magnolia ElEmEnTaRY oakdalE – mRS. kiRSchnER - 2nd gRadE
califoRnia ElEmEnTaRY RivERbank – mRS. ToRRES - kindERgaRTEn
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I clean the house, and I babysit my half causen. These are the reasons I feel that I deserve a gift. Your friend, Madison S.
for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I help my mom with my nefyou, clean my room, two. I hope I get a gift Santa, I love you Santa. Rebel B.
the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Farrah S.
Dear Santa, I hop I get a gift Christmas. I think deserve a gift because I help feed my ducks and help my dad help make diner. These are the reason I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, David J.
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I beserve a gift because I have a gift for you. and milk and cocees. Thes reesuns I vell like I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Evangelina
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Chritmas. I think I deser a gift because I help mom do the dishes. I clean my room. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Angel L.
Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas because I help my mom clean the toys, and help my mom cook eggs. Your friend, Julian
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas I think I deserv a gift because feed the animals and help mom do the dishes. My nephews. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your fiend, Mateo M.
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I help my mom and dad feed the animals and I help clean the hous. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Brynlee K
Dear Santa, I hop I get a gift for Christmas, I think I deserve a gift because I help do the dishes, because I do good in scocer. These are the reasons I feel like a deserve a gift. Your friend, Noah E
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas gift because I clean and I help out. I feel it. Your friend, Musal
Dear Santa, I hop I get a gift for Christmas, I think I deserve a gift because I help with cooking and I help mom do the dishes. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Mia V
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I tink I deserve a gift because I feed the chickens and clean my room and I help with doing chores. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Miguel S.
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I help with the yard work and I help baby sit. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Alexa M.
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift
Dear Santa, I was very nice this year. Thank you for my glow in the dark blanket last year. I would like a heated blanket. What do the elves eat? Love, Cohen
Dear Santa, I was very great this year. Thank you for my dirt bike. This year I would like a snow ski and hoverboard. How od are elves? Love, Jack
Dear Santa, I was very nice this year. Thank you for my PS5. This year, I would like in X-box. How do the reindeer see in the dark? Love, Thomas!
Dear Santa, I was very great this year. Thank you for the sonic stuff. This year I would like a hot whelels set and sled. How do you control the sled? To Santa, Love, Mikey
Dear St. Nick, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I do a lot of chores. I’m sportive of my mom and I pray every night. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your little elf, Penelope G.
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I help with cooking, and I clean my room. These are
Dear Santa, I was very good this year. Thank you for my toys this year. I would like a doll house. How do the reineer fly. Love, Adalyn
Dear Santa, I was very nice this year. Thank you for my toys. This year I would like a hello kitty watch an a toy egg. How does your sleigh fly? Love, Sophia
Dear Santa, I was very nice this year. Thank you for my Pikachu plus. This year I would like a iphone 16 and do you have a PS5 for me? Love, Luis
Dear Santa, I was very good this year. Thank you for PS4. This year I would like a drone. How does your sleigh fly? Love, Miller
Dear Santa, I was vary good
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I clean my room and I help with babysitting my nephews. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Scarlett A.
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I clean my toys when I am done playing and I make my lunch by myself. These are the reashon I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Diana P.
the year. Thank you for my doll. This year I would like a watch and slime. Was I good this year? Love, Olivia
Dear Santa, I was very nice this year. Thank you for my kid kitchen. This year I would like a kids BBQ. How do the elves on the shelf mov? Love, Emilia
Dear Santa, I was very good this year. Thank you for my Barbie house. Can I have more slime? How does the reindeers nose glow red? Love, Zoey
Dear Santa, I was very nice this year. Thank you for my clothes. This year I would like an American Doll classroom. What do the reindeer eat? Love, Bailey
Dear Santa, I was very good this year. Thank you for my dinosaur this year. I would like
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I help dad with the yaerd work and help with the chores. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Seth Myers
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift because I help my dad with yard work, and I feed my dog. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Josephine B.
new toys. What do the elves eat? Adair
Dear Santa, I was good this year. Thank you for my charmander bobble head. This year I would lilk a drone. How many elves do you have? Love, Beaux
Dear Santa, I was very good this year. Thank you for a tablet. This year I would like new leggos. How many controllers do you have on your sleigh? What do the elves eat? Love Josiah
Dear Santa, I was vey good this year. Thank you for my drone. This year I would like a 3D printer. How do you make the toys in only 1 year? Lov, Caspian
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I tink I deseve a gift because I clen all of the haws. These are the reason I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend, Aaron C.
