Jewish News March 28, 2016

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 54 No. 14 | 18 Adar II 5776 | March 28, 2016

Spring into Healthy Living with JFS

36 YAD’s purim party goes “Vegas”

—page 16

37 Olga Meshoe visits Tidewater

39 Torah dedication at Regent University

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Home 41 Humanitarian Awards Thursday, April 7 Supplement to Jewish News March 28, 2016

2 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

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upfront Pew study

Israel only country where men pray more than women NEW YORK (JTA)—Israel is the only country in the world where a higher percentage of men say they engage in daily prayer than women, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center. The study, which draws on data from more than 2,500 censuses and surveys taken over the last few years in 192 countries, found that women generally are more religious than men. An estimated 83.4 percent of women worldwide identify with a faith group, compared to 79.9 percent among men, according to the study titled “The Gender Gap in Religion Around the World.” Women in Christian countries report more weekly attendance at religious services than men, but the opposite is true in majority Muslim countries and in Israel. This is due in large part to religious norms that prioritize male worship participation in Muslim and Orthodox Jewish societies, the study found. In the 84 countries for which data were available, women said they pray daily at a rate 8 percentage points higher than men. Women pray daily more than men in 43 of those countries. With the exception of Israel, the two genders pray daily at roughly equal rates in the remainder of the countries. Israel is also an outlier in the gender gap when it comes to the question of whether respondents considered religion very important to them personally. In 36 of 84 countries, more women than men said religion was very important to them, and

Contents UpFront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Jewish News Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Election 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 AIPAC and Trump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. . . . 12 Hoop House for Strelitz students . . . . . . . . . . . 14 JFS: Spring into Healthy Living. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Attacks in Brussels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 At Home, a special section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Stephen Baer Music Scholarship for children. . 31 Nora Ephron’s feats and foibles in son’s film . . 32 Postcards from Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

in 46 countries roughly equal proportions of each sex said religion was very important, the study found. Only in Israel and Mozambique did more men than women say religion is very important to them. Worldwide among Christians, women are 7 percentage points more likely to attend religious services weekly compared to men as well as consider religion important, 10 percent more likely to pray daily, 3 percent more likely to believe in angels, and 1–2 percent more likely to believe in heaven and/or hell. Among Muslims worldwide, men are 28 percentage points more likely to attend religious services weekly compared to women, but women are 2 percent more likely to engage in daily prayer than men. Among Muslims, the genders rank about equally when it comes to the importance of religion, belief in angels, and belief in heaven and/or hell. In Israel, men say they attend religious services weekly at a rate 19 percentage points higher than women. Among American Jews, men say they attend religious services weekly at a rate 3 percent higher than women, the study found, but noted that the U.S. Jewish gender gap is insignificant given the study’s sample size. The Pew study found some other key differences among Israeli and American Jews. In America, women are 8 percentage points more likely than men to say religion is very important to them. In Israel, Jewish men are 9 percent more likely than women to say that.

Cover photograph of JFS Race by Mednick Multimedia.

YAD’s mom community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Book Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 YAD’s Purim party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Olga Meshoe in Tidewater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Toras Chaim has much to write about. . . . . . . 38 Nest at Beth El . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Regent University’s Torah dedication and celebration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Elli Peck Friedman in India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Special Section: Home

Ex-leader of Belgian Jews: Belgium’s airports need Israel-style security


prominent Belgian activist against anti-Semitism called on his government to follow Israel’s lead in airport security after a series of attacks killed 34 people in Brussels. Joel Rubinfeld, founder of the Belgian League Against Anti-Semitism and a former president of the CCJOB umbrella group representing French-speaking Belgian Jews, urged authorities to emulate Israel in an interview with JTA. Calling the free access to the terminal at Zaventem “a security problem,” Rubinfeld said: “We need to rethink on a European level and draw lessons, for example, from counterterrorist measures in Israel, where one is interviewed by police at a checkpoint one kilometer away from the airport—at a safe distance. Separately, Pini Schiff, a former security director at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, which is considered among the most secure in the world, said the attacks at the Brussels airport mark “a colossal failure” of Belgian security and that “the chances are very low” such a bombing could have happened in Israel, The Associated Press reported. Asked whether he has full confidence in the authorities’ ability to stop future attacks, Rubinfeld said security around Jewish institutions was “seriously beefed up” following the slaying of four people at Brussels’ Jewish Museum of Belgium, which had been unguarded. (JTA)


Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email QR code generated on

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Sherri Wisoff, Proofreader United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Jay Klebanoff, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2016 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or JewishNewsVA email

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Candle lighting

“This scroll was copied or written

Friday, April 1/22 Adar II Light candles at 7:09 pm

in 1750—before the establishment

Friday, April 8/29 Adar II Light candles at 7:15 pm

of the United States of America, before the constitution,

Friday, April15/7 Nissan Light candles at 7:21 pm

and we will treasure this,

Friday, April 22/14 Nissan Light candles at 7:27 pm

it is a magnificent gift.”

Friday, April 29/21 Nissan Light candles at 7:33 pm

—page 39

Friday, May 6/28 Nissan Light candles at 7:39 pm | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 3

Briefs Patriots owner Robert Kraft to receive honorary doctorate from Yeshiva University New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft will receive an honorary doctorate from Yeshiva University. Kraft, a noted philanthropist, also will deliver the keynote address at the New York Jewish school’s 85th commencement ceremony at Madison Square Garden in May. “Robert Kraft represents not only success in business, but is a true Jewish leader who embodies our values of kindness, goodness, generosity to the broader community and tremendous support for the State of Israel,” Richard Joel, president of the the flagship institution of modern Orthodoxy, said in a statement. “His success on and off the field, his profound humanity, his willingness to stand up for the Jewish people and Jewish causes make him an ideal role model for our students.” The statement noted Kraft’s philanthropy of over $100 million to numerous institutions and organizations, many of them Jewish. He has donated to Boston’s Jewish federation, the Combined Jewish Philanthropies, as well as Brandeis University and Temple Emanuel in the Boston area, along with the World Jewish Congress, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces and many more Jewish entities. The Hillel chapter at Columbia University is named for Kraft and his late wife, Myra. Kraft, 74, is the chairman and CEO of The Kraft Group, a holding company with assets in paper, packaging, real estate and sports teams. Yeshiva’s statement notes that its past commencement speakers include Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Israeli President Shimon Peres, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. (JTA) Last Palestinian employees at SodaStream lose their jobs The last Palestinian employees of SodaStream lost their jobs following the company’s move from the West Bank to southern Israel. The 74 employees had been commuting

to the company’s new location in the Negev Desert since the plant in Maale Adumim closed in October. Some 500 Palestinian employees lost their jobs at that time. Israel gave the remaining employees permission to enter the country and continue to work for SodaStream until the end of February. The company had planned to have a going-away ceremony for them, Agence France Presse reported. SodaStream, which produces soda-making machines for the home, had threatened to halt production at its factory unless the workers were given permits—a threat it later abandoned. The new plant employs a significant number of Bedouin Arabs, particularly women. In October 2014, SodaStream announced it would close its West Bank factory in the face of international pressure from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which seeks to hurt Israel’s economy over its policies toward the Palestinians. The movement claimed that SodaStream discriminated against Palestinian workers and paid some less than Israeli workers. SodaStream was at the center of controversy following the signing in 2014 of actress Scarlett Johansson as a spokeswoman and the ensuing furor over its West Bank factory. Johansson resigned as a global ambassador for Oxfam over her position with SodaStream. Following SodaStream’s announcement that it would relocate, Ramah Kudaimi of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, a national coalition of more than 400 groups, said that the company would remain a target of boycott efforts since its new factory is close to Rahat, a planned township in the Negev for Bedouins, “thus still implicating the company in Israel’s displacement policies.” (JTA)

Hitler’s copy of Mein Kampf sells at auction for over $20K Adolf Hitler’s personal copy of his autobiography Mein Kampf sold at auction for more than $20,000. An American was the top bidder for the red leather-bound book, which went on the block Friday, March 18 at Alexander Historical Auctions at the Maryland Auction House in Chesapeake City, the

4 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

French news agency AFP reported. The book sold for $20,655; it was expected to fetch more than its estimated value of $12,000 to $15,000. There were more than 10 active bidders on the phone and online, according to the ABC affiliate WMAR. The copy of Mein Kampf was found in Hitler’s apartment and bears the signatures of the 11 American soldiers who found it, auctioneer Bill Panagopulos told the local CBS affiliate WJZ. It had been kept by one of the soldiers’ daughters until recently. (JTA)

Israeli army to draft haredi man seen kissing woman on Facebook The Israel Defense Forces will draft a man who claimed an exemption from military service because he is haredi Orthodox after his ex-girlfriend posted a photo on Facebook showing them kissing. The post also described a sexual relationship between the two of them, Israel’s Channel 10 reported. The army sent a draft notice to the man based on the photo, saying his request for a deferment based on religious observance was a ruse, Channel 10 reported. Orthodox Jews traditionally refrain from touching members of the opposite sex except for their spouses after marriage. Channel 10 reported that the IDF was considering opening a special cyber unit to track on social media haredi Orthodox students who ask for deferments to see if they are legitimately observant. If the students are discovered to be lying, the IDF said they would be drafted immediately. (JTA) Dubai security chief: Palestinians should ‘be satisfied with’ binational state Dubai’s head of general security said Palestinians should give up on establishing an independent state because such a state would have no chance of succeeding. On Monday, March 21, Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamil said on Twitter that the Palestinians should instead create a binational state in partnership with Israel, according to The Jerusalem Post. Tamim said, according to the Post’s translation: “I suggest relinquishing the idea of a Palestinian state and being

satisfied with an Israeli state that would include both Israelis and Palestinians and join the Arab League. “Today, the Jews are heading the world’s economy. Without the Jews, you Arabs would not have known how to deposit your money in the bank.” Tamim said that such a state would ultimately become Arab majority and Arabs would “rule the state, just like it happened in South Africa.” He also tweeted, according to the Post: “We should not treat Jews as our enemies. We should treat them as cousins with whom we have a controversy over land inheritance.” Dubai, like the other Gulf Arab states, does not have diplomatic relations with Israel. (JTA)

British Labour activist suspended for saying Jews have ‘big noses’ The Labour Party in Britain has suspended a member for the second time for saying Jews have “big noses” and “slaughter the oppressed.” Vicki Kirby, a former parliamentary candidate, was suspended Monday, March 14. Her comments in old tweets resurfaced after she was made a local vice chair of the party. Other tweets claimed that Hitler might be the “Zionist God” and that she would make sure to have her “kids teach their children how evil Israel is.” Kirby originally was suspended from the party in 2014. She was readmitted and appointed vice chairman of Labour’s branch in Woking, a town in the southeast Surrey county. Party leader Jeremy Corbyn had been under fire for allowing the appointment. Several party members brought up the issue at a parliamentary meeting, the Guardian reported. Senior Labour leader Louise Ellman said relations between the party and the Jewish community had hit “rock bottom.” The party announced Kirby’s suspension hours after the meeting. A spokesman for Corbyn said “he thinks that anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are vile, he has spent his whole life campaigning against it and will continue to do so.” (JTA)

Torah Thought

God’s essence


o human can see me and live,” said God to Moses. Why might that be? When the Torah was revealed at Mount Sinai and the presence of God descended upon the mountain, the Israelites were repeatedly warned to stay away lest somehow the incredible force of God’s presence should end their lives. Indeed, at many other points in the Hebrew Bible, including an early vision of the prophet Isaiah and a lampoon of Samson’s father, this belief— that a human being cannot see God and continue to live—is expressed. Why? I believe that an answer is presented in the fifth century midrash Pesikta De-Rav Kahana, as interpreted by Rabbi Harold Schulweiss. The midrash states that “at Mount Sinai, the Holy One appeared to the Israelites as a mirror, a thousand people might look into it, but it will reflect the face of each back.” Perhaps we should take the idea that

we are each created in the image of God a little more seriously? Perhaps, if we truly looked into the face of God, we would see our own. Perhaps that simple certainty of our own divine nature would sever our ties with our mortal existence, because we could no longer pretend to be separate from God? “The madman claims he is God. The enlightened man claims that he is God— but so is everyone else.” If we truly absorbed this sentiment and put it into action in our daily lives—seeing every person we meet as a fragment of the divine—imagine what a compassionate world we could build! This week we read in the Torah of how Aaron’s sons Nadav and Avihu, in their religious zeal to serve God, offered incense without permission, and died. Perhaps what they encountered was not so much God’s anger as God’s essence. Perhaps, in getting too close to the divine, they realized their true divine nature with a certainty that blazed like fire. In that moment, they could no longer live an earthly existence, and so were forced to depart it. Hence the explanation: “Those drawing near to Me shall unmask My sanctity, for by the face of each person I am honored.” —Rabbi Marc Kraus, Temple Emanuel


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Report: Israel world’s 11th happiest country


srael is the 11th happiest place in the world and happier than the United States, according to a new study. Among the 156 countries ranked in the World Happiness Report conducted by University of British Columbia researchers, Israel placed 11th, two spots ahead of the United States. Denmark was the happiest, followed by Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden. Interestingly, half the countries in the top 10 are Scandinavian and exposed to little daylight during the winter, a factor generally associated with depression. The report, based on an analysis of

data from the Gallup World Poll, showed Syria, Afghanistan and eight sub-Saharan countries as the 10 least happy places on earth to live. Most of these countries are confronting war and extreme poverty. The report is based on such as factors as per-capita gross domestic product, social support, healthy life expectancy and freedom from corruption in government and business. It also factors in levels of inequality, with countries experiencing greater levels of inequality deemed less happy than more egalitarian ones. It is also based on respondents’ assessments, on a scale of 0 to 10, of the quality of their lives. (JTA)


festival box office: 440 bank street, norfolk tiCkets start at $20 | 757-282-2822 | | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 5

from the hal Sacks Jewish News Archives

This month in history in Jewish News…

Online archives gets new name

Couples Mission to Israel. Harper, a personal friend of Penny Almog, visited the Almogs in Norfolk the previous year and spoke to a group from the Women’s Division of the UJF. Participants in the one-week Mission included Joseph (Buddy) Strelitz Mission leader), Dr. and Mrs. Zvi Almog, Betty and Sidney Berg, Ella and Sol Brewer, Terry and Norman Cohen, Barbra Dixon, Bebe and Harry Goldman, Mollie and Albert Heller, Roz and Zeke Landres and Mildred Malkin.

by Laine M. Rutherford


al Sacks is a man of many words. Literally. The author of two books, Hal’s Navy and Passing in Review and countless Jewish News articles and book reviews, Sacks has s p e n t the last few years on a personal mission to benefit the community—using his written and oratory skills, as well as his subtle, yet effective power of persuasion. Sacks single-handedly conceived and initiated the gargantuan, multi-year project to catalog, scan and preserve 69 years of Tidewater Jewish News and Renewal magazine issues. Sacks’ goal from the start was to make it possible for everyone—community volunteers and professionals, nostalgia seekers, genealogists, historians, students or family members—to have access to issues which until now were safely stored, but unavailable to the public. Recognizing Sacks’ efforts in some way was paramount to Terri Denison, Jewish News editor, and Jay Klebanoff, president of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. With instant approval from the UJFT board, and Sacks himself—who was both humbled and honored—the project has been officially named The Hal Sacks Jewish News Archives. “Hal was the force—in every way— behind the archives, which not only preserves the Jewish News, but preserves the Tidewater Jewish community’s history,” says Denison. “He pushed to have it done, he’s donated the proceeds from his book sales to the project, and he continues to raise funds to ensure this costly, but very important project continues,” Denison says. “Now, anyone, anywhere in the world can go online and search and browse decades of world and community events, and people, whose names and faces and stories are told in our newspaper. And, it’s all because of Hal.” The Hal Sacks Jewish News Archives can be found online at Make a donation to this ongoing project, or get more information by emailing, or by calling 757-965-6100.

March 1, 1966 The 14th Annual community-wide Purim Coronation Ball, sponsored by the Norfolk Jewish Community Center was scheduled for Saturday, March 19. Contestants for Queen Esther 1966 included Daryl Raskin, Marilyn Salasky, Terry Bigio, Kathy Lombart, Lorie Friedman, Susan Webne, Sanda Blumenthal, Laurie Holzsweig, Barbara Zetlin, Beth Front, Janet Bromberg, Linda Blum, Gail Breman, Susan Zelinger, and Nancy Nusbaum. In addition to a teen fashion show and the selection of Queen Esther by “local prominent judges,” dancing took place to the music of Ben Dale and the Cl-Ops.

March 24, 2006 Kosher Week took place March 26–March 29. Sponsored by Chabad of Tidewater, the week’s events included booths at Farm Fresh with information about keeping kosher, as well as samples of kosher products, a Kosher Food Show at the Simon Family JCC and a proclamation by Norfolk Mayor Paul Fraim that the week of March 26 be “Kosher Week” in the City of Norfolk.

March 15, 1996 Bernard and Zelma Rivin were among the community leaders to be honored at Tidewater’s 1996 Annual Humanitarian Awards Dinner for the National Conference of Christians and Jews.

March 28, 1986 During the groundbreaking for the Joseph H. Strelitz Family and Pre-School Center in Israel, Neil Perlman, executive director of the JCC, met and discussed the summer Shlichim program with staff of the Matnas (JCC) in Pardes Katz. Two young Israelis from Pardes Katz were to be selected and trained by the American Zionist Youth Foundation to work in the Tidewater JCC Summer Camp as junior counselors.

