Cleaner Times May 2024

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MAY 2024 • $8.00 US The Journal for High Pressure Water Applications

Pressure Washer’s Guidebook: Developing a Safety Mindset at Work—Be Aware. Be Informed. Be Compliant.

Full Steam Ahead

Microbicides Are Music to the Ears

CETA Edge: Providing Encouragement— Women of CETA

Spring into Success—How Wood Restoration Contractors Can Maximize Profits, Part II

Product News

Diagnosing Equipment Problems

Industry News

Providing Exactly What the Clients Want— Successful Supplier Traits

Financial: Overcoming the High Cost of Funding

Dealing with Hard Water Service Center Directory Products & Services Directory Advertiser’s Index/Subscription Form

Cleaner Times • May 2024 • 3 MAY 2024 Vol 36 No 5 COVER: Design by Joey Phelps
36 Editor’s Note
4 6 12 16 20 24 27 28 34 36 40 44 48 50 52 44 12 6

Safety first! That might sound like a cliché, but it is anything but that. On page 6 Terri Perrin has revised the Pressure Washer’s Guidebook chapter on workplace safety. She points out that the workday for a pressure washer should start by reviewing site safety of equipment and vehicles at your workplace before examining the safety at the job sites where you will be working.

To help keep safety top of mind, it is important to create a customized checklist for your company and team to determine at each worksite what personal protective equipment (PPE) and additional steps are needed to ensure a safe workplace. There is a lot of good information throughout the article to apply as you seek to make safety a priority.

On page 12 Diane Calabrese writes about steam-based equipment and its capabilities. As Calabrese comments, “Save time, conserve water, and reduce the number of pollutants—all are good outcomes—and steam cleaning helps achieve them.” An example of using dry steam to clean roller coaster components, and steam’s capability to save time and promote safety, is shared along with a link to a video of the cleaning process.

Turn to page 16 to read about bleach and bleach additives. Joseph Daniel of ITD remarks, “High-quality bleach additives can dramatically increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the cleaning process.” Bleach and bleach additives are used together to provide a barrier to future mold growth. Because bleach is highly corrosive and reactive, proper PPE should be worn at all times.

If you flip over to page 44, you will read about steps to take in dealing with hard water. Some water ends up with a lot more minerals in it, and the amount of minerals in your water determines how hard it is. What this means for pressure washing machines and components is that the minerals lead to clogging and scaling, which is what you want to prevent. Hard water is inevitable, and pressure washer users who live in locations where it is an issue must decide what possibilities they are going to use to deal with it.

Cleaner Times hopes that you all have a productive May.

PUBLISHERS Richard Johns Dana Johns EDITOR Michael Hamline TECHNICAL WRITERS Diane M. Calabrese Terri Perrin SALES Josh Kidder • SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Tim Ware • GRAPHIC DESIGNER Joey Phelps • ACCOUNTING/CIRCULATION Tammy Hanner Cleaner Times (ISSN #1073-9602) is published monthly by True Source Publishing, LLC 1000 Nix Rd, Little Rock, AR 72211 (800) 525-7038 • ( 501) 280-0007 Fax: (501) 280-9233 © Copyright 2024 The publisher and editor(s) of this magazine do not accept responsibility for the content of any advertisement, including statements made by advertisers herein, or the opinions expressed by authors of by-lined articles. The publisher and editor(s) also reserve the right to reject any ad or article for objectionable content in verbiage or images. The intent of this publication is to provide general information only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations. Appropriate legal, financial, or engineering advice or other expert assistance should always be sought from professionals. HOW TO REACH US Cleaner Times 1000 Nix Road Little Rock, AR 72211 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, $24 U.S. and $75 Canada. Back issues are available for $8 each. Reproductions of any part of this publication without the written consent of the publisher is prohibited.
4 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

Editor’s Note: This chapter is a revision and update of two previously published Pressure Washer’s Guidebook features that focused on establishing job sites and worker safety protocols.


An experienced power washer should begin each day with a thorough review of what needs to be accomplished. It starts with site safety at your workplace with your equipment and vehicles--before moving on to the job sites scheduled for the day.

“Every morning before your crew(s) leaves for the day, you should have a ‘muster meeting’ to establish on-site safety practices,” suggests

Mike Dingler. “A muster meeting satisfies many other areas of business, such as logistics of the job and getting to know the clients. For example, are they a repeat customer where you or your operations manager knows specifics due to being on site previously? This is also the time to address safety concerns. Look at roof pitches to see what personal protective equipment (PPE) and tools will be needed; establish the location of incoming power lines to the residence or commercial structure; and address where to park your vehicles. These are all safety issues to take into consideration. This can be done from a computer or tv screen while still at the shop, which is the safest and best place to talk about safety in the field.”

“Workers should be trained to ask, ‘What equipment and supplies are needed for the job at hand?’” adds Michael Draper. “What are the job specifications and customer expectations? What environmental impacts need to be considered? What safety equipment will be required? While these are all different aspects of pressure washing services, the common thread through all of these questions is SAFETY.”

Whether you are a one-person service provider or own and manage a large company with a fleet of vehicles and dozens of people on staff, you must always think “Safety First”— because no one wants to get hurt on the job. And no one wants to deal with the aftermath of an accident which can include bodily injury or loss of life,

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potential fines, lost revenue, disrupted work, dissatisfied customers, and disgruntled employees, to name a few consequences.

As business owners and responsible citizens, we should all want to avoid safety citations and/or fines. More importantly, we need to keep ourselves, our customers, and our workers safe. And the only way to lower the risk is to incorporate safety as the most important part of the job.


Both Dingler and Draper agree that safety at work begins with ensuring a safe working environment by creating a corporate culture where safety is always top of mind. Employees should

be trained to review the job site for safety hazards before any work commences. Having a formal checklist helps. Create a checklist that specifically works for your team and the type of work that you do. Don’t just use another company’s checklist verbatim as many factors should be incorporated into your safety plan. Use your customized checklist at each worksite to determine what, if any, PPE is needed and any other steps that must be taken to ensure a safe workplace. Use the following suggestions to assess the workplace environment to create your checklist. And be open to employee suggestions to update or revise the checklist as needed. Remember, folks with their proverbial “boots on the ground” may notice

things that you (as a manager/owner) may not be aware of. Accept their feedback graciously.

Once your checklist is completed, develop a method of responding to the potential hazards identified at any job site. The checklist can be a printed form on a clipboard or on a tablet/ smartphone.

“Before any job begins, employees should be instructed to set a focused time for a safety assessment using the checklist you have created together, and take the time to review the general site and the work to be performed,” stresses Draper. “But remember, no checklist can cover every potential danger or risk. Use common sense, and empower your team to question situations (in order

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T AT WORK BE AWARE. BE INFORMED. BE COMPLIANT. SafetyMustBeanIntegralPartof theWorkProcess,notanAfterthought
Contributors: Mike Dingler, Firehouse Pressure Washing, Peachtree City, GA; and Michael Draper, Expert Safety Services, Bloomington, IL

to identify and correct hazards) and to think before starting the job.”


Employee Safety: Consider everyBODY! Here are some examples of the things that could affect a worker at a job site:

• Loud sounds—continual or sudden—can affect hearing.

• Objects (projectiles) or substances (vapors, fumes, and light) can damage eyes.

• Temperatures can be so high they burn or so low they freeze parts of the body.

• Sharp or heavy objects can puncture or strike feet, hands, or limbs.

• Objects that are in the hands of overhead workers or that become windborne can fall and injure someone.

• Contained spaces or low clearances constrict mobility and can lead to injuries to one’s head and body.

• Caustic or hazardous substances pose a direct contact threat.

• Working high up or around obstacles presents trip-andfall hazards.

• PPE must be a match for the specific situation. For example, evaluate hazardous substances that an employee will be in contact with either through use (application) or removal (during washing).

“I also recommend doing a 360° walk around when arriving on any new job site,” adds Dingler. “The term ‘doing a 360’ is used in the fire department to locate hazards of a burning structure. The walk around is performed by the first firefighter to arrive at the scene. He or she looks for items like indoor swimming pools, solar panels, generators, barred doors or windows, etc. that could potentially kill a firefighter when the structure is compromised due to a fire. This same methodology is used by my lead technicians at Firehouse Power Washing. They must perform a 360° walk around with the client upon arrival to address any specific areas of the home and cleaning concerns. This also gives the lead technician an opportunity to locate and identify any safety hazards of the job and relay that information to the support technicians on the jobsite.”

HAZMAT Training: The origin of the word/term “HAZMAT” was

formed by combining the first three letters of each of two words: “hazardous” and “material.” Everyone pressure washing for others should be HAZMAT trained for their own safety as well as for those around them.

“With proper HAZMAT training, a contractor working for larger companies, factories, or other types of large industries will know what to do in the event of a chemical spill/interaction and will know to pull and review the safety data sheets (SDS) on all exposed products in the work area,” explains Draper. “The SDS for any product used must be kept on site as well as readily and easily accessible.”

“Compile a three-ring binder filled with the SDS of any chemical that you use and keep it on your rig [and another copy at your shop] at all times,” advises Dingler. “If your rig is involved in a collision, you are required to possess an SDS for each chemical you are transporting. Sodium hypochlorite and muriatic acid, for example, are safe in their own containers. If you have an accident, and the two are combined in a spill, that quickly becomes a HAZMAT scene because if any vapors produced are inhaled, it could be fatal.”

8 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times
Photo by you for your assistant

To find HAZMAT training near you, simply type “HAZMAT training” in your internet search bar.

Environment: Care for the environment should also factor into your safety plan. Each person washing must know what they are cleaning, what they are washing off, and how to manage wastewater.

Equipment safety: The equipment a contractor uses must also be scrutinized for safety. Be sure that equipment is in good condition, has not been altered, and is being used exactly as it was intended to be. Also, keep up to date with requirements that OSHA places on the configuration of equipment.

