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During each summer, we read summer books and write CTLs for next years English class. Every year, we learn new elements in literature to help us understand stories we read. During ma year we create an anthology that represents our favorite pieces of literature, songs and poems. After all the hard work, we have a book that reflects our own personality. Research papers and writing come during 5ophomor, year. During our JunUJ. year, we learn what influences American literature.

During , year, we create the infamous memory book. Here, the seniors gather pictures and stories in reflection of the good times they had in their lives.

Through these four years, the department 0

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At the first Mass of the year. students process to the chapel as the seniors take their place near u alter emphasizing their role as 1 leaders of the school. At the final Mass of the year, students process to the chapel and the juniors take the senors· spot as new leaders of the school.

student Life
Julian Silva '11 Cheer!

dbands, fl hair bows, and white watches make a big fashion statement on campus.

fun leiNll starts a mullet trend, but buzzed haircuts are still the most popular for seton boys.

on Tuesday, students either represented their favorite super hero, or dressed as a character that would be in an adventure film, like a pirate or even jed1 like q MaJt1eJ..

on Thursday, many students dressed up as super villains, while others tried to scare their peers with spooky zombie outfits, like 'till AtaM (above).

For Mass, we dress up like someone in the SO's going to church. and (sisters, below) dressed up as "Pink Ladies"

Junior Girls

Polar Ice was a great way for catholic studen to get together outside school and have some

And the 1 winner of .. Powder Puff .. is? THE SENIORS!

u.. , .l.!.olltJ Tl n!

Sentinel students would agree that while the teachers of government (Mr. VeUI, and Mr. Cl£neh )are chill, the work load in that class is definitely SKETCH

The rush to break every Tuesday and Thursday is proof enough that cookie days are CHILL, however the line to get a cookie is ••• sketch!

Coach is one of the most CHILL teachers on campus but our varsity football team would say his August practices are extremely SKETCH

0r£nrleq is pretty CHILL, landing yourself in her office is SKETCH

"I accidently walked into the wrong bathroom." -

"I was talking to my friend at lunch. She said something really funny right when 1was about to drink. i started laughing which made my drink go all over her."

1tried doing a high kick,

1went to all the wrong classrooms the first day of sch oo I. - Amq Suther/. slipped and ending up falling."

Talk about an awkward situation ...

.. so 1am 14 and a freshman. i was on the cross country team, which basically had all seniors who were bigger than me. One day we received a letter and the letter was adressed to; all the men in cross country ... and conner.' 1felt really awkward at that point ... - C()flner (left>

.. 1was waiting for my mom at the mall and this car pulled up that looked just like my mom's. so 1 got in and started talking, then looked and it wasn't my mom! The lady thought it was funny, but 1didn't ...-Nor. <right)

I Cl bs
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Ani Seton Catholic Blood Drive Committee has been an ongoing success. The committee organizes blood donations from

faculty, staff and students. Be a

life saver and donate blood at the next blood drive!

The Seton Prom Committee, moderated by , is always having a great time. They love planning the dance that everyone reams of attending. From theme to decor, these members add every special detail to make prom memorable.

.... .

Student Council works wi administration, faculty and staff as the voice for students.

Under Mr5. Pattock'5 direction, Seton catholic·s student government works hard planning dances, pep assemblies, and other school a ivi es.

fhe devotes countless hours towards producing amazing robots each year. Bound by rules , these members meticulously create each robot following specific rules and guidelines needed to compete nationally each r.

Drunk driving kills. The club members are dedicated to raising awarness about the dangers of drunk driving. Help save lives, join SADD!

Mr. 511Uh and the band get Seton catholic ' s spirits poppin'! The band is hard working, preparing to play at the seton catholic sports games and other events They are now in the process of becoming the first seton catholic marching band.

welcome people to Seton catholic and they help at most seton events . They are respected by the Seton catholic community and serve as our emissaries around campus .