Dear Santa, I hope I get a gift for Christmas. I think I deserve a gift becaus I help with chores and I clean my room. These are the reasons I feel I deserve a gift. Your friend Riley B.
Dear Santa, I have used good manners. Thank you for my toys last year. I would like a soccer ball. Love, Ryder.
Dear Santa, I have been a good sister. Thank you for my toys last year. I would like a claires boxcat. Love, Myla.
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl sister this yer. Thank you for my Barbie toy last year. I would like earrings. Love, Maliah.
Dear Santa-I have been polite to my family. Thank you for my present last year. I would like a Pikachu plushy and Pokémon cards. Love, Zachary.
Dear Santa, I have been really
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a remote control lizard. Also, I would like a Ghostbuster blaster that doesn’t shoot bullets. Bye, Rylan
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for 50 Roblox card. Also, I would like a black helmet. Love, Gionni
good this year. Thank you for my toys last year. I would like a IPad. Love, Isabelle.
Dear Santa, I have been a friend. Thank you for my piano last year. I would like a Mona toy. Love, Aliyah.
Dear Santa, I have used good manners. Thank you for my trampoline last year. I would like a pogo stick. Love, Kutter.
Dear Santa, I have been a really good broter. Thank you for my soccer ball last year. I would like a quad. Love, Logan.
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. Thank you for the present last year. I would like a
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a baby stuffed cow. Also, I would like a Nintendo. Love, Levi
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a puppy. Also, I would like a Elsa toy. Love, Eva
Barbie car. Love, Freya
Dear Santa, I have been a good sister. Thank you for my peppa pig last year. I would like a santa infateable. Love, Melaine
Dear Mom, I have been really good to my little sister. Thank you for going on bike rides with me, I would like do family movie night. Love, Ezra.
Dear Sanea, I have been a good brother. Thank you for my quad last year. I would like a dirt bike. Love, James.
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. Thank you for taking a picture with me on your lap. I would like a poke mon
Also, I would like a Nintendo. Love, Jeronimo
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a Nerfgun without bullets. Also, I would like a violin. Love, Ben
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a Nintendo. Also, I would like a basketball. Love, Clayton
card. Love, Samar.
Dear Santa, I have used good manners. Thank you for my toys last year. I would like a dirt bike and a helmet. Love, Emmett.
Dear Santa, I have been good to my family. Thank you for my basketball last year. I would like to be with my family on Christmas eve. Love, Andrew.
Dear Samta, I have bee a goob sister. Thak you for my toys last year. I would like a giraffe. Love, Amelia.
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. Thank you for my electric sooter last year. I would like earrings. Love, Maci.
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a Nerfgun. Also, I would like a spiderman. Love, Jeancarlos
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a heating blanket. Also, I would like an xbox. Love, Mason
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for dogs.
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a King Kong toy. Also, I would like a Ghostbusters blaster. Love, Rafael
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a guitar and a Ninetindo. I would also like a scooter. Love, Angelo.
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a baby cat. Also, I would like a doll. Love,
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a black helmet (med.) and 4 wheeler. Also, I would like a Nerf gun with 100,000 bullets. Love, Moxley
Dear Santa, I was very nice this year. Thank you for my lego set last year. This year I would like an I-Pad. What do the elves eat? Love, Hunter
Dear Santa, I was very good this year. Thank you for my Barbie dolls. This year I would like a PS5. How many elves do you have? Love, Ayan
Dear Santa, I was very great this year. Thank you for my yo-yo. This year I would like a 3D printer. Is Rudolph the Reindeer real? Love, Lucas
Dear Santa, Thank you for my toy. I would like a PS5. Love, Christian
Dear Santa, I was very good this year. Thank you for my pretend dog. This year I would like hot wheel tracks. How do the elves make presents? Love, Carter
Dear Santa, I have a good boy this year. Thank you for the present last year. I would like a bicyle and helmet. Love, Kyle.