For example: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) class #3 requirements (for any pressure washer greater than 3200 psi) state that all pressure washers must have a 24-inch hose guard on the hose by the operator as well as a 48-inch lance. OSHA also dictates that belt-driven machines have a belt guard in place as a safety precaution to avoid injury or amputation of a technician’s hand or fingers. Know the specific equipment safety requirements for your region as it may vary from state to state.

Hazardous energy sources are a real danger in the workplace. People who work at a site all of the time are familiar with what is present. Power washers often work at a site for a single job. A contractor who is not familiar with the potential sources of hazardous energy at a site should work with the appropriate operations person there to identify the sources.

Look for electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic hazards. Also, look for other sources of hazardous energy, such as sources of radiation (e.g., in and around hospitals, imaging laboratories). Then, develop a plan for locking out those sources of energy (e.g., covering electrical outlets and shutting off the main power to a facility).

Each employee must be trained in proper lockout—tagout—tryout procedures that protect workers by preventing others from turning on equipment

or from a release of energy while working on or servicing equipment and machinery in confined spaces. The tandem process ensures all sources of energy hazards are found, locked out, and marked. (Training may be available in your area through OSHA.)

Confined spaces: Working in confined spaces (tanks, hoppers, etc.) adds complexity. The atmosphere must be tested, and respirators (and other PPE) may need to be worn. A special permit may be needed, team members may require special training, and no one should ever work in a confined space alone.

Working in confined spaces can be very dangerous. Understand the requirements, and do not violate them. Confined space accidents are almost always fatal, so don’t take chances.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the federal agency created to oversee all aspects of job safety. Canada’s federal version of OSHA is the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

OSHA (and CCOHS) requirements for safety, record keeping, incident reporting, and more apply to any company that has a role in commerce and has any employee who is subject to their regulations. There is essentially no commercial activity that does not fall under the purview of OSHA.

Being a contractor that follows safe practices and uses equipment in accordance with its design is not enough. Documentation of policies and training for employees is needed as well.

Any contractor, even a one-person business, should visit the OSHA website ( and review expectations. Also, sign up for alerts from OSHA and identify the regional or state OSHA office that covers the area in which work is being done. Finally, take advantage of OSHA workshops, online and on site, when they are offered.

OSHA training and compliance: Consider OSHA your business friend, not a foe. Hazard communications, control of hazardous energy, confined

space entry, personal protective equipment, falls and ladders, and bloodborne pathogens are among the topics on which a contractor can get assistance and training through OSHA’s consultation/support team or from OSHA-certified trainers. OSHA also has an enforcement branch that writes citations and levies fines.

By being engaged with the OSHA consultation arm, a contractor can


Even with a focus on safety, accidents do happen, as evidenced by Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) “2023 Top 10 Safety Violations.” Of the thousands of safety violations in 2023, some of those in the Top Ten included:

• children being allowed to operate forklifts at a warehouse;

• fatal falls due to employer failure to properly train workers and provide PPE;

• carbon monoxide poisoning leading to death;

• a business owner who was struck and killed by the bulldozer he was attempting to fix;

• and more.

As with previous years, fall protection ranked first among violations. (Learn more at

avoid problems that lead to citations. Primarily for smaller businesses, these no-cost, confidential consultations help employers identify and address hazards and establish or improve safety and health programs.

Services are provided by consultants from state agencies or universities and are separate from OSHA enforcement. The consultants from OSHA will come out and do an opening conference or walk-through survey of the workplace, a safety and health program assessment, employee exposure monitoring as

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necessary, and a closing conference. The consultant will advise a business owner of hazards. The owner then has 30 days to correct any hazards. By taking advantage of the consultation, a company can earn a tax credit. (Visit for more information.)

OSHA provides extensive help to businesses of all sizes and incentives for being proactive. For any contractor or business owner who has trepidation about receiving assistance from OSHA, know that there are a great number of private companies that assist businesses with OSHA compliance. Put “OSHA compliance” in an online search engine to get local leads for training and support.

Other excellent sources of assistance are professional organizations related to the pressure washing industry that offer a variety of safety training sessions and provide their members with alerts to changes in OSHA regulations. This includes the following:

• Cleaning Equipment Trade Association (CETA)

• Power Washers of North America (PWNA)

• United Association of Contract Cleaners (UAMCC)

• WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA), and

• International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association (IKECA).

It is important to understand that ignorance of the law is no excuse. Be aware, be informed, get in compliance, and work safely. “Remember, ‘surprises’ are what hurt and kill people,” concludes Dingler. “A few moments invested at the start of the job not only ensures a safer work environment but could also save time and money ... or someone’s life.”


Michael Draper has worked in the window cleaning and pressure washing industries in Bloomington, IL, since 1989. His safety-related credentials are impressive and include serving on the board of

directors of the IWCA and certification as a rope descent specialist; working for a safety distributor helping companies train employees on the proper use of safety equipment; being an authorized anchor inspector and trainer for several fall protection manufacturers; and serving as the director of education and compliance for the PWNA.

Mike Dingler currently holds a National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedic License. He is also certified as a HAZMAT technician and a SWAT tactical medic. He is the president of the Peachtree City Firefighter Foundation and also serves as the chair of marketing for the PWNA. His wife, Monica, (also a paramedic and a former firefighter) helps Mike operate Firehouse Pressure Washing. The company specializes in soft washing, pressure washing, and roof cleaning. It is owned and operated by off-duty firefighters and paramedics and has operated in Senoia and Peachtree City, GA, since 1998. CT

10 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times


12 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

Is steam given its due? No. The prowess steam had on sea and rail has been supplanted by other types of engines. So, who needs steam now?

We do, and we use plenty. (See last section.) Potent in its power to clean and move and heat to the threshold of sterilization, steam never disappeared as an industrial and commercial tool. But past bugaboos, such as steam-powered river boats exploding, tend to keep the word about steam low key.

John Cloud, the president of Gorilla Kleen in Sarasota, FL, says that concerns operators have about the inherent danger of steam have probably tamped down adoption of steam equipment a bit. But with refinements to equipment, the concerns will likely abate.

“I think most steam cleaners are low pressure,” says Cloud. And that should alleviate operator worries about things going wrong.

To be sure, safety is being built in at the design stage in all the equipment serving our industry. That includes steam machines.

There’s not just one type of steam. We know that just from the experience of boiling water in a teapot. Sometimes what’s emerging from the spout releases droplets that we observe falling.

High-quality steam has no water in suspension—that is, no liquid component. It is 100 percent steam.

The interplay between pressure and temperature determines the

kind—or quality—of steam. For instance, there is superheated steam (which can be wet or dry), and there is supercritical water.

Dry (dry saturated) steam is water vapor under sufficient pressure (at its given temperature) that there is no liquid component. If there is no water in suspension (liquid component zero), steam quality is 100 percent. And the steam is designated as dry.

Wet steam (or unsaturated steam) retains a liquid component (droplets or mist) at its given temperature and pressure. That’s the abbreviated account.

Each type of steam has a different energy content. The measure of energy content per unit mass of a substance is called “enthalpy”’ in physics. When manufacturers design steamproducing units for any use (from moving turbines to cleaning), the term enthalpy becomes part of the lexicon. In lay terms, wet steam has less usable heat energy than dry steam.

Those engaged with steam-based equipment are enthusiastic about its myriad capabilities. Rightly so.


“In general, steam can be used to clean delicate surfaces that perhaps pressure or aggressive detergents would normally damage,” says Josh Wagner, retail manager at Atlantic Pressure Washers in Linthicum, MD. “In the past steam cleaning was not considered an economical solution as machines were considered too large for transport or exorbitantly overpriced for a compact.”

That’s all changed in the last five years, says Wagner. “Technology has advanced so far that most reputable detail shops have personal systems or at least have access to a mobile detailer that specializes in steam cleaning.”

The restoration trade, which attends to the revitalization of vintage

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vehicles and historic buildings and landmarks, has gotten a great boost from ever-improved steam machines, explains Wagner. The ability to restore structures benefits communities in which neglected areas can be refurbished to the point where they again have curb appeal and invite residents to inhabit them.

“I was in Rome several years ago and had a chance to see and tour the Colosseum,” says Wagner. “This happened


to be around the third or fourth month of its first deep cleaning in several centuries.”

Wagner talked with one of the project managers on site and learned that the private company hired to do the job was using steam on the entire exterior and select interior portions. “The last time this task was taken on, it was completed by hand scrubbing select areas.”

Gentle and effective, steam has been called into service in many fascinating places. “Mount Rushmore was previously cleaned in 2005 using only steam,” says Wagner. “This process was once again the first time the carvings were cleaned.”

The approaches to the Colosseum and Mount Rushmore herald the future for steam. “As steam equipment becomes more popular, we will see these types of historical monuments restored to their original beauty in more and more places,” says Wagner.

Yet at present steam does not have the market share it merits. Wagner believes that many contractors hold back from adding steam cleaning to their repertoire because they simply do not know enough about it.

Familiarity with pressure washers and the wide use of pressure washers and ancillaries makes them more likely to be the go-to machines. Professional cleaning contractors are always looking for the optimal way to accomplish a task, however, so steam can be expected to gain ground.

“Once awareness grows to the point that more people are familiar with the tools that incorporate steam as well as the expected results, contractors will get more requests, which will drive the industry in that direction,” says Wagner. In other words, expect customers across sectors to ask about steam cleaning as they witness and read about steam cleaning.


Save time, conserve water, and reduce the number of pollutants—all are good outcomes, and steam cleaning helps achieve them. They are not the only good outcomes.

The target object or structure governs just how precise a match steam may be for the project. Let’s head to the amusement park.

“Roller coaster rides’ parts are cleaned with dry steam as part of safety management,” says Yujin Anderson, general manager at Steamericas Inc. in Gardena, CA. The alternatives to dry steam consume more time and could cause damage.

The conventional way to clean a roller coaster would be to disassemble it and put the components in a parts washer, explains Anderson. It works, but there can be unintended consequences.

