Turf Matters May June 2022

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Jedburgh Golf Club in praise of Agrovista Amenity programme A granular feeding programme devised by Tom Hobbis, of Agrovista Amenity, has dramatically improved the greens at Jedburgh Golf Club. Described by those who play the course, Jedburgh Golf Club, in the Scottish Borders, is a hidden gem full of risk and reward. When a problematic 9th hole started causing issues, the club sought outside expertise. “We brought in Tom to give us some advice,” said Robert Armstrong, Jedburgh Golf Club’s Green Ranger. “We wanted a new entire feeding programme. He took several soil samples and fortunately there was nothing serious – just a lack of nutrients. He then came up with a plan.” “It was about taking it back to basics. We needed to reduce stress on the greens. After careful consideration I felt that a granular approach would be most suitable,” explained Tom. “I put together a programme using

the Compo Expert range because you get 100% nutrition and they have a very low scorch potential – which would suit the lack of water application.” Tom firstly identified Ferro Top 6-0-12 as a solution for the 9th hole. With a very fine and uniform granular size, Ferro Top ensures perfect sward penetration and is

ideal for fine turf surfaces such as greens. “With its high iron content, it has really firmed the greens up. The magnesium has also massively helped to keep a good colour. “We then moved on to Floranid Twin Eagle Master 19-5-10 which is ideal for late spring/early summer and autumn feeds. “We used two applications and it gave great longevity thanks to its two nitrogen compounds, ISODUR and CROTODUR. As a result, the club didn’t have to put as much down over the course of the season, and it therefore saved money.” Head Greenkeeper Andrew Chambers praised the programme. “The feeding programme has been very successful, and we are delighted with the progress,” he said. “We will be carrying out the same this year and I’m looking forward to the greens getting even better. We’ve had a significant number of positive comments, everybody at the club is delighted.” n www.agrovista.co.uk/amenity

Optimise your nitrogen inputs The development of readily available synthetic nitrogen fertilisers after World War II has played a central role in dramatic crop production improvements. Yields have improved five-fold on average. This phenomenal advancement is often referred to as the Green Revolution. Economical and abundant nitrogen availability means that nitrogen is now rarely a limiting factor in achieving increased yields. In fact, adding nitrogen beyond what the plant is able to properly metabolise leads to reduced yields and quality. Nitrogen inefficiencies contribute to important environmental issues. In the absence of balanced nutrition, nitrogen fertilisation can be highly detrimental. This so-called Green Revolution had a direct effect on nitrogen inputs used within sports turf management, and to a certain extent continues to do so today. Nitrogen is an essential component of chlorophyll, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes plus other plant substances and influences shoot and root growth, shoot density, cold and drought hardiness, colour, recuperative potential and disease susceptibility. We, as an industry, have generally understood the need to reduce nitrogen inputs in line with the requirements of specific grass species and performance criteria of particular sports turf surfaces. We are not driven by crop yields and 44 | TURF MATTERS | MAY-JUNE 2022

although we understand the need for above ground vegetative growth, we are far more focused on managing this aspect of plant growth in accordance with certain performance targets. Three agronomic strategies can dramatically improve nitrogen benefits:

A key technology for strategic nitrogen metabolism carbon nutrition is TurfRx Supreme. This is a reacted plant nutrient product that contains soluble carbon compounds derived from a proprietary fermentation process.


Synthetic nitrogen fertilisers applied to the soil all tend to eventually stabilise in the nitrate-nitrogen form due to microbial interactions. In the nitrate form (NO3-), the nitrogen is extremely mobile in the soil and if the nitrification process is on the surface nitrous oxide is volatilised. Forty to sixty percent of applied nitrogen is commonly lost to a combination of volatilisation and leaching. A simple and highly effective method for reducing nitrogen losses is the use of TurfRx C-85. This is a reacted soluble carbon nutrient product designed to improve soil microbial activity.

Because of soil microbial nitrification interactions, nitrate-nitrogen is the primary form of nitrogen assimilated by plants. Nitrate-nitrogen is easily taken up by plants but cannot be utilised by plants until it goes through a reduction process. Nitrate-nitrogen stored in the cell vacuole is of minimal value to the plant if the plant does not have the resources to convert it. Excess accumulation in the cells leads to chemical and physiological changes in the cells that are detrimental. Some of these effects are weaker cells which are more susceptible to abiotic and biotic stress, increased vegetative growth, and reduced turf cell wall structure. Nitrogen metabolism is the relative rate of nitrate-nitrogen conversion to amino acids. Relative nitrogen metabolism efficiency has a profound impact on turf quality. Turf that experiences efficient nitrogen metabolism will promote more reproductive structures. These can be plant proteins, amino acids and chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis.


BALANCED NUTRITION A fundamental strategy to maximise turf quality from nitrogen and allow for optimum plant metabolic functions, is to ensure that the plant has balanced nutrition. Balanced potassium nutrition is vital. Potassium is a key element for plant ion balance. A product to consider for this is TurfRx K+ Micro Crystal. This is a reacted nutrient product high in potassium and phosphorous.

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