals.

Co-operative Education You’ll become career-ready through paid work experience in local, national and international job placements relevant to your degree. The co-op team will help you acquire tools for success through cover letter, resume and interview preparation, access to one-to-one career development assistance and help you build your own professional network.

International Opportunities Enjoy semester-long exchanges in one of 24 countries, numerous short-term summer exchanges, and/or our work study programs in Hungary and Malaysia. These experiences will make you more independent, flexible, open-minded and culturally aware. You will be better able to deal with change and overcome challenges, with the added benefit of establishing overseas networks of friends and potential future job opportunities.


Student Managed Investment Fund Imagine having access to over $100,000 of real money to invest in financial markets, using the same tools and technology available to today’s investment professionals. Through participation in the Student Managed Investment Fund you can gain valuable experience managing a reallife investment portfolio. In addition to faculty supervision, you’ll receive guidance on trading activities from an advisory board comprised of investment professionals, faculty members and legal experts.

Student Professional Development Program The Management Student Professional Development Program provides you with further insight, knowledge, skills and experiences that will assist you throughout your academic and professional career. Take part in skills workshops, industry networking events, case competitions and student clubs that provide incredible personal and professional growth and a competitive advantage upon graduation.

Integrated Management Experience (IME) The only undergraduate-level program of its kind in Canada! IME allows you to apply your theoretical knowledge as you study. For instance, you might have a lecture on Monday then find yourself applying that knowledge on Thursday. While in a group, you will have an opportunity to pitch your ideas for a community project. After all of the presentations have been made, everyone votes for which plan will be implemented. Those on the winning team become project managers, responsible for assigning tasks to the rest of the class. Proceeds of the community project are donated to a designated non-profit organization.


Where you learn shapes how you learn.

With comfortable gathering spaces like those in Markin Hall, it’s easy for students to settle in and prepare for an upcoming presentation, socialize or a combination of the two.


Whatever your program, our world-class facilities will inspire you. The Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building puts researchers and their students in the centre of southern Alberta’s living, learning laboratory where they study critical water and environmental issues, like climate change. The Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, the only research facility of its kind in Canada, is home to some of the world’s leading neuroscientists. Students learn in a highly collaborative environment equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. The Centre for Financial Market Research and Teaching is a 48-station facility on campus and the best-equipped academic trading room in Western Canada. With direct connections to global financial markets, it gives students hands-on experience in derivatives and equities trading and commodity-risk management. In the University Centre for the Arts you can enjoy interesting shows, art exhibitions, theatre productions and musical performances all year long. The Simulation Health Centre provides nursing students with exceptional hands-on learning experiences. The lifelike mannequins simulate birth, have heart attacks and even respond to medication, enabling students to practise their skills and critical decision-making in a safe and interactive way. Studio One (a world-class recording studio), new Digital Cinema Suites (professional editing and finishing rooms), individual studios for senior art students and the newly renovated Recital Hall are just a few of the extraordinary fine arts learning spaces. The University Art Gallery houses one of the most significant art collections in Canada, made up of more than 14,000 works. Through exhibitions at the uLethbridge Art Gallery’s main, satellite and online galleries, the collection is an important teaching and research tool. The University Library houses approximately one million holdings. In addition to providing you with resources to help with your projects, assignments and research, the library boasts some of the best study spaces on campus, a nearby Starbucks and a spectacular view! With a climbing wall, fitness centre, triple gymnasium and an indoor 200-metre track, the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness is your place to stay fit and have fun! 17

Peter Millman | BA ’17 Graduate student Originally from Nova Scotia, Peter Millman came to Lethbridge while he was still completing high school to train with legendary uLethbridge track and field coach, Larry Steinke. “I’d been coming to Lethbridge to train since Grade 10 and I spent half my Grade 12 year here, so there was never any doubt: I was coming to uLethbridge,” says Peter. Adjusting to university life and varsity athletics wasn’t easy. Balancing long hours training, studying and a work schedule took its toll. “I struggled my first year,” Peter recalls. “But Larry stuck with me. He helped me find my groove; he’s a big part of my life.” 18

Peter’s persistence and dedication paid off. In his second year, he quickly emerged as the best thrower in the country. At the top of his game, Peter also began to succeed academically thanks largely to the support and encouragement of history professor Dr. Heidi MacDonald. “I was so focused on the sports, I just needed to find the same drive in the classroom that I had on the field,” he says. “Heidi helped me find an area that I love and she pushed me to see I had more potential to do something academically.” In 2017, Peter crossed the stage at Convocation with his family in town to cheer him on. With many athletic titles and a degree in hand, he’s staying at uLethbridge to continue with his sport and his study of Canadian history as a graduate student. “Lethbridge really has become a second home,” he says.