“These parts washers would damage the metal and/ or chip the paint finishing,” says Anderson. Given the safety concerns on a roller coaster, the last thing anyone wants to do is damage the metal.

“As an alternative to parts washing, they have been manually wiping down surfaces using varsol, a very harmful chemical to breathe in and a very labor intensive process,” says Anderson. (The SDS for varsol, mineral spirits, points to the cancer risks it poses to organs such as kidneys and lists respirator, gloves, apron, and goggles as correct PPE when using the moderately flammable compound.)

“Dry steam was able to do the job more quickly, and it was safer for both workers and equipment in a far more sustainable way. And they were able to do this in their shop without having to worry about a huge puddle or mess.”

14 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times
Photo/video credit Dwayne Jacobs / Hotsy San Antonio.

Of course, there is efficiency on the back side (less wastewater) and efficiency on the front side (less water tapped) with steam cleaning. “Just as we’ve adapted to water-conserving shower faucets despite initial reluctance due to the allure of strong water pressure and ample flow, steam cleaning is poised to replace some applications of high-water-volume washing in the long run,” says Anderson.

There may be some instances in which steam cleaning may be slower than pressure washing, explains Anderson. But steam cleaning uses about 50 times less water. Moreover, dry steam generates negligible amounts of wastewater runoff.

“There’s a growing recognition of the importance of sustainability,” says Anderson. “The balance between benefits and drawbacks is shifting, with more emphasis on eco-friendly practices.”

Rules from all levels of government are also causing many to give steam

cleaning consideration. “In certain scenarios, steam cleaning is not just a preference but a necessity to comply with environmental regulations,” says Anderson. For example, in California, engineless steamers are exempt from the SORE [small off-road engine] rules.

As North American contractors, distributors, and manufacturers gain more understanding of steam in general, Anderson expects to see its use increase. She cautions, though, that there’s another issue: voltage.

The prevalence of 110 volts in the United States, for instance, restricts the ability of contractors to run high-performing steamers, which require 230 volts, explains Anderson. In places where 230 volts is standard, steamers are better known. “The 230 volts can run steamers that perform two times better.”

The lack of power to run steamers if they are all electric holds back their adoption in commercial settings, says Anderson. In a commercial setting, steamers that can last all day carry a

rather high price tag because they must be built so that components can stand up to extreme high temperatures for a prolonged interval.


As upgrades to the national electric grid in the United States take place, options for using electric-powered equipment and models of electricpowered steam cleaning machines will keep pace. As for steam itself, it has never faded from favor.

Saturated steam (autoclaving) continues to be the top choice for sterilization of medical instruments and more. Steam turbines, which have been used to produce electricity since the 1880s, generate most of the electricity in this nation. In addition, there are 699 sites in the country that have combined heat and power (CHP) steam turbines, according to the Department of Energy.

For almost 150 years it has been full steam ahead in other sectors. Our industry is catching up fast. CT

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16 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

Microbicidal is a word that’s become music to the ears of many, many people during the last few years. Compounds that can eliminate microbes—viruses, bacteria, fungi—from surfaces allow us to create more hygienic and sanitary environments. Bleach plays a microbicidal role. It also plays a cosmetic role.

For all its ubiquity in the world of cleaning, bleach is a relatively new entry to the tools we use to thwart entities that contaminate the environment. The history of bleach begins with the identification of chlorine in 1774.

Today, when we speak of bleaching agents in our industry, a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is most generally what we mean. Sodium hypochlorite is used across many sectors to disinfect, and as a corollary to tamp down odors as well as to whiten.

[Note: There are many bleaching agents/compounds in the chemical sphere. The shorthand “bleach” in the general lexicon almost always refers to a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, which corresponds to the meaning attached to it here.]

So useful is bleach that the phrase “bleach additive” might seem curious. But every solid entry in the industrial sphere has a purpose.

To sort things out for us, we turned to an expert on bleach and bleach additives, Joseph Daniel, CEO of ITD Chemical in Tucker, GA.

Let’s start with bleach additives. How are they defined? The additives are chemical products that “enhance the cleaning properties of the bleach,” says Daniel. And there are several types of enhancements, including fragrance, foam generation, detergency and/or solvency, and marking dye.

Daniel explains the basics of each named enhancement: Fragrance masks the odor of bleach. Foam encourages a longer dwell time. Detergents and/or solvents create a robust cleaner that in turn reduces the amount of bleach required for an

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optimal cleaning outcome. Marking dye helps the soft-wash operator identify where solution has been applied.

“High-quality bleach additives can dramatically increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the cleaning process,” says Daniel. “Bleach by itself is a highly alkaline oxidizer and disinfectant, but it is not a well-rounded detergent.”

Members of our industry who include soft washing in their roster of services are familiar with the power of additives. “Bleach additives are critical for proper and efficient soft washing technique,” explains Daniel.

In fact, there are products that consist of bleach and an additive that contractors use regularly, although they may not realize they are using that combination. “Most products labeled as mold and mildew cleaners are essentially chlorinated detergents, which is bleach plus a detergent additive,” says Daniel.

There are two reasons mold and mildew cleaners are not used to clean an entire structure, explains Daniel.

They are too expensive, and the bleach concentration is typically too low.

In the context of cost effectiveness, Daniel offers a recommendation. “Bleach can and should be bought in bulk locally, and bleach additives added on site.”

Although foam generation and odor masking are perhaps the most common reasons for an additive, there are other ways to gain from use of additives. “The best products bring another level of cleaning efficiency,” explains Daniel.

That efficiency derives from “rinseability” and “bleach extension—in other words, use less bleach,” says Daniel. In fact, his company offers a product, Green Machine, that delivers that combination of results.

Bleach is a well-known entity across industries and even in homes. But that does not signal an invitation to complacency.

“Bleach is a highly corrosive and reactive chemical product,” says Daniel. “Care should be taken to review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for bleach, also known as

sodium hypochlorite, in order to understand proper methods of handling. Proper PPE [personal protective equipment], at a minimum to include eye protection and gloves, should always be worn.”

In the context of safety, it’s imperative that additives and bleach are a match. “Adding an incompatible chemical product to bleach can be highly dangerous and even deadly,” explains Daniel.

And there’s another caution, too, says Daniel. “Contractors using bleach in the field should always stock a bleach neutralizer, such as [our company’s] Neutra Bleach.”

The neutralizer “protects plants, flushes equipment (to prevent corrosion), prevents bleach streak on windows, and neutralizes hazardous bleach,” explains Daniel. Use of a neutralizer is a “critical and inexpensive step”—one that cuts down on “headaches, expenses, and danger.”

A contractor must be committed to getting it right. “Operators should never use products that aren’t specifically

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designed to be added to bleach, and the product container should state that the product is bleach stable,” says Daniel.

“Acids—water-based chemicals with a pH under 7—should never be added to bleach,” explains Daniel. “This can create a reaction that results in chlorine gas, which is deadly. All bleach additives must be neutral or elevated pH.”

One of the many defining properties that put a compound in the acid category is that it reacts with a base to form a salt. Another is that it dissolves in water-forming hydrogen ions. Acid and sodium hypochlorite must never meet because chlorine gas will be released from the reaction. (Reminder: Chlorine gas was used in World War I.)

Chemicals incompatible with bleach include alcohols, ammonia-containing compounds, and more. “Bleach Incompatibilities,” from Stanford Environmental Health & Safety, is an excellent summary of cautionary notes. Geared to research safety, it’s a handy reference for anyone working with bleach (and other chemicals). See wp-content/uploads/Bleach-andincompatible-FactSheet-LSP-20-116.pdf

Bleach need not always be in the picture when abatement of certain microbes is the goal. “The other common mold, mildew, and management product category is quat [quaternary ammonium compounds] cleaners and/ or disinfectants,” says Daniel.

And Daniel’s company offers products such as Bio Bomber and Sani Quat 23. “They can serve a critical role in abatement efforts,” he explains. “However, they are slower acting than bleach-based products and can be more expensive for large projects.”

Owners choose alternatives such as quats when they want to avoid bleach or when surfaces of the structures are sensitive to bleach. “The advantage of these products is they provide a long-lasting barrier to future mold growth on the surface, which reduces the frequency of cleaning required in the future,” says Daniel.

But back to bleach and additives… “When bleach is being used, a bleach

additive should always accompany it for best results,” explains Daniel. “There is no exterior soft-wash case where bleach would be better without an enhancing additive.”

The key for contractors is planning. Quat-based products provide “a long-lasting barrier on the surface, retarding future mold growth,” says Daniel. As such, they should be part of “a proper long-term mold management strategy.”

Bleach is fast-acting, says Daniel. But alone it is not a long-term mold management strategy.

To develop the best management plan, contractors should take advantage of the expertise of industry members who manufacture and distribute chemicals. And keep safety in mind.

In fact, says Daniel, it is possible to develop a plan based on periodic application of a quat-based product that eliminates the need to use bleach at all CT

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20 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

Agood start leads to good growth.

Women of CETA [WOC] got off to a great start in 2009. Make that an official and great start because women had been meeting informally to help fortify the industry and network since the inception of CETA [Cleaning Equipment Trade Association].

Members of WOC take many roles. Some own companies. Others work in management or administrative positions. All women affiliated with CETA are welcome and urged to join. The group includes women who have spouses in the industry and who technically do not take a role themselves. (“Technically” because spouses confer and offer each other advice, and a woman may work outside the industry but still be deeply involved in her spouse’s efforts.)

“Being able to come together in all of our many roles in the industry, connecting as women, is so important,” says Theresa Rasmussen with Royce Industries L.C. in North Las Vegas, NV, who currently serves as chair of WOC.

“WOC celebrates women in all roles of the industry, from dealership, manufacturer, ownership, and sales positions to involvement as the wives that support their husbands in business,” explains Laura Barker, marketing manager at Nilfisk HPW in Fort Pierce, FL, who responded on behalf of herself and Alexis Campbell, sales director at the same company. She and Campbell add that they look forward to the WOC event at PowerClean each year.