March 12, 1976 Valerie Harper of Rhoda fame was a surprise participant in the

6 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

March 1, 1956 ollowing a “most eloquent presentation by Lt. Colonel Ruth F Berman of the Israeli Army,” approximately 300 men and women pledged $107,360 toward the 1956 United Jewish Fund on February 21 at Temple Israel.

To browse or search the Jewish News Archives, go to and click on archives.

Election 2016 The radical Jew Behind Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders by Zachary Solomon

(Jewniverse via JTA)—Saul Alinsky was a true-blue political disruptor. Born in Chicago to Russian Jewish emigres in 1909, Alinsky was so fed up with social injustice, inequality and racism that he invented modern community organizing. Initially focusing on uniting lower-class

black communities in Chicago, Alinsky’s tactics were beyond unusual. In the 1960s, Alinsky threatened the city of Rochester, N. Y., with a “fart-in,” in which black Americans would attend the Rochester Philharmonic and disrupt the music with music of their own (supplied by a banquet of baked beans pre-show) to call attention to the oppression of the black community

of Rochester, to start a dialogue and to mess with the sensibilities of the upper class. Though Alinsky was radical—his inciting 1971 Rules for Radicals is still used today—his impact was large. In 1970, Time wrote that “American democracy [was] being altered by Alinsky’s ideas.” Those ideas, in fact, were the subject of Hillary

Clinton’s senior thesis. Though Clinton’s thesis was more of a rebuke than a love letter, Alinsky is far more strongly felt in the campaign of her adversary, Bernie Sanders. Like Sanders, Alinsky wasn’t religious. Before his fatal heart attack in 1972, he said he hoped he’d go to hell. When asked why, he responded, “They’re my kind of people.” | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 7

Election 2016


Bernie Sanders trounces Hillary Clinton in overseas primary

merican Democrats living abroad— including in Israel— overwhelmingly preferred Sen. Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in a primary for expatriates. Democrats Abroad, the official Democratic Party arm for American expats, announced Monday, March 21 that Sanders, I-Vt., received 69 percent of the vote in its primary to 31 percent for Clinton, the former secretary of state and U.S. senator. As a result, Sanders picked up nine pledged delegates, while Clinton earned four delegates. The 34,570 voters participating in the primary—conducted by fax, email and postal mail—live in more than 170 countries around the world.

Among the 412 voters from Israel, Sanders, who is Jewish, received 249 votes and Clinton 160. The only expats who favored Clinton over Sanders were those living in the Dominican Republic (350 votes to 53), Nigeria (4-1) and Singapore (149-107). Sanders enjoyed huge margins among the expats in Japan, winning 87 percent of the vote (1,178-176), and Egypt, with 89 percent (41-5). Despite Sanders’ popularity among expats, Clinton is widely expected to win the nomination. She currently has 1,163 pledged delegates and 467 superdelegates, whereas Sanders has 844 pledged delegates and 26 super delegates. (JTA)

Jerry Springer compares the current election season to his show


erry Springer compared the behavior of the presidential candidates in this election season to the atmosphere on his famously boisterous talk show. “When I first started watching the Republican debates, I said if they’re going to start doing my show, they should start paying me,” Springer said in an MSNBC interview. “It’s one thing to have a television show like that, but that’s not how you run a country, and it’s disgraceful.” Springer added that having Donald Trump as president would ruin the

international image of the United States. “The television show is over,” he said. “This is not a joke, this is our country.” Springer, 72, is a former Democratic mayor of Cincinnati and the son of German-Jewish immigrants. He said he is supporting Hillary Clinton in the election. “I love what Bernie Sanders says, I have nothing negative to say about him,” Springer said of Clinton’s Democratic rival. “But if you’re asking me honestly, is America in a general election going to vote for him…I don’t think so.” (JTA)

Donald Trump says Israel should pay US for defense aid


onald Trump said Israel should pay for defense aid it receives from the United States prior to speaking at the AIPAC conference. At a news conference in Washington, D.C., the Republican presidential front-runner was asked whether he believed the Israeli government should pay for American defense, as he had called for other U.S. allies, such as South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia, to do. “I think Israel will do that also, yeah, I think Israel do—there are many countries

8 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

that can pay and they can pay big league,” Trump responded. The real estate billionaire went on to focus on the other countries, saying calling in debts would help “build wealth.” The United States has long maintained a special security relationship with Israel. The countries are in the midst of negotiating a new defense package said to be worth tens of billions of dollars over 10 years. Israel currently receives $3.1 billion a year from Washington, most of which is required to be spent in the U.S. (JTA)

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Robert W. Cross


Perry Artistic Director

with Virginia Symphony Orchestra April 9-10 Chrysler Hall, Norfolk



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10 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

AIPAC’s plans to ‘come together’ undone by Trump by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—Hear out Donald Trump. Ignore Donald Trump. There were two distinct approaches to the Trump moment last week at AIPAC’s annual conference here, and there were mutual warnings that one or the other side would get burned. The burn came fast, and it came to those who said listening to the front-runner in the race for the Republican presidential nod was the right thing to do. After days of repeated warnings to its activists not to disrupt Trump, and to treat speakers with respect, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee leadership issued an extraordinary apology—but not to Trump. Instead, AIPAC said it was sorry for its members who had applauded his insulting remarks about President Obama during Trump’s Monday, March 21 speech at the Verizon Center. Many members roared and leapt to their feet when Trump suggested Obama was “the worst thing to ever happen to Israel.” “While we may have policy differences, we deeply respect the office of the president of the United States and our President Barack Obama,” Lillian Pinkus, the lobby’s newly installed president, said from the AIPAC stage, joined by other AIPAC lay and professional leaders. “There are people in our AIPAC family who were deeply hurt last night and for that we are deeply sorry,” Pinkus said, her voice choking. “We are deeply disappointed that so many people applauded a sentiment that we neither agree with or condone.” The evident anguish in the aftermath of Trump’s remarks undid the hopes that his speech would not undo the prominent Israel lobby’s careful claims to bipartisanship, even as its Iran policy is more or less aligned wholly with Republicans. The Trump moment came during a conference with a slogan, “Come Together,” that AIPAC had hoped would signal a new day of bipartisanship. Complaints that the lobby had given Trump a platform at its largest annual

assembly without expressing official displeasure at his most controversial remarks about immigrants and Muslims led many to wonder how AIPAC would function in an election in which the likely GOP nominee has alienated much of the organized Jewish community. AIPAC officials said before the conference that the event would be an opportunity for Trump, derided by his rivals for speaking mostly in vagaries, to finally attach substance to his ideas. Trump’s prepared remarks included substantive and critical assessments of Obama’s Middle East policies, which AIPAC expected and indeed would have welcomed. He also softened two positions that have created unease among pro-Israel activists­—insisting he would remain neutral in brokering peace between Israel and the Palestinians, saying his negotiating skills as a businessman would be key to reaching a deal, and refusing to commit to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. On Jerusalem, Trump vowed to move the American embassy to the city, “the eternal capital of the Jewish people.” And he said the Palestinians must accept as a given the closeness of the U.S.-Israel relationship. His extemporized flourishes, however, typified the red meat he likes to throw out at his rallies, and many in the massive Verizon Center hall, chosen to accommodate a record-breaking 18,000 activists this year, gobbled it up. Launching a critique of Obama’s U.N. policy, Trump started a sentence by saying, “With President Obama in his final year”— then stopped himself and said “Yay!” Cheers, laughter and applause arose from the crowd, and not just from isolated pockets. “He may be the worst thing to ever happen to Israel, believe me, believe me,” said Trump, a billionaire real estate magnate. “And you know it and you know it better than anybody.” The largest group advocating some form of protest ahead of Trump’s appearance, the Reform movement, sounded a note of vindication the day after his speech. “We were disappointed but not

Election 2016 surprised that Mr. Trump did nothing tonight to allay our deep concerns about his campaign,” Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the president of the Union of Reform Judaism, said. “It still seems that he does not share our values of equality, pluralism, and humility.” Trump’s laceration of Obama is the last thing AIPAC needed at a time when the lobby is endeavoring to show it remains a bipartisan enterprise. Hoard Kohr, the one-time Republican operative who has led the organization for decades, alluded in his opening remarks to pressure from the right to simply give up on Democrats in the wake of the party’s almost wholesale embrace of an Iran nuclear deal that AIPAC continues to insist endangers Israel. “There are those who question our bipartisan approach to political advocacy,” Kohr said. “Unless one party controls all branches of government forever, bipartisanship remains the only way.” Trump spoke on a night that also included live addresses from his Republican presidential rivals, Gov. John Kasich of Ohio and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., also addressed the throng. There were warm welcomes for Democrats at the conference, particularly Vice President Joe Biden, the closest administration member to AIPAC, who spoke of his decades of attachment to Israel in emotional terms. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, also spoke—earlier in the day than Trump—pitching herself to his right on Israel. “America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security and survival,” Clinton said to repeated cheers and applause. “Some things aren’t negotiable and anyone who doesn’t understand that has no business in being our president.” Yet it was clear the lobby still had difficulties in reconciling with Democrats, especially progressives among them. Only one Democrat from the vast majority in Congress who voted last year in favor of the Iran deal—Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer, the

minority whip—addressed the conference. Hoyer’s appearance together with Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., the majority leader, was designed to show bipartisan support for Israel, yet tension crept into the buddy show. When McCarthy suggested that the Obama administration had sowed “doubt” about the U.S.-Israel relationship, Hoyer countered that the two nations’ security establishments “are cooperating as closely today as they have in the past.” AIPAC’s activists, lobbying on Tuesday, March 22, were unable to recommend any specific legislation on Iran; there is none suitable that is backed by both parties. Bernie Sanders, the Independent from Vermont challenging Clinton for the Democratic nod, did not attend because he was in the West ahead of three primaries in the region. He offered to deliver remarks via video link but was rejected by AIPAC. Sanders did deliver the remarks—at a Utah rally—with his consistent message of support for Israel tempered by criticism of its actions on settlements and in waging war. Aiming to appeal to progressives, the lobby screened a video presentation on Menachem Creditor, a rabbi from Berkeley, California, who is a progressive leader and supporter of AIPAC. Such profiles of AIPAC members are usually followed by short live appearances by the subjects, who usually deliver a few inspiring words of thanks. Creditor presented his prepared remarks and added an indirect swipe at Trump, telling JTA after his address that he was prompted to the changes not just by Trump’s speech but by the applause it earned. “We must not embrace the politics of hate,” he told the AIPAC crowd, appearing immediately after Pinkus’ apology. “AIPAC’s commitment to bipartisanship isn’t just about being mensches in the world. The only way to keep Israel strong and to build a beloved community here in the United States is to regard the multiplicity of voices here and in our nation as sacred.”


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12 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

(JTA)—Americans have heard a lot about Merrick Garland since President Barack Obama nominated him to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. But there’s a lot we still don’t know. What are his views on abortion? Will the Republican leadership give him a hearing in the Senate? What was his bar mitzvah Torah portion? Garland may have an extensive judicial record—he has more federal judicial experience (19 years) than any other Supreme Court nominee in history, according to the White House—but far less is known about Garland’s Jewish bona fides. Here’s what we do know. He is proud of his family’s Jewish immigrant story—enough so to cite it in his speech at the announcement of his nomination Wednesday, March 16 in the White House Rose Garden. “My family deserves much of the credit for the path that led me here,” Garland said. “My grandparents left the Pale of Settlement at the border of western Russia and Eastern Europe in the early 1900s, fleeing anti-Semitism and hoping to make a better life for their children in America.” His father, Cyril Garland, was born in Omaha, Nebraska, but hailed from a Latvian Jewish immigrant family. He ran an advertising business out of the family home and died in 2000. Garland’s mother, Shirley Garland, still lives in the Chicago area and at one point served as director of volunteer services at the Council for Jewish Elderly in Chicago. Garland was raised in Lincolnwood, a heavily Jewish suburb of Chicago, and had his bar mitzvah at a Conservative synagogue. Garland has credited his parents with instilling in him the desire for public service. “His Jewish tradition is one of service,” Jamie Gorelick, who went to college with Garland and worked closely with him in the Justice Department, told The New York Times. Gorelick was the U.S. deputy attorney general from 1994 to 1997.

At Niles West High School in Skokie, Illinois, Garland served as student council president, acted in theatrical plays and was voted “most intelligent” boy in the class of 1970, the Times reported. When Garland started as an undergraduate at Harvard University, where he was on scholarship, he thought he wanted to be a doctor and initially entered a pre-med track. But he quickly changed focus and settled on another respectable Jewish path: lawyer. After graduating Harvard College, he went on to Harvard Law School. Garland’s wife, Lynn Rosenman, is a fellow Jewish Harvard graduate who hails from a distinguished family. Her grandfather, Samuel Rosenman of New York, was a state Supreme Court justice and a special counsel to two presidents: Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Garland and his wife met at a rehearsal dinner where they were seated together. They married in 1987 in a Jewish ceremony at the Harvard Club in New York presided over by a Reform rabbi, Charles Lippman. The couple settled in the Washington, D.C. area and there raised two daughters, both now in their 20s. Garland and his wife live in Bethesda, Maryland, and are members of Temple Sinai, a 1,100-member Reform congregation in Washington led by Rabbi Jonathan Roos. Both the Garland daughters, Rebecca and Jessica, reportedly had their bat mitzvahs there. The Garlands have hosted some distinguished guests for their Passover Seders. In 1996, then-U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno was a Seder guest. She and Garland had to step away from the table at one point to take a phone call regarding the investigation into Ted Kaczynski, the so-called Unabomber, who was arrested on Passover eve. Garland oversaw Kaczynski’s prosecution. Garland also has hosted Easter egg hunts—part of an annual potluck breakfast he holds for his former clerks and their spouses and children, according to the Washington Post. The judge has worked in a variety of roles since moving to Washington in the

1970s. He started as a court clerk at the U.S. Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court before joining the law firm Arnold & Porter. After just a few years, Garland gravitated toward government work, first working as an assistant U.S. attorney and later as a deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice. President Bill Clinton nominated Garland to be a U.S. circuit court judge in 1995, but the Republican- controlled Senate dragged its feet on confirming him. After Clinton won reelection in 1996 he renominated Garland, and the judge was confirmed in March 1997 by a 76-23 vote in the Senate. Jay Michaelson, a rabbi and columnist for The Daily Beast and The Jewish Daily Forward who clerked for Garland on the Appeals Court in the late 1990s, says Garland’s Jewish identity is typical of that of many American Jews. “My sense is he wasn’t super religious or observant but very culturally Jewish—like a lot of American Jews,” Michaelson says. “I think the immigrant experience and Jewish ethical values would be the two most important aspects of his Jewish identity.” Michelson remembers talking with the judge about needing to take off four days for Sukkot and Simchat Torah. The two had a joking exchange about it, and Garland of course gave him the days off, Michaelson says. “My experience clerking for him is that he was very methodical, detailed and sharp,” Michaelson says. “He was extremely detail-oriented, determined, nerdy in a good way and quite meticulous.” The White House released a three-minute biographical video on Garland. “I think the rule of law is what distinguishes our country from most other countries,” Garland says in the video. “It’s people’s willingness to trust that they don’t have to take justice into their own hands,

that law will treat people fairly and impartially, and without regard to politics or religion or race or anything else.” The two elements of Garland’s biography that have generated the most attention since Obama nominated him to the Supreme Court have nothing to do with his Jewishness. One is that he’s a relative moderate compared to other potential jurists a Democratic president could have nominated. The other is that he is 63—relatively old by Supreme Court nominee standards. That makes it less likely he will serve a long term on the court. Both elements are being seen as concessions to make Obama’s pick more palatable to Senate Republicans—or at least make it harder for them to refuse him a hearing. So far, the Republican leadership has vowed not to bring Garland’s nomination to a vote before the November presidential election. The fact that Garland is a Jewish, male, white Harvard graduate is tertiary. The court is already stacked with those: Of the eight sitting justices, five are men, six are white, three are Jews and all eight went to law school either at Harvard or Yale University. (Ruth Bader Ginsburg graduated from Columbia University after transferring there from Harvard.) If confirmed, Garland would be the court’s ninth-ever Jewish judge. “We’re on the one hand super proud that we have a Reform Jew who is being nominated to the Supreme Court. It’s a wonderful affirmation of this jurist,” says Rabbi Jonah Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. Pesner notes that his friends at Temple Sinai are “ecstatic” about one of their own being nominated to the highest court in the land. “On the other hand,” Pesner says, “we believe of course that faith should never be a litmus test for office.”

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rule of law is what distinguishes our

country from most other countries.

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747 Volvo Parkway, Suite 102 • 547-7546 • | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 13

Hoop House added to preschool garden for year-round growing by Gaby Grune


lanting, harvesting, and baking are not typical activities for an early childhood curriculum. But they are at Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center, which is leading the way in providing a well-rounded education for its students. Three and four-year-old children enrolled in the Strelitz extended day program are offered enrichment activities, including: cooking, science exploration, art, literature, and outdoor gross motor activities.