The road to a university degree is never easy, but it can be especially challenging if you have a learning disability. Glowing with inspiration, Teigen Robin is proof of someone who has overcome obstacles and has truly reached her full potential. “I call my ADHD my superpower,” she says. “It gives me the ability to think outside the box.”

“I call my ADHD my superpower. It gives me the ability to think outside the box.”

Through diagnosis, support and sheer determination, Teigen learned how to harness that superpower and use it to her advantage. In 2016, she completed her first undergraduate degree at uLethbridge. “Crossing the stage after all of those years of hard work and struggle was an amazing feeling,” she says.

Teigen Robin | BA ’16 BHSc (Second degree) student Major: Addictions Counselling

Now working on her second degree, a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Addictions Counselling, Teigen says her professors have had a significant impact on her journey. Teigen’s long-term goal is to go on to complete a Master of Counselling at uLethbridge and become a counsellor.

Marshall Vielle | BFA ­– Dramatic Arts student Major: Performance When Marshall Vielle is on stage, it is clear: he has found his place in the world. Whether he is directing or performing, Marshall’s magnetic presence and passion for theatre shines.

“For me, theatre is about a group of people coming together to achieve a desired goal. It is about laying foundations of understanding. It is also a part of a greater knowledge-sharing paradigm. My appreciation for knowledge sharing stems from my own Blackfoot culture, in which concepts such as storytelling are considered valuable gifts. In this way, I consider each of the teachings I have received from my professors here at the University to be gifts that I will take with me as I embark on my own creative journey.”


Why a liberal education? It’s what employers want. According to a study of Canada’s largest employers, when evaluating entry-level hires employers value soft skills over technical knowledge. The soft skills most often listed as desirable by employers include relationship-building, communication and problemsolving skills, analytical and leadership abilities — attributes developed and honed through studies in the social sciences and humanities. Business Council of Canada and Aon Hewitt, Developing Canada’s future workforce: A survey of large private-sector employers, 2016 (Universities Canada)

There is an abundance of opportunities. Liberal arts graduates pursue many different career paths. For example, almost 40,000 employed Canadians have a bachelor’s degree in history. Of that group, 18 per cent work in management occupations and 23 per cent work in business, finance and administrative positions. Statistics Canada, National Household Survey, 2011 (Universities Canada)

It’s what 55% of the world’s professional leaders have. The social sciences and humanities together make up more than half of bachelor’s degrees among current professional leaders with higher education qualifications, across 30 countries and all sectors. Younger leaders (under 45 years) are more likely to hold a degree in social sciences or the humanities. British Council, Educational Pathways of Leaders: An international comparison, 2015 (Universities Canada)


Alumni answer: What can you do with a

Liberal Education? From boardrooms to classrooms, small towns to big cities and beyond, uLethbridge alumni are changing the world. Here are a few:

“University isn’t a place where you come to get all the answers. It’s where you come to learn how to ask the big questions and to understand why they matter.”

Janelle Pritchard (BN ’12) 2017 Young Alumna of the Year

Janelle Pritchard is an example of the profound difference one person can make in the world. An operating-room nurse in Calgary, Janelle’s passion for caring extends far beyond the hospital’s walls to the mountains of Nepal. She is the founder and driving force behind Uphill Both Ways Education and Relief Foundation, a non-profit organization she and a fellow classmate established as uLethbridge students. Since 2005, Uphill Both Ways has provided school supplies and uniforms for more than 500 children and contributed to the construction in rural Nepal of schools, medical clinics and the infrastructure to support them.

Sam Woodman (BSc ’15) With a passion for science and a drive for research, Sam Woodman will be taking all he’s learned at uLethbridge to the hallowed halls of one the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities. Sam will begin a three-year PhD program at the University of Cambridge, with a full scholarship covering the $70,000 per year of his program. “uLethbridge is fantastic for getting students involved in academia and research,” Sam says. “My undergraduate experience gave me a head start on research, and I wholeheartedly believe that it’s my research experience that has allowed me to get accepted to Cambridge.”

Jamie Medicine Crane (BEd ’05) An activist, advocate, educator and artist, Jamie Ahksistowaki (Brave Woman) Medicine Crane has made a tremendous impact in the way education is delivered and is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives and history. She is a curriculum consultant for the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Division for Alberta Education and helps bridge the divide between traditional and modern educational theories. She is the first Indigenous woman to be elected to the World YWCA Board. “uLethbridge influenced so many people who I looked up to in my life,” she says. “Coming here was a life-changing experience that allowed me to express my identity and find a better sense of who I am.” 21

