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uou J2000

Spring & Sprung

A Final Look - Close out of the 98-99 Sentinel Experience

Boy's Tennis <,l ntmL•l up pll•nt\ ot lo,·e" to all nf thl•tr opponenh thev captured the 2A State Champwnshtp. Thanks for the guvs 1

On th e Run Seton track ran their wa\ tn thtrd place m the state meet. Robm Feel\, Carl• Sandell, and JesO'Brien arL' pictured recetvmg a fourth pl,Ke ribbnn for the h800.

The Bo ys of ummer Varsity baseball ended ih ..,eason with a second place state -.tand i ng. These men have already moved on to the next season as the• play summer ball in the Coache.., League.

The Pre s s aid it Wasn ' t Going to Happen but.. Four state tit les in a row! Seton softba ll defeated Wilcox to capture the 2A State Championship

A ight to Remember l i/ Rvan and Mike Pin tor prepare to \·enture off to the JUniOr prom ,md dann• the night a\vay

A Final Look! The CHS graduating of 1999 a group, one tlml' at t Andre\\ the Catholic Church. \\ e remember them fondl) and thlm lu(k in the future

We are the hampions Aml•rica Arena to Seton Catholic H1gh School and Thatcher High C.,chool for the 2A Stall' And the wmner was, your Seton Sentinels. It a three-peat for the program.

Doing a Good Deed The Foreign language lub gathered, conand keh ''\1v Place". The keh we;e full of toiletries and babv CMl' items to help women a ne,,·

Summer Surf &Turf

Flying High Amanda f...eilt\ and I\ nn \1L Donough, L'nJO\ ed fh ing high the The\· attended Embn Riddle Aviation School.

mile! "(ome on Shaw, put a on vour face," C heeto, whdL' waiting for their bus after a strenuous basketball game in San Diego.

Oh my Go h! Is that Hilary Clinton? Why it 1s 1 enior Elisa Rubalcava honored to meet her last summer in Philadelphia
!.__ .:: .-__, -.-
Summer Lovin Laura Greco spent two weeks as a Zonie in Mission Beach Her vacation consisted of sun, surf, and a mystery man named joe

Weekend Excur ion jov Richard \ mce Placido, and \ll!ke tern, went to Cahforma for the weekend.

" It verv bl'· tween \11Ikl and Vmce for .,IX hour., m a cramped back seat" replied joy

Colleen Hubbard in Seaside Oregon "Hold on Colleen I got you' just hurrv and get that sea shell!"

How' Paris? "Plea.,e' Do not make me tell all about m\ trip to Pari.,," ·aid Bed.:v lark he did sa\ It wa., the most beautiful experience in her life.

They've got Commitment The bovs Ba.,ketball team gave up their summer to pia: m a tournament in an Diego. Anthony Quihuis shows h1 guns in celebration for being chosen \II vr

[- '.1::: • •• •

The world as we know it i breaking through into a new millenium and along with that brings the people who w re there to experience it. YOURS are the ames that will be print d in the book of 2000 and YOURS will be the Faces of the new 1nillenium.

Our Seton Catholic Community and Family has grown in many pron1inent ways. Think of how many new Name and Face you have met this year. Whether it be through a school function or just hanging out with friend . Hopefully the e new people will b con1e more than just Tames and Faces, but lifelong friends.

We are all here making hi tory a we carry Seton Catholic High School through the Milleniun1. Each tudent has contributed to S ton' growth, advancement, and achievement. As we break through and embark on a new horizon, our effort will be remembered and priz d as the work of the new Millenium.

first European contact , about 90 million Native Americans live in North and South America

pam h explo rer Hernando Cortes

Introduces horses from Spain into the ew World, changing transportation and culture for ative Amencans. Cortes carne out a har h conquest of Montezuma and the Aztecs.

Pilgrimages to religiou sites are seen as acts of faith Road and towns develop along the pilgrim routes, expanding trade and communication in Europe Beginning in 1096 , Cru ades to the distant Holy Land expose Eu ropeans to Arab culture.

Mara Ptlt travels It Dl

Porta me explll'ers start slave trade

Memtor creates warld map Rrst Couutoat WIIODS trt bUilt.

VUica lzed l'lbber Is Invented . l'tnscutlne tal rtilmd spm U.S .

Lewis and Clark nplore A11erlttn West. Prtctlctl laterul ct bustlon lne ap_.ars .

Pi rates ter rori ze the seas between 1690 and 1730. One of the most notoriou pi rates i Edward Teach, as " Biackbea rd." The fictiona l Captain Hook first appea rs in the 1904 play "Peter Pan" which in pi res books, musicals and film throughout the century

..l. B1rchbark canoes provide transportalion for V many, alive Ameri ca ns The canoe s ar e made Y.ith a light wood fr ame covered l'<ith piec es of bark togeth er and mad e watertight melt ed pitch.

.1._ The fi rst pr ac tical whee lchairs provide ne w mobili ty for tho se unab l e to walk Ea rly models of wheelchair s have three wh eel s and hand cranks to propel th e chair

1.1._ Du ring the Revolutionary War, a submarine is V used in battle for the first lime. Built by American David Bushnell, the one-person vessel1 powered by a hand-c ran ked propeller Twentieth-century submari ne are complex, nuclear-powe red craft use d for defense and scientific purposes

France's Montgolfier broth ers laun ch t he fi rst hot-ai r ball oo n Filled l'<ith make, the silk balloon rises to 6,000 feet. Later th at yea r, th e fi rst pa se nge rs go aloft -a rooster. a duck and a sheep.

Travel by rail revolutionizes land transportation

British enginee r Ri cha rd Trevithick invents the first steam locomotive in 1804, but it is 1825 befo re ra1lroads haul passengers.

On her maid en voyage, the great steam passenge r ship Titanic, thought to be unsin kable, goes down after hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic. Of the mo re than 2,200 persons aboa rd th e sh ip, about 1,500 pe ri h

Fi rst built in 1903, the Harley-Davidson 1 beco mes Amer ica's motorcycl e in the 1950s. Raw power and a distinctive rumble app eal to rebe ls of the 1950 and 1960s and to busi ness exec ut ive of the 1990s

Humans achieve powered night. The first flight of Wilbur and Or.ille Wright's Flyer lasts 12 seconds and carries Or.ille to a height of 10 feet above the beach at Kitty Hawk, N.C.

first underground railway opens in London in 1863. By 1904, ew York City inaugurates its first rapid·transit subways.

Henry Ford's moving assembly line makes cars affordable to the masse Ford produces the first 1odel Tin 1908. In 1964 , the porty Ford 1ustang rolls out at 2,368 and sets an all-time record for first ·year sales of a new model.

1an walks on themoon.

Apollo II astronauts eil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin plant the American nag 23 ,000 miles from Earth as an estimated 600 million

..!... Fr ee ways change th e nature and pace of trave l in Am erica. In 1956, President Eise nh ower autho ri zes construction of the Inte rstate High way ystem By the 1990s, this nationwide netwo rk includes more than 42,500 mi les of highway

..!... Orbital construction of the International pace tation ( I S) be m in 199 when space huttle Endeacor crew member connect the station· first two ection ISS 1s to become the largest cooperative pace mission in hi tory.

..t.,. As the millennium begins, European pea ant 1411 food is plain and often carce Feastmg on meat i reserved for the wealthy Table utensil include only a kmfe; most people JUSt eat \11th their hands. Slabs or den e bread, called trenchers. serve as plate

Wtrl.'lllrst mtnrNIIJm II CIna .

Domestic ice che ts provide early refrigeration. Blocks or ice are cut, delivered to homes and sold for use in kitchen ice chest It is the early 1930s befo re reliable electric home refrigerator are in common u e.

Alexander Campbell, Broo J) n, is the first to deliver milk m gla bottles

For many years the neighborhood milkman is the most common way to obtain fresh milk, before the age or supermarkets.

Europe by torm.

Brought to Spain from Mexico, chocolate is so costly that Europeans water it down for use as a drink. Natives or MeXICO have pnzed chocolate since ancient times.

first opens in England. By 1700, there are 2,000 coffeehouses m London alone. Early coffeehou e are important places to transact busines Lloyd's Coffeehouse evolves mto Lloyd' or London, the g1ant msurance brokerage.

Jeli·OIs I uew IJ'eat.

John Montagu, 4 Earl of Sandwich, his servants to bring him his meat between two p1eces or bread. This way he can eat Y.ith one hand while continuing to play cards with the other The term" andwich" is born.


In sur.

Swanson creates the 1V dinner, sold in boxes de 1gned to look like television sets. Frozen dinners are possible because or Clarence Bird eye's 1929 "'"'""' '" invention or early methods for freezing food.

Amenca's first large self-service supermarket opens, followed by the invention or the grocery shopping cart in 1937 During the Depression, supermarkets become a significant part or the food distribution network

Choices expand in school lunch programs. A growing number of public chools begin featunng national fast food outlets and sort drink brands in the school lunchroom

Archery competition is a common pastime in the 1iddle Ages. Archery sk1ll is so important that English king. ban football because it takes men away I rom archery practice.

Goll1sa popular port in Scotland. In 1552, Saint Andrews is a ravorite place lor golfing. Mary, Queen ol Scots is reportedly the lir t woman goller and helps spread goll's popularity in Europe.

s engm ·d wooden blocks to print pla}ing card • one or the fir t u e or printing in Europe. card come to Europe I rom the Middle East during the Crusades.

cer IS lr5q•aa)•t:U lnl\me•m:a, h p' bladder as a ball As th mdlenmum clo es, millions or Amencan youth play in organized soccer leagues. In 1999, the U.S. women's occer team wins the World Cup.

'? I

Ba eball i first played a an organized sport at Hoboken, J., when the ew York Club deleats the Knickerbocker Baseball Club on June 19

More than I 00 years later, Jacjtie Robinson breaks the colo r barrier in major league baseball in 1947.

Athens, Greece, hosts the first modern ': Olympics. Winter Games are not held unt1l 1924 At the 1998 Winter American figure katers Tara Lipinski and Michelle Kwan wm the gold and silver medals respectively, and China's Lu Chen wins the bronze.

Parker Brothers introduce. 1onopoly, which ! becomes one or the world's mo t succe lui board game By the late 1990 , the popular game 1 available on mteractive CD.

Game show become widely popular 1V Iare in the 1950 One ol the top I 0 hows ol 1959, BC's ' The Price I Right. • till draw· large audiences in 1999 on CB , where it i the Ionge !-running game show m televi ion h1story.

M1chael Jordan,

champion hip in the 1990 ·.

..J... Literacy is reserved for the clergy and a few • students Monks and scribes laboriously copy books by hand using goose -quill pens Books are such rare treasures that in some libraries they are chained to the shelf.

Johann Gutenberg invents a way to massproduce the written word. He devises the first Western movabletype system and a new kind of printing press Gutenberg's inventions speed the spread of knowledge and literacy.

i n languag is a means of communication for some early cultu re s. It bridges language differences between societies and eventually evolves into a formal alphabet for commumcalion by the hearing impaired.

Wilham Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is first performed. London's Globe Theater opens in 1599, where many of his plays are staged. By 1600 , the great pla}wright pens at least 20 plays.

The first regularly printed newspaper is a fou r-page weekly publication, the Relation, printed in Ge rmany. It is 1702 before the first daily newspaper appears, The Daily Courant of London.


If I p ew tnltn u.s.


IYIPIIY II eiPt Bl'lllte ren IIYII 1 Ill' "e

Instant long-distance communication is possible. Samuel Morse invents the telegraph and a dot-dash code to carry messages over a wire. In 1851, Hiram Sibley founds Western Union Telegraph Company.

One if by land , two if by sea Lanterns sign al the advance of British troops, and Paul Revere rid es to warn American colonists of the attack. His famous ride also signals the begmning of th e Amer ican Revolution.

Frenchman Nicephore Niepce crea tes the first permanent photograph. His pa rtn er, Louis Dague rre, carries Niepce's wo rk further by inventing a process of captu ring image s on metal plat es.

typew riter. To keep rapid typi ts fr om Ja mmin g t he keys, Sholes designs the keyboard so that fr equently combined are loca t ed fa r apart. Th is layo ut la sts in to th e computer age.

....1.. Austna introduces the first postcards. For only pennies, postcards keep people m touch before telephones are common. Calling cards, commercial valentines and other printed personal greetings are popular customs.

Thomas Edison

patents a practical electric light bulb. Electric lights have a profound effect on society, increasing opportunities for reading, writing, socializmg and working.

ilfiYI-11 tml£1'1 lltriCtcrtwn

Movie making expenences a "golden age" in the late 1930s and early 1940s. In 1939, Gone With the Wmd and The Wi=ard of 0= premiere. Citi=en Kane follows in 1941, and Casablanca in 1942. Studio giants are MGM, Paramount, RKO and Warner Brothers.

...1.. Television is invented in 1926, and regular network 1V broadcasts begin after World War II. One oflVs mo·t popular hows IS CB 's "I Love Lucy," premiering in 1951. Television transform almost every aspect of life in the twentieth century.

patents the telephone. By the end of the millennium, missing a phone call is almost impossible as answering machines take instant messages. Cell phones, beepers and voice mail expand omnnunicati•on options.

source of news and family entertainment for most Americans.

Btrlil 111111 .

the mas market, thus the way for desktop publishing. By 1990, laptop notebook computer allow people to compute from almost an}where.

El\i Pre ley's unique blend of

blue , country, rock and gospel draw adoring fans and makes him "the King· of rock and roll. In 1956, his debut album becomes the fir tin history to sell a million copie

....1... Millions of people world\\ide crui e the V Information Highwapia the Internet. and mstantaneou. e-mail communication becomes common. As the millennium end , computer, 1V, \ldeo and telephone technologie begin to converge.

, PDIY Eipress IIIII. Mlckay Mause IJPHI'SUfil . Belll.lh iuvents lint truslstiP. KIIIAIIYm "I Hnea On •
• • TV wries lntl'll

new tdeas, including that of the glass mirror. In 127 , the glass mirror is produced m Vemce, Italy, and Europeans ee themselves clear!)

Medieval knight wear a short wool tunic and a coat of chain mail. Gauntlet (hea'1' leather gloves) and sword complete the attire, which is o cost!} only wealthy men can afford to be knight

Sp CIJCies orl i ate 11 lilly.

Men and women wear elaborate powdered wig made of human hair, horsehair and goat hair. Because the large wigs are and hot, some people shave their heads and wear a cloth cap under the wig to absorb per pi ration.

Medieval men's shoes have long, pointed toes. lndi\iduals of higher ocial status are allowed to have longer points on their hoes, orne as long as 18 inches. 1oss stuffed into the toe maintains its shape.

I HI h 1111'1

PDPDIII' far IDII and wumen .

"Rappers · ar Ubbn ••lr. uortrmn .

Cmets "'nstlesll'e Nyllastacklnas firSt appear. aseatlalaUire.

W. WII prompts sb I rat1oaln1 .

With nowers m their hair and everywhere, hippies expre their philosophy of world peace and love. Hippies favo r bell-bottom jeans, granny dresses, bare feet, long hair, bead , headbands and bright colors.

The Industrial Revolution bnngs mass- produced textiles, standard clothing siz es and th e fir st read}"to -wear garments In 1851 , l saac Singer invents the home -u e sewin g ma chin e.

Young Levi trauss comes

blu e de ni m, St rauss unknowingl y cr eates one of Am eri ca's greatest contributions to fashion

..!... Indoor malls are popular tee ns not only for shoppmg, but also for soc ializing Th e first enclo sed mall is built in 1956. In 1992, the 1all of America , the largest mall in the U S., opens in Minnesota.

to Ame rica in the 1850s and makes riveted canvas work pan ts fo r California gold miners. When he swi tches fr om ca nvas to
Pnnled In l>.S .A. 0 2000 Josl rns Inc 990382 (2191 )

As part of Rome's continuing restoration , the city unveil a plan to create an 18,000 -square -yard rambling space connecting the Imperial Forums with the Roman Forum.

In September, more than 300,000 Japane e are checked for radiation exposure after an inadvertent nuclear reaction at a uranium processing plant.

In a violent October coup, gunmen torm the Armenian Parliament and assassinate Pnme Minister Vazgen Sarkisian and six other top officials

EgyptAir Flight 9 0 era he into the Atlantic Ocean on October 31, killing all217 people on board. Although su picious actions of a pilot are under scrutiny by American and Egyptian official , the cau e of the crash remains a mystery

On October 12 , the world 's official pop lai!On hits 6 billio n Th e de ignated 6 billionth human is a baby boy born in Sarajevo

early a million ethnic Albamans nee Yugoslavia and thou ands are killed after Serbs begin a ethnic cleansing campaign in 199 Seventy-eight days of ATO bombing bring the war to an end in June An international tribunal later charges Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic with crime against humanity.

In an October coup, the Pakistani army dismisses elected Prime Mmister awaz Shanf and his government after Sharif announces the removal of his powerful military chief, General Pervaiz Musharraf.

In India, two trams collide head-on in August, killing 285 people and injuring more than 300. It is one of the worst train disa ters in the country's h1story.

In June. Thabo Mbeki succeeds Pre ident elson Mandela, South Af rica's fir t democratically elected president.

On Decemb er 31, th e U. S return co ntrol of the Panama Ca nal to Panama. Op ened to the wo rl d in 1914 , the ca nal is consider ed one of the greate t co n !ru cti on achievements m Am erican hi tory.

After almost nine years ln power, Russian President Boris Yelt in announces his re ignation in January 2000. Yelt in names Prime limster Vladimir Putm acting pre ident pending election in larch.

In September, Rus ia b gms a military carnpa n Chechen nationali ts to regain control of the breakaway republic lore than 200,000 people flee the region, but a fierce rebel resi tance stays to fight for control of the capital, Grozny


excavate 105 mummie·ma

2,000-year-old underground Egyptian tomb believed to contain a total of 10,000 mummie. The necropoli l'.ill hed new light on the Greco-Roman era and 1\ill allow

In September and Octobe r, powerful ea rthquake strike around the globe , killing 15 ,000 peo pl e in Turkey , 1,450 in Taiwan and at least 122 in Greece

In December. torrential rain· cau e Venezuela' wor t natural di a ter of t he century 1ud. lide and na h floods kill up to 30,000 people. while damage estimates run mto the billions of dolla r

In July, John F. Kennedy Jr., 38, his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, 33, and her sister, Lauren Be sette, 34, die in an airplane crash in the Atlantic Ocean near Martha's Vineyard. Kennedy, a relative!) inexperienced pilot, is believed to have become di oriented in heavy fog.

Hurricane Floyd strikes the East Coast in Septembe r, killing 51people and de tro)ing over 4,000 home orth Carolina is hardest hit with total damages estimated at a record 6 billion

President Clinton announces the removal of the American bald eagle from the endangered pecies list. In 1999 , there are over 5,800 breeding pairs , an increa e from 417 in 1963.

Cartoom t 'harle. , c!: lz ret1re m January 2000, bringing an end to PEAN UT , Ame rica'· most popular comic trip fo r almost 50 years. Schulz d1es in Februar.. the night before his last strip runs in the national new ·papers.

The drought of 1999 cau es severe damage to orthea tern and mid-Atlantic farms. Several state impo e mandatory water use restriction and eme rgency federal loans are made available i n Maryla nd, Penn sy lva nia, Kent ucky, Ohio, Vi rgin ia and West Vi rginia.

Lewis and Clark's ative American guide Sacagawea is featured on a new gold-colored dollar coin released into circulation in early 2000.

Beginning 111 1999, the U.S. Mint relea es p cially de igned tate quarters, the first five representing Connecticut, Geo rgia, Delaware, Pennsylvania and ew Je rsey. By 200 , each state will have 1ts own qua rte r

In November, a 60- foot log towe r co ll apses at Texas A& 1 Univer sity, ki ll ing 12 stude nts and injuring 27 The tower wa to be burn ed at a traditional bonfire pep rally

In ovember, protesters at the World Trade Organization (WrO) summit m Seattle provoke a show of force by local, state and federal officers. Protesters blame the WTO for eroding human rights and labor and environmental standards.

In Augu t, a female panda is born at the San Diego Zoo. Hua Mei, which can mean "China USA" or" plendid Beauty," is the first panda born tn the Western Hemisphere in nearly a decade.

On Apn 20, I , he n 11 n mou rn r o s ud1 nts go on a shooting rampage at Columbme High School in Colorado, wounding 23 and lulling 15, includmg themselves. Schools aero s the country take extensive security measures to ensure the safety or students and staff.

A bumper ticker invites drivers to call a toll-free number to report reckless driving. Officials hope the ystem will help parents ta) informed about their teenagers' drivmg habits.

An epidemic of rampage shootings intensifies America's growing concern over gun control. Many state legislatures pass new gun-control measures despite nationy,.ide contrO';ersy over restrictions v Second Amendment right

or official denial, m December a jury find the assassination or Reverend 1artin Luther King Jr Y,.CIS the result or a conspiraC), not the act or a lone gunman

.,.,.;11 donate I billion ov·er the next 20 year to finance cholarsh1p for minority college student.

In August, NASA relea es photos from the Chandra X-ray orbiting telescope of a hot cloud of gas from a star that exploded more than three centuries ago. The telescope took 23 years and I billion to develop.

In August , U S surgeons begin using computerenhanced robotic technology for heart bypa s surgery. Because the chest cavity is never opened, this techniqu e reduces pain and shortens recovery tim e

FEELit technology allows users to experience computer technology through their mou. e U er can " feel " buttons, text , the weight of a tuffed desktop folder and the groove of a scroll bar

The body of a 23,000-year-old woolly mammoth is di covered in October frozen in the Russian tundra. Study of the preserved fur, organs and soft tissue cou ld unlock the mystery of why the species died out.

Fifteen year old Amber Ramirez undergoes surgery in which half of her bram is removed to top the pread of a rare neurological disease Doctor hope the remaining portion of Ramtrez 's bram 11-ill compensate for the removed tissue

C)btrOilk:s. lnc.

eizure-preventing nerve stimulator connected to the brain The computer-controlled , battery-powered unit can last up to five years.

On August!! , th e last to tal olar eclip e of the millennium crosses the gl ob e. Thou ands of people from Canada to India experien ce daytime darkness during which the moon completely covers the sun.

The Java Rin g contains a com puter chip providing electronic access into bui ldings for students. Eventually the ring could be used as a library ca rd, digital wallet, elec tr onic ID and authentication for students' online homework.

Parents, with help rrom their doctor, select the gender or their baby using a technique called MicroSort, which separates X-beanng (remale-dete rmining) andY-bearing (ma le-determining) sperm. The success rate is about 92 percent ror remales and 69 percent ror males.

Researchers report they have successrully altered the learning and memory behavior or mice by inserting a gene into their brains. This genetic -e ngineering breakthrough may be helprul in treating human learning disorders and Alzheimer 's disease.

Researcher at Massachu ett General Hospital reveal in July that they have succes rully regenerated the central nervous system or lab rats with severed spinal cords. Applications ror human paralysis treatment are very encouraging.

The ja wb ones or two kangaroo-sized dinosaurs are discovered in 1adaqascar in Octob r. Dated to the early Triassic period, 230 million years ago, the bones could be the oldest dinosaur rossils ever round.

A new board game, lnrection, hits stores in

Fun and educational, players race around the board catching diseases, described in detail, and trying to be cured.

In October, Sea Launch Company, a multi-natiOnal consortium , launches the first commercial satellite mto space rrom a floating platrorm in the Pacific Ocean. Boeing is a major partner in the venture, along with companies in Rus ia, Ukraine and orway.

In October, biologists isolate one or the enZ}mes that sets Alzheimer's d1sea e in motion. This cientific discovery will lead to new Amencans, including rormer Pre ident Ronald Reagan, are livmg with the disease.

To mark the 30th anniversary or the first moon landing, astronaut eil Arm trong's lunar rootprint is reatured on a 1999 po tage tamp.

Cosmetic companies increasingly u e entertainment celebritie instead or models for their adverti sements. Sarah Michelle Gellar Jenmfer Love Hewitt. Jennifer Lopez and hania 1\\ain are the celebs who appear in ad

With the huge increa e in cell phones, many cities enact law restricting thei r use while driving.

Restaurant and theaters are also requiring patrons to turn phones orr as a courtesy to others.

Apple Computer introduces it new iBook laptop in eptember. The super-slim , neon-colored units follow the highly successful launch of the translucent iMac desktop.

The fashion accessol) or 1999 goes by many names power beads , mood beads and prayer beads Man) sellers claim the beads boost tranquility, t>nerszy, creati\it} and intelligenct>

In August. a Levi Strauss &Co. megastore open in San Francisco. The store features a hot tub where shoppers can oak in their jeans for the perfect fit and a computer-scanning system to help customers get the right size.

