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Walter loves reading his Torres News

DELIGHTED: Walter Nai with the Torres News featuring an article on his Warraber Island relatives. STORY AND PIC




Nai was both emotional but delighted when he saw the 2 March 2023 edition of the Torres News which featured some of his relatives on Warraber Island

Included was a photo with the article about Warraber gearing up for a big season or rugby league which included several of his relatives Peter Nai and Cr Kabay Tamu.

“Cr Tamu is a cousin and Peter is a nephew and it was great to see them in the paper,” Mr Nai said.

Mr Nai said the Torres News was much appreciated by people living in Cairns and Townsville.

“There are a lot of Torres Strait islanders in both towns and other family members read the paper when I am finished with it,” he said.

In 2012, Mr Nai became a quadriplegic after a car accident on Masig which has confined him to a wheelchair and changed his life dramatically.

“I spent six months in hospital afterwards and because of my disability am confined to a wheelchair and I can’t live on a remote island,” he said.

But he said whilst he kept in contact with family and friends on many of the islands, including Waiben, on social media, he was glowing in his praise of the Torres News

“I get to keep track of what is happening up there and have many relatives on Masig, Moa (St Pauls), Poruma, Iama, Warraber, Mer and Erub. I haven’t been up there for a few years but will try and get to TI soon,” he said.

TSIRC Cr Kabay Tamu said Walter had been a top quality touch football player around the Torres Strait before his accident.

“I played touch on TI, Erub, Mer and a few other places and loved it,” he said, smiling broadly.

Mr Nai said he would love to visit the islands where his relatives reside but he said the smaller planes didn’t have wheelchair access.

“I can go to Horn Island as the planes from Cairns do have that access,” he said.

Mr Nai said he was a happy man despite his disabilities.

“God bless you,” he said.