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the gift of giving

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This issue of SAM presents a small sampling of the extraordinary giving that takes place across the University of Lethbridge community. The stories feature students, alumni and donors, both on campus and abroad, and they cover a range of gifts – gifts that are inspirational, transformational and have significant impact.

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What they all have in common is a shared belief in the importance of giving back.

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Tanya Jacobson-Gundlock, Editor

ON THE COVER: RON WOODALL, COUTTS HOMESTEAD, 1977 Watercolour and ink on board | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010

Ron Woodall began painting in the 1960s following a move from Montreal to Vancouver. His subjects were often derelict buildings, abandoned industrial sites and ghost towns that he studied on cross-continental road trips. Woodall’s 1977 painting of the Coutts’ homestead prior to its restoration is indicative of his fascination with deserted architectural sites.

With a background in corporate advertising, Woodall began a secondary career as the creative director of Expo 86, and worked on five additional World’s Fairs including those in Brisbane, Vienna and Budapest. Woodall retired to Bowen Island in 2003.

S AM | So u t h e r n A l b e r t a M ag az i n e | U n i v e r s i t y o f Le t h b r i d g e

features 2 A SENSE OF PLACE After recently donating more than 200 pieces to the University of Lethbridge Art Collection, Jim Coutts paints his own picture of life on the Prairies.






An endowment at the U of L is supporting Islamic studies, and helping cultivate an understanding of world religions and an appreciation of diversity.

The Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy at the U of L is at the cutting edge of demographic research.



A Little History on the Prairies

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SIGNIFICANT AND MENTIONABLE Wondering what’s been happening at your U? Read about the latest news and events.

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ALUMNI NEWS & EVENTS Everything you need to know about alumni events, chapters, news and benefits.

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ALMA MATTERS Always one of the most popular sections of SAM – Alma Matters features news and notes from your former classmates.

22 TAKING THE HIGH ROAD U of L students Janelle Pritchard and Andrew Andreachuk give a hand up in the mountain villages of Nepal.





U of L alumni team up for Help-Portrait and provide photos for families in need at Christmas.

U of L students, faculty and staff say thank you to the donors of 2010.

EDITOR: Tanya Jacobson-Gundlock ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Alesha Farfus-Shukaliak DESIGNER: Stephenie Karsten PHOTOGRAPHERS: Bob Cooney Dr. Andy Hakin Jason Jones Rod Leland Rob Olson Jaime Vedres Bernie Wirzba ILLUSTRATOR: Angelsea Saby

CONTRIBUTORS: Jane Allan Caitlin Crawshaw Bob Cooney Natasha Evdokimoff Jane Edmundson Betsy Greenlees Erika Jahn Trevor Kenney Kali McKay Jaime Morasch Josephine Mills Maureen Schwartz Stacy Seguin Kristine Carlsen Wall Dana Yates U of L Advancement Office

PRINTING: PrintWest SAM is published by University Advancement at the University of Lethbridge three times annually. The opinions expressed or implied in the publication do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Lethbridge Board of Governors. Submissions in the form of letters, articles, story ideas or notices of events are welcome.

SAM is distributed free of charge to a controlled circulation list. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address, please contact us. SAM – University Advancement University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive W Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Toll-free: 1-866-552-2582 E-mail: To view SAM online, visit:



S AM | So u t h e r n A l b e r t a M ag az i n e | U n i v e r s i t y o f Le t h b r i d g e


BY KALI MCKAY (BA ‘06, MA ‘10)

Born and raised in southern Alberta, Jim Coutts has been collecting art since he was 17. As the former secretary to two prime ministers, Coutts travelled extensively and looked at art around the world, but his collection has a clear western Canadian theme. After recently donating more than 200 pieces to the University of Lethbridge Art Collection, Coutts paints his own picture of life on the Prairies.

Jim Coutts eyes the long, ruler-straight road approaching his Nanton property with a discerning gaze – analysing the qualities of available light, interpreting the natural contrast between the earth and the sky, and considering composition of the image in his mind’s eye. “The grass blows a little in the wind, giving some movement to a hill in the distance, and the land just keeps drawing you out to it,” says Coutts, describing an image from memory. “I find this space absolutely enchanting. Some people think it’s boring because you drive and drive for hours and they feel there’s nothing there, but there’s a great deal there and it’s the vastness and simplicity that makes it so hauntingly beautiful.” Born in High River and raised in Nanton, 80 kilometres south of Calgary, Coutts is as much a product of southern Alberta as the grasses that blanket the Porcupine Hills. Growing up in a rural community, Coutts remembers endlessly long summer days spent racing bicycles down the streets of his hometown. “During the summer, I always had stuff to do. I was very busy – in my own mind at least,” says Coutts, allowing nostalgia to creep in. “The thing about memory is that it improves over time, and events get better and better the more you remember them.”

But the memory of his grandfather, W.H. (Bill) Allan, looking longingly at a homestead he’d given up, remained unchanged. “As a young boy, I would go into his field with him in the summers,” says Coutts. “We would walk over to the old homestead from that field, which was just across the road. He always told me he never should have given up that property and, although I didn’t understand it, I could tell that it was a painful memory for him.” Allan was one of many settlers who, searching for a better life, travelled thousands of miles across Canada in the early years of the last century. He farmed a quarter section of land near Nanton before losing the property during the 1920s and moving his family into town. Visiting the property as a child resonated with Coutts, who felt an attachment to the land he couldn’t explain at the time. He now believes the homestead provides him with a sense of place but is also symbolic of the difficulties of prairie life. “We look at beautiful things and we see only the good,” says Coutts. “We forget that our ancestors and our forebears stumbled and fell and picked themselves up and kept going. Part of our history is the history of struggle.” While crops sometimes failed, the prairie soil proved fertile ground for art and culture. At





the age of 12, Coutts caught the attention of Dorothy Dowhan, a local newspaper editor with friends in the artistic community, and started visiting art galleries, theatres and even gardens as her guest. “Dorothy took a great interest in young people and would spot individuals who were showing interest in wider subjects,” says Coutts of the woman he describes as a mentor. “She had a lot of friends, and I met some very interesting people through her.” It was Dorothy who gave a then 17-year-old Coutts his first piece of art. “Dorothy gave me a little oil by John Cook – who’s still around and still painting – when I went to university,” says Coutts, who hung the picture in his dorm room while completing a law degree at the University of Alberta.

Armed with a single painting and an appreciation developed over years and years of looking, Coutts began buying art on his own. “I’d been going to galleries for 10 years and I just kept looking,” explains Coutts. “Toward the end of my university days I would splurge and buy a print for $50. Gradually I became a bit of a pack rat.” Collector is more accurate. Hesitant at first, Coutts soon began collecting with determination and ferocity, qualities he would demonstrate in his professional life as well. “I studied law because I thought I could get a job when I finished,” admits Coutts. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I was very interested in public life.” Admiring the progressive politics of provincial Liberal leader, Harper Prowse, Coutts entered the political scene in 1953 with a desire to affect change. Ten years later, Coutts was made

S AM | So u t h e r n A l b e r t a M ag az i n e | U n i v e r s i t y o f Le t h b r i d g e


secretary to Liberal Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and was on the front lines of Canadian politics. “I enjoyed being in the fray,” says Coutts, who worked with Pearson for three years before going to Harvard University to complete his MBA. “Politics is always drama. There’s always something happening and it seemed important but it was also a kind of entertainment.” Canadians saw profound change in those three short years: medicare, the pension plan, old-age security, the National Economic Council and the new Canadian flag were all introduced. “It was a very short period when a great deal of good was done for this country,” says Coutts proudly. After completing his MBA, Coutts started a consulting firm where he was working when Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau appointed him principal secretary in 1975. He worked with

Trudeau for six years before leaving to run in a byelection, which he lost by 200 votes. Through it all, Coutts diligently continued collecting art. “You get to like things and think you need things,” says Coutts. “You also train your eye so that while once in a while you buy a bad picture, generally, you buy things that you like and most are really good. In the beginning I didn’t believe there was any theme to it, but over the years I acquired a good deal of western Canadian art.” The art in the Coutts collection is united by its subject matter: endless skies over empty fields, faded grain elevators contrasted against brilliant sunsets, soaring birds floating in wild winds, all depicting the variety of the southern Alberta landscape. Understanding that the images in his collection represented more than an affinity for prairie

scenery, Coutts returned to southern Alberta in 1988 and reclaimed his grandfather’s homestead. With a keen eye for detail, Coutts set to work, turning the soil once broken by his grandfather into a prairie garden and bringing his own vision for the property to life. “It seems to me the more attractive and exciting and imaginative and creative a place is in your mind, the more painful it is to be away from it,” says Coutts, who is grateful for the opportunity to return each summer to the community he knew as a child. The new homestead is very much an expression of Coutts himself. Set on the vast, flat canvas of the Prairies, buildings are scattered across the land – the original homestead; a chicken house, now a guest suite; a barn; and an old ice house and granary, moved from Coutts’s mother’s neighbouring property. Each structure provides a seemingly effortless organization to the landscape where gardens flourish, and the plots and paths



are carefully carved in such a way to welcome visitors and encourage exploration. His approach has been bold and the transformation remarkable, but Coutts has not forgotten the struggles of life on the Prairies. “When you look at the place now with the gardens, grasses and trees and the beauty depicted in the photographs and paintings, that’s one thing,” says Coutts. “But for many years, for those who came first, it was a very difficult and painful place to live.”



Respectful of its history, the new Coutts homestead faces west to the Porcupine Hills, foothills of the Canadian Rockies, which are often topped in snow even as the gardens bloom. The original buildings scattered across this sweep of prairie represent a coming home for this southern Alberta boy. “A piece of you will always stay wherever it is that you came from, and you also carry a piece of that landscape with you,” explains Coutts. “Fortunately, I’ve been able to return to the place that means so much to me.”

S AM | So u t h e r n A l b e r t a M ag az i n e | U n i v e r s i t y o f Le t h b r i d g e



art + people = x series

Covering decades of collecting and imagery of the region, Jim Coutts’s donation to the University of Lethbridge is a major addition to the renowned art collection. This generous gift builds on the strong holdings of landscape artworks and also provides insight into the relationship between private and public collections. The exhibition, A Little History on the Prairies, which was on display from January 14 to March 4, 2011, featured a selection from Coutts’s gift along with works by John Will and A.Y. Jackson that were already in the University collection.


( B OT TO M )

Oil on canvas | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010

Ink on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010

Illingworth Kerr, Nanton, Alberta, Spring, 1986

Joe Fafard, Hi, 1979



Jim Coutts Explores “Home Pain” and His Artistic Mission BY JIM COUTTS When collectors are honest with themselves, they admit that there is neither rhyme nor reason to what they do. In fact they seldom think of themselves as collectors. From time to time they acquire paintings that appeal to them. When they have a few artworks they start to think – what is all this about? It is only in retrospect that they manage to identify themes that prompted them to acquire in the first place – this is certainly my experience. There is a German expression, “Heimweh,” which translates as “home pain.” It is more than homesickness – it is the profound and lasting longing in the stranger to be home – a feeling that over the years gave much substance to works of art and song. Part of the landscape you know as a youth travels with you – and part of you always remains in your home landscape. That was my experience of southwest Alberta – especially the Porcupine Hills. Fortunately I have now been able to return here. The works that I’ve collected along the way usually reflect my “home pain.” One day I lunched with a collector friend in Toronto who said, “There is a painting at the Godard Gallery you should see.” I went to see it, liked it (in fact was haunted by it) and eventually bought it.

(TOP )

Horace Champagne, Thunderclouds Forming, Range 5, St. Hilarion, Quebec, 1982

When I got the painting home I looked on the back of the canvas and saw the title – “Sanfois West of Nanton” by Barbara Ballachey. It was Timber Ridge in the Porcupine Hills – a scene I had seen a hundred times! It is a fine painting but it was the home pain that captured me.

Pastel on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010 (BOTTO M L EFT)

Joe Fafard, Goose & Egg, 1978 Ink on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010 (BOTTO M RIGHT)

I was fortunate to grow up in the 1950s in Nanton, Alta., with a mentor dedicated to art. Dorothy Dowhan culturally adopted me, and from the age of 12 dragged me along to art shows and concerts in Calgary. Those evening events were often held at the Coste House, a

Ivan Eyre, Valley River, 2007 Acrylic on canvas | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010


S AM | So u t h e r n A l b e r t a M ag az i n e | U n i v e r s i t y o f Le t h b r i d g e


Calgary centre for graphic and performing arts. Later she gave me a small 1958 painting of West Dover, N.S., by John Cook. Soon, armed with that one possession and numerous mental images from years of having looked and looked, I slowly and hesitantly began to acquire art on my own. I began to meet western artists like Joe Fafard and Janet Mitchell. Janet and I became friends. After acquiring several of her works, I talked her into letting me be her agent, because she found it impossible to set prices on her works – which were getting better and better, while she was selling them for less and less. I soon found myself befriending a number of Canadian dealers who educated and coached me on Canadian art history. As Janet shared her ideas about art, I began looking at landscape differently and so many of the pieces I collected over the following 50 years were done by Prairie artists, struggling to capture space and light and the wonderful detail of the Canadian Prairies.

( TO P )

Takao Tanabe, Chilcotin, Range Land, 1957 Pastel on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010 ( M I D D LE)

Margaret Shelton, Farm, 1981 Watercolour on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010 ( B OT TO M )

Nicholas N. de Grandmaison, Zelma, Saskatchewan Pastel on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010

Janet’s landscapes were sometimes called squiggles on a board – but were in fact highly imaginative and she got the prairies exactly right. Business and politics would keep me travelling for decades. But along the way I made a wonderful discovery. Virtually every village in the world has at least one person drawing, painting, carving – sometimes you have to look hard, but they are there. While travelling I often visited them and began collecting works by local blacksmiths, carpenters, painters, sketchers and sculptors. And in recent years I’ve come home to discover first-class artists in Nanton, Cayley, Fort Macleod, High River and Claresholm. So there it is. My “artistic mission” has been a modest but deeply satisfying one: just poking around, meeting some wonderful people and occasionally acquiring artworks I liked. The theme of place clearly seemed to arise again and again in works I acquired, as I tried to deal with the home pain I felt. As a nearneighbour of the U of L I suspect my home pain will be a little less intense now, knowing that these works will be right “at home” here in the Art Gallery of the University of Lethbridge.




( B OT TOM L E F T )

( B OT TO M R I GH T )

Acrylic on canvas | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010

Pastel on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010

Watercolour and ink on paper | From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010

Barbara Ballachey, Spring Squall, 2008


Horace Champagne, Western Sunrise near Cochrane, 1982

Irene McCaugherty, Pat Bad Eagle Rodeo, Peigan Reservation, 1963, 1981

S AM | So u t h e r n A l b e r t a M ag az i n e | U n i v e r s i t y o f Le t h b r i d g e

art + people = x series





Islam is one of the world’s great religious traditions – and one of the fastest growing in the West – but it is not without controversy. Since 9-11 particularly, Islam has been at the forefront of many discussions about the challenges of religious tolerance and increasing cultural diversity in the West. It is also the subject of academic inquiry in the University of Lethbridge’s small Department of Religious Studies and for students like Campbell Peat (BA ’08) and James Falconer who study with religious studies professor Atif Khalil. What these students point out is that discussions about “Islam in the West” in the media, and by politicians and pundits alike, lack depth and empathy, and often are coloured by Islamophobia. “That geopolitical conflicts have been framed in terms of religion or a clash of civilizations seems more like a convenient way for the West to label the ‘other’ as irrational and extremist while concealing the real roots of the conflicts,” says Falconer.


As a student and research assistant in the Department of Sociology at the U of L, Falconer has studied Muslim immigration in the West, complementing his studies with courses about Islam to better understand the cultural and religious context of those he researches. “The courses in Islamic studies have the potential to help transcend the profound misunderstandings about Islam held by those in western societies, myself included,” says Falconer. “Muslim immigrants are overwhelmingly educated, secularist, progressive and modern – that’s why they immigrated to the West,” he goes on to explain. Muslim immigrants to western countries like Canada often find themselves confronted in their new country by misgivings and misunderstandings about their faith, and ultimately about them as citizens. It was with the hope of dispelling these kinds of misunderstandings that one such Canadian immigrant, the late Dr. Mushtaq Khan, who was a senior research scientist at the Lethbridge Research Station for 28 years, and his wife Catherine Khan (BEd ’72, BASc ’77), who served

as president of the U of L Alumni Association from 1975-1977, established the Mushtaq and Catherine Khan Endowment at the University of Lethbridge. “We wanted people to know what Islam really is, and that Muslims have about as much to do with terrorism as you or me,” Catherine explains. “Most of the people who are Muslim are peaceful, law-abiding citizens who only want to live at peace with their neighbours.” After the events of 9-11, the need for education and cross-cultural understanding only grew. The Khans believed that in supporting education about Islam, they were supporting a future with increased tolerance and less fear. “We thought if there was more education about what Islam really is then people wouldn’t be afraid of it as much as they are,” Catherine explains. The Khans’ financial support enabled the Department of Religious Studies to recruit Professor Khalil in 2007 and to attract prominent scholars to speak at the University on the topic of Islam. Khalil, who teaches classes ranging

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Grad student Campbell Peat (right) is currently completing his MA on the Spanish Sufi mystic, Ibn Arabi, and intends to pursue doctoral work in the near future. Undergraduate James Falconer (left) has completed his degree requirements and will convocate in June 2011. He intends to pursue an MA in sociology.


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from world religions to upper-level philosophy and theology courses, notes the importance of studying Islam in a country with a growing Muslim population and intensifying anti-Islamic sentiments in the media.

the imaginations of many who pass through the department and that is mirrored in the testimony of his students.

