Natraja Media - Christmas 2023

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Index The Story of Christmas Christmas Carols Christmas Prayers Christmas Movies to Watch Thoughtful Gift Ideas Being Safe for Christmas

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Recipes: Roast Turkey Page 10 Honey Glazed Roast Gammon Page 12 Butternut Squash Page 13 Mashed Potatoes Page 13 Ginger Cookies Page 14 No Booze Fruit Cake Page 15 Fruit Mince Pies Page 15 Eggnog Page 16 Mocktails Page 17 Christmas Games Page 18

Disclaimer: The information provided by Natraja Media in this publication is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided in good faith, however, We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information. you are completely free to include or exclude religious issues from your practise as you so choose.




Ponderings of the Publisher

From my Desk

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Happy Holidays

Greetings to our readers,

thority, God fulfilled a Season’s Greetings to our promise He had made to Wonderful Readers, His people hundreds of years earlier through the The holidays are here, the prophet Isaiah: “Look! Christmas countdown The virgin will conceive a has begun, and festive child! She will give birth decorations deck our to a son and will call Him homes. We look forward Immanuel which means to exchanging thought‘God is with us.’ (Isa 7:14) ful gifts, enjoying special Jesus was the fulfillment meals together, and parof the promise to rescue taking in holiday tradiand save His people from tions like watching seaall who oppress them. sonal movies or playing While today it is com- games. memorated by giving But essentially, we join gifts representative of the our Christian family and wise men presenting their friends in rejoicing and gifts to Jesus, the greatest commemorating the gift is to know that God is birth of Jesus. faithful and always does It is also important that what He promises. we say a prayer for those This Christmas, as we who are grieving, those gather with our families, less fortunate and anyone let the joy of the season facing hurdles. warm our hearts and re- How heartwarming it is member that Jesus is the real reason for the season. Merry Christmas! And may 2024 bring you peace and good fortune.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, the cheer of the season filling everyone’s hearts and homes. The excitement increasing as the countdown to the big day progresses. But this time of year, it can be easy to get caught up in the desire to get many expensive gifts and lavish them on those we love. This is a beautiful thing. It is always lovely to give and receive gifts. In that, sometimes we can forget the greatest gift of all - the gift of Jesus from God. Just over two thousand years ago, while the people of Israel lived under the op- Until next time, stay safe pression of Roman au- and stay healthy.


to see so many people coming together to help those in need during this time, my humble request is that we extend these acts of kindness in all our days to come. My wish for You All is; one of Love, Peace, Health & Happiness. Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas. God Bless & Stay Safe. Much Love, Ravika

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The Story of Christmas

Many years ago, there was a young woman named Mary, who was engaged to be married to a carpenter named Joseph. One night an angel of the LORD named Gabriel, appeared to her and said, “Do not be afraid, Mary. For you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a Son, and you will name Him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of his ancestor David. And He will reign over Israel forever; His Kingdom will never end!” Mary was confused and questioned the angel, and the angel spoke to her and reassured her. When Joseph heard of Mary being pregnant, he planned to divorce her privately for he was an upright man and did not want her to come to harm. But the angel of the LORD appeared to him and told him what he had spoken to Mary. So Joseph took Mary as his wife. As the time of birth neared, a census was called which required every citizen to return to their hometown. So Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem in the land of Judea. Due to the large amount of people who had come to Bethlehem for the census, there was no room for Mary and Joseph. But they found a place where Mary gave birth to a baby boy. She wrapped Him snugly in

strips of cloth and laid Him in a manger. Around that time, three wise men from the east had seen a brilliant star and followed it to Bethlehem and it led them to the place where Jesus lay. They presented Him with offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. That night there were shepherds staying in the nearby fields, guarding their flocks of sheep. An angel appeared among them and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. The shepherds were terrified but the angel reassured them and said to them, “Don’t be afraid! I bring you good news that will bring joy to all people. The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! You will recognize Him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snuggly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Suddenly, the angel was joined by many other angels and they praised God saying: “Glory to God in highest Heaven, and peace on earth to those on whom God is pleased.” The shepherds came to the place where Jesus laid and were amazed and told everyone about what they had seen. (from Matthew Chapter 1 & 2; Luke Chapter 1 & 2.)