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. Thank you for my dirt bike last year. I would like a Optimus prime. Love, Jameson.
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. Thank you for my dog toy last year. I would like a Moana toy. Love, Ayleen.
Dear Santa, I have been a good sister. Thank you for my toys last year. I would like earrings. Love, Aspen.
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a doll. Also, I would like a real life horse. Love, Scarlett
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a baby stuffed cow. Also, I would like a remote control lizard. Love, Makenzie
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I’m hoping for a real life horse. Also, I would like a guitar. Love, Brea
Dear Santa, Fro Christmas I would like toy pepol fiting. How was your day? I hop you have a grat day. Than you for giving everyone presents. Love, Wyatt
Dear Santa, I wunt a dirt bike for Christmas. I have two questans for you how many houses doow you visit? Second questans doow you have 8 reindeer? Love, Morgan
shaved ice. I hope you have the best Christmas. I’ll leave you milk and cokies elves hard work. Books. Love, Adeliza
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a prank robot. Thank you for giving everyone presents. Santa im wondering how you get your magic. Santa please don’t get scared my lights tern on when you make noise. Love, Emery
Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like a reading lite, pokemon phushies, and some legos. Thank you! I will leave some cookis and some carots and I have a qushten for you do your reindeer fly? Thank you! Sincerely, Axel
best Christmas. Thank y ou ofr giving everyone presents. Merry Christmas! Love, Raelynn
Dear Santa, thank you for your elves and your hard work. For Christmas I would like a ginormous soft bear. Merry Christmas! Love, Peyton
high doll. Thank you for giving everyone prsents. Love, Dallys
Dear Santa, I would ike some Lanky box plushes. I will leave you some Cookies and Milk and some raindeer treats. And I want a time machine, squishmallows, and a Iphone 16. P.S. Merry Christmas. Love, Lucas
Dear Santa, Thank you for giving everyone presents. I hope have the best Christmas. I’ll leave you reindeer food for the reindeer. I would like a shaved ice machine. Sincerely, Kasey Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. T hank you for giving. Supresets my brother or I would like a
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I did the dishes. Please bring me a big star wars lego set. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Raiden G.
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I did my chores, and made my bed. Please bring me a puppy. How is Mrs. Claus doing? From, Brinley M.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been good this year. I fed my pets, and I cleaned my room. Can I get a golden retriever puppy? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Brooklynn S.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. I fed my pets, did my homework, and I listened. Can I have a bike for Christmas? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Rylie W.
Dear Santa- This year I want a hot wheels shark track. Love, Ruben P.
Dear Santa-This year I want Barbie house. Love, Victoria L.
Dear Santa-This year I want a hot wheel race. Love, Hardy G.
Dear Santa-This year I want an IPhone 13. Love, Lexa S.
Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been nice. This year I am wishing for a AppleVisionPro and Dog Man Big Jim Begins. Do you want extra cookies? Love, Ben
Dear Santa, Who is your favorite reindeer? I have been nice this year. I am wishing for an axolotl and slime. I will leave cookies for you. Merry Christmas. Love, Sophia
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a big star wars ship for Christmas and a gient darc vader play set and a giant remote control robot, and a boxy plushie. Merry Christmas, Santa. I hope you have the best Christmas. Love, Guillermo
Dear Santa, thank you for giving us presents. You really work hard! For Christmas I would like a cinnamon roll blakent, a appel watch case, a my melede varidi, a cinnamon roll ipad case that stands. Love, Delaney
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I did my homework and cleaned up my dog’s poop. I want a nintendo switch, Pokemon cards, a lot of wolf toys, and 100000000 robux. Are Mrs.Claus, Rudolph, and your elves doing well? Love, Bradley B.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been good this year. I fed my animal and l helped my teacher with the lanyards for lunch . Please bring me a Barbie house. How is Mrs Claus doing? Love, Juliette F.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been good this year. I did my homework and I cleaned my room. I want a black computer. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Killian F.
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I helped my brother get off the floor when he fell off
Dear Santa-This year I want a Plufe (plushie). Love, Emily M.
Dear Santa-This year I want a drone. Love, Deon W.
Dear Santa- This year I want a lego set. Love, Mateo J.