Airlines begin installing elabo rate 1 01 h entertainment systems that allow pa enger to watch movies , play computer games , listen to mus1c , read headlines or browse the Internet.

A continuation of the cargo pants trend , messenger bag Y<ith pockets galore hang at the hip or teens evel)where

A new lin e or rent ed cand les called Aromapharmacy come s in amber con tai ner s and looks like prescnption drug bottles with creative name such as Ritalert Cramprin and Valiumello.

Wireless Web access becomes a realit) in September when Sprint PCS announces the first nationwide wireles data service. Shortly thereafter, everal other providers debut similar emce for hand-held Web phones.

1agellan, a satellite na1igation S} ·tern for motorists, orrers complete U.S. mapping data, voice and vi ual Instructions in seven languages, turn-by-turn directions and a libral} of point or interest.

Shawls and wrap show up evel')where in the fashion world Holl}wood celebrities like Salma Hayek sport the fashion trend in all colors and fabrics.

Amenca that has teenagers wearing the fashionable sleeveles jackets.

Several rappers start their own clothing lines, hip-hop wear big bu ine s. Popular artist labels include FUBU, Roc-A-Wear, Phat Farm, Wu Wear, ean John and X-Large.

m·lon Jewell) that look like skin tattoo is a big hit in 1999 The nylon band are worn around

A number of hool cafeterias offer pruneburger , a health) low fat combination of and prune pur Other prune items m the work include hot , pizza sauce, barbecue sauce and cookie

After 19 nominations, Susan Lucci finally wins an Emmy Award for best actress in a daytime drama series for her role as Erica Kane on the AB Csoap opera "All My Child ren."

Jennifer Love HeWJtt leaves "Party of f"rve" to star in her own Fox television drama, ''Time of Your Life." The show focuses on Hewitt's character trying to make it m New York while searching for her biological father.

Th e Blair Witch Project, the year's surprise mOVIe hi t, is the docu mentary-style footage of th ree st ud ents lost in th e Maryl and wood s and threa tened by the presumed Blai r Wi tch. The film costs $100,000 to make and grosses $1 40 million.

ABC's summer fill-in quiz show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," with host Regis Philbin , returns m November and is a huge hit with viewers. By January 2000, several major networks launch quiz shows of their own.

Launched in January 1999, M1Ys "The Tom Green Show" becomes one of the season 's most popular shows. The Canadian host's bizarre mao-on-thestreet pranks are the show's main att raction.

In June, Mike Myers' sequ el Austin Po wers: Th e Spy Who Shagged Me proves to be a bigger hi t than the 1997 original. Dr. Evil's alter ego Mini -Me is extremely popular even though he has no lines.

The new arca de gam e Guitar Freak s reatur es two guitar cont roll er and a sc reen to hel p player ro ll ow along to popular songs

In September, the New Roc entertainment cent er opens in New York. The complex includes an am use ment park ride on the roor, two kating rinks , 19 movie scree n ·. re tau rants, an arcade. a health club , a supermarket and a hotel.

In December, actor Jim Carrey portray zany comedian Andy Kaurman m Man on the Moon.

Carrey wins a Golden Globe award ror his perro rmance

suburbia and ramily dy runction re ceives a total or six Golden Globe nominations

Set in 1980, th e cr i ti ca lly acclaimed BC show " Freaks and Geek s" rollows two groups or teens ll")i ng to make their way through high school.

The long-awaited prequel Star War.5: Ep1 sode I The Phantom Menace hits theaters in 1ay 1999. taki ng in a record-breaking 28.5 million on i ts open i ng day and going on to gro s more than $420 million

world 's first noorle s roller coaster, opens in August at Six Flags Great Adventure in ew Jerse}

The 4,000- root. toe-dangli ng ri de has enough drop·, loop , rolls and corks crew to thrill e\'e l) ride r

The Talented Mr. Rip/e), tar ring 1att Damon GW}1leth Palt row. Ju de Law and Cate Blan chett, opens in Dec ember and earn po pula r and critical prai e

Britney Spears ' album Bab}

One More Time is the econd-bestselling albu m of 1999, earning Spea rs the Billboa rd Music Award s Female and ew Ar tist of the Year Awa rds.

Computer games feature big music stars on their oundtracks Sheryl Crow contributes her talent to the Tomorrow Nerer Dies soundtrack, Metallica to Hot Wheels Turbo Racing and Naughty by ature to NBA Live 2000.

U S ales of mu ic b Latm ar 1 t shoot up 48 percent in the fi r t quarter of 1999 than ks to artists such as Rick)' Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Iglesias and Marc Anthony.

Limp Bizkit lead s th e way in th e res ur ge nce of rock music, alo ng with Kid Rock and Korn In Se pt embe r, 11V showcases the trend by ai ring

" 1999: Ret urn of the Roc k," whic h exa mines th e histo ry an d futur e of roc k music

Superstar Manah Ca rey relea es Rainbou •in November and begins a world tour in February 2000. Carey is named Billboard Music Awards Artist of the Decadr and is awa rded the di tinguish ed American Music Award of Achievement.

Saturday Ntght Ln e: The Musical Perfomwnces Volume. I and 2 are relea ed in Sep tembe r The CDs fea tur e 30 of the 600 musical ac ts that have

Backstreet Boys' Millennwm wins th e Billboard Music Awards Album of the Year and becomes the best- elling album of the year with over 10 million copies old.

In a strange tv.ist, Garth Brooks releases the album The Life of Chm Caine in which he pretend to be a fictional rock star. Games 11-ill be the mam character in a movie called The Lamb, currently in development.

Fiona Apple releases her long-awaited second album to rave review· in November and begins a tour in FebruaT) 2000. The album features a 90-word title, which i commonly shortened to When the Pau-n.

Lou Bega's rh}thmic "Mambo o. 5" hit the Top 40 in August after selling 2 million copies 0\'er eas and toppmg the chart in 15 countrie

hunger and poverty, airs live m October on M1V, VHI, the BBC, a well as radio stations in 120 nations, making it the widest heard musical performance in history.

1P3, technolo!l}

that compresses sound mto a very small file. becomes a popular alternative to the CD MP3 files are downloaded from the Internet onto computers or portable player units, making it pos ible to take a personal music selection an}where.

VHI' ''Concert of the Century" spotlights the Importance of music education in schools. The all-star sho11 include Lenny Sheryi Crow, Eric Clapton and B.B. King. as well as high-profile actors.

Rick) !arlin ta ·e the mu ic indu try storm after hi sho" -stopping performance at the 1999 Gram my Award ho11. 1artm's fir t chart-topping ingle. "U1in · Ia Vida Loca." help him the Billboard 1u ic Award for 1ale Artist of the Year.

Golr champion

Payne Stewart is killed in a bizarre airplane accident in October. Arter the airp lane's takeorr rrom Florida, an apparent loss or cabin pressure incapacitates everyone aboard. The aircraFt nies on autopilot ror [our hou rs until it r uns out or rue! and crashes in South Dako ta.

In September, tennis phenom Serena Williams , 17, overpowers Martina Hingis to win the 1999 U.S Open title

David Cone or the ew York Yankees pitches a perFect game against the Montreal Expos in July Co ne's [eat is the 14th perFect game in modern baseball history The Houston Comets earn their third straight WNBA championship in September, beat i ng the New York Liberty 59 47 to win in three straight games. The St. Louis Rams stop the Tennessee Titans at the !-ya rd line on a Final play to save their 23 -16 Super Bowl XXX IV victory Dale Jarr ett win s th e 1999 NASCAR Win ton Cup champions hip aFte r a rou r victory sea on.

In July, the U.S women's soccer team wins the 1999 World Cup by beating China 5-4 in penalty kicks lollowing a 0-0 tie More than 90,000 lans att end at the Rose Bowl and another 40 million watch on television

The U.S. team beats the European team to win golfs Ryder Cup at Brookline , Massachusetts, in September. The American's stirring comeback 1 marred by unruly galleries and a premature victory celebration.

In the January 2000 Sugar Bowl , No. I Florida

State beats No. 2 Virginia Tech 46 29 to capture the National Championship

r 1 wtn

and becomes the filth man ever to complete a career Grand Slam Aga ss i goes on to win the U S Open in September


competition is held in San Francisco in June and July

In June, the San Antomo Spurs wtn their first BA championship by deleating the New York Knicks lour

'!Wenty-year prolessional hockey veteran Wayne Gretzky announce hi retirement in Apn11999 alter or 61 records '!Wo months later, "The Great One" i inducted into the Hockey Hall ol Fame

Pastrana, 15, wins the gold medal in the X Games' inaugural Moto X lreestyle motocross event. The filth year ol this ESP -sponsored The ew York Yankees win the 1999 World Series in a lour-game sweep against the Atlanta Braves

As time zones welcome the new millennium on January I, the world celebrates l'.ith grandeur, pageant!) and pectacular fireworks. Pr esident Clinton give a hopeful speech in the mmutes before midnight at the Washington Monument, and 2 million people gather in Times quare to watch the ·pecially built 1,000-pound Waterford Cl) tal ball drop at midnight.

Fearing the collapse or the world' banks , utilit ies and Iran portation sy ·terns, thousands of people toe up on food. water money, ammunition and After midmght. it soon become apparent that th e preparat ion s were unnec es sary

A surpr is ing number or people, appalled by the exorbitant costs or travel and events. decide to stay hom e on ewYear 's Eve. Many companies and performers drastically sla sh prices as a las t-minute lur e.

quare ew York City, ew York
Pyramids Cairo, Egypt
The EiHel Tower Paris , France Space eedle Seattle, Washington
Ptir. l

Juniors Rock the Floor

John Anthony

Jeff Bast1an

Javier Beltran

Daniel Bruner

Amy Bullock

Jennifer Burdobk1

Robert Byrd

Ruth Cam

Gregory Carlson

Albert Ching


Jamie Clark

Rebecca Clark

Eric Clyne

Kyra Cockrum Conner

Jeffrey Dauscha

Jacka• Davi'>

Trevor DeBenedetto armen De La Torre

Jolene DeTiege

Lou Deleo

Warren Denina

Brian Dent

Daniel Desmond ollin Dozbaba

Jocelyn Dran hak

Jeffrey Dubasik hri'>topher mery

Scott Ferris

17 17

What's Going On?

Junior eth cnaber looks around in awe with all the hustle and bustlethatgoeson during lunch.

Look Out

Arnold Schwarzaneger ampus Minister Mr. Cunningham is on the ri e as he beats the arm wre tling champ,JuniorColin Dozbaba. Looks likesom one's been working out.

!leather Gaiser

Con Garcia

Laura Greco

Lisa Guerra

Wilham Guntv

Luis Guzman

Steven Hart

Havle Heath

icholas Heller

Hugh llerme'>

Heather Heying

Christopher High

Michael Hollowell

Heidi Holstad

Morgan jans n

justin Jehle

Arin Johnson

Amanda Keilty

Bradley Kendrex

uzanna Kennedy

18 Juniors

Deborah 1-..irbv


Andrl'\\ ,\dnane Klll'hm•mann

Cregory Koe.,tner )dfrev

(_ M ich,wl 1-..ortl' \11Chal'l Koye

Dame! Knck

Sean Kruger

Rl•nae Kuh.,e

<.. ourtne\ Kuluri., Anthom 1-..uner

Ro.,Ivn l a lor

Tam;er Lamb \!lark Longanbach

!logan \1acdonald

Dulce Madrid

Andre\' 'v1cCrabb l vnn 'v1cDonough

jo-,hua Caitltn \1Icl...Ie 'v1eltssa 'VIiller

Jon Morale., \ enu., 'v1orrow

Bngid Mulltn

August armont

(ornne '\oavarro

eth enaber

Bryan Olivieri


She ose How to Have Fun Rem'a Kunse and Brittany Swan know how to have fun during lunch weet Relaxation Af ter stressing over five test, I lea t her H eying can relax by eating

Mrs Webber's famouschoco latechipcookie'>

What' s to Look Foreward to ? M1ke Hollowell looks foreword to going to his locker af ter every class, '>O he can get a g l impse of his hero, Angel from Buffy the Vampire layer.

'vlalcolm Ord

Michael Orti.t

Be tsy Pattock



Melissa Perrr

Cheryl Pfahl

Joshua Phillips

Cmtlin Racco

Matthew Radman

Christina Raschke ico le Rea

Benjam in Regan

Dana Robledo

'vlelissa Rotner

Elizabet h Ryan

Carly Sandell

Meghan auter

Er ic Schafer

Peter Sheehy

20 Juniors

l lih1beth

'vlatthew Slade

Courtnev Smitham

Adam Stem

Brittney Swan '\athan Tholl


Kevin Thompson

Dame! Valde;r

Jemlee Valero-.

l isette Villicana

Kelh Warburton

Ryan Weitzel

hristopher White

Kerrv Wilkinson


Sophomores Slowly Settling In

Tnna Anme l

\ngte Arlll'n


Ball ,ud

l'l'ter Bar,l\

(.tlltan Barnett

\1an \nn

Andre\\' Bauer

jenna Bauman

Dantl'l Beauchamp

Enn Bellefeudll'

Candice Beltran

'iean Benedikt

Bnana Bernal


Lauren Bolar

Kevin Brown

'vhchael Bruenmg

Adam Bullock

Patrick Burke

Sarah Buser

Scott Bvrne

Adriana Carnllo

Bnan Cartv

Eric aruth

Megan hurush

john Cor;,on

Ktmberly Covert

Anna utty

Elizabeth Dagger

22 Sophomores

Positive Thinking When asked \\hat Icole Kerkhof thmk., ol her Sophomore year , she '>aid, " \ltv da.,.,c., arc rl•allv hard , but that the fact that year gomg by n•ally f,1st. "

o Fear And\ Baul'r Ill> fear while he ' s on his way to C.eometrv to get hts lmal grade for the quarter. 'T m not ttHl worned , I think I' m domg

A - OK "

'>cott Da ndorf

Johanna DeKmg

Aubrey DeWolf

Detrdrc Dc\oung

\ vshali Dl•,·i

Jenna Dtllard

Andre\\ Dompier

\llaggie Dona

Carolina Ehas

tcole E'>cudero

Gregory hpo.,ito

John Fall,ner

C.regor\ 1-asoleto., Robin Fcelc\ \1tchael Fitzgerald

Hemako Flores

\!Iegan ro'>ter

Ru.,.,ell C.l•hnng

Donald C.entrup

Bret Gibson

John Gildenstern

Beau Gilligan

Ruth Goble

Sophomores 23


Straight in the Face

"-vie Greene

Antlwn\ c.util'rre/ Demse C.utman

Pamela Gutman

lorena Harnson

K<ltil' lla tt\

Edward I lermes

Colleen Hill

Bill\ llolper

Carmen Husk

Aaron jarrod

C111dace Kahler

Sarah Kennedy

1cole Kerkhof

Brvce Kerwm

Eli/abeth Kmg

Matt Kirch

onia Kirgan

lee Ann KowalC?vk

'Vlarv Beth KowalC?vk

Michelle Kujawski

Robert Laliberte

Jonathan Lessard

What a Workout Bryce Kerwin gets a quick workout before his engli hclass. Bryceinsi t thatadailyworkouti a good way to keep the ladie sati fied.

Sophomore Spirit

Jeanette Wolf and Danelle Vance flaunt their chool pirit by wearing red and gold on Spirit Day. Danell says, "Jeanette and I don't have any classes together so we try to hang out with each other between classes.

24 Sophomores

Laura I tllo \-1tchdk

llenn 'vlarttnez 'v1arl111l'Z

Lodv 'vlcDonald

Christopher 'vltller

'vlaggtl' Mtt(hell 'vlulhl•rn

'ite\ en '\.o\ ak

jan-\-1t(hael Oppus

Chri-. Owen



'\.athan l'endll•ton

Amber Perry


Len Redger

Ashlc; Rcnderman 'vlanssa '\likkt Rtce

'\.icole Rttz

'vltchellc Romanotto



Diana Ruiz

Chns Rvan

'vlegan Rvan

Candice Seeman

)l'nmfer Sherman

Paul Stlke\ l aune Smtih

Jules Stobaugh

Kelh Strom

arne Tamminen

Kat> Tammmen

Sophomores 25

Sophomores Slowly Moving On

Kelly Taylor

Mary Thompson

Alison Trav1.., Megan Trav1.., cott Travis

Joanna Usher

Danelle Vance

'VIIchelle Velasquez

Carlos Villicana

Sarah Walsberg

Danny Walsh

David Wahon

Meri Beth Welter


Kara Wilkinson

Kathryn Williamson

Jeannette Wolf

Josh Wray

Corey Young

Madelyn Yribarren

Kimberly Zadrozny

Stevie Zea

26 Too Hot Durin g lun c h h o ur it i q u i t wa rm M o t s tud e nt like Je nn a Dill a r d tr y to s tay coo l b y s itti n g i n t h e h a d e a n d ea ting ice c rea m . So h ow' th e ice crea m ? Je nn a' o p i nio n , "Y um !" Sophomores

The Freshmen

Chnstopher Altamirano

Blake Arambula

Christina Arenare


tephanie Banuoft

Bridget Barras'>o

\llano Beltran

Brandon Bnl\\ n

Jaclvn Burdolski

Ericka Bush

Alejandro Cadavid

Anthon\ Camacho

Robert Campion

Christine Carpenter

'vlolly Carstens

Louis Ca-.Illas

Edward Celaya

Kevin Celestmo

'\oathan Cervantes

Carla hee

Megan Clinch

James Conner

Ashley onnors


Jeffrey Craig

Stewart Dandorf

Shelby DaVIs

tephanie DeBevoise


SuperFre hmen jeffrey Warburton <>ports the classic uperman look as he, Arjun ud, and Jordan Goer'> di'>play their magical powers for the camera

Territorial Sarah enaber,jaclyn Burdolski, Kevin Hubbard and Carla Chee have claimed their hang-out spot for the year.

Kathleen Dodaro

Andrew Drake

Kevin Edwards

Paul Eftang

jacob Egan

Enc Eklund

Lauren Ellison

Megan Emshoff

Paolo Espaldon

Ashley Fatrbanks

' icholas Forsyth

Benjamin Fredlake

Gregory Gaiser

Gabrielle Garcia

Celina Garibay

Sean Goehner

jordan Goers

julia raham

Alina Grigorians

jonathan Groover

28 Freshmen

Frosh to the Future!

Daml'l Gu/man llagertv

Am\ Drew

Adnan Hernandu lll'rnande/ Cynthta llernande/


Drew lloffman

Heather Hobtad

Vtrgmta lltm ard

Melissa Howell

Kevin Hubbard


jacob Hyde

amille Jehle jimro

john Ketron

Charlotte Koestner icole Kuluns

Eli Kuner

Ryan KutLbach

Tiffany Lane '\!atali Lenzi

Paul Leon

rik Levitch

A hley Lewers

Caryn Licandro


Dreams & Beginnings

)effrev Littrell

)l>ssica I ozano

Kevin Lugo

'v1atthew \llaCias

C,arah MacJ...owsJ...1

'v1egan \llarshall

Bnttanv Martin

Colleen Martin

Kathenne McBryan


Patnck Me ar\'llle

Mernck McClellan

Aubry McDonnell

Chnshne \llcDonough

Brandon McLaughlin

'\athan Melcher

Kevin Meurer

Renee Miller

Tara Minatogawa

Elizabeth Mistier

Anthony Monaco

Sarah enaber


Ashley ickum

Laura O 'Connell

Matthew Olivieri

Cortney Ott

Katherine Parker

Ted Pattock

harles Pelzer

30 Freshmen

Freshmen On the Move

What Do You Think Amy Harris, Alicia Quihuis and Julia Graham stand back and check out the superheroes between classes.

It 's All About the Spirit Fre hmen Jim Conner, GregGai er, and ate Melcher look pretty proud of their spirited clas after the Homecoming Pep Rally.

Jenna Pena

Austin Perry

Theresa Polowski

Alicia Quihuts

} icholas Radman

Jessica Radzik

Jai Raja

Ashley Raposa

Leah Rappazzo

Brandon Reichardt

Alisa Ryan

Deanna Sabori

Edward antiago

Ju tin aul

A hley Schmitt

Kristina Schweinberg

Carl Scott

Marc epulveda

lint Sever

Sydney Sheedy


Fears & Cheers

Jacob <..,Jadl'

Rvan <..,mith ICo Spattt

DL'anna SpL'tz

Jacoba <..,pruit - '\.issen

Jeffre\ '>Varburton

Renee Warthman

joseph Waters

Alana Wirth

Corey Wisdom

Kristopher Yakaitis

<..,tl'tn Rachel '-,tl'in \ qun Sud

)l'remtah Sulli \ an '\. lam bone


Jamte 1 an

Crvstal Trapp

Stephen \'illabona

Breanna \\ alker

The Show Hasn't Started Yet! ick Fo r th a lr a d y s m s h y pn o ti ze d as JeffLittr e ll , Jai Ra ja,a nd D a ni el G u z m an wa it fo r th e H y pn o ti s t to begin th e s h ow.

Did I Blink? La ur a 0 ' o nn e ll a nd Joe Stei n eage rl y awa it th eir fir t ch oo l p ic tur e of hig h ch oo l.

32 Freshmen

\l,u\ 1om \nthl>n\ !Pnna


)ol Burl..l• Burl..e

\ iLl-.1 lampbl'll lhinLh

J)l,llll' ( ]\1hn lunnmgh.1m Dahinden

'ih.Hon Dandllrf

)l>nnifer Danieb

\1.Hl De Rosa

\lana Dl'tiegl'

\1,Hnann Eml'r\


[),1\ l' Ference !'egg\ Foote

\1.u\ Forsyth

Kathll'l'll Franjl'\'il

Faculty & Staff 33

'\ann l.unl\

I 'l'lllw lll•.Jth

l inlh !Iottman

'-.arah Knapp

Jud1 k.nck

f lt?abeth Krmgs

lisa l.aliberll' ll•ll•sll' I angl'lltl'r

Ttm Lauer

Shll'r Joan \1aril'

Ron \1en•rs

RICardo \1orl•no fern \1utlin

Ste1·e '\ache

Doug '\oiH' \1artha Omohundro

Sister Con.,uelo Pacheco

Bl'lh !'attock

It I (1f"l'l1 l.l\fl/<lll'S l,Hril' l.rah.1m
34 & Staff

Where There is a Will, There is a Way ·

Faculty & Staff 35 }1m Relph \1an \nn Rith [),l\ id
Richard ';ud111g Rvan \1an Jo
S<1ndom1r Karen Sl•lf 'vlart\ Spruvl jackie Tambom• 1 ard1buono \1an anne r had.l•r Beth Trotti Ra\ Valenzuela Rachel \'elardl• Louann \\ <1lthl•r j ud \ \\ ebber
36 Academics

Brain l'ood hile are their at break \tiller, L1ura Greco , and Bng1d \1ullin are buw tlwir \\ 'Jth 1-.nowledgt'.

Late Again! Semor '\Jcl.. Garza on running abilit\ to beat the bell

Education Contemplation

The Hip Bone is Connected to the, Leg Bone Another fun day 111 anatomy for these eager learners.
Dent is the arne and Music i his Game Junior Brian Dent uses his study hall to prepare for playing his horn. /

"-eeding \llore than a Ratfie RL ndon md r fl l t.ll \\'Ork h lrd 111 n·IJgton ' I n•.1ll\ likL· hln' pl' ople \H'Iumwd nw for mv vear lwn· .1t '1l'lon ," Tncta \\'tth a big

n Buen juntor \nthom Kuner, a k .1 " H C.olfL, " in 1 " ! IO\'l' 111Ulh m\ h.1t ." \nthl111\ gl'h to ,, little l'•Hh Iw l ln fl'\ ' IL' ''' hl• dl'fimtl'l\ a good f n ( ( .Huth "' le C.rt'l'lll' , \ltdwlll> \ L'l,hLJlll' / , ( 0\\'en , ,1nd \1att Bakl•r gl'l some last mmute done dunng lunch But arL' thev studving or are f·ric and reallv pl.1 vmg l a kula twn ga

In w e o f Ph ys ics? Candice eeman and S,uah "ennedv reallv appreciate the l''-tra help and attention from ne\\' phvstcs teacher 'v1r. Lauer. Candice " Mr Lauer ,, great tl•acher I look tro'' .ud to e,·en d,n ' "

Sur f's p ! Surfin g the et Chris Todd and Bnan "erie\ take full ad' ant.lgL' of the computer thl• librarv ThL'\' otten use thetr luch hour to use the Internet Chns thmk it's cool logging on the mternet and checking out the

What's Your Most Stressful Class?

"Geometry, because there are too many math problems."