To learn how these tiny tots are accomplishing such tasks, look no further than the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus’ backyard. Toward the end of February, Strelitz installed a hoop house in their garden so the kids could learn about nature yearround. A hoop house is very similar to a greenhouse with some exceptions. A greenhouse usually uses a heater and ventilation fans, while a hoop house strictly uses solar heat and is cooled by the wind. Instead of being a solid framed house, a hoop house is made of piping and greenhouse plastic stretching over the crops —ultimately forming a cylindrical shape. Prolonged growing seasons, quicker and improved seed starting, and tropical planting opportunities are just a few of the benefits a hoop house gardening technique provides. Gardening’s educational component “One of the values we work toward teaching is Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world,”

Wednesday’s cucumber snacks.

Accepting resumes for Education Director The successful applicant will be innovative, creative, good with both students and their parents, and have some prior experience with Jewish education in a synagogue or community setting. The religious school currently enrolls students in grades K–12 and also includes post Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies. Classes meet Sunday mornings from September–May. Position is approximately 20 hours/week. Full list of responsibilities available at

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If interested, please email cover letter and resume to Temple Israel | 7255 Granby Street, Norfolk, VA 14 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

says Lorna Orleans, director of Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center. “Another Hebrew phrase we use in regard to being ‘good stewards’ of the earth is Shomrei Adamah. This literally means ‘keepers of the earth,’ “One way to teach these concepts and create these sensibilities in our children is to raise their appreciation for the natural world around them.” Thanks to the yields of this past year’s harvests, the students have Four-year-old students check their harvest. learned that when they properly tend to nature, the benefits of picking their romaine, dill, and cilantro, these preschoolers learned how to their labor are boundless. “We have had three planting play dates make a salad to include in their routine since last fall involving children and par- Wednesday cucumber snack. They then ents to keep this beautiful area growing divided some remaining produce to take and vibrant. We also have garden boxes, home to their families. The supplementation of kale chips and one for each preschool and toddler class. Each class planned, monitored and main- chocolate beet muffin recipes allow these tained a garden box throughout the year as hard working pupils yummy taste testing an extension of their indoor classrooms,” opportunities. As Strelitz utilizes their fall and winter says Orleans. Now that there is a hoop house in harvests, they are planning for spring their gardens, teachers include even more planting, as well as considering the many outdoor courses, regardless of weather, ways they can use this hoop house in their tiny, but fruitful backyard garden of Eden. throughout the school year. This month, they are headlining a Fortunately, this year’s plots did not suffer extreme weather constraints, with Purim themed harvest and planting parsthe winter break consisting mostly of warm ley in preparation for Passover, as well as and rainy days allowing the Strelitz garden marigolds for Passover décor. April will be a study of how bugs and butterflies help to beautifully blossom. Orleans describes the fruits of their gardens grow and in May, the children will labor, “Students harvested in January— we press flowers for Yom Ha’Atzmaut cards had some beautiful ornamental cabbages and learn the value of recycling. and also vegetables like beets and chives.” Educational opportunities don’t end when the harvest is complete. Science lesson plans, created by teacher Diana Smith, are centering on the topic of lettuce, thanks to the developments brought forth by their garden. Students have been examining the textures, flavors, and colors of the lettuce they grew. These students also learn the value of sharing their crops to properly proceed with meal preparation. After growing and Four-year-olds with harvest.

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2220 West Great Neck Road | Virginia Beach, VA 23451 | March 28, 2016 | Home | Jewish News | 15

JFS presents 12th Annual Spring Into Healthy Living World-renowned physician from The Cleveland Clinic to speak in Norfolk Wednesday, April 13, 7 pm,   Chrysler Museum pproximately 82 million Americans are currently diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Millions more think they are healthy, but actually are at risk. Dr. Steven Nissen Join Jewish Family Service of Tidewater to hear from Dr. Steven Nissen, renowned cardiologist from The Cleveland Clinic and co-author of Heart 411. The program will be held in the George M. and Linda H. Kaufman Theatre at the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk. Nissen will address common questions such as: Can the stress of my job really lead to a heart attack? How does exercise help my heart, and what is the right amount and type of exercise? What are the most important tests for my heart, and when do I need them? How do symptoms and treatments differ among men and women? Whether the goal is to get the best treatment or to stay out of the cardiologist’s office, heart health depends upon accurate information and the right answers to the right questions. This educational, yet lively presentation will cut through the confusion to offer the knowledge and tools to live a long and heart-healthy life. Steven Nissen, MD, is the chairman of the Robert and Suzanne Tomsich Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Cleveland Clinic’s Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart and Vascular Institute. He is world-renowned for his work as a cardiologist, patient advocate, and researcher. Nissen is the editor of Current Cardiology Report. In 2007, he was listed as Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World—Scientists and Thinkers.” The program is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required. Call 757‑321‑2222 to register or register online at


Get your heart pumping at the 12th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll Sunday, May 1, 24th Street Park   at the Virginia Beach Boardwalk he best way to get the heart pumping is to exercise, and what better event to do so than JFS’ Run, Roll or Stroll. The 8K run, 5K run or walk, and 1 mile run/walk bring out both the serious and not-so-serious athletes from around the community. This includes those of all ages who want to take a nice Sunday morning stroll on the boardwalk. One of the highlights of the Run, Roll or Stroll is always the competition to see who will have the largest team of racers. The Hebrew Academy of Tidewater’s “Team Tiger” grows each year, as does participation from other schools, youth groups, businesses, and synagogues. JFS encourages all local synagogues to bring a team this year. (Just enter your synagogue name as your race team name when registering online.) The last event of the morning—the 1-mile run/walk—is undoubtedly the largest of the races and the feeling of excitement among all of the children, teens, parents, and spectators is palpable. In addition to heart-pumping exercise, this year’s event will feature fun activities for everyone. Prior to each race, runners and walkers can warm up with a trainer from the Simon Family JCC. New this year is a photo booth, where participants may capture memories from the race. Face painting for kids, music by Don London from the New 101.3 2WD radio, and an awards presentation after the last runner has crossed the finish line are all part of the festivities. Recycling bins to drop off new and gently used


16 | Jewish News | HOME | March 28, 2016 |

shoes to be donated to the Got Sole Project, which donates shoes to underprivileged families in Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore, will be available. It is a family morning, a fun morning, and a morning where the entire Jewish community can come together. By participating in the Run, Roll or Stroll, everyone is helping someone else right here in Tidewater—allowing JFS to serve one more meal, counsel one more child who has lost a parent, or help one more individual get back on his or her feet after surgery. Do something good for your heart—and community—and join JFS at the Run, Roll or Stroll! Register at

Eat heart healthy at No Frill Grill Monday, April 25 and Sunday, May 1   1620 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach isit No Frill Grill (Hilltop location only) and order the Tuscan Salad between Monday, April 25–Sunday, May 1, and No Frill Grill will donate the proceeds from this salad to JFS. Visit


ponsorship opportunities for the 12th Annual Spring Into Healthy Living are still available. Contact Betty Ann Levin or Sue Graves at 757-321-2222 to learn more. The presenting sponsor of Spring Into Healthy Living is Towne Bank. Lead sponsors are the Lee and Bernard Jaffe* Family Fund of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation. The Copeland/Klebanoff Families are the Diamond sponsor. *Of blessed memory Photography by Mednick Multimedia.

continued on page 17

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continued from page 16

B’nai Israel presents Dr. David Pelcovitz   Caring for Your Aging Loved One: Sunday, May 15 at 12 pm B’nai Israel   Balanced Parenting: Monday, May 16, 7 pm Sandler Family Campus few weeks after the Run, Roll or Stroll, B’nai Israel in Norfolk is sponsoring two programs featuring Dr. David Pelcovitz, who holds the Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology and Jewish Education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University. B’nai Israel is hosting a lunch with Pelcovitz presenting “Caring for Your Aging Loved Ones.” At the Sandler Family Campus, Pelcovitz will speak on Balanced Parenting, a book he wrote in collaboration with his father, Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz,


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on the balance between ‘love and limits’ in raising children. For more information on these two programs, call B’nai Israel at 757-627-7894. The B’nai Israel programs are made possible by the Synagogue/Federation Partnership of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

154-20151118-262780 | March 28, 2016 | Home | Jewish News | 17

first person

When Brussels meant freedom from fear for an Israeli by Cnaan Liphshiz

(JTA)—Growing up, trips to stay with my Jewish family in Brussels were a taste of freedom. In my native Israel, waves of Palestinian terrorist attacks kept me under constant maternal surveillance. Fear of regular bus bombings limited my excursions to biking distance. On the tranquil streets of the Belgian capital, by contrast, I could wander at will amid the mix of Medieval architecture and glass-and-steel skyscrapers. Even riding the tram with my cousin Eli was exhilarating. The rails seemed to stretch out endlessly, and there was the added thrill of potentially getting caught without tickets, which we never bothered to buy. On Tuesday, March 22, a series of explosions killed 34 people—14 of them

at Zaventem Airport and another 20 at one of the metro stations that Eli and I used to exploit. “The anxiety is terrible,” Eli’s father, my uncle, told me, recalling quickly doing a family headcount after learning of the attacks. “But equally horrible is that these attacks reduce you to feeling happy that strangers whom you’ve never met died in them, and not your own friends and family.” On a visit to Brussels earlier this month, I had sensed a change. The city no longer felt so free. At a book signing by a Jewish philosopher, Alain Finkielkraut, I was shocked to see that he was accompanied by a body guard. Outside the building, a dozen police officers stood guard. Wasn’t this an official overreaction to the May 2015 slaying of four people at Brussels’ Jewish Museum? I asked Joel

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Rubinfeld, head of the Belgian League Against Anti-Semitism. “We are all targets now—philosophers, anti-racism activists, journalists, police officers, the people in this restaurant,” Rubinfeld said. In a southern district of Brussels on that Tuesday afternoon, Rabbi Shalom Benizri was still waiting for word from his loved ones when I called his home. A communications overload had disabled cell service by several providers, leaving many thousands unable to communicate with worried loved ones. Benizri, who used to head a large Sephardic community in downtown Brussels before its members moved because of the rampant criminality in the heavily-Muslim area, recalled the museum shooting. “We were the targets then, but now everyone is a target,” said Benizri, echoing Rubinfeld. During the attack, Benizri was at the airport about to board a flight to Israel, where several of his children live. As chaos broke out and hundreds fled the smoking building, he returned to his car and drove

Jewish group on Brussels attacks: ‘Shots at the heart of Europe’

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18 | Jewish News | HOME | March 28, 2016 |

back home. In lockdown at home—a precaution which probably applies especially to Orthodox rabbis like him—Benizri told me he is among the local Jews who see no future for their families in Belgium. “There is enormous concern not only among people like me, but also non-observant Jews,” he said. “As for me, my suitcases are packed to go.” Wishing him a happy Purim, I hung up with a sinking feeling about what was happening to the city I love—which is situated only 130 miles from Amsterdam, where I now live with my wife and 4-month-old son. Trying to put my finger on when things got out of control in Belgium and Western Europe in general, I remembered a conversation that I had had with Eli 20 years ago in a Brussels metro station. Attuned to an inchoate rise in anti-Semitic violence to which I was oblivious as a foreigner, Eli had asked me to address him as “Ile,” an anagram of his name, when we were on the street. Maybe I should have known then.


ewish groups expressed shock and anger following a series of attacks that left at least 34 dead in the Belgian capital. Kenneth Bandler, director of media relations for the American Jewish Committee, linked the attacks to the slaying of four people at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in May 2014. “What began with the jihadist fatal attack on the Jewish Museum nearly two years ago has now reached the airport and metro,” he wrote in an email. Mehdi Nemmouche, a French national in his 30s who is said to have fought with jihadists in Syria, is currently on trial in Brussels for the May 2014 museum shooting. “This is yet another shocking, appalling

and deadly attack on innocent Europeans by radical terrorists,” European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor said in a statement. Kantor called the attacks “shots at the heart of Europe” that he said should galvanize counterterrorist actions. Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, said his organization is “united in prayers at this hour with the families of the victims and the injured.” Goldschmidt called the attacks the “latest act of war of Islamic fascism against the capital of Europe,” adding: “As in the biblical story of Esther, evil can and will be destroyed only by recognizing it and fighting it.” (JTA)

Home Supplement to Jewish News March 28, 2016

Home Dear Readers,


think it is real this time. Glorious white blossoms, hopeful

tree buds, and colorful flowers emerging from the soil are all welcome signs that spring might have actually sprung in Tidewater! With springtime, of course, comes a different focus on our homes. It’s a good

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Sherri Wisoff, Proofreader

time for that intensive cleaning, repairing and painting and, of course, gardening.


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It’s also a good time of year to take a new look at our interiors and think about how we’re using our spaces and how we

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can spruce them up a bit. Francine Morgan talks about some trends on page 21.

Jay Klebanoff, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper.

These months are also traditionally the best for selling homes, which means buyers tend to be on the hunt…for homes and mortgages and all that accompanies home ownership. Shikma Rubin offers some tips

© 2016 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email

on making mortgage decisions on page 29. While many activities take place at home, in addition to sleep, the one we all do—no matter the season—is eat. And so, in these pages you’ll find recipes, articles about a new kosher hotplate from Israel, a local business that delivers lettuce, and information on kosher cooking classes. However you use your home, we hope

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20 | Jewish News | HOME | March 28, 2016 |

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Home Design trends focus on creating eclectic, serene, family-centric environments by Sherri Wisoff


n an extremely busy and complex world, 2016 interior design choices for homes may reveal insights into longings for more stable and serene environments, a desire to recapture a sense of intimacy with families and the natural world. Francine Morgan, an accomplished interior designer for Tidewater and Richmond areas and owner of Designs by Francine, says, “The world is such a different place to live now—with so much anxiety in it. People are more interested in decorating their homes so that they can come home to a safe environment surrounded by beautiful and comfortable furnishings.” She sees a big trend in the return of the stone fireplace and the kitchen as important epicenters of family commerce. “The children may still want to be attached to their iPads and iPhones, but many of my clients are striving to create more peaceful, unplugged environments—a place to detox and reestablish family life,” Morgan says. She notes the increased use of natural stone materials such as slate and “beautiful wood floors scattered with muted colored area rugs” as reflecting a longing for more natural simplicity. Modern lines for furniture are still in vogue, but increasingly the mid-modern design trend popular over the last several years is becoming “more a mishmosh” with elements of traditional design thrown in. Interior home design has become more eclectic, the expression of one’s individuality, rather than any one universally accepted design statement. Morgan says she enjoys helping her clients reuse and repurpose old furniture by giving it a fresh look with new upholstery and delights in creating design whimsy with her placement of old furniture with modern materials. She recently paired an old nostalgic French settee with a crisp, modern lucite coffee table. “Anything goes,” she says. For years, she says, textured and solid

fabrics were the designers’ upholstery choices for sofas, but now patterns and prints are back with a vengeance. “I haven’t seen Francine Morgan floral prints and chintze patterns on furniture in the last 15 years of interior design,” she exclaims. “I think it has to do with people trying to recapture something from their past— perhaps a nostalgic memory of a simpler life. The 2016 color choices in paint also seem to reveal a longing for a serene habitat—blush pink and delicate robin egg blue. “Wallpaper with crown moldings is also back, especially in the bathrooms and dining rooms,” she says, replacing solid colors. Design patterns have ranged from geometric to Asian trellis designs. “Window treatments are still simple with blinds and roman shades—no heavy drapery. “Unusual commanding, decorative mirrors of all materials are taking center stage in bathrooms this year,” says Morgan. (As to what this design trend may say about self perceptions or vanity, remains unknown.) “As modern life gets busier and more pressured our homes have become our sanctuaries,” according to m.Interior The site notes as a trend for 2016 a rebellion against the pressures of a technology driven universe that seems to be expressing itself in many home improvement decisions this year. “People are attempting to bring nature back into their daily lives by building sunrooms and glass conservatories onto their homes this year. I think people want to create a sanctuary in a busy world,” says Morgan. “Orchids are the flower of choice, they are gorgeous, serene and do not need to be watered. As a matter of fact, if you water them too much they will die—the perfect houseplant for contemporary life, low maintenance.”

