Leadership preferences, intrinsic motivation and turnover intention among public secondary schools’

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Interview with Christiaan Jarsma Student from Netherlands and UACS Undergraduate Alumni

1. Mr. Jarsma, how did you decide to come to Skopje? About five years ago I had the opportunity to visit Macedonia for the first time. Since then, it is my favorite country in Europe. Macedonia is a country which is rich in many natural beauties, picturesque regions, delicious traditional cuisine and great hospitality which made me acquire very positive impressions during that visit. At the same time I have recognized the interesting positioning of Macedonia at the European market and the large number of business opportunities offered by this country which provide more interesting and exclusive perspective for my career. Soon after I combined those two aspects, I made a decision to start my undergraduate studies at the University American College Skopje. In my opinion, Skopje is a dynamic city which offers entertainment for all ages. Despite the fact that the city is highly populated, Skopje still offers casual atmosphere which makes it excellent place for living. My studies at UACS allowed me to gain internationally recognized diploma and to accomplish my professional goals and ambitions, while enjoying the beauties of Macedonia.

1 July 2016

2. How much are you satisfied with your undergraduate studies at UACS? During my undergraduate studies at the UACS School of Business Economics and Management (SBEM), the University assisted me to improve my personal and professional skills. During the past years, the faculty and staff at the University was always ready to help me regarding all the matters I needed and to respond to all my questions. I always had the feeling that at UACS I was valued and recognized as an individual. The faculty and staff are highly professional in their working. Most of the faculty members have significant international experience which helps the students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge during the studies. Apart from my academic development, UACS also assisted me in the process of netting with other people from my field. Altogether, I am very satisfied from my studies at UACS. I would like to recommend to all students who are in quest for education according to international higher education standards and who are interested to create a professional net, to choose the exquisite education offered by UACS.

3. Why did you decide to enroll at Graduate studies at UACS? After I completed my undergraduate studies at UACS in May 2015, I took some time in order to make a decision where would I continue my graduate studies. I was considering getting back to my native country Netherlands. Yet, I hold that I have not done enough for Macedonia and that is the reason why I decided to continue my postgraduate studies in the concentration of finances and banking at UACS.

The curriculum of the postgraduate studies in finances and banking is quite of a challenge which combines the academic knowledge and the practice, that is, the occurrences in the business world, while providing a picture of how the

2 July 2016

real world is functioning. Lectures of this program are held in the afternoon which allows me to make a balance between my private and professional obligations in Macedonia. After I complete my studies I hope that I will achieve further personal, professional development and success in my career, in order to make my own contribution both to UACS and the local community.

3 July 2016

Interview with Mohamed Rami Ahmed Hassan Student from Egypt 1. Respected Mr. Hassan, there are no many students from Egypt at UACS. What urged you to study in Macedonia?

I would like to tell you one interesting story. During my high school days in the international school in Kuwait I met a guy from Macedonia with whom I had the opportunity to build very good friendship. After we completed the high education, he left in order to study at the University American College Skopje (UACS) in Macedonia, while I decided to continue my higher education at the Faculty of Engineering within the October University of Modern Sciences and Arts in Cairo, Egypt. During our studies I came to Macedonia almost every year to visit my friend. In that way, during one of my visits I had the opportunity to get insight in the possibilities offered by this university and to enroll postgraduate studies of the study program in management at the Faculty of Business Economy and Organizational Sciences within UACS.

4 July 2016

2. Can you make a comparison between the way of living in Egypt and Macedonia? There is a big difference in the way of living in those two countries. There are 90 million people living in Egypt, while Macedonia is a state populated by 2 million inhabitants. The advantages of Macedonia are its natural beauties, its mountainous regions and its lakes, and there are numerous sites which are worth visiting and exploring. On the other hand, it is difficult to get acquainted with people who share the same hobby as yours, something which is not characteristic for Egypt. What is common for these both countries is that both peoples are full of mutual respect and understanding. When I started to live in Macedonia, I thought that I would not be able to fit into the society. Thanks to my teachers, fellow students and the administrative staff of UACS, I adapted myself to the way of living in Macedonia and I got knowledge of the traditional Macedonian cuisine, its important places and customs.

3. Would you recommend UACS to your friends in Egypt? I would definitely like to recommend to my friends from Egypt to come to Macedonia and study at UACS. The study process at this university is an unforgettable experience for me. The academic and administrative staff is very professional in their work and they always provide assistance and support to the students during the entire study process. What I like the most at this university is that during the lectures the students have the opportunity to work in a group with fellow students who have various working experiences, ideas and previous knowledge. They participate in a discussion and analysis of case studies which reflect the situation in the local and global companies in the real business sector. In that way the studies represent a synthesis of theoretical knowledge and example from the practice. During the teaching process great attention is paid to each student and the teachers establish direct communication with the students. Finally, I would like to point out that the studies at UACS urged me to invest continually in my personal and professional development and to reach my preset goals.

5 July 2016

Interview with Stefan Vasilevski UACS Undergraduate Alumni and Virginia International University MBA Alumni

1. Mr. Vasilevski, would you like to share with us any interesting experience related to your studies at the Virginia International University, USA? It was really great honor and satisfaction for me to be the first student from the Republic of Macedonia who has completed his studies at the Virginia International University. As one of the many positive experiences during my stay in USA I would mention the placement of the Macedonian flag in the premises of the University. To my great satisfaction, the Board of Directors at the Virginia International University has decided to post the Macedonian flag among the flags of other countries in honor of the students from the countries worldwide who have earned their Bachelor or Master degrees from this University.

6 July 2016

2. You have graduated at the School of Business Economics and Maanagement at UACS, while you earned your MBA at VIU. Can you make a comparison between the studies in Macedonia and USA?

Studies at UACS are very similar to the studies in the Western system of education, that is, in USA. Professors at Virginia International University establish excellent interaction with the students which is also applied at UACS. I think that it is one of the fundamental pillars of the educational process. The only difference between these two universities is the frequent changing of the site where the lectures are to be delivered, and the way of conveying the lectures. Shortly said, the professors of the Virginia International University very frequently change the site and way of lectures in order to make their classes more interesting for the students who in that way gain theoretical and practical knowledge. As one of my positive experiences during my Master studies at the Virginia International University I would like to point out the full freedom of the students who have the opportunity to express their considerations and points of view on particular topics and to participate in the discussion with their teachers and fellow students.

7 July 2016

3. During your stay abroad, did you manage to explore the American culture, customs, natural and historical important places? Which of those made the greatest impression on you?

My studies and my previous experience in USA allowed me to get familiar with the culture in America and to enjoy the beautiful regions and important places which simply leave you breathless. Regarding my Master’s studies in USA I would like to mention the friendly relationships which I established with my fellow students and professors at the University. I especially appreciated the professional approach of the professors both during the classes and out of classrooms. It was great pleasure for me when one of my professors offered me a job position with a prestigious company by the end of my Master’s studies.

8 July 2016

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