Orlando, Florida (just 120 miles north and a bit west of Fort Pierce), will be the location for PowerClean® 2024 (October 31–November 4). There will, of course, be a WOC session.

“I attended my first Women of CETA event in 2022,” says Stephanie Birmingham, sales representative with Kärcher N.A. in Fayetteville, AR. “This event marked the changing of the guard with outgoing founding member/president Brenda Purswell stepping down and passing

the torch to Theresa Rasmussen to lead this group.”

Birmingham recalls the “energy” of the meeting, which was “positive” in every way. “You were able to see the respect and appreciation” the members of the group have for one another.

Each person who joins a new industry welcomes advice from those

who have “been there and done that.” “WOC has promoted and increased the representation of women in the cleaning equipment industry and provided space for mentorship,” says Birmingham.

CETA is a welcoming organization. Most importantly, women have been part of its core since it began. Brenda

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Purswell, for example, only retired from the industry two years ago after launching and then owning and operating a business (Alklean in Pasadena, TX) with her husband, John Purswell, for 50 years.

Yet it’s natural for young women new to the industry not to realize the contributions of the veterans in the industry who are women. WOC, besides looking forward in all endeavors, ensures that the history of women in

the industry is understood and appreciated. That’s part of the “visibility”— or highlighting what integral players women have always been in the industry, which the group facilitates.

“As someone relatively new to WOC, my experience has been centered around the welcoming environment it provides at the annual meeting,” says Ann Hardisty, executive director—dealer relationships, Lease Consultants Corporation in

Urbandale, IA. “The opportunity to connect with other women in the industry, share experiences, and build relationships has been incredibly important to me.”

The relationships can generate ideas that inform new workplace ventures. They can also highlight ways in which women might become more involved in the industry.

WOC eases paths to relationships that make it easier to tap into industry expertise. Newer members to CETA may have trepidation about committee service. But with the ability to call on a member of WOC for a bit of encouragement throughout the year, if needed, taking on a role in service to a professional organization becomes a reasonable step.

Newer members of WOC also bring experiences to share. Some of them grew up in a strictly digital world. They see the benefits of marketing through multiple channels and tailoring approaches to specific customers.

Rasmussen has an abiding belief in the value derived from the vigor of a collegial and genial environment for women in the industry. Encouragement—informal and formal—often makes the difference to a person weighing a new venture or a new path in the workplace. Women find that encouragement in the WOC group.

From accountants to design engineers to administrative professionals and owners of businesses, and spouses—truly industry roles of all kinds—all women in the industry are welcomed by WOC. The diverse backgrounds and professional contributions of the group add to its strength.

“The friendships that are forged through the Women of CETA are remarkable,” says chairman Rasmussen. “Even though many only see each other once a year, the friendships run deep.”

Know the past. Use it to build the future. Share. Connect. Learn. Be visible—no hiding your light under a bushel. Join Women of CETA, which offers a standing open invitation to each woman affiliated with the association CT

22 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times


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Editor’s Note: Part I of this article was published in the April 2024 issue. It addressed marketing tips and strategies as well as developing a cohesive marketing plan. The first part of this article can be read at


Now we shift focus towards the catalysts of sustained business growth—effective marketing and the value of mentorship. As wood restoration contractors, your skill set transforms weathered wood into beautiful, long-lasting structures. However, to ensure a steady stream of projects, especially during the lucrative spring season, mastery over marketing is indispensable. Moreover, aligning with a mentor can accelerate business growth, providing insights that only years of experience can offer.


The previous segments introduced actionable marketing strategies and tips designed to position your services in front of homeowners eager for springtime wood restoration. Let’s revisit and build upon some of those key themes:

Local SEO & Digital Presence—Your online footprint is often the first point of contact with potential clients. Ensure your website is optimized for local searches and your contact information is easily accessible across all digital platforms.

Showcasing Transformations—Before-and-after content vividly communicates the value of your service. Utilize social media, your website, and email marketing to share these transformations, emphasizing the beauty and durability of restored wood.

Seasonal Campaigns—Capitalizing on the spring-cleaning mindset through targeted promotions can motivate homeowners to act. Whether through direct mail or social media ads, make your offer compelling and time sensitive.

Community Engagement—Positioning yourself as a community expert through workshops or local events raises your profile and establishes trust, laying the foundation for long-term customer relationships.


While the strategies mentioned are integral to your marketing efforts, the journey doesn’t stop there. The landscape of marketing continually evolves, and staying ahead demands ongoing education and adaptation. This is where mentorship becomes invaluable.

Finding a Mentor—Look beyond the confines of wood restoration to connect with experienced marketing professionals. Their insights can provide a fresh perspective on your business, helping you navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Industry associations, networking events, and professional social media platforms like LinkedIn are excellent resources for finding a mentor who aligns with your goals and values.

The Mentor-Mentee Relationship—Engage in this partnership with openness and a willingness to learn. Set clear objectives for what you hope to achieve through mentorship,

whether it is enhancing your digital marketing skills or developing a more strategic approach to community engagement. Remember, effective mentorship is a two-way street; bring your experiences and insights to the table to foster a mutually beneficial relationship.

Implementing Learnings—The true value of mentorship lies in the application of acquired knowledge. Work closely with your mentor to refine your marketing strategies, incorporating proven techniques and innovative approaches to outreach and engagement. Measure the impact of these changes on your business, using data to guide further refinements.



Marketing, coupled with mentorship, is fundamental to the growth and success of your wood restoration business. The strategies outlined serve as a starting point, a foundation upon which you can build a thriving enterprise. Marketing opens the door to new opportunities, and mentorship equips you with the wisdom to navigate the path ahead confidently.

As spring ushers in a season of renewal, let it also mark the beginning of your journey toward marketing mastery and enhanced business growth. With dedication, creativity, and the support of a mentor, the potential for success is boundless. May your efforts lead to a flourishing business that not only restores wood to its natural beauty but also secures a prosperous future for you and your clients.


In the fast-paced digital age, visual storytelling has emerged as a powerful medium to capture attention and convey messages succinctly. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube offer unique opportunities for wood restoration contractors to showcase their skills, engage with a wider audience, and build their brands in compelling ways. The use of beforeand-after content, in particular, can be incredibly effective on these platforms, turning viewers into potential clients enthralled by the transformative power of your services.


Visual Impact—The stark contrast between the beforeand-after states highlights the effectiveness of your work in a way that words alone cannot.

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Emotional Connection—Viewers emotionally invest in the transformation journey, which can lead to a stronger inclination to seek out your services.

Shareability—Compelling transformations are more likely to be shared, increasing your content’s reach and potential for going viral.


Storytelling—Craft a narrative around each project. Share challenges faced and how they were overcome, adding depth that resonates with viewers.

Engaging Format—Capitalize on TikTok’s short, snappy format for quick before-and-after snapshots, and utilize YouTube for longer, more detailed project walkthroughs.

Consistency— Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and helps build a loyal following.

Interactive Elements—Encourage viewers to comment, ask questions,

and suggest what they’d like to see next. Engagement boosts your content’s visibility.

Educational Touch—Mix in educational tidbits about the wood restoration process and the benefits of timely maintenance. Platforms like these are not just for showcasing work but also for positioning yourself as an expert in the field.


Engaging before-and-after content not only showcases your skills but also serves as a dynamic portfolio for prospective clients. When potential customers can visualize the impact of your services on their own spaces, the decision to hire becomes much easier. Moreover, platforms like TikTok and YouTube provide a direct line to younger homeowners, a demographic that is increasingly influential in the home improvement market.

In summary, leveraging before-andafter content on platforms like TikTok and YouTube can significantly enhance

your marketing strategy, offering a dynamic way to display your work, engage with a broader audience, and ultimately drive business growth. With creativity, consistency, and strategic storytelling, you can turn viewers into customers and transform your online presence into a winning tool for your wood restoration business.

Russell Cissell is the founder of Woodrich Brand by Extreme Solutions Inc. and a leading authority in exterior wood restoration and preservation. With decades of hands-on experience, starting from restoring cedar homes to eventually developing a line of specialized wood care products, Russell has paved the way for innovative solutions in the industry. Located north of St Louis, MO, Woodrich Brand provides high-quality restoration products nationwide, offering predictable results with backing from Russell’s expert guidance. Wood restoration professionals have trusted products like Extreme Solutions HD-80 Heavy Duty Stripper since before the turn of the century. For more information, visit CT

26 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times


One Seal is a single-step, readyto-use masonry sealer featuring a flat, clear finish for minimal visibility upon drying. Lasting up to 10 years, depending on environmental factors and foot traffic levels, it is specifically designed for sealing brick, block, concrete, stucco, and various masonry surfaces. This water-based siloxane sealer offers a comprehensive solution to combat a multitude of environmental challenges, including freeze and thaw cycles, moisture, dirt accumulation, and mold and mildew growth; while providing resistance against salt, de-icing chemicals, and efflorescence,

ensuring unparalleled protection and lasting durability.

For more information about ITD, call 1-800-472-1233 or visit CT

Cleaner Times • May 2024 • 27


28 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

The “how to” is important, but so is the “why” when the subject is diagnosing equipment problems.

Let’s start with the why.

For all the valid warnings about care in DIY equipment repairs, an equipment operator should be able to diagnose a problem to distinguish the serious from the transient (or imagined)— transient in the sense that sometimes the problem is not with the equipment.

A line on the grid may go down. There may be a breach in the commercial or residential water supply. And so on.

Consequently, the first thing an operator should do is determine whether the problem is with the machine. If it is, proceed with care.

Somewhere in the space between rushing to the service center because of an unexpected noise or twitch and taking on DIY pump repair, there’s a lot of safe areas to navigate. In such spaces, a machine owner must be able to diagnose accurately enough to ensure what’s going on will not be a threat to the operator.