“Canadians, in my view, should not be afraid. Even though there are forms of Islam that are isolationist and exclusivist, mainstream Canadian Islam, which is the Islam of the vast majority of Muslims, stresses peaceful coexistence and tolerance,” says Khalil. He hopes that through his courses and the study of Islam and religion more generally, students will come to appreciate the diversity and complexity of religion, allowing them to form relationships of respect with their peers and neighbours, rather than fear or hostility. Since Khalil’s arrival at the U of L and the support from the Khans, the department has expanded its library holdings and attracted some high-profile speakers. Most notable, however, is the benefit to the student population and to the wider community.

Falconer agrees, and says that he was surprised to learn that Islamic and western civilizations share the same intellectual roots. “They are more compatible than most would imagine based on modern western portrayals and perceptions of Islam,” he says. The Khans’ donation has sown the seeds for a future in which mutual understanding and respect between people might blossom.

“It is my hope that our courses on Islam instil in students a greater appreciation of the richness and diversity of our world, of our religious traditions and of the collective wisdom of the human race,” says Khalil. It’s a sentiment that has captured


“If anything, the promotion of Islamic studies encourages the individual to adopt a reflective position that approaches Islam as a multidimensional display of human emotion and belief,” says Peat. “Even a basic understanding of Islam goes a great way to combat ideas of cultural antagonism.”

“Mushtaq was always tolerant of other religions and encouraged tolerance from others,” recalls Catherine. “It was his hope that others in his adopted Canadian community could at minimum attempt to understand Islam.”

The hopes that fuelled the donation to the University are being fulfilled as hundreds of students every semester enrol in the department’s courses and are increasingly exposed to the religions and cultures of their Canadian neighbours. “The fact that the son of a farmer is able to study one of the world’s great traditions in the southern Alberta town he grew up in is simply astounding,” says Peat. “Even in smaller communities like Lethbridge we are able to see the effects of global integration. Without founding a multicultural spirit and exploratory ethos we run the risk of letting our ideas of Islam (or any religion, for that matter) become superficial and narrow.” The Khans’ commitment to supporting liberal education and the study of religion is indeed one step in the right direction toward a society more tolerant, just and curious about the beliefs of others. It is clear this contribution is helping to mould thoughtful citizens, leaders and educators of tomorrow who are less focused on religious differences and more interested in exploring our shared human experiences.

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To learn more about AMETHYST, visit: To apply, visit:


“The AMETHYST program has really enhanced my experiences in the imaging sciences. AMETHYST provided assistance for me to travel to conferences, take part in hosted workshops and network with others in and outside my field from around the world. The skills I have developed, and the people I have had the opportunity to work with, have better prepared me for a successful and satisfying career after grad school.” Steve Myshak (BSc ’10) AMETHYST grad student

This year, six new graduate students are receiving research training in Advanced Methods, Education and Training in Hyperspectral Science and Technology (AMETHYST) at the University of Lethbridge. With the AMETHYST program, the U of L exposes students to imaging science and technology research in remote sensing, resource and environmental monitoring, greenhouse gas studies or neuro-imaging. At the U of L, grad student Steve Myshak and his AMETHYST classmates are funded to do research placements in academic, government or industry labs. They participate in workshops on imaging science and technology, career development and workforce preparation. Funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, AMETHYST will provide funding for several new U of L graduate students every year until 2016.


S AM | So u t h e r n A l b e r t a M ag az i n e | U n i v e r s i t y o f Le t h b r i d g e



Global Population and Economies The extent and implications of population change and the dynamics of economies raise questions that demographers and social scientists alike are working to better understand. Taken together in a global context, the number of questions only increases. Yet both population and economies affect our lives, our choices and our policies. At the Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy at the University of Lethbridge, global population challenges are explored from different angles and potential solutions are investigated in new ways.


Prentice Institute Explores

Global Population Challenges BY DANA YATES

Like many people, John Prentice of Calmar, Alta., dreamed of making a difference in the world. But the late agri-business entrepreneur and philanthropist didn’t just stop there; he wanted to change the course of history altogether. It was an ambitious goal – and one that prompted Prentice, along with his wife Connie, to donate more than $8 million to the University of Lethbridge in 2006. The endowment marked the largest-single gift in the University’s history and established the Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy. The institute, which was officially launched in 2009, studies changes in the world population and their lasting impact on demographics, economies and societies. Just a short time later, the Prentice Institute has become a leading research centre, one of only a few worldwide that is focused on global population changes and the economy. What’s more, the


institute has attracted many external research grants and is building graduate programs, along with bringing together 20 research affiliates from across eight departments at the U of L. “It’s magical when you get that cross-pollination of expertise,” says Dr. Trevor Harrison, a U of L sociology professor who served as the Prentice Institute’s interim director between 2007 and 2009. At the Prentice Institute, sociologists, historians, anthropologists and economists work alongside experts in such diverse fields as nursing, public health, political science and women’s studies. Those researchers, in turn, create partnerships with experts across Canada and around the world. The result: global population challenges are explored from different angles and potential solutions are investigated in new ways. “John Prentice was a big thinker,” says Dr. Susan McDaniel, the

institute’s current director. She also holds the Prentice Research Chair in Global Population and Economy, the first endowed position of its kind at the U of L. “John was a Renaissance man who understood how things were connected.” Indeed, many forces and factors affect – and are connected to – the global population and economy. But the links between the former and latter are not well understood. Prentice Institute researchers are advancing our understanding of this relationship and using data to verify or refute popular beliefs about demographic changes. This “myth-busting” practice can be applied to numerous situations, says McDaniel. “We often hear, for instance, that providing health care to an aging population will bankrupt the system,” she explains. “In reality, there are much wider concerns. Medical treatments are expensive, and there is a deepening problem of poverty and the health issues associated with it.”

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To that end, Prentice Institute researchers are studying various issues that appear, at first blush, to be unconnected. They include international trade, migration, aging and family size. But while the subjects may seem disparate, McDaniel says cause-and-effect relationships are at work – and they are having a major impact on the world’s citizens. “Growing inequalities, for example, are happening in developed countries, such as Canada and the United States, and in developing countries, too. These inequalities cause health problems and lower everyone’s life expectancy,” says McDaniel. The process, she explains, is similar to an illness spreading through a classroom. If one unvaccinated child becomes sick, others will inevitably be affected. That concept of social ramifications is one in which McDaniel is well versed. An internationally recognized sociology researcher and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, her



expertise includes demographic aging, generational relationships, family change and the social impacts of technology. Before joining the Prentice Institute and the U of L Department of Sociology two years ago, McDaniel was a professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah and a senior scholar at its Institute of Public and International Affairs. Having lived in Alberta before, McDaniel’s return north of the border has helped attract other researchers to the Prentice Institute. Among them is Dr. Kathrin Komp, a post-doctoral fellow from VU University Amsterdam. Other researchers, such as Drs. Harrison and Alexander Darku, who were U of L faculty members before the Prentice Institute was created, currently serve as the institute’s associate directors. Their collective experience and expertise have made a significant impact on the institute. For example, Darku, an assistant professor of economics at the U of L, previously taught at McGill and Concordia Universities. He has also served as a consultant to the World Bank at its Washington, D.C., headquarters and has worked as an economist in Ghana. Through his association with the Prentice Institute, Darku has noticed a shift in his research interests.

Whereas he was previously focused strictly on economic policies and international development, he now studies the interplay among international trade, migration and health. Specifically, Darku is currently looking at the growth of multinational companies in developing countries and the resulting impact on populations’ eating habits. The situation, Darku has found, contributes to a “nutritional shift” within a population and can increase obesity rates. “The interdisciplinary nature of the Prentice Institute has brought many new dimensions to my research,” says Darku. Harrison, meanwhile, has shared his research with new audiences; he has spoken at a number of presentations hosted by the institute. Once a visiting professor at the University of Alberta and Hokkai-Gakuen University in Japan, Harrison was the 2010 Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canadian Studies at Georgia’s Kennesaw State University. As a researcher and guest lecturer at the university, he brought a Canadian perspective to the relationship between Canada and the United States since Sept. 11. Today at the Prentice Institute, Harrison – like Darku – balances his research with administrative responsibilities. And it seems both areas involve big-picture thinking.

“We’re developing programs that will keep the institute moving forward. Ultimately, we’re creating a research infrastructure that supports creative thinking and incubates good ideas.” One example is a policy concept known as a guaranteed annual income (GAI). While there are many different approaches to a GAI, the initiative would essentially provide each citizen with a base sum of money. Harrison has studied this complex issue since the 1970s, and while the logistics of implementing a GAI system would be considerable, it would also offer a number of advantages. They include administrative efficiencies, the reduction or elimination of poverty and an increasingly mobile workforce that can afford to move around the country.

systems and individuals have to address,” says McDaniel. “But once they have the information they need, they have the potential to act upon it. “People are hungry for knowledge. And we’re training them how to look beyond myths and build a better society. It will lead to better voters, parents, consumers and caregivers.”

GAI supplements, however, are just one of many ideas being analysed at the Prentice Institute. And it’s all part of an effort to inform public and private policies that will better reflect, and keep up with, a changing Canada and world. To raise awareness of this vital work, Prentice Institute researchers participate in conferences and dialogue sessions, and contribute to articles, journals and books. Finally, there are future plans to build international partnerships with sister institutes. “There are many challenges that governments, corporations, education


What can we learn from other countries with regard to population aging and social policy?





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Population aging and economic challenges have raised questions about how social policy regimes are, or will be, affected in various types of economies. Some research indicates a downward convergence across countries is inevitable as global economic and demographic pressures work to bring greater homogeneity to social policies. Other studies suggest that demographic and economic pressures can actually have stimulating effects on social policies. To address these issues, Prentice Institute researchers are investigating Japan, which has experienced population aging and economic challenges simultaneously. Scholars are analysing changing relations among demographics, economics and social policy. They ask what opportunities can be discerned from the experience of Japan for re-creation of social policy regimes elsewhere in the 21st century. F O R G L O B A L P O P U L A T I O N Ultimately, researchers A Nwill D Ewiden C O N the O M Y comparative lens to include other Asian and developed countries. The findings from this crucial research will guide policy-makers in various countries facing similar challenges.


Is there a “Canadian exceptionalism” in issues related to immigration and diversity?

To what extent is population, at root, a problem with respect to food security?

How can we achieve economic equality in developing countries?

How will social policy address our aging population?

The rapid rise in ethnic diversity in immigrant-receiving countries has resulted in a general anti-diversity, anti-multiculturalism sentiment. Some studies indicate that a generalized trust is more difficult to foster in a multicultural society, resulting in a loss of sense of community and togetherness. However, other research suggests that Canada might be immune from these largely European trends.

Food is a basic resource essential for human survival. It is estimated that at the end of 2009, more than one billion of the world’s population did not have adequate food to meet basic nutritional needs. As the most populous country in the world, China is constantly challenged in providing food for its citizens. Given the sheer size and strategic prominence of China, food security there is a global concern.

Wayne Gretzky is credited with saying, “You must skate to where the puck will be.” In contemplating the future of aging populations, policy often skates instead to where the puck is now. The presumption is that by studying those who are older now, we can understand those who will be older in the future. But... the older of tomorrow will be very different, as will the socio-economic contexts in which they live.

At the Prentice Institute, researchers are investigating the extent of, and the reasons for, this Canadian exceptionalism. A clearer understanding of the differences among ethno-racial groups in terms of labour-market integration and social capital could make a significant difference in the lives of Canadians and the global community.

As leaders of an international team, researchers at the Prentice Institute are examining the stress points related to food security in various regions in China. The set of indicators of food security and rural development they develop will be an important assessment tool in China and around the world.

Throughout most of human history, the conditions of human life have varied from difficult to tolerable, from starvation to subsistence. In some parts of the developing world, these conditions have not changed much, while in others, progress has been made. Disparities in the distribution of economic assets and income exist in a wide range of societies and their nature and cause are issues our world must address. Researchers at the Prentice Institute are studying how international trade can lead to growth and the distribution of income, especially in developing countries. Another crucial line of research focuses on the relationship between business cycles, poverty and income inequalities.

As leaders of a Canada/U.S. multidisciplinary team, Prentice Institute researchers are studying how people in mid-life in Canada and the U.S. are aging in terms of health and overall well-being. How they help (or not) younger and older relatives now and as they age, and how they anticipate their later years relative to their older relatives now and their younger relatives as they reach their later years, are two of the important questions being addressed. These studies will yield a wealth of information that is critical to addressing policy and family needs in the future.


Taking the


Janelle Pritchard, a third-year University of Lethbridge bachelor of nursing student, and Andrew Andreachuk, a fifth-year combined bachelor of science/bachelor of education student, know a little something about hairraising Nepalese road trips. They made quite a few in the early spring of 2010, while on their first official excursion to Nepal under the auspices of the not-for-profit agency they founded last year – Uphill Both Ways.


Mountain roads in Nepal aren’t really meant for vehicles. The narrow, winding and potholeridden paths that connect Nepal’s remote villages to the outside world are precarious at best and can often be downright treacherous, looming dangerously above deep canyons without so much as a guardrail to prevent disastrous slips over the side. If a vehicle going up one such road meets another coming down, someone has to go in reverse until the duo reaches a point in the road that’s wide enough for one of them to pull over and let the other pass.


Uphill Both Ways Education and Relief Fund (the agency’s official name) delivers educational and health-care supplies to impoverished communities in Nepal. The agency is the brainchild of Pritchard, who in 2005 saw firsthand just how far a few hundred Canadian dollars could go in a country where many people go without much of anything at all. Pritchard was backpacking through Nepal after graduating high school, trekking with a group of cohorts through various mountain passes from one small village to another. Little did Pritchard know that what she saw in those villages, and what she ultimately decided to do about it, would change her life forever – as well as the lives of hundreds of Nepalese schoolchildren.

“Our guide had a connection to the school in one of the villages where we stayed,” Pritchard recalls. “We asked if we could go in and take a look at it, and what we saw was absolutely heartbreaking.” Pritchard describes the schoolhouse she saw that day as a “dilapidated little shack.” The one-room facility had a couple of rickety benches for older students to sit on, but younger children in the class were relegated to the floor. There were no books, no pencils, no materials of any kind except the remnants of a broken chalkboard, which remained unused because the school didn’t have funds to buy chalk. “It was tragic,” says Pritchard. “We were told that children as young as seven would walk for up to an hour to go to that school. To see the conditions they dealt with when they got there – it was overwhelming.” At the end of the trip the trekkers decided to chip in $20 each to buy supplies for the school. Between 10 of them they were able to fill the trunk of a taxicab with supplies, and pay wages for two men to haul everything they’d purchased into the remote village on foot.

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is spent on essential school materials. When Andreachuk and Pritchard arrived in Nepal in March of 2010, they had enough money to buy sufficient supplies for three schools, and build a two-room addition to one particular school in desperate need of expansion and repair. They carried out the mission over the course of two months, and transformed the educational experience of more than 500 students. Still, when you hear Pritchard and Andreachuk tell the tale of their trip, it’s difficult to assess if it was them or the children who benefited more from the visit.


“It’s so hard to put into words,” Andreachuk says of the experience. “Every moment you’re there is mind blowing. These kids are so used to having nothing that they’re absolutely thrilled with anything. A box of pencil crayons means the world to them.” “Still, they are so content with their lives. It’s very humbling to be among them,” Pritchard goes on to say. “The kids are thrilled that we’re there, but so is the entire community. People come from all over to talk with us, and the visit becomes a huge event. We’re building relationships and trust with the larger Nepalese community, which is really incredible.”


For Pritchard, from that point on there was no looking back. When her younger sister made the same trip to Nepal after her own high school graduation, Pritchard teamed up with her to raise $4,700 that ultimately bought desks, benches and a load of supplies for another school in need. The snowball had starting rolling, and by 2009 Pritchard was itching to go back to Nepal to contribute in an even bigger way.

Pritchard and Andreachuk began to lay the groundwork for their visit to Nepal months before they departed, organizing a variety of fundraisers and starting the wheels in motion to legally establish their agency as a not-for-profit organization in Canada. By the end of 2009, they’d raised more than $17,000 via a benefit concert, a silent auction, through the sale of handmade Nepalese scarves and hats, and through private donations.

Enter Andrew Andreachuk, a classmate of Pritchard’s who was ready to help take the project to the next level.

Two university organizations, Rotaract and the U of L Climbing Club, lent momentum to the cause, planning and co-hosting the Everest Challenge – a weekend event where climbers took donations for scaling the height of Mount Everest over the course of two days.

“I really wanted to get away somewhere for a while and do something completely different. When I started talking to Janelle about the things she was doing in Nepal, I knew I had to be a part of it,” says Andreachuk.


Every penny that Uphill Both Ways receives goes directly into a bank account in Kathmandu and

Pritchard and Andreachuk had hardly set foot back on Canadian soil before they began to plan their next excursion. The next time Uphill Both Ways visits Nepal (spring 2012) the big goal will be to build an eight-room schoolhouse, thanks in part to a generous grant from the Rotary Club of Lethbridge. The new school will replace an old building that accommodated students in kindergarten through Grade 5 and expand classes to include children up to Grade 8. The change will save older children in the area a 45-minute walk to the next school – many of whom already walk close to an hour to attend school now. Total cost for the development project is $70,000, which includes paying salaries for three new teachers. And as for the treacherous car rides to the remote villages where they do the work? Andreachuk and Pritchard don’t mind. “It’s funny how quickly you can get used to stuff like that,” Andreachuk laughs. “You look out over the edge of a thousand-foot ravine and think, ‘Ah – we’re probably okay.’” To learn more about Uphill Both Ways, visit:

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Jaime Vedres (BFA ‘07) is one of the U of L alumni who took part in Help-Portrait.