Oki! Welcome to Sacred Buffalo Stone The University of Lethbridge is proud to be located in Treaty 7, in the heart of traditional Blackfoot Territory. Our Blackfoot name is Iniskim, meaning Sacred Buffalo Stone, and was gifted to the University by Elder Bruce Wolf Child in 2002. Since we opened our doors in 1967, First Nations culture has been woven into the fabric of the University, enriching programming, teaching and research, and creating a university where students find community, support and success. We take pride in offering FNMI-focused programs to all uLethbridge students including: Bachelor of Arts (Native American Studies) Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Native Education) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Native American Art) Majors: Art Studio or Art History/Museum Studies Bachelor of Health Sciences (Aboriginal Health) Bachelor of Management (First Nations’ Governance) First Nations’ Transition Program


The Native American Students’ Association (NASA) is one of the longest-serving student clubs at uLethbridge. It is made up of primarily Aboriginal students, with a small group of non-indigenous members as well. Students interact with members from across Canada, including chiefs, business people, elders and more. We also have a NASA lounge where Aboriginal students can gather and socialize, meet other students or use the quiet study space. We offer a variety of services for FNMI students including: Ceremony/ Smudge Room, Elders, Enrolment Advising, FNMI Mentors, FNMI Student Services and the Iikaisskini Gathering Place. Traditional Blackfoot territory spans the southern half of Alberta and Saskatchewan and northern Montana. Its western limits are the Rocky Mountains and to the east, the Great Sand Hills of Saskatchewan. The Blackfoot Confederacy is made up of three First Nations: the Kainai, Piikani and Siksika.


New Programs and INnovative offerings New! Major in Agricultural Enterprise Management Through the Cor Van Raay Southern Alberta Agribusiness Program, a joint offering by Lethbridge College and uLethbridge will be focused on agriculture-related educational opportunities in the areas of ag-economics, business development, entrepreneurship, finance, human resource management, commodity and futures trading, and general management and leadership with a spotlight on agricultural innovation. The major will be offered Fall 2018 pending government approval. uLethbridge currently offers a minor in agricultural enterprise management.

New! Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation Through a combination of classroom learning and practical experiences, students will be prepared to successfully meet the requirements to complete the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) exam and become a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS). Therapeutic recreation uses functional intervention, education and recreation to help those with cognitive, physical, emotional and social limitations gain independence and reduce barriers to wellness and activity. This career field is emerging as one of the most promising growth professions in health care. The program is available as a post-diploma or after-degree option. /therapeutic-recreation


Niitsitapi Teacher Education Program Developed in partnership with Red Crow Community College, this program will officially launch at uLethbridge in September 2018. This is a five-year combined degrees program for undergraduate students. Those taking it as an after-degree program may complete it in four semesters. The first courses students complete are Kipatapisanooni I and II designed to address Blackfoot language, values and ways of knowing, which form the foundation of the program.

Pre-Professional Transfer Program in Engineering With a carefully designed package of courses to give you a great start to your engineering program, you’ll complete the first year of your engineering degree at uLethbridge. Upon successful completion of your courses, you’ll transfer seamlessly to an engineering program at the University of Alberta or the University of Saskatchewan. While our PreProfessional Transfer Program in Engineering will transfer to either the U of A or U of S, courses you take at uLethbridge may transfer to engineering programs at other post-secondary institutions as well.

Additional Admission Routes The First Nations’ Transition Program (FNTP) The First Nations’ Transition Program (FNTP) is a first-year credit program that provides First Nations, MÊtis and Inuit (FNMI) students who do not meet the general requirements of the University of Lethbridge an opportunity to enter into, and succeed at, university. Our program provides a solid foundation of core skills in a supportive cohort environment that attends to Aboriginal ways of knowing and learning. It is also open to FNMI students returning to university after an absence and, as space allows, to those who qualify for general admission but want the supports provided by the cohort. Successful completion of the FNTP allows you to enter into most uLethbridge programs. This is a full-time university program that may qualify for loans and other sources of funding. This eight-month (two-semester), first-year experience program runs from September to April. It provides a strong foundation of courses that can be credited to the majority of programs at uLethbridge. The deadline to apply to the FNTP is August 31. /first-nations-transition-program

International students uLethbridge is home to more than 550 international students from 97 countries. For the most part, admission requirements are Grade 12 or equivalent courses including English, at least three other academic courses (history, languages, mathematics, physical sciences) and a fifth course. However, please visit our website to determine requirements specific to your country. /intl/intreq Non-native English speakers need to pass an English-language proficiency test or take English for Academic Purposes (EAP) before they can enroll in classes. Learn more at The application deadline for international students is May 15 and a study visa is required. We are here to help you adapt to campus life socially, academically and culturally. /international-requirements

Non-matriculated Adult Admission Adult admission may be available to applicants who are 21 years of age or older and who do not meet our general admission standards. Life achievement may be considered if it has provided you with skills relevant to university success.