Kosher cooking classes for all levels


eanna Freridge, CFSE, chef instructor, Culinary Arts Department at Tidewater Community College, now offers a series of kosher cooking classes through the school. Classes include recipe handouts, information on region/class, and all of the food. Freridge lectures for a short time to go over course material, then participants prepare a recipe. “We serve it family style so everyone gets to sample all recipes, plus take home leftovers if there are any!” she says. Glatt kosher classes are taught at B’nai Israel, while kosher-style classes are taught at TCC Norfolk Campus. For more information, call 757-822-1234, email or go to

Kosher cooking class at B’Nai Israel Congregation (Glatt kosher) All classes 6–10 pm, $85 Monday, April 4 “A Taste of Italy”—Discover the rich diversity of Italian cuisine, from the sunny southern coast of Naples to the northern beauty of Florence, Tuscany, and Rome. Sample items prepared in class: Pasta, Polenta, Risotto, Cacciatore, Braciole, Tira Misu** Monday, May 16 “Cajun and Creole”—The flavors of New Orleans, where the culinary influences from Spanish, French and African settlers combined to create truly unique flavor profiles and cooking techniques. Sample items prepared in class: Jambalaya, Gumbo, Etouffee, Blackened Fish with Remoulade, “Dirty Rice,” Bananas Foster, and Pecan Pralines** Monday, June 6 “Tapas Night”—Spanish inspired small plates menu with flavors and techniques from the various regions of Spain including Catalonia, Andalusia, Valencia, and more. Sample items prepared in class: Potato Tortilla, Romesco, Catalan Spinach, Gazpacho, Pollo al Ajillo, Churros**

Kosher-style cooking classes at TCC Norfolk Campus All classes 6–10 pm, $85 Tuesday, April 24 and Tuesday, May 26 For those wishing to prepare kosher foods for catering, retail, or home cooking, this class is designed for the novice as it describes the laws of kashruth pertaining to ingredients such as meat, dairy, fish, produce, and packaged goods. The class will also include an overview on production including days and times for production, holidays, and equipment. Sample items prepared in class: Layered Gefilte Fish, Matzo Ball Soup, Curried Tuna and Couscous, Beef Kabobs, Pineapple Challah Kugel, Chocolate Toffee Torte** **Menu items subject to change based on ingredient availability | March 28, 2016 | Home | Jewish News | 21

We’re So Confident in Our Memory Care,

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Home These may be America’s proudest Shabbos goys

“Initially, I definitely thought it was strange,” said Patel, who has worked at NEW YORK (JTA)—For Samir Patel, the the store, wedged between a laundromat term “goy” is no slur. It’s a point of pride. and a kosher pizza shop on Main Street, Patel is a manager of Suhag Wine & for seven years. “When my family bought Liquors, a family-owned business in the this business 20 years ago, we had no idea heavily Orthodox neighborhood of Kew about the Jewish community. We didn’t You want the very best for your loved one with memory loss. Dignified Gardens Hills, in Queens. He’s a Hindu know their customs. But religion is relicare. Compassionate caregivers. A vibrant lifestyle. Beautiful surroundings. immigrant from India, but the vast major- gion. We’re happy to help.” Individual attention. Days filled with joy, purpose and meaning. Like many of the Jewish-owned busiity of his customers are religious Jews, and nesses on Main Street, the checkout nearly all the wine and spirits he Call or Visit Commonwealth Today! counter at Patel’s liquor store is sells is kosher. In The Ballentine – Norfolk | 757-347-1732 cluttered with tzedakah boxes Saturday is the store’s Churchland House – Portsmouth | 757-517-0340 associated with Jewish charslowest day for sales, but Orthodox ities: Chabad, Sephardic there’s another service Commonwealth Assisted Living at Hampton | 757-707-8091 households, Torah Center, Hebrew Patel provides that makes Norfolk’s Memory Care Experts | 757-785-0830 Free Burial Association, him indispensable: He’s a Georgian Manor – Chesapeake | 757-644-3825 vital everyday Hatzolah volunteer ambuShabbos goy. He even has Kings Grant House – Virginia Beach | 757-347-2752 lance corps of Queens. a sign on the door advertistasks are Leigh Hall – Norfolk | 757-347-1251 The Patels have been ing that fact. serving as Shabbos goys for “Shabbos Goy,” the forbidden on two decades, but they only signs says. “If you need help retirement communities | beach area condos | country clubs on Shabbos, please ask us.” the Sabbath. put up the sign advertising that fact in the last year. Goy, In Orthodox households, which literally means “nation” vital everyday tasks such as retirement communities | beach area condos | country clubs retirement communities | beach area condos | country clubs in Hebrew, is often considered a retirement communities | beach area condos | country clubs turning lights on and off, using pejorative term for non-Jews, but it electrical appliances and cooking are forbidden on the Sabbath. Religious Jews is used matter-of-factly in many Orthodox retirement communities | beach CONNECTION area condos | country clubsFLORIDA REAL ESTATE YOUR NORFOLK TO SOUTH use all sorts of workarounds—electric circles. Patel says he wasn’t aware some timers, preprogrammed thermostats, spe- considered it offensive. YOUR NORFOLK CONNECTION TO SOUTH FLORIDA REAL ESTATE YOUR NORFOLK TO SOUTHREAL FLORIDA REAL ESTATE cial hotplates—but sometimes it’s not “Most people don’t believe us when YOUR NORFOLK CONNECTION TOCONNECTION SOUTH FLORIDA ESTATE enough. A bedroom light may accidentally they see that sign,” he says. “Our cusbe left on. A cool day may unexpectedly tomers wanted us to put it up. We were | beach condos | country clubs YOUR NORFOLK retirement CONNECTIONcommunities TO SOUTH FLORIDA REALarea ESTATE turn sweltering. The hotplate may have providing the service anyway, so they Buyers forfor AllAll Buyers said, ‘Why not put up a sign?’” been left unplugged. Two doors down, Arvind Patel (no That’s where the Shabbos goy comes relation), the owner of the local convein—a non-Jew who can perform forbidforfor AllAll Customers Customers nience store, also takes pride in serving as den tasks for Jews. “If someone needs anything, we go and a Shabbos goy. He, too, has a sign on his UPUP TO TO do it for them,” Patel says. “They might shop, Ambe Grocery: “Shabbos goy availneed us to turn off a stove. Or they left able,” it reads. “Shabbat Shalom.” Registration & Details at “I’m the original Shabbos goy,” Arvind the fridge light on. Sometimes kids turn boasts. “I’ve been doing this for 30 years. on the light by mistake.” UP TO All the rabbis know me. They’re like Because business is very slow on Must Register Now/Good Towards Any Purchase Made in 2016 Must Register Now/Good Towards Any Purchase Made in 2016 Saturdays, Patel is usually the only one family.” Must Register Now/Good Towards Any Purchase Made in 2016 Arvind says he usually gets about eight minding the store. So when Orthodox customers come in and ask for help, Patel or nine requests per Shabbat—more on Broker/Owner locks up and follows them home. He usu- holidays. On Sukkot, he helps fix sukkahs Must Register Now/Good Towards Any Purchase Made in 2016 Must Register Now/Good Towards Any Purchase Made in 2016 Broker/Owner ally gets about five requests per Shabbos, damaged by wind (Jewish law forbids he says, using the Yiddish-style pronunci- repairing a sukkah on the festival’s holy ation. There is no charge for the service. continued on page 23 by Uriel Heilman

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22 | Jewish News | HOME | March 28, 2016 |

Home Sandler Family Campus hosts new homes for birds the rear of the campus. A purple martin house stands along the pond’s edge next to the JCC parking lot. Cavity nesters, Bluebirds have been struggling in recent decades to find natural tree dwellings. An interest in posting man-made nest boxes has helped the bluebird population grow and spread in the open spaces where they typically live. Purple martins are community nesters that like open spaces and open water access that they can share with their friends and families. As a natural predator of mosquitos, purple martins are a welcome sight for all.


continued from page 22

days or Shabbat). On the High Holidays, Arvind patrols the neighborhood offering help wherever needed. The local Jews all know him, he says. Arvind also owns the laundromat next door, which he notes uses only kosher-certified soap and fabric softener. A letter of certification from a body called the Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S.A. and Canada attests to that. “Say I speak a little Hebrew, too. Baruch Hashem yom yom!” Arvind says, using the Hebrew for “Thank God every day.” Many

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Purple Martin birdhouse.

oping to take advantage of the natural open landscape, Tom Edwards, Simon Family JCC sports and recreation director, has placed five birdhouses around the Sandler Family Campus. Edwards crafted four new bluebird nest boxes made of cedar. The handmade birdhouses are mounted throughout the campus: Outside of the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater entrance, near both entries to the Simon Family JCC parking lot, and along the west side of the athletic field at

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Bluebird nest box.

Israelis live in the neighborhood. When an Orthodox patron leaves the store, Arvind calls out, “Yom tov! Tihiye bari”—Hebrew for “Have a good day. Stay healthy!” Arvind says he also extends credit to Orthodox Jewish customers who come into the store on the Sabbath for items they unexpectedly need, like milk or soda. They always return and pay on Sunday or Monday, he says. “I trust them a lot,” Arvind says. “Jewish people is same like my family —mishpachah.”

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Lettuce rejoice


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630 Hilltop West Shopping Center  24 | Jewish News | HOME | March 28, 2016 |

The Neighborhood Harvest delivers Local company delivers community supported agricultural produce to doorsteps local farms by paying a seasonal fee to receive fresh local produce, Community harles Dudley Warner once said, Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs “Lettuce is like conversation; it usually have subscribers pick up the harmust be fresh and crisp, so spar- vest at one of the several pickup points. kling that you scarcely notice the bitter in However, Stein has developed his own it.” The lettuce and micro-greens grown system that delivers freshly picked produce right here in Tidewater on a hydroponic to directly to homes. The Neighborhood Harvest does not farm are so crisp and sparkling that it’s all just provide green product, their transporanyone can talk about. John Stein, owner of Baker’s Crust, is tation is also green. When asked about his inspiration and growing organic, sustainable, pesticideand GMO-free varietal lettuces, greens, and intentions for founding The Neighborhood Harvest, Stein’s answer is as clean and herbs on a greenhouse farm in Suffolk. Stein’s innovative start-up com- refreshing as his crops, “Sustainability and pany is aptly named, the Neighborhood our drive to source our products with the Harvest, for incorporating the principles of highest level of integrity and quality. A lot of our produce and lettuce come from California Community Supported Agriculture. A program in which consumers support and other countries and we wanted to figure a better way of getting fresh produce to the tables of our community members.” By sourcing product locally, less CO2 is emitted into the earth’s atmosphere, the shelf life of the product is extended because the harvest is picked the day before delivery, and even the packaging is ecofriendly and smart. Janet and Bobby Chenman, two subscribers of The Neighborhood Harvest, tried the program at the suggestion of a friend, who told them about the delivery service. Owners of SmartBasil Farms and The Neighborhood Harvest: Eric Coble, John Stein, by Gaby Grune


and Thomas Vandiver.

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The Neighborhood Harvest delivery van.

“We like the convenience of it, and knowing that the greens are locally grown, just harvested and so fresh,” says Janet Chenman. “The flavor is phenomenal, particularly the arugula, which is spicy and light. That’s what got me really hooked.” Chenman says whatever is delivered on Tuesday is often part of the couple’s evening meals. At least two other neighbors on their block in Virginia Beach get greens delivered to The Neighborhood Harvest cooler placed at their house. The Chenmans have recommended the service to many of their friends, who have also signed up for deliveries. Stein’s dream, to provide as much micro-greens and lettuce to as many people in Tidewater as possible, is coming to fruition. Families and singles across the region are taking advantage of this healthy and convenient opportunity. Delivery areas already include: North and East Virginia Beach including Towne Center area, Kings Grant, Little Neck, Northampton Blvd. to Shore Dr., Shore Dr. at Northampton to the Oceanfront, Oceanfront to Laskin Rd. to Great Neck corridor; Suffolk city, north Suffolk and Western Branch. The sustainable yields are energizing and educating consumers on how a community can improve the environment, agriculture, and daily lives. This environmentally conscious

company’s origin story happens to be rooted in academia. A few years back, Stein hired interns from the William and Mary Mason School of Business to work alongside him to learn about entrepreneurship and sustainability. In the process of teaching these students, Stein realized he should be farming his own produce to supply his restaurants and the community with local greens. Staple greens were the clear choice of crops to grow. “Lettuce and micro-greens are the staples of everyone’s meals, they are the baseline ingredient people use in their salad so it is essential to a huge demographic,” Stein says. But Stein has not limited himself to strictly baseline ingredients. The farm has grown and distributed a variety of veggies and herbs: Dill, parsley, cilantro, arugula, baby kale, red leaf lettuce, Swiss chard, mesclun, and their newest features include baby collards and candied pecans salad toppings, just to name a few. For those interested in cooking, a stirfry blend is available; for those who’ve caught onto the juicing craze, a juicing blend is available. These green essentials allow any person with any lifestyle to improve their daily nutritional intake without having to go shopping. For more information go to or call 757-809-3577.

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Home Olive Oil, Almond and Candied Ginger Mandelbrot Jeremy Krupnick

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by Rebecca Firkser

(The Nosher via JTA)—Growing up in a Jewish-Italian family in New Jersey, I’ve taken to calling myself a pizza bagel. My heritage rendered my childhood kitchen an epicenter for piles of challah French toast, saucepans of bubbling tomato sauce and more than anyone’s fair share of cookies. One crumbly treat in particular graces my oven time and time again: mandelbrot. In my world, this cookie has two names. When my dad’s side of the family makes them, they are called mandelbrot. When my mom’s side gets together for dessert, we’re munching on biscotti. Technically, the recipes for the twice-baked loaf cookies are different, yielding slightly different textures. Mandelbrot has a higher fat content, making them a little softer than their crunchy Italian counterpart. Considering that I’ve now made different recipes for each cookie dozens of times, my final product’s crunch level is somewhere between

the two. You won’t risk breaking a tooth, but don’t dunk it in your coffee for too long. My mandelbrot get their tender, crumbly texture from my favorite Italian ingredient: olive oil. Adding subtle fruity and peppery notes to the dough, the olive oil echoes the stronger flavor profile of the candied ginger. The cookies wouldn’t be true mandelbrot without the addition of roasted almonds, as the name literally translates to “almond bread.” Not only do the almonds add a satisfying crunch, they also provide a rich, creamy compliment to the sweet and spicy ginger. I like to use coconut sugar in this recipe because, compared to white sugar, the slight caramel flavor allows the eater to place their attention on the dessert as a whole, not only on the treat’s degree of sweetness. —Rebecca Firkser is a New Jersey-based food writer and blogger. She blogs regularly at Spices and Spatulas.

Olive Oil, Almond and Candied Ginger Mandelbrot Recipe Ingredients

2 eggs, at room temperature

¹⁄ 3 cup roasted almonds

½ cup blonde coconut sugar

¼ cup candied ginger

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups all-purpose flour

¼ teaspoon almond extract

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 tablespoon orange zest

pinch of kosher salt

½ cup olive oil

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Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking tray with parchment paper. Chop roasted almonds and candied ginger finely and set aside. Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl and set aside. In a large bowl,

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whisk eggs until smooth, then whisk in coconut sugar until dissolved. Add extracts and orange zest, then slowly stream in the olive oil, whisking the entire time. Fold the flour mixture into the egg mixture until incorporated, then fold in the almonds and candied ginger. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and form it into a ball. Divide into 2 sections and roll the dough into logs, each about 12 inches long. Transfer

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26 | Jewish News | HOME | March 28, 2016 |

to prepared baking tray and flatten slightly. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven until slightly cooled. With a serrated knife, cut logs into ½-inch slices on a diagonal. Return mandelbrot to the oven and bake for 10 minutes, then flip the cookies over and bake for an additional 5 minutes.

Home HotMat, new Shabbat hotplate, eyes design and safety appeal


% APY*

by Uriel Heilman

NEW YORK ( JTA)—First there was KosherLamp, the bedside light that could be turned on and off on the Sabbath. Then came KosherSwitch, the controversial toggle that allows users to control lights and other electronic appliances on Shabbat. Now there’s HotMat, a new foldable hotplate designed to give observant Jewish consumers a safe, portable and rabbinically sanctioned method of heating up food on the Sabbath. HotMat is hardly the first Sabbath hotplate on the market. But after a malfunctioning hotplate was blamed for a tragic Brooklyn fire a year ago that killed seven children from a Jewish family, HotMat provides fresh safety features and functionality. For one thing, it’s the first foldable hotplate on the market, making it ideal for travelers – religious Jews or otherwise. It also offers four separate surfaces for heating food—two that get hot, and two that get warm. (“So you don’t burn your rice,” says creator Rafi Gabbay.) Jewish law forbids cooking food or using fire on the Sabbath. However, food may be heated or kept warm on Shabbat under certain conditions: The heat must be indirect and non-adjustable, and cold liquids may not be heated at all. HotMat has been certified for Shabbat use by the Zomet Institute, Israel’s leading designer of electronic devices for use on the Jewish Sabbath, and has been safety-certified by TUV labs, a German safety certification company. Gabbay, the 37-year-old entrepreneur from Jerusalem who invented HotMat, says

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includes IRA certificates creating the product was a way to combine his training in industrial design with his interest in Jewish philosophy. “I’ve been tinkering with this concept for years,” Gabbay told JTA in a telephone interview from his home in Israel. “The standard Shabbat hotplate is a product a lot of people don’t like,” he said. “It’s heavy, bulky, often burns the food, and then there’s the issue of safety. It’s a very dangerous product.” H o t M a t aims to address those deficiencies. The patented product went through two years of lab testing and refinement to achieve its high safety ratings. The multiple surfaces with varying heat levels are designed to keep soup hot without burning kugel soufflés (in accordance with Sabbath restrictions, the temperatures are not adjustable). The Teflon-coated aluminum heat surfaces are designed to be easy to store and clean. HotMat weighs about 5 pounds, far less than standard Shabbat hotplates. HotMat retails for $129 and is newly available in the United States at After the HotMat went on sale in Israel and Europe last year, the product quickly sold out.