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Members of Help-Portrait Lethbridge, which was organized by Rod Leland (top right photo, right).


If a picture is worth a thousand words, a photo at Christmas could fill volumes. That’s why a group of U of L alumni – headed by professional photographer Rod Leland (BFA ’09) – teamed up in December to bring Help-Portrait to Lethbridge. The global movement calls upon professional photographers and other volunteers to work together to create portraits for families in need. “It’s really easy to focus on things like having food on your table and a roof over your head at Christmas, but I think the

positive memories can be just as important,” says Leland. “One of the ways we can create those memories for people is giving them the experience of a family photo.”

“A lot of people were speechless – they just didn’t know what to do or say, especially when they were handed their print,” says Leland.

The Dec. 3 event was held at the University’s Dr. Foster James Penny Building in downtown Lethbridge. Nine photographers, four stylists and a dozen other volunteers, including U of L staff and alumni, were on hand to ensure 40 clients walked away with fantastic photos – and happy memories.

When words failed, hugs were happily given and received.

Reactions ran the gamut, says Leland. Some people were thrilled to have their hair and makeup done professionally, while others were ecstatic to have pictures of their kids. A few clients had never been photographed professionally.



Drama Summer Camp Camp Fun! Fun! Drama & & Art Summer atUniversity the University Lethbridge -~July andand August 2011 2011 At the ofofLethbridge July August


FOR1AGES 7 TO 10 Act - Drama for ages 7 to voice 10 and Use your body,

Use your body, voicea world and of imagination to create imagination to create a world original characters and stories ofinoriginal characters and this action-packed camp. stories in thismust action-packed Participants be able to read. camp. Participants must be able Julyto4read. -8

July4 18 July - 8 - 22 July 18 Aug. 2- -225 (four-day camp) Aug 2 -85- (4-day Aug. 12 camp) Aug. 8 - 12


FOR AGES-11Drama TO 15 Encore for ages 11 to 15

Acting, comedy, costumes, Acting, comedy, costumes, make up, improvisation andand make-up, improvisation more! This camp is designed more! This camp is designed for older older students forfor a for studentslooking looking challenge. adramatic dramatic challenge. July July 11 11 -- 15 15 July 25 - 29 July 25 - 29 Aug. 15 - 19

Aug. 15 - 19


for ages 7 to 10

Explore drawing, painting, Explore drawing, painting, mask-making, printmaking, mask-making, printmaking, sculpture and more. Something sculpture and more. new and interesting every day. Something new and interesting every day.

July 4 - 8 July114 -- 15 8 July July 11 - 15 July July1818- -22 22 July July2525- -29 29 Aug. camp) Aug22 -- 55 (four-day (4-day camp) Aug 15 19 Aug. 15 - 19

ARTIST’S STUDIO FORArtist’s AGES 11 TO 15 Studio

for ages 11 to 15

Specifically for students Specifically for students interested in investigating in interested in investigating in depth a variety of art experiences depth a variety of art including painting,including sculpture, experiences printmaking, and more. painting, murals sculpture, murals, Theprintmaking, camp concludes with anand more. The camp concludes exhibition of the creative exploits. with an exhibition of the Aug. 8 - 12exploits. creative Aug 8 - 12

Important Info Camps: Monday to Friday from 9 am - 4 pm • (4-day camp Tuesday to Friday) Fee: $210/camp ($170 for 4-day camp) includes materials, camp T-shirt, and lunch each day.

Important Info

Camps: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Four-day camps: Tuesday to Friday Fee: $210/camp ($170 for four-day camp), includes materials, camp T-shirt and lunch each day.

To register 403-329-2706 • For information 403-329-2227 TO REGISTER, CALL 403-329-2706 | FOR INFORMATION, CALL 403-329-2227

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PRONGHORNS Visit the U of L Bookstore or the Pronghorn Athletics office to get your hands on stylish new Horns gear and support today’s student athletes. A portion of every purchase made will go toward Pronghorn Athletics. Your support helps ensure the level of athletic and academic excellence that makes student athletes, the University and fans proud.


As donors, you see the possibilities of what we can accomplish together. On behalf of students, faculty and staff at the University of Lethbridge,

Thank You for your contributions. Here are some noteworthy numbers from 2010 that give a glimpse into the impact of your support:



The following listing recognizes our lifetime donors and the many dedicated individuals, corporations and organizations who generously supported the University of Lethbridge in 2010. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we recognize that errors may have occurred in this listing. If your name is missing or listed incorrectly, please accept our sincere apologies and contact University Advancement at 403-329-2582.


Anonymous (22) 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd. Agrium Inc. Evelyn Aimis Alberta Health ServicesAADAC Alberta Blue Cross Alberta Lottery Board Alberta Natural Gas Alberta Real Estate Foundation Alberta Society of Professional Biologists ALCOA Foundation Christopher Allen


Illana Aloni AltaGas Ltd. Gisele Amantea AMOCO Canada Anderson Exploration Ltd. Anderson’s Medical Dental Pharmacy Ltd. Estate of Teresa Andrus Arthur J. E. Child Foundation APEGGA AstraZeneca Canada Inc. ATB Financial ATCO Group Walter Bachinski Mowrie Baden Lawrence and Wilma Barany


2,244 30


Randy Bardock BDO Ron Bell Bennett Jones LLP Reginald Bennett Raj Bhogal David Bierk Black Velvet Distilling Company BMO Bank of Montreal Peter Boyd BP Canada Energy Company BP Canada Inc. Roland Brener Jacqueline Brien Irwin Browns

Erwin Buck Burbridge Farm Ltd. Bill Burden Burlington Resources Canada Brent and Niki Button Feike and Margaret Bylsma Bill and Elsa Cade Calgary Flames Limited Partnership Calgary Foundation Eric Cameron David and Vivian Campbell Rick and Ellen Campbell Canaccord Capital Corporation Canada Council for the Arts Canada Safeway Limited

Canadian Council for the Arts Canadian Pacific Charitable Foundation Canbra Foods Ltd. Hart Cantelon CanWest Global Foundation Janet Cardiff Ian Carr-Harris Carthy Foundation Alex and Norrie MacMillan Memorial Cenovus Energy Certified Management Accountants of Alberta CGA Alberta Research and Education Foundation


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Pierre Chamberland Charlton and Hill Ltd. Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation Christian Chouinard Winston Wing-Tat Chow Family CIBC-Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce City of Lethbridge Pamela and Joseph Clark Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. CoCo Pazzo Italian Cafe Ronald Coleman Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta Community Spirit Grant Program Dennis and Catherine Connolly ConocoPhillips Canada Jim Coutts Harry and Mildred Cox John Crabb Chris Cran Jean-Charles Crombez Elizabeth Crone G. Sidney Cross DA Electric Ltd. John and Myrna Daniels Davidson and Williams LLP Bart and Cynthia Davies John and Karen Davies Nicolas de Grandmaison Sonia de Grandmaison

Rene Despres Devon Canada Corporation Estate of Arthur and Annie Dorigatti Estate of Leopoldine Dorner Dorot Foundation Dave Duckett David Duffin Robert Dufresne William Eakin Gordon Eberts William Elichen Ellison Milling Company Peter and Carol Emerson Encana Cares Foundation EnCana Corporation Enercon Water Treatment Ltd. Estate of Islay Erickson Enn Erisalu George Evelyn and Lottie Austin Paterson Ewen Ivan Eyre Fairmont Foundation Terry and Sheila Fenton Estates of Keith and Hope M. Ferguson Ferrari Westwood Babits Architects Rick and Rita Filanti Flanagan Foundation Jacqueline Flanagan J. Bruce Flatt Elizabeth Forrest Patrick Forrest

Howard Forsyth Stefanie and Bill Forward Graham Fowler and Catherine Perehudoff Fowler E. C. Fredericks Guy Gagnon Urs E. Gattiker James Gellman Genus Capital Management Inc. Gershon Iskowitz Foundation Joe and Bertha Ghert Mira Godard Gold and Gold Productions Government of Alberta William Gracey Graduate Students’ Association Gary Gray Great-West Life, London Life, Canada Life Peter and Olive Green Bert W. Griffin Martin and Sonya Grypma Myron Gushlak Paul Hacker Frederick Hagan Einard and Kay Haniuk Gregory Hardy Estate of Alice Harper John Hartman Douglas Haynes W. Vaughan and Marilyn Hembroff Helen Henderson and Dennis Neufeldt

Ben Heppner M. P. Hess Peter Hide James Hill and Karen Reid Barb and Eric Hillman Bob Hironaka Home Oil Family of Richard Martin Howell Laurence Hoye IGM Financial Inc. Imperial Oil Foundation Liz Ingram Investors Group Financial Services Rita Irwin Avrom Isaacs Judy Jaeger Geoffrey James Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Albert Johnson Terence Johnson Kent Jones Gordon and Elizabeth Jong Emerich Kaspar Kawneer Company Ltd. Garry Kennedy Kay Kerr Mushtaq and Catherine Khan Robert A. Kimmitt and family Christopher Kostyniuk KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Blaine A. Kunz Wayne and Rhonda Kwan

4,117 $4

Chantal Laberge Claude Laberge Louise-Marie Laberge Laidlaw Foundation Alain Lamoureux Lantic Inc. Dan and Karen Laplante Cindy LaValley Mona LaValley Leslie Lavers Lethbridge Community Lottery Board #75 Lethbridge Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ltd. Lethbridge Iron Works Company Limited Lethbridge Public School Local 41 ATA Lethbridge School District No. 51 Lethbridge Senior Men’s Soccer Association Jacques Libersan A. Lielmanis Leon Liffmann Kenneth Lochhead John and Maybelle Lockhart Syd Lovell Lowther Consultants Limited William MacDonnell Allan MacKay Landon MacKenzie Glen Mackey Ian MacLachlan and Diane Clark Gordon MacNamara





G. MacNeil Liz Magor Allan Markin Vincent Martino Richard Masson Val and Flora Matteotti Billy McCarroll McDonald Auto Group Estate of Phyllis Mary McDonell Catherine McGilly-McCoy Edward and Linda McNally Allan McWilliams E. F. Anthony Merchant Meyers Norris Penny Dan and Gail Michener Robert Michener Edward Mikhail Mathilde Miller Walter Joseph Mitchell Molson Inc. Monarch Corp. Kim G. C. Moody Cherie Moses Mountainview Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ltd. Muttart Foundation Nat Christie Foundation Nexen Inc. NG Campbell Holdings Ltd. Norlein Foundation Nova Gas Kevin and Katharine Nugent Toni Onley Edward Orchard David Ornstein

Lyndal Osborne Seamus and Judy O’Shea Ludvik and Danica Pahulje Bruce Parsons Warren Pashkowich Lorne Patzer Graham Peacock and Wendy C. Rollins Pen - Bro Holdings Limited Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Estate of Kathleen Pepper Dale Percy William Perehudoff and Dorothy KnowlesPerehudoff Anil and Sheri Pereira Z. Perler Knud Petersen Petro-Canada J. Christopher Pratt John and Connie Prentice PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Provident Energy Stephen Pustil RBC Financial Group through RBC Foundation Richardson Oilseed Ltd. Robert J. Turner Professional Corporation David Roberts John Roberts Art Robinson Rogers Broadcasting Limited Rogers Sugar Ltd. Robert and Minda Rogerson Roloff Beny Foundation

259 32

Fred Romanuk Richard Rooney Catherine Ross Royal Host Hotels and Resorts Randy and Jane Royer Terrance and Maureen Royer Earl Rumm Jared Sable Ron and Joyce Sakamoto Kevin Sassa Tony Scherman Scotiabank Robert Scott Brian Scully Yosh and Florence Senda Dean and Natalie Setoguchi A. W. Shackleford Robert and Mildred Shackleford Max Shafir Kelly R. H. Shannon Stan Shapson Shell Canada Limited Miriam Shiell Shoppers Drug Mart Muriel Shortreed Ron Shuebrook David Silcox and Linda Intaschi T. Gordon Sim Sandra Simpson Simpson-Markinch Charitable Foundation Melissa Singer Leo and Phyllis Singer Estate of Mary T. Skelton Stephen Smart

Southern Stationers Limited Raymond and Ingrid Speaker David and Jo Spinks Evelyn Springer Maxine Stephens Student Referendum Leila Sujir Sun Life Financial Roger Swierstra James and Tanya Szarko A.D. Taliano Talisman Energy Inc. TD Bank Financial Group Teck Coal Limited TELUS Communications Inc. Howard and Sharon Tennant Rex and Jean Tennant David Thauberger The Ralph Klein Foundation Claudio Tocchio Robert Tocchio TransAlta Corporation TransCanada Corporation TSX Venture Exchange U of L Foundation Douglas Udell University of Lethbridge Students Tony Urquhart Peter Valjas Thorpe Van de Mark Dave and Marilyn Van Gaalen Della Van Gaalen Tony and Lorraine Van Lewken Glenn and Janice Varzari W. Garfield Weston Foundation


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Ian Wallace John and Barbara Warren George Webber Simon Weinberg Wesbridge Construction Limited Edward White Darol and Evelyn Wigham Wigham Resources Ltd. John Will Mary Shannon Will Lela Wilson Warren Wilson Mark Wiltshire Wind River Glass Ltd. Clive Wulwik Anne Wyse Xerox Canada Ltd. Maurice Yacowar Ronald and Kathryn Yoshida Robert Youds George A. and Kathleen Young Young Parkyn McNab LLP Young’s Securities Limited Tim Zuck Irving Zucker




2010 donors Anonymous (96) 1278231 Alberta Ltd. o/a Little Caesar’s Pizza 1634122 Ontario Ltd. 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd. 262602 Alberta Ltd. 2R Inc. 487478 Alberta Ltd. o/a We Care Home Health Services 539370 Alberta Ltd. 808097 Alberta Ltd. o/a Backstreet Pub and Pizza Palmer and Lise Acheson Brittney Adams Carly Adams Darren Adamson Akin “Bob” Adebayo Adorn Masonry Ltd. Connie Adserballe Advantage Roofing Ltd. Agro Stettler Lori Ahart Bruce and Janet Ainscough Airtech Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. Art Aitken Shamsul Alam and Mariam Begum Alberta Blue Cross Alberta Motor Association Alberta Parks Alberta Professional Planners Institute Darrell Alexander James Alexander Janet Alexander Bruce and Jane Allan Allan J. Sattin Professional Corporation Kenneth Allan Dawn Allen Karla Alliban Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge Lynn Ambedian

Darren Ammann Eric Amundsen Mike Andersen Linda Anderson Lori Anderson Mark Anderson Anderson’s Medical Dental Pharmacy Ltd. Andrea Andreachuk Craig and Cheryl Andres Kwame Andrews Robert Androkovich Alan Andron Alan Ankutowicz and Laura Horton Sophie Ankutowicz Mary Annis Janice Anton Archaeological Society of Alberta Butch Archibald Vickie Arksey Courtney Armstrong Alison Arnissen Lynn Arnold Clarence and Johanna Arnoldussen Art Batty Enterprises Inc. ATB Financial ATCO Group Courtney Atkinson Gordon Atwood Kilmeny Auringer Avonlea Homes Ltd. Albert Azzara Christopher Babits Megan Bach Wendy Bacon Sheila Bad Eagle Edward Bader John Bain and Elizabeth Schultz Raeola and Daniel Baker Angela Balaski Danny Balderson Penny Balfour Tammy Ballendine Darla Balog

Randy Bardock Diana Barnet Kelly Barschel Jeannette Barsky John and Yvonne Barthel Troy Bartman Troy and Karen Basarab Fred and Pat Baskerville Kelly Baskerville Victoria Baster Saikat Basu Olive Batchelor Anne Baxter Rhoda Baxter Bayer CropScience Inc. BCT Structures Brent Beattie Lorraine Beaudin Gary and Ann Becker Karen Beebe Marko Begovic Dion Belanger Tim and Brenda Bell Julie Benci Dennis Bennett Jeannette and Bryce Bennett Michael and Diane Bennett Richard Bennett Scott Bennett Trevor Bennett and Fern Brooks Aimee Benoit Kathy Benson Berass Services Inc. Thomas and Bev Berekoff Cory Beres Jim and Jean Berezan Estate of Mary Berg David and Salma Bergen Jeff Beringer Dorin and Helen Berlando Nayibe Bermudez Kelvin Berntson and Cynthia Badura Berntson Matt Berrigan Steve Berry Herb Beswick

Maralon Bevans Reginald and Lita Bibby Bigelow Fowler Clinic Tracy Bilcik Bruno and Cheryl Binassi Terry Bingham Greg Birch Thomas Birch John Black Black Velvet Distilling Company Guy and Ginger Blanchette Randy Bliss Carol Block David and Merle Blumell BMO Bank of Montreal BMO Employee Charitable Foundation Jochen Bocksnick Kim Bodnar David Boehr Robyn Boere Clark Bohmer Sharon Bolink John and Jeraldine Bolton Arie and Margaret Bomhof Duane Bond Ron and Judith Bonertz Glenda Bonifacio Booster Juice Doug Borys Andy Borzel Arthur and Shirley Borzel Keith Boschee and Val Hill Mark and Jana Boschee Toby and Bernadine Boulet Brenda Boulton Kelsey Boulton Janet Bourchier Myles and Betty Bourke Bow River Irrigation District Nick Boyd Donna Boyd-Stadelmann Diane Boyle Jesse Boyle Riley Boyle BP Foundation Inc.