Dear Santa-This year I would like a camera. Love, Hector T.
some presents off your sleigh when you are at a place were there is a lot of trees. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, William
Dear Santa, Are you having a good day? I have been nice. I am wishing for some toys. Merry Christmas. Love, Bella
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! I have to ask you something here it is. How old are you. for Christmas I would like a baby alive doll and a doll house and a toy car. I’ll leave you mild and cookie and thank you for your elves and your hard work. Love, Arely
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like five funko pops and they have to do with Christmas. I also want them sealed. Merry Chritmas Santa Claus! Sincerely, Kayden
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a coco moive toy. I’ll leave you milk and cookies. I’ll leave special reindeer food for the reindeer. I hope you have the
his scooter. I want a go-cart, a phone, and airpods. Love, Hudson B.
Dear Santa Claus, I was very good this year. My mom told me to clean my room and I picked my gum up. I was good to my mom and the baby. Can I have an iPhone? Please bring me vr pro max and a iphone How is Mrs.Claus doing? Love, Bentley A.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been good this year. I have been doing my homework. I help my mom feed the dogs. Please bring me a adopt me egg and some money. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Braydon L.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. I have fed my pets. I helped my mom and Dad with chores. Please bring me a gold retriever pup. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Preston S.
Dear Santa- Monster High house. Love, Bray M.
Dear Santa- This year I want an optic explorer. Love, Hendrix J.
Dear Santa-This year I want a phone. Love, Madison C.
Dear Santa- For Christmas I would like a Lamborghni. Love Royal J.
nice. This year I am wishing for a make-up set. Before you go deliver the presents, make sure the reindeer have a lot of magic. I hope you have a good Christmas. Love, Madilyn O.G.
Dear Santa, My brother and I would like a shaved ice machine. Would you and your little helpers like snaks we will have cookies and carrots. Thank you verey much. Love, Aurora
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like some lankybox plushie. My questin is where do the rander sleep. I wile leave syme milk and cookies for you. I reley liked the lasr tag you gave ues for Christmas. Sincerely, Gavin
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Santa, I’ll leave you milk and cookies and I’ll leave special reindeer for the reindeers. For Christmas I would like shadow
Dear Santa Claus, I have been good this year. I have good grades this year .I cleaned my room. Please bring me an iphone 16 pro max, a nintendo, a vr , and 1000 $. Frome, Christian T.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year because I helped my mom do chores. I was really nice to her. Can you please bring me a PS5 and GTA6? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, DeAndre E.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. I did my homework and helped my dad outside. For Christmas I would like an electric scooter, a medium sized toy car, and crocs. How are you Santa? Love, Carlos S.
Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. I fed my pets and did my homework. I would like a v.r headset and school supplies.
Dear Santa- My name is Liv, I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a ball pit and kinetic sand. I’ll set out cookies! From, Liv L.
Dear Santa- I want an Up house form the movie. Love, Luke P.
Dear Santa-This year I want an IPhone and makeup. Love, Bernadette B.
squishmallow. Merry Christmas Santa. I hope you have a great night. Love, Madelyn
Dear Santa, Have a golly Christmas! I would like to VR headset. I’ll leave you milk and cookies. I hope you have the best Christmas. Thank you for giving everyone presents. Merry Chistmas. Sincerely, Isaiah
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Thank you for giving everyone presents. For Christmas I wouyld like a pet puppy. Thank you, Love, Max
Deer Santa, I would like LOL dolls for Christmas. I’ll leave yummy cookies and millk for you. Have a holly jolly Christmas. I would like mini brands. Love, Ava
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! For Christmas I would like a bike. I’ll leave you milk and cookies. Make us presents. Thank you for giving everyone presents. Love, Oliver
How are the reindeer? Love, Everly B.
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I did a lot of chores. I fed my cats and my dogs. I made my bed a lot, and I did my homework every day. But I did forget to turn it in a lot. Can you please bring me an elf pet and a Jesus plushy? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Avery M.
Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I have been naughty and nice. This year I am wishing for a diary of a wimpy kid book. Do you want me to leave you a milk so you can drink it on your ride? Merry Christmas. Love, Anthony
Dear Santa, What are your favorite cookies? I have been nice. This year I am wishg for a Robot dog. Would you like me to leave some carrots for the reindeer. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Isabella
Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I have been nice this year. This year I am wishing for a Nintendo switch and an AppleVision pro. I hope you don’t drop
Dear Santa, How old are you? I have been naughty and nice this year. I am wishing for a iPhone 16 and cleats. I hope you don’t fall off the roof. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. From, Mateo
Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I have been nice this year. I am wishing for a phone. Do you want me to leave some carrots for your reindeer? I hope you have Merry Christmas. Love Angel C.
Dear Santa, How do you fit in the chimmy? I have been naughty and nice. This year I am wishing for a watch and a 4-wheeler. I hope you don’t miss a house. From, Angel R.
Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? I have been naughty and
Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I have been mostly nice this year. This year I am wishing for book and a silk. I hope you and Mrs. Claus have a Merry Christmas. Love, Jenny
Dear Santa, How are you doing this year, Santa? I have been nice. This year I am wishing for a Rise of Red doll and books. Do you want extra cookies on Christmas Day Santa? I hope you have a Merry Christmas. From, Amiena
Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I have been naughty and nice. This year I am wishing for phone and a bike. Do you want extra cookies when you come? I wish you a Merry Christmas. From, Scarlett
Dear Santa, What are your favorite cookies? I was mostly nice this year. This year I am wishing for roller blades and a
Dear Santa, How tired do you get on Christmas? I have been decent and my sister has been decent. This year I wish for more Goojitzu toys and a gocart. Be careful and don’t fall delivering please and have a Merry Christmas. From, Levi
Dear Santa, Who is your favorite reindeer? I have been mostly nice this year. I am wishing for a Nintendo Switch and a phone. I hope you don’t drop one of your presents. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. From, Rigo
Dear Santa, How is Mrs Claus doing? I have been naughty and nice this year. I am wishing for Dolphin School books and Slime. Do you want me to leave your reindeer candy canes? I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Ivy
Dear Santa, who is your favorite Reindeer? I have been mostly nice this year. I am wishing for axoloti squishmallow. I hope
Dear Santa Claus, I have been good this year. I did my homework. I helped my brother and my sister. Can you bring me a watch, a water bottle, and a camera? How are the elves? Love, Melannie R.
Dear Santa, I have been very good. I fed my pets, and I did my homework. I listened to my family. I want this year’s 200 robox card. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love Mason
Dear Santa- This year I would like a train set. Love Allison R.
Dear Santa-This year I want a reborn baby. Love, Jaeleen A.
Dear Santa- This year I want a Barbie Dream house. Love, Kirsten C.
Dear Santa- A princess. Love, Deysi O.
you don’t fall on Christmas. Love, Elizabeth
Dear Santa, What are your favorite cookies? I have been mostly nice this year. I am wishing for an apple VisionPro’s and an Iphone 16 Pro Max. Santa I hope you will be safe on the sleigh and I hope you wont get caught. Love, Branden. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Dear Santa, Who is your favorite reindeer? I have been mostly nice this year. This year I am wishing for an iphone and a Gucci sweater. I hope you get my cookeis and milk. From, Alan
Dear Santa, Is it true that Rudolph is real? I have been mostly nice this year. I am wishing for $100 bills. Do you want me to leave carrots for the reindeer? Love, Jared
Dear Santa, What are your favorite cookies? I have been mostly nice and mean. This year I am wishing for roller skates. I hope you deliver all the presents. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Gavin
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a Starwars toy? How many elf do you have? Your elves do a good job making toys. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love Alexander
have a wonderful holiday! Love, Margot
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a blow up creeper? Can you get us an elf for our classroom? You do a great job delivering gifts. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love, Colin
this year. Can I have a blow up creeper ? Can you git my a pet troll? I hope you enjoy your cookies. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love, Elliott
wonderful holiday. Love, Joziah
Rudolph? I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love, Elias
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a Leap and Ledges game? How does your sleigh go all over the world? Your elves do a good job at making toys. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love, Luke
Dear Santa, I have deen good this year. Can I have a transforme? How does your sleigh fly? Your elves do a a good job at making toys. You have a wonderful holiday! Love, Noah