It’s not only the client that keeps a watchful eye on the contractor. OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] is always there too— not physically, but in terms of the expectations it has for equipment.

All equipment/tools should be in good condition with a record of regular maintenance. Equipment/tools used should be a precise match for the job and damage free. They should only be used in accordance with the instructions of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

OEMs in our industry provide detailed assistance in the form of checklists and videos accessible via the internet. For instance, Mi-T-M Corporation in Peosta, IA, offers “Troubleshooting a Hot Water Pressure Washer–Burner Not Firing Properly” ( videos/troubleshooting-burner-notfiring-properly).

Such online tools simplify the task of zeroing in on the source of a

problem. The next question for the equipment owner is how far to go in tackling the correction for the problem.

Should OSHA inspectors visit a jobsite, which they can do without advance notice, properly functioning equipment is one expectation they will have. That’s the second “why” to keep equipment maintained. The first “why” is to ensure maximum safety for employees.

People move in and out of professional roles. Many contractors have deep expertise in the design and function of their equipment. They can diagnose and manage most issues.

OEMs have a vested interest in ensuring their products are used and maintained properly—so much so that there have been explicit and implicit restrictions on repairs, such that a repair done outside a sanctioned service venue may void a warranty.

State legislatures have been moving to make it law that equipment owners can do their own repairs and still be protected by warranties. To find rule status for a particular state, see the updates by state from the National Conference of State Legislatures ( It may surprise some of our readers that California moved very definitively in the direction of supporting DIY efforts in 2023.


“A contractor or equipment owner should have the right to diagnose and repair any issues that may arise, providing they have the correct tools, skills, and knowledge to make the repair,” says Edgar Kron, sales manager at Bozeman Distributors and Cat Pumps, Baton Rouge, LA. That is option one.

If the contractor cannot accomplish the repair, the next move is to take the equipment to a sanctioned facility. “The damaged equipment needs to be taken to an authorized repair facility to prevent further damage and additional repair cost,” explains Kron.

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Even the most knowledgeable machine owner must admit limitations. “Know when to say, ‘When,’ especially if the equipment is in the warranty period,” says Kron.

Contractors who get a good start with equipment maintenance learn all they can about their machines. And they do that after they buy what constitutes the best match for the work they do.

“Invest in commercial-duty equipment and find a dealer that will support the product line,” says Kron. “The biggest problem that I see is residential-duty equipment being used in commercial applications.”

The correct equipment for the job is the place to begin. Even then, things happen. What’s a problem that could be avoided by choosing commercial grade over residential grade?

“Most residential power washers have an internal bypass and do not have the option to send the bypass to atmosphere—ground or tank—

because the unloader valve is made into the fluid-end or manifold,” says Kron. “With this type of pump, the bypass recirculates. In the fluid-end/ manifold when the spray gun trigger is released, the process of seal damage begins.

“The water, traveling through the pump at high speed, builds up heat due to the friction of the fast-moving water,” continues Kron. “When the pump runs in bypass for more than one to two minutes, the water gets so hot that it flashes to steam and damages the seals or will melt the seals if the unit runs long enough, and the seals no longer hold pressure.”

When the seals will no longer hold pressure, the operator takes notice. And seeks help. “The customer brings the unit in for low pressure and a seal kit repair, which is not covered under warranty,” says Kron. “Seals are a wear item.”

The commercial-grade choice helps prevent the worn seal scenario.

Kron gives us a brief summary of the how.

“By using a commercial-duty pump with an external bypass—separate unloader valve which is not part of the fluid-end/manifold—the customer has the option to bypass to the suction, which can cause seal damage if the unit is not operated properly; or the bypass can go to the ground or back to a supply tank,” says Kron. “By choosing this option, water is constantly going over the pump seals, keeping them cool, and prevents seal damage in most cases.

“This option does not totally prevent seal damage, but it helps to prevent seal damage over the long term if the pump is set up correctly,” continues Kron. “The water going through the pump acts as a coolant as well as a lubricant to keep the seals cool and lubricate the ceramic plungers moving through the seals.”

The more an owner knows about the machine, the better, even if DIY is not in the picture. “We do provide a

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checklist within our owner’s manual,” says Kron. “Realistically, most people never read the owner’s manual.”

Knowing the human tendency to skim across instructions, Kron takes a personal approach. “I try to educate every customer on the proper setup and operation of the unit either in the selling process or before the unit leaves our showroom.”

For Kron, the interaction with customers does not end there. “I

am always available by phone or email to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. I have answered many texts and phone calls on a Saturday morning with first-time power washer owners.”

And if the problem cannot be resolved by phone? “I ask the customer to return the unit for in-house service where we can hook up the unit to diagnose the problem and get the unit repaired,” says Kron.


How many will admit to having severed a piece of tape from a roll by using one’s teeth? That’s a dental no-no, and the dentist will not be fooled. Equipment, like teeth, should be used as designed.

Tugging at a pressure washer hose or cord or pulling a machine by its hose or cord are errant ways certain to cause injury to the machine. Working around sharp corners and edges without care could damage hoses and cords. Not cleaning a machine, yanking a cord from a receptacle, or inspecting a machine without shutting down the power source—all lead to trouble.

Care in use of pressure washers and ancillaries is second in importance only to deploying the correct machine for a job. The worst kind of equipment problems are those that were entirely avoidable.

As for diagnosing problems, each equipment owner must decide how far to go it alone. Don’t overestimate expertise. On the other hand, don’t start texting the dealer before verifying that the machine has been turned on.

For DIY, an equipment owner must have the proper tools. And the owner must also weigh the time a self-diagnosis will take against any pause in completing work at customers’ sites. To be able to work uninterrupted, a professional contract cleaner should have more than one machine in service. That allows for routine maintenance and occasional repairs without a disruption to the work schedule.

To sum it up: Buy the grade of machine that is a match for the type of work being done. Read the instructions from the OEM and/or distributor. Listen carefully to any instructions provided by the sales representative. Ask questions if there are questions. Know the limitations of the machine and the owner—and do not exceed either of them. Work with an authorized service department on repairs.

Prudence may not lead to perfect outcomes every time, but it does ensure great periods of tranquility on the job CT

32 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times


New Video And Podcast Series—Discussing the Topics that Matter Most to the Heating Industry

We’re very excited to announce the launch of our new video and podcast series called Beckett Talks where we discuss the topics, technologies, and processes that matter most to the heating industry.

Each week we’ll be sitting down with a different member of the Beckett team to talk about topics related to their particular area of expertise. From new products to training to what’s on the horizon in the industry in general, our goal with Beckett Talks is to give you a little insight into the heating industry from our perspective and the things we’re doing to continue to support the industry as a whole and to help our customers with the challenges and opportunities they encounter every day.


The Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association (PGMA) announces its new G300 Safety and Performance

standard (ANSI/PGMA G300-2023), which includes CO-shut-off technology to reduce the risk of injury from misuse of generators in enclosed spaces.

The revised standard received ANSI approval on December 19, 2023, and includes the same carbon monoxide sensing technology from ANSI/PGMA G300-2018, which has a 99 percent reduction in deaths due to generators operating indoors where CO accumulates around the generator. G300-2023 modified the existing standard to lower shut-off thresholds, which will further address injuries associated with potential misuse of generators. The standard applies to all portable generators 15 kW or smaller, including inverters, open frame, and construction generators. In addition, requirements have been added to the updated standard for generators that are fueled by natural gas. The sensor

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technology is in addition to the robustness of the standard that already includes safety and performance requirements for portable generators.

“Our ultimate goal is to reduce carbon monoxide injuries and deaths by preventing misuse of portable generators,” said Susan Orenga, executive director of PGMA. “In addition to PGMA’s extensive Take it Outside™ education and awareness campaign to promote safe generator use, the auto-shutdown feature is monumental in reducing carbon monoxide dangers and promoting overall consumer safety. We are proud that 99 percent of all member products are manufactured to G300-2018, and members will be working quickly to adhere to G300-2023.”

The ANSI/PGMA G300 standard’s auto-shutdown feature stops the generator from running when carbon monoxide begins to accumulate as a result of improper operation in enclosed spaces. All data sources, including third-party analysis, show that auto-shutdown results in a significant reduction in fatalities and injuries related to the misuse of the product by stopping the source of the carbon monoxide. In addition, the auto-shutdown feature benefits consumers by indicating proper locations to operate the generator and is affordable, helping keep portable power available for most consumers. ANSI announced the approval of the standard on December 29, 2023, and the effective date for compliance to G3002023 is for generators manufactured on or after January 1, 2025. For more information, visit www. CT

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What’s the one trait all successful suppliers share? They provide exactly what their client wants, and they do so when it’s needed.

There is never talk of substitution or making do. Companies rely on suppliers so that they can focus on their day-to-day operations. They can focus because they know that a supplier who understands their business needs is meeting them.

The definition of a supplier often has more to do with the legal and tax reporting requirements of state government (and sometimes federal or local government) than with a rigid one-definition-serves-all explanation. Most simply, when a business agrees to supply a product or service to another entity (business or individual), it becomes a supplier.

But in the realm of business structure and reporting across states, a supplier generally meets several criteria. It has inventory that it keeps in stock in an identifiable place (warehouse or store). It replenishes stock as it sells. In addition, a specified percentage of any sale (e.g., 40 percent

or more in New York State) must come from inventory.

A supplier and a broker are fundamentally different operationally. A broker serves as an intermediary, working to link those buying with those manufacturing. A broker has no inventory or structural repository. Brokers facilitate exchanges. Suppliers hold, control, and sell goods.

The body of literature about suppliers—and supply relationship management (SRM)—is extensive. Top among the most thoughtful analyses are those generated by the military. Of course, given the importance of a reliable supply chain to military efforts, that makes sense.

We will return to the way theory informs practice. But let’s consider what members of our industry say first.

“The one trait all suppliers must have is to be knowledgeable about their products in order to sell them and educate their customers,” says Stephen Venturini of Wash Bro’s Pressure Washing Store in Mandeville, LA. His company is a Deco Products (Denver, CO) supplier.

