April 2024 Chamber Newsletter

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Spotlight: The Troy Foundation

Our spotlight for this month is The Troy Foundation. Located at 216 W. Franklin St. in Troy, Ohio, the Troy Foundation has been serving the Troy Community for 100 years!

Enjoy this interview with Melissa Kleptz, President & CEO of the Troy Foundation

Q: What was the mission of the Troy Foundation when it first began? And how does that compare to the mission now? Has anything changed?

The mission of the Troy Foundation when it began in 1924 was “to improve the quality of life for the Troy Community by promoting philanthropy and stewardship and by encouraging and promoting gifts for educational, charitable, religious, or benevolent uses ” Our mission statement now is “To improve the quality of life for our community by connectingdonorstocharitablecausesforabettertomorrow”

The mission and purpose of the Foundation has stayed the same for the most part over the past 100 years Improving the quality of life of the residents of Troy has always been at the core of what we do through our grant making,however,weadded‘connectingdonorstocharitablecauses’,becauseitshowcasestheFoundation’slesserknownside,whereweworkwithdonorstoassistthemincreatingacharitableplantosupportcausesthatmatterto them-whetherthatisduringtheirlifetime,oraftertheyaregone Our420differentfundsestablishedbyourdonors help us to address the most current and pressing needs and make sure the nonprofit organizations who are providing those services get the financial support they need Our donors’ funds help the Foundation support the qualityoflifeoftheresidentsofTroyandwecouldn’tdowhatwedowithoutthosefunds

Q. You have your 100th Anniversary Celebration this year, can you tell me more about this?

The Foundation is one of over 800 community foundations in the country and one of the country’s oldest The first foundation was established in 1914 in Cleveland, Ohio - the Cleveland Foundation The Cleveland Foundation and the DaytonFoundationwereamongstthecountry’sfirstcommunityfoundations,andforAugustusG StoudertostartThe Troy Foundation in 1924 in a community the size of Troy, was not common Celebrating 100 years of impact on the Troy community is a huge milestone for our organization and we can’t wait to celebrate with the community We could not do what we do without our donors and our outstanding nonprofit organizations who use our grants to supportthemanyservicesandeventsthatmakeTroysuchagreatplacetolive

Official Newsletter of the Troy Chamber of Commerce
April 2024 The

Spotlight: The Troy Foundation Continued

WewillbeplanningactivitiesthroughouttheyearwiththeofficialkickoffhappeningonApril15th,theactualdayofour 100th anniversary We will be partnering with many local organizations and the City of Troy to bring more activities throughouttheyear,butalsotoenhancethebudgetforactivitiessupportedbytheCityofTroy,TroyMainStreet,and Troy Hayner Cultural Center We don’t normally plan events and we are excited to be partnering with these organizationstoenhanceoraddeventsthatthecommunitycanenjoywhilehelpinguscelebrateouranniversary For example, we will be partnering with the Troy Hayner Cultural Center and Troy Main Street during their Summer Music Series for the first and last concert of the series; 100th anniversary banners will be throughout the downtown, and additional entertainment opportunities including dance floors and some surprises are in store for the summer We arealsoexcitedtobefeaturedthroughthePaintedPianosProjectdowntownandthanktheCityofTroyandTroyMain Street for coming up with this idea and involving the Foundation to help us showcase the Foundation’s 100 years of supportingtheTroycommunity

Q. How many employees does the Troy Foundation have?


Q. How many employees does the Troy Foundation have?

The pandemic was a difficult time, as it was for everyone. We had to pivot from our normal type of funding to become more responsive to our local nonprofits’ needs We created a process to award grants quickly so that our grantee partners could continue to provide services to Troy’s residents Through our Troy Emergency Response Fund grantprogramwehelpednonprofitsgainaccesstocleaningsuppliesandhelpedthemtodeliverservicesdifferently It was amazing to watch our local nonprofit organizations make changes so quickly and continue to find ways to serve the residents of Troy Creating the Troy Emergency Response Fund was the first time we reached out to the community to ask them to partner with the Foundation by contributing the fund which raised over $140,000 from individuals, businesses, service clubs and the City of Troy Along with the Foundation’s $100,000, we helped to quickly respondtoourgrantee’sneedsastheyhelpedtosupportourresidents

I think a challenge for us now is to find ways to better connect with new residents to our community and our community’s younger generation so we can continue to grow the Foundation to meet the community’s changing needs

Q. What has been something that has been the most rewarding for you while working at The Troy Foundation?

It is amazing to work in a community every day that has adopted the feeling of “where there’s a will there’s a way ” Being able to help figure out ways that the Foundation can help to make something new happen for our residents or just to enhance what is alreadybeingdoneisagreatfeeling;basically,beingapartofcommunitysolutions My greatest joys have been working with the nonprofit organizations, they’re the ones using our grant dollars so wisely to provide services and amenities (arts, culture, education, socialservices,recreation,etc.)thatourcommunitycanenjoyandbepartof.