Dual Admission Dual admission agreements with the College of the Rockies and Medicine Hat College mean students can easily transfer from college to uLethbridge. Students are admitted to uLethbridge while still attending college, and benefit from continuing student registration privileges, certainty regarding program requirements, transferability of courses and access to uLethbridge student services. 25

Photo credit: Samson Duborg-Rankin |

We have a full-service campus located in the heart of downtown Calgary, just steps from the City Hall C-Train Keep your weekdays free station. Our space and to work or take care of business — whatever delivery methods are that may be. designed for maximum flexibility with your personal schedule.

Evening and weekend classes


Post-diploma Bachelor of Health Sciences Public Health major Health Leadership minor

This new two-year program builds on your existing health or human-services diploma to give you the skills you need to pursue a career in front-line management. Admission Routes Applicants to the post-diploma Bachelor of Health Sciences must hold an approved diploma in health or human services from an approved college.

Bachelor of Management Majors: Accounting Finance General Management Human Resource Management and Labour Relations Marketing International Management 1 Minors: International Management New Media Social Responsibility Supply Chain Management

Other Management offerings A fast and effective way to increase your employability is with a Management Certificate 2 . Complete ten courses in one of five areas of study. Already have a degree? You can earn a managment certificate in as few as five courses.

CPA Bridging/Professional Diploma in Accounting

CPA Bridging will help you transition into a career as a Chartered Professional Accountant with the degree you already have, no matter the discipline. (Also available on the Lethbridge Campus).

Post-Diploma If you have a business-related college diploma, you can earn a BMgt in as little as two years. If you have an academic diploma in a non-business field, you may be able to complete a BMgt in as few as 25 courses. Transfer If you’ve completed at least eight transferable courses, talk to us about transferring your credits toward a BMgt program. Second Degree Already have a degree? You may be able to complete a BMgt in as few as 15 courses. Open Studies Current uLethbridge students and the general public can take courses on our Calgary Campus in a selection of subjects including fine arts, humanities, management, sciences and social sciences.

Student Supports

Students at our Calgary Campus have access to services including: academic advisors who can help you plan your program and provide advice on changing your major; a recruitment officer who can help you explore your interests and choose a major; study skills presentations; as well as accommodated learning supports such as exam accommodations and assistive technologies.

Arts Commons

Students enrolled in fine arts courses take classes at Arts Commons in downtown Calgary — a respected and innovative leader in Calgary’s arts and culture community.

University of Lethbridge Calgary Campus Suite S6032, 345 - 6th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 4V1 403-571-3360 Students who wish to complete International Management on the Calgary Campus will require alternate arrangements to complete the requirements for this major. 2 In all majors except Accounting.


Admission Routes

While some students attend our Calgary Campus directly from high school, our delivery methods and student supports are more suited to the adult learner.


Hold on to your HAts!

We’re here for you, all the way through 28

We’re #1 in student services! Maclean’s University Rankings, 2017 From faculty to staff, administration, alumni, Board and Senate members: We are all here to provide the support you need to succeed. Academic Advising

International Centre

Assists with course selection, program planning and program changes as well as registration for courses not offered via online registration. Each Faculty has its own academic advisors. Future and first-year students can arrange enrolment advising appointments through Enrolment Services.

All uLethbridge students can participate in international experiences and opportunities including study abroad and exchanges, summer study tours and international internships. International students receive support in all aspects of campus life as uLethbridge students and visitors to our country.

Accommodated Learning Centre

Registrar’s Office

Provides in-class and out-of class accommodations, assistive technologies and specialized supports as well as Schedule 4 funding support.

This is the centre of your academic journey on campus. The Registrar’s Office serves students in a number ways including: admissions, course registration, timetabling, student records, academic calendar, program planning guides, transcripts and more!

Counselling and Career Services Offers no-cost counselling in two areas: career development and personal growth. Our career development team empowers students and graduates in their career decision-making by providing one-on-one career advising, events and resources. Individual counselling is confidential and can help students with a variety of personal issues from adjusting to university life, anxiety, relationship issues and more.

First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) Mentors Program Funded through a generous donation from Scotiabank. We offer two types of mentoring: youth and alumni. One pairs a current uLethbridge FNMI student with an FNMI youth from the local community where participants spend time in social activities. The other pairs a current uLethbridge FNMI student with an FNMI alum who offers guidance and support.

First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Services Free and confidential service for those who self-identify as First Nations, Métis or Inuit. Students receive guidance, encouragement and support in the transition to university life and beyond.

Health Centre

Scholarships and Student Finance Whether it’s through awards, bursaries, funding consultations, advice on budgeting, scholarships or student loans, our office is open to support the financial side of your education.

Student Mentors Student mentors are uLethbridge students who provide guidance and support to new students as they transition to university life. Every new student is assigned a mentor who communicates via Mentor Mail and personal emails.