“If suppliers really want to have an added edge, they need to keep their communication lines open with

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phenomenal customer service,” explains Venturini. That includes the readiness “to assist their customer base with troubleshooting of their products.”

Even the tiniest change in a product can slow a customer down. An engaged supplier keeps customers informed of the small things as well as the big ones.

Aaron Lindholm, the CEO/president of Veloci Performance Products in Burnsville, MN, expands on the concept of broad engagement. “A supplier must have great communication and be very responsive.”

Moreover, the responsiveness must be measurable in the shortest possible intervals. “Today’s business world moves very fast, and delayed communication or slow communication is a detriment to business,” explains Lindholm.

Are there any extras that merit attention? Yes, there are, and they set a supplier apart, boosting competitiveness.

“The ability to source or develop products is crucial,” says Lindholm. “We are always looking for those suppliers that keep product sourcing and development at the top of mind.”


“Suppliers must have awareness of their customers’ needs as relationships develop and evolve,” says Chad Reiffer, distribution program manager at Hydro-Chem Systems Inc. in Caledonia, MI. “Through regular communication and interaction with customers, suppliers are more aware of the most important issues their clientele is needing to solve.”

“The reciprocal awareness forges a tight link between the supplier’s capabilities and the customer’s expectation,” explains Reiffer. Such a link “is more likely to result in a mutually beneficial, longer-lasting partnership.”

Which sorts of awareness must the supplier have? Reiffer lists many, including market conditions, industry trends, new technology, and supply chains. In addition, he says, “Suppliers must have an awareness of the constantly changing landscape in which they exist.”

By evaluating the changes taking place, a supplier can determine where to invest time and capital. The supplier must be “poised to respond to shifts upstream or downstream from their position by addressing gaps in product

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Photo by Zigic

lines, developing training materials, and properly fulfilling commitments to their customers,” explains Reiffer.

A proactive approach can set a supplier apart, says Reiffer. “It can make them more competitive and result in greater mutual success for both sides.”

Which things should a supplier be proactive about? “Product development, inventory management, changes in technology, updates to regulations, and providing customer resources are all on the list,” says Reiffer.

What is the net result of being proactive? “Suppliers are more likely to gain trust from their customers and set themselves apart from the competition,” says Reiffer.

As for pricing, it falls into the qualityfirst sphere. “While pricing is crucial at all levels, it may not always be the most important factor,” explains Reiffer. Suppliers can earn the business of customers by being fully engaged— awareness and proactivity combined, says Reiffer. He notes, “Such involvement

allows them to respond to consumer/ market factors while providing intangible value for their customers.”

The links that form with such intangibles strengthen a supply chain. They also bolster economic activity.

A supplier may be in more than one place along a supply chain. “For companies like ours and many others, you find yourself on both sides of the fence,” says Reiffer. “As a supplier to countless customers cleaning millions of trucks/vehicles per year, it is critical that we are aware of our customers and market factors.”

In its role as a supplier, Reiffer explains that his company strives to prevent service disruptions, quality control issues, or falling short of expectations. “As a manufacturer, we must also seek out suppliers that align with our values for what we aim to provide our customers.”

The chain that fortifies our industry—and the industrial sector as a whole—guides the planning and actions of a successful supplier. “We

understand that our customers in the cleaning industry are also suppliers for their customers,” says Reiffer. “Our customers partner with suppliers that can provide them products and resources and have a vested interest in their combined success.”


Successful suppliers establish relationships with customers in multiple ways. One supplier may have several types of arrangements in place.

Some customers may routinely buy from a supplier, but amounts of purchases may vary. Studies of strategic resource management (SRM) point to customers who are short-term or onetime buyers as those who are most likely to seek out goods (or services) on price alone. And they may be the most likely to not be satisfied with their purchases (typically because they go forward and find a lower price).

But successful suppliers usually have a stable group of customers. In

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fact, suppliers selling to large businesses or government entities must often be prequalified by the purchaser. Some of the prequalification process may include the requirement that certain certifications be documented.

The time taken to be prequalified can open the path to increased sales. For example, the federal government has a prequalification process, as do states and local governments. True, many such entities waive prequalification requirements for purchases under a certain dollar amount, but suppliers who want access to big buyers will usually have to demonstrate their capabilities.

The capabilities include documentation of everything from quality of product to inventory methods. In an informal way, prequalification establishes a partnership between a supplier and customer.

Not all partnerships between suppliers and customers are informal. A customer may even want to integrate or subsume relevant financial components of a supplier into its own in-house system. This happens frequently in the computer and health care sectors.

Tight linkages between supplier and customer at the digital level can bring efficiencies. They can also be perilous as recent hacks in the healthcare industry have demonstrated— when an insurer/payer or drug supplier system linked to a healthcare/ hospital system goes down/gets hacked, the health system (and patients) are left wanting.

The SRM theorists offer plenty of models for what works best—or may work best—in an arrangement between a supplier and its customers. Throughout there is repeated reference to the concept of the interaction being transactional.

By transactional, of course, the theory makers mean that both supplier and buyer play a role in determining the type of relationship. For every buyer that evaluates the strength and reliability of a supplier, there should be a supplier who evaluates the strength and reliability of a buyer.

A buyer may promise to purchase a certain amount of product across a year. Can the buyer pay? Is the buyer strong enough to be in business six months hence? For instance, a captive buyer—a model in which the buyer has promised to purchase a minimum amount from a supplier across the next twelve months—will escape captivity with insolvency.

Thus, ahead of being proactive in all the ways our industry sources have

suggested, we might add one more trait of successful suppliers: prudence.

It’s easy to be dazzled by a huge order, especially one tied to the promise of more such orders to follow. But being a successful supplier entails a measured approach to doing business. A supplier should know the customer almost as well as the product line.

A strong supplier is the partner of a strong buyer and vice versa CT

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The actions of the Federal Reserve have contributed to an increase in inflation and raised interest rates, putting that all-so-necessary funding out of reach for many pressure cleaning businesses. Combine those higher interest rates with leasing and purchase prices essentially doubling in the last few years, and funding the pressure washing business today is extremely expensive and difficult.


With the well-documented reluctance of banks to provide the funds needed by small businesses—and while numerous factors will impact the type of lender eventually chosen—when seeking affordable funding, the best place to begin is usually the bank currently used for the operation’s banking.

Even without a personal relationship with the banker, the bank the pressure cleaning business does business with often has a broader perspective of the operation’s debt, spending, and cash flow. While perhaps only a number in the bank’s system, the operation is already in the system. That puts the pressure cleaning operation one step ahead even with a bank normally reluctant to provide a loan.

Obviously, if a relationship with the operation’s current bank isn’t sufficient to overcome the bank’s reluctance to provide the needed funds—or render advice—a new bank might be necessary. Since banks are often the source for the most economical financing, a community bank might be the answer.

Establishing relationships with community banks is often easy, with them considering the operation as a whole alongside the operation’s cash flow, credit, and collateral factors.


All banks in general, while not interested in providing long-term funding, provide banking services such as cash management, payroll services, merchant services, and lines of credit. In fact, every pressure cleaning business should already

have a line of credit to help tide it over in the short term.

A business’s line of credit provides access to funds up to a pre-set limit, with the business paying interest only on the funds withdrawn. Fees for having the funds readily available are usually competitive.

While banks, even community banks, typically have low interest rates and offer competitive terms, financing may be hard to qualify for. Thus, an incentive such as a guarantee by the Small Business Administration (SBA) might help obtain that needed funding.


SBA loans make it easier for pressure washing businesses to get needed funding. The SBA offers lenders, mostly traditional lenders, a federal loan guarantee. This makes it less risky for banks to lend and often means more favorable interest rates and terms for the borrower.

There are a number of SBA loan guarantee programs available, including the following:

• SBA 7(a) loans, the most popular program, provide funds for many purposes and are available in amounts up to $5 million.

• SBA 504 loans offer long-term, fixed-rate financing to purchase or repair real estate, equipment, machinery, or other assets.

• SBA microloans are the smallest loan program offered and provide $50,000 or less to help businesses expand. On the downside, microloans have a high interest rate. The loan is a risk, but short-term delays of new equipment, improvements, or payroll can be riskier. When traditional sources even with guarantees fail to provide affordable financing, it might be time to think about specialized funding.


A pressure cleaning contractor seeking funding to help purchase equipment may find the request being viewed differently by a bank because they are lending against a tangible object.

While often more expensive, funding from the manufacturer, dealer, or distributor may be more readibly available. Frequently subsidies, discounts, and/or better terms substantially reduce the overall cost of equipment loans.


With the reluctance of traditional banks to lend, online lenders are enjoying a surge of popularity. Best of all,



online banking eliminates the cost of brick-and-mortar branches, thereby generating cost savings to be passed on to borrowers.

Fintech, or financial technology, consists of two areas: interacting with a bank minus the human element and independent lenders working outside traditional banks. Applying for online business loans can be accomplished entirely online.

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While online banking is best for those pressure washing operations seeking fast funding and easy applications, under-qualified borrowers often pay extra for online funding.


An effective strategy for minimizing the cost of the funds needed by the business involves selling the business. An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is a tax-effective way to transfer ownership of a small, incorporated pressure cleaning business to its employees while raising the funds needed for the operation’s growth.

With an ESOP the business issues new shares of stock and sells them to the ESOP. The ESOP then borrows funds to buy the stock. The pressure cleaning business can use the proceeds from the stock sale to its own benefit— growth or expansion.

The business repays the loan by making tax-deductible contributions to the ESOP. The interest and principal

on ESOP loans are tax-deductible, which can reduce the pre-tax dollars needed to repay the principal by as much as 34 percent, depending on the operation’s tax bracket.

Unfortunately, however, the tax shield does not help with S corporations since they don’t pay corporate income taxes. Capital gains deferral, however, can make ESOPs attractive to these pass-through business entities.