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a ninja star target? Can you get us an elf for the classroom? I hope you enjoy your cookies. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love, Penelop
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have headphones? Can you get us an elf for the classroom? I hope you enjoy. You do a great job delivering gifts. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Love, Ariella
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a swimming pool? Can you get us an elf for the classroom? You do a great job delivering gifts. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love, Emerson
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a lol doll? Can you get us an elf for the classroom. I hope you enjoy your cookies. Your elves a good job at making toys. I hope you have a wonderful hulday. Love, Milo
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a cr creeper? How many elves do you have? I hope you enjoy your cookie. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Love, Alex
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a car for my dad? Can you get an elf for the classroom? I hope you enjoy your cookies. I hope you
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can you I have a go cart? Can you get us an elf for the classroom. I hope you enjoy your cookies I hope have a wonderful holiday! Love, Zac
Dear Sant, I have been goob
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a hot wheels? Can you get us an elf for the classroom? Your elves do o good job at making toys! Love, Cesar
Dear Santa, I have bee good this year. Can I have a xbox? Can you get us an elf for the classroom? I hope you in enjoy your cookies. I hope you have a
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a Barbie House? Can you get us an elf for the classroom. I hope you your cookies. I wonderfuli holiday. Love, Nora
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a blow up creeper? Where did you get
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a Barbie? Can you get us an elf for the classroom? I fly you do a great job deliverin gifts. I hope you enjoy your cookies. Love, Melanie
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have a Xbox? Can you get us an elf for our house. Your elves do a good job at making toys. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Love, Jeremiah
Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie toy house. Love, Luna
Dear Santa, I would like a smaller hula hoop. Love, Lena
Dear Santa, I would like a purple cat. Love, Mabo
Dear Santa, I would like a nerf gun. Love, Jacob
Dear Santa, I would like a set of pajamas. Love, Holden
Dear Santa, I would like a reinbow stuff. Love, Reghan
Dear Santa, I would like a Pets Alive. Love, Hollie
Dear Santa, I would like a baby doll. Love, Mionelle
Dear Santa, I would like a red toy car. Love, Brayden
Dear Santa, I would like a bluey house. Love, Oliver W.
Dear Santa, I would like a car lego set. Love, Jaciel
Dear Santa, I would like a robot stuffy. Love, Oliver K.
Dear Santa, I would like a Batman toy. Love, Lucca
Dear Santa, I woulid like a bluey doll. Love, Scarlett
Dear Santa, I would like a Mickey Mouse robot. Love,
Dear Santa, My name is Kyara. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my brother. I would really like you to bring me a squishy. Love Kyara
Dear Santa, My name is Norma. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for the elf. I would really like you to bring me a squishy. Love Norma
Dear Santa, My name is Jonah. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for Abby and Levi. I would really like you to bring mea box of hot wheels . Love Jonah
Dear Santa, I would like a VR heardset and a reindeer. Love, Gabe
Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie hoase. Love, Maxine
Dear Santa I would like a blue toy car. Love, Addiel Burke 1st Grade Fair Oaks
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a controllen like my brothers. Love, Jayden
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a squishmallow so that I can cuddle with it. Love Melody
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a camera drone to spy on my brothers with. Love, Tate
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a toy pony to hug. Love Georgia
Dear Santa, For Chrismas I wold like a rell dog so I can play with it. Odin
Dear Santa, For Chihtmas I would like a fottball jensey. Maverick
Dear Santa, For chrismas I would like an RC car and a mega minion. Love Connor
Dear Santa, For Chrismas I woul like a big teldy so that I can
am really grateful for my family. I would really like you to bring me a bmx bike . Love Jamison
Dear Santa, My name is Maddox . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for the elf. I would really like you to bring me a motorcycle . Love Maddox
Dear Santa, My name is Jazlyn . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my family. I would really like you to bring me a bunny toy. Love Jazlyn
play with it. Love Esme
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a pocoyo and a poccyo duck so that I can play with it. Love Oscar
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like slime so that I can play with it with my sister. Emily
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a drone. Love, Judah
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like an electre scooter. Love, Everett
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like 49ers funk-o-pop because I like the 49ers. Love, Hudson