O Holy Night

Classic Christmas Carols Joy to the World Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let Earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing, And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing. Joy (Peace) to the world! the Savior reigns; Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as, the curse is found. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love.

O holy night, the stars are brightly shining It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth Long lay the world in sin and error pining Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn Fall on your knees, oh, hear the angel voices O night divine, O night when Christ was born O night divine, O night when Christ was born Led by the light of faith serenely beaming With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming Here came the wise men from the orient land The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger In all our trials born to be our friend He knows our need, to our weakness no stranger Behold your King, before Him lowly bend Behold your King, your King, before Him lowly bend Truly He taught us to love one another His law is love and His gospel is peace Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother And in His name all oppression shall cease Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we Let all within us praise His holy name Christ is the Lord, then ever, ever praise we His power and glory evermore proclaim His power and glory evermore proclaim




Some Prayers for the Christmas Season The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise “My soul magnifies the Lord, ⁴⁷ and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for He has looked on the humble estate of His servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; ⁴⁹ for He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. ⁵⁰ And His mercy is for those who fear Him from generation to generation. ⁵¹ He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; ⁵² He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; ⁵³ He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. ⁵⁴ He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, ⁵⁵ as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” Luke 1:46-55

A Prayer of Thanks for Christmas

Holy Father, Thank You for Your promises. Thank You that we can gather this holiday season and celebrate the birth of Your Son Jesus. Thank You that through Him all nations have been blessed because of Your great love and mercy. Help us to be mindful of You as we spend time with family. Bless those who are less fortunate that they may be blessed by Your abundance.

Zechariah’s Prophecy (Father of John the Baptist) ⁶⁸ “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people ⁶⁹ and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David, ⁷⁰ as He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old, ⁷¹ that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us; ⁷² to show the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember His holy covenant, ⁷³ the oath that He swore to our father Abraham, to grant us ⁷⁴ that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, ⁷⁵ in holiness and righteousness before Him all our days. ⁷⁶ And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare His ways, ⁷⁷ to give knowledge of salvation to His people in the forgiveness of their sins, ⁷⁸ because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high ⁷⁹ to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:68-79




Some Must See Classic Christmas Movies The Santa Claus (1994)

By helping Santa Claus with a Christmas crisis, Scott unknowingly agrees to become the next Santa Claus. Now, he has to deal with a suspicious former wife while trying to keep his secret safe. Starring: Tim Allen, Eric Lloyd, David Krumholtz, Peter Boyle

A Christmas Story (1983) Ralphie, a nine-year-old boy, tries to convince his parents, his teacher and Santa that he needs a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. A Christmas classic - fun for the whole family! Starring: Peter Billingsley, Ian Petrella, Melinda Dillon, Zach Ward

Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) Rudolph, a reindeer born with a unique glowing red nose, struggles to find acceptance. His life changes when he saves his friend Clarice and his parents from evil monsters. Starring: Burl Ives, Billie Mae Richards, Paul Soles, Janis Orenstein

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Grinch lives in solitude just outside Whoville. He hates the townsfolk and despises Christmas. Cindy Lou, a six-year-old girl who believes in the spirit of the festival, sets out to reform him. Starring: Jim Carrey, Taylor Momsen, Christine Baranski

Elf (2003) Buddy, a human, is raised amongst elves at the North Pole. When he discovers that he is not an elf, he travels to New York to search for his biological father. Starring: Will Ferrell, James Caan, Zooey Deschanel, Jon Favreau

Home Alone (1990) Eight-year-old Kevin is accidentally left behind when his family leaves for France. At first, he’s happy to be in charge; but when thieves try to break into his home, he puts up a fight like no other. Starring: Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, Catherine O’Hara

Scrooged (1988) A cynically selfish TV executive is haunted by three spirits from the past, present and future. With the help of the ghosts, he realises that he must reform himself. Starring: Bill Murray, Carol Kane, Karen Allen, David Johansen




Thoughtful Gift Giving Guide

Unravel the secrets of finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Whether it’s a personalized touch or a handmade creation, our guide will help you navigate the world of thoughtful giving this holiday season. Christmas gift ideas can vary based on the recipient’s interests and preferences, but here are some general suggestions:



• Customized jewellery with their name or initials. • Monogrammed items like towels, aprons, or mugs. • Personalized bookmarks, photo albums or custom calendars.