Obviously, every business owner should have at least some personal funds at risk to show potential lenders or investors that the owner is committed to the success of the business. Unfortunately, our tax laws make selffunding a touchy—and complex— strategy.

The most basic, affordable funding strategy, called “bootstrapping,” means using personal or family funds to finance the business. Offsetting the convenience of bootstrapping is the

necessity for the owner or shareholders to often give up equity in the pressure washing business.

What’s more, whenever a loan is made between related entities, or when a shareholder makes a loan to his or her incorporated business, our tax laws require a fair-market rate of interest be included. If not, the IRS will step in and make adjustments to the below-market (interest) rate transaction in order to properly reflect “imputed” interest.


Dealing with an economical but unfamiliar lender isn’t always troublefree. A loan agreement might, for instance, contain a provision requiring the loan to be repaid if the buyer misses several payments, fails to maintain certain debt service coverage, etc.

Some lenders want delayed payments made up in a single payment, some will modify and extend the loan with minimal paperwork, while others

42 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

will treat it as refinancing—complete with the costs associated with refinancing. Every borrower should have a clear picture of when the forbearance will end and what the lender intends to do at the end of the loan period.

And speaking of loan terms, as mentioned, every pressure cleaning borrower should match the term of a loan to the life of the item to be financed. If the financing is for equipment, the loan shouldn’t be longer than the expected life of that equipment.

Many business loans differ from other finance requiring only interest payment for the duration. A fixed interest rate stays the same throughout the term of the loan while business loan rates can fluctuate, making them more expensive. At the end of the loan’s term, it means paying off the loan amount in full or refinancing.


In the search for capital, the easiest options may be the most expensive.

• Credit card debt—Business credit cards often offer more flexible repayment terms but typically have higher interest rates than traditional financing. Designed to appeal to businesses whose cash flow might be irregular, the higher cost of business card debt results because the debt is usually unsecured, making it riskier for lenders.

• Email solicitations—Answering those “We lend money to businesses” ads means leaving the banking sector with its various protections and borrowing from a private lender.


After funds have been obtained from an economic source at a favorable cost, it doesn’t mean that the interest is automatically tax deductible. There is something called the “tracing rule,” where interest is traced to its use to determine whether or not

it is deductible. Suppose, for example, a business borrows money but only a portion is used to purchase needed equipment. The balance of the borrowed funds goes to a key employee or even the owner, allowing them to purchase a personal vehicle.

Obviously, the interest charged on the borrowed funds that were used to purchase equipment, supplies, or other business expenses are deductible. The interest on the portion of those borrowed funds distributed to an employee or the operation’s owner as a loan or bonus is not tax deductible by the borrowing pressure washing business.

Every contractor, dealer, distributor, or manufacturer seeking to borrow money faces many challenges, such as where is funding available and at what interest rate? What is the total cost including fees? Is the funding good for an extended period of time, or can payment be demanded early? Guidance from a professional adviser may be necessary. CT

Cleaner Times • May 2024 • 43


Inevitable. That’s the tidiest way to sum up the presence of minerals in water.

How could it be otherwise?

Water courses across the planet over substrates of rock and soil. Water earns the moniker “universal solvent,” and deservedly so because it takes more substances into solution than any other liquid compound.

Of course, what goes into a solution can also come out of that solution. And that’s where the problems with hard water begin.

Calcium, magnesium, and other metals may be present in water in amounts that are low and not so troublesome. Consider calcium, which may be present in water as calcium carbonate. At 60 milligrams per liter or less, calcium

carbonate is not considered problematic, and the water is labeled as soft.

But beyond the first stop on the hardness scale (soft water), things get trickier. The hardness scale progresses, and water with more than 180 milligrams per liter of calcium carbonate is labeled “very hard” water.

Some geographical regions— because of the composition of the

44 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

substrate—are known for water hardness. The U.S. Geological Survey ( ) provides maps of the general areas of hard water (both above ground and in aquifers).

Generally, however, residents of an area have a good idea whether their water is hard. The first clue is residue on clear glass. Then, there are the “tells” such as buildup in plumbing

and sediment accumulating in hot water tanks. (Hot water hastens the sedimentation of salts.)

Almost never considered a health hazard, hard water does menace equipment. And that’s where we pick up the thread of dealing with it—all in the interest in realizing the greatest longevity of machines and components.

Hard water acts on a hot or cold pressure washer in a way analogous to the way cholesterol buildup occurs in the arteries says Augie Kooistra, owner of Augie’s Ag Sales in Ephrata, WA. (He adds that the arterial condition can necessitate open heart bypass surgery such as he experienced in September 2023.)

Cleaner Times • May 2024 • 45
Photo by

Prevention of clogging and/or scaling to the extent possible should be part of the plan. Could exclusive use of deionized water alleviate buildup of sediment?

“It can be helpful,” says Kooistra. “As a business in the ag industry, we have not done anything with deionized water.”

For now, the tactic of using deionized water is less than practical. “Cost, [meeting] machine requirements, and hassle” put it in the not-yet realm, explains Kooistra.

Kooistra provides other solutions for his customers. One, he offers an optional add-on water softener solution tank/plump on pressure washers.

“It doses out the softener liquid into the water box,” explains Kooistra. “It offers two benefits—it helps keep the pipes clean, and softer water cleans better.”

When Kooistra thinks about helping customers, he begins with acute attention to convenience. “For the user, convenience and performance, no

maintenance, and simplicity are essential,” he explains. And for that reason, he has found one new product line a big attraction.

Kooistra put us in touch with two people so that we could (briefly) explore some of the possibilities. We report on their perspectives in turn in the next two sections.


The product line Kooistra labels a “big attraction” comes from Magnation Water Technologies, which is headquartered in Oakland, CA. Mike Jenzeh is CEO and head of business development at the company.

What’s exciting and forward-looking about the approach of Jenzeh’s company is the focus on tapping physics instead of chemistry to condition water. The company serves the widest range of industries.

“Water quality affects all aspects of an operation, equipment longevity, maintenance, and energy saving,” explains Jenzeh. The techniques built into his company’s product offerings are state of the art.

State of the art in that the product line builds on solutions that shun chemicals, conserve energy, and slash maintenance. Among the laws of physics exploited is centrifugal effect. Working in concert with magnets used to instigate charging (Faraday effect), agitation and churning allow devices to gain control of elements like calcium. Separation of gases and particulates that can interfere with pumps and pipes results.

Yes, Jenzeh’s company works on large-scale projects. But the scalability of its approach holds out exciting possibilities to those who want to exploit some of the same design strategies to condition water for pressure washers.

Conditioning water is currently a very expensive endeavor for facilities—e.g., dialysis centers, which must have a verifiable and uninterrupted supply of deionized water. Processes like those Jenzeh’s company has incorporated in its products could bring down costs.

Jenzeh’s company already has a track record of reducing costs for companies. He points us to a case study at the company’s website that recounts the 42 percent savings in energy for HVAC at the Gap. (We often lose sight of how much energy is wasted when mechanical equipment must labor unnecessarily because water has gunk in it—even a little gunk—and worse, some of the gunk has settled on equipment components.)

“Mechanical wetting agents” is the name that Jenzeh’s company has adopted for its devices. “The devices are designed and patented for ease of installation after pumps and in valves,” he explains.

Flow rates, psi, size of pump, and amount of space for installation would all factor into the sort of customized recommendations Jenzeh’s company would provide to members of our industry. See more at the company’s website,


Jerry Wurz with Anderson Pump House Ltd. in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada, shares the enthusiasm of Kooistra for the possibilities that magnets and other processes straight from the world of physics are bringing to the world of conditioning water. He both shares some advice and reviews some parameters for those in our industry.

“My advice for a contractor or distributor is to try a Magnation water magnet,” says Wurz. “It will make your water softer since it breaks it up using magnet power. But not all water is the same.”

Wurz reminds us that the total dissolved solids (TDS) in water vary widely from place to place. But the results in any region can be noteworthy. “The device cleans lines and prevents scale buildup by 15 to 25 percent.”

And Wurz gives us one example: “We cleaned all our water lines in our hog barns three years back; we put a Magnation magnet on, and our lines are still as clean as the day we cleaned them.”

46 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

That good outcome in the example is compounded by the unimpeded performance of a pressure washer at the same hog barn. The gains result, explain Wurz, because the TDS do not cling on the water lines. “Water just flows unimpeded.”

With 30 years’ experience working with water, plumbing, etc., Wurz has some acute insights into dealing with hard water. Some of his reflections follow.

“Deionized and RO [reverse osmosis] water are basically the same machines taking all minerals, sodium, salt, iron, and metals out of the water using pumps to force the water through some very fine membranes, filtering water down to 0 microns,” says Wurz. “It’s considered dead water. Normal water has a pH of 7 to 8.

“All waters are different,” continues Wurz. “RO filtered water is acidic water, meaning the pH is below average in the 6-pH range. Normal pH is 7.4.”

Acidic water eventually becomes a destructive force. “It causes corrosion on brass faucets, copper lines, and metals,” says Wurz.

RO and deionized water machines get the job of making soft water done. But they require a lot of maintenance, explains Wurz. That is maintenance to clean membranes, restore pH to normal, and more. Moreover, an operator is needed to look after the unit.

Use of deionized water is one way to avoid issues related to hard water. But it is an expensive method, says Wurz.

Regardless, equipment users must deal with hard water. Not doing so leaves machines vulnerable to failure.

“When you heat hard water up—for example, in a domestic hot water tank or heat exchanger—the 180-degree Fahrenheit boiler water bakes the minerals, iron, magnesium, and all metals in hot water,” says Wurz. Scale buildup on heat coils occurs over time.

Scale on heat coils reduces machine performance. “After a few years, [you]

won’t get enough heat transfer through the coils,” explains Wurz.

Cleaning coils requires taking the machine off-line to acid treat the water to eat away the scale. Thus, the better approach is to prevent scale buildup.