Student Success Centre Whether you need a little help with a particular course or just want some tips and tricks to make studying more efficient, we provide tutors and learning strategists who help you make the grade. SSC also plans events that help students release stress in a fun way.

Writing Centre Provides practical writing support that supplements in-class instruction and helps you understand a wide variety of writing assignments. This is a free service. For a comprehensive list of our student support services, visit

Convenient access to quality health care on campus. Whether you are from the Lethbridge area or are moving to attend uLethbridge, you won’t need to worry about finding a doctor while on campus. 29

#uleth Things to know: School Motto: Fiat Lux, Latin, meaning Let There Be Light School Colours: blue and gold uLethbridge’s Blackfoot name: Iniskim, meaning Sacred Buffalo Stone Mascot: Luxie the Pronghorn, the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere School Tradition: stroke the pronghorn statue outside the University Library for good luck before exams Established: 1967


SHINE: It’s a glowing passion for work and for play. It’s the spark of creativity and discovery, and the burning desire to do. It’s constantly raising the bar.

It’s what we do, each and every day.


Student Life With student club events, fine arts productions, cultural celebrations, athletic activities and just hanging out with friends, campus is bustling all year long. Stay fit, have fun!

Student clubs

We have many opportunities for students to take part in recreational activities like curling, fencing, karate, fitness classes and wellness programs. There are also several intramural programs to choose from, including favourites like dodge ball, floor hockey and Ultimate Frisbee.

Whether dance, management, model UN, Greek life (fraternities and sororities) or other interests, student clubs are the best way to get involved and have fun outside of class hours. There are nearly 100 student clubs on campus that provide social and athletic activities, travel, religious fellowship, and charitable and cultural support. If the club you want doesn’t exist, it’s easy to start one!

Prairie Baseball Academy (PBA) With a partnership that’s more than 25-years strong, we are proud to be associated with one of the best baseball academies in Canada. The PBA attracts players from across Canada. Learn more about the PBA at

ULSU The uLethbridge Students’ Union is your voice at the University and at all levels of government. It also provides student health and dental plans in addition to organizing some of the best events of the year — cabarets and karaoke at the Zoo (our campus pub), Fresh Fest and various awareness weeks to name a few! Any student can run for an executive or representative position. Learn more at


For more information and to see the current list of clubs and Greek life:

UVolunteer UVolunteer is a partnership between the University of Lethbridge and Volunteer Lethbridge. There are many ways to be involved; apply as a volunteer, choose your placements and record your volunteer hours. You can also take an applied study and gain course credit while volunteering with an organization. Imagine the possibilities!


Strong, swift and enduring — the spirit of the pronghorn is legendary. It’s a spirit that lives within us all. Whether competing on the court, in the boardroom, on the ice or in the laboratory, uLethbridge students proudly wear our blue and gold.

Pronghorn Varsity Teams Basketball (men’s and women’s teams) Hockey (men’s and women’s teams) Rugby (women’s team) Soccer (men’s and women’s teams) Swimming (combined team) Track and field (combined team)

Competitive Clubs Golf (men’s and women’s teams) Ringette (women’s team) Curling (men’s and women’s teams) Field Lacrosse (men’s team)


Coaches recruit the majority of Pronghorn student athletes prior to the start of the season. However, each varsity team will hold an open try-out in the weeks leading up to their season. Visit to see the schedule and to get in contact with a Pronghorn coach.

The Herd Show your Pronghorn pride. Join the Herd, a studentled spirit squad that passionately supports our teams throughout the year. Meet new people, gain free admission to every Pronghorns game and cheer on our teams. Go Horns!


When you talk about Lethbridge, three words quickly surface: Sunshine: We are one of Canada’s sunniest cities (320 days of sunshine each year). Bring sunblock and shades. Coulees: Think of a flowing landscape running along the river valley. Once you see the coulees, you’ll never forget them. Wind: Yes, but those chinook winds warm our winters and bring a welcome cooling breeze in the summer months. We live where the Rocky Mountains meet the Alberta Prairies, an area surrounded by big skies, vast plains, rolling river valleys and a view of snow-topped mountain peaks. Home to 99,000 people, Lethbridge is a place where ideas grow. With both a university and a college, we are an educational hub. Culturally vibrant with a flourishing arts scene and active social calendar, we boast a stunning backdrop (the High Level Bridge and the Oldman River); four distinct seasons; spectacular sunrises and glowing sunsets that illuminate Alberta’s big sky. There is plenty to do both on campus and off. Listen to a band; go for coffee; watch a movie (one of our theatres is owned by a uLethbridge alumnus and movies cost $5!); check out festival square; take in a game or a concert; go to a play in Galt Gardens; sing at an open mic night or go to a comedy show. Lethbridge offers something for everyone.


Our City Bustling urban centre with breathing room.