Ee ni e, M ee n ie, M i ni e, M oe 'iopho-
and Danelle \a nee wh1d1 red Eve ryday Academics
Day In & Day Out T h e N ex t P icasso? \Ia\ be' nwn Jeremiah Sulli\ an, Rvan ,1nd ltlll C.rotn"l'r Wtlrk hard at cn'at· tng tna...,terptl"c...L'"- tn \1r J·c...'fL'IlCL' ,1rt
Carne Tammmcn
Camille Jehle, 9 because Mr. Richard's tests are really hard." Scott Dandorf, 10 John Anthony, 11
-: - .:-::;:: v• ::·
because there's too much work to do." Sean Sweeney, 12 because we have to read painfully boring, insanely dull books."

Save d b y th e Be ll Towle and Dl'Tek '>m1th know the only remedy for their bon•dom the bell (orne on a t look hkl• you ' re h ,l\'ing fun

I Think, Therefore I AM enior Rick IS the epitome of studious dedication. omeda>, he JUSt m1ght take over the world.

D i n ey 1 0 1 ? Sophomore Will 'vhcke> ears seem to help h1m 111 French class Too bad Beth Dagger have a pair

Lookin g to th e Future 'ienwr (elena Leon meeh w1th an ASL rl' prL'Sl'ntJ\"l' to d1scuss all ASli has to offl•r It ' s always to know e'\actly what you're getting into.

Have You Been Eating enough lately? Ginger Howard and Mario Beltran take advan tage of Seton's skeleton to aid 111 their science education.

That ' s What Friends are For ophomores Ka r a Wil k inson and Marv Basha review notes during break.

Creative Learning

Teachers find ways to make learning an enjoyable experienc e .

Cas tl e T rea t \ilaggie '\1Itchell and Rendl'rman are makmg a from the Middle and add a to nwdil'\·al architecture

Ge ttin g to Kn ow You Semor Amy '>tol7e tra,·eled with her to the n•teran home to and to gl't to kiHl\\ lwr new ,.ell'ran buddy

I S c ream c ream Ch e mi s try? Whoever would have thought chemistrv could be vummv? enior Derek Smith and ju.nior Trevor

D Benedetto are JUSt getting into the fun of making ice cream tn Mrs. Gunty's chemistry class.

-.....- .. .. . ,\ O !.._ /Mi
. - -. - - ;,, ' 1
Cooki e for Atom s Warren Denina used his love of cookies to help him "get the grade" in Mrs. Gunty's chemist r y class.

Leading the Blind Senwr Susie Benson helpl•d children and adulh to see what 1t i !i k e to be blind dunng " White Cane Dav " at the \ 'eteran Hospital.

Lig ht Bri g ht , ig ht Lig ht l \ JlltLan,1 and Suzanna Kennedv and SenJOr Amv Stolze work together on thL•Jr lab Who knew could bl• fun 7

Generation to Generation Senior Brvan "-1rch to the of \ \ \\ ll told bv veteran budd\ The senior engli h cia took a trip to the veterans home to e'\perience a nC\\ per pcctJ\'e of war

A ti c k y i tu a t io n lou Del.l'O
l''\ ·
and l Cuzman get thl•ir tickv workmg on a gum
periment in tlwir I thought gum allowl d <1l chooP

D eci ion s, Deci s ion ! With o.,o manv different foodo., in front of him, Jumor V\ arrcn Den ina trieo., to LkudL' wh,1t to d1nthL' Ill' t dunng ultural Awareneo.,s'o., food da\.

Chocolate 's An y one? Semor Keriann Espero.,on \\ aih patiently while o.,enio r o., Am) \1iller and tephanie Yakaitio., chooo.,e whether to bu) a candv bar with or wit h out nuts.

Cultural Awareness

jill Patterson , Ashley Dauscha , jeff Dauscha, Warren Denina, and hns High Front Row· Mrs f Ieath , julia Patterson , Hilary Yribarren, Amelia Kwong, 'VIichell johnson, Celena Leon , Emily Hyde, Daniel Beauchamp, Graciela Badilla, Lynn McDonough, Courtney Ott, Debbie Kirby, and Elizabeth Sill ot Pictured : Albert Ching, Amanda Keilty , Courtney mi t ham, Sarah Walsbu rg , and Madelyn Yribarren.


Alma Hernandez, jenmfer Laliberte' , Kenann Espersen, Mrs. Langellier, and Celena Leon

Back Row: ean weeney , 1ck Adamo, Ken ann Esperson, jenmfer Laliberte', Alma Hernandez , Carmen de Ia Torre, Donnell 'vhcke\ ic us , Alejandro Cadavid,

A Look into Your Club Life .

When the final bell rings some students dedicate their time to participate in the clubs and activities that they love .

Lis t e n Whil e You Eat 'niors Joy Richard, Emily Hyde, and Amelia K\\ ong use their lunch hour to discuss what to do for the nextSADDactivity.

Left Foot on Green ophomores Sarah Buse r and Liz King think this Latin twis ter game is no sweat during club activity day wile DeeDee De Young wonders how she will turn herself into a pretzel in a skirt.

Latin Club

Bacl-. Ro\\: Bob Laliberte', Greg E!>posito, 'V1Ichael Fitzgerald, Colleen !!ill, :'vkgan I·ostl'r, Paul Leon, and john 'V1cBrvan Front Row rv!adelvn 'r ribarren, Ms. Knapp, Jamie Clark, Hilary Yribar ren, '\ icole Kerkhof, Pamela C.utman, Lynn McDonough, Lorena Harrison, and Sarah Buser. ot Pictured can Benl•dik t, Car la Chee, John Corson, Stephanie DeBe\·obe, Ashley Fairbanl-.s, Greg Caiser, Sean Goeh n er, Jon C.roover, Denise Gutman, Heatl1l'r llolstad, Bradley Kendrex, Icholas Klusman, Daniel Krick, Hogan 'V1acdonald, Kate \llcBryan, Christine 'V1cDonough, Brigid Mu llin, Laura O'Connell, Alisa Rvan, Clint Sever, Ben Thompson, Brighid Tomasik, Chn!> White, Theresa l'olowski, Carl Scott

Students Against Destmcti v e Decisions

Front RO\\ icl-. Adamo, teven Earh R\ an Dumpier \1Iddle Ro\\ Emily Hyde, J....eriann Esper'>en, Katie \1itchell knmfl'r l alibcrte, HcathL'r hhart, and 'V1rs. Laliberte'. Front RO\\. Hilan 'Iribarren, Celena Leon, Lizzie Mirriome, Ameila Kwong and Joy Richard.


Ca r vi n g p a Goo d Time 'viit he Ill• lltlan 't nbarrl'n , 1-..atll' Burke and jenmfer Laliberte' can·l· for the \.liS Halltnn'l'n Danrl' " The Dance reall\' tun f n•n though nnt a lot tlf pl'Opll• 1n•nt. thl• who d1d, had a good tinw, " l!Ilan

A Year i n th e Ma k i n g \m\' Bulltllk dol\ n w1h her lunch gl'h read1 lor the !'rom Committee 'vh•et· mg.


Prom Committee

Ms. Franjc1 IC , Carnwn De l.a Torre, Katarina Zo1 ko, Cheryl Pfahl, Margaret /ylla, ourtnev Kuluris, Heather !!eying, Mrs. Dandorf, Dulce Madnd, lleidi llolstad, Dana Robledo, Amv Bullock, !leather Gaiser, Kclh Warburton, "Jicolc Rca, Carly Sandell, and Beck\ Uark

National Honor Society

tt e nti ve Li s te n e rs jumor Carmen

De La Torre and senior Heather Erhart listen closely to the presentations on tutormg other students and doing school service projects.

Ke y in g It Awa y Sophomores john Lassard and athan Pendleton enjoy their lunch hour working on the computers with the computer club.

Bradlt.•\· kt.·ndrt'\. , ( '\Kk Hdlcr Heather Erhart Anthony Kunt:r, Jcnnttt.·r Lalibt:rtt· ,John \1arqut' '\Kk ,\d.lmo , Bnan \1urphv , Ryan Domptt.•r,Ch.ld Brut.·mng. Stt·pht·n Earl\' Ent: \\ \1r.., Dahmdt.·n, \1r Knng.., , '\a than Tholl, \1ichat.·l k:ortt•, }t·mlt.>t' \'alt·ro Kcnann E pt.·r..,t·n, (..unH:n Dt• L.1 Torn•, Hil.uv ) ribarn·n. Tn ha ftt·rmt· Annt.• k.lt•mt•n.., Ennlv (,oble fl' ...... u l (.YBrh:n 1\.,\l,l' Burh• lu Rv.1n. C.uh c;,,1ndell , l vnn \h.Dtm<tugh, I·mth llydt:, .1nd Lrq; 1\.ol Computer Club
McB r yan, Kate McBryan, a than Pendleton, Bob Laliberte', Jules Stobaugh, Donald Gcntrup, justin Saul, Andrew Greg Esposito, Brian Dent, Mr. Anthony, John Lassard, and Chris Ryan


A Good Beginning \Irs. Tambom•, sp.mtsh dub moderator, ts proud of how wl'll thL• spantsh club's first vear ts gomg. The members are dedtcall'd and thev are reallv mtere'-tl•d m the cui tun· "Thl'y' rl' a great group of kids"

lub Discussions Spantsh Club officer, )Untor, Margaret Zylla, and \1rs. Tambone, discuss plans for a '-pant-,h club meeting later on.

Spani s h Club

French Club

The Power of Technology Sophomore Dame! Beauchamp and freshmen Loutse asillas take ad\antage of the french programs on the computer.

Don ' t Be Late! ophomores Mtchelle Kujawskt and Ruth Goble are on thetr way to their most exciting. pirit club meeting.

Spirit Club

Top ArL'n.Jrl', CabnL•IleC.arua, I loll" /.a Meg han '>,lutL'r, Marrow, Margaret /vlla, jamtL' Callahan, Mtchal'l Korll' Bottom Carly Sandell, Stephanie Bancroft, Courtney Cottrell, jentlL'L' Dulce Madrid, Courtney 'imttham, Cornne '\lavarro, Marissa RL'\'•lte. Top: Donelle MtckenCtus , Kenann Espersen, Carmen De La Torre, Debbte Kerb", Albert Chmg, Dame! Beauchamp, Louise Casillas. Bottom: Alma llernande/
- ."'......,.... '
Top: Anna Cutty. Middle: jessica Ballard , 'v1ichelle Majewski, Diana Ruiz, Megan Ryan , andice Beltran, Ruth Goble, Mrs. Sandomir. Bottom: Mtchelle Velasquez

Putting their Heads Together 'v1tthelle and Albert Chmg go tl\ 't'r tor ,, Student Count il l'\ t•nt

In ge nu i t y Brianna and laura O ' Connl'll p.1mt to donuh and hot chocolate for earl\, cold

Pl a nnin g A h ea d Seniors Rvan Dompier, Liuie Mirrione, Fmily Hyde, ick Adamo, and Junior Chns Emery , go over the schedule for the sphomore retreat

Training to Heal Mr. Moreno, the Assistant Sports Trainer's Club moderator shows how to correctly wrap an ankle

Student Counc i l Top: Anthom Quthuts, \lhert ( hmg Rtd, Colltns Br,ltllt'\ Kendre , ['I Burl-.t•. Bnanna \\ ' tll-.11" , ]l>nmter l ahht•rt<> \.Iiddle · V.tllll' ]l>nnl'tt , ! mil\ (.obit \mw Klt•mens. )l>sstt,l t )'Bnt•n , \Villhllll Bt•ssl'ttl>, Brandon 'v1d .,lllghhn Bottom lcolt•
Mu hl'llt•
,urit• 1,ln1mint•n ,
,,lur,l () ' <.. onndl, Rvan Kut/h<Kh
, l
Retreat Team fop: Mr ( unmngham , I lolly /ap,1ta, Vt•nus Morrow , )t•nmfer Burdolski , Justin Mulltns, De La Torrt' , Ill-ather l.:rhart , )l>nntft•r Laltherte, Katlt' Mttthell , Keriann Esperst'n, Madeltne Dipprt', Emilv Gohlt•, Stephen Early Mtddle· Susana /eumer, Trarv Kr,1!-.ora , Brandon 'vlistler, Am\ 'vllller, 'vlatt Mvskowsl-.i Bottom · '>ara Keiltv , '>tl'phanil' '\ al-.attas, Dulrt•
Assistant Sports Trainer's Club Top: Matt Mvskowski, Mr. Moreno, Lizzie Mtrrione , Ltndsay Anderson, Katie Mitchell. Bottom jackie Burdolski , KatvTammmen, Brandon Mtstler Not Pictured· Maggie Mitchl'll and l indsavCatania


W h at's Your Job? Juntors Br,Jdlt' \ l<..endn ' nd , \!bert ( hm g an• two of tlw '->entuwl Ambass,Jdors thts \ e.H Tht' Senttnl'l Ambassadors sh o \\ thetr '>l'lon pnLh' bv m.1kmg all \ tsttors ft•t•l \\ eln>mt•

Do It With a Smile C...entors ]l>nniter l.ahbt'rtt' ' I·mth C. obit· and sophomore Ruth ( .oble \\ att for thl' ml'ding to gt•t st,l rted " I It kt• bt•mg a C...t•ntmel Amab,Jssador , I get to help out all tht' m •w studenh ," savs Ruth

Sentinel Amba ador jcnmtcr LahbL•rlL' ', Bradll-v l<..cndrc, , Willv Jennett. \lbL•rt Ching , Anthom l<..uncr, Rtck Anne LmtlvC.obll- '-tcolc hcudt•ro , '.1a:ht•llt• Romanotto , Ruth Cubit• , Briann,l Angtt' ·\rucn, Amcha Kwong , )0\ Rtchard , ( l'lcna IL'On , Fmtlv llvdc , I'J Burkl', r,lr o l .Jnd Knck

Che Club

M iller , \llichael Bruenmg, Danny Walsh , Levi Redger , John Falkne r , Daniel Beauchamp , Michael Korte, Kate McBrvan , \!Irs Langellier, Brvce Kerwin, Andv Bauer, Justin <;au! C,arah Mackow.,ki, John \llcBry.1n , and IV!att Km: h

Th e Jo y o f trat egy " I jomed the chess club bt•cause I like to plav cheo.,s and it ' s a fun way to spend the lunch hour, " -.avs-.ophomort' john \kBn an as Le\ 1 Redger ploh ht-. ne-...t mo, e

The y Repr ese nt You '>enhnel Ambassadors, Amelia Kwong and Emt ly Hvde JOin their club mates at a lunch time meeting to dtscuss the events that will be happening dunng the Jr. High \ isitation Day It is important that they know what goes on becau-.e they represent us as a -.tudent body.

ining the Trainer Mr. Moreno eduhis sports tramers on the '>Ctence of ing to athletes. Lmdsay Anderson, e M itchell, hris Arenare and Katie the serisnt•ss of t h e matter


There is an air of expectance hanging over the heads of the students. The expectance of the new Millennium and the new things that come along with it.

Fun and Games are an essential and dynamic part ofYOUR high school experience. With each new face, each new athletic victory and each night out, we are painting the picture of the last of the nineties and the beginning of the unknown.

Sports has taken a tremendous step up this year to the 3A division. Their endurance and stamina has been tested to the extreme as many teams found themselves traveling to the dark and unknown territories of the state of Arizona. Those same sports teams did not return to the comforts of their homes until the wee hours of the morning .

111 &Gan1 51

Aauurrgh!! :\1lcht•llt• Umch ,1nd ltlll\ ,1 Rt•dgt•r mal-.t• a mmutt• clwduk changL' ''I'm happ\· September fir,.,t camt• o qlllckh and it ' ,., pa,.,t! " e--.clainb f-or,.,vthe Th1.., time of n •ar 1-. lll'r and

Dazed and onfused h,•,.,hman 'vlatt :\laua "'' arche-. for hi,., ne--.t Lla -. The tre-.hmen '-<' L ' med to ha,·e en)tl\·ed tlwir fir t day of -.chool and pacl-.ed in tor a long haul

Meditative Contemplation JunIor.., '\Iathan Tholl, Kerry Wilkinson, and Senior Willie Jennett contemplate the meamng of life and their weekend plans athan says that, "art is a very thoughtful cla..,s "

Theopeningdayofl·chool at Seton had many students excited to fee thcil:fricndl while others werejust excited to be at school.

All miles! Freshemn Je<.,sica Haggertv, 'Vtelissa Jimro , Beth \ili..,tler, Katie Parker and Teresa Pow wind down the school day with a nice chat.

52 Student Life

About Time! f '\.,ttlMn Mekher Ill' t in linl' to rl·cein· -.clwdule on onl•ntat1on. \\hen what he thought of htgh .,, hool, :-\athan "I ltke Sl'lon mmh better th,tn Qul'l'n of l'l•,tn• we are no longer treatl'd likl• 1\ntvear "

Peek-a-Boo! can \1H:hal'l C.ildenstern dtligently readmg C.oH•rnement book in VIr. Mtke s.ws he is ltckled that hL• a Supl'r Sumor n•,u

a n 'l Touch This! Uwn lethal hand that the ren•tn•d trom C.unt\ l>n the d,n ot \\hal a great idea' All the gi,·e to thetr for coming back to school

M a kin g Mon ey Mr. Ference was a man during the opening day of the school vear at the book store. I iere, sophZtmore transfer student, !'ringle helped b\ the \HtndL•rful Mr-.. Heath to get organt.ted.

Oh M y Gos h ! Annette Altamirano '' lwr hl•ad around in to IL> the late-.t gosstp, talk about hL•r -.ummer, and don't forget, how e'l.cited to be back m school learmng Rtght, Annette' She says, "I hope this ,·ear will be the and lull ot great before Ill\' and I -.eparate to go off to college."

Student Life

shes to shes llw d<'' ,1statmg fin' <>I ·s I l<'sl<'d tlw Sl'lon C\>mmumtv's strength and Lkditatwn to our school

True Devotion '>r loan \1ane'.., lo\ e tnr '>l'ton i.., summt'd up "·lwn she sa\'s, "Ot ,111 tlw plan's that I han' t,lllght m> pl,ln' has L'H'r nwant more to lllL' than '-,don."

Blast from the Past Anyone who has ever complamed about a computer has never had to use a type writer. Fortunately these devices are nearly extmct.

Seton Throughout the ..y cars

Fashion Crisis l.ook at thost' shorts' 'r ou'rt' probably asking yourself, did thev choose to wear those shorb or wt'n' tlwv forced to?

t)4 s

Peace and Quiet Th e re ce ntl y re m o d e le d q u a d s ta nd s e mpt) , but will m o m e nt a nl y bt' flood e d 1th stud e nt s rushm g to th e ca fe tl' ri a fo r lun c h.

What w a s o n ce dirt and g ra-. s , is n o w ni ce ly surfa ce d with brilk path-. a nd sh a d y tr ee s fo r students to sit und e r.

S wi s h <..,,ott Tr,l\ ,md fosl• \\ r,l\ \\arm up bl'lon' b.Jsl-.l'tb.lll pr.1, IIll'

b: shooting thn'l' pullltl'r-. \\ lwn 11 comes to clotlws .1nd l,hhH>ll, "'"tt says, "J USUdiiV JUSt thrPW 011 wh.Jt ever clean."

H ar d a t "\.\"o rk "dr.l "',II\ .md "a til' \1It,bl'll qtml-.h tn It• !imsh their pn>Jl'l t Lwtorc tlw bl'll nngs lor lll''t fWriud \\ 1th thl' Ill'\\ unnputl'rs to '-,l'fon, lt•,Jrnlllg 1s mu, h mun• l'llJOV,Jbk· .1nd mll'rdLII\"l'

• • Whatisyaurpredictionfor thenewmillenium?

"I think th<1t I will become <1 t<1moth mo\ iL' '>t<H <1nd mcHf\' Brad Pitt. \\'hc1t could be better than that?"

I <1ur<1 O'connL'Il crradL' g t"l

"I think cr<V\ thing..,\\ ill start happL'ning, likL' dogs walking peopk, or Seton\\ ill gl't dnotlwr n1icnn\' d\'e."

Kvic CreL'l1L' rrradL' I() ,....,

The Power of Spirit 1 ara "'' and 1 rtlta I \\"l'r<' <lutnumbl' rl'd b\ and two Sptrit in tact, thl'\" k•d tlw w,l\ "

What Curf ew? Team bonding and exterior decorating made team extrodmarv Coach Bnan Hemp found that out tl1l' hard way b that \ Vh> thev call vou -0-A-H??

It 's th e Soc k s b that the Cat in the Hat? Is that Dr Seuss? "\o! It is Beh\ !'attock making a rare appearance readv to defend her team the Tub,1 Citv , \1\arnors dunng the first round of 1A state

KABOOI\!1!! l ,, , ,1ptain Tiffall\ out to hl'r opponl'llh P\ hamnwnng thl' ball thl' Fountain Hill blocker-.
56 Varisit

Valley Chri tian

Florence Coolidge Chino Valley

Camp erde Parker

Dy art

Santa Cruz


Fountain Hill

Chino Valley

Camp erde Parker Dy art


River alley

River Valley

Fountain Hill

Fountain Hills

River Valley

Tuba City Overall

I Know Something th.lt you dtm'l. ltmn > \ thmg that ( t>.lL h "'m \1tlll'r that km•\\ \\ tth tlw .mttL" t>l tht-. IL'dm, ( t>.Jth prob.1bh that n>uld h.lH' tn tlw back ot hl'r ht'.ld

The Hoke" Pokey? opl', tht' cl'il'bralton ritual of ,1 that bt'camt' an act' 1 tournalllt'nt nt'ltt'd thL' IL',llll a p lact' "twpln"

12- 7 L L w w w w w w w L L w w w w L L L L w L A CE!! lumor \ tllit.ll1.1 to tl1l \\ '' kt·nburg \\ I n•n though .m llllt pL'd.mt \ httor t.lmt mto tht' loL kt'r room and thl' plnH•r \H'nt out at tlw g\·m, tlw c.,, \\"t'rt'
d H t ! Top Ro''
m1 Varsit 57
ourtne\ mttham, Tiftanv Peder-.en,
Bdw !'attock, Coach Miller, Lisette Vtlli ana, uzann. j.

Hard Working l<l,lt h R<'l11n and l ,,,lth 1-..L•rl-.hol \H1rk hard at ,1 h<'llll' im nwl't to kl'L'P tratk '''all tlw ,1nd pn,grL'"" ''' tlw sL't<m <.,wimml'r-.

wim Fast, Swim Hard Sophomore 1-..elh Tavlor her tmal lap" 111 the lllllm free -.t\'le at a home meet \1IIIL•nnium

#, .-- •-
• • .- I
Junior Swimmers Junior \llichael Korte in a rela} race during an a'' av meet in Scothdale In th1s meet, the relay team excelled and tool-. second
58 Varstiv Swimmin
Seniors Rule the Pool Seniors Lindsay Catania, Je..,sica Raftery, and \llelissa Wentworth cnjo\ a bus ride to their next swim meet. The bus rides arc always so much fun!

Ever y mornin g th e s wim te am wakes up at 5: 3 0 AM and begin to practice orne day s are hard e r than other s. But this particular mornin g all th e s wim coa c h e s pitch d in a nd bou g ht donut , milk and juice for the hard working eton s wimmers. All th fun thing s like that, wa s what mad e being on the s wim team a lot of fun

Breakfa t of Champions \ '>wimmmg 1.: l •l .,.n II II \h "'''\l' "''" ' , "' 'khnt • < , I R

V ery Earl y (ollet:n IIIli and coiL- "-erkhot practicl' their during .1 ::; 1()

A\1 ll'am pr,ldicl'

Fun In th e Wat e r lumor Am\· Bullock l a tnp down the water

aftl·r a hard prac!Kl' Thl• ll•am had a ch.mcl' tl> pl.l\ .nound .Jtllr <1 h111!-\ mornmg 1\ l>rk l>Ut

Read y, Se t, Go ! '->l•mor hie\\ allacl' from tlH· pl,1ttorm the bu//er to the race. From the \\a\ It he'll probabh win race

Seton Ho1n ec o1ning
Ba ck s tr ee t' Ba ck bov group, (clot I rom left) Robert Dmero , l\1ck Car/a , RICk 'v11ke Sh ;m , and Will\ knnl'tt perform one of their l11h Cowbo y Sp i rit Junior cowgirls 'v1elissa Perry and Katanna Zovko '>how their pride by hanging poster'> up for the class of 2001. Cl ub Ca nd y Dame! Beauchamp and '-.athan Pedll'ton and \.1egan <..Imch make a guess to Will '- HS candy.
60 Student Life
Arriba ! Arriba ! The three freshmen amigo'>, Ted Pattock , Jake Hyde and Kevm 'v1eurer stand ready to sa\·e an\ dam'>el in dist;ess. ·

Freshmen MiLhael Cravener and DL'anna Spetz \\ L're the attendant... for the newe t dass at Seton. Tlwir fir-.t homecoming and alreadv winning wvalty'

Senior Spirit '>l·nior \lldwlll• thl tropln w1th pnde

after thl• cia-.-. of 2000 announced the ot the '>p1nt '>tick I YYY2000 Sl'ton lloml'n>ming will bl' Olll' to n·ml·mbl'r



junior Spirit Dunng thl' pl'P r,1llv on fnd,n, thl' )llllll>r got a littll• wild and onto tlw court

Heated Competition After the l'owdn Puff 1nd \ olll'\ ball gaml', thl· mght out \nth thl' annual Bontm•. hl'all'd up bl'tWl'l'n ,111 tlw tor O\\ ot tlw '>pmt C..,tllk.

