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Do you believe in everything you taste?

Eat, drink and be provoked... the culinary theatrics at Madeleines, a dining experience for those who relish the extraordinary. All senses are stimulated and interact in the ultimate fusion food experience, starring the highly-acclaimed gourmet cuisine.


Located in an old Tuborg Factory in Islands Brygge, Madeleines can play host to up 50 people for our meal-performances. Forthcoming is ‘Granny’; a meal/performance that interrogates the themes of landscape, weather and emotions. From 28th November, the 7th Sense introduces five basic tastes and two textures as the main characters of a surreal drama and modern dance performance for the tongue. Otherwise, let us create your ultimate event. Launches, celebrations, awards can be custom-made by Madeleines to fit your desires. Reward, punish, entertain and inspire, its conviviality gone wild.


Epicurious? Get in touch. . . . Nikolaj Danielsen Madeleines Madteater Drechelsgade 10, Cph Islands Bryggep Tel 3314 0555


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