UCSB Leisure Review

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Leisure Review Summer 2014

includes: options for working at different challenge levels so you meet your body’s ever-changing needs; precise alignment descriptions + creative visualizations so you move safely, effectively, with joy & humor; varied sequencing so you are thoroughly engaged from head to toe; and a restorative cool-down and deeply satisfying relaxation, so you finish fully refreshed & energized. All are welcome! Stephanie is passionate about sharing the gifts of health and well-being with all those in the community, designing classes to be deeply nourishing, transformative, and accessible to all levels. WATER FITNESS INSTRUCTOR: Debbie Miles-Dutton A water workout designed to enhance cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength. This challenging class, set to music, is for participants of all fitness levels and swimming abilities. Join us in the pool and enjoy the many benefits the water environment offers. WELLBEING 101:Vivid Life Series INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kendall Hassemer BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Mat or towel. Wear comfortable exercise clothing. In this yogaNDhealth foundations course, discover the essential ways in which you can take care of yourself, inside and out. Explore concepts relating to adrenal fatigue, digestion, immune support, sleep, energy, sustainability and movement in a fun, accessible approach to medicine and being well. Learn daily wellbeing routines that actually integrate seamlessly into your busy schedule, and utilize this class as a platform for accountability and support to smile more, stress less, love a lot, and to live your best life. YOGA, Hatha INSTRUCTOR: Jasmine Kova BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Mat or towel. Wear comfortable exercise clothing. If you want to be more flexible and supple, to experience a new awareness of yourself, to release stress and learn to relax, then try our morning, afternoon or evening hatha yoga classes. Yoga works on the entire body, strengthening the muscles and the skeletal system, toning the glands and releasing tension. Yoga is the way home to the peace and strength that exists within us all. YOGA, Strong & Powerful INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kendall Hassemer BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Mat or towel. Wear comfortable exercise clothing. 60 minutes to strengthen your body, stretch out your muscles and quiet your mind.

YOGA, Strong & Stretchy INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kendall Hassemer BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Mat or towel. Wear comfortable exercise clothing. A gentle, yet strength building, hatha vinyasa class with longer holds and an emphasis on prolonged soothing stretches at the end of the session. Clear out and nourish your mind, body and heart. There will be some options given for different levels of challenge and experience. YOGA, Decision Making INSTRUCTOR: Jay Fields BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Mat or towel. Wear comfortable exercise clothing. Your life is full of decisions, big and small. From what career path to choose and who to date, to what to eat for lunch and whether to go out or stay in tonight. How do you make those decisions in such a way as to feel like you're on your unique path? Here's a hint: not by doing what other people want for you or what you think you should do. In order to have a meaningful life you need to make decisions from your heart and intuition, which requires that you cultivate embodied self-awareness. In this class we'll combine the best practices from yoga and experiential education with current research in neuroscience to build the skills necessary to make decisions that lead to you living your life. No previous yoga experience necessary. YOGA, Ashtanga INSTRUCTOR: Matt Sweeney BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Mat or towel. Wear comfortable exercise clothing. Ashtanga Yoga refers to the yoga system taught by the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. This class will teach students the basics of the Primary Series, a set sequence of standing and seated asanas (poses) done in a specific order with a specific breath count. Learning this yoga system will help students calm their minds, bring muscle tone and flexibil-


ity to their bodies and help clarify and heal them from the insides out. This class can be athletic and challenging but many assists and adjustments will be give so as to ensure it is appropriate for all levels.

Group Cycling No matter what, be prepared to sweat! Please bring water and a towel to every class. Optional equipment includes: heart rate monitor, cycling shoes and gel bike seat. ALL LEVELS Open to participants of all fitness levels and riding experience. Group Cycling is the most popular fitness trend of the decade. This is a progressive 8-week cycling course that takes you through the world of endurance training. Workouts can be modified to high or low intensity depending on your personal goals. CYCLE & CORE 40 minutes of heart pumping and maximum calorie burning cycling followed by 10 minutes of core training and toning.

Martial Arts & Self Defense AIKIDO INSTRUCTOR: Steve Ota BRING TO FIRST CLASS: Loose clothing or gi. Aikido is a defensive martial art that uses rhythm, timing and evasive maneuvers to redirect an attacker's force and apply a joint lock, throw or pinning technique. This style of Aikido is known as “Ki” Aikido. Ki Aikido stresses the development of calmness and coordination of mind and

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