Sophomore.., Adam Bullock and \1egan Tr,n j..., represented the da...,..., of 2002 at the Seton Honwcoming football game and daiKL'.

For the Junior cla...,s, Peter Shel'l1\ and Amv Bullock \H're the HonwLoming attendant.... The W\,11 coupiL• -.aid tlwv reallv L'nJll\ L'd the L'\'l'ning.

Hon1l'ull11111)!; King Vince PlaLidll ,1nd Hll111L'lllll1111g Queen jo\ RILhard repre-.ented their da ........ a-. thL' official rll\ al LOu pie at the \1a-.quL'raLk Ball (Stand mg in for \ incl' i-. hi-. father.)

Student Life

Team Effort

entinel players

huddle up and g t ready to pound

t h eir oppone nt s once agai n .

Th e Man Behind th e T e am oach the entmeb head coach, fointently on player<, effort.. dunng their home game at lligh School

Pa y Clo e Attention #60, Brandon BenL:ing and #'>2, josh Mia- anche7 receive in<,tructwn from their coach. Both plavers ha\·e proven to be a great a<,st'l to the team.

Go peedracer! #10, Paul Kelly, shows off his speed as he runs for another entinel touchdown.

62 Varsity Football
Red & Gold , Time-Out #I Tn·' or DeBem•dl'tto, tlw Qu.ltl'rh.lt k ,, to thl• for a brl'dther dfter led ding tlw o!ll'n'l' to another Strive For Victory!
ll Tea m Strategy lhl' '>l•ntinl'l up to gl't 111 battll' agatn.
t y Footb
Varsity Football 63
Vince Placido, Dan ullivan , ollm Dozbaba , Dan Bruner, odv McDonald, Danny Wabh , Matt Radman , \like Gildenstern, Enl Heinze, had Bruening, Adam Bullulk, Jdf Koestner , Andy \1 rabb, Tom Connor, Coarh CaCJr, Coach Dales, oa h Th1es, Bryan Kirch, Greg Koestner, Brandon Mistler, 'vlatt Slade, Jackie Burdolsk1, !-..ern Wilkinson, Zack Pollett, tephen Earl} , Josh Phillips, Josh 'vlia- anchez, Javier Beltran , Brandon Benzing, Scott Ferris, Le"i Redger, Matt l'vlyskowski, Ben Regan , Paul Kelly , Trevor DeBenedetto, 'vlike Hollowell , Dan Desmond, '\athan Tholl, Steven Hart. The ing I-oree '-< '1t•PPI ( )tt, pnn l'n to bt' ,, P""' rtu ltortl th1 ',.,u th.1t tarned tlw t,•,Jm dll tlw "a\ to tlw pia\ oth Fast as Lightning Tom llllnur sho\\ off his b\ runnmg though and gaining

cton 's Varsity hccr qund Encr/i:cs

H ig h It

"enlllr "tiZit' luban R a httlt• t,,,, t''\CJtt•d t,, t<> bt•d ,1tkr a h,1rd d,l\ ,1t ,,1mp

It'll out ''' bc•d ,b 111 11 Rl'lll'r 1,1\ <>II till' Cub,m!

Energy Pac k e d bc•dtmlt' lt>r hrt•d httlt•

Hut, ''' the'\ h,1\ c' the• ltlr <Hll' 111<>rt' Aller .111 tht'\ arc' 1t tht'lr J<>b' Apparenth "''lli<>r (.) Rrien "anh ''' !111 the ._,lei..

\.1ad e to P e rf ec tion ]unlllr I h',llht•r C.a1-.t'r .1nd '-.opht>mon• 1-..ara \\ -.pc·nt man\ lt'd!llu-. h<>ur dt'corating tht• "tiel.. to F t'rlt'ction \\'t'll, mavbe it onh· t<>ok ten minutl''>, but 1t perlt'd. nd ht'\, 11 hdpt•d thl' "qu.1d t'arn .1nt>llwr t>nt

) e ah Bab ! 1-..ara and ":\tini :\It'' k'-'- ham it up tor the camt•r,1 The\ ltn·e to -.ho\\ ott tht• lanwu" Power, d.11Kt' that t'\ t'n ont

ot on}\' 1t ,1 lan>ntt• ''' lht• t n>wd, but ot thl' too "It pwbabl: the be'>t routine ''"'' !t•arned at ('tln1p," """' ..., Kara

Tht• -.quad lr,l\ L'led tt> Lot.\ to atll'nd the LC.A '-,ummer Camp. It \\\1-. lon" oi tun ,1nd not to mention ,1 t' p<'nt'net' "I tound t>ul thmg" I llt'\ l'r knew abt>ut pt•ople, and nt'\t'r \\,1nltd to l..now,n -.ay.., l lwn I.


Practice, Practice Lonelv little '\Icki Ritz and l<>r a hard praL tiLl' Cheer not a but 11 a

A three hour practice full of conditioning , dancmg, yellmg and people m the a1r dehmteh thl• praclln• ot a true athlete

That Special Bond The bond between a n>ach and an touchmg Head \ loac:h KaliL' be In that bond Of mean that SuZie won ' t ha\·e to run When Coach three and says , Bu-bve \ That mean-. three a'nd vou ' re dlme!

p cial B nd
om quad
All Dressed p ot thL• attendl'd thL I damt , L'n•n mon• ICki
Camp Accomplishments pirit Troph 6 uperi r Ribb n A
1999UCASummerCamp August3-6
Varsity Cheer 65
Ritz nearly blew her top trymg to gl'l the picture taken asa p. , betore hair

Going the Distance

Cross Country

Determination is the key to being a memberofthecrosscountry team. Every day these remarkable young athletes go out and run their hardest, even in the scorching Arizona weather. "Theint nseheatand thetranition from 2A to 3A made the ea on harder than last year," says Junior Jeff Bastian, "but we all worked hard, and it was a good experience." But along with the tough training came some great rewards.

Sophomore Robin Feeley placed 6th in regionals, and JuniorCarlySandell placed 8th.

Fre hmen Eli Kuner and Senior Anthony Quhuis were the top two finisher for the boy's team. Robin says, "regionals was hard, but I'm very happy with finishing in 6th place!"

On Your Mark! The boy's cross country team prepares for. the long 2.7 mile race ahead. Junior hris White says, " Running long distances is a great way to keep in shape and stay active."

In the Lead Freshman Eh Kuner spnnh past his opponents on the last lap. Eli says, "Cro s Country was a good experience for me ."

All Together ow As the race i about to start, the girls say a quick prayer for safety and speed. ' 'I'm always a little nervous before a big meet, but all those feelings go away the '->econd I tart running. "

Do vou t hm 1-. lou riill'\ on? And Eh to Powerade? Wtlw! And to thmk that thb i., all at a meet!

Run! hri s! Run! jumor lhn., h1te to fini.,h thl ratt'or 1., he to get tm .,hotgun for the ride home? The \Hlrld mav ne,·er knm'

Spirit Shin e ! !:.ven when thev are hot and .,weal\, Robm Fee lev and Carly Sandell can their bnght smile.,

irl Run

Clin c h , M ega n 10:31

Fee ley, Ro bin 6:57

Kulur is, Co 4rtn ey 10:07

Kulu r i'>, ico le 10:07

Ry an , Ali sa 11 :28

Sa nd e l, arl y 7: 24

h e rm a n , J e nni fe r 8:27

Bo Ba ti a n , Jeff

Kun e r , Eli 2. Mi l e Ru n 7:5 4 6:3 2 7:06

Pin t o r , Mi c h ae l

Quhui s , Anth o n y

Whit e, hri s 7:00 7:5 1 A

h ! "\!Icok
Ummm Yea
Glimpse At Their Times Cro s Country
TopRow: oachD nni linch, EliKuner,JeffBa tian,Mi ha !Pintor,Courtne Kuluri , M gan Clinch BottomRow: RobinF eley,Carly and ll, Jennifer herman , icoleKuluri ,Ali aR an.

W h a t 's ex t ? \lelcher 111 tlw lap o! lu'l.un mormn g, bv from Sant,l , hL' r friend-, , and JoYing fam!lv

Cookie, n o n e? \l1randa Jilek ad('rn" hL' r '' llh rL' d and gn' L'n (Oll'fl'd !ro.,ting and decorati\ L ' to cl'lebrate the "ea..,on

Christmas at Se ton m e ans family tim e s and f un tim es, presents, bright lights and th e joy that Chri s t brings .

Smile ! M e rr y hri tma s! usu? and her nephew smile for the camera after telling anta just what they want to find under the Christmas tree. Bovin e Greeting s The neighborhood' around Seton were covered in lighh and covered by lawn decorations throughout the holiday season. Pictured here is a favorite, located off of Guadalupe and Country lub road.,

Let Your Lights Shine Bright <.,l' · mor f leather f rhart w1th hl•r brothl•r and thrl'l' I fl>ather and recall, , p1cturl' ml' ,1nd Ill\" po.,mg tor tlw perfl·ct ( ma' card."

I Feel Like a Kid Again Hogan 'vlcDonald openmg glfh on Chn,tDav " 'vlv pft m\ Scoobv Doo !logan


Three Times the Fun! The tree tnple the fun at the Tra\"1<.; re,idence Alli,on , 'vlegan and Sott Tran' give u' thl•ir hri.,tma., -.miles -,tandmg in front of the tree 111 their home

A Time for Family Will Bessette and family strike a pose 111 front of the tree. Will explains, "It wa., great to be with my whole famil} again, I ha\·en' t seen them all together for s1 year'>

Family & Food The Goble famil_:. stops to po.,e as thev began Christmas day. Ruth ..,av<.; , 'I lo\'e spending the hohdavs \\ 1th m\ family and also the huge hri.,tmas feast."

l a n d You r G ro und Hugh on and the as he beah h1s opponent in a fL'at ot mcrL'dlble

On Your Mark, Get Se t, G o ! Captain Dan Sullivan with intense concentratiOn as he to pin h1s opponent for a team \\'111

p Clo s e and Pers onal enior Brandon Benzing works vigorously for a take down, which will help lead his team to victory.

Time Out ophomore Matt K1rch tn to catch breath from an exhau tmg match as he receive int r uctions from Coach Riley.

Fountain Hill s Camp Verde Mogollon San Manuel Payson Antalope Tuba City Wickenburg A DB Chino Hayden Camp Verde Camelback Hayden Coronado Central Highland Chandler Sahvarita Coolidge Bourgade Globe We !wood Maricopa We !View Queen reek Dy art Wickenburg Fountain Hill s

A Wat chful Ey e Captam , enwr , Brvan Kirch, keeps a watchful eye on hi" "" thev go to defeat their opponenh

A Fight to the Fini h Sanchez fights for his home team a he attcmph to turn his opponent over for a pm.

(l dt to Right, fop ll> Bnttom) oach Rilev, anchcz, ody Mao.:Donald, tatt Kirch. \1att Radm,1n, levi Redger, Kenn Coach Ick Radman, \lark • Jai RaJ,l. Dan Beauchamp, Ed Herme-., Andv Bauer. athan Cen·antes, Jeft Dauscha, Hugh Hermes, Dan ullinn, Brandon Benzing, Br: an Kiro.:h, Fric chater, Jdt Littrell ick Forsvth, Jim onnor, Carl cott, Jeremiah Sullivan, ick Tambone, hip Pelzer :-..:OT PI T RED: Mark Long.1nBach, Adram Hernandez.

45-30 44-33 39-39 30-54 6-69 41-42 39-48 39-42 66-10 30-46 42-34 45-34 36-45 4 -36 4 36 39-21 4-73 22-55 36-42 27-58 72-6 54-30 6-72 36-30 36-40 39-42 34-28 30-48 53-21 Wrestling V - 1-C- T -0-R- Y '>ophomon· Ll' \ ' I Rcdgcr to be an to the team hand

The Excursions of Your New Year's Eve, 1999.

Who Ar e Tho e Cra zy Cat s? l oob like Jennv 'vlarrs , Amv Kujawski , Lmdsay Catania , Colleen l lu bbard , are missing Heidi Holstad , who was at work ser\'lng tlw public. These ch1cas look like thev brought 111 the '\;ew 'rear with a BA '\JG 1

ew Year' s Re s olution? \\'hen asking t h e party animal , Brvce Kerwm , what his \lew 'rears Resolutwn was, he gave us this replv , " I am gomg to par t y ha r dy and do more homewo rk ."

What were your thoughts on the Y2K dilemma?

Where did you spend your New Years Eve 1999-2000?

Where exactly were you when the clock struck twelve?

Who were you with?

What song was playing when the New Years Ball fell?

What was/is your New Years Resolution?

S mil e Bi g!! 'v!Jclu•lle ( lmch " On l'W i·n• Wl' drank all night long. " BanLroft add., , " \I!Jchl'lle can down sod,l hke nobody ' s busmes.,

Playing the ight Awa y O n ew Yea rs Eve, jake ih de was p laying his guitar. " 'vl y fanmte music to lis ten to is Pear jam and Smaslung P u mpl-.in!>, but the ba n d called Free Admission has to be t h e be'>t." \.\ow, it looks like he can really wail on his bass

Who 's That u c k e r C hild ?

KL'rrl and hl•r fnl•nd \nthon\ " \\\• went to block part\, and had a gre,lt timl' w1th ,, whole bunch llf pl•ople that we didn ' t know ."

Oh M y Gos h , M eg Ry an ! '\o , lltl ot thL \leg R\ <ln trom the mo\ IL"-., \leg Rvan \\ 1th her fnends , AhsLln Tra\ 1s , Churosh Ruth Coble and ,1 sleep\ Kenned\ ·.

It 's Party Time Emily Goble e'l.plams, 'jenn\ house was the place to be on ew 'tears," here with \\ entworth and \ kg han \llelcher, the\ guzzled punch \\ hde watchmg Dick Clark.

Can ' t Touch Thi s Scott Dandorf to know up. For my l'\\ I have deCided to hftmg we1ght., because I am getting to be like Stone Cold ten• Austin, .md the girls can ' t keep their hand-. off of me."

She's Got Game

Team captain Kim Zadrozny take it to th oppon nt in a Gilbert tourney. Her contribution to th tam are numerous a he continu to lead the Sentinel through 4A combat.

Cold Much? Assistant Coach Ms Knapp helps in the m1grat10n of fields. She was also known throughout the season to supplv the secret ingredient to Seton victory whole foods cereal Iron Maiden SemorColleen Hubbard st ruts her stuff after a match. The cold cau.,ed a little trouble with her legs; as .,he attempts to tay warm with t-shirt pants. Super tar Jumor Melissa Miller is lightning quick and possesses cat like skill-,. She leads the team in offensive stats, -,portmg 26 goals w1th 2 regular season game., left.


H e ll o, H e llo Senior Anne her lll'ading Anne another dommant player , offensive contributions are a major factor in

W a t c h Out Be rt ! Bnttan\' Swan leads a Seton attack on goal. hard work and dthletic talent to put her 111 the m1ddle of things , and in a pos1tion to make a d1fference

Kicks & Giggles

S up e r ave r !! Start1ng goalie , Courtne\ Kuluris gracrtullv through the a1r as she -.uccessfullv knocb the ball dear from the Seton goal

Heather Heying,

Daryl havez Secl1nd Row: TriCia Hermes, Anne Melissa Miller, Dana Robledo, jennifer Sherman, Brittney wan. Alicia Quihuis, Keilt\ Bottom Rln\ Tom ·onnor, Grace! B,1dilla-Guerar, Carla Chee Sara Keiltv, Bridget Barrasso, ara enaber, Carh Sandell Colleen Hubbard, icole Kuluris.

u per titious Sara Captam Sara

K iltv is sporting the mfamous lucky pi kv tape and is holding Darrina th mascot Both the tape and the ba bies (one not shown) are nece ities in eton Victory

Girl's Soccer Top V\ ow: R\,ln Weitzel, Katanna Zovko, Kim Zildrozny, Tar,, K\' 1atkowski, Kristina Schweinberg, Demse Courtney Kuluris, Coach


leanl y, S kill f ull y '\id, (,.1r.1a the ball cleanlv through the defense to scorl' n•t another goal for his team

Watch Tho e Bo y Clo s el y Th1s IS Mrs. Guntv's hrst vear as the tant coach .for the bov's soccer team. Gunty says, "Thh been a new and expenence."

S urvi v al of th e r itt es t l'l'tcr '-.hcehy and Chns Ross fight for during practice thl'\' pia\ opposite teams during a Fven though 1t practice, thl' bovs .,till take their ,·ery

Season Recap ·.·

Tim Lauer's first vears as head coach of thl' bll\ 's SllCCer team has been proven to be a successful one. Assi ti;,g Mr. Lauer m the 1999-2000 season was ancv Guntv. This wao.; also ;vtr Gunty's first vear as a coach socce; team had 12 returning players this year, and 14 new players. The Sentinels will only be losing 2 seniors next yeM. The team finbhed off their fabulous season with ,1 record of 13-3. The soccer teams played in tv•o tournaments this season, and ha\'l' taken third place in both. Team captains tor thi., season were Senior Willy Jennett, and Junior Kerry Wilkinslm. Top scorers included, Willy Jennettwithanoutstanding27 goab, PeterSheehvwith 12, Lou Deleo with 11, Kerrv Wilkinson with 10 and Seth t.•naber \\ ith 8. When returning player, Lou Deleo was asked about what he thought about the soccer ..,mson this year, he replil•d, "vou win some, you losl' some." According to first yl'ar player Jeff Bastian, "If it hurts, rub some dirt on it "

Keep Your Eye on the Ball Fresh· man Kev in Edward shows hi s tal· cnt during a scrimmage l ie might b< a freshman, but he defi n itely his worth.


11 atd11ng ,1 game On ht' tir't Vl'M ot coaching lw comml'nh, "I appreuall' tlw opp1>r tunit\ t1> coach wonderful I thmk 1\"l' have.le.um•d ,1 l1>t n·ar ami l1<1d a good ttnll' 1n the process."

Record: 13-3

What 's Your Strat egy? Andy 'vlcCrabb ktLb ,1 ball a player and toward it to gatn a one on one brakl• awav wtth the goalte. lie thL'n \\l'nt On to drtbbll• the goaltl' to t.1p the ball tn the net

Knowl e d ge is Key Seth '.enaber ma1 look a ltttle off balance as he brings the ball up he field, but he sure knows what he is doing as he the ball by the soccer coach.

Varsit Boy's Soccer

Top Rlll\ Jeff Bastian, Kerrv Wilkinson, Willy Jennett, Daniel "-.rick, Scott "-.lemens, cott Dandorf, Peter heehy, John Anthony. Middle Row: 'vir. Lauer, Hogan Macdonald, Seth enaber, Mario Beltran, Josh Gutierrez, Will BL'ss •tiL' "-.evin Edwards, John Gro01·er, tuart Dandorf, Eric Lench, Mrs. Gunt1 Front Row: Chris Rvan, Javier Beltran tck Garza, lou De!L'll, \ndy "vfc rabb, fric aruth, Eric Eckland Chn'> Ross.

l ia nt Coac h :l.lr Lauer on tlw
Bourgade wee Us Them 4-1 4-1 Wickenburg 1-3 wee 7-0 Scott dale ehr 6-0 Valley ehri tian 3-0 Parker 1-4 Tempe Prep 8-0 SanPa quel 9-1 Scottsdale ehr 11-0 Phoenix ehr 1-2
7-1 wee 6-3
ehri tian 4-1
Antelope 4-1
Scottsdale ehr 6-1

Seton Valentine's Day 2000

I am Loved! ophomore Jennifer 'iherman heads home with all her from the dav \\'hen a-.ked \dltl recen·ed them from , )en reo,ponded " \lh fnends and I deCided to do a e'change so we all felt special' "

Be Mine! Freshman Ashley Raposa s1ts at the lunch table with her friend-. as the> talk about the1r \ alentme'> . "I like \a Ientine ' s Da\ because I can send mvself balloons , JU't k1dding mavbe nott" -,hare-, A-,hley

Comparing otes Sophomores, DeeDee DeYoung, Erin Bellefuile, Robin Feely, and Kim Zadrozny meet between classes and stones about their day. Kim Zadrozny says, "I received presents and I didn't even g1ve out any!" Cupid will get you sooner or later Kim!

Cupid's Arrow Strike Again? think not. Just friends, Robert Dinero and Tara Kwiatkowski, pose for a picture wh il e waitmg to be seated for their Valentine's dinner with their own Valentines. "We chose to go out to a nice dinner as a group instead of going to the dance," claims Tara.

The Hol es I Dig Myself Into! (,utwrn•z kl•epo, deepl'r and ckqwr, but vou can tell that hi'> girlfriL•nd CollL'L'n Hill being .,poilL•d In fact , on top of all the balloons 1tis rumon•d that ( olll'l'n Tl'Cl'l\ L'd a nng from Josh a-. well I low SwL•et!

Sweets to my Sweet Paul Kl'llv a look 1>f on t.lu' knowmg h1• J1d \\ell \ alentuw s Dav "I'aul know how to tn•at a wom,ln right and make me fl'l'l lik.l' .1

Lollipops and Roses \\hat a great l om hi nation Tr<l\ mg 1>fl who ,1ll from Her response " \1v bovtriend n•allv made mv day whl•n lw had <1 houljul't of flo\;.er'> with,, note to mv cia''·

Is it Love? Anne dn·aming <1hout her Romeo who 'ent hl•r the n•d "l·\·en though 1t on ,1 \londa\ ,1nd a d<l\ , th" \'dll•ntme' Dav gn•<1t beI got to spend all d,n w1th m\ buddv," Amw

Senior Attendants: Vince Placido (stand-in: Mike Gildenstern), and }O) Richard; usie Ben on, Cheeto Villega -Gold.

Royalty& Romamce

Junior Attendants: Lou DeLou and Jackie Davi Sophomore Attendant : Jo h Wray and Aubrey DeWolf. Freshmen Attendant : Jai Raja and helb_ Davis.

Bring it On! Jumor 1--.l'lh \\ arburton L.Jils the -77 Pia\ as she runs do,,·n the court with speed and It\ Kel h has prt1\'ed to be a ke\ pla\·er for the l.aLh Sentinels this

Time Out Head oach Karen elf the girls a quick pep talk before the game resumes. This is when all the hard work in practice pays off.

II et SL' Illtlr 1--.atiL' \1itchell possess finesse as she sinks her foul shot to put the Sentineb ahead of their opponent , Fountain flills

Let's Go Girls! The entineb warm up by shooting jump shots before their game against Coolidge. Sophomore 'vlaggie Mitchell says, " We always go out on the court prepared to \Vin "

80 Varsity Girl's Basketball

Marcos de iza

Catalina Foothills



South Mountain


Chino Valley

Camp Verde


ervice HS

Tuba City

Bradshaw Mtn

RC Ketcham

Dy art



Santa Cruz

L L L L w L w w w w L w L w w w w

Var ity Girl' Basketball

A l ways in Good Spiri t s 'wnwr

K<ltit• \1itchl'll \\,lib out of tlw gvm <1lter <1 long pr<ldll'l' Although the are long and hard, Katie on a happ\ f.Kl' when 0\"l'L

L P E R ST R ! l'rodtg\" \Iegan C. domm thl• compl'ttlton b\ pr.1ct1nng ll'lt·handed I.n

"The ll'am J...md of !nob up to Inl' h>r mv work t•thtc," commenh \ll•gan

Get Open!! Snphnmorl' \laggte \htchdl for the m the game before the bl'L au li to gl't l'H'rvonl' inn>hed.

