The only flower I documentary photography

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I t secos y s t em i sdi s appear i ng i t shabi t atwast heshadycour t yar dsoft het ypi calconst r uct i ons f r om t hi s ar ea,t he hut ongs,t he ol d ci t y nei ghbor hoods.

Suecos i s t emaes t ádes apar eci endo suhábi t ater anl ospat i ossombr eadosdel ast í pi casconst r ucci ones deest az ona,l oshut ong,l osant i guosbar r i osdel aci udad

Thef aket hi ng

Lof al so

compet esagai nstt her eal f ort hesamespace. Ever ydayt heci t ypl ayssur vi val .Byasi mpl e mechani sm ofnat ur alsel ect i on,bestadapt ed pl ant sl i veandper pet uat e.

compi t e cont r al or ealporelmi smo espaci o. Todosl osdĂ­ asl aci udadj uegaal asuper vi venci a. Porunsi mpl emecani smodesel ecci Ăłnnat ur al ,l as pl ant asmej oradapt adasvi ven yseper pet Ăşan.

Thepl antwasuni que Lapl ant aer aúni ca notonl yi nt hesenset hati tcoul dbef ound j usti nt hi sar eabutal soduet oadr amat i c decr easei ni t spopul at i on.I twasont he br i nk ofext i nct i on,t her e wer e ver yf ew speci mensl ef t .

nosól oenelsent i dodequeuni cament esel apodí aencont r aren esa z onasi not ambi éndebi doal adr amát i ca di smi nuci ón de su pobl aci ón. Est aba al bor de de l a ext i nci ón, quedabanmuypocosej empl ar es.

I tt akeshundr edsofy ear s

event housands,f orat er r i t or ywi t hspeci f i csi ngul ar i t i est odevel opi t sownspeci esofpl ant s.They ar eendemi cpl ant s,t heydependont henat ur al f eat ur est hatmakespeci alapl ace.

Hacenf al t aci ent osdeaños i ncl usomi l espar aqueunt er r i t or i oconsi ngul ar i dades especí f i casdesar r ol l esuspr opi asespeci esdepl ant as, sonpl ant asendémi cas,dependendel ascar act er í st i cas nat ur al esquehacenespeci alaunl ugar .

Ther eal t hi ng

Lor eal

ust abaal as di dn’ tf i tanymor ewi t ht he yanoseaj dadesdelnuevo new l i f est yl e needs and necesi est i l o de vi da nia l os new peopl e’ st ast es. nuevos gust os de l a gent e.

Thenew cul t ur e based on consumpt i on doesn’ tcar e aboutwhati s r eal ;i t ’ s bei ng bui l ton what seemsr eal

Lanuev acul t ur a hecha al r ededordelconsumo noent i endedel oqueesr eal , est ási endoconst r ui dadesdel o quepar ecer eal

Speaki ngaboutt hepl ant s ofacul t ur ei ssayi nghow t hatcul t ur ei s:what t hehabi t sofpeopl ear e,howmuchspeart i me t heyhave,whatki nd ofhousest heyl i vei n, how much r oom f ort hemsel ves t hey have.

Habl arsobr el aspl ant as deunacul t ur aesdeci rcómo esesacul t ur a: cual es son l os hábi t os de l a gent e,cuánt o t i empol i br et i enen,enquét i podecasasvi ven, cuánt oespaci ot i enenpar ael l os.

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