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Elsie stars on Marathon Foundation’s medals


Beautiful warm weather brought together runners and walkers for a very special International Women’s Day Fun run/walk on Waiben last Saturday.

It was also a special occasion for local Indigenous Marathon Project Graduate Elsie Seriat, OAM, in recognition of her contribution to our community.

Australian Olympian and Founder of the Indigenous Marathon Foundation Rob de Castella was at the event and said it was wonderful to be there.

“It’s wonderful to be back here and really important that we’re able to recognise and honour the great contributors and achievers within community,” Rob said.

“We’re really privileged to acknowledge Elsie Seriat this year, as the face of our Women’s Warrior Run, which we hold on International Women’s Day.”

He said the Indigenous Marathon Foundation hosted events all around Australia for IWD over the past week, with thousands of people receiving medals with Elsie’s image on it.

“She’s a wonderful role model,” Rob said.

“A great example to women in community and a demonstration of the impact and the achievements that women and everyone in community can make.

“To think it’s been nine years since I first met Elsie up here on TI, and to be part of her journey, first of all, taking her to New York and running her first marathon and then continuing to see her grow and develop, and receive Australia Day honours.”

He said Elsie relocated to Canberra for a couple of years to work for the IMF before returning to TI and continuing to organise running and walking events in the community.

Elsie said she was overwhelmed by her experiences.

“I’m still living the moment pinching myself, just been running around everywhere,” she said.


“I’ve never had a moment to look at the medal.

“We do what we do, because we’re passionate about it and I think it just goes a long way with people acknowledging us for the things that we do.

“The main thing is having people believing in us, and that we can be the change agent, and trusting us.”

Elsie said she never thought she would be involved with the IMF.

“The thing that gets us is New York City Marathon,” she said.

“When you’re part of the journey now, and you realise the bigger picture, the bigger impact that you create, like grassroots, and being able to train.

“We trained for the marathon in 2014, being a part of the program was to be a change agent in my community, to break stigma around shame, and to overcome the barriers and the tall poppy syndrome that we face in community.

“And also, trying to help close the gap with chronic disease illness through running, like Uncle Rob says, we use it as a tool to promote all these things.”

She said people who participated in the daily runs or walking/running program often shared with her the changes it had on them and how it had impacted their life, especially those with borderline diabetes and how being active empowered them.

“I guess, to believe in themselves,” she said.

“I always look back to Uncle Rob and the Foundation for making me realise my potential, my calling and my purpose in life is to do exactly what I’m doing now.”

Elsie thanked all the participants who signed up and participated in the IWD IMF fun run and walk.

“And also to the volunteers for coming out and helping us on the course,” she said.

“None of this would be successful without them, and also special acknowledgement to our sponsors who have come on board – from the bottom of our hearts, we appreciate you all.

“Many individuals and organisations came together, and that’s what running is about, it’s about bringing people to together, sharing and really connecting – doing something that’s fun but also good for us.” Pics supplied.

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“It’s such a big honour for my family to be recognised