Varsity Girl's Basketball 81
Back Rtn\': oach Self, Maragarl't Zylla , Jamte alia han , K,1tie \.lite helL Joanna usher. \tiddlc Rm, : \1aggie \1itchcll , \1elissa Perry, Alana Wtrth , Jill 0,1\ b Front Row arah k.enncd\ Kclh Warburton , \Iegan huro,..h

Computers, Pagers, & Phones

On Campus 1r Spnn.rl, technologv director, attcmph to kl'l'P our e"·er failing compull'r Ill'twork fullv functional, which, 111 and of ihelf, a full time jOb

"I Love You" A Seton (to rt 'n1a1n cln "I Lo,·c lou" page between

fC c
82 Student Life
You Talking to Me? Father Lauren hard at work on his lunch break have become an part of the world today and ton i' no exception.

Hun gry? better technolog" than food? AOL is a great way for Colleen llubbard and Anne Klemens to pass borl•dom hours at a '>leepover

ge r<; Bt• tt g,1nwbov games, or tll•verly dtgUJsed calculator games , ktd., JUSt want to han· fun Mtkl• Hollowell ts te'>tlng thl• sk!lb of hts htghly tramL•d mmble fingers on the game tetri'>.

One ! Th e
o n h o u'> e ts th e h o t s p o t fo r th e jun ior g u ys to h ave bi g nin e te nd o to urn a m e nt s. Ke rr y is o n th e infa m o u s tr a in le v e l in o ld e n eye 007!
Student Life 83
i ll e

Home Sweet Home After a long weekend in beautiful and fun t. John' , Arizona, the team is ready to return home with their trophy. "We were able to do well because we adjusted after missed free throw attempts," says sophomore Carlos Villicana.

Jump for a Reason "This layup' for you, Liz." Senior Mike Pin tor ha got the skills it takes to drive by you in the blink of an eve.

What's the Plan? The Bov's Basketball team around coach Graham before the game. "Simple fact is, we need to get the offensive boards," Graham explains, "and remember Hollowell, two dribbles and shoot."

Say What?! Who says "white boys can't jump?" T-Bag, Trevor DeBenedetto sure can. If vou don't watch it he'll fly over you' a nd slam it in your face, bling-bling.

84 Varsity Boy's B-Ball

1ikl• Sh,nv and Chad Bruenmg kmm that if thev "Don't do it in practice then it won;t happen 1n the game." (After a brief strugg le had got the ball.)

A dd e d En co ur age m e nt "Whenever we need a bit of encouragement we know we can count on Hollowell and Vince. These gu\ shave the team spirit and make me want to do mv sophomore Anthom.

Pep T a lk Coach Graham prepares his Seten" A"ls for a game at the St John's tournament Three letters gentlemen, A.W.A

Us Them

Santa Cruz 82-43

Bibiqu 76-48

Cibiqu 102-56

Alchesay 55-49

Santa Cruz 63-58

San Carlos 45-46

Chinle 59-54

Chino Valley 66-65

Camp Verde 81-45

Parker 66-70

Boy' s Ranch 80-56

Ganado 70-67

Alchesay 83-72

Sholow 52-63

Dysart 66-55

Wickenburg 57-46

Superior 85-31

Chaparral 63-72

River Valley 61-46

Chino Valley 66-48

ar ity Boy's Ba ketball

th e
Get on
Varsity Boy's Basketball 85
From top left oach Graham , Mit...e Hollowell, Deret... Smith, Vince Placido, nthonv Quihuis, Coach Pin tor, Chad Bruening, Robert Dinero, Mit...e haw, Mike Pintor, heeto \'Illegas-Gold, arlos \ ' illicana, Trevor DeBenedetto, Rick Collins, Anthony Grubbs

High rimes & Misdemeanors

\\hat han' Lrtmmab \1adelvn

I ribarrL'n, KaliL' Dodaro, and Su.tanna f<...L'nnL'Lh done to get to the Room?

Sweet Revenge f<...napp reall\ got a kick out of JUnior food Seth '\enaber and Danny After thev the 1 them off and they did the rest'


Fun Detention Facts

After 11 Weeks of School: -1().! students have spent time in detention -13 have received a Friday detention

-85 have developed plans for better behavior in the Responsibility Room

Top 2 Reasons for getting detention:

-Dress ode Violations (47o/c)

-Tardiness (32o/c)

Top 2 Reasons for getting sent to the Responsibility Room:

- ot being prepared for class

- otlisteningeffectively.

Dr. Riley's Favorite Reasons forGiving Detention:

-Forging ignatures

-Failure to retum Emergency Cards

-!'vl.i treatingFurniture

Class that gets the MOST detentions: Sophomores Class that geb the LEAST detentions: SEI\iiORS

12:02 AM Eric f il'in:tL' gets a friendly reminder from the Mesa PO about curfew laws.

Garbage Duty Collin Dozbaba seems a little surpnsed to see visitors as he, Michael Ortiz, and }a\·ier Beltran tidy up the quad during after-school detention.

86 Student Life

En remembers a food fight that he at lunch one day. He " It was a lot of fun , but for some unl..nown reason I receh ed a detention ."

Eric Wn ll nce, 12

M1ke Pintor claims to be perfe t. \1 \ hen asked about the numerous detentions he has recei\ ed over the his only reply was," o comment "

Mike Pi11tor , 12


In th e Lin e of Fir e \1r-.. Cunt\ Tl"L a timl dunng her da-.-. \\hen till' drl'\\' ,1 bull-.l'H' llll the board A-. -.he w.ll1dl'Tl'd mnocenth· into the lme of tlrl' -.hl• w.1-. -.truck b\: a -.tudent who in turn recei\·ed a detention.

Don ' t Drink & Drive Senwr Amy plowed mto a blue Che\'Y pickup t r uck that at the light. She " It backed up traffic. l took a of milk, lookL•d up and .oop-., CRAS II '"

arolina received a detention from Mrs. Dahinden for " Improper use of materials ". Apparently , she threw a bulbous object , home might call a tapler ) at an un uspeeling cia smate

Cnroli11n Elias, 10

orev was kicked out of Mro, \ cla;de' s fifth period study hall for playing hangman on the table with chalk His onlv defense , " we were bored, it off anyway."

Mrs \ elarde didn t bu\ it

Corey 'rou11g, 10

What S p ee d Limit ? C h.1d flrUl'llJng, Ill to forgot to tlw hm1t, .1nd hl'Tl' w1th the ticket to pron· it
Student Life 87

Don' t Drop Me! <..,ophomore 1\. a ra \\ ha-. nothmg to ,, orn · abllllt , \\'hen shL' has -.tudh mu-.cle \\'Omen ltke '>enllH fltsa Rubak ,n a and Sophomorl' Aubre\ De\\ olf at hl' r stlk Thev han•n ' t dropped her vl't , but ll't -. kl' l' P our fingers crossed

eton Catholi c Sentin e ls a r e W e!

Even in tough games like thts one agamst Chaparral, number two in 4A, the varsity chee rl eaders have no problem pumping up the crowd with their loud mouths and big smiles

He y, What are You Do i n ' way up there taking pictures?" Senior cocaptain ilett Morales makes sure everyone on the squad "stays on 1t".

Varsity Basketball Cheer

He y C olle e n , Quit Doinkin g Aroun d!

Unfortunately , sophomore Colleen Hill jw.t joined cheer after swimming and doesn ' t get many chances to fly However the job of a doinker IS very important

Bottom Rll\\ Silett usie Elisa Rubalcava , Heather Gaiser. Top Row Aubn.: \ DeWolf, Bnilnn,l Bernill, Colleen I !ill , herd Pfahl, Kara Will-.inson
88 Basketball Cheer

Li s ten Carefull y Stephame f:-mih Hvde, and Br ian Kerle\' get r<•ad \ for an Academic Decathlon competitwn b\ hard e\·en· da\ in

Literar y '\ita g azine Back Row

\IIchal'l 1-..ortet \lichal'l Kove, Bradle\ KL•ndr<''-· Ben and High Top Row· arah

:\Irs. Burke, HoHman, Brianna Ameha Kwong, and Celena Leon

John !',lUI \1cRrvan,

La s t Minut e In s p i ration Beth
together the\
turn-in dall'
th<•Ir fmal
111 their art
and Bnghid
to maf...l' tlw
Debb1 Kirbv, \lt•g.m \1arshall.Crvstal I'ar\..s, !-..a tie Bur\..t•,and Ya\...t1hs. Bottum Rt"':
FineArts 89
Choir& Band Tc>p Rem' ,>rlos Vllbc·,,n,>. Ad.Hn <;tnn, R\ ,m Orti/ <;ccond Rtl\\ 1ck uuza, \hchal'l I'int<>r, I I-l'ttc• \ J!lic.ma.SIIett I lc-.ltlwrC I!st•r,C.Iltlm Ra«U, llc>lh Z.1p.1t.t. \1q;h,m \Ide her. and Andrl'w Ruw; Cc>urhw\ Sn11tham. LtZZll' \hrn mw, \1ell"a Ruh1L'r, Lisa Guerra, L1z Rv.m, Annl'tte Altanuranu, MIChelle Clinch, \1egan R\,111, and ( hristin.t Rancwtt. Fourth Rt>\\ · Dulce :\1adrid. Laurl'n ,,•,slt•r, \1.tr'''•' Ren·s. Renal' Kuh,e,
Kate' :-..1cRrvan. , \hs,1 R\an. Brian Dt•nt. C.trl D.tml'l Bt•.m hamp, hris R\,tn, S.tr.th \1.td;tm·skl,
]on,tth,m .rotwer, Antlwm· QuhUis,julcm•
ow In .!Ssion ea r l\' a nd ta k e n o t e-, d unn g a m o rnin g \1 oc k T r ia l m ee tin g.

Brothers & Sisters

Loving Si ter Senior Colleen Hubbard, her nurturing on camera bv feeding her brother a chocolate ch1p cool-.ie. some fighh and hair-pulling sessions , Colleen and her brother get along great.

It 's a Long Walk Adam Stem and Rachael Stein make the long trudge to their car after a brutal day at -.chool. Rachad having older brother at so bad except when thev threaten to leave you at school.

Lost and Found "Has anyone seen this g•rl?" says Heidi Holstad about her sis ter Heather. With Heidi a junior and Heather a freshman , the two sisters don ' t get to see much of each other.

Difference of Opinion Adam Bullock "!think my si ter and I g t along pretty well." However, Amy Bullock, in a not-so-light tone adds, "I think we'd get along better if he didn't blast his music a ll the time. "

90 Student Life
"Having an older brother on campus isn't too horrible, I always have a ride to games and stuff."
Rymt Smith, srndc 9
"My sister isn't that bad since wcaretwoyearsapart. I would hate it if she were a tag-along but she's not so everything' great."
Emily GcJ/Jlc, grade 12
"I don't mind ha \ 'ing a brother at the same school as me, he's always been around so I've gotten used to it. He'll b gone next year anyway."

In the ar Attl'r ,, lllng da\ ,11 thl' laq thmg Rvan and Andrl'W Domptl'r \\·ant to do talk Ill each lither ahllut thl'tr "'\\"\>nLil·rtul"' da\

Boredom family only together when there nothmg hl'ttl'r to do It ltkl• Fnn and i l''i Standndgl' a r l' faced wtth dilemma but 11 nllt h1>lhl•r them !1>1> much

"My sister is usually a pain, but I don't kno\\'Whatmy life would be like without her. .. (hea\'en ?)"

f-or ce d '->l'th Dill,lrd \\ llh\ 1 takl•n h\ Do vou thtnk it the
or the hug
Student Life 91
M iclzacl Bruwm >, srndc 10 Katy Tammincn, srndc 10

Freshmen oftbnllmnkcs its first nppcnrnncc among Seton's sports teams .


On Your Mark, Get et, Go!! Deanna pt'IL geh read\ to for he ha-. recei\'ed the and \\ anh to ad\'ance to sconng tion Deanna's lightnmg quickness will be leading her team to man:. this season.

Hit it High! Katie Dodaro steps up to the plate and takes a long hard look at the pitcher What will be the angle of the balP Toda\, at Fnday practice, she is concentrating on perfecting her swing for Tuesday's upcoming game.

To , Throw, Long! The weather is warm, the sun is shining and Jessica Radzik i in the middle of her mo t important warmup . It is very important to b completely stretched out and ready, e peCially for this young starting pitcher.

92 Freshman Softball
Freshman Softball Team Top R0\'1.' Tara \1inatogawa, Theresa Polowski, Drew Harrison, Jes 1ca Radzik , Breanna \Valker, ' icole Bottom Row Jackie Burdolski, Laura 0 ' onnell , Alicia Quihuis, Katie Dodaro, Deann,l Spetz, Camille Jehle

Hard Work & Devotion junior Scott l' after a long hard practice l'a rh 111 the mormng. The crazv hair and dnppmg sweat IS e,·idenCl; of thl• l'Iwrgv that Scott devotes to hockl'\' team

Aggressive Force

King of the World Gt•hnng ot the Sophomore reac.h to take on tht• world he thn>ugh hockeY Hockev Ml' well-known for the m thl• heat of a game

Practice is Over! The can finalh and catch their breath at the end of practice. '\ow, after a shower, the\ are readv to go to and the1r dav

Hard e r You Work , th e Bette r You re Senior 'vlatt \1yskowski leads his teammates in practice at the Spectrum. The end of practice, brings the sweat-soaked team to their goal of winning the tournament.

Roller Hockey
Top Row Rusty Gchrmg, Aaron Jacobs, Beau Gilligan, Chris Owens, John Lessard, cott Ferris \1att \1vskowski, Ben Smith Scott Thomas, Eric Caruth , And) Lrban , Thomas Abraham , Brian \1urphv
Roller Hockey

Bes t mi l es \n1\' and \1att thl•Ir the\ thl•

Mos t Like l y t o be Singe rs

Robert Dinero , '\lick C.arza, Rick \.\ Ilh Jcnnl'l and \lhkl• <,haw , abo knuwn the along with f....atil' Burke arl' a happ., tune

Most Likely to Succeed

"I really want to work for the U State Department," say Hilary.

Hilary Yribarrellt711d foil Marquis, grade 12

Most Fun

Most Rowdy Heidi's response to her new title was, "Yahoo!!"

Heidi Holstad aud Lou Deleo, grade 11

Most Likely to be Famous

"A famous person I look up to is Mike Meyers," said bothJenna and Cody.

Je111za Dillard c111d Cody McDonald, grade 10

Cutest Couple

"Our two year anni\·ersary is in June," says Sonia.

Dame/ Valde::., grade 11, So11ia Kirga11, grade 10

Hrvn• f....l•rwtn ,md Stl'\ll' ll'a kl'l'P l' nttng in tlw ot 2002
94 Student Life

Bes t Kl•rrv and Su/anna Kl•nnedv \\"111 down , but for diffl'rl•nt KL•rry goo tv '>u/anna b serem• just their fril•nds'

Most Likely's on Campus

Best thletic Potential \ atch vour supermarket shelves , jill Davis and Vince Placido are destined to appear on the V\ heatie.., box once thev make the pros Both are bas ketball standouh worth watchin g in co ll ege .

Be s t Dr esse d ophomores josh Gutierrez and Brianna take top here not onh· for their but abo tor thl' Ir h<1ppenm ' attitude-. Wallh tor them on Pans

Be t Hair Freshmen Stuart Dandorff and Heather Holstad won ' t share the secret to their but we "uspect it's all in the bottle Onh their hair stylists know for sure

Be t Comedian just take a loo k at the photo of jumor Tiffany Peder'oen and Hugh Herme'> 1f you want a real laugh Truth be k nown , the'oe funny folks are proof that a photo i'o worth a thousand word

Student Life 95


Look at Him Go !

What's more peaceful than flying th rough the air?

Flying through the air on your favorite bike. Fres hm a n G r eg Gaiser ge ts so m e grea t h ang ti m e as he flies off th e d irt hi ll s.

Strike ! Senior \l!ichael P1ekarsk1 take a serious approach to his bowlmg game I bet mind 1-. not 111 the gutter

D a rth Vad e r? It ' s senwr Rick ollins preparing for an mtense pamtball battle . Paintballing is packed with adrenaline and a minimal pain factor.

Cliffhan g er Freshmen Ke\ in Meurer climb-. hb way to the top at the Rock limbing Gym. '\ot only doe-. It requ1re strength and endurance but some sort of strategy a'> well.
96 Student Life

Cow a bun ga Dud e! enior BJ Bonura rips up th e curl in ewport Beach , a. BJ njo ys urfing b cau s of it calming e ffe ts .

Ou c h ! It look' like it hurh, but tor JUI1lor \m\ Bullock, who h,1, bt'l'n m,l,tl•ring ht•r g\ mna,tiL 'kill.., tor 1 tt•t•n \"t'.lr..,, pa1n i.., unh ·' rnt1 lllor\

Huntin g S ea s on In h1.., 'P.Ht' tmw '<'lllllr ju..,tm \ lulhn' en1m·.., thl• rl'lrl',lli!ln.ll 'port ot hunting. I kn• ht• I' 'lwwmg ott h1' huge hog'

Gidd y Up ! emor Sillett M orale.., race' h o r.., e .., to ga i n an inc r edible adrl•na lm e ru.., h. Hel m e t.., are wo r n a t ,111 ti m e ..,

Student Life 97

Top the 3A List

Warming p Kevm Brown and C.utierrez practice form 111 thl•tr alwavs fun to lM\"l' a good fnend on the team, you can always help each other out.

wing, Batter, Batter!! Will Bl'ssette t.1kes a nice looking out Onlv a sophomore, \1\ tll Makes his way back onto the varsttv squad If vou want to see athlettc skill, this kid has talent.

QVar ity Reign Mr Ference gives another instructive and motivational talk to his entinels. "Practices are hard but definitely worth while," says junior stud, Mtke Hollowell.

Ready , Aim, Fire! econd baseman, Anthony Quhuis, returns to play his best year of ba eball. With tons of batting and fielding experience, he makes his move to take control, and make the easv out at first.

Face of Furry Transfer Pitcher, Eric Klyne practices his batting skills, while taking a break from the mound. The team anticipates a victorious season having the 1, 2, 3 punch, trio of Protas, Dillard and Klyne

98 Varsity Baseball

Ba tt e r U p ! Senior Latcher, Seth D1llard, 111t1mldating

'r ou r.1n bl'l IL•li.J will tear it up th1' '>ea'>on .1nd make a huge rontnbution to tlw team

Wh a t 's pAce? Star p1trher, Andre to take time going through h1' preparation

c,1ught hnn here wmking at the earner as he interrupts hi'> routme

u g h it U p !! '-.L•na'r' /.,lL h l'olktt Rvan DllmpiL•r )OIIl tirst Vl'M CO<llh , \llr Fl'fl'llll', in
3 / 14 / 00 3 / 15 / 00 3 / 17/ 00 3 / 21/00 3/24/ 00 3/ 28 / 00 411 / 00 4 / 4 / 00 4 / 7/ 00 4 / 11/00 4115 / 00 4/17 / 00 4/18 / 00 4/19 / 00 4 / 25 / 00 4 / 28 / 00 5/ 5-6/ 00 5/ 12-13 / 00
Chino Valley Santa Cruz Camp Verde Parker Dysart Wickenburg Winslow Fountain Hills Chino Valley Camp Verde Parker Coolidge Dysart Wickenburg River Valley Fountain Hill State
Varsity Baseball Team
Varsity Baseball 99
Top Row : Coa ch Ken :\1ornson , lMCh Robblt' Dumas, Danm Desmond , f'f Burke , Rvan DompiL•r, Ke \ in Bnn\ n , Seth Dillard , Eri c Klein , CL1ach Feren ce Bottom Ro w Lou DeLeo, Ted Pattoc k Andre Josh Gutierrez, \\ill Bbette, Za ch Pollett , Gu z man ot Pi c ture d : Be n Rt'gan , :\.1ike Hollowell
nthom· Quihut.

Keep that Good Form! Thl' \ 'Msit\ "ottball tL' ,1111 lH1 the1r throwing telhl1ll]lll' for l' \ L'rniav \\ell. 111.1\ bL' not hours, but Junior Jacl-.ie it ltl-.e 1t! "

What a Workout! Junior Brittany wan, also known as, "Bert" or " wanee", slaves away at makmg the softball field a beautiful place to play. Bert savs, "if 1t weren ' t for me, people would break their ankles ing into home"

Change Up or Fast Ball? Coach Catln , k-1111 /adnvn\ and Shelb\ have a conferenn• on the mound to make sure Shl'lb\ 1s g1nng the nght s1gn-. and Kim 1s re cen:ing the s1gns she slw

Senior Power! The two lonely semors on the team, Ltbbv Acedo and Elisa Rubalcava, pause' for a quick sisterly hug Four year letterman, Elisa , who is often called "Ruby", quotes , "th1s season 1s going to rock with leaders like me and I ibby 1"

100 Varsity Softball

D i d Yo u Say Sc r ew b a ll ? Km1 Zadronwv shows off hl'r mad pitching skills during a scnmmagl' vt•rsl'S the JU1110r varsit\ team. Kim has fin· diffl'rl'nt pitrhl•s and has hit twl'nt\Sl'\'l'n pl'opll' 111 hl•r h1gh srhool l,lrel'r This Vl'ar, shl' plans h> hn•,1l-.lwr O\,·n n•rord

All i n a Da ys W o rk o ut fhl' ll>ur fn•shnwn ot thl \ ,usitv solthall tl'<llll Ml'il'Ml1lng wh,lt It IS hkl• tn hl' <1 part of thl' Sl'lon sotthall program - lots and lots of running and condllwning. ,\nd of course th1s mcludl''runmng hl•hmd thl' uppl'r<las-.nwn

R iver Valley Fountain Hills 3 / 8/ 00 3/16/ 00 3 / 17/ 00 3/21/00 3 / 24 / 00 3 / 28 / 00 4 / 1 / 00 4/ 4/ 00 4 /7/ 00 4/ 10 / 00 4 / 11 / 00 4 / 15/ 00 4 / 17/ 00 4 / 18/ 00 4 / 19 / 00 4 / 25 / 00 4 / 28 / 00 Varsity Softball Game Schedule Varsity oftball Guide, Men t o r, & oac h Ill 1d \ Msit\ u>.ll h krn \1ulhn, who IS .l)S() thl' gllld,ll1ll'l0UJ1Sl')Or, tOSSl'S a roupll• pop till'S to his outfil'ldl'rs. fh> \\'orl-.s hard tor his tl'.llll .1nd h,h four st,lll' l hampHmshiJ" pn>n• It
SantaCruz Camp Verde Parker Dysart Wickenburg Winslow Fountain Hill Chino Valley Chino Valley Campe Verde Parker Coolidge Dysart Wickenburg
1 op Row: Brittan\· \1,1rtm , <;\ dn c \ Shel'<h-, K ra ockmm , Kim Z<1droznc} , Courtnl') Kulun , Sarah \\'abbl'rg Bottom Row : Jacki 1 ibb\' Act•do , Elisa Rubalca\a, Shelbv Dans, \1egan Trans ot Picturl•d Bnttan Swan , Brianna V\' ilkins Varsity Softball 101

Birdie Hun tin' Junior Michael Korte practice his putting kills at Western kies. He works hard after chool, concentrating on achieving just the right angle to curve the ball oftly into the hol .

Kuner Power! "And the longest goes to powerful Junior Anthony Kuner 1" This is a man who rs about golf, whrch is evident in the gnmace on hi face.

Drivers' Paradise Freshman Brandon Richard contorts his body to give the ball the full driving power. Although, he does say that hrs favorite part about golf is "drivmg the golf cart."

102 Golf
Miller Time o, not that Mrller, Sophomore Chris Miller tees off for a practice round at Western With coaches, Mr. Burke and Mr. Howell, carefully critiquing his form in the background.

I s T h a t a Bi rd? A P l a n e? It just so happens, that 1t's thl' golf ball that e'ploJL•d from Junior Seth '\.enaber's forceful drin•. Lifting weights helps 'it'lh 1mpron· thl' length of his dri\ l'S

I Use Spa ld i n g Sophomorl' 'iL•an Bennett giH's a helptul hmt to an\one who 1s lookmg mto plaving golf, he says that C,paldmg Coif balb <ln' dl'fimtelv thl' bl•st Bl'Sides, "golf would bl' a tough sport \\ Ithout golf balls."

Driving for a Hole- In-One

Hom e o n th e Ra n ge The dnving rangl' that Is. A lot of practice time Is spent on the dnvmg range to prepan• for the n•al deal Without a successful dn\"l', vou're gomg to go no where.

Golf Team
1 op Row a than Tholl , Chris Miller, Bob I aliberte, Bradl e \ Kmdr ex, G r eg Carlson , Clms Yaka i hs \<1Iddle RO\\ \1r Burke Ben hedlake, 1ck Klusmann , ick lll'llcr, \ll.ichacl Kort e, John 'lifarquis \1r How e ll Botto m Rlm Seth en.1ber, Brandon Rt:ichardt Anthon} Kuncr "-l'nn M c urL'r , jeremiah Sullivan Golf 103 Le t hal Lalib e rt e \vhat thev call him on the course ophomore Bob Laliberte has a monstrous dri\·e which should "drive" eton to \ ·ictory.