• Wireless earbuds or headphones. • Wireless fast charger. • Smart home devices like a bluetooth speaker. • Fitness trackers or smartwatches.



• Bestsellers or books by their favorite authors. • A special edition or collector’s item of a favorite book. • A Kindle or other e-reader.

• Streaming service subscriptions (Netflix, Dstv, Mfc, Disney+, etc.). • Magazine or book subscriptions. • Monthly subscription boxes tailored to their interests (food, beauty, hobbies, etc.). • Gym membership



• Tickets to a concert, theater show, or sports event. • Cooking or art classes. • Voucher for a Spa Day or weekend getaway.

• Art supplies for painters or sketchers. • Outdoor gear for hikers or campers. • Gaming accessories for gamers.



• Trendy clothing or accessories. • A cozy sweater or stylish jacket. • Designer handbags or wallets.


• Unique decorative items. • Customized throw pillows or blankets. • A piece of artwork or sculpture.

• Gourmet food baskets. • Wine or a set of wine glasses. • Cooking gadgets or high-quality kitchen tools.


• Handmade crafts or knitted items. • Personalized scrapbook or photo frame. • Homemade baked goods or a DIY spa kit.

Remember to consider the recipient’s personality and interests when choosing a gift. A thoughtful and personalized gift often means more than its monetary value.




We Care About You And Want You To Have A Safe And Joyful Festive Season Here are some Christmas Safety Tips to Help Protect You & Your Loved Ones

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Check all holiday light cords to make sure they aren’t frayed or broken. Don’t string too many strands of lights together—no more than three per extension cord. If are buying an artificial tree, look for the fire-resistant label. When putting it up, keep it away from fireplaces, radiators and other sources of heat. Hang Breakable Ornaments up High. If getting a live tree, make sure it’s fresh and water it to keep it fresh. Bend the needles up and down to make sure no needles fall off. If using older decorations, check their labels. Some older tinsel is leadbased. If using angel hair, wear gloves to avoid irritation. Avoid breathing in artificial snow. When decorating outside, make sure decorations are for outdoor use and fasten lights securely to your home or trees. If using hooks or nails outside, make sure they are insulated to avoid an electrocution or fire hazard. If using a ladder, be extra careful. Make sure to have good, stable placement and wear shoes that allow for good traction. Don’t use electric lights on metallic trees. Don’t forget to turn off all holiday lights when going to bed or leaving the house. Keep children, pets and decorations away from candles. Remember to blow out your candles when you leave the room or go to sleep. If hanging stockings on the fireplace mantel, don’t light the fireplace. Practice Road Safety When Traveling. Beware of Online Shopping Fraud. Handle food safely with these sim-

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ple reminders: keep raw meat away from fresh produce, wash your hands frequently, use a meat thermometer and use separate cutting boards for cooked and uncooked meats. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Always park in well-lit areas. Keep your driveway and walkways clear: When it snows, clear your driveway and walkways of snow and ice. Your guests and delivery people will appreciate it. Holiday plants and pets do not mix: Make sure you keep your pets away from poinsettias, holly, mistletoe and real Christmas trees as they can be toxic. Reduce clutter: Gifts, guests, decorations, and winter clothes can create hazards. Try to reduce the clutter before the holiday season or confine it to a specific area of your home. Be diligent with home security: Unfortunately, the holiday season sees an increase in break-ins and homeowners theft. It is important always to lock your doors, keep the garage closed, lock windows, and make a note of strangers in your neighbourhood. Extension cords and plugs: Don’t overload cords or outlets by plugging in too many decorations – it can create overheating or blow the circuit. Never remove the third prong on plugs; this is the grounding pin and prevents shock in case of electrical equipment failure. Don’t run extension cords under carpets, through doorways, or in places where furniture may damage them. Keep outdoor connections above ground, away from water, and plug into a ground fault-protected outlets.