Tyler Brack Tara Bradley Sarah Bradon Conner Brady Heather Brae Lisa Brawn Sharon and Douglas Bray Doreen Brazier Elke Break Bonnie Brenner Bridge City Chrysler Dodge Jeep Inc. Bridge Pressure Washers Colleen Bridges Michael and Annette Bright Kelly Brittain Terry Britton Lori Broadhead Steve Brodrick Steve Bromley Geri Bronson Debra Brotherwood Arlene Brown Harold and Peggy Brown JoAnne Brown Kerbi Brown Kirk and J’Nan Brown Lesley Brown Rikki Lee Brown Ronald and Lesley Brown Steve Brown Victor and Catherine Brown Michael and Trudy Bruchet Brennan Bruet Heather Brule Christy Brusky Gary Buchanan Martin and Kelly Buckley Kristin Buhrmann Deb Bullock Burbridge Farm Ltd. Theresa Burg Ray Burguss Eileen Burke Dale Burnett Michael Burris




(L-R) Dr. Ron and Joyce Sakamoto

When students in the Digital Audio Arts program at the University of Lethbridge began classes last fall, they did so knowing that the unique opportunities available to them were made possible by the generous support of donors like Dr. Ron and Joyce Sakamoto. Last year, the Sakamotos made a $200,000 gift in support of scholarships for students in the Digital Audio Arts program. When matched by the Government of Alberta’s Access to the Future Fund, the total contribution was $400,000. For students, the funding helps ensure they have the opportunities to learn and gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively navigate the evergrowing and changing landscape of music technology. “Joyce and I are happy to support students in the Digital Audio Arts program as they work to meet their educational and professional goals, and eventually contribute to growing the industry that has been so good to me,” says Ron.

Dennis and Christine Burton Loralee Burton Sarah Burton Jane Butler Jenna Butrenchuk Jim Buttazzoni Donna Butterwick Brent and Niki Button Gus Byam Robert and Brigitte Byers Karen Byfield Bill and Elsa Cade Maureen Calder Calgary Flames Limited Partnership Calgary Foundation Calgary Transit Cheryl Calver Rob Calver


Jo Campbell Hipkin Erin Campbell Howell Janet Campbell Michael Campbell and Lynn Evans-Campbell Mike Campbell Nancy Campbell Sylvia Campbell Canadian Petroleum Tax Society Canadian Recreation Excellence (Lethbridge) Canadian Tire Lethbridge South Hart Cantelon Bruce Carbert Cardston Dairy Queen Jill Carley Allison Carlson Eric Carmichael Carla Carnaghan

Tasha Caron David Carpenter and Cheryl Arelis Elinor Carpenter Leslie Carpenter Bernie Carriere Awny Cassis Charlotte Caton Catwalk Salon Spa Barbara Cavers Mike Cavilla Cenovus Employee Foundation Cenovus Energy Centron Construction Limited Certified General Accountants Association of Alberta Certified Management Accountants of Alberta CFUW-Lethbridge Chapter

CGA Alberta Research and Education Foundation Ron Chambers Mitchell Champney Donald and Nadine Chandler Alicia Chantal Connie Chaplin Glen Chapman Wes Chapman Charlton and Hill Ltd. Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation Priscilla Chen Jennifer Chiang Dennis and Sylvia Chinner Ron and Patti Chomyc Winston Wing-Tat Chow Family Tony Christensen Darryl Christiansen

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Rich Chubb CIBC- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Cisbro Design and Decorating Terry Clark Jeff and Lisa Clarke Linda and Dale Clay Jolene Clayton Clear Sky Radio Inc. David Clearwater Karen Clearwater Jennifer Clevette Marvin and Vicki Clifton Coast Lethbridge Hotel and Conference Centre Tracey Coates Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. Tom and Grace Cockburn Brenda Cohen


Timothy and Shirley Coleman Katherine Collett David and Jayna Collingridge Kimberly Collis Eoin Colquhoun Doug Colwell and Sheila Torgunrud George Combe Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta Community Spirit Grant Program Helen Conner Dennis and Catherine Connolly ConocoPhillips Canada Continental Cattle Carriers Ltd. Bernie Cook Constance Cook Jeanette Cook Derek Cooney Robert Cooney Glynda Coop Missy Cooper Jennifer Copeland Ron and Laurel Corbiere Gloria Cormican Brad Cornish Marie Corns Giuliano and Dawna Coslovi Janice Cougle Donna Court and Family Bill Cousineau Kathryn Cousins Jim Coutts Terry Cove-Drefs Todd and Karen Coverdale Ashley Cowan Roger Cowan Cowboys Welding Asheley Cowie Harry and Mildred Cox Winnie Coy Naomi Cramer Kevin and Jayme Crawford Robert Cressman Jeffery and Stephanie Crighton June Crighton John Cristen David and Louella Cronkhite Art and Mary Jane Crooks Andy and Connie Crop Eared Wolf

Crop Life Canada - Alberta Pam Cross Child Darrell Croswell Rhonda Crow Don Cruickshank Dale and Kim Culler Brent and Megan Cummins Cummins Western Canada Gary Cunningham Shawna Cunningham CUPE 408 Christina Cuthbertson Rich and Julie Cuthbertson Cutting Edge Farms Ltd. Betty Cyr Shawna Cyr D & R Oils Ltd. Penny D’Agnone Dagmar Dahle Real Dallaire Shaunna Dallyn Dayna B. Daniels Aaron Danielson Robin Dann and Dixie Koenig Alice Darby Mari Daunt Tiffany Dautremont Davidson and Williams LLP Peter Davidson Richard and Denise Davidson Bart and Cynthia Davies Gord Davies Joanne Davis Michael Davis Davis Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. Randy Davis Rick Davis Hailee Dayman Dayman Trucking Co. Ltd. Days Inn - Estevan Daniel De Castro Lynette De Maries Dylan de Peuter Greg Deak Darcy Dean Mark DeBlois Mark James DeBlois Holly Debnam Audrey Debona Rosemarie DeClerck-Floate Paula Degner

Sandra and John DeGroot Diane Delbello Robert Delbridge Howard Dell David Demian Lee Ann Dempster Janz Dening Luke Denley Gail Dennis-Moisey Derochie Painting Ltd. Irene and Brad Dersch Joanne Des Roche Ashlee Deschamps Bruce Desmond Keith Diakiw Cheryl Dick Nancy Dick Joan Digney Ralph Dilworth Michael and Michelle Dimnik Sarah Divins Michael and Allison Dixon Jon Doan Brian Dobing Chris Dodic Rajko and Amy Dodic Douglas and Teresa Dolman Donald K. Miller Professional Corporation Donald L. Sheppard Professional Corporation Frayne Donaldson Danielle Doornbos Douglas E. Munton Professional Corporation Karen Dow-Cazal Tom and Cheri Doyle Rodney Draffin Donna Drake Judith Droessler Du-Al Renovations Dave Dube Ducan Industries Inc. Dudas Electric Ltd. Dudas Painting Inc. Danny Dudley Howard and Janet Dudley Jody Dudley Darrin Duell Gary Duell Duke Projects Inc.

Clint Dunford Duane Dunstan Landry Durell Jenna-Marie Durnin Lindsey Duxbury Phil and Mary Dyck Steven Dyck Dawnyshia Dykshoorn Anne Dymond Dynamic Funds Jason Dys Charles Eastly Ashley Eckel Economic Development Lethbridge Edible Arrangements 1422012 Alberta Ltd. Edie Construction Glenda Edie Education Undergraduate Society Loralee Edwards EECOL Electric Ltd. Eldorado RV Sales Ltd. Jason Elligott Ruby Elliott Sheila Elliott Bessie Ellis Robert Ellis Ellison Enterprises Ltd. Linda Embury Barry and Trish Emerson Margie Emes Debra Emmett Lee and Connue Emond Enercon Water Treatment Ltd. Janelle Enns Gordon Abram Ens David Ens Henry Ens Jacob Ens Viola Ens Richard and Gwenyth Epp Christopher Epplett Sean Erlendson Barb Erler Luigi Esposito Daniel Ethier Lillian Evanoff Joyce Evans Tara Evans George Evelyn and Lottie Austin

Ewings Associates Executive Women International, Lethbridge Chapter Express Coffee and Tea Deborah Falk Alesha Farfus-Shukaliak Catherine Farley Laura-Lea Farncombe Olamide Fasuba Cliff Faszer Daniel Faszer Lynette Featherstone Brendan Fedorchuk Mary Feeney Craig Feller Bryan Fennell Elizabeth Ferguson Estates of Keith and Hope M. Ferguson Carla Ferrari Chris Ferrari Ferrari Westwood Babits Architects Carolyn Fetaz Karen Filbert Michelle Filipenko Fred and Eileen Filthaut Beatrice Findlay David Findlay Michael and Connie Fiorino First Friends Preschool Kaye Fisher Michael and Alysa Fisher Theodore Fisher Lorne Fitch Dennis Fitzpatrick Diane Fjordbotten Don Flaig Larry and June Flanagan Jack and Shirley Fleming Betsy Fletcher Ryan Fletcher Audra Foggin Arnold and Dorothy Follinglo Larry Fong Sherry Foran Patrick Forrest Doug Forsyth Neil Forsyth Bryce Fossum Foster and Sons Jewellery Ltd.



Leah Fowler Merrilyn Fowler Allan and Wendy Fox Audrey Fox Daphne Fox Patty Frantz Mackenzie Fraser Steve Freek Eugenia Friebe Karrie Friesen Matt Fuller G. S. Lakie Middle School Marty Gadd Bill Gaehring Carol Gaetz Cosimo Gagliardi Cris Gal Galko Homes Charlene Gallagher Dean and Bev Gallimore Clint Ganes Ron and Bev Garnett Garry and Vicki Radke Farms Brenda Garthus Dave and Fran Gaskell Joe and Leslie Gatner Michelle Gedraski Gemmel and Jong and Moriyama and Co. General Stewart School Tom and Trisha Genesis Karen Genswein Mike Gering Vince Gibbons Owen Gibson Shawn Gilborn Anne Marie Gill Bob Gill Don Gill Peter Gill Tanya Gill Sandy Gillis Don and Cheryl Gilmore Carla Ginn Jim Gladstone Lenora Glover Carolyn Goddard Mark Goettel and Karen Toohey Stephanie Gokarn Joanne and Tom Golden


Roy Golsteyn Graham Good Good Spirit Records Gregory Goodman Kristin Goosen Brian Gorsy Richard Gossen Gordon and Hilda Gouldie Henry and Anna Gouwenberg Darren and Corianne Grabill Joey Grace Grad Student Referendum Blaine Graff Bart and Rumi Graham James and Juliet Graham Ewald and Myra Granson Ruth Grant Kalischuk Friederike Granzow Linda Gray Green Acres Foundation Peter and Olive Green Fred Greene and Lisa Doolittle Pauline Greenidge Betsy Greenlees Malcolm and Bonny Greenshields Tara Gregg David Gregory Lynn Gregson

Ken and Karen Gregus Teresa Grice Ryan Grieve Bert W. Griffin Suzanne Griffin Misty Griffith Blaine and Connie Gross Cindy Groten Josh Groten Andrew Gruber Mike and Jody Grue Andre and Anke Guerin Darren Gugyelka Cody Gundlock and Tanya Jacobson-Gundlock Shauna Haag Aaron Habinski Heather Hacior Patrick and Irene Hager Pam Hahn Haig Clinic The Hakin Family Jolia Halden Andrew Hale Corey Halford Anthony Hall Ron Hall Morgan Halladay

Clarence and Rita Halma Melanie Halo David and Kathy Hamilton Laurel Hamilton Haney Farms Steve and Johanna Hanhart Cindy Hanna Gabriel Hanna Terrance Hanna Terry Hanna B. T. Hansen David and Cindee Hansma T. J. Hanson Lorraine Happ Dalton and Sandra Harding Mark and Rhonda Harding Paul and Ina Harding Jared Hardy William Harker and Dereka Thibault Harold F. G. Elke Professional Corporation Harold’s Auto Service Ltd. Georgean and Alex Harper Andrew Harries Cole Harris OT Harrison Jean Harrowing

Faculty and staff contribute to the success of U of L students both through their work on campus and by participating in Supporting Our Students (SOS), an annual fundraising campaign to raise money for student awards. In 2010, 320 U of L employees contributed $176,000. This significant investment demonstrates the strength of our community, showing how we are the first to collectively invest in our students.

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Lynda Hartley Chris Hartman Tom Hartman Tracey Hartnett Janet Harvie Ken Harvie Nahid Hashmi Virginia Hassinger Bernice Hathaway Lesley Hathorn Haul-All Equipment Ltd. Cal and Brenda Hauserman Dean Hawkins The Hawryluks and Dolls David Hay Jim Haymour Jared Heidinger Howard and Suzanne Heil Nevada Helgeson Jesse Helmeczi W. Vaughan and Marilyn Hembroff Bill Henderson Mike Henry Helen Hepp Daryl and Wendy R. Herbers Eysill Hernandez M. P. Hess Gudrun Hesse John and Fern Hicken Karl and Frances Hiebert Ron and Sharon Hierath Allison Higa Myrtle High Highland Family Dentistry Janel Hildreth James Hill and Karen Reid Nyna Hill (Dodd) Susan Hill Barb and Eric Hillman Max Himsl Amy Hipkin Bob Hironaka Hiro’s Judo Club Jared Hirsche Trish Hirsekorn Frances Hiscocks Hi-Way Service Inc. Brandon Hobbdrscad Cindy Hoerger


David Hoffos and Mary-Anne McTrowe George Hoge and Gisela Kellner Sandra and Kevin Holland Reid Hollander Maurice and Deborah Hollingsworth Robin Hollingworth Beverly Holmes Jean and Owen Holmes Brenda Holoboff Secrist Wolfgang Holzmann and Joan Blair Aaron Honness Robin Hood Nikiea Hope Marilyn Hopfe Kayla Hopkins Keith and Lynn Hopkins Kevin and Elizabeth Hoppins Raymond and Sandi Hoppins Chris Horbachewski and Lana Wicentovich Jasmine Horner Cindy Horrigan Dan Houbert Renae Hougen Nadia Houle Kelly and Katharine Houston Tweela Houtekamer Wes How Mary Howe Laurence Hoye Kristen Hoyle John Hoyt Kevin Hronek Doug Hudson Charles Huel Susan Huel Florence Huesken David and Shirley Hughes Lee Ann Hughson Steve and Tania Huk Hans Hulstein Ruth M. Hummel Zack Humphrey Hungarian Canadian Old Timers Society Cheryl Hunt Dave Hunt Gordon Hunt

Kevin and Nancy Hunter Donald Hurkot T. Andrew Hurly Barbara and Bryan Huston Lynden and Phyllis Hutchinson John and Jacalyn Hvizdos HyTech Production Ltd. Yoshiye Ikebuchi Imperial Oil Foundation Terry Ingoldsby David Inhaber Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta Intact Financial Corporation Intrigue Lingerie Boutique Felix Irwin John and Noella Irwin Rita Irwin Ron and Liz Iwaskiw J. Patterson Trucking Inc. J. P. Kelly Ranching Ltd. Jim Monteith Ja Tech Inc. Trish Jackson Bob Jacobson Ron and Mariette Jacobson Bob and Sheila Jacobson Judy Jaeger Jeremy James John James James Manson Farms Limited Ryan James Charlene Janes Victor and Lise Januszewski Lois Jardine Anushka Jayasekara Jennifer Spriddle Judy and Brett Jensen Christine Jensen-Ross Justin Jervis and Allison Mohler-Jervis John Johansen Melissa Johanson Andra Johnson and Gary Bradbury Janie Johnson Laura Johnston Tom Johnston Kevin Joly Cathy Jones Christina Jones Jeff and Marianne Jones

Joy Jones Phil Jones Gordon and Elizabeth Jong Katelyn Jonsson Joanne Jurgens Edward Jurkowski Courtney Juurlink K & D Ogilvie Acres Inc. Aaron Kamp Derrick and Cathy Kanashiro Ann Kanig Kappa Sigma Louise Karl Mary Kavanagh and Edison del Canto Kawneer Company Canada Limited David Kaye Dan Kazakoff Kevin and Patricia Keith Steven and Tami Keiver Peter and Helen Kelley Lynn Kennedy Maureen Kennedy Tammy Kennedy Trevor Kenney C. Kenwood Paul Kenwood Walter Kerber Yvonne Kerber Donna Kercher JJ Kereliuk Terry Kerkhoff Ellen Potvin Sandra Kiemele and Dave Lowrey Kim G. C. Moody Professional Corporation Russell Kimber Brian Kinahan Wesley King-Hunter Brenda Kingston Terry and Shelley Kirkvold Leanne Kiss Sachi Kitazaki Kiwanis Club of Lethbridge Lacey Klassen Klassic Maintenance Alissa Klapstein Jenna Kleebaum Karen Kleebaum Kurt and Shirley Klein

Barry and Jody Knapp Carol Knibbs Gregory F. Knight Shirley Knott Aaron and Stephanie Koegler Pam Koetse Garry Kohn Bryan Kolb Aimee Kolla William and Sandi Kolysher Chantal Koning Jane Konrad Marguerite Koole-Ady Kootenay Gloves and Imports Ltd. Brittany Kosek Sean Koshy John and Doris Kostiuk Raymond and Lynette Kostiuk U. Kothe Jill Kotkas Igor and Olga Kovalchuk Landon Kowalzik Natalka Kozub Shelly Kozub KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Daphne Kramer Cornelia Kreft Terri Kremenik Brad Krizan Kristie Kruger Leslaw Krysiak Joseph Krywolt Wayne and Hazel Krywolt Dave Kubik Johnna Kubik Rudolf Kulcsar Judith C. Kulig Michael Kuntz Blaine A. Kunz Val Kurio Peter Kusalik Dena Kuzk Gregory Kveder Wayne and Rhonda Kwan Harvey Labuhn Barbara Lacey Lynette LaCroix Ron Lagemaat Rita Lal-Miller and Scott Miller Marilyn Lamb