"Bff-Best friends Forever!"

Jumor \!bert(_ hmg ot htsclose fnL'ndwith tl'ammate Chns Emen

ThL'ir trienchhip has the strL'ngth to L'ndure thl' hea\ \ compl'tition he1\H'l'n thl' two ot them.

Quick on His Feet jumor Albert Ching gets ready to return a serve from his opponent jeff Koestner. The boys are battling it out for their rankmg on tht• team Big lugger junior !logan \h Don,1ld off htttmg during another one of dnlb. This first \'l'M on the tL'am, hut fabulous
104 Boys' Tennis
Game, Set, Match! junwr justm Jehle serves the final ball to win his match. Way to go justin!!

Goo d Try! (,,,ll h ot l'I1Cllllr,1gl'l11l'l11 f<'r lhl' t\lth,,ugh

Vl'dr '"•llhmg ,11 Seton, all thl' pl.l\ ,lgfl'l' tho1t h, wh,lt Jomg ,1nd h,• 1t wl'IL

am e ra Sh y!! jun1or )l'lll<• ba,kh,lnd whill' at ll'mpting to .woid till' C".ltnl'ra 1n tn

Scottsdale hr
Wickenburg Miami
Dy art Regional s State 2 / 29 / 00 3/ 2/ 00 3/ 6/ 00 3/ 8/ 00 3 / 13 / 00 3/15/ 00 3/20/ 00 4/ 3/ 00 414/ 00 4110100 4 / 13 / 00 4 / 17/ 00 4 / 19/ 00 4/24 / 00 4 / 28 / 00 4 / 29 / 00 514100 5/ 5/ 00 Boys' I' m Yo ur Hu ck l e b er q Ju111nr B<•n t.lk<· tmw out of pro1d1n' to tor tlw ,,lm<'rd Bl'n
PCDS Santa Cruz Fountain Hills
Coolidge PCDS Scottsdale hr Foun tain Hills
n nd
, L)t
•d · Ho g an M
Boys' Tennis 105
Albert Chmg , )l•hle, Ben fhompson
hns l'ml'r
"v1ichdl'l Koyl'

Ready to Go Junior Courtney Smitham

..,eh up for a gamev;inning serve. ourtney also plays volleyball and she says that it ha helped her out a lot \Vith her serves and overhead in tennis. ettie and I will be going for the gold and this team is gonna ride the hor e all the way to tate!"

Here 's to a Great Coach "I really like working with the k1ds and whole team IS workmg hard. They're pumped up for the season and getting ready for tlwir matches," says oach Daniels. Look

106 Girls' Tennis
Right Back at You! ophomore Anme Adams returns a ball across the court An me IS a returning player from last year; "People on the team make it really fun and a great experienC"e," she says, smiling. Out! "Oops'" ays returning sophomore player, Laura Lillo after she accidentally knocked ove r the ball hopper with jeanette Wolf laughmg at her. "This year has been a lot of fun. I love playing because I love to play at the net so I can slam it on the other team!"

Girls' Tennis

Slamming it Down Court heshman \11egan f mshoff slams a ball back across the court "I ha\ e a lot of fun pl,wmg, but tht• bt•st part 1s meeting m•w peopll' and becommg good friends w1th them "

Good Teammates, Good Friends Coat h Daniels her back, \ ars1tv plaH'rs, Courtnev Sm1tham, Laura Lillo, jeanette Wolf, and Roslvn I alor pose for a quick, fnendlv picture

What are Your Techniques? heshmen, \11e!Jssa Howell and Kaua Huddleston, talk about tht'lr strategies before thev start a match at practice. \11ehssa savs, "I reallv like playing tennis. The team 1s so much fun and oach Daniels is n•allv funnv."

chy Mu cle ophomore jeanette \\ olf takes a break to rub '>Orne Ic: Hot on an aching leg. jeanette is a returning plaver, ''\\"e do a lot more runmng and conditioning this \ear. It has helped us Improve a lot."

Girls' Tennis 107
oach Daniels, '\1ehssa !lowell, Charlotte 1-..oestner, jeanette Wolf, I auren Elhson , :'vtichelle 1-..ujawski, Laura Lillo, Roslyn Lalor, Coach :'v1ornson , I eah Rapazzo 1-..acia Huddleston , Annie Adams, Courtne: Smitham , and Stephanie DeBt'\'Oise ot Pictured : Megan Fmshoff and Beth Dagger

Going, Going, Gone! Tlw thn' l' stl•ps ot surn•ssfullv thnn' mg <1 shot 1s shown b\ Chnst1na R.Jsrhkl', \ll'ghan \lelcher , .1nd Alison Tra\ is C hnshn<l gets in lwr shot-put st.Jnn• ,1nd gl'ls n ' alh to l,mnrh the slwt :\IL•gh<ln shows hll\\ she wmds up to thnn,· and lasth Alison watdws tl1l' thrO\\ as 1s tran•ls through thL' air

Legs, Legs, an d M ore Legs! They ' n• the most 1mportant thmg vou need in order to run track Cood thing sonw of these girls ''ill be out in the sun , looks like some of them could USl' a nice tan

Fami l y Su pp ort S1-.ters Lvnn and Christine 'vlcDonough bond for a few mmutes as the\ take a break from runnmg. The): don ' t JUst live together and go to school together , now they can enjoy each other' s company through running

p ee d i s th e K ey Sophomore Briana Bernal runs at top speed to gain enough momentum to launch her mto the air She 1s practicing the long jump in hopes that she will be number one 111 state this year.

108 Girls' Track


Kt•lh '->trom thrllugh tht•lr 11·arm-up hl'lon• pr<ldln' ( t>.ll h

b<lt I.. ,1nd W<ltche'>, to m<J!..l' th.1t tht'\' m.nnt.11n propt•r torm

Boy's Ranch 3/ 3/ 00

Santa Cruz 3/15 / 00

Wickenburg 3/18 / 00

Chino Valley 3/ 25 / 00


Christian 3/29 / 00

Santa Cruz 3/ 31 / 00

Santa Cruz 4/ 5/00

Camp Verde 4/8 / 00

Boy's Ranch 4/12 / 00

Buckeye 4/15/00

San Manuel 4/28 / 00

Regionals 5/6/00

State Meet 5/12/00 5/13/00

Girls' Track

h es h aces Beth <1 let• I of 11 hat f !tgh '>chool trclll.. n•<1lh .1bout rl'lieYt•d th.1t - pr<ldiLl' o\·er but .1bo th.1t tomorrow, wdl bt• b<1L I.. lt>r more

A Gentle Run II/ '-.111g .1nd (arlv '>andell run .1round the track w1th smile'> on the1r

Thev are working on gaining t•ndur<lnn•, whiLh 1mpt>rt.1nt Ill Ulllt]liL'r 1 our opptlllt'nh

Cotta Love Practice!! \\'1th
on tht•lr I vnn \h
Top I I Z King , arl ' Sandell , Robin Feely, \tiller \Iiddle Rtl\\ . Kdh Strom , Christine }t•..sica O'Bnt' n , Beth \1istll•r, Ashle\ [ ewt•r., , Bottom Rt>l\ \lagg1 Donndson , hnstma Ra chke, Albon Travis , I vnn \1cDonough , \lleghan Melcher Katie Williamson . Girls' Track 109

Touch Your

before 1 long practicl'

Follow the Leaders The boys ' track team starts out every practice by forming lines and doing the appropriate stretches Their " line leader" instructs them on their stretching to avoid painfully pulling any muscles.

Complete Concentration Junior

Jeff Dauscha concentrates on his form to succeed in throwing the shot further than he ever has before. Breaking records is what this sport is all about.

Toes '->ophomore Bilh· Holper show' hts de\ otwn to the team by getting on the field earlv to strl'tch out Timed Run Coalh Phtltps leads the boys ' long distant team on a sevenmile , or one hour run a<, the beginning to a glorious day of practicl'
110 Boy's Track

Boy ' s Ranch 3 / 3/ 00

Santa Cruz 3 /15 / 00

Wickenburg 3 /1 / 00

Chino Valle y 3 / 25 / 00

Phoenix Christian 3 / 29 / 00

Santa Cruz 3 / 31 / 00

Santa Cruz 4/ 5/00

Camp Verde 4/ 8/ 00

B oy' Ranch 4 /12 / 00

Buckeye 4 /15 / 00

San Manuel 4 / 2 / 00

R egionals 5/ 6/ 00

The Final Leg S ott .1nd Auglt' ,umont return Ill Sl'ton ,lftt•r tht•Jr long run. ,\ run through the neighborhood ing nt• tIll Sl'ton h onh the begmmng of tht da\ gruelmg praL IILL'

On Your Mark, Get et... llw lmt up .1nd preparL to begin their 100 meter drill, , to 1mpnl\"e their torm .1nd time , tht• vou to vour limit

feel the
',ophomon• Baker up lwtore
run to of the practiLe without in1un
Sta t e Meet 5 /12 / 00 5 /13 / 00 Boys' Track Schedule Track Tt•am
Boy's Track 111
Back Peter heehv , Adam Bullock, Baker, Sn1tt Ferns , Brandon Jim onnl'r, 1.111 R.1dman , ick R,1dman, ' a than Melcher, .1nd Drew \\'alker Fnmt Row : hris White, oach Tom Conner, c1nd Scott Klemens ' ot Pictured : Billy Holper, Augie armont, 1ck Garza, ,md Sean Krugt•r

Stand Up & Be Counted

Seton Catholic Student Council '99 Top Row Anthonv Albert Chmg , Ritk Bradle\ 1\.endre l'j Burke , Bnanna Wilkins , jennifer Laliberte '. Middle Row : Willy Jennett , f-mily C.oble , Anne Klemens , jessie O ' Brien , 'v\ ill Bessette Bottom Row : '-<icole hcudero , \!lie helle Arendre , ( arrie Tamminen Laura O ' Connell , Ryan Kut/bach '-<ot Shown : Carmen De La Torre, Stuanna Kennedy , Margaret Z\ IIa , '-<Icol and Dame! Krick

We Are a Team Sophomore l'j Burke "Student Council b more of a team effort than people think Being president has Its perb though. "

Always Plan Ahead ophore icole Escudero and Senior Anne Klemens listen carefully as Dr. Riley clears up a few of the upcoming dates for them. Anne says, "Student Council is not all fun and games, sometimes it can be pretty hard work."

How 's This? junior Carmen De La Torre takes a minute to ask Dr. Riley a few questions about the upcoming llomecoming dance.

i..L.-l' t.
112 Student Life

Planning and OrganiLation ,\nrw Klemen,, )l "IL.l () Brll'll, IL !lil' f 'cuder!l Anth!ln\ Qt11hu1' .1nd \\ dh )lnndt Ji,ten mtL•nth t!l tlw pJ.m, !ll !lrg.llll/111g tlw upu>llllng Bl!l(>d Dn n

Trving to eplain the role of 'tudl'nt counnL Student Bod\ l're..,ldent, \11chdle Johnson, resort-. to a more pictorial method. "The\ wouldn't Ji..,ten to my plam EngJi..,h," 'he politelv commenh

Time to Communicate "l!lmmumcatlon I' kl'\ when 1t lOml'' to planmng maJ!lf l'\'l'llh," ,t,ltl'' 'L'Ill!lr RiL k lollin' ,1, lw \n>rko; \\ ith hl'll,l..,..,n"l,lte..,

Guidance Great job Dr Sophomore repre'l'ntati\ e \\Ill Bessette 'tate' "Dr Rile\ bnng' a lot to Student Council." It.., JU"t the kind of guidance \'OU need to keep the school gomg.

Student Life 113

What do You do on Your Weekend Nights?

R emember These Guys l·n•shman iaJ...e lhde, sophomon' james :\.1ulhorn semor '-.ILJ... G,Hza, and Dobson's '-.ick Ho\\'ard J<ll1l on their \H'l'kl•nd' 111 their band t:n'l' Admis-

h o p pi n g Semors fimh Coble and hmh llvde search tor the perfect \\l'l'J...end attire.

What a big smile! It's always good to be peppy, ev n when you're not cheering at a game!

Senior Mike Shaw spends his weekends "rappin' with hi homie " at Rick's house.

Josh says he just enjoys, "kickin' back with his friends."

"I like chillin' with my fri nds down at the Micky D's on 136 St. and Shea."

Kara Wilkinson
114 Student Life

just Want to Have f-un! '>t•nior girl-. n•allv kno\' how to han• Llrd Kwtdtkow-.kt, Kn-.ttn,l '>trom, I rtttd f it'rnw-. , .1nd Annt' Klt•mt•n., drt' <1ll drt•-.-,t•d up tor ,, night out on the town.

Hay! Who's That? "It wa., .,o much fun cltmbtng up there but getttng back chm n that 's a whole difterent storv," say., josh Towlt', who went on a climbing adventure along with jesstL<l O'Bnen, Miranda Jilek, and Eltsa Rubalcava

Singing hom the Heart I hev tall them-.t'h l"" Cher-.t.tt' l 11ad ', wtlh Senior Dt•rt•k Smith on lt•ad \"Otals and Sdon dlumm, Bud \llt•i-.ter on drum-. .1nd I ttlrdl rocktng out on lht• guit,lr. If vou "t't'm them vd, vou're mis.,ing out on an a\.vtu..;omt pt'rtormancl)

I feel "'o Pain '>t•nior \h•gh.ln \h•lt ht r tn•-11l'd her-.elt to cl ptt'rtt'd tongut' on her eightt•t•nth btrthd.n II look-. p.1intul but tor \lt>ghan p.1111 1-. part of her tndi\"ldual fashion statement.

Eating Out )en Berdalski, Andy \llcCrab ,1nd Amv Bullock enjo\· half dav., bt'L<luse thev get to eat out It 's a refreshing wa)- to start the weekend

Fine Dining \s a teenager, -.pendmg weekt•nds with the familv· aren't all that fun Amy Harris knows thts from fir..,t hand e'l.perience "I ,1m so bored I wish Renee \Iiller wa-. here!"

Student Life 115

Round 'em up! s,•nitH Vlatt puh bacJ.. mtt> it he up carh fL>r 1\"iiitmg at ( lub

The Pizza People Pick l'uttmg her math to good JUnior Haylc I IL•ath the at l'l't,•r i'Ipl'r l'i77a afll'r to maJ..,• a little L Ira dough

We Treat You Right jumor justin Jehle can handle vour Dairy Queen order whether want hot to eat or a cool treat. All
Smoking or on- moking If you 111 at Valle Luna be to look for Elisa Rubalcava's cheerful smile greeting you you walk in the door 116 Student Life
Work and No Play
Time to Make the Donut Early morning is a bu-.y lime at Dunl-m Donuts for <;emor julia Patterson as she waih for customers to mal-e up their minds between powderL•d or chocolate doughnuts. Paper or 't <HI don ' t h.nL' to worn about bre.1d or Lrad.l•d II Junlllrl ornne l\ arro baggmg vour dl \ BCO nol' tr.ll h.HgL' for tlw "'\1ini 'Vte" \\ lui,• supen 1- .. .1t ll \\orld, c..,L'Ilior C.,llh Ddi.Hd a \ oungL·r \ ol In (,.n-in, om· of Fast Food Baby-Sitting Grocery Store Most Popular Jobs Restaurant Movie Theater Student Life 117

Hu m? lntl'n•stmg. lt>.l< h 1.11111111 t )/lnga bl'tl)rt• ,1 111l1h.h "Tht-.. \"l'clr \\ ,,.., ,1 gn·at an1<nmt <>! tun I had a 1<'1 ot hard g1rls th.1t gan• 11 tht•Jr .111 ,1nd 1111 pnn t•d ln'111<'ndnu'h b\ tlw l'nd <>I tlw ''"' llll

You Talkin g to M e? C.arah Kenned;. on nlllevball, "\.\'n' ''hat can I ,..av? \ olle\·ball 1s tht• bt•st sport l'\'er, L'\'L'n though the gym 1,.. scorching hot at the beggin."

Read y, Willin g and Able to tht• ball "The best part of our sea,..on was the fun road tnp,... The road trip that sticks out in mv mind the v.·hen we were ht•aded toward Parker, was 111 the rest room, whilt• at the samt• timt' we flew o\'l'r a ,..peed bump. Wht•n Vlehssa camt• out, ,..he was all wet," -.ays AJi,..on Trans.

Top Rm, : Sanh 1--tlllll'th, Bn.1nna \\'ilkm,.., \l.1rgan:t Z\ 11.1, Alana ¥\ irth, )l's 11.:.1 Hagerty, h on Tra\ Co.1ch Tammi Ozmga. B<lttom Rm'. Megan Churosh, andiCL' Seeman, \teg;:m Tril\'1., l ind,..ay Andt'rson, aria Cht'e, I )'1111 \lcD<>n<High.

Ready , Read y, Up! "Vo ll eyball was a great experience We had a great season this year only losi n g a fe,, games, thank,.. to me," replies A lana Wirth.

Junior Varsity Volleyball
JV Volleyball 118

S t reeaac h !!! \\h<1t Bnttanv 'vlartm Ion• about n>llevb,11l? " I h>n· pl.ning \ "OIIl' \ b.1ll , and lltl\ L' to got>n th1• far ro.1d

A-C-E!!! rIll' tor center court ceiL•bratwn n1u Katie l'arkl'r contnbuted particular an• to thL• winning Sl'<lson

S e lf- Es teem in Ta ct " I am thL• backbone of the freshmen team , wtthout me Wl' would not ha\·e had a wtnning c;eason (just kidding, I could not h ,ne done it without the of m\ - Sarah Her-.hkowitz

Stacked and Ready Kata• l'arkL·r hL•r of the te ,lm by ,, .111 thanks tom\
L'I that I han• not onh but friends abo ."
wondL•rtul roach
Freshmen Volleyball
Freshmen Volleyball 119 &
Top Row· Theresa Polowskt, Breilnna Walker, Aubrey McDonnell, Christine 1cDonough, Sydm•y hcocdy. Bottom Row: harlotte Koestner, Brittany Martin, Rcnocc Warthman, Ashlev _chmitt, _arah Katie Parker.

"All Right Coach, put me in I 1-.n'"' "hat I \\ ,mt Ill do I m gumg to pl.l\ Iii-.,• lhl' b1g bu,,r · l·n•,hnwn \1,111 \l.1u," ,t,H<''- 111 dl'l<•rmmation at hi'- IL•am planng trong

We a re th e C h a m p i o n s Come on '-hO\\ the can1L'ra vour gamL' lace-." fre"hn1L'n athan \telcher, 1\.n" '\aka III-., "'ICI-. Radman, 'a than Cenantes, and jim Conner don't "eem to be ha\'lng a hard time exvet another \'ICtorv

A l way on G u a rd Where do you thmk you're gomg? Sophomore llenry Martml'7 i" in the right place at the right timL'. playing -.trong and keepmg hi" head m the game.

J .V Fan C iub "llerewegoSentineb. Here we go!" Who needs cheerleaders when you have your very own fan club, such a" supportive studenh? Sarah enaber and jacl-.ie Burdolski "Without U'the gu\" would no one else"

120 JV Football

).;.lllll' str,lll')-;1 f ht'\ wnnder,

t.ln 1\L' bt• mt>Tl' sptritt•tP" And tlw tnnnl 1\"lllldl'rs tlw ,,1111l'. ThL''l' gtrls .lTl' u>okm 1

Happ y I\ Captain, Heather "coach )en an a'' coach and make-. cht•t•r a lot of fun, l'\'l'n when IH' h,l\'e to run a billion around tht• tratk''

Patience is a Virtue An wattmg for thL h>t>lball game to RL'Ill'L' \1tller her smile lt>r tht• t.lmL•r,l. ShL• "cheenng 1s grL•at and reward mg. 1 ou get a chance It> meet new people and pump up the crowd to help our football to 1·ictory'"

Concentration Colleen 'vlartin and julia Graham concentrate on the )\ Football game. Thev want to make sure thev don t yell defenst' wl1l'n it's offen-.e or yl'll "block that kick," wlwn we are kicking You real(\ ha1·e to know vour football 1

Together l lw Juntor \ ,lr'itl
Ulllll'l11tlll'lr "IHn\
JVCheer 121
Junior Varsit} Cheer Squ,ld Ttlp: Ashll'}' IL Colleen \1.1Ttm, Julia Graham, Hl'Jther Holstad, shle) ttkum and l·nka Bush BottL>rn KaC'Ia lluddleston, Rt'lll'L' \1IIIl'r, Dc•irdre D.-1 oung, ltz Kmg, and Amy llanis.

Hard Tlw I\ ._,,•nt111l'l up ,1 g<'<'d h·1111l' \\It kt•nburg The gm h,ld cl grl'tlt ""l'tl llll tht .... \ l'clf clnd arl' enthu .Ibllut cummg batk !1> pl.n hardt•r and tnHlgt•r llt''\t \'l'clr

H e h oo ts, & Sc ores! ">ophomore Scott Tra\ 1s makes a free throvv dunng a dose game. "\Vt• plaved a lot of good game., this st•ason Superior wa., a tough gamt', but we still had a lot of fun," sav.., Scott.

Tea m Huddl e!! Coach Arrovo helps pump the guys up for tht• next p lay. "Coach Arrovo is a great coach. I've learned a lot and had a lot of fun," 'vhchal'l Fitzgerald

Junior Varsity Boy's Basketball

Tt>p Rmh 1'1 Tlurke, '-,(Lve 0\ak, o, ch Ed AITO,l>, ( .mny w,,lsh, Kt•vm Brown. Mtddlc Rov.. J,,ke llvde, Jush \\'ray, Swtt fr,1\ is, MIChael Hrut•ntng. Bottom Ro\\ Chris M1ller, John falkner, :'l.tichael Fttzgt•r,1ld, and hns Sandusky.

W e a r e th e C hampion s Pj Burke, Chns Sandusky, and john Falkner head off the court after their win over Wickenburg "Th1s season was really good. Wt• had a lot of fun and we wert' undefeated in our region. We're looking forward to playing again next year," say PJ and John

JV Boy's Basketball

Junior Varsity Girl's Basketball

Top Row S\t'·,.,,. Ze.1, \1ichclle :\fajewsl..i, icl>le E c udt•ro, Coach llam,on. \Iiddle Row. \t.1rg. n•t Zvll.1 , arah Kennedy, Je--ska lla_;ert\', Rad1el Stt•m , \nglC \rllen B<lttom !'ow Thcrt"'•l l'ohl\\ kt, \lichdlc R0m,ullltto, \1org.m jan«en, and )l'sska Ball,ud

Wh e r e' d i t Go?

Ballard Hh and tl•P ball C..,pl'ed .111d .1g1ht\ .Ht' l..t•v t.lc111 goud IL 1m

Gath e r Around Girl s!! Thl' )\' tpam Mound Coach l lurri-.on to renl'W tht•lr pract1ce. Th1" tt•am learn-. from thl' made at pradin· to takt• down un"u..,pectmg 1,\ opponl'nh.

Let' s Work To g ether Girl s !! Sophomore Michelle Romanotto. \ ng1e Arcieri and freo,hman Radll'l worl.. together during a praclln• Teamworl.. i-. what make-. Se ton's j \ Ba-.ketbeall team ful.

De fe n se!! I loob for a 1\,1\ out ut l' cl'IIL•nt dl'lt•n-.1\'t'
JV Gir 1' s Basketball 123

\.'\arming p lll,1Lh 1'.1lil \\ .1rburt<1n team 111 ktt , " lw ,1 P<"itin• lllllu<' ll<<' tor nw and tlw tt'.lm a pri\ dt' g<' ll> han• h1m lwlp <Hit. "

Time Out! Coach Guthrev a pep talk to the whiil' 'v1att number " I wonder what like to plav! "

Just Shootin' Around Tht• tl',lm warms up dunng halft1me Those shots are gmng 111 , aren ' t thl')?