Betcha Didn't Know ••••

Thoma.., Anthony

Zetta Armbm ter Lit.1 rroyo

Linda Barkyoumb

Patrick BmTett

Robert B1tlcr

Dennis Boetto

Rc'\ Bow ... cr

Jcs..,Jca Breen

Kathy Carpenter

Bamhi CmTiere-..

Denm.., Clinch

Patncia Colhns

Thoma' Darby

Karen Dirrigl

Beth Dodaro

Vanna Duong

Bob E"po..,ito

The Real Side Of Our Staff•••

0: If you were granted one free day off what would you do?

A: 1would sit on my couch surrounded by pillows and a big blanket, watch all of the TV shows that I've DVR'D and haven't had time to watch, and eat popcorn!

....Mr5. l?odaro

Kathleen E\ an

1atthew Frable

John C.nc Franci co

Elizabeth Gnffith

Julie Grindey

Steve Hart

Carey Hausbeck

Eveline Heath

Karen Hill

C) nthia Hoffman

Pamela Hollcrba h

Ryan Horn

Donald Hucntelman

Cha-.e Ki,Jer

Leah Kochis

l\tatt Kochi-;

Jennifer Kohl

Eli t aheth Kring'

HiltY lofl(J have f11JU been wor/t.£ng here?


Betcha Didn't Know •••

C) nthi,t

Karen Larson

Karen Lockhart

Rud) i\lartinc/ lichaell\.lcad

'I ere-.a i\linJtogawa

i\loon: letT) i\lulhn

Dan i\iguyen

1\li<.:helk 'owak

Barbara Oli' icri

Bryan OliYien

1\lar) Oreill)


Beth Pattock

i\lary Jane Pear\Oil


Janelle Plichta

Do you hang out with teachers outside of school?

Maria Vmaras

Bcrnaddtc Vuckovich

Louann Walther

Rolanda Polanco

Ia!) Ann Rich

David Richard

Richard R1lcy


iu-Lmg Ryan


Rebecc..t Sanchv

:\lary Jo Sandomir

Joanne Scandura

Fr. William Schm1d

Karen Self

Timothy Sm1th

;\lartm • pnn1l

!leather Sternberg

Henry Tongue

C)d 'l otten

\.lichacl Vetti

teach ...
M5. 5candura Staff

tck dam Lnnl) hnlUs.J

Alexander lien

Rachel lien Jamc nul.t

Kyung \1il' B.tck

Julia Barccllo

'ia\ Bate'

Pa)'On Black l..tc Bormann H.tlle Hntd)

BrcnnJ Brockert

'tchula Hroucck

Andre\\ Bu kel

Ju eph C.mwn.t

Kn t na C'arrtcrc'

Kayl.t C'a'C)

Knthkcn C.t,tm

Paul Champagne

Ca ic Ch.t\CZ RobChimcl

• a C'tfcrno

Connor Companik

• ',tthan Con..:cpcum

Ltml ano Conlm <t

, icoiJs ( ortez

[•hJah C'ounU)man

\ l.trl,us Cre<po

Robert Cui br!.; Ju, ph Cw1t< Jarrod Dati) PjDciR'

Alma D·l.tcrut

.\ltti.!Jcll Detente

.\ladehn Dc\:tr

Cole D1eterl

Alext DoTSL") RKhard Douglas lit

Alt•c_ bddy \lari' a Einck Ekch

C'iara Lrran

is the best II (he th£n9 about f 1,5 mak/,ng new frtend51 11 Zac ''rhe th£n9 about f 1,5 Mr5. Kuggtero'5 ef11J/1,5h cla55. 11

Betcha didn't know....