Mouth-watering Roasted Turkey NATRAJA MEDIA



TURKEY • • • • • • • •

750 ml (3 cups) water 1 whole turkey (4.8kg), fully defrosted and ready to be coated at room temperature 6 lemons, halved a big bunch of fresh thyme or parsley 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper Heavy duty foil Meat Thermometer

FLAVOURED BUTTER • 125 ml (½ cup) butter • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) flaked sea salt • 5 ml (1 tablespoon) smoked paprika • 15 ml (1 tablespoon) fresh thyme or freshly chopped parsley • 2 Tbsp olive oil • 3 pressed garlic cloves

COATING • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) oil • 30 ml (2 tablespoons) honey • a few drops sriracha sauce


Remove the turkey from oven; quickly baste with drippings from the bottom of the pan. You can use a baster or tilt one side of the pan and collect drippings with a large spoon. Now apply prepared foil triangle to turkey breast area. Roast for another 2 hours.

Tie the turkey winglets together at the back tightly and tie the legs by crossing them together. Season inside of turkey cavity generously with about 1 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper. Stuff the turkey with the lemons and thyme leaves. Gently loosen and separate the skin from the turkey breast by pushing your fingers under the skin. Do this from the front and the back of the turkey, being careful not to tear the skin.

Flavoured Butter

Mix the butter with the salt, paprika, olive oil, garlic and thyme. Generously rub this mixture between the turkey meat and the skin you have just loosened and lifted. Make sure to spread it under the skin evenly. Rub one side of your triangle with olive oil and shape the foil (oil-side-down) over the turkey breast, then remove foil; it will shield your turkey breast and keep it from getting dry. You’ll apply this shield later in the roasting process. Place an oven-safe meat thermometer into the bird; beneath the drumstick; deep into the dark meat. Start roasting uncovered at 430˚F/220C for 20 min. Reduce the oven to 356°F/ 180°C

GRAVY: • Pan juices • 2 tablespoons flour • 750ml (3 cups) warm chicken stock • ½ tsp of butter


Mix the oil, honey and sriracha. Coat the turkey with this roasting-glaze-in-the-making by brushing the whole turkey with it. Cover with foil, and cook for a further 15 to 20 minutes golden brown. The turkey thigh should register 170˚F on the temperature probe and the breast at 160˚F to make sure it’s fully cooked through, then remove from the oven (keep in mind the turkey temperature continues to rise slightly after it’s out of the oven). The meat juices should run clear when the thickest parts of the thigh and breast are pricked with a thin skewer until you reach the bone. Remove from heat and rest for 30-60 minutes, covered, before serving. Carve and serve.

CHRISTMAS 2023 NATRAJA MEDIA 11 To make the gravy: Tips to keep in mind: Remove any excess oil from the roaster and Make sure you allow enough time for fully discard. thawing the turkey as a frozen turkey will Stir the flour into the pan juices and add the take twice as long to cook. If using a frozen warm stock turkey, defrost it in its plastic bag in the Place the roaster on the hob and stir the conrefrigerator for 3 days prior to roasting. A tents over a low heat until thickened. 15-pound turkey needs 3-5 DAYS to thaw. If the gravy is not at the desired texture after Remove turkey from fridge about 30 simmering for a while, add a little more flour, minutes before you start working with it. If mix through and cook for a bit longer. the turkey is closer to room temperature, Taste and add more seasoning (salt/pepper) it will roast more evenly. Remove the neck if needed. and bag of giblets from the turkey. Pat dry Add the ½ tsp of butter at the end for a glossy turkey with paper towels. Let turkey sit in finish. over paper towels to soak up any excess