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Home Neve Michael Children’s Village brings home a message of love and caring

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by Laine Mednick Rutherford


or approximately 10,000 children in Israel, home has come to mean life in a place where initially there may be no biological family members, no known objects and unfamiliar spaces. Soon however, they can begin to learn what home means: a safe, secure shelter, where they have daily meals, clothes of their own and adults who can be trusted. Neve Michael Children’s Village is one of Israel’s residential facilities that provide a temporary, or sometimes permanent, home for children who have been removed from their parents’ care—usually under traumatic circumstances. Located in Pardes Hana, Neve Michael provides a home for 250 children. The majority of the children are victims of mental, physical or sexual abuse. Ages range from four to 18 years old. The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater provides Neve Michael with funding that enables staff there to provide the children with food, clothing, support and opportunities that will allow them to grow into healthy adults. The funds are provided through generous gifts made to the UJFT’s Annual Campaign. Stephanie Steerman and her husband Sam traveled to Israel last summer on a mission trip with the UJFT Young Adult Division’s Hineni! program. The first stop on the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission was to Neve Michael, where the Steermans and the rest of their group met with Hava Levene, Neve Michael’s director of public relations. “We got a chance to meet some of the kids, and see where and how they live,” Steerman says. “The biggest impact for me came hearing Hava’s stories about the children, and finding out no matter what time of day or night, Neve Michael takes them in and gives them a home. “Some kids arrive with only the clothes on their back, and they need everything— clothes, food, shoes, love. Neve Michael gives it to them. “One of the stories Hava told us was

28 | Jewish News | HOME | March 28, 2016 |

about seeing a young soldier while she was waiting for a train. He was on the other side of the tracks, but called out to her and let her know that he was in the Army, and doing very well. ‘I’m successful, and it’s because of you,’ he told her. Stories like that make us so aware of the impact we have in people’s lives, through the Federation.” Along with providing resident in his room at Neve Michael Children’s Village. Located refuge and a loving home, Ain young Pardes Hanna, Israel, Neve Michael provides a home for more than Neve Michael has a 24-hour 250 children ages 4-18. Emergency Crisis Center, the first teenage girls’ crisis center in Israel, an to send him to jail (which did happen). elementary school on the premises, and Batya wanted to be a princess for Purim day care facilities serving disadvantaged and received a costume of a princess dress. children in the area. Also, there is a therapy But Batya continued to wear the costume enrichment center tailored to meet individ- even after Purim, especially on days that ual needs, and an external crisis center and were “bad” days for her that had painful therapy counseling unit which helps keep at memories. risk families intact. Once Batya wore the princess dress it Levene recently sent the following story made her feel better and beautiful. The about a young girl she calls “Batya,” to share dress was on a chair beside Batya’s bed, with the Tidewater Jewish community: always ready when needed. I saw Batya wear the dress so often rom Rosh Chodesh Adar to Purim, those first months at the Emergency Crisis there are fun activities in Neve Michael. Center, even when she played outside on The children in Neve Michael are a mosaic the sports field. Soon after Yom Kippur, of Jewish culture and traditions includ- Batya ran over to me to tell me that she is ing Ethiopian, Israeli, Russian, Moroccan, so excited because they found a new, good Libyan etc. We try and make sure to mother for her and she is going there for encourage the uniqueness of each culture Shabbat. After many visits to her new family, through songs and traditions. Batya arrived at the Emergency Crisis Batya came to the director of the Emergency Center in Neve Michael Children’s Village. Crisis Center and told her that she doesn’t A small, frail little girl with long brown need the princess dress anymore and that hair and sad brown eyes, just nine years she should wash it and keep it for any new old and already a four-year victim of sexual girl that comes to Neve Michael who will molestation by her father. Unfortunately, need it. Batya’s mother is mentally unwell and incapable of protecting her. Her three younger Hava Levene sent a thank you message to siblings were taken to foster care, but Batya Tidewater, which can be viewed at www. came to us for therapy, treatment and, most youtube/UJFTidewater. To help make a difference in the lives of the important, for love. In addition, the authorities wanted children who will be arriving at Neve Michael Batya to be in a protective, healing envi- tomorrow, next month and next year, donate to ronment before they questioned her to get the 2016 Annual Campaign at www.jewishva. enough evidence to convict her father and org/donation.


Home The Big Short and the responsibility of homeownership

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by Shikma Rubin


he Academy-award nominated film, The Big Short, which uses an all-star cast to chronicle the 2007 collapse of the U.S. housing market, has a warning for all future homebuyers: understand the contract before you sign. One particular scene underscores the point. In the lead-up to the housing crash, a hedge fund manager, Mark Baum (played by Steve Carell), visits Florida to see the housing bubble firsthand. He speaks to a young woman and learns she owns five homes. But here’s the kicker: the woman doesn’t realize that when her adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) goes into effect in 2007, it will likely increase her mortgage payments more than 200 percent. In that moment, Baum comes to a shocking realization: a housing crash is imminent because too many people have mortgages they likely can’t afford. The real life collapse of the housing market had a chilling effect on the economy and made people fearful of major investments such as the purchase of a home. Flash forward to 2015. This past October, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) simplified the loan process when it condensed four different disclosure forms into two and made the lending documents easier for homebuyers to comprehend. Still, it’s important for homebuyers to ask their lender the right questions before signing on the dotted line. Questions include: • Is my mortgage rate fixed or adjustable (meaning, will the rate change over time)? • What’s included in my monthly mortgage payment? • A m I being charged origination or discount points for my mortgage rate? • Do I have mortgage insurance, and if so what are the terms? As a lender who regularly walks people

Shikma Rubin. through the mortgage process, I can confirm that the system today is highly regulated and designed to protect both the lenders and homebuyers. Buying a home is still one of the best (if not the best) long-term investments. That’s why I believe The Big Short isn’t meant to scare people away from homeownership. If anything, it demonstrates how far the system has come, and why people should again have confidence in lending institutions. When beginning the home buying process, gather recent salary and tax documents and be prepared for a thorough financial history check. Be sure to ask lenders the questions outlined above and anything else that doesn’t make sense. Bottom line: Lenders need to be 100 percent sure buyers can pay their mortgage. And before signing and picking up the house keys, buyers need to be certain, too. Shikma Rubin is a loan officer at Tidewater Home Funding in Chesapeake, Va (NMLS #1114873). She specializes in lending for the millennial generation. Visit for a free copy of her ebook, “15 Things Millennials Want from the Home Buying Process.” She can be reached at

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Tips to make Spring Ceaning safer and easier (StatePoint) For those who love the results of Spring Cleaning, but not the process, it could be that the methods and tools being used to get the job done are making the work harder than it needs to be. To get those to-dos done with less effort, consider these tips.

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Make it fun Before getting started, take steps to prepare for an afternoon or day of chores. Turn on some music for motivation. Open the windows to get some fresh air. Eat a solid meal to be fueled for the tasks at hand. Already in a much better mood? Avoid harsh chemicals One of the less savory aspects of cleaning


can be the exposure of one’s eyes and skin to harsh and irritating chemical formulas. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In some cases, it is possible to get the same results with natural alternatives and, at times, just water. For example, microfiber is designed to pick up and trap dust, dirt, fingerprints, and grime from furniture, woodwork, and cabinetry without scratching surfaces. Brands such as Casabella offer an array of cleaning supplies made of this material, including cloths, chenille mitts, mops and dusters, which offer deeper cleaning with just a little bit of water. Avoid Reaching Cleaning can be a pain in the neck—and back, and everywhere else for that matter. Treat cleaning like a workout. Stretch neck, shoulders and torso beforehand. Also, look for implements that “do the reaching for you so you don’t have to.” For example, a versatile tool like the Everywhere Duster, with its washable microfiber head, pivots to work in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies

from floor to ceiling, such as windowsills and molding. Work smart Mopping can be a tricky task when using a conventional mop and bucket. Rather than push an ever-increasingly dirty mop around the floors, seek out smart cleaning tools. A built-in washing spinner at the bottom of the bucket can help keep things cleaner along the way. For example, the Spin Cycle Mop features two spinning mechanisms—one to wash and one to dry—so there’s no dripping dirty water on the floors that are being cleaned. Use microfiber cloths and dusters that hold onto the dirt they gather so there’s no trail of dust from room to room. These materials are machine washable, so post-cleaning tasks are a cinch as well. The fresh feel that Spring Cleaning affords does not need to come at a great cost to happiness. With a few tweaks to the routine, it’s possible to make it simpler and more enjoyable.

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Applications available for Stephen David Baer Music Scholarship for children


ewish Family Service of Tidewater is now accepting applications for the Stephen David Baer Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is dedicated in loving memory of Stephen Baer, husband of Joan London Baer and father of David Bryan and Justin Michael Baer. Baer was a publisher, lawyer, entrepreneur and accomplished pianist who played piano all over the world. His talent and ability to entertain made him a magnet for everyone who heard him play. Established to share Baer’s love and passion for music, the fund will enable children who demonstrate talent, a love of music, and have demonstrated financial need an opportunity to pursue their interest. Eligibility: • Applicants must be children aged 9–16 years old living in Hampton Roads (Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, or Newport News). • Applicants must demonstrate passion and a talent for piano. • Applicants must demonstrate substantiated financial need.

• Applicants must write a 150-200 word essay describing how they will use the scholarship. • Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation by the music teacher with whom they study. • Previous applicants must submit a current application to be considered.

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Categories for scholarship applicants: • Beginner’s Award: For music students with three years or less of instruction. • Maestro’s Award: For music students with four or more years of instruction. Scholarships range from $250 to $400. Award checks will be made directly to the institution, vendor or party providing instruction, not to the individual. Application Deadline: May 1, 2016. Mail all requests to: Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Attn: Stephen Baer Music Scholarship, 260 Grayson Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Applications are available at Scholarships will be awarded by July 1.


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Don't wait! Applications accepted TODAY! | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 31

postcards from Argentina

LeDor VaDor

the Senior Home in Buenos Aires Sixteen members of the Tidewater Jewish community recently returned from a mission to the Jewish community of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sponsored by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, the mission allowed local donors to “follow their campaign dollars” to one of the many overseas communities served by Tidewater’s Annual Campaign. This is the third in a series of “Postcards” from the mission, highlighting some of the most impactful experiences. of dozens of Jewish communal agencies and programs in Argentina—spanning by Amy Zelenka all streams of Judaism. Each was vetted, t’s Friday evening and the mission examined, and rated in terms of its health participants arrive at the doors of their and long-term viability. To keep the Jewish next visit. The LeDor VaDor Senior community running (and with the knowlHome in Buenos Aires shines a spotlight on edge that better days would eventually the work of the Federation’s overseas part- come), painful decisions were made. Among those decisions were to close ner, the American Jewish Joint Distribution some of the community’s institutions, conCommittee (JDC). Argentina is a unique chapter in JDC’s solidate others, and restructure still more. “book of stories.” It’s a chapter whose Schools and synagogues were merged. ending appears nearer and nearer. JDC’s Organizations were phased-out. A Jewish presence on the ground in Argentina nursing home (located in an old, runwas built up during the economic col- down building on the outskirts of town, lapse (1998–2002). During that crash, the away from the majority of the Jewish populations) was slated upper and middle to be closed and its class segments of residents moved the Jewish comto a new building, munity were hit closer to the center disproportionately of town. Few were hard. Overnight, happy about the hundreds of famchanges, but in the ilies went from end, they agreed being donors and that the restructursupporters of ing was needed—to the community’s be able to stretch agencies to being recipients of their assistance. The depres- the emergency funds— until those better sion was marked by a collapse of the days came. Fast-forward to this past October. Argentine economy (which shrank 28%), significant devaluation of the country’s Better days did come to Argentina, and to currency, and staggering levels of unem- the Jewish community there—now lean ployment. Hit especially hard were small and efficient (thanks to the changes made businesses and small manufacturers, many during the crisis). And while the Argentine economy is by no means strong or steady of them Jewish-owned. The Argentine Jewish community (just ask the Argentineans who went to the found itself in crisis, and the Federation ballot boxes as we flew back to the States!), system mobilized immediately, running the situation is far better than it was in emergency campaigns and working closely those dark days of the late 1990’s and early with JDC and World ORT (another over- 2000’s. The mission participants entered a seas partner). JDC became the convener


32 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

Mission Participant Honey Maizel chats with Marguerite during dinner. In her late-90s Marguerite had been a young nurse in the early part of WWII. She came to Argentina after her native Belgium was liberated. beautiful, state-of-the-art, Senior Home at LeDor VaDor. Bright open spaces, floor to ceiling glass windows, soaring ceilings, gleaming floors, sliding walls, every architectural element one could wish for (to make one happy) resided in the entrance to this building. And the aesthetics continued to please as the group made its way around the facility, looking in at resident rooms, common spaces, activity rooms, therapy spaces, dining halls, and a beautiful chapel. Viviana Bendersky from the JDC spoke with the group and described the changes that had taken place in the building (which houses 350 residents, and was funded by the community with seed money from JDC) since LeDor VaDor opened its doors in 2007. She spoke of a variety of programs which had been housed in the building over time. One of them was JDC’s Baby Help Program—which had been established in 2003 to assist the poorest Jewish babies, toddlers, and pregnant women following Argentina’s economic collapse. Until recently, the Baby Help program had been housed at LeDor VaDor. It was a beautiful model, which facilitated intergenerational activities between Baby Help children and elderly residents of the home. Other programs rotate in and out of LeDor VaDor, allowing the community to mix and mingle with residents and keep the activities of the Home lively and intergenerational. The group enjoyed a beautiful Kabalat Shabbat service with residents, which

featured a local singer. The mission women had the honor of lighting the Shabbat candles and delivering the Motzi before moving into the chapel for Shabbat services, led by the Home’s director. Following services the group went into the dining hall for dinner and (English-speaking) discussions with the residents. Their stories were fascinating. Some talked of living through the Holocaust in Europe, only to come out on the other side with no surviving relatives and no home to which to return. An irony of Argentina (one of many, as the group learned) is that not only did a large number of Holocaust survivors make their way to the country after liberation, but so too did a large number of Nazi criminals and murderers. This was a frequent topic of conversation throughout the mission. The seniors charmed the group with engaging stories, but it was obvious that the population of the Home was quite frail and elderly. Only a dozen or so seniors joined the group for dinner. Most, it turned out, opted to eat nearer their rooms. The visit to LeDor VaDor gave the mission participants an opportunity to engage with the community’s seniors and to learn from them the checkered and storied history (old and recent), which had brought them to that moment in time. Apropos of having visited earlier in the day with the young adults just back from Israel (at the AMIA building), the LeDor VaDor visit brought the day full-circle.


Nora Ephron’s feats and foibles examined in film by her son by Curt Schleier

(JTA)—“It’s almost good,” Jacob Bernstein says. “That’s what she would have thought of it.” The “she” in this case is the late writer Nora Ephron, Bernstein’s mom. “It” is his elegant and moving documentary Everything Is Copy, which debuted on HBO this month. “She was tough,” Bernstein says about Ephron, who died in 2012 after a lengthy battle with leukemia. “But she was also extraordinarily generous. She’d have given it approval, but not quite.” Bernstein says he was not motivated to make the film by what he considers the ephemeral idea of closure. “I think it’s kind of a simple-minded idea,” he says. “On the contrary, making the film afforded me the ability to keep having a relationship with her.” Everything Is Copy keeps the connection alive for viewers, too. In addition to interviewing friends and family, the film uses home movies as well as clips of Ephron promoting one of her projects. And there were many. Ephron was famously a multi-hyphenate: writer, essayist, playwright, novelist. Her humorous, often self-deprecating essays are what first won her renown. In work collected in her books (including Crazy Salad and I Feel Bad about My Neck), she joked about everything from the small size of her breasts to the problems of aging. She was perhaps best known for her popular films: Ephron wrote the screenplays for Silkwood and When Harry Met Sally, and wrote and directed Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail. The last three established her reputation as the queen of old-fashioned romantic comedies, sophisticated versions of the movies her parents wrote in the 1940s during the heyday of the genre. She grew up in a tempestuous household in Los Angeles, one of four daughters of screenwriters Henry and Phoebe Ephron. Both parents were alcoholics; Phoebe died of cirrhosis of the liver at 57. It was Phoebe Ephron who provided the

Bernstein film’s title—she told her daughter that everything that happened to her should be considered journalistic fodder. In fact, on her deathbed, Phoebe (according to Nora’s sister and frequent writing partner, Delia) suggested to Nora she “take notes.” While that philosophy frequently made for great reading—consider her novel and film Heartburn, about then-husband and Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein’s affair while she was pregnant with Jacob’s younger brother, Max—it seems to generate mixed feelings in her son. “I think [my] movie has a certain ambivalence about what it means to use your life as material,” Bernstein says. Pressed, he adds, “I think at times it [being her son] was difficult. I don’t think that’s inaccurate.” Interestingly, the possibility of becoming fodder for Ephron’s work didn’t concern the legions of friends she collected. Her first husband, the writer Dan Greenberg, says she used to approach celebs at parties and say: “Hi, my name is Nora Ephron. If I invite you to dinner at my house, would you come?” They frequently said yes and became ensnared in Ephron’s web. The day after she died, CBS This Morning host Charlie Rose, who interviewed her several times over the years, said, “I just wanted her to like me.” “Did I feel a lot of what Charlie Rose did?” Bernstein says. “Sure, we all needed to perform for her and felt the need to win her approval.” The list of friends participating in Everything Is Copy includes Meryl Streep—who starred in Silkwood and Heartburn—Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw, the late Mike Nichols, Rob Reiner (who directed When Harry Met Sally), Meg Ryan (the fake orgasm scene was actually her idea), Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Barry Diller. Diller, who was a couple of years behind Ephron at Beverly Hills High, tells how she fired him from the school newspaper. She denies it, but it’s true, he insists. Ephron notoriously fired the first child continued on page 34