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Nintendo Swich, firetrucks, and legos. Love, Chris
Dear Santa, For cristmis I woud like 100 slim because they are fun to play with. Love, Kenna
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like an RC Car. Love Gabriel
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a turkey plushie. Love, Patrick
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a mega minion. Love Preston
me a unicorn camera . Love Alejandra
Dear Santa, My name is Charlie . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my mom. I would really like you to bring me a little kitchen toy . Love Charlie
Dear Santa, My name is Audree . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my dad. I would really like you to bring me a Barbie doll . Love Audree
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like markers so I can draw with my sister. Kenny
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like kinetic sand so that I can play with it. Love, Callie
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a toy car. Love, Grayson
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like kinetic sad. Love Mila
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a plushie to play with my other plushies. Alan Petroni Kindergarten Fair Oaks
Dear Santa, I would like a car. Love, Theo
Dear Santa, I would like a stuffed animal. Love, Ryder
Dear Santa, I would like a red bike. Love, JC
Dear Santa, I would like a stuffie. Love, Isabella
Dear Santa, I would like a sprunki set. Love, Winston
Dear Santa, I would like a crayons. Love, Ryker
Dear Santa, I would like a peppa pig. Love, Emilia
cus . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my dad. I would really like you to bring me a JJ pluhie from minecraft. Love Marcus
Dear Santa, My name is Emmitt . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my parents. I would really like you to bring me a racetrack . Love Emmitt
Dear Santa, I would like a rainbow friends. Love, Ben
Dear Santa, I would like a minecraft room. Love, Rhett
Dear Santa, I woulb like a guitar. Love, Emalyn
Dear Santa, I would like a toy car. Love, Andrea
Dear Santa, I would like a snake control a bow and arrow. Love, Easton
Dear Santa, I would like a beach barbi doll. Love, Leighton
Dear Santa, My name is Jamison. I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I
Dear Santa, My name is Alejandra . I am 6 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my cat. I would really like you to bring
Dear Santa, My name is Gaia . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my mom Sam. I would really like you to bring me a tablet . Love Gaia
Dear Santa, My name is Mar-
Dear Santa, My name is Boston . I am 5 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my family. I would really like you to bring me a ps5 . Love Boston
Dear Santa, My name is Wren. I am 6 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my family. I
Dear Santa, I would like a squishmallow. Love, Scarlet
Dear Santa, I would like a toy car. Love, Hudson
Dear Santa, I would like a RC car. Love, Xander
Dear Santa, I would like a camera polaroid. Love, Alexis
Dear Santa, I would like a crayons. Love, Everleigh
Dear Santa, I would like crayons. Love, Graciela
Dear Santa, I would like a toy kitchen. Love, Annelise
would really like you to bring mea notebook . Love Wren
Dear Santa, My name is Chloe. I am 6 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my family. I would really like you to bring me a lipstick doll . Love Chloe
Dear Santa, My name is Logan . I am 6 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my family. I would really like you to bring me a nintndo switch . Love Logan
Dear Santa, My name is Payton . I am 6 years old. This year I have been Nice. I am really grateful for my family. I would really like you to bring me a Barbie house. Love Payton
Querido Santa, Yo quiero un reloj. Gracias, Jaelyn V.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero un jugete de unicornio. Gracias, Savannah R.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero un Castillo para mis munecas. Gracias, Melanie N.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero jugete negro. Gracias Yoalti P.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero reloj sonico. Gracias, Jael M.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero savar truk. Gracias, Roeetoves
Querido Santa, Yo quiero sonic lujosa. Leonrdo
Querido Santa, Yo quiero casa de Bluely. Gracias Emiliano H.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero un xbox. Gracias, Theodore
Querido Santa, Yo quiero zapatas de futbol y set de lego. Gracias, Jesus C.
Querido Santa, yo quiero un xbox y zapatos de Gucci. Gracias Elias
Querido Santa, Yo quiero una xbox una tele una control remote. Gracis Eli S.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero juguetes. Gracias Adriel L.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero jugetes de Beauty and the Beast. Gracias
Ramos Kindergarten RAM E Program California Elementary
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un set de Barbie. Con Amor, Saira V.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera squishmallos. Con Amor, Sebastian T.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un drone. Con Amor, Gael Q.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un carro burgatti. Con Amor, Isaias V.
Sata Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un peluche de pokemon. Con Amor, Zayden D.