Betty Lambert Vincent and Marcia Lammi Landmark Homes (Calgary) Inc. Teresa Landry Apollonia Lang Steele Allyn and Linda Langager Neil Langevin James and Katherine Langston William Lanham Marie Lanier Dena Lanktree Lantic Inc. Chantelle Lariviere Justin Lariviere Steve and Vanessa Larocque Tracy Larson Jennifer Latham Bill Latimer Greg and Marjorie Latimer Jon Latrace William and Nancy Latta Jason Laurendeau Allie Laurent Leslie Lavers Lawn Master Services Ltd. Lawrence Rex Moore Professional Corporation Robert and Terry Lawson Sharon Lawson James and Derice Layher Michael Le Moine David and Anita Leahy Lealta Building Supplies Dallen Leavitt Kim Leavitt Donny Lee Judy Lee Kathy Lee Mark Lee Peter Lee Patti Leeb Leech Printing Ltd. Lynne Lefebvre Legge’s Exterior Contracting Ltd. Legislative Assembly of Alberta May Leister Donald and Sharon Leitch Craig Lencucha Rory Leonard Kim Leong Monica Leong



Norm Lepard Andrea Letal Lethbridge and District Exhibition Lethbridge Association for Progressive Dentistry Lethbridge Bar Association Lethbridge College Lethbridge Hockey Hounds Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club Lethbridge Iron Works Company Limited Lethbridge Lodge Hotel Lethbridge Motorcycle Club Lethbridge Oldtimers Sports Association Lethbridge Public School Local 41 ATA Lethbridge Real Estate Board Co-op Ltd. Lethbridge Senior Men’s Soccer Association Lethbridge Symphony Association Lethbridge Toyota Darlis Letwinetz Jeanette Leusink Ken and Kathy Lewis Mark Leskow Margaret Lewis Sylvia L’Hirondelle Suzanne Lichtenberger Dave Liddell Cindy Lieu Rhonda Lightfoot Theresa Lightfoot Ted Likuski Jack Lilja Murray Lindsay Lucie Linhart Sharon Linitski Suzanne Lint Janice and Murray Linthicum Anna Linville Wayne Lippa Leroy Little Bear Kailey Little Marjorie Little Thomas and Kim Little Frank Llewellyn Duncan Lloyd Jason Lobe


A. Craig Loewen Irene Loewen George Lomas Gregory Long and Connie Lassiter Lamont Loo Mait Loo Julie and Leonard Lorenz Cornelis Los Donna Lounsbury Brandi Loverin Sheila Lowe Lowther Consultants Limited Jason Ludwar Terryl Lukowy Robin Lumley Paul Lung Steven Lush Kelly Lybbert Maragaret Lye Marie Lyle Lynch Financial Bruce Lyon and Arvelle Balon-Lyon Jeff Lyon Sandy Lyons M. W. Steed Professional Corporation Mac3 Machine Inc. Vickie MacArthur Heidi MacDonald Jeanette MacDonald Joanne MacDonald Keith MacDonald Melanie Macdonald Dan and Kathy MacFarlane Mary MacGregor Joe and Lillian Machacek Hennie Machielse-Ens Patrick Mack Flora and Bruce MacKay Ron and Donna MacKay Regina Mackenzie Brenda MacKinnon Ian MacLachlan and Diane Clark Kevin and Tami MacLean Trevor and Susan MacLean Gordon MacLeod John Mackley Charles MacNaughton Debbie MacNaughton Callah MacQueen

Dave MacQueen Fraser MacQueen Reid MacQueen Paolo Magliocco Wendy Mah Mike and Maureen Mahon Bill Mains Kami Makar Gavin Makse Claudia Malacrida Andrew Malcolm Derek Malcolm K. and I. Malik Penny Malinowsky Jess Malinsky Lorraine Malischewski Nicole Mallow Sonya Maloff Susan Manery George and Nellie Mann Stanley Mann Joyce Manson Kathryn Manson Kelly Manson Wael Mansour Ernest and May Mardon Deb Marek Adrian Marinelli Poul Mark Victor and Monica Mark Lee Markert Allan Markin Melissa Marois Lindsay Marsh Locke Marshall Stan and Cathy Martens Annie Martin Sahil Marwaha Gary Massier Jeff Masson Ken Matis Don and Alice Matisz Ben and Marie Matkin Margaret Matlock Val and Flora Matteotti Tell Matthews Mark Mauthner Collin May Joan Mayer Lise Mayne David and Helen Maze

Helen and Mel McAllindon Doug and Rita McArthur McAskile Management Ltd. Bill McAuley Roxanne McCaig McCain Foods (Canada) Karim McCallum Marlene McCann Shawn McCombe Gerald McConaghy Sean McCormick Katie McCoy Brian and Diane McCreary Susan A. McDaniel Andy McDonald McDonald Auto Group McDonald Nissan Theresa Mcdonnell Lee McEwen Farrah McFadden Kevin McFadzen Paula McGibbon Raymond and Sheila McHugh Colleen McInerney Kali McKay Sandra and Robert McKay Sandy McKay Margaret McKeen Christina McKenzie McKillop Insurance and Registry Services Ltd. Tim McKinnon Gary McLean McLean Insurance Agencies Ltd. Dave McLellan Jamie McLellan Angela Mcleod Neal McLeod John McMahon Sheila McManus Brittany McMillan Jay McMillan Wyatt McMorris Jamie McMullin Angela McMurren Guy and Tracy McNab McNab Investments Robert McNab Stacey McNichol Richard and Sharon McNiven

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Muriel McPherson and Cody Johnson Wayne McPherson David and Gaye McVean Melissa McWilliam Mark Medoruma Marie Meek Jared Megee Cheryl Meheden Meliorist Muriel Mellow Michelle Melton Dale Merchant Rod and Barbara Merrill Chris and Shannon Mertens Lilia Mesina Morgan Metzter Meyers Norris Penny Peggy Mezei Sharon Mezei Amy Michel Janeal Mick MicroAge Computer Centres Alan Middleton Justin Miedema Millandale Trucking Ltd. Amanda Miller Beth Miller Colin and Laura Miller Shauna Milligan Bruce and Mary Milliken Josephine Mills Scott Mills Susan Milne Patricia Minor Neil and Heather Mirau Perry and Sharmaine Mirkovich Kevin Misak Loren and Susan Mitchell Shaundra Mitchener Mark and Tamara Miyanaga Fan Mo Connie Moch Erika Norman Jeannette Moldon Michie Moline James Moller Rob Monroe Jenna Montgomery Greg Moody Kim G. C. Moody


Chester Mook Christopher Moore Robbie Moore Shawn and Jaime Morasch Deborah Morgan Goldie Morgentaler Glen Mori Chris Moroz Sidney Morrell Addison Morris Cal Morstad Terri Mort Mandy Moser Vicki Moser Jason Moulton and Janay Nugent Moxie’s Restaurant Marie Moyer Mr. Cash ATM Network Inc. MR.SUBMARINE LIMITED Lee-Ann Mucha Doug and Pam Mundell Krysty Munns Becky Munroe Eleanor Munroe Donna Murphy-Burke Carla Murray Murray Chevrolet Cadillac Jena Murray Ken and Jean Murray Taner Murray Jason Mutschler Misty Nagy Henry and Deborah Najda James and Mika Nakashima Tovi Nalder National Salvage Co. Ltd. Kyle Naumann Lukas Neamtu Edward Nedza Fallon Nedza Christyn Nelis Dianna Nephew Jennifer Nesbitt Peter Neufeld Janice Newberry Reginald and Cynthia Newkirk Cathy Newman John Newman Kenneth Newsham Nexen Inc. Mark Nichelson

Roy and Sherrie Nickel Yvonne Nickel Chris and Lorraine Nicol Jim and Diane Nikkel Andrea Nippard Donald Nishikawa Brenda Nixon Noble Central School Lori Noble Noji Management Ltd. Dianne Nolette Noosa Energy Ltd. Herb and Karyn Norden Debbie Noren Francis and Cybele Noronha Cindy and Trevor Norrgard Andrew North R. Phillip and Freda North Travis and Beata North Jamie Novlesky Janine Nowacka Kevin and Katharine Nugent Catherine Oaks Cheryl Oates Richard and Judy O’Brien Jade (Seungyeob) Ock Paula O’Connor Christine Odney Eric Ogrins Brian O’Hara Sylvia Oishi Okanagan Hockey Schools Ltd. Jade Oldfield Bruce and Sally Olecko Gene Oleksin Kathy Oliver Kimberly Oliverio Erin Olsen JJ Ondrus John and Anne Ondrus Bonnie O’Neil Glenn O’Neill Trisha Ongyerth Lana Ontkean Rod and Tracy Oosterbroek Dennis Opinko Kim Ordway Seamus and Judy O’Shea Darcy Osmond Marcia Oster Alison Ostergard

(L-R) Della, Dave and Marilyn Van Gaalen

BURBRIDGE FARM GIVES BACK As the owners of Burbridge Farm Ltd., a farming operation in southern Alberta, the Van Gaalen family understands the importance of community support. “Burbridge Farm is a southern Alberta business, and this community has played an important role in helping to establish and grow our business,” explains Dave. Although they’re not alumni, the Van Gaalens think of the U of L as their hometown school and have made gifts they hope will benefit the larger community. Over the years, the Van Gaalens and Burbridge Farm have donated to a variety of initiatives at the U of L, including establishing scholarships for students in nursing and in agriculture. This past year, the family made a unique contribution to the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN) by helping to purchase a dense-array electroencephalography system (EEG). Consisting of computers and software, a highly sensitive amplifier and high-speed voltage camera, the system detects the faint electrical signals sent throughout the brain as information is exchanged. By measuring these signals, researchers can better understand the biological basis of a variety of disorders ranging from addiction to ADHD. “We’re proud to support a world-class institution like the CCBN,” says Della. “The research going on here impacts lots of people, and it’s exciting to be part of that.”



(L-R) Deb Marek, assistant coach; Chandy Kaip, head coach; and Kathryn Manson, captain

IMPROVED FACILITIES FOR PRONGHORNS WOMEN’S HOCKEY TEAM The Pronghorns women’s hockey team will have a new place to hang their jerseys for the 2011/12 season thanks to a grant from the Daryl K. Seaman Canadian Hockey Fund. Renovation plans for Nicholas Sheran Ice Arena were announced in 2010 and include the addition of a dressing room for the women’s hockey team. The grant has allowed for the finishing touches to be added. The addition of private showers and washrooms, as well as athletic training space and a coaching office, will make this a truly personal and private space for these student athletes. “The impact of this gift will be immediate,” says Deb Marek, assistant coach of the women’s hockey team and manager of facilities and services for Sport and Recreation Services here on campus. “Our players are already excited and we anticipate a surge in pride when the project is completed. This new space makes our women’s program more professional and appealing in the eyes of our current and even potential players. It’s going to be a great recruiting tool.”


A. K. Otsuka Rick and Joanne Overn Raphael Paczkowski Hillari Paddon Pahulje Enterprises Ltd. Nicholas Paladino Erin Palmer Tara Palmer Pamac Investments Ltd. Laurence Pan Jodi Paoletti Roberto Paoletti Joshua Papay Paradise RV Paramount Development Group Inc. Genevieve Pare Darin Park Douglas Parker Leah Parker Brian Parkinson Trenton Parks and Lillian De Vetten-Parks Robert and Lillian Parkyn Jeff Parton Warren Pashkowich Kevin Paskal Dino and Theresa Pasquotti Bridget Pastoor Janine Paterson Steve Patitsas Dale Paton Garry Pattison Ashley Patzer Susan Paul-Trechka Lorne Pavan Angela Payne Debbie and Ken Payne Meghan Payne Lorna Peacock Sean Peirce Wayne Pelletier Sergio Pellis Pen - Bro Holdings Limited Cathy Penich Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Harold Penner and Irene Klassen-Penner Patricia Pennock Nicole Perkins Richard Perlow Jill and Harold Perry

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M. J. Peszat Kathleen Peta Bob Peters Knud Petersen Erin Peterson Koreyan and Craig Peterson Vernon Peterson Peterson Walker LLP Duane Petluk and Lori Harasem Teresa and Doug Petriw Kari Petro Michael and Lucia Pfeuti Dorelene Pflugbeil Patti and Paul Pharo Phil North Professional Corporation James Phillips June Phillips Lori Phillips Karen Philpott Anna Pickering Jessica Pidkowa Carol Piea Tammy Pierson Kathy Pierzchala Mark Pijl Zieber Quintin Pike and Cara Varzari Shawn Pinder Pinetree Supply Ltd. Shane and Valerie Pinnock Pinter Campground Mildred Piper Noella Piquette-Tomei Dal Pirot Robert Pisko Darcel Pittman Trevor Pittman Urban and Marlene Pittman Kevin Plaksey Roy Pocza Colleen Poff Elaine Pohl Christina Poirier Darcy Poirier Krista D. Polley Susan Pollock Brad Ponto Timothy Pope Jacqui Popick B. Popp


Ingeborg Pot Karri Potts Robert and Jennifer Pound Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp. Premium Mechanical Inc. Sharon Prenevost Estate of John Digby Prentice Sara Prete PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Rose Primachuk Primrose Livestock Ltd. Darryl Proudfoot Josef and Theresa Prozniak Dale M. Ptycia Leighton Purcell Keith Pushor Tysen Pushor Misty Pynten Quality Choice Distributions Quest Support Services Inc. R. A. Andreachuck Professional Corporation Marion Radke Igor Rajcic Randy Ramage John and Pamela Ramotowski Cara Ramsdall Robert Rannard Leslie Rasmussen Robert Rasmussen Bernadette Rath Noah Rauda RBC Financial Group through RBC Foundation Helen Redies Gans Ryan and Alyssa Reed Chad Reid Dan Reid Trevor Reid Relics Basketball Club Rebecca Remington Xiaomeng Ren Robert and Brenda Rennie Diane Renter Juergen Renter Trish Ressler Carolyn Reum Reward Oilfield Services Ltd. Helen Reynolds Robert E. Rice Richardson Oilseed Ltd.

Ted and Iris Richardson Valerie Richardson Una Ridley Tara Riehl Marjorie Rigaux Mireille Rigaux Cathy Riley Tim Ritchie Kendall Roach Deb Robb Robert J. Turner Professional Corporation Doug Roberts Dustin Roberts Lyle Roberts Ama-Faye and Craig Robertson Monica Robertson Wanda Robertson Desmond Rochfort Rocky Mountain Group Partnership Darcy Roddick Lyle and Lesley Rode Shane and Allison Roest Cindy Rogers Matthew Rogers Robert and Minda Rogerson Tammy Rogness Janice Romanuck Stewart Rood Roy and Janet Rosentreter Anne Ross David Ross Gavin Ross Bonnie Rossmann Rotary Club of Lethbridge Scott and Coreen Roth Marcia Rothfield Brian Rowe Scott and Heather Rowland Royal Bank of Canada Crestwood Branch Royal Birch Homes Ltd. Royal Canadian Legion Alberta-NWT Command Royal LePage South Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Roger Royer Rundle College Runners Soul Inc. Sarah Russell

Kuno Ryckborst Dan and Anita Ryder Lori Saar Edward Saavedra Robert Sainsbury Ron and Joyce Sakamoto B. Sale Anthony W. Salekin Jose and Jennifer Samayoa Cheris Samuels-Murdoch Chris Sanden Mark Sander Blair and Adina Sanderson Mark Sandilands Sandman Hotels, Inns and Suites Debi Sandul Dawn Sanherm Curtis Sanjenko Jodi Santoni Ken Sarauer Brad Sarchet Kevin Sassa Brent Sato Paul Saunders Randy Sawada Brent and Debbie Scarlett Kim Schaaf Gregory and Sally Schaffer Chelsey Schell Kim Scherniawski Kathleen Scheu Victor Schorr Werner and Kathleen Schrage Evaline Schultz Virginia Schultz Leo and Donna Schulz Gordon and Irene Schussler Randy and Maureen Schwartz Scotiabank Ryan Scott Dave and Linda Sebastian Kimberly Sekura Zac Semeniuk Florence Senda Mark Sera Craig Sereda ServiceMaster of Lethbridge Servus Credit Union Dean and Natalie Setoguchi Carolyn Seward Oliver and Joanna Seward

Natalie Sewchuk Kelly R. H. Shannon Chris Shantz Eric and Doreen Sharpe Amy Shaw Brandy Shaw Nancy Shaw Logan Shearer Janette Sheets Joseph Shemanchuk Cora Sheyka Cheryl Shiels Cliff Shigemi Corey Shilliday Michael Shire Shree Balaji Enterprises Ltd. Todd Shury Alan Siaroff I. H. Siddique Reka Silasi Cheryl Simkin Mark Simkin Roni Simpson Simpson-Markinch Charitable Foundation Patricia Siray Clayton and Roxanne Sissons S. Sitz Myra Skaronski Ches and Betty Skinner Roxanne Skopyk Grace Skory Dio Slade Elaine E. Slatter Tara Slavich Sandy Slavin Ryan and Joanna Sleik Tony Slezina Marc Slingerland Cameron Slomp David and Michaeleen Smith David Smith Denyse Smith Eleanor Smith Deborah Smith McCarty Melissa Smith Michael Smith Renna Smith Robert Smythies Alex Snell Lowell Sollid