Turkey Weight


Cooking Time

12 to 14 lb

8 to 10

2 3/4 to 3 hours

15 to 18 lb

10 to 12

3 1/4 to 4 hours

18 to 20 lb

12 to 14

4 to 4 1/4 hours

20 to 22 lb

14 to 16

4 1/4 to 4 3/4 hours

water from the turkey. Tie the turkey winglets together at the back tightly and tie the legs by crossing them together - if you don’t, they are the quickest to scorch and dry out. It is important to Keep basting the turkey while cooking to seal in the moisture. Once cooked, transfer to serving platter and cover fully but loosely with foil and allow the turkey to rest for 30-60 minutes before carving. Keep the drippings for a most amazing gravy!

If the turkey is over 4kg, calculate 20 mins per 1kg, plus 90 mins. If the bird is under 4kg, calculate 20 mins per 1kg, plus 70 mins. To test if it’s done, make sure the juices run clear when you pierce the thigh where it meets the body.




Succulent Spicy Honey Glazed Roast Gammon INGREDIENTS



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2 kg boneless gammon joint, tied 500 ml (2 cups) chicken stock enough water to cover the meat 2 dried bay leaves 2-4 cloves garlic, sliced 10 ml fresh ginger, optional 6 black peppercorns 1 to 3 sprigs fresh thyme 2 to 3 carrots, washed and cut into chunks 1 stick celery, sliced 2 small to medium onions, skin on, halved


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45 ml honey • 60 ml whole cloves 2tbsp/ 30 ml Dijon mustard • 1 garlic bulb 1 tbsp/ 15 ml soy sauce 5-15 ml Sriracha or any hot sauce (QuantiMETHOD FOR GAMMON ty will vary depending on your preference) • Juice of ½ orange 1. Place the gammon into a large pot, cov• 1-2 tsp chilli flakes er with the stock and water. Add the bay leaves, garlic, ginger, peppercorns, METHOD FOR THE GLAZE thyme, carrots and celery and onion. •

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together 2. Bring to the boil and simmer for 1 hour and brush the glaze liberally over the fat 15 minutes until cooked. Remove from later with the whole cloves. the stock and leave to cool slight• Place the joint in a roasting tin with the ly. Preheat the oven to 200°C / 392° F. halved garlic bulb and roast for 20-25 minutes until sticky and crisp round the edg3. Use a small knife to remove the rind from es. the gammon, leaving on as much fat as possible. Score the fat in a diamond (crisscross) pattern and push a clove into each Serve with a seasonal salad, fluffy mashed diamond section. Make sure you have potatoes and string beans. enough cloves. Cut the garlic bulb in half.



Spiced roasted butternut squash • • • • • • •


INGREDIENTS 1 x 1-1.5kg Butternut squash (peeled and cubed into 1inch pieces) Salt ¼ tsp cayenne/paprika ¼ tsp cinnamon ¼ tsp cumin Maple syrup – 2 Tbsp Olive Oil – 2Tbsp

1. Preheat the oven to 425°. 2. In a large bowl, toss the peeled – cubed squash with a dash of maple syrup, cumin, olive oil, cinnamon, salt to taste and cayenne/paprika to give the butternut a warm, sweet & spicy flavour. 3. Spread the squash on a baking sheet in a single layer and roast in the oven for about 40 minutes, until tender and lightly browned, tossing once halfway through. 4. *The amount of spices and maple syrup will depend on the amount of squash being prepared as well as your taste preference. 5. To turn into a salad you can add pistachios, pomegranate or pumpkin seeds, feta or goat cheese, rocket or salad greens. 6. I garnish with coriander and chives. What works with Butternut Squash? Herbs & Spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, rosemary, sage, thyme, bay leaf Sweet: brown sugar, maple syrup, honey