Yo quisiera un set de Barbie. Con amor, Guadalupe M.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera spydrone. Con amor, Akeem L.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera PS5 y iPhone 16. Con Amor, Rodrigo
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisera Halloween Godzilla. Con Amor, Adrian R.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisera slime y un skate board. Con amor, Mateo R.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero reloj unicovnio. Gracias, Catrina
Querido Santa, Yo quiero unicornio. Gracias Katalina D.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero una jugete de cyber truck. Gracias Enrique V.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero un drone con camara. Gracias, Angel D.
Querido Santa, yo quiero patines. Gracias Adriehpe
Querido Santa, Yo quiero x-kong. Gracias, Albert F.
Querido Santa, Yo quiero un play station 5. Gracias, Remi
Querido Santa, Yo quiero zapatos nuevos. Gracias Naomi
Querido Santa, Yo quiero un jugete duerde. Gracias Felix N.
Santa Clos, yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un perro. Con Amor, Victor S.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera unos headphones. Con Amor, Aleah
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un I pad. Con Amor, Magdalena
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un carro. Con Amor, Alex A.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera una casa de Barbie. Con amor, Dalliyah S.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un peluche de Mario. Con amor, Katy
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien bien. Yo quisiera muchos crayones y lapices. Con Amor, Emilio B.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un monster truck. Con amor, James B.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera slime. Con amor, Vayda G.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quiziera un squishmallo. Con amor, Sofia G.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un jugete grande de Stich. Con amor Evelynee A.
Santa Clos, Yo me porte bien. Yo quisiera un piano. Con Amor, Damian M.N.
Dear Santa, My name is Naidelyn. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a catldespxte, helo cat, ptodohecocat. I’ll set out cookies! From, Naidelyn
Dear Santa, My name is Aimee. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a toy barbe, blue. I’ll set out cookies! From, Aimee
Dear Santa, My name is Urian. I have been very good
this year. I hope you bring me a toy. I’ll set out cookies! From, Urian
Dear Santa, My name is Ian . I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a catpuomstuptde beig, kuposamro, duj. I’ll set out cookies! From, Ian
Dear Santa, My name is Aryanna. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a barbe play house, barbe. I’ll set out cookies! From, Aryanna
Dear Santa, My name is Nano . I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a Foon, veno feji sarmn. . I’ll set out cookies! From, Nano
Dear Santa, My name is Oliver. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a I w venom, I w the veno, olive satu ws. . I’ll set out cookies! From, Oliver
Dear Santa, My name is
Sebastian . I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a aot, ato, q as. I’ll set out cookies! From, Sebastian
Dear Santa, My name is Sam. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a toy house, toy cat . I’ll set out cookies! From, Samantha
Dear Santa, My name is Anthony. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a Dinosaur toys, hanoaavtaa,
aaaonyoteleuvee. I’ll set out cookies! From, Anthony
Dear Santa, My name is Alison . I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a Borbie, house, mon . I’ll set out cookies! From, Alison
Dear Santa, My name is Tyanna . I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me a naiwtbsan for my ariel toys sebastian. I’ll set out cookies! From, Tyanna
Dear Santa, I would like a Knuckles plsh. Love Hazel
Dear Santa, I would like sparkly uggs. Love, Emily
Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie doll house. Love Sofia
Dear Santa, I would like a shadow stuffie. Love Austin
Dear Santa, I would like a
Mario Car. Love Isaiaiah
Dear Santa, I would like Christmas earrings. Love Kaylin
Dear Santa, I would like a new Sonic stuffie. Love Axel
Dear Santa, I would like a blanket. Love, Audrey
Dear Santa, I would like a
new doll. Love, Ava
Dear Santa, I would like a fan. Love Kinsley
Dear Santa, I would like a vulture set. Love, Grey
Dear Santa, I would like a house. Love Emilio
Dear Santa, I would like a surprise. Love, Lylian
Dear Santa, I would like a truck. Love, Roberto
Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie. Love Adelyn
Dear Santa, I would like a stuffy copro. Love Colton
Dear Santa, I would like a lego roller coaster. Love Adrian
Dear Santa, I would like a iPhone. Love Liam
Dear Santa, I would like a doll. Love Erika
Dear Santa, I would like a iPhone 15. Love Brayden
Dear Santa, I would like an iPhone. Love Colden