Spotlight: The Troy Foundation

Q. What elements of your work do you think makes you so unique and so vital to the Troy/Miami Valley community?

Beingabletoaddressthecurrentneedsofourcommunity Wedothisbybeingabletobeflexibleinhowwehelpto meet the charitable wishes of our donors One donor may want to support a specific field of interest, while other donors may wish to designate one or more nonprofit organizations that benefit from their charitable dollars through theFoundation Wealsoaccomplishthisthroughourgrantmakingbyawardinggrantstosupportthemostpressing needs Ourmissionisbroadandhelpsustoremainnimbleastheneedsofourresidentschange

Q. You partner with numerous organizations; can you share more about that?

Wehavemanypartnerships.Ourgranteepartnersareusingourgrantdollarstoprovidethemanyservices,programs and events for our community. We also partner with our donors to create charitable funds that help to offset the financialneedofourgranteepartnersaswell.

Q. What is a need that you would like to meet in the community?

A big need that we see as an organization is addressing workforce issues We are currently addressing this through ourgrantsbysupportingvariousorganizationslikeCommunityRidesandtheirRidestoWorkprogramwhichprovides transportation for Troy residents to work and back home Childcare is also a very pressing need both in Troy and across the country Addressing the most pressing needs such as transportation, childcare, housing, access to mental health and addiction services and access to food will take an ‘all hands on deck’ approach and will need to includeindividuals,philanthropy,andbusinessescomingtogethertoaddresstheissuesweareallfacing–itwilltake avillage Theseareneedsthatwerehighlightedinourorganization’sneedsassessmentin2020(visitourwebsitefor thefullassessment),aswellastheCounty’srecentlyreleasedassessment

Q. What do you see as the biggest need/goal that you are currently facing?

One of our current needs is how we connect and make ourselves relevant to younger generations and new residents to our area so we can continue to have an impact on Troy for the next 100 years In addition, helping to create a sense of urgency to collaborate on addressing the most pressing needs of our residents so that we are truly following our mission of improving the quality of life for all residents of the community, which is different for eachindividual

Q. What is something about The Troy Foundation that you think people would be surprised to learn about?

The Troy Foundation serves as the backroom for 11 ‘organizations’ and we have a staff member dedicated to serving them As component funds, we assist them in making grants to support their mission and help them grow their funds We assist with making grants, fundraising, accepting contributions, and awarding their grants We have funds in Tipp City, Minster, Jackson Center, Anna, Covington, Miami East, Versailles and several other locations outside of the Troy area, and they utilize ourtax-exemptstatusascomponentfundsunderourumbrella.




Pella Corporation joined the Troy community and produced its first vinyl window in Troy On November 9, 2020.The Troy plant, one of 19 Pella manufacturing sites across the U.S., builds vinyl windows, with Lowe’s being one of our primary customers.

Pella’s Rich Heritage

In the small Dutch community of Pella, Iowa, Pete and Lucille Kuyper invested in a newfangled invention – a window screen that rolled up and down like a shade. The couple went on to found a company based on principles of traditional American values, integrity and the desire to enrich the homes and lives of others

Today, Pella Corporation is still owned by the Kuyper family, and continues to be a leader in technology and product innovation Pella has been awarded more than 150 product and design patents since their founding in 1925

Above and Beyond - Our Standard of Quality

We are committed to doing things right – even if it means doing things a little differently. We refuse to compromise on materials that go into our windows. We test beyond requirements to ensure a product the customer can trust and a design that will withstand the test of time.

The Rollscreen Foundation

Bettering our communities. Making a difference. Investing in the future. As a community partner, the Foundation provides grants, invests in youth and education, and undertakes service projects to help progressively shape the communities in which Pella Corporation team members live and work. We are honored to have supported several organizations in the Troy are over the last 3 years and look forward to continuing doing so in the years to come.

At Pella, we believe the culture we create is key to our collective success Who we are and how we are together is what drives our business forward and helps our customers realize what is possible

Because at Pella:

We care deeply.

We learn continuously.

And we achieve results that go beyond.

MemberDiscoutProgam MeetTheBoard

Treasurer: Ben Poeppelman

Company: President, Pepcon / Poeppelman Materials

How long have you been in that role?