Tips and tricks for the Best Mash Potatoes Don’t cut the potatoes too small otherwise they Cream choices: could soak up too much water and lose a lot of their heavy cream = super-rich and decadent, flavour. Cut the potato into equal sized pieces. buttermilk = tangy and a little watery, Remove excess starch: Rinse excess starch from the cream cheese = adds a little too much body and heavidiced potatoes before cooking. I’d recommend using ness, a colander. The butter + milk combo works very well Start cooking in cold, salted water -bring to a boil sour cream = perfect amount of buttery creaminess over medium-high heat as this ensures even cooking. with just a touch of tang. Once they fork tender, drain immediately and allowed to steam out to remove the excess water. Never add cold liquids to your mash. If the mixture Leave a film behind on the bottom of the pan. This cools down too quickly from cold milk, it can become helps some of the moisture evaporate so that the fla- sticky and gluey. The liquids should be room temperavours of the butter and cream can really come through. ture. Mashing the potatoes: The best mashed potatoes ar- Butter: choose the option you prefer en’t mashed at all, instead they are pressed using a po- Brown the butter before stirring it in. This will add an tato ricer, which pushes them through a grid of small extra nutty flavour. holes (kind of like a garlic press), breaking them into Add Softened butter: The flavour of the butter is diftiny pieces and keeping them light and fluffy without ferent when it’s softened and it incorporates into the overworking them. potatoes beautifully leaving them silky. Don’t overmix. Mix only just until mashed to your desired consistency. Overmixing can make the pota- Add a handful of parmesan cheese at the end, stirtoes gummy or tough. ring just until melted. Finish: Top with fresh herbs like chives, scallions, or parsley, or sprinkle with crispy bacon bits or shallots.




Ginger Cookies • • • • • • • • • •

125 g butter, softened Half a cup (100 g) dark brown sugar Half a cup (125 ml) golden syrup/ Molasses 1 egg yolk 2 and 3/4 cups (385 g) all purpose flour 1 Tbsp (15 ml) ground ginger 1 tsp (5 ml) ground allspice 1 tsp (5 ml) ground cinnamon a pinch of salt 1 tsp (5 ml) bicarbonate of soda

ICING • 2 egg whites • 2.5 cups ( 350 g) icing sugar, sifted • Juice of half a lemon

ROYAL ICING In the bowl of an electric mixer, with the paddle at- FONDANT SHAPES tachment, beat the egg whites, icing sugar and lemon • 500 g ready-made fondant ( also known as plastic icing) juice together. Start on low speed, then increase the speed as the mix- • Food colourants of choice • 2 tsp (10 ml) tylose ( optional) ture gets smoother until soft peaks form. Use a piping bag with a small round nozzle to pipe the • Cornflour edges of your cookies or for creating patterns on top 1. Line a baking sheet or use a silicone bakof the fondant. ing mat. For filling in spaces, add a few drops of lemon juice 2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, using the or water to make the icing more runny. Always keep paddle attachment, cream together the your royal icing covered with clingfilm to prevent it butter, sugar, syrup and egg yolk until drying out. pale and creamy. FONDANT SHAPES 3. Sift together all of the dry ingredients and Knead the fondant until pliable on a surface lightly add to the batter. sprinkled with cornflour. 4. Mix until it forms a stiff, smooth and shiny Flatten the fondant, sprinkle with the tylose, then fold dough. and knead to work in the tylose. 5. Turn out and bring the dough together. Tylose serves as a hardener for the fondant and makes 6. Divide into two balls and flatten each into for neat egdes and smooth surfaces, but its use is ena disc. tirely optional. 7. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for Wrap in clingfilm and allow to rest for 30 minutes. 1 hour. Divide the fondant into portions according to the co- 8. Preheat the oven to 180C. lours you will be using. 9. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surKnead again on a cornflour surface, add small amounts face to a thickness of about 5 mm. of colourant to each and work into the fondant until 10. Cut into Christmas themed shapes and your desired colour is achieved. arrange on the baking sheet with at least Thinly roll out the fondant and cut into shapes to 2cm between cookies. match your cookies. 11. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Use a small amount of the royal icing to serve as a glue 12. Allow to cool completely on a wire rack to stick the fondant to the cookies. before decorating with rolled fondant, royUse any remaining fondant to create small flowers, al icing, or both. leaves