I reshmen Bov's Ba ketball
1 h rdt
.1n 1lle, HeaJ (oath B11l C.uthre\ Co Ttd Patto k Jdf Warburton
lade Matt 1.Kt.l Brandon Freshmen Bo 's B-Ball Pushing it to the Limit Tt•d Pattock 1 read\ to do his running , while can 'v1c(arthv cheers him on Ted "Coach Cuthrey a great lie go all out all the time "
Top RO\-\ SS!stant ( o,tch I' lUI w.uburton 1erntk \1c( lel1.1n Pil,ll<> E<;palJon M 1tt Oil\< n, c ond Ro\\ Bran i1'n Mclaughlm C,c, n 1cl arth" .md u;;tm Pcrn Bottom Row \.1,ma
Ke\m R
l'atn k Me<

I i.ldll''- .tn• nP t11 nmmng, ,11 a g.ltnl .1t D\ thl'\ h.1d to '' .1!!.. .lhllul ,, mil< Ill tmd a \n>rJ..ing 'l>d.l madllll<''

The Ball is Where? Aubre\ \h Donnl'll .1nd llero,hJ..owitz battle for .1 rt•bl>und a., lozano and lkth \lt.,IIL•r maJ..p thl'ir .1n• bo ing out ( O.l< h Ka.,ha ,. pl.lln'- th.1t thL'rL ,., no.,tngll' o.;t,n; t'\·l'rvonl· '' orJ..., hard

Hamming it p \ubrl'\ \ltcDonnl'll , !'v1egan Umch, Bdh \ltio.;tler , Camille )l'hle, and Cing1•r llow,ud relax during a brcaJ.. m thl•tr rigornu., practin•

Ever o Graceful BL'th \llio.;tler manageo.; to evade airborne Megan \llarshall ' s amazing shot-blo J..mg abllttteo.; ao.; o.;hc prac t ices her lav-up Strong ddeno.;e and a balance of o.;coring from e\·er\'lme were the hallmarks of the be.,t gamL' of the -.ea-.on, a 't ctor) o\·cr Wtckenburg.

3 2 1...1 ift Off! I ll/,111" lt•.ldo.; tlw hn•,1J.. l \hI >nnough .1nd "·'Ill' l'arJ..cr tnlh>\\
B-Ball 125
I reshmen Girl' Top Rov.: 1egan Marshall, C.unille Jehle, B th M1.,tlcr, He.:td CoaLh Janet K,to.;h,l. ltddlc Ro\\ K,ltlL' l'.trkl r, Mt:gcm ( lm h, Gmger lloward, Aubrl' tc[),,nnell Bottom J'ov. · Chnstmc McDonough, jc sl,,l Luz.u10, and 'l.tr,\h H r.;;hk v. itz

llt•n• tlllllt's .1 hnnwrun !' L , 1,11ms C..,ophomnn• l1lrt' \ '\ oung lort'\ ,1is1 > opcnh 1ddcd th,lt. " I l1>\l' b,l'<'ball , I t•njn\ <'<'<'rt/ 11111111 1<' nt it , t' spccialh· pr lt tin'.

W h a t a r e Yo u T h i n k in g? rrl"-.hllll'll hris Ross and PatncJ... "v!cCarvdle shared with us theirtipsand thoughts for the upcoming season. Patrick enthusiasticall\ states that , "our pitching staff is one of, if not the best, in 1A, ilnd it's going to take us a long \\a\ " "I think we will have a good season if we learn to keep our Wl'ight bacJ... when we bat." av.., Chris H av in g a S win g in ' T im e Sophomore PJ Burke prilcticeo, his mighty S\\ mg , smirking PJ works hard to improve his swing so that he can break through his opponents.

JV Baseball

Top Rm' · k vm Hubbard, Eddie el.t\ a. joe Recker, "nc Eklund, 1att 1a i,l , Fh 1-:uner ush'l Perry, and Tom Zirllff. Bottom Row: Scan M arth). Chn Ro , Scott B)rne, ott Dandnrt, OI'L'\' roung, I'atnck :\lr ar\lllP, and Cort') c..uda tlt Pictured I'J Burke

Future Star Freshman Ke" 111 ll ubbard stands wa t ching Mr. F-erence, t he Varsity Ba'>cball oach, giving him and t h e team some batting tips.

JV Boys' Baseball

Waiting in the Wing I

I've Got It!! In a game, getting the ball to where 1! to go in a hurn ma\ ''in the game. Renderman her m,lneu\ ering ability she hustil•s to scoop up the ball and make the plav.

Ready to Pounce '\,llthmg sophonwn• \ng1e Artll'ri, read\ at th1rd wa1ting tor tlw b,1ll to come lwr ''a\. .1nd Dl'IL·rmln,llllln for .1 gllod pia\ er Junior V,usity Softball Team
JV Softball 127
c.lnl'\ Shl'cdv, Angie Arcieri, Rt•nderman, Kim Co,·ert, Johanna DeKing, oach Gary Davis, BritliiiW :-.1artm, icolc r cudl•ro, Sarah ller-.hktm itz. The Wind Up Sophomlln' foh,llln,l Dl•J<..mg off hl•r arm bdllre thl• b1g g.lllll' Shl• prl'paring to --tnk-out hL·r hl' Lithl'h '' atLh thl'ir '' hill• thL'\ "a1t for their turn up Ill bat. leam lmpt>rt.lnt 111 "mning

Wr a pping it U p Mr. Moreno is known a the amn who holds the team together, ev n when it takes rolls and rolls of tape. Betsy Pattock waits her turn as enior Tara Kwiatkowski gets her ankle taped. "Mr. Moreno does a great job!"

H is T h e rap y Do es Wo n d ers I ley, look at me, I'm on crutches. "l would have been on them longer if it wasn't for Mr. Moreno." Senior Mike Guildenstern has spent many hours of therapy with Mr. Moreno.

The Man, Himself \lr :\lon'no h,,., bl'l'l1 Sl'lon.., \thll'lic I rainl'r tH>\\ for two nw tudl'nh appreciate hun tor hi commrtnwnt ,md indi\·idu,ll attention that lw pnl\ 128 Athletic Trainer
''Give me our tired, our oor, your huddled masses ...

Who Are Tho e Cuties? Adam and Ryan, Mr. :vtoreno's sons, \."\' ait patiently for ther dad to fimsh up his daily dutte<, for the student<-. of Seton Catholic. " Aren't we ever going to go home?"

Need a Spot? Mr. Moreno is always around to help out in the weight room. Here, Cheeto illega ·-Gold is trying to bulk up after school with the help of Mr. Moreno spotting him.

Always Be Updated

Mr. Moreno keep track of each and every entinel teams' schedule, injurie , and equipment. In between helping tudents, he pend<, a lot of time on the computer. He a! o ay , "The internet help v.'hen it comes to looking up new health information."

Athletic Trainer 129

Who What &How

Editor-In-Chief: Amy Kujawski

Co-Editors: Colleen Hubbard & Tara Kwiatkowski

Editor of Photography: MichelleJohnson

Erin Bell --feuille

Amy Bullock

Katie Burke

Rick Collins

Jackie Davis

Carolina Elias

Keriann Espersen

Megan Foster

Nick Garza

Heidi Hol tad

Willie Jennett

Debbie Kerby

Michelle Kujawski

Amy Miller

Bet y Pattock

Tiffany Pedersen

Cheryl Pfahl

Dan Sullivan

Sean Sweeney

Katy Tamminen

Michell V la quez

Hilary Yribarren

Ka tarina Zov ko


unbelievable, unforgettable, that'.., what YOU arc I am in awe of thL• crcattve, technologtcal , gcmuscs that surround me dad:

Fdltor-m Chtcf , Am\ Kujawski YO are a shmmg tar , bright , gltlWing and directed 'r our gtfh and , t..,ion will enlighten Vl' .Jrbook staff.., \n•llmto thL' new rL•ntun Assistant l-.dttor.., : Tara Kwtatl..tl\\·..,ki , Colleen llu'bbard and \IIILhcllc johnson 'rOu are a steadfast crew, perceptive, L'nergetic and dcll?rmmed to produce a legacv for all to treasure

Staffer , YOu have made mcctmg e\·er: dead hne a realitj. Together, we ha\·e broken through a ne'' dawn of the m!llcnmum.

Breaking through with YOU has been a true ble sing. Thank you.

lnChrist, Mrs Beth Pattock

'rcarhool.. :!OOO I'd lil..c to than!.. \1rs Pattocl.. for .til her ht:lp the past (\\ll years You're the !lest ccom.l mom my K Colleen !lcllm\ fatty) and wc finally made 11 1 A huge than!.. you to you for your dedit:at10n and \Hirl.. on the yearhool.. Spec1al thanl..s to Amy K for hclpmg me out \\llh the Ad' and teaching me the computer sl..tlh I lacl..ed To the 2000 Yearhool.. Staff - all your hard \\or!.. and eommitment cau,ed the hool.. to he a maJor \ucce". l'o \VIiham--you arc 'uch a great part of my hfe-·thanl.. you for C\erythmg' The fall Four--1 \\ill ne,cr forget all the good time' \\C had during our year' at eton and the many more awaiting U\--1 lme you all' I can ' t helie\e hmv fa,t the year ha'e gone and mm 11 ' my ttme to graduate! Than!.. you for e' eryone for maJ..ing the 1999 2<XXJ Yearbook and 'chool year '>Uch a great one! -Tara K\\tatJ..m\\J..t

Congratulations Staffl! I am very pleased w1th how well the yearbook has turned out and I could never have done it without a wonderful staff such as YOU. Special thanx goes out to my fellow editors. Colleen and Tara and Michelle, you guys are the best. Thanx for sticking w1th me through th1s whole ordeal I will remember you all forever until the end of time. Also thanx to Mrs. Pattock who has put up with me for four long years You are my partner in Crime! This year was fantastic!

ThanJ.. you C\eryhody for maJ..mg tht' yearhooJ.. experience a good one. \my. Mtchclle and Tara thank you for always maJ..ing me feel hJ..e I am Important and U\eful. Mr,. Pattocl... you are a great mother to me and you J..id, Than!.. you for giving me ea'>e with your words of" tsdom To the rc'>t of the cia''· you are a great hunch of J..od' and are dcftnllely going to go far You all 'hould he proud of tht' hooJ... 11 I'> truly yours Hetdt thanJ.. you for ic<l\ ing me tn the class alone \\ ith Amy' lh okay I lo\e you' 1 II -Colleen Huhhard

We are called a Catholic Chri tian to follow in the footstep of Je us and to open our heart to those who need us. Living the Gospel challenge is calling u to another year of Christian Service, attitude, example, and commitment. We are cho en to be a part of a lifelong relation hip with God that no other per on will ev r have.

From Fre hmen to Seniors we are challenged to break through th walls of prejudice and biased opinions that the American ociety ha set for us in today' world. We come together as a chool in the middle of expansion and growth to recreate a union with Jesus. As a Catholic Family we mu t try our hardest to connect with the student body around us by realizing the presence of Christ in each individual.

"Faith isn't knowing what tomorrow will bring, but knowing who will bring tomorrow." "The search for answer i a path that never end , but no matt r where you go or what you do, the road will alway lead back to God." Together we rejoice in God's prevailing love and together we will trive in God's name to reach out and make thi Millennium year at S ton Catholic High School one of the best.

Religion 133

As a Catholic Christian, You are Called to Christian Service

Hands to Work & Hearts to God

The Kingdom of God Lies Within

I want every student who leaves Seton to realize that Christian Service is a way of life and a vital part of who w e are . The greatest compliment for the teacher s and s taff would have to be seeing students realizing that fulfillment and happiness are all tied into being for God, self and others. The miracle that occurs when we ser v e other s happens within each of our hearts , minds and souls. In other words, "The kingdom of God lies within. " If we can "love others the way that I have loved you," we are well on our way to discovering the secrets to life and fulfillment.Mr. Cunningham

U nd e r th e Wir e Fre hmen Matt Macias and Stewart Dandorf race again t the clock to get a service hours form completed before they are due.
134 Religion
Million s Se rve d Every D ay Senior Lauren Gessler poses with Ronald McDonald at the Ronald McDonald House. There she served hot meal to the busy parents of children with terminal illnesses. A Vision of Christian Service Mr unningham was happy to with us his hopes for the future of service here at Seton.

Hard Work and Dedication

\lleghan \llelcher, Emdv C.obll , II/ zie \11rrione , llnh• , Ryan Dompier, and Brandon lkn/ing a lot of hard work to make the \Ill retreat a

Letter of Encouragement enior Jill

Da\ take<, time out of her busv to write letter., of encouragement to the aid project.

Chunky or Smooth? Semor Hilary

'Iribarren and Sophomore

Yrib,uren make peanut butter and jellv sandwiches for Paz de Christo to help teed the hungry




works up to the Ia t minute decorating posters for the fre hmen retreat.

preading Joy I be they are the real heroes of today," replies senior Libby Acedo after returning from the veteran's home with her English cia

hing enior Dippre

t e p By S t ep (,etting up in front of the hoth can he nen·e rackmg hut 1--.atie \1ttclwll and \1adeling Dippre don t even look the\ lead the processiOn during the presentatiOn of the G1fh

Puttin g it All Together

\ ince Placido and Anthonv QuihUis " help " )o\ R1chards put the hmshing touche-., on tlw '->-C-H-S cia" Puule .

Staying Focused it tin g on th e gy m floor ca n b e un co m for ta b le, b u t sop h omo r es Ruth ob leand M ichelle Kujawski still manage to pay attention and pa r ticipate in the mass.
Living the GospelChaUenge Glory&

Lord Hear Our Prayer C.dting up l'arl\ no problem for '>l'nlllr r,m\'a Redger lwr d,l\ D\ n•ad ing tlw at thl· mormng

Brainstorming Puttmg their together, sophomores Katv Tammmen and Angie Arcieri come up with and aCti\·ities for the freshmen retreat.

Be With :vie Lord Camilll• Jehle h\1p111g fordinm•mten·entlon while a religwn

Make a Joyful oise \lu-.ic Tr.lL \ Krakora I auren

Bl'th and Bnan Dl•nt contnbutl• h1 thl• bv leading thl• bod) 1n

Setting the Scene enior Heather Erhart places flower-. in front of the ,1Itar to help transtorm the gym mto a place of


Our Daily Life

A Catholic Community United by Faith

What a Gift Sr joan \lane Recei\ ed the wonderful news that the Parent's Club had bought her a brand new computer She didn ' t anv tmw getting on and l''\plonng her new

What a Saint Cand1ce Beltran donate mone> to help the children in Korea Hopefully she enough money for her lunch , too

Coming from a public school Laura says, "Seton is a lot smaller and the uniforms have definitely effected me!"

Levi Redger
"Going to morning rna everyday helps to strengthen my faith and peranal relation hip with God."

Morning prayer is how God int ract with our daily life. Jame says, "Mr. Cunningham ha interesting and lively mterpretation of the prayer ."

"My favorite part about coming to a Catholic School is the strong faith that binds th community together."
Laura O'Connell
Jamie Callahan
Heather Erhart

Embracing Your Spirituality The Campus 'vl.r Cunningham Towle to further embrace dunng Religion IV class.

And With Choirs of Angels we Sing Teresa Krakora, Brianna Barasso, and Courtney mitham help to lead the students and teachers dunng rna s.

The Blood of Chri t Sophomore Vlatt Kirch repectfullv recei\·es the Euchanst from Sr. on-.uelo. The is an es entia! part of mass which held at our school at least once a month.

A Place to Play, A Place to Pray The gym amanngly from an athletic into a holy ennronment With the help of the Senior Religion Class and Father Loren.

Spiritual Guidance 'vl.inglmg with her students, the enthusia tic Ylrs Laliberte' offer help and upport in her Religion II class

Surpri ed? Robert Byrd must have been truck by the Holy pirit during prayer, while Rick Collm and J'\:ick Garza look to be as though they are keepmg their pecial mtenhon in mind .


Parish Life

As Catholics, You are Called to Christ's Church

United in One raith (.hurL h .1 grL'.1t pl.llL' to nwl't pL'opll' who LwIIL'YL' m tlw thmg I do," I I/ l-.1ng .1nd I .niriL' 1111 t h

After Mass Activities 'Vliaanchez watches the activities and people at I ifL• Teen while trvmg to find a ..,eat. Along with other teens, gather<, after mass to expand spirituality

Spiritual Growth \\'lwn \\'11\ lw goL'"' tu d1urLh JUnior \1att '-,Jade chur,h \\".1\ tormL'tL>gnn' to Cud " A Community of Worship "T he thmg about church learnmg about Cod, gomg to L 1fe Teen, and m; fnend..,," "'aY" -.ophomore Andre\" Dompu:>r

J aithful Teacher 'The I lwlp teach Ml' realh and I hkl• to tl',ll h them about C.od and thl' th,lt I bl'lil•n· m," Dl'l'dl'l' Dl•Young Dl'edee '' 1th tlw <11 St.

A Place to Gather Wdl and '>l hm1tt ouhidl• thl Tl'l'n Centl'r at '->t. pario.,h. "I likl• gomg to lhurdl at C.,t bl•I ha\ l' ,1 lot ot and a lot of fun lwrl'," Will

Li fe Teen Junio r Becky Clark, Sophomo res, ick1 Ritz and Denise Billmgs, and Junwr Amanda Kei ltv hang out at Life Teen at t. Tim'-.. "Going to Teen Life is a lot of fun, I get to hang out with friends, and it'-. a different approach to learning about Cod," -.avs '\ 1cki.

Kidding round ophomore .'VI egan Ryan help-. with the first grade religious education program at St Benedict's Church. "I help out for my Chnstwn en·ice hour-. but I reallv like working with the little k id-.. Thl'\''re so cute and reallv fun to hang \nth."


Everyday a w watch our daily programming on TV, listen to the radio on the way home from school or while doing your nightly homework, WE are bombarded by advertisements. Radio and TV commercial trying to buy YOU into their markets with new Millennium gimmicks. Posters and billboards catch your eye with dazzling graphic design and silly logans that eem to stick in your head forever.

As we journey through the year 2000, it's no doubt that companies will be advertising with new millennium-style slogans in hopes to attract your business.

'Commercials are becoming ever more elaborate with the use of computer graphics and other computer technology. Bands and other musical groups have used bumper stickers to make their name known as well as to provide a mean for expre sing individual ta te.

Advertisements 143

Congratulations Rick!

We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, & Anna

Congratulations, Willy!

You truly have been our pride and joy all these years! We know your future is bright. We love you, Mom, Dad & Patrick

144 Ads

'"e ha\

e t:\pt:rit:nLt:d much jo)

)OU gnm from a funn) ltttle girl into an t:\ceptional )OUng

We our upon your graduation into the 21 century.


Uncle Tom & Aunt Rena

Dear Vince.

We 10\e }OU vel"} much and ha\e really enjoyed sharing these high <.,chool year.., 'With }OU. You c.;hould feel ver} proud of all youraccomongratulation


Mom and Dad

Dear Keriann, Youha etill dmylife with . unshineand miles, endle s pride and boundless love. How lucky I am to have been bles d with adaught r whoi aLomyb st friend. o matt r where life' . path . lead you, always hold fa t to your deep faith, tay true to your elf and keep the mu icinyourheart. the futurehold infinite po ibilitie . I lo e y u ery much, Mm

Ads 145


When I \\a., born. I \\a., born mto a ne1ghborhood \\ Hh lot'> of fnend.,, lot'> of Ime. I had th1s one fnend. '>he \\a., beautiful and '>mart. she was dedicated to her goals and her dreams, and she was ITij hest friend. I spent mj first ele\en years of hfe gro\\ ing up\\ ith her. gnming close to her. and C\entually she de\eloped mto the sister I ne\ er had. he cared for me. gave me ad\ 1ce and sent me in the nght d1rect1on. When ITI) famll) mo\ed. and her familj mmed. I could not bare the thought of lea' mg her not \\alking '" ith her to school. not pia) 1ng our dall) games. and most of alii feared losmg her Fnendsh1p.

After five ]Cars of li>ing apart. my friend and I are still be'>t friends and even though we don't talk to each other everyday like we U'>e to. she 1.., still my 1<.ter at heart he still g1\CS me ad' ice. she st1l11s there \\hen I need her. and a., we gro'" older together \\ e learn what it means to have a best fnend. he has forg1ven me for things that I should have done different!). and she still tells me what I can and can't do. just like a big s1ster. But through the good times and the bad . ..,he has never tned to change me. I wouldn't give up the sixteen years that we have spent together for anjthing. Silett you are my best friend. and as your '"little sister" I want you to knO\\ that I love you. and I hope onl) the best for you. Follow your dreams. and congratulatiOns on the first e1ghteen years of your life I am ver; proud of you!


Kyle Belie\e in yourself and stay focused on your dream

You can achieve your goals.

If'> a life ahead!

Love, Jay, Tere, Dana, Seth & Jenna


Congratulations on this major accomplishment and hope your graduation is the springboard to your succesc., and happiness.

Reality i'> the end product of someone'. dreams, o use the many talents that God has blessed you with and live out your dreams!!

Love, Mom, Dad, Jac;on and Ryan

146 Ads

Tricia & TaraYou t\\O \\ere outnumhcred

__ .. but nc\er out Ha\e fun room' n at !'.A C LO\e.

Tiffany. Bel'>}. Li-.ette. Sutanna. Jarme Courtne).

Margaret. Melr-.-.a. Vlegan and Je-.-.rca

Ads 147
5 SETON SENTINELS 5GRANDSONS 2GRADUATES 3TOGO Much Love and Prayers, Grandma and Grandpa


Your '>cn-.c of humor and caring nature

\\Ill carry you through Ii fc . Two quote-. come to m111d \\hen think.ing of you ...

tce gu)" may appear to fini'>h la-.t. but U\ually they are a running different race."

··when you k.now what yOU \tand for. you can turn on a dime and have five cent'> change."

"Heart of a leader"

Believe in You! Love. Mom. Dad & Jenna

148 . Ads

r.llsa Mane from the da: )OU \\Crc born )OUr beautiful smile has brought God's grace mto our ll\cs. In a blml.. )OU ha\C become a )Oung v. oman right before our \ cr: C\ cs but ) ou h,l\ c also become ,!mentor and soulmate to Anall-.c. And) ·s amha-. ador of K\\an. ,111 amiga to :our mom. hand an on1on ..,and\\ 1ch to me \\ ho u cd to ..,cJdom -.hcd -\-, } ou mo\ c fon\ ard \\ llh your hope.., and dreams l..mm that v.c will al\\a)' be there for }OU 'v1ijita. \\C arc \Cr) proud ol )OU. certain!) for )OUr accompJi..,hmcnt hut mo..,t of aJJ }OUr effort and faith Ill gcttmg there rcl1cidadc-.' \\ Hh all of our lm c Mom. Dad. And]. nah..,c. Bubb.

Ads 149

Tor Jennifer -

With all our love and support.

We are so proud of you!

- Dad and :Mom

J BSo close your eves and dream the dream of the TVonderful siqhts that be. and you shall see the beautiful thinqs that live in the misty sea.

150 Ads

Congratulations, Terecital

We are all so very proud of youl We Love You Dearly, And you will always be # 1

From crayon scribbles to art masterpieces

From nursery rhymes to solo performances

From baby dolls to pro-life advocate

From daddy's little girl to daddy's princess

From printing ABCs to editing the newspaper and Lit Mag

From Kiddo & tw1n SIS to advice counselor

From kissmg toads to kissing boys

From grandpas' arms to boyfr1end's charms

From cous1n part1es to high school prom

You have blossomed, precious one,

With the softness of a rose petal into a stunning red rose. May your fa1th keep you rooted in love, May your passion for life always be 1gmted!

L"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, Shining ever brighter tdl the full light of day!" Proverbs 4:18

May God's Spirit within you produce such a glow, That everyone who sees you will always know Theresa Ann Krakora, is a child of God!

Trac1, Congratulations! I am so proud of you You have gro\\n so much since I first met you 111 frcslum111 year You have become a commendable young woman Thank you for being there for me and makmg my life so much more meaningful I love you. -R)an

T -treasure of talent

R-resourceful; ryan, robert, roses


C-champion of causes; creative


Ads 151


L It".., a funny thmg about life : if you to anyth)n g but t. you lt. your \UCCe'-.s by that you're anu e\erything a little than you rounu it. When \\e look. IIllO )'OUr future. it" ... \0 bright it burn'> our eye'->!

Lme. Mom & Dau. Ali.,on. Michael

Annette ,

A your parent we have world with fervor. We thank God he ha

een you grow and take on the blessed us with you. You have made parenting ea y. We are proud of you and your accompli hment Love , Mom and Dad 5lnnette5l(tamirarw

5lnnette5l[tamirano JlnnetteJL!tamirarw 51.rmette5l[tamiralzo 51.nnette5l(tamirarw .:-1rmette5l(tamirarw Jlnnette5l(ta 152 Ads

I .a-.t \\eel- ) m1 \\ere

K111c George l·ourth. I oda) )Ou're Aaron Burr

Tomornm ) ou'll he Ollie '\Jorth.

Columhu-.. 01 Benllur Your -.alllt). the doLt or -.a) there·., no hope of re-.toring . 'r ou· re nut-.. ol cour-.e. hut \\ h<ll the he) At k,t-.t ;our l1fc'-. not horing'

Thank you for being -;uch a wonderfu I big -;i -;ter to me.

Love. a\ anna -Blue Clare.