I have had the pleasure of being the President of my company for the last 4 years.

Why is it important to be part of the Chamber Board?

My company's purpose statement is, "Building the foundation for a better tomorrow". Part of this means that we need to give back to the communities that have supported us through the years - and be good stewards within the areas we work and live in. Being on the Troy Chamber board is a perfect example of doing just that.

Family: My beautiful wife, Michelle, and I have called Troy home for about the last 17 years. We are blessed with 3 sons, Owen (Freshman), Kyle (7th grade) and Cody (7th grade). They are all active in a wide range of sports within the Troy School system.

Favorite Local Spot: This is one of the features that makes Troy so great - the wide array of dining and entertainment options. For a more casual evening, my family would lean towards Long Shots. And for a date night, Michelle and I would lean towards The Boat House. I say this knowing there are tons of excellent options that we enjoy frequenting.

Advertise in the monthly Chamber e-newsletter.

Get your branding message delivered to over 3,000 inboxes. Advertisement includes hyperlink to your website and hyperlinks in an online flipbook.

Monthly: $75 Annually: $500

Contact Kathi to schedule your ad.

YourBrand H E R E

MemberDiscoutProgam MeetTheBoard

Immediate Past Chairman: Bob Winner

Company: Owner

How long have you been in that role?


Whis it important to be part of the Chamber Board?

You build a stronger community by the decisions you make, the discussions you have. Troy has a strong business community, built by people who had faith in themselves to live out their dreams. People with vision to change their community for the better. These are the people who come onto the board.

Family: Two lovely teenage girls. Thank God for my girlfriend who keeps me grounded.

Favorite Local Spot: Enjoy kayaking on the river or a HS play with my daughter

Are You Ready?

The Solar Eclipse is Monday, April 8. We are in the path of totality and are expecting an increase in visitors to the area.

Many businesses are closing for the day, due to the expected traffic. To prepare for the day, please find the Guide for Local Business at the link below.

This Eclipse Planning Guide for Local Businesses

Learn about all the fun happenings in Troy and around the County at the Miami County Solar Eclipse website.

Solar Eclipse glasses are available FREE at the Miami County Visitors Bureau, Troy-Miami County Public Library, Troy Chamber, Troy Main Street and various downtown businesses while supplies last.

rogam EmpowHER 2024

EmpowHER - A Day For Women: To Celebrate International Women’s Day and Empower women leaders in the business community The annual event held earlier this year, was sold out and had the largest attendance Mark your Calendars for March 7th, 2025 for a day of networking, empowerment, self searching, and finding support.

Thank to Our Sponsors: Park National Bank, The Troy Foundation, Abbey Credit Union, and Level MB Construction for supporting EmpowHER!

Thedaywasfilledwithinspiration,motivation,andheartfeltmomentsfromthesethreeladieswho areallLocaltoMiamiCounty,OH.

Heather Salazar - President & CEO of Pink Ribbon Good "Finding Your Mojo After Adversity"

Christy Shell- Owner/Founder of Zeal Coaching for Life & Career " The Extraordinary You: The Practical Magic of Finding Your Awesomeness"

Janet Jackson- Owner, Consultant, Trainer of Organization Solutions "Doing What Matters Most"

Want to stay connected with those you met at EmpowHER? Attend Women & Wine Night!

Quarterly Women & Wine is hosted at different locations with a guest speaker This is a great way to connect with other women in the community and empower each other throughout the year For future events and detailsChamber Event Calendar.


Growing Sales with a Content Strategy


Think of a content strategy as a master plan of all the brand content you put out there to inform and educate your potential customers

It includes all forms of media – such as videos, blogs, social posts, website content, podcasts, billboard messaging, direct mail pieces and more.

Essentially, it's the blueprint guiding the creation and delivery of how your brand communicates with the world. It's about telling your story, engaging with your target audience, and, ultimately, nurturing them to purchase your product or service.


Customers expect to nd solutions to problems, answers to questions, customer reviews and more before they purchase a product or service. Putting this information out there via a content strategy helps you:

• Build brand recognition

• Establish brand authority

• Improve SEO

• Enhance user engagement

• And drive conversions and sales!


With our main of ce located in nearby Minster, we’ve opened a satellite of ce in downtown Troy to better know and serve Miami and Montgomery counties

Whether you need a strategic marketing plan, creative campaign, marketing/sales coaching or technology solution, we’ll customize a plan to help you achieve your revenue goals.

Stop by and visit us at 224 S. Market St., Suite B.