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College Park

Raleigh | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 33

first person

Getting to know the mom community by Stephanie Steerman

Sunday, April 17 10:30am - 12:30pm | FREE at the Simon Family JCC 5000 Corporate Woods Dr., Virginia Learn more about Camp JCC while your little one enjoys games, crafts, face painting, and cotton candy during our carnival.


s a cabinet member of the Young Adult Division (YAD) of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, I love attending the events I can enjoy with my husband and friends, but I realized that none of the programming was targeted just for moms. Being a mom is one Rebeccan Zimmerman, Maggie Sibony, Tasha Chapel, Kristin Partington, of the hardest and most and Sharon Debb. rewarding jobs, so a little “me” time to re-energize, refresh, and were thrilled to have more than 25 moms soothe our souls is important. This topic attend, some YAD veterans and some new was addressed with the YAD Cabinet and faces. The response was overwhelmingly chair, Steve Zuckerman and the response positive and clear that this demographic was eager for more. was an enthusiastic “YES!” Pam Trompeter, who recently moved The first YAD event for moms took place Wednesday, Feb. 3 at the Simon to Tidewater says, “momME time was an Family JCC to encourage Strelitz and HAT amazing event. Being new to the area, moms to attend, as well as to utilize the this was a great opportunity to meet new free JCC babysitting for those with little people. I’m really looking forward to the ones not yet in school. A casual breakfast, next one.” The next event is planned for Friday, this event was meant to gauge interest and April 6, 8:15–9:30 am. collect ideas for future events. My instincts were confirmed—we

continued from page 33


Temple Emanuel is seeking a talented self-starter, and highly motivated individual to work collaboratively as part of the synagogue leadership team on membership engagement and outreach of current active members and to peripheral and potential members. Employment will average twenty hours per week. Excellent salary. Please email resume to

Temple Emanuel • 424 25th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 34 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

hired to play Hanks’ kid in Sleepless, prompting Hanks to exclaim: “You fired the kid?” Still, despite the who’s who of talking heads, there are some notable absences: Ephron’s husband, Nicholas Pileggi, and her younger son, Max, declined to participate. At first, Bernstein’s father declined to participate, but he relented. “The idea of having the breakup of their marriage gone over again and reanalyzed by his son in a documentary was scary to him,” the younger Bernstein says. Making the film was a voyage of discovery for Bernstein. He learned about “a different person than the person I knew,” he says. “I was certainly surprised that she was as insecure in her early years about her looks. I think that brought her more pain than she acknowledged. “I certainly was unaware, as some of her

friends were, about the degree to which she softened [after the disease was detected],” Bernstein adds. “You don’t always see the subtle changes if you see someone every day.” Ephron was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, an acute blood disorder, in 2005. At first she continued working: She wrote and directed the film Julie and Julia, and penned the Tony-nominated Broadway play The Lucky Guy. She kept her illness a secret from all but a few intimates. Most friends and co-workers had no idea Ephron was ill—ironic considering her mantra that “everything is copy.” “My mother was a singular talent, and I think the movie in certain ways is an attempt to make sense of my own legacy,” Bernstein says. “What it feels to have a smaller footprint than her.”

Shakespeare on the Silver Screen

Book ReviewS A good tale based on experience The War Reporter Martin Fletcher St Martin’s Press, 2015 306pp., $25.99

Hal Sacks


artin Fletcher, former NBC Middle East correspondent and Tel Aviv Bureau chief, won the American National Book Award in 2010 for Walking Israel: A Personal Search for the Soul of a Nation and received the Jewish National Book Award for his first novel, The List (Jewish News 2012), an evocative tale of two Holocaust survivors immediately after the conclusion of WWII. Fletcher’s new novel, The War Reporter, is an ambitious undertaking, based on real experience and events in those Balkan states we can never quite distinguish from each other. Now, two decades after a major incursion by the United States as part of a NATO coalition, we need to recall reports of ethnic cleansing, mass rape and massacre, in places Martin Fletcher like Srebrenica, Sarajevo and Kosovo—but they continue to remain a confusing blur to most Americans. Those of us who were in school in the 1940’s believed there was a country called

Yugoslavia. Now we learn that there never was such a place; Yugoslavia was a made up attempt to nationalize the disparate nations of Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and several nation-states in the region under the dictatorship of Josip Broz Tito. Fletcher’s novel, riveting at times, takes us through the eyes of Tom Layne, a highly regarded TV journalist, to the heart of the war itself. The traditional sanctity of the press is no more. The daily demands of the TV news cycle have necessitated the embedding of correspondents with combat forces. The occasional fatality experienced in prior wars (we remember Ernie Pyle, killed by a Japanese sniper in WWII) has given way to the deaths of hundreds of correspondents and photographers, men and women, and Layne and his team are devastated by the brutal killing of his protégé, Nick, and the rape of his interpreter, Nina. Fifteen years later, Tom returns to Bosnia and Serbia determined to track down war criminal Ratko Mladic, and to create a documentary that would bring a form of closure to his feeling of guilt over the past. Reunited with Nina (spoiler: yes, they fall in love), they are propelled into a chaotic chase,

Learn about his influence and enduring legacy with Regent University Professor Andrew Quicke. replete with physical danger, political maneuvering, and betrayal. Fletcher spins a good tale and the careful reader may actually begin to figure out who is who and what is where in the Balkan quagmire. Although not quite as tightly written as The List, The War Reporter doesn’t disappoint and is lent credibility by the author’s own experience in several combat areas, including time with rebel forces in Afghanistan, in Bosnia, and both the first and second Intifadas in Israel

• Saturday, April 9 • 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. • Free & open to the public • Norfolk Collegiate JonesSpeakerSeries

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3/15/16 1:48 PM


Briefly Noted Believer: My Forty Years in Politics David Axelrod Penguin Press, 2015 509pp., $35


avid Axelrod, chief strategist for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns and senior advisor to the President, brings us a door-stopper tale of his decadeslong development in the passionate world of politics. Fascinating in its own right, Believer is a 500-page story of a young man who virtually forced his way into investigative journalism and then became a political

strategist sought after by the likes of Paul Simon, Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel. The strength of the book, however, is the backstory of his 20-year relationship with Barack Obama as our President-to-be developed his thinking and determination to undertake what might have been considered an impossible quest. There is grist here for readers of every political persuasion. Axelrod should be required reading for any aspiring political strategist. —Hal Sacks is a retired Jewish communal worker who has reviewed books for Jewish News for more than 30 years.


7-11 PM








530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507 (757)-625-4295



Click on GAME ON Quicklink at THIS AD IS DONATED BY PAYDAY PAYROLL SERVICES. | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 35

it’s a wrap YAD’s Purim party provides an evening escape to Fabulous Las Vegas article by Leah Abrams photos by Sandy Pennecke and Gaby Grune


little piece of the Las Vegas strip popped up in Tidewater on the evening of Saturday, March 19. The occasion? The Young Adult Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s What Happens at Purim, Stays at Purim party. Nearly 200 revelers joined in the

Jenny and Matthew Sachs.

Vegas-themed fun and dressed up to walk the red carpet at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community. Upon entry, attendees walked the red carpet to snap a photo in front of a step and repeat. They continued past a customized YAD Vegas sign to pick up vouchers for $10,000 in chips to gamble at craps, roulette and blackjack tables. “Even though it’s not real money we’re playing with, it still hurts to lose any of it,” said Naty Katz-Horev as she and her husband won hand after hand at the blackjack table. Guests were able to gamble in the VIP lounge for two hours. At 10 pm, everyone cashed out, earning one raffle ticket for every $10,000 they retained. Three lucky winners received a Baker’s Crust gift card. Callah Terkeltaub and Ashley Zittrain, What Happens at Purim, Stays at Purim co-chairs, successfully transformed the Campus into a mini Las Vegas, complete with a Little White Chuppah, Elvis impersonators, dice, and cards. “After last year’s costume party, we decided to give guests the option of costume or cocktail attire. After all, it is Vegas.” Zittrain says. “A lot of people came in creative costumes, which made for quite the competition.”

At the blackjack table, Guy and Orit Seiderman, Olga Mavritskiy, Nir and Naty Horev.

36 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

Jeff and Monique Werby, Wendy and Brad Weissman, Pam and Jason Trompeter, and Leah Flax.

Anyone who wanted in on the costume competition took to the stage. The audience quickly chose Big Money Lemke, who donned a suit covered in cash, sunglasses and a cane. Shawn Lemke walked away with a night at the Oceanfont Holiday Inn. His competitors included Liberace, Celine Dion, tropical tourists, the King and Queen of Hearts, a knocked up showgirl, a Vegas wedding complete with bride and groom, a groom left at the altar, a Flamenco dancer, Star War’s Kylo Ren and Ray, The Hangover’s Alan Garne, and a male duo who said they were ‘exercising their Constitutional right’ to marriage. Partygoers enjoyed an open bar and gourmet appetizers, including hamantaschen and sliders, and danced the night away to the beats of a live band, Cheap Thrills. What Happens at Purim, Stays at Purim, YAD’s largest annual event, was sponsored by Tidewater Home Funding. To get involved in planning the next signature YAD event, contact Leah Abrams, YAD director, at labrams@

David Calliott and Alex Bruce.

The Purim Party invited guests to come in costume. These partygoers thought alike: Shawn Lemke and Lauren Barkan.

it’s a wrap Courage is contagious Sharing the stage with moderator Rabbi Jeff Arnowitz, Meshoe passionately described her family’s personal experiences of South African apartheid, her nspired and encouraged by her parents’ commitment to public service and her desire to educate people about the history own Christian faith, Olga Meshoe knew of Israel, and her work traveling the globe she had to get involved. On Wednesday, bringing attention and awareness specifMarch 2, the Tidewater community heard ically to the BDS movement, which has from this young South African about gained strength, in part, by declaring Israel her work as an advocate for Israel and an apartheid state. During her six-day visit to Tidewater, the organization she co-founded which seeks to combat the Boycott, Divestment, Meshoe met with groups of all ages. She and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Part of met with the United Jewish Federation the Community Relations Council’s 5th of Tidewater’s Women’s Cabinet and the Annual Israel Today series, more than 150 Young Adult Leadership program, Jewish people attended this event at the Reba and youth group members from BBYO, as well as public high school students at Sam Sandler Family Campus. Green Run High School, Cape Henry Collegiate, and the Global Studies and World Languages Ac ademy at Tallwood High. She was also interviewed by Pat Robertson on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s 700 Club and addressed a crowd of more than 1,000, including Joel Palser, Christian Broadcasting Network Chaplain and vice president of Ministry Relations, Robin Mancoll, Joseph Umidi, Regent University, executive vice president students, professors, of Student Life, Olga Meshoe, Michael Little, CBN Principal representative to Israel, and leadership at and Mitch Land, Dean, Regent University School of Communications. Regent University’s midday chapel. While her by Nicole Farrar, CRC program associate photos by Laine M. Rutherford


Standing: Arthur and Etta Vinnik, Paul Turok, Hilde Gonsenhauser Deutsch, Mark Gonsenhauser, Eric Joffe, and Nathan Benson. Sitting: David and Charlene Cohen, Olga Meshoe, Ilana Benson, and Joan Joffe.

Rachel Kidd, Rifka Silverman, Elizabeth Mitchell, Arielle Rosenberg, Angelica Virtucio, Isabella Virtucio, and Greg Falls (standing).

Tidewater events may have drawn large crowds, Meshoe presented her story in personal and engaging terms. She impressed upon her audiences two things. First, was her support as a Christian for Israel, not only historically, but for its contributions to global society today. She emphasized how much South African citizens can benefit from partnerships with Israelis. And, she highlighted technological, medical, and agricultural advances as some areas in which much can be learned. Second, Meshoe encouraged those hearing her message to get involved and use their voices to tell the truth about the Jewish State. She described how this is done through conversations, through building personal relationships, and through research, seeking out facts to share that counteract misinformation and lies. Meshoe also explained how her organization Defend, Embrace, Invest, Support Israel (DEISI) continues to offer trips to Israel so that South Africans can see for themselves why it is not accurately described as an apartheid state. After hearing Meshoe speak, Cantor

Miles Leon, Nathan Benson, and Mark Gonsenhauser.

Wendi Fried of Congregation Beth El remarked, “I was so impressed by her and her passion! I will never forget her for thanking us for existing and being. No one in my life has EVER said that to me as a Jew.” Throughout the week, one theme continued to reappear in Meshoe’s presentations: the responsibility each person has to stand up, speak the truth, and do the right thing in all situations; to join hands and offer solidarity to those encountering injustice, no matter the place or the cost. As she offered her hand, extending friendship and support to the Tidewater Jewish community and around the world, Meshoe affirmed the state of Israel and its people. And she called upon all people to act bravely to combat any efforts to isolate or harm Israel, trusting, as she said, that “courage is contagious” and that truth will prevail. To learn more about the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and community partner’s 5th annual Israel Today series, and other CRC initiatives, visit www.JewishVa. org/CRCIsraelToday or call 757-965-6107.

Harry Graber, UJFT executive vice president, Olga Meshoe, and Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz. | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 37

it’s a wrap Zumbathon at JCC raises funds for homeless kids

Toras Chaim: So much to write about



early 200 people gathered at the Simon Family JCC for a Zumbathon to raise money for Hotel Kids, a local charity that aims to end childhood homelessness. Attendees danced for three hours on Sunday, March 13 and successfully exceeded their $5,000 fundraising goal.

Employment Oppor tunity Assistant Director of Development The Simon Family Jewish Community Center seeks applications and recommendations for the position of Assistant Director of Development. Responsibilities include developing a comprehensive fundraising plan that integrates myriad of campaigns, community outreach events and marketing plans in support of development activities or projects to successfully garner the funding needs of the JCC. The position will require an ambitious leader willing to work as an integral part of the UJFT/JCC joint development team; supporting the agency’s focus on building positive relationships with other institutions, cultivating corporate sponsorships and community outreach. The ideal candidate will possess strong interpersonal and listening skills, understand the mission of the SFJCC, bring a visionary zeal to the position and be an organized self-starter. A minimum of three- five years of successful experience working in an annual/capital campaign, nonprofit development and or a major gifts environment is preferred. Bachelor’s Degree is required. Knowledge of the Jewish community is helpful. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Complete job description at:

Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: Submit by mail to: Simon Family JCC Attention: Human Resources – Assistant Director of Development Search Committee 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, 23462

Equal Employment Opportunity 38 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

abbi Mordechai Loiterman, Toras Chaim’s principal, recently requested that board members and parents write articles about what is happening in the school. With so much occurring at Toras Chaim, it is hard to choose. While it would be interesting to write about the chess club that is forming and instructed by a local, nationally recognized chess champion, that topic does not speak to the school’s great curriculum. So, it probably makes sense to focus on the fact that the standardized testing results this year were far beyond the national average: mostly over the 90th percentile, across the board in all subjects. Still, the issue with focusing on testing is that it only shows that the students are smart and test well. To really highlight the uniqueness of Toras Chaim, it probably makes sense to feature the middle school’s

accomplishments in math, science, and literature and the fact that students who have gone to other schools over the past few years have reported back that they were put into accelerated programs due to their superior knowledge of literature, math, and science. In fact, Toras Chaim recently received a letter from an out-of-state institution where one of its students is now enrolled. The letter said that the school was vey impressed with this student and that Toras Chaim must be doing something different than other Jewish schools to produce students with such high caliber abilities in both Jewish and secular studies. The truth is that if it is necessary to focus on one thing about Toras Chaim, it should probably be how happy the kids are every day. Walking through the halls, listening to the learning, the laughter, and the sounds of a well-organized school say it all. To learn more about Toras Chaim or arrange a tour, call 757-686-2480.

Nest at Beth El by Susan Schwartzman


or one week last month, Beth El opened its doors to people in Norfolk who are currently without a place to live or are awaiting housing. The Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team has served Norfolk’s homeless population for more than 22 years and Beth El has hosted for a week each year for most of those years. During that extremely cold week, Beth El hosted an average of 65 adults each night. NEST guests were welcomed with a hot dinner, provided a place to sleep, breakfast the next morning and a bag lunch to take with them. Through the generosity of numerous donors and community partners, Beth El was able to offer plenty of toiletries, food, scarves, hats and other

items for their guests. A representative from the Community Service Board was on hand to speak to guests about resources and obtaining services. Beth El and friends of Beth El community volunteered more than 500 hours throughout the week to ensure everything ran smoothly. Volunteers served dinner, set up Barr Hall each evening, made bag lunches, visited with, played games and read to guests, made lunches, set up breakfast, handled registration and stayed up all night to assure that the guests were taken care of. The NEST guests enjoyed delicious dinners provided by these talented and generous caterers: Chesapeake Bay Caterers, Beth El Sisterhood, Mario and Vernice, Beth Sholom Village Caterers, JCC’s Cardo Catering.

it’s a wrap

Regent University Torah Dedication and Celebration Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg delivered these remarks at the ceremony


Cantor Elihu Flax with the Torah.