because team5 are 5/fla/1 enough to gwe a chance to plaq.11

Magg£e Uorman- "Mq f avortk 5port /,5 aance.._-

because t,t allow5qou to be creatwe.11

)dney f:spOSitO

Claire F \.In

Cr)'ital Lze

A axis Falutyu

Kchra Faulkner

Joseph r ec.lemo

Ton) Felix

BenJamm 1'11/hugh

Damel flores

R)la l·olts

Ll ise Fraher

Caitlin Gallagher

Ru} Garcia A.:o ta

Kathryn Garlid

(iabnelle Georgm1

Samantha Gille ric

Jackl) n G II

Rebecca Godbout

\lagg•c Gorman

K)le Grady

Connor Green:m alt

Janek Gunen tein-Benigno

\;athan•el Harder

Kev1n II.Irtenbower

\;atJiie liawc'

Heather lleild

Cc 1ha liemingwa)

Yoselm Hcmand.:t

Brennan HILk' ,\1 .me II odges

l:litabeth Hopwood

Serena II udson

lhercsa Huffman

,\1 itche.l Hufford

!:mil) Jal:kman

Drew len n

Kyle Johnson

I liZ} Junek

Rita Ka11a11

Dora Klamnr

Dann) l.ahad1e

R,u;hel Ladzin ki

Dame I arscn

u tn 1-11 mer


1 hael L •Ill

Da\td Lopez

I orde 1J.ka

\aron 1 lanm

1 h a 1anm

Stcph n ltC'af\ tile

Dann) 1cad

R).tn 1C}Cr

Colton \1tllcr

Ed\\ard \1ont.m.t

I ut Mont

Kel C) 1\loor.::

dam ,l\ U'>lln, ehc11

Chn tian gu)cn

Samh O'neill

Andrea Petcr,cn

C.trlton Pete•, m

riJn.l Petndc

Stephanie Polk

Hale) Pugh

f·l11aheth Rea! ch

Luurcn Reichardt

Yat!'ll Robama


R)an Rodriguez

Sydne) Ro enqmst O"en Ryan

Ta) lor Santiago

Brendan Saroue

hac: Sehmttt

S •ah Sen·ano

Betcha didn·t know ...

E\crctt Wilham

Joel \\ mtcnng

amuel Wood

laggte Younr,

Class of 2014

Jenean ullt\ ::1 1.uthe\\ wmford

T.chna T.llburt-Rodnguez


H Icy Tnl

Jo hua Vaca

ndre V,tler

/..a<:.hary Verlandcr

tko Villegas

Meghan \\ allace

Randi \\' ard

Au tin \\'etgel

Lnck \\emit

1\ladtson Willett

... my
/. Myb· fear
h ente . igh s ''ng Was ,, ChooJ l... 9etting Osto ca n IllPus.,,
biggest fear going into high school.

Rn (,nb.tl ,, P<thlo C.1 l ll.mo

\b l) l<•rlor.m

SJ.J 1anth

• Cummin

• K Da\ Jone1 Del

h Donu\ an .l!TI rn elhcn

C h11 Fah)

\1 f. nnello

k 1-.trrar

Hrend n I.IJm ·1 r Kel ·} It! l.mah I kgel

"When 1was 7, 1 went to a circus. A clown made me a balloon and it scared me because 1was not ready for it. Ever since then, clowns are not my friends."
"I am terrified of scorpions because when 1was 12 there was a scorpion in a tissue box. When my friend went to grab a tissue the scorpian was on it!"

My Biggest fear

am scared of ostriches. II

"Spiders really scare me."

.. I find clowns terrifying ...

( onn r 1\., t
Being assassinated by a ninja

Betcha Didn•t Know ••.

I ahell1 Rom m Konnna Rom 111 The first thing 1do Is brush my teeth." Every morning 1eat • Well, every morning a bowl of Captain my mom wakes me crunch.· up." morning 1 always check my facebook. Got to see what's up."

"Well, 1wake up a 7:15, get dressed and eat a bowl of coco Puffs. Then, 1brush my teeth, wash my hair and watch some sport center ..