Scan or click here to learn more about our new of ce:

By Tyler
Chief Executive Of cer at Marketing Essentials
Submit your marketing and sales questions to Tyler at connect@mktgessentials.com.



Crack the Code: Job Descriptions vs. Job Postings

Alright Troy, this month let's talk job descriptions versus job postings. They're like peanut butter and jelly different, but they go hand in hand. So, what's the deal?

Job Description: The Rule Book

Think of a job description like the recipe for your favorite dish. It lays out all the ingredients and steps you need to follow. Basically, it's the lowdown on what you'll be doing and what you need to bring to the table. But here's the kicker it's mostly for internal use. It's like the instruction manual for your job It is a legal requirement of an employer to have to ensure legal employment practices.

Job Posting: The Sales Pitch

Now, imagine your job posting is your chance to shine at a karaoke bar. You gotta grab attention and show off your best moves. This is where you tell the world who you are, what makes you tick, and why someone should want to join your squad. Skip the boring stuff like "competitive wage" (yawn, everyone says that) Get real and spill the beans on what makes you stand out in a sea of sameness Your job posting is your marketing campaign to sell your company

Finding Harmony: Mixing It Up

But hey, why choose one over the other when you can have the best of both worlds? Blend your job description with your job posting to create a killer combo. Sprinkle in the must-haves from your job description and then add a dash of personality. Share your company's quirks, perks, and what makes your team tick Make 'em laugh, make 'em think, and most importantly, make 'em want to hit that apply button.

So there you have it, Troy. Job descriptions and job postings may have different vibes, but when you mix 'em right, you've got yourself a recipe for success So grab your pen, unleash your creativity, and let's get this party started!

Want to learn more about how to craft the perfect job posting? Join us at our next HR Council meeting on April 16 at 8:00. Register online at TroyOhioChamber.com. Anyone serving in an HR role is welcome.



(937) 552-5295

Welcome New Members! Welcome New Members!

1849 W Main St.

Troy, OH 45373

Category: Catering/Food & Beverage, Restaurants

Ducky’s Snowballs and Ice Cream

(225) 772-8700

100 W Market St.

Troy, OH 45373

Category: Specialty Foods, Restaurants

Milton Materials

(937) 698-7048

7131 Fenner Rd

Ludlow Falls, OH 45339

Category: Manufacturing/Production

Polyrhythm Software

(888) 765-9567

Troy, OH 45373

Category: Information Technologies

Troy City Skatepark Unite

(937) 672-2854

Troy, OH 45373

Category: Community Organizations

Brooks Corporate Wellness

(937) 418-5274

Troy, OH 45373

Category: Services

Havenar Trucking

(419) 260-6007

6163 OH-185

Piqua, OH 45356

Category: Construction Equipment & Contractors

Oak & Arrow Beauty Room

(937) 332-7075

1530 W Main St.

Troy, OH 45373

Category: Beauty Salons/Spas

Stanfield Manor Workspaces

(937) 552-7313

1900 W. Stanfield Rd

Troy OH 45373

Category: Services

Troy Area Chamber of Commerce + Franklin University Partnership Virtual Information Sessions EARN + LEARN A Masters Degree Opportunity Finish your masters degree in 18 months Pay as little at $5250 for each year enrolled –you can utilize tuition assistance from your employer Cohort of 15 people pursuing the same Masters Degree Questions? partners@franklin.edu Or check out this overview Video - CLICK HERE Sign up to attend a virtual Information Session above We will cover: •Program options •Billing options •Program scheduling How it Works: To Learn More: Tuesday, April 30th 12 pm OR 7 pm Wednesday, May 8th 11 am OR 7 pm CLICK HERE TO REGISTER CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NEW PROGRAM ALERT! VIRTUAL INFORMATION SESSIONS OR

Did you Know?

Did you know you can reach other Chamber Members with our help?

Is your organization or company coming up on a big event or have something special to promote? As a Chamber member, you have access to about 500 member businesses and organizations

Options include:

Mailing Labels ready to go onto your envelopes

Excel spreadsheet with member addresses ready for a mail merge (best option for multiple mailings)


Labels $40 or Excel List $80

Included in membership investment at the Connected level and up.

To order member labels or the excel list, contact Shelby.


Did you know that the Chamber has a Members Only Facebook group?

The purpose of the group is to find connections, share current promotions, business needs and additional resources


Follow the Chamber on social media platforms to stay connected

Use our hashtags: #MyTroyChamber #RememberAMember

Want us to share your post? Be sure to tag us in the post or in the comments and we will do our best to share and help you with added reach.

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