We wi-;h you good health and much happines-, for your future. We love you \ery much. Dad and I have ne\er topped thanking od for you.

Len e. Mom and Dad


F 11 w our h art and dream , . ur famil L fore r. G do or do not. there is no try.

Love Always. Mom, Dad, Augi and our family

ou mu:t. tr not.

:.l.ntfrew :Ja{:;arano :Ja{:;ararw :Ja{:;ararw :Ja{:;arano :JaC:,arano :faC:,arano :JaC:,arano :faC:,aran Ads 153

Taxi Driver 198 1

198 4

Robert Dinero, our Actor

ongratulat10ns Robert 't ou are indeed one of the tars tn our famil 'you are the Actor \\ e are the Producers \\ e are bles ed and proud to be part of your life :tory

We \C v,atched vou gro• and Help reach one of your dreams

High (irag!,!atton Class 2000 Epi ode # I ow tt's ttme to go and travel vour Road to ·uccess

Episode #2 , College 'years

s you tra\.el that road , you v.tll encounter some dtt1iculties , detours and challenges

Face them with po ittve attitude , per. t. tence perse\erance and common en ·e

Keep tn mtnd that we are alway there to guide and gt\e direction as needed o vou v..ill reach vour final de tmatton and goal with ea e and ·ucce ·

We hope you will co ntinue to maintain t he arne C'hn tta n moral values and fatt h tn Almighty God

We love you Robert. and w wtll ah.. ays be there for you

Love and Prayers, '\1om & Dad

Charity , R.J, and Zachary

Pretty Woman 1983 o-star with sister harity (Class ' 94)

154 Ads
Raging Bull

.</Jatrnl o-J/I(Iifl, JtW '(imr./licJ IIWOI ;t. ltar'l/7/f.ft//1 ,ll!me

clffi/1/ldt; lt11J. :1/oll t't' ljllltm II/) 1it;ltl 0111

lite .!lm o ltllt'l' fjllllt' xJ .fa J/. ,1/ltal tilt IIUtiW 1/lil{fjJ

1/1 1/li; tl'fnlrl Mfll tn' au· 11ol VII(' a!xJIII.

1/lnt· j tJ/11' !ltt/ltj tt't' rllt' mm'l/lrt't! oj. :?JJtt

tllt' !ftc /II(})/ ;){(dtJ/0 ,r;t/1 .VIti ltrt J fjlflral 1/J td!lt.

Cttr/; tlr((j :;/ otll /r'ttt'J !jOlt ltm·r· /1/tt/ltlfjt'll ltJ loarlt tJII r

hl'llliJ tl/lt/ tJl('!jftltYI 01/l t/r(YJ, ((/If/ 11'1' /rlt'C ,YIJ/1 ./m 1/lal. it iJ /U{(' IJl11! /rlt't' iJ ttflal t/te tt'or/d _tjtl

tll/Jtl/lt/. /Jltrl ljOIII /rJ('t' iJ t/Wttl lllftfit:J Olll tt'tHHI (/0

ruotl/111. CJti· arc Jtl l'm11rl :;/ air' //Ia! .fJott hm'e

lf(('tl/llfJiiJiml. .rl/ott rm· jtol tltc /,;/;r/ :;/ rltilrl n't'fj' pttll'/ll td;/t(') jm.

t.lot'l' V'lltr·qy;, clfom tt/ltl V'latl

Ads 155


We watched you grow as a kid. We witne<>sed you maturing into a young man. Always r member that those that lov d you while you grew and matured will be your mentors when life challenges your adulthood --We love you!

Your Godparents, Aunt Dottie and uncle John


What a joy the year have been watching you grow up! We are very proud of you!

All our love,

Mom and Dad, David, Michelle and Greg

Even though we always argue, it's been great having you for a brother.


Walk with hri t and go where he leads you.

To our first born darling,

Always be true to yourself, to your family, to your heritage and to your faith. Keep Christ close in your life. Remember this .... Wherever your dreams may take you, we have alway loved you more than life its lf. Catch the "perfect wave" and ride it forever.

Peace and ble ings, Mom and Dad

Congratulations to a fine young grand on.

"What a nerd!"

Aunt Carol and Uncle Larry

Congratulation ! Way tog !

Aunt D ni and Uncl P te

"Well, it's about time Boy!"

Aunt Renee & Uncle Allen

Grandpa & rna Bonura
156 Ads

Cong ra tulations Brandon, We are so proud of you and all you have achieved. You have brought us great joy and we look forward to all of our future accomplishments.

Love, Mom Dad & Beth

To our daughter jennifer Diana Marr'i, We are so proud of your accompli'ihments. May you grow stronger and learn from whatever life bring ... You have learned so much and have already faced and overcome challenge the epa t four years! Embrace life and let all your dreams touch the sky!

We love you always, Mom & Dad, Gaby, Ana, Rick & Cathy.

'Brantfon :V(istfer 'Brantfon :V(i.stfer 'B rant!on ?vfistfer 'Brantfon ?vfistfer 'Brantfon :V{istfer 'Brantfon :V(istfer 'Brantfon :V(istfer 'Brant!on ?vfistfer 'Brantfon :V(istfe
Ads 157

Our spec ia l moments

Qu iet times together

Secrets shared and held dear

So many wonderfu l memories

My godchild , the angel God sent , To touch so many lives

I look forward to my life in Arizona , Filled with YOUR hopes and dreams .

My Spec1al Niece ,

The keeper of my secrets

The keeper of my heart

May your future be as bnght as shimng jewels!

Love , Aunt Letty

Miranda ,

The distance between us has not kept you far from me , You have always been close to me through the love we share

The recent times spent together, have been spec1al to me They have shown me who you are and who I would like to be .

You have taught me to be a better person , For this I w111 always be grateful.

May God bless your life with as much

Love and joy you have brought to my life

Love Aunt Becky

M iranda ,
158 Ads


The gift of your life has enriched our lives beyond imagination. You have brought many cherished memories that we will treasure forever. Your virtues and values are a reflection of your inner goodness May your live life to the fullest and may your goals and dreams come true . Congratulations.

Love, Dad and Mom

From heaven

You are dearly loved by all To earth Ads

Dear Tanya,

To our beautiful daughter, both inside and out, we highly teem you and challenge you to go out and walk in all the Lord has planned for your life! Alway tay close to Jesus an he'll guide and direct your life, and remember, it will be mor exciting th n you could ever dream up!

We Love You , Honey

Mom and Dad

Levi and Ryan

Congratulations to our beautiful and brave baby girl!

We are so proud of you. The best is yet to come!

Keep your faith and always remember that we love you.

Love, Dad, Mom, Andrea, and Allison

160 Ads

A real Sma s hin g Pumpkin s Fan, Congratulation s

Michael! Ma y God bless you and guide y ou alway s !

We Lo v e y ou, Mom , Dad , Joseph and Mari s sa

Gently you raise me and heal my weary soul, You lead me bv pathways of righteousness and truth, my spirit shall sing t h e music of you r name . Psalm 21

Congratulations Christina! You have accomplished o much we a re ve r y p r oud of you! May all of you r d r ea m s fo r th e futu re come true. Love, Mom , Dad , Lisa , Stepha ni e & Brando n


A long as you believe in yourself and know what you want, you will make it happen! I am o very proud of you. Ye terday, today and always.


Love, Mom

Christina 'Bancroft Ch.ri..,tina 'Brancroft Ch.ri..,tina 'Bancroft Ch.ri..,tina 'Bancro
La uren Lauren yess r Lau ren yessler Lauren yess er Lauren yess er Lauren yessfer Lauren ye.ss er Ads 161

Believe Hold

Hope ... Hme Faith ...

All are possible with God. -Matt 19:26

Love. Mom, Dad. Andrew. Ke\ in. Chriss) &Jacquelyn

Do be afraid of tomorrowGod is already there.

Love ncle WaneandAuntLynn


Today io., your da).

You· re off to Great Places!

You're off and

You ha\e brains in your head.

You ha\e feet in your shoes

You can 'oleer your..,elf any direction you choose

You· re on your own

And you what you h.now. nd YO are the gu) decide \\here to go nd you will succeed'!

Yes' You indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)"

--Dr. Oh the Places You'll go!

Our first nephe\\--L<)\e, unt Jan and ncle Rich.


You are about to begin an important part of your life-college! Workhardandyou will be uccessfullife is about choices. Be prepared to make good ones and learn from the bad. Keep a po itive attitude and most of all- Be Happy! Remember that your family, (th whol Drummondlslandgang!)will alway bethereifyouneedu!

Congrats on your Graduation!

Love, Grandpa, Grandma, unt Kathy, Uncle Rick and AuntJan and Uncle Jerry

162 Ads

We are so proud of you ! You tand at the door to your future with the world at your feet. Enjoy the journey knowing how much we love you!

And alway s will , Mom , Dad, Jackie , Dana , Uncle Jame Aunt Kathy and All the Cou in !

Yo u Did It Li z!! I b e t yo u we re a b ea uti f ul b a b y!
Yo u r F utur e i so br ig h t yo u nee d h a d es!
irrione Lizzie _ im·one Li..::.zie: irn·one Li.::.::ie : im·one Li.::.::ie: irrione Li.::.::ie : im·one Li.::.::ie : im·one Li.::.::ie : irrione Li.::.::ie: irrione Ads
Lizzie :

ongratulation-. on a Job Well Done!

Love. DadAndMom


You have made high

..,chool a very happy time for me.

Thank you! Congratulatiom on all your accompli..,hments.

I'll Alway.., Be 1\.\-ay..,, Uz

Congratulation Anthony!

A you enter the next chapter of your life, hold on to your... -Focu -Faith -Family -Friend -And your ze t for life!

We are so proud of you! !

Love, Dad, Mom, Adrian, Alicia and Andre

Chris 'To
:4.ntfwn uiliuis Jlntfwn uiliuis Jlntfwn uifiuis Jlntfwn uiliuis :4.ntfwn uiliuis Jlntfwn u iliuis :4.ntfwn 164 Ads


Tara, Congratulations!

I just want everyone to know you have a bigger mouth than me.

Love alway<.,, Your cuter, smarter ister, Erin

o proud of you!

Your contag iou w armth a nd laughter ha touch e d o m a n y li ve . A you journ ey to ne w hori z on in th e 21 t c e ntury remember to hold God clo e , follow your heart , and keep on milin g !

Love alway -

Mom , Dad , Bryan , Kevin , Emily and Maria

Love , Mom , Dad , Mike & Scott Ads

rantfon 'Benzin 'Brantfon 'Ben.zin 'Brantfon 'Benzin 'Brantfon 'Benzin
Anne , You will always be our ''PRINCESS ''

Lexi and

Different in so many way

Alike in so many others

You've each made u so proud

And if we had our druther We'd want you to know

We want our love to how--

Both your Dad' and your Mother's

Le)j &'En"nStanariage Le)j &'ErinStanariage Lel(j &'ErinStanariage Lel(j &'Erin Stanan·age Lel(j &'Erin Stanariage &'En·nstanariage Le)j &'En 166 Ads

Congratulations! Success to you, it's yours. Thank you for th time of our life.

?vfiche[[e L!jrtrte
Micfte[[e L!Jnne
Midre[[e L!Jnne
:Vfidre[fe L!Jmze John..mn 'Micfzel{e L!Jnne Johnson ;l,{icfre[ Ads 167
Love, Mom and Dad
Johnson 'Jvficfte[{e


Well, isn't this the cat' s meow! As Dad would say, not bad.

Love, Mom, Dad, the Girls, and the Cats

Dear Thomas,

You did it! We ar o proud of you. Your accomplishment have been wonderful and we know you will go far. As you go through life ju t rememb r "keep your tick on the ice".

All our love, Mom, Dad and Amy


You have always been o precious to us. Thank for being the happin in our lives. Our love and prayers are with you always.

ongratulation Sunshine! Mom, Dad, and Ann

'IFwmas 7Wrafwm 'IFwmas 7Wrafwm 'IFwmas 7Wra!Ulm 'IFwmas Jt6rafwm 'IFwmas .::t6rafwm 'IFwmas Jl6rafwm 'IFwmas 7Wrafwm 'IFwmas 7Wrafiam 'IFwmas 51
168 Ads
atie 'Bu


You ar the mu ic in our live and the mile in our h art Congratulation on your 1 t tep of many towards adulthood. Stay trong.


Dad, Mom, ick, Jes ica & Trina

ur l t m on \ 'ith th ·· pirit f a \'inn Hold tnr to ur dr am and you \viii ah a b that ' inner!

hank for the l ear . h r ha

n r b n a dull m m nt. Y u· b n a gr at ig BrotheT! Be ur d that ur

I v and upp rt \ ' ill al\va I b \Vith I u.

ve and Pray r .

Mom Dad Matt.

Timm and Patrick


Chenchito -- God's creation, a unique individual-- your mama y papa are so proud of you mijo warijo! We are blessed and proud of the young man you have become. Our love is always with you.

170 Ads


We are so proud of you. You erved the ball of opportunityover the net of succes - to score an ace in achievement! You will alway be our "Little Prince ".

We Love You, Queen Mom, Servant Dad & your charming little is'

Ads 171

Congra t ulation Kris tina!

Alway follow your dream and have confidence in yourself. We are all very proud of the wonderful person you are and w wi h you continued ucce .

God bless you

We love you very much.

Mom, Dad, Kelli, Kyl and family


You will always be our little princess as you venture and travel to new horizons .....

ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Strom 'J(ristina Stro
172 Ads
Love, Mom&Dad

Jill, Congra tu lations! We are o exci t ed fo r you. May t he Holy Spiri t guide you in your fut ure journey. Know that our love and upport wi ll always be there.

Love, D ad, Mom, and Drew

From your bi rth and throughout your life , You have always been a light to all who know you . From friends and family alike , we all love youAnd are all better people for knowing you .

Michelle Bernadette Elizabeth Clinch ass of 2000 !

pray God blesses you and always keeps you safe , (and because Grandma Esther sa id

We all love yo u, Mom , Dad , Dad , Megan , Courtney and A. J. (You r bro , C lass of 200 7!

l[ 'Davis Ji[[ 'Davis Ji[[ 'Davis Ji[[ 'Davis Ji[[t}Javis }if['Davis }if[ 'Davis Ji[[ 'Davis Ji[[ '])avis Ji[[ '])avis Ji[[ 'Davis Ji[[ 'Davis Ji[[ 'Davis Ji{l '])avis Ji[[ '])
Ads 173

'->ilctt (tital , I w,1nt to thank \'OU for being a great -.I-.ll' r and ,1 wonderful leader 1 ou mav not know It , but I look up to vou C.ood luck 111 colkge I know vou will fulfill vour dream-. 'r ou'rl' lhl• be-.t. I lo\ e \\lll

'rour -.1-. , Vll'lma

Our Dearest ilett, There wiiJ be obstacles and distractions along the way, but with your self-confidence, your tremendous inner strength, your inteJJigcnce, your energy, your total concentration, and ambition you wiJJ definitely reach your goals. Silett, you are very special to us, and we love you very much. We wish you aJJ the best life has to offer.

Your Family

Sifett Morafe.s Sifett Morafe.s Sifett Morafe.s Sifett Morafes Sifett Mora[es Sifett Morafes Sifett Mora[es Sifett Morafes Sifett Mora[es Sifett Morafe.s ifett :"1 174 Ads

Your graduation is one more joyous event your family shares with you, Madeline. We are very proud of you! In fact, we think you are TIGGERIFFIC! ! ! !

We love you, Andy!

Mom, Dad, Jillian, Cheddar, and Lucky

In second grade. when asked. "What do you want to be when you grow up!" you answered. "./l nice person." Well. vou have achieved your goal! We love vou and are always here for vou!


176 Ads
Mom Dad :;R_uth and Andrew

ongratulation on pa ing an th r mil tone in life. ' OU

Congratulations Jujee!

We love you!

Dad, Mom, Jill & Jenna

Jo h nn
Ads 177

AI xia, You ar the top in everything you hav done. And the be tis yet to come!

We love you and will alway be proud of you.

2000 S nior Girls! Thanks for the GREAT mcmorie and for all the GOOD times we hared. You all mean th world to me.

There's a "Miracle called Friendship" That dwells within the heart and you don't know how it happens or when it getsit start.

But the happiness it brings you alway give a special lift, and you realize that Friend hip

i God's mo t pre iou , gift! Friends Forev r, Love Alway Candice

Mom, Dad, Merry; The re t of the family and the cat too!

Candice Marie Kochis

andice, you are the flame in our lives.

Your light shine many colors for all to see.

Red is courage, stepping out to b called a leader.

Gr n parks your quick and witty ense of humor.

Blue i your loyalty to God, your family and friend .

Yellow which is the most radiant of all, is your sweet and gentle mile that only angel po · ·e s.

May your light shine in th plendor of God down th path of life. God Bless you, and 0 RATULA TlO S!

Love- Mom and Dad "XX"

Cantfice 'l(pchis Candice 'Ji.pchis Candice 'l(pchis Cartdice 'l(pchis Cantfice 'l(pchis Candice 'l(pchis Candice 'l(pcfiis Candice ' 'ochis Candice 'l(pchis Candice X 178 Ads

Tricia Hermes

Look at all you've done our Little Princess you have come so Favre, your family roots are strong thanks for moving with us.

Love You



Yo u !



Congratulations Michael!

You have made us all so proud of you! May all your dreams come true.

We love you,

Mom and your whole family

'Iricia:Hennes 'Tricia:J-{ennes 'Iricia:Jfennes 'Tricia:Jfennes 'Tricia:Jfennes 'Tricia:Jfennes 'Tricia:Jlennes 'Iricia:Hennes 'Iricia:Hennes 'In'ciaHer

Heather, o matter what you achieve in life, as long as you want it and it make you happy then you're a succes . W are extremely proud of you and we love you with all of our house.

All our Love, Dad, Vicki, and Grace

Heather, You make all of u so very proud. Always tay your helpful, sweet, wonderful self.

Congratulations and good luck in college.

Love, Mom, Jessica, Matt, Andie, and Nathan


You w re an an wer to our prayer. May God an wer your . You are a gr at daughter. We are proud f you and love you.

Love, Mom, Dad and K vin

Hcatlia'Lrfiart :1-fcatlicr'Lrfiart Hcat!icr'Lrliart Heatficr'Lrhart Hcatficr'Lrfiart Hcatlicr'Lrfiart :Heatlicr•£rfiart Heatficr'Lrliart Heatlicr'Lrfiart :Hcatlier'
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Brian, We are so proud of you! We Jove you very much!

Congratulation Alma.

We are proud of you and are behind you 100 %, all the way.

We love you.

Morn, Dad, Sandra and Fabian

Hey Cheesecake, Congratulations! Make u proud. Fulfill your dream , go all the way. We love you.

From, Your Tia and Tio anez and Family

:.1fma :Hema111fc.:::1fma Jlemantfe.z:-1fma Jlemantfe.:::1lina :1lina :Hemaru{e.:: :1lina Heman de.:: Ads 181

Sara Keilty

As the years go by...

Smiles abound for all to see

Alway there for a friend in need

Remember the e days of fun and laughter

And your pirit will soar forever after!

We're very proud of you!

Peace and Love always, Mom, Dad, Amanda and Eric

182 Ads



We are \ ery proud of you. Your faith carried you far. Ma] continue to guide your life, your and your future.

Love, Mom, Dad, Dan and Ben

Ads 183




AU,; of o--u.v thot.Mjht"}' (IUI"e- o.ho-utf WL£0;.

pLaced,; iAIV o--u.v cU.L yect.v}' etgo; vtOW at" o--u.v hea,vt

C(.,V(V -Lt.£d; to- yOUt for YOUt hcvve- JIJIU.tCJv to- o--u.v fc;tma.y. Now iT}' -th.0 wor-Ld)}' turvv! WeLove-yOU!.

Vcult, J M(IUI"i£v, N U:lv

Vmlyssh, tl'ypvqvb mo pbiv, tl'yvqvb mo l<lx sv, tt"Ypvqvb tl'ypvqvb mo s(lqvsh, tl'yvqvb mo

yztmbyxsv, mu ylhpl'mlk mo vewvssvlp <lb

nbymovfubpl'h, my ylhpl'mlk mo vewvssvlp <lV

nbymovfubpl'h, prmlg yx<lip oiwr prmlko ... M wyl

Z<l yss prmlko prb<likr Wrbmop tro opbvlkpNlo tv.

184 Ads


We love you very much and are so proud of you. Congratulations and God Ble s You.

Love Always, Dad, Mom, John and Mark

Raffie, Congratulations,

We are very proud of all your hard work.

Love, Mom &Dad


We are so very proud of you.

o after your dreams.

Our Love and support will be with you alway

ongratulation ,

Love, Morn, Dad, & Tyler

Ads 185
::..adz Tollett ::,ach Tollett ::..acft Tollett ::..adz Tollett ::,adz Tollett ::..acfz To

MeghanKnov. YourselfWhat you can do

nd v.antto do in life et goah

nd v.ork hard to achieve them

Ha\e fun every day in every \Hly

Be creati \ e-

It is an experience of your feelings

Be sem,itive in\ iewing the world

Believe in the family

As a stable and rewarding way of life

Belie\e in love

s the most complete And important emotion possible

Believe that you are

An important part of Everyone's life that you touch

Believe in yourself

nd know that you are loved so very. very much!

Love and God Bless You Always. Mom&Dad

34 Be still and know that I am God -Psalm46: I0

186 Ads


We are so proud of who you are and who you are developing into. You have been a great source of joy and pride to us.

Remember, Sherman Day values of "honor, and fairness, and and truth."" values are the foundation v.ith -which to build your future upon. We will al-ways be there for you. WE LOVE YO

MOM. 0 0 0 LEX
Ads 187
asan Livennare asan Livennore asan Livennore 'ason Livcnnore asan Livennnre 'as on Liz'ennore 'ason Liz,ennore 1a.mn Livennore 1ason Liz'ennore as

"The Gift Of

Andre. for all the wonderful memories that have passed and those forthcoming. They will be our life-long

Love always & forever Mom. Dad & Danielle

Congratulations and Good Luck to the Class Of

188 Ads

Congratulations! We always knew you could do it. Proud of You!

Love ana and Tata

To our precious little girl, You've alway been a joy to us. Much uccess alway ! Congratulation on these fine 12 year We wish you lots of fun in college.

Love, Mom and Dad

Salutation and Congratulation to Celena Leon and the Seton Cla of 2000!

Love you, The Luna's P.S. We all love Steve!

Hey Celena, You finally graduated from school. It' time to go on to bigg r and better things. All the memories that we had together are now ornething of the pa t. How corny huh? I wa told to write thi

Love your favorite brother, Paul


Celena Le n Celena Leon Celena Leon C lena Leon Celena Leon Celena Leon elena Leon Celena Leon

Congratulations on another You have made us '>Overy proud. You alway-, bringjoy and happiness into our lives. NoV\ you have wings! Go out into the world, treat others with k.indness and love. keepdoingyourvery bc'>t. and always remember you are deeply loved.

Mom and Dad

Melissa WentworthMelissa Wentworth Melissa WentworthM lissa Wentworth Melissa WentworthMelissa Wentworth Melissa Wentw

Deare t Je . ica ,

Congratulation on a succe . ful four year s We are so proud of you.

May your future be filled with fulfillment , adventure and love . ..

Our love and upport will be with you alway

Love, Mom and Dad

1o h and Katie

ica Raftery Jessica Raftery Jes ica Raftery Jessica Raftery Jessica Raftery J Senior


ARAMBULA Congratulations Jas-

You are so very special to all of us

Love & Kisses

Dad, Mom, Ali, Blake & Melissa

yes & Sammie too!

Senior Ads
Ja on Arambula Ja on Arambu la Ja on Arambula Arambula Ja on Arambu la Jason Arambula Ja on Arambula

It CouUn)t 'Be 1Jone

Somebody said that it cou[dn't 6e done, fie 'With a chucl(fe rep[ied rrhat {(may6e it couUn't/' 6ut fie wou[d 6e one

Who wou[dn't say so ti[[ he'd tried.

So fie 6ucl(fed right in 'With tfie trace of a grin

On his face. If fie worried fie hid it. :J{e started to sing as fie tacl(fed tfie thing rrhat cou[dn't 6e done, and fie did it.

rrhere are thousands to te[[ you it cannot 6e done, rrftere are thousands to prophesy fai[ure;

rrhere are thousands to point out to you, one 6y one, rrfte dangers that wait to assai[you.

just 6ucl(fe in 'With a 6it of a grin, Just takg offyour coat andgo to it; Just start to sing as you tacl(fe tfie thing rrhat ((cannot 6e done/' and you'[[ do it.

. -,-·- -
Ads 189
T-dgar .9L (juest
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