Torah gifted to Regent University by Robin Mancoll


n the filled-to-capacity Regent University Chapel, Ken and Barbara Larson presented the university with a Torah scroll on Wednesday, March 16. The Larsons have gifted Torahs to 19 other seminaries around the United States to “ensure that students are able to study from an original scroll.” Dr. Scott Carroll, a Michigan-based expert in rare written texts, scrolls, and books—who is sometimes referred to as “the Indiana Jones of biblical antiquities”—explained some of the history of this specific Torah. “It’s a scroll that’s roughly about 265 years old and it comes to Regent University from the area in Yemen where the king of Sheba came from, during a time when Jews were severely persecuted. It was a period of time when Jews were fleeing for their lives and they brought their Torah scrolls with them,” said Carroll. The scroll’s condition demonstrates the meticulous care and commitment to the biblical text, though this Torah is not kosher and without expensive repair, could not be housed in a synagogue and used for services. Members of the Jewish community, including rabbis and a cantor attended the dedication service. “We have a common goal both to continue the Judeo-Christian teachings, but also to support Israel and how critical it is for the both of us,” said Jay Klebanoff, president of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. “Today really brought that together and gave it so much meaning that we could both share in appreciation of the Torah. And now, it’s going to be at Regent—it’s just fantastic.” Barbara Larson said, “I think long after we’re gone, long after you’re gone, the Word of God will live forever and in a Torah that’s several hundred years old (and) will still continue to live and speak and many students will be able to gain from it.” The Larsons are also providing a digital version of the Torah scroll, as this one will be kept in a case for viewing, but not for touching. “This scroll was copied or written in 1750 before the establishment of the United States of America, before the constitution, and we will treasure this, it is a magnificent gift,” said the school’s chancellor Dr. Pat Robertson. To the Larsons, he said, “We thank you for your dedication; we thank you for your commitment.”

inei Matov u’Manayim Shevet Achim Gam Yachad. How good it is and how pleasant when brothers and sisters come together in unity. So we thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Larson for your faith, your vision, and your generosity; and Dr. Robertson for including the Jewish community in today’s celebration. For it is, indeed, a celebration anytime a Torah is dedicated. Indeed, as is written so beautifully in our program for today, “This stunning piece of our spiritual heritage demonstrates the meticulous care and sacrificial commitment of one faith community’s preservation of the biblical text.” The Torah, the Jewish people’s ancient, sacred scroll of the Five Books of Moses, preserves the history; the 613 laws or commandments; and, most importantly, the values and ethics that have sustained the Jewish people for nearly 4,000 years. And many would affirm, that the Torah’s morality has raised up and guided humanity—Christians and Jews alike—to and for the good unto today. For above all, God demands of us that we treat our fellows with dignity and respect; that we care for the stranger, and the “least among us” with compassion; and that we work to repair our world one act, one good work, or as we would say, one commandment or mitzvah at a time. The Torah’s power, efficacy, and endurance lies in its origin; it is literally the word of God, as told to and recorded by Moses, our greatest prophet, on Mount Sinai, near the year 1800 Before the Common Era, just seven weeks after the Jewish people were redeemed from Egypt. Its proximity to our liberation teaches a lesson in and of itself—that there is no freedom without responsibility. And its receipt in a desert wilderness, when it could have been given anywhere, reminds us that even in the most barren of places, no matter how lowly or bleak, that Torah and God are present, commanding us to look toward God’s light and to lift up that which is fallen. Today, we too stand before the commanding presence of the Torah. It is the Jewish people’s most cherished treasure. It has led us on the way and guided us ever since we received it at Sinai. It has been carried during times of our greatest rejoicing, and when we fled from burning synagogues and villages. It contains words that are on the lips of the Jews until the moment of death, affirmations that have sustained the Jewish

Dr. Pat Robertson accepts the scroll from Barbara and Ken Larson.

people in life since our beginnings. Now, we share it with you, the leadership, administration, faculty and students of Regent University. While it is pasul, not suitable for use in Jewish rituals, we pray that as you use it in your classes, research, and ministry that you truly know, its “powerful testament to God’s faithfulness and the enduring power of His word.” Just as it has done for the Jewish people for generations, may the Torah inspire you to acts of love and kindness that our world might continue to be a better place because of your work. It is customary to offer a blessing of Thanksgiving at auspicious and joyous occasions such as this one. We pray: Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haOlam, She’hechiyanu, v’kiyamanu, v’higiyanu lazman hazeh. We praise you God, Sovereign of the Universe, for giving us life, sustaining us, and allowing us to reach this most joyous occasion. Amen. —Rosalin Mandelberg is senior rabbi of Ohef Sholom Temple and president, Board of Rabbis and Cantors of Hampton Roads. | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 39

what’s happening Pink Tea raises funds for Beach Clinic

Jody M. Wagner to chair 52nd Annual Humanitarian Awards dinner

Sunday, April 10, 2 pm, Temple Emanuel


he 5th Annual Pink Tea will honor Women Cancer Survivors and promote the concept that “your good health is in your hands.” Concerned that not everyone had health insurance and were not able to afford mammograms and pap smears, a group of cancer survivors and their friends decided to help correct this situation. So, four years ago, the Pink Angels arrived in Hampton Roads. Each year the group celebrates with a tea and presentation dealing with a health issue. This year, the two guests are members of the San Diego medical community. Dr. Anne Daigle, an epidemiologist, serves

as liaison for many pharmaceutical companies, presenting information on clinical trials to the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Richard Heyman, a molecular scientist and Biotech CEO, serves on several scientific boards including the Salk Institute in San Diego. The minimum contribution to attend is $7.50. All funds will be donated to the Beach Health Clinic in Virginia Beach, which provides mammograms and examinations for women who do not have insurance. This tea is sponsored by the Pink Angels. For more information, call the temple at 757428-2591 or Renee Heyman at 757-853-2145.

Linda S. Spindel to receive 2016 Henry B. Kaufmann Award Sunday, April 10, 10:30 am brunch; 11 am presentation


or more than 30 years, Ohef Sholom Temple Men’s Club has bestowed the Henry B. Kaufmann Award upon a congregant for extraordinary service to the temple and the community at large. This year, the Men’s Club will honor Linda S. Spindel as the 2016 Henry B. Kaufmann Award recipient. Spindel’s love for and life-long dedication to Ohef Sholom Temple continues a four-generational tradition of service and commitment. She began her formal Jewish education there through Confirmation. She is a past president of the temple and currently serves as a member of the education committee, in addition to numerous advisory roles. The list of committees, fundraisers and events she has either chaired or participated on are too numerous to mention.

In the Jewish community, Spindel is the national vice president of the Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies; a board member of the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center; Linda S. Spindel serves on the advisory committee and volunteers weekly at the Personal Affairs Management of Jewish Family Service of Tidewater; is a board member of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation; a past president of Jewish Family Service of Tidewater; and a board and finance committee member of the Simon Family JCC. Tickets are $10. RSVP to reservations@

Seniors Seder at JCC


Thursday, April 21, 12 pm

he Simon Family JCC is hosting a Seniors Seder, sponsored by Tidewater Jewish Foundation and The Joseph Fleishmann Memorial Fund. Led by Cantor Elihu Flax and Rabbi Michael Panitz, this will be a mini-Seder with all of the traditional Passover food. Tickets may be purchased at the JCC customer service desk by calling 321-2338. Advanced ticket purchase required. $10/ticket.

40 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

Thursday, April 7, Norfolk Waterside Marriott


he Tidewater Chapter of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities named Jody M. Wagner chair of the 2016 Humanitarian Awards Dinner. The awards celebration honors individuals and organizations who have made significant humanitarian contributions to the South Hampton Roads community. Wagner is founder and president of Jody’s Popcorn, a fresh gourmet popcorn and confectionary store in Virginia Beach. Wagner previously served as the Secretary of Finance under Governor Kaine, 2006 2008 and served in the Department of the Treasury for the Commonwealth of Virginia as Treasurer, 2002–2006. She received a B.A. in economics from Northwestern University in 1977, and a J.D. from Vanderbilt University in 1980. Wagner was admitted to the bar in Tennessee in 1980 and in Virginia in 1984. Prior to joining state government, she worked for about 18 years at the Norfolk law firm Kaufman & Canoles, specializing in securities and banking law. Wagner is currently treasurer of the board

of the Hampton Roads Community Foundation, secretary of the board of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, and vice president of the board of the Jody M. Wagner Norfolk Forum. She also serves on the boards of Bon Secours Healthsource, Congregation Beth E, Christopher Newport University, and The Joseph W. Luter, III School of Business. The Humanitarian Awards are presented annually in communities across the state by the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. Begun in Tidewater in 1965, when the organization was part of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Humanitarian Awards honor individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to the promotion of respect and understanding among people of diverse racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. For more information about VCIC or the event, go to

Shabbat Service with Tidewater Chavurah


Friday, April 8, 7 pm

he Tidewater Chavurah is holding a Shabbat service, led by Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill at the home of Hal and Elaine in the Great Neck Meadows area of Virginia Beach. An Oneg will follow the service. A congregation without walls, events are held in members’ homes or at other locations. Everyone is invited. For event information and location address, email or or call 468-2675 or 499-3660. Go to for more information.

Beth Sholom Village presents: Promoting diversity and inclusiveness in Hampton Roads Tuesday, April 5, 2 pm


lively and informative discussion with Edith G. White, president and CEO of the Urban League of Hampton Roads, Inc. and Jonathan Zur, president, Virginia Center For Inclusive Communities. This event is free. Call 757-420-2512 or email

G h e nt Yo ur G a m e O n Saturday, April 30, 7 pm

what’s happening NASA and Israelis, art on public benches, spiders replacing pesticides, and more Vote online for your favorite Israel poster beginning April 4


his winter, the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater invited students in grades 1 through 12 to participate in their 4th annual Israel Poster Contest. Students illustrated a ‘cool fact’ ( CRCIsraelPosterContest) about Israel in a hand-made poster. More than 100 posters were displayed in the Simon Family JCC Cardo at the Sandler Family Campus in March. The community was asked to vote in person, and the top 10 vote getters were selected as finalists.

April 4 through April 20, voting for favorites takes place online at (One vote per person per day.) Encourage family and friends via emails, and Facebook, more to vote, too. This contest offers the entire community a chance to advocate for Israel by sharing these cool facts around the world. The poster that receives the most online votes will be pronounced the winner on Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, on May 11 at the CRC and community partner’s Israel Today event with Matti Friedman (7:30 pm at the Simon Family JCC, details can be found at www.jewishva. org/CRCIsraelToday). The winning artist will see their poster professionally framed and hang permanently at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus. Attendees of the community Israel Festival on Sunday, June 5 will receive a copy of the winning poster. For more information, contact Nicole Farrar, CRC Program Associate at

Virginia Arts Festival presents Emanuel Ax, piano and Yo-Yo Ma, cello “All Beethoven Program” April 12, 7:30 pm, Chrysler Hall


n this return Virginia Arts Festival engagement, Yo Yo Ma is joined by his longtime friend and Emanuel Ax frequent musical partner, Emanuel Ax, a virtuoso pianist whose passionate performances have drawn acclaim around the world. The San Francisco Chronicle says, “The silky beauty of Ma’s string tone and Ax’s combination of stolidity and lightness conspired to produce a gorgeous effect… entirely lyrical, marked by fluid phrasing and exquisitely balanced dialogues between the two instruments.” Born in Lvov, Poland, Emanuel Ax moved to Winnipeg, Canada, with his family when he was a young boy. His studies at the Juilliard School were supported by the sponsorship of the Epstein Scholarship Program of the Boys Clubs of America, and he subsequently won the Young Concert Artists Award. He attended Columbia University where he majored in French. Ax captured public attention in 1974 when he won the first Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Competition in Tel Aviv. In 1975, he won the Michaels Award of Young Concert Artists followed four years later by the coveted Avery Fisher Prize. The program, which the duo will also perform in Washington, DC and Carnegie Hall, consists of all of the Beethoven sonatas for cello and piano. For tickets, go to, call 757-282-2822 or go to 440 Bank Street in Norfolk, Monday–Friday, 10 am–5 pm.

Camp JCC Preschool Carnival gives kids a taste of camp—and sweet treats! Sunday, April 17, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm—Free and open to everyone


pril is the ideal time to put summer plans in place for young children. The weather’s warm, the school year is almost over, and rather than be left scrambling for what to do for three long months, parents can pull out their calendars and know they’ve got fun, enriching and age-appropriate activities scheduled for their kids. A Sunday morning in April is also a great time for a fun and free family outing. The Camp JCC Preschool Carnival combines the two—getting that summer plan in place and having a fun day with the entire family. Games, crafts, face painting, a bounce house, and the fluffy sweet goodness that is cotton candy will abound at the Simon Family JCC during the carnival. Those attending can enter to win a drawing for a free week of camp for a child—worth as much as $300. While events will captivate and excite

preschoolers, parents and caregivers will get a chance to see the inviting, safe JCC facility, and learn about the many Camp JCC options available—weeks upon weeks of carefully planned sessions. Camp JCC’s senior staff will be on hand, answering questions and giving family tours to introduce parents and children to the camp areas, such as kid-friendly classrooms, indoor and outdoor pools, the gym, the playgrounds and outdoor sports fields. The carnival is free and open to everyone. New campers, returning campers, alumni— all are welcome. Families with younger and older children are welcome to come speak with staff and take tours also; the JCC has camps designed for children as young as 16 months all the way through 11th grade. For more information, call 757-3212306 or visit Can’t make the Carnival but would like to schedule a tour? Call 757-321-2342.

Alvin Wall to be honored by Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities Thursday, April 7, reception 5:45 pm, program and dinner 6:30 pm


he Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities’ Humanitarian Awards Dinner honors individuals who have identified a commitment to the promotion of respect and understanding among people of diverse racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Alvin Wall, a 2016 honoree of the prestigious award, has been involved with many non-profits, including a term as president of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. The event will take place at the Norfolk

Waterside Marriott. The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Tidewater Jewish Foundation are organizing tables for the event. To attend, and sit at a UJFT-TJF Alvin Wall table, call or e-mail Samantha Golden at 965-6124 or Sgolden@ | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 41

Calendar April 3, Sunday Ohef Sholom Temple Rummage Sale. 8:30 am–2 pm. 757-625-4295 or information @ Brith Sholom board meeting at 10 am, general meeting at 11 am, followed by Brunch. Guest speaker is Scott Alperin, an estate planner, asset protection and wealth management attorney based in Virginia Beach. He will speak on these topics. April 4, Wednesday—April 20, Friday Vote for your favorite Israel poster as a part of the CRC’s annual Israel Poster contest. The poster that receives the most online votes will be pronounced the winner on Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, on May 11 and the winning artist’s poster will be professionally framed and hang permanently at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus. Attendees of the Israel Festival on Sunday, June 5 will receive a copy of the winning poster. Visit www.jewishva. org/CRCIsraelPosterVoting, call 965-6107, or see page 41. April 10, Sunday Ohef Sholom Temple’s Men’s Club honors Linda Spindel with Kaufman Award. 10:30 am., brunch; 11 am, presentation. Call 757-625-4295 for reservations. Pink Tea. Honor women cancer survivors at the 5th Annual Pink Tea at Temple Emanuel. Minimum contribution is $7.50. Speakers are Dr. Anne Daigle and Dr. Richard Heyman. RSVP before April 7, 2 pm. Call Temple Emanuel at 757-428-2591 or Renee Heyman at 757-8532145 for more information. Atumpan Storytelling and Drumming Duo tells the West African Tales of the Griot. The Simon Family JCC’s Children’s Cultural Arts event is held at the JCC and starts at 2:30 pm. Family tickets are $22 for JCC members and $27 for guests. Visit for more information and single ticket prices. April 17, Sunday Camp JCC Preschool Carnival. Parents learn more about Camp JCC while little ones enjoy games, crafts, face painting, and cotton candy. Free. 10:30 am–12:30 pm. See page 40. April 21, Thursday The JCC Seniors Club will celebrate Passover with a Passover Sedar at 12 noon. The board will meet at 10:30 am. April 23, Wednesday JFS presents Getting to the Heart of the Matter with Dr. Steven Nissen. 7 pm. Chrysler Museum. 757-321-2222. See page 16. April 30, Saturday Ghent Your Game On! An evening of live music by Cheap Thrills with craft beers, wine tastings, food, games, fun, prizes and a live auction. Presented by Ohef Sholom Temple. 7–11 pm at O’Connor Brewing Co. , 211 W. 24th St., Norfolk. Tickets $55 in advance, $75 at the door. Go to for tickets and additional information. May 10, Tuesday Parents meeting for all youth ages 5–18 interested in being on the Simon Family JCC’s Swordfish Summer Swim Team. 5:30 pm. Monday through Friday practices, season runs June 1–July 28. Call 321-2308. May 11, Wednesday Matti Friedman, journalist and author, at the CRC and community partner’s 5th Annual Israel Today. Exposing bias in the media coverage of Israel, Friedman felt compelled to “out” the media for its uneven and potentially dangerous coverage of Israel, particularly during 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict. For more information or to RSVP (required) for this free and open to the community event at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus at 7:30pm, visit www. or call 965-6107. June 5, Sunday Annual Israel Fest at Simon Family JCC. A Celebrate Israel Series event sponsored by Charles Barker Automotive. 11 am–4 pm. Interested vendors contact Naty Horev at nhorev@ or 321-2304. Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

42 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

WHO Knew? Amy Schumer leaves massive tip at Hamilton bar NEW YORK (JTA)—The next time Amy Schumer shows up at a restaurant, the wait staff will likely be vying for a chance serve her, and not just in hopes for an autograph or selfie with the actress-comedian. Schumer, who is Jewish (and the cousin of New York Sen. Charles Schumer), may have set a record for generous tipping on Saturday, March 19 when she left a $1,000 gratuity on a $70 bill. According to several media outlets, the Trainwreck star, who worked as a bartender and waitress before establishing herself in acting, gave the tip (via credit card) to the bartenders who served her at Manhattan’s Richard Rodgers’ Theatre, where she was seeing Broadway hit Hamilton. One of the bartenders (six, all aspiring actors, are sharing the tip) told The Daily News that when she thanked Schumer for her generosity, Schumer said, “I’ve been there, I get it.”