Don and Susan Sommerfeldt Louis and Dorothy Soop Southeast Contracting Dean Southern Raymond and Ingrid Speaker Chris Spearman Geoffrey and Elizabeth Spencer Larry and Barbara Spiess David and Jo Spinks Trevor Sproule Bradley and Holly Srayko SRI Homes Inc. Rhonda St. Amand St. Augustine’s Anglican Church Joleen Standish Scott Stanley Mavis and Barry Stannard Barrie Stanton Susan Stanton Victor and Amy Stasiuk Gerry Ste. Marie James Steacy Stearns Contracting Regan Steed Corinne Steele Terry and Carol Steen Kessie Stefanyk Remington Stemler Jeniffer Stenbeck William Sterling Carol Stevens Jeff Stevens Rosemary Stevens Michael Stingl Melissa Stoker Kyle Stone Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation Stringham Denecky LLP Briana Struss Student Referendum Brian and Colleen Sullivan Donald and Elsie Sullivan Wendy Sun Joyce Sunada Elke Sundstrom Sunrise Investment Co. Ltd. Nick Supina Surbiton Plumbing and Heating Darlene Sutherland Sutton Group



Donna Swalm David Swann Karen Swartzenberger Roger Swierstra Sylvan Lake Summer Hockey School Connie Sypkes Estate of Joseph Szabo Aniko Szojka Natalia Szpakowski Clarence and Lynette Taal Clark and Ruby Tailfeathers Alice Takacs Carrie and Jeff Takeyasu Les Talbot Dave Tamura Roger Tanner Maureen Tarnowski Janet Tattersall Peter Tattersall Oscar and Rosemarie Tavernini Chris Taylor Jonathan Taylor Richard Taylor Robert and Jacqueline Taylor TD Bank Financial Group TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Team Heninger Ltd. Teck Coal Limited Tim and Sonya Teel Philippe Teillet

Telus Communications and Community Affairs TELUS Communications Inc. Howard and Sharon Tennant Sylvia Teske Wayne Teske Loretta Tetzlaff That’s My Specialty The Kinmark Family Trust The Ralph Klein Foundation Craig Theissen Danny Thepsouvanh Jennifer Thiedemann Brandon and Lorelei Thomas Karen and Garry Thomas Madeline Thompson Paula and Ian Thompson Barb Thomsen Brian and Teri Thorlacius Andrew Thorn Jordie Thorneycroft Robert Thorneycroft Geoff Thornley Kelly Thorsen Frances Thorson Corrine Thorsteinson William Tice and Shelley Scott Tim Rollingson Professional Corporation Trina Timco Shane Timmerman Brandi Tindall

Tinhorn Creek Vineyards Jane O’Dea and Brian Titley Jerry Todd Matthew Todd Dan Toews and Stephanie Kubik Monti and Rebecca Toly Torry Lewis Abells LLP David Townsend Trap/Door An Artist Run Centre Pauline Travnik Fred Trinh Triple M Housing Ltd. Gerald Truscott John Tschritter Jim Tsukishima Robert and Dawn Turner Terri Turner Ward Tuttle Tim Tyznenko ULSU Art Society Elaine Unger-Pengilly United Rentals United Way of Calgary and Area University of Lethbridge Alumni Association University of Lethbridge Faculty Association University of Lethbridge Students Dale Unrau Rumi Urasaki

Chylisse Urschel Vader Farms Ltd. Robert Valentine Murray Van Buskick Debbie van Buskirk Russel Van Buskirk Donna Van Eck Gilbert Van Eck Dave and Marilyn Van Gaalen Della Van Gaalen Garth and Sharon Van Gaalen Quinn Van Gaalen Shari Van Rijn Rob Van Roessel and Stephanie Hlady Agnes and Rob Van Spronsen Francis VandenHeuvel Sonya and Justinus Vander Maaten Adrian and Gerda VanderFluit Pete Vanderlee Lynda Vankoughnett Angela Van’t Land Robert and Laura VanTol Glenn and Janice Varzari Vauxhall Shell Jon Veale Derek Veldman Carmela Venezuela Versacold Group Joe Versikaitis Guy Vervoort



Michael Villanueva Steven A. Vincett Pheng Ving George and Carole Virtue Wendy Vogel Volker Stevin Contracting Ltd. John and Sonya von Heyking Rick and Darlene Vornbrock Jeffrey Vucurevich Susan Wagner Derek Waldner Ryan Waldorf Judith Walker Keith Walker Nancy and Paul Walker Herb Wall and Kristine Carlsen Wall Neriza Wallace Richard Waller Chantel Walowetz Evan Walters Wade Walters Mark Walton Darren Wanner Audie Ward Ward Bros Construction Ltd. Scotty Ward Shaun and Pat Ward Lorri Wardley Edwin and Katherine Wasiak Sheila Wasylyshyn Bob Watson

four-year degrees in any discipline to complete all the business and accounting courses needed for admission to the CA School of Business.

Students in the CA Bridging Program at the University of Lethbridge are taking advantage of the unique opportunities made possible by the generous support of the Chartered Accountants Education Foundation of Alberta (CAEF).

to the Future Fund, the total contribution is an impressive $87,000 in support of students pursuing a CA designation.

“The generosity of the Foundation’s supporters has been incredible,” says CAEF’s Executive Director Jane Halford. “Without them, the CA Bridging Program would not be possible.”

Recently, CAEF made a $43,000 donation toward scholarships for students in the CA Bridging Program. Their support was possible thanks to gifts from the Flair Foundation and Mike and Linda Shaikh. When matched through the Government of Alberta’s Access

CAEF provided an initial investment of $190,000 to implement the CA Bridging Program in partnership with the University. The program is offered exclusively at the U of L’s Calgary and Edmonton campuses, and enables students with

The Flair Foundation Bursary, along with the Mike Shaikh FCA and Linda Shaikh Bursary, will help equip more students with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to be successful as chartered accountants.

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Carol Watt Angela Watts Wayne Shaw Enterprises Ltd. Gregory and Joanne Weadick Brenda Weasel Fat Joel Weaver Deryck Webb Lemaun Webster Stephanie Weenk Michelle Weisgerber David Wells Jean Wells Wolfgang Wendrich Clem Wenham Greg West Russell and Hazel West Marion West Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Western Sales Ltd. Frank Westley Westside Automotive Dan and Karen Westwood David Westwood Gerard and Terry Westwood Tim Westwood Joan Wheat Ian and Susan Whishaw Terry Whitehead Richard Whitesell Marlene and Bradley Whyte Pati Wigelsworth Wilfred Holdings Inc. Willcor Management Inc. Allan Williams Carol Williams Bruce and Catherine Williams Dave Williams Elizabeth Anne Williams Lorne and Wendy Williams Nicole Williams Patrick Williams Robert Williams and Lyn Paterson Williams Stucco Ltd. Tom and Vivian Williamson Kevin Willoughby Taura Willoughby Willow Creek Agricultural Society Annette Wilson Kyle Wilson

Robert Wilson Ruth Wilson Sharon and Daniel Wirzba Marilyn Withage Alane Witt-Lajeunesse Dieter Witzke Sue and Mark Wobick Bernadine Wojtowicz Rawn Wolfe and Rene Plaizier Eugene Wolkowycki Andrew Wong Julie Wong Val Wong Craig Wood and Catherine Woolfrey Robert Wood and Kristin Ailsby-Wood Don Woodruff Paula Woynarowsky William and Terri Woytkiw Carolyn Wright Dawn Wright Travis Wright Aldegonda Wyrostok Lei Xiong Geary Yamashita Eddie Yee Patricia Yellow Horn Greg Yeoman Ronald and Kathryn Yoshida Diana Young Diane Young Young Parkyn McNab LLP Dr. Janet Youngdahl and Shoja Mazidi Sajjad Zahir Ashley Zaremba Mohammad Zehtabi Oskuie Earle F. Zeigler W. and M. Zeller Alexei Zenkevich Ralph and Faith Zentner Lillian Zhang Meng Zhang Ying Zheng Lise Zimmerman Jana Zoeteman In memory of Frank Jetter In memory of Scott Alexander Marshalsay In honour of Urban and Marlene Pittman

(L-R) U of L President Emeritus Dr. Bill Cade and his wife Elsa Cade

BILL AND ELSA CADE RECEIVE 2010 GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT AWARD U of L President Emeritus Dr. Bill Cade and his wife Elsa have a saying, “We’ve always believed in the three Ts: time, treasure and talent.” “Everyone can help their community and fellow humans in at least one of those ways,” says Bill. The former presidential couple certainly has all three areas covered and was recognized with a 2010 Generosity of Spirit award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Calgary & Area Chapter. As strong supporters of education and youth, the Cades have established the Bill and Elsa Salazar Cade Scholarship in Evolutionary Biology here at the U of L, the endowment of which has reached nearly $130,000. They have also both contributed to countless student fundraisers and have volunteered their time with many local organizations. For those looking to start their philanthropic journey, Elsa has some advice: “Get involved in your community and in what interests you,” she says. “Giving doesn’t have to come out of your wallet. When it’s something that’s close to you, it’s amazing what you can accomplish.”



(L-R) Judith Wabegijig and Shawnee Brave Rock


links are as important as academic services to her success.

Shawnee Brave Rock never intended to go to university, but after excelling at her high school upgrading courses, she followed the example of her mother – a PhD student – and enrolled at the University of Lethbridge.

“When I’m in class and walking around university, I don’t see many aboriginal students. But, because of the services the University offers, I’ve met a lot of other native students. It’s not that it’s exclusive, but we stick together and do things together.”

Born and raised in Lethbridge, Brave Rock knew the city well, but the University campus was new territory. “It was really exciting but at the same time, I was really intimidated. It was just really scary,” she says.

With a tradition of strong aboriginal connections, the U of L implemented the Native Student Advising Program in 2002 in response to the growing number of FNMI students, and to ensure they received the support they needed to succeed academically.

For the pre-management student, the Native Student Advisor, Elizabeth Ferguson, has been a critical resource. “I’m a single mom, and I think my biggest struggle isn’t school – it’s life outside of school,” says Brave Rock. In the last two years, she’s approached Ferguson for help with everything from scheduling classes to accessing the food bank, and says this guidance has eased a lot of the pressure. “One of the most important factors for success for aboriginal students is the support they receive on campus. This support must be culturally relevant and reflect the needs of the aboriginal community,” says Ferguson (BA ’03, MA ’05). Campus can feel like a large, imposing place for any student, but it can be especially tough for First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) students. Many of these students are from out-of-town and may


This year, the program received a significant boost thanks to a gift from the Ralph Klein Foundation and matching funds from the Alberta Government through the Access to the Future Fund. As a result, the Native Student Advising Program will be able to hire a second advisor, expand its services and help more students like Brave Rock and Wabegijig in the coming years. feel shy about asking for help finding the services they need or connecting with the FNMI community. Having an FNMI advisor can mean all the difference. Judith Wabegijig, a mature student taking Native American Studies, would agree: she meets with Ferguson two or three times each semester for guidance. “It’s stress relieving being able to talk to the advisor about unexpected problems I’ve had and being directed to the right person to talk to,” she says.

It’s also helped her maintain focus and motivation when the demands of student life pile up. But success at university requires community support, too. In addition to offering academic counselling for students, the Native Student Advisor organizes several events during the year to connect FNMI students with each other and with the U of L campus as a whole, like Native Awareness Week. For Brave Rock, these social

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“The Ralph Klein Foundation was proud to support the U of L because of the work the University does for aboriginal students,” says Colleen Klein, who served as Chair of the Foundation. “Words cannot express how much this will impact the lives of the aboriginal students: it will provide them with a sense of welcoming and belonging, and will allow them to follow their dreams and become role models for other students.”

Thank You

“Receiving scholarship funding has given me the opportunity to expand my education beyond the classroom. I’m extremely grateful for the support I’ve received from the U of L community.” Vanessa Lodermeier Fifth-year social sciences student

Vanessa Lodermeier knows that a university education will ensure she reaches her full potential so that she can maximize her contribution to society. As the recipient of the Gordon and Elizabeth Merrick scholarship, awarded to students who demonstrate an interest in improving the lives of those living with

cancer, Vanessa is involved in community efforts to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and has already started making a difference. But this is just the beginning. The results of your gifts reach well beyond our campus. Everywhere you look – from boardrooms to hospitals to classrooms – students like Vanessa are changing the way things are done to make the world a better place.

University of Lethbridge University Advancement Development Phone: 403-329-2582 Toll Free: 1-866-552-2582

Chris Horbachewski Vice-President (Advancement)

Kristine Carlsen Wall Advancement Business Officer

Ruth Hummel Senior Director, Calgary Development

Donna Court Gift Processing

Barry Knapp Manager, Major Gifts

Taryn Hawkins Administrative Support

Kathy MacFarlane Manager, Development Programs

Erika Street Research Support

Anna Linville Manager, Advancement Services

Kali McKay Advancement Communications Officer



McClellan served as a member of the legislative assembly for the DrumhellerStettler constituency from 1987 to 2007. During her six terms in office she held such diverse ministerial portfolios as health; community development; agriculture; food and rural development; and international and intergovernmental relations. She also served as deputy premier and finance minister.

THE U OF L WELCOMES ITS 12TH CHANCELLOR Dr. Shirley McClellan, an advocate for education, veteran Alberta politician and former deputy premier of the Province of Alberta, began her term as the 12th Chancellor of the University of Lethbridge on March 16, 2011. “I am very honoured to be selected to serve as the U of L’s chancellor,” says McClellan. “I’ve had a strong affinity for the U of L that dates back to my days not only as a parent of a U of L student, but in the continuing education field, where we worked with the University and the college to develop credit programming for rural communities. I am looking forward to participating in as many activities as possible to help tell the U of L story.”


Since leaving the Government of Alberta in 2007, McClellan has matched her interests in farming and education with a long tradition of community service, most recently as a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the University of Alberta’s Rural Economy/ALES Faculty Office and The School of Business. She is also a member of the Olds College Board of Governors and is active in the governance of Horse Racing Alberta. In 2010, McClellan received an honorary degree from the U of L. She succeeds Chancellor Emeritus Richard Davidson, QC.

HORNS UPDATE Fourth-year biochemistry student Megan Bach, a member of the Horns women’s hockey team, was named the top student-athlete in Canada West women’s hockey. Bach had a 4.0 GPA last year and was awarded the

MOVEMBER The month of November was a little hairy at the U of L last year – literally. Men all over campus, including students, faculty and staff, began growing mustaches in support of Movember, an international campaign that draws attention to and raises funds for the fight against prostate cancer. The program itself is simple: grow a moustache, collect pledges and the fund grows. Hairiest of them all, was the Pronghorns men’s hockey team, who all grew

President’s Cup as the Pronghorns’ top student-athlete. She is also a three-time CIS Academic All-Canadian. Pronghorns women’s rugby player Kelsey Willoughby, along with former Horns standout Ashley Patzer, were named to Canada’s National Rugby Sevens Team

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mustaches and collected pledges from community members. The team also sold raffle tickets for a prize package and auctioned off special edition Movember jerseys to raise funds. U of L President Dr. Mike Mahon threw his support behind the program by participating in a puck-shooting exhibition during one of the intermissions, raising money for each puck he fired into the net. The Pronghorns men’s hockey team’s first Movember initiative raised a total of $10,892 for the fight against prostate cancer, with the money donated to Prostate Cancer Canada.

that competed at an international tournament in Hong Kong in March. Willoughby was the Canada West MVP in 2010, and Patzer won CIS Player of the Year awards in 2006 and 2009.

SIGNIFICANT AND MENTIONABLE MANAGEMENT STUDENTS LEAD THE WAY AT JDC Faculty of Management students Bryan Tomie, Daniela Bruch and Brittany Miller earned a pair of first-place finishes for the University of Lethbridge at the 2011 JDC West business-case competition, held recently at the University of Saskatchewan. The trio took part in the largest student-run business competition in Western Canada. The U of L team was awarded first-place finishes in two categories, Marketing and Social, and raised $30,281 toward fulfillment of the charity portion of the JDC competition. Most of the money was raised through the Chillin’ 4 Charity fundraiser in November as well as other volunteer activities. More than 550 students from 11 of Western Canada’s top universities compete annually in the competition, organized by and for business students. U of L students have competed each year since its inception in 2006, and have placed in the top three in multiple categories every year.

U OF L’S CALGARY CAMPUS MOVES TO BOW VALLEY COLLEGE More than 700 students at the University of Lethbridge’s Calgary Campus started their January term in Bow Valley College’s (BVC) newly renovated downtown North Campus. The move to BVC builds on the efforts of both institutions to collaborate and

Opportunity Fund with matching support from the Small Equipment grant programs from the Government of Alberta.

(chemistry and biochemistry) and his colleagues examine the finest details of molecules, among other projects.

Dr. Claudia Gonzalez (kinesiology and physical education) studies how the brain connects vision and motor skills, such as hand movements. Dr. René Boeré

Overall, the researchers will receive $547,778 while additional support from the University of Lethbridge and industry partners brings that total to more than $700,000.

STUDENTS EARN SIGNIFICANT TRAINEESHIPS Five U of L students have been named successful applicants for the Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions (formerly AHFMR) Hotchkiss Brain Institute Provincial Program on Perinatal Determinants of Brain and Mental Health 2010-2011 Traineeships.

Dr. Farshad Nemati (Dr. Bryan Kolb), Neuroplasticity in Adolescence

NEW MEDIA STUDENTS LOOK TO SPACE New Media students Jeff Heaney and Jena Murray earned internships with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in Montreal starting in January 2011.