No Booze Fruit Cake (Eggless) • • • • • • • • • • • •

250g fruit mix 25g cherries-red and green 20g pecans 15g orange rind 250g butter 397g condensed milk 125g cup sugar 625g flour 10ml baking powder 14g bicarbonate of soda 596ml boiling water Flaked almonds and cherries for decorating

1. Bring to a Boil, while stirring continuously the cherries, fruit mix, butter, sugar, water, condensed milk. Allow to cool completely. 2. Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. 3. In a large bowl sift flour, bicarb and baking powder. Add pecans and orange rind. 4. Combine wet and dry ingredients. 5. Place batter in a greased and lightly floured cake tin and decorate with cherries and flaked almonds. 6. Bake for 40-45 minutes.

Fruit Mince Pies • • • • • • • •

250g softened butter ½ cup castor sugar 1tsp vanilla extract 1 egg beaten 375g flour ½ tsp baking powder 1 jar Fruit mince Icing sugar for dusting

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. 2. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. 3. Add egg and vanilla and mix well. 4. Add dry ingredients and combine to form a soft dough. 5. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3mm – using a round cutter– scoop 1 heaped teaspoon of fruit mince into each base. 6. Using a star cutter (or any similar), cut stars and place on top of each pie. 7. Bake 12 – 15 minutes or until light brown. 8. Remove from oven – dust with Icing Sugar whilst still hot – transfer to a cooling rack until completely cooled.




How to Make Eggnog

The eggnog base starts by beating egg yolks with sugar until light and fluffy. Then you slowly whisk in hot milk that’s been infused with cloves and cinnamon, which tempers the eggs so they don’t curdle. Finally, you warm the eggnog on the stovetop until it thickens. It’s essentially a custard.


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2 cups Milk 1 1/4 cups Heavy cream 6 Large Eggs - only the yolks are to be used in this recipe 1 cup Sugar Pinch Salt 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract 1/4 cup (60ml) Whisky/bourbon/rum (optional) 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg – freshly grated 1/4 teaspoon Cloves

Points to Remember

Temperature is key: The trick to eggnog is cooking it to exactly 160 degrees F. That’s the point at which you’ll kill all the bacteria in there, but you won’t cause the eggs 1. Separate the eggs and place the yolks to cook too much and start to coagulate. Keep a therin a bowl. The whites can be placed mometer in there and just watch it meticulously while in another bowl, covered, and refrig- stirring. As soon as it gets to 161 F, shut it off. But don’t erated for use later in another recipe. get the temperature up there too quickly: low and slow In a large bowl whisk egg yolks and sugar is best. until light, thick and fluffy. Set aside. Spice is nice – Allow the Flavors to Infuse: While the 2. In a saucepan, combine milk, heavy cream, nog is still hot, you want to incorporate your spices. salt, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg and bring Adding the spices while the mixture’s still hot will allow to a simmer. it to slightly cook the spices, drawing out their flavor. 3. Temper the eggs by slowly adding the hot Also, you want to go fresh-ground. milk mixture into the eggs, a little at a time, Fresh is Best: You should also ensure that your eggs are whisking constantly while pouring the hot fresh and pasteurized, even if you’re heating them, to achieve total safety. milk mixture. 4. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan. Don’t Rush: eggnog needs patience. Depending on the Cook over low heat, stirring frequently with recipe you’re using, you may need to engage in a gentle a wooden spoon, until the mixture begins cooking process to bring your eggs up to 160 degrees to thicken slightly, and coats the back of the Fahrenheit. This should never be done at speed. spoon or until it reaches about 160F (70C). It Slowness allows more of the moisture in the egg yolks to evaporate as it cooks, meaning that you end up with will thicken more as it cools. a thicker, more luxurious result. Going slowly also gives 5. Remove from heat, stir in vanilla extract and you a much greater sense of control as you heat it up, liquor. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh which means that the eggs are less likely to tip over the strainer. 160-degree mark. This is useful because when they do, 6. Pour the eggnog into pitcher, bottle or other they can start to essentially scramble, forming solid container and chill in the fridge until ready to curds that turn it from a liquid into a solid. By taking serve (at least 2 hours). your time, you keep things smooth and creamy and re7. When ready to serve, pour into a glass with move the chance of residual heat cooking them once ice cubes, sprinkle some grated nutmeg and they’re removed from the stove. cinnamon. Use the best vanilla you can find.