II 1wake up at like six-ish, put my make-up on and then put my uniform on. 1put my perfume on and deoderlze. Then 1put my shoes on. Every morning on my way to school 1have to listen to Taylor Swift.· Class of 2013

r >dd i".ambom
••• 111y 111orn ng routine
"IC' Bn R_ n Burke D Jd \)OUO"J ..: L 1 ( ol
A. Have our license?

A. Own y ur own car?


B. Use a pa ents or car? 30%

LJ\\,lr I .ill Hoilow Don • p, > H< n• <•ph M.mc J In • n, n h 1!1 l.1n · Kn fl,m Jaramill·'
0 u V'l Cl) ....J > .0 '0 Q) .r: c. ro CJ) 0 +J 0 .r: a.. SE CA -!!!a
senior Ads 179


My beard grows to my toes, I never wears no clothes, I wraps my hair

Around my bare, And down the road I goes.

V''"" 5pvr.t/Uie': Anthony, Holly; Brady, Molly; Brandon, Melissa; Cummings, Samantha; ErTan, Ciara; Kaiser, Carly; Moratto, Monica; Robaina, Melari; Shea, Kelly; Stoll, Vanessa; Sullivan, Margaret; Wallace, Meghan JJI 5,tnllw- Kathl...,. Ca&tro., Marissa Einc.k. Eti Fraher, Gabrielle Georgini, Se_,.--., Sydney Rosenquist. HaleyToyne. SaraSiadat. Amy :Bailey, Je&sica; Alexis; Bt.eer, Becca; Cabcl , Carty; Falatyn, Alexi$; Sant., Jennifer; Spi....,r, Peter, M.dd.ie; Taverna, Vicky; Thomao;. Kllitlyn; Troggio. Gabriella; Walters. Katherine 5rJ. ..J t7we: Acuna, PiiUHna; Agnes, Alex; Austill. Undon; Beach. Dylarr. El<i.., Molly; Fahy. Chris; Federico. Joseph; Feli14 Tony; Fil- Keloey; Fil-. Sydney; Fitzgerald. Kaitlyn; Flores, MalnyiMjl; Fugger. David; Garcia. Erica; God!M.It. Rebecca; lfllnois, Ashley; Hendrickson, Kristen; Keough, Juatin; Kim, S..V, Klarnar. Dora; Lister, Fr.-ie; M.rtin, Mefiss.a; Morris. Elizabeth:; Morse, Aly; Kevin; Kaila; Rowland&. Victoria; Ruiz., Kayla; Santos.. Cedric; S.Otte, Erin; Schimpp, Joe; Schroeder Amber; Spirakus, Natr..n; Stoll. Alexi; Toguchi. Bri.,.,. Kathryn; Heild, Heather; Hemingway, Cecilia; Huffman, Theresa; Polk Stephanie; Rodriguez, Lilliana; SerTano, Sarah; Anna; Willet,Madi...., Leslie; Flogel, Mariah; Hawes, Natalie; Kahler, Shelli; Lawless, Hayley; Mclean, Cayley; Morris, Mikala; Ronan, Mckenna; Soqui, Rachel
Fall Rosters
•tr 1> :7oat"r: Candelaria, Ellyse; Chavez, Cassie; Garlid, Katlryn; Gillespie, Samatha; Huffman, Theresa; lngst.....,, Jessica; Lopez, Monica; McLean, Brenna; Odil, Ashley; Odil, Lindsay; Rodriguez, Coo.rtney; Sant, Je..,ifer; Sarotte, Erin; Taverna, Vicky; Urban, Kristen; Ward, Randi; Yacoub, Margaret

rin g Roste rs

:Alpers, Will; Campbell, Brennen; Donovan, Zach; Franco, Zachery; Garlid, Daniel; Hletter, Edward; Kathe, Coowtor; Merkel, Collins; Rylander, Austin; Sr..rr, Nathan; Zantboni, Todd
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