Home Sweet Home Welcome to your home away from home. We believe residence is about more than accommodation: it’s about building community, sharing experiences, having fun and making the grade — essential in helping to ensure a smooth transition to university. Living in residence is a great option, especially during your first year*. Studies show that students who live on campus are more likely to have a successful academic experience. Why? In a word: access. As a resident, your home is steps away from classes, professors’ offices, student services; social, exercise and recreational spaces as well as study rooms and academic programming. You have a built-in community that enhances academic performance and social success. You’ll make lifelong friends, find study partners and fine-tune your interpersonal skills. Residents belong to the largest student club on campus, the Organization of Residence Students (ORS), which provides support and plans fun activities for them. Each section in residence has at least one residence assistant (RA) — first-year residences have two — who build community by coordinating fun social events (think Residence Wars), educational opportunities and everyday interactions like section dinners and hanging out in the common room. They also uphold the community standards, can assist with roommate disagreements, and will connect you with the many services the University has to offer.


Our RAs are trained in emergency response and standard first aid, not because you’ll need it, just because we like to be prepared.

Campus Safety We take security very seriously. We have Closed-Circuit Television in public areas; residence is regularly patrolled by Security Services; we offer services like Safe Walk (where a safety team member accompanies you to and from anywhere on campus) and Working Alone Web System (allows you to log in and make Security Services aware of your location when working alone on campus); and a key-tag service in case you lose your keys.

What’s in a name? To honour the relationships with local First Nations communities, the early student housing developments at uLethbridge are named after some of the Nations who are signatories of Treaty 7, signed September 22, 1877. The communities are Kainai, Piikani Siksika and Tsuu T’ina. *To be eligible for residence, students must live outside Lethbridge and area.

For more information and to see floor plans of our residence spaces:

Money Matters Apply for On-Campus Housing Apply early since residence is not guaranteed and is in high demand. Applications open September 15, 2017. You can apply for residence after you have applied to uLethbridge and received your student identification number. To apply, visit You are considered a New University student if you: • enter straight from high school, or • take less than one year off following high school Apply online to stay in the traditional-style dorms in University Hall (UHall), or one-, two-, four, or six-bedroom apartments in Aperture Park. These are fully furnished, so expect to find a bed (with captain’s storage space), a desk and a place to hang your clothes. Satellite television, wireless internet and all utilities are included. You are considered a Transfer or Mature student if you: • enter after studying at another post-secondary institution, or • take two or more years off following high school You can apply online to live in the four-bedroom apartments in Mount Blakiston House or the two- or four-bedroom townhomes in Siksika House, Tsuu T’ina House and Sarcee Residence Village. These are fully furnished, so expect to find a bed (with captain’s storage space), a desk and a place to hang your clothes. Satellite television service, wireless internet, and all utilities are also included. Approved 2017/18 fees (per semester): • New University student • Traditional: $1,396 – $2,712 • Apartment: $2,716 – $4,420 • Transfer and Mature students • Apartment/townhome (furnished): $2,872 – $4,480

Dining Plans We understand that this is a transition year and may be the first time you are living away from home. With a dining plan, your transition to university is likely to be smoother as you have access to nutritious


meals with minimal effort. Plus, you won’t have to worry about grocery shopping, cooking every meal or doing dishes! New University students living in residence are required to purchase a Commuter or Value Plus dining plan. Approved 2017/18 dining plans: Sampler: $1,700 Commuter: $3,495 (New University student option) Value Plus: $3,960 (New University student option) Big eater? Consider one of the larger options and know you can add money at any point throughout the year. Like to cook? Consider one of the smaller options as there are shared kitchen spaces in the dorms and full kitchens in the apartments where you can prepare some food yourself. Not a first-year student? Even though all of our apartments and townhomes include a full kitchen, if you’re not interested in doing the shopping, cooking and dishes, purchase a dining plan!

Parking Parking passes are in very high demand and sell out quickly; if you require a parking pass, plan to purchase online via the Bridge as soon as they are available. If you are unable to buy a pass, you may choose to carpool with a friend, find a ride share through or purchase a bus pass. Students have the option of purchasing yearly, eight-month or semester permits, with eight-month permits being the most popular. There is short-term parking in various lots on campus at pay-and-park dispensers. Students living in residence who have a vehicle must purchase a parking pass through Housing Services.

Off-Campus Housing One of the benefits of living in a city divided by a river is that the entire west side, where uLethbridge is located, features extensive off-campus housing close to campus. Since the majority of our students live on the west side, it’s practically an extension of residence. When you’re out and about, you’re bound to run into other students (or even your professors) at local grocery stores, restaurants or parks.

The University of Lethbridge provides a list of off-campus housing to assist students in finding accommodations. Visit our website for more information about rental listings available around Lethbridge.