To Wet your Whistle

Here are some festive and delicious Christmas mocktail ideas along with their recipes: Cranberry Sparkler Gingerbread Cookie Shake Minty Grinch Punch Ingredients: Ingredients: • 1 cup cranberry juice • 1 cup vanilla ice cream • 1/2 cup sparkling water/ club • 1/2 cup milk soda • 1 tablespoon molasses/ honey • 1 tablespoon simple syrup/ • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnahoney mon • Ice cubes • Whipped cream and crushed • Fresh cranberries and rosegingerbread cookies for topmary for garnish ping Instructions: Instructions: 1.Fill a glass with ice cubes. 1.In a blender, combine vanilla ice 2.Pour cranberry juice and sparcream, milk, molasses (or honey), kling water/club soda over the ice. and ground cinnamon. 3.Add syrup/honey and stir gently. 2.Blend until smooth. Garnish with fresh cranberries and Pour into a glass and top with a sprig of rosemary. whipped cream and crushed gingerbread cookies.

Ingredients: • 1 cup green apple juice • 1/2 cup pineapple juice • 1 tablespoon lime juice • Club soda • Mint leaves and lime slices for garnish Instructions: 1.Fill a glass with ice cubes. 2.Combine green apple juice, pineapple juice, and lime juice. 3.Top with club soda. Garnish with mint leaves and lime slices.

Virgin Pomegranate Mojito

Apple Fizzer

Berry Merry Mocktail

Ingredients: • 1/2 cup pomegranate juice • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice • 1 tablespoon maple syrup • Club soda • Fresh mint leaves and pomegranate seeds for garnish Instructions: 1.In a glass, mix pomegranate juice, fresh lime juice, and maple syrup. 2.Fill the glass with ice cubes and top with club soda. Stir gently and garnish with fresh mint leaves and pomegranate seeds.

Ingredients: • 1 cup apple juice • 1/2 cup ginger ale • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon • Apple slices for garnish Instructions: 1.In a glass, combine apple juice and ginger ale. 2.Add ground cinnamon and stir gently. 3.Garnish with apple slices.

Ingredients: • 1/2 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) • 1 tablespoon honey • 1/2 cup cranberry juice • Club soda • Fresh mint for garnish Instructions: 1.Muddle mixed berries with honey in a glass. 2.Add cranberry juice and stir. 3.Top with club soda and garnish with fresh mint.

These Christmas mocktails are not only visually appealing but also bursting with holiday flavors. Enjoy them at festive gatherings or as a special treat during the holiday season! (P.S. Add a splash of alcohol to change the ‘M’ to a ‘C’.)




Christmas Word Games for Children










1.Ienreedr 2.Tansa laucs 3.Miscrhtas 4.Dnacy nace 5.Repsetns 6.Aleng 7.Rats 8.Msileteo 9.Edcotarions 10.Chgrin 11.Gramen 12.Ejuss 13.Ilesnt 14.Njlieg lsble 15.Mownans 16.Lhiegs 17.Grooces 18.Tsgckino 19.Hpeserd 20.Rwaeth





Christmas Crossword Puzzle 1




6 5



ACROSS 1. When you stand under this then you will get a kiss at Christmas 3. Strips of glittery decorations that are draped around the Christmas tree 7. Placed high on top of the Christmas tree to represent the birth of Jesus Christ 9. Sung at Christmas 10. Kept under the tree and exchanged with a family member or friend DOWN 2. He wears a red suit and comes bearing gifts at Christmas 4. Pulled by Santa’s reindeers 5. A custom or belief of a culture 6. Used as a decoration on a fireplace mantel or door 8. Different colours of these are used to brighten the Christmas tree






Christmas Word Search















































































































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