Matisyahu embarks on Hillels-sponsored college tour with Arab-American artist


atisyahu has launched a U.S. college tour co-sponsored by Hillel chapters with a musician born to an EgyptianPalestinian father and American-Jewish mother. The formerly Hasidic reggae artist, who kicked off the tour with special guest Nadim Azzam at Boston University’s Metcalf Ballroom, has said the decision to play with an Arabic musician is a response to being disinvited from a festival in Spain last summer. “The purpose is to replace boycott and finger pointing with music as a reminder to find the compassion and humanity we share,” Matisyahu wrote on his website. Last August, activists from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement pushed the organizers of the Rototom Sunsplash Festival to bar Matisyahu from performing. He was eventually reinvited

mazel tov to after an apology from the event’s organizers. After the festival controversy, Matisyahu played concerts in Jerusalem’s Old City and at the last remaining synagogue near the gates of Auschwitz. He was honored by the Anti-Defamation League for standing up to “forces of ignorance and intolerance.” “There’s so much misinformation and divisiveness. Everyone boycotts each other and no one is listening. So I thought it would be good to do a series of concerts if I bring in a Palestinian artist and we try to bring these two groups together,” he told the Wisconsin Badger-Herald earlier this month about his current tour. The shows with Azzam are sponsored by the Hillel chapters at the schools and other campus organizations. (JTA)

Egypt’s ‘Jewish Quarter’ wins top award at Bahrain TV festival


n Egyptian TV miniseries called The Jewish Quarter won the top TV award at a radio and television festival in Bahrain. The series, which premiered in June 2015, was named best TV series at the 14th Gulf Radio and Television Festival in Manama, Ahram Online reported. The series, which first aired during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, is about an Egyptian Jewish family in the 1950s and focuses on the doomed romance between a Jewish girl and a Muslim man. According to Ahram Online, the Israeli Embassy in Egypt initially praised the series on its Facebook page but then reversed its opinion, writing, “The series is starting to adopt a negative approach in its views about Israel as a nation, depicting it as a monster who wants to destroy everybody.” The series often cast the Muslim Brotherhood as a greater threat to Egypt’s unity and security than the Jews and, sometimes, even the Zionists. That represented a major departure from previous Egyptian Ramadan TV shows, which traded in negative tropes and stereotypes about Jews.

Deni Budmn (second from right) with the newly elected NFTY board at URJ Olin-Sang Ruby Institute in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

Achievement Deni Budman for her election last month as communications vice president of North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) for 2016–2017. For more than 75 years, NFTY has offered thousands of young people the opportunity to explore and live Reform Judaism. Today, more than 500 Reform congregations throughout North America sponsor Temple Youth Groups, bringing the NFTY experience to more than 6,000 teens in grades 9 through 12. Deni currently serves as the first

twice-elected communications vice president for NFTY-MAR (Mid Atlantic Region). She is a member of Ohef Sholom Temple Youth Group (OSTY) and a senior at Norfolk Academy. Jerry Nadler, MD, an internationally known physician/scientist who is making potentially game-changing advances in diabetes research, has been named Virginia’s Outstanding Scientist for 2016. Governor Terry McAuliffe presented the award to Nadler on Thursday, Feb. 25 at the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond.

Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.

Visit us on the web Follow us on Facebook JewishNewsVA | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 43

obituaries Stiles Lysanders Bartley Bon Air, Va.—Stiles Lysanders Bartley, 74, passed away peacefully in his home on Monday, March 7, 2016, after battling cancer. Stiles was predeceased by his parents, Esther Stiles and William Bartley; brother, William Bartley Jr.; son, Christopher Bartley; and nephew, Jackson Ramsey. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Bonnie Walters Bartley; son, Tadd Bartley (wife, Ann, children, Charlotte, Harrison); daughter, Dena Weinstein (husband, Dr. Lee Weinstein, children, Caylyn, Russell, Steven, Lauren); sister-in-law, Shirley Ramsey (children, Mason, Hannah); brother-in-law, James Walters; sister-in-law, Mary Lee Bartley (sons, Joseph, Mark); and cousins, Ron and Bev Bartley. As a child, Stiles performed as “Richmond’s Littlest Cowboy” on TV and radio at WRNL. He sang and acted for most of his childhood, performing at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, the Jefferson Hotel and Dogwood Dell.

He graduated Hermitage High School where he played on the 1958 undefeated football team, which was the only team from Hermitage to win a state championship. Stiles attended Virginia Tech, where he excelled at track and field and graduated with a bachelor’s of Architecture in 1963. He started his own architectural firm in 1976, which he operated for 40 years until his death. He leaves many local landmarks, including St John’s Episcopal Church, Grove Avenue Baptist Church, The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, and the Buford Road Bridge. As a pilot, Stiles enjoyed a passion for flying. He served the community through church and civic organizations, and he was a loving and supportive husband, father and grandfather. A memorial service was held in the chapel at First Baptist Church, Richmond. Donations to New Century Hospice or American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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2640 Cromwell Road, Norfolk, VA 23509 44 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |


Karen Sheffer Bazar Virginia Beach—Karen Sheffer Bazar, 65, a native of Charleston, W.Va., passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on Saturday, March 19, 2016. She was a graduate of Old Dominion University. She was the daughter of the late David and Evelyn Sheffer. She was also the loving wife of 37 years to the late William “Billy” Bazar. She is survived by her daughter, Dara Bazar Tucker and husband Zach of Keysville; her son, Bradly Michael Bazar of Virginia Beach; her grandson Robert Dalton Tucker of Keysville; her brothers, Dr. Morey Sheffer and wife Lynne of Charlotte, N.C., Hank Sheffer and wife Susan of Virginia Beach; and sister-in-law Ellen Bazar Harris and husband Jonathan of Virginia Beach. She is also survived by her nephews Jeffrey Stredler and wife Laurie of Virginia Beach, Jason Bazar and wife Dee Ann of New York, N.Y., Andrew Stredler of Virginia Beach, Jennifer Stredler Sabatino and husband Steve of Virginia Beach, Darin Bazar and wife Azalea of Silverthorne, Col., David Sheffer and wife Julie of Charlotte, N.C., and Austin Sheffer of Blacksburg.; and many great nieces and nephews that she truly adored. For many years, she worked as a dental assistant before staying home to care for her children. She was an active member of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel and an avid Penn State Nittany Lions, Virginia Tech Hokies, and Dallas Cowboys’ fan. A graveside funeral service was held in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Memorial donations to The American Liver Foundation or a charity of the donor’s choice. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences through Bernard Chapel Norfolk—Bernard “Bernie” Chapel, 87, of the 500 block of Maycox Ave. died on March 15, 2016 in Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. Born in Norfolk, Va., the son of the late Sam and Eva Chapel, Mr. Chapel had been a resident of Norfolk for most of his life. He retired as special assistant to the Deputy Superintendent of Norfolk Public Schools after having served 34 years. He held the position of teacher, assistant

principal and principal during his tenure with Norfolk Public Schools. He received his BA degree in psychology from the University of Virginia and a Masters Degree in education and administration from the College of William and Mary. Mr. Chapel served in the Army Air Corps and the Army Transportation Corps and was honorably discharged as a First Lieutenant after 10 years of service. He was a member of Norfolk Masonic Lodge No. 1 AF & AM, and served on the board of directors of the Tidewater Winds. After his retirement, Bernie spent most of his time playing tennis and playing drums in the Olde James River Jazzband. Dave Jacobson, owner of Royal Atlantic Entertainment and leader of The Olde James River Jazzband was a dear friend of Bernie’s and provided him with many opportunities to play Dixieland music; one of Bernie’s favorites. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Deborah Jean Chapel; a daughter, Renee Camden, of Hampton, Va.; a son, Steve Chapel and his wife, Hope, of Richmond; his dear sister, Ruth Soskel of Norfolk; five grandchildren, Mandy Dreisbach (Brad), Kelly Studley (Patrick), Brittany Chapel, Haley Chapel, and Cody Chapel; two great grandchildren, Zoey and Dexter Studley; a very special niece, Linda Perales and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his sister Hannah Aronov and her husband Abe, his brother Herman Chapel and his wife, Serna and his brotherin-law Fred Soskel. Rabbi Michael Panitz officiated a graveside service at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Donations to Temple Israel, Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, the Norfolk SPCA, or a favorite charity. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be made at Deborah H. Dechter Virginia Beach—Early morning March 16, 2016, Deborah Harnick Dechter passed away at home in Virginia Beach accompanied by her husband, Charles Dechter, daughters Lisa Dechter Spiegel and Aimée Dechter, son-in-law, David Spiegel, and one of her three nursing assistants. Although stricken with Alzheimer’s and unable to remember her relationships to

obituaries her family members and friends, Deborah’s heart retained a great capacity to love, and showered much of it on her devoted husband, Charles, whose name she never forgot and to whom she turned for reassurance and comfort. On the day she received her diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, Deborah, always thinking of others, requested that her body be used to advance scientific research on Alzheimer’s Disease. Her brain has been donated to the New York University Medical Center’s Center of Excellence on Brain Aging. Deborah Harnick Dechter was born in New York on Sept. 12, 1930 to devoted parents Louise and Samuel Harnick. Deborah is survived by her cherished granddaughters, Ariana and Alexandra Spiegel, who gave Deborah great joy and comfort, and her beloved sister, Miriam Huber, nieces and nephew. A funeral service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple officiated by Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg and Cantor Wally SchachetBriskin. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences at Sylvia Henry Virginia Beach—Sylvia Henry, 80, passed away of natural causes on March 17, 2016 surrounded by family and friends. Sylvia was a talented artist, pianist and loved playing mahjong, scrabble and canasta. She was born in Brooklyn on Nov. 15, 1935 to the late Emil and Belle Henry. Sylvia is survived by her brother Norman, her children Douglas and Debbie Kleeger, Douglas’ wife Patience and her seven grandchildren Kathryn, David, Kimberly, Michael, Alexander, Benjamin and Christopher. A memorial service officiated by Rabbi Israel Zoberman took place at Congregation Beth Chaverim. Donations to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and Congregation Beth Chaverim. Online condolences may be expressed at Altmeyer Funeral Home.

to Robert S. and Hancy B. Jeter, she was a wife, mother, and grandmother. Pearl was a Registered Nurse who went on to become a Nurse Practitioner OB/GYN and retired from the Suffolk Tri-County Health Department with 18 years of service. She was preceded in death by her husband of 52 years Brad Scherr and by her son Dave Scherr of Sedley, Va. Pearl and Brad lived in Suffolk for over 40 years before retiring to Southern Shores, NC. While in Southern Shores, Pearl served on the Dare County Health Board for four years. She was active in The American Cancer Society and received the Volunteer of the Year Award. She was a past President of the Duck Woods Women’s Association, and Pearl and Brad started a Duplicate Bridge Club at Duck Woods Country Club. In 1997, Pearl and Brad moved to The Village at Woods Edge in Franklin. In 2011, Pearl moved to Sedley to live with son Dave and wife Dee Scherr and with Nellie Bell, her devoted four-legged

companion. Pearl moved to Beth Sholom Village in February of 2015. She was a member of Ohef Sholom Temple in Norfolk. Pearl is survived by her daughter Margaret Sawyer and husband Bill, by daughter-in-law Dee Scherr, and by her much-loved grandchildren: Elizabeth Sawyer-Malinis and husband Fred Malinis, Brandon Sawyer and fiancée Chrystian Brand, and Amy Scherr. Pearl is also survived by her two brothers: Bob and wife Marlies Jeter of Cary, N.C.; and Jerry Jeter of Columbia, S.C.; by her sister Mary Ann and husband Carlton Simpson of Gloucester; and by many nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple officiated by Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg and Cantor Wally SchachetBriskin. Memorial donations may be made to Ohef Sholom Temple, 530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507.

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Pearl J. Scherr Virginia Beach—Pearl Jeter Scherr passed away peacefully on March 7, 2016 at Beth Sholom Village in Virginia Beach. Born October 3, 1926 in Ahoskie N.C.

Mildred Jaffe Siegel Richmond, Va.—Mildred Jaffe Siegel, age 98, widow of Dr. Meyer Steingold and Dr. Arthur Siegel, passed away peacefully Thursday, March 17, 2016. She is survived by her children Stuart Steingold (Celia), Shelley Rabhan (Nathan), and Kenneth Steingold (Nikki); her grandchildren Jason Brown (Jaime), Reid Brown, Marissa, Alison, Annie and Elyse Steingold, and great-grandchildren, Ali and Aidan Brown. Mildred was an avid dancer and sports enthusiast and an active community member in Tidewater Jewish organizations and the League of Women Voters. Her zest for life was infectious, and she always brought smiles to those around her. Services were held at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Donations in her memory should be made to the organization of donor’s choice. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments.

denbigh Chapel 12893 Jefferson Ave. Newport News 757 874-4200

• Flexible payment options

Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha

Riverside Chapel 7415 River Road Newport News 757 245-1525 | March 28, 2016 | Jewish News | 45

first person

Experiencing Jewish India with JDC by Elli Peck Friedman


his past December I was incredibly lucky to spend 10 days with the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to experience Jewish life in India. Prior to applying to this trip for college students, I was completely unaware that Jews lived in India, let alone in three distinct Jewish communities, each with separate origins. Most of our trip was focused on the Bene Israeli community near Mumbai, formerly Bombay. The Bene Israelis believe that they descend from seven Jewish couples who survived a shipwreck off the shores of Alibaug near Mumbai after they left Israel around the time of the Hanukkah story. I was really surprised to travel halfway around the world to make Indian friends my age, who shared my same major as me and liked the same TV shows I do. (One of my new Indian friends and I even share the same name.) Although they live in such a small, isolated community, they were all so incredibly proud and passionate about their Judaism. One of the unforgettable highlights of the trip was spending Shabbat with our Jewish peers at a camp outside Mumbai. This camp, which happens only twice a year, is one of a few opportunities for these Jewish teens to be fully immersed

in Judaism. For many, this is one of their few opportunities each year to experience a traditional Shabbat. In order to hold Shabbat Services, several members of the Jewish Youth Pioneers (JYP) committed to bring a Torah from Mumbai to Dapoli. These Jewish teens had such respect for the Torah that they made sure that someone always held it so that it never touched the ground or the seat during the entire journey. This was a pretty impressive feat as the six-hour trip became a nine-hour ordeal on back roads through small villages. While most of their traditions are similar to ours, the Indians did several things I had never seen before. At Shabbat dinner when saying the blessing over the Challah, the Bene Israelis eat a date and a banana so they can say two more blessings. They believe saying more blessings brings you closer to God. At Friday night dinner, we sang the song Kol Haolam Kulo (“The whole wide world is a very narrow bridge and the main thing is to be strong and have no fear at all” ) in Hebrew and English. Then the JYP taught us the song in Hindi, so we sang together in all three languages. The JYP teens conducted a beautiful Shabbat morning Service. The Bene Israelis practice more traditional customs, so the men and women sat on opposite sides of the room. So many were eager to participate in

American group in front of Gateway to India in Mumbai.

46 | Jewish News | March 28, 2016 |

the Torah service that the aliyot had to be split up to accommodate all the men who wanted to read from the Torah. Seeing all they put into the service was really touching. Following Havdallah on the beach on the Arabian Sea, we danced to American music and Magen David Synagogue, Mumbai. learned Bollywood dances. Hidden inside one of the world’s most After Shabbat at the camp, we returned to Mumbai (another 12 hours with a team populated countries is this small, yet thrivof dedicated Torah holders) to tour the city ing Jewish community with ancient roots. with an emphasis on the Jewish sights. Playing an important role in this Jewish We visited the Magen David Synagogue community is the JDC. Operating out of the built by the influential Bagdahdi Jews, Evelyn Peters Jewish Community Center, the Sassoons. While this bright blue syna- which is essentially one big room, the JDC gogue is incredibly beautiful today, I can’t brings Jews together for informal Jewish even imagine how stunning it must have educational opportunities. JDC sponsors been during its prime. I loved the two old numerous programs in India including Gan synagogues we visited in Mumbai, but Katan, Sunday school for young kids; Torah my favorite was the Magen Aboth syna- study classes for adults; JYP for teens; and gogue in Alibaug, the nearby island where the Bayiti home for the elderly. The JDC also reaches beyond the the Bene Israelis believe their ancestors shipwrecked. To enter the beautiful pink Jewish community to partner with Gabriel building, we had to take off our shoes, Project Mumbai, a non-governmental which is the synagogue’s custom. There, we organization that helps with nutrition, met an 87-year-old cantor, one of the few literacy and health education for children remaining Jews left in Alibaug who sang in the slums. This trip really opened my eyes to both Lecha Dodi for us. It gave me the chills. India’s amazing Jewish community and the JDC’s incredible work around the world. I hope to return to India with the JDC to work with this remarkable Jewish community.

American and Indian groups before Shabbat.

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