Successful applicants, their supervisors and proposed research initiatives are:

Alberta Innovates approved only 11 traineeships this year, and the U of L earned five. As well, alumnus Dr. Simon Spanswick (MSc ’05, PhD ‘10), who is currently working on post-doctoral studies at the University of Calgary, was awarded a traineeship.

FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL RESEARCH EQUIPMENT FUNDING BOOSTS TWO PROGRAMS AT UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE Two very different research teams recently received significant funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation Leaders

Robin Keeley (Dr. Robert McDonald), Chronic THC Administration During Puberty and its Effect on Behaviour and Brain Morphology in Adulthood Dr. Richelle Mychasiuk (Dr. Bryan Kolb), The Effect of Cumulative Experience on Brain Plasticity

provide better access to post-secondary education in Calgary. “By increasing access to quality education in downtown Calgary, the U of L and BVC are working together to meet the needs of Calgarians,” says U of L President Dr. Mike Mahon. “By providing options for individuals interested in pursuing post-secondary

TECTERRA FUNDS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM University of Lethbridge students Maxine Couch and John Anderson are the first beneficiaries of a new scholarship program designed to spur the development of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) in the field of geomatics technology. Tecterra Inc. recently launched the Future Geomatics

Dr. Fabiola Zucchi (Dr. Gerlinde Metz), Brain MicroRNA (miR) Expression in Response to Prenatal Stress Muhammad Arif (Dr. Bryan Kolb), Developmental Factors Related to Drug Addiction

education, our two institutions help ensure that more students will have the knowledge and skills to be successful.” The U of L has offered Faculty of Management programming in Calgary at the SAIT campus since 1996. Program growth, both at SAIT and the U of L, spurred the move to larger facilities at BVC.

Leaders Awards program, providing scholarship funds to top students studying in geomatics and related science or technology fields at Alberta post-secondary institutions. The University of Lethbridge is one of eight Alberta post-secondary institutions participating in the awards program that will initially be offered from 2010 to 2014.

Heaney and Murray are the latest group of University of Lethbridge students to receive this prestigious internship appointment with the CSA. Four other students from the new media program have been offered internships with the CSA since summer 2007. The CSA internship is a program that is interested in 3-D modelling and simulation for the purpose of tracking and developing things like satellite simulations and creating works in 3-D to be used by their engineers and scientists.

“To best serve our growing number of students – from BVC, SAIT and elsewhere in Calgary – the U of L decided that moving was a viable option,” says Lorne Williams (BMgt ‘98, MEd ‘07), director of the U of L’s Calgary campus.

The award is based on academic merit and targets students with a GPA of 3.0 or greater, who meet other excellence criteria as determined by their respective institutions. Couch, who is studying physics, and Anderson, a geography student, will each receive a $2,000 scholarship for their academic achievement and strong interest in geomatics technology.



CONGRATULATIONS The U of L extends sincere congratulations to the members of our community for their recent awards and recognitions. Dr. Dennis Fitzpatrick, former vicepresident (research), received the Outstanding Contribution to the Alberta Science and Technology Community award from the Alberta Science and Technology (ASTech) Leadership Foundation in fall 2010. Fitzpatrick was among 36 leading individuals and organizations, including U of L professors Dr. David Naylor and Dr. Tim McAllister, nominated for 2010 ASTech awards. Iunctus Geomatics Corp., led by U of L alumnus Ryan Johnson (BSc ’98,

RESILIENCE CELEBRATES A CULTURE’S IDENTITY For Linda Many Guns, a professor in the Department of Native American Studies, the best way to present a true glimpse of Aboriginal society is to celebrate the strength and spirit of its people. Her fashion show, The Resilience of Blackfoot Identity in Clothing, which was part of the U of L’s 2011 Native Awareness Week, did just that. “I personally like to blow up myths about Aboriginal people,” says Many Guns. “One of the opportunities we have during Native Awareness Week is the chance to demonstrate outside of classroom discussions, what it is to be Aboriginal. It’s not just about reserves and issues; it’s about people, a way of life and a quality of life. The issues are always centred on poverty and that impoverished image. During Native Awareness Week we have the opportunity, through this fashion show, to demonstrate a way of life that has quality, colour, skill and integrity.”


MSc ’00), received the SAIT Polytechnic Outstanding Achievement in Applied Technology and Innovation Award. Management professor Dr. Gord Hunter was designated a Fellow of the Society of Management Accountants of Canada. Dr. Olga Kovalchuk received a 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction Award. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) renewed biological sciences professor Dr. Joe Rasmussen’s funding as a Tier I Canada Research Chair. Rasmussen is a national leader in aquatic ecosystem research.

The resilience of the Blackfoot women’s pride in their identity is captured in the clothing they created and is the central theme of the show, featuring dresses created from the three distinct eras of Aboriginal history. Contemporary designers Carol Mason, Beverly Hungry Wolf and Gerri Many Fingers all participated in the show, but it was the appearance of Pauline Dempsey’s collection that set this gathering apart. Dempsey is the daughter of Canadian Senator James Gladstone and the wife of noted author Hugh Dempsey. Her collection has been shown all over the world and her husband Hugh is recognized for his scholarly contributions at the Glenbow Museum. Many Guns says the event highlighted a people that, despite facing hardship, maintained an active and vibrant culture. “It’s that spirit of resilience that keeps our culture alive today,” she says.

RECORD-SETTING START FOR STEACY Pronghorns thrower Heather Steacy capped off the Canada West track and field season in record-setting style. Steacy set a new Canada West record in weight throw, tossing 19.89 metres to easily surpass the 19.02 mark established by former Pronghorns thrower, Kate Forbes, six years earlier. In fact, Steacy bettered 19.02 on every one of her qualifying throws. For her efforts, she was awarded Outstanding Female Performance and named a Canada West first-team all-star.

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This is Steacy’s fourth Canada West gold medal in weight throw. The ultimate goal for the music major is to take her throwing prowess to the Olympic stage. Still a youngster for her sport, she is right on track for an Olympic appearance. “I’m hoping to go to London in 2012, but I’m more looking forward to competing at the Rio Olympics in 2016,” she says. “I would really like to go to London to get that experience under my belt and get a chance to see what it’s like so I can know what to expect if I get to go to Rio.”


U OF L ALUMNI ASSOCIATION COUNCIL President Don Chandler BASc ’73 Vice-President Kathy Lewis BN ’83, MEd ’99 Treasurer Lanny Anderson BMgt ’06 Secretary Rachel Caldie BMgt ’07 Past President Sheila McHugh DipEd ’84, MEd ’97 Directors Grant Adamson BSc ’03 Ted Likuski BEd ’74 Jeff Milner BFA ’06 Cheryl Meheden MgtCert ’97 Rebecca Remington BSc ’90 Shaun Serafini BMgt ’02 Faisal Shaffi BMgt ’03 Jan Tanner BA ’04, MA ’06 Board of Governors Reps Don Chandler BASc ’73 Kevin Nugent BMgt ’88 Senate Rep Rachel Caldie BMgt ’07 Holly Debnam BA ’97 Students’ Union Rep Taz Kassam Calgary Chapter President Brock Melnyk BMgt ’06 Edmonton Chapter President Jeanette Dotimas BMgt ’01 First Nations, Métis and Inuit Chapter Chair Leroy Little Bear BASc ’72, DASc ’04

UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS Calgary Chapter Pints and Patios Event May | More details to follow. Spring Convocation June 1, 2 and 3 | 1st Choice Savings Centre Alumni Celebration In recognition of the 2011 Alumni Honour Society inductees | June 1 | Students’ Union Ballrooms RSVP by May 25 to University of Lethbridge Alumni Association Annual General Meeting | June 8 | AH100 (Anderson Hall) | RSVP by May 27 to

John Gill Memorial Golf Tournament June 10 | Picture Butte Golf Club | Registration: $150 RSVP by May 30 to Calgary Chapter Stampede Event July | More details to follow. Calgary Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament August 25 | McKenzie Meadows Golf Club | Registration: $175 | RSVP to Brock Melnyk at For more information on these and other upcoming events, visit:

Display your degree

WITH PRIDE 4 New Frames Available Showcase your hard-earned degree in one of seven official University of Lethbridge degree frames. All styles include an archival quality mat which features the University of Lethbridge shield.

To view or order a frame, visit: All frames are Canadian made using ‘Eco’ friendly materials under fair labour conditions.

Alumni Benefits & Services Contact us: The University of Lethbridge Alumni Association 4401 University Drive W Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Phone: 403-317-2825 Toll-Free: 1-866-552-2582 E-mail:

As a graduate of the University of Lethbridge, you have earned a free lifelong membership into the Alumni Association. Stay connected to make the most of your membership. Visit:

Join our Facebook group: U of L Alumni – Official Site Join our LinkedIn group: University of Lethbridge Alumni, Students, Faculty and Staff Follow: @ULethbridgeAlum 49



ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AND CHAPTER UPDATES NEW CALGARY CHAPTER PRESIDENT On Feb. 3, the Calgary Chapter of the Alumni Association held its annual general meeting, and Brock Melnyk (BMgt ’06) was elected as the 2011/12 president.

“I had such a positive experience with the Edmonton campus, and I went to alumni events because I wanted to somehow stay connected.” Jeanette Dotimas (BMgt ’01), president of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association’s Edmonton chapter (ULAA), began her journey with the U of L when she enrolled in the post-diploma bachelor of management program offered at the University of Lethbridge’s Edmonton campus. For two years, she worked full days at General Electric and attended full-time classes in the evenings and on weekends to complete her degree. “It was such an intense, focused program,” says Dotimas. “For the most part, we were all in the same boat, working during the day then coming to school at night and on the weekends. It was like an 80-hour work week, but it was great preparation for the professional world.” The personal nature of her educational experience helped establish long-lasting bonds with the U of L. Since her graduation, Dotimas has been an active alumna and was thrilled to participate in the organization of a brand new ULAA Edmonton chapter. She served for one year on the board, becoming president of the chapter last fall. 50

“The success of the Alumni Association’s Calgary Chapter is a result of the hard work and dedication shown by our alumni over the last 10 years. It is a privilege to take on the role of president at this time, and I look forward to continued opportunities to grow the U of L’s reputation and reach in Calgary and area.”

“I had such a positive experience with the Edmonton campus, and I went to alumni events because I wanted to somehow stay connected,” she says. “I strongly believe that being a part of the ULAA is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, to expand your horizons and your networks and to give back.” With close to 2,000 alumni residing in the Edmonton area, the chapter looks to offer support, whether it’s in the form of providing work opportunities through networking or connecting alumni with other professional organizations. “I am a huge advocate for the University,” says Dotimas. “Whenever I have the chance, I promote the U of L to whoever will listen. Through word-of-mouth advertising from former students, my hope is that the University gets the recognition it deserves both in the community and in industry. The U of L is such a unique and wonderful institution and we want to ensure that we are on people’s minds.”

- U of L alumni volunteers at the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank on Dec. 18, 2010. In one morning, the group was able to sort more than 15,000 lbs. of food. - On Feb. 8, alumni met with their Alumni Association council members and U of L President Dr. Mike Mahon in Markin Hall. - In March, the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Alumni Chapter participated in Native Awareness Week by hosting a film screening of Circle of the Sun, Standing Alone and The Last Round Up. Following the presentation, alumni and friends had the unique opportunity to discuss the films with Pete Standing Alone and Narcisse Blood.

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- Pronghorn Alumni Night, Feb.12, fans cheered on the Horns women’s basketball team as they took on Fraser Valley and raised money for breast-cancer research. (L-R) Don Chandler (BASc ’73), Kathy Lewis (BN ’83, MEd ’99), Jan Tanner (BA ’04, MA ’06 ) and Ted Likuski (BEd ’74)


WHAT’S NEW? Let your classmates know what you are up to by sharing a note about your life. Share your news with us by e-mail, phone or mail.

MATTERS 1970 Krishna (Kris) Doodnath BASc ’72 “Shortly after graduation, I moved to Toronto where I worked for a year. I then entered the University of the West Indies where I graduated with a bachelor of laws (honours) in 1976, pursued a post-graduate degree in law and was admitted to the Trinidad and Tobago Bar in 1978. I worked with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for two years before I founded the law firm of L. K. Doodnath & Co. I am the senior partner of the firm. I would like to connect with anyone who was in my year or who may remember me. I was known by the name Kris at the time. Please e-mail me at:” Robert (RJ) Pisko BEd ’73, DipEd ’87 “I have been teaching since 1971. I officially retired in 2000 but am substituting and taking any contract that’s a teaching challenge. I am living in my beloved southern Alberta Rockies and doing whatever suits me – mostly nature photography, writing columns for local press and teaching, of course.” Bruce Chudobiak BA ’78 “After more than 31 years with the Canadian Border Services Agency, I retired in July 2009.” Clifford Breitkreuz BEd ’79 Breitkreuz, and his wife Shirley, were honoured with an Alberta Motor Association Farm Family award in November 2010. This award recognizes outstanding families from northern and central Alberta who best represent the values of the family farm within their rural communities. The Breitkreuz family has been residing in the Lac Ste. Anne County for the past 75 years. Breitkreuz has been involved in political activities for many years – from elected Lac Ste. Anne

Alumni Relations University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive West Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Toll-Free: 1-866-552-2582 E-mail:

Submissions chosen for publication may have been edited for length and clarity. The requested information is collected under the authority of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, for the purpose of managing the alumni records for use in University of Lethbridge publications. Questions concerning the collection, use and disposal of this information can be directed to University Advancement.

ELECTED ALUMNI In January, Gayle Strikes With A Gun (BEd ’88) became the first-ever female chief to be elected to the Piikani First Nation. Originally from the Piikani First Nation, Strikes With A Gun has 25 years experience as a teacher, principal and superintendent. Before becoming chief, she was superintendent of nine schools in the Beaufort Delta, N.W.T., and senior manager with the territorial government. Jeffrey Coffman (MA ’10) won the Lethbridge by-election on Feb. 1, 2011, to secure a vacant aldermanic spot on Lethbridge City Council.

County councillor and school trustee to serving as MP for Yellowhead for two terms and currently serving as an Alberta senator-elect. In 2005, he was awarded an Alberta Centennial medal for outstanding contribution to the province.

1980 Catherine (Thys) Macdonell BEd ’84 “I am currently teaching English at Henry Wise Wood High School in Calgary. I have published poetry in several Canadian journals including Contemporary Verse 2 (CV2) and The Fiddlehead. In 1999, I won a provincial Roy C. Hill Award for Innovation in Teaching. This is my 26th year of teaching and I’m just as passionate about it now as I was when I first started in Coalhurst. I still think the U of L program in education is one of the best there is as I’ve had the opportunity to have several student teachers from the program. Keep up the excellent work!”

1990 Patricia Johnson BSc ’91 Johnson was appointed to the University of Calgary Board of Governors, representing support staff, for a three-year term. Tammy (Stimson) Christiansen BEd ’92 “I am still teaching drama at Cochrane High School. I have two daughters, ages five and 10, and we live on an acreage just outside of Cochrane. My husband is in the financial-investments sector. We are hoping to sell our house, which we have been building for the last seven years, to downsize and live a simpler, more easygoing life.” Laurianne Schell BFA ’92 “My husband and I moved our family back to Calgary from Ottawa this past summer. We were there for a total of one short year. We’re very happy to move back ‘home’ to be near our extended families once again. “When we get down to Lethbridge for a visit, it is always nice to drive by the

U of L campus and see how much development has taken place. I also enjoy reading updates on my fellow alumni, so please keep them coming!” Marc Tremblay BMgt ’92 “I am executive director for Conseil de développement économique de l’Alberta (the French Economic Development Council of Alberta), a not-for-profit agency whose mandate is to assist francophone entrepreneurs set up or expand businesses in Alberta. We also promote business education in French immersion and French-only schools, we work to increase immigration of francophones to Alberta and promote Alberta as a tourism destination in francophone markets, such as Quebec, France and Belgium.” Kim (Murdoch) Forge BEd ’93, MEd ’00 “I moved to Australia after a successful teaching exchange in 2001. I am married, living on a farm with three kids and working as a lead teacher and head of middle school at Cobram Secondary College in Victoria, Australia. I’m also busy pursuing my athletic endeavours representing Australia internationally in curling. I’m currently ranked fifth in the world for the new mixed doubles discipline.” Steve Colley BA ’95 “I have been working for Canada Post for the last 10 years.” Thomas Clarke BSc ’97 “Since graduating from the U of L way back in 1997, I have spent much time in foreign lands working as a volunteer and in mineral exploration, primarily in Tanzania, South Africa, Madagascar, Canada, Russia and Guyana. I did this after completing a BSc (honours) and an MSc in geology at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have since registered professionally in South Africa. I currently sit on three public mining-company boards and act as the in-house ‘qualified person’ geologist for two companies.” 51

Alison (Fedeyko) White BA ’97 “I am enjoying working at home as a piano teacher with a busy studio. I’m also the music director at our church in Grande Prairie. My husband and I are the proud parents of three beautiful children – Mason, Madison and Marlee.”

versity of Alberta and earned my national accreditation in public relations (APR).”

Roxanne Cote BMgt ’99 “Since graduation, I spent six years in the hospitality industry in Calgary before embarking on a dream to move back to Mexico. I spent a year and a half as a professional wedding consultant, where I put many of my past event planning, coordinating and organizing skills to test. Another lifelong dream manifested as I worked for the Canadian Red Cross as the manager of fund development for the central and northern region.

Kris McLaughlin BFA ’03 McLaughlin was named Developer of the Year at the 2010 Canadian New Media Awards on Dec. 1, 2010. He is the technical director at The Vacuum, a digital agency based in Nelson, B.C.

“Missing the mountains and my outdoors lifestyle, I accepted the first funddevelopment position for Distress Centre, a 24-hour crisis support, counselling and resource agency. This position has allowed me to challenge my potential and capacity in my career that I had not imagined possible, which I am truly grateful for. I am currently enrolled in a certificate program at Mount Royal University in international community development, one of my true passions for living, working and making a difference. The possibilities are endless in this lifetime.” Tammy (Fujita) Orsak BMgt ’99 Jon Orsak BSc ’99 “Jon and I married last year. We both went to the U of L at the same time, but did not meet until we were working in Calgary in 2003. We married on May 22, 2010, in Waterton, and celebrated with family and friends in the Students’ Union Ballrooms in Lethbridge.”

2000 Jordan Tanner BMgt ’00 “Heather and I celebrated the birth of our first child, Seren Gwendolyn Tanner, on Dec. 2, 2009. She is just over a year old and we are all doing great!” Diane Begin BMgt ’01 “In 2010, I finished a master of arts in communications and technology at the Uni-


Kyle Gogolinski BSc ’02 “I married Christine in October 2009 and we continue to make our home in Fort McMurray.”

Kathryn Domes BFA ’03, BEd ’05 “After spending a year working as an educational assistant, I returned to the U of L to complete the BEd after-degree program. Shortly after graduation, I began my teaching career at Our Lady of the Assumption School in Lethbridge. I am now teaching at St. Francis Junior High School, where I have developed an arteducation program. “Last year, I took a leave of absence to join my husband in Ireland where he began a master’s program in worldheritage-site management. While there, I worked for the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, travelling to schools all over the country and giving workshops that focused on the importance of energy conservation and sustainable solutions to energy demands. “We returned to Lethbridge last spring. My husband continues to work at Writingon-Stone Provincial Park while completing his thesis and I am back teaching at St. Francis. We are also busy collaborating as fine arts teachers to put together a production of Willy Wonka. I feel I am at just the right place in my career and glad that I chose to return to the U of L to complete the BEd program! I would like to thank all my instructors at the U of L for preparing me so well for my career.” Kevin McBeath BMgt/BEd ’03 “After graduating from the U of L, I landed a job teaching at Winston Churchill High School in Lethbridge. I am now in my eighth year at Winston Churchill and my teaching duties have given way to becoming one of the school’s guidance counsellors.”

STEVE PALMER BA ’05 “I am presently project coordinator, facility development with WinSport Canada in Calgary and have been with the organization since October 2006. I am responsible for the day-to-day operations of the internal program and project management office as well as the strategic WinSport Canada facility and land-development program, encompassing 73 projects. “The largest of these projects is the athletic and ice complex at Canada Olympic Park. A massive structure consisting of 500,000 square feet, it includes three North American ice surfaces, a 2,500-seat international arena, a five-storey office tower and a 100,000 square-foot high-performance sport training centre. This project is the centrepiece of the new Canadian Winter Sport Institute; a place that blends state-of-the-art training facilities, research, coaching, clinicians and sportsmanship to create one of the most unique athletic environments in the world. “It has been and continues to be an honour and a tremendous experience working for an organization that has such a direct impact on Canada’s success at the Olympics and World Cups (20 of Canada’s 26 medals won at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics were won by athletes who trained or competed on WinSport Canada facilities). Being from Calgary and having the opportunity to be involved with the next generation of sport facilities, born from those constructed for the 1988 Winter Olympics, is a dream come true.”

Tiffany Proudfoot BA ’03, BEd ’08 “I have been substitute teaching for Edmonton Public Schools since April 2008.”

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up for me, and you realize how big the demand is for Canadian teachers.”

STRIBBELL ABLE TO TAKE EDUCATION ABROAD Howard Stribbell (BA/BEd ‘98, MEd ‘04), head of schools at the International School of Macao (TIS) in China, started his teaching career at Erle Rivers High School in Milk River, shortly after graduating from the University of Lethbridge. He spent eight years there, working his way up from a rookie teacher to viceprincipal. Then, an advertisement trumpeting the establishment of a new international school that was going to implement the Alberta educational curriculum led Stribbell and his family to Macau. “It’s been a world of opportunity,” he says. “The whole world of international teaching was opened

Heather Hamilton BA ’04 “Since graduating, I have used many of the skills I learned as a U of L student. I have run in and won a municipal election, becoming one of the youngest councillors in the province of Alberta. I was a councillor for the village of Nobleford for two years. I have since moved to Calgary where I worked for a large oil-and-gas company in their legal department for a number of years. I was working toward applying for law school but reconsidered when I saw how much lawyers work! Currently, I am a support and training associate for a small IT firm. I loved being at the U of L and boast about what a great school it is all the time.”

TIS was established in 2002 to provide a Canadian curriculum and accreditation to local and expatriate students. With English as the primary language of instruction, students graduate with an Alberta High School diploma. Located on the campus of Macau University of Science and Technology, close to 900 students from pre-kindergarten to Grade 12 currently attend. Earlier this year, Stribbell returned to the U of L to attend the Faculty of Education Teacher Job Fair. His administrative role in Macau is not only a testament to the value of his U of L education, but it also provides him a platform to recruit new teachers for his school. The fact he comes home to bring U of L grads on board speaks to his faith in the program. “We notice it over here. We’ve had student teachers from other institutions and we’ve also had a U of L student teacher, and our second one has just joined us,” says Stribbell. “The quality between them is very different, and it comes down to the amount of hours they spend doing the practical teaching.”

Angie Lamb BFA ’04 “I am currently in New Zealand on a working holiday visa. I worked in Wellington for the Education Review Office, updating their website with national reports and creating graphs and other images. Next, I’ll be in Napier doing graphic design and web design for Napier Prison, a tourist attraction. I will return to Canada after being abroad for one year. It has been an excellent experience!” Danielle Nicholson BFA ’05 “After graduation, I worked for a year and then began raising my family. I have two girls, ages four and two, and have just made the monumental decision to home school. I love learning and want to foster that love in them and see it grow!”

VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE YIELDS NEW PERSPECTIVE The world of finance isn’t typically considered to be a humanitarian field. When it comes to dollars and cents, things tend to be cut and dried – particularly in corporate circles where the bottom line reigns supreme. So when Michael Sit, a finance major with a minor in social responsibility, decided to embark on an international co-op placement in South Africa, he was more or less expecting to broaden his understanding of the profession and to earn some valuable work experience. As it happened, Sit, who will convocate in June, got so much more. After arriving in Capetown in September 2010, Sit volunteered for two not-for-profit organizations: Wola Nani, which provides developmental services and support to women and children afflicted with HIV/AIDS; and Tembeka, a social-investment company that works to promote development

in impoverished South African communities by providing loans at reasonable interest rates. Given his area of expertise, Sit’s work was mostly behind the scenes, handling the various financial dealings for both organizations. Even so, the exposure he did have to the organizations’ public sides affected Sit in ways he never expected. “I really enjoyed working for both organizations,” says Sit. “I look at everything I do very differently now. To do that sort of work for people who really need the assistance – it put my heart at peace.” Having studied social responsibility in the classroom, experiencing its application in a real corporate setting proved to be enlightening on both a professional and personal level. “Volunteering gave me great satisfaction by making a difference in people’s lives. In sharing knowledge, time or our own two hands, we can create a brighter future for all humankind.”


Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on the summit of the world’s highest mountain.


A group of 16 took on the challenge, one that was both physically and emotionally draining. On the morning of the group’s final ascent to the peak of Kala Patthar (day 20), Sabo says it was an overwhelming event.

ON TOP OF THE WORLD In fall 2010, U of L employee and alumnus Mark Sabo (BMgt ‘98) set his sights on the biggest adventure of his life and one of the grandest stages the world has to offer – Mount Everest. The expedition to Everest Base Camp, a climb of 17,600 feet above sea level, is a 22-day trek that basically follows the classic route to Everest used by the 1953 expedition that successfully placed

Laurie Johnston MEd ’06 “I took a two-year journey to the north land of Thompson, Man., to serve as vice-principal of R. D. Parker Collegiate. I returned to Alberta in 2008 and am now in my third year as vice-principal of Foothills Composite High School/Alberta High School of Fine Arts in Okotoks. How five years fly! Thanks to the U of L for well preparing me for the ride.” Melanie (Chartres) McKenzie BA/BEd ’06 “After graduation, I travelled with my husband to Singapore (2006-2007), teaching speech, drama and English to Singaporean, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Filipino children. I also co-developed curriculum to teach Singa-


“I remember having to work really hard to get up there, the last 50 feet probably took me 15 minutes but the energy of our group was unbelievable,” says Sabo. “As I made my way down – it took an hour to do so – I stopped about halfway and welled up a little bit. It was so spectacular. You could still see Everest, and after all that work I was quite emotional.” Now back at the U of L, Sabo says he’s definitely been changed by his experience. “It’s opened the world up to me so much more,” he says. “So many people have come up to me and said they could never do it, but I tell them it is attainable.”

For Josh Tidsbury (BSc ’04), systems specialist, Creative Technology Systems with CTVglobemedia, the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics theme song “I Believe” will always be a highlight of his career.

does. The “I Believe” theme that the nation heard endlessly for 17 days will forever remind people of the extraordinary performances of the 2010 games. It was very humbling and inspiring to be a part of that.”

porean primary and secondary teachers how to integrate drama into their English lessons. In 2007, upon returning to B.C., our first daughter Arwynn was born, followed by Iris in 2009. I am currently living in Fruitvale, B.C., working as a teacher-on-call and being a mom.”

Tidsbury was the score producer and engineer as well as postproduction technical lead for CTV during the games, playing an integral part in bringing the sounds and music of the Olympics alive. Tidsbury, together with Mike Nunan, began creating the musical theme package in mid2009, working with a composer and writer then executing the strings, brass, percussion and choir recordings before mixing and editing for the final musical score.

While Tidsbury came to the University of Lethbridge for the neuroscience program, he maintained a connection to music by playing in the University’s jazz band under the direction of Dr. Ed Wasiak, and recording and mixing music on the side. Following graduation, Tidsbury attended the Banff Centre before being accepted into the exclusive master of music in sound recording program at McGill University.

Susan Ross BSc ’06, MSc ’10 “I have been working with the federal government in Lethbridge since 2009. I love my job and am thrilled every day to go to work. Without the expert training during my graduate degree, I would not have been qualified nor a first-choice applicant for my position. Each day, I complete a small part of a national project to better the health of all Canadians.”

“The entire Olympic experience was amazing, a once-in-a-lifetime experience to create the musical theme,” says Tidsbury. “People have this connection between music and memory that brings them back the way nothing else

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Tidsbury is currently an adjunct faculty member at Toronto’s Humber College, teaching courses in audio engineering and production. In January, he returned to the U of L to talk with students about his experiences at the Olympic Games.

ALMA MATTERS Rosalie Case BN ’07 “Since graduating from the U of L with a BN (post RN), I have continued to live and work in Lethbridge. In the past three years, I have been busy furthering my health-care career and attempting to see many new places. I have been to Cuba, Mexico, Spain and France, as well as a few places in Canada and the U.S. “I am proud to say that my daughter is a student at the U of L. She is enjoying the small campus environment, manageable class sizes and the engaged professors. It has been wonderful to see her grow, bloom and thrive. “I have also returned to the U of L to pursue an MSc in nursing. It has been good to return to the world of academia and experience this next level of knowledge. In addition I am also employed full time in a provincial healthcare position that is responsible for the strategic planning of rural health-care services. This is a challenging position and my program of study is supporting this work.” Mimika (Karountzos) Coleman BMgt ’07 “I worked as manager of a local chamber of commerce and visitor centre immediately after graduation. Currently, I am one-third shareholder and manager

of the corporation Creston Hotel and Jimmy’s Pub and Grill in my hometown of Creston, B.C.” Jana Cook BMgt ’07 “It’s been almost four years since graduation and I sure have been busy! I’m still working for ATB Financial; a job I landed thanks to the co-op program. I’ve worked at ATB Financial as a personal banker, sales manager and most recently a customer-service manager. I moved to Calgary two and a half years ago and became a ‘city girl’ but don’t worry, I’m still small town at heart. “I also got married in March 2010 to my love of eight years, Dale Moyer. Don’t even bother kids are planned, LOL! We spend most weekends at our cabin in the Crowsnest Pass either camping, quading or snowboarding. If we do spend the weekend in the city it’s the perfect opportunity to shop and hit up some hot yoga (it helps manage the chaos of living in the city). “My degree has been a huge asset not only in the knowledge I gained but most importantly in the life experiences. I wouldn’t be where or who I am without my U of L years.”

Diana Perrotta BA/BEd ’07 “I am living and working in Calgary, teaching at Jack James High School. I take part in the Skills Canada competition with my students doing robotics and prepared speech.” Caylee Dyck BSc ’08 “Upon graduation, I obtained an environmental scientist position in the contaminated sites division with Jacques Whitford AXYS Ltd., which was later acquired by Stantec Consulting Ltd. In late 2010, I moved on to a small consulting company based out of Calgary and am now focusing on aquatic ecology.” Kathy Jones-Husch MEd ’08 “Since completing my MEd, I have had a baby (Layla, born November 2008) and successfully moved into an administrative position at St. Francis Junior High School in Lethbridge, where I had already been on staff for seven years. It has been a very busy and rewarding experience thus far and full of surprises, too! “I am thankful for all of the training I got at the U of L, especially the repeated encouragement to put myself in the mindset of an administrator early on. It has certainly paid off and put a lot of confidence in others that I have the skills to get the job done. A big thank you to

the MEd leadership professors and all my cohort buddies. I think I turned out all right!” Mike Nemeth BSc ’08, MSc ’10 “I came to the University of Lethbridge as a transfer student in 2005. I finished my last two years and did a one-year co-op work term in Fort McMurray. I returned to the U of L after that year up north and did a master’s degree in physical geography (concentration in hydrology). “After I graduated, I was offered a job as an employee for the U of L’s Water and Environmental Hub (WEHub). The WEHub is engaged in water research and allowing more transparency and accessibility to water data in the province. The idea is that this will help to better enable water research and water management in the province, while spurring economic diversification in the water sector. “We also support ongoing water management ventures with help in data acquisition and modelling expertise. My family and I love being in Lethbridge and have always enjoyed being a part of the U of L community, whether as a student or an employee.”



Sarah Hovind MSc ’09 Hovind is working as a research analyst at The Praxis Group in Calgary. In this position, she provides management consulting to government, non-profit and the private sectors. Hovind specializes in the implementation and analysis of survey research and providing evidence-based recommendations to aid with strategic organizational planning. Daisy Raphael BA ’09 “Since graduating from the U of L, I have been working toward earning a master’s degree in political science from the University of Alberta. I hope to defend my thesis on the Constructions of Masculinity in Canadian Political Humour in June 2011.” Paula Haubrich BA/BMgt ’10 “In February 2010, I began a one-year term as a communications assistant with SaskEnergy, Saskatchewan’s natural gas distributor, at their head office in Regina. In December 2010, I accepted a two-year term position in the same company as a training coordinator in organizational development in the human resources department.”

In Memoriam

Show your


Keith Sorge BASc ’71

passed away on Oct. 24, 2010.

Richard Buswell BEd ’72, DipEd ’78 passed away on Nov. 20, 2010.

Kathy Mastel BMgt ’95

passed away on Nov. 20, 2010.

Archibald Stalker DSc ’84 passed away on Nov. 20, 2010.

Bernice Kirchner BN ’93

passed away on Nov. 22, 2010.

Edward Phillips BASc ’72 passed away on Nov. 27, 2010.

Frances Lacasse BEd ’91 passed away on Dec. 4, 2010.

George Sigurd Balfour (former Board of Governors member) passed away on Dec. 15, 2010.

Peter Chivilo DipEd ’88

passed away on Dec. 16, 2010.

Show your alumni pride by wearing the stylish new alumni apparel. Items include T-shirts, hoodies and caps, with more items to come.

Chris Lee BSc ’89

passed away on Dec. 29, 2010.

Michael McHugh BASc ’80 passed away on Jan. 10, 2011.

Now available at the Alumni Office.

Gary Rohaly BASc ’73

passed away on Jan. 23, 2011.

Call: 403-317-2825 E-mail:

Cora Hastings (former staff) passed away on Jan. 30, 2011.

Chava Rosenfarb LLD ’06 passed away on Jan. 30, 2011.

Johan Dormaar DSc ’91 passed away on Feb. 2, 2011.

FENSKE LOOKS INTO THE SCIENCE OF A WINNER’S BRAIN Dr. Mark Fenske (BSc ’96) is associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Guelph and co-author of the Canadian bestseller, The Winner’s Brain: 8 Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success. “The book is all about the neuroscience of success,” says Fenske. “What we do with our brain – the different ways in which we stimulate, engage and care for it – can have a significant impact on the way it works, and even alter its physical landscape. We looked at what the latest brain science says about people who excel in key areas related to success, and the various strategies the rest of us can use to fine-tune our brains and become more successful.” You can also read up on Fenske’s research in his biweekly column, Better Brain, in the Globe and Mail newspaper.


The University of Lethbridge wishes to extend its sincerest condolences to the families and friends of the following members of the University community:

HIT THE GREENS WITH YOUR FELLOW ALUMNI THIS SUMMER and help raise funds for student bursaries and scholarships. John Gill Memorial Golf Tournament June 10 | Picture Butte Golf Club Registration: $150, 1 p.m. shotgun start RSVP by May 30 to 9th Annual Calgary Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament August 25 | McKenzie Meadows Golf Club Registration: $175, scramble format RSVP to Brock Melnyk at For more information on either golf tournament, contact 403-317-2825 or

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