Wurz explains the cost effectiveness of alternative methods for dealing with hard water depends on the amount of water. For some it may be deionization or RO. For others it may be a device from Jenzeh’s company. It may be a combination of approaches.

In addition, when there is water in the very hard range, a catalyst may be required to augment the work of media filters. But because of the backwashing needed for filters, more water must be used in total.

Hard water is inevitable. Know the severity. Define the goal. Then, evaluate the possibilities for removing TDS in terms of speed, energy use, extra water use, and cost to find the best way to deal with it. CT

Cleaner Times • May 2024 • 47


American Waterworks, Inc.

13250 Weidner St. Pacoima, CA 91331


Custom trailer system sales & service.

Nor Cal Pressure Washer Equipment

250-G S. Maple Ave. S. San Francisco, CA 94080 (866) 554-6601

Hydro Tek Sales & Service, Industrial/Commercial.

Pacific Bay Equipment

609 G Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 578-3925/fax (209) 578-3120

SF Bay area: 28301 Industrial Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545


Pressure Systems, Inc.

1646 E. Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 (602) 253-9579

Experience Makes a Difference. Working With Water & Finding Solutions Since 1965.

Superior Cleaning Equipment

4422 E. University Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85034



American Cleaning Systems

5261 W. 42nd St. Odessa, TX 79764 (800) 205-7797

Pressure Washers, Soaps, Degreasers, Hot Shot

Alklean Industries, Inc. 2111 Catalina Dr. Pasadena, TX 77503 (281) 479-5966

Hotsy, Mi-T-M, Hydro Tek, Alkota, KEW, Alto, plus many more. POWERWASH.COM

2313 Cold Springs Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76106 (800) 433-2113

Pressure Washer Sales & Service, Parts, Chemicals.

River City Pressure Cleaning Equipment

7306 NE Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78219

(888) 889-WASH (9274)

Industrial Pressure Washer

Sales, Service, Parts, Detergents, & Diesel-Powered Equip. Available. Sellers Sales Co. Inc.

Pumps & Equip 1904 So. Loop Drive Waco, Texas 76704 (254) 754-5761

Cat Pumps dist for 50 years. Pump Sls/Parts/Repairs/Cstm Built Pump Pkgs


AaLadin Central Pressure

Washers & Supplies

2339 East Front Street Kansas City, MO 64120 (816) 221-1007

Aaladin Elite Dist. Sales, Service, Parts, Soap for all brands. Chappell Supply & Equipment

• CETA Certified Distributor 6509 W. Reno Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73127 (405) 495-1722

KO Pressure Supply 2950 E. Division Springfield,
and Service. ZONE 7 American Pressure, Inc. • CETA Certified Distributor 3810 West Broadway Robbinsdale, MN 55422 (763) 521-4442 Parts/Repair/Equip-Contractor Discount-Huge Inventory Omega Industries, Inc. 11317 W 47th St. Minnetonka, MN 55343 (952) 988-8345 Sayers Wash Systems 21020 Cambodia Ave. Farmington, MN 55024 (800) 456-9840 Servicing Virtually All Brands of Pressure Washers. ZONE 8 Michigan Power Cleaning 2101 Palmer Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 (269) 349-3656 35y+ Parts/Service Cat General Hydrotek and Other Brands. ZONE 9 Pressure Washer Supply Center 480 Hylton Rd. Suite D Richmond, VA 23238 804-708-9851 Commercial Pressure Washer Sales, Service, Parts, Chemicals & Repair. Pressure Washer Supply Center 110001 Houser Dr. #13 Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (804) 708-9851 Commercial Pressure Washer Sales, Service, Parts, Chemicals & Repair. ZONE 10 Delco of Knoxville 6675 Clinton Hwy Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 938-4486 Sales. Parts. Service. Rentals. Etowah Chemical Sales & Service • CETA Certified Distributor 1706 Rossville Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37408 (423) 756-5763 Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980. Etowah Chemical Sales & Service • CETA Certified Distributor 5720 A Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 584-7477 Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980. 48 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times
1-Stop-Shop for Industrial Cleaning Equip. Needs.
MO 65803
301-3005 Quality Parts, Equipment, Chemicals,


Etowah Chemical Sales & Service

• CETA Certified Distributor

878 Davis Dr. (Atlanta) Conyers, GA 30094 (770) 760-7031

Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980.

Etowah Chemical Sales & Service

• CETA Certified Distributor 206 5th Ave. SW Cullman, AL 35055 (256) 734-1208

Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980.

Etowah Chemical Sales & Service

• CETA Certified Distributor 7688 Spanish Fort Blvd. (Mobile) Spanish Fort, AL 36527 (251) 621-1901

Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980.

Etowah Chemical Sales & Service

• CETA Certified Distributor 3521 Richard Arrington Blvd. Birmingham, AL 35234 (205) 323-6441

Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980.

Etowah Chemical Sales & Service

• CETA Certified Distributor 2618 Forrest Ave. Gadsden, AL 35904 (256) 547-7527

Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980.

Etowah Chemical Sales & Service

• CETA Certified Distributor 1624 ½ Hamilton Road LaGrange, GA 30240 (770) 668-6319

Quality Chemical & Equipment Solutions Since 1980.

GCE, Georgia Chemical Equipment 1580 Beaver Ruin Road Norcross, GA 30093 (770) 921-0397; (800)762-7911

Sales, Service, Chems, Rentals Repairs on Nat Brands.

North Georgia Airless 2126 Hilton Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 532-4442

Trusted Sales, Rental, Parts and Repair Center.

Power Cleaning Equipment, Inc. 5020 Hwy 157 Florence, AL 35633 (800) 423-8605

Full-service P.W. Dist & Chem. Mfg. (TN also)


Faitella Enterprises

• CETA Certified Distributor

Ft. Pierce, FL (800) 874-0607

Since 1976, Sales & Service at Your Location or Ours.

Florida Pressure Washing Equipment & Supplies 671 Progress Way Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 688-4532


Mi-T-M Dist. Seal´nLock, PW Sales, Service, Parts.


ETS, Equipment Trade Service Co. Inc. 20 East Winona Ave. Norwood PA. 19074 (610) 583-7657

All PW’s! Sales, Repairs, Rental, Parts, Chems, Since 1970. Hydro-Spray 2928 Washington Avenue Clearfield, PA 16830 (800) 528-5733

A full-service car wash & pressure wash equip provider.

Kepner Equipment, Inc.

2365 Firehall Rd.

Canandaigua, NY 14424


Helping You Clean Up Your Act

Since ‘92! Sales, Service, Detergents

Portage Power Wash

814 736-6288

217 Main St.

Portage, PA 15946

We are a family-owned business that has over 40 years of experience.


PSC Pressure Systems Company, Inc.

3300 Steeles Ave.

W Concord, ON, L4K 2Y4 (800) 246-9689

Manufacturing, Sales, Parts and Service, since 1969.

Pumps and Pressure, Inc.

7018 Johnstone Dr. Red Deer, AB T4P 3Y6 (800) 661-9274

Serving all industries in Western Canada since 1984.

Cleaner Times • May 2024 • 49


Accessories: Schedule 80 Aluminum Wands, cut & threaded. Call for price, 800-874-0607.

PA SpA: +39 0522 623 611;

Steel Eagle: 800-447-3924;


Barens, Inc.: 800-676-0607;


CETA: 800-441-0111; www.ceta. org.

PWNA: 800-393-7962; www.


R.W. Beckett: 440-327-1064;

Wayne Combustion Systems: 260425-9200;



Kleen-Rite: 717-684-6721;

Veloci Performance Products: 866-686-4020;


Etowah Chemical Sales & Service: 800-848-8541.

ITD Chemical: 800-472-1233;

Vector Chemical: 800-331-0347;


Coils-R-Us: 479-549-3880; www.

Farley’s Inc: 800-522-COIL; www.


Aaladin Industries: 605-356-3325;

American Washall: 833-645-4275;

BE Pressure Supply, Inc.: 800663-8331;

Cam Spray: 800-648-5011;

Epps Products: 888-826-9191;

Karcher North America: 877722-6555;

Mi-T-M Corporation: 800-5539053;

PowerJet Pressure Cleaning Systems: 877-765-9211; www.

PSC Cleaning Systems: 905761-1733;

UDOR USA, Inc: 651-785-0666;

Udder Tech Inc.: 952-461-2894;



CSC Insurance: 724-929-2300;

Joseph D. Walters: 800-878-3808;


Lease Consultants Corp.: 800325-2605;


Midland Industries: 800-8215725;


Equipment Trade Service Co.: 877-824-7763;

Graffiti Solutions: 800-891-0091;


JTI Trade, Inc.: 360-226-3637;


BluBird Industries: 844-7694673;

MISTING Pressure Systems Inc.: 602-2539579; www.pressuresystems NOZZLES Arthur Products Co.: 800-3220510; PARTS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Chappell Supply & Equipment Company: 405-495-1722; www. PRESSURE WASHERS Dyne Power Packs: 772-332-1662. Pressure Systems Innovations: 561-249-2830; https://pressure EXPLOSION-PROOF hot or cold pressure washers. Industrial, heavy duty, to your specs. Pressures to 10,000 psi. Meets UL 1776 & UL 1203. Call 800-231-9708 Acme Cleaning Equip, Inc. 6839 Piccadilly Houston, TX 77061-2848 EDI Distributors Prompt, courteous service, tech assistance, excellent prices. Visit for a small sample and free catalog, or just call 800-433-2033 50 • May 2024 • Cleaner Times

PSC Cleaning Systems: 800246-9689;


Cat Pumps: 763-780-5440;

Valley Industries/Comet USA: 800-864-1649; www.comet


AR North America: 763-3982008;

UDOR USA, Inc: 651-785-0666;

Valley Industries/Comet USA: 800-864-1649;


Whisper Wash: 727-577-1292;



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Universal Trailer: 818-252-0706;



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Woodrich Brand: 314-762-8865;



WJTA-IMCA: 314-241-1445; www.


Cleaner Times • May 2024 • 51
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