Educational Costs These amounts are based on a typical course load for one year — five classes per semester or 10 courses over the academic year. Canadian Students

International Students

Tuition and Fees

$5,754 (2017/18)

$18,657 (2017/18)

Health and Dental



Books and Supplies $1,250 ($125 per course)

$1,250 ($125 per course)




* Costs are subject to change **Refundable with proof of health insurance; otherwise fee is mandatory.

Loans and Grants Funding for Canadian students is also available in the form of student loans and grants. Both the federal and provincial governments offer financial aid to students who qualify. Your government loan remains interest-free as long as you remain a full-time student. Banks and other private financial institutions also lend money to help students fund their education. Contact our Scholarships & Student Finance staff at for more info, or contact your bank for further information on private student loans.

Apply for Scholarships Ensure you apply for as many scholarships as possible! uLethbridge has hundreds of awards, scholarships and bursaries available with many different criteria. Don’t count yourself out! Visit page 42 for more information.


“The more awards I got, the better my grades became. This meant I could become more involved on campus and spend my summers working in the lab without having to worry about debt.” Allison Farfus (BSc ‘17)


Scholarships Hundreds of scholarships, awards and bursaries are handed out to new and continuing students every year. Last year, 38% of new high school grads received a financial award averaging $1,888. Grade 11 Year

June 30: Grade 11 Merit Award $800 for average of 80% or higher in Grade 11 $500 for average of 75-79.9% in Grade 11 Note: Five Grade 11 courses are used to determine the award average and will follow the same formula as general admission (English 20-1, three academics and a fifth distinct course) *Separate online awards application required.

Grade 12 Year

December 15: Board of Governors’ Admission and Relocation Scholarships Admission: $1,000 for actual admission average of 80% or higher. Completed application for admission required by December 15 to be considered.** Relocation: Up to $500 for actual admission average of 80% or higher, based on geographic region. Completed application for admission required by December 15 to be considered.** March 15: High School Entrance and Leadership Awards Up to $6,000 awarded to qualifying students *Separate online awards application required.

Transfer Student Awards June 15: Transfer Awards Up to $1,500 awarded to qualifying new transfer students (includes post-diploma applicants) based on varied criteria. *Separate online awards application required.

Awards Specifically for Indigenous Students Value: $250 - $5,000 More than 20 awards are available specifically for Indigenous students. These are granted primarily on academic achievement although other criteria may also be considered. Eligibility may vary based on the program, year of study or Indigenous heritage. *Separate online awards application required.

Visit the following for more financial resources: • • Additional Financial Resources and Information: • • • • • • • *All awards applications must be completed/submitted through the Bridge: you can access it through ULink, the uLethbridge student portal.

Learn more at:

**Board of Governors’ scholarships reward applicants new to post-secondary (attending directly from high school or who have not attended any other post-secondary institutions before applying to uLethbridge) who apply early. These awards can be combined with uLethbridge High School Entrance and Leadership Scholarships and the Grade 11 Merit Award. Remember to apply early to maximize the value of your scholarships. 43



project The future of science is at uLethbridge, and we’re saving a seat just for you!

Opening in the fall of 2019, the Destination Project will be one of the most advanced facilities in Canada for teaching and researching in the sciences. In uLethbridge’s new science and academic building, you will work alongside faculty members and students from across disciplines as you tackle the most perplexing issues facing our society today together. With open and flexible lab spaces, chemists, biological scientists, biochemists, neuroscientists, psychologists, physicists and astronomers will collaborate like never before, examining questions from different perspectives, and discovering new and innovative solutions. As a uLethbridge student, you’ll work in state-of-the-art spaces and your learning will be supported by the tools, equipment and resources to help you thrive. With the help of faculty researchers, entrepreneurs and industry mentors, you’ll be able to take your ideas and turn them into productive businesses. Learn more at

The Destination Project is where the discoveries of the future will happen. Whether you want to be a researcher, innovator or leader, your bright future will ignite at uLethbridge.


Seven simple steps TO APPLY


If you are torn between more than one school, apply to all of them! It’s always better to be able to turn down an offer than to feel regret because you didn’t apply. 1. Pick a program

Variety is important, so we offer more than 150 programs for you to choose from. Learn more at Not sure what’s right for you? Let us know and we will arrange for you to be a student-for-a-day. Call 403-329-2762 or book online:

2. Review the admission requirements

Find out if you have the requirements for your program of choice by visiting future-student/admission-reqs If you want to double-check, give us a call at 403-329-2762 or send an email to

3. Check for any additional program requirements

Some programs have requisites in addition to the University’s general admission requirements. For example, students in the Faculty of Management must have Mathematics 30-1, and students in the Faculty of Fine Arts may need to submit a portfolio or complete an audition. Learn more about your program’s additional requirements at

4. Apply online

It’s easy, and you’ll be one step closer to becoming a student. The cost to apply is $100 for domestic students, and $140 if you are an international student or have transcripts from a country other than Canada. Visit to submit your online application. Registrar’s Office – Admissions University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive W. Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Fax: 403-329-5159 Note: All completed applications submitted to uLethbridge before December 15 will automatically be considered for the Board of Governors’ Admission and Relocation Scholarships, worth a maximum of $1,500.

5. Apply for residence

Our residences are in high demand, so if you’re interested, apply online as soon as possible. If you plan on living off campus, you can check out the listings on our off-campus housing website.

6. Apply for awards

We have a number of scholarships and awards with deadlines ranging from December 15 to June 30.

“The Education program is truly amazing. The professors are passionate about the content they are teaching and making sure you are engaged with and understand the materials.” Amy (Yena) Shim | BA ‘16 BEd After Degree student

With the exception of the Board of Governors’ Scholarships, all awards require a separate application. It may take a bit of effort, but you’re worth it!

7. Send us your grades

When you apply online and have been a student in Alberta, your final grades will be sent to us automatically. If you studied outside of Alberta, you will need to have your transcript sent to our Admissions office.


It’s your time to shine We are a community of inspiring lights who shine brighter together. We can’t wait to meet you, show you around campus and introduce you to our students, faculty and staff. Let us know when you would like to visit. We will help you create a schedule for your visit and contact you with the details.

1. Take a campus tour One of our tour guides will show you around campus, highlighting uLethbridge’s many features and facilities.

2. Be a student-for-a-day We will pair you with a student volunteer in the program you’re interested in. You’ll attend classes, labs and even go for lunch, our treat. Student-for-a-day is currently available on the Lethbridge Campus only. Book your tour or student-for-a-day online:


3. Book an enrolment advising appointment Have all your questions about admission, programs and more answered in a one-onone session in-person, over the phone, in your community or online. Email to set up a meeting. You may also want to combine a meeting with a campus tour. We would be happy to coordinate this for you — just let us know!

Additional opportunities to learn about uLethbridge: Open House September 30 We open our Lethbridge Campus to all future students and their families! Tour campus, interact with our dedicated staff, faculty and current students and find out if uLethbridge is right for you! Learn about the extraordinary student opportunities and support services as well as our programs, combined degrees and innovative courses. Our Admissions staff is on hand to help with the application process.

Management Day | May

Health Camps | August

High school students learn about teamwork and why diverse skills matter, how to analyze financial statements with ratios and how to use this information to make educated investment decisions. By participating in a variety of activities, students learn about effective organizational communication and the importance of choosing a communication medium, and dining etiquette tips and tricks in a formal business setting.

This fun and educational summer camp in Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, Alta., provides students in grades 10 to 12 with the opportunity to explore a wide variety of health sciences programs and careers through hands-on activities and interactive demonstrations. Meet healthcare professionals and hear their stories first-hand, and learn about what is offered at a variety of post-secondary institutions including uLethbridge.

High School Finance Experience Competition | May Fine Arts Day | February 28 It’s an opportunity for high school students Students in grades 11 and 12 can tour fine arts facilities; meet professors, advisors and students; get advice on admissions, portfolio and auditions; and sample fine arts programming through workshops in a variety of subject areas available at uLethbridge.

to compete in a finance-focused competition where teams can win cash and prizes. The competition includes an investment challenge, an investment challenge presentation and a trading challenge. Students learn about teamwork, communication, risk, investing and the fundamentals of stock markets.

Photo: Š Jaime Vedres (BFA ‘09)

Enrolment Services 4401 University Drive W. Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4 403-329-2762


Housing applications open 1

September 30

Open House

November 1

Application deadline for spring semester (Lethbridge Campus)

December 1

Application deadline for spring semester (Calgary Campus)

December 15

Early Admission deadline Board of Governors’ scholarships application deadline Faculty of Fine Arts first-round evaluations for additional requirements (fall semester) 2

March 1

Application deadline for Nursing

March 15

High School Entrance and Leadership awards application deadline 1 Faculty of Fine Arts second-round evaluations for additional requirements (fall semester) 2

May 1

Application deadline for Pre-Professional Transfer Program in Engineering

June 1

Application deadline for bachelor of fine arts and bachelor of music programs

June 15

Final-round portfolio evaluations for additional requirements (fall semester) 2 Transfer Awards deadline 1

June 30

General application deadline (Lethbridge Campus) Grade 11 Merit Award deadline

August 1

Application deadline (Calgary Campus)

For a complete list of dates and deadlines, please visit: 1

To apply for housing and awards, students must have submitted an application for admission and been issued a uLethbridge ID number


Find additional portfolio information and exact